#also preppy Taylor can do whatever she wants she can do no wrong
theerastour · 11 months
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it's just that I'm that girl...
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misssophiachase · 5 years
For the klaroline song dabbles could you do Taylor Swift 'I Forgot That You Existed' I just picture them both getting over their past traumas just by being together
Thanks nonnie! Great idea. I love this song (and the rest of the album). Hope you like where it went, blame the fact I just watched Blue Crush again.
He’s chasing his wayward brother across the globe to take his mind off things and she’s trying to keep a low profile after a messy break-up until their paths unexpectedly cross.
I Forgot That You Existed
Oahu, HI 
I forgot that you existed
No, she really did forget. The only thing she did remember was when it happened. 
It was Sunday July 26th at 1:33pm. A stunning 93 degrees on the North Shore according to the weather report, the sound of waves from nearby Waimea Bay her backing soundtrack and a delicious serving of fish tacos courtesy of the guy seated across the table.
The guy that looked completely out of place in his designer threads at a food truck who seemed to be studying the meal in front of him carefully.
“It’s a taco, you eat it with your hands no cutlery necessary,” she instructed, picking it up and taking a sizeable bite. “See?” 
“And here I thought it was a projectile I could throw at my wayward younger brother,” he muttered sarcastically. “And I do know what a taco is Ms Forbes.”
“Well, I’m sure it wouldn’t be a first if you did throw it at him,” she offered, looking over to said brother who was attempting to charm a few local beachgoers and wolfing down his own tacos without caring much about spillage. 
Caroline wasn’t quite sure what to think about her current predicament, she’d woken early to surf then headed to Waimea for her usual lessons.
What she wasn’t expecting was a twenty-something, English tourist, albeit cute, dressed in a gaudy Hawaiian shirt. He’d called her darling about twenty times before she’d even taught him how to stand up beachside on his board. 
Once she eased him into the water (probably against her better judgment), he decided no more training was required and proceeded to anger neighboring surfers (either by heckling, cutting them off or trying to chat them up) and broken her board in half during a particularly bad break. 
It was only when they returned to the beach and happened upon another equally out of place observer. Unlike her Hawaiian shirt-wearing student, this guy was practically glowing in the sunlight. Dirty, blonde curls, crimson lips, and dimples which were so distracting Caroline didn’t even notice just how much his jeans, loafers and button-down shirt were screaming preppy chic in the completely wrong setting. 
He removed his aviators, those blue eyes taking their time to not only inspect her companion but her also. Caroline almost felt self-conscious the way those intense orbs were traveling the expanse of her bikini-clad body. She shivered inwardly annoyed that some cocky stranger had that effect.
“Who tipped you off this time, Niklaus?” Her troublemaker to the left whined. Obviously, they knew each other but in other news his name was Niklaus? Caroline wasn’t quite sure how to process this information.
“Seriously? The maid ratted me out?” 
“I think she was more disturbed by your request for Hawaiian shirts, Kol,” he murmured, his eyebrows rising briefly in judgment.
“I was trying to blend in so as to avoid detection.”
“As much as you like to think you’re stealth, well you’re not.”
“Is that according to the older brother or detective in you?”
“Both,” he shrugged. Caroline meanwhile was watching this whole scene unfold with great interest. She’d been teaching surfing for about six months now but never experienced anything like this. “You need to come home, Kol.”
“And what if I don’t want to?” He growled. “What if I’ve found the love of my life here in Hawaii.” Before she knew it, he’d placed his arm across her back and pulled Caroline closer.
“The love of your life? Well, then I’d really love to know the name of the amazing woman who’s tamed my little brother.”
“I’ve done no such thing,” Caroline blurted out, feeling completely lost. The fact this idiot broke her board was one thing but then he’d brought her into his story which wasn’t on. “He’s not my type at all.”
“Hey, I’m everyone’s type.”
“Wow,” Caroline whistled. “I really hope you don’t use that line when trying to pick up women.”
“Too late,” the cute looking guy murmured, a slight smile tugging at those crimson lips.
“You are such a wet blanket, Niklaus, always trying to ruin any semblance of fun. Don’t forget that if you hadn’t bloody well abdicated the throne I’d be able to travel the world without a babysitter and have fun with whomever I like,” he pouted, his brown eyes wandering back to Caroline.
Abdicated a throne? Were these two royalty or had she entered the twilight zone?
