#also the batch being pissed at cid is everything i needed
ibrokeeverything · 2 years
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violetjedisylveon · 9 months
Amnesia Chapter 14 - Change On The Way
Omega centric bad batch AU
Summary: The Bad Batch decide to move on their fresh lead. Meanwhile Omega is hanging out with her new big sister.
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: Hunter is extremely sleep deprived and guilty about this whole situation so he is still not making the best decisions, also sleep deprivation can cause aggression so keep that in mind
A/N: Happy New Year's Eve! Remember Cid isn't the asshole she is in canon, she's your shrewd prickly business woman aunt and she will tell you when you are being an idiot because she has no time nor patience for your bs.
Also art of Freyu's armor/Freyu pissed off
Bad Batch Amnesia AU Masterpost
Cid scowled as she sat down at her desk, large claws tapping on Tech's datapad, hooked up to the holo projector.
"So you think you've found Tiny, eh?" She asked dryly.
"Yes, I believe so." Goggles said.
"Uh huh, and you think this kid, who's an entirely different species, is your kid?" She gestured to the projection.
"Yes." Goggles said again.
Dark and Moody glared at her, she rolled her eyes. That clone is extremely obsessed with this, it's making him a bigger headache than normal.
"We're going. Do you know anything about that planet or that Pantoran she's with?" He demanded rudely.
"Ask nicely and I might remember something." Cid growled.
In the corner of the room, Scomp sighed in annoyance at his brother.
"Please, I want this over already." Scomp groaned.
Cid huffed and glanced at the photos provided, Goggles had done a bit more digging and discovered they were taken on Massanii. She knew someone on that planet, but Cid liked having both her arms and they liked their privacy.
"I've heard of it, an old acquaintance settled down there, pretty nice planet. Good people there, it's the capital of its sector and never been a part of any larger galactic government." Cid said.
"Do you know who that is?" Muscles asked, pointing to the other person.
"Nope, and if I did, these are bad angles or it's been a while since I've seen 'em. Sector's known for lots of Jedi, maybe it has something to do with that." She shrugged.
"So you don't have anything useful?" Dark and Moody growled.
"I know that attitude won't get you anywhere, especially on that planet, those people are stubborn as fuck, shoving only gets you a harder shove back. Act civil." Cid warned.
"We're going to a very defensive sector filled with very defensive people who definitely don't want clones fucking around in their business, great." Scomp sighed.
Moody turned on his brother.
"Got a problem with that?" He snarled.
Scomp pinched the bridge of his nose and gave Moody an unimpressed look.
"Yes. It's a very big risk with very little chance of working out the way you want, and even if, in the infinitesimally small chance, that is Omega, why should we bother? Look at that kid and tell me she doesn't have everything she needs right there." Scomp ordered, pointing to the happy, satisfied child in the image.
"We made a promise. We won't leave her behind." Moody insisted, his hands were shaking.
"So you'll take her from something better?" Scomp challenged.
Evidently, Moody was done talking. That possibility wasn't one he was willing to confront yet.
"We leave tomorrow." Moody growled.
Scomp stared down at the younger clone, sighed, then shook his head.
"Whatever, you are the sergeant, you know best." He said with just a hint of pcondescension in his tired voice.
"What can you give us?" Moody asked, not even turning around to face her.
I hope Scomp knocks him down a few pegs. Cid thought as she rummaged through her desk for a blaster.
"I'll get what you need sorted out with Goggles, it'll cost you though." She said.
She set the blaster to stun. Moody must have been really tired if he didn't notice that.
"Your usual rate?" He asked dryly.
"Nope. Take a nap." Cid stunned the over exhausted clone before he could react.
Scomp caught him before he hit the ground. The two other clones looked mildly amused and concerned at the same time.
"I suppose it would be beneficial that he rests before a mission like this." Goggles said.
"You think?" Cid remarked.
Muscles took Moody out to rest, and Cid did her job and told Goggles almost everything she knew about Massanii. She left a few details that were far from hers to share out, they weren't too important.
Unless these boys really fucked around and find out.
Something shifted.
Freyu sensed it.
It was as if a hefty decision had been made.
Hefty decisions got made all the time, if she was sensing this one… then it had the possibility to affect her, and Omega.
The younger girl had been acting q bit off since she got back, she couldn't quite put her finger on why.
Freyu hummed to herself as she worked on her medicine orders, she had been doing better than before that imperial interrogation bullshit over a week ago. She suspected some of the locals had overheard her conversation.
Alask kept delivering her plants. Some were utterly useless for what she was trying to do and had the clear hallmarks of young, untrained hands plucking them, likely children who thought they were helping by picking random plants, but a lot of the others were useful to her in some way.
