#but honestly? idgaf
sunandflame · 11 months
why no yandere? everybody is writing it.
I actually don't owe anyone an explenation here, but since I am so nice I will do it anyway.
I don't write yandere because I simply don't like it. It goes against the nature of my personality and character. I am a very empathic human being and I have actually a very high emotional intelligence which means I am able to understand complex emotional issues, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy it.
I can also understand wanting to write and read stuff like that and I am in no way here to judge anyone who loves yandere, but for me it is really triggering. Which is why I am simply avoiding it. That doesn't mean it is bad. No, it's not. Everyone can write and read what they want.
Also if everybody is writing yandere than please do me the favour and ask everybody. Just because everybody is writing it, doesn't mean I have to do it too.
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bowowark · 3 months
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Human Allan doodles ummm
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lumintsu · 1 year
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yuwuta · 4 months
half of these tiktok relationship/break up/whatever pranks would not work on most of the jjk boys, but nanami is esp funny because he just becomes immune to it. you tell him you two should break up and he just sighs and nods, continues making dinner even as you flutter around him and try to start a fake argument. “kento, hello? i’m saying we’re finished!” and he just hums, and chops the vegetables, “that’s nice, dear. did you want red or yellow peppers this time?” 
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riickgrimes · 7 months
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kendallsroyco · 7 months
Look at my lawyer dawg, I'm going to jail 😩 he's too busy looking sexy on sidewalks
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Video source
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classycookiexo · 8 days
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arthursfuckinghat · 6 months
"Omg I wonder what Arthur's reaction would be if he saw the kinda content people make of him-"
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staying-elive · 9 months
I'm so sick of Sam being left out of What if...? (In general, and also to legitimise Peggy as cap)
Is it because they think that without Steve and the morning run meet-cute, that there's no way to recruit Sam? Be real. Ffs.
Because with the tiniest shred of imagination they could make it work.
Take Rhodey. In Iron Man 1 he's the Air Force liaison for research and development, right? He's got a background in aerospace engineering, right? So presumably he'd know about the EXO Falcon program, yeah?
So when a world crisis is underway and the good guys need a little back up, or even pararescue to help civilians, Rhodey could be the one to say 'I know a guy.. Let's call in some help'.
If these are all alternate timelines you could even bring in both Sam and Riley, cos maybe Riley never died and that's why Sam is still active and on-call. A bonus great opportunity to see more of Sam's history and wingman dynamic (which was important enough to make him quit when Riley was killed.)
Point is, if the show creators wanted to, they would.
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wikiangela · 2 months
sometimes it feels like some people don't even like eddie as his own character (same often goes for buck for that matter), they only exist for each other and with each other, and ppl bend over backwards, twisting all the words said in canon, trying to make all their individual storylines about each other. it's insane lol
let them be their own characters jfc, there's so much more to them than whatever you want their relationship to be😫
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sneezegoblin · 14 days
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quick manga panel redraw that somehow escalated
almost-black hair Vash my beloved, you have enough style (and trauma) for everyone who wants some
I will not finish it because it was never meant to be more than a silly warm-up, oh well. Enjoy!
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takaispog · 2 months
Starting Statement
I'm staring this post off by saying this fandom is so, so unbearable, and I don't want to come off as mean, but there are people in this fandom that I, personally, cannot stand.
I won't be naming names because I don't support targeted harassment, but people in this fandom need to learn to be nicer to others because it's genuinely so annoying to see drama in every direction.
I get having opinions, and I get people tend to disagree in every fandom, but usually when you disagree, you agree to disagree and move on. I don't think I've seen this much bullshit since the DSMP era, and that's saying something.
I tend to stay away from the people in this fandom due to stuff like that. I've seen more people shit talk others behind their backs more than I've seen people agree to disagree, and that's incredibly sad. What happened to being nice? What happened to just leaving people alone? What happened to muting a topic and moving on?