“Oh come on, buddy,” she huffed. “Still not in the slightest bit interested.” Caroline couldn’t miss the stray dimple his brother flashed in response. “I’m not here for whatever weird family drama this is, I have to go and source another board since his royal pain in the ass broke mine.”
“Now that is a catchy nickname,” Niklaus smirked. “But please let me buy you another, it’s the least I can do.”
“I’ll sort it out,” she mumbled, slightly overwhelmed under his gaze. “However, I am starving so if you want to buy a girl some lunch I might be able to forgive the debt.”
“Yes! Let’s get some lunch,” Kol agreed. “Great idea, darling.”
“I’ll promise I’ll make him sit at another table,” his brother promised. 
And I thought that it would kill me, but it didn't
“So, Niklaus, what’s that all about?”
“What’s that about? It’s my name last time I checked.”
“Well, Niklaus seems like someone who’ll show up to the beach fully clothed on a hot day, visibly annoyed even with the gorgeous scenery and look down unfavourably upon perfectly good tacos. But then there’s this whole other person that has flown across the globe to rescue his younger brother for whatever reason, not just from a hideous Hawaiian shirt, and even settle his debts with buying a girl some lunch.”
“Well, if I’m honest that person is actually named Klaus,” he smiled knowingly. “Unfortunately, my family is yet to fully accept him because they can’t seem to shorten my name like I’ve insisted upon for years.”
“We do it to annoy you,” Kol offered. Even from his place a few tables over he still had exceptional hearing to interrupt.
“Story of my life,” he shrugged. “And I’m not one to let false statements stand Ms Forbes, I happen to love tacos.” With that he picked it up and took a bite, Caroline trying to ignore just how good he looked doing it.    
“I’m pretty sure Klaus would call me Caroline; you know just saying.”
“So, what exactly are you doing here, Caroline?” He grinned as he said it and she was trying to focus given how good it sounded rolling off his tongue. “Well, besides having to put up with my brother?”
“I’m a surf instructor,” she murmured, feeling her answer was woefully inept given his response but not wanting to elaborate further. 
“That I got,” he nodded. “So, are you from these parts originally?”
“I think your charge has done a runner,” she gestured to the back of his Hawaiian shirt billowing in the breeze, glad to have a much needed distraction. 
“Bloody hell,” he growled. “I’m too old for this.”
“He’s headed towards the camping ground, I have a friend who works there and can keep him occupied,” Caroline explained, pulling out her phone and texting, deciding that Katherine would be the perfect choice. The perfect amount of luring him in with her feminine wiles and then scaring the hell out of him. 
“I really should go myself,” he said, standing up and stretching, Caroline not missing the brief flash of skin between his jeans and shirt. “But thank you for everything, Caroline.”
“You’re welcome,” she mumbled, wishing for some reason it didn’t end here. She’d spent the last six months not seeking attention but for some reason Klaus had made her crave it again.
Her phone beeped signalling a new text message from Katherine. It was a picture of a happily looking Kol surrounded by multiple bikini-clad campers. “Pretty sure he’s settling in for the night.” 
“As I understand it your brother is happily occupied,” she shared the picture noting Klaus’ disapproval followed by something resembling relief. “The camp site has a bonfire at sunset, you could collect him then.”
“Is that where you Americans decide crackers, marshmallow and chocolate make a good snack?”
“You are not dissing s’mores,” she objected. “You can’t judge until you try one.”
“But what do we do until then?” He asked, his lips curving into a smile. 
“We could surf?”
“Well, I’m not sure...”
“Oh you did not just do that,” he growled, he was pretending to be angry but she could sense his excitement. “And what am I supposed to wear?”
“I’ll help you out,” she offered, cocking her left eyebrow and trying not to imagine just how good his physique would look in much less clothing. “Just don’t break my spare board or I will sue.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he saluted teasingly. 
And it was so nice
What Caroline wasn’t expecting was for him to be so natural on a board and in the water, a far cry from his brother’s efforts. They laughed, mainly when he fell without notice and she refused to relinquish her board to save him. She told him tough love was much better if he had to fight off a killer wave or shark without assistance.
It was about 5pm, they’d been riding waves for a few hours their limbs sore and sunset was edging that bit closer. Klaus and Caroline lay on their respective boards in the water. The big waves had long disapated and it was now just a gentle nudge. 
“I’m jealous,” he murmured, his hands running through the water lazily. 
“Of what exactly?” 
“That this is your home, you get to watch this brilliant sunset every day.” Caroline knew that wasn’t altogether true and for some reason felt more relaxed than usual. 
