#also sorry if you did this already i might have not seen 🌸
petrichoraline · 11 months
honesty hour-ing back at you!!!! what are you most looking forward to right now, both bl wise and in your own personal life (if you're comfortable sharing it of course!!!)?
(also how does it feel like to be one of the loveliest person on the planet please speak into the mic 🎤)
I remember once I was asked what I look forward to the most and I just had to list a bunch of stuff that were already out because there's just so. much. content! it's no different this time around as I am in the process of catching up with everything under the sun ✨️i don't really hear of upcoming shows until they're already out so that adds to it hahah
okay so I'm excited bout the upcoming be my favorite and hidden agenda episodes, they are both light watches for me so I'm naturally in anticipation; it's not even announced but I might be most excited about fourthgem's upcoming project :') oh, i'm very interested in last twilight (and here is the moment I realise who I'm replying to lmao because I was thinking of @ the person whose posts got me hyped up about it and- yeah. silly goose)
eternal faith (haven't read the novels yet though so I'm in no hurry); ah the cherry magic adaptation with taynew just came to mind, ig im curious to see how they handle that 😗 I also want to watch wedding plan, jun & jun, stay with me (that's a bl, lads, i've seen how those dudes look at each other and i want more), jack o'frost, cooking crush (I miss offgun suddenly its so weird), minato's upcoming episodes (asuka and shun have the potential to be the best thing that happens in jbl this year and I beg for them to not fuck it up)..*checks mdl* OMG LOVE TRACTOR im waiting for my gal to watch these two fools on a farm (not to be mistaken with the japanese fools on a farm in zenra meshi whom I am in no rush to deal with. do you know how bored and put off by posts I have to be to be uninterested in a japanese bl? sheesh)..unintentional love story is a big one cause of how passionately it was recommended to me hahah and idk if they count but s2 of good omens, heartstopper and our flag means death
there are a few (word with a subjective meaning innit) others on the watchlist and a few upcoming ones i'm so curious about, not to mention all the non-bl shows I'm eager to watch
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as for my personal life (what a surprising question! sorry to be more on the private side <3) I am excited bout giffing stuff hahah I love getting the hang of it, it's a slow but fun process🌸
and for the last question..blushing crying screaming-
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idk what I did to deserve such cuteness but im very grateful 🥰 I don't know, I think if you're yet to figure it out considering your solid personal experience, we might have to put our heads together to think of a proper answer 🤷‍♀️
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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The crime career requires constant work-outs and Don is shredded now, looking good, king!
-I’d like to see Cyn cheat on me now!!!
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-Ok Donnie, I’m off to cheat on you!💗
So Cyn currently has 6 loves out of the desired 20: 
1) Don 2) Culturally Appropriating Drama Professor 3) Town Slob 4) Matthew Hart 5) Castor Nova 6) Jack Do’s insane ass
And now the time has come to add Malcolm Landgraab, our dead grandmother’s lover, to this exquisite collection. Malcolm insultingly didn’t fall in love with Cyn on the first date, but tonight we seal the deal!
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We arrive at FM where the Count and Mary Gavigan beating each other up by the front door immediately puts us in a romantic mood.
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-That’s the most disgusting light I’ve seen in my life, I thought you were rich!!!🌸 -I am! That’s my entire identity, but *I* thought you didn’t care about that stuff!
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-I’m sorry, Malcie, of course I don’t! All I need to be happy is a photobooth to publicly cheat on my husband in!💗
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I try to send these two to do some karaokeing but it’s occupied by the local flasher so I guess we’ll cut right to the chase:
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Drain the life out of him, Cyn! 
(While we’re succubus-ing Malcolm you might notice that the painting in the background is on the floor, I downloaded a default replacement that made all the base game paintings height adjustable. Soon after I realized I don’t have the patience to go fix them in all the community lots Cyn is gonna be fornicating in so I deleted it, but the weird paintings are gonna be in a couple more places.)