I feel like we've normalized hate too much, and it's making the internet more unsafe for those who share opinions. Doxxing, hate, and cyberstalking are all becoming more and more normal, and that isn't good. The fandom's state right now isn't good.
Shipping Discourse
Now this topic I hate getting into, mostly because I've already talked about it multiple times, but I feel like I need to say something again because nothing has changed.
The shipping discourse in this fandom is rancid. It genuinely makes me want to throw up with how much I've seen of people hating on others for liking a harmless ship.
You are allowed to have opinions, but the line is crossed when you continue to shit talk ships publicly and harass people over them. And when I say you shit talk ships repeatedly, I mean you continue to post about hating something so passionately, you make others feel bad for liking said ship and feel afraid to post anything about it.
And the harassment is awful. Extremely so. It's sad to see people get chased off the internet for liking something as simple as a ship. It would be different if the ship was harmful and problematic, but this fandom has an issue with going after ships that aren't even either of those things.
There's a difference between hating somebody for liking something like Dave x Henry, than hating on somebody for liking something like Peter x Steven. One ship is problematic, the other isn't. If you want a detailed list on how they're different;
Dave x Henry; Dave sees Henry as a father figure and literally took his dead son's name to fit the role of son better, Henry abused Dave physically and mentally by experimenting on him and manipulating him while knowing Dave's past, Henry is way older than Dave, there's incest undertones given Dave's view of Henry and it would just be toxic in general.
Peter x Steven; Peter calls Steven an "asshole boss" at one point in the game, Steven made Peter into a phone guy.. and that's truly it. Plus the fact that, in the third game, Steven goes to apologize for Peter for what he's done.
See the difference? See how stupid it is to hate so violently on others for liking Peter x Steven? Or ships like that in general? Unless they're loud and proud about loving incest or problematic shit in general, just.. leave them alone. You can mute the topic and move on. No need to make several hate posts or harass them.
Again, people can have opinions and their own views on ships, but there's no need to make stuff up or say horrendous things about the ships to justify why you hate them. You are allowed to dislike ships without having a reason! And don't harass people over harmless ships either, there's just no need.
> The Difference Between Blocking and Muting
And adding onto the topic above, I believe you have full rights to mute or block, but I'd like to explain what I believe the difference is.
There isn't anything wrong with muting a topic and moving on, that's actually the recommended decision! I just find blocking a mutual or even close friends over something as simple as a ship.. stupid.
Imagine waking up one day to find somebody you believed to be your friend has you blocked, and they didn't even decide to tell you why? You'd be pretty panicked, right? Or at least confused?
Again, you have a right to do whatever you want. Block or mute, it's your decision, but if you decide to block a friend or mutual over a ship, at least tell them.
This section is going to be shortish given it isn't as important, but I still want to talk about it a bit.
I feel like one of the main reasons people hate certain ships or hate certain characters is because they see somebody talking about it, and even if that person's take is completely wrong or just being hateful to be hateful, that person might take it 100% seriously and spread it as their own opinion, which spreads even further until that character/ship is so disliked by a portion of the fandom, that others begin to flee in fear of hate.
I get having your own view of a character, and I completely understand, but there comes a line called "mischaracterization" that a lot of people cross, and it.. is honestly super annoying.
Mischaracterization in any fandom is annoying, especially if you see somebody shitting on a character you enjoy for something that isn't even true.
Also the.. infantilization of grown men is.. in my personal opinion, disturbing.
Men are allowed to wear dresses and act a certain way, but some of the things I've seen in this fandom make me want to turn off my computer, lay in my bed and stare at my ceiling for 48 hours.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the dsaf fandom has a horrible record of mischaracterization that I can even get into without this turning into an essay, so I'll keep it short.
No, Steven isn't a stereotypical, stuttery gay. No, Peter isn't an asshole who abandoned his family. No, Dave isn't a big, strong, sexy "yandere." No, Jack isn't an innocent, uwu boy who needs to be protected. And no, Dee isn't a bitch.
