#also potentially more clifton!
note, passed to superman
by Lucille Clifton
sweet jesus, superman, if i had seen you dressed in your blue suit i would have known you. maybe that choirboy clark can stand around listening to stories but not you, not with metropolis to save and every crook in town filthy with kryptonite. lord, man of steel, i understand the cape, the leggings, the whole ball of wax. you can trust me, there is no planet stranger than the one i’m from.
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houseofzoey · 7 months
Overall Thoughts on the House of Night Series
By my standards, this series failed in basically every way possible - except monetary success.
The characters are poorly developed, the majority of them fulfilling shallow archetypes or offensive stereotypes with minimal nuance or meaningful exploration. This is true even of major characters, particularly Damien, Stevie Rae, Shaunee, and even Aphrodite.
Much as Aphrodite is beloved by haters and fans alike for her hardships and ability to actually tell off Zoey on occasion, she's ultimately just the lovable bitch/mean-girl-turned-best-friend trope and sees little thoughtful development. We're told that she changes, such as when she declares that she doesn't want to be like her mother and opts not to mix Xanax and wine - but then she's back to the same "substance abuse for laughs" shtick in the next book. Aphrodite's only actual, consistent change is that she stops hating Zoey and considers her a close friend. But otherwise? She's still a quintessential mean girl. She insults people for how they dress, looks down on the poor, bickers and picks fights with everyone, and - oh yeah - is racist, ableist, and queerphobic. Because it's "funny".
Personally? I think Aphrodite is one of the most despisable characters in the series, specifically because a) she has all the makings of a great character with huge potential for complexity and development, b) we're told she goes through incredible growth and change without really being shown it, and c) she's a raging bigot and that's meant to be funny/charming.
I've talked at length about how Zoey, Kalona, and Neferet are giant disappointments as characters, so I won't harp on that here. The main takeaway is that P.C. Cast doesn't know how to establish interesting, nuanced characters, and she certainly has no idea how to develop the cardboard cutouts she does introduce.
It doesn't help that this series has so many characters. A lot of them introduced once and then promptly forgotten. Remember Hannah Honeyyeager? Red? Montoya? Ant? Enyo? Sappho? Kaci Crump? Yeah, I don't blame you if you can't recall more than one detail about any of these characters - if you can even remember anything about them at all.
I can understand wanting to make the series feel well-populated, seeing as it is set in a school in a major city. But there are ways to do that without it feeling like the author just picks fifteen names out of a hat at the beginning of each book and throws them into the text at random intervals. The end result is that the HoN doesn't feel well-populated; it feels cluttered.
The overabundance of meaningless characters leads to other problems, too. Namely... well, names. One great example of this is Shaunee Cole having a thing for Cole Clifton. That's ridiculous, especially because no one ever comments on it, despite this being the exact sort of oddity that these characters would banter about for at least a page. P.C. Cast just didn’t notice she did that. There's plenty of other examples of identical or extremely similar names throughout the series, such as:
Zoey's brother Kevin and Detective Kevin Marx
Erik and Erin
Neferet the person and Nefertiti the cat
Shaylin and Shaunee
Drew (human) and Drew (fledgling)
Kaci Crump, Cassie Kramme, Casey Young, and Kacie Lockwood (from the Other World spinoff)
Even Damien and Darius are a bit close. The author mixed up their names in narration at one point, and it was never caught during the editing process.
(It's also worth noting that P.C. and Kristin have stated that, if the HoN TV show ever comes to fruition, Shaunee and Erin's names will be changed to Monique and Misty.* Monique is already the name of a Priestess working under Damien at the NYHoN in Loved.)
This is only made more absurd when you remember that every single fledgling and vampyre - all these people who got Marked as teenagers - have complete freedom to change their name to whatever they want. Why are there three fledglings named some variation of Cassie (only Casey is human)? Where are all the kids naming themselves Destiny and Ebony and Serendipity? Why aren't more kids named after their favourite celebrities or characters? You're telling me not a single teenage boy named himself Mike Hawk? Where are the kids who gave themselves four middle names because it sounds fancy, or who made their initials into an acronym?
The number of characters who did something like this is very small: Aphrodite, Jack Twist, James Stark, Venus, and Thor are the only ones I can immediately think of. Frankly, that's absurd.
I know exactly why it's Iike that, though. PC Cast isn't thinking about world-building and internal logic when she names her characters. Instead, she regularly names her characters after real people she knows. Here is a non-exhaustive list of such names:
Shaunee Cole
Erin Bates
Damien Maslin (specifically the last name)
Cassie Kramme**
Chera Kimiko
Adam Paluka
Mr. Shaddox
Bryan "Dragon" Lankford
Anastasia Lankford
(On a somewhat related note, both P.C. and Kristin both have multiple self-inserts throughout the original and spinoff series. For P.C., it's Sgiach and Tina. For Kristin, it's Zoey and Kacie. This is mostly harmless - except Tina. Tina is literary brown face, because the white author made her self-insert indigenous, specifically Creek. Otherwise, these self-inserts just end up glorified and coddled.)
This kind of offhandedness and carelessness with world-building plagues the series. It's why historical figures are casually mentioned to be vampyres with no thought to how that would actually impact history. It's why the author says, "yeah, all the best actors and singers are vampyres" but then never considers how different media would look if all the most famous entertainers were nocturnal and allergic to the sun. It's why only a handful of countries have large vampyre populations and many of them (such as Italy and Greece) are known to be incredibly sunny and have long days and long summers, while places like Canada are far less populated despite vampyres being minimally affected by the cold. It's why there's 25 HoNs in the world, seven of which are in the US, while only three are in Asia, one is in Africa, and there are none mentioned in Russia or South America. It's why there's only one HoN in Canada despite it being an enormous country that is difficult to travel because of terrain (mountains, wetlands, tundra), weather, and sheer size.
And the thing is, I can excuse Rule of Cool world-building, or world-building that is shallow/poorly thought out. But the execution and context matter. All throughout the text, there's this very clear vibe that the author thinks she has built this incredibly rich, detailed world that is well-researched and grounded in reality while still being fantastical. In reality, the world-building is about as deep and sturdy as a list of bullet points on a wet napkin: It's not detailed, half of it is unintelligible, and it's gonna fall apart if you put even the slightest pressure on it.
I think a great demonstration of both poorly thought out world-building and poorly developed characters is Nyx. She is a loving goddess who prizes free will and thus operates under the principle of non-interference - but she spent eons gaslighting Kalona and all of vampyre society; regularly pops in to give special powers, helpful hints, or immediate solutions to specific fledglings/vampyres if she likes them enough; openly plays favourites; and gives fledglings extremely cruel, painful, or confusing gifts with no explanation as to why said gifts work the way they do. Why is Stark able to accidentally kill someone because of a metaphor he didn't intend to use? Why do visions cause Aphrodite's eyes to bleed? It's also fundamentally unclear what she wants at numerous points throughout the series.