She was thankful for the help, it took the stress of foraging off her back for the moment. Tesi was handling inventory and helping process new plants, which the droid insisted was only so she could get back on training.
With the feeling she had deep in her gut, she just might have to do that. Tesi had moved her armor chest from storage in the house's former forge and into the basement so she'd see it whenever she trained. Tesi kept telling her she should start refamiliarizing herself with how it felt to fight in armor.
An armorless Mandalorian was a dead Mandalorian afterall.
She definitely would do that. Better be safe than sorry, that's why she always had a protective plate under her clothes, even at home.
Her alarm went off, Freyu finished the last steps of this particular ointment and left it to sit for a bit. Then, she left her workshop and headed upstairs to find Omega.
She grabbed a Mandalorian children's book on her way up.
"Meg'ika! It's time to read." She told her vod'ika.
Omega immediately jumped up with excitement and rushed to her side. She had been teaching the younger girl how to read Mando'a, she was a very quick learner and already had some level of understanding of the language.
"What are we reading today?" Omega asked, peering at the book.
"Ade version of How To Train Your Mythosaur." Freyu answered, showing the book to her.
"Dragon!" Omega squealed.
"Mythosaur, but close enough." Freyu shrugged.
She set the book down at the edge of the counter so Omega could read while she worked on dinner.
"What's for dinner?" Omega asked as she peered over the counter.
"Hetikleyc kai'tome(spicy food)." Freyu flashed her a grin.
"Uh… food?" Omega guessed.
"Nadala(hot)." Freyu said.
"Nadala? What's that mean again?" Omega asked.
Freyu shook her head and started prepping the ingredients.
"Hot! Hot! Nadala is hot!" Omega shouted proudly.
"Very good Meg'ika, hetikleyc comes from hettir, that's burn." She told her.
"I overheard Xillyn talking with Moshee about Celimine, Quacey, Sommyur and Vettel getting to see dragons, do you have dragons here?" Omega asked.
"Yes, Pahyyd Dragons, they're the oldest species on Massanii, and they live deep in the Mother Forests, they're very important to Massii, and they make a visit to specific dragons once they reach the age, usually groups of siblings or cousins somewhat close in age to each other go on the journey together." Freyu explained.
"Xillyn will go with Silen and Moshee, Sydel will still be too young by the time she goes." She added.
"You get to go see dragons?! That's the coolest!" Omega cheered.
"I guess it's pretty cool." Freyu shrugged as she sliced the peppers.
"Did you ever go on a dragon journey?" Omega questioned.
Freyu nearly cut the tip of her finger off, her foresight had her moving her finger out of the way just in time. She cleared her throat and avoided Omega's eagerly curious gaze.
She had gone on that journey, she had been thirteen at the time and Maatsu had gone with her, he'd never done it himself so it was a rite of passage for both of them, and a bonding experience since they really didn't know each other that well. But there were several things she couldn't tell Omega about that journey, for security reasons.
"Yes, I went with Maatsu. He hadn't done it before either… admittedly I was doing it a little early. Guess I really needed it." She said with a smile.
"Why didn't you go with Ikurrece?" Omega wondered.
Freyy jolted at the question and nearly burned her whole hand on the stove trying to balance herself.
"Xillyn told me about him, she says Cai taught him and you to hunt with birds." Omega said.
"Ah." Freyu nodded.
"Well, Ikurrece had already gone on it, so he couldn't go with me." Freyu said.
"Why did Maatsu go then? Isn't he older than both of you?"
"He hadn't gone on it, cause of the whole Jedi thing, so he could go with me." Freyu answered.
Omega opened her mouth to ask another question, Freyu held out her hand to stop her.
"Ah, no more questions, get reading." She pointed down to the still unopened book.
Omega pouted but dutifully opened the book up.
"Wer'cuy… maan… Mand'alor… olaror… Manda'yaim…(direct translation: it was long ago, first sole ruler came to Mandalore) uh… first sole ruler… came? Mandalore?" Omega read, then looked up at her uncertainly.
"Wer'cuy, it was long ago." Freyu told her.
"It was long ago, when the first sole ruler came to Mandalore!" Omega said.
Freyu ruffled her vod'ika's curly hair.
"Good job." She praised.
Omega beamed up at her.
"Mand'alor… may'eyir… dral ulik… kot… werlaara…(sole ruler found beast/animal with strength of myths)..."
It was a very calm, peaceful evening. They read some more once dinner was over then watched a few holovids after Freyu did her nightly check of the house and security systems.
Yet even as she put Omega to bed in her room, which the girl had a blast decorating and setting up with all sorts of fun things, Freyu still felt a lingering sense of unease in her gut.