“It’s not my home originally,” she admitted quietly. “I ran away a year ago from my past because my ex wasn’t the most loving or respectful of people. I guess I kind of feel like a fraud pretending I belong here.”
“If it helps, so do I most days. My parents are disappointed in my life choices and my girlfriend cheated on me because I wanted to be someone else with much less money.”
“So, they were all upset you abdicated the throne in Genovia?”
“Geography wasn’t my forte at school I’ll admit but pretty sure you just made up a country, love.”
“Obviously you’ve never seen The Princess Diaries,” she opined, not missing his confusion. “Please tell me Kol isn’t actually taking over a real country because I’m worried for its citizens wellbeing.” 
“Thankfully, no. My father owns British Airways which we do liken to another country,” he explained. “I never cared for the family business even with all the trappings. I’d worked hard at the police academy and wanted to work my way up through the ranks without family assistance.”
“And it didn’t go down so well?”
“My father practically disowned me and appointed Kol CEO-in-waiting which totally threw him over the edge into Hawaiian shirt land. I don’t regret my decision but feel so guilty that I’ve scared Kol into a role he’s not ready for yet.”
“Hence your unexpected appearance on my beach,” she uttered. “I’m pretty sure he appreciates your effort.”
“Because he’s been so happy to see me.”
“I think it just might take a little more time, let him just relax for a while,” she suggested. “How about we head over to the campsite and I show you just how good s’mores can be?”
“I’ll entertain your theory for my brother’s sake,” he shot back. “But I have to admit it’s extremely difficult to leave the water.”
“I know what you mean, it’s....” 
So peaceful and quiet
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toast-connoisseur · 5 years
All the "weird asks"
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? -I’m actually obsessed with coffee mugs and tea cups even though I don’t drink coffee nor tea.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? -Chocolate bars
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? -Cotton Candy!
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? -It’s funny because I actually found some of my old report cards recently... they range from “a pleasure to have in class!” to “danger of failing the course” even though my grade for both of those would be an “A” ?
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? -The soda from a bottle from Mexico hits completely different.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? -Personally, I don’t dress like any of those but I am attracted to tomboys.
7. earbuds or headphones? -Depends. Mostly, earbuds.
8. movies or tv shows? -Movies.
9. favorite smell in the summer? -All the seasonal smells from the stores!
10. game you were best at in p.e.? -Softball or tennis.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? -One slice of toast and one egg.
12. name of your favorite playlist? -I made my friend a playlist called “Emo Turn Up” and I like that one a lot.
13. lanyard or key ring? -Key ring, but I have a lanyard because I tend to leave my purse in the car and that way I can just carry my keys around my neck. Also, my lanyard is Nightmare Before Christmas themed, so she’s beautiful.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? -Lollipops, actually lol
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? -Rosemary’s Baby. Although, I kind of got to pick the book for my assignment.
16. most comfortable position to sit in? -One leg is usually elevated while the other has my foot flat on the ground.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? -My Chuck Taylor’s!
18. ideal weather? -I have two technically. I love blue skies with a slight breeze but I also love windy rainy weather.
19. sleeping position? -On my side, on leg curled up and the other straight (kind of like how I sit) while I hold a pillow to my chest.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? -Notebook and post its!
21. obsession from childhood? -Stickers!! Although I never actually stuck them anywhere except on other papers or just left them on their page. I collected them so I didn’t like them getting ugly.
22. role model? -Dita Von Teese!
23. strange habits? -I guess if it’s habit, I probably wouldn’t consider it strange. I do write everything down. Like, everything. I have a list of every movie I’ve ever watched (I had to stop updating it because it was giving me anxiety due to how many movies I watch), I make post it notes that I eventually compile into notebook pages. Any information I never want to lose gets written down somewhere.
24. favorite crystal? Aventurine
25. first song you remember hearing? -It would’ve been something in Spanish. Most likely one of the many songs my mom used to sing to me.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? -Although I rarely get to do it: sitting in the sun/going to the beach or a pool. If it’s warm with a breeze I can lay outside for quite some time.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? -Watch movies on the couch with a blanket over me.
28. five songs to describe you? -Brown Eyed Girl (the original is nice but I love the Reel Big Fish version), Because I’m Awesome (The Dollyrots), Hot Mess (Cobra Starship), I’m Just a Kid (even though I’m almost 25. Simple Plan), Independent (Webbie)
29. best way to bond with you? -Be open and honest. I love talking about books, movies, and music but talk to me about conspiracy theories and ghost stories and you’ll have my heart. I love when people have stories revolving around their culture. I’m Mexican and we have lots of myths and stories to swap so it’s awesome.
