#also so so sad that it seems like we aren’t getting a cake intro like we hoped
ineffablebrainrot · 1 year
edit: oops thought i edited out the bit where i scrolled up to restart the vid OH WELL
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alanna-artroid · 5 years
Cookies I Have From Cookie Run So Far! (And My Thoughts On Them)
Alright, I’ve gotten pretty far in Cookie Run: Oven Break, and I felt the need to share my thoughts on all the adorable cookies I’ve unlocked so far. So far, I have 50/100, so I’d say I’m making good progress. On to the list!
GingerBrave: The bravest boy. If this was a show, he’d clearly be the main character. I recently got him a little suit, so now he’s a gentleman! 
GingerBright: Sweet little lady. She looks like she’d be nice to get a coffee with or help you with homework. I definitely ship her with Brave, no doubt about it.
Strawberry Cookie: Precious baby! She’s super shy and I am compelled to protect her at all costs. Her pet is also a Tamagotchi, so she must be a gamer! Sweet!
Zombie Cookie: This is one of the fastest zombies I’ve ever seen. They seem like a nice guy overall though.
Princess Cookie: Heck yes, a mischievous princess! Those are the best! I love her dress and hair bows. I bet she just pretends to get kidnapped for the lols.
Pilot Cookie: Is it just me, or is this little old man smaller than most of the other cookies? Whatever, he’s got a cute mustache and he’s adorable. Go and fly!
Vampire Cookie: As a vampire nerd, I immediately adored this guy. I will gladly give him grape juice and chill with him under the light of the moon. 
Gumball Cookie: Is this was Splatoon is like? This boi has a lot of chaotic energy and I like him.
Pistachio Cookie: I love this warrior woman so dang much. Look at that minty green hair! Her power is also SUPER helpful. She a speedy knight!
Peppermint Cookie: Sweet baby. Good baby. My mom would probably adore this baby. (She loves mint and she’s not even a big sweets person.)
Muscle Cookie: As a lesbian, I’m not into big abs and muscles, but he’d probably be a good gym partner. Don’t mess with him is all I can say.
Cherry Cookie: Little Red Riding Hood got some bombs! I hope she and Gumball can go cause chaos on the weekends.
Hero Cookie: Precious nerdy boi with science! I saw his Island of Memories intro and his bond with Jellyco Cube is just the sweetest thing! Follow your superhero dreams, my baby!
Fairy Cookie: I didn’t know Tinkerbell was in this game! Also, I got her a bee costume and that looks super cute on her. Love her hair bun.
Werewolf Cookie: ULTIMATE FLOOF! Doggo here has a lot of angst and I worry for him. Maybe Vampire Cookie can teach him to chill? That’d be nice.
Rockstar Cookie: Oh, the songs I could sing right here. High tier rocker boy. Loving that flowing white hair. Rock on, buddy!
Soda Cookie: Go-to starter for my Breakout runs. I love him very much, he’s super cute! Let me go to the beach with this righteous dude! 
Dark Enchantress Cookie: Oooooh, she is GORGEOUS!!! I love her design~! I’ll be sure to invite her to any fancy balls I might have, as to avoid any Maleficent scenarios with this savage woman.
Moon Rabbit Cookie: My spirit animal! I love how she constantly munches while she runs. This girl is such a mood for me. Cute little bunny ears~!
Space Doughnut: Awww, look at this alien dork! Their design is very cute, and I love how their expression of >:3.
Macaron Cookie: Such a sweetie pie! Why must they all be so adorable?! She’s a little drummer girl! That is too precious! Look at her dress and hat!!!
Pink Choco Cookie: She reminds me of a show I watched when I was younger. It was about a space girl, does anyone remember it? This girl will save the day, I can tell! 
Avocado Cookie: Strong girl on the loose! My pun-loving friends would adore this cookie. And she’s a blacksmith, which is always cool.
Whipped Cream Cookie: Elegant ballerino!! He’s definitely one of my favorites! Such a beautiful boi~! I love his design so much, and he’s very useful. <3 <3 <3
Blackberry Cookie: Yeeees! Gothic girl for the win! She is SO dang pretty! I am WEAK for gothic lolitas, and she even has ghost buddies! I bet she’ll love spooky games like Luigi’s Mansion and Hollow Knight.
Lemon Cookie: Edgy boi is trying way too hard to be Shadow the Hedgehog. I mean, can you SMILE for once dude? It’ll take me a while to bond with this guy.
Salt Cookie: He strikes me as a wise old man you’d find meditating at the top of a mountain, or in his case on a boat in the ocean. I bet he has lots of knowledge to share.
Squid Ink Cookie: AWWWWW, SWEET BABY SQUID!!! Guys, I think they might be my favorite! They’re so squishy and mighty, and they need all my love and huggles!!! Don’t be sad baby, I’ll be your friend! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Lime Cookie: Beach girl! She’s like Lemon Cookie, but slightly nicer! I really like her hair and beach ball. Very cool girl.
Ninja Cookie: FINALLY! SOMEONE WITH MORE THAN TWO JUMPS!!! I went kind of crazy with his jumping powers at first. He’s super cool. Not sure why his pet is a ghost though.
Pomegranate Cookie: Oooh, I love Asian fashion~! Look how fancy and elegant she is! Her story concerns me, and I’m worried about her.
Angel Cookie: Good cookie, sweet cookie. Wouldn’t hurt a fly. It looks like they trust the devil boy, which is beyond kind of them. I love it when angels get along with demons. Defy angle roles!!!
Devil Cookie: Speaking of, they’re a cute little bean too! I love the naughty demon trope, and this cutie is so mischievous! Call Angel your “rival” all you want, I’m still shipping you dorks.
Roll Cake Cookie: Imagine, if you will, the world’s biggest game of Whack-A-Mole! With that hammer, this boy would win without question.
Popcorn Cookie: I’d be happy to go with this girl to the movie theater! Also, I love how she had popcorn for hair buns. She seems like she’d be up for a fun time!
Carrot Cookie: Oh my lordy, her ponytails are carrots. The artists for this game are so clever. Strong but tiny farmer, I approve.
Ion Cookie Robot: Yes! A robot! I love robots, and this cookie is no exception! Definitely one of my favorites, up there with Whipped Cream Cookie. They’re super powerful too, and REALLY useful in Breakout and Trophy runs.
Dino-Sour Cookie: Gee Dino-Sour, how come Devsisters let you have two pets? Very cool punk boy. I can see him going to Rockstar Cookie’s concert.
Plum Cookie: Aren’t plums purple though? This boy is one tough cookie! Look at his karate moves! Honestly, I thought he was a girl at first. Why must these boys be so pretty?!
Alchemist Cookie: Look, it’s Twilight Sparkle! Apparently, Vampire boy is her brother? I really like her hair braids(?), I just wish she’d loosen up a bit. She seems like a nice girl.
Roguefort Cookie: Aaaah yeah, elegant thief! This cookie is the coolest! I love this aesthetic so much~! Blue cheese has never been so fancy. Just look at this charmer, stealing hearts!
Pitaya Dragon Cookie: OOOOOhohoho! THIS is what I’m TALKING about! Look at this beast, they’re GLORIOUS! They’ve probably killed a bunch of people, but They’re crazy powerful and I adore them.
Knight Cookie: This guy is SO much fun to play as! He just won’t stop, he’s too fast!!! I couldn’t stop laughing once I found out just how fast this knight could go! Somehow he controls better than Pistachio? I don’t know, I love him!
Birthday Cake Cookie: TOO PRECIOUS FOR WORDS! SHE’S SO DANG CUTE!!! Also, her “Bonus Time” changes to “Happy B Day” and I... I just can’t! She’s the sweetest thing!!! <3 <3 <3
Cocoa Cookie: Awww, look at this sweet baby! I wanna snuggle her! Her design looks so warm and comfy. I have plenty of hot chocolate to give her. <3
Raspberry Mousse Cookie: Ah yes, the pretty boy that got me into this game in the first place. Along with Squid Ink, he’s probably my favorite. There’s a reason he has the highest affection so far with me. I just adore his design, and he’s very powerful! I will ALWAYS have him ready for Breakout and Trophy Runs. Well worth all the hype. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Rose Cookie: Finally, we have this lovely lady. Everyone is shipping her with Raspberry, and rightfully so. She is a high-quality woman that makes gay men straight and straight girls lesbian. Look at that outfit! And those dance moves!
Aaaand that’s everybody for now! I’ll update this once I get more Cookies. So far, I like most of them a lot. Anybody got some favorites they’d like to share? I’m still new to this game, but I’m happy to hear what others have to say!
I went back and fixed all the gender mistakes I made. (I’m so sorry! D:) Also, I got a few more cookies! So here we go!
Walnut Cookie: Precious detective baby! The newest update is only making her cuter! Probably the shortest of the bunch, and I adore her design~! <3
Cinnamon Cookie: Super useful power so far, and they have a really cool cape! Those cards are very handy! (I promise I’ll pay attention to the genders of these cookies from now on! I don’t want to misgender anyone again!)
Sparkling Cookie: Oooh, a sparkling cider cookie! That’s honestly the only boozy thing I enjoy drinking. He is super classy and seems like the life of the party. He strikes me as a Great Gatsby kind of host.
Moonlight Cookie: OOOOOOOH~! LOOK at this GODDESS! I love the nighttime/dreamy aesthetic. This girl has Luna’s hair and a wizard’s outfit, high tier cookie!
White Choco Cookie: This game sure likes it’s knights, huh? This girl is a fine lady and apparently, she attracts all the lesbians. Can’t say I blame those girls, I do love that hairstyle. 
Spinach Cookie: Aaand the newest cookie to hit the scene, this girl! I have never met someone so dedicated to vegetables, so I have to applaud that. She’s a super sweet girl, and I hope we find who stole her precious vegetables!!!
More Cookies! It’s been a while since I’ve updated this, so I have quite a bit to share. On to the new ones!
Mustard Cookie: Look at this punk girl! Street artist on the loose in the streets! I always admire people and characters in this style, so I’m supporting this rebel all the way!
Herb Cookie: Now THIS guy is everywhere! It seems the fandom really likes him, and I can see why. He seems like a very nice boy, with a sweet plant baby. I like the leaf hair, very cool.
Sea Fairy Cookie: I love how everything on her flows. Her hair, her dress, she’s so beautiful~! I will say though, Legendaries are SO DANG HARD to level up and get affection with! WHY?!
Cream Puff Cookie: Awwww, look at this precious baby girl~! Look at her soft hair and little dress! I almost feel bad running with the super cute ones, I don’t want them to get hurt! 
Matcha Cookie: Oooooh, all these ancient-looking cookies have the coolest designs! She’s probably insane, darkness will do that to ya, but she seems harmless so I like her!
Ice Candy Cookie: This chick could crush me like a grape and I don’t know how to feel about that. Hopefully, she’s only savage on the ice rink. I do NOT want to mess with this girl.
Cherry Blossom Cookie: Awww, look how pretty she is~! Cherry blossoms are always so lovely, and this girl embodies that. She has a PARASOL for crying out loud, I CAN’T EVEN!!
Grapefruit Cookie: This game sure likes sports, huh? She seems really cool, I love her colors! Do you think she’d play Skate 3? Hopefully, she’d get a laugh out of that game.
Pirate Cookie: This guy has been a long time coming. I’ve been curious about him since the Breakout episode. He’s pretty neat, I appreciate how he naturally comes with an extra revive.
Kumiho Cookie: Cool! A Kitsune! I love the spin on the concept of cookies. Let this marshmallow fox live out her reverse-furry dream! I’m loving her design too, look at that hair! 
Marshmallow Cookie: Oh cute! Another marching band cookie! According to her story, she and Macaron had a falling out. I hope they can reconcile and be friends again. :(
Dark Choco Cookie: WE’VE REACHED MAXIMUM EDGE! WITH OREO SHOULDER PADS!!! Interesting how he’s still trying to be a hero, which is a nice spin on the “I have evil powers so now I’m evil” trope. Here’s hoping he stays strong.
Fire Spirit Cookie: Ah yes, the classic lord of fire. A staple for any fantasy story that includes the elements. Again, it’s impossible to get the affection for these guys.
Mala Sauce Cookie: Yay! I got Pitaya’s girlfriend! I always love it when there’s a tribe/society of warriors and the WOMAN is the strongest one there. Heck yes! This warrior lady is a badass!
Firecracker Cookie: I didn’t know I was invited to a rave party! Love the neon colors on this cookie, that’s something this game really excels at.
I’ve reached 90 cookies! I’m on the homestretch!!!
Cheesecake Cookie: OH MY LORDY LOOK HOW FANCY SHE IS! I adore her already! Fancy ladies are the best ladies!
Kiwi Cookie: This game REALLY likes sports. He looks cool, can’t complain.
Yoga Cookie: Awww, a pretzel is trying to be loose! I’ve done yoga a few times, and it is very good for your body. Nice colors, simple design, nice.
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: I’d reference some mad scientist, but I know a lot of them so we’d be here for a while. Her combi generator has been very helpful.
Chili Pepper Cookie: Uh oh, this one’s a troublemaker! I really like her hair, it’s very bright. Secure your pockets around this chick, that’s for sure.
Millennial Tree Cookie: These cookies are too pretty, I keep thinking they’re girls! This guy is so beautiful~ truly a being of nature!
DJ Cookie: Ooooh, I love her design~. Rainbow colors will win me over every time. And look! She’s wearing a Bi Pride shirt! This girl is awesome! I like how her special power is basically tiny Guitar Hero.
Snow Sugar Cookie: Soft baby, sweet baby. Looks very cuddly. Their level was very helpful during Sandwich Cookie’s event in getting frozen jellies. Those blue bears aren’t easy to come by!
Fig Cookie: CENTAUR! I wasn’t expecting one of those here! She’s such a sweetie pie~. Since everything and anything is allowed in this game, can we get mermaids or harpies next?
Cotton Candy Cookie: PRECIOUS BABY! She’s so gosh darn cute, I can’t take it! I personally can relate to falling in love with things so easily. And there are official plushies of her now! ONE DAY I WILL BRING HER HOME!
Purple Yam Cookie: Bro needs a chill pill. Not ONCE have I seen this guy smile yet. And I thought Lemon needed to lighten up. Milk seems to care about him though, so I guess he can’t be that bad.
Milk Cookie: The softest of warriors! Look how cute he is~! I adore him! Plus he really shines in the stories. I can only assume Yam is his boyfriend or something. Am I wrong about that?
Cyborg Cookie: Hey! I saw the storybook for this one! I’m surprised I haven’t unlocked this “Aloe Cookie” yet. Are they still in this game? I can’t find them on the chart. Anyway, Cyborg is cool. Very nice design.
Mango Cookie: Newest baby! I love him, and would love to learn all about the islands from him! I’m gonna say it, I already ship him with Ananas Cookie, no questions asked.
