#also sorry abt the formatting??? im on mobile and it hates me
slushglow · 1 year
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just want to start by saying sorry it took me eighty five yrs to even post this thats super my bad hahaha
this basically explains how yuichi lost his markings and came to run away from his family, i just did this little comparison drawing of when he's a kid (age 11) to when he's a little older (age 17) and then word vommed everything i could into two pages HAHAHA
i know my handwriting is so shit im so sorry, i meant to find the original google doc and/or procreate file to copy and paste the text or at least retype it here BUT I CANT FIND EITHER OF THEMMMM i am literally going insane, i'm on my phone rn or i would be typing all of this out asap but tumblr hates me on mobile and it's also like 3 am but i PROMMY i will get around to retyping everything in a much easier to read format instead of yall zooming in three thousand times to read the hieroglyphs that is my handwriting HAHAHA i'll def edit this when i get the chance and do just that so pls bear w me </3 when i finally find the google doc i will also include it bc it has a ton more info !!!!!
anyways if y'all have any comments questions or concerns pls don't be afraid to drop an ask i would also love to just word vom abt my version of yuichi + leo and yuichi + the others bc they r very dear to me !!!
there's a bonus image under the cut that shows child yuichi moments after getting his scar, just warnin y'all again !!!! don't worry it's not super graphic tho, u also cant see the actual injury !!
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this is the following moment after he gets his scar
the overall shock from the events of the day (losing his brother, watching him die, having to face his grandfather) means he barely even reacts when it happens but at the same time it's kinda like this epiphany hits him that he can't stay anymore u know :/ idk i didn't intend on making him such a tragic character but here we are !!! LMAO
ANYWAYSSS thanks so much for sticking around guys i uber appreciate u all B) again if u have any questions comments or concerns don't be afraid to hit up my ask box !! okay i'm finally done now HAHAHA
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roarsaidthedinosaur · 4 years
all #s ending in 5
omg thank u bud this was VERY many and VERY fun 😘
5. What is the creepiest toy ever made? honestly probably furbies, i had one that when you took the batteries out would glitch and move its eyes in like a half blink and NO THANK U demon bird doll
15. What is the most important thing about electronics? What does this say about you?they let you talk to people you love that are very far away. it says that i’m a big mush
25. When was the last time you felt awkward? i am awkward literally every time i take a breath but the last time i FELT awkward was this morning asking someone to repeat their question to me and then still answering the wrong question lmao ITS NOT MY FAULT everyone is wearing face masks and a solid 40% of my listening comprehension comes from lip reading
35. Describe the worst friend you have ever befriended. oooooh man okay this is rough because i try to give people the benefit of the doubt always and like i genuinely believe that most people think they ARE good friends even if theyre not a good friend to you specifically. but i think the worst friend i have ever befriended is one of the girls from my sorority in college. i dont think she realized she did it but she would always comment on my weight (which is funny bc i was like...... p average in college lol ive always been chub but i was like maybe a size 8??) and when she started working out she would always be like “oh do you want this shirt/shorts i lost too much to fit into them anymore” and i was like uh no im good i dont want your fat clothes lmao anyway we still message once in a blue moon i harbor no animosity tbh she just really didnt get why she was being rude i guess
45. Do you like and appreciate yourself? yes i am funny and cute
55. Which medium do you use for expressing your artistic emotions? (Singing, writing, etc.) i like painting and drawing and writing a lot but i do them for different reasons. painting is for being sad, drawing is for feeling inspired, writing is to clear my head
65. What is your opinion on beauty in today’s society? i think it’s changing a lot and more people are realizing that a lot of the stereotypical standards are bs, but as long as people are happy with their choices then i’m happy for them. but i think the most beautiful people are the soft ones
75. What is your life story in 6 words? sad girl, made friends, happy girl
85. Favorite memory of your family. it was probably when we went down for our first vacation to south carolina to a condo my dad’s cousin owned, i was probably like 6 or 7? we were allowed to have fruity pebbles for breakfast AND pepperoni pizza for dinner AND we went mini golfing AND fishing AND to the beach it was the perfect week. we hd a very fun time at my brother’s 30th birthday too a couple years ago
95. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? yosemite but also all of the places i was supposed to go in the last 4 months but couldn’t :’(
105. When was the last time you got seriously angry? this is a long one lol two years ago i called my family to tell them when i bought myself a car, it was before i even pulled out of the lot bc i was so excited. my dad threw a fit over the phone about getting the old license plates back and mailing them back to him RIGHT AWAY (which, they would not give them to me until the title cleared, i am not stupid and had already asked about this) and you could hear him yell through the phone and the car salesperson was trying very hard not to look like they pitied me so i hung up as i pulled away and didn’t talk to my dad for like a week. the license plates are still in the trunk of my car btw and my dad has never asked for them again so guess they didnt matter THAT much, huh dad
115. What is one thing you want to be good at?singing
125. If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you? tbh i’d prob break even. i try to be a good egg but i have done some real mean things when i was younger, intended or not
135. What is the worst excuse you’ve ever come up with? “i have to go, my brother is picking up supplies”
145. What is your opinion on second chances?yes good but thirds are on a case by case basis
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starglitterz · 3 years
cynosure. (vii)
─── chapter 7 ! ~ bubble tea
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summary; you and xiao are genmates under the famed streamer company genshin impact. the chemistry between the two of you is undeniable, and your fanbases absolutely love your collaborations. but when you both start meeting up offline more and more, your connection starts to deepen past just harmless flirting and playful banter. with these real feelings starting to affect both your job and reputation online, how will you two react when your relationship becomes the internet’s cynosure?