30. places that you find sacred? -A person’s bedroom can be sacred. Call me silly but Disneyland is kind of sacred to me. It hold so many wonderful memories. I only like to share certain spots with certain people sometimes.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? -Probably whatever outfit I have on at the moment. I don’t really plan to kick anyone’s ass let alone want to plan a whole outfit for it. I assume leggings and a t shirt will do?
32. top five favorite vines? -omg I miss vine! I was actually going through vines on YouTube recently... The “Miss Keisha” vine always kills me, any vine with Sarah Baska, anything that Zane and Heath ever made, Jay Versace has really funny vines too, and I still quote the “welcome to Chilis” vine constantly. Picking 5 is way too hard.
33. most used phrase in your phone? -“it be like that sometimes” or “yaaaaaaas”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? -The Red Robin commercial and the O’Riley Auto Parts one play in my head on loop at the worst times.
35. average time you fall asleep? -I lay down around 9ish but don’t actually fall asleep until 10PM
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? -That’s way too hard to remember. Probably something I would consider really stupid now.
37. suitcase or duffel bag? -Depends on how long I’ll be away/how many clothes I’ll need. Usually, a suitcase.
38. lemonade or tea? -Lemonade.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? -omg why would you make me pick?! Lemon meringue pie though...
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? -I went to a public high school in LA. We mostly had riots and fights and I stayed away from all of that.
41. last person you texted? -Jayla. I need her to wake up so I can tell her about my dream about Beyoncé.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? -Por que no los dos?! I like buying men’s jean jackets because they have pockets inside though...
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? -Depends. I tend to get cold easily so I usually start with a cardigan but I love jean jackets.
44. favorite scent for soap? -just plain ol clean??
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? -Fantasy
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? -Depends on the weather but usually just shorts and a t shirt.
47. favorite type of cheese? -Mozzarella
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? -Grapes. Sweet and sometimes a little sour lol
49. what saying or quote do you live by? -“Let your imaginarlo run free”. I actually have it tattooed on my right bicep.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? -My friends always get me to laugh really hard. I think the hardest I’ve ever laughed was when my friend tried to say something and she completely botched the sentence so it was pure gibberish and yet I understood her? We just looked at each other and burst into laughter.
51. current stresses? -Work, school, life... the usual??
52. favorite font? -Arial
53. what is the current state of your hands? -I am typing my answers to these questions on my phone...
54. what did you learn from your first job? -I only have infinite patience for kids, not adults.
55. favorite fairy tale? -Used to be Cinderella, but I was never really one for fairy tales tbh
56. favorite tradition? -I don’t actually have any. Never really had anyone to have traditions with.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? -2018 was an entire struggle, car crashes because idiot drivers crashed into mine and totaled mine (TWICE), my entire life as a whole has been a struggle tbh. Every day is one that I try my hardest to overcome.
58. four talents you’re proud of having? -I don’t really consider myself as someone with any talent, let alone four, but... A mathematician once taught me how to divide any number by five in my head, I’m pretty good at mimicking certain accents, idk of this counts as a talent but I can drink quite a bit before I actually feel anything, I can recite certain movies down to what song will play during certain scenes, and I would consider myself the ultimate Disneyland tour guide. That’s five but it’s all I can think of so if one doesn’t sound like one, we have an extra.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? -“Oh shit, here we go again...”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? -I know nothing about anime so I wouldn’t even know. I would want to make a joke about being in the ones that are essentially pornos but I’m probably wrong with that too.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? -“The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” Idk if the line comes from elsewhere but I first heard it in the movie Moulin Rouge and it has stuck with me since.
62. seven characters you relate to? -Oh geez, I don’t really relate to any tbh but seven characters I like: Princess Tiana, Shane from The L Word, Theo from the Netflix version of A Haunting of Hill House, Satine from Moulin Rouge, Wall-E, Cassandra from Saved!, and The Grinch (as wonderfully played by Jim Carrey)
63. five songs that would play in your club? -Act Up (City Girls), Motivation (Normani), LGBT (Cupcakke), Alcohol (Millionaires, lol), My Type (Saweetie)
64. favorite website from your childhood? -Neopets!
