#also rude anon. you could phrase this better
sunandflame · 11 months
why no yandere? everybody is writing it.
I actually don't owe anyone an explenation here, but since I am so nice I will do it anyway.
I don't write yandere because I simply don't like it. It goes against the nature of my personality and character. I am a very empathic human being and I have actually a very high emotional intelligence which means I am able to understand complex emotional issues, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy it.
I can also understand wanting to write and read stuff like that and I am in no way here to judge anyone who loves yandere, but for me it is really triggering. Which is why I am simply avoiding it. That doesn't mean it is bad. No, it's not. Everyone can write and read what they want.
Also if everybody is writing yandere than please do me the favour and ask everybody. Just because everybody is writing it, doesn't mean I have to do it too.
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can you do hcs of dating grayson hawthorne?
grayson hawthorne x fem! reader
hcs about meeting & dating the heir apparent of the hawthorne family.
a/n: ofc!! thx sm for the request & sorry for the wait!! i just got a new one also requesting grayson so this one goes out to you too anon!! grayson hawthorne is one of the lomls🫶 i am so indecisive between him & jameson fr (but for avery i think jameson is better suited for her). hope u enjoy!! i'm a sucker for the poor x rich trope sorry & i love tobias lowkey playing match maker in these LOL & this follows some of the main story but then kinda trails off
word count: 6.8k
warnings: almost drowning (LOL), minor mature language, few spoliers for final gambit i guess?,
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before you were dating the second oldest hawthorne, you were just a girl working part-time at a diner as a waitress, trying to make enough money to buy a car. you were relentlessly getting picked up/dropped off everywhere by either one of your parent's vehicles.
being a waitress wasn't ideal when dealing with rude customers, pretentious managers, and occasional annoying co-workers, but you had decent pay, and tips weren't too bad.
most of the time you were running the show on your own. serving tables, acting as hostess, dealing with unsatisfied customers, etc. it wasn’t even the lack of staff, it was lazy behaviors of your co-workers and manager - who got the job because her dad owns the business.
one peculiar afternoon you were doing your usual job of serving tables and taking orders when an older gentleman walked in, way classier than your usual customers. you seated him, gave him a menu, and then returned to the kitchen to serve your other tables.
the diner staff seemed to be murmuring words and glancing back at the man, but you didn't pay any mind to it. it wasn't unusual for you to catch staff gossiping about customers.
going back to the table, you gave him the complimentary water and then asked for his beverage of choice - he chose a simple black coffee. you went to the kitchen and returned with his drink. you were on the verge of asking for his meal order, but he looked preoccupied with a crossword puzzle.
you peaked over, and noticed he looked possibly stuck, so you offered your help because you often did crosswords when you were bored. "do you mind if i take a look?"
he said nothing, only gesturing his head toward his little crossword booklet and pen beside it. even his pen looked fancy.
you looked over the one he was one, and after reading the hint and the number of boxes for the word, you could figure it out.
the old man peered at you as if you spoke a different language.
"it's fabric with checks and lines, the phrase is a bit old-fashioned. i only know it 'cause that's what my dad refers to his shirts as." you explained.
he looked intrigued by your words, as if you'd given him an idea. he thanked you, then went on to fill out the boxes.
words were said much after that. he drank his coffee and left sometime while you were busy serving other tables. when you returned to ask him if he wanted anything else, he was already gone. but not before leaving $200 dollar tip next to his finished coffee.
you thoroughly checked if it was real, not believing anyone would purposely leave such a tip for a cup of black coffee. but in fact, it was very real. and you even bought yourself a very cute dress to commemorate. just to double check it was legit, of course.
the older man with silver-blue eyes continued to come into the diner every few days, never ordering anything other than a black coffee and always being generous with the tip.
you two had polite conversations and odd ones rooted questions he dropped on you. you noticed a lot of them pertained to money and contributions. but you never passed on answering.
they were questions like "what jobs have you worked?", "what are your parents' occupations?", "are you interested in charities and donations?", and "what do you do with the money you earn?"
thru these visits, he finally gave you his name, tobias. it shouldn't had surprised you he had a unique name to match his unique personality.
you didn't get much information about tobias. all he revealed to you was he enjoyed games, was obviously wealthy, and has 2 daughters, one son, and 4 grandsons - who weren't too off from your age.
he liked to talk about a certain one, the second oldest, grayson. you created an image he was a closed-off, goal-driven, cunning, and loyal guy. you didn’t wanna jump to conclusions, but one could say he was slyly trying to set you up with him.
it wasn’t uncommon for grandparents to come in the diner and rave about their grandsons. at times they would even show you a multitude of photos saying how handsome they are and well-raised gentlemen who would be a great match for you.
you never had the heart to straight up tell them ‘not interested’, so you listened to their praises and then fabricated a lie as to why you were unable to date their grandson.
if tobias ever were to ever try and do that you would use the same methods. you were sure his grandson was an acceptable man, but you had no interest in going on a blind date with anytime soon.
however, the conversation didn't maneuver that direction; instead, he went on to talk about how grayson was in charge of a foundation he owns and basically manages everything.
you found that rather impressive, considering he was only eight-teen. then you thought, 'just how rich is this guy?'
this arrangement continued for a few more weeks and then it turns into a constant routine for months. still never ordering anything order than a coffee, and leaving after.
one day, tobias abruptly stopped coming into the diner. and after a two-week hiatus, you figured he was likely not returning again.
you didn't realize how tedious work was without the old man's presence, you were still as busy as ever doing everyone's job, but now you didn't have the levity from your conversations.
it stayed like that for the following three months, no word from tobias. you wanted to contact him somewhere, but you began to realize how little you knew of him, hell you didn't even know his last name. he knew all the basics of what comprised you, but you couldn't even say his favorite color. and you’d known this man for almost a year.
but as it turned out, you didn't need to contact him yourself because a man came into the diner asking for you.
at first, you thought it was an unsatisfied customer here to berate you some more; it wouldn't be the first time. but you were more than relieved it was a guy you'd never seen before, a particularly handsome and well-fitted one.
you went up to the man and politely greeted him, asking how you could help him. he took you presence in when you appeared, looking up and down. it wasn't in a 'checking-you-out' type way, it was of an 'i'm judging what type of person you are' way. you felt scrutinized in your lousy diner girl uniform. it didn't help he was dressed pristinely from head to toe.
he finally spoke, "it's pertaining to my grandfather, tobias hawthorne."
you were piqued up at the mention of tobias, this was the first time you'd heard of his last name, but you didn't know any other tobias's so it must be him.
the man in front of you was one of his infamous grandsons he loved to chat about, although you weren't sure which one. but based on his stern and disciplined attitude, you'd place your bets on grayson. but just to be sure you asked.
"right, my name is grayson hawthorne." you called it. "unfortunately, my grandfather has recently passed. my family is in the middle of gathering everyone for the matter of the will, but all parties must be preset. my grandfather's law firm has informed me you are also mentioned in it."
your heart broke at the reveal of tobias passing. you knew him less than a year, but you still had formed a connection with him.
then the other portion of his statement dawned on you, he mentioned you in his will. why?
grayson seemed to have wanted to know this too. he said tobias mentioned you in passing but didn't offer details about your relationship. he didn't hide how he was suspecting and untrusting of you.
you filled him in on details of how you met, your meetings, and the last time you conversed with him. grayson was still wary of you, but he didn't have any reason yet to say you were lying.
he then urged you to gather your belongings because the two of you had to head over to his family's residence as soon as possible. he has already informed your boss of your leave of absence.
it was all so sudden, you were still processing all this information. grayson's insistence made it nearly impossible to do anything but listen. 
so, grayson took you home to change and pack a few items. you left a note for your parents, letting them know you'd be spending a night or two at a friend's house. you knew if you explained what was really going on they would not let you go; they'd probably even scold you for befriending a random old man at work, calling you naive.
although, that had merit because you were currently off with a man you knew for like five seconds because you believed he was the grandson of a man who you also didn't know for too long.
you thought the chance of getting kidnapped was better than overworking at the diner.
you were astounded when grayson casually took you to the destination of his private jet. you'd never flown first class, let alone a private freaking jet.
you two took off, and a few hours later, arrived in texas. the moment you stepped off, a bodyguard guided the two of you into a limousine. from there, you sought off to the mansion.
when you arrived, you thought you'd been driven to some sort of fancy hotel, but not it was where grayson and the rest of the hawthorne lived. you'd likely get lost trying to go from the kitchen to your bedroom.
grayson had to physically drag you away from your jaw-dropped stare at the property.
when you entered the entrance hall , another girl was already there, an older girl with her as well.
she turned her attention toward you when she noticed you entering, she seemed to have recognized grayson, but had a questioning gaze toward you.
the older girl was the one to speak to you first. “and here i thought we’d already met everyone affiliated with this crazy rich family. hi, i’m libby and this is my sister avery. are you grayson’s girlfriend?”
you could’ve died from awkwardness right there. you didn’t even wanna take a glance at grayson’s reaction, you imagined he would have a look of discontent.
“er, no. we just met today actually. he came into my work saying i’m needed for a will reading, and next thing i know im off in a private jet and in this mansion.”
this time avery spoke up, “sorry about libby’s assumption. it was just because you guys came in together and he’s carrying your bag.”
grayson was in fact hold your small luggage bag. he taken the liberty of taking it out of the trunk of the limo and carried it since.
you didn’t say anything, you just snatched your bag out of grayson’s hands, mumbling a quiet thanks.
grayson let out a laugh, but covered it up as a cough.
avery talked about her situation being similar to yours, except she’s never met tobias hawthorne before. it made you feel better there was someone else who felt like an outsider.
you were led away by grayson, guiding you to the room the will was being read. but you ran into a numerous amount of people on the way.
first, it was xander, the youngest hawthorne grandson. he appeared out of secret passage, jump scaring you. then he introduced himself.
nash, who had a country accent, followed a bit after walking in with his mother skye. she asked you a few invading questions about yourself, and you replied cordially. very relieved when grayson excused you both.
finally, you’d met jameson on accident. you were on the way to the bathroom, using directions given to you, and that’s when you bumped into him. he was very obviously drunk. he slurred a few words, but you quickly excused yourself, not wanting to deal with whatever was going on with him.
once you were finally in the room, you took a seat next to avery since she and her sister were the best options.
finally the will reading began, and the lawyers started reciting its words and designated belongs and money to different family members. all the families were stunned that the grandsons, especially grayson, hadn't gotten the entire fortune. yours and averys names had yet to be mentioned.