Much of Neferet's descent into evil and success in committing horrific atrocities comes down to the fact that a) Nyx decided that this was the situation in which she wasn't going to give Zoey or anyone else clear warnings or visions about specifically what Neferet was doing, and b) she refused to rescind any of Neferet's gifts, even when she was using them to hurt people and create undead abominations, and had completely turned her back on Nyx in favour of Darkness.
(This is only compounded by the events of the Other World spinoff, wherein Nyx responds to OG Neferet's crimes by erasing her soul from existence so she can never reincarnate or be resurrected. So, I guess she can interfere where she sees fit? She also reduces Other Neferet and a bunch of her soldiers to children so they can have a second chance [horrifying], and causes a bunch of people to instantly complete the Change - including Other Lynette, who was a human. That seems like a lot of very direct interference.)
I also need to acknowledge how absolutely nonsensical the plot of this series is. Like, even just looking at the (intended) core premise of each book, it's all over the place.
Marked: Zoey is Marked and must learn to navigate her new life as a fledgling, which includes discovering she is the Chosen One and ousting mean girl Aphrodite from her position as glorified Student Council President.
Betrayed: Neferet is acting suspicious, which includes accusing Aphrodite of lying about her visions, and being connected to undead fledglings Zoey has spotted around campus.
Chosen: Zoey must heal undead Stevie Rae while also juggling three boyfriends and lying to her friends about all of it.
Untamed: Creepy ravens are all over campus. Aphrodite gets a vision that reveals these are Raven Mockers and Neferet intends to free Kalona from his earthly prison.
Hunted: Kalona and Neferet have brainwashed pretty much everyone at the Tulsa HoN. Zoey and co. need to figure out how to break the spell or get rid of them.
Tempted: After being banished from Tulsa and unable to continue their reign over the HoN, Kalona and Neferet tell the High Council that they are Erebus and Nyx incarnate, and thus Neferet should be the new High Priestess of all vampyres. Zoey goes to the High Council to say they're lying.
Burned: Zoey is shattered in the Otherworld and everyone is trying to save her.
Awakened: Neferet murders Jack so Zoey will stop frolicking on the Isle of Skye and return to Tulsa. Once Zoey returns, Neferet pretends she's a good guy and asks for her forgiveness.
Destined: Zoey's mother had been ritually sacrificed by Neferet to create a living weapon, so Zoey and co. perform a reveal ritual to show how Zoey's mother was murdered.
Hidden: After being shunned by the High Council, Neferet kidnaps Zoey's grandma as vengeance. Neferet is also working a smear campaign against the HoN on local news, which Zoey and co. counteract by doing an interview badmouthing Neferet and announcing an open house on campus.
Revealed: Neferet murders the mayor outside the gates of the HoN, so the school is on lockdown until they can prove that no one living/working there killed him. The Seer Stone is making Zoey increasingly short-tempered and violent.
Redeemed: Neferet takes over a fancy hotel and declares all the hostages her worshippers. Zoey and co. need to figure out how to use Old Magick to stop an immortal without it making Zoey go mad.
Does any of that seem like a logical progression/escalation of events? This isn't even touching on all the random boy drama, abandoned subplots, or nonsensical digressions that only serve to pad the text.
What the author seemingly intended to craft was a Chosen One coming-of-age narrative about a young girl who always felt out of place finding belonging at the HoN while navigating romantic relationships, learning to be a leader, and joining the battle against Darkness.
What we got was a spoiled, selfish brat who complains about every privilege and inconvenience that falls into her lap, who refuses to do anything hard or unpleasant to the point that she repeatedly cheats and leads on her boyfriends, who never takes initiative, and who largely has her problems solved by her subservient friends or a literal goddess.
But it shouldn't be surprising that the plot is all over the place and fails to fulfill the intended themes/messages of the series, because information about P.C. Cast's writing process for the series is also quite inconsistent. Originally, the series was only meant to be a trilogy, but got picked up for more books. However, in a Reddit AMA***, Kristin Cast claims:
We plotted out the story arch, and it naturally ended with twelve books. We also had a per book word count we had to follow, which is why our books aren't as long as other YA novels. However, I don't think anything was rushed. It was all planned from the beginning, and was executed amazingly!
But in several interviews (can only find a couple**** because they were audio/video, not text), P.C. Cast has referenced going rogue - meaning she deviated from the outline. Stark was meant to be Stevie Rae's love interest, Rephaim was supposed to die when Stevie Rae found him, etc. These represent HUGE alterations to the plot, so obviously the whole plot couldn't have been planned from the beginning, nor could everything be executed as intended.
P.C. Cast has also stated that she hates outlining, but Kristin makes her do a detailed chapter-by-chapter outline when they actually co-write. When P.C. writes solo, she knows the beginning, the end, and a bunch of pieces in the middle, and then figures it out from there (which sounds like a plantser style). Given that Kristin wasn't involved in the planning process - she didn't even look at the outlines of the original series because, as an editor, she wanted completely fresh eyes for the text - she couldn't have been the one pushing for a thorough outline of the whole series before P.C. began writing.
And that's not even getting into the fact that P.C. has stated the series was originally planned as a trilogy, which is evident from how the first three books were written. She couldn't have planned a twelve book series because she had no reason to assume she would be able to publish more than three books.
I wish I had a more satisfying conclusion to offer here, but... that's kind of the problem with talking about this series. The problems both span so wide and run so deep that it feels impossible to actually cover everything. I've made tens of thousands of posts - including in-depth analyses of plot, character, world-building, and writing - for every single book in this series, and I still feel like I haven't covered everything.
*Discussed here, around 17:00
**Google searches show this is a real person who attended the same school PC taught at
***Reddit AMA
****PC Cast interview, q&a
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lyledebeast · 3 months
Pride Month Movie 20: Capote
I was hesitant to rewatch Bennett Miller's 2005 biopic because I thought it would only strengthen my desire to see Truman Capote vs. the Swans on one of the many streaming services I can't afford. I was right, and I do!
It's worth it, though, because this is such a unique treatment of a historical figure and Philip Seymour Hoffman's incredible portrayal of the titular author. A not small, not gay actor telling small gay man lies for two hours should not be this gripping, but here we are! (Hoffman was over half a foot taller than Capote, a teacup novelist). I love stories about people who are queer that do not focus singularly on their sexual/romantic relationships. Jack is there, accusing Truman of being in a good mood over the men whose crime he's writing about potentially being executed, but so is Nell (Harper Lee), trying to shame him into being a decent person. The relationship between Nell and Truman is the part of the film I enjoy most. They obviously care for each other very deeply, but she absolutely refuses to indulge his bullshit. We should all have a friend like Nell.
The central relationship, though, is between Truman and Perry, one of the two murderers he writes about in his non-fiction work, In Cold Blood. Clifton Collins Jr's portrayal of Perry is also very memorable, his sincerity creating a heartbreaking contrast to Capote's manipulation. I was torn between watching two bio-pics for pride month, and I chose Capote because of convenience; I already own it! The other contender was Milk, Gus Van Sant's 2008 film starring Sean Penn as politician Harvey Milk. Having just looked at the cast list, I may need to watch it anyway, but I think I made the right choice. Harvey Milk may not have been any more of a saint than anyone else fighting for equal rights for marginalized people, but you would not know that from seeing this movie, if memory serves. Capote is much more flawed, and therefore much more relatable.
