#also teal'c from stargate was there
autisticburnham · 2 months
Had a dream that in the 80s a rich superfan had produced three of his own animated episodes in the style of tas, largely consisting of the tos crew except that Geordi and Riker were also there, and he also produced his own accompanying doll line. And while the dolls were relatively easy to find, there were only a few vhs copies of the episodes and Paramount did their best to wipe it everytime they got uploaded to the internet, but I found one episode.
And I was like "This is a pretty alright, especially for a fan series. It could pass for a normal episode; I wonder why Paramount cracks down so hard on it," and through dream logic, everyone was even voiced by their actors. And then completely unprompted, Kirk said "I think we should have some fun," and then for the rest of the otherwise normal episode, every character had naturals bigger than Gandalf's and were wearing crop, halter, and bikini tops without it ever being commented on
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
staring into space having stargate "point of view" feelings like i do sometimes, and it just occurred to me that they still have their quantum mirror. so really, there's nothing to prevent them from continuing to connect with other realities, either on purpose (they seek assistance for the needs of their now fucked up world) or by accident (they get randomly dialed up by others). entirely within the realm of possibility that sam carter could meet another jack o'neill on the run from his even more fucked up world. she's grieving her husband; he's grieving a planet. i'm just saying there's a wide-open option there for them to help each other and then fall in love in the ashes and then i don't have to be sad about alternate sam carter anymore. win across the board.
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paramounticebound · 2 years
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arcane starters || @conzierge​ / Moa Zhao​ whispered, ❝ don’t be so concerned. i’m about to make your day. ❞ || accepting
It might be the dirt stuck between his teeth or the blood on his bottom lip from a cut that’s already healing, a million different variations of the way this planet and yet another system lord starved for power attempt to break his body-- but he’s not so optimistic. Chin to the ground, camouflaged behind singed foliage, Khan finds that this nearly feels like home and home breeds a vicious bitterness that sits under his tongue and in his belly. Teeth grinding against stone, unable to stand. It’s poetic in a way that nauseates him; a petty, pitiful thought cast aside for the skirmish at hand.
    “Do you plan to rip the worm out of him and tear it in two with your bare hands?” he muses, not entirely serious despite the situation, offering her a look that, for him, might indicate the slightest hint of amusement. If it is there at all, it does not linger, and vanishes with the wind. While he no longer doubts the capability of SG-1, Moa provides a certain type of stability that proves to be rare in the galaxy.
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    “If not, do not mind my pessimism.”
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bagheerita · 2 years
So, in "Ripple Effect," evil mirror universe SG1's plan, what they sat down and decided they were going to do, was: 1) set off a bomb inside a black hole 2) use it to gate to an alternate reality 3) once there, pretend like nothing is wrong until they get discovered 4) pretend to help fix the issue, including showing OG-Carter how you caused the reality jumping in the first place 5) eventually steal the Prometheus 6) take 3 weeks to fly it to Atlantis and steal their ZPM, then 3 weeks back to the Milky Way (I'm assuming they need a Milky Way gate, if not the Earth gate in specific, to gate back to their reality) 7) break into the SGC (or calibrate another Milky Way gate) 8) borrow a weapon from the Asgard that they will fire into an active wormhole in order to reset the alternate reality travel so they can gate home 9) take the ZPM back their reality
…like, there has got to be an easier way to get a ZPM.
wait never mind, I totally believe this is a plan that Mitchell came up with.
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volixia669 · 1 year
“Stargate SG-1 and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”
Though, to be honest, if Indie’s kid was replaced with even a young Daniel the movie would probably have been improved multiple times.
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agayconcept · 1 year
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stinalotte · 11 months
Happy 19th Birthday, Stargate Atlantis!
On July 16th, 2004, the pilot aired. Here's a handy little primer for anyone who doesn't know what the heckity heck this show is about. Everything is totally accurate, 100% true and very, very serious.
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This is the lost city of the Ancients, Atlantis, in the Pegasus galaxy, about 3 million light years from Earth. (The Ancients can go fuck themselves. Long story.) Atlantis is a city/spaceship approximately the size of Manhattan. She's semi-sentient, but not really, except actually yes, maybe, sometimes, totally. The whole city can go underwater or into hyperspace. Loves her humans. Home. Declaration of independence imminent.
The Atlantis expedition consists of civilians and military from at least 34 countries (in later seasons, the original expedition was just over a dozen). In no particular order:
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Dr. Elizabeth Weir. The first leader of the expedition. The only adult. Sometimes. Okay, not very often. Is not above a little war crime for the good of the galaxy—or at least, for the good of Atlantis. Left a boyfriend and a dog on Earth, but we all miss the dog more than the boyfriend. Eats UN representatives for breakfast. Is terribly awkward on dates and really good at solitaire. Loves her chaos children. Which are:
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Lt. Colonel Suicide Mission John Sheppard. Walked through the Gate and Atlantis said, "dibs". Thinks people who don't want to fly are crazy. Not good with emotional stuff. (He's getting better.) Loves his found space family and would die for them, often literally. Stop that. Also loves Ferris wheels, things that go fast, and Rodney McKay. And no, we don't know how he gets his hair to go like that.
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Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay. Four degrees, two of which are PhDs, none of which are in social skills. Smartest man in two galaxies. Used to be an asshole, but got himself some friends who loved him such a stupid amount that he had no choice but to change. Still a work in progress. We love to see it. Blew up three quarters five sixths of a solar system. (It was uninhabited.) (Mostly.) Deathly allergic to citrus. Loves fully charged ZPMs, arguing with Dr. Zelenka, MREs, and John Sheppard.
