#also the number of links i am including in each ask is so funny lowkey
fearandhatred · 7 months
Do you have the word sin in any of your fics? 👀
hello again hehe i thought i didn't but i actually do! surprise
this is from my unpublished fic freudian theory and complex humanity (i have like 4 fics total so everyone is going to hear the same titles over and over again helpp). summary and other snippets of the fic here!!
also omg i just realised this snippet is a direct prequel to the other one i just posted because that one is a callback to this quote. that's crazy
Crowley looks softly at all these people. God's creations; her fallen creations. Flawed, full of sin, maybe, but all living on the existence—or absence—of one feeling that, at its core, is pure and good. He thinks about Aziraphale. "Esther," Crowley finally breaks the silence. Esther looks up and tilts her head at him quizzically. "What else are we," he says quietly, "but the things that we love?" Esther quacks. Crowley smiles wryly. "Yeah. I think so too."
ask game
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springday-aus · 4 years
Gardener!AU with Sanha
moodboard link
Group: ASTRO 
Member: Yoon Sanha
Genre: fluff, romance
part of the Odd Summer Jobs!AU ⇸ introduction of the Summer Boys!
check out the others on the au masterlist! 
Type: Butllerpoint AU 
Word Count: approx. 1.7k
I know, I know... a guy who can’t handle bugs does gardening?
highkey that’s the only downside of this job
the amount of wasps he’s had to wave off is…. many
one time he saw a bug in his garden in process and…….. let’s just say that Mark def lost some hearing bc Sanha kept screaming in the car bc he was afraid of having the bug follow him into the car
it was a whole thing
Sanha’s jobs includes two things: decorating gardens and cleaning them up
like some people hire him to make their garden prettier than it originally was
and others hire him to clean them up
there’s this one lady who hires him to just do the weeding in her garden
tbh it isn’t too hard of a job
it’s really just bc some people are too lazy to do it
and the other people like to garden with other people
overall, he actually really likes it tho
primarily bc most of the time, the customers leave him alone and, on top of that, he also gets free drinks
there’s also the personal satisfaction whenever his flowers blossom
But then there’s the sadness whenever he sees that they’re dead
Kaunlin: “are you crying?”
Chan: “just leave him alone, he needs a moment”
Jisung: “it’s more than just a moment that he needs”
Mingi: “ I mean, he’s not wrong…”
omg there was this one time that he worked on this garden for like three days and he was so happy with the result and then learned the hard way that he should plant seeds that are very low-maintenance
altho there are a couple of people he knows he can trust
it’s primarily the older folks who are just at home and don’t want to learn knitting
speaking of which
they find him super cute bc he’s just a tall, overgrown puppy who likes to run into a field of flowers
and he kind of is
bc he would def do that
whenever he helps Minhyuk with his dogs, Minhyuk just thinks it’s another dog he’s walking lmao
even tho Sanha told him that he was looking for inspiration
…. he just ends up in running in the fields anyways lol
back to the actual gardens themselves
they’re not really gardens bc it’s more of little areas that aren’t grass
he doesn’t limit it to just flowers and caring for them
this one time, someone wanted to start a vegetable garden and it turned out super cute
bc he helped them out, he gets free tomatoes now (whenever they’re in season obviously)
and he always shares them with the other Summer Boys bc he def gets too much sometimes
(there’s also another couple who gives him free cucumbers and he gets so many stink-eyes from Seungkwan and Chan and he ignores it but yeah)
he also does bushes—specializes the most in rose bushes
one time, him and this cooky, old, neighborhood lady wanted to try that thing from Alice in Wonderland
so he spent like five hours with her, painting the white roses red
a complete waste of time but it was so much fun
they had a bonding experience
on the other hand….
they kind of looked insane from an outsider’s perspective
Mark, from inside his car: “I was told to come here around 1…. should I just… leave him here?”