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okay ive been wanting to make a post like this for a while but i wanted to make it an essay and i dont know if i can really organize my thoughts in that way yet, so here’s a chronological bullet-pointed dump to explain my very important thesis:
be more chill is about internalized ableism, and jeremy, michael, and christine are all highly autistic coded. this is going to be very long and detailed but only because there’s a lot of details that work very well under this lens.
there’s probably even stuff i missed but this is already extremely long so it basically just functions as a way for me to collect a bunch of details that i can piece together later in a more coherent manner.
“more than survive” in the context of jeremy being autistic works so much. the theme of wanting to be just socially acceptable enough to not burn out or be harassed is so relatable, and it visually establishes very early how jeremy is isolated from his peers due to his own awkward behavior and hypersensitivity. it’s coupled with his very obvious anxiety disorder, but the social aspect just screams autistic coding to me. i take this song to basically be “not having a meltdown is basically my goal but i would love to be neurotypical enough so i can heighten my standards and actually enjoy my social life.” some choice segments:
“if i’m not feeling weird or super strange, my life would be in utter disarray, cuz freaking out is my okay”
jeremy’s house being a mess is partly due to his dad’s serious depression, yeah, but i believe the other aspect is that jeremy’s executive dysfunction makes it just as hard to clean up in his place
he gets super anxious at the prospect of his expected routine being shaken up and having to make the decision on his own of how to get to school
“so i follow my own rules and i use them as my tools to stay alive” honestly sounds like a euphemism for autism to me
jeremy not really realizing that he’s staring at chloe
“avoiding any eye contact at all” explains itself
michael’s introduction, oh my god, every time i watch this part i just adore it. i could talk a lot more about michael’s autism later but this whole segment sells it especially.
first off, michael keeping his hood up and headphones on in a deliberate attempt to avoid social interaction and stay in his own space is such an autistic mood. even before this scene he’s constantly moving in the background to his music a la stimming. in the later performances he spends a lot more time playing with his hoodie strings and even chews on them!!
the fact he doesn’t talk to or even really look at jeremy until his song is done playing also feels very autistic to me! and the way he dances so confidently and basically pretends even his best friend isn’t there for the time being because he’s engrossed in his own passions.
michael is a great friend but it’s clear that he doesn’t really understand that his coping mechanism doesn’t really work for jeremy, and that even though michael feels confident reclaiming his identity as a ‘loser,’ jeremy doesn’t really feel any better about it. i think a lot of autistic folks, or at least i do, have this tendency to assume what works for us works for everyone around us at first due to our struggles with empathy. michael tries his best but struggles to see outside his point of view. it’s mind-blindness in action and jeremy can’t communicate why it upsets him any better than michael can pick up on it not working for him.
near the end of the song, they have a brief moment where all the ensemble crowds in around jeremy and the lights start flashing, which i interpret as a visual representation of sensory overload.
we’ll talk more about her soon, but outside of jeremy’s fantasies about her, christine also avoids social interaction during this number, constantly hiding her face in a book and avoiding eye contact just as much as jeremy. people forget that she’s not comfortable with unexpected social interaction, and that really informs my headcanon for her which brings us to....
“i love play rehearsal” is an autistic anthem. it also works, possibly even better due to in-text evidence, as an adhd anthem, but combined with the above it makes so much sense for her to be comorbid autism/adhd. i did a breakdown of the song in this context before, but i’ll sum it up here
the song showcases what having a special interest/hyperfixation is like. christine is singing to jeremy, yes, but she really seems so caught up in her own passion without much regard for how jeremy is following it, and even cuts him off from responding to her once or twice because she’s just so hyped up on her own feelings. she also basically implies her happiness is reliant on her special interest which is very relatable.
lines like “you follow a script so you know what comes next” also really sell the interpretation that christine isn’t good in unpredictable situations, and has so many identity issues and likes having something to look to where things are laid out for her. i think that stability is what a lot of autistic people look for, especially teenagers.
also with that in mind, look at how upset she gets watching a play she loves about get rewritten into something weird and new that she doesn’t know.
also gotta love how she still self-isolates before this song by focusing on her book, until she has a reason to infodump to jeremy. and then feels guilty afterwards and goes right back into her book while apologizing for getting “carried away”....biiiig mood there
the whole intro scene showcases both of their awkwardness so much. jeremy gets completely thrown off by her sarcastic comment about the swim team and almost believes it, which implies that he can’t read tone very well. and then christine’s “you’re a virgin” comment comes across like she really didn’t think about how that would sound to jeremy before saying it since she only made the clarification after he was ready to panic about it. she has a habit of speaking before she thinks, i think, the self-harm comment is also very awkward considering she barely knows jeremy.
after that scene we get “more than survive reprise” where jeremy admits to routinely having such bad breakdowns that he needs to step out and go to the nurse which works for both the anxiety disorder and the autism interpretation.
i’m not quite sure whether i see rich as autistic (i see him with a lot of mental issues for sure though) so i can’t say much on “the squip song” but there’s definitely something to describing a confused autistic kid as “almost helpless.” rich definitely has a habit of giving too much information though, i’ll say that.
“two player game” is just jeremy and michael being autistic solidarity: the song. i guess this is a good place to say that jeremy and michael work well as a contrast b/w two sides of autistic community, the side that struggles to function and desperately wants a change bc they’re afraid of being alone forever, and the side that tries to love all their symptoms and embrace their autistic pride. and as coincidental icing on the cake, jeremy wears blue (associated with the derogatory views from autism speaks) and michael wears red (associated with combating said views through autistic pride).
btw you could probably attribute michael’s ability to casually down a long-expired crystal pepsi as a sort of weird sensory quirk. and his fixation w/ that sort of memorabilia honestly feels like a special interest in its own right!
both “nice sideburns....wolverine, right” and “like in x-men????” using fiction as a reference point for real life always gives me autistic vibes (esp the first point where he awkwardly uses it to start conversation). can we assume x-men is a special interest? :3
jake referring to jeremy as a ‘freak’ when the squip turns on is really sad in this context but it also does make so much sense
now we get to the squip.....and what do you know, it uses tactics from abusive therapy used on autistic children. dare i say that “be more chill” as a song isn’t just an abuser’s song, but an ableist’s abuser’s song.
first off, the “spinal stimulation.” here’s a not so fun fact: electroshock therapy has been used to discourage autistic behavior in very recent years. (content warning in link for graphic description of ableist torture)
then the lyrics, in which the squip mostly focuses on jeremy’s posture and physically punishes him for disobeying. jeremy is shown to really struggle to stand up straight and pose himself in a normal, confident way, and i think that tendency to be unaware of what our body is doing is a pretty autistic thing?
the fact the squip singles out stammering and refers to jeremy’s “tics and fidgets” brings attention to two more autistic traits of jeremy’s
the squip basically punishes jeremy for responding “incorrectly” to social situations like rejecting brooke, even if they aren’t objectively wrong. it eventually just starts speaking for jeremy because jeremy seems incapable of acting natural. the squip is an abusive autism parent.
“sync up” demonstrates jeremy’s weird relationship with empathy. he wants to be nice to everyone- will has even called him “deeply empathetic”- but he’s initially really bad at seeing other people’s point of view, which is why he positions himself as sort of against the world, seeing everyone as better than him or trying to set up these barriers of Coolness where everyone else must be perfect compared to him. he’s so surprised to learn that the popular kids also hurt because of his strict idea of the social structure. it’s a combination of low self esteem and a black-and-white viewpoint.
let’s go back to christine. the squip, already established as ableist abuser, finds her “highly unusual” for acting in a way that disregards everyone who views her. she has very strange and specific visions in her head, and it seems very natural for her even if jeremy struggles to follow along.
in later performances, she chews on her sleeve and spins around during AGTIKBI. that’s stimming, babes. also gotta acknowledge “i don’t always relate to other people my age, except when i’m on the stage”
i’m gonna use this section to talk about jake and christine. christineis a bit unsure when interacting with jake, until he validates her interest- her acting is what really touches him. but jake, while good-hearted, has trouble being self-centered and thus not fully aware of christine’s own needs and space. so christine is always a little uncomfortable around him, especially in public, and not always willing to socialize. he is right about her being kind of stuck in her comfort zone, though, not doing anything off of her stage. and he is genuinely nice to her, it’s just a matter of their social strategies clashing.
the fact that the squip blocks out michael...i’ve had a lot of times in my life where i was told that socializing with other “weird” people would be counterproductive for my social development and it was part of why i was stuck with so few friends. so i really feel the idea that blocking out the person who helps you feel confident in your atypicality is framed as a good thing so you can act more socially adept, and that doing otherwise would just drag you both down.
hot DAMN does “loser geek whatever” make so much sense for an autistic kid with internalized ableism.
“it’s not only school that’s rough, being lonely’s stupid tough” makes it pretty clear this isn’t about the school social scene as muc as it is the entire social scene of the world. we may not see it, but it’s just (not) interacting with people in general that jeremy can’t stand.
“michael says that weird is rad but feeling weird just makes me sad” as stated above, makes a Lot More Sense with the idea that michael is both a more confident autistic and really bad at addressing jeremy’s own internalized ableism and desire to make connections outside his small friend group.
everything about jeremy boiling down all his problems to his “instincts” sucking and needing to basically be told what to do really highlights how autistic kids can feel broken because of their inability to fit into the social norm, to the point where we repress every behavior that actually makes us feel comfortable and unique. 
not to mention the line about him being seen as a “normal handsome guy” since autistic people tend to be infantilized and never seen as desirable (will roland also implied this line has trans coding which is another discussion altogether but i feel i should acknowledge that here)
all of those terms that jeremy calls himself near the end- namely weirdo, misfit, oddball, freak, failure- all of this sounds like the shit people throw at autistic kids. like this goes beyond anxiety alone, this is jeremy being outcasted and oppressed by the general public due to his behavior. especially the “please don’t speak” part, considering how often autistic kids are mocked for misunderstanding when to speak, how to speak, and what to talk about. jeremy needs some freaking love. :(
“michael in the bathroom” is a panic attack, related to severe anxiety, but i do see a lot of aspects that play into autism as well. the little nervous stimmy movements of foot-bouncing and picking at grout, the explosive sensory overload during the “knock knock” section of the bridge, the whole concept of losing the only person you ever managed to connect to without sacrificing who you are, dealing with this massive change to your sense of philosophy and reality where you pinned everything on one person to ground yourself, and thus you’re now completely lost trying to isolate yourself from this big overwhelming social gathering...neurodivergent anthem all around.
jeremy and christine’s couch interactions during halloween give me such autistic positivity. christine basically echolales jeremy’s weird noise and they both have so much fun vocal stimming that they forget there’s another person in the room. it’s such a sweet moment until jeremy ruins it by realizing that asking her out right after a breakup is Not Really Good For Her.
christine’s reaction to the fire demonstrates a clear case of hyperempathy to me. it isn’t discussed as much as a complete lack of empathy, but autistic folks are prone to feeling way too much especially when it comes to others’ pain. christine talking about how she hates that everyone’s hurting and desperately wants to help but doesn’t know how, and how we’ve already seen how much she struggles to connect with others like jake....it’s a very relatable, very specific autistic mood.
going back to the theme of jeremy and empathy, christine’s above hyperempathy kind of breaks this mold, and while jeremy always does feel for the other kids, by this point he feels so strongly- particularly for christine, who he also saw as a perfect confident being until now- that the squip can manipulate him into “fixing” everyone the same way the squip was supposed to “fix” him. and he never considers that christine doesn’t need to be fixed because he just projects his own insecurity that strongly onto everyone else who seems “weird” in the same kind of way- hence why he assumes michael is jealous of him back in MITB. it’s likely a result of the squip’s manipulation but i feel like mind-blindness is a factor, even if jeremy switches between struggling to process others’ emotions and being extremely empathetic.
michael’s special interest saves the day!!! :D
the whole fight b/w jeremy and michael, assuming it comes from a genuine place of repressed bitterness, has a lot of added subtext with them both being autistic. jeremy accusing michael of “giving up” on social interaction, michael envies jeremy for trying bc michael is clearly Not comfortable in most large social settings, jeremy envies michael for his pride, it just hits home for me i guess
rich calling michael “antisocial headphones kid” honestly how is michael not canon autistic
in the off-bway version michael briefly speaks too loud forgetting that jeremy’s head still hurts which is a relatable Forgot About Boundaries thing. plus him smacking rich playfully forgetting that rich is Still In Pain
“voices in my head” works nice as a fuck-societal-norms-and-just-be-happy song. “embrace the traits that make you so odd” in particular :’)
jeremy remembering christine’s infodump about her obscure bowling alley performance art idea and bringing it up to her again!!!
the squip doesn’t go away because ableism and the anxiety it brings and all the upsetting symptoms of autism don’t go away, but with the right support and confidence you can live with them!!! good message for mental disorders in general and works very well in this context!!!
so in conclusion.....be more chill is autistic pride!!!
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moonraccoon-exe · 5 years
Hello! I was going through your supportive Regis to Iggy stuff and I’M MELTING!! I love it so much! Do you have anymore Regis-Ignis stuff or even other characters who support gladnis? I really wanna know!
I’m very excited to answer this because even though I still have 60+ asks (WAY over a year old now, god damn it), it made me so happy to get a new one with such old vibe? Idk how to explain it, it just felt like the first times I’d get asks anD IT MADE ME SO HAPPY OMG THANK YOU ;w;
But not gonna make the intro too long, you here for the nice stuff, so here we go!
The supportive Regis to Iggy stuff is old, some of my first, AND I FREAKING LOVE IT. Here you have supportive Regis being a good papa, and supportive Regis multiple headcanons if you missed it/don’t remember! :3
AU where Regis is Ignis’ supportive dad figure:
Quick summary following the previous posts’ canon: Iggy’s parents love him but aren’t very good parents. He’s just Noct’s adviser and a kingdom’s servant for them, and don’t care about Iggy’s relationships, not even his romantic one, so they never make any space to talk about it or interact or even care. Not kingdom issues? Then I don’t have time, sweetie, focus on your job and don’t make me waste my time.
Regis always gets some time to listen to Iggy about Gladio. Even if it’s a few shared whispers while crossing the door to Council meeting, he’ll always ask. Ignis has gotten a grip of that, and they’ve managed to get away with it, be it a long conversation, or two sentences, all so long Iggy gets to express a bit of what he feels :’)
You know what Regis does most? He disguises lots of forms of support in formalities so that Ignis can get away with his things.
Like the one post shared above where Regis made up the lame excuse of “oh, uh, you: drive the Regalia to the Amicitia house and then you’re free lmao” (it’s sO CUTE OMG HOW DARE PAST-ME WRITE SOMETHING SO CUTE). 
Ignis’ parents and council in general are always overwhelming and overloading Ignis of so much work, it’s sometimes a real struggle to find the time to dedicate to his relationship. Gladio understands, but it’s still not fair for Iggy.
So Regis is going to do the Thing: POWER ABUSE. FOR THE BABY.
Not rly power abuse lmao but he’s the king, he has the ultimate word and orders, right? So if he wants Ignis to have some time to himself, HE’S GOING TO FUCKING HAVE IT. But, so that his parents don’t notice or don’t have an excuse to complain, Regis will disguise some Ignis Free Time as orders.