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Lieutenant Aiden Ford. Went ass first through the Gate with a grin and a whoop on his very first trip. One of the youngest members of the expedition. Is not allowed to name anything, ever. Mild case of hero worship when it comes to his commanding officer, which is totally understandable. A cautionary tale of how addiction messes up not only you, but the people around you.
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Ronon Dex. Used to be hunted by the Wraith, lost his people in a terrible war, and is now a member of Sheppard's team where he gets to shoot things and beat up bad guys. Doesn't talk much, but when he does, he has something to say. Good friend. Excellent hugs, but have Carson check you out for any cracked ribs after. Is one bottle of Athosian wine away from staging an intervention regarding the Sheppard/McKay situation.
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Teyla Emmagan. In possession of the team's one brain cell. Leader of the Athosian people. Will rock a baby to sleep and then go outside where a Wraith is dangling from the highest tower of the city and stomp on his hands until he falls 800 feet. Can either beat you up in the gym or force you to meditate on your problem, your choice. Has the aforementioned bottle of wine ready and loaded.
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Dr. Radek Zelenka. Keeps the science team sane because Rodney sure as hell doesn't. Loves pigeons, cursing in Czech, and overseeing the thriving black market underground economy that has developed in the city. (Thanks @shaddyr for that lovely headcanon). Zachránil všechny naše zadky víc než jednou.
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Chuck the Technician. Aggressively Canadian. Doesn't have a last name, doesn't need one. Is ALWAYS in the control room, seriously man, when do you sleep? Reads trashy sci fi novels on night shifts and organized a betting pool in 5 different currencies when Ronon was fighting Teal'c. Needs to share his eyelash routine because we're jealous.
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Dr. Carson Beckett. The most Scottish Scot to ever Scot. Brilliant medical doctor who is not above the occasional unethical unorthodox treatment method. Sweet cinnamon roll of a man. Beloved by all. Loves his mom and wee baby turtles. Someone should take him fishing soon. 🥹
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Colonel Samantha Carter. Member of SG-1. Legend. Awesome. Boss. Absolute BAMF. Punched a Goa'uld system lord in the face once. We all have a crush on her.
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Dr. Jennifer Keller. Is very doctor-y, for better and for worse. Was all of us when she freaked out being on an alien planet for the first time, like a normal person would. Should totally have gone on a date with Captain Vega in that one deleted scene. [WE COULD HAVE HAD IT AAAAALL]
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Jeannie Miller. Rodney's sister. Gave up a career in science to be a mom. Solved Rodney's math problem in her spare time, with finger paints. Loves her brother even when he's being an idiot. Fanfic canon says: her house is always open for him and certain Air Force Colonels to crash in. Don't you dare get a hotel room. Yes, the guest room has Only One Bed, Mer, what's your point?
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Major Evan Lorne. If you are a moron and get yourself captured and imprisoned off world, he will swing by real quick with a couple Marines and bust you out. Co-parents Atlantis with Dr. Weir. Is actually a really talented painter. Needs a raise, a holiday, and a drink.
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Colonel Steven Caldwell. Grumpy. Has to deal with Elizabeth's chaos children on a regular basis. Will make the enemy ship go away with a big boom and save your sorry ass in space. AGAIN.
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Richard Woolsey. Used to be a New York City lawyer, one of the most ruthless creatures in the universe. His wife got the Yorkie in the divorce. Broke his heart. Is actually pretty cool if you let him do his thing (like get you out of an intergalactic war crimes trial by bribing the judges).
I know some characters and all the villains are missing, but this post is already longer than a trip on the Daedalus, so there you have it.
Stargate Atlantis. A show about wormholes, life-sucking aliens, ancient civilisations, space battles—and family, friendship, allowing yourself to love and be loved, and what it means to be home.
Happy birthday, fam.
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Sophie Deveraux vs. Samantha "Sam" Carter
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Remember: don't vote on "who would win in a fight", but on "who, when given a task that fits her skillset and talents, would do that task better: more comprehensively, faster, with more pizzazz, with less collateral, etc."
Endorsements! "What is she good at?"
Sophie Deveraux, Leverage: Give her the right stage, and she can be anyone. She can change character on a dime; she can read people from just a passport photo, she came to her own funeral - twice! - in the certain knowledge people wouldn't recognize her because she was acting. She oozes style (just not always the same style), and despite her good looks, she isn't just a pretty face - and in Leverage Redemption, well into her forties or even past fifty, she is still perceived to be hot and desirable, a woman in her prime!
Samantha "Sam" Carter, Stargate: #but sam blew up a sun#and punched ba'al#and (as i said up there) got between ronon and teal'c sparring#she beat the crap out of a warlord who saw women as property (we know the ep aged like milk but character building)#she built a particle accelerator!#she wouldn't stop until all her team got home#(ok shipper in me is like 'also cause she loved him' but roll with it)#she went up against her universe's version of a terminator and survived thank you tumblr user @tinknevertalks
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floundrickthewayfarer · 8 months
Hello :] Who is your most favoritest character as of right now? They can be from anything (a show, a game, from your head, etc.)
(This is also 100% an invitation to infodump, yes)
*goes to my podium and clears my throat*
My most favoritest character, forever and always, is Teal'c from Stargate. He will never be kicked from this position. There are others whom I also love (looking at you, Echo and Ronan Dex and Miles Morales and others) but he (and the other Stargate characters) are just so, so good.
Teal'c was raised to be a killer who obeys without question, yet he gave everything to save people he'd just met. He is honorable, determined, and kind. His make-up looks flawless no matter what situation they're in. Plus he's played brilliantly by Christopher Judge.
His line to a slimy senator has lived in my mind since the first moment I heard it as a kid. He's asked what the point of fighting is when their enemy seems so untouchable, and his answer is that "What is right cannot be measured by strength."