"to my newfound friend y/n l/n, i leave conservatorship to the hawthorne foundation. the remainder of my estate, including all properties, monetary assets, and worldly possessions not otherwise specified, i leave it to be shared upon y/n l/n and avery kylie grambs."
nothing could have you prepared for that. you thought it was a prank at first, some sick joke rich people do that get less-than-fortunate people's hopes up. but no, the lawyer did indeed confirm it to be true.
avery and yourself turned toward each other wide-eyed, completely flabbergasted. then the whole room erupted into chaos, everyone standing up to demand an explanation, accusing you both of having done something.
you had just met these people, and you couldn't for sure say they were capable of murder, but you'd seen enough movies about the rich to know it's definitely a possibility.
luckily, oren, tobias' (now ex) bodyguard, stood in front of you girls, preventing the hawthornes from stepping any closer. he claimed he worked for you both now, so it was his job to protect you.
"should we trust this guy? what if he's just playing us to get the inheritance." avery whispered to you.
"a bodyguard with ulterior motives is better than being left to the wolves."
"good point." libby chimed in.
it didn't end there; there were conditions for the will, saying you and avery must remain at the hawthorne estate for a full year to receive the inheritance.
so not only did you become enemy number one toward most hawthornes, but now you had to live with all of them. lovely.
that jump-started your now future of being involved with the hawthornes (and the grambs sisters)
after the will fiasco, the grayson made it his mission to unmask whatever game you played to get the inheritance, but he always came up empty-handed because you, as you insisted to multiple hawthornes, did not manipulate tobias. you didn't even know the guy's last name until you had met grayson.
if you had a talent for taking advantage of rich men, you would not be wasting time being a waitress for a shitty diner.
however, you tried to look on the very bright side of things, living in a gorgeous mansion. your bedroom was the size of your home's first floor. you;'d never slept on a comfier or larger bed.
one thing that set you apart from avery in the will was that you had complete ownership in the hawthorne foundation and his involvement with different charities. alissa had informed you that you'd need to learn to manage it- designating which associations to donate to, how much, how often, etc.
it was overwhelming to think about; if you failed to be a conservator, it would be given to the grandsons. you also knew having authority over it bothered zara hawthorne, since she'd spent basically her whole life running it. you knew it you were to make a wrong move, she'd be quick to call it out you.
alissa had arranged for you to go to the foundation and meet with someone who'd help you navigate the ropes. a part of you assumed it'd be zara meeting you there, maybe forced by alissa to help you. but instead, it was grayson, who still thought you were some master con woman.
he was the only grandson that had an issue with you and avery, but for some reason, you were more suspicious to him. xander, jameson, and nash seemed to have adjusted to events and were now somewhat friends with you. it was pretty infuriating how grayson would not listen to reason, no matter how much you tried to make amends.
grayson remained professional, not wanting his personal feud to hinder the foundation's work. he started giving you a tour and explaining an overview of how things ran. it became easier for you to imagine yourself running it.
you stopped when you passed by various black and white photos hung up in midair. they'd been hung since the beginning of your tour, but you'd only truly taken notice just now.
"who took these? they're beautiful."
"i did."
'of course, you did' you thought. he seemed to be good at everything.
"can i have a copy of this one?" you pointed toward a photo to your left; it was of a couple dancing together in the rain, in front of the eiffel tower.
"i'd always wanted to see the eiffel tower. plus, i just really like it." it was true. the photo was captured exquisitely, and going to paris had always been a goal of yours, along with traveling to different places in the world.
he didn't respond. grayson went up to the photograph and carefully unlatched it. he then turned to you and gestured for you to take it, "here, you can have it."
you were a little shocked he just gave it to you, but hundreds of photos were decorated throughout the building, so it probably didn't mean much just giving you one.
you took it in your hands gently and thanked him. you both then continued your tour into the conference room to discuss further management of the hawthorne foundation.
but unbeknownst to you, the photo you now owned was one of his favorites.
it became easier to get to know and warm up to grayson the more you visited the foundation, which you did quite often because you now that you had (or will have) conservatorship to the foundation, you wanted to ensure you knew everything involving it to ensure you'd continue its success.
you could now say the two of you were somewhat friends, but there still seemed to be a wall - built by grayson, between the two of you. likely from the lack of trust he still has toward you.
at times he'd look at you as if you were the enemy, and other times he'd treat you courteously. his constant mood changes were driving you crazy.
you had been staying up later than usual since your stay at the manor began. it didn't help that there was possibly a secret passage in your room like avery's has.
but your leading cause of distress stemmed from the mystery of the whole will situation. you'd gotten a small letter like everyone else, but it failed to offer any closure.
in fact, all it said was, "good luck". you'd never had the urge to strangle a dead old man til now.
however, this night you decided to walk outside. you'd been hesitant to wander around the mansion, but then again, you technically half owned it now, and nobody could really stop you. so you decided to go to the pool area, carefully avoiding alerting your new bodyguard of your movement.
when you got there, it was empty as you had hoped. the pool was illuminated with the lights, the area surrounding it was dimly lit.
you settled for solely dipping your feet in the pool and gazing at the stars upon the sky.
half an hour in, you heard the faint sound of someone possibly approaching. you took it as a sign to get back to your room before oren noticed, if he hadn't already.
you got up a bit too quickly, causing an imbalance in your step - leading you to stumble backward into the pool.
most people would simply swim back up to the top and pull themselves out, but you couldn't do that for one big reason. you never learned to swim.
panic began to seep into you as you flailed your arms all over the place, attempting to float to the top, but it only made you sink further. it didn't help drowning was on the top of your list of 'ways i would hate to die'.
you were midway through choking on the water when someone jumped into the pool and carried you back onto the pavement.
after coughing the water out of your lungs, you looked at the face your your savior kneeled in front of your; low and below there was grayson hawthorne - wearing nothing but swim shorts.
the sight of him shirtless made it harder to steady your breathing.
"are you alright?" you nodded in confirmation.
"what were you thinking getting into the pool so carelessly?"
"well, i just to test out my new waterproof mascara." you said sarcastically. "obviously i didn't end up in the stupid pool purposely!"
he rolled his eyes. “god, were you born a horrendous swimmer or just taught by an imbecile.”
you stayed silent, looking away from him, not wanting to admit the embarrassing truth.
“do you…do you not know how to swim?”
"….. define knowing to swim.”
he gave you an incredulous look, “seriously? even most 5-year-olds know how to swim, better yet, they wouldn’t almost drown in the 7ft part of the pool.”
“okay i get it! it’s pathetic i don’t know the basics of swimming. you don't have to be an asshole about it.” you stood up angrily in your soggy clothes and attempted to walk away - but grayson grabbed your wrist.
“wait. alright, i apologize for being quick to judge. if you want..i’ll teach you to swim.”
you were taken aback by the gesture, not quite sure what to think. on the one hand, it could be a plan to embarrass you further, but on the other hand - you really didn’t want to live your life not being able to swim any longer.
the following night he made good of his word when you went out to meet him. (oren being aware this time, after he warned you he'd lock you in your room if you snuck out without him again.)
this time you had proper swim attire, a 2 piece bikini alissa had purchased for you, along with others.
grayson was already in the pool when you arrived, swimming laps. once he noticed your arrival, he stepped out of the pool. you would've thought it was a scene from a movie from how smoothly & dreamy he moved.
you averted your eyes before you stared at his form too long.
you weren't sure if it was your imagination or you saw grayson do a double-take when he saw you.
all his attractiveness was shortly forgotten when he went to his bag to retrieve something, then handed you some plastic. it took you a moment, but then it clocked - these you arm floaties.
"you're joking right?"
"hey, after that near-drowning experience, it's better to be safe than sorry."
"it's like you want to humiliate me."
"don't worry i chose the ones with the flowers to enhance your matureness." he fought back a smile with his words.
he got a nasty glare in response.
still, you knocked down your pride on putting on the floaties before you and grayson submerged into the pool.
then grayson began reciting exercises and movements for you to do. after floating around for a bit, he instructed you to remove the floaties. you were obviously hesitant, the floaties were keeping you from drowning, but grayson insisted that you trust him.
he grabbed your waist with both hands and got behind you; that was enough to quicken your pulse.
his hands held you steady as you attempted to stay afloat by moving your arms and legs. it would get harder to focus when his hands moved up and down your back.
"okay, i'm gonna let you go now."
"ok. wait what-"
you were abruptly cut off because grayson immediately removed his hands, leaving you on your own. being caught off guard, you began a repeat of the night before, but this time attempting to swim correctly. regardless, you were still beginning to choke on water and sink down.
grayson swam back to your aid in an instant, holding you up above the water by the waist.
"shit- i'm sorry. i assumed your instincts would kick in if you had less reaction time."
"oh, because it worked so well yesterday."