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Photobooth time, hang on to your life force, Malcolm!
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We got you, sucker!!!! 7 down, 13 to go.. fml.
One thing I’ve noticed about Cyn that really intrigues me is she never EVER falls in love with these flops first, or even at the same time as them. Like it really takes a while for her to get there, high standards icon.
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We do really need her to get there though, because I don’t think it counts towards the LTW if the love is not mutual, but thankfully one more classy photobooth romp does the trick. The cute ‘in love’ melody has barely stopped playing when I hear the awful ‘out of love’ one and I’m like WTF where did that come from-
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-and it turns out it came from our old friend Jack Do who was also on the premises and IS FURIOUS that he’s not the only guy Cyn is cheating on Don with. Jack Do bro for real, wtf is your problem?? First you break up Cyn and Don, then you bring your oppressive mother along on a date, and now this? Can you get a grip??
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I guess seeing Jack Do brought up some sweet memories of getting caught cheating by Don, because Cyn now wants to ‘Ask Malcolm Home’ and presumably introduce him to her husband, Cyn ffs. 
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We say goodbye to Malcolm, and go APOLOGIZE to Jack Do. God this is humiliating, but they have 3 bolts and we’ve already done so much work with this freak that I refuse to let it all go to waste.
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-Jackie I’m SO sorry for cheating on Don with someone that wasn’t you! I should have realized monogamy is something very near and dear to your heart!🌸
-Keep those flower emojis behind you teeth, Cyneswith! Mother was right about you, you are a liar and a temptress and I never wanna see you again!!
WOW well your loss, asshole! Sorry I made you apologize to this loser, Cyn.
-It’s ok, always useful to practice my fake apologies, huhu!💗
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We immediately move on to this guy whose name I don’t remember, it was J-something. Jeff? Whatever. We strike gold as ProbablyJeff also has 3 bolts with Cyn (who doesn’t at this point), so I’m like great, we lost a Jack we’ll get a Jeff- 
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-and then PJ pulls this pro-gamer move and cucks himself. Interesting strategy. The Jack Do shit has me paranoid though that another one of Cyn’s lovers is lurking so we refuse the date..
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..and go hug the Good Witch’s magical cat. Those Union genes istg, Cyn your cab’s been honking for 5 minutes, can we fuck off home please? Lord knows we have cats there too.
-But this one’s magic!💗
Our cats are magic too!
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Magically stupid that is, as the kittens keep getting trapped in this fucking gap on our porch and somehow they can get in but they can’t get out. They’re so tiny I keep losing sight of them and don’t realize they’re trapped, we’ve gotten like 20 warnings ‘you need to take better care of your pets’ blabla-
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-and apparently our butler shares the mental capacity of the average kitten because he keeps dumping trash on the porch gap of all places and then he can’t pick it up so he wastes all day there whining uselessly. Charitable queen Sophie went to help his dumb ass and she got stuck, this is the porch from Hell.
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I finally put a fence around the whole thing but even that wasn’t enough to quench the butler’s thirst for garbage-porching and now we got cockroaches, perfect! 
Please note in the pic above that three sims rushed to the site of the cockroaches and of those three, two of them went there to freak out and only one went there to actually spray the roaches. Like when I tell you guys that Sophie is singlehandedly keeping these morons alive, there’s really nothing she could do to make me hate her-
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BRUH. Literally the most critical thing to making this generation manageable was having the kids late af aka after the awful LTW’s had either been completed or were near completion. Like I’ve been having a ridic hard time with this many sims and this many pets, literally just keeping everyone fed has been a struggle and now, BABIES. FML
And it is of course gonna be babies, plural, because I need the Shaj and Cyn spawns to be the same age. So here you go Donaldo, it’s the day we’ve all been waiting for, curse us with your DNA:
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-Moonflower finally! We’re gonna be parents! We’ll have a little baby that’s half me, half you!
-Well, let’s hope for a slightly different distribution there, Donnie🌸
Man, Cyneswith’s face is legit me. 
