#also saw someone say that will comforting nico by giving him a kiss was offensive to shippers of Jasico-
mothmanavenue · 1 year
came onto tumblr to gush about how sweet tsats is only to find out some of y’all need to go touch grass 😭
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
Sore Loser
A/N: I rewrote this twice because I deleted half of it- totally no tears here! Comment your opinions and most importantly, enjoy! <3 from moi.
Word count: 1.3K
Summary: The ending to this one shot
Tagging: @showtunesandsolangelo​
Part II
Percy refused to talk to Annabeth the entire ride back to Camp. Most of his team was lighting up on the way back besides Percy and Will who were furious at Nico for overworking himself over a game. Percy would turn his head every time Annabeth spoke to him however when they got off the bus, he snatched her bag out of her hand and threw it over his shoulder. Annabeth tried to not laugh- sure, he wouldn't talk to her but he would still hold her bag for her. 
“Percy, bro cmon, it was a game.” Jason slapped him on the back.  
“That we got beat in!” 
“That was your fault,” Calypso laughed slightly as Leo wove his hand into hers. He had forgiven her for practically yeeting him across into a creek. She still felt quite guilty when she saw the bruise across his back but he had waved it off as if it were nothing. 
“I did warn you that we were going to win,” Annabeth repeated. “ C’mon Perce, it was just a game!”
“Hmph!” Percy shook his head away from Annabeth even though he was holding her hand and her stuff. It was by far one of the funniest things Annabeth had ever seen him do.He clearly did not see the irony. 
“Do you understand what you did? It was a game Nico, a game! Do you understand what those words mean?” Will answered his question before Nico could. “ It means you don’t overexert yourself and have fun. Have you ever heard of fun before!?” 
Nico was trying to keep a poker face and not laugh at Will. He watched as the blond teenager continued freaking out, throwing his hands about and lecturing him. Nico was sitting down on his bed in the infirmary, supporting his weight with both his arms. Yes, Nico injured himself so often that he had an actual bed assigned to him in the infirmary. 
“What are you smiling at!” Will turned on him. 
“It was you and your little freak outs. Happy now?” Nico raised an eyebrow.
“Oh.” Will seemed significantly quiet as he attempted to fight the rising blush on his cheeks.
“Says you.” Will retorted as he sat next to Nico, shuffling so he could get comfortable. Nico shuffled a bit so he could lay his head on Will’s chest who in turn rested his chin on Nico’s head.. Will felt warm, safe and his heart had steady thumps- something that calmed Nico as his eyes closed and he gently drifted into a sleep. The last thing he felt was a soft kiss on his forehead. 
“Anyone seen Will and Nico?” Piper asked as she took a seat.
“Infirmary,” Reyna confirmed as she decided to take a seat by Frank and Hazel. Just as Annabeth was going to take a seat by Piper instead of Percy, she felt a hand grab her wrist. She let Percy drag her to his lap- he was still frowning. His eyes weren’t cloudy like they were when he was truly angry, instead they were his regular sea green hue. His hair was messy form the game and some of the ends had splashes of yellow paint dired to the ends. There were even some splodges on his face and bruises on his arms but despite all of that, Annabeth still thought he looked as handsome as ever. 
“So you’re still going to interact with me but you won’t talk to me?” 
“He’s stubborn,” Leo called out. 
“Grudges really aren’t your thing Percy, leave that to Nico,” Hazel admitted, her legs resting on Frank’s lap. 
“She exploited the trust we had so she could win,” Percy huffed out the few words. Piper literally cackled. Percy was probably the one of the best soldiers in battle but he really wasn’t very good at losing. 
“Percy,” she wheezed. “It was a game. You should have seen it coming.”
“Seaweed brain, I said I’m sorry but come on, you have to admit it was funny!” Annabeth pleaded. She watched as Percy struggled to keep his face under control. The corners of his lips twitched upwards and at the same time, the dimples on his cheeks appeared momentarily before disappearing. His eyebrows creased together in a dramatic fashion, clearly trying to prevent a smile from spreading across his face. 
“Percyyy please!”
“Percy, you realise no one is on your side right?” Reyna reminded. 
“I’m going to my cabin, in case you traitors wanted to continue anymore of your protesting,” Percu huffed as he got up and stormed away in a dramatic fashion. The rest of the group remained in their seats, trying to resist snorting. 
A knock resonated from the door. Percy was considering if he should answer or not. The chances it was a quest or someone in need of his help (he really was close to screaming fuck all the gods except Hestia) and the chance it was Annabeth were both a fair 50/50. The knocking was persistent and finally Percy sighed before getting up and in a violent manner, pulled open the door. 
To his surprise, Annabeth stood there with a plate of blue cookies (that looked like one or two had been burnt), blue nachos (with some famous 7 layer dip which Annabeth had to iris-call Sally to learn the recipe) and a bottle of blue soda which stood by her foot.
“Sorry?” Annabeth offered, her arms a bit full. Percy didn’t know how to react. On instinct, he helped Annabeth, taking the nachos out of her hands and propping the door to his cabin open so she could walk in. As Annabeth walked in, he stuck his head out the door, to make sure Chiron wasn’t watching. 