"right, perhaps i should've given it more careful thought." he moved a hand to the side of your face, "are you sure you're okay?"
you nodded, unable to verbally respond. the tension in the air thickened as the two of you continued to stare to one another. for a brief moment, his gaze wandered to your lips, and you stopped breathing.
his face slowly leaned into yours. you didn't know what you'd do if he was going to kiss you - a big part of you was ready to kiss back and the other part told you i'd be a mistake if you did.
but the moment was interrupted by alissa, who was calling your name because she wanted to ho over tomorrow’s events with you.
you also knew, based on alissa's critical gaze, she'd seen what was about to possibly happen. she has already given you a fair amount of warning about getting involved with hawthornes.
grayson then pulled away, awkwardly bidding you farewell, saying he'd see you later before he made his way out of the pool.
since then, the brewing tension between the two of you grew. it didn't help you already see him quite a bit during the day, then alone at night. apparently, it was evident to everyone there was something happening because thea calligaris cornered you.
"the last girl who was with grayson ended up dead."
you were unsure what to believe after that, you really didn't trust thea, but didn't mean it couldn't be true. 'don't rich people always have some murderous secret?'
you couldn't help it, and brought up the topic to grayson, who went very still at the mention. he lashed out at you before walking away. you suppose that confirmed it.
he avoided you for a few days, even skipped out on swimming lessons, so you kept yourself busy with school and hanging with avery and xander; solving the still ongoing mystery of the will. which you'd lowkey given up on because riddles were not your forte.
you felt bad your question, but he didn’t need to act so harshly toward you. so, you weren’t going to talk to him until he approached you first.
a knock sounded in your room when you were getting ready for bed. however, it didn't come from the door but from behind a large painting.
'i swear if this house is haunted, i'm running back home'
you tried to remove the painting, but it was stuck to the wall. then you discover a small button hidden on its frame. against better judgment, you press it, making the painting and the wall behind it move forward and slide to the left.
you knew there were various passages, but having one in your own room kind of freaked you out.
behind the moving wall stood grayson. you screamed at first, only seeing a figure in the dark. but then grayson quickly stepped into the light and closer to you to put a hand over your mouth. you were relieved to see him and not someone who would possibly murder you.
he didn’t remove his hand, you gave him an expectant look.
“just hear me out, before you demand i leave. i came to apologize.”
you nodded, allowing him to continue. he sighed and pulled his hand away. then he opened up to you for the first time, telling you about a girl name emily laughlin.
he explained her condition, how both hom and jameson were involved with her, and how she died.
the more the story went on the more you felt bad for both brothers, especially grayson since it seemed it was still affecting him. you even felt for emily, obviously, she lacked something in her life to play 2 brothers.
“i'm not complaining, but why did you decide to tell me all this” the two of you at some point made your way onto your bed, sitting side by side each other
he humorlessly laughs, and looks directly at you. “to be honest, i’m not even sure. all i know is when i look into your eyes, i have this urge to tell bare my soul to you.”
deja vu to the pool incident, you both didn’t say anything, just looked at each other, slowly leaning your face closer.
you were ready to be interrupted again, stopping the act before it can happen. but there was none, and your lips were now an inch apart, and your heart was beating like you just ran a marathon.
“tell me to stop right now, or i’m afraid i won’t be able to hold myself back.”
you said nothing.
wasn't like he gave you much reaction time anyway because he kissed you a second later - like you were the last person he was ever going to kiss.
and oh boy, was it a good kiss.
even when he left your room later that night, after much kissing you were still reeling from the shock of it all.
you didn't know what it meant for the two of you - did he like you?, was it a one-time thing?, or did he kiss you as a way to forget emily?
you were only sure of one thing right now - you felt something toward grayson that crossed the friend zone.
the kiss was never brought up over the days; grayson and you continued to work together and swim at night together almost every other day. you weren't sure if you were relieved or offended he never mentioned it.
you swore he got flirter since the kiss - his hand brushing against yours, standing very close behind you when reviewing something for the foundation, hands wandering when helping you swim, even a subtle flirty remark here and there.
you confided in avery about the events. she was insistent on the fact grayson liked you, and that he didn't seem like the type of have a fling nor rebound.
you wanted to believe he liked you, but then you would hear thea's voice in your head, reminding you of emily, and how he isn't over her.
it was driving you mad, so you convinced yourself you were simply reading into things. you weren't.
it all came to a head at a charity event the both of you helped plan for the foundation. you'd wore a beautiful namebrand designer custom-made gown, the fanciest dress you ever adorned.
however, the whole night grayson ignored you and made it clear he was avoiding you. anytime you approached him he gave an excuse to the person he was talking to that he had to go somewhere. or if you tried making eye contact, he was quick to turn his head the other direction. you didn't know what his deal was.
when you took to the outside for a breather, you sensed the arrival of his presence.
you scoff, "so now you wanna talk to me or what?"
he didn't respond, which upset you more. so you opted to walk back into the ballroom, but grayson stopped you.
"anytime i look at you too long, i think of our kiss that night. then i have to hold myself back from doing it another time. and if i kiss you, i thin- no. i know i won't be able to help but fall for you."
you were again dumbfounded by such confession. a habit that seemed to always happen in the presence of grayson hawthrone.
"i don't mind."
"neither do i."
he crashed your lips together with his in a flash.
unlike the first one, the kiss was messy, and messy was never a way you thought you'd describe the pristine grayson hawthorne.
his hands made their way to your face keeping you close while his mouth was almost devouring your lips. you steadied yourself by holding onto his shoulders because you did not trust your wobbly knees to stand on their own.
you pulled away first, heavily breathing like the night you almost drowned. your mind was still hazy, unable to properly form a sentence to speak.
grayson hands stayed, caressing your face gently,
"you can have my entire being if it means i get to kiss you like that whenever."
you both didn't end up returning to the charity that night. not while your makeup was smudged and all your lipstick was transferred on grayson's face.
though it was never verbally official, the two of you were evidently more than friends at that point.
you didn't even need to tell anyone of your newfound relationship because you'd come to find out jameson had seen the two of you that night, and he would could never resist a gossip about grayson. so the information easily made its way throughout the entire hawthorne manor.
in relation, grayson fought jameson. unfortunately, you weren't allowed to watch the fight because grayson didn't want you to witness any violence. you were lowkey disappointed because you and avery were ready to place bets.
alissa also made sure to have a talk with you both regarding public appearances. she advised it was better to keep it private because everyone was still reeling from yours and avery's newfound inheritance, and this news could possibly do damage to your media reputation. plus, it was better if grayson was advertised as single.
you personally didn't mind, you weren't the biggest fan of pda when you had a thousand new eyes on you. and alissa's advice was wise since you were new to the whole being a public figure thing. and well, you both lived together anyway.
grayson was more hesitant to agree, but mostly for your benefit he listened to alissa.
it was fun in a way, acting platonic in public then kissing when you got to the mansion or even the limousine. it was like having a secret relationship.
whenever interviews tried to insinuate something, you learned how to shut it down after much lessons on pr. but grayson liked to leave sly comments; only the two of you could understand.
"yeah, y/n's quite well at exploring the mouth of new things."
"y/n and i have become very acquainted with each other."
"you could say i'm into women who sink instead of swim."
it made you wanna laugh and playfully hit him all the same.
what really made your relationship step into public light was when rumors about you and jameson dating started circling around.
a photo of the two of you had been taken getting out of a limo together then entering a building, where people rumored you had a 'date'. in reality, both of you were there to talk to skye hawthorne after she was removed from the hawthorne mansion.
grayson was less than happy about these rumors, and jameson not denying anything to the press to get a rise out of grayson, was making things worse.
so, in a grayson hawthorne manner - he took care of things himself. he bought out all of the press and made them debunk the stories.
then to be even more dramatic, the next time the two of you were out together, he made a whole show of kissing you. even going as far as dipping you down in his arms before the kiss - felt straight out of a cheesy romcom. you couldn't say you didn't enjoy it, though.
the paparazzi had a field day with those photos & the two of your the front page of gossip magazines for weeks. alissa was ready to explode after only finding out the two of you went public from the media.
being in a public relationship was harder than being in a secret one. there were somehow even more eyes on you, picking your relationship apart. they mostly targeted your flaws and even took digs at your old diner job. even a surge of online hate came at your direction.
even grayson couldn't buyout every magazine or person who had a negative thing to say about you, and trust that he very much tried to.
but being official in public also had great pros. now, grayson and you could go out on dates wherever without worrying about hiding and disguises.
you couldn't stay anywhere too far at first because of the 'stay in the house for a year' rule, but you had dates at all sorts of fancy places. even though you were technically a net-worth nigher than him,now, he always insisted on paying the bill. ever the gentleman.
grayson knew how to plan one himself. a personal favorite of yours had to be the picnic in a hot air balloon.
but once the year was up, the first place gray took you was to paris, which he knew was always your dream. paris now seemed like a mundane dream compared to all of the past year's events.
still, paris was absolutely incredible, and being there with your boyfriend made it better - and helpful because he was fluent in french while you barely passed the high school class with a B.
seeing the eiffel tower was the best part, it was even more amazing up close. standing there with grayson, the grays started to cloud, and small drizzles of water came down.
your bodyguard (one oren forcefully implanted) had advised you both to head to the car before it started pouring. you were ready to follow along, but gray tugged your sleeve, stopping your movement.
you gave him a questioning gaze, so he held out his hand, asking you to dance.
you laughed and accepted nonetheless, even when the rain started to pour in more. the two of you began a clumsy (on your part) waltz across the pavement. both of your faces filled with blissful smiles. to this day, it is a favorite memory of yours.
it was even better when grayson gifted you a photo of you two that day, one he asked the bodyguard to take. now, the picture was framed next to the one grayson had taken & grayson hung a copy of it at the hawthorne foundation.
since dating, grayson's insomnia has improved immensely. it mainly had to do with the fact you two frequently sleep in his bed together. he jokes your his personal nyquil.
it's true when they say he sleeps like a deadman, even has a tiny snore - though he keep denying it. but he has some sort of sixth sense that enables him to know when you leave the bed.
like for instance, you needed to use the bathroom one night, and the moment you got up from the bed - grayson is up and asking where you were going.
the swimming lessons were not forgotten - you two still had that nightly routine. but you weren't becoming a michael phelps anytime soon. not when most of your lessons involved more kissing than swimming.
but hey, at least you've moved past the need for floaties. because grayson just carries you himself if it's too deep for you to swim.
he loves to buy anything that reminds him of you. a jewelry piece that matches your eyes, a dress he thinks would look pretty on you, a shift from your favorite film/show/artist, or even an item you offhandedly mentioned you wanted. he'd have them wrapped and ready to give to you the next moment he saw you.
much to our surprise, grayson was also the clingy type. his love language was more gift-giving but doesn't mean he wasn't a bit touch-starved.
he revels in hugs, kisses, and intimate moments. he always wants to hold hands when you both are walking together. jameson and nash love to tease him on it.
he has as a domestic side to him. he helps you put on your coat or even sometimes makes you wear it, keeps you on the side of the sidewalk not near the street, carries your purse or shopping bags, and helping you slip on your heels and shoes.
overall, grayson hawthorne was nothing less of an amazing boyfriend. except when he sees eve for the first time.
you were in the office of the foundation looking over a few files when you saw tobias' name mentioned then initials at the bottom. 'T.T.H.'
