#also some hcs will appear
cats-and-confusion · 1 year
I am invested in your Wrong au
Can you info dump some of the stuff you have planned out for it? It's ok if you don't want to
Oh HELL YES ok here we go
The polls are just abt finished so a few things are set in stone by now and it's ok for me to give a few spoilers. so BASICALLY
Leo comes back from the prison dimension Wrong somehow. His skin is a little too smooth, he's cold to the touch (more than usual he's a reptile guys), he moves a little weird, he talks a bit too fluidly, knows a few things he shouldn't. All these little things that don't mean anything but when you put them together you can see that something's DIFFERENT. Everyone thinks it's just the trauma at first, character growth yknow. Then they theorize it's something mystic related bc it's getting creepy as hell
So they ask Drax about it and he's never heard of this shit so he goes and examines Leo's ninpo. Leo is totally fine with all this, he kinda wants to know what's up too, but he also doesn't really seem to care? And that's another red flag to the family, but Drax doesn't find much of anything wrong with his mysticism or ninpo.
Leo starts being less subtle, having periods of depersonalization and derealization, until it comes to a head during a fight with a villain. By then the family has suspected for a while that something is really wrong but now they know that they're really fucked.
Anyway I won't spoil the cause or the event, but rest assured it will be fun. Probably written instead of comics, I'm not too good with consistent art lmao
You'll get a hint when Donnie gets a bit Wrong, but that's it. Hope you're still interested haha
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grimstrawberry · 3 months
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If I don't make light of everything, I'm gonna explode.
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fatedroses · 18 days
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nebulaeyedfish · 11 months
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Duck Newton fans unite RB if you’re a true Duckhead!!!! 💥💥💥
Tags: @swanofstorie @raise-me-up-take-me-up @imflyingfish
See pinned for commissions :)
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men <3
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bongo-clash · 2 years
Peacock Au Part 1
Okay so Big Huge credit to @stealingyourbones for letting me do my own take on their amazing eldritch Danny idea!!!! This started out as me just doing a drawing but then I ended up with a whole DPxDC fic that I'll be posting the part two for at some point!!! Anyway, here's the vague designs:
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And here's the part one of the fic under the cut!!! :D (Edit: Part 2 is Here!!)
There’s a Lazarus Pit forming underneath Gotham. Normally, this would not concern John Constantine at all, because it’s Gotham, therefore Bat territory therefore not his problem, and honestly he has his own things to worry about. Unfortunately for him, however, the infamous Dark Knight has somehow gotten it into his head that he can do something about it and, Hell, he’d said it would be a ‘big favour’, which meant the man really must be desperate; had to have been in the first place, he supposed, to have even bothered with John in the first place. 
Still, he’d almost kind of forgotten what a huge mess any kind of favour for Batman could be, and thus, he now holds possession of a book that is probably going to get him killed. 
Whether the actual book itself wants to kill him is up for debate, but Constantine has read the contents of this particular Book of Summonings and nothing in here seems remotely safe. He’s absolutely going to be hiding this away somewhere deep in the archives of the archives of the Justice League watchtower with an incredibly pointed ‘DO NOT TOUCH’ on it once he’s done with this, but for now, it’s the only thing he’s got in the way of sorting out this Pit problem. 
There’s an entity that exists, this book claims, that keeps the balance between realms. ‘Closes doors’, apparently, and the doors the pages depict certainly look like a Lazarus Pit. This is brilliant news, obviously, but the book doesn’t describe the entity itself at all beyond that; barely any of the other entries are as vague as this, and that plus some of the frankly bizarre sigils he’s having to draw to summon the damn thing are giving him no comfort. The only remotely comforting thing about it is that the ritual doesn’t require any blood- which either means the entity is benign, or it wants something more valuable than blood. 
…Okay, maybe not that comforting, actually. 
But, before he can consider that maybe this wasn’t his best idea and backing out would be for the best, the sigils flare with light, and Constantine squints to keep track of the way they activate, desperate for any indication of what he’s managed to summon with that stupid book. 