65. any permanent scars? -I have one from when I stuck my hand in a garbage can because I was looking for something and wound up cutting myself on all the glass that had been thrown in. The scar is super tiny and on my pinkie lol
66. favorite flower(s)? -Roses and carnations
67. good luck charms? -I don’t have any anymore.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? -I tried sea urchin once and I swear I can still taste it.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? -All leaves have symmetry (unless tampered with)
70. left or right handed? -I’m right handed but I use my left hand as dominant for a lot of stuff? It’s weird.
71. least favorite pattern? One that isn’t symmetrical.
72. worst subject? -I was once good at math and now I’m horrible.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? -Some think syrup on bacon is gross but I love when the syrup from my pancakes falls on it!
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? -10
75. when did you lose your first tooth? -I have no idea. I lost all my baby teeth early on. I’ll go with 5 or 6...
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? -Can’t go wrong with French Fries!
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? -I recently revived the orchid my boss has on his windowsill and I’m quite proud of that.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? -I don’t drink coffee but I love sushi...
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? -Now, my driver’s license photo. I retook it recently lol
80. earth tones or jewel tones? -Jewel (with a mix of earth?)
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? -There’s a difference? Fireflies, I guess?
82. pc or console? -Console, though I love PC games.
83. writing or drawing? -I’m shit at drawing but I love to doodle. Writing is my favorite though.
84. podcasts or talk radio? -Podcasts
84. barbie or polly pocket? -My childhood nickname is Barbie (my middle name is Barbara) so I only played with Barbies even though I only dressed them because I liked their clothes and then then threw them to the side to play other games.
85. fairy tales or mythology? -Mythology
86. cookies or cupcakes? -Cookies
87. your greatest fear? -Being buried alive.
88. your greatest wish? -To be truly happy.
89. who would you put before everyone else? -My family/close friends.
90. luckiest mistake? -My entire life? I guess it would be taking a job in a field I knew nothing about which led me to learn about said field. I’m now somewhat successful in that field.
91. boxes or bags? -Depends on what I’m carrying but I love boxes. Bags are much easier though... I guess I’ll go with bags.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? -Sunlight/sunset.
93. nicknames? -Barbie, a friend in high school used to call me West Side Story because my first name is Maria, Barbz...
94. favorite season? -Fall
95. favorite app on your phone? -I like IG
96. desktop background? -Wildflowers
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? -5? My friends have changed their numbers before so I remember their old numbers only lol
98. favorite historical era? -I love the fashion of the fashion and cars of the 1940s but I would never want to go back. We’re barely making any progress towards equality as is so going back would not be an option for me.
Thanks for the questions, Anon!💞
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delightfully-daisy · 7 years
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And she's been living on the highest shelf... Oh, and they come unstuck Lady, running down to the riptide Taken away to the dark side
[TW: sexual assault mentions; eating disorder mentions]
Birthday: 14 January 1995
Hogwarts House (Primary): Ravenclaw
Hogwarts House (Secondary): Hufflepuff
Myers-Briggs: ESFJ
Enneagram: Type 3
Height:  5’4
Mother: Lilian Ophelia Marie Harcourt Canard
Father: Jacques Didier Canard
Mother’s Occupation: lawyer—business law
Father’s Occupation: stockbrocker
Family Finances: quite wealthy—combination of old money on both ends, as well as parents’ own ambitions and finances
Birth Order: middle child
Siblings: Nicolas Etienne Jeannot Canard (24); Andre Leon Charles Canard (19)
Other Close Family: Aunt Cecile on her dad’s side (who has a girlfriend and is like super cool and a movie producer); she has another aunt on that side who has two kids her and Nic’s ages but I don’t have my notebook on hand so I cant look up their names oh well; Lilian is an only child
Best Friend: Clarke
Other Friends: Annette Grant, Hermes Petros, Toulouse Bonfamille, Stanley Schell, Abby and Tabitha
Enemies: Tito? Lol she thinks so :C
Pets: a cat named Sabrina! Her family also has two dogs named Gigi and Fifi
Home Life During Childhood: her parents were both very busy, but she and her siblings were very close and her dad made a huge insistence on family time when they were together; to this day they have a designated week in late July and winter where they go on vacations together; she’s very close with Nic and her dad; Andre can be a bit of a brat; she clashed with her mother a bit growing up but she’s starting to understand her more
Town or City Name(s): Paris, France
What Did Her Bedroom Look Like: very nice and spacious, big windows with a nice view, she has a canopy bed, everything is in pastel colors, lots of whites and pinks—nothing too loud, everything soft like a Rococo painting, a big walk-in closet, a nicely lit vanity, the artwork in there is carefully selected, everything has its place
Any Sports or Clubs: did newspaper also probably a creative writing club; used to fence and do ballet, but quite around 13/14 years old
Favorite Toy or Game: loved paper dolls
Schooling: one last semester at Pride U; probably did some pretty expensive private school in Paris
Favorite Subject: Composition, Art History
Popular or Loner: Popular!