"huh, i thought your grandfather didn't have middle name."
grayson looked over your shoulder, "oh, he didn't. at least not until had changed his legal name less than a year before his passing."
"what is it?"
"tatersall. quite peculiar right?"
you laughed to yourself. perhaps he was trying to set you up with her grandson after all.
@itzchanelx @marigold-morelli
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thecynthh · 1 month
do you not find it a bit disrespectful to repost/rewrite other peoples fics? i understand that you’re doing it because people really liked them, or whatever, but i also feel like it’s kind of rude to do so.
personally, if i left this app or deleted my account and came back to find someone was posting my hard work, i would be genuinely upset.
if the og writer gave you permission then that’s a completely different story.
not at all hating, just wondering.
so lemme give u my perspective, i am just like everyone else a consumer, meaning i read and i comment and i like and twiddle my thumbs scroll on this app for at least 2 hours a day.
i have favourite accounts and stories with aspirations to write better and more overall and without the inspiration from the friends and writers that have deactivated i would’ve never began writing and posting my own shit
i was just as happy to find out that i could save old stories from deactivated accounts as much as people were happy to find out that i was reposting them. so coming from a writer and a consumer i don’t see that much of a problem considering my terms.
the way that i’ve made my links is if i wanted too, i could delete the whole thing unless that person tries to copy and paste it into something else entirely. so i have control and moderation about how much it can spread.
i have stated multiple times that if the author or someone close to them reaches out to me specifically asking or demanding for me to take it down i will happily comply. I have stated this MULTIPLE TIMES and in every single post that includes the actual link to any of the stories.
then again i’m not personally close with any of the writers but if they say the word it’ll all be gone in seconds. i would understand as a writer, the frustration and seeing it from an outside perspective that it is indeed disrespectful.
would i be butt hurt if someone did do that to me personally? no, because in the end yes it is someone’s personal work but it’s still just a fan fiction about a 21 year old man who will probably have moved on with their life in a couple of years.
mind you all of these fics still exist somewhere on tumblr, all of it is for the public to find. i have simply compiled it into a couple google docs while STILL CREDITING THEM.
what about u anon? are you using the links? do u enjoy the fics ive collected?
as a matter of fact who does use the links and think it’s morally wrong of me to be doing this. because in the end it’s majorities favour.
sorry for the rant/ if this came off bitchy/ i could’ve phrased this whole thing better but thank u if u even read a single paragraph.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
To be fair to this mindset, when one of my high school classmates came out as non-binary and I asked about using its, I was unequivocally told not to do that and later learned that referring to androgynous people as it/its has a history of being used as a slur. I agree the post, but I'm concerned that there's two crossing arguments here that are especially likely to confuse people who are not connected to queer culture. I'm not sure if I phrased this correctly, I'm just somewhat uncomfortable with how the argument in that post reads to me as assuming knowledge and ill intent where I read lack of experience. (If I got that wrong, I apologize, I do have a history of missing social cues.)
Did not completely read the post, missed the "I use it/its" part. Still a little uncomfortable that the writer of that post says "like I used a slur" because the information I received about the use of it/its used an example of an officer harassing someone who was not cis (real example, not made up, wish I could find it) and was very clear that this is a slur, no two ways about it (wrong, but that was the message I was told.) Again, not sure I communicated clearly, just uncomfortable and not sure what to do about it. Sorry for clogging your inbox.
Its true that it/its can be used to degender and dehumanize trans people. But the key thing here is that people will hear/see a trans person state that they, themselves, use it/its (or hear someone else explain that they use it/its), and those people will take it upon themselves to argue with the trans person that their chosen pronouns are dehumanizing, and straight-up REFUSE to gender it correctly. People will tell people that using it/its is "dehumanizing yourself" and say that using it/its for someone who uses those pronouns makes them uncomfortable.
Like, they/them pronouns are also very often used to degender trans people. But if you see someone who presents as feminine who uses they/them pronouns, and then go "why are you degendering yourself? using they/them pronouns for you makes me uncomfortable, so I'm just gonna ignore your request because your pronouns are problematic," well... thats transphobic! And you should be able to use context clues (i.e the trans person in front of you Telling You What They Want) to figure out that those two situations are different.
It makes total sense to be suspicious or surprised when you hear someone being called "it," and there's nothing wrong with questioning that in case there's transphobic intent behind it. But the issue it/its users have is when people straight-up refuse to listen to us about our own identities, tell us we're "dehumanizing ourselves" and use their personal discomfort as an excuse to misgender us. There's a big difference between a transphobe dehumanizing a trans person, and a trans person ASKING to be called "it" and having people do everything possible to avoid gendering us how we want. Trans allyship means listening to trans people, and misgendering it/its users and acting like you are doing us a favor by misgendering us, is transphobic.
Not that you do that, anon, you seem very respectful, its just very frustrating to have people act like they are being better trans allies than you when literally misgendering you because you use Problematic Pronouns. As someone who gets dysphoric when people use exclusively they/them for me, and prefers it/its for that reason, having people decide for me what the "correct" pronouns are is extremely frustrating. It feels like they are more invested in following the Trans Rules than listening to the actual trans person vocalizing their needs. The anger in that post might seem confusing but people are genuinely rude as FUCK to it/its users even in trans spaces, and it's exhausting.
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cannibalismyuri · 1 year
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way to take things out of context <33 lemme show u some things i said in the actual post that aren't taken out of the connotations i meant to imply them with?
"they also are popular bc they're seen as Better than other creators and put on a pedestal. which is both uncomfortable for them and Highly discouraging for others." this was the whole sentence. way to take things out of context huh.
"many people just disregard other rlly talented creators in favor of the already popular ones (who are popular for a reason. their art / fics / wtv Are really good and i read their stuff too! not trying to put them down here, just trying to lift other people up)" so where in this sentence do u see me saying that they aren't good writers?
"also bragging rights? babe nobody's bragging abt how they get more interaction. that's rude asf and entirely out of the question. and those popular writers ur talking abt who Could brag if they wanted to DON'T. bc they aren't despicable human beings who love to put others down." so did i or did i not clarify that i think the people byler tumblr puts on a pedestal handle it gracefully.
also the way u phrased this is Exactly what's wrong with this fandom. have u ever read anything that wasn't be the 10 writers u idolized? i've found some AMAZING, FREAKISHLY TALENTED, SWEET AND ALL-ROUND LOVELY writers in fandom whom i never would've found if i didn't Specifically try to broaden my horizons. the way you phrased this implies that there is simply nobody who compares to the writers with most engagement and like... how would u know? isn't this exactly the kind of behavior i was saying was Not It? ur putting them on a pedestal and refusing to acknowledge other people, no matter how talented they may or may not be. i'm not saying everybody is an amazing writer right off the bat and that these writers aren't amazing; i'm saying that others may be just as good. i know Several amazing writers eho dont get half the recognition as mediocre writers in other fandoms (NOT! TALKING! ABT! BYLER! HERE!) based on luck and when exactly they post. u guys will never branch out and Try to support these other fic writers who are helping keep this fandom alive and contributing Beautiful fics and then say that the tag is dying just bc UR personal favorite creators aren't creating as much. this doesn't in any way diminish the obvious prowess and skill of the Big writers, bc they're amazing writers and people, but u suggesting that nobody else even comes close? this is NOT nyt bestsellers this is FANDOM. its common courtesy to atleast respect people who write these fics for free and if u can't provide basic respect by trashing others' writing that u haven't even read bc its not one of the Big writer's writing... ur part of the problem.
and im going to say it for the last Fucking time. dont bring my fics or engagement into this. im speaking for so many other people and im trying to demand support for Everyone. this was never just abt me. i said this previously too, but i made a whole ass EVENT to shine light on less popular writers. bylerficrecweek was made for a reason. if it was just abt me and my engagement i never would've wholeheartedly put my whole heart into that project. and don't u Fucking dare insult my writing. "maybe you're not as good at it as you think"? im fucking tired of u coming on my blog, claiming im saying a bunch of BULLSHIT and recontextualizing everything i say and insulting my writing on top of that. you won't see this bc ive blocked u now but. im genuinely so fucking tired. im turning off anon. clearly who ever is sending these has a problem with me personally; so say it with your whole pussy to my face now. ok thx and im Really Fucking Tired please read the post for what its meant to be before mindlessly accusing me of shit.
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restinsodaroni · 1 year
I'll try posting the FAQ this way lol, hopefully this works better! So read below to see the asks I will and won't accept or answers to common questions I get! I'll be linking this in my pinned post!
Alright! Please read this before sending in an ask!
