#also one more addition: I don’t even know if the pacing is actually that fast or if it just feels that way bc I know how trimax plays out
jamjumpingjambore · 2 years
Unfollowing ppl complaining about ‘pede as self-care.
Is it better than the ‘98 anime? Production-wise yes, Tri had its own charm but it was also a 90’s anime and has the errors and cost-cutting to show for it. It’s also completely divergent from the manga bc it was still serialized as episodes were coming out— it’s basically apples and oranges to compare (haha).
Do I think it’s better than the manga? Not really. Again, the stories are diverging— Stamp is borrowing more from Maximum proper and has the full context to mold as it sees fit. Yeah the pacing is breakneck compared to the manga but idk I think it’s fun, it’s different. I was getting a little hesitant during ep 6 as many others were but by the end I was into it. A chaotic situation where two lives are in the balance? And *Wolfwood* is the one who has to make the tough choices of stubbornly keeping them both alive? That’s interesting! I wanna see how that goes! Make him even more of a parallel to Vash, why not? It’s also not even halfway through the season yet and I still have no fucking idea if it’s one cour or two so who knows how it’ll all shake out. I’ll reserve my final judgements for when the full thing’s out and done, but it’s not replacing or detracting from Max in any stretch.
Do I think the manga had its own pacing issues? Hell yeah. Backstories get rewritten and details tweaked as it goes on, the EOM was a very late addition that didn’t get much time to be expanded on, nor it’s connections to other characters beyond direct A—B influence. The fight with Legato in general felt simultaneously drawn out and too short. I’d like to know a bit more about Domina and Chronica, kinda a big deal to know there are even more independents and not really considered as a new perspective to the conflict between the twins. The ending is incomplete on an emotional level. Why did we not get Vash’s reaction to the tree?? Nightow could have gutted me harder with an apple than he did with confetti and I can only presume he didn’t have the pages left to do so. But I still love it. It’s one of my favorites now, I shed tears and laughed and connected to it and a lot of cool people through reading it last year. It made me remember how much I love writing. I’d never not recommend it to someone just because *I* didn’t gel with the ending after sitting with it for a bit. Sum greater than the parts and all that.
To continue the first analogy: Stamp and Max are more like an orange and a tart. Both contain the essence of something but convey it and interact with you in very different ways— as is the nature of differing mediums. An adaptation will never be 1:1 with the source material because there’s specific things you can only do or convey through each one and tweaks must be made. How the gutters are placed and arranged on a comic page cannot be perfectly translated to a camera pan. I’ve wiped my hands of expecting “perfect” adaptations anymore, I just want the new thing to recapture and expand on the essence of what I liked about the original.
Stampede is fine so far. I like the music. I like the animation. I like the extra bits of character interaction and flavor we didn’t get from the other two. It feels *enough* like Trigun, and that’s good enough for me.
But this is all just my subjective taste. If stamp doesn’t gel for you, it doesn’t gel. I’m just jaded from a very loud minority that shit all over it the moment the trailers dropped bc it wasn’t the ‘98 Nostalgia Goggles version of Trigun they remembered half-watching on tv a decade ago and poisoning the well. There are valid things to critique, I personally just want to crawl back up into my hermit shell with the episodes playing on loop and daydreaming about having that new statue.
There’s three flavors of Trigun to choose from now. Pick the ones you like and have fun.
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calif0rniahighwb1ll · 4 months
“You’re all mine now”
a/n: literally so thrilled to finally share this with you guys! Hope yall enjoy my fantasy’s of vampire bill 🤗🤗 (no smut included as for now but let me know if I should turn this into a smut-included version!)
trigger warnings: blood kink, blood sucking, threatening, kissing, fem!reader, vamp!bill (2013)
summary: reader has nightmares and bill is breaking into her room and watching her/scaring her as she wakes up. She don’t know, that the mesmerizing, unknown person will be the last thing she will ever see …
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You startle up, your breathing fast and your heartbeat pumping at a tremendous pace as you try to take proper breaths and recover from the dream.
You breathe in deeply and close your eyes as you tried to calm down. „It's just a dream, stay calm." you say quietly to yourself. And then something happened, that catapulted your heartbeat to a huge height and made the goosebumps rise on your body.
A cold hand lay on your heated shoulder. You wanted to scream when you felt the unknown hand on your body, but another hand lay on your mouth, so that you could no longer make a sound and now look shocked and anxiously into the darkness of your room with widened eyes.
A hot breath was in your neck, which caused you to close your eyes in panic and not tip over with fear. A also, very pleasant, but still strong smell of perfume, vanilla and cigarettes stabbed your nose, which made the whole situation even crazier.
"Don't be afraid, princess. I won't do anything to you," said a smooth voice, that brushed your ear and had the hair set up in your neck. You enclose the man's unknown hand and try to get it off of your mouth. To your surprise, he actually read loosely.
You tear yourself away from him and turn on your night light next to you, as quickly as possible to look at the stranger in your room.
The golden light, in which your once dark room was now dipped, transformed his pale face into sparkling porcelain, which you have never seen before. His dark eyes literally pierced you and you could only stare at him without a word.
Even if you had never seen him in your room or elsewhere before, you still felt attracted to him in a strange way. You looked at him a bit more while the silence between you was getting bigger and bigger.
He wore a lot of gold jewelry, which caught your attention and he also had two golden piercings in his full lips. His eyes were dark and mastered every inch of your face. His slightly longer, blond hair magically encloses his face, leaving you even more speechless. He smiled now, tilted his head as he looked at you more closely.
"Interesting, you're the first one who doesn't run away screaming," he says quietly, which brought your goosebumps back to your body now. You didn't know what to say about it. Why should the others run away from him screaming? Well, you would do it, but you knew you wouldn't get far. In addition, it was in the middle of the night, where should you go? He giggles when you still don't make a sound of yourself, not even breathing.
He came dangerously closer, whereupon you immediately dodged to the side and your back now touched your bed frame. Your heart quickly pounded in your chest when you watched in horror as he now sat a few meters in front of you.
A grin crept onto his lips. "Don't be scared, dear," he said quietly, on which you sniff in disbelief. "I'm not supposed to be afraid, huh? I don't know you and you fucking broke into my room!" You are now spating angrily. He laughed and you slowly felt attacked by him.
"That's not funny at all!" You hiss into his face and now get out of your bed. You looked at him and point your finger at the window. You didn't care if he died if you would push him out of the window right away. He now also got up and stood in front of you, which is why you look up at his face a little intimidated, because he was so damn tall in contrast to you.
“Get out of my room.” You spoke with the last confidence you had left in your body, but he didn’t get out of your room. You closed your eyes in frustration.
Your eyes opened again and stared directly into the dark, mysterious eyes of the still unknown man, who was now looking at you. „I don’t even know your name!“ You say angry, whereupon he smiled. „My name is Bill,“ he said.
„Why me? Can’t you just leave me alone?“ You whisper and feel the fear rise again. He looked at your face very closely. „Oh, baby, sad how you don’t recognize that we belong together. I can’t hold back any longer, you know?“ He said, which made you frown in confusion.
You’re sniffing hard. „What does that mean?“ Bill now gave you a toothy grin, which made your knees a little weak. Of course, you would never admit that. This situation was just too crazy.
„It means, that you just smell too delicious, darling. I held back for too long. You’ll love it, don’t be afraid.“ were his frightening words that widened your eyes. „W-what? Bill! I don’t know under which damn-„ he stopped you by now pressing his lips completely unexpectedly on yours.
You were like frozen in place, didn’t even know how to function properly when you felt his lips on yours and the cool metal of his piercings completely confused you. You wanted to move away, but he now held your face in both hands, only deepened the kiss even more and sucked every oxygen and taste out of you.
He broke the kiss briefly to whisper gently against your lips: „Your lips are so delicious, damn you drive me crazy!“ After that, he just pressed his lips more against your mouth. You didn’t know anything anymore. On the one hand, you wanted to free yourself from his lips as quickly as possible, but a bubbling passion and devotion to the extremely gorgeous man, let you be completely confused and with desire for more, you push even more to him.
You feel him grinning as he slowly moved away from you and you immediately feel an empty space on your lips, craving more. Adrenaline-charged, you looked at him. Your mouth now opened in shock when you saw that something had changed on his flawless face.
Like in a horror movie or scenes that were only known from stories and fairy tales, his eyes had changed unusually. They were dark red, looking dangerously down on you. His grin became wider and your breathing faster again as you panicked.
„That’s not real.“ you whisper like in a trance and close your eyes to escape his gaze. You could hear him gigggle badly. „Open your eyes, darling. Unfortunately, you can’t escape the truth,“ he sighed and you open your eyes again.
His creepy eye color has not changed, but he now grinned again. You saw his white, perfect teeth and notice another change that slowly reminded you, that this is bitter reality and not a wacky nightmare.
Your eyes widened even more as insight slowly came up in you. „y- you...“ you stutter trembling and saw his eyes darken, to an even scarier tone of red. „What do you have, huh? I won’t hurt you, y/n, don’t worry,“ he said, but you don’t believe him a word. You were damn sure that he will now take your life.
„Close your eyes, pretty girl,“ he whispered and you wanted to scream. You looked at him, shaking your head. „No.“ you also whisper, whereupon the corners of his mouth rose amused. „No?“ He repeats your statement and snaps his tongue.
„Then just leave your eyes open,“ he said now and before you could say anything or defend yourself, his mouth moved too your neck and his sharp fangs found your bare neck when they bit in enormously and forced you to your knees screaming. Bill sucked out your pretty skin obsessed and intoxicated, felt his mouth with your delicious blood and completely fogged his senses with it.
He sucked and sucked until every drop of your hot blood was in him and made you see more and more stars. You saw black dots in front of your eyes dancing and noticed, how you lose consciousness more and more. But Bill didn’t stop. He couldn’t get enough.
He grabbed your neck more, sucked on you as if you were the last victim he drank that night and he moaned with pleasure at your neck, when he only tasted your taste and drowned into the hot Liquid that filled your body and kept you alive.
When he had sucked everything out, you were only a shell of yourself, when he finally took off you and gently laid you on the floor. He grinned at you, looked at your pale face and your blood-stained neck, kissed one last time your seductive lips and whispered gently:
„You’re all mine now.“ …
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lestappenforever · 7 months
Quick and Weekly (or rather race week specific) kind of analysis, basically just my takes on what went on during the race.
WE NEED TO GET THE YOUNGER ROOKIES SEATS. Ollie was an absolute beast yesterday, finish p7, managing the tyres, MANAGING A 7 TIME WORLD CHAMPION BEHIND HIM, holding off the rest of the pack, close to overtaking george, just Nico with his experience was able to hold him off a bit longer. Scoring more points in F1 than F2. Scoring more points than almost half of the grid. All with just one free practice session. This kid has a future (the only driver I could actually call kid😂)
Ferrari look fast. Finally being able go see Charles’ pace yesterday, in addition to not being fucked over by strategy or any shit, they’ve done a pretty good iob on that car. I mean, a rookie scored on his debut, and so far, a Ferrari’s always been on the podium. Of course this is just the second race, but still.
Haas aren’t that shit this year. The car looks good. Kevin was an absolute MENACE yesterday. Holding off Yuki, Esteban, Zhou, Valtteri, Alex, Logan, Daniel ALL WHILE HE KNOWS HE HAS A 20 SECOND PENALTY. Also Nico’s pace was pretty good, holding off Zhou and Alex, and kind of with ease. Apparently having a TP other than Guenther is proving to something quite positive.
RB are in shambles. Like, Yuki was pretty good, but wasn’t able to convert his p9 quali to points, and Daniel is just not doing well, that even with that 20 second penalty to Kevin, he’s still dead last. (Maybe it wasn’t McLaren, it was the choice of leaving red bull back in 2019) (I have a whole thing in my head about Daniel, and I still want to make sure if the facts and data before sharing it). But it might have been a miss that RB didn’t get Liam in this season, but we never know. I mean, Helmut Marko did say that there could be mid season surprises. And so far, non of the RB drivers seem or look to be even in contention for that Red Bull seat, in all honesty, it appears so far that Checo is more likely to keep his seat for 25!
I am not 100% convinced with either McLaren or Mercedes. Like yes both are consistently scoring points, and gaining, but I can’t really find that speed. Like they are okay, better than last year, but not Ferrari level improvement. Also, the strategy that both teams put Lando and Lewis on (especially Lando) cost him a better position, more points, maybe even a podium let’s be real.
