#also the name for the crossover came from a reddit comment
s-guacamolearts · 2 years
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Hear me out, what if MANDELTA CATALOGUE
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dcxdpdabbles · 9 months
Nice how about to give you one of my old DC DP crossover prompts
Danny is a big fanfic writer for Batman, most of the time doing Tim joins the bat family early and Alternate attack on Titan's Tower. After his accident he decides to write a Jason Todd is a halfa straight out of the grave fic. Just to get his emotions out there and to vent and it gets incredibly popular.
As Time evolves the fic itself evolves from a vent fic to a under the table way to reanalyze his ghost fights and do better by transplanting his ghosts into the fic for Jason to fight. This happens generally okay until Penelope Spectra of unlike the other ghosts she was known by the rest of the world and was actually tracked by Reddit. Making the fans realize hey this is actual going on maybe not by Jason Todd but someone is using this to reanalyze their fights under the veneer of being fiction.
Danny starts to get famous for his fanfictions when he introduces the idea of halfas for the second Robin. He's not sure what happened to the second Robbin, but there are rumors he didn't die; he just retired, and the fans all accept that as the truth.
At first, Danny writes the second Robin struggling with his double life, as alive and dead, forced to hide his existence from Batman as a secret helper at night. He uses the second Robin to freely speak about his struggles with his powers in the early days, using fiction to cover his venting.
He even gave Robin a secret identity- with a disclosure that it was all made up and he did not know anything about the Bats because fans can be crazy- with the name Noir.
He made Noir a loser in school- consistently bullied, his grades were low without Batman's help, and he even had Noir live on the streets for a while before getting flung into the Ghost Zone.
Danny didn't realize it, but his writing made Noir a loveable character to his fans, who all loved "how flawed but kind-hearted" Noir, the halfa Robin. One of Danny's best commenters always claimed that Danny captured the second Robin's character.
He quickly develops Noir into someone who grows comfortable in his role after defeating the old Ghost King and getting discovered by Batman. He made the series with Noir, focusing more on the threats of the other ghosts that came to challenge the Ghost King.
Each ghost was based on his own rouges- all fighting the same way but with different names. Danny switched his main focus from Noir being confused by his powers to Noir getting stronger and stronger through all his fights.
Instead of venting on what life had done to him, Danny used his fanfiction to analyze his fights. He often wrote about what he could have done better, only after writing the actual scene and using that in a fight later on.
He even threw in there some questions that Noir started having about boys- which in high sight he should have known Jazz would have quickly picked up on because she took him to Pride "just to experience new things, Danny!"
He confirmed Noir was bi two updates later and sat back with a smirk when all the comments started rolling in.
Noir's Double Life was his pride and joy. He thought people had to search for his fic, and no one besides his sister would ever read it. Then he made the mistake of writing in a new ghost- Penny Spectra- using her exact powers, thinking no one would recognize her.
What he forgot was that back before Danny kicked her ass into the ghost zone, was that she was a well-known school counselor. A miracle worker, they called her.
Because she always found the teenagers about to fall apart and "saved" them. She had made her way clear across the country, bringing to light issues parents and guardians had no idea their children were going through and getting them the help they needed.
Mr. Lancer had been proud of getting her to come to the school for good reason.
Most adults also didn't know that teenagers talk to each other or, like Danny, post online to vent. Her past victims- for they were victims as some had not been able to pull themselves from the darkness she plunged them into- had started a riddle trend about her.
People began to piece together that whenever she went young people became more and more depressed. They had no proof of course, so she became an urban legend, a demon that appeared as a woman in schools.
Like when a celebrity is turned into a meme for being a secret serial killer, no one takes it seriously, but they think about it in the back of their minds.
Danny just wrote about her with a far too honest retelling of what she had done and how he had found out she was a ghost. He hadn't realized that one of his readers would be one of the original responders for the old Reddit thread about the fact he was a past victim.
That same reader would later link his work for the thread- especially the chapter where she appeared- and everyone would agree that the real Penelope Spectra was a ghost.
And that would be read by Tim Drake, a young member of Riddit who always took mysteries to heart and knew what was real and what wasn't.
This sane Tim Drake would later present Jason to the fanfiction in an effort to tease him about someone adoring him so much they wrote a fic about it and Jason would surprise him with claiming to have already been following the story. \
Their bickering would grab the attention of Bruce, Zatanna, and Constantine, who were in the room next door talking about protection against the dead.
John will be alarmed to see how accurate the fanfiction writer's description of ghosts and King Phantom is, then even more alarmed to find that the writer knows about halfas.