Ignis wants to write a love letter for Gladio, but is stashed to the very last pore of politics paperwork.
“Excuse me, lord, ladies, can you be so kind as to get this paperwork done? I require of this young lad’s presence to be my personal scribe for a very, very important speech. *Closes door* Yes, right, where do we start? The…importance of…the crown, symbol of the city, emblem of…you write your thing, Ignis, I’ll just babble things, ok? the light and…stuff and things and I’ll just start reciting the whole of Kupo Wars intro speech and no one will notice if I speak regal and kingly like this are you good? you need anything you tell me, alright? LONG AGO IN A FAR AWAY GALAXY-”
It’s a special date and Ignis wants to bake something for Gladio because GladiO LOVES EATING SO MUCH, YOUR MAJESTY, HE’S SO HAPPY WHEN HE EATS AND I WANT TO MAKE HIM HAPPY
“Yes, hello, it seems like Ignis won’t be able to attend this interview because I want to impress the Tenebrae diplomats and I need the best chef of Eos aiding me, come here on royal duty, Ignis.”
((after Ignis finished baking the cake and people expected Regis to try it he just went “AAAH, GOODNESS, I FORGOT I’M ALLERGIC TO CAKE, WHAT A DUMBASS I AM, WELP, WE DON’T WANT IT TO GO TO WASTE SO WHY DON’T YOU TAKE IT TO SOMEONE ELSE YOU KNOW WILL LOVE IT, IGNIS? ( ´ ▽ ` )))
((regis how is anyone allergic to cake as a whole lmao))
Ignis is just sad because he wants to spend a bit of time with Gladio.
“well, Cor is-”
Soft and gentle and loving as he is, Regis can also be shady af with people that deserve it.
Scientia father is talking about some stupid thing and he mentions his son.
Regis is giving him the most deeply confused frown of the world, and ultra genuinely asks “You have a son???????”
He does this. EVERY. TIME. Scientia parents talk about Ignis LMAO, EVERY FUCKING TIME
(just wants to make it clear he doesn’t see them as parents to Ignis but that’s just his opinion, right, what does it matter, fuck him)
Regis isn’t only a supportive dad for Iggy when it comes to Gladnis. He’s also a supportive papa in general.
Kiddo Ignis can’t. STOP STARING. At the aerial rope acts and acrobatics on TV. THEY ARE JUST. SO FUCKING ARTISTIC. SO ELEGANT. SO BEAUTIFUL. KIDDO IGNIS LOVES THE ACROBATS HELOVESTHEMSOMU- ok Iggy TV time is over, you have to go make your ridiculously advanced homework that sucks the childhood out of you ok baby boy?
40 year old Regis Papa Sense tingles. 
40 y.o. Regis is taking Ignis from his parents at a hallway while they were leading him to his first Crownsguard training lesson “Yes, I take it from here, I want to give him a little encouraging speech, you know how this can be a little disheartening from how hard it is? Haha yeah, children these days am I rite”
Ignis walks into the training hall expecting Cor or Clarus or some Crownsguard with a pole ready to fucking SMACK HIM.
Ignis walks into the training hall being received by Insomnia’s fifth best circus arts coreographer. 
“Hello, you must be Ignis. The king said you’re very excited about aerial ropes and acrobatics? That’s so cool. Are you excited to be learning it yourself, now?”
Little twelve years old Ignis is GASP .A. *looks up at Regis like ¿¿¿¡¡¡¡???!!!*
“It’s OBVIOUSLY just to have an expert acrobat fighter, the only one of your kind, flexible, agile fighter that can jump, am I rite, enemies won’t expect that. So this is NOT arts class, it’s…OBVIOUSLY your Crownsguard training as we told your parents. OBVIOUSLY. Right, boy? Now, we don’t want to spoil the surprise. No telling mom and dad, ok? You tell them it’s Cor teaching you to punch things. Have fun. I mean. TRAIN HARD, HUFFFFFFFF”
Nineteen year old Ignis figured out his first real strategy at war table and it was an utter success.
Papa be like, not even looking away of his papers, “It’s your responsibility.”
REAL PAPA Regis rushed to hug him, grinning, and goes “Wow, Ignis, that’s fantastic!! Congratulations!! You worked very hard on it, and you helped save so many lives. Imagine all the families that will reunite thanks to you. You, fantastic boy, you’re so young and so skilled already, I’m so proud of you.”
Ignis had a literal nervous breadown out of stress overload.
Mama be like “take these pills, rest five minutes, now go back to your office, you can’t stay behind, you have all these paperworks DUE TOMORROW, YOU CAN’T JUST CALL IN SICK??? LIKE IT’S AN EXCUSE¿¿¿”
Ignis arrived to his office to find two sofas placed there together like a bed, comfy, cozy, with a blankie and cushions, and a therapist waiting at the desk.
“Hello. You must be Ignis. The king scheduled an appointment for you today. He also said you don’t need to worry about the paperwork, and said, I quote *reads paper* “…fuck paperwork”. Oh my. Anyway, come here, please lie down and let’s see what we can do for you, ok, sweetie?”
Papa be like “But?? I thought you were staying in today for training????? What about the prince’s interviews you have to cover for the day after tomorrow?? The paperwork for monday?? Your HOMEWORK¿¿ Ignis, you’re way better than this, leave the teenage drama alone. Free time? That you’re a teen and just want to go out and I just think about work??? Yes, no, I understand that, of COURSE I do, I just…nervous? IT’S JUST A DATE IGNIS OHMYGOD, don’t be so immature, just wear anything, go to your date, and be back as soon as possible, I won’t tolerate you being out after eight.”
Papa Regis is stopping a deep breathing absent-looking Ignis in the middle of the hallway to ask if he’s fine. It took like fifteen minutes of an embarrassed Ignis melting and becoming a puddle of shyness making excuses before he spilled the truth, blushing in embarrassment, whispering, feeling absolutely fucking stupid and like a dork.
“…I just…don’t know…what to wear…”
Regis be (・_・ )
An hour later locked away in Ignis’ office after having had an ACTUAL KINGSGLAIVE FUCKING SNEAK INTO IGNIS’ HOUSE AND BRING ALL HIS CLOTHES IN A HURRY (under royal command lmao), Regis is adjusting Ignis’ hair and glasses over and over, stepping back, staring with a >:| look, then going back in, re-arrange, step back, stare like >:|, step in to re-arrange, and so over and over, all while both discuss over it like it’s a death or life issue.
Regis becomes expert fashion critique
“HOW. Are you going to put those shoes on with THAT shirt.”
But being serious, Regis made sure to spend so very long in there with Ignis not because he didn’t know what to have him wear; that was the excuse to spend a while with Ignis to help him calm down. Boy was absolutely GONE, he needed to put his feet back on earth before his date or he was going to combust lmao
Ignis’ shift is over and he goes “I wasted my last hour doing NOTHING ;A;”
Ignis is more honored by having had the king help him pick his clothes than working so it doesn’t feel as bad. Plus, Regis knows his way through the mess of his head to make him not feel guilty
Before going out of the office, Regis is taking his time to smile a lot and stare at Ignis, before he drops the whole king attitude or fashion expert and goes with this tender, warm, and genuinely happy voice “So he finally asked you out.”
Ignis absolutely changes then. He just…glOWS HAPPY AND LOVING. And of course he starts sharing the whole thing with Regis, from asking out to how long he had been liking him to how he feels about it and stuff. Regis listens patiently, and then he gets up from his place and goes to grab Ignis’ face and helps a bit with his hair, and he can’t help but stare and stare with these…these IMMENSELY WARM EYES AND THIS HUGE SWEET, TENDER SMILE
“I’m so happy for you two. You two have always looked good together, and I think you’re meant to be. You’ll be fine, son.”
Ignis may have teared up a little and looked down. He feels…sO ENCOURAGED, SO SUPPORTED, HE FEELS LIKE SOMEONE CARES, IT’S SO NICE AKLSDJFDG
of fucking COURSE it was the best first date EVER
Ignis sometimes wants to get Gladio presents, but he doesn’t know where to put them (as in, if he gets Gladio a gift, it may be a few days earlier, so where does he store it during those few days?). No way to put them in his room because his parents check his room (never looking for anything in particular but it’s to ‘’keep him in check’’ or some bullshit), and they have key to his office too. 
Regis motherfucking Lucis Caelum is going to store that unicorn plushie in armiger and you better not question him.
You know how Regis and Noctis have royal portraits taken each certain years?
Yes, there is an official royal photograph or Regis with a twenty year old Ignis because what the fuck do you mean it’s just for the Lucis Caelum last name he’s my son regardless of last names fuck you give me that stupid camera
Of course it didn’t count to the ‘official’ archives of the heir and monarch portraits but goddammit is Regis going to make sure it’s hung somewhere in the fucking Citadel.
He keeps making that little adorable slip of thinking of Noct and Iggy as literal brothers because he’s just so into supporting Ignis he keeps forgetting he’s not his son neither legally or genetically.
“You can’t just get rid of your brother-in-law, that’s ridiculous.”
“Gladi- ooh, yes, lmao, I forgot. I meant Gladio”
“But I don’t have a brother.”
“You should follow Ignis’ example, that’s what big brothers are for.”
“Dad you’re doing it again.”
“Hello, Ignis? I wanted to talk to your brother. Ah, fuck, I meant, Noctis.”
Regis gets really moody every time Scientia parents are around. He knows they’re not necessarily evil, but that doesn’t mean they’re not abusive. He’s been reflecting long about it and he sees them as abusive even if incidentally so of course he gets moody. HOW DARE THEY MISTREAT MY CHILD LIKE THAT.
Regis had Clarus review a literal petition to change Insomnia’s adult age from 21 to 19 so Ignis could move the fuck out of his house sooner.
council said no those pieces of shIT
Regis insisted
“Your Majesty, we can’t just change that law so easily and fast, and think of-”
Regis mopped about it for a month
When Noct moved to his flat near school, Regis did it so he could grow a bit of independency…and to give Ignis the spare key.
“My son may need some watch every now and then. Leave the house duties to him, that’s fine, son, just…uh…keep an eye on him some nights. Any night you want. I happened to find only a flat with two separate rooms haha what a coINCIDENCE AIN’T IT so it’s fine if you want to spend the night with Noct :)”
He was basically gifting Ignis his own shared apartment WHAT THE HECK YOUR MAJESTY YOU’RE GIVING ME A WHOLE ASS APARTMENT?????? OMG NO STOP
((Ignis used that apartment very frequently the poor bby ;A;))
When Noct graduates and goes back to living at the Citadel, Ignis at first is sort of upset of having to go back to his house every day. He normally can’t get to spend the nights at Gladio’s or anyone else’s because his parents thing it’s inappropriate. But Ignis just looks…so upset. He doesn’t say anything, and he keeps talking about being happy of Noct’s growth and independency and graduation and his grades and him getting to be back with his dad and stuff, but when he’s alone he looks so upset. He looks like he’s sleeping less, and worse than before; he looks like…like carrying a heavier weight, that kept growing and growing. He looked less healthy, less happy, less bright.
And as soon as he notices, there we have him, king motherfucking Regis signing the official return of the prince’s gentlemen job, and signing Ignis in the goddamn title without even asking him first. 
Regis’ excuse is that Ignis is his first assistant, personal adviser, closest companion, so it only makes sense to have Ignis attend him personally at any time the prince so needs it, SO YOU BETTER NOT HAVE ANY EXCUSES YOU PIECES OF SHIT TO LET YOUR SON LIVE IN THE ROOM NEXT TO NOCT’S, OKAY, FUCK YOU.
It was a smart move because Scientia parents were delighted with the promotion and progress, yes yes, we told you working this hard would get you really far, son, of course it was due to the pressure we put on you that you get to be the prince’s personal assistant to a new level.
Regis really just wanted Ignis to get out of that goddamn place for most nights.
And not like Noctis asks for anything. Wakes up WAY later than Ignis, cleans his own room as best as he can (he’s trying, ok? LEAVE HIM ALONE), and it’s not like it’s the 1st century to be asking Ignis to dress him or anything, ew, get away of my room, you dork, this is my stuff!!
IGNIS HAS NEVER SLEPT SO GODDAMN WEL IN HIS GODDAMN LIFE, and it’s not like his parents don’t let him sleep or anything, it’s just…the air. It’s different. The environment is WAY comfier and more cozy, HE LOVES SLEEPING THERE.
Regis is also there when Iggy is having bad times.
As much as he’s eventually learned that his parents just Don’t Care, it’s not like it’s an easy thing to digest, you know? Because they’re this horrible mix between genuinely loving and still abusive and toxic. They want the best for him, but they’ve broken him to the point of literal physical breakdowns. They love him, but don’t know his favorite meal or color. They want him to go far but forget he’s a human, and just see his grades and work, and don’t know how he has fun and have never once listened to him about his YEARS LONG RELATIONSHIP WITH A MAN HE GENUINELY LOVES AND WHO HE HAS LIVED WITH THE MOST ADVENTURES. Ignis is often very troubled about his parents, because as much distance as he’s put in between and as much as he doesn’t acknowledge them as his parents because of all the bad they’ve done to him and how absent they’ve been, he just can’t help but…still be hurt about it, you know? 
So even though he has Regis’ full awesome support, and Clarus’, and other parental figures, it’s just not the people he grew up with all his life calling “parents”. They may be abusive and absent but goddammit, the child in him used to think they were his parents, and good ones. It’s not like he can just not care.
So it’s not rare that Ignis gets emotional over it, or has cried a few times, especially when he has something significative going on in his life and his parents just aren’t there, even when he reaches out to them and they’re just “too busy”.
Nothing particular had happened. It was the constant storing of that kinda events, thoughts and feelings that kept building up until they were too many and made Ignis sort of break. 
His parents just wouldn’t speak about his relationship with Gladio. The most they have gotten to was telling him to not be explicit about it to save scandals about someone as important as an Amicitia, to always be perfectly sharp and as best looking as he could because an Amicitia just couldn’t be seen with someone less than Perfect, and would often tell him to not get hopes too high because Gladiolus looked like a man to constantly switch partners so you better be careful. But they never cared about knowing him, having him for dinner, talking about their dates, not even how or WHEN it started, they didn’t even know how long it had been going on, or the places they’ve been or the things they’d done together, NOTHING.
Ignis is so very often at the Amicitias’; has dinner, sleeps over when he can, has gone out with Iris alone SO MANY times, has been with Clarus alone SO MANY TIMES, has LITERALLY GONE ON VACATIONS WITH THEM, and his parents can’t even shake Gladio’s hand even when they all work in the same goddamn place? Were they for real?
Ignis once tried talking with them about the possibility of marriage. He had been with Gladio for a good couple years, and he was sure about it, and had even spoken a bit with Gladio about it, and it seemed like a bright plan. 