a/n: apologies for the ugly formatting i needed space for 10 images so i removed the banners LMAO,,, hehe i hope u all like this chapter bc i certainly do (it went kinda far from my og plan LOL) also i forgot to add this but reading order is; 1 2 3 4
warnings; hate comments
please reblog ! it helps a lot :)
this chapter is dedicated to story !! (@/storytravelled) hehehe tysm for all the adorable tags u leave in the reblogs, they make me rlly happy and i love reading them!! ^_^ <3
private messages !
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groupchat 1 !
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groupchat 2 !
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twitter !
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private messages !
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facts !!
scaramouche is a famous tea channel, he starts informs people about drama in the youtube community. his sources are usually untrustworthy but everyone believes him because he's pretty. has been cancelled numerous times but still comes back every single time, much to the chagrin of the poor streamers whom he sets his eye on to make his next video about.
feiyun slope is is the northeastern area in liyue harbour. in-game, wanmin restaurant is actually in chihu rock, but for story purposes it's now at feiyun slope since that's usually where business occurs in the game.
hu tao and yanfei were on a ghost-hunting date, they had stopped to take a break after quite a long time without seeing any ghosts and that's when hu tao texted in the groupchat.
xiao's contact name is tiny because of a joke w his chinese name that i mentioned in a previous chapter. xiao’s chinese name is 魈, read as xiāo and meaning 'demon’, but the word for 'small’ in chinese is 小, read as xiăo. basically if you mispronounce xiao’s name the meaning will change, and so y/n nicknamed him tiny bc of the word 小.
while yanfei says the username is 'genshin-impact-updates', the actual poster is 'gi-updates'. just take this as yanfei having a rare lapse of memory, pretend it's not bc i realised twt usernames can't be that long <3
a/n; YOOO SOME DRAMA??? LMFAOKMDKSD also i dont know how bubble tea works so i cut out a whole part i had planned for this but! genesussy helped me out when i was asking qs in the discord server hehe 😎 ty genesis btw!! <3 besides that im sorry for delaying this chapter for like 700 years T_T i didnt have any time to write it </3 fun fact i nearly cried editing parts of this on mobile bc it was so laggy omg,,, but now that it's out, i hope u all like it !! also send me theories abt what u think will happen next or perish /j ily all, im abt to go sleep now (i just realised i always finish cynosure chapters late at night HAHA) so goodnight my loves ! or good morning when u read this ! either way i hope you like this chapter and continue enjoying cynosure <333
taglist; @noirkkat @bookuya @ohmykazuha @glazelilyy @oreoz-unfortunately @tiny-aroace @xiaophobic @test-tube @jiinghe @storytravelled @mirikusashes @ben6ett @oliviasslut @bluexiao @lunachelly @aelatus @mimion @akiiyukii @angelhxneyy @give-xiao-almond-tofu @abyssheart @xuanya @normalisthenewnorm @viagiraffe @fuhuashandholder @astersg4rden @nachotrash @childe-support @cynokine @axerrri @ventirain @kait-is-always-late @hushyouu @celestair @rim0na @indecisivehusky @nurserinnn @ariesreii @saving-for-xiao @hellokittykuroo @auradragon199 @xiaoszn @liarchive @almondto-fu @berryqueue @chichikoi @yunaholics @yoimimi @http-mewchuu
usernames in bold could not be tagged :( pls do lmk if want to be added to/removed from the taglist by sending in an ask! taglist pt 2 is open, and will be tagged in a reblog of this chapter when i wake up!
fan accounts !