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threadatl · 2 years
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This tweet from three years ago speaks to how crucial it is for the City of Atlanta to improve support for transit.
Several times over the years, the streetcar has been suspended during big events in Downtown because of car traffic. That needs to never happen again. It's time to grow up and act like a city.
The mayor's office and MARTA have prioritized the extension of the streetcar from Downtown to the Eastside Beltline. We need to do it right. Start talking *NOW* about the bold ways we're going to give the streetcar priority during big events in Downtown, and de-center car traffic. 
And be bold with giving it priority on streets that connect to the Beltline (also do the same with the BRT lines coming to Summerhill, Campbellton, and Clifton). Learn from the mistakes of our recent past and stop wasting the incredible potential for transit to support a more sustainable future, and stop wasting that huge investment in transit too. 
Give these transit lines a chance to succeed on the streets, and focus growth of all kinds of urban development in easy walking distance from them.
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thesinglesjukebox · 9 months
Next up, submitted by Joshua Lu, some good ol' capital-P Pop!
Joshua Lu: There's two sides to "Red Wine Supernova": a tender paean to a potential lover, and a hoedown about roping someone by promising the raunchiest fuck of her life. Chappell Roan understands how these two ideals can intertwine in your brain, and it's to the song's benefit that it doesn't just flitter between them but instead forces them to coexist. From the sweeping cry of how she doesn't care if she's a stoner, or how her ad libs reveal how she's just as into her boobs as much as her hair, there's a rawness to this love song that makes its grandiosity feel even stronger. And then there's the double entendres -- her being "choked up, face down, burnt out," and of course the wand and the rabbit. This is one of those rare pop song that's immediately thrilling on first listen but gets even juicier when you start peeling away the layers. [10]
Katherine St Asaph: Chappell Roan is perhaps the best pop-for-pop's-sake songwriter working right now; you can tell she's absolutely in love with the form. "Red Wine Supernova" does cheer chants and light yeehawing over the hook from "What's Up" -- just one of the details she gets right: going "supernova" as the melody soars -- with giggly, nervous, immensely likable charm. Kinda over using red wine as a cheap ambiguous metonym, though, and the wand-and-rabbit line is terrible (sorry!) [7]
Rose Stuart: For better or worse, songs about a first gay experience tend to be cutesy and innocent, most often about a first kiss and maybe a quick glance. Roan doesn't bother with beating around the bush, instead balancing a youthful exuberance with mature lyrics. Her backup singers well maintain young adulthood, all but acting like cheerleaders with each call and response. It's an incredibly joyful song, only increased by such wonderful lyrics like "I heard you like magic, I've got a wand and a rabbit" and having to amend your promise of a large bed to "a twin bed and some roommates". "Red Wine Supernova" is the perfect song for being young and in love, ready to be the ending credit song to the next queer coming of age movie. [7]
Alex Clifton: The only sex scene I can remember in the Discworld series notes that the bed springs go "glink." It's doofy and unserious and maybe the most wholesome sex scene I can remember. Chappell Roan is far less subtle than Sir Terry here as she yelps "let's get freaky, get kinky!" but she's got the same sense of fun. Moreover it's infectious -- I can't help but listen with a big, dumb grin, caught up in how much she's enjoying herself. There's a time and a place for purely seductive/erotic stuff, but the glinks are important, too. [8]
Hannah Jocelyn: Chappell Roan is the gay cheer captain; normally, I'm on the bleachers (why are you singing about Mulholland Drive in Manhattan?? what do you MEAN your kink is karma??) but when this doesn't put me off, it makes me smile. Roan's borrowing the right things from Gaga and especially Marina Diamandis -- there's a theatricality and mischief that's immediately endearing to anyone who grew up on pop music actually being poppy. Dan Nigro knows what he has, with acoustic guitar breakdowns and gang vocals straight out of a summer camp's 2009 iPod. The part of the bridge that gets me isn't "I heard you like magic..." but the roommates shouting "Don't worry, we're cool!" The first bit is calculated for SLAY QUEEN TikTok comments, the second part is genuinely relatable and funny. There's a more outrageous version of "Supernova" that's like a sapphic "Darling Nikki" ("she did it right there on the deck!"), but I don't need this to be anything more than it is. [6]
Will Adams: Upon first listen, I had detected a similarity to Olivia Rodrigo. While the most obvious link is Dan Nigro, who co-writes and produces with both, there's also the ~theatre~ energy both Rodrigo and Chappell Roan exude, the idea of hitting every mark right in the name of pop. "Red Wine Supernova" does just that -- it's big and brilliant -- though there are better mission statements from the album. [6]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: Not as devastating as "Casual," not as funny as "My Kink is Karma," not as c*** as "Feminomenon," not as anthemic as "Pink Pony Club," but probably the most karaoke-able Chappell Roan track. It feels good to have Midwestern queer representation. [7]
Alex Ostroff: The premise of Amnesty 2K23 makes it feel deeply unfair that most of the best singles off of The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess came out in 2022. I desperately want to rave about her aching situationship song "Casual" or her sugar-rush chronicling of nascent gay college crushes and those tentative moments before you're bold enough to make the leap on "Naked in Manhattan". Or, hell, "Pink Pony Club", the 2020 anthem that got her dropped from her initial record label and simultaneously sent her off in musical and aesthetic directions far more compelling than any of the mopey acoustic material that came before. The remaining singles that immediately preceded Midwest Princess' release tend to be full of call-and-response audience interaction, cheerleader chants (which I wish she relied on less, given how good her ear is for actual sung melodic hooks) and campy weird sonic details -- but less depth and self-interrogation than the audacious initial run that caught my attention. "Red Wine Supernova" peaks in the first verse with "She did it right there out on the deck / Put her canine teeth in the side of my neck", and nothing that follows recaptures that sense of possibility/mystery/danger/lust. The chorus is still incredibly catchy, though, and the sweetly sung "I don't care that you're a stoner" is a delight, and I can guarantee that I'm still going to be randomly absent-mindedly humming it when spring comes around. [8]
Ian Mathers: The #1 song I'm sad I didn't get to blurb here is Chappell Roan's "Casual," an easy [10] that just absolutely blew me away when I heard it. And now her other (for me, so far) [10] is pretty fucking different! Never underestimate the power of just sounding like you're having way more fun than anyone else. (And, sadly, of having seen some shit in the business before you start succeeding.) Also, and I mean this absolutely sincerely, I love that I have lived to see the day when a pop song can just say "you just told me you want me to fuck you/baby, I will 'cause I really want to" and it's just not that big a deal! Like, don't worry about it, people who want to be poetic or coy or suggestive can and will still do that, but sometimes you just wanna get in there. [10]
Claire Biddles: Has any response to a come-on ("Want me to fuck you?") had less rizz than "Baby I will because I really want to" [3]
Taylor Alatorre: I think it's meant to be clever, or camp or something, that she makes her voice get squeaky when she sprechgesangs "Let's make this bed get squeaky." Anything that draws more attention to a line like that is kinda the opposite of clever, though. Gen Z has the right to demand a better Kesha than this. [1]
Oliver Maier: You can't say it ain't fun. Roan's dream of a big bang is suitably extravagant, but the cheerleading and half-rapping is all a bit suffocating. I reserve the right to privately revise my score to an [8] if I hear this at a house party in a few months. [6]