And then one of his other lines to another enemy solder-turned-ally: "If you do not fight for what you believe in, all may be lost for everyone else. But do not fight for yourself. Fight for others. Others who may be saved through your effort. That is the least you can do."
Anyway. Love this man, always will, he wins favoritest character. :)
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jadelotusflower · 8 months
Stargate Rewatch: 1x01 Children of the Gods
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After rewatching the original film I'm kicking off with the show's pilot - I actually watched both the original version and the "final cut" because there are aspects I enjoy of both. The final cut removes a few problematic elements and adds in some new material, but also cuts a few lines I really enjoy and the original version is really where my nostalgia lies, so... as always, my feelings, they are mixed.
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Cold open with some redshirts - four men and one woman, sadly representative of the gender ratio the show will have going forward.
The unlucky Smurfette is Sgt Carol Weterings, not that I think she's ever mentioned by name in the episode.
"Probably the only thing it ever did was cost money." Heh.
I will say that Teal'c turning against Apophis at the end of the episode is nicely built - starting here where he examines the gun and identifies it as technology far advanced beyond the humans they’re used to dealing with.
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When your name is above the title, you get introduced with an extreme close up.
The differences between the film and the show don't really bother me - I view the show as taking place in a very similar but alternate universe to the film rather than trying to squeeze them together - so O'Neil becomes O'Neill, Sha'uri becomes Sha're, Tyler becomes Charlie, Abydos is the closest planet to Earth, not the other side of the known universe, etc etc. But I consider the events of the film to be canon to the show universe unless directly contradicted.
But otherwise the pilot tries very hard to stick as close as possible to the film, to the point that Major Samuels states that General Hammond replaced General West.
Hammond says it’s been “over a year” since the events of the film, unclear exactly how much over.
The final cut has a longer version of the dead Jaffa, revealing one of them was a woman, and with all the changes to eliminate plot holes I don't know why Brad Wright put one back in. While we do see Jaffa women in the series, Goa'uld and Jaffa society is depicted as highly patriarchal and female Jaffa soliders are rare - we never see them in Apophis's ranks. It's an odd inclusion.
"What if the aliens get it?" "Well, they could be blowing their noses right now." hee!
"THANKS SEND MORE" Remember when Daniel had allergies? Give it a few episodes and the show sure won’t!
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Amanda Tapping, doing her absolute best with some terrible dialogue. Brad Wright blames the "reproductive organs" speech on Jonathan Glassner, and it is terrible and thankfully removed from the final cut version, along with some other 90's era sexism from the bros. However there is one great moment, where Kawalsky asks "Have you ever pulled out of a simulated bombing run in an F16 at eight plus Gs?" and without missing a beat, Sam deadpans: "Yes." I love Sam.
"I'll give you exactly 24 hours to either return or send a message through - no Kleenex boxes, please." Hee, Hammond isn't quite the cuddly commander we know and love yet, but he has his moments.
It's very cute that Sam has a very similar reaction to the one Daniel had in the film just before going through the gate, although his was based in the wonder of something incredible and unknown, and hers is based in the physical manifestation of knowledge - says a lot about each of them and their similarities yet different perspectives - the marrying of these two points of view is what makes them such a good duo.
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Michael Shanks, doing the James Spader impression that won him the role. He was only 26!
And of course Alexis Cruz, the only holdover from the movie (other than Erick Avari, who won't appear until season 2).
The original team sure did leave a bunch of weapons with the Abydonians, didn't they? I presume they taught them how to fire the guns because there's no way Daniel could/would have. He did however teach them very good English.
"Greetings from Earth, Doctor Jackson" - very cute, it's sad that Ferretti disappears into the ether by season 2.
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Not the face of a woman who is shy, but a woman who knows how to make An Entrance. She even smirks a little as she walks over.
There is however a weird little moment where Sha're is reluctant to shake Jack's hand - maybe she wasn't impressed about his little joke brushing by Daniel? Both of these beats are removed from the final cut version which is probably for the best.
It's criminal Sha're doesn't actually get to speak in this scene, and in fact how few lines she has in the episode altogether.
It's disappointing, because Sha'uri was such an integral part of the film, and yet the show tries to get rid of her as quickly as possible to get Daniel on SG-1 and give him a core drive for the next three seasons. Her abduction is the precipitating event of Daniel's ten-year character arc and defining moment of transition from film!Daniel to show!Daniel, and yet she doesn't get a character arc of her own.
However I do think Shanks and Vaitiare Hirshon sell the relationship in the few scenes they have - they're very physically connected/protective of one another, perhaps concerned that Jack's there to take Daniel back with him (which is in fact the case). And of course Sha're, annoyed at being left behind while Daniel shows the others his discovery, gives him a very proprietary kiss.
I think show!Sha're gets a bad rap, she's spunky and I love her. I just wish there was more of her.
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Sam and Daniel insta-bonding - Daniel making an intuitive leap to solve the puzzle and Sam filling in the gaps with science to make it work, they really are kindred spirits.
The issue with the cartouche though is that the symbols look like hierogyphs, not star constellations/Stargate glyphs.
Back in the pyramid, there's a scene sorely missing here - imagine if rather than ogling Sha're, Ferretti had a conversation with her, giving us more of a chance to know Sha're on her own terms rather than just Daniel's wife and the object of others desire. Especially when Ferretti was on the original mission so knows she's more than a "beautiful woman" - it would also give additional weight to him remembering the gate address where she's taken later on.
Teal'c clocks Skaara's gun as the same tech he saw on Earth in breadcrumb no. 2.
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"Nothing good can ever come through this gate!" "You came through it , Daniel" I mean...I realise there are a lot of problematic white savior-y aspects to the show, but idk, this scene and the Abydonians all petting Daniel to say goodbye gets me. Sean Amsing as Tobay also returns in Full Circle which is a nice callback to this scene.