Williams are okay. Ngl, I love James Vowels, his technicalities and as he said in DTS his geek-inees (hoping to be like him honestly one day). I feel like, Saudi and Bahrain aren’t really their tracks, because they did well, both Logan and Alex gaining positions. They are a team I’m waiting and hoping to see thrive, because Alex and Logan both deserve it.
Stake were okay, especially with that Zhou crash in FP3, like he couldn’t even qualify, but strategy kind of wasn’t ideal, and in all honesty, they’re just kay, not too fast, but not too slow.
And finally, our leaders. Despite everything, they do be cooking (Adrian and Max, you’ve both done it). That speed, the tyre deg, just everything about that car is phenomenal. And Max deserves it, after everything he’s gone through in his life, and he deserves to re-write the history books, which he already is, with re-reaching seb’s record not even 6 months after breaking it. This man who everyone is bored of his dominance are all going to be crying and missing him after he retires (I DON’T WANT TO THINK OF THIS DAY, BECAUSE I’LL BE THE FIRST ONE IN TEARS) but Max Emilian Verstappen is something that hasn’t come and probably won’t come again in Formula 1 and Motorsport history.
So yeah, that’s kind if my inital takes in the race, kind if a mini summary as well, and may we always listen to the Dutch National Anthem because I’ve been emotional this week with Max and everything happening around him.
This is such a wonderful analysis that really doesn't need anything added to it because you've got this spot-on, so I will try to keep my own thoughts relatively brief.
Ollie did incredible and I am so excited to see him in F1 permanently. Him and Liam? The future is bright.
I am cautiously optimistic about Ferrari and I really hope that, for once, they won't fuck themselves over which is in no way, shape or form a guarantee.
K-Mag did so fucking well, and it brings me so much joy seeing my fellow Scandinavian putting on such a performance. And Nico had a decent race, which also makes me happy. It's obviously far too early to be sure, but their new team principal seems to have been a good choice.
VCARB are just... Well, I'm not even going to utter my thoughts. All I will say is that there is no way in hell Daniel will be a good replacement for Checo. Claiming Daniel is better than him is just laughable.
McLaren and Mercedes are giving Ferrari 2023 vibes with their strategy calls yesterday, and it will be interesting to see how they develop over the season.
I truly hope Williams will improve over the course of the season, because I want to see Alex and Logan do well so fucking badly.
As for Stake: they were unlucky, and I'm just glad Zhou made it out of that crash unscathed. It's a shame he missed out on being able to qualify because holy hell did that team do their fucking best trying to get his car ready. I want to see him, and Bottas, do well.
As for Red Bull, they are as impressive as I hoped they were going to be so far this season, and as a Max girl it makes me laugh seeing Max haters bitch about his dominance making the sport boring. I, for one, am having the time of my fucking life. I won't even think about him retiring at this point, and will just keep enjoying every race for as long as I can. And seeing Checo starting off the season in such a strong manner fills me with joy. I am by no means Checo's biggest fan, but the shit he went through last season at the hands of disgusting Helmut Marko and the F1 community at large has me wanting him to suceed. Put some respect to his name because God knows he's fucking earned it.
Thank you so much for sharing yet another wonderful analysis, my darling. You have no idea how happy it makes me, and how much I appreciate it. ❤️
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With The Phantom Agent ending tomorrow (today technically, it’s midnight where I am) I’d like to do a little retrospective on the book by listing ten things it did right and ten things it did wrong. In my opinion, anyway.
#10 Right: The soundtrack. All of the music in this one is really good. I could listen to it for hours and not get tired of it. Very well done.
#10 Wrong: The pacing. I honestly can’t even really explain the issues I have with this story’s pacing. It feels very fast-paced but also really slow and glacial at the same time. I don’t know why that is, but I don’t like it.
#9 Right: The outfits. The outfits are generally very cute, except for the fem!MC’s “cold weather” outfit that exposes their midriff. Barring that one, the rest of the outfits are either pleasant or actually cute.
#9 Wrong: Lack of characters. A lot of modern stories have a pretty severe lack of major characters, this one included. The only major characters are the MC, Agent Gray, Vivian, and the Architect and the Contractor/Rowan but those are antagonists we don’t spend much time with. To have a small cast of characters, the few you do have need to be interesting enough to make up for the lack of other characters, and imo, the only interesting one of our group is Vivian. Which conveniently leads me to my next point, actually.
#8 Right: Vivian. No one else seems to like Vivian but I do. She’s pretty, funny, and she is a BEAST. I would pay 30 diamonds to give her back surgery because her back is probably fucked the hell up from carrying the entire mission. And even better, she’s not a reused character sprite! Hell yes!
#8 Wrong: The hookups. I may be in a minority here, but I didn’t enjoy any of the hookups. The only one I actually liked was Rowan’s, but the rest were very unimpressive.
#7 Right: The MC’s pronouns. Any story that includes GOC and pronouns is automatically that much better.
#7 Wrong: The MC. The MC was so incompetent at their job GAIA eventually thought they were a traitor when Rowan was revealed to be alive, in addition to being obnoxious and annoying throughout the entire book. Anyone who’s played Choices knows that if the MC is an unbearable knucklehead that the story isn’t going to be very enjoyable.
#6 Right: The fight scenes. Don’t get me wrong, this book is no TC&TF, but I had a lot of fun with the fight scenes. I thought they were pretty well written and engaging.
#6 Wrong: The rest of the writing. It’s not that the writing was bad, it’s just that it felt very constrained and unsure of itself. Like the writers had never written anything like this book before and were so nervous they’d mess it up that it affected the quality of their work.
#5 Right: Rowan’s romance. The romance scenes we got with Rowan were very few and far between, and yet the energy between them and the MC was so palpable. Their romance and love for each other felt so real and the longing was so present. How Rowan X TPA MC is such a brief pairing yet it’s so much more genuine and meaningful than most of the other modern book romances, I’ll never understand.
#5 Wrong: Rowan’s antagonism. Rowan’s antagonism felt very half-baked, and damn it, I’m gonna say it again. I’m gonna! Here goes: Rowan was WASTED and should have been the love interest. There. There it is. Once again.
#4 Right: Uniqueness in missions. If there is one thing that can be said about TPA, it’s that a lot of the chapters had us doing a lot of different stuff in the name of the mission. Gambling, auctions, infiltrating a hospital, there is no shortage of variety in the things we had to do.
#4 Wrong: Story similarities. As I played through TPA more and more, I eventually came to realize that as several other people have pointed out, it shares a LOT of similarities with Most Wanted and Crimes of Passion. Like, a lot of them. And also stop and consider that Crimes of Passion is still an ongoing series. Soooo…
#3 Right: Vivian’s diamond inventions. I personally didn’t buy any of Vivian’s special gadgets but I was so tempted to. I also liked how none of them were collectibles because let’s be real, collectible collections need to go like yesterday.
#3 Wrong: Everything about the Architect. And yes, I do mean everything. His design looks like a cross between an old man who would heckle me over gerbils if I still worked at the pet store and that one coworker who always steals peoples’ lunches, then lies about it and calls them bullies for calling him out. Overly specific comparison aside, I also found his motives very confusing. Like…does he want world domination? Redistribution of wealth? Death to the corrupt elite? I read all of his lore and background and I’m still confused as hell. I don’t know. He was just a lower-mid villain IMO.
#2 Right: Lack of filler. I never thought I’d see the day where another story arose with minimal filler. The story consistently moves forward and thank god for that, even if the pacing was kind of strange.
#2 Wrong: Sense of urgency. The sense of urgency in the book is hard to understand and appreciate fully because once again, the Architect and his motives are confusing as hell. It’s been hard to bring myself to care because I just…don’t care.
#1 Right: The MC’s loss and bereavement. The MC’s emotions surrounding the loss of Rowan (both times) was very jarring and strongly written. I could almost feel a fraction of the MC’s anguish just through the writing. It was the strongest writing in this book and they did a really good job here.
#1 Wrong: Everything about Agent Gray. I’ll try to keep it brief as I’ve talked about it before. Agent Gray’s sprites are all ugly. Their personality is stiff and unwelcoming and quite frankly I can’t even fathom why Gray and the MC fall for each other so quickly because their dynamic is so distant and icy. It only gets worse when you remember the impeccable chemistry between the MC and Rowan. Agent Gray was an all-around flop.
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balladofmyramblings · 10 months
Have you seen the prequel movie? If yes🌹>>>
A. In your opinion, please rate TBOSAS movie with 1-10 scale.
(1 = I hate it, 10 = I love it.)
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
B. For people who also read the novel.
Your opinions about the difference between the book and the movie :
Thank you 🎼
Yes, twice!!
As a movie? A solid 6. I think it’d be very hard to follow (as evidenced by my grandma and sister who didn’t read the book who saw it with me and kept asking questions), and feel very rushed.
As an adaptation? Maybe a 6.5. There were a lot of things I think they could’ve done better, but I don’t think for either category it did BADLY.
One thing I liked? Tigris!! While her importance was downplayed a lot (to the point if she hadn’t been in the movie, it would’ve been easily fixed and unimportant), but I LOVE how they showed her relationship with Coriolanus slowly deteriorating. That last scene where she was like “you just like your father, Coriolanus” was very well done, and I like the progression it showed rather than just leaving it up to interpretation.
I liked Lucy Gray’s songs a lot too! I was looking forward to those and they did NOT disappoint. I also really liked Lucy Gray. The accent was amazing, the singing, the acting, it was perfect.
I also LOVED Lucky Flickerman. Amazing addition. I think I laughed every time he was on screen.
One thing I disliked? Lots to choose from!
I disliked Dr. Gaul seeming crazy and out of control. In the books, she was much more collected (even if she was crazy and out of control, she was never crazy and out of control about HERSELF), and NEVER would’ve said she didn’t care if there was a victor OR let everyone chanting change her mind no matter what.
I disliked what they did to Clemensia!!! Firstly, it made her seem like a total attention hog who was going to take all credit for the assignment. She wasn’t. She simply said they discussed it and she printed it out. It was very annoying. I also didn’t like that it left it up to interpretation if she was DEAD?? In the books the snake venom had lasting effects on her that I would’ve liked to see (the scales, her refusal to feed Reaper).
I can’t decide if I like or dislike what they did to Sejanus. He was more aware of his actions in the movie, and his influence (imo) and was more defensive when it came to his classmates teasing him than in the books. That opening scene made him more unlikable, and his attitude towards Coriolanus when Coriolanus was trying to save him and himself from the rebel plan seemed very…smug? He seemed a lot more smug in the movie and I didn’t like it at all.
I can see that this movie might be an exaggeration of Coriolanus’ views, which could explain why Sejanus was more smug and Dr. Gaul more crazy and not under her own control (instead listening to Coriolanus) but honestly I don’t care if it was? I think narration would’ve been a fantastic addition to the movie and would’ve showed his decent into villainy very well.
I also can’t decide if I like the addition of the recording being played at Sejanus’ hanging. On one hand, it takes away from the mystery of is Sejanus knew it was Coriolanus who turned him in, but on the other hand, it made the moment that much sadder for Sejanus.
I didn’t like that they made the games more fast-paced than in the books. In the books, EIGHT tributes die (I think- please lmk if it’s not, but it’s around a third if I remember correctly), and there’s not a bloodbath at the beginning. The fact they added that in, and took away the WEEK it took to start the games to make it more exciting for viewers…rubs me the wrong way.
I didn’t like a lot of the games part, actually. As I already mentioned, the shortening of time. Because how would Coriolanus be in the hospital while Lucy Gray is onstage WITH a guitar, if he never could’ve gotten it to her? It’s such an unimportant detail but it’s very annoying to me. I know it’s because Pluribus was cut out from the movie (another thing I didn’t like but I understand why they did it), but it just irks me.
Another thing that irked me was the tribute’s outfits. Lamina is described as having a rope belt and a potato sack dress (or something of that nature). Why are all the tributes dressed in almost modern clothing? I saw one person theorize that parents wanted their children in their Sunday best to better humanize them to the capitol, which I understand and which connects it to the OG trilogy but still bugs me.
And Coral as an entire character. The pack was true (parts of it at least), but she never targeted Lucy Gray or had that dramatic scene with the snakes. I get why they did it but it again just irked me because she wasn’t even part of the last three. I’ve seen a lot of people calling Coral a “they/them Starbucks barista” and…yeah. She was the most modernized (by that I mean 2023) out of all of them.
Reaper’s small changes (his death, mostly) I didn’t mind, because I felt like it still showed him well enough and fit with the movie. I’m VERY glad they kept his stint with the bodies and the flag, and I’m glad they still died with him.