Two days after he posted the newest chapter, Danny is hunted down by Batman to find the human with an insane amount of knowledge about the Infinite Realms and his second son's condition.
Danny would be busy trying to decide if he should give in to the idea of giving Noir a ship and who it should be with while his friendlier ghosts beta-read his work.
"Honestly, I'm a little flatter about how hot you made me sound. Noir definitely has a crush on James the ghost biker." Johnny says flouting to read over Danny's shoulder.
Kitty nods eagerly from where she is lounging on the couch. "I agree, James and Noir are meant to be Danny!"
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mugenmine · 3 years
AO3 tag game
Tagged by @pennypaperbrain​
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
8 (and 2 are poems :-/)
2. What’s your current AO3 wordcount?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
So far I've only posted fic for Sherlock BBC, but I have a very slow wave of Captain America WIPs.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Study in Frustration
The Doctor in the Boot
The Escape Artist
They are almost in order of posting except Switch over took Bespoke for a photo finish.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not.
Yep, I always do. The fact that someone took the time to both read and then write me a note feels like a big thing to me, so I always thank them for their time.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Defintiely The Escape Artist, it ended at the lowest point of their relationship and was supposed to build back up from there. But..... then I never wrote the six-story uplifting part of the arc! (Gives myself the side-eye...)
7. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Nope! I'd like to though!
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I've had one or two snarky comments, but not the kind of hate I hear about from folks on Reddit. I think so far I've been in kind of tame fandoms or I'm too far under the radar for folks to notice.
9. Do you write smut?
The question should be, do you ever not write smut? Answer would be nope.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I really doubt anyone would!
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope, haven't done this either. Oh, I did co-write a story with a friend in the 7th grade which teamed up the Sex Pistols with Agatha Christie's detective duo Tommy and Tuppence and the gang solved mysteries together... OMG, I guess that was a fic (and a crossover) ... I still have it in a box somewhere. (We wrote it on notebook paper.)
12. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Well until I went Steve/Bucky, I would have said John/Sherlock. So it's hard to name a favorite. At this point it's more like current favorite. I am really enjoying a lot of the Sam/Bucky that's popped up after TFatWS. That's been fun to read.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I guess it really has to be Sherlock BBC, that's where I both discovered that fic was a thing then immediately started writing soon after.
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I went back and read through my stories, which was a very interesting experience as I hadn't looked at them since... 2014 and actually forgot some of the things that happened in them. (Also, I forgot how damn angsty and over the top it all was... :-/) I'd have to say my favorite was Switch. I really enjoyed both writing that one and how it came out in the end. Plus, writing "not really a sub!Sherlock" was a fun challenge. I really wish I had given them a happier ending! I swear they were going to get thier shit together in the end!
Absolute no-pressure tagging: @fuckyeahfightlock, @milarca, @luthienebonyx, and anybody else who’d like a go! I just really love reading about other people's writing. :-)
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aros001 · 3 years
Read through light novel vol. 8. Random thoughts.
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So, Naofumi just straight up tortured a man. It was more psychological than physical but it was definitely torture. Not that I blame him of course, given what the man had been doing to Filo, but it definitely showed he's got some lingering anger issues and the importance of having Raphtalia to rein him in a bit, because Raph-chan sure as hell wasn't going to do it. Honestly, of the LNs so far, this book has felt like Naofumi at his darkest and most sadistic, given the fight with Trash #2 as well (love that name).
Also, aw, Naofumi finally called Filo his daughter (or at least that she's like his daughter). All it took was her getting whipped and beaten.
One concept I've always loved in fiction is the idea of a multiverse and parallel worlds crossing over with each other. That was something I really like at the beginning of RoTSH, that all four heroes came from different versions of Japan. I'd never seen that before. Then Glass and L'Arc appeared and added another parallel world. Now we have Kizuna and it really feels like she and Naofumi are the protagonists of two different yet similar franchises having a crossover with each other. Like, any minute I'm expecting Ainz Ooal Gown from Overlord to pop into the story because of how similar a fit he is to the various heroes. That's how much Kizuna feels like the lead in her own Isekai story.
I love that Naofumi is such a good natural salesman. It's always fun when the MC has an unusual wrinkle in their character. I want him to just have a vendors stand in Isekai Quartet where he's just selling random crap to the other characters. I want to see him and Ainz or Tanya haggle.
“I can understand how Glass feels, so I won’t say anymore.”If it were possible, I wanted to have the sort of relationship that Kizuna had with her friends. It was nothing more than a wish, but I’d be happy if Raphtalia felt the same way about me as they did about Kizuna.....“Oh yeah,” Kizuna said, turning around and stepping back toward us. When she did, she left Glass standing there with her hand outstretched. Glass made a very disappointed face—it looked weird on her.I was starting to think she might be a lesbian.