It took Ignis MONTHS. Literal months of mental preparation. He wrote the little speech and corrected it over and over and over and over for weeks to know what to tell his parents and how. He practiced in his head, with the mirror, with Noctis, he rehearsed aloud to an empty room. He had his routine of breathing before it to get ready, during it to not lose it, he had been gathering courage for all those MONTHS
“I’m sorry, Ignis, I know it’s important but I have to hand these papers in three days from now. Could you tell me some other day?”
He didn’t even get to the first word of his speech because he wasn’t even given the chance.
He dropped the bomb in the first sentence he said, on purpose, so his parents would know how big of a thing it was and wouldn’t discard it; “I’ve spoken with Gladiolus about marriage.” And he got this. I’m busy. Paperwork. Good that you’re marrying but can you please not interrupt me?
Ignis didn’t even get angry. He just stood there, in front of his parents, staring a little with a blank face. He still waited a bit, and his mom did look up from her papers as if asking if he needed anything. Willing to listen, and Ignis knew and saw it. 
But decided it wasn’t worth it, and he just turned around and left. 
He didn’t feel bad that night, or the next, and he worked just fine during the week…but he kept…to say it some way, withering.
 Like back when he had to go back to sleeping at his parents’ every night, Ignis started slowly looking restless and upset with each day. With the heavy air and shoulders, the tired look, and that exhausted aura that felt like he struggled at getting out of bed every day. 
And of course, Regis noticed. 
One day, he visited Ignis to see what was going on. He had Ignis sit on a chair and he sat across him, and had him talk about it. By that point Ignis has grown so much personal trust with Regis that he doesn’t struggle anymore at opening up with him. 
Ignis spoke long, much longer than he knew he had to speak, about all the things his parents don’t do and do, and went on and on, and it was past the shift end hour, it got dark and late and they didn’t even bother turning the lights on and just kept going. 
And then Ignis got to the point where one sentence alone had him break.
“I don’t understand, I’m their son, and they love me, so why don’t they care?”
Ignis stopped there because, as he said that last bit, he started crying. Fast, out of nowhere, not even noticing, he just…broke down right there. At first he stayed still while crying, as if only after saying it aloud had he noticed the weight it held. 
Little by little he started putting the head down, until he seemed to finally understand what he said, and so he started properly crying. Ignis tried cleaning his eyes, took his glasses off, and sobbed and cried.
It wasn’t long before Regis had stood from his chair and had reached for him. Got close, and took Ignis in a hug.
Ignis didn’t even care if this was the king or someone else’s dad. He didn’t. He just buried his face in his hands, and his hands and face in Regis’ chest, and started sobbing. 
Regis hugged him and kept him to his chest for as long as he needed. He pet his hair, rubbed his back, squeezed his arms, and didn’t let go while letting Iggy cry all that he wanted to sob out.
After a bit, Ignis tried cleaning his nose and eyes, and let go of his face to hug Regis back. It was a bit timid, and a little weak, but he held to Regis’ jacket like a scared, upset kid, and shyly sniffled while calming down. 
“Why don’t they care?” he whispered again mid-tears, genuinely lost…but not alone.
Later, when Ignis let go and Regis sat next to him, Ignis apologized because he “should” be grateful for what he has, and he has Regis and that’s way better than any parent he could have asked for and way better than the bad his real parents have done to him, and, surprisingly, Regis didn’t agree this time.
“It’s not something that can be replaced. A joy in your life doesn’t nulify the bad. When it hurts, it hurts. I can be your dad all that we want, but it won’t take away the hurt you feel for the real one. And that’s ok. You are grateful for what you have, but it’s also ok to be hurting on this. I would be hurting, too.”
someone give this man a prize already please
A week later Clarus walked into a very upset Regis giving a paper his Tantrum Frown.
“Clarus how do I adopt an adult that has legal living parents?”
Regis, no.
Now Regis doesn’t ask the Scientia “you have a son?” whenever they mention Ignis, he just goes “Ah, you know his name?”
One day, a 24 year old Iggy went to Regis’ chambers during a sunday hence day off. Regis was ? :3
Ignis asked Regis if he would please help him choose the engagement ring he was going to get for Gladio.
Regis was out of the room screaming and swinging the Regalia’s keys before Ignis had finished the sentence.
There we have him a PROUD PAPA going with his BEAUTIFUL SON to get an engagement ring because BOY IS GONNA ASK HIS BF FOR MARRIAGE AND JESUS CHRIST IS THIS EXCITING
Honestly I’m saving how excited Regis was because it’s just too much excitement to be described lmao 
Just imagine him screeching the whole way to the mall
and the dy after
and all over the week
Regis was so excited he slightly fainted at least twice across the week lmao thank the gods a chuckling Clarus was there to help but anyway back to RING SHOPPING
Just like that time Regis was his FASHION EXPERT on the first date Iggy had with Gladio, Regis is now becoming RING EXPERT for him
“HOW. Are you going to wear that ring with those SHOES”
“why are the shoes always the problem”
They didn’t spend as long in the store as they did with the clothes that once, but they did spend a good while looking at the prettiest rings and comparing and thinking about what Gladio would personally like, and etc etc. 
Basically Regis helping Iggy pick the engagement ring plEASE I BEG FOR THIS SCENARIO AKSLJDFDG *cries*
When Ignis got decided for one, he was just pulling out his credit card when RegIS. FUCKING. SLAMMED HIS DEBIT CARD ON THE COUNTER.
omg but king Regis I’ve been saving up for a whole yea-
Regis = Gladnis shipper #1
fun side story #2 can we have Gladnis proposing to each other the same day because that’s disgustingly freaking adorable and I die with cuteness overload at the thought thank you. Like u know, those cute videos, I think there are two where partner 1 proposes to partner 2, and partner 2 just LAUGHS and partner 1 is ;A; ??? and partner 2 suddenly pulls out a little box too and it makes sense and the two just freaking lose it. Yes, Gladnis vibes, thank you
Let’s make it an Eos tradition that the father or parent or parental figure of the groom (or bride or person in suit) gets them the tie and only show them on the wedding day and they put it on their kid. (that’s actually a nice tradition, nice thinking Brain, I’ll steal this from myself later)
On the wedding day, in a room, Clarus is tying Gladio’s tie.
In the other, Ignis is tying his own. 
He did tell dad, but didn’t tell him about the tradition and dad assumed it wasn’t happening. It was fine, Ignis kept it a secret because he didn’t want his dad to do it, and he was fine getting his own tie. 
(Scientia parents are present, just Ignis asked them to be sat and away, he was fine on his own, and because Scientia parents don’t care they were just like okie)
And of course, there was then a knock at the door.
“…ki…KING REGIS!?”
Regis is smiling and going in and closing the door. Ignis stands up and he seemed to have been about to run towards him, but he freezes in his spot, and suddenly stands there like a lost shy kid, and his eyes immediately water. They say nothing for a while and just stare at each other, until Ignis, at the edge of crying, just whispers in a broken voice “You came.”
“Of course I did. What sort of horrible thing would I be if I missed your wedding? I’m sorry I’m late, I just didn’t know in which room you were. You should’ve told me!”
It takes a while as Ignis controls his tears and feelings and gets over the shyness before he says it.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you’d come and I didn’t want to pressure you by asking for this…extra thing, just consumes time, and I could do it alone, it was fine, really…”
“An extra thing?” 
Regis starts limping his way towards him. Then, when he gets to Ignis, he pulls out a little large box. Ignis finally starts crying when Regis opens it and there’s a tie inside.
While Iggy cries a bit, Regis undoes his tie, throws it away, and gently and very softly starts tying the new one. He does his best and prettiest tie, and pats it.
“It’s no extra thing. It’s my responsibility.”
Ignis immediately went in for a tight hug, crying into Regis’ shoulder.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t ask you for this, I’m so sorry…I…know you’re genuinely busy, and that’s ok, you run the biggest country of the world and a whole magic core alone, I know it’s genuine and I’ve never been upset for that, I just…know you’re genuinely busy…”
Regis returned the hug as lovingly and tight as only a father does, and kissed his head.
“Yes, a king is always busy. But never for my son.”
And that’s how Ignis was walked down the aisle by REGIS FUCKING LUCIS CAELUM CXIII OF HIS NAME THE MAN HIMSELF.
I’m an absolute disaster for supportive papa Regis. U see supportive Regis u show me, ok? OK? THANK YOU ;____;
I hope you enjoyed these at least half as I did!
Thank you, and have a WONDAHFUL day! 
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fromthewifecage · 5 years
Ok love let’s get personal 😏 tell me what made you fall for Johnny! His gorgeous body? Charming personality? Award winning (ha!) smile? I want all the wonderful (smutty 😏) details you’ve got!
What started it? 2 words. Linden Ashby.
And I mean it. I saw Mortal Kombat at the cinema (and LOVED it) and of course I couldn’t help but immediately fall in love with this Johnny. I’d played MK before then, even had the very first version on the Master System (so old it didn’t even have enough memory to cope with all the fighters so they cut KANO from it *cries*). He was the perfect mixture of hot and hilarious and he (along with Cary and Christophe Lambert) made the film for me. I honestly adore the film and will happily watch it now. We ignore the 2nd film (yeah, replace Linden Ashby with a random and then kill Johnny after 5 seconds?! That’s going to get me on side, wankers.)
After the film I went back to playing the games and Raiden (“the man with the hat” as my Mum calls him) was always my main (mixed in with some Noob and Smoke). After MK Trilogy I missed out on MK until 9 was released, and yeah, Johnny was alright, he’s funny as hell, but after his chapter he becomes a punching bag :( and I was happy blowing kisses at Raiden.
Then we get to MKX and we meet MY Johnny. Andrew Bowen’s voice is hot as hell and he is SUCH a good voice actor, without him I wouldn’t love Johnny nearly as much. Honestly, his voice does very naughty things to me, very good naughty things (in my knickers). Johnny makes MKX, he starts the thing off and if I play it or watch it through on Youtube when I get a hankering, then I always want more of him. I am a greedy slut.
I think the kharacter design is hot. I wasn’t sure of his Special Forces look to start, and when I play MKX I use either his Ninja Mime skin or his topless kostue (again, slut) and wish they’d gone for something more, well, more Johnny. Yes he’d wear the kombat trousers and vest on missions, but the guy takes care of himself and would have adopted “Treat yo self’ as one of his main mottos, so he’d wear more klassic stuff (if you zoom in on his tux shirt he has his own little JC logos on it , amazing detailing, so he has a clothing line and he’s wear that, all sexy designer looks) when not working. I absolutely ADORE the tux look in MK11, he looks incredible in it. (And oh yessss they’ve rolled up the sleeves to show off his forearms. Anyone looks good doing that, any gender, and age, any size, anyone, instantly boosts your hotness.)
The storyline of MKX where he gets together with Sonya is totally believable. If you watch Maximilian Dood play the Johnny vs Shinnok chapter on Youtube when Johnny says “She called me Johnny” Max will say something like “Oh don’t go get charming on me Johnny, you’re making me like you.” And that is exactly what Johnny’s doing, he’s charming the knickers off Sonya and everyone playing the game. Instant love. You totally see why Sonya falls for him, cos you’d be mad not to.Then you meet Older!Johnny and he’s still utterly hilarious, but now he’s more charming, less of a douche, has the sexy salt and pepper hair, still shows off the tattoo, and I wanted him even more. His obvious adoration for Cassie makes my knickers evaporate. I don’t have/want kids, but if I did a Sonya and ended up pregnant with his kiddo, you know that he'd just be the absolute best Dad.
How they treat his split from Sonya is pretty realistic. The comics show that Sonya kept with her career, and Johnny was a stay at home Dad (obviously still doing his films), and that Sonya wouldn’t take time away from her job caused the family to break up. Again, as a non kid person myself I can totally see Sonya’s side. But I can also see Johnny’s and Cassie’s (and isn’t this just forgotten in MK11?! BULLSHIT.)
Johnny interacting with Kenshi is fantastic (yeah, I totally ship it), and with Kuai (yeah, I totally ship it) and with Raiden (yeah, I totally ship it). (The “I’m guessing it’s not your first time in cuffs. What’s your safe word?” to Quan Chi with Kenshi sniggering is HILARIOUS. As is “Oh sorry ma’am, didn’t see you there” to Shinnok.
Now onto MK11. Yeah, he’s GORGEOUS. His face model Colin Ryan is hot as hell (thank you NRS) and thank the Elder Gods they kept Andrew Bowen as his v/a. I’d have gone on a one woman riot if they’d changed him.
Thankfully he is mostly hilarious, and we get to feel his sadness when Sonya dies and he comforts Cassie. The bond between him and his loved ones is beautiful. His fatalities are my favourites (OMG that leer he does at the end of his ventriloquist act is knicker-ruiningly hot. GOD DAMN!)
Young Johnny is an absolute dick until he does that face at Sonya bandaging him up at the end, and we see Older!Johnny start to emerge. He’s a good boy really, his Dad just fucked him up and made him think he had to be a prick.
His clothes. So they kept with the SF styling for Older!Johnny, and it’s still not great. He looks great in it, but he’d look great in a bin bag. I am SO glad they brought out the tux, (I have already squealed on about that, but fuck me it’s amaaaaaaazing) and I LOVE the Ninja Mime kostume. The younger outfits are great too with topless being the icing on the cake. The vests are great, the colours are great, the sunglasses are great.
The non sleezeball intros are hilarious, as are his taunts (the Mime one is especially brilliant, as is the fuck you one!) I love him playing with the toy Johnny, the splits, the autograph (I imagine he’s writing that on my tits).
The bad MK11 stuff: Yeah, MK11 isn’t the best. I honestly can’t buy him and Sonya back together after how their marriage ended. He may have forgiven her, but that would never stop him feeling like she hurt Cassie, and Cassie is his everything, and you just wouldn’t get past that. Sure you could keep the peace, be civil, but feeling his child was abandoned by the other parent is not something that would ever be pushed aside. I think NRS made a huge error in getting them back together, it was obviously to heighten the emotion of Sonya’s death, and that’s pretty pathetic writing on NRS’s part.
Johnny’s intros have him behaving pretty appallingly towards the majority of the female kombatants. There was no need for him to be so sleazy. Sure Younger!Johnny is a sleazy prick, but he’s a ridiculously famous movie star, he can get anyone he wants, why have him sound like a slimeball desperate for pussy? It’s done so badly, ugh. And the non distinction between Older and Younger!Johnny is sheer laziness by NRS. Not hard to make different intros for different variations. Same goes for how they fucked up the revenant skins, kharacters will state they aren’t revenants when they have a revenant skin. Fucking terrible by NRS.
Also I am greedy and wanted more of him in the story, buuuuuut that is appallingly greedy, especially when Kabal, Erron and Bi-Han got 5 fucking seconds of FUCKING BULLSHIT.
And also, what the fuck is up with Johnny’s ending with rehab? Where did that come from? Sure he’s a film star but he never seemed drunk or high or owt so WTF? Sadly I would bet money that they put that in to try to lesson the ‘Sonya fucked up the family’ and shift the blame to Johnny. Go fuck yourselves NRS, go on, go fuck yourselves.
So what is it that makes me love Johnny? The humour and Older!Johnny’s personality, hands down. Make me laugh and I am a very happy woman. Add in muscles and a smile that could kill me?