“So..” Annabeth trailed off, looking at her feet. 
Percy sighed, rubbing the back of his head. “So…”
“I made cookies,” she smiled weakly.
“I saw. How many did you burn?”
Annabeth gasped in mock offense. Her hand flew to mouth dramatically as she struggled to hide a giggle. 
“What! There was no way that Leo didn’t help you with those. He’s the only one who can actually make food here,” Percy laughed slightly. Annabeth, caught red handed, let out a nervous bubble of laughter as she sat herself on one of the chairs in Percy’s cabin. 
“So… have you forgiven me?” Annabeths eyes looked shiny and hopeful. 
Percy had forgotten that he had meant to be mad around Annabeth- when the girl you’re in love with walks into your cabin with blue food and cookie ingredients across her face, you kinda have to stop thinking grrrr. In Percy’s eyes Annabeth looked so adorable- she had flour on her face and hair, her clothes were clearly in a food dye accident and her hands were stained blue. 
“Maybe… I will have to give everything a thorough taste test to determine it though.”
“Oh of course, we can’t have anything not up to your standard,” Annabeth joined in on Percy’s mucking about. Percy took a bite out of the blue cookie that lay on top- expecting the worse however, he was pleasantly surprised when it tasted pretty good. 
“Wow, this is way better than I thought it would be.” The words flew out of Percy’s mouth before he could stop them.
“Glad to see you believe in my baking skills,” Annabeth drawled sarcastically but her lips were still smiling. Annabeth also took a cookie and was shocked at how good it tasted. 
“Wow, these are pretty good.”
“Well you see, I have this super competitive but awesome girlfriend who cannot cook or bake but she has really good battle strategies that seem to also work when coming to blackmailing her friends to make food.”
Percy wrapped his arm around Annabeth's waist, pressing a kiss to her forehead just as she gave him a playful punch, causing him to pout and rub his arm. They set out the food and argued about what movie to watch.
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simplywylan · 5 years
5. Angst
Oooh angstyyyyy!! This is gonna be a fun one, for sure. Let’s just hope it actually turns out okay lmao.
ANGST - 5: “Wake up! Please, wake up!”
Nico so wished he was at home with Levi right now. He so wished he could be cuddled up in bed next to him, getting the lie-in he so desperately needed. All he could think about was Levi right now, and how tired he was. AS much as he loved his job, he loved Levi just that little bit more. 
So when he caught wind that Levi was in the hospital, when he was meant to be having a day off, he instantly started to panic. No one had told him why Levi was here, nor could they tell him why he was here. Levi wasn’t answering any of his texts messages. As far as Nico knew, Levi was going to spend the day with his mother, who Nico had only met twice before. 
Nico rushed through the hospital, trying to find someone- anyone- that could give him more news on Levi. He wanted to know what was happening. He wanted to know if Levi was okay- damn it, he wanted to know if Levi was alive.
Suddenly, the hospital seemed unfamiliar, as if he was lost and didn’t know where to go. It was as if everything had been switched around like some cruel trick of nature just so Nico wasn’t able to find Levi. It wasn’t until he felt a hand on his shoulder that he snapped back into the painful reality that surrounded him.
“Dr. Kim?” It was Taryn. He felt a little more relaxed now that she was here. Finally, there was something, someone, who could possibly give him some information on his boyfriend. However, the somber look coating her face really made no difference in how anxious he felt. 
“Taryn,” He breathed out, almost a sigh of relief. “Do you- Do you know anything about Levi? Please, you must know something?”
Taryn nodded her head frantically, glancing around before dragging Nico off to a quieter part of the hospital. She didn’t want him to freak out when surrounded by patients and other staff members. It wouldn’t be pretty for him or the people watching it. 
She pulled him into an empty room, closing the door behind them before turning to face Nico. He was fidgety, unable to stand still as he anxiously awaited the news Taryn had for him. She took in a calming breath, knowing what she was about to say could possibly ruin Nico’s day. No, it would ruin Nico’s day, without a shadow of a doubt. 
“So?” Nico pondered, his fingers fiddling with the bottom on his scrub top. Taryn squeezed her eyes shut, trying to blink back the tears that were threatening to spill. She couldn’t let Nico see her like this. That isn’t what he needed to see. 
“Levi was in a car accident with his mother,” Taryn kept herself as calm and professional as she could. Nico froze as soon as Taryn told him the news, his hands dropping to his side. His mouth was agape as he tried to process what was happening, fresh tears welling up in his eyes, his glance shifting around the room. This couldn’t be happening. This could not be happening, not to Levi. “He is fine, trust me. He’s in surgery-”
“Surgery?!” Nico snapped at Taryn, though he didn’t mean to. He was absolutely petrified, his hands shaking by his side, eyes wide with fear. Taryn had never seen him so… So scared. 
“His spleen ruptured due to the crash. His shoulder was also sprained but it was minor. It’s going to be okay.” Maybe she was just trying to convince herself that as well, but she knew that Nico needed to hear those words, whether or not he believed them. 