Dorian Sinclair: There's plenty about "Red Wine Supernova" that doesn't totally work for me: Roan struggles to pull off the talk-sung delivery of the bridge, I'm not a huge fan of call and responses, and the ending is way too abrupt. But the track is overflowing with personality and there's a couple of monster melodies packed into the prechorus and chorus, which Roan sells far better than she does the spoken bits. There are songs that have won me over with less. [6]
Nortey Dowuona: Strange: this appears to be a indie folk song then turns into a 1986 pop song instead, then turns back into the indie folk by the chorus, then goes back to 1986 pop again and ends as indie folk. I mean, it sounds good, I'm not complaining, I just want to know what happened. [7]
John S. Quinn-Puerta: I wish it leaned more into the vampirism, but with its bar ready beat, its puffy bass, and its written to be screamed chorus and bridge, I can't fault it for much beyond a slight lack of imagination. [7]
David Moore: Just finished watching the rebooted She-Ra as part of my family's Sunday evening pizza and TV ritual. It is, like most quality children's programming these days, openly queer and much better than it needs to be. (Not sure if this is causal or if it just reflects a more interesting group of people writing the shows. Might be both.) It was a hit, natch, and everyone but me saw the OTP from a mile away, though the older kid had questions about the nature of platonic versus romantic love afterward, and only tentatively accepted the rhetorical shrug that the She-Ra reboot demands. My kids are thoughtful about this kind of stuff, but they aren't overthinking it. Partly this comes from us, but a lot of it doesn't: the capital-C culture really is better for their brains and bodies and souls than it used to be. They insist that anthropomorphic animal toys should really be referred to as they/them (because how would you know?); they are perplexed by the narrow-mindedness of the few kids who still insist, in sepia tones of unenlightened boorishness, that boys shouldn't wear nail polish; I overhear fourth graders playing baseball and responding to someone taunting "you throw like a girl" with "what does gender have to do with anything?" I see the relative ease with which they navigate all of it and think, is it really possible that my '90s childhood was more like my parents' '50s childhood than it was like the present? Which is all to say that I bet my kids, like me, would listen to this Chappell Roan song three times without giving a second thought as to what it's "about." But for them it wouldn't just be because they were a little bored and didn't pay attention to any of the words. We'd all agree it was a [6], but from worlds apart. [6]
Brad Shoup: The lyric wants to go about 10 different places; the arrangement can't quite get into formation (the instrumental cutout on the chorus should've been saved for the end if, you know, we're making pop). But the assemblage is as eager to please as the narrator, and the way she goes for it, rapping and smartass Greek chorus and magic jokes included, legit makes me tear up. [9]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: My one good musical deed of note was introducing my bisexual friend from Ohio to Chappell Roan. This is very fun but I truly am too Californian to have anything useful to say about it, sorry! [8]
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cliftontherapy2 · 2 years
Physical Therapy near Cedar Grove for Pelvic Floor
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We have a carefully selected group of individuals who are profoundly skilled and qualified in their specific part of training. We have clinical specialists available, who investigate the patient's progress and offer guidance on the most proficient method to continue for every individual based on their needs. Alongside this we also give a specialist chiropractic staff that is knowledgeable about all forms of treatment remembering hands for therapy as well as different modalities such as neuromuscular or manual therapies like Needle therapy
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The Underlying Assessment commonly runs around an hour. You will survey past clinical history, as well as any complaints that prompted your meeting with a physical therapist at Passaic District NJ. 
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We frequently see skin condition sores on patients who have had injury/surgery through their groin region these are called surgical scars . The other aspect we investigate is reflexes strength and versatility while assessing.
Clifton Physical Therapy
1373 Broad Street Suite 204, Clifton, NJ 07013
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Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday Call In For Availability!
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nimilphilip · 18 days
6 financial strategies for a stress-free study abroad experience
The world beckons with vibrant cultures, diverse perspectives, and top-notch education. Studying abroad can be a transformative experience, opening doors to career opportunities and lifelong memories. However, the financial hurdles can sometimes seem daunting. Fear not, future globetrotters! With smart planning and a few key strategies, you can navigate the financial landscape of studying abroad with confidence and minimal stress. Here at Cliftons Study Abroad, we've helped countless students from Kochi achieve their international education dreams, and today, we're sharing 6 financial strategies for a stress-free study abroad experience:
1. Research & Budget Extensively: Knowledge is Power
Imagine landing in your dream destination, only to realize your budget barely covers your rent. Yikes! To avoid such a scenario, meticulous research and budgeting are crucial. Start by thoroughly researching the program costs. As well as living expenditures like housing (dorms, apartments, shared housing), food (groceries, eating out), and transportation (local buses, trains, etc.), this also includes tuition fees. Including program-specific expenses such as field excursions, course materials, and textbooks in your budget. Remember to factor in the cost of your flights, visas, and travel insurance for your trip to and from the destination country.
Once you have a comprehensive picture of the expenses, it's time to create a realistic budget. Budgeting has an added advantage of resources available on the internet, and the advisers at Cliftons will help develop the right spend plan. About yourself, one should be truthful to the extent of one’s needs and wants. Allocate enough for essentials, but also factor in some wiggle room for occasional adventures and cultural experiences – after all, that's part of the magic of studying abroad!
2. Explore Financial Aid Options: Don't Leave Money on the Table
Scholarships, grants, and financial aid – these aren't just buzzwords! Numerous scholarships and grants specifically cater to international students. Organizations, universities, and even governments offer financial assistance to deserving candidates. Don't be discouraged by the application process; the potential rewards are significant. Here at Cliftons, we have a wealth of resources to help you find scholarships that match your academic profile and chosen program. We can guide you through scholarship directories and application procedures, maximizing your chances of securing valuable financial aid.
3. Consider Cost-Saving Program Options: Think Outside the Box
While prestigious universities in popular study abroad destinations often come with a hefty price tag, there are ways to make studying abroad more affordable. Consider program options that can help you save money. A semester program is also another way to save money than undertaking a whole year program. Another is summer courses where participants are immersed into the class for a shorter period in comparison to the standard semester. Moreover, living in the country of destination, and especially in the country where the living costs are lower than in the country of origin, you will save even more money. Cliftons' advisors have extensive knowledge of diverse study abroad programs and can help you explore cost-effective options that align with your academic goals and budget.
4. Maximize Savings & Part-Time Work: Every Bit Counts
The earlier you start saving, the better. Even small, consistent contributions can accumulate significantly over time. Consider setting up a dedicated savings account specifically for your study abroad program. Explore part-time work opportunities before your departure. Depending on visa regulations in your chosen country, you might also be able to secure part-time work during your studies to offset living expenses. Here at Cliftons, we can provide guidance on exploring these options and ensure you understand the legalities of working abroad as a student.