The final cut removes a reaction shot from Jack which I have mixed feelings about - I get that the focus probably needs to be on Daniel at that moment, but I do think it's important for Jack to appreciate how Daniel really found a home with the Abydonians and was appreciated and loved by them, and it's nicely played by RDA.
LOL, watch out for how many times Jack pats Daniel on the shoulder. Apparently that annoyed Shanks so RDA kept doing it, but it's also a nice little setup of their relationship going forward.
There's a second shoulder pat in the hallway.
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Just two dudes, drinking beer, (not) talking about their feelings.
“She was the complete opposite of everyone else, she practically fell on the floor laughing every time I tried to do some kind of chore they all took for granted.” Underrated line, because it gives important context to Daniel and Sha’re’s relationship, and perhaps more importantly, how Daniel characterises her - she is the one who keeps him grounded, who teases him, there is balance to their relationship. There’s potentially an interesting parallel there to Vala in the later seasons, although it manifests in a very different way.
“I think she forgave me for what happened to our kid, she just couldn’t forget…I’m the opposite, I can never forgive myself, but sometimes I can forget.” This is a great scene.
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The Final Cut removes all the “harem scenes” and while I can see why, we do lose a bit of context to Teal'c's involvement in the process as he is the one who chooses the women from the holding cell to go into the harem, and then from the harem to be presented to Apophis.
There was a missed opportunity to actually see Sha're interact with the other prisoners - she could have had a conversation with Weterings at least, find out she was from Earth, perhaps assure her that the others would be coming to rescue them.
To the surprise of no one I’m sure, this episode does not pass the Bechdel test.
But there is a hint of solidarity among the prisoners - first in the holding cell where the others hold Skaara back, and here in the harem Sha're squeezes the hand of another woman.
Weterings is killed by the hand device which keeps the electrical current aesthetic from the movie the show will later abandon - as Teal'c looks perturbed.
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Daniel back on Earth immediately getting stuck into the coffee even though no one else is drinking, lol.
"Ra played a god, the sun god, he borrowed the religion and culture of the ancient Egyptians he brought through the gate and used it to enslave them." A bit of a change from the movie here, where it was the other way around - slightly less problematic!
Everyone is in dress blues except Kawalsky who is in camo, and Daniel, who is wearing Jack's clothes.
"Colonel I'd like to remind you that rescuing Dr Jackson's wife is a secondary objective." This line was removed in the final cut and I don't know why? It adds to Samuel's bastardry.
Has everyone forgotten about Weterings?
Shoulder pat no. 3!
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In the second harem scene Sha're is now sitting isolated from the other women - did she argue with them? Just trying not to be noticed? What happened offscreen?
Also what's going on in the top left corner - it looks like the healing device! Maybe Sha're did throw down with one of the others and that's why she's on her own. I have to read into things, because the show gives us so very little of Sha're and it's a real shame.
She does get a good moment fighting against the guards though - earlier she was defiant and told them she wasn't afraid of them, here she bites one of them on the arm.
I understand from a narrative perspective why Sha're is the one who gets taken over, but it really is Schrodinger’s fridging - until she’s found Sha’re is both alive and dead for the purpose of the narrative, both Daniel’s primary drive and source of inner conflict.
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Christopher Judge does so much with so little. Master of the cheek twitch!
Oof, the nudity. In isolation from everything else, it doesn’t bother me - it’s intended to be horrifying, not titillating, and is effective in conveying objectification and dehumanisation by the Goa'uld.
However, it was a studio request, Wright/Glassner regretted doing it, it doesn’t fit the tone of the show going forward, but most importantly Hirshon was pressured into the full frontal when she only agreed to topless, and for that alone it should be excised.
The puppet symbiotes are so much more effective than the cgi they use later. I don’t think there’s another scene in the show that really captures the menace of the Goa’uld like this one - the symbiote (who we'll later learn is Amaunet) slithering around on Sha're's body is just so visceral and horrifying. The glowing eyes before implantation is an effective touch.
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Jack sticking Daniel in it with Sam by saying Sha're was a gift could be amusing, except the conversation gets cut off before Daniel can explain. It annoys me, because Daniel not "accepting" Sha're was actually the point? It's kind of important! I assume he does tell Sam the whole story later.
"Unless we want to get ourselves a really bad reputation, I just think we should avoid shooting the first people we meet on a new planet" is a nice follow up to Daniel's sarcastic "well that would have been an excellent reason to shoot everyone" from the film. At this point, Daniel doesn't appear to be carrying a weapon other than a knife. Oh, how that will change!
The Chulak priests speak "a derivation of Arabic" and something else - the Goa'uld language is meant to be similar to Abydonian, which is based on Ancient Egyptian. Of course modern Egyptian is an Arabic dialect that came much later, but perhaps we are to assume Goa'uld - or at least the Chulak vernacular - evolved along similar lines.
Jack unable to shoot Sha're when she stands in front of Apophis is a nice movie callback.
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The final cut has a good extra scene between Sam and Daniel where he is quite delusional thinking Sha're might just be drugged, and Sam tries to talk sense into him. Daniel's blind optimism against Sam's pragmatic realism will be an important aspect of their relationshio going forward.
Shoulder pat no. 4!
Teal'c P.I. sees Skaara talking to Jack and starts putting pieces together - the weapons from the opening scene, the weapons on Abydos + Jack's watch, and Daniel helpfully supplying the Earth glyph.
Alexis Cruz is committed to the film pronunciation of Sha’uri, bless him.
“But you are a great warrior, we defeated Ra together!” Skaara’s faith in Jack is so pure.
Skaara gets a shoulder pat too.