She waited until she was sure Omega was asleep before she went to the basement.
The armor chest sat innocently against the wall, the intricate patterns and details that had been painstakingly applied with the utmost attention to detail and care glinted softly in the low light.
Her mom had carved and built the chest with Wroshyr wood, and her Buir(mom) had forged the armor inside. As the head of their family, clan and house, her Buir was given the task of an armorer as well. It was a bit of an older clan structure, but having the head and main protector of the family be the one to forge their armor that protected them in battle made sense.
The person who forged your armor cared about you and your survival deeply.
Buir had been quite good at it, her foresight certainly helped.
Freyu ran her fingers along the lines of a flower carved into the lid. The carvings were a mix of symbols significant to Mandalorian and Pantoran culture. She opened the armor chest.
The helmet was neatly wrapped and nestled on top of the rest of her armor, also wrapped with careful precision.
She carefully unwrapped the helmet and stared into the dark visor, her own reflection stared back at her.
Maker, sometimes she hated looking at it.
She often hated how her eyes were so much like her Buir's, though hers were "brighter, more vibrant with more contrast between the yellows and oranges." in Maatsu's words. Her mothers used to say her eyes were twin suns. Sometimes she really hated those suns.
She more closely resembled her mother in all other ways, down to what neither of her mothers hoped she would inherit.
Lucky her.
She traced the petal pattern on the helmet; the teal flowers were an iconic part of her clan's aliik(sigil).
Gently, she set the helmet aside and unpacked the rest of her armor, laying it out so she could see it all at once and remember which pieces went where.
Her family's armor style differed from the more modern design, it was more like the full body armor of the crusader days, adapted of course for maximum flexibility and protection.
It also differed from modern design in the way it was colored. Most Mandalorians now painted their armor various colors to signify their clan and allegiances, while the metal of her armor had been dyed varying shades of red while it was in the liquid phase. It was a long standing tradition in her clan.
It was one of the first things her Buir showed her how to do.
The aliik was dyed separately and welded onto the chest plate and helmet. Her gaze was inevitably drawn to the center of the aliik, a wide open two toned yellow eye with the red kar'ta(heart) as the pupil.
It was a little on the nose, but only if one knew what it meant. The last time she had checked most Mandalorians, even in the former new Mandalorian society, knew and revered the iconic aliik.
Over four thousand years of history tended to have that effect.
She took in a deep breath and armored up. She was slow this time, she'd have to practice getting it on faster, just in case.
The armor was heavy but it didn't feel like it was weighing her down, it felt oddly natural for something she hadn't worn before, and it fit her perfectly.
Buir's foresight sure was something. She chuckled to herself.
She grabbed Maatsu's lightsaber from its resting place, she looked into the empty visor one last time before pulling the helmet over her head and waking up Tesi.
The droid looked her up and down for a moment before her mouth lit up with a smile.
"Now that looks right on you." Tesi said.
Freyu couldn't stop herself from smiling or speaking.
"It feels right too."
Happy New Year!
VJS Out!
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chaosjedimasterk · 1 year
Spoilers for The Bad Batch season 2 finale today
Holy fuck was that an emotional set of episodes.
- starting off I was assuming Plan 99 involved self sacrifice - that’s what we saw 99 do in TCW im not surprised they named it after him
- I’m maybe in denial but I don’t believe tech is dead - but I also don’t think he’s just chillen somewhere I would bet that if he is still alive Hemlock found him and took him. Now if they turn Tech into a death trooper personally I will be sending Lucas films my therapy bill. Star Wars is hell bent on no body no crime and we didn’t see his on screen death so 🤷🏼��♀️
- I’m honestly pretty pissed about Cid turning them over. Like I get they’ve been setting this up, but it further shows a lack of awareness from what fans have been saying. Cid is an antisemetic trope and the idea of her turning them over while being a money hungry individual and a lizard is absolutely gross in my opinion. And shows again that the writers room needs to listen when fans point out this shit. So overall I’m pissed about this choice. There were many other ways to do this.
- moving on though god omega just learning from her brothers to always try to save them breaks my heart. And the weariness this child has of she just lost one of the most important people to her again.
- finally I don’t quite understand what they’re setting up by having omega having an older sister? It felt like a weird choice but I know that everything is setting up to explain Palpy bois return in the sequels but it super threw me off
- if this is the beginning of the death trooper thing I’m going to cry forever
- honestly my heart hurts it was so emotional and I don’t think I was prepared for what we got. I did like it and I look forward to seeing more and I really hope we get a season 3. That being said I am still vehemently wanting the animators to darken their skin and to re-examine some of the tropes in their writing.
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