5. Manage Currency Fluctuations: Be Prepared for the Unexpected
The foreign exchange rate can fluctuate, impacting the cost of your program. While you can't predict the future, there are ways to manage currency risk. Consult with your bank about measures such as prepaid travel cards to secure exchange rates at a specific time. It can also be helpful to open a local bank account specifically in your host country for your later convenience as well. Our advisors at Cliftons can share additional tips on managing currency fluctuations, giving you peace of mind and ensuring your budget remains on track.
6. Explore Additional Funding Options: Every Avenue Counts
For some students, scholarships, grants, and savings might not cover all the expenses. Don't be discouraged! Crowdfunding platforms can be a great way to raise additional funds. When soliciting for funds, be very clear about what is required and how the money will be spent. It is also possible to turn to family and friends for some help but be polite and let them know the situation is about money.
Conclusion: Your Dream Semester Awaits!
This is the reason why studying abroad doesn’t have to be a big problem financially. Right from this article, one is able to learn how to plan and set a realistic budget and acquire the right strategies to enable him or her to start this kind of journey courageously. Cliftons Study Abroad is here to support you every step of the way. We offer free consultations to help you navigate the application process, explore financial aid options, and create a personalized financial strategy for a stress-free study abroad experience
For More details Contact Cliftons Study Abroad
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Navigating Challenges and Opportunities: The Synergy of Clifton SEO and Microsoft Access Expertise in 2024
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In the year 2024, entrepreneurs in Clifton are amidst a digital renaissance. Amidst a landscape rich with potential challenges and opportunities, the strategic fusion of Clifton SEO methodologies and the proficiency of Microsoft Access expert NJ has emerged as the novel frontier for achieving success. When adeptly leveraged, these two crucial components offer a promising avenue for growth and advancement for local business owners.
The effective deployment of tailored Clifton SEO tactics unveils a plethora of opportunities for businesses to thrive. Nonetheless, this journey is not without its hurdles. Mastering algorithmic evolutions, crafting premium quality, contextually relevant content, and upholding an optimized, user-centric website stand as pivotal components of any robust SEO strategy. However, executing these tasks proves to be more intricate than mere conception. This is where the prowess of Clifton SEO specialists comes to the fore. Skillfully navigating the dynamic realms of search engines, they aid in cultivating organic traffic flow and converting such traffic into valuable clientele.
In tandem with these SEO strategies, the expertise of Microsoft Access professionals in NJ surmounts data-oriented obstacles, opening new avenues for growth. Proficient in data handling and analysis, they offer invaluable insights that fortify SEO approaches, empowering entrepreneurs to gain deeper insights into their customer base and implement personalized marketing strategies. Streamlined data management directly influences user experiences, thereby serving as a pivotal factor in nurturing customer allegiance and augmenting retention rates.
Envision a scenario where a budding Clifton startup aspires to make a mark in the online sphere. The collaboration between a Clifton SEO expert optimizing the website and a Microsoft Access specialist managing and dissecting consumer data resulted in a notable uptick in website traffic and sales figures. Not only did this partnership enhance the site's visibility on search engines, but it also facilitated tailored customer interactions, consequently elevating conversion rates.
In summation, the year 2024 brims with promise for enterprising individuals in Clifton poised to amalgamate impactful SEO strategies with data-informed decision-making. The symbiosis between Clifton SEO professionals and Microsoft Access experts in NJ is fundamentally reshaping the business landscape and shaping a progressive outlook for entrepreneurship in Clifton.
For more information about Clifton SEO come and visit our website : https://landauconsulting.com/
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nfr-reviews · 2 months
NFR Reviews #6: The Hitch-Hiker
Released 1953 / Inducted 1998
Watch film here
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William Cook had only received the death penalty for kidnapping and killing six people while hitchhiking across several states a year before this dramatization of his crimes went to screens. Despite the name change to “Emmett Myers”, the inspiration was obvious: even down to details like his leather jacket and paralyzed right eye. The film bases its plot and protagonists on his final victims: two men who were held prisoner for eight days and forced to drive into the Mexican town of Santa Rosalie, upon which the local police chief recognized and arrested Cook. Similarities to the earlier victims’ stories crop up too despite not being the focus of the adaptation. Cook’s first victim was an auto mechanic who escaped from the trunk of a car, while in the film one of the two protagonists is a mechanic despite the real-life equivalents being variously described as hunters or prospectors. He also killed a family of five, including three young children, and dumped their bodies in a well. While the children’s deaths were excised due to the Production Code’s objections to depiction of recent crime, the well reappears as a similar mine shaft during one of Myers’ threats to the protagonists as he drops a can down to illustrate how deep it runs. 
The Hitch-Hiker was a change of pace for director Ida Lupino, born of a desire to expand her range. A historically significant aspect of it was the rarity of a female director in Hollywood–she was the only woman in the Director’s Guild of America in the early 50s. She began her career as an actress and co-founded production company Filmways with her husband Collier Young, but always wanted to direct. Her opportunity to do so only came when director Elmer Clifton had heart trouble early into production on 1949’s Not Wanted and she filled in. Several films followed, which were categorized as “women’s pictures” and covered tough topics like the stigma of unwed mothers, polio, and rape. Hitch-Hiker was a shift from social commentary to suspense, and also from women-focused stories to one about men. Specifically, the contrast between a violent man and the ordinary but comfortable protagonists.
The morbid fascination with true crime was present in 1950s audiences and continues into today’s media. The appetite to package recent tragedies for the entertainment of strangers has many causes; one being curiosity as to what conditions and mentalities drive people to kill. This focus on the killer’s motivations has the potential to end up glorifying them or centering their perspective over the victims. While Myers’ worldview and past experiences are thematically important, most of the runtime stays focused on the suspenseful situations in the present, not backstory. We never see where the characters came from or where the protagonists go home to, only the unfamiliar environments of the road. Their life beyond the car is kept to a few hints of dialogue. The film also does a decent balancing act between making the killer a credible threat to keep audiences invested in the stakes without being a nigh-infallible super genius. Myers initially seems composed and feigns authority by barking orders in a similar manner to a cop pulling someone over, but also there’s a whole monologue about how he’s a pathetic loser without his gun. 
So what are the characters’ worldviews, exactly? The real William Cook experienced his mother dying, his father abandoning him in a mine, and a stint in the Missouri State Penitentiary by age 21. The fictional character was similarly abandoned by family and lacked healthy support systems in his life. He has the “I suffered so everyone else should suffer too” mindset. The world is cruel and individualistic to him, so he ends up adding more cruelty and distrust. The Detroit Free Press observed that the film also doubled as a warning to drivers against picking up hitchhikers and recommended its viewing to everyone who takes to the road. Killing people who picked him up from the side of the road serves to punish trust and altruism, casting those qualities as naive and soft. While he did the most significant damage to the lives he directly ended, he must’ve made life harder for anyone else who genuinely needed help getting somewhere and weren’t planning to murder the driver. 