I also understand why they had to downplay the Covey (Barb Azure isn’t even mentioned by name), but it was still disappointing and I didn’t like it.
However, I do think they did a much better job with the second half of the movie and how it related to the book, so that’s good at least!
Anywho, sorry if this comes off as very negative- I don’t mean for it to be, that’s just how it seems. My apologies.
Thank you for the question, @curiousnonny , and feel free to debate but not argue in the replies/reblogs!
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cornflowershade · 1 year
scrolling the msp tag feeling like i’m the only one who preferred the ourskyy over the special lol
don’t get me wrong i liked seeing the og versions of everyone again, but it didn’t totalllllly capture the feeling of the characters as they existed on msp (understandable, since it was a fast-paced addition filmed independently from everything else). As a result, it felt kind of like the same characters but ALSO kind of fake and not them at all. i really don’t know how to explain that asdfgh. Whereas even though ourskyy was a whole swappy swap situation, you had some time to get to know the swappy swap characters and it was cool seeing how things were both similar and different (intentionally) between universes, and i felt like something was really being added because of it (*cough* tiwpor)
i think if the special had taken place after ep. 12 of msp that could’ve been more interesting to me. even though the special technically takes place in a part of the timeline that was slightly-time-skipped originally, it feels like an unnecessary bit to fill? like, msp 1-12 felt like it gave us everything we needed imo. if anything this almost introduces more questions, such as, i know the bandmates are a little silly not realizing tinn and gunn are dating but it makes them look so much sillier by having them oversee that whole tinngun scene outside and still not put it together just bc of sound’s redirect? (yes, my dear por can be low-key [or high-key] useless but this feels like pushing it lol? don’t do my boy like that c’mon)
...i think most distracting though was the editing cuts in the special. idk they kinda bothered me asdfg
anyway probably judging this WAY too much for what is actually just a laundry ad lol but there’s my thoughts. ourskyy > special. BUT in the end it’s not like either are even comparable to the actual series in my mind, so like.... eh. maybe i should just go rewatch msp. again.
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pop-roxs · 2 years
hoo okay I can already tell this is gonna be long but manga thoughts!! i only read up to roughly 150 I think (Also hi hi I’m off anon! anxiety has been overcome >D<)
quick lil context of me even getting into this also! so my roomie and I have a tradition of watching really bad animes during finals weeks and this time my rookie suggested we watched black butler 2 (still so funny it’s just 2 not season two not book of ___ no. just two. Peak comedy) first half of that was laughably bad and then like ep 7 onward it was frustratingly good. Some bizarre pacing some bizzare writing choices but I liked it overall. anyways over winter break out of nowhere I got manga spoilers on my tiktok for Agni’s death and. It emotionally devastated me bc I loved him sm bc of the like one ep in 2 where he appeared. i told my roomie that and we decided to like actually watch the good parts of the anime so I could get a taste of the actual plot (and eventually we watched s1 lmao)
so yeah that bit didn’t impact me as much when I actually read it but 😭 Agni I miss you dearly you’re like one of the only people I’d trust to hold my drink in this series I KNOW you would take care of it and not spill anything. Also, I read the entire (post campania) manga while procrastinating studying for my organic chemistry exam bc chemistry is a pain in the ass and I didn’t want to look at it
right um. Other arcs. so the school arc has some BIZARRE pacing- (and i never got used to the just casually dropping the F word even if it was used iba like historical context) I was half skimming some of the pages bc I thought it was gonna be basically a fluff filler arc so that end caught me off guard- deffo enjoyed the soma content though! i sure hope he stays happy and nothing awful happens to make him stop smiling! hahah fuck.
Emerald witch arc is kinda funny to me. like yeah, okay queen of England, send this 13 (14?? I forgor) year old child to a different country to deal with werewolves. this isn’t even ur country girly what. Wolf and miss sullivan (can’t spell her first name) r fun characters I like their addition a lot. Could’ve done without the uh. weird scenes with sullivan but. whatever. (The scenes with finny taking care of ciel also were so sweet Omg I will cry- finny is probably one of my top 5 charas I love himmmmm he scares me tho )
that being said I fuckcking RECOGNIZED that shit was chemicals as soon as I saw that circle thing oh my FuckKING GOD. I literally put down my phone and stopped reading for a good while. I’m reading this manga to procrastinate my ochem I did not need it to insert itself like that >:’(((( it was good though I liked the arc a a lot (my roommate fucking burst out laughing when she saw me being angy and asked why.)
Sascha and Walmart will (sorry sir you are just not memorable) were cute! Hope we get more content of them in the future, or just more reaper lore. Please. I’m going insane all I want is lore (Also my roomie had already told me abt the reaper backstory so that didn’t rlly surprise me). Will and grell showing up for like one chapter was funny as hell, you know will was pissed bc that whole convo could’ve totally been an email or a pigeon or whatever. i missed them though so im not complaining
Idk what to call the next arc. the return of the school guys was… funny ig?? i have to be honest I kinda disconnect whenever they appear I just don’t really care for them 😭 the whole band group off was so funny though and the tonal whiplash was something I was NOT prepared for. It wasn’t as jarring as the paving of the school arc but like hWUH THATS A LOT OF PLOT AND BIG REVEALS HAPPENING REALLY FAST NOW-
love othello though. I’m a forensics chemistry major and I love the forensics part of it significantly more than chemistry so seeing a funny guy doing that is so very !!! ya :D also love the dynamic with Grelle. they’re both trans and besties you can’t change my mind- ALSO OTHELLO JUST . THROWING HIS SCYTGE AND THEN BIDING BEHIND GRELLE. Love him. ronnies still my fav dont get me wrong I am endeared with his talk-shit-while-getting-his-ass-beat mentality but othello is very close behind
wish we had more reaper lore . I would kill to know these guys backstories- Ronald and sascha seem so much you her compared to their coworkers it eats at my brain. sascha especially like aaaaaa kid what happened for you to end up here :(? MAN (also I could fight abt the reaper lore for so long. they don’t deserve this. this shits unfair. AGH…
i had more stuff that I wanted to say but forgot. sorry if this isn’t very understandable i just wrote as I thought of things- basically. reapers my beloved . I’m begging for lore please . soma my king I hope you’re okay. when will Ronald come back PLEASE he’s been gone since like campania 😭
BRO ROOMMATE ANON REVEAL!! i hope you dont mind me still using the roommate anon tag,,
agnis death def threw me off. i wasnt expecting yana to kill him off, especially after having him around for so long. that whole scene was very surprising. and yes i agree with you!! hes probably the most wholesome character in black butler next to some others like the phantomhive servants and soma.
i actually quite liked the school arc(and a lot of people in the fandom would agree w me)! but i get how you wouldnt. i personally was only mostly focusing since i just wanted to get back to grelle T^T.
i didnt really like emerald witch at first. i was mad when it had the honor of being the 100th chapter. but its grown on me since(n yeah those scenes were weird..).
i LOOOOVEEE SASCHA!!!!!! THEYRE SO CUTEEEEE X33333 they remind me of my best friend since they both have that same cheery vibe. like little guy is just making the best out of their afterlie and havin some genuine fun. i fw it. grelles outfit was also sooo hot in that chapter gaw dayum. i want a piece of that reaper PLEASE
you can call the return of the school guys the boy band arc. it was weird but i really enjoyed it.
i find it funny how everyone automatically says that othello is trans. one look at the silly science man provokes the Feeling.
trust me man, everyone wants more reaper lore. i am clawing at yanas feet and begging her to tell me what in the ever living fuck happened to grelle in her time as a human. WHAT THE FUCK KINDA LIVES DID THEY LIVE. WHAT DROVE THEM TO SUICIDE.
i understood everything you wrote, dw!! :3 im hoping soma is ok as well </3
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mediaevalmusereads · 1 year
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Perfume: The Story of a Murderer. By Patrick Süskind (trans. John E. Woods). Penguin, 1985.
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
Genre: historical fiction
Part of a Series? No
Summary: In the slums of eighteenth-century France, the infant Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is born with one sublime gift—an absolute sense of smell. As a boy, he lives to decipher the odors of Paris, and apprentices himself to a prominent perfumer who teaches him the ancient art of mixing precious oils and herbs. But Grenouille's genius is such that he is not satisfied to stop there, and he becomes obsessed with capturing the smells of objects such as brass doorknobs and fresh-cut wood. Then one day he catches a hint of a scent that will drive him on an ever-more-terrifying quest to create the "ultimate perfume"—the scent of a beautiful young virgin.
***Full review below.***
Content Warnings: animal death, racism (including the g-slur), torture, reference to incest
Overview: I’ve known about this book for some time, but for some reason, I only now just decided to pick it up. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t to fall in love with the prose and devour this novel in 2 days. As soon as I started reading, I had a hard time putting the book down, and much of it has to do with the absolute masterful way Süskind tells his story. While this book might not be for everyone, in my opinion, it is a mesmerizing, seductive, dark tale that quickly became a favorite. 
Writing: This novel was originally written in German, and since my German is awful, I can’t evaluate the faithfulness of the translation. I will say, however, that Woods (the translator) did an excellent job of rendering the novel into, for lack of a better word, a work of capital-A Art. I loved the way settings and characters were brought to life in vivid detail, with Süskind/Woods deploying visceral word choices that evoked disgust and horror at various smells, sights, and sounds. I also adored the meditations on scent, the passages on hate and love, all of which felt meaningful yet not so heavy and philosophical as to weigh down the narrative. Everything felt perfectly in balance, including the pace, which was neither too fast nor too slow. In short, this was a masterfully-crafted book, and a stunning example of a writer who knows their stuff.
Plot: The plot of this book follows Jean-Baptiste Grenouille - an 18th century urchin with a superhuman sense of smell - as he attempts to make a perfume so enchanting that it will make humanity love him. The narrative follows Grenouille from birth to death, detailing the experiences that shape him into a murdering monster. In addition to being rejected by his caregivers at an early age, Grenouille also learns the art of perfumery from various artisans, and eventually, his obsession with scent leads him to start murdering young women. The reason, the book states, is that he wishes to capture their aromatic essence - the scent that makes people fawn over them and want to do anything to protect them.
Despite this plot centering on a murderer, the actual murders don’t occupy a large percentage of the book (so lovers of true crime might want to look elsewhere). Most of the focus is on Grenouille‘s acquisition of perfumery skills as well as the detailed world of his olfactory sense, so it’s a very character-driven story that builds suspense through the way it portrays the different phases of Grenouille’s life. Personally, the lack of focus on murder didn’t bother me because I was so captivated by Grenouille as a character, and even when he started killing people, I was curious to see whether his theories about the “ultimate perfume” would work. I also very much appreciated that I wasn’t subjected to long, detailed descriptions of violence and gore, and though their was some weird gender stuff going on with all of the victims being virgin women, it only made the implications of the novel that much more interesting.
Characters: Grenouille, our protagonist, is incredibly interesting and compelling not only because of his superhuman sense of smell, but because of the way he contemplates the interplay of love and hate. Grenouille grows up without receiving an ounce of affection, and most of his time is spent capturing and contemplating complex scents. As a result, he builds a rich, sensuous, fantastical otherworld in his mind’s eye (or, rather, mind’s nose?) that contrasts with the outside world, and the novel uses the olfactory world to play with the idea of Grenouille being born bad while also longing for (and simultaneously rejecting) love. Because of the complexity of the olfactory world and the relationship Grenouille had with humanity, I found him endlessly fascinating and enjoyed watching him learn and grow (even if that growing was ultimately horrifying).
Supporting characters were perhaps just as fascinating as the protagonist. All of them felt complex and were motivated by somewhat selfish interests, but it was hard to dislike any of them because they were somewhat whimsical and had unique quirks. Giuseppe Baldini, Grenouille’s first perfume instructor, struggles to revive his failing business and wishes to be the most famous perfumer in the world (despite not being very good at his job). I was amused by his reflections on the changes in fashions and his anger at one of his rivals. Marquis de La Taillade-Espinasse, a lord who finds Grenouille after the latter’s 7 year solitude, is amusing for his belief in "fluidal theory." Antoine Richis, the father of Grenouille’s last victim, wishes to establish himself as both a rich man and as part of important families, and his devotion to his daughter is both admirable yet off-putting.
If I had any criticism, I would say that a lot of the female characters - especially the murder victims - didn’t seem to have as much (or any) complexity as the male counterparts. It’s kind of a shame, because the narrative almost treats them as objects in much the same way Grenouille does - objects to be used, not people to be mourned. I kind of understand the rationale, as making them all full characters would shift the tone to something more dark than it already is, but still, I think it’s worth mentioning because some readers might be disappointed.