- @severedftaes
- @/berryqueue
general masterlist.
© starglitterz 2021. do not repost or modify in any way.
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natsvos · 6 years
can u tell me a lil abt the second year ua students u made??? if u dont want to thats okay slkjflsjfkjaslkjf
Alsksljdld sure yes omg
There are a lot of them, I can tell you about a few of my favorite ones so far. Most of them don’t have names yet either because I’m horrible at coming up with those lol im so sorry. (also I’m typing this on mobile so I’m sorry if the formatting is weird)
Two of my favs are a pair of best friends in class 2’s support course. The first is an bubbly girl I’ve been calling Mako. Her quirk is called Magic Marker which lets her write on anything (including air, though it will dissipate after not too long) using her index finger. She can even control the type of ink! She puts a signature on everything she makes and when she’s thinking she’ll write notes to herself all over everything. She’s following in her dad’s footsteps to eventually take over his design company.
The second doesn’t have a name yet, but his quirk is called Flowerwalk and basically that means flowers grow wherever he steps. The type change with his mood and they disappear anywhere between 6-8 hours after they sprout. He hates his quirk because it makes stealth extremely difficult, which prevented him from being the hero he wanted to be as a kid. Also he got bullied for his quirk a lot because it’s (almost) useless aside from creating a mess. Slowly, though, he starts to accept his quirk when his friends help him find the beauty in it. He also starts to find uses for it, too. He does support stuff because he still wants to help heroes even if he can’t be one.
There’s also a general course student who has a powerful sound related quirk that allows him to sing commands to others. If the target hear his short song, they’ll be inclined to do whatever the melody instructed. It’d be extremely powerful if not for one small problem which is that this poor boy is terrible at lyrical improve which means he can rarely get this quirk to work. He doesn’t qualify for the hero course his first year, but with help from mic, he is able to move up in his second year!
As for the hero course, their are a lot of neat characters. Like a girls who’s quirk is Bat (aka she can do anything a bat can and she is very sleepy always) and another with the quirk Shadow Form that allows her to become a shadow (she got in off recommendations) and a guy whose quirk is literally just the ability to turn his hands into those sticky hand toys.
By far tho my favorites are the ones I came up with first, a group of triplets who aspire to be a rescue team like the wild wild pussycats. The eldest has the quirk Watchman, which allows her to see through the eyes of any person within a certain range. She’s a goofy trickster who uses her quirk to cheat on tests and play pranks. The drawback is that she can’t see through her own eyes when she uses her quirk and they glass over which is a very obvious tell. She’s not the brightest though she’s extremely passionate.
The middle sibling has the most powerful of the three quirks in that it allows her to “possess” another person within a radius (provided they allow her to). She can then control their movements and quirk however she needs to in the moment. She loves harmless pranks on people and she’s got the smarts to pull them off without a hitch. She plans out almost everything and follows a very specific routine.
The youngest triplet has a quirk similar to mandalay’s telepath that allows her to relays messages between people through their mind. She’s the most serious and usually uses telepath to stop her sisters from doing anything stupid, but she’s not a kill joy and does secretly enjoy a lot of the pranks they pull.
They were kind of an anomaly at the entrance exams because it’s not often you see more than one sibling pass, especially ones without flashy or destructive quirks. The way they got through the entrance exams was by working together to rack up both combat and rescue points from each other. The middle sister made sure not one of them got too many points than the others. The oldest one helped her younger siblings land finishing blows to robots, and the youngest one made sure they were all communicating properly. Idk it might be stupid but I thought it was neat
This ended up being a lot longer than I meant it to be but uhhh oops I’m sorry I’ve never really talked about these guys before so I guess I started to ramble. Anyway thanks for asking about them!
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vegrbleboy · 7 years
89, 68, 60
sorry abt formatting im on mobile!!
89 - who makes u laugh the most: honestly the person who probably makes me like genuinely laugh the most like stomach hurting kind of laugh is like my childhood friend lmao she’s basically a sister but i love her lots she’s a Good One
68 - worst sound in the world: the drum startup to never gonna give u up cause so much shame is involved when u realized you’ve been rickrolled
60 - lose respect for people who: voted for trump. also people who hate kids n general. like i understand maybe hating ur baby cousin or like that one fifth grader at ur school but!! all kids? no thanks im not about that life sorry
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