His feet feel feathery against the ground, like they’re barely tethered by gravity and just waiting to float away, and perhaps the seeming lack of atmosphere is fitting with how dust like stars lift from the summoning circle, bringing with them intercepting layers of purple-blue-pink-white, galaxies and nebulae being peeled off the floor. It comes with a sound- something whistling, almost. Seeming hollow, between a shriek and a bell ringing, or maybe more musical than that. It seems to change every moment he tries to focus on it, as if it’s something his ears can’t really hear but his brain is desperate to process, painful to try. 
And then, the entity begins to form. 
Unnoticeably at first, a white glow drifts forming in the centre. It congeals as Constantine’s gaze finally fixates on it, layers forming like jellyfish trails, or flowers, or peacock feathers with runic circles at the tips, fading smaller and smaller as they reach the centre, and a thing akin to a body unfolds into view at the front, a centrepiece. A child’s image of a shadow in opalescence, a strange curving feature where a neck might be, and searing-green spots of varying sizes scattered along the space where cheeks and eyes could’ve been, fading up and down across the lower-half of the ‘face’ and into the ‘hair’. He barely understands what he’s looking at, but maybe that’s the point. 
The sound of a thunderstorm rings across the room, and the curve of the neck unfolds, and it’s an eye, and the tips of a thousand twisted, cosmic peacock feathers become eyes as well, if they weren’t always. They move, wavering, either lashing or flickering from visibility. 
“And what is this?” The voice is a kaleidoscope, echoing off and from every corner of the room, and when they speak, infinite eyes become infinite mouths, too many teeth barely contained by the edges of what seem vaguely like frostbitten lips. To have something even remotely human suddenly etch itself onto the entity is somehow worse than the parts he can’t comprehend. “Who are you, to have summoned me, and seem so afraid?”
Constantine wishes, maybe for the first time, that it hadn’t been an obligation to do this alone; he’s never wanted Batman or one of the Light members with him more than now. It’s a difficult thing, almost impossible, to shake off the speechlessness. It’s a wonder that it’s possible at all, with how the room seems to have been twisted into a vacuum. “I was told you could- you could help with the pits?”
“The pits. There are many pits.”
God, this is creepy. “The Lazarus pits to, uh, to be specific. There’s a huge one cropping up under Gotham that’s not supposed to be there, and the local- I mean, the locals are getting antsy about it. …I heard you can take care of them.”
“I can smell its blood between the gaps of atmosphere, encircling. You, whose soul is bound in so many directions, who may be pulled apart like meat in time- can you sense it? Does it draw you?” John doesn’t know how this- this thing knows that, but he’s scared asking will invoke some kind of consequence, and more and more he’s wondering why the Hell he decided to do Batman this favour. He feels exposed. 
“Uh… no, I don’t think so. But can you fix it?”
“…Will you fix it?”
The chill is getting to him. Goosebumps are running across his arms like a livewire, and he’s never doing anyone a favour ever again. The entity makes an approximation of a hum, his ears shriek with whale song and stars, and after a pause, everything switching up and down on itself, the peacock eyes form into huge, reaching hands. For a second, Constantine’s whole body freezes with terror, because he’s petrified the thing’s going to grab him, but then the arms tumble phasing into the ground, and the green spots on their ‘face’ flare with a supernova glow and they make another piercing noise, chiming or trilling. 
A long moment later, the hands slowly return to the entity’s back, and fade into the peacock feathers or jellyfish bells or whatever they were before, blinking at him. “It is gone.”
“Uh… cheers?”
“It will not return, but this place shall see its dead for some time. Try not to look.”
This is maybe the worst day of Constantine’s life. “Can I- uh, yeah, great advice. ‘Appreciate it. But, can I ask just, y’know, what you are? Or not.”
“That is up to you.” They say, and though the eyes that appear briefly between sentences bely or reveal no expression, it feels scrutinising. “What is it that closes doors? Is it alive?”
He hates riddles. He hates riddles and he hates cosmic horrors and he hates eldritch entities and he hates Batman for getting him to agree to this horrible favour. He wants to go back to the House of Mystery and pass out for long enough that this whole thing becomes a dream. “Fair enough! Forget I asked- cheers for sorting out that pit, though. Uh, don’t suppose you’ll just let me go on my way or anything now.”
“I know of your Bat.” 
