#also oops s name reveal in second pic
chunkowitz-too · 2 years
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i think i have couvid
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imagine-wannaone · 7 years
Ong Seongwoo Royalty Au
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Okay so I normally read over fics katie sends back to me before uploading but my laptop just spend 2 hours uploading so I have no time uh. but happy Christimas/ Christmas Eve if you celebrate, or happy winter holidays (Or if not simply have a good few days. There should be a pic up on the 29th or arond for my bday aaaaaye.
> • Okay so growing up in the spotlight of being a prince is kinda awful yanno, > • Literally everything you do is written in the papers or in a blog post and you’re criticised for every little thing you do, > • There’s just no escape, > • And the king and queen know this, so when they had a son they sent him to live with all the civilians in the city to grow up normally, > • They actually visited him at least once a month secretly, > • They didn’t tell him they were the king and queen but by the time he was around 10 or so he knew anyway because how can you not know the faces of your royalty?? > • So he kept his relationship identity undercover and grew up a secret royal, > • It’d probably give any one else a complex, right? > • Not Ong Seongwoo, oh no, > • This boy is honestly so chill and laid back he just goes with the flow and laughs his way through life, > • But also works v v hard, don’t get me wrong this boy doesn’t rely on his heritage for success, > • He works hard to make his own name, > • A future king cannot rely on everyone else around him to do things, > • So he’s out there being a young bean enjoying a civilian life, > • Your parents are both nobles and very close to the king and queen, > • They’re almost like advisors but fun? They help make a lot of decisions whilst staying friends with the royals, > • Almost an impossible job let’s be real, > • But that means they’re almost always busy so you just trundle around the palace as a toddler, > • Which is free of any other kids, > • How lonely, > • Your life is split between school work, which is half private tutoring and half normal school, > • And spending your time in the palace tryna entertain yourself, > • But because of your already high up position paired with the amount of spare time you have, you spend a lot of time in etiquette classes, learning how to act regally and whatnot infront of cameras, > • Because you’re thought to be replacing your parents in the future, > • You’ll be in the spotlight as a representative a lot oops, > • It really kinda frustrates you how your life is already planned out for you, > • But then so is royalty so you’re gunna have to just bare with it, > • And while you listen and learn well, any time you’re allowed to relax (aka school£ you are also chill as hell, > • What’s better than spending a day with awful posture, propped in bed in PJ’s infront of a laptop? > • Absolutely nothing fight me ;-; > • But you still know etiquette and manners books back to front and reversed again, > • And the fact you’re a good actor really helps like damn, > • So when the Prince turns 18, Seongwoo is revealed as prince as bought to the palace as a new home, > • Everyone in the palace is rushing around, panicking at the arrival of the new prince, > • You just sit one of the balconies overlooking the dining room and watch the commotion infront if you, > • Lmao you’re hiding, your tutor is looking for you to put you in one of those fancy dresses to meet the prince but you honestly can’t be bothered, > • And hate those frilly dresses the old woman likes, > • Don’t get me wrong the woman was pretty much like a nan to you, you loved her dearly but her dress sense wasn’t great, > • You didn’t want to meet the future king in a dress like that, > • But you also didn’t understand everyone’s panic, > • The prince had grown up a civilian, and yeah he probably expected a lot at the palace, but he’d probably just be happy with a nice meal and a few fancy suits, > • You didn’t approve of them throwing him in at the deep end, he’d probably feel way out of his league and unable to keep up with everyone and their well painted faces and fake manners ready to cater to his every move, > • You knew it was a privilege, a huge one, but you knew it was extremely unnecessary and often tiring, but it did give people jobs, > • You and your parents donate your ‘wages’ to charity because what was the point of hoarding money like some of the other nobles? > • Ruins the economy, > • (Again for the selfish rich people in the back) > • So you just sit and watch the hustle and bustle until one of your parents eagle eyes spot you and you use the foundation beam as a fireman’s pole to reach the bottom, > • Lmao you know how to make the most of your surroundings, > • So you then prowl away to go and avoid frilly dresses and find yourself a nice simple dress or some dress trousers and a nice shirt, > • Honestly either, both are cute as heck anyway, > • You have to follow protocol and arrive perfectly on time, to the second, easily find your place next to one of your parents near the head of the table where the prince will be for the dinner, and look around the huge table, packed with stuck up nobles that make you roll your eyes, > • Of course not all of them, there’s a few with the exact same attitude as you, making eye contact and sending true smiles, but you know for one that this dinner will drag, > • And while you get the royals plan, to throw him straight in to get him used to the surprises and things he may have to do in the future, you think it’s kinda unfair, > • But it’s not your place, > • YET, > • (But boi do you have a few points of improvement in your mind) > • To say anything, so you sit up straight and smile like everyone else, > • So all eyes are on the prince when you stand for his entrance, everyone trying to suss him out and figure out how to get on his good side, > • You think it’s really sad some of the nobles think like that, > • But you lay your eyes on a boy, the same age as you, in a smart suit, patterned nicely, brown hair styled expertly and with a devilishly handsome face, > • He walks in nonchalantly, relaxed and confident, but as he approaches his seat next to his parents you watch his interior too become more and more tense and overwhelmed, although he shows little signs of this, > • You want to scoop the poor boy up and