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
(Ok and I had this ridiculous daydream once about Older!Johnny getting a part in a Tarantino film, and it totally revitalising his career (just like John Travolta) and making everyone sit up and go “Whoa, I didn’t know he could actually act”. Ridiculous I know.)
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niabu-chan · 5 years
Kamukoma & Meshinui Theater: Living Apart
Original artist: 羽鳥
Source:  id=60582273
 **Permission to translate this was given by the artist**
 After they heard Kamukura leaving home for work
Meshinui: me—me me me me—
Servant: Ah, you’re so noisy. I can’t fail anymore, alright? Besides Kamukura-kun is already left!
Servant…and Meshinui begin preparing a gift for celebration.
Servant & Nui: Struggles of Love (August Edition) ①
Servant: At last…I made a decent-looking sponge! Let’s see…cut it in half. Ah! The cut goes aslant. Oh well, let it go. Here, place strawberries.
We did it!
Meshinui: me me—me♡ me♡
Servant: How wonderful! I don’t really understand what I made, but it looks like a cake!
Servant & Nui: Struggles of Love (August Edition) ②
Servant: He’s back! Welcome back~! You’re home early~
Meshinui: me—♡
Kamukura: Oh…you come at the right time.
Servant: Huh? What is that?
Kamukura: I received a debut gift. It’s a cake from Hanamura. Why don’t we eat it together?
Servant & Nui: Struggles of Love (August Edition) ③
Servant: ……ah Meshinui: ……me
Servant: Yeah. Shall I make you black tea?
Meshinui: me!?
Kamukura: Yes, please.
Meshinui: me me me!
Servant: It can’t be help, right? After seeing Hanamura-kun’s cake we …can’t bring out ours!
Servant & Nui: Struggles of Love (Absolute Hope Birthday Edition) 1
Servant: Ahhh…to think that we’ve run out of black tea, what a bad luck… Hey, it’s about time you stop crying now.
Meshinui: me me me me me!
Servant: Let’s make it better next time alright? I’m back~
Servant & Nui: Struggles of Love (Absolute Hope Birthday Edition) 2
Servant: Huh?
Meshinui: me!
Kamukura:  You’re late. Hurry up and prepare black tea. We will finish the cake.
♪Absolute Hope Birth starts playing intro ♪
Servant: Ah…that is…what’s about Hanamura-kun’s cake…
Meshinui: me me me!
Servant & Nui: Struggles of Love (Absolute Hope Birthday Edition) 3
Kamukura: We can just eat it tomorrow. I don’t think we should keep it inside a cardboard box though. Later let’s eat brunch properly, alright?
Meshinui: me~♡
After that Servant and Meshinui are watching the anime in excitement.
Kamu/Servant/Nui: Love Cracks ①
# Kamukura makes a mysterious appearance.
Servant: There, there~~ It’s kamukura-kun~ Meshinui: me—! / me—! (One Nui just appears)
# He eagerly joins group with a girl of same age after invitation.
Servant: ……huh? Meshinui: ….. / …me  / ….. (Another Nui appears)
# After pastel dance and swift attack, he cries for another girl.
Servant: …uhhh Meshinui: me…? / me…? /me… / me…  (two Nui appear)
Servant and Meshinui commence cold water ablutions to pray for hope.
Servant: “He” will become the absolute hope…. The only thing I can do is performing cold water ablutions here but…! I believe in it…!
After praying in cold water ablutions
# kamukura feels the hairpin of a girl he just met.
Servant: Ah...ah…a My memories are erased right away….aren’t they? Ahaha…I’m sorry that a worthless human scum like me has the cheek to hope.
Thus Servant decided to leave home
Servant who is burning with anger….
Servant: Now then…it’s the beginning of the end… Meshinui: me me !
…is going to protest against Kamukura.
Kamu/Meshi : Separation Story
Kamukura: If you have problems with my actions, please get out. Doing stuff like climbing Mount Fiji and performing cold water ablutions are boring…
Servant: All right then. I’ll take my leave…
Meshinui: me!?
Kamukura: Huh?
Meshinui: See you.
Kamukura: Ah……
Meshinui are Servant’s supporters.
Meshinui: me me me— me— me— me—
Servant: I’ll let you go back to your daddy’s home…*
Question: What is Kamukura going to do now that his partner has left home?
Kamukura: I made a pumpkin pie. Candies, macarons, ice cream and cookies are also ready… After I send out invitation like that, he will be himself again and come home.
Kamu/Meshi: Heartbreak (Kamukura side) ①
Kamukura: It has been two months since he left….     I thought he would come back soon but…
In the end, that Halloween became the one that I couldn’t ever forget… I prepared various stuff…
October 31st at 3 AM
Kamu/Meshi: Heartbreak (Kamukura side) ②
Kamukura: He won’t come, huh? That’s unexpected.
Meshinui: *click*   me….
Kamukura: Are you all alone? Thank you for coming. (<-- He looks very happy)
Meshinui: me---------!
Kamu/Meshi: Heartbreak (Kamukura side) ③
Kamukura: Hm? What is it?
Meshinui: me— me me me me— me me— me
Kamukura: Servant? Cake… cold water ablutions…He worked very hard? For my sake…?
In other words: Come and bring Servant home
Kamukura: What’s the matter with that? It isn’t like I asked for anything in the first place. Maybe he’s just sulking on his own just because I got involved with girls a little. You should know it’s just plot convenience
Kamu/Meshi: Heartbreak (Kamukura side) ④
Meshinui: ME-------! *holds a toothpick and stabs*
Kamukura: Ouch! That’s hurt! Ouch! That’s hurt! Ouch!
Meshinui: meeeeeeeeeeee
Kamukura: Ah…wai-
Kamu/Meshi: Heartbreak (Kamukura side) ⑤
Kamukura: Ever since then I’ve been alone… They…went to the hot spring without me… What on earth have I done…
Souda: You haven’t done anything, right? If you go that far as stalking and taking photos of them secretly, I suppose you should go bring them back.
Kamukura: I’ve never expected that I would miss him that much; Now I’m sad. Huh…I’m sad…? I have a feeling that I’m going to cry on Pocky Day too.
kamukura unconsciously sheds his tears again on Pocky Day.
Kamukura: It seems today is Pocky Day….
Servant: Ahhh, Kamukura-kun, if we continue eating like this our lips will meet…
Kamu/Meshi: Love Story ~the Day before Christmas Eve~①
Servant: It’s snack time~
Meshinui: me--------------!
Servant: Hmm, should I buy a cake or something tomorrow.
Meshinui: *nosebleeds*
Servant: Aghhhh! It’s nosebleed!? His nose is bleeding? What’s going on?
Meshinui: me? me?
Kamu/Meshi: Love Story ~the Day before Christmas Eve~②
Kamukura: *eating Mochi while sulking in bed* *phone is ringing* I’m busy though… Who’s…… Kamukura speaking.
Servant: It’s nosebleed! Aaaaah! The nose is bleeding.
Kamukura: Oh…you’d better put soft cotton into the nostril and have a rest.
Servant: The nostril! Aaaah! There-There are no nostrils.
What Kamukura is going to do now that Servant and Meshinui are in crisis is….!?
Kamu/Meshi: Reconciliation Edition ①
Servant has been living separately from kamukura, but one day Meshinui has a nosebleed.
Other Meshinui: me— me me? me—
Servant: Umm…Is it okay to do it like this….?
Kamukura: What are you doing.
Servant: Kamukura-kun?
Kamu/Meshi: Reconciliation Edition ②
Kamukura: Well, that’s it.
Servant: Hah~ That’s a relief.
Kamukura: Er… Don’t you have anything to say to me?
#Other Meshunui are standing by in another room.
Servant: Ah! Are you going back?
Kamukura: No…it’s not that.
Kamu/Meshi: Reconciliation Edition ③
Kamukura: You’ve treated me as an unfaithful person and left me as you pleas-
Meshinui: ME----------------- (<--suddenly becomes threatening)
Kamukura: Huh?
Servant: ?
Kamukura: Is this personal…. There is something I want to give it to you straight. The other day I found the Bible…
Kamu/Meshi: Reconciliation Edition ④
Kamukura: Left on the deserted snowy land, it’s written inside that “Thou…shalt love thy neighbor…” and that neighbor is…
Please stop playing cards…
Servant: But it’s long.
Kamukura: Let’s go home together.
In other words: Celebrating Christmas by myself is lonely.
Kamukura: Please be my only neighbor…
Effect: Pastel Zone Mode: On
Kamu/Meshi: Reconciliation Edition ⑤
Servant: Ah…Yeah… (<--very easy)
Kamukura: What…This is good, isn’t it…but still not enough.
Servant: Kamukura-kun…! Ah, Christmas….is already over *panting*
Kamukura: We are not being able to do it for some time when Meshinui are awake, are we?
~ Until the morning~
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP. 2
Last time, on Symphogear!
An adorable little girl, stood up by her date for a reasonable explanation, jams it out with her favorite pop duo, caught unawares that they are also a monster-fighting syndicate experimenting with the power of sound (the power to make you dizzy) to activate an ancient historical relic. Shit goes south as the jams prove to be too powerful, guaranteeing tragedy amidst an otherwise baller concert. Hibiki is rescued by The Bigger Of The Lesbians before she self-destructs to make sure the entire threat is neutralized, leaving The Smaller Lesbian sad, yet still incredibly gay. Years pass as our protagonist goes to Music School, for Music, to bunk it up with her girlfriend as she tries to figure out what the hell happened. Her prayers are answered when she tries to rescue a little girl and is promptly cornered, activating the same outfit The Bigger Lesbian that saved her had on. Gungnir Dattos all around, The Smaller Lesbian loses her shit as everything goes downhill from there.
Now, where were we?
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...right. The piss beacon.
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And the person taking the piss.
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Hibiki has nary a clue what to do. Symphogears don’t actually come with manuals, you see. They’re sort of a “close your eyes and wing it” kind of experience. In Tsubasa’s case, it’s quite literal.
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“FUCK that was COOL AS SHIT, tight as FUCKING HELL”
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Take pity on this face. This is the face of someone who’s last memories will be a confused lady wondering why she is suddenly part machine.
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“imma save you widdle kid”
Something to note about this show is that all the fighters sing while fighting. Hibiki is no exception, even after being confused about what the hell she’s doing. It helps that her voice actress is a professional singer.
It helps that every voice actress here is some sort of professional singer.
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This picture basically summarizes why Hibiki is cool despite being so goddamned dumb. She’s angry, and she’s gonna protect some kids even if she dies doing it. Kanade would be proud, if she wasn’t too busy being dead.
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No shit!
Have you ever watched the original Sam Reimi’s Spiderman? Like, the very first one? You know all those awkward scenes about Spiderman learning how his powers work? Hibiki basically does that under crunch time. There’s a long segment about how she’s forced to figure things out while protecting a kid and Not Dying.
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It’s going pretty great.
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I can’t believe she’s secretly Steve Urkel.
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“cannot FUCKING believe that girl my girlfriend saved managed to GET HER HANDS on her FUCKING CLOTHES that I WANTED to ENSHRINE IN A MEMORIAL to her how the FUCK did she do that cant BELIEVE i have to SAVE HER IDIOT ASS because she just CANT EVEN DO THAT-”
Tsubasa, preparing herself as a contender for the World’s Angriest Lesbian, barrels through the Noise in her motorcycle...
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...which she smashes directly into the Noise. It does nothing.
Tsubasa has many a motorcycle to smash. It’s a testament to her dedication following her aesthetic.
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She fueled the tank completely before smashing it in.
Tsubasa... is petty.
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As Tsubasa t-poses to assert dominance (a woman ahead of her time, this first aired in 2012), she comes down ready to kick some ass and vent some frustrations. And frankly? She’s all out of ass.
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“oh my god she’s even hotter up close i cant believe it”
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“fucking knock-off outfit looks like it came out of a bootleg flea market”
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You don’t need to know what happens next, because you already know what happens when someone shows up with a fucking sword ready to sing about their dead girlfriend and the conflicting feelings about seeing her armor pop up again on someone else.
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Lots... and lots... of murder.
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“we’re so fucking useless why do we even exist”
After Tsubasa finishes what could only be described as a massacre, we’re treated to how people clean up the aftermath.
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“hey, you know, make fun of me all you want, but at the end of the day, im the one holding the vacuum cleaner, and you’re literally turned to dust, so”
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Even this little girl knows shit’s about the go down. Got the tea and everything.
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This is one of the minor characters of the series. She works for the 2nd Division. Who is the 2nd Division? You’ll find out soon.
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“i didnt die! fuck yeah. today’s a good day.”
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Hibiki learns that her outfit unsets after a while, like bideo game. Who catches her mid-fall?
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Her new best friend, of course. Don’t be fooled by this look. Tsubasa tragically suffers from resting angry face syndrome. It is, unfortunately, incurable.
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“i hate how cute she is”
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Hibiki reminds her that this is technically the second time Tsubasa has saved her, which in the large scheme of things, seems incredibly innocuous for someone who escaped a major tragedy many years ago. Unfortunately, time doesn’t move forward for Season 1 Tsubasa. Not for quite a while...
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The funny part is it doesn’t even hit her initially. She never actually saw Hibiki personally during that moment, so she actually doesn’t even have a clue what she means.
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Look at her. Look at this clown. How could you hate her. Look at that smile.
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All the survivors are always forced to write NDAs about what they saw. This grows to comical levels at times, given the scale of what happens eventually. It might as well be the world’s biggest open secret by now.
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“aight homies looks like i gotta go home, the wife’s gonna be lonely an-”
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“sorry holmes but you’re going to gay baby jail like the rest of us singers”
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Hibiki’s face is riddled with guilt. The guilt of someone who just saved a little girl. How dare you, Hibiki. This is what you get for doing The Right Thing.
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And so she’s taken to “jail.”
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“sorry pal but you literally turned into a huge weapon and you have no idea how to use it so!”
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And so, Hibiki was never seen again...
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Alright, so she really isn’t going to jail. She is genuinely being taken into custody, though. To be honest, this kind of handcuff procedure is sort-of ridiculous for someone who literally just saved children, and you could probably bribe her to join them with a 10 piece chicken dinner, but hey, fuck it. 2nd Division has protocols, and that is to arrest people.
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“i cant believe i was a fan of a narc all this time”
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The school has a giant elevator that goes deep into the Earth. Also, look at that symbolism. Hibiki’s the only one looking at her own reflection. Deep.
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Thanks, Tsubasa.
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The interior decorator for this elevator is wild.
Tsubasa forbodes where they’re all going as some ominous, strange, and evil place where joy and happiness die. Where good feelings and innocence are destroyed, and hope is crushed and ripped at the seams.
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As it turns out, Tsubasa is just an angsty piece of shit.
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So here’s the situation:
The 2nd Branch, which are the people in charge of poking relics until they glow with the power of music to study and harness the power of as weapons to kill the Noise, live in a several mile deep high tech basement of an all girl’s boarding school dedicated to music. This is because, for the record, that the girls recruited to this school have the habit of being a little bit attuned to these relics. Hibiki, a newly christened Gear user, is now being recruited into this organized by Genjuro.