Targeted Harassment and Misuse of Platforms
I honestly can't believe I have to make this a section, but here I am.
I've seen people use their platforms in horrible ways, and I need to just point it out. It's disgusting and unacceptable to publicly hate on a person to your followers, knowing there are people that will go out of their way to send hate to the person you're talking about.
And I'm not talking about calling out a pedo or a groomer, I'm talking about the people bringing their own personal drama to their accounts for no reason.
You don't need your followers to back you up. Be mature about it and keep it in DMs. You are inviting hate into the discussion and you might not even get a conclusion given the fact the person you're arguing with might be more focused on the fact they're being sent hate after hate. It might even run them off the internet.
Vague tweeting isn't good either, but it's not as bad as outright posting who the person is. If you want to settle things, talk to the person yourself instead of making your followers go and harass them.
I've had people come to me in the past because the person they were talking to leaked their DMs, or leaked their private tweets. It's unacceptable and just outright hateful. If it's personal, keep it private. If it's actually something you need to tell others to keep them safe from the person, then go ahead and tweet about them!
There's a difference between personal beef and that person being a horrible person. Remember that difference and act accordingly.
Also don't take stuff out of context either to paint the person as a bad person. I've seen that happen a lot and had to go and research what happened myself, just to find out what they said didn't even happen. It's sad.
> Shit Talking Behind a Person's Back
Adding a tiny section to this one, I find talking shit behind a person's back horrible, unless that person has done something unforgiveable.
If you're private tweeting about somebody and not blurring their @, knowing people follow your priv, you're inviting people to spread it and make that person out to be a horrible person, when in reality the two might've had a fight and one of them just decided to be an asshole about it.
Stop posting private DMs on your private account. Just talk to the person instead of talking behind their back and making yourself out to be a victim. I've talked to people in this fandom who have victim complexes. Not fun.
I'm just going to say it. I'm tired of this fandom. I'm tired of the people in this fandom. Seeing hate after hate and people just being shitty for no reason is exhausting.
People in this fandom need to learn how to be decent human beings and stop being dramatic over stupid shit. Leave each other alone, for Gods sake. If you don't like somebody, then block them. If you don't like a ship somebody likes, just drop it. If you're fighting with somebody over personal shit, keep it private.
It's seriously sad to see people get run out of the fandom due to bullshit like this, along with large accounts either instigating or causing drama for no reason.
Grow up. Please.
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reanimatedgh0ul · 4 months
vlad would TOTALLY own some shit like this
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yudidoodles · 2 months
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Listen its like a million degrees out and the official Russian art by Djune of Mobei-jun got me messed up I wish I had a big tiddy ice bf to motorboat rn
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jynjackets · 3 months
they’re not reylo because osha isn’t sidelined from the narrative to support his goals. from her perspective we see how it makes complete sense why someone like her, (a dedicated, loving yet outcasted former jedi) is questioning where she belongs. Qimir may want to use her and obviously feigning kindness to get her to trust him, but he also genuinely wants a pupil that unlocks the power of the dark side. And he sees that power in osha and it’s this obsession with her that’s undeniably tempting especially for someone who hasn’t quite been given back the loyalty and devotion that she openly offers.
its “toxic” because it’s supposed to be. and we love watching these dynamics unfold because they reflect the ugly truths of human nature. we do things to feel love even if it’s in artificial forms. we incessantly give with the illogical hopes that we might receive something back. how the dark side pulls someone such as osha therefore becomes realistic. and what is more appealing than to allow yourself recognition you never had. to let your emotions be unrestrained and even be your greatest strength. what else could you do when someone finally tells you that there’s more out there for you, and can grant you unspeakable power that’s always been just out of reach
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carlestin · 1 month
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not even king arthur could pull me out
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a closeup and a background-less. Idk if the closeup actually makes anything better
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