TL;DR: Perfume: The Story of a Murderer is a well-crafted, character-driven story that will enchant readers from the first page to the last. By building complex, sensuous worlds and following a protagonist that is simultaneously compelling and revolting, Süskind creates a modern classic that is sure to mesmerize readers with an appreciation for descriptive, visceral prose.
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pixelrender · 2 years
Top 10 games I missed in 2022
This was in many ways a transformative year. Or maybe that’s an overstatement and 2022 was end of an era. It followed a long term trend of me playing games less and less. I haven’t played a game on Steam since January. With that a maybe even some time prior I stopped paying attention to new releases. Until yesterday. Yesterday, I succumbed to the calling of Steam winter sales and visited my wishlist. I noticed that it was slightly messed up, because some of the games got released. After that I spent several hours looking for new releases and here we are. I admit It’s different, because many of these games are titles I’ve only found out about them being released.
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Ofc, this year was massively, more than any of the previous years, influenced by board games and board game media. But getting around to actually buying some board games, I found out that the new hotness is rarely what I’m after. So, there are only 3 board games from this year I would like to own and 2 more I would like to try and write about (Stroganov’s take on colonization of Siberia could be made way better if it took a simple lesson from my n. 1 game). The three board games differ from each other a lot and video games on the list are reasonably diverse too. There are narrative experiences, Metroid and Castlevania inspired games both with jumping and without and free games I haven’t got time to try out yet. I also have one honorable mention: Victoria 3. Normally, this probably would make the list, but I don’t know enough to be excited and I’m still happy with my older Paradox games and I don’t need new ones (also, I know that Victoria 3 is beyond capabilities of my half-dead laptop).
10. Maptroid: Worlds
This is a commercial follow-up to a free game, you can still find online (not sure if flash?). It looks terrible, music probably does its job. It’s also an original and interesting take on the genre of Metroidvanias. It requires at least basic knowledge of the genre to get it and to appreciate it too. Because in Maptroid, you play on the minimap only. You explore and move around. The pacing is fast and that makes it fun. The commercial version promises more and that’s exactly what I want. Also, It’s only 2 bucks and some change.
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9. Infernax
At first this looks like a straight clone of Castlevania but there’s more to it. There are choices and different endings. If you watch any footage of Infernax and like the genre of non-linear platformers you know the game is fun. It looks difficult with good controls and smooth movement. The fiction full of crosses and demons is something I can appreciate. The look is appealing too. A must play in a surely coming year of non-linear platformers.
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8. Haiku the Robot
The third and final game of jumping and exploring on this list. Haiku is by far the most stylish one with beautiful sepia tones and detailed modern pixel art. It also looks like the most expansive one with many bosses, interesting puzzles and original lore. I’m afraid it might be too difficult as Hollow Knight seems to be a source of inspiration here. But without this baggage it looks like a fun and tight addition to the genre. One more thing, I like haiku.
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7. Three Sisters
The first board game on the list is a heavier than average roll and write about tending to vegetable garden. The main reason this is here is the production. These warm pumpkin colored dice are just attractive and the whole game feels warm and welcoming in the similar manner. The game itself is about rolling dice and using them to tick boxes and form combos. Or if you go for the theme, and I think you should, planting seed, harvesting fruit and veggies, crafting in your garage. And that might be quite lovely when rainy and you can’t manage your garden for real.
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6. Sunset Shift
This free game is about collecting and disposing garbage at a small private island. I watched some footage of it and it looks right up my alley. Basically, you drive around and the other friend is talking to you via radio giving the whole thing subtle story beats. I also enjoy games with either social or environmental message and this one seems to have both.
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5. Glitchhikers: The Spaces Between
The original free Glitchhikers was one of my favourite cruising games. In it you drive on a highway while having random dialogues. This one expands it in all directions and adds many new environments and means of transport. I wonder about the message. Is it more than just more volume? Anyway, because of the original this one is on my bucket list too. Also, it’s the first game with no green or greenish pictures.
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4. Citizen Sleeper
Frankly, I don’t quite understand what Citizen Sleeper is supposed to be. It’s a cyberpunk science fiction rpg controlled by dice, so there’s this tabletop element. Also, it seems to be focused on social issues, equality and such. You’re a working person and that reminds me of Cart Life, one of the greatest games ever. Jump Over the Age  also made In Other Waters, an exciting UI experience I haven’t played yet but It’s one more reason to be interested in this game.
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3. Village Rails
It’s a small and crunchy card game about building tracks with bucolic tones. The second part of the Village series from Osprey and designed by Matthew Dunstan with Breet J. Gilbert in a little unassuming box with a pleasant blue frame. It got praised by all of my board gaming sources including Dice Tower, Shut Up and Sit Down and Board Game Barrage. The game’s almost a filler but the combination of different goals and a special puzzle makes all decisions crunchy. For me it looks like a kind of game I would enjoy.
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2. Roadwarden
Out of the green and into the brown. Roadwarden is a game I’ve been interested for a while. I think it does something interesting and that the devs limited themselves well to make a bigger game. The illustrations in this game look great too. I feel like I might enjoy its bleak fiction too. Being this highwayman and delivering messages, burning bodies sounds mundane, but also super atmospheric.
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1. John Company: Second Edition
John Company is an unwieldy game from  Wehrelig Games and Cole Wehrle of the Root fame. It’s complicated and long and an experience I want to have. I even managed to watch most of the five hours long session of Heavy Cardboard streamed on YouTube. In the game you and other players run the titular company and exploit India in order to get yourself a good retirement. The second edition tweaked almost everything and it looks great with one of the nicest board and components I’ve ever seen. Also, John Company: SE Is clear with its message and criticism of colonialism through its mechanics, something games like Stroganov ought to learn from.
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All of the pictures used in this article are either from official sources or posted by the publisher at BGG(Village Rails).
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atticuswz · 5 months
Holistic Analysis of Amélie
The film tells the story of Amélie, a shy but adventurous young woman who finds friendship and love while coming out of her shell. The beginning of the movie shows us Amélie’s childhood and the events that shaped her nature as an adult. Starting from her inception, we see how Amélie grew up isolated through being homeschooled, however through her creativity, Amélie finds company by creating imaginary friends. Based on a false medical diaganoses as a child, Amélie seems to have a bit of a strained relationship with both of her parents, especially her mother. Unfortunately, before we can see Amélie’s relationship with her parents evolve throughout the rest of her childhood, her mother is killed. This tragedy leaves Amelie and her father in a more isolated state then before as well as potentially adding more emotional distance between them, but after this point the story fast forwards in time to Amelie as an adult, living alone in an apartment in Montmatre. 
Although the rest of the story follows Amélie as an adult, her childhood creativity doesn’t fully disappear, aiding to the surrealness of her charcter. In addition to Amélie, the movie itself also has many surreal aspects, the most apparent of which being the yellowish-green tint over every shot.
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I believe this tint gives the viewer the perspective of watching from Amelie’s mind and allows us to see the world just like she does. This explains why in moments where Amélie overthinks, such as her imagining dying alone or dreaming of how a date could have gone appear as TV programs we know shes not actually watching. Perhaps a long shot, but I also think that the fast pace and quick concession of cuts in this film symbolize Amélie’s racing thoughts. FInally, this perspective would also explain why Amélie breaks the 4th wall, often looking directly at us acknowledging our presence when we see her wins throughout the movie.
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Amélie also spends much of the film alone, and the perspective of being in her mind makes the film seem less empty. In moments where we literally watch Amélie sit alone in silence, from our perspective, we are her and we understand what shes thinking without the obvious information, seemingly making both Amélie and the viewer less lonely.
Amélie is very quiet throught the film, and while she does speak, much of the way we see her communicate is simply through her facial expressions. When she’s feeling satisfied or mischievous she just smirks without delebriately telling us or anyone one else why, and the same goes for the way she’s feeling when she’s frowning or has a blank expression. While the other characters in the film see her quietness as just her shy nature and may not be able to unpack the meaning of her expressions, from our perspective, we always get more insight even without context. An example of this comes when we see Amélie steals her father’s garden gnome. We know through Amélie’s smirk that she’s doing something mischievous by taking the gnome, but we don’t actually see her intentions until later when her father shows her a picture of the gnome in Moscow. After the reveal Amélie smirks again but doesn’t admit to anything.  
In addition to the information we get about Amélie through her facial expressions, the movie also makes very interesting color choices that subtly tell us more about her.
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Something I noticed is that the color of Amélies clothes frequently match her environment; when shes at home she wears red that matches with the wallpaper, at work she wears pink similar to the booths in the diner, and while wearing brown she blends into the backround in the dark or sitting on a subway seat. While these shots are visually beautiful, the color choices often align with Amélie’s emotions such as red for love or mischief and brown/black for nervousness or stress. The colors in the shot also work to highlight Amélie’s face, which is always bright and clear compared to any background she’s in. Going back to my thoughts on her facial expressions, emphasising her face gives us all we need to understand what she’s thinking without any dialogue. In scenes where there are many other characters present (who often dress in less bright colors like brown) such as in the diner, Amélie sort of becomes a side character and barely gets a word in amongst all the chaos, however we can pick up on her thoughts through the prominence of her face in the scene.
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Along with what we can unpack about Amélie through her body language, her relationships with other characters also give us insight into who she is. Unlike most films, the side characters in this movie don’t work to serve the main character’s arc/story, but rather the other way around. Amélie’s story of finding love is frequently postponed when she takes on side adventures to help the people around her, such as returning a time capsule she found in her apartment to it’s owner, setting up a couple at her job, and giving company to a lonely elderly man. The outcomes of these events don’t particuarlliy benefit Amélie, she solely does them to make people happy, however through doing them she begins to become more social and finds desire to break out of the isolation she’s used to. 
Throughout the film, Amélie makes eye contact with a man who seems to be looking for coins under vending machines, and while we can tell she likes him, she’s too shy to speak. When he loses a bag off his motorbike, Amélie gets another chance to help someone, as well as talk to him, and of course she takes it. While Amélie helps people out of kindness, she also  does it simply for her love of adventures and solving mysteries, and her quest to return the bag makes this very apparent. Throughout Amélie’s search for the man she begins to romanticize the idea of meeting him so much, that the search itself becomes to be something she falls in love with. Even when she sees a flyer for the missing bag with the man’s phone number on it, and the search is seemingly resolved, she decides not to call and instead create her own adventure for the man to get his bag from her. Ultimately through the search, the man falls for Amélie like she fell for him, and after completing the search they get together. 
Amélie is a beautiful film both visually and in story. Whether it be long shots of Amélie in her city or at work or even just close ups of her face, the camera shots and whimsical color arrangements in this film attract your eyes to every detail, making for never a boring scene. This film takes a unique spin on a love story and while I would consider Amélie a rom-com, it doesn’t share the same corny tropes found in other movies of the genre. The story takes it’s time to develop it’s world and characters, giving lots of information, as well as leaving much for the viewer to unpack on their own. Utimaltely Amélie herself isn’t a generic character, she’s shy, she’s awkward, and ultimately she’s a little weird, but this only works to make her more relatable, and through her charisma, we root for her the whole time.
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duchezss · 2 years
So Shadow and Bone season 2....oh where to start. There was a lot to love of course, I loved seeing all my favs back, and the additions to the cast were nice. Of the new people, I particularly liked Tolya, Tamar, and even Nikolai at times. Overall I thought the writers did a good job of mixing Siege and Storm, and Ruin and Rising, and it flowed much better when they were combined. Now that’s about all the praise I have for the writers if I’m being honest lmao. 
For me it’s just so hard to look past some of the negatives so I’ll start there. My two biggest gripes are 
1. How much they pulled from Crooked Kingdom 
2. How rushed Wesper was 
Ohhhh the writers had it out for me fr. Crooked kingdom is perhaps one, if not my favorite, book of all time, and I will never forgive the writers for how much they massacred my precious child. They pulled sooo much of it for a single episode and plot point they had for Pekka, and it made me so angry. There was no build up or anything, and it was at times like that that made me wish they had kept the crows out of the show entirely, because then they couldn’t have messed up their plot this bad. Anyway once I finally got past that disaster I was met with something equally as heartbreaking. Wesper. Oh dear lord. Since Jesper is my favorite character (and more on him later cause wew), obviously Wesper is my favorite ship. I loved how it was a slow burn, and that all just got thrown away here. Don’t get me wrong I loved seeing them happy and together, of course I did they’re my favs, but it just felt off. It was too quick, and we really didn’t get any of that longing or wondering that was so key to their relationship before. They were quite literally just reduced to a hookup and some throw away lines and that just made me so mad. To be honest I think pacing was a problem for the whole season overall, they were trying to fit too many stories and too many characters and it just made everything feel far too fast paced. 