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“i never got this kind of party when i was recruited”
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“thats because nobody liked you, hans”
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“im skipping my soaps for this”
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“fucking hate my twin brother hans”
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“she?????? gets a party??? SHE. gets a party. I DON’T GET A PARTY. SHE... GETS A PARTY? and i dont get a fucking party. i was literally BORN into this job. NOBODY gives me a damn party. this MORON who CLOWNS AROUND with her SUBPAR SONGS. gets a party. oh my god. oh my GOD. FUCK. FUCK!”
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“if this is what its like to get arrested i gotta be gayer and do more crimes”
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“I’m not actually surprised. I’m just pretending to be. I’m just really not good at pretending to be surprised.”
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“fucking hate this family, im gonna eat all of hibikis cake and cry in my room”
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Remember: This show first released in 2012. Ryoko? Trendsetter.
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Ryoko’s screen is very dirty and foggy. Don’t ask why. Don’t even remember why I pointed this out. Just forget this point completely.
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Hibiki understands that handcuffs just aren’t fashionable.
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Genjuro casually explains that they’re the fictional japanese equivalent of the NSA, all while doing magic tricks. Truly a man of many talents.
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Tsubasa is already plotting how to vent about all this in her diary, which she addresses as letters of Kanade every time she writes in it.
Genjuro and Ryoko introduces themselves as everyone else apologizes to her, except Tsubasa.
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Ogawa also intro- yes, I’m recycling a picture- introduces himself. He’s pretty cool, too, and serves as Tsubasa’s ninja bodyguard, butler, and all around mentor. We never get a backstory on him, and likely never will. It’s best to keep it that way; it only adds to the mystery of who the hell this guy is.
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“weird flex but okay”
Hibiki realizes she’s being recruited, after being told she’s being recruited. Given some brain cells remain in her head, she asks the obvious and wonders what the hell happened to her.
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“ryoko, care to explain?”
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“well, it’s simple. you’re the protagonist now.”
Ryoko, who has no sense of boundaries, subjects Hibiki to a medical inspection. As creepy as her tone is, its to inspect the state of Hibiki’s newly formed gear.
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She’s finally freed from that long winded event and returns home to her wife.
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“buddy you smell like shit. and french fries.”
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“hibiki. you’re not dead, hibiki. come on, get up. i just cleaned this floor, hibiki. hibiki, please. this is genuinely unbecoming of you. hibiki, oh my god.”
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“miku please i learned how to kick ass and im tired and please let me enjoy this nice floor”
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Tsubasa does the thing real life Symphogear and all related products never actually bother to do.
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“god she’s so gay for her but i know she’d never cheat on me so”
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Hibiki ruminates on the day she’s had. This is where the really dumb angst comes in. You see, Hibiki can’t tell anyone about what happened, and Miku, now a civilian in her eyes, cannot know about her alter ego Symphogear antics. Hibiki feels bad about this.
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“y u no trust me. y u no tell me troof. im wife.”
After a brief heart to heart Hibiki smiles and snuggles her girlfriend.
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They’re gay.
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“im gonna marry her knowing full well she’ll sleep through the ceremony. god.”
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venus-says · 5 years
Aikatsu! Episodes 21-25
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Basically me.
I’m so exhausted today, I feel like I’ve gone through one of Ran’s intensive training session. I’ll try to give some good cooments today but if I sound bland i’m sorry, I’m just very very very tired. 😅 Anyway, let’s go to the episode.
Another drama episode, yes!!! They're taking the audition as a team of four but just two will pass? This sounds unfair.
Basically me with aikatsu and precure lol I'm sorry guys but the plot of this drama seems pretty horrible. 😅 If they need to train their teamwork, WHY ISN'T YURIKA THERE WITH THEM?
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Why is everything in this damn city on top of a mountain? XD
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THANK YOU 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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WHAT THE FUCK????? They made a operation TO LOCK UP THE GOOD GUYS??????? IF THE POLICE KNEW WHERE'S THE HIDEOUT OF THE DUDES STEALING THE CARDS WHY AREN'T THEY FIGHTING THE ACTUAL BAD GUYS?????? I told yall this plot was horrible, cancel this movie. 😅 Okay even though they lost Ran and Yurika are best girls. Let's go to the next!
This whole thing about smelling the scent of an idol is kinda creepy, don't you think? Stop sniffing around, Raichi. Why this whole deal about Ichigo's aura when we've seen it already in performances??? How convenient that now everyone is showing their auras outside performances when till this point we've only seen it happen with Mizuki. Yeah I call bs on this episode. 😅 But hey at least we got to see Calendar Girl, so I'm happy. Next!
This is a Ran episode, my expectations are high.
Yurika and Ran are the best duo, sorry I don't make the rules. Uhhhh backstory. Okay I don't really see why Ran must surpass her senpai to be Ageha's model, but go for it my sweet child, I got you.
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AOI IS ME. (How many times have I said this already? XD)((also please give me boyish Ran, it must be so adorable I NEED)) Man these girls really need some therapeutic support, because whenever they fail they just go downhill on a spiral that is just not healthy for them. Orihime, fire Johnny and get a team of counselors for you school, that's what these girls need. It's kinda sad that my fave PR from season 1 debuted in such a gloomy episode. But I'm glad not everything is just flowers and cakes and everyone's happy all the time.
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And that's why you should fire him. Mixed feelings about this episode. I think I would've liked a little more if the support for Ran didn't came in the last second so she could work a little better about showing her happiness for being on stage, but oh well. ONE THING THAT I CAN'T FORGIVE THOUGH IS THAT TRAP OF LOVE SHOULD'VE BEEN THE SONG HERE, why yall did this to me???? Vacation episode next? Let's see how that goes.
Performance right at the start? That's new. And new song as well??? I'm shookt.
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Off time sounds so good right now. I don't have that in a long time.
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Those three brands at the bottom sound so cool. I wish they were official. Man Raichi is really creepy. Even for a kid. Food reports sure are boring, aren’t they? 😅 Not even Ichigo (someone who I like) can make them interesting. 😅 The fact that idols can't even have a healthy tan is EXTREMELY sad. Aoi's trunk is basically Hermione's bag at this point. lol A surprisingly good episode for a filler. The title of the next one is "The April Fool's Promise" and these are two things that shouldn't be put together imo. 😅 Oh well let's see.
I just choked on water with this intro. I wasn't expecting an "AMAZING!" so loud in my ears like that. Good April Fool's joke. Honestly I can't believe Orihime and Taichi are treating each other as completely strangers, SHE MUST KNOW WHO HE IS FOR GOD'S SAKE. Sorry if I sound so bitchy about it but it really bothers me this whole situation.
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Does anyone believe in Taichi's stories? Because to me they just sound like bs, sorry Ichigo. 😅 Yeah 5 members calendar girl is great. Love their group appeal. And that's pretty much all I could take from this episode. I don't know if is the tiredness finally catching up again, or if I'm just bitter inside, but this episode was pretty boring to me. Oh well. Can you believe I'm already half way into the season in just 5 days??? I hope I can keep up the pace. I gotta go now so, in Ema's words, jyanee bye o/
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Tony Awards Thoughts
So it looks like, at least for now, the CBS website lets you watch it for free (at least in the US). Here are my thoughts using those time stamps (be warned I have a long running commentary)
0:23 Oh is this going to be a parody of her playing the piano on last year’s Tony’s
1:05 How has neither one of them won anything? I mean I get if they said neither one of them one a Tony cause I mean, they both did shows that one time…but anything?
1:18 Is there anything more Broadway than saying the same rehearsed thing at the same time and pretending it was just part of the banter? Oh theater tropes I love you
1:36 That’s always been something that bothered me, people assume that just because something didn’t win the Tony doesn’t mean its not a great show, and the show that wins might not even be the best one that season (you know who you are). I love the Tony’s but its an award show, people don’t stop watching tv shows and movies or listening to artists that didn’t win or weren’t nominated, it makes me sad that so many shows close post Tony’s just because they weren’t the big winner. Anyways…
1:53 THEY CELEBRATED THE LOSERS LIKE ME, these A list celebrities that are totally not losers are soooo relatable ;)
2:40 A few years ago Something Rotten did what I thought was a brilliant advertising campaign listing amazing shows that lost the Tonys like them, so the fact that it was put into song gave me a fond flashback. See? SEE??? Oh it feels so good to be vindicated on tv
3:49 “If you make art at all your a part of the cure” :)
4:10 THEY HAD THE ENSEMBLE MEMBERS BE THE ONES IN THE OPENING NUMBER RATHER THAN THE LEADS THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY. If only my high school self could have seen this she would have felt so much better
6:42 I didn’t see any of the plays this year but I heard the most about Angels in America this season so not surprised. Looks interesting
7:45 Happy Pride Month
8:40 Bake a cake for everyone who wants a cake to be baked would actually be a pretty good diction warmup
14:10 Kinda surprised that they didn’t pick Rather Be Me or Apex Predator considering those are the really marketed songs. “Where We Belong” seems a lot like “Status Quo” from High School Musical. I mean you’ll get that about high school clicks in the lunch room with a blond queen bee but like, even the dance moves felt similar, and the lunch tray dancing, even the giant cat decal. But like, it's not as catchy? I didn’t expect them to win anything tonight but I really don’t think they’ll win anything now? Is that mean? Just cause it feels like it was supposed to be a high energy number and it didn’t have that energy I thought it would. Also come on, just cause you want the girls to be shallow and dumb doesn’t mean the lyrics have to be that cringey. This feels like a less good version of if Legally Blonde and High School Musical had a baby (I absolutely love Legally Blonde that was not intended to be an insult to either show).
15:00 Is it me or did Amy Schumer look like she wanted to say something but Rachel Bloom kept talking. But it didn’t really have any joke setup or serve as a good segway for commentary, what could she have wanted to say?
15:35 Later on I’m going to see if I can find the award speeches that didn’t get televised. most of the world doesn’t get broadway they get regional theater, I wanted to hear what they had to say
15:45 Nick Scandalious feels like a cartoon name you’d see in an Onion article about the Me Too movement. His face even looks like the generic celebrity that had a TMZ scandal five years ago. I thought I read it wrong at first lol
16:40 I was cracking up they know their brand so well. The air quotes on emotional, perfect!
17:10 Mini Sara and Josh are so cute!
17:50 Ok I missed the reference, what is the giant bird lady from?
18:10 oh
20:57 celebrity child picture counter: #3 Amy Schumer. Also guess which year the musical described as “a comedy about class and sexism” is from? Yup it’s My Fair Lady, the audience laughed like I did in that sort of this is funny but also sad kinda way
26:00 This was so overacted and hammy and one day I aspire to that level of loud printed robes. Coincidentally my name is also spelled like Eliza but my voice is not nearly that good. Also does it count as drag if they are clearly men in dresses with some comical makeup or is there another name for it when they aren’t actually trying to look feminine?
26:18 The twitter usernames were too small to see on my screen who were the twitter pictures of?
26:30 See above comment
27:00 What show did Billy Joel work on? Also Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, and Josh Groban maybe my mom will finally enjoy theater
29:12 Oh my gosh that picture of Titus Burgess is amazing as is that suit. And that intro is so Titus its great
30:07 Renee Fleming we’ve got the Opera world here too? It’s so many famous musicians from outside broadway on broadway, think of all the crossovers
32:50: Yes spongebob get Josh Groban to sing more thank you for your service. Ok I’m not a huge fan of spongebob but they have to win for sound design that guy is on overload
33:27 Lol it explains so much why the songs sound disjointed cause they got a billion people to write them. Also lol I was waiting for that joke
33:50 Also what I thought would happen would be a medley that way Spongebob who really is the driving energy of the show and Squidward played by the Broadway darling would both have a song. This wasn’t how I expected them to do it, but I was sort of right so I’ll count it. I’m not really a fan of Spongebob the musical (I’ve listened to it twice once when it first came out and once during Tony Season. I’m not one of the people who hate it off the sheer premise and won’t give it a chance, but I just thought it was meh and not worth having the most nominations.) But Squidward’s song is very me, not in terms of melody cause that is I find most of the melodies to be rather generic but the lyrics are 100% me trying to convince myself. Also all I will be thinking about for the rest of the will be what tap dancing must feel like its gotta feel weird how long do you think he spent practicing it with and without the extra legs. Or it might be nightmare fuel with the sea anemone contributing to it, who knows? Probably both,
38:07 still don’t know whose handles those are
38:28 ^^^
38:40 Ok when I saw the outfits I was expecting a Chorus Line Parody, but this Sia parody fits this every genre but musical theater theme of this Broadway season
39:20 Eight times a week, and all the subsequent puns
40:28 Can I just say I love this return to singing interludes over awkward award show banter?
41:44 I saw the Bands Visit a few month’s back and I still don’t know how to describe it. Normally I would guess it would be the second fiddle of the Tony’s but considering the “purists” it’ll probably win most of the awards
44:16 With all the previous reaction shots you knew it had to be Nathan Lane. I always forget how well spoken he is because of his typical roles but he is really well spoken and sincere rather than trying to wise crack and it was so sweet. It made me smile
47:43 His face saying “blow high” has got to be a gif right?
51:45 The entirety of the Carousel number was me thinking if I had a higher sex drive this would totally make me thirsty. They also used very creative ways to physically embody the shape and workings of a ship but then again I’m admittedly biased. Listen to that number you know their vocal prowess was not why they picked it
52:12 I mean, I know that crew gets less attention than cast and plays less attention than musicals but I would watch the full version stop cutting out the speeches. C’mon I love costumes
53:04 I know your joking but that hurts
53:19 yes #4 famous kid photo Uzo Aduba
55:49 Ari'el Stachel’s speech is made all the more poignant when you realize everyone else in his category were white. Despite this season’s commerciality you actually do have shows and casts with Asian leads and African American leads and Latin American leads and Middle Eastern leads somewhere between the sea of shows like Spongebob and Frozen. Show these shows some love, prove that Hamilton wasn’t the anomaly but the rule
56:55 They brought the Parkland teacher for the theater education award! Fitting 65 students into a high school teacher’s office for hours to protect them is not easy, she saved lives that day
58:17 I thought #5 Matthew Morrison was a girl in his child pic
58:40 They went to Parkland?!
59:35 OMG they’re performing!?!
1:00:10 Seasons of Love is the Perfect song for this, they sound so good too!
1:01:18 Girl has an amazing voice! Dang to get up there in front of all of these famous performers on live TV after the media has already hounded them and putting yourself out there is courageous
1:02:45 I can’t see the handles
1:03:11 Will they be able to top NPH’s Tony magic trick though??? Probably not but let’s see
1:03:31 So cheesy but tbh if I had a Harry Potter wand I’d be even cheesier
1:03:46 Was that line improved or was the tech delay intentional?