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THANK GOD not twins. Small mercies. (I legit never use that ACR pregnancy scan thing but I just HAD to know)
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-Man, I’m so hungry all of a sudden!
Sophie I hate you so much.
-I know, baby, I know.
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
I don’t know how to explain it, I hate the financial aspect of politics and I avoid it like the plague, I just asked my dad to explain it to me so that his business degree could feel useful for once🤣 basically the government makes bonuses for different things (in the form of a discount or as a tax credit [is that the word in English? Tax offset? Help🥶]) and it’s usually to help businesses in crisis and promote them to incentivate citizens to buy. For instance last year they made a “vacation bonus” so that every person who went on vacation would have a discount of 500€ and that was to help tourism that collapsed during the pandemic. You can request it if you have an income that fulfills the requirements (a low one, basically). The same thing for the water taps and it’s supposed to be a project to lower water waste which IS GREAT, but maybe not when they completely ignored free psychological assistance 🤧 (which we have already but it is from the same institution that makes you wait 2 weeks after you tell them you have covid to come test you. So you know, something efficient sometimes wouldn’t hurt.) Stupid weird long explanation and I feel like you already know what this is because US government might do it too and I just spent an embarrassing amount of time explaining it to you. We’ll pretend you didn’t know😉
Hope you’re all doing better and that your symptoms are gone!
OK No I get it now! We do have some programs like that. Some are typical (like tax offsets/tax rebates for getting energy efficient household appliances), and then there are been a couple credits during the pandemic where they gave stimulus checks (you've probably seen jokes online about it) based on income, number of children, etc. But I totally get what you mean, even a program that's a GREAT idea can't replace an unrelated NEED.
The tests are the same thing here too. The hospitals and everything around us are overwhelmed, even the doctor's offices. It took us hours to find the at-home tests we need, and we could only find a couple, so we've only tested two of us, so we could save the other two tests to confirm the kids are negative before we resume school and nanny. I needed an oximeter to be able to check the baby, since he's too young to be vaccinated and also might not be able to articulate his symptoms or pains... earliest I could find one is getting here today. Everyone is out. It's just super dystopian.
BUT let me take a moment to mom brag, unrelated to anything but just because I want to: when I emailed my son's teacher Sunday to let her know he'd tested positive and would be out, she answered worried and also mentioned that he is one of the kindest children she has ever had in her 25 years of teaching kindergarten. 😭😭 She's told me before he always goes to see what's wrong when another student is upset and if it's something he can't help, he informs the teacher --which is super useful since there are 21 kids in his class. I asked him what kind things he did at school and he said that at recess every day he sees if there's a kid who doesn't have anyone to play with and asks them to play with him. 😭😭 This is actually not surprising to me, because he gets overwhelmed in a group and has a hard time getting a group to play what he wants to play, so it makes sense he's more comfortable gathering the loners to be his friends. It's me all over again but so cuuuute and I'm so proud.
OK whatever sorry for rambling, I am bored and lonely and so fucking tired of being in my house LMAO. I have left my house one time in three weeks 🤪🤪 And apparently I caught covid when I did
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taetaespeaches · 3 years
HELLO! So, depression hit me hard and I've been MIA :( again :(
I've missed the blog a lot (and you♥️) and I KNOW I have tons of content to read and to giggle over! Cannot wait to giggle c:
I'd like to point out that the few times I came over I only liked peachesxkid posts because my agenda is stronger than any of my depression episodes.
Depression&Anxiety aside, I was also down because I couldn't find a job... BUT WHEN NO ONE THOUGHT IT WAS POSSIBLE 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 I GOT AN OFFER! YES ! FINALLY! I'll start Monday, I've already had like 10 anxiety attacks since the offer and here we are ;) living the best life ;) breathing in AND out!!
Honestly, I'm so happy someone is giving me a chance to prove myself, I feel like screaming and crying at the top of a cliff!