Anyway that being said, on to some more positive notes. Most of the very clear changes from the (S&B) books were really good. I liked that Siege and Storm was acknowledged for it’s important parts but otherwise skipped since it wasn’t that vital. I loved how Alina kept her powers in the end and will now help rule Ravka, and that Mal is off being the new Sturmhond. I loved the twins and they felt straight from the books, Nikolai was a little off but by the end I was chill with him. Most of the characters were pretty good, but I’ll dive into all of them in a second. My biggest compliment is how Kaz felt more Kaz this season, and he was finally his ruthless self. Most of the completely brand new story lines I was just ok with, but the hunt in Shu Han for the blade that ended up belonging and being made by the saint was so cool, I loved that addition and that the weapon actually worked. I also kinda loved that they immediately thought of the crows when they needed something stolen lmao, but I’m not sure how I feel about the fact that supposedly Nikolai hired all of them in the first place smh. 
So for my last little section here I thought I would just discuss the characters and what I liked and didn’t like about them this season, that and where the writers went wrong with them. 
Shadow and Bone Characters: 
Alina: I really enjoyed Alina this season, as I said before I loved that she kept her powers and that now she will be helping rule Ravka. It feels very on brand for her and I like the change. I thought there were some points where she suffered from mc dumbness syndrome, but it was very far and few in between so I’ll let that go. Overall she was good and I don’t have much else to say. 
Darling: Glad he’s gone lmao. My only real complaint is I felt like they really made him a s 2d villain this season, whereas last season he felt more complex. I guess it’s cause he got less screen time and you know what I’m ok with that. 
Mal: I was the biggest mal defender last season since he was so much better than the book, but oh boy I had my work cut out for me with that ending lmao. I thought he was good, and added a lot more emotional depth to his character which is good. The ending was cruel but fitting, and since they clearly want to continue with the Shadow and Bone storyline I wonder where it will take him. 
Nikolai: Ngl I was a big show!Nikolai hater all the way up until the season aired. From the few clips we got of him they just didn’t feel very Nikolai yk. Anyway needless to say he grew on me, not all the way, but enough. I thought he played a much better prince rather than privateer, but I loved how many quotes he had from the books. 
Tolya: I didn’t expect this, but he was actually one of my favs of the season. In the book I didn’t care for him all that much but in the show he was so much more interesting. I loved how they kept in his poetry, I liked how playful they made him. Anytime he was on screen I was having a really good time. He didn’t have too much emotional depth, but that didn’t bother me. Unexpected but welcome fav. 
Tamar: Yeah I really loved the twins this season. She was just as snarky as I wanted, and just like Tolya, I really loved it whenever she was on screen, even if it wasn’t much. She was just fun, and my only complaint is I wish we saw more of her, and more of her relationship with Nadia ugh we were robbed. 
Genya: I really enjoyed her, and I liked how they didn’t shy away from her storyline as a whole. I thought her relationship with David was very cute, but lord just let my girl be happy. Overall she was really good and I don’t have any complaints. 
David: Let’s all pretend the ending didn’t happen cause I’m still mad wtf. Anyway I loved him a lot this season, I love how awkward and blunt he is, and since he was one of my favorite characters in the book of course I loved seeing him on screen. His relationship with Genya was so sweet and they actually mean everything to me. 
Zoya: I found myself liking her a lot more in the shows than I did in the original trilogy. She was sassy, and snarky, and someone I would roll my eyes too, but for once it was in a good way. She didn’t get that much screen time, but I liked when she was there and I was chill with her. 
Six of Crows characters: (oh boy): Just as a foreword, I felt like the crows suffered this season because half of them felt like they were just there to be a part of a ship (Inej, Wylan, and Matthias), while the other half got to be their own person (Kaz and Jesper) and Nina was somewhere in between. 
Kaz: Starting off on a good note oh my god Kaz was so Kaz this season, Freddy is iconic. Last season he kept getting beat up for no reason, and this season he was doing the beating oml (Freddy is an icon). I loved how they dove into his flashbacks and they took the time to flesh out his trauma and how that affected his relationship with the rest of the crows. To me, he had the best characterization of any of the crows, and I loved getting to see him finally be dirtyhands. He was ruthless, and exciting to watch, I’m glad they at least got one of the crows right. 
Inej: I will never forgive the crimes these writers committed against Inej dear god. My biggest complaint is how they didn’t talk or even acknowledge her past and her trauma. She deserved much better, and by doing this, it makes her seem like a villain with kanej. Suddenly it’s not two very hurt and wounded people meeting in the middle, it’s just poor Kaz and uncaring Inej, and I hate that. It’s not that her past it too “graphic” for the show cause they should it with Genya, and it just makes me sad. It felt like she was just an accessory to Kaz, instead of her own person who deserved her own arc.  
Jesper: Oh where to start, well first off you already heard my gripes about Wesper, so I just wanted to talk about Jesper because they messed him up to lmao. One of Jesper’s biggest hurdles in the duology is learning to accept his powers, and even by the end of Crooked Kingdom he still isn’t at the point quite yet, and that’s ok. It was such a beautiful aspect of his story, and it makes it all the more upsetting that they basically gave him a single episode arc and suddenly he was over it and proud to be a grisha in the show. He deserved more than that, and also how is he so good with his powers in the show? He’s not trained at all smh. Anyway, another thing I was upset about was how his addiction and adhd were completely brushed under the rug this season. It’s like he was only allowed to have one problem. Now all that being said I loved the flashback with his mother omg, and Kit is truly the perfect Jesper, even with a dicey script and story he was perfect. 
Wylan: I feel like they did a pretty decent job with Wylan, the whole problem was that he wasn’t given enough solo time to really flesh out all the good stuff. He suffered more from all the Wesper screen time. The few time they dabbled into his past were great, and I loved every detail, even if it wasn’t much. Jack was so good with the tender moments, and I agree with everyone when they said he’s the real life Wylan. Without his ship I just really don’t have much to say about him, and I feel like that’s kinda sad. He deserves to be his own character, and while I know he’s past isn’t super relevant yet, he should’ve had more growth and time on his own. 
Nina: Nina was kinda similar to Wylan in the sense that we didn’t get much, but the few things we did get were great and I wish I got to see her develop more. Frankly I feel like she got the least about of screen time besides Matthias, who hardly counts, and I can’t help but feel it’s cause she couldn’t be in a relationship. These writers really make it feel like characters are nothing more than their relationships, and that makes me sad. 
Matthias: This mf had a cameo ever episode in which all he did was have a wet dream about Nina, and tbh that’s so real. Can’t mess up a character if they don’t touch them I suppose. Yeah I really don’t have much to say, I’m just excited about his dynamic with the crows cause that always made me laugh. 
So yeah overall, a lot of complaints, but I just want to add that I don’t hate this show. I hate how everyone is saying if you were disappointed in the season that means you’re praying on it’s downfall, which I’m not. I think enjoying something and still having critical opinions can and should co-exist. While it’s not exactly what I wanted or needed, and while I think it fundamentally messed up so many things from the book, I did enjoy it once I finally separated it from the source material. Of course I want to see the ice court heist, but I hope the writers will learn from the backlash that the source material is important and should be prioritized more. 
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mainslearning · 2 years
Instruments of destruction n.r.g.
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There are 10 colors to choose from, and you can set the available paint colors per island. The first thing to note is the blue and red colored blocks are concrete, with all materials except glass being paintable. I don't know what that is, but it does demonstrate the new structural features. Previously a structure like this was impossible to build: The first wave of changes are all in and working, with just a few bugs left to iron out. WEDGES, ROTATIONAL FREEDOM, AND PAINTED BLOCKS
The first large update will be focused on Structures and Island creation, with some significant changes and new features all coming at once. I'm nowhere near the finish line for the game, but it feels good to finally have an idea of what the finish line looks.Īs previously discussed, the pace of game updates is changing. Thanks to the roadmap and some recent brainstorming on where I want to take Play mode, I now have a clearer long-term plan for the game and what version 1.0 will look like. There might be changes that break previous vehicles in some way, and I'd rather get those in sooner than later. That means multi-select, copy and paste, importing multiple vehicles at once, and some level of part logic support. The next big update (0.200 will likely be the version number) will be focused on vehicle building enhancements. I'm not super-concerned about making the editors easy to use, but I definitely need to explain them in more detail so it's not as much trail-and-error. I will also be creating some structure and island editing tutorial videos on YouTube that are linked in the game. Will do a video highlighting all the new stuff for the launch, and some additional promotional stuff.Īfter 0.150, I expect to do a week or two of smaller updates based on feedback. After a couple days of additional testing and likely some fixes, the big 0.150 release is expected late next week. Workshop support ended up being the biggest task by far this time around, as supporting workshop structures within islands (which can also be on the workshop) was more complex than I first realized.Īnyway, the new version will go into a new Beta branch of the game first. Just supporting custom meshes at all, and allowing some editing of their placement/scale/rotation, was completed yesterday, along with letting you place prebuilt meshes like ramps, boxes, and spheres. Today I'll be working on the last significant feature (importing custom meshes), but that's actually one of the least difficult parts of adding custom ground meshes. Version 0.150 is finally nearing release. Vehicle part logic will be the one of main focuses of the next big update after 0.150, so it won't be a problem for too much longer. Even though I have over 15 theme ideas written down, many of them will be much better when vehicle parts have more customization and logic. There's no particular mission I'll be using, and raw speed isn't necessary, but overall driving enjoyment and cool design will be the priority.Ĭhoosing September's theme was a bit difficult. I'll be using Aries as the island for trying out the Dune Buggy entries. Handling bumps and uneven terrain is also desirable. Along with the new option to disable mini-thruster effects, making fast-moving vehicles is much easier.īut going fast isn't the only thing I'm looking for in next month's vehicles. Those changes make the Dune Buggy theme even more exciting than it might appear at first. One of the less-major changes in version 0.150 is the increased max strength of powered wheels, and the ability for wheels to propel vehicles faster than before. Thanks as always to everyone who entered! I still need to figure out a good function to auto-remap QWERTY to AZERTY keyboards and back, as that does affect a few entries, but I'll take a look at it in the post-0.150 support period. This was a very fun one to judge, and the controls were generally pretty easy to figure out. Accurate Wrecking Crane - GameMachine_Marco.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Okay, so you know “Justice League meets Batman’s kids, who they’d previously been unaware existed” AUs?
So picture that.....but this time, instead of them just having no knowledge of any of these other Gotham vigilantes at all....the Batkids all migrate to various cities as they get older and become known as their protectors - Dick in Bludhaven, Tim in San Francisco, Cass in Hong Kong, etc....
Meaning they’re all established figures, the Justice League are aware of them as solo local heroes who stick to their cities and so they just don’t interact with them much if at all, or else some are members of team lineups but are particularly vague about their histories or life outside of the team’s adventures....
So the big reveal isn’t that they become aware of all these other Gotham vigilantes all at once....its that some big conflict or whatever requires a huge team up of all available heroes, and in the aftermath, they figure out that like.....despite being known as solo heroes who work alone or loners outside of their team settings, 80% of these heroes all not only seem to already know each other, they seem to be related.
And so naturally they all turn to Batman, who has profiles on every known hero and they thus figure had researched these individuals too and just never mentioned this little detail, and they’re like, “Did you know about this?”
And then Nightwing turns to him too, arms crossed and is like, “Yeah Dad, did you know about this?”
And the infamous Red Hood is all: “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have never met any of these people before in my life. Lives? Whatever.”
And then Red Robin moodily grates out “I have no siblings.” Since he’s nursing a grudge since Dick and Jason broke into his apartment the night before and replaced all his custom Red Robin gear with Darkwing Duck merchandise and his vengeance will be swift and also totally disproportionate because things escalate quickly in this family, that’s true in every universe.
Cass meanwhile has deftly skewered Jason’s lie by walking over to him and brazenly patting down the man with many many guns with no fear whatsoever. He squawks and futilely attempts to bat her hands away as she riffles through his many pockets, but he doesn’t seem shocked, just annoyed. Eventually, she pulls away and triumphantly reveals a box of Hello Kitty themed band-aids.
“So these are yours then? Just for you?” Black Bat asks smugly. Red Hood squints at the box.