1:04:22 C’mon Squidward already pulled the same “trick” you have ensemble block the audience pov while someone enters from the back. Didn’t even come close to topping NPH
1:04:43 Little Patti Lupone I can’t believe she allowed them to include her picture of lil’ Patti
1:05:04 I just wanted to include Patti’s line about a “deep appreciation for outspoken women” cause I actually said “you go girl” out loud
1:05:35 Yeah, fun fact, Tony wasn’t a man but was actually short for Antoinette. They referenced it multiple times before, including earlier tonight, but it was stated most explicitly here
1:06:35 Is that a young or modern Claire Danes, I can’t tell
1:07:39 Also it’s really cool that an older woman won something, I feel like the stage gives more roles for older woman that other acting industries, also if people argue that she was political she served political office. Also how cool is it that apparently people were there from every recognized country?
1:09:27 so that’s how they do Sven, I knew Olaf was supposed to be an Avenue Q style puppet but the way they move Sven is really cool (it’s the technique they used on things like War Horse, I don’t know if it’s considered costuming or puppetry or what the official name is)
1:10:20 Anna looks exactly as I pictured her, and they changed a few minor lyrics for it to fit the stage
1:10:44 There are so many quick changes tonight
1:11:22 Elsa did not look like what I imagined her to be, but the costumes are on point
1:12:00 The chorus versions of these songs have beautiful harmony, but Olaf shouldn’t be there yet right? Isn’t he “born” in Let it Go
1:12:47 Alright I’ve been waiting to see how they’ll do the snow effects!
1:14:00 They got out of building the castle by already having it built at the beginning of the song, which is smart technically but I wanted to see how they do it, unless it’s one of those things that’s a surprise for when you see it live.
1:14:25 Never call it “Daddy’s Day” ever again. Never.
1:14:46 I can’t see the handles
1:14:59 How could you not show Chita Rivera’s lifetime achievement? I’ve been lucky enough to see her in more than one show and she is incredible.
1:15:13 And you also cut out Andrew Lloyd Webber’s?? You made the wrong cuts Broadway
1:15:25 It looks like they’re going to show a tribute I’m excited!!!
1:17:42 Two things: Andrew Lloyd Webber has written a weird collection of musicals, like when you see clips of them back to back you realize just how weird of a collection it is, and Josh Groban needs to be the next Phantom
1:18:08 That exchange was so physically awkward they haven’t even started talking yet and I feel the cringe
1:19:18 Is “I swore I’d never do something like that” shade against the La La Land debacle? In 2018? Or am I reading too much into it
1:19:21 I saw the Band’s Visit but I also saw Once on this Island and I thought that one would win Direction for sure but I guess I was wrong
1:22:36 I read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, it’s a weird read, but I haven’t seen it live so maybe it’s directed brilliantly, who knows? Who else thinks its a weird read?
1:23:56 He’s getting the Tony audience to sing his boyfriend "Happy Birthday" instead of giving a speech and that is both adorably sweet and such a power move. Also a rare occasion of Happy Birthday being sung on key
1:25:10 They’re having DEH perform? You cut out people who actually were awarded tonight for people who already were featured on the Tony’s last year? And that song is a weird choice for a In Memoriam considering that show doesn’t really…respect the deceased. Weird
1:28:17 Give the tech more time in the limelight! You cut out Chita and Webber’s speeches for a weird tribute and you have weird stunts with tech like the magic thing yet cut out all their stage time. I know this is standard Tony procedure but it is something I will comment on every year until it changes
1:29:20 That move for “work hard for the money mom” line was uncomfortable
1:30:30 They really do sound like the original singer
1:31:53 So that’s how the performers follow the conductor. They have a huge teleprompter-like screen in the back of the audience
1:32:52 This cast seems specifically tailored to gather different subsections of internet geeks and I will not tell you which categories I fall into
1:33:18 I never knew “the Jimmy’s” were a thing when I was in high school
1:34:54 THOSE are the great themes of Harry Potter? Really?
1:36:10 Aww look at little Cinderella
1:36:34 How are they going to build that stage for the Tonys? They built a river inside the theater for it before!
1:37:00 Well it makes sense that they’d only include part of the set, you can’t really recreate an entire building. Yes I’m so glad they included Mama Will Provide. That song is like the definition of a Tony performance song. Why did they include the Daniel bit, that was so awkward and broke up the flow
1:40:40 If anyone would be chill with the goat it’s Nathan Lane. Yup, there a live goat at the Tony Awards
1:41:21 Don’t joke about that
1:41:41 Are you going to cut out every technical award
1:42:32 Too relatable
1:43:16 Is this that song from Chorus Line in real life
1:44:10 English Major life
1:46:03 The angel from Angels in America is so Extra TM
1:46:54 That Tony Kushner line was forced
1:47:18 Awkward segway but REMEMBER TO VOTE
1:47:38 That Judy Garland line ties in perfectly with the Happy Birthday to the gay couple
1:48:04 That reaction to the word “money” is me. And also is a gif right?
Am I so much of a Tony nerd that I both knew and was shocked that the accountants weren’t the normal ones from Ernst and Young but instead were from Grant Thorton. Why do I remember what company normally tallies the Tony votes? Why did they change companies? Why do I care so much? But seriously what happened
1:49:00 That phrase just sounded so odd, just the way it was said “my television Daddy-O Tony Shalhoub”
1:53:15 I don’t have the accent and I’m about as white as white can be, but I really want to perform this song somewhere at some point. I have family in this area even though I don’t look like I would but and I just connect to it. The melody is gorgeous and the chorus reminds me of the lullabies of when I was very little.
1:54:15 Every time the young photos come up it puts a small smile on my face
1:54:37 Good on them for putting their money where their mouth is. They actually helped fund arts programs in places where they were cut
1:55:05 I wonder what the rest of the scenic guy’s speech for Spongebob was because this tiny clip seemed so passionate (and just has such an interesting aesthetic). Gosh darn it Tonys stop pretending the only backstage people that count are the directors and producers, you have all these other people who put in so much hard work yet you consistently ignore them. Even orchestrations, choreography and score?? Orchestrations, choreography and score are crucial for musicals to exist as unique entities from plays. You make jokes about people sitting through 5 hour plays but I would gladly sit through a five hour award show if you just included the technical awards.
1:57:10 me trying to open anything ever
1:57:14 Yes! I was so worried they would go with the super old school ones that get constant revivals. I mean, they picked the show that had “1000 pounds of sand, a 100 gallons of water, a goat and 2 chickens into his theater” when you have safer, more conventional bets. Everyone kept sleeping on Once on this Island this Tony season to talk about their feelings about the Spongebob’s and Mean Girl’s of the world but this is such a good show. Maybe this’ll get this show the love it deserves.
1:59:30 what did Robert DeNiro say on the recording the sound cut out. Did the mic cut out did he say something inappropriate, I’ve been avoiding Tony news what happened?
1:59:55 It’s got more than just a big cast, dancing, and a history lesson. You know that applies to, idk like 60% of famous Broadway musicals lol
2:00:06 when someone gives that pregnant of a pause you gotta wonder what the story is there
2:00:27 Truth
2:00:40 “Jersey Boy” that’s such a good one liner, actually, it might sound sarcastic online but that was a funny one liner in context
2:03:00 Is Bruce Springsteen really going to just do spoken word poetry the whole time? Also I don’t know why but this makes me think of Fun Home
2:06:05 Oh he’s going to sing after all. Though that story is about as Americana Fourth of July as anything I’ve ever heard on the Tony Awards ever and that’s saying something
2:07:39: who are these people?
2:08:00 Didn’t Kristin Chenowitz and Alan Cumming do this exact same shtick when they hosted, what 2 years ago? And there’s was much bigger I mean really go big like that Glinda the Good dress or go home.
2:08:23 Was there really no punch line? Also aww baby Kelli O’Hara is precious
2:09:07 The actor’s name sounds like his character’s name and I enjoy that
2:09:39 Well these actors are very different from each other
2:11:28 I am a sucker for genuine sincerity and that combined with some of the earlier moments like the Parkland moment brought me close to tears
2:12:45 Look at this award shows actual diversity, and not just using one show for diversity and nominating a bunch of actors you have 3 out of 6 female leads be people of color and none of them are a “token” and they all support each other. Hailey Kilgore is so young and such a good actress and I wanted her to win so much but she seemed so excited for the person who did win and they all seem happy at the result you don’t have any of that polite loser face they are all genuinely supportive and this makes me happy. I’m happy, look at those smiles I’m smiling, I love it when they show women supporting each other.
12:14:06 “my stupid little heart with so much joy” is me watching these people tonight.
12:14:27 Still can’t identify these people
12:15:00 Josh Groban’s reaction to Bernadette Peter’s name is me. Honestly Josh Groban is killing the potential gif game tonight
I’m sorry I just can’t take this description of them as “empowering stories” seriously when half of your nominations are Spongebob and Mean Girls
2:16:10 Tonight the Band’s Visit really swept. Honestly some seasons shows don’t win any awards that deserved it and other seasons shows that (while still deserving) probably wouldn’t have won win and it’s all kind of arbitrary, but I’m glad out of this batch it won, it was really the only show out of the four that would have gotten the Tony Award ticket sales boost and it got it.
2:17:35 “Music gives people hope and makes borders disappear”
2:19:08 yes another Josh Groan duet!
2:19:25 I love Miss Peters too
2:20:44 This number made me smile, this whole night made me smile. I was worried I would get frustrated by the night with Spongebob and Frozen and Mean Girls and all the potential for it to be a cynical snark fest or a capitalist money grabber spectacular. There are about 10 billion ways I saw myself not liking this year’s Tony Awards before it started and not only am I relieved that I was wrong about the mood of the night but I am elated. I love me some deadpan humor and some snark but you rarely see one of these nights just wholly be genuine and not tongue and cheek and it was such a breath of fresh air. Even the hokey bits like the stupid magic jokes and banter or weaker songs like that Mean Girls number, because everything was in such a kindhearted atmosphere, didn’t feel as bad as they otherwise would have.
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allbeendonebefore · 7 years
Caroline and Edith: A Brief Intro
I figured I don’t talk enough about the gals so I will do so here because i can’t concentrate and wanted to write about them for like a year
about: the concept of nyo characters and 2p characters is a thing in canon hetalia and the fandoms- i’m not terribly fond of 2p as its been characterized by the fandom (as sort of two dimensional ‘bad’ versions) and have only treated it jokingly thus far, but i have for whatever reason been curious about gender bending/sliding/swapping. I personally like personifications to /mean/ something and not simply give them a different gender, so I personally have thought of nyo and on occasion 2p personifications as different aspects of one city. In the case of ‘fem ed’ and ‘fem cal’, they represent former municipalities that are absorbed into existing ones. Some people do this with their nyo!characters, some people don’t, it’s just a personal preference of mine that I think gives an extra dimension and twist to just popping existing characters into different clothes. Basically, they look similar after having lived together so long (the joke being that to people outside the city they are basically the same thing) and they have a sort of adopted sibling relationship though they are not biologically related. 
and now the gals
fyi i know more off the top of my head about edith because i’m a u of a alumna and grew up on the south side literally on campus so therefore a little biased :^) Do i have interest in creating nyo characters for other alberta ocs? idk - i have a slight interest but idk if i have the time or energy to invest in characters who aren’t as familiar or immediately important. It’s more a development that comes after a lot of research and local knowledge. But anyway, without further ado, here are some facts.
Edith / Fem!Edmonton / Old Strathcona / South Edmonton
- once an independent and successful city (Strathcona), joined Edmonton in 1912 for tax benefits. 
- Now exists as Old Strathcona - most well known for being the home of the University and Whyte Ave as well as Rachel Notley’s stronghold - typically the only riding in the province to consistently vote NDP in both provincial and federal elections. Hipster central (though is slowly losing that status to Ed and 124th street on the North side). 
- was given the University of Alberta to compromise between Ed/Cal, but Ed ended up getting it anyway.
- represents the area on the south side of the North Saskatchewan. As a result she has more Blackfoot heritage where Ed has more Cree heritage. Also home to a lot of Metis people who fled Red River. Really sad because Laurent Garneau’s tree just got brought down ToT
- got the railroad that ed was supposed to get because the CPR was too lazy to build a bridge. only some vague bitter feelings between her and ed over this but they’ve gotten over it - ed is making sure to hold on to the old railway tracks Just In Case.
- Fought really hard in the 1970s to keep her heritage buildings and status during a time when the city was ready to tear it all down. Still really rankled by new developments.
- round hips and buff legs, narrow torso, not-quite-flat chest. Basically shaped like a bowling pin if a bowling pin was pointy, or alternatively, shaped like the Strathcona Public Building 
- always has her hair up when not at home, most usually in a bun. Cats eye glasses which she actually does use to see. 
- Younger than Ed but grew up faster than him. Is still taller than him today (but only slightly). Generally more blunt, more fashionable, more open and outspoken politically, and less of a worry wart. Technically closer to Cal in age.
- cat person, tea drinker, and so many tattoos. probably piercings. i haven’t figured it out. seems to manage to eat cake at block 1912 and all the trendy instagrammable foods and drinks every day and yet has no obvious source of income. Seems to disappear into that mysterious door just off Whyte labeled “SECRET LOCATION, DO NOT ENTER” (aka a local brewery’s secret hq a close walk from the old railway station which has since been converted into a beer market). Her personal style is more rockabilly than explicitly hipster- there are a lot of retro dress shops in old Strath + tattoos + leather because Alberta
- volunteers at fringe every year and probably on a first name basis with nathan fillion. fringe/acting is her life. Has an expansive and expressive theatre ability on stage, but off it she’s just kind of ‘meh’ and indifferent and private.
- is at the farmer’s market every saturday, probably selling stuff ed has grown
- lives in an old Edwardian heritage home somewhere in Old Strath, has a fluffy white cat, bikes or takes transit everywhere.  
- likes to weld weird abstract metal... things?
- Likely the one who caused the political Orange Crush for Ed, but could care less about the Orange Crush of the sporting world. Literally could not care less about hockey because of the bad riots they cause on Whyte that keep her up at night - ‘literally no amount of alcohol is going to fix this for either of us, go home’. Her sporting passion is actually basketball and roller derby, but nobody knows that because she doesn’t tell anyone. Doesn’t ride horses, (if she does, it’s English style riding), but really loved betting on them back in the day. Has a lot of FC Edmonton merch and watches soccer games, but gave up on lacrosse when the Rush moved to Saskatchewan and broke her heart. In general, she loathes organized sport and Especially the NHL, but will watch U of A Pandas/Golden Bears games because they are cheap and accessible. 
- sex positive, just not interested in discussing her own sex life or those of people she knows. I tend to think of her as aroace-spectrum (i.e. sex neutral or favourable in certain contexts, not interested in long term romance. No gender preference. Doesn’t like dating people she knows/friends.) She recently started hosting Pride herself and it has been a great success. Only enters adult stores if they are cute and queer friendly.
Caroline / Fem!Calgary / Bowness / Northwest Calgary
- Used to be part of Cochrane Ranch in the golden age of cattle ranching. Grew up with kind of a southern belle/debutante lifestyle that hasn’t totally left her. 