"Another fine day on planet Kawalsky" - This line was removed from the final cut! What a tragedy. I get the sense Brad Wright feels a bit cringe about the campier aspects of the show, but it's part of the charm! To be fair Ferretti was more of the wisecracker in the movie rather than Kawalsky, but I love that show Kawalsky is a little goofy.
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I'm sorry, what is this silver monstrosity? I guess a sliver of credit that after the nudity not going for a sexy alien outfit, but this is a hate crime. I also have a very high tolerance, and even affection for, silly Stargate headgear, but there's camp and then there's ugly.
Peter Williams as Apophis though: 10/01, no notes.
"They're going to choose...who will be the children of the gods." I do love it when they say the title of the thing in the thing.
The subtle moment where Teal'c motions that Jack should kneel is a nice setup - Skaara being very reluctant and angry about kneeling, and being the last to do so, is nice movie continuity. Skaara really gets shortchanged by the show after this episode.
"How much would I remember if you chose me?" I wonder if Daniel ever thinks that maybe him drawing the attention of the Goa'uld contributed to Skaara getting chosen. You know, just to really lay on the angst and guilt.
So the premise is that these Apophis underlings are choosing hosts for their children who are symbiotes ready for implantation, which doesn't really fit with what we learn about Goa'uld queens/reproduction later. We also learn later that Skaara is taken as a host for Apophis's son Klorel which doesn't sqaure with these two choosing him.
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Headcanon time! This is actually Zipacna who we meet later arguing for Klorel at Triad - different actor, of course, but he wears a similarly silly hat. So Amaunet now has access to all of Sha're's memories of Skaara and she and Apophis decide that he will make a good host - maybe she also likes the idea of a family resemblance between herself and Klorel (I think we can assume he is also Amaunet's son?). But Apophis doesn't want anyone to know he's choosing a host for his offspring, so sends Zipacna out to do it for him.
This makes sense of Klorel later claiming that Apophis chose his host, and also gives backstory to Zipacna showing up in Pretense. And in the scene, the Goa'uld make a very quick decision to take Skaara, while the rest get very grossly examined people before choosing.
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Shoulder pat no. 5!
"I have nowhere to go." Teal'c turning on his brother Jaffa to save a roomful of people, not expecting to survive himself, really hits.
"For this, you can stay at my place." hee!
Jack not wanting to hear it when Teal'c tells him Skaara is no longer himself is a turnabout of the earlier scene with Daniel. Not so flip now it's your Emotional Support Abydonian, are you Jack?
Kawalsky getting Goa'ulded doesn't seem to hurt as much as Sha're's - because the symbiote isn't mature, or because Amaunet is particularly sadistic?
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Soon to be SG-1 posing for their album cover.
It was the late 90's when tvs were tiny, so everyone had to stand uncomfortably close.
And we end with shoulder pat no. 6!
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geekygumiho · 1 year
How Stargate SG-1 would react to your they/them pronouns
Jack O'Neill: he's a little confused but he's got the spirit LMAO. I can easily see him trying to refer to you in conversation with you in the room and being like "so thEy... *side eyes you for confirmation and nods when you approve* and Carter were able to figure it out" (just an example). I should preface this post by saying I don't think anyone in SG command is bigoted or transphobic/enbyphobic and the only people who mIGHT give you a hard time would be the characters no one likes (like Maybourne or senator whatshisface I'm v new to this show lol only 3 seasons in soo) so fuck them lmfao. I give Jack a 8/10 ally score (an ally but still learning lol). (Also if anyone wants to see how SG-1 would react to a pride festival or other identities, please lmk!!)
Sam Carter: she's so sweet ahhhh I love her so much!!! 🥹🥹 Would 14/10 be so happy to support you and might even hold your hands in hers when you come out to her. She wants you to know she absolutely supports you no matter what. She might accidentally slip up and use the wrong pronouns so pls be kind to her, she'll feel so bad and she'll punish herself for messing up (someone protect this sweet soul 🥺🥺) Sam would do ANYTHING to show you that you are valued and respected at the SGC and she absolutely will smack down with a bigot who misgenders you on purpose (hold her back, Colonel!!) I give Sam 10/10 ally score and she most definitely would go to your first pride with you if you were nervous!
Daniel Jackson: dude this would not be a new concept to him whatsoever lmfao. His knee-jerk reaction to you coming out is probably to start rambling (he thinks he sounds more sensical than he does lol) about genderqueer/nonbinary/cisn't figures in history and mythology, which is his way of saying "you're not alone !!" but it can be,, a lot lol. He goes out of his way to make sure you know it is normal and not "unnatural" to go by they/them too 🥺 He would make the adjustment super easily and rarely ever slips up. (I can also see him in the past researching a historical figure, realizing they were trans, and that's where he got the smoothness of switching from. (it probably happened more than once, let’s be real.)) He definitely would get into heated verbal arguments with bigots about how normal trans/nonbinary-ness is in his eyes (as he should) and Col. O'Neill would have to hold him back from it becoming a physical altercation LOL. Side note: now that you came out to him, expect random ! bouts ! of queer ! trivia !! because he probably doesn't get to talk about it that often and he's just like !! ahhh!! a queerio to geek out with!! Overall a 9.5/10 ally score, just docking 0.5 points for anthropology-splaining queer history to you LMAO. I can definitely see him and Sam becoming your gender euphoria team and helping you feel comfy too!
Teal'c: I honestly don't know what to say except he gets it. It is done. He makes the change with a snap. He might even tell you the story of a transgender Jaffa warrior too if there is one! I think he definitely would say something like “I see no problem with this set of pronouns. If Y/N Y/L/N identifies as such, there should be no reason to deny them respect for their identity." (Teal'c is so nice 🥹🥹) I think if anyone purposefully disrespected you or misgendered you, he would go 0 to 100 and be like "In my culture, it would be well within my rights to kill you where you stand” and then Jack would show up again and be like "okay calm down" LOL. I can see Teal'c teaching you how to appear more masc if you're transmasc as well, like workouts and mannerisms and such, too! Teal'c is an 11/10 ally for me, and I would love to see him surrounded by drag queens at pride LMFAO.