“What the fuck? How long have those been in my jacket? Why are those in my jacket? Did you freaking plant them in my jacket just on the offchance you could at some point in the distant future use them at my expense?”
Black Bat frowns, puzzled. “Yes?”
“Oh come on, Dead Hood,” Spoiler says with an exaggerated toss of her head meant to convey she’s rolling her eyes beneath her own mask. She skips her way across the room to Black Bat and then drapes herself languidly all over the smaller woman. Who in turn doesn’t so much as twitch beneath the sudden added mass as Spoiler holds out her hand towards the box of band-aids. 
“One please. I have a boo-boo,” she says with easy familiarity straight into the intimidating cowl of Black Bat. Only then does she deign to finish her train of thought with Red Hood.
“I mean seriously, are you saying you don’t have potential blackmail set-ups, pre-rigged releases of incriminating material, and a random assortment of traps, pratfalls and mortifying scenarios in place for the express purpose of being able to humiliate any and all of your siblings at any given moment, without any need for additional prep time?”
“Is this true, Little Wing?” Nightwing whirls on the larger Red Hood with a faux-scandalized gasp. The founder and leader of the Titans, formerly the Teen Titans, renowned for his stratagems and calm competence when directing squads of supers in the heat of battle while he keeps pace with nothing more than naturally acquired acrobatics and a utility belt that apparently uses the same technology as Wonder Woman’s invisible jet....now appears to be....staggering with the back of his hand pressed to his forehead, moaning about how he felt....faint? 
What is happening right now, several dozen superheroes want to know. Is this a drill? Are they supposed to be checking for signs of a mental ambush from undetected psychic saboteurs? Did they all hit their heads at the exact same time and are now experiencing some kind of shared mass concussion?
Look, that wouldn’t be the weirdest thing to ever happen on the Watchtower. 
“Have I failed you so utterly?” The veteran child hero bemoans with a dramatic twirl - that when contrasted with his stern demeanor of a mere ten minutes ago - makes the fears of telepathic infiltration seem less paranoia and more....concerningly probable. “Did you learn nothing from me? Did you learn nothing from B?”
He stops and jabs a finger up at the sky. “Quick, everyone! What is the very first rule of Living While Batty?”
As if by rote, over a half a dozen voices chime in from all over the room, causing various heroes to jump. Spooked by yet more and more vigilantes joining in some kind of mass recitation like they and they alone have some kind of clue what the hell is going on and everyone else just hadn’t been invited to the party. Which is just rude, honestly. Nobody likes feeling like they weren’t invited to the party. Not even superheroes. 
“If you’re not going to bother preparing for every possible contingency and at least six impossible ones, you might as well just stay in bed.”
Even the Red Hood joins in the Illuminati chant or Cub Scout pledge or demonic ritual or whatever the fuck that just was, though his slumped and exasperated posture gives away every hint of sulkiness his headgear otherwise would have kept safely hidden. He’s surprisingly more...expressive, than most who’d only known of him by reputation had expected him to be. The day continues to yield surprises.
“Of fucking course I do,” he growls out, snatching the box from Black Bat. She doesn’t even fight to hold onto it, just lets it go with a knowing smirk. “I wasn’t surprised by the idea of it, I was just surprised she bothered with such a weak effort. Like yeah whatever, actually those could be mine. I use those all the time at home. So what?”
He aggressively yanks one of the band-aids out of the box, fumbles with the peel-off strips with one hand and he roughly rolls up the sleeve of his jacket with the other. Then just slaps it on his forearm and raises said appendage high, showing it off this way and that. “See?”
“Oh yeah, for sure,” Signal drawls from the other side of the room, nodding his head approvingly. “Totally convincing. Nice job walking that one back, you really showed them.”
Red Hood’s head snaps in his direction with ominous intent. “Watch it, Day-Glo.”
Signal just snorts.
“Yeah, like I’m gonna take constructive criticism on my name and costume from a dude who’s spent the last several years calling himself Red HOOD while running around in a freaking HELMET.”
“Its not meant to be literal, you fucking pedant.”
“So wait, its not literally a helmet? Huh, does it at least protect your head literally, or just like...symbolically? Like if Bane were to clock you across the head, would your concussion just be a metaphor? What’s the treatment protocol for a metaphorical concussion? Fluids, bedrest and a philosophical prescription of two chapters of Chicken Soup for the Soul as needed?”
“Laugh it up, KC and the Sunshine Band,” Red Hood bats back. “You just got yourself disinvited from Thursday night’s poker game.”
Signal just grins and folds his arms over his chest cockily. “Please. You’ve been looking for an excuse to ban me for weeks, cuz you know until you can prove I’m using my ghost vision to cheat, you can’t actually bring suit against me for it in Family Court.”
“That, and also Family Court isn’t a real thing, you toddler. Stop validating Wing-a-ding-ding’s obsession with Shitty TV Nostalgia and just call it that thing where Oracle traps us all in a room until we settle our latest fight without anyone getting stabbed.”
“Yeah, but like, say that five times fast,” Spoiler pipes up. “Its just not practical. Family Court’s way easier.”
“Says the one who’s not even in our fucking family.”
“And yet I grace you all with my sublime presence anyway,” she blows a kiss at him, beatifically unbothered. “You’re welcome.”
The Red Hood scoffs and rounds on his heel, zeroing in on Batwoman in the far corner.
“Hey Auntie B, my siblings are all dead to me and I just helped stop an alien invasion so I deserve nice things like a fun Saturday night. Can you get me into Dad’s fundraiser so I can crash it? He won’t put me back on the list until I promise not to bring any C-4 with me and I won’t promise not to bring any C-4 because he should just trust me that I won’t when I say I’m not gonna and he won’t trust me that I won’t until I admit I shouldn’t have brought any to that sting last month where three tiny little yachts blew up through barely any fault of my own, and I’m just not gonna do that ever because I have convictions and I feel I shouldn’t have to be punished for that. Y’know?”
Batwoman blinks at him. “Kid, I’m not gonna lie to you. You’re my nephew and I love you, but I stopped listening three seconds into all that.”
“Ugh, fine. Can you help me crash Dad’s event tonight so I can teach him a lesson about why he should just trust me not to make a scene so I don’t have to always make a scene to make a point.”
“Tempting as you make that sound,” she says wryly, “I have a strict policy for dealing with you lot and your......everything. I only worry about tolerating one of you at a time, and there’s seven of you, and seven days in the week. You each get your own. You know perfectly well its Robin’s day today. You get me on Tuesday, just like always.”
“Auntie B, we’re not like other families, are we?” Red Robin’s delivery is sarcastically childish and his question clearly rhetorical. Most of his attention is fixated on whatever it is he’s doing with his wrist-mounted computer. 
“No sweetie, we’re all severely fucked in the head and a little bit too comfortable with that.”
“Just checking. Oh hey, Hood, I just emailed you a patch for the hole in your firewall I exploited when replacing all my shit using your accounts just now.”
“You did what?”
“Used your accounts to pay to replace all my stuff that you fucked with last night?” Red Robin says slowly. “Did you not realize that I’ve been sticking within ten feet of you for the past five minutes just so I could clone your devices and do all that while BB and Spoiler kept you distracted? I gotta say, bro, I feel like that’s on you then.”
Red Hood swivels his helmeted head in the direction of the aforementioned two. Black Bat waves. Spoiler shoots him an utterly unrepentant thumbs up.
“You’d side with your ex over me? That’s what its come to?”
“My only allegiance is to chaos,” Spoiler says brightly. Black Bat shrugs.
“Plus he bribes better.”
“Hateful,” Red Hood points at Black Bat, moving on to level the same finger at Spoiler, who curtsies in acknowledgment: “Hateful-er.”
Then the finger rounds the bases to aim judgmentally at Red Robin. “Hateful-est. And that was all Nightwing’s idea anyway, not mine.”
“Oh, I assumed as much,” he says casually. “Your idea of a prank tends to have more of a Carrie vibe. Or be a literal literary reenactment.”
“Its called an homage, 4chan.”
“Whatever, plagiarist. And anyway, I couldn’t go after ‘Wing for payback on this one. He used an Immunity card. If you didn’t want me getting back at you, you should have used one too."
Red Hood looms aggressively. Red Robin ignores willfully. Round and round they go. Superheroes who can survive excessive G-Forces are getting dizzy just watching them have a largely motionless stand-off. That shouldn’t be how that works, but whatever. All the most infamously reclusive and isolated heroes in all hero-dom are apparently part of the same one big reclusive and isolated family of fucked up weirdos and they’re all officially bonkers. Nothing makes sense anymore. Reality broke. Try another stall.
“Okay, but see, in order to have an Immunity card, I would have to participate in one of you losers’ stupid Immunity challenges,” the Red Hood drags out with exaggerated patience. “And I’m just not going to do that, on account of those all being fucking stupid. You see the problem there?”
Red Robin just shrugs. “I don’t know what to tell you, bro. You can have principles or you can have an Immunity card. You can’t have both.”
Meanwhile, on another side of....the same room.....look, its like, an octagonal room, probably. It has a lot of sides. Robin fends off questions from an aggrieved looking Superboy.
“You never told me you had a bajillion brothers and sisters!”
“Yes but I never said I didn’t either.”
Superboy rolls his eyes. “Oh yeah, so I should just assume everyone I meet has a bajillion secret brothers and sisters?”
“Well clearly it would have worked out in your favor in this instance if you had, now wouldn’t it?”
“Assuming of course that you can trust what has been said or implied here today and I am actually related to any of those numbskulls. Which I am not actually admitting to,” Robin tacks on hastily.
Superboy eyes him dubiously. “You joined in the same creepy chant all the others did and then got super self-conscious and looked around to see if anyone had noticed. Which uh. I did.”
“First off, your interpretation of body language is abyssmal. I do not get self-conscious,” Robin says with a delivery that probably could have benefited from being a little less self-conscious. “And second....that proves nothing. I guessed what they were going to say.”
“Word for word,” Superboy says super-skeptically.
“I’m very good at guessing things. You know this.”
“Okay. Guess how much I believe you right now then.”
Robin glares and folds his arms grumpily across his chest. 
“And what was that anyway? Was that like....you guys’ family motto or something like that?”
“Oh no,” Spoiler pipes up. “That’s much shorter.”
Superboy balks at that. “Wait, you guys actually have one of those for real?”
“Yup,” Steph says, counting out the words with her fingers. “He who laughs last....probably works for the Joker. So tranq him just to be safe. See? Only sixteen words. The first rule of Living While Batty is way longer, and what we said was just the abridged version. You should hear the original, before Black Bat put her foot down and refused to memorize it unless sizable edits were made.”
Superboy hovers between her and Robin now, both in mid-air and on the verge of taking Spoiler’s words as an invitation to hear just that. A low growl arises from Robin’s direction.
“Must you?” He asks the older vigilante, with a most put upon expression.
She looks at him pityingly. “Do you actually need me to answer that? Like, we’ve met, right? Hi, I’m Spoiler.”
“Wait, so Robin said that I just never specifically asked him if he had a bajillion brothers and sisters, and that’s why he didn’t tell me, so that means he wouldn’t have just lied and there’s not some code of secrecy that flat out forbids telling other people stuff, right?” Superboy realizes excitedly.
“Yes, excellent direction. Go on,” Spoiler says, steepling her fingers. Robin buries his face in the palm of one hand.
“Soooo, what other stuff could you tell me about Robin’s super top secret family that I wouldn’t think to ask about but that he would tell me about if I knew what questions to ask?”
She claps once, lightly but with emphasis. “Well done. You’ve passed the first barrier. Untold secrets await you behind just a few more.”
“I’ll get you for this,” Robin vows calmly. She waves a hand at him.
“Yeah, yeah. Just make sure you do it before January 1st, remember? You’ve promised retribution like ten times already this year and those don’t roll over, y’know. Rules are rules.”
“Enough!” Thunders a voice then, from the front of the room. Well one of the fronts anyway. Like sides, it has a lot of them, but this is the one where Batman’s standing. All eyes snap to him. Which is kinda just what eyes do when Batman says stuff like that. Its like his superpower, except he doesn’t actually have superpowers, which is what makes it scary. But where the snapping of the eyes (directional) is usually followed by Batman saying something else besides just “hey look at me,” here he pauses in the wake of his own call to attention’s waning reverberations. Uncharacteristically silent.
Not that, y’know, he’s normally Mr. Talkity Talk, but usually his silences feel like he has the words to fill them, he’s just withholding them. This though, this feels more like he doesn’t have any words at all. And he’s as confused by it as any of them, and most everyone else is confused by Batman being confused, and its this whole trickle down economy of confusion and its wrecking havoc on the value of the golden silence standard.