- Younger than Cal, grew up in the golden age of ranching and in the middle of massive immigration. 
- that is, both she and calvin were raised in ranch houses learning to play croquet and polo and dressing well and having tea and so on and so forth - Caro in some ways moreso than Calvin who had previously grown up in the old NWMP fort as well and knew differently- slightly more about Calgary-the-wild/mild-west-frontier
- The ranch was later divided up into recreational parks and ice skating rinks and golf courses and houses and things - though it wasn’t part of the city, people from Calgary would come up to visit all the time by streetcar as a little mini ‘escape’. Met a lot of famous people during this period, including Fred McCall the ace wartime pilot who would fly her and Cal out to Banff for day trips 
- Joined Calgary in 1964 because the nearby town of Montgomery had already done so, so why not. 
- still has really strong class divides due to the history of the area
Looks / Personality / Interests
- Though she’s sort of a prairie princess in some ways, Caro really embraces the “tough flannel wearing” sort of image of western ladies who would ride all day to get to a dance in another town. She’s still very insistent on presenting herself as feminine and well to do, but she can’t shake the country image no matter how hard she may try to play big city socialite.
- Tall like Calvin, only slightly shorter than him. Freckles, more obvious and more numerous than Calvin’s. Pretty much an hourglassy figure and a little bit busty (c cup because the city’s dumb obsession with cs get it). When I draw her i have that terrible quote from Destroy All Humans stuck in my head i.e. “would you get a load of this brassiere? i could torpedo a uboat with these things!” because I guess I also think of her as a post-war suburban housewife secretly.
- Usually has her hair in a loose side braid but will attempt fancier up-dos for social events. It’s wavy and relatively long, past her shoulders. Pierced ears, likes long dangly earrings and Expensive jewelry. I tend to look at the Library when I draw her - I like the round wheely shapes from its history as an ATV shop and use those as jewelry, so its like Long and Round shapes for her body but she also has a pokey chin/nose/fingers etc like Calvin.
- she tries to keep her fashion sense in that sort of light and airy feminine zone but she still gets all her dresses and blouses from Lammles. Will Absolutely rock the full western jeans and flannel during stampede or on vacation in the mountains, but in the city she tries to keep it more urban and/or professional.
- bigger fan of sports than Edith, Extremely into hockey and is a Serious supporter of the Calgary Inferno. Only wears jerseys on game day, but has one in each colour for each team.
- her political views are slowly ~seeming~ to shift- being a typically right wing conservative stronghold was upset in the 2015 election and she now lives in an NDP riding which is Very Interesting. It was a split between NDP/Cons/WR 5:5:3 so you could argue the right-wing vote outnumbered the left wing 8:5, but it’s still Very Interesting, thanks First Past the Post. Generally like Calvin she is a True Blue Conservative, though she might lean more towards WR and he leans more Liberal (shocker, I know). But I won’t be able to figure out whether she’d be a UCP voter yet so we will have to Wait and See who she hates more xDD  
- that said, like many Albertans and particularly those in urban areas, Caro is fiscally conservative and socially liberal. She does take a longer time to understand issues that don’t obviously affect her and for that reason she is the sort of person to deny the feminist label even though she really aligns with it, but she’s learning. Generally really traditional and embraces femininity and the division of labour between genders, etc. WASPy. 
- generally very no-nonsense and more biting verbally than Calvin, but also very much a romantic. She can be the PTA wine mom of your worst nightmares or the harlequin heroine of your dreams, just try not to get on her bad side. She likes numbers and finances because they are straight forward and say what they mean.
- I’m still divided on where she lives. Calvin is the one with the penthouse downtown, Caroline is the one in the suburbs but she probably still owns ranchland that she likes to supervise even if she doesn’t actually live there. All her horses are named after horses from Heartland or something, probably. Dog person. Hangs out in Edworthy Park to meet dogs, probably.
- literally both the girl in pumps and a pencil skirt who drives a car2go to get groceries and also the girl in rhinestone studded boots who drives a big black truck with a huge pink flowery cursive ‘oil wife’ decal on the back window, or the pink flowery cursive ‘dirty money’ across the top.
- literally to understand caroline-as-socialite pls just watch gavin crawford’s wild west - the oil wife [part one] [part two] i swear to god i cry laughing every time at ‘how about a western theme- how about not’. Everything gets me but especially the passive aggressive ordering-dessert-for-everyone and staring them down until she gets her way. You know what, just watch all of the shorts, it’s a brilliant series.
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6onmyshoulder · 5 years
Hi, I wrote some cringe stuff about ‘space song’ and ‘instant crush’ if you want to check it out aha.
How apt is it that a song like ‘Space Song’ exists on an album titled ‘Depression Cherry’?
There’s this one scene in Atlanta FX, if I remember correctly, where Donald Glover’s character has headphones on and is reflecting on whatever happened to him and this ‘Space Song’ plays softly in the background. I remember being mesmerised by the weird loopy synth so I went to find the song and well, it was a Beach House track.
The song is about the passionate longing the protagonist has for whoever she is/was in love with. And Victoria Legrand’s voice captures this yearning and heartache and sadness in such a captivating way that it really just fucks me up. Like ma’am, you’re about to make me ugly sob on this crowded ass train at 10am on a Tuesday morning.
Her vocals are slightly hazy, and the instrumental meanders along nicely as they both compliment each other in perfect harmony. But what really makes the song is that fucking weird loopy synth that I can’t describe with words...it’s really something you have to hear. The synth, that comes in mostly when Victoria takes a break, adds to this melancholic vibe the track seems to go for, and it really is the icing on the cake.
‘It was late at night,
you held on tight’
‘Fall back into place’
‘Tender is the night,
for a broken heart’
‘Who will dry your eyes,
when it falls apart?’
‘Were you ever lost?
Was she ever found?’
The way the song starts where it slowly builds up and gets louder, and the way the loopy synth kicks in at the peak is just so fucking gorgeous to me.
Just a perfect fucking song that you really can listen to anytime. It’s perfect in the morning, in the afternoon, late evening, 12 midnight, 3am etc etc.
The song just makes me feel like Legrand is stroking my hair and telling me that it’s going to be alright and that she’s here for me while I sob uncontrollably about unrequited love at 2am after having watched ‘Love, Rosie’ for the 15th time this month in a room with some really soft yellow lighting and I’m covered in a thick ass comforter...
Daft Punk’s ‘Instant Crush’ has accompanied me through every sad phase I’ve had since like my second year of junior college. It wasn’t ‘Marvin’s Room’ or the entirety of ‘808s and Heartbreak’ surprisingly but the very song I always find myself coming back to is the Julian Casablancas assisted record from Daft Punk’s ‘Random Access Memories’.
‘Random Access Memories’ has some fucking stellar songs. ‘Give Life Back to Music’ is a fire intro. ‘Giorgio by Moroder’ has such an engaging monologue before the beat drops into an 80s disco inspired funky song. I usually skip skits and monologues after multiple listens but I can never bring myself to skip Geovanni/Giovanni Giorgio saying ‘my name is geovanni giorgio...but everybody calls me...giorgio’. ‘Get Lucky’ and ‘Lose Yourself to Dance’ made the billboard charts and ‘Motherboard’ is just a gorgeously meandering track.
But man...’Instant Crush’ is something else. Also on the theme of unrequited/failed love, Casablanca’s delivers a gorgeous vocal performance that sucker punches you in the heart.
Some of the lyrics might come across as a bit incel-y. Like when he sings ‘so I chained myself to a friend’. It seems a bit sus because we can’t tell if he chained himself to her with the hopes of something blossoming and then is upset that nothing happened or because he just genuinely wanted to be her friend. Mans MIGHT be on that ‘Nice Guy’ bullshit. I mean that’s one reading of it.
Also, I was reading the genius annotations for the above line and someone said ‘Julian wants to take the relationship somewhere but he doesn’t know how to phrase(?) himself properly so he just plays it safe and keeps himself as a friend’...big yikes/oof/oh no...
‘A little time with you is all that I get’
‘I listened to your problems, now listen to mine 
I didn't want to anymore, oh-oh-oh’
‘And we will never be alone again’
‘Kinda counted on you being a friend, 
Can I give it up or give it away?
Now I thought about what I wanna say
But I never really know where to go
So I chained myself to a friend’
‘Cracks in the road that I would try and disguise
He runs his scissors at the seam in the wall’
‘One thousand lonely stars hiding in the cold
Take it, oh I don't wanna sing anymore’
The instrumental and subject matter don’t match because the former is uplifting and the latter is depressing but that’s what makes this song just all round perfect for what it is. Just a conflicting mess of emotions within Casablanca’s headspace mirrored by the conflict between beat and lyrics.
The instrumental is almost hypnotic, putting the listener in a trance with its electronic production, while Casablanca’s autotuned voice adds to this sense of inorganic digital hypnosis. The synths during the chorus sound sharp and jarring and just work perfectly with Casablanca’s vocals in pushing forth his conflicting emotions.
Can imagine myself walking along a dimly lit street with neon lights(don’t ask me how this works) with my hoodie up and a slight drizzle going on, at around midnight, with this song playing through my headphones as I step on puddles that have formed along the pavement and a car honks in the distance and people are running past me trying to escape the rain before it gets heavier. I stop, reach into my backpack, pull out a raincoat and put it on. I press replay on this song, and continue walking along this street.
Both songs mean a lot to me, not because I have memories attached to either or anything but simply because for some nostalgic reason, I find myself listening to both these songs at random points in my life. It’s almost instinctual that when a certain emotion pops up, my reflex when choosing songs to listen to leads me to either song.
Plus, I usually talk about hip hop music so I just wanted to give credit to two songs that aren’t really in the hip hop sphere that have had a huge impact on me.
Emotions/feelings are complicated and somehow, both songs seem to engage that idea spectacularly, while also weirdly making me numb to my own emotions while listening to either song.
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fluffi · 3 years
a god’s menu hater?! 😾 jk, i understand. it wasn’t something i liked at first too. then it kept popping up as an ad before left and right by svt played (i was streaming it at the time) but i couldn’t bring myself to skip it? then i couldn’t stop singing it. i actually recall streaming both mvs during finals week instead of studying 😅
this is your sign to dive into wayv but ofc take your time. they’ll always be there if you need a good laugh. and i hope i’ll get into cpop someday, feels like i’m missing out on good music. 😕
shotaro really is up there huh? hope sm revives the nct dance channel and give the man a platform to post on. also have you watched shotaro’s relay cam episode?
yep it’s probably because of the sexual connotation : D i wanna go back to the time when ice cream was just ice cream. and ice cream cake gave me diarrhea once 😭 i still love it but i’m always hesitant bc there’s the slim chance i might suffer through that whole thing again.
i, too, abandon my ult groups when i start stanning new ones. but then again, my ults are an active bunch. with chan going live every week and an nct unit coming back every other month, it’s hard to totally get distant 😂 i used to not watch variety shows because my attention span couldn’t handle it 🤣 also ik you mentioned the groups that you stanned before but who are your ults? (but i think it’s listed somewhere on your blog tho i’ll check it out after i send this)
maybe they don’t read because these are lengthyyyyyy but if they do then 😃🤚🏼AAAAAAA i look forward to these exchanges too úwù
ah yes. those three bring in a lot of fans 🤣 maybe thats why sm put them in the first unit that promoted for nct 2020. strategy worked tho, felt the fandom grow bigger. shotaro edits devastate me whenever they pop up on the tl but i don’t see them often. and come to think of it, i have never seen a soft johnny edit.
spicy genres 😭 i am definitely NOT worthy of that title. but if there’s a specific type of nct fic that you would want to read, i might be able to give you recommendations. oh why would you want to wipe them ☹️☹️ save a copy somewhere at least, you might regret completely erasing them.
and SEUNGMIN. the biggest threat to my loyalty to bang chan. that man just devastates me every. single. time. something about him just makes me go all soft 😔 i had a whole rollercoaster seungmin phase last december bc i subscribed to his bubble and he was active as hell EXCEPT on christmas week. and i got sad bc he didn’t send a greeting..? care to share how it became seungmin for you?
also i have a finished seungmin drabble jailed in my docs based on this devastating gif. want me to tag you when i drop it? 🤣
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also yes that show 😭 i watched that bc i missed dream a lot but i haven’t got around to finishing it. i hope you’re enjoying it tho! they truly are a hilarious bunch. i saw a twt abt them though. that dream is a group of 20-year olds with 35 years of experience 🤣 they aren’t 4th gen but their ages make it seem like they are.
ah repetition both made us fall for gods menu and its glory. i still cant believe it didnt get one single win :( i personally preferred gods menu over back door but at least back door's music wins gave its sibling some justice. ugh same, i tend to stream mvs while studying but i usually end up watching the mv and the people in it instead haha.
also yes! get into cpop. i personally don't find their '4th gen' music (basically the new generation of kpop knockoffs) good because of its horrendous english grammar, but their music isn't mind blowing or anything anyways. i would recommend some ballads though, chinese ballads will remain superior forever.shotaro supremacy! i fell for him before i even started stanning nct, that says so much. and yes, ive watched his relay cam and fan cams multiple times, way before i stanned too haha. hes honestly so likeable.
lmao are you lactose intolerant? /g ice cream doesnt do much to me besides make me feel bloated. nowadays i prefer smoothies over it.
speaking of nct units coming back and skz, hot sauce just happened but we already have a 127 drop. i didnt think id see hyuck and mork in there D': give them a break sm. once again, title track isnt my taste at all, but maybe ill grow to like it after a few listens. ive surprisingly become a fan of hot sauce though. the hook and jaemins intro are super addicitng. 
stray kids world domination too! i didnt watch kingdom because im not available during the airing time but i streamed and looked at their performances and i have to say, no personal bias or anything, skz deserved that win :3 its all in good fun though, atz and tbz caught my eye and i might try getting into them in the near future hehe.
my ults are izone, skz, txt and enha! (i think you probably saw them already haha). my bias ults are jake and wonyoung. to be honest, with the amount of dream content im consuming daily, i think they might become one of my ults soon. argh i really want to write for them though.
no no your fics look so unique and spicy grrr. im really excited to read them! theyre different from typical fanfiction and im a sucker for that. hmm for recommendations, honestly anything sfw and fluffy is fine, i tend to love writing angst but im a sucker for reading fluff. ive been binging on lvdsc's works actually, so amazing argh. as for my works, ill probably private them...or move blogs? im still thinking about it.
skz bubbles! ah theyre always so fun on the app, did seungmin say anything interesting? as for how he became my bias, the memory's hazy but i think it was because i was looking at those september celebration videos (for han, seungmin and lix all together (?)) and just kind of fell for his gahs and his vlives. seungmin vlives are always so fun and relaxing, i like to do homework to them. especially that one vlive where he sang for 4 hours, that just made me fall in love with him more.
based on that gif, im assuming that the drabble is about nose booping? which i absolutely LOVE! YES! in fact, tag me in anything seungmin. anything. literally anything. that boy is my secret ult lmao.
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