Janet Fraiser: oh look, another amazing ally! She would have no problem referring to you as they and would hardly ever slip up! She's a 99.9% kinda girly LOL (get it,, germ killers,, she's a doctor,, hahahah...). Honestly the only time I can see her slipping up is if,, this is very specific,, if she's saving your life and needs to open up your shirt for the defibrillator LMAO yknow?? Which I think we can all excuse if she's literally in crisis mode saving your life!! Her brain isn't focused on pronouns right now!! Also! I think if you wanted to transition, she would refer you to her doctor friends who know about medical transition, and she would even help you with your hormone doses while you're on the base 🥹🥹 Even with checkups after off-world missions, she'd make sure you're super comfortable and feeling respected 😌 Janet is so sweet and I love her so much, I give her a 12/10 not bc I love her so much!! BUT bc she goes above and beyond to make sure you are comfortable in her care and in your body!! I can totally see Janet getting decked out in rainbows to go to pride with you too, don't ask why, I just can lol.
General Hammond: he tries!! Just forgive him, he's old LOL. No but he'd really try really hard even though he's not used to it and even though he slips up occasionally, there will be times where he goes out of his way to give you a heads up about when it might not be safe to be out as a they/them bby with certain people, like if a debriefing meeting involves someone who is vEry bigoted, he'll just kind of take you aside and be like "Y/N, I know your preferred pronouns are they/them (he absolutely would say "preferred" but he knows it's not optional 😌), but I would recommend not being out to the board we're meeting with today; they might not treat you as kindly as the rest of SG Command" (bless him for looking out for you 🥺🥺). He also kind of reminds me of my grandma in the sense that she sees me for who I am, but occasionally uses the wrong pronouns, but she’s a killer at getting it right through texts LOL. I give him a 8.5/10 because he's a real one and has proven it time and time again, and the effort is what counts 🥺 He might even put a little pride flag on a stick in his office pencil cup during June to show his solidarity 🥹🥰
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I had such vivid dreams about Stargate last night
I dreamed two whole episodes and they were crazy
Took place in Las Vegas, at the Stratosphere mostly, that was fun
I've never been to the Stratosphere so I don't know what it's actually like inside, but in my dream the inside was taken over by bad guys (not sure if they were goa'uld specifically) and it was mostly a Sam and Jack pair of episodes, they were all taken captive and those two were the ones saving and taking care of everyone else
Cassandra was there, and there was a little kid version of Daniel somehow that everyone called Danny and he and Cassandra were besties
But adult Daniel was also there, they didn't figure that whole situation out before I woke up so I don't know what it was about
At one point they escaped the Stratosphere and stole a big SUV and there was this awesome car chase, Sam was driving with Cassie in the passenger seat, Jack and Daniel were in the back and Danny was on Jack's lap because he was really hurt or something
But then somehow time like reset to back when everyone was captured, but not for Sam and Jack. They panicked running around trying to find Cassandra and Danny before they realized everyone was a captive again
They found Teal'c and freed him and he started helping them look for everyone, but they split up after they all 3 found and released Cassie. Teal'c found Danny at the same time Sam, Cassie and Jack found Daniel, and they did daring escape attempts at the same time too
They all met up in the big room Daniel had been held in, but there was some big problem that left Daniel badly injured so he couldn't walk, and he started arguing with Jack to just leave him behind and Jack was like, "Nope, I'm not leaving you here, not this time" and at one point when they were all talking out the logistics of leaving they realized it could be done perfectly if they didn't have to help Daniel out and he looked at Jack so smugly and folded his arms and Jack was like, "Well, we're just gonna have to figure something else out"
Then everyone else fell asleep but Jack and Daniel, Jack was on watch, but he and Daniel just kept arguing about leaving Daniel behind until Daniel passed out from his injury and Jack sighed and then I woke up LMAO
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Okay, it's happening. Currently thinking about a Supergirl/SG-1 crossover. I'm thinking that it would be best to set it post finale, established Supercorp, with an alternate reality hop to meet the SG-1 folks.
But first some ground rules about Lena's magic. For this AU I'm feeling a more WOT type magic, where Lena uses her hands/arms/body to manipulate the magical currents of the natural world around her. Less mumbo jumbo spells, more 'let me hurl this fireball at you'. But she is 100% a nature witch. Earth, wind, fire, water, weather, you name it. Extremely powerful, and totally comfortable in her magic.
Meanwhile Kara is also fully comfortable in herself, all of herself, having joined the two parts of herself in the public eye for years now. She's very casual and laid back, until the moment someone she loves is threatened. Then, all bets are off.
They're trying to get home from Argo using a transmat portal when Lena and Kara are instead spat out through the Stargate via an unscheduled offworld activation. They emerge to find dozens of weapons pointed at them. Kara immediately steps between them and Lena, her arms outstretched even as Lena subtly begins to weave a shield of air for them both.
Upon finding their guests to be two unarmed seemingly human women, Hammond orders his men to stand down. The two are carefully welcomed to explain themselves, and they debrief in an interrogation room, courtesy of Colonel Jack O'Neill.
Kara and Jack hit it off almost immediately. Jack asks a semi-serious question, Kara quips a dry answer, and Jack just lights up. "I like her," he tells Carter. Sam rolls her eyes.
Lena's brain is already going a mile a minute trying to speculate what could have happened to bring them here. Sam asks some astute questions, and then they're off to the races, bouncing ideas off each other back and forth trying to narrow down an explanation.