Important Experiences or Events: was sexually assaulted at 17, her then-boyfriend lied about it and harassed her for months after
Health Problems: undiagnosed anxiety, lowkey makes herself throw up after eating sometimes also
Culture: French
Religion and beliefs: Raised Catholic, she wants to believe in a benevolent God but does not really like the Catholic church; she wants to believe in the goodness of people
Bad Habits:  worries, limits her food intake a lot haha, has a tendency to keep her emotions inside before lashing out, cries a lot
Good Habits: uh, organized, keeps up with her fitness, ambitious, kind-hearted (in her own way), stylish
Best Characteristic: determined—once she sets her mind on something or someone, she will not quit
Worst Characteristic: scared—her number one limitation in life is that she is too scared to take chances/take risks/do anything without security
Worst Memory: the whole sexual assault thing and also the night she broke up with Tito
Best Memory: oh gosh, probably getting her bike back
Proud of: not much lol, uh maybe her fashion sense, she’s like really insecure though and attributes all her successes to other factors, poor bby
Embarrassed by: e v e r y t h I ng have you seen how much this girl blushes
Driving Style: she’s a fantastic driver—fast, daring, drives stick-shift in heels, cuts tight corners on her motorcycle, she’s fab, best driver of my characters (except maybe for Eva, but that’s cuz Eva has heightened reflexes lol); does have a tendency to speed, but doesn’t do it except on isolated roads
Strong Points: determined, hard working, kind-hearted, stylish
Temperament: gosh im not sure its like a mix of sanguine and melancholic
Attitude: outwardly, confident and determined; inwardly, really fuckin’ anxious and insecure about everything
Weakness: she’s so insecure and not good with criticism and she’s soft little flower it is easy to crush her
Fears: everything—not being good enough is the main one though
Phobias: see above lol
Secrets: not too open about the whole sexual assault thing for obvious reasons, also he like harassed her for months afterwards
Regrets: every romantic relationship she’s ever had because it makes her seem stupid and heartless and foolish
Feels Vulnerable When: uh always? When she’s being emotional, tbh, since she’s been told to restrict that
Pet Peeves: people who assume she’s dumb, people who assume she’s shallow
Conflicts: oh gosh where to begin—the fact that she wants the world to be this good, ideal place where she has the ability to help it, but the reality that class differences/prejudices in other areas are very real and very hard to overcome; her own desire to do more with her life, but knowing that rejecting her family’s values would not be good, and she really loves her family; navigating being a soft woman in a world that otherwise respects hard, sharp ones
Motivation: She wants to be successful and to make a change in the world.
Short Term Goals and Hopes: Graduate, get a good job somewhere in a big city.
Long Term Goals and Hopes: Rise to the top of her career, hopefully get married at one point.
Sexuality: bisexual
Exercise Routine: goes to spin class three times a week, does a barre class twice a week, weight training the other days, very committed exercise schedule
Day or Night Person — Day.
Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert.
Optimist or Pessimist — Pessimist, though she tries to be optimistic to other people.
Music: girly pop, MUSICALS—she’s a huge musical gal, sings in the shower all the time. Loves taylor swift, knows that its problematic to love taylor swift, but does so in that well #feminism way that’s also lowkey problematic ahaha. Her iTunes is mostly musicals and pop and some classical music too, she likes ballet music.
Books: classics and romance novels; also some trashy YA romance; went through a John Green phase in her high school years; her favourite book is The Bell Jar. She also reads those like “Oprah Book of the Month” club books and enjoys them. Gets most of her reading list from bestsellers lists.
Magazines: VOGUE aka the Bible; also Cosmo and Marie Claire and other high-fashion magazines; whatever the French equivalent of Time is, but also Time; started a subscription to the New Yorker whilst she was in NYC and keeps up with it
Foods: has a sweet tooth—loves chocolate. Chocolate-covered strawberries are her favorite. She thinks she can handle spicy, but she can’t really.