🚫Evidently I am going to have to be stricter now since I have been creeped out numerous times on here. So yeah I will be blocking folks who keep disregarding my boundaries, constantly ignoring my FAQ, or just being impolite! Sorry! 🚫
Here's a post where I talk about said boundaries.
Hey so please don't:
• Send me any questions that ask about what would Sun and Moon do if you were harming yourself no matter the severity or the circumstances. It makes me uncomfortable and I shouldn't have to explain why.
• Spam the same ask especially everyday! That is not gonna get me to answer you. Spamming = Block I am not going to be lenient about this anymore!
• Send me an ask to change Y/N's body type.
• Expect me to answer your ask right away. If I could answer them quickly I would but that's unrealistic for me
• Nitpick my art, it's very demotivating especially if it isn't a helpful critique. Like yeah you can point out bad anatomy or perspective, but if you get on me for making Sun's eyes glow in the dark, then that's just a nitpick.
• Tell me you don't like my art style, but you like my comics. It's not the compliment you think it is!
• Be rude to me in your ask, that's just gonna get you blocked. I ain't putting up with it anymore.
• Send me roleplaying asks, this counts if you send me an ask roleplaying as an OC or character. I always get confused because I get sent info that I have no idea what they are saying because I know nothing about the Oc or character. I just don't know how to respond to it.
Alright here's some answers to frequently asked questions, or some do's and don't's to send me:
How do you pronounce your Username?
It's rest in sodaroni ! It's a play on the phrase rest in pepperoni. I made a joke about it a while ago with my sibling and decided to make it my username lol. Yes I know separating the words would have been ideal, but I'm not changing it now!
Can I draw you fanart centered around your AU?
Sure you can! As long as it’s sfw then its fine!
Are you ok with nsfw being sent to you?
I am not! I’d like to keep this blog sfw please! 
How come you haven’t answered my ask?
Well that’s because I get sent A LOT of asks. And a majority of them need comic responses which takes time to do. Not to mention my schedule is pretty hectic, even when I have free time I don't know if I'll have time to myself lol.
And I have other projects, art, and my Daycare Attendant fics I want to work on too sometimes. So just know if you send in an ask it may take me a while to answer it!
Also I may not have a good idea how to answer your ask at the time. Or I'm just overwhelmed at the moment lol 😅 And please don't spam the same ask in my inbox. Spamming = Block
Where can I read your fanfics?
You can read them right here!
‼️ Disclaimer! Please read the tags and summary for either fics! I don't want you to be blindsided when you find out the fic isn't 100% fluff or wholesome! Just gonna give you a heads up lol ‼️
When will the next chapter of your fic(s) be out?
I promise you I'm working on it! It just takes me longer because of the drawings since I am putting more effort into them now! Thank you for your patience!
Can I use one of your drawings as an icon, wallpaper, etc?
Yeah that’s fine!
Why did you draw Sun, Moon, or Eclipse like *Insert questions here*?
Why does anyone draw the way they do? Because I wanted to lol, and I like how it looks. That's basically it haha. Everyone is drawing the Daycare Attendant how they want, I don't think there has to be some deep reason for it.
Will you ever turn on anon asks again?
No I don't think so, Sorry!
Do you roleplay?
Can you draw me/myoc/my sun and moon/a meme?
Sure! But please send a picture of what you want me to draw! I got a handful of asks that requested this but sent me no reference photos so I don’t know what to draw lol.
Also don't send me drawing prompts of your characters/You getting too intimate with Sun and Moon or even Y/n. (Yes, I have to add Y/n on here now...)
If you want a hug cool, anything more than that I will probably not draw since some people can't behave lol.
If you send a question about wanting to be mean or even hurt Sun or Moon just don't get upset by the response you are given lol. It's just a comic, it's not real and Sun and Moon are not really mad.
Where do you get your gifs/screenshots of the Daycare Attendant?
I watch a lot of Fnaf security breach sfm videos on YouTube so sometimes I come across a funny video clip and screenshot or make a gif of it. If you'd like to know which video I got the image from I can try to see if I can find it!
Who is your favorite? Sun, Moon, or Eclipse?
I’ll be honest, I can’t pick between the three lol. I like them all!
One of your drawings came out weird or bad.
Please elaborate. You aren't being very helpful if you just tell me my drawing is bad, then leave without an explanation or a way I can improve. People on here do this to me a lot and I am quite tired of it.
I don't like your art style/ I don't like how you draw Sun, Moon, or Eclipse/ You don't draw as good as the other artists.
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It's fine if you don't like my art style, but please just keep it to yourself, your blog, your friends, your grandmother, or whatever. Like idk why people on here felt the need to tell this to me, but yeah don't do that. And no, telling me you don't like my art style but like my comics isn't the compliment you think it is. I wouldn't have cared so much until I got a few people telling me this pretty much every time I posted. I ignored it as long as I could lol 🤷🏻‍♀️
I don't like how you interpret/write Sun, Moon, Eclipse.
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Okay 👍🏻
This pertains to a few asks so I'll address it here:
I know when someone is fetish farming, I'm not naive lol. Like it seems really suspicious when I have the same person/anon desperately trying to get me to draw a specific ask 👀 soooo cut that shit out lol. It's very creepy and goes against my consent. Also chill with the dark humor.
*Ok so I’m going to be talking about a heavy topic here so read no further if you experience thoughts of self-harm or depressive thoughts!*
I don’t believe I would get an ask like this again but this is just in case! ( Edit: nevermind I did get more asks pertaining to self-harm smh ) I don’t mind drawing you something if you had a bad day, but I will not draw something for someone who requesting me to comfort them with a drawing of Sun or Moon because they self-harmed. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but I just can’t. I go over my reasoning in this post. Please don't send me any self-harm related questions!
*End of the serious topic!*
And that should be it! I may update this down the line! Thank you for taking the time to read this! (I know it's a lot of do's and don't's 😅 sorry about that!)
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fandom-hoarder · 9 months
Considering OP is yelling at ppl to leave them alone when questioned on specifics because a post that says “the grooming in spn fandom is insane” (specifically Wincest) was “not a callout” and only “a legitimate safety concern” about “a space is known for well you know”, they are not worth the time. They also reacted very rudely to an anon who only wanted to apologize for following them (thinking that OP was anti Wincest and trying to respect OP’s boundaries). Just not worth it.
[I held onto this in my drafts for a day, but I think I'm just gonna publish it after all. Even though v did a much better job of addressing the op directly, imo, I'm not interacting with the op. I'm also going to gather screenshots in a posterity post, but it will likely be unrebloggable.]
Hmm, I debated publishing this ask, because I'm really just. So tired. And annoyed. And it's not a great combination for tact. Nevertheless...
I haven't seen the yelling myself, just avoidance and redirection. Flippancy. But maybe it's happening in a space I can't see, or between people I've blocked, idk. If so, it sounds a lot like it IS January 2023 redux 🙃🙃🙃 -- I HAVE seen it now, and my suspicion still stands, though still not 100%.
People need to stop making such serious accusations when they refuse to back it up. Words fucking mean things. Saying a certain sector of the fandom--that ostensibly you're also a part of?--has a problem with grooming and is stupid...that was NOT worded in a way to help people stay safe. It was worded like a vague callout post to scare people. We've seen those before. 🙄
A post that was actually concerned about grooming in online spaces *in general* would list some things to be aware of, things to recognize, tips for getting out of a situation. But no, it's this vaguepost without anything specific, with the one question in the notes asking for an explanation or if it's sarcasm-- unanswered [eta: well maybe they responded and I can't see it, since I realized I had op blocked]-- and one reblog from a person who claims it wasn't about wincesties specifically, when it demonstrably WAS??
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So who is doing it, and where/how? I don't necessarily think it's a good idea to make public posts with names that devolve into personal beef and worse, but if someone is making the accusation that there's a grooming problem in the fandom they need to come with receipts or at the very least descriptions of the situation??
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This isn't cutesy. You know exactly what anon is talking about, as shown later. Reblogging the post unaltered gives at least the appearance of agreeing with it as written.
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This isn't to make light of! You reblogged it.
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This isn't helpful.
If there was no one specific, why reblog a post specifically about the wincest fandom having insaneeee grooming? It wasn't "just in general." It's not a joke, yet this reply looks entirely unserious.
I am too old to keep seeing this type of shit go through the fandom at regular intervals, especially when it's so often a false accusation based on interpersonal drama. The only purpose this serves is riling up the dash. It's exhausting, and waters down the gravity of the accusation by making it a phrase that cries wolf.
I'm not even saying outright that the post is a LIE; just that it has seriously similar markers of past drama that was approximately 90% unaddressed purity culture biases about fiction, 9% interpersonal beef, and 1% actual concern for a human being who was an adult, but young. And it led to the utter gutting of fandom, loss of acquaintances, deletion of a glut of fic-- all due to smearing the reputation of a writer by using horrible UNTRUE AND INCENDIARY ACCUSATIONS.
So I'm sure many of you already understand why I take umbrage with these types of posts! Who knows if it's about fiction or something real? 🤷‍♀️
And since there's no further context to be found, the way it LOOKS on the dash is that someone is taking creeper!Dean too seriously. It could be about something else, but who knows.
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gwydion-aacblog · 1 year
What should I do if I'm having unenjoyable conversations with somebody who potentially has ID?
For context: somebody has been direct messaging me on Tumblr about fandom. They've never said they have ID, but I've done a quite a bit of volunteer work with teenagers and adults with ID in real life, and this person communicates similarly. For example: repeating themself, only using simple words in "grammatically incorrect" phrases, and failing to understand slightly complex ideas.
I'm finding that I'm talking in simple loops with this person and it's frustrating because I like to deeply analyze fandom. I'm starting to dread talking them even though they've done nothing wrong.
Do you have any advice for making these conversations better for me without being rude?