Oh dear. Constantine’s stomach sinks like a shipwreck into the Mariana Trench, but the entity moves on like they’d never even said it. “I will recede, and find you in time, perhaps both. You will know when I am coming, and I will find my recompense.”
And just like that, their whole form shimmers into clouds and pearls and smoke and mirrors, and they fade back into the runes that summoned them like tap water down the drain. The galaxies they’d formulated within the confines of the room fold back in on themselves and turn to whispers and then nothing, but the feeling persists on his skin long after weight has settled back onto his bones. He hadn’t known a thing like that existed until now. He doesn’t know what it can do, doesn’t know how all-encompassing it truly is. 
And he owes it a favour. 
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hellsquills · 11 days
You ever think Stan could somehow realize that Fiddleford was messing with his own brain out of experience?
Let me explain
In some AU in which Stan meets Fiddleford a little after the portal incident, I'm sure he was convinced that Fidds was doing some chemical stuff to his brain so he'd forget whatever he was trying to forget. Obviously he couldn't have known about a memory-erasing gun, but my best bet is that he thought Fidds was doing drugs. Not alcohol or weed, since those leave some nasty smell, but rather something like coke, heroin, or meth. I'm sure he's had a load of experience with drug-addicted people, and that's what makes sense in this situation.
HOWEVER, I like to think that he'd be sympathetic at first, since he knows drug use is very often a product of necessity. He tries to get Fidds to help him, but the man is adamant on not turning the portal back on. And Stan thinks "okay, this guy's a little messed up, he's probably had some shit happen to him, but I'll insist, I'll try to change his mind, maybe offer him a helping hand in return". The real problem arises when one day he visits Fidds for his regular "pleasepleaseplease help me with the portal" and Fidds just goes "what portal?"
From this point on, Stan panics. He needs this guy with his mind intact, and he's running out of time. The solution? He kidnaps him to keep him away from the "drugs" until he sobers up and remembers.
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Seeing the slight differences in Ratchet between tfp, rid15, and RBA actually tells us an amazing story about healing.
Also the idea that he's easier on cybertronian younglings than he is on the adults.
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randomwriteronline · 27 days
woe/rejoice. agori (and by extension glatorian) hcs be upon you
Agori exhibit subtle sexual dimorphism differently depending on which tribe they belong to (i.e. lebori males have brighter plumage, fezeri females are larger), while their bone structures are essentially identical. Gaquri are the only tribe able to naturally alter their bodies' production of their estrogen and testosterone equivalents. Actively transitioning and/or intersex individuals of any tribe can present dimorphic traits of one sex, traits of both sexes, muddled traits, or none at all
Their breasts are placed in the pelvic area, like horses, and the nips are the only visible part. To prevent chafing, lower garments have soft reinforcements at hip-height
They have short, nubby tails which have survived across their evolution despite having lost their original size and purpose. their movement is very limited and usually unconscious; since they remain the same length during all stages of life, they appear to "shrink" the more a person grows. children use them to better balance themselves when learning to walk
With the exception of Basari's and Fezeri's, Agori ears are very flexible despite their small size and can lean in almost all directions. Their shape varies across tribes
Their senses aside from touch are generally keener than humans'
Agori clothing tends to prefer function to form and does not have significant differences between masculine and feminine styles, although it wasn't always the case before the Shattering
Together with hugs, kisses and handshakes, each tribe has a unique display of affection or greeting pertaining to the head and/or face: Lebori preen each other, Gaquri rub cheeks together, Koniri gently nip ears, Fezeri butt the top of their heads, Basari scratch each other's nape, Potori shove temples against one another and Tapyri press the other's hand to their forehead. The gesture's intensity is usually toned down when done to someone of a different tribe to avoid discomfort or pain
If an object is in an enclosed space like a house, a vehicle or a box, Agori will point to it with their chins instead of their fingers
Vorox and Zesk still communicate in an extremely simplified version of a strict Basari dialect, although the phonetics had to be heavily changed to adapt to the shape of their mutated mouths. Malum has learned it and is currently the only fully sapient being somewhat fluent in Bara Magna Basari
Other tribes tend not to know Tapyri have hair
Koniri fur keeps warm, but becomes stiff in great quantities; Lebori down feathers are very soft, but struggle to retain heat on their own; Potori wool offers great insulation in most climates, but risks growing mold easily when humidity increases