Drinks: Margaritas are her cocktail of choice; she loves champagne and lattes
Animals: cats! Also she loves swans and thinks its so romantic that they mate for life, but she won’t admit that lol
Sports: follows Formula One racing tbh and also fencing
Social Issues: Feminism! (she’s like lowkey a bit of a white feminist) Magick Rights! (lowkey also a bit of a problematic activist in everything; she’s trying though) Also involved in environmental issues!! (she works on a turtle fund thing with Stan)
Favorite Saying: “I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” – Audrey Hepburn
Color: Pink!! Any and all shades! Also likes a nice rose-gold. Fond of pastel colors in decorating.
Clothing: Has a very classy, preppy style; lots of skirts and blazers; usually always in heels; most everything is designer and high-end; she takes pride in her style; she also dresses more on the conservative end, but does own a few sexier pieces
Jewelry: very classy, never overdoes herself with jewelry; simple pendants and studs
Games: played the Sims a lot, played racing games with her brothers, Mario Kart fan too
Websites: Instagram—also has a finsta bc she’s hip; tumblr; Pinterest
TV Shows: Downton Abbey, Sex and the City
Movies: The Devil Wears Prada!! (Also Titanic)
Greatest Want: To be successful and make a difference in the world
Greatest Need: To overcome her fears
Home: lives in Castle Suites in a very luxurious one-bedroom flat
Household furnishings: everything is impeccably decorated, lots of pastels and golds, there’s a big window in the living room (which has like white furniture and soft lights everywhere, big white rug on the floor, lots of throw pillows), her room has a big bed with lots of pillows and her closet is organized by type of clothes and colour
Favorite Possession: her car
Most Cherished Possession: her motorcycle
Married Before: Nope.
Significant Other Before: Tito (rip); asshole French boyfriend, Michel
Children: n/a
Relationship with Family:  huge Daddy’s girl, but Daddy is also very busy and not super around all the time and she doesn’t really confide in him; very close to older brother, Nic, sometimes they feel like they are the only people in the world they can trust; younger brother has a strained relationship bc he can be kinda douche but they love each other; relationship with mother is---complicated, they are very similar and often butt heads because of their differences though and Lilian thinks she knows what’s best etc etc and Daisy is just starting to see her mom in a new light
Car: BMW, she also has a motorcycle
Career: journalism student, editor-in-chief of campus magazine: Social
Dream Career: editor in chief of a fashion magazine that also has like a huge philanthropy side
Dream Life: said career, has not given much thought to the like actual life part of it, but ideally she’d like to be married to the love of her life and have two kids as well
Love Life: uh imma get back to you on that
Hobbies : reading, dancing (she loves dancing), driving, sketching fashions, cleaning (lol), amateur baker, used to be a fencer, writing (she used to write short stories but has not in a while)
Guilty Pleasure : those trashy Harlequin romance novels….
Sports or Clubs: Social, PrideU’s premier campus lifestyle magazine; probably involved in like journalism clubs
Talents or Skills : she’s a great dancer and a fantastic driver; also a good writer
Intelligence Level : she is great auditory learner, very sharp and quick to pick up what she listens too; writes the best out of my characters; reads a lot too; not great at sciences or math, but she tries her best and the hard work pays off; a fan of history, but only as it relates to cultural stuff (wars bore her); the most emotionally aware of others of my characters, can read people well
Finances: wealthy—parents are wealthy each from their individual families and from their own careers, pay for their children
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siircns · 7 years
okay, so i’ve been meaning to do this for a while because i’ve had a bunch of new muses that i want to put out there. so under the cut is some information about a variety of new and new-ish, some returning and some that just don’t have much, muses that i’ve got. give it a quick read, and then give this post a like if you’d wish to have a starter from them! (i’ll come to you about which muse).
tenley harding. 23. aspiring screenwriter, personal assistant. los angeles. barbara palvin.
so tenley is my precious little bean, she’s such a sweetheart. she loves soft things, she loves to write, her favorite place in the entire world griffith park because there’s this little spot she always goes to sit to write. she’s a stationery fanatic from hell, she spends way too much money on it (she gets it from me, sorry). but honestly she’s just an unintentionally reclusive sort of person--she’s not shy by any means, but she always ends up by herself, which she’s not entirely against. super friendly little bean. tenley is currently working as a personal assistant (where is dependent on verse or plot) while she’s trying to make it with her screenwriting. super friendly, but sometimes comes off as flakey because of her inevitable, unintentional habit to be reclusive. pansexual, biromantic.
dahlia taylor. 27. travel photographer and journalist. from melbourne, australia, but her present location is always changing. margot robbie. 