In the case of leads Roy Collins and Gilbert Bowen, their most important key to survival wasn’t any action heroics. They’re average everymen, which maybe doesn’t make them the most interesting characters to watch but contributes to the suspense by making audiences think how a normal person like them would react in a terrifying situation. Most of the detective work is done by faraway authorities sitting comfortably in offices. Their best attempt at escape ends in one man hurting himself while the other jeopardizes his own chance of freedom to help his friend. They don’t take drastic action until the rather abrupt climax after the cops have already shown up, wherein they throw a few punches and smack the gun out of his hand. Their actual most prominent quality is their loyalty and willingness to rely on each other, as they help one another even when it’d be more beneficial for one to leave the other behind for a better chance of escaping. They last long enough to get rescued out of a mix of luck and the same traits Emmett Myers derides as soft. 
The broad strokes of the film largely occurred the same as in real life, but one departure was to to make the characters more enmeshed in mainstream middle-class life through their jobs than prospectors probably were in real life. It conforms to a narrow status-quo idea on what a respectable, normal person was expected to look and act like. However, the choice makes sense with the story Lupino’s trying to tell. It heightens the contrast between them and the killer since Emmett Myers is on the fringes of society, both by circumstance and later by his own choice. I guess the intention was that having them rely on communities in their normal lives foreshadows their ability to rely on and trust one another in a life-threatening situation instead of backstabbing each other. The film is competently constructed, generating suspenseful situations out of a tiny budget through its vast isolated desert setting and close-ups that make the car feel tiny and claustrophobic. I think other people will enjoy this more than I did; crime thrillers have never been one of my favorite genres and that impacted my watching experience. But one of the benefits of writing these is watching things outside my comfort zone, and I can see how the film is a significant entry in the suspense genre.
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blog3fpa · 8 months
Blog 3
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The plaza in Cincinnati we chose to focus on is Clifton Plaza, located in the Clifton Gaslight district on Ludlow Avenue between The Upside Brew and Clifton Barbers. This is a small plaza, but during warm weather, it can always be found vibrant and well-populated. We decided to analyze how this space meets William Whyte’s seven criteria. We found that Clifton Plaza best meets the standards for sitting spaces, relationship to the street, and nearby food options.
In terms of places to sit, Clifton Plaza has an abundance of benches and picnic tables, probably more than a plaza of its size would require. Benches are sized appropriately and are clustered together densely. There are a few curb spaces for sitting as well, but the plaza mostly makes use of actual benches. Also contributive to the use of the space are movable tables. However, not as many benches are moveable as would be ideal.
Clifton Plaza also has an excellent connection with the street that it sits on, Ludlow Avenue. It is completely level with the sidewalk and front directly on the sidewalk, there is no separation between it and the street life. Across Ludlow Avenue from the plaza sits even more seating, informally expanding the liveliness of the plaza. Related to the plaza’s ties to the street, it also has many options for food nearby. Ludlow Avenue is the main commercial artery of the Clifton neighborhood and there are a ton of local restaurants and shops in walking distance from the plaza. These bring life to the plaza, since people will buy their food and eat outside there.
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Some of the criteria that Clifton Plaza could do better with are the water features standard. The plaza does not have a fountain or any kind of water mechanism, which might help attract even more life to it. However, there does exist a fountain down the street at the intersection of Clifton Avenue and Ludlow Avenue. Additionally, due to the small size of the plaza, it probably lacks the level of light that contributes to the most successful plazas. The small size also limits the potential for triangulation in the space, since large public events cannot be held there. However, live music is sometimes played there, offering a little bit in this regard. Overall, Clifton Plaza is a pleasant, intimate public space which, by adding a few more factors, could maximize its role as a neighborhood meeting place.
Debate Question: What do you think should be added to Clifton Plaza to make it better?
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me-bike · 8 months
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Over The Rhine (OTR) is a neighborhood based in Cincinnati, Ohio. OTR houses some pedestrian foot traffic with attractions such as Findlay Market and the FC Cincinnati stadium for soccer. OTR has the potential for a system of changes that can be seen in cities like Paris, France, and Chicago, Illinois. The changes can make public transportation a priority and more accessible for visitors to reduce parking lot space and allow for the streets to become thinner; these changes allow for green space to be added in with parks and sitting areas for pedestrians. 
One thing that could be done to improve OTR is the addition of roundabouts. While sections of OTR consist of a grid layout, not all areas fall into this category, with Liberty Street and McMicken Street (both major connections in the neighborhood) both deviating from this grid. As a result, there is high traffic on intersections that have very poor sightliness, which leads to pedestrian collisions. Paris operates without a grid and features roundabouts at the consequential awkward intersections. We propose that OTR insert some roundabouts at intersections like Liberty and McMicken, Vine Street and Clifton Ave, and most importantly, Mcmicken, Vine and Findlay. These roundabouts would make OTR more pedestrian friendly and walkable. 
Another lesson that OTR could pull from Paris is their public transit. OTR has a promising start in the form of the streetcar, however, the current network is underutilized, running in a 3.6 mile loop system
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(see picture), which is localized to OTR and downtown. While it is a perfectly good way of getting around OTR, it is only accessible if you are already in the neighborhood. Because OTR is a district that gets many visitors, the Streetcar misses out on a significant base of potential users. In comparison, the Paris tram runs in an extensive corridor system which focuses on connecting different neighborhoods. Abandoning the loop system and instead implementing a corridor system would allow highly increased access from neighborhoods outside OTR. This service would also decrease the number of people visiting in cars and allow greater access for OTR residents without cars to other parts of the city, all contributing to better walkability within the neighborhood itself.
OTR could benefit from having more green spaces and parks like Chicago and Paris. There are not a lot of parks or green spaces in OTR for people to go to. OTR has some urban parks that do not contain as much green space as normal parks would. Chicago, on the other hand, has quite a few parks, such as Grant Park, Jackson Park, Millennium Park, etc. In Paris, Haussmann deliberately made sure that there were parks within a 10 minute walking distance for everyone. OTR is not as big as Paris, but this just shows that there is an importance to adding parks and green spaces around. Increasing the amount of green space and parks within OTR benefits everyone because it provides a space for families to go and for people to relax and get away from the city side of OTR. 
The surface parking lots in OTR are a waste of space. These parking lots take away space that could be used for urban spaces such as housing and businesses, or public spaces such as plazas and parks. A possible solution for this is to create underground parking garages. The spaces where the current parking lots are could then be used to create more public spaces for people to hang out. In these public spaces, there could be events such as concerts or movie nights when the weather is good. This is something that Chicago does in Millennium Park. However, Millennium Park isn’t used much during the winter and there aren’t events because it is cold. In OTR, some of these public places could turn into ice skating rinks or winter markets in order to ensure the space gets used throughout the whole year. 