Honestly pt.2, the only thing I can think of is the RJ slippers (or cushion, still deciding) I'll buy with my first salary🤷🏻‍♀️ see, I have a lot of self control when it comes to buying stuff... but RJ.... RJ is my weakness. I really want the slippers and the cushion... but the shipment and customs and stuff are expensive in a way that my responsible side emerges aaaaaaa mannaggia. I'll get one for sure.
How are you? What did I miss? How are things going? Have you seen orange yoongi? That man is insane :<
What was your most listened song in the spotify wrapped? Mine was
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... yeah, mono is 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
I won't talk or mention the concerts as I am not mature enough to not get eaten by envy :)
I'd really like to know what's going on with you c:
Ps. Why do I share all of this? I don't know, sorry if it is a bother😅 as always, you don't have to publish my rumblings. Do as you like!
Hi love!!! I'm putting my response under the cut just so it's not too long for people to scroll by lol
I'm sorry to hear that the depression and anxiety has hit :( I hope you've been taking care of yourself the best you can. I'm also glad that you took some time away for yourself (but every time I did see you pop up in my notifications I got very happy).
I'm glad to know that even in a depressive episode you're still on your kid/peaches agenda hahaha amazing.
Congrats on the job!!! It's definitely scary starting a new job but you'll do great! I'm happy for you and proud of you <3 gotta get some RJ merch for sure!!! Cutest little bubs I swear.
I'm ok!! I've been running low on energy and motivation lately and idk have felt a little disconnected from everything (probably some depression of my own lol) but I think I might be pulling myself out of it here. Hopefully!
Omg I love that seoul was your top song, you and I must be repping our fav rapper boys because my top song was People lol. Four of my top five songs were bts/bts solo songs so yeah, still on my bangtan shit lol.
I understand the concert envy so I've been choosing to just be really excited and happy for the tannies, they had the time of their lives and I'm so glad they finally got to experience live shows like that again :(
I'm glad you stopped by my lovely, I've missed you!! <3
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woozi · 3 years
YZAAAA 🌸 <33 henlo hehe
fhdjjrkrkedn i was talking about this (hope link works jdjjdks), ig it's from when they were promoting rocket on a chinese? variety show ' idol hits ' idk much dhjddj
okay but speaking of bam, these days hoshi is reminding me of him so much. with the way he has been teasing & talking about jun's kiss scene like bam teasing jy 😭😭 im counting this as my gotsvt crumb djdjdj ( i still haven't processed actor jun HDDJSJSKSKSKSL this year has been so good to jun <3 im so so happy and lil bit in love 🤕) and yeah i get it the chorus part in teasers was hyped sm i was really pumped for it to go all the way. when i first listened to rwy, the !!! reduced to !! except for the chorus part jddjjd but i still love it as much as i love home run & l&r. (these have been my favorite tts after stanning. dwc, thanks & home still remain as my no.1. for me these 6 tts are it djjdhjs.) overall i'm very satisfied with the album and all songs but i would've loved it even more if rwy had similar vibe like good to me or getting closer but it's okay im not disappointed jdjdke, i get what you're saying.
PANG IS ALREADY ON TOP OF MY REPEAT PLAYLIST DJJDKDDK I DIDN'T EXPECT IT AT ALL. also 'to you' is really so 🥺💕 after giving the album few listens with lyrics i can't rank my favorite songs either, you're so right it's gonna be amazing to see dino perform! did you see hao in mv behind being like 'im not used to seeing dino be like this', also i gasped when reaction video cut to jun and hao's reactions 😭😭
someone on twt explained how rwy is very attacca like the way it starts on low then goes all out at once after chorus without giving song time to breathe between beats, this is very broken version of what i read. the explanation was very detailed i liked reading it but can't find it now :/ djjddk.