Of course, not everyone present is rendered spellbound with confusion.
“C’mon B,” Nightwing cajoles, leaning forward and practically radiating delight. “I think you know what you have to do now. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Its not likely to come around again.”
Red Hood snickers beneath his helmet and chimes in. “Yeah Pops, go ahead. You do this and you’ll actually have my respect for a whole twenty four hours. No, wait. Sixteen. No! Eight. Yeah, eight. Still a good deal.”
“Carpe diem, B,” Red Robin grins, leaning back as if to enjoy the show.
“Hey! Infringe on my trademark one more time, dude,” Signal throws a faux-glare at the former. Red Robin just quirks an eyebrow.
“And what, you’ll start saying Yum every time you eat a burger? Oh no. I’m hoist by my own petard.”
Signal flips him off with a grin and then redirects his attention back to Batman. “Yeah seriously though B, you kinda gotta do it now. Because if you don’t do it, then you’ll forever be the guy who didn’t do it, and you don’t want to be that guy, do you?”
“Yeah you really don’t want to be that guy,” Spoiler shouts out. “Nobody likes that guy. He’s the worst.”
“Do it, do it,” Black Bat starts chanting beside her, steadily picking up speed and volume. Several others start joining in. Even Robin appears to be slightly anticipatory, albeit trying very hard to hide it.
Batman sighs, and somehow everyone manages to hear it. Stills. Waits for....something? Nobody but them seems to have any clue what, but the air is thick and heavy with portentiousness. Something is about to happen, and all most of the heroes present could say for sure is it was something they never would have in a million years seen coming.
Finally, Batman straightens with the resigned air of a man about to have oh so many regrets. He crosses his arms, shakes his head, and in an absolute deadpan monotone, says:
“You are awful children. You know you’re killing me. You’re killing your father.”
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cerastes · 2 years
Oh yeah so I’ve not completed a route yet but Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, so far, has treated me really well, and I can’t talk about the other routes yet but so far in Golden Wildfire (AKA Claude) it’s actually made excellent use of its cutscenes to properly paint a picture of the whole situation in Fodlan at every step, something I expect is also in the other routes.
Basically, Three Houses tended to be pretty myopic about characters and factions that weren’t the ones you were in, so most every development felt more informed than experienced, or, in other words, you more or less were told “HEY TEACH/MY MENTOR, ALLOW ME TO EXPLAIN THE SHITUATION” and then you went and fought it out, which kinda made the narrative feel a bit too loose in a lot of ways. Now, I’ll be the first to tell you that Reading Between The Lines and Extrapolating are in fact very useful skills to have as a reader, but the author, likewise, does have a duty to not only Tell, But Also Show, and I think a weakness of 3H is that is Told Too Much But Didn’t Show Much. An example of this is how the whole “The Central Church Divided Fodlan Intentionally To Make It Easier To Control From The Shadows” bit that’s KIND OF VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW is more or less just tucked away in an easily missable book. Some will say “The Average FE Fan Doesn’t Know How To Read Because A Lot Of Them Missed This Book”, and to that, I say I respect your opinion but also disagree and also don’t really respect your opinion because the author also has to have a good gauge of What The Reader/Player Would Really Benefit From Knowing, and making that an entirely missable tidbit of info you have to go out of your way to find, presented in a format that is frankly kind of ass and I won’t hear otherwise (not everyone wants to go Read Worldbuilding Lore at the Lore Vault when they could be Playing The Rest Of The Game and one of those books happens to have This Rather Huge Bit Of Info).
Contrast Three Hopes, where cutscenes will have some “MEANWHILE, ELSEWHERE” moments that are really good and contextualize what the rest of the world is doing. This is excellent because it actually gives a face, voice, and intent to the other leaders and factions beyond “they are just our enemies to Our Incredibly Just Cause”. It also helps drive home the fact that Claude and Edelgard more or less fundamentally want the same thing with minor extraneous differences but don’t know the other also wants it and have good reason to not trust the other, with both of them very shrewd leaders, while Dimitri is instead kind of conservative and more or less just wants to hold onto a status quo that he deems safer than Big Change.
It’s a much better pace, because even if you didn’t play Three Houses, it makes a lot of the intentions each side has clear and the resulting narrative feels far more alive and dynamic than just “ok we fight the Other Faction and the Other Other Faction here and there”. I’ll be the first to tell you the Golden Deer route was the best in 3Houses, but I’ll also be the first to tell you the inclusion of Dimitri’s Gang in that route was completely out of the Blue (HEHE) and weird as hell, it was Not Handled Properly, so you end up with a REALLY cool three-way fight at Gronder Field with the ultrabanger Between Heaven and Earth playing in the background... But the Dimitri Gang kinda feels out of the left field there (with the additional hilarity of Racist Pegasus Saber being so swole that she can more or less solo all of Edelgard’s Edelgang if you don’t kill her fast enough, robbing you of a LOT OF EXP). SImilar problems prop up in the other routes, because the routes tend to be very Your Faction-centric, which sounds like a non-issue, like, of course you’ll be primordially focused on your faction, but it is in fact an issue since it then makes the other factions in any given route sort of Very Incomprehensible at worst and nominally villainous at best... Which one might argue aligns with the overall message of 3Houses being “Fervent believers will never see eye to eye with each other, even if they want the same thing”, but to that, I argue “That’s fair, I GUESS, but you can tell that message without it affecting the narrative negatively, because framing it in that way to make that message Doesn’t Really Make For As Good A Read As It Could, in my opinion”.
Now, I bring this up because it’s not just a “Three Hopes Addressing What I Perceive To Have Been A Narrative Weakness Of Three Houses” deal, this has been an issue in previous Fire Emblems as well. Take the excellent Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, for example: We learn a lot about the world, about why the lategame war is fought, and we have a personal stake in everything, but then you have people like Tauroneo and Sothe who have some immensely fascinating supports with Ike and with the other characters that paint Daein and Ashnard in a more morally grey light (as opposed to moustache twirling villainous): In Sothe’s supports specifically, you learn that for a lot of people, Ashnard was actually a symbol of hope for the people of Daein, because though he’s known as the Mad King, Ashnard places no stock in bloodline or lineage, he places it entirely on merit, and Daein, which used to be very much a land of decadence where royalty exploited the people horribly, became a meritocracy instead: It didn’t matter if you came from absolute poverty, if you were strong, you had a place in Daein, and you could always ascend if you became stronger and better. Sothe, being from Daein, explains that that was hope all in itself, so Ashnard taking over the country also had its pros. Which is a pretty damn cool piece of lore that you can completely miss because Ashnard himself, despite being the final boss of the game, makes maybe four appearances total in the game’s cutscenes prior to the final stage of the game, and all of his lines are more or less “YOU WHELPS, I WILL FIGHT YOU”.
Even though all of that is right there!
I bring up Ashnard specifically because Edelgard is, in part, inspired by Ashnard (and Hardin from FE3): You can go the entire game without really realizing that Edelgard wants to eliminate the caste system based on Crests, take power away from Rhea, and have a meritocracy instead (albeit one far more fairly and wisely ruled than that of Actual Tyrant Ashnard) in routes that aren’t hers, and likewise, you can go the entire game without realizing that Claude wants to eliminate the caste system based on Crests, take power away from Rhea, and finally sign peace between Fodlan and Almyra, which is something only he can really do.
On one hand, yes, it encourages you to play the other routes in 3Houses to have the full picture, but on the other, bigger hand, you end up with individual routes that, by themselves, feel a bit hollow: Edelgard’s ends with “and then... They Will Fight Those Who Schmove In The Shadows.... OFFSCREEN” which is the single most hilariously bad blueballing ending they possibly could’ve thrown at you after an otherwise excellent route, or with the aforementioned What The Actual Fuck Why Are They Being So Fucking Weird moment of the Dimitri Gang in the Claude route. I’m of the opinion that the Experience as a whole of any given route in a game has to be good and leave you fulfilled; THAT will encourage me to play other routes of a game more than any 4D Chess play of “Oh you wanna know who these people are? Or why these people were like that? Play the other route lol”.
End of the line, what I want to say is that being esoteric in a narrative has its place -- look at Nier, look at Metal Gear -- but other times, just the right amount of clarity is a far more enticing prospect than things just being really weird and then telling me I gotta put in another 60 hours in another route to find out why THAT part of a route felt bad, even if it ~*~makes sense~*~ later: We shouldn’t have to have the part that felt bad in the first place. You don’t have to show the whole shebang, show and tell just enough so the narrative stays cohesive and enticing.
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a-detraque-barista · 3 years
Sweet Milk Tea
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Jeon Jungkook x Shy Reader
Genre: s m u t, 18+, college, soft boi gguk
Word Count:1.8k+
Warnings: big dicc kook, unprotected sex, sensitive thighs??, insecurity (you and jungkook), jungkook enjoys eating you out a lil too much
A/N: wassup my honey buns~ just thought i’d drop this filthy self-indulgent trash here and leave until one of my wips get done...this is straight smut and very little plot :D
“At least I don’t go around parading my dick to all the girls in our course!” your voice cracked but it somehow didn’t throw off the menacing tone.
Everyone looked at you as if you were mental. You couldn’t blame them, it was the first time they had ever heard your voice. The first time you had snapped at anybody in front of them, or in general.
You weren’t one for talking to people you didn’t know very well. It just didn’t come as naturally as it did for others. It’s made you a societal recluse and most of the time, you didn’t mind it. And the looks on your classmates’ faces gave you a major confidence boost. 
“At least people actually like me,” the asshole known as Jungkook hissed.
And there goes that confidence. Sure, you always claimed you don’t care about what other people think. However, just like any other human, we want someone to like us to create friendships and relationships. 
Just like that, you walked out of the classroom and down the long hallway as if it was a normal day.  The only thing different, you had tears in your eyes that were threatening to fall at any moment.
As you were just walking out of one of the exits, you felt someone grab your shoulder and pull you back. Your face met a solid chest, noticing the black leather jacket, you knew exactly who it was. When you went to pull away his arms tightened refusing to let go. 
“I’m sorry.”
Jungkook had you pinned beneath him on his bed. How this happened was a mystery. You had agreed to go to his apartment because he wanted to give you a sincere apology. What you said was over the line as well so you agreed. Everything was fine and dandy until syrup for the milk tea had splashed on your face and neck, even ending up on your shirt.
Seeing you in his shirt had Jungkook growing an erection. You just looked so cute, so fuckable. His cock decided it was time for Jungkook’s wet dreams to come true. 
Especially now with such a bratty look on your face, all he needed was a solid yes, “Tell me, my love. Do you want me?”
You nodded, already wanting to feel him. Jeon Jungkook was sex on legs and you refused to admit how many times you’ve thought about him with your hand down your pants. He clicked his tongue, “I need your words.”
“I want you, Jungkook.”
Hearing his name come from your lips, had a shutter going down his spine. His lips crashed into yours as he firmly pressed his muscular thigh against your clothed pussy. He swallowed your gasps and quiet whimpers. Gradually, Jungkook applied more pressure but now he was rubbing his thigh back forth. 
You were trying so hard to hold back your moans and whimpers making the man above you smirk into the kiss. Even as he pulled away breathless, he had that grin on his face. Your sounds were stroking his ego at this point leading him to lick and kiss your neck to see what else can make such adorable noises leave you. 
He could still taste the remnants of the syrup on your skin. He was so very tempted to lick every part of your neck, just to make sure all of it was gone. But he removed his shirt from you instead. Placing open-mouthed kisses along your jaw and neck, leaving behind a trail of purple and red marks.
You could feel your clit throbbing, begging for more attention. Jungkook could feel your hips move, creating friction against his bulge. He groaned before ripping your bra apart and began palming your breasts. He wanted you so bad but he didn’t want to rush things.
Jungkook wasn’t sure if you would wake up tomorrow and never want to see him again. He wanted to make sure even if you do want to forget about him, you won’t be able to forget the way he made you feel. His insecure thoughts were interrupted once he noticed you squirming from the addition of his muscles flexing.
You were still keeping as much noise in as possible. Jungkook wondered how much teasing it would take until you gave up. With a grin he trailed his hands down your body, squeezing every now and then. One particular squeeze of your upper thighs had made you gasp. He froze before gently digging the tips of his fingers into the area causing you to whine. 
He wanted to hear you whine again and again. 