Cultivating a walkable neighborhood isn’t so simply done by just density and ample public transportation, it’s more minute than that. Creating a space where one can traverse without an automobile necessitates a space that is designed for the pedestrian, not for the automobile. Paris, France, a city urbanized long before the invention and popularization of the personal car, maintains a city with thriving urbanism that OTR could learn from. On a street level, widening sidewalks and thinning streets creates safer, more pedestrian friendly spaces. OTR has many areas with simple two lane roads or thin, one way streets and it shows how effective following the influence of European cities such Paris can be. Roads sich as Liberty Street and Central Parkway in OTR can impede pedestrian access to a degree however, forcing people to cross up to six lanes to reach the closest sidewalk. Thinning Liberty street, Central Parkway, and similar streets could help to not only make OTR more pedestrian friendly, but foster a better connection to adjacent neighborhoods and make downtown Cincinnati more accessible as a whole. 
Image sources:
Over The Rhine
City of Cincinnati
RATP (Paris Public Transport)
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prettylittleplanners · 8 months
Blog #2
Cincinnati is a city full of potential. It is up and coming and slowly becoming a hot spot for many jobs and architecture. However there are many ways Cincinnati can improve its ways and create a city alike Chicago Illinois and Paris France. These cities provide tourism, excellent transit, and walkability.
Cincinnati can definitely take notes.
Chicago and Paris are great tourist hubs due to the architecture, parks, and iconic places included within. Chicago contains many tall skyscrapers that give the pedestrians in the streets below a sense that they are in a narrow or enclosed environment. Cincinnati also gives the same feel. By using Haussmann's ideas in his plan of Paris, Cincinnati could possibly try to widen a select few of their streets to replicate what Haussmann did to Chicago. This would not be for every street, and the widening wouldn't just be for cars. Selecting a street to widen such as Liberty Street may include adding dedicated bus lanes so busses do not get stuck in car traffic or adding dedicated bike lanes to improve biker safety. This would help remediate congestion and help to create a more open feel to the city streets.
A pretty critical idea from Chicago redevelopment and rebuild is the walkability of sidewalks. for the city of Cincinnati, some sidewalks obviously lack of sense of that. One reason could be an imperfection of geographic condition. However, some other streets could still make change by better design. a good example would be Clifton Ave. A few years ago, it participated a rebuild with idea of complete street. It now contained both sidewalks, driveway, park place and green space.
Regarding tourism and architecture, a driving force that calls people towards Cincinnati is the rich German heritage in Over-The-Rhine. The history and architecture of the neighborhood is incredibly stunning, and something to be preserved. Along with preserving the rich architectural beauty within Cincinnati, ensuring that new developments are also as charming is critical. Building large tasteless structures captures nobodies attention and gives Cincinnati no unique charm that people flock to witness.
Burnham's vision for Chicago also involved dedicated considerable portions of land for public parks and green space. Cincinnati may not be as large as Chicago, but there are areas that are defiantly lacking in public green space, especially in Cincinnati neighborhoods further north like Bond Hill. Public green space gives people a break from the monotony of being in a city / town and being constantly surrounded by structures and roads. Green spaces may also have tremendous environmental advantages as well, such as cleaning polluted air and filtering contaminated groundwater.
Debate Questions:
Is street widening for busses / bikes beneficial enough to justify widening a street?
Is preserving land for public green space an important characteristic for a city to have or is it a waste of land that could be used for development?
IMG 1 - https://montgomeryplanning.org/planning/transportation/complete-streets/
IMG 2 - https://smartgrowthamerica.org/what-are-complete-streets/
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strang25 · 8 months
Navigating Bristol's Real Estate with Expert Property Finders
In the vibrant city of Bristol, the real estate market is as dynamic and varied as its cultural landscape. Whether you're a first-time buyer, a seasoned investor, or simply looking to relocate, understanding the intricacies of this market can be daunting. This is where Bristol Property Finders, like the experienced team at Strang & Co, come into play, offering invaluable guidance through the maze of buying or renting properties in this beautiful city. The Role of Property Finders in Bristol Bristol Property Finders are professional agents who specialize in searching for, evaluating, and negotiating the purchase or rental of a property on behalf of the buyer. They differ from real estate agents in that they work exclusively for you, the buyer, ensuring your interests are always front and center. Imagine you're searching for a dream home in Clifton or a trendy apartment in the heart of Bristol. A property finder will not only source properties that match your specific criteria but also provide expert advice on the local market, neighborhoods, and pricing. They effectively become your eyes and ears on the ground, saving you time, stress, and often money. Advantages of Using Property Finders 1. Local Expertise: Navigating Bristol's property market requires local knowledge. Property finders offer insights into different neighborhoods, upcoming developments, and hidden gems that you might not find on your own. 2. Access to Off-Market Properties: Often, the best properties never make it to the public listings. Property finders have networks and connections that give you access to these exclusive, off-market opportunities. 3. Negotiation Skills: With a professional negotiator on your side, you're more likely to secure a property at the best possible price and terms. 4. Time-Saving: Searching for the right property can be time-consuming. A property finder does the legwork for you, from identifying potential properties to arranging viewings. 5. Stress Reduction: Buying or renting property can be stressful, especially in a competitive market like Bristol. A property finder takes on the burden, making the process smoother and more enjoyable. Real-Life Scenario: The Relocating Family Consider the case of the Smiths, a family relocating from London to Bristol. They were unfamiliar with the area and overwhelmed by the choice and competition. By engaging a Bristol Property Finder, they were able to quickly identify suitable neighborhoods for their needs, visit a curated selection of homes, and eventually secure a property that ticked all their boxes, all within their tight timeframe and budget. Conclusion In a market as vibrant and competitive as Bristol's, having a dedicated property finder on your side is more than a luxury; it's a strategic move. Whether you're looking for a place to call home or an investment opportunity, Bristol Property Finders provide a tailored, efficient, and effective path to your real estate goals. Expert Assistance Awaits If you're embarking on your property journey in Bristol, consider reaching out to professionals like Strang & Co. With their expertise, local knowledge, and commitment to your best interests, your property search in Bristol can be as exciting and fulfilling as the city itself.
For expert guidance in navigating Bristol's real estate market, connect with professional Bristol Property Finders to find your ideal property with ease and confidence.
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Safeguarding Your Business: How a Bankruptcy Lawyer in Clifton Can Help
In the intricate world of business, where profits and losses dance a delicate tango, not all stories have a fairytale ending. Sometimes, even the most well-established enterprises find themselves on the precipice of financial collapse business bankruptcy lawyer in Clifton. When the storm clouds of bankruptcy loom large, it's not just the company's survival that's at stake, but the livelihoods of countless employees, the trust of stakeholders, and the web of interconnected businesses that rely on its stability. This is where the expertise of business bankruptcy lawyers comes into play. In this article, we will delve into the critical role these legal professionals play in Clifton and beyond, helping businesses navigate treacherous waters and find a way to sail again.
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The Complex Landscape of Business Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is not a term to be taken lightly, nor is it a mere acknowledgment of failure. Rather, it's a multifaceted legal process that allows struggling businesses to restructure their finances, reorganize their operations, and emerge from the ashes stronger than before. This complex process involves negotiations with creditors, restructuring debt, selling off assets, and adhering to a maze of legal procedures. Without the guiding hand of a skilled business bankruptcy lawyer, attempting to navigate this labyrinthine landscape can quickly lead to disaster.