But an explanation is only half the problem. The other half is getting home. While Lena and Sam hole up in Sam's lab, Kara bonds with Teal'c over being an alien on Earth, with Daniel over languages and planets they've been to, and with Jack over, well, being who they are. They just vibe. Go fishing, even.
When SG-1 gets into trouble off world, Lena and Kara insist that Hammond dial them out to provide back up. Hammond refuses, but they sneak through with the backup he does send.
Everyone is shocked when the two of them stride confidently into battle. Kara runs interference, deflecting bullets and blaster bolts alike as Lena walks tall, her arms lifting with fingers outstretched. Drawing energy from the foreign planet around her, fissures open up in the ground, separating the encroaching Jaffa from the tauri forces defending the gate.
As though in slow motion, Kara sweeps in and out, blocking Lena from enemy fire as her partner calls up a storm. The wind swirls, rain comes, and finally Lena throws her arms wide, palms up, and tilts her face up into the rain. With a crack of thunder, a bolt of lightning comes crashing down, striking the ground like a bomb and sending rock and mud and Jaffa flying into the air.
In the quiet aftermath, all weaponsfire ceases as Jaffa retreat in fear and shock, while the Taur'i stare in awe.
Sam turns to Jack with a cocked smile.
"Oh... I like her."
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Heyey :) for the "Ways to say 'I love you' prompts, maybe a platonic Daniel and Sam one to 9? I just feel they have a really underrated friendship
Hey! :) Thank you so much! I love platonic Daniel and Sam!
Prompt #9: "Fine, you can use me as a pillow." (from this list)
(Full disclosure, there is a bit of angst in here, I couldn't help myself)
Sam shifted beside Daniel on the couch, yawning a bit.
It was late and they both really should have been asleep, considering that they were probably going to get called into the SGC tomorrow, even though it was their day off.
Sam knew that it was pessimistic, but that was how things usually went.
Not that either of them could sleep, hence their midnight movie marathon in the coziness of Daniel's museum-like apartment.
The movie had reached the credits, but Sam was still feeling resistant to sleep and she hoped that Daniel was as well, because while he had said she could stay over, she didn't want to lay alone and awake for hours until she had to potentially go to work or somehow fill her day.
Daniel rubbed his eyes underneath his glasses.
"Want to try for another one?" he asked.
"Sure." Sam said, hoping that she didn't answer to quickly.
They hadn't truly been talking about it, but there were so many demons that were keeping them both awake right now.
She knew Daniel was thinking of Sha're and the child and how he hadn't been able to get them through the Stargate in time.
And Sam...she couldn't stop thinking about her dad and the cancer diagnosis he refused to talk about, even though he had told her about it.
That was also just on top of everything else.
Daniel squeezed her hand, as if guessing her thoughts, and Sam stood, stretching her arms above her head and feeling her back crack in a very satisfying way.
"Want more tea?" she asked Daniel, pointing at the mugs that were sitting on his coffee table.
"Sure, if it's still warm."
Sam took both mugs and padded into the dark kitchen, using the ambient light from the windows and the TV to find her way through, resting her hand against the teapot for a moment and finding it warm enough to make the tea drinkable.
She had teased Daniel a bit when he had made tea as a whole pot instead of just putting bags in mugs, but it did seem like a good idea rather than making cup after cup.
Mugs poured, she walked back in the living room to find that Daniel was putting in a movie.
Just as well. The local stations weren't exactly known for their weeknight/early morning programming.
She put Daniel's mug on the table and settled in with her own, staring into it as she thought about her dad. Wondered if she should just pour everything out to Daniel, even though he hadn't to her.
He knew most of it already.
But he didn't know that she had tried to once again call Mark earlier and her brother had picked up the phone only to snap at her to stop calling him, that he didn't care about Dad, and not to think he cared.
That...that had torn at Sam's heart so much.
She hadn't told Daniel, but watching him now, it really felt like Daniel was more of brother to her than Mark was.
Daniel picked up the remote and settled down beside her, letting out a breath.
"If you're staying up for me, you don't have to." Sam said, threading her fingers through his and squeezing gently. "Go to sleep."
Daniel laughed lightly.
"I can't sleep, Sam. I mean..."
"I know." Sam rubbed her thumb over his knuckles and sipped her tea. "Do you want to talk about it some more?"
"No, not really. You?"
"Not really."
They smiled at each other and Sam suddenly realized that they didn't get moments like this so often.
When they were on leave, they usually all ended up going their own ways for the most part, and when they were on a planet, Sam shared a tent with Teal'c, Daniel with Colonel O'Neill.
They never got much of a chance to be alone with each other, which was something that struck Sam as a pity, because it was nice. But SG-1 was usually always a team and she wasn't certain she had ever noticed before.
"Do you think that's bad?" she asked as Daniel pulled his hand away to adjust his glasses.
Sam giggled. She couldn't help it and she had no idea why it was funny, but it was.
Daniel started chuckling too and they ended up laughing like idiots for a minute or so, before they both stopped.
That felt...good. Sam supposed she hadn't been laughing too much lately.
Daniel smiled at her and settled back as he hit play on the movie.
Sam snuggled into the couch cushions and wrapped her hands around her mug, smiling a little to herself.
The movie wasn't Sam's usual genre--she would have been a little surprised if Daniel had had any of those lying around--but she found herself quite interested in it and was thankful that it at least wasn't a documentary, because that was what she normally would have pegged Daniel for.
Eventually, the mixture of the movie, the darkness, the long day, and knowing that Daniel was there if she had some sort of bad dream made Sam start to doze off.
She kept catching herself as her head tipped to the side and brushing Daniel's shoulder, murmuring an apology each time it happened, because she knew that Daniel wasn't always comfortable with people touching him.