take him to the balconies, where the loudest noise is the wind in the trees and the only eyes belong to the birds in the sky and the squirrels in the bushes, > • Aka your favourite place, where it seems like no noise or hustle can break the serenity, > • But the dinner drags and the new Prince Seongwoo almost gets drilled with questions, interrogated on questions people know are way out of his current league, > • But he copes as well as he can, although you unconsciously notice a few moves you wouldn’t have done, > • Stupid things like eating with the wrong fork or sitting wrong, > • You hate yourself for picking it up because you know all the others will as well, > • But you feel almost as exhausted as the boy, who you occasionally make eye contact with and send him soft, genuine smiles, > • You hope he can tell you’re genuine, sending him your confidence and not one of the others, with sly questions and wicked smiles, > • When you deem acceptable, you excuse yourself from the dinner, to the surprise of none but the prince himself as you’re always the first out of the fancy meals, > • Your parents are so jealous as they have to sit there with lots of people they don’t trust, hA, > • But you’re shook when you walk down the corridor towards your own suite when the Prince himself jogs up to your side and greets you, > • You do a double take and straighten your back before you can comprehend, > • At a closer look, the prince is tall and slender, but owns a charming boyish grin and flawless skin, home to a small triangle of freckles and warm eyes, making the future king truly approachable and sweet looking, > • You’re about to greet him as if a royal, as you should, but hold yourself back a little, > • it’s Seongwoo’s first day in the palace, it’ll probably be nice to hear a voice not stuck in a formal polite tone, right? > • You take the risk because??? Why the hell not???? > • “Seongwoo, right? I’m Y/N” > • Coupled with a warm smile, it seems to relax Seongwoo indefinitely, his shoulders coming down from his tense posture and the relaxed smile of when he first walked into the dining room returning, > • “I’m so glad I’ve found someone who isn’t old with a fake smile, oh god I was going to lose hope” > • His casual words and quick gathering of what the nobles are like makes you laugh, > • “How’d you escape them? The royals normally have to leave last,” > • The look seongwoo sends you shows he’s not totally pleased with this new peice of information, > • But thats how everyone left the meal to find the new prince and the advisors/nobels daughter laughing together in a hallway, > • But that’s also how you where thrown the painfully hard  job of teaching Seongwoo how to behave as a royal in public, > • Now let me tell you, you didn’t exactly ask for this job, > • But the royals saw how well the two of you got on, and you always pulled it out the bag with your manners in social events, so assigned you the task, > • They actually knew how hard it was going to be but wanted to challenge you as you hadn’t yet found much to do in the palace, > • They’re laughing behind your back, > • And while you get on with seongwoo, being his 'teacher’ is a whole different thing, > • Seongwoo Is a jem of a person, and now holds the place of your best friend, but that may be s leading reason of why he’s a car crash with you, > • He gets so easily distracted, > • He just doesn’t retain any information, > • He may look like a regal god, but it lasts for 5 seconds before he trips over his feet, > • You want to scream, > • You do, > • He joins in, > • Do you blame him? No, > • But you drag him through the lessons though and slowly, so so slowly, but steadily you notice improvements that makes your little heart swell, > • Not only because that means he’s actually Listening to you and learning, but it also means your closest friend is progressing and settling in well, > • Not that he always is, > • Sometimes you sit with him as he panics about his future role as king, or as he breaks down about how he feels inept, > • You understand his frustration of being told what to do all the time, having no choice in his own future, > • But you know you can never comprehend the weight that pushes his shoulders to the ground about his royal heritage, > • So you sit with him, wrapping your arms around him and you let him feel, > • But Seongwoo is generally jolly and jokey, bringing a smile to your face and making your heart flutter, > • So you’re tackling Seongwoo’s weak point, > • His pOsTUre, > • Omg that guy cannot walk like a natural human what has he been doing for the last years of his life to make him sit like that? > • So you decide with the classic walk with books on your head™ > • Because that’s how you learnt although you have no idea if it even works, > • But it looks funny Anyway, > • And with so much free time around the palace you’re basically a troll, > • So you’ve got 5 books piled on your bed and Seongwoo has got 2 slipping around on his shiney locks, > • “So you’re telling me, Y/N, that you can hold those books on your head no matter what?” > • Seongwoo’s look of disbelief makes you laugh, > • Seongwoo has not been able to keep more than 3 books on his head for a minute in the last week and it honestly blew your mind a little how awful he was, > • It was slightly adorable, > • “No matter what,” > • You repeat and spin in a circle, you feel the books shift minutely but change to accommodate them, > • “See it’s not so- DiD yoU jUsT kIsS mE?!” > • The clatter of both of your books breaks the silence blanketing your mind, > • Seongwoo had, indeed, just kissed you, > • With the grace and agility of a damn gazette, Seongwoo had stepped forward, his lips pressing gently but quickly against yours, sparks jumping through your skin, > • “No matter what, huh?” > • Seongwoo’s cheeky eyebrow raise and eye flicking between you and the books on the floor make your cheeks redden but you both laugh, > • Wow what a beautiful start of a relationship full of laughter and honesty, > • aka the best relationship???? > • Seongwoo has pure talent in making others feel wanted and full of happiness, but he need you to help him feel that aswell, > • Because Seongwoo was born to be king, and  even with his newly acquired manners, feels extremely out of his league, > • But with you by his side, squeezing his hand for support and full of smiles fill him with confidence, the whole task doesn’t seem so daunting,
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