the performance really fucks <3 the footwork!!! lifting hao/hannie like that??? and the way jun/cheol kick?? also i really like the posture of joshua/hao on the other end of line after the kick. the crush performance too?? ( i have to say i'm on team no hats dghjh i really wanted to see their expressions, the low lights were cool but i would like to see the moves in clear lights dghjh)
"what happened to you" IM CRYINGGDHSSJSJJDK MADE ME LAUGH FR 😭😭😭 i woke up just an hour ago and was hit w conference pictures in my half awake state (BUT THE PICTURE OF MV THUMBNAIL WOKE ME UP FULLY HDDJJD.) and watched it as i was eating breakfast dhdjdkkdks. i truly processed everything in the evening ngl djkddk. what about you? what happened to you? dhjddk
calling me love 😭😭😭 im gonna cry noooo. sorrys are not needed at all please djdjdk pls don't be sorry <3 there's real life, other stuff and then enjoying stuff alone in your own time too so it's natural to not have energy for extra stuff take as much time as you want no worries on that part, happy friday to you!!! so proud of you for making it through the week <3
naur <3 your vibe is just the same 🥺💌 i love you fr <33 have a sexy and relaxing week mwah ( im back to writing 2k characters djdjdjjd cb really gave me energy )- 🪂
henlo ma cherie <3 CAN I JUST SAY THAT I LOVE UR NAME SM <3 <3 i dont think i got to say that the first time around teehee
ALSO OH MY GOD YEAH I HAVE NEVER SEEN THAT BEFORE 😭😭 i'm so embarrassed for the pd it must've been so 👁👄👁 to get vernon's reaction bc of ur joke 😭😭😭
WAIT I DIDN'T NOTICE THIS BUT U MIGHT BE ONTO SOMETHING <3 they're both little shits, lmao. AND HELL YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA we finally get some actor jun content (im not sure if we already talked abt him beforehand????????????????????????)!!!! 'and a lil bit in love' U ARE SO VALID FJKGJKGFKJGF AND THE EMOJI MADE ME LAUGH SM 😭 the only thing i'm a little sad abt is that he lost so much weight </3 i hope he's okay and that he's taking care of himself!! even hosh was :(( about it when he saw jun. AND YEAH EXACTLY FDKJFJKDF ok but the way u get Things is so sexie omg ur brain <3 on that note... what would be ur fave title track if u just had to pick one 👀 ALSO OMG GOOD TO ME PT. 2 WOULD B VERY SEXIE INDEED <3
I LOVE TO YOU SO MUCH AS WELLLLLLLLL 😭😭😭 idk why it gives me uniquely svt vibes. does that make sense kjfdjkjdf i'll probably pass away the day he performs pang (probably this coming concert tbh FJDKKDJFJFKD OH WAIT NO JUNHAO won't be there so prob not </3) hao can't believe he's taking the eboy spot JFKJFDJKFDJKDFJ and i'd love to add to this but i actually haven't watched the reaction vid yet jFKFDKFDKJFD HELP!!
ALSO DONT WORRY BESTIE I ALSO SAW THE TWEET FDKJFKJF the way some carats put two and two together (abt anything really) amazes me a lot of the times <3 ok smarties we see u!!
THE FOOTWORK EXACTLY!!! the whole dance looks exhausting and im not even doing any work, just watching 😭 AND THE LIFT THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the choreographer is so smart for this <3 and the boys are so strong wtf???????????? even if it's just the 4 of them thats like,,, what,,, equally distributed it'd be more or less 20 kilos just on ONE FOOT????????? i get that they work out but..... INCREDIBLE <3 AND YEAH OMG I WASNT EXPECTING THE HAT CONCEPT FOR CRUSH BUT IT WAS EVERYTHING WE DIDNT KNOW WE NEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!! also agreed, would've liked seeing their faces a bit more too </3
FDJFDKJFDJKDFKJDF I PUT THE QUESTION THAT WAY BC A LOT OF THE TIMES PEOPLE GET INTO THE MV AND FEEL LIKE A TRAINWRECK AFTERWARDS 😭😭😭 ALSO OH MY GOD ME TOO FDKJDFJDFFDKJ an update blog admin waking up late for updates kjgjkfjkfd honestly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, everything feels SO fast i still am not even past oct 22 lmao. feel like im just going on carat autopilot rn bc i've been so busy since a few days before the comeback 😭
ofc, u are my love <3 <3 <3 AND U ARE ALWAYS SO SO KIND WTF 😭😭 u will lich rally live in my memories forever even when i finally get the fuck out of this hellsite fr <3 THANK U ILY!! <3 and i love all ur messages <3 i hope u stay safe and that u have a week full of joy and comfort!! sending u the biggest hug rn <3 <3 <3
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haexhan · 6 years
Soft bias tag
i was tagged by @redcucumbers thank you so much dear 🌸💖🌸💖
1. who’s my bias?