Daniel seemed to find it funny more than anything and Sam felt a little bad, considering he didn't seem to be sleepy himself, and the point of them doing this was because neither of them could sleep.
Sam eventually tipped over all the way, head landing in Daniel's lap, and this time she was too far gone to have the will to lift her body up.
Daniel sighed, mockingly dramatically.
"Fine, you can use me as a pillow."
Sam smiled, unable to open her eyes at this point, and tried to speak, but the words got lost on their way out of her mouth.
Instead, she just squeezed Daniel's leg in thanks and let herself drift off to sleep.
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obscureenthusiast · 5 months
you HAVE to post some of Sha're and Teal'c party time. I am on my knees. I have been robbed by the universe. Only you, the universe's insurance adjuster, can
YOOOOOO how did I just know you'd be in my inbox demanding Sha're content, you, the person I conned into watching Stargate with Sha're/Daniel content >:3
So, "Sha're and Teal'c Party Time" is a lil fic that I've been working on for a bit. It of course takes place in my as-yet-unpublished "Sha're Lives" AU, in which Forever in a Day ends with them capturing a heavily-injured Amuanet. The events that unfold from there are a full fic in their own right (in fact, it's one of the fics in my WIPs list), but long story short, they get the snake out of Sha're's head and the series proceeds more or less as usual except Sha're is living on Earth and her and Daniel get to be stupid and domestic and also Skaara shows up like WAY more because of course he's gotta visit his fuckin' sister.
But the MAIN premise of the "Sha're and Teal'c Party Time" fic is that it's the start of their friendship. Sha're is living in the SGC while she learns about Earth Stuff and gets her forged paperwork sorted out, and Daniel has to go home and start gaslighting his neighbors reminding his neighbors that he has a wife from Egypt who he's definitely totally mentioned and who is finally getting through the immigration system to come and live with him. Sha're wakes up from a nightmare and ends up running into Teal'c at 4am breakfast and then they start like... talking about stuff!
(Frankly, this is 100% about me pursuing my headcanon that Teal'c watches pro-wrestling and that Sha're would get into it via him... but it's also about becoming besties with a person who's done things that altered the course of your life forever and how to begin again when you're both brand new versions of yourself and also also it's about alien solidarity.)
Gonna put snippets below the cuuuuuut:
When she stepped into the mess, she had a book tucked under her arm and her hair pulled back from her face with one of the bright scarves Janet had gifted her. It wasn’t much, but the flower pattern set her apart even when she was wearing the same dark blue fatigues that so many SGC personnel wore. She half-heartedly grabbed herself a bowl of oatmeal and a cup of some type of fruit juice (she would have to inquire what a “cran-apple” was later, for the simple paper sign taped to the dispenser gave her no other clues and the mess staff at this early hour seemed too rushed and sleepless to bother with questions). As she turned to find a table, though, she stopped short. Teal’c stood in front of her, looking impassive as usual. If he was surprised to see Sha’re up this early, he wasn’t showing it in any way that she could spot.  “Good morning, Sha’re Jackson,” he said. Sha’re smiled a little, meeting his gaze cautiously. “Good morning, Teal’c.” For a moment they were both silent and Sha’re swallowed, glancing around the mess hall quickly, looking for a seat even as she tried to continue conversationally, “I’m sorry, I did not realize you took your morning meal this early.” “I generally do not. I am here for a hot tea,” Teal’c replied. “I apologize for disturbing you if your intent was to avoid me.” Sha’re blinked in surprise and turned her gaze back to Teal’c, frowning. “What? I…” she flushed slightly, shaking her head. “No, Teal’c, I wasn’t trying to avoid you. I… I couldn’t sleep.”
annnnnd a second one just because I know you're rabid:
She settled into a seat and cast a furtive glance toward where Teal’c was gathering his tea and turning to walk to her table. …Frankly, she feared that the past still sat as solidly as a wall between them. How does one begin again on friendly terms with the man who had, albeit under duress and servitude, delivered her to the fate that had kept her chained for two years? Sha’re closed her eyes momentarily, breathing in and back out again with carefully deep breaths, letting her lungs fill up completely and holding for a heartbeat before she slowly let the air back out again, trying to clear the anxiety from her mind. Janet had given her several methods to employ when she was feeling overwhelmed. She opened her eyes just as Teal’c settled into the chair across from her, his hands cupped around a steaming mug. He was looking at the book she’d brought with her, which she’d left sitting thoughtlessly on the table beside her plate. “The history of spaceflight,” Teal’c said, speaking the book’s subject flatly. His eyes glanced up to meet hers. “How are you enjoying it?” Sha’re shrugged, reaching out to slide the book closer to herself, idly picking at the edges of the pages. “It feels strange, I suppose,” she admitted. “When Daniel used to tell me of the technology of his world, it all seemed so… strange and powerful. How could it not be? They had killed Ra with their weapons.” She smiled wryly, shrugging again and looking at Teal’c. “And now when I read these descriptions, I can only see how small, how…” She squinted, trying to find the right word in English somewhere in her mind. “How lesser? Like these things are made of… flimsy things compared to what the Goa’uld have accomplished.”
maybe someday my brain will return from the war (the thousand projects and hobbies and responsibilities) and allow me to just. BLAST through a bunch of Sha're stuff for posting SPECIFICALLY for you <3
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sunsetconcert · 4 months
the only good time loop story is Window Of Opportunity from Stargate SG-1 (which is also one of the best episodes of television ever devised btw) wherein rather than succumbing to ennui and the meaninglessness of doing anything
teal'c and jack just. hang out. they do lunch, they go golfing, they help out their buddies, but also it's just... one really, really long day at the office. at best they are just REALLY bored while trying to get a work project done. they dont lose their minds or begin to lose hope or disconnect from the rest of the world, they just. go about their day.
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