(I'm a regular on your account by the way. I'm just on anon in case this person sees this ask because I don't want to embarrass them.)
not know what supposed answer this because is on other side too many times count where people get angry because could not give even " easy " things like listen " properly " . 
take so much to try participate and people have hate no matter what because no one could be patient because no one would care that easy not easy for everyone . expect that have and do and give same things as all other friends , when different friends different limits and different places in life . 
sometimes brain tangent make people feel like not listen to what say , but is listen because what person say make remember , feel , think about this other thing . would not think about that thing if was not listen . 
sometimes mix up words ideas topics and people can not see inside brain to know how much tangle hard pull apart . dismiss or laugh instead .
most times when brain already focus on talk talk talk about topic can not just change talk about something else , need need need get out all every single thought before can change . not mean not try best listen if also talk , but do mean need give time to finish before can say much more than " yay cool yay yay " then just continue what talk for self . 
sometimes for self , say ask something small simple is how invite more . even if something that already know answer . because not know how else invite . 
maybe already know think about all this . if that true then not have answer because , personal topic here , know from other side very well and kind of hurt if really know and think about all this and still want make things work different . is possible that literally can not .
but if maybe not , remember those things . remember how hard can be to try anything when have intellectual disability . how much people already immediately hate , even when try best absolute best . appreciate what do have with person . 
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Elizabeth Olsen, Serena Williams, Jennifer Lawrence, Celine Dion, Zendaya, Michael Jordan, and Robin Williams might remind you that younger children can have huge potential for success! I totally get that MC has been denied opportunities and sheltered so they start out on the back foot. But to be honest I’m not interested in playing as someone whose background is only used as a simple pass/fail and will give no flavor text. To be blunt I don’t want to perpetually play as the most useless person in the room. I think it’s a cool concept to have others actions/reputations hang over the MC, but I don’t want my MCs actions to have no consequence. Even if it’s just a MC who was super friendly to everyone and the party privately feeling frustrated when a noble is cold to them or being eh if they are more aloof. I’m not trying to say that eldest kids or middle children aren’t successful; anyone can be successful if they have the willpower and luck.
— a probably overly triggered youngest sibling who carries their fam
Hi anon.
You come across as a little combative in this ask, at least in my point of view, so forgive me if that is not the case, but it will colour the tone of my response.
If this is your way of telling me your expectations of the game, then I do not appreciate your phrasing and the tone of writing in doing so. In the future, I would prefer something more gentler or polite. Had not included your last line about being triggered and perhaps are acting emotionally, I would have deleted and ignored it completely. You are allowed to be honest and blunt, I welcome it, but your writing prose in this instance makes you sound aggressive, rude and accusatory and I do not like that.
Now onto what I think are your concerns:
The whole point of the game is that main character's agency allows for the change in the Empire. The MC's choices are important and they are game changing and consequential. I promised that on the game's very first post. I would not have made it an IF if that were not the case. It would take less effort to write a book.
There is no doubt that younger siblings can be successful. If I did not believe that, then I would not have made the MC the youngest child who can ascend the throne despite all the cards stacked against them.
In the original ask that I was responding too was in regards to any established preconceptions of the MC as of Chapter 1. I never said that being the youngest meant they could not rise above their siblings. I decided that considering the circumstances of their station or birth and past family history, there are preconceptions about the MC that will eclipse who the MC actually is as a person. And that preconception colours the MC's reputation to the rest of the world.
Birth order does not beget success. But using your example above, I can also say that some of those people are successful because of the efforts/privileges of the people that came before them. That they were born in better socio-economic circumstances than others, that their parents made the right connections/knew the right people, that they were born into the right family, the right coloured race, so on and so forth. Some of it might be true, some of it might not. But that doesn't matter if I believe it's true. It's a preconception that I have. This is what I am talking about when I mean there are preconceptions are being held against the MC no matter what they do.
This is only Chapter 1. Everything has to start somewhere and I made the informed decision to have all MC(s) start on this controlled platform because when there are too many variables in place, things become out of hand. This story is already too complex with multiple layers of nuances that must be juggled.
If you want your MC to be independent and ascend the throne. That is a choice that I allow players to make. There will be consequences. There will always be consequences. I will punish you for being cruel. I will punish you for being kind. You cannot make everyone happy. You can only do what you think is right. You can be as selfish or selfless as you want.
But I will say this as a warning: If my response to that original ask triggered you, then you will not enjoy the beginning of Chapter 1. Prior to drafting this response, I had just finished writing a group of scenes involving a character that is more of asshole than Eirik. He will humiliate you and look down on you for things out of your control and you will not be able to respond properly because he will be right.
Have a nice day.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 8 months
heyo jsyk censoring words like r****st or a****r or alternatively with numbers and symbols like [email protected] or @.bus3r helps no one, especially if youre trying to tag something so others can avoid it, please keep that in mind for the future ^^
The thing is, I only censored it for those who might be uncomfortable just blatantly seeing those words plastered all over my rant all of a sudden. I also thought since when my friends @puff0o0, @shoukiko and many others spoke about it and censored it then I should too since it seems better to do so on my platform given that my content is mainly domestic and romantic, it's so far from that.
I wouldn't need those alternatives and whatnot given the fact that I won't even THINK of writing things that involve such topics unless it's a brief mention or comfort fics for those who have been victims of those disgusting, revolting human beings.. (If they can even be called that)
You claim that it "helps no one" however there are people out there who'd much prefer to see censoring, it might not help you however it does help me (being responsible for what I post, say and do on this account) and anyone else who might read the post and find it disturbing to see it without censorship.
By saying that you're implying that you speak for everyone and I know that's most likely not your intention, I could only hope you meant to send this to me as an informant and with the best intentions as this reply is to you.
What you did say applies to other creators who do write about the content we've been referring to, however I don't plan on applying any of the sort on where I stand as a writer and creator.
Also damn, please be careful on how you word or phrase certain sentence next time because even if you might have good intentions, sometimes it'll just come off as rude or make someone feel inadequate and even something as little as words on a screen..
Sometimes I need to immensely calm myself due to the benefit of the doubt that you just have good intentions with a harsh execution before replying to anything so that I won't say anything rash or anything that'll come off the wrong way. I now also need a lot of convincing myself not to turn my anons off because of certain messages I got recently.
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no-passaran · 1 year
parents are literally legally obligated to pay for their kids electricity and foid because theyre the ones that forced the kid to exist and otherwise its abuse and neglect tf are you on. puritan brain fr
Of course they're obligated to, and even more so for someone who is only 15. A 15-year-old is not old enough to be someone who is supposed to have a job or make their own money. That's up to the parents at that point, not to the teen.
Imo Puritan brain would be to think a literal 15 year-old should be making their own money. Idk where you're from but in my country that would be illegal, you have to be at least 16 to get a job, otherwise you're exploiting children. Kids and teens should not have to worry about money at that age, it's a shame that some must because of family poverty, but in first world countries at least if you're poor enough that you need a job at that age, then you qualify for economic aid directly so the child or teen can get the money directly without having to do the job. The only case here where it's legal for someone under 16 to get a job is if they're living with a family that is abusive or distructured enough that the social services decide that it's better for the child to be self-sufficient so that they can move out of that household as soon as possible.
Also, unrelated to the topic, but you do realise we don't know each other, right? Why do you come on anonymous mode to say "tf are you on". I'm answering because I thought why not, but I hope you realise how strange it is for you to go to someone's ask on anonymous and leave a message with rude language or accusing me of puritan brain (I'm quite sure you don't follow me if you say that lol). That's a kind of language you could use with a friend I guess, but I'm literally a stranger, we don't know each other (you didn't even dare show your URL to be on equal foot with me!) and you could express the same opinion without lack of respect. If you want to have a conversation, you can get off anon and phrase things with respect. If you want to insult people, then at the end of the day you're wasting your own time.
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timegears-moved · 1 year
totk rant anon back again with one (1) potentially positive piece of info: turns out the froggy set DOES work as advertised, you just have to upgrade it twice for the set bonus. or at least i haven't slipped while wearing the full set since i upgraded it. but anyway that's enough about totk for now.
good luck with getting through aoc! i personally find it a lot easier to excuse the questionable writing in that game than in totk because revali is in it and i am deeply biased. that said, the game is definitely more fun if you pay less attention to the main cutscenes and more attention to the little character details in sidequests & mid-battle dialogue (sadly, i don't think there are any comprehensive compilations of said dialogue, though i have been planning to make one for at least revali. one of these days.)
aoc also has the same problem that botw (and likely totk as well) had, where the english localization is just... off sometimes, which compounds the writing issues. for example, in That cutscene, where english revali is complaining about "this nobody", his original dialogue is him demanding "why is LINK the leader" in the most petulant tone ever, and it's way funnier in my opinion. (i also don't think he refers to link as "failed" at the end of the medoh battle either??) plus, for that one sidequest that claims revali called the flight range upgrades "adequate", as far as i could tell other languages outright state that he seemed pleased with the upgrades. it's not a huge difference, but it's a little less "wow it's so surprising revali was exhibiting basic decency" and a little more "he was acting like he didn't care but he clearly cared".
oh yeah and the "you're good, but i'm better" line was originally more along the lines of "impressive, but that's as far as you go". again, a subtle difference, but more appropriate for someone who believed he was in a life-or-death battle with a legitimate enemy at the time. i could go on, but between this and botw (do you know about his original dialogue when firing on ganon. because it's really something.) there's... a lot, so i'll leave it at this.
but yeah i think it's hilarious that regardless of timeline, revali is just constantly trying and failing to get link to pay attention to him. absolute loser. i love him
OH OKAY! i didn't really bother with upgrading more than once because i was disappointed with it still slipping but i'll keep that in mind for any future playthroughs!
"revali is in it and i'm extremely biased" why are you literally me wkhejsjksje. same tho i'm willing to look past the weird way aoc writes him just because i'm so happy to see him again. also omg if you do make a compilation for revali please send it my way!!! i need more content to feed on no matter how small sjhsjejjd.