After they (almost) went extinct, the sturdy carapaces of dead Bara Magna Fezeri were pillaged to make very durable high quality armor. because of this there are no intact pieces or Fezeri remains left, and the few plates that have survived since, no matter how worn or outright broken, are either made into family heirlooms or sold at exhorbitant prices. Sahmad has a large number of them (almost all buried) as he made a habit of targetting and capturing anybody who wore them specifically
Tapyri are unique when it comes to cleaning since their protective mucus naturally catches dirt and other particles for easy removal, meaning they only need to scrub or peel it off. Gaquri, Koniri and Potori take water baths while Basari, Fezeri and Lebori take dust or sand baths
Agori children are addressed with the pronouns ti/tir until they choose their own. its highly unusual for someone to use ti/tir for tir whole life, and the set is often used as a playful jab when a person exhibits childish behavior
Pregnancy is a very taxing endeavour: the process takes around a year and a half, but the parent's body will additionally need two or three years to recover from the strain of the experience as a whole, during which it will be physically unable to produce the necessary material to make another child. sudden spikes in stress or a constant stream of it during pregnancy is almost sure to produce a stillborn, and its very easy for older individuals to simply not have the energy to make it through childbirth once the time comes. this used to not be a problem, since Agori are very long lived and the whole planet was full of them, but the Core War drastically reduced their numbers and the hazardous conditions produced by the Shattering all over the planet made for a very dangerous environment to attempt having a child in, so births became extremely rare in the 100 thousand years before Mata Nui's return. the so called "children of Bara Magna" (which include Gresh and Berix) are few and far between, commonly having significant age gaps from one to the other
A wide number of male MU beings is perceived as feminine or adjacent by Agori, partly due to sexual dimorphism not being A Thing for most species, partly due to voice and countenance: Tahu, for example, is considered to be very lady-like. in his specific case this perception might however be also affected by the fact that he was modeled after Ackar, who used to be much more overtly femme in his youth* (check tags)
this is what ive got so far. peace and love on spherus magna.
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rainyraisin · 2 years
@cupcakeslushie 's Sep!au is super cool!!! And I literally adore Three with all my soul he is so freaking amazing!!! So what did I do?
(Words underneath each panel, I gen forgot my handwriting is awful, apologies!)
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"Donnie, you have to stop hanging out with the purple dragons."
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"Why? We're frien-"
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"No, you're not! They're using you!"
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"What would they have to use?! Come on, April!"
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"You're searching for something that isn't even there just to get mad at me!"
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"No, *you* come on!"
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"I care about you, Dee. I don't want to see you get hurt."
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"No, you only pretend to care cause one tries to!"
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"Look, I get it. You hate me, and... I hate you too. We don't have to be anything more than that."
I had to cut it down a bit to make sure it was only ten panels but I hope you still like it!!! I tried to keep it as true to the characters as possible. I really wanted to include Three's hallucinations in there somewhere but with the limited amount of panels I didn't get the chance. I hope to draw something related to that in the future!
I dont remember if this has been stated or if this was a hc but I honestly feel like even though Three is grateful to be apart of a family, given his faint memories of Draxum actually giving a crap about him prior to being affected with emperium, he'd be afraid that they don't actually care and they're going to rip it all away from him. Also I remember it being said that Three kinda tests the boundaries of their patience to see if that's going to happen? So that plus the purple dragons ask kinda culminated in this! Along with the idea that part of the reason Donnie doesn't get along with April is because since she argues back, she must hate him, so if she hates him then why shouldn't he hate her back? He doesn't see that she's trying to have a (platonic) relationship with him. Also I feel like he totally distances himself from her so what happened to Tim doesn't happen to her cause he knows his brothers care about her and they're already doing enough for him, he can't be even more of a burden to them. (This is all hcs ofc!!)