Jungkook finally tucked his fingers into the waistline of your jeans and panties and slid them completely off. Your lips were glistening and puffy. He couldn’t help but flatten his tongue and dragged it between your folds. Jungkook’s eyes rolled back into his skull at just the taste of you. The moan that escaped your lips didn’t help his grip on sanity. 
With his control slipping, he started sucking and slurping like he was a man starving. Now you could no longer hold back your moans. And they only encouraged Jungkook even more. He kept his hands busy with massaging the upper part of your thighs making your moans sound whinier. His grip was sure to leave bruises for you to find in the next few days, reminding you of your time with the inky-haired boy.
Jungkook reluctantly let one of your thighs go to slowly slip his index finger into your tight pussy. Moving his mouth up to your clit he licked and suckled to his heart’s content. Your hands found their place in his raven curls, slightly tugging making Jungkook growl.
He couldn’t keep himself from bucking his hips into the mattress to get some kind of friction. He moaned into your pussy as he inserted a second finger. Gently stretching you so you can take him with as little pain as possible. Soon he added a third and picked up the speed he was thrusting at. You began to feel the tell-tale knot in your lower abdomen and Jungkook felt the way you started to quiver.
Right before the knot came undone, he pulled away. But he didn’t pull away enough to make your fingers leave his hair, which you tugged on in frustration.
“Jungkook damn it, I almost came,” you groaned taking your hands away from his scalp to perch yourself up on your elbows. He grumbled with the absence of your hands but loved the attitude you showed. So he sat back on his heels while running his hands along your thighs.
“But I didn’t want you to come just yet, my love. Be patient and I’ll give exactly what you want,” his deepened voice made the blush come back to your face full force. 
Licking his lips, he started to undress. Shirt, pants, and underwear made their way to the floor. His cock sprung up and leaked precum. It was enough for him to slick his dick with, stroking it just for more precum to escape.
Jungkook would love to see your pretty lips wrapped around his cock, gagging on it. But both of you have waited long enough. He tucked his hands under your waist and flipped you onto your stomach, lifting until your hands and knees held you up. The bulbous head pressed through your lips and against your entrance. You were so wet for him, making both his cock and your cunt glisten.
You wiggled your hips a bit, the anticipation beginning to become too much. He chuckled before pushing in. Jungkook took his time, making sure to stretch you out properly. Shifting his hips back every inch before pushing in more than he had previously. 
Never having taken such a girthy and long cock, the sting felt delicious as it made your walls form to his dick perfectly. The slight curve of his shaft made the head rub against that one special spot. Your breathy moans got louder the farther he went in. Jungkook growled and groaned above you. 
Once his cock completely sheathed inside of you, grating his hips against your ass felt like he was trying to go even deeper. Jungkook thrusted slow and shallow, wanting to let you get adjusted. When you pushed back he got the hint and pulled out farther only to slam back into your tight cunt.
His head rolled back as he gradually picked up his pace but it snapped back up hearing your load and wanton moans. God, why did you have to sound wonderful? He wanted to make you moan so much your throat would get raw. Your arms could no longer hold yourself up, causing you to be muffled by his pillows. Jungkook didn’t appreciate the decreased volume of your beautiful sounds so he wrapped his arms under your tits and just above your mound. 
His pace quickened as did his breaths, “Look at you, getting destroyed by my cock. What a mess. Can’t even stop moaning for me.”
You whined in response to his words as you could no longer create coherent sentences. It was almost becoming too much, your denied release coming back even harder. Jungkook’s pace became sloppy, the build-up paying off.
“Want my cum? Tell me, what do you want? Use that pretty mouth of yours,” Jungkook’s voice was now gravelly as he reached down to your clit but didn’t apply pressure.
“Please-please, I want your cum,” you gasped out, barely audible, but he accepted that.
Jungkook made quick, fast circles around your clit, causing your whole body to shake as your walls clenched and milked his cock. Feeling you tighten and quiver, Jungkook’s cock twitched and painted your walls. He laid both of you down, grinding his hips against yours until your cunt sucked him dry. He made sure not to put all of his weight on you while the two of you came down from cloud nine. 
Jungkook kissed the nape of your neck before moving down to your shoulder. He couldn’t help but love the feeling of you breathless beneath him. The feeling of you both spent and tired together, trying to catch your breaths. Jungkook was reluctant to pull his softening cock out of you but he did nonetheless. 
Leaving the room to get a damp cloth and clean the two of you up. You rolled onto your side facing him after he laid back down, also on his side. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer. He could see the look on your face that held uncertainty. His mind went to the thought of you regretting ever coming to his apartment. Until you spoke.
“I’m sure you want me to leave now right?”
Jungkook’s eyes widening, just now seeing the insecurity in your eyes. He sighed as he leaned down to gingerly kiss your lips, “No, I want you to stay. Unless you want to leave.”
You shook your head and kissed his nose, “I wanna stay, until you don’t want me to.”
He chuckled before cuddling up with you and pulled the covers over, “Good thing I never want you to.”
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yutahoes · 3 years
Video Call
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pairing : boyfriend! Yuta Nakamoto x female! Reader
word count : 1.5k words
genre : smut, established relationship
summary : Your boyfriend gets really needy.
warnings : phone sex, mutual masturbation, dick pic, panty sniffing (panty kink?), pillow humping, teddy bear humping (don't ask please), language, Yuta being really needy
Based on this ask. 😁 I’m sorry for the requests that came before this. I’m still searching for an idea in my brain and I’ve been so busy lately. I’ll get to it when my schedule clears up. 
"Where are you? Are you still at work?" Yuta asked by the phone that made you hum in response, handing your co-worker the file you just finished typing. "What time is it there?" 
"I'm almost done, Yuta." You answered before another co-worker came up to you. "Hold up." You heard him groan on the line before you engaged in small talks with your female co-worker. She was stressed with the workload and asked you for a drink. Before you could answer, you heard your boyfriend on the other line shouting 'Say no'. "Why?" 
"I need you." Huh? But he's in Japan now. What does he need you for? "Please, I'm horny." 
You stifled a laugh before putting down your phone and apologizing to your co-worker. You returned to your desk, leaning on the chair when you handled the phone to your ear. "What did you do? Why are you…?" You cannot even say the word, scared that someone can hear you. "I'll message you." 
Your fingers quickly typed a message to him, 'Can't you just watch porn? Or hentai?' 
'I can't. I miss you.' 
'Hurry home.' 
You laughed before fixing your bag, ready to head home. It's a rare instance that your boyfriend is this needy. But then, it's also a rare instance that you're away from each other. Your phone vibrated and you almost dropped it when it showed a picture of his dick covered by a fabric you knew by heart. The red satin underwear you thought you lost. 
'You brought my underwear to Japan?' 
'I had to. Still smells like you.'
You didn’t mind the repeatedly vibrating of your phone as you boarded the bus. First, you’re scared that Yuta might send you a dick pic again and that someone can see it. Secondly, you can’t be horny in public. You decided to open it when you reached the doors of your shared apartment, pictures of him pouting, his red dick, and even a video of him touching his body surprising you. ‘Please baby. I’m horny.’ ‘I wish you’re here with me right now.’ ‘Your pussy will feel good in my cock’ ‘Want to make you moan with my mom next door’ You gasped. He might be really needy. 
Quickly, you undress from your work clothes that you’re in your white brassiere and matching lingerie. It’s not like he can see you but you wanted to be sexy if you’re going to do this with him. ‘I’m home. Call me.’ You messaged. It wasn’t even a second when you’re phone vibrated, a video call request. Fuck, he really is needy. 
Yuta’s smile can be seen on the screen when you accepted the call, greeting you and asking if you’ve just arrived home. You nodded, showing him your bedroom and careful not to let him see that you’re in your underwear only. “God, I miss you.” He whispered. 
“You miss me or you miss being inside me?” 
A chuckle escaped his lips. “Both.” He answered in a low voice that made you giggle. “What are you wearing?” So you’re already starting? With your other hand, you tried to caress your body to get you in the mood. You’re used to him touching you first before doing things. If only he’s here. “Already touching yourself?” 
You gave him an innocent smile before holding the phone away from you. You were leaning on the headboard of the bed and you saw how he licked his lips at your white brassiere. “God, you’re hot.” He claimed before you panned the camera lower, capturing the matching underwear that released a groan from him. You smirked when you returned the camera to your face before he can get a glimpse of your hand slipping inside your panty. “If I were there, I would have tied you to bed.” 
“Too bad you’re not here.” You whispered in an erotic voice. “I would have let you do anything to me.” A moan escaped your lips when you rubbed your fingers on your pussy lips. “I wish you’re touching me now, love.” 
As you close your eyes with the pressure, you can see the smirk in Yuta’s face growing. “I wish my tongue is touching you now.” You released a breathy moan when your fingers entered your core, actually imagining that it’s Yuta’s tongue. “I’ll suck the soul out of you. Until you’re shaking on my tongue.” You pushed your fingers deeper into your core. 
The phone fell when your other hand groped your breast. Your back arching at the pleasure as you used your thumb to play with your clit. “Love.” you heard the voice from the phone but you were so blinded by the pleasure that you kept on playing with yourself first. Your body felt hot as you screamed while squirming in your orgasm, creating evident wetness in your panty. 
You were still breathless when you put the camera on the headboard as you lie stomach flat on the bed, looking warily at Yuta. He had his eyebrow raised, smirking at you. “Good?” He asked and you nodded that made him sigh. The camera changed angle that you can see his cock now, red and throbbing. The veins pulsing on the sides as the tip swell while glistening. 
Yuta traced a finger on the base of his cock, heading to the tip. “Wish this is your tongue, love.” You choked on your breath as you watched him play with himself. His long slender fingers wrapped around his cock and started jerking his hard rod. “I want you to ride on me. Feel that wet cunt on my cock.” And you wanted it as well. Why is Japan so far? If he wanted you earlier, you wanted him more now. 
Unconsciously, you started rubbing yourself to sheets while watching Yuta’s hand go up and down his cock. “Ride me, baby.” You know he can still see you. So you put a pillow, his pillow, under you as you humped the inanimate object at the same pace as his action. You bit your lip at the friction of your wet underwear, careful to keep the action with him. 
Yuta’s moan echoed through the speakerphone, whispering that he’s almost there. And you knew he is, with the raging redness of his cock. But you’re not yet ready. You have to think, fast. 
The brown bear by your nightstand caught your attention, the teddy bear Yuta got from playing at that one booth in the amusement park. “Wait, where are you…?” He asked in between breathy moans. You reappeared with the bear, putting it above the pillow then sat on it. “What?”   
You put your hand on the headboard as you started grinding on the bear. The pointed nose from the teddy bear giving your wetness additional friction, making you moan non-stop. "That's so good." You screamed, not looking at the screen but just focused on the new pleasure building inside you. You can hear the muffled moans your boyfriend created, the sound of skin as he kept jacking off at a rapid pace. “Yuta, I’m so close.” You shouted, bouncing then grinding on the face of the teddy bear. 
The light brown fur turned darker brown with your juice, your underwear feeling wetter as when it did earlier. From the screen, you saw white strings of cum come out of Yuta’s cock and shooting on his stomach, even covering his butterfly tattoo. When he changed the camera, you were surprised to see your red underwear in his mouth. “You are so disgusting.” You exclaimed which made him laugh. 
“Not as disgusting as you humping a teddy bear.” You rolled your eyes at that, standing up to remove your soaking underwear. “Sexy,” Yuta smirked. “Another underwear for my collection.” 
Yuta isn’t home for two days yet you’re already so stressed out with work. Maybe it was because you slept late last night after the talk with Yuta about his trip and about your day. True, you had a sexy time last night. But his touches, especially his cock, were different that you’re horny. Your period might be coming. 
When you reached home, you just took off your shoes before sighing hard. Another lonely night that you swear your sigh echoes through the house. You stopped in your tracks seeing the brown bear taped on the wall. What is this? The moment you removed the bear on the wall, you noticed the bags in the living room. Yuta is here? 
"Yuta!" You called and he went out of the room that made you run to him for a hug. Now that he's here, you realized how much you truly missed him. "I thought you wouldn't be back until Sunday?" 
"Change of plans. Mom wants me out of the house and I missed my baby girl." You grinned, hugging him tightly. You were startled seeing a white fabric on his hand, your underwear from last night. 
Quickly, you removed your hold on his and stepped back before he caught sight of what you're holding. "Come, my baby. I'm hungry. Open your legs for me." He pulled you to him while dropping the underwear on the floor. "And bring your motherfucking friend to watch how I fuck you hard." 
You giggled before screaming when he carried you to the bedroom, your underwear and the teddy bear forgotten on the floor. 
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