tbh she is the most relaxed, most laid back, most chill of the chill people you will ever meet. dahlia has basically been travelling ever since she finished high school, never really feeling like australia was the place she was supposed to be even though she’ll never call anywhere else home. she’s always had this sense of adventure--kind of made her the most problematic child in the entire world because she’d always go wandering off. dahlia picked up photography when she was about twelve or thirteen, and when she decided to leave home, it seemed like the best thing to do. she’s very used to roughing it on her travels, camping frequently unless she knows someone or meets someone willing to put her up wherever she is. heterosexual, heteroromantic.
isa laghari. 30. ceo. new york city. priyanka chopra.
honestly the most ruthless and heartless human being ever. she just cares about getting the job done, rarely has a personal life other than the occasional active efforts to get some sex in to blow off some steam. she honestly spends more time shopping and going to couture shows than she does having genuine human interaction tbh. also an avid workaholic, and don’t expect her to apologize for it. i mean she HAS a heart but good luck finding it y’all. heterosexual, heteroromantic.
valentia benitez. 18. college freshmen. washington d.c. madison beer.
okay so her dad was previously the head of the fbi and as well as an analyst for the cia, and now he serves as secretary of state. she was born in new york while her feather was at the fbi there, but has lived in washington since she was about seven or eight years old. val is very much a little preppy baby, and she’s a-ok with that. she lives of ralph lauren and tommy hilfiger, and spending summers up at the hamptons and out on yachts. but my little angel is studying sociology and political science because, while she’ll never admit it, there’s a lot about how her father conducts himself and his politics that she doesn’t agree with. she’s very used to being the perfect daughter, daddy’s little princess, that she’s still very very far from finding out who the hell she is all on her own. bisexual, heteroromantic. 
rylee agrona. 26. underground boxer, fitness trainer, bartender, single mother. new york city. elizabeth olsen.
so she’s my tough lil cookie, she literally will kick yo damn ass if you even look at her the wrong way so #havefun. literally takes no shit from no one; has no tolerance for men who don’t have their shit together or can’t handle her. her daughter is three years old, basically had her with some guy that basically didn’t have his shit together or was able to handle her, so... she’s not even sure where he is now. but rylee literally kicks ass on the weekends to make money to spoil her daughter and everything. she’s always been the tomboy??? type and honestly the thing she gets the most amusement from is guys hitting on her at the bar she’s working and basically like throwing them out herself #suchfun. bisexual, biromantic.
javier vargas. 35. physical therapist. chicago. oscar isaac.
my lil dad bean he’S MY ONLY??? DAD muse oh my ok so he’s got two kids (his eldest is his daughter who is about seven or eight, and his son is around four)--his marital status is verse dependent, so like yea those kids can be your female’s or whatever, just let me know what’s happening, but his kids are non-negotiable. his kids are his whole world. he works as a physical therapist so he’s like pretty well off for money. even before his kids, javi has always been the type that tries to take care of those close to him. he’s like the reliable friend. but do not??? take him for a pushover, this bitch gets pissy when shit not looking up tbh. he sounds cliche i’m sorry pls love him. heterosexual, heteroromantic.
rhett cohen. 33. pediatric surgeon. denver. taylor kinney. 
ok precious bean he’s so good with kids, he’s such a lil smarty pants, so he became a pediatric surgeon. he can be a bit??? of a hardass, he’s very good at remaining professional when he needs to be, but he’s also the cutest lil softy with the biggest heart. he actually comes from new york where he grew up among the bratty upper east side, and after his little sister died, it kind of drove him to do what he can to save??? lives. he moved away from his gross ass robotic parents to denver, and he always spends christmas over in other parts of the world doing charity work because he’s?? i don’t wanna call him the do-good type but he’s very much in line with the idea that he should use his many privileges to do more than just spend too much money on houses and clothes and penthouses and stupid decor. heterosexual, heteroromantic.
paxton miller. 21. MIT student, part time software designer. boston. jack gilinsky.
y’all he’s my lil itty bitty nerd. he’s literally glued to his computer all day long. he’s been into computer since he was about nine, could build one on his own easily, and is intending to work in engineering on a much more....space-related level. he’s my precious babe that knows way too much about all things science, HATES geology (don’t ask) and ya. he’s not overly experienced in the world of romance, but my lil babe loves hanging out with his friends so pls don’t mistake him from one of the incompetent geeks of the big bang theory thnks. bisexual, biromantic.
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