Also completely unrelated but hc that Three had paint all over his hand and touched the back of his mask but didn't realise and had that stain on there for months until somebody pointed it out to him-
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cursezoroark · 20 days
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triglycercule · 2 months
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ughhh god me and the innate attraction to fill out a random ass ship chart every 6 months. i did this before but it wasn't detailed enough so i hated this. i THINK this is detailed enough i don't know i actually doubt it. i saw something doing this chart for bsp and then i wanted to do it for mtt poly vut then i literally forgot who did it originally 😭😭😭
doing the bottom left section was cracking me up because killer is such an enigma. "be nice!" and then "but also treat me like shit!" what a goddamn freak bro he needs get shipped off to therapy. and then its something nice and fluffy like physical affection and then it immediately 180s to emotional vulnerability. like hello pick a side you fucking freak. and for the slidey bar ones notice how killer is almost ALWAYS on one of the ends??? he has to be one of the extremes or else he dies it seems.
the closeness over time chart 😭😭 they doNOT get along. i was gonna put another dip near the end but i was like "ehhhh they have more than enough issues the people will get it". also for the bugs one i think dust would love bugs. hes very used to them and even made friends with some. but horror would HATE THEM. all the bugs died out in horrortales famine so he hasn't seem em in a couple years. so when he does its a whole ass jumpscare
GODDD i love qpr horrordust. theyre soooo qpr coded my queerplatonic freaks. bitches. i like how on the love languages chart each of the mtt satisfies one of the others. none of them would get gifts theyre too fucked up and lazy 4 that. horror would be confused if someone gave him a gift (horrortale w/ alizas ketchup thing) killer would just forget about it or ditch it in a few days. and then dust would actually accept it but he wouldn't know wtf to do with it if it doesn't have an obvious use
for strategist/impulsive I WAS STRUGGLING. because like all of these bitches are cunning AND emotional. horror is definition of sceming from the sides but he also has his outbursts. dust is always planning ahead but like horror he has outbursts. i guess killer isn't a strategist bc he just always has a vibe of whats gonna happen but (not so surprisingly) he has outbursts even if he claims hes not emotional. so i had to choose,,,,,
i was also tempted to just put them all at arrogant. because they're definitely all stuck up assholes. but i was like nahhhhh... horror's the only one that would be regularly arrogant. dust's just self assured and confident whilr killer has no idea when hes even being arrogant
music category ehehehe. horror would LOVE natural sounds like rain and leaves rustling bc its not too overwhelming for his screwed up processing thanks ti his head damage. dust would totally listen to undertale osts if they existed in utmv. also other osts. i think he would totally be a gamer. also classical music. and killer has no preference (just like everything in his damn life FORM YOUR OWN OPINIONS YOU BITCH!!!!)
i think this just cemented my stance on arohorror acedust and go with the flow killer. killer would have absolutely zero preference on ANYTHING became he genuinely does not give two fucks. and for arohorror (you can't spell horror with ro. which is in aromatic. woahhhh) i just think he would be icked out by romantic handholding and dates and stuff. it just feels RIGHT. but he'd be decently ok with tangoing. and dust is just the opposite. he'd be uncomfortable and grossed out by sexual behaviors but he'd absolutely be a romantic. i think dust would be a romantic he just gives off those vibes. as a person on the ace and maybe aro spectrum i have to blast my favs with the aroace beam. it's just mandatory
#my favorite thematically deranged brand of freaks#also??? i love the photos i used for the mtt in this#theyre some of my FAVORITE arts of the mtt it's just suxhajxuahuas#but i did change the colors on horror and dust's arts to be their signatures. oops......#i cant explain it but sparkle heart star mtt is so real to me#sparkle bc killer in japanese is kira and kira means sparkle#also sparkls appear on excited/hyper/when characters have good ideas/charismatic characters#and genkigirl killer fits all of those. so killer HASto be sparkle#heart 4 horror bc heart is gore.... horrortales whole thingbis scary stuff and gore is up there in the scary factor#also about sparkle it's a very pointy shape and it reminds me of killer's knives#heart is a round but also sharp shape which is kinda my interpretation of horror#he's nice and chill but hes also a fucking PRICK and a rude bitch#and star for dust because stars are associated with cool characters#and dust is epitome of cool. hes just so fucking cool#also stars are geometric and also pointy. geometric is dust's cold and mysterious and strict side#and the pointiness is dusts coolness and his danger and rahhhhh i just think they fit#NOBODY UNDERSTANDS!!!! MTT IS THE SPARKLE HEART STAR TRIO!!!!!!#✨❤️⭐️#THATS LITERALLY THEM. HELLO. THATS THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!#tricule rant#is this canon eque. absolutely not. this is kinda canon but theres definitely some of my own hcs and interpretations in there#i like to think its decently canon. especially considering the trio don't even canonically know each other
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cherrysmokesaconha · 1 month
// rant
2004 tord: literally works at the Eddsworld Studios (a company in 2004 created by Edd [ps: teens can't create companies :3c]), obsessed by guns and hentai, has canon vague age and is implied to be an adult/the same age as legacy/beyond in The End Part 1
ew fandom: that's a teenager yup he's a minor he was born in 1989 which makes him a teen (ps: the >>real person<< was born in that year, the character doesn't have a canon birthday ::33cc) u can't draw him kissing or in a suggestive way that's a little guy who suffers bullying in highschool if u disagree ur a gross pr//shipper!1!!!!!!11!!!