our sunshine mr lee donghyuck
2. What made you notice him/her?
hmm... his physical appearance and funny personality
3. Whats your favorite thing about him/her?
i will try not to rant that much but i love how affectionate and full of love he is towards to other members. Even when they dont accept his kisses or hugs he just keeps being joyful and smiley. And he is so passionate about dancing i really love to watch him dance
4. Who would initiate skinship more?
hyuck is someone t o u c h y so i think he'd
5. Who would hog the blankets more?
i dont know about hyuck but i swear im not a blanket hogger so idk;;;;;
6. who would be more clingy?
i might be clingy if im comfortable around someone so i guess me??
7.who would say i love you first?
i say i love you to my friends like all the time so i could have end up saying it first perhaps
8.who would be more easily flustered?
oof me again!!! im shy and i get embarrassed easily so
9.what cuddling position would you two have
uwu such a nice q. me half sitting next to hyuck with my head on his shoulder and his chin on the top of my head. im cliche huh
10. Which colors remind you of them?
gold, red, sunset orange, yellow!!!
11. which season would you like to spend with them?
autumn bc its my fav season plus i think itd be nice to stay in and watch movies with him when its raining. Or we could sneak out to see the city lights shining on the rain washed streets
12. Who would bake cookies and who would steal the batter?
i have to be honest here, i dont bake for shit when theres someone else to do it instead. So he would make the batter while i eat it and we'd listen to shitty 2000s pop songs
13. which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
I dont make puns but if he did one id def laugh and cringe at the same time
14. Who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?
none of us!!!! I love cats but i dont think we can take care of 50!!
15. Which one of you would burn the kitchen down trying to microwave a poptart and who would come to rescue?
im not that clumsy and we all know mr hyuck is capable of starting a fire in kitchen so id come to rescue hehe
16. Who likes to lean over train railing and who pulls them back?
hmm he looks like he could do some dumb shit like that so thats hyuck!! and id pull him back and then kick his ass
17. What would watching a horror movie with them be like?
i've never watched a horror movie bc im that coward. So id be half behind him, covering my eyes and asking every damn minute "is it over? Im opening my eyes and i swear to god hyuck!!!" Hed tell its over when its not and id definitely scream and then choke him from behind
18. who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
even hyuck would be the smooth flirt compared to me. im cheesy and lame and i cant flirt for shit
19. Who would be more competitive?
Hyuck!!! I know he is competitive and im really not
20. Who would have to be given constant reminders? (to eat, sleep, drink water etc)?
im sure he is responsible since hes an idol and has all these packed up schedules so i think he'd remind me to sleep or drink water cuz im lazy + dumb
21. Who sends memes and who sends cute "i miss you" texts at 3 am?
id send memes def cuz im obsessed with memes lately and send lots of them. And hyuck with i miss you bitch texts 😥😥
I'll be tagging @yutainpink @yestodav @kimzeuswoo @leaolivia @peachysofties @hyucksmiles @hyuckit @hyuckiesgf @wlwjaehyun + whoever see this post pls feel free to do it and tag me!!
(btw its totally ok if you guys dont want to do it 💞)
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