The Role of Business Bankruptcy Lawyers
Business bankruptcy lawyers are not just legal professionals; they are the unsung heroes of the corporate world, offering a lifeline to companies on the brink. They bring their legal acumen to the table, providing expert guidance on which type of bankruptcy filing best suits the situation – whether it's Chapter 7, Chapter 11, or Chapter 13. These lawyers meticulously analyze financial records, assess assets, liabilities, and potential for recovery, and then craft a strategic plan to guide the company through the bankruptcy process.
One of the pivotal roles these lawyers play is acting as intermediaries between the business and its creditors. They skillfully negotiate with creditors to restructure debt, potentially reducing the burden on the company and allowing it to regain its footing. Moreover, they work closely with company executives to develop a reorganization plan, which outlines how the company will operate, pay its debts, and bounce back once the bankruptcy is settled.
Beyond Legalities: Restoring Trust and Confidence
Business bankruptcy is not solely a legal affair; it's a crisis that affects the company's reputation, stakeholder trust, and the emotional well-being of those involved. A proficient business bankruptcy lawyer understands this holistic impact and works to mitigate the damage. By crafting clear communication strategies, these legal experts help companies maintain transparency with employees, customers, and investors, rebuilding shattered confidence and charting a course toward stability.
In the intricate dance of business, where fortunes rise and fall, the guidance of a business bankruptcy lawyer can mean the difference between total collapse and eventual resurgence. These professionals in Clifton and beyond offer more than legal expertise; they provide a glimmer of hope in times of despair. By skillfully navigating the treacherous waters of bankruptcy, these lawyers help businesses not only survive but also thrive once again. As we continue to witness the ebb and flow of the business world, let us not forget the invaluable role these legal experts play in rewriting the destinies of companies, one case at a time.
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Movie Macabre 109 - The Werewolf of Washington (1973)
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Movie Macabre Season 01 - Episode 09 (009) Original Air Date: 21 November 1981
Full episode available to watch for free on ShoutFactoryTV
It's also available on DVD, packaged with The Doomsday Machine (episode 232).
The Werewolf of Washington (1973) Written and directed by Milton Moses Ginsberg
Starring: Dean Stockwell Jane House Biff McGuire Henry Ferrentino Despo Diamantidou Clifton James Jack Waltzer
"After being unknowingly inflicted with the bite of a werewolf while on a visit to Europe, White House press secretary Jack Whittier begins to turn into a deadly beast by night, terrorizing Washington D.C. and presenting a very deadly threat to the President." (Letterboxd)
The ninth episode of Movie Macabre featured the absolutely baffling The Werewolf of Washington. This movie has some of the oddest filmmaking choices I've seen in a long time. Jack Whittier is a journalist returning to Washington D.C. after a long absence with a secret: he's a werewolf. In his wolf form, Whittier kills important people. In his human form, he nervously paces about, trying to get anyone to believe what he's going through. It's a fairly basic premise with potential. Unfortunately, the execution of the storytelling and filmmaking leave a lot to be desired.
The story moves along at a decent pace. The film gives the viewers enough to understand what's going on. But every now and again, things will inexplicably veer into scenes that feel superfluous. The story is a little shallow and somewhat lacking in any clear point of view.
The most baffling thing about the movie is the filmmaking. A substantial portion of the film feels like they only had one take. Awkward moments and dialogue flubs are left in the film. In a strange way, it almost feels more true to life. Take for instance this scene with a necklace:
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Why? Why not cut and re-film this? Why not put the necklace on a longer chain? Why not unlatch it and put it around his neck? It's so weird and awkward. This is only a small example of the baffling choices (one that Elvira herself comments on).
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Guess which of these two people is speaking. I'll give you a hint: it's not the one in view. Strange choices abound. Despite these weird moments, there is some fun to be had. I love the moments when the wolf acts like an overgrown dog.
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And who can ignore the bowling waddle.
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Despite my complaints, I did find myself enjoying the movie. It's not so-bad-it's-good. But it's a perfectly fine movie to half pay attention to on a Saturday morning. It fits well with the other films featured on Movie Macabre to this point.
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How Strength-based Therapy Can Help You Build Resilience and Improve Mental Health
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You can find various treatment methods for your mental health. One such treatment option is strength-based therapy. Donald Clifton created and refined this therapy. It involves a belief that everyone has strengths and can use them to overcome challenges and achieve goals.
A study found that a strength-based approach was effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression in a group of adults. Another study suggested that this approach effectively increased life satisfaction in adults.
What is strength-based therapy?
Strength-based therapy is an approach that focuses on identifying an individual’s strengths and positive qualities. It also promotes personal growth and well-being. It emphasizes empowerment, resilience, and positive self-perception.
This therapy shifts the focus from solely addressing weaknesses. It helps a person to recognize and harness their strengths and abilities. It aims to empower individuals by helping them discover their inner resources and develop resilience. You can use this therapy to cultivate a positive self-perception.
Calida Rehab, one of the leading Rehabs in Pune, recognizes the importance of strength-based therapy in addressing mental health issues. They offer high-quality support and care to their patients. You can visit this rehab if you are struggling with mental health issues.
The Role of Strength-Based Therapy in Mental Health
At Calida Rehab, you can receive strength-based therapy for your mental health. Strength-based therapy plays an essential role in treating mental health. Here are the reasons why you should receive strength-based therapy, including:
It aims to empower you by helping you recognize your inner resources and abilities.
Building Resilience and Coping Skills
It can help you develop a more optimistic outlook and enhance your ability to cope with difficult situations.
Enhancing Self-Efficacy
You can develop a more positive self-perception by recognizing and acknowledging your strengths.
Fostering a Sense of Hope and Optimism
It emphasizes setting and achieving meaningful goals. It can provide you with motivation, direction, and a sense of accomplishment.
Benefits of Strength-Based Therapy
When looking for the Rehabilitation Center In Mumbai, you must ensure that they offer strength-based therapy. It provides various benefits for your mental health, including:
Increased Self-Awareness
It helps you better understand your strengths, values, and passions. You gain a heightened sense of self-awareness by focusing on your positive qualities.
Improved Problem-Solving Skills
You can learn to apply your strengths to problem-solving situations through strength-based therapy. You can develop creative and effective problem-solving strategies by recognizing and utilizing your existing resources.
Enhanced Mental Well-being
It promotes mental well-being by shifting the focus from problems and weaknesses to strengths and positive aspects. You can experience increased happiness, self-esteem, and satisfaction in your life.
Sustainable & Long-Term Growth
It emphasizes personal growth and development. By focusing on strengths, you can build upon your existing capabilities and expand your potential.
Strength-based therapy offers a powerful approach to supporting mental health. Focusing on strengths and optimism can increase your self-awareness and improve problem-solving skills. This therapy also enhances mental well-being and allows you to achieve sustainable personal growth.
Source : https://calidarehab.com/how-strength-based-therapy-helps-your-mental-health/
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