For the love of God
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boxwinebaddie · 4 months
an uncle nina check in <3
hi team! thanks for sticking around! i know my blog isn't always the most exciting and enriching place in the world in terms of content, but i am very /content/ to have you all here. <3333
i promise, oddly enough, i have A TON of inspiration and ideas for all my weird styles ( if you're curious about anything please lmk! i've been trying to flesh out my aus out lately ), i've just been in a major bummer depression era lately, so it's hard for me to get my asks done and i'm having a hard time committing to finishing my writing. :<
i think it's because of stress and my bipolar, but i am trying to get back on the horse! ( are we all laughing at the idea of me trying to get on a horse? i'd start crying help city girl fail moment for me ) yeehaw!
and while, unfortunately due to the instability ( fabulous legendary iconery ) of my pretty girl popstar personality, i do not know whether i will be answering almost no questions or one million, regardless of that, i just wanted to let you know, i'm still here, still kicking my feet, twirling my hair, cooking...i'm just really trying not to force myself to put out anything i don't like...and only do what makes me truly happy.
however, nothing, my dear sweet e-darlings...
makes me happier than coming home to all of you. <333
so thank you for flooding even the darkest corners of my life with bright light, supporting my phantom fics and being wonderful,
uncle nina xx
#nina speaks#hi my loves#idk what the point of this was#i just know my blog is really inconsistent and i know i dont really post anything or anything that useful#but i wanted you to know that i love you very much and i still care a lot about all of you and all my content actually#which i have been fleshing out in notebooks and google docs i've been doing lots of world building and character study#so feel free to ask me something challenging about any part of my nina sp auniverse that interests u itll make my brain work#i've also been taking very silly but dilligent notes abt what ravesey style looks like for ter so if u want to laff at those u can#i just love taking notes on detail and understanding exactly what characters look like or what settings appear like idk#might be some experimental writing on here i like doing different mediums like i was being silly#and started writing a netflix trailer for rm haha i also have been doing weird personality tests and questionnaires#i've been trying to think very deeply about tkak and my tfbw styles if u have any questions there and am deep plotting rm#trying to be impactful while also keeping things fun and learning to enjoy myself again i suppose#so again thakn u for being here sorry its weird on here but thank u for supporting me as i learn and grow my sunshines#also ik i have a ton of asks and uve already asked me so many things so never feel inclined to message me#but i love hearing what ur curious about hopefully i can answer some stuff eventually but again im on a break#i'm here but i'm not this is a safe place we try and fail we have fun and promote style world domination thru my weird styles#ilysm i'm shutting up now i promise i'm still here i'm just trying to be healthy and happy esp rn when i am not emotionally well#gotta protect my peace and my vibe palace but im still here!#MWAH MWAH MWAAAAAH#really trying to heal my inner child or like the girl in me that liked to write silly stories and create crazy things#weird hcs big dramatic plots silly stuff...i want to honor that girl because she was happy and free and had fun#and i want to do that again so lets have fun guys#no judgement no seriousness just good vibes and good reads#welcome to the uncle nina learns to laugh again arc#i hope you enjoy it
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
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Valentin & Mitch | 608/??  🦩
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absentmoon · 1 year
he/him women rule the world forever
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