Taryn wasn’t sure she quite believed them either. She was hopeful though. Levi was strong, he’d fight to pull through. 
When Levi had finally come out of surgery, Nico had refused to leave his side. No matter how hard anyone tried to pry him away, he swore he would stay by Levi’s side until he woke up. He needed to be there when he woke up. 
Even Link had tried his hand at convincing Nico to take a break, go get some food and some water to help himself feel better. Still, he refused to move. No one had ever seen Nico in such a state as this before and it was unsettling, since there was really nothing they could do to help him. Nothing they tried worked. 
The cramping sensation in his hand wasn’t enough to cause him to release Levi’s hand from his own. It hurt more than he would care to admit, yet he was still overly adamant about keeping Levi’s hand gripped in his own. 
“It could still be a while,” Link reminded Nico, resting a reassuring hand against his friend’s shoulder. Nico sniffed, blinked his eyes, nodded once. He felt empty. “If you won’t go get yourself something to eat or drink, can I?”
“No,” Nico responded, his throat hoarse. “I don’t need it.”
Link sighed. “If you say so. If you need anything, though, please let me know.” He patted his hand against Nico’s shoulder before he turned and left, leaving Nico to be alone with Levi. As soon as he heard the click of the door closing, he just broke down completely. 
It wasn’t like Nico to cry. He hated it, in fact. He hated it how the tears made his eyes sting, only for them to become so painfully dry afterward. He hated how sore his throat would become, how he’d struggle to be able to talk for hours after. It had been drilled into his that crying wasn’t something that men did. However, right now, he couldn’t care less. He could have lost the love of his life today. He could still lose him. 
Nico firmly squeezed Levi’s hand, resting his forehead against their intertwined fingers as he let out a muffled sob. His thumb grazed over the back of Levi’s hand, something he always did when Levi needed to be comforted. Right now, it was the only thing keeping him somewhat sane. 
“Wake up! Please, wake up!” Nico begged through the tears, hiccuping as he finished his sentence. His chest felt tight, keeping him from being able to take a proper breath. He knew exactly what was happening to him. 
It was as if the world around him was crumbling, his whole life just coming to an abrupt stop, without warning. It was as if he’d been thrown into the middle of a busy highway, desperately trying to find his way out, only to be hit as he tried. There had never been anything Nico had experienced that made him feel this way before. Not even when he was ten and the family dog ran away. 
“Don’t leave me,” Nico sobbed as he glanced up at Levi from where he was sat, tears dampening his cheeks, his bottom lip quivering. He gave Levi’s hand another squeeze, though this time it was weaker. “Please. I can’t lose you.”
The burning sensation in his chest only grew at the thought of possibly losing Levi, never having the chance to hold him again, kiss him again, or tell him he loves him. Deep down, in his logical, sane mind, he knew that Levi would be absolutely fine. But right now, his irrational mind was convincing him the complete opposite. 
Eventually, he let go of Levi’s hand, despite the fact he didn’t want to. The cramping in his hand was just something he couldn’t ignore any longer. Still, he kept his hand close, ghosting his fingers across the back of Levi’s hand. As long as he could still touch him, Nico was fine with not holding his hand. 
A weak knock on the door, along with the sound of it squeaking open, tore Nico’s gaze away from Levi. He sniffled harshly, using his other hand to wipe the tears from under his eyes, blinking a few times to see who had entered the room. 
“Hey,” It was Taryn. She looked exhausted, the bags under her eyes giving it away. Nico let out a sigh of relief when he saw it was her. She frowned, a deep line etched between her brows as she stared at Nico. “How’s he doing?”
“Okay,” Nico turned his gaze back to Levi. He looked peaceful, though it didn’t make Nico feel any better. “He’s okay.”
Taryn closed the door behind her as she entered the room, tip-toeing her way over to join Nico. As she reached his side, she rested a hand on his shoulder, giving a subtle squeeze. “No offense, but you look awful.”
Nico actually laughed at Taryn’s comment. He exhaled deeply as he turned his head to look up at Taryn, a thankful smile tugging at his lips. She gave him a sad grin, rubbing her hand against his shoulder. 
“I feel awful.” Nico sighed out, tapping his fingers against the back of Levi’s hand. It was a terrible waiting game, wondering when Levi was going to wake up. Not only that, he’d be groggy and confused, wondering where he was. Nico would be expecting him to wake up and panic about where he was. 
“Look,” Taryn sat herself down on the edge of the hospital bed, making herself comfy. “He’s going to wake up, and you’re going to be by his side when it happens. He’s going to appreciate you staying here, but he would also want you to take care of yourself. If you need to take a break, then do so.” 
“Thanks, Helm. I think I’m okay for now. I just want to be by his side.”
“Okay,” She grinned half-heartedly, resting her hands in her lap. “I’m going to go, I have an early shift tomorrow. When he wakes up, tell him I dropped by, okay?”
“Of course.” Nico nodded, picking up Levi’s hand and bringing it to his lips, pressing a lingering kiss to the back of Levi’s hand. Taryn grinned fondly down at Nico, before pushing herself off the bed and making her way out of the room. 
“Goodnight, Nico.”
“Night, Helm.”
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