AND YEAH like it's such an important distinction to make. i haven't seen the original text for the aoc cutscenes but from what you've said it really just sounds like revali's issue lies with not being the centre of attention (which definitely fits him a lot better), rather than being rude to link for the sake of being rude. honestly in japanese revali just seems to be a lot more immature and that's why he's so abrasive and cocky, at least to me that is.
in japanese revali does openly admire and respect link!! like there's no hesitancy to his praise like there is in english and it gives more weight to his dejection at link not reacting to his skills and seemingly not seeing him as equal. also yeas i just rewatched the firing at ganon scene OUGH the way he goes from calling himself the "key" in ganon's defeat to using that same phrasing for link after medoh is freed drives me insane. like he can finally admit that link is the better warrior!!! the english version making it about link's "luck" drives me insane but for a completely different reason because literally what the hell.
i just rewatched that one video going over all of the small but significant changes made between both versions and like. they really did just add a bunch of unnecessary insults in there huh. like there's a huge difference between revali questioning if link understands the importance of his gale in japanese to straight up insulting his intelligence in english.
but you're right. regardless of discrepancies between languages, revali will always be so gay it makes him look stupid.
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j0hnj4ej3n · 2 years
𓆩♡𓆪 being in an arranged marriage with nct dream 𓆩♡𓆪
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(pic credits to owners)
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: it’s about arranged marriages, i personally think that can be triggering on its own so don’t read if you’re uncomfortable! personally, i am not for the idea of arranged marriages because there’s so many layers to it that i don’t agree with. BUT this is a work of fiction, the dreamies and y/n are all royals in this and nothing bad happens to anyone, except under jisung’s where y/n is slightly disrespected 
Notes: this was requested by an anon! “I’d like to make an NCT Dream reactions request to being in an arranged marriage, and slowly warming up to their partner” if you like my writing, you can buy me a cup of coffee here and feel free to send more requests in too. stay tuned for more~
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𔘓 Mark 
Mark always knew that this would be his fate, so he has long accepted it. The first time you two met each other was on your wedding day and he looked like such a kind and harmless guy it helped you calm down a bit. He would try to be your friend first, just getting to know you bit by bit during mealtimes and before bedtime. For the first week, he didn’t even sleep on the same bed as you because he could sense that you were uncomfortable but overtime, you assured him that it was okay. You slowly found yourself enjoying Mark’s presence as he did with yours. Sometimes you would sit with him in his office as he worked on the merger of your kingdoms. It was clear to everyone in the castle that the two of you were slowly falling for each other. Mark always wanted to be around you as much as he could and would even send flowers or gifts if he ever had to be away, even if it was only for a few days. He would take your advice into consideration when making decisions for the people and in regards to the merger, which made you feel heard and more than just an exchange for peace between the kingdoms. Both you and Mark could play the piano and spent many hours sitting in front of the piano together, playing random tunes. Sometimes, Mark would even turn them into songs and you would get to decide on the titles. One night, when it was just you and him in your shared bedroom, Mark presented you with a ring. “The ring we exchanged during the wedding was merely the unification of our kingdoms. This one, I made specially for you. And I know that, *chuckles*, we’re already married but… y/n, will you marry me? On your own accord this time?” 
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𔘓 Renjun
Renjun first saw you at an evening ball several years ago and even back then, his heart fluttered at the sight of you. He thinks you’re simply beautiful but he’s too shy to ever tell you. The both of you met once or twice before your wedding day to just get to know each other a little better and to in a lack of better phrasing, ‘accept your fates’ together. Renjun has always been nice to you and was always extremely respectful. Anyone would be damned if they even try to be rude to you. The two of you warmed up to each other rather quickly, especially after Renjun came back from a meeting and found you painting. “You paint too?” Now, evenings before dinner are reserved for the two of you to paint together in the palace garden. On rainy days, the two of you would paint in your room, trying to paint portraits of each other. You don’t know when it happened, but you could feel yourself slowly seeing Renjun in a romantic light. Maybe it’s the way he greets you good morning, with that sweet smile of his when you arrive for breakfast. Or maybe it’s the way the two of you could paint in silence together and not feel awkward. Perhaps, it’s the few nights when you can’t sleep and Renjun tries his best to make you comfortable, soothing you to sleep by singing softly and lightly running his fingers through your hair. If anything, you’re so grateful to have been paired with Renjun. Who is not just a wonderful prince but also a loving husband.
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𔘓 Jeno
You were always an independent girl. You learned everything your father taught about how to rule a kingdom and you trained with your mother in sword fighting ever since you were old enough to hold the weapon. You never saw a need for you to marry into another kingdom, but maybe this is the fate of many princesses who were not next in line to the throne. On the second night of your marriage  with Jeno, you learned that he was the best swordsman in his kingdom and only two weeks after your unification, he would be going away to war with the help of your kingdom’s best knights. On the third morning of your marriage, Jeno got up early for training and after begging him repeatedly to let you join him during training, he said yes. None of the knights dared spar with you so Jeno would and you liked how he was never easy on you. You found a new sense of excitement when training with Jeno, he did too. Jeno never thought the princess he would marry would share his love for swordfighting. But the more time the two of you spent training together with the other knights, the more overwhelming your worries became. It felt like the two weeks went by too fast and Jeno and the best knights from both kingdoms were set to leave for war tomorrow. “Let me go with you, I want to help.” you tell him the morning before his departure. “There’s no way.” “Why not? You know I can fight.” “You have to stay here and protect our people while I’m gone… and if I happen to never come back, at least they still have a future queen.” You couldn’t help but hold the young man you now call your husband in your arms, “You’re going to fight and then you’re going to come home to me. You understand?” Jeno offers you a sweet smile and nods, relishing in your embrace before he sets out for war. The war was a short but important one, at least that was the plan. They were supposed to be back in a month, but it’s been more than two weeks since a month passed and there was no news from the army. Your bed never felt more empty and every night, you lose sleep just praying to any god who would bring your Jeno home to you.  (should i make an au out of this? It’s getting too long) 
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𔘓 Haechan
Haechan really didn’t like the idea of being in an arranged marriage. What’s a marriage if there’s no love in it? He still promised himself he would do his best with you – he would treat you like the princess that you are. He was the one to strike up conversations first and initiate activities to do together since it was still years before the two of you would be crowned king and queen. Now’s the perfect time to get to know each other. “Is there anything you like to do?” Haechan asked you meekly, since he could tell you were still rather reserved around him. “I was learning ballroom dancing before the wedding, I’m still not very good though.” Haechan’s eyes lit up at that and the next day, he requested for arrangements to be made so the two of you could start classes together. He might have walked into this marriage doubtful of how it will all turn out but he slowly realised that he would never trade you for any riches in the world. You slowly opened up to him and the two of you loved dancing together. To hold each other close and sway along to the soft, slow melodies. Haechan loves your ballroom dancing lessons, but he loves it more when the two of you would sneak into the ballroom in the middle of the night. Both in your comfortable pyjamas, running on tiptoes and hand-in-hand towards the dimly lit ballroom. The two of you would dance to the quiet humming from Haechan since it was already so late at night. The ballroom would be filled with the soft padding of both your featherlight steps and the hushed giggles. The two of you would dance till your hearts’ content before retiring to your shared bedroom and fall asleep in each other’s arms. 
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𔘓 Jaemin
Jaemin was lucky enough that his parents allowed him to choose who he would be married to. Sure, it was still an arranged marriage but he got to select someone who he thought he could grow to love. During the wedding, Jaemin was so excited to just get to know you and live his life with you. You, on the other hand, were nervous but you always knew Jaemin as a gentle and righteous prince from a neighbouring kingdom so you tried to be optimistic about your future. From the moment the wedding ended, Jaemin treated you like the most important person in his life because now you truly were. He would make sure that you had everything you needed and wanted. He would make sure you were taken care of and that it wouldn’t be too hard of an adjustment from your lifestyle back at your kingdom. He made it so easy for you to fall for him, for his kind and loving nature. Jaemin had to travel a lot with the king (his father) to build alliances and such and whenever he did, he would bring home a gift especially for you. “Do you like it? I was walking around and when I saw it, I thought of you.” Sometimes it’s something small and meaningful, other times, it’s grand and extravagant. No matter the gift, you were just grateful for the fact that Jaemin was always thinking about you. You tell him he doesn’t need to get you gifts so often but he never listens. Jaemin just always wanted to shower you with love and everything that he has. 
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𔘓 Chenle
He doesn’t understand why he had to marry someone. He was the only son, the next heir to the throne. And he knew he could definitely rule on his own, why was there a need for a queen? So after the wedding, Chenle doesn’t really treat you like you were his wife. He treated you more like you were just the person he was sharing a room with – a roommate, but for life. You started feeling really lonely, you didn’t expect Chenle to treat you like a wife immediately. But at least as a friend? It wasn’t like you wanted this too but you at least walked in deciding to give it a shot. Chenle left for sword fighting practice and you were left alone again in your big bedroom after breakfast. It’s been two weeks and you miss your family, your old life. Every time you try to strike a conversation with Chenle it fails and he never goes deeper than a few words. You couldn’t help but cry silently every time you were alone. One day Chenle came back from practice and found you crying, your back turned from the door of your shared bedroom. “Are you okay?” He asked timidly, wondering what had gotten you so upset. And you were too overwhelmed to even speak so you just continued crying. Chenle was baffled but he sat silently next to you and waited until you were ready to talk to him. Once you calmed down, you mustered up all the courage you had to tell him how you felt. Chenle felt really bad and he never realised how badly it affected you. He explains that he had no idea what he was supposed to do, like what does it even take to be a husband? But he did apologise and he forgoed sword fighting the next day to just spend some time with you. The two of you had no idea what marriage entails but from then on, the two of you promised to figure this all out together. And it is safe to say that months later, the two of you grew inseparable. Everywhere Chenle was, you were right there with him. 