So Naofumi has the exact relationship with Raphtalia that Kizuna and Glass do then.
No idea if Glass actually is gay or interested in Kizuna in that way, but at least from Naofumi's perspective that's what the case seems to be. The non-human who loves the hero and will follow them to the ends of the earth and the oblivious as f**k Legendary Hero. Given Kizuna's very parental-style lecture to Glass and L'Arc, I wouldn't be surprised if Kizuna has unintentionally daughterzoned Glass once or twice.
The Queen wasn't even in this volume. Still awesome.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/shieldbro/comments/fbrlfx/read_through_light_novel_vol_8_random_thoughts/
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lalelilolusworld · 7 years
The problem with reading and why Sansan ruined me
I've been into fanfiction for the longest time. Ever since back in fifth grade (I think). It started of with Harry Potter. In my native language before I started to wander of into the English realms of fanfiction. And OH BOY™ has this been the best and worst decision of my entire life. Why? It opened so many fandom for me but reading just takes so much time (who hasn't lied about "only one more chapter really").
I began to change fandoms like my underwear and read several ships parallel. All back from Harry Potter, Eragon and everything I could think of really. It was fascinating. And then anime came. I really got into it. Binge watched Fairy Tail until I was at the actual episode and many more. And you guessed it. I shipped them all. In all of them. Always.
And then I saw the GoT memes on 9gag(uses reddit people, don't use 9gag, the memes are delayed), the gifs of Gendry saying to Arya that she was his lady and Arya telling Gendry that she could be his family.
That meant for my younger self to dive headfirst into Gendrya (I haven't seen a single episode or read one of the books at that point of time, I just thought it incredibly cute) and LITERALLY in the first fanfic I read about the two there was the wedding of Sansa, marrying this scarred dude, that Arya did seem to like and not like but she was happy that Sansa was happy. Me thinking it was canon (don't forget what fandoms I've read before) thought damb gotta ship this ship and IMMEDIATELY searched for Sansa x Sandor. Best decision ever. I haven't touched a single Gendrya (main pairing) ever since. Nor have I really read any other ship to this point of time. Which is sad because one of my favorite authors from the Gruvia ship (Fairy Tail) is still posting so many awesome stories and I really want to read them because I know they are probably awesome and I could only bring myself to read the GoT crossover she did :D (Big shoutout to @bonneyq here. You are an amazing author. I've been reading your stories for so long but I just lost interest, not in the ship but in reading fanfic about Fairy Tail in general I think. If I'll ever come back to read Gruvia yours will be the first I'll read! 💖)
That's probably why I also can't read any other Sansa ship seriously. Well I do sometimes (for the glory of smut) but only few and sparsely. I really envy the people who can multiship her. Because then they can read more. But well Sansan has ruined me 🤷🏼.
Which brings me to the next point. I don't know maybe you guys have read "Dirty Little Secrets" by @mynameisnoneya1991 . It's hilarious. I had to laugh so hard while reading it. Now maybe spoiler for the story, so go read it before I continue.
I'm serious read it.
But there is one tiny little thing. She changed the setting to modern and made Sansa write fanfic about Game of Drones (hilarious!) And she changed the names of Sansa and Sandor in the show to Sophie and Rory. And while this is simple but genius as fuck I felt a little bit uncomfortable reading the small passages about Rory and Sophie. Because while being fiction in fiction (ficception) they are real people to me.
Don't get me wrong I still love the story. It's great, honestly (I know I still owe you a comment on it. It'll come). But I can't really help myself. I just tried to read those passages as fast as possible :D
That's probably the reason why I'll never read the Rory Story from @hollandoodle even though she's one of my favorite authors. Her Sansan stories are great, they made me cry and laugh and wait for the next chapters and I couldn't await them. And I'd love to read it but I can't. Sorry (but I'd hug the fuck out of him it I'd ever met him and he'd let me) :D
I hope it's okay I mentioned you people :)
So what I want to say: ship and let people ship, no matter how crack it is but also keep in mind that people might have their own reasons why they don't want to read something even if they can't really explain it themselves.
Stay awesome you guys, all of you. Your stories, all of them, keep the fandom alive, make people laugh and cry. You all have the ability to make me imagine so many things, always remember that, even if there is just one comment on your story, or the people forgot to leave Kudos (I sometimes forget it :( ) don't give up. You're all great 💖
Did Sansan ruin anyone else for other ships? I'll be founding a therapy group then ;)
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