#also running this and a twt acc is too hard for me kind of
blurays · 1 year
theres so many nice messages unanswered here sry that for yrs ive been like The Worst and cannot speak whenever someone sends me smth that makes me feel mildly nice
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
And add the fact that she has many as young as 10 years old followers, which some of them could be queer and learn what they should do from her, would normalize so many problematic traits, ,jealousy possesiveness cheating on your s/o (for $$$ or for just because) etc. , and this is what they will think of "queer relationship" bc they're in a homophobic environment. An applaud for the crowd pls.
I'm going to add all my TKlies anons and the asks I've already posted here into this one thread. Just so everyone can be well aware as to WHY she is toxic along with some of the toxic narratives tkkrs push. Then I'm closing this topic and won't be posting anymore asks about it. Rainbow text lady gives me such a headache. I tend to avoid the hell out of anything she does or posts. I'll also split up anons with cute jikook pics because we deserve some happiness in this post too
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Anon 2: Every time i see "tkr" and "queer" used in the same sentence, i always think of this girl on twt who exposed herself accidentally. She posted a ss of a chat with her friend with the caption "i love this girl so much" but in the chat the account owner wrote "i wish i was gay, that sounds so fun, and you bitch would be the first girl i'd hit up" ??? But if you look at her bio, there was a pride flag. The audacity maam. Homophobia is so fun, yeah. And we believe you, you're a really queer indeed.
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Anon 3: imagine your boyfriend making romantic videos for other person and uploading in public platform just to make you jealous. Boy I would break up immediately
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Anon 4: Oh you didn't know? She invented some of coming out stages herself. She decides "TK's current stage" acc to how they behave lately. SI=Stay in, CIO=Coming into open, CO=Coming out. Do the editors of run!bts cutting TK content? TK is in SI stage. Are TK being loud? They're in CIO stage bc they dropping "hints". Did dispatch or any outlet shared a TK related thing? OMG THEY'VE CAME OUT ALREADY!!! THE WHOLE KOREAN INDUSTRY KNOWS ABT THEM!!! Her followers always ask her abt when will TK come out...
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Anon 5, relating to tkkrs not tklies: I literally cannot believe i'm typing this right now. Have you seen the drama revolving around 🐰🦁? A specific fanartist better not be named literally drew 🐥getting beated up by🐰bc he was jealous how close 🐥 was to🦁?? And those dumbasses cannot understand that jikookers attacking them bc out of all the imaginary ppl they could've drawn,they chose this path to go? Just bcs it's hard for most tkrs to differentiate b/w fantasy and reality, 🐥 had to be dragged to hell and back everyday. ISTG.
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The ask that started this conversation... opinion from an anon about how she doesn't believe their are truly queer TK supporters, only fantasy shippers...
Ask posted about tklies on Twitter about telling young army to come out:
Possible false claims of being LGBTQ ask posted:
I don't have much to add expect this all is all just very very sad. These are REAL people. Not fictional characters to create whatever kind of narrative you want about who they are. I'll just reiterate to stay away from TaeKook_Lives on literally every SM platform, block and report. And make sure you are watching original content when you form your opinions over the guys and to always always be respectful. TKlies topic closed to asks for now. Thank you 💜
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