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𔘓 Jisung 
Jisung is so clueless and the first night is really awkward. The two of you were like “which side do you want to sleep on?” and literally spent five minutes in heavy silence, until Jisung mumbles out a quick ‘goodnight’ and turns the nightlight off. Things get better over the weeks and the two of you would consider yourselves friends. Jisung would spend time with you everyday, before and after going into meetings about alliances or mere kingdom matters. You would read to him as he laid his head on your lap in the corner of the library in the day or when right before going to bed at night. He would always start discussions about fantastical creatures like fairies, trolls, vampires. He would ask questions like “Do you believe in aliens?” or “What do you think would actually happen if a vampire bites you?” and the two of you could end up talking all night. It was clear that the two of you grew to like each other more and more, but was it just as close friends or something more? When he caught a guard being disrespectful to you when you asked about Jisung’s whereabouts (since he never usually got back from a meeting this late), Jisung only saw red. You looked so taken aback when the guard raised his voice at you, your eyes were wide in wary and your hands instinctively curled into tiny fists against your chest. He never felt anger like that, how dare he? The audacity to talk to a princess, like this? He was able to maintain his cool however, when he went up to the two of you and demanded the guard to apologise for being disrespectful. It was then that Jisung realised two things: one, he would protect you with his life and two, maybe he does see you as someone a lot more than just a close friend.
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hattiewritesalot · 3 years
Hey i love your writing, and i have a request<3
Camilo x fem!reader, where his girlfriend comes out to him as bi. She's super nervous and all but it's all cute and fluffy <3
Of course, anon! (this was probably my favourite fic to write so far)
~The Way You Are~
Camilo Madrigal x fem!reader
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Summary: (Y/N) is bisexual, but she still hasn't come out to her boyfriend, Camilo. Except, she doesn't expect him to be as educated as he is.
Warnings: Bestie if you think homosexuality is a bad thing then ig but it really isn't. get over it pls, let people love who they wanna love and move on with your life <3
A/N: HELL YEAH LGBTQ+ (Y/N) LET'S GO. Also we stan both Camilo and mama Pepa for being allies <3<3<3
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Y/N) had a little secret. She had finally come to terms with her sexuality, realising that she was bisexual, but she hadn't told anybody in the entire Encanto.
'Why?' you may ask, but it was the same question (Y/N) asked herself every day. Reason being, she was rather… nervous for lack of better term.
She didn't know how people would react, what people would think, she was all-in-all a bit scared.
But, as she stood outside of her boyfriend Camilo's bedroom door, she only had one thought rushing around her head.
'Now or never, I suppose.'
(Y/N) knocked three times quickly, before knocking again but slower, and knocking two times fast again. It was her and Camilo's secret knock, just so they knew it was each other.
"Come in!" She could've heard his voice a mile away with how loud he was. It was then that she began to pity Dolores, how could his sister even live with him? (Y/N) entered the room slowly, quietly shutting the door behind her.
She spotted her boyfriend right away, an unfinished game of cards on his desk, Camilo himself sprawled out on his bed.
"Camilo, I need to tell you something."
At the sound of these rather ominous words, Camilo sat up, his eyebrows furrowing together and his eyes squinting as if he was trying to read his girlfriend's mind.
"Go on, mi vida." He sounded out the words carefully, not wishing to cause any offence.
"I've been bottling this up inside of me for a long time." "Okaaaay?"
"There's something you need to know, something that might affect our relationship and therefore I'm pretty scared to tell you."
"Holy crap, (Y/N), are you pregnant?"
"No! No, I'm not, I'm.."
She didn't exactly know how to phrase it, her eyes flooding with tears and face heating up in nervousness.
"Camilo, I'm bisexual."
The silence in the room made her want to cry. Dios, she knew he wouldn't accept her. Where would she go? She would have to get out of the town before-
"I'm proud of you."
(Y/N)'s anxious thoughts came to a halt at her boyfriend's velvety voice.
"I'm proud of you for coming out to me, thank you, mi amor."
"But- do you even know what it means?"
She didn't mean to sound rude, she was just genuinely shocked.
"Of course I do! I think it's good for people to have general knowledge on things like this. Mi mami gave me some books about topics like homosexuality, said I should always be kind to people."
"So- this isn't gonna weird you out at all? Knowing that your girlfriend likes girls and guys?"
Camilo jumped off his bed and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a gentle hug.
"Mi corazón, I love you just the way you are."
this is rlly short but I love it. also, if this means anything to anyone, I am pansexual (and proud) so I really enjoyed writing about this :)
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oraorahoe · 2 years
Hi there! I hope I'm not being rude but I saw that requests were open! I hope this follows the rules!
Is it okay if there was a scenario of Giorno having a nightmare of him turning into Diavolo and when he wakes up, S/O comforts him?
I hope I'm not being rude!
Not rude at all Anon! Don’t worry! I only wrote that “I’m going slow with writing” in my desc. because I’m not always able to be super active and I write like a snail, just wanted everyone to be aware of that- lolol,, this is an awesome req by the way! thank you for suggesting it- Also sorry I’m so late haha (*^▽^*),,
JJBA Giorno, Having a Nightmare- S/o Comforts Him :
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(this takes place after the events of Vento Aureo so it’s vaguely implied; Abbacchio, Narancia and Bucciarati, are missed… (◞‸◟) sorry- I love them sm- but it was easier for me to write it like that,,)
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You and Giorno had just passed out after a long day of promenading around the city together. He really loves showing you around and taking you sightseeing to his favorite places in Napoli, just little shops, restaurants and ending the day with some ice cold gelato. It was so easy for you to just pass out in his giant bed on his chest after your exhausting day of walking, and his heartbeat seemed to sort of lull you to sleep…
It was only when you felt him begin rustling and moving around a bunch when you opened your eyes to see him wincing his brow in worry and panic in his sleep. His nightmares were frequent at this point. He never really opened up too much about everything that had happened in his past and how it had affected him emotionally, but you could tell that things were definitely stressing him and weighing heavily on his mind. It made your heart sink seeing your love shuffle in his sleep and so (against better judgment) you decided to wake him-
You nudged him slightly, sending him jolting back in fright and panic- nearly hitting his head on the large headboard. His normally calm and beautiful green eyes were now wide with horror, “Hey- hey, it’s okay…” you assured him grabbing his hand in yours, trying to calm his nerves. He looked at you and sighed… “Giorno…” you stared into his blank expression, “What was it… your dream…?” He knew he wasn’t obligated to tell you, and he hadn’t the past few times this had happened, he didn’t know what to do with himself though as his mind was continuously torturing him.
“Hey- you don’t have to tell me… but I’m here.” You reassured him with a calm smile as you pushed a loose strand of hair behind his ear. His chest raised and he took in a deep breath readying himself for what he was about to recount to you.
“It was- horrific, Y/n…” he paused, collecting himself for a moment, “I had transformed into D-Diavolo.” He closed his eyes for a second barely making out his next phrase. “A-and I was…” he shook his head placing his face in his hands. “I had to relive it all over again… as him…” Hearing this made your stomach turn, you could only imagine how traumatic this must’ve been on him- you gently wrapped your arms around him attempting to help him know he’s safe and okay now.
“Everything is alright now…” you whispered to him, rubbing his back, “Hey-“ you pick his head up to look at you and lightly wipe tears off his cheeks “It was only a nightmare… you’re okay Giorno.” You hold his hands in yours and softly tell him, “I’m always here for you- I love you…” he leans his head into your chest reposing somberly in your warmth. You enclose your arms around him once more, “I love you too Y/n… thank you, amore mio.” He whispered back, closing his eyes on you. He felt so safe in your arms and could find his way back to sleep again. He rests easily on you, now knowing he can come to you when he’s troubled with these burdens from his past and disturbing nights… and finds more comfort than anything in your loving embrace.
thanks for reading!!! :D sorry it was kinda short,, hope you liked it!!
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Did you see that CC and Simone were reunited at Venice? CC also started liking pics of Simone (including posts uploaded by Simone herself) and tagged her in one of her stories after being called out by some random person commenting on babskymakeup’s IG. Idk what’s going on but it’s weird.
Prompted by/Related to this ask
Hello there anon and yeah I did see them! They honestly look adorable together and it did bring me some comfort after all the weird vibes I've been getting from press tour- but I digress I have talked about it before (briefly in the ask linked above!)
Look at them - they're ALL SO GORGEOUS:
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Honestly my fave girlies; all talented in their own rights!
As for the second part of the ask: Oh wow, again like I said before I did not notice. I only get my info from yall. Good for Chari I guess? It just seems a little virtue-signalling to me at this point like she was pressured and forced to perform like this just because she may have noticed what Hannah (the random commenter) said.
Like if she didn't want to do all of this when S2 was in full swing, that's her problem lol I don't understand why she's trying to appease us now.
Anyways weird IG activities aside and again yall I really think we'd be better off not analysing these things, let's appreciate our pretty girls in pretty dresses at a fancy af event!!
It's really funny that I mentioned virtue-signalling and Hannah the commenter cos along with the original ask I got about Simone and CC's IG activities, around the same time I got this super rude anon lecturing me on how to address/influence fandom drama within the Kathony fandom and then when I said Hey you could have been nicer, they became more rude lmao?? It just felt like they wanted me to be virtue-signalling and policing the fandom. It was weird af how they were treating me like some sort of Kathony fandom influencer and now it seems Hannah is more of an influencer than me if Chari did see that comment and decided to do all of this ahahah.
Anyways worry not yall I will be making a post address that anon's concerns (they had valid concerns just hated the way the asks were phrased and the energy they gave off), just not directly replying to them or right now because I have no time or energy to give people like that.
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