Chenle: “nah, we should stay and see where this goes”
Mark: ….. “I should really start charging y’all for these free rides”
Jisung: “shush”
moving on
he’s also part of this gardening club for his neighborhood
and it’s super adorable
bc half of it is where he gets most of his customers
the other half is mainly just the old ladies who call him cute
remember how I said there’s only a couple of people he trusts with his pretty gardens?
yeah, those are the only ones he trusts
so, this club is also important bc this is how he got to meet you
you were bored this summer and thought about picking up a hobby
there were flyers for a gardening club and you thought, why the hell not
when you came, there was definitely less people than you thought
and they were definitely older than you’d thought
but it was still fun
so you just kept coming
everyone was super nice to you too
you were having a good time
they meet like once a week so it’s not like you couldn’t make the time
(plus you were highkey satisfied with your flower arrangement—and it was actually really fun)
meanwhile the elders were like: “Sanha, look, it’s someone closer to your age”
Sanha: minding his business and watering his flowers
Sanha: “hm?”
“talk to them, you’re garden neighbors :)”
Sanha: ….. “okay”
with a bit of a push from the others, he slowly approached you while you were watering your side in the garden
Sanha: “hey”
You: “hi”
Sanha: topic of conversation, find a topic of conversation
Sanha: “I like those hibiscus flowers”
You: “thank you, it took a bit of time, but they turned out good”
Sanha: “yeah, they did”
Sanha: “they’re very low maintenance and they turn out beautiful”
You: “it’s literally the only reason I picked these seeds”
you two get to bond
and leave with a new number in your phones
you two get closer and closer with each week and each text
it’s cute
the elders were eating that shit up
some of your club pictures is just you two in the garden
with the sunshine and butterflies and dandelion leaves blowing in the wind
it was incredibly photogenic for a bunch of people in their mid-40s to 80s
anyways, it’s a beautiful friendship
so what changes?
there’s an exhibition at the botanical gardens and, the club makes plans to meet up to go to it
when you all meet up, you initially go off together
but since each section of the garden is so huge, you end up breaking up into groups and pairs and such
you and Sanha were under this gazebo in the Japanese Gardens section on a little bench that faces out on the mini sized river
the both of you were so caught up in the conversation, you didn’t even realize when your hands were laced together
it started from knee nudges to elbow bumps and then…. hands
the other club members definitely noticed but no one said anything to preserve the *possibly* rare moment of the two of you
you can count on the fact that they took a photo of that too
(they sent you copies like a week later btw)
you were both enjoying the silence for a bit
and Sanha is lowkey staring at your profile
you look so peaceful
he smiles to himself, a bit lost in thought
his concentration breaks once you start giggling
Sanha: “what… what’s so funny?”
you can’t look at him, instead you keep laughing to yourself and, you’re worried you kind of look like a maniac but
You: “nothing, nevermind”
Sanha: “no, tell me”
You: “okay, okay, but give me a second”
you clear your throat a bit, before trying to look at him again
You: “sorry, this is kind of hard”
Sanha: “don’t overthink it, it’s just me”
You: “it’s because it’s you though”
Sanha: “what do you mean?”
You: “I like you……”
his eyes widen from the confession
You: “you know, just a lily bit”
and then they close at your bad joke
despite the cringeyness of your words
he can’t hide his smile
Sanha: “that’s a shame because I like you very mulch”
when you get back to the group, you’re holding hands and the blush on your cheeks are very evident
“omg, Susan, calm down”
so, other than the time you two spend at the club, you both also spend most of your time together at the park
it’s nice and calming
and it’s super cute to see Sanha in his element
Minhyuk goes with you two sometimes
only sometimes
bc being the third wheel isn’t fun
hence why he brings dogs with him
but, no he’s glad his friend found someone who makes him happy
and lowkey he wanted to meet you to report back to the other Summer Boys that Sanha was in good hands
yo, when you met with the other Summer Boys
you could understand why they were so popular in their neighborhoods
they’re all so fun in their own ways
(Mark extended his rides for you too bc he’s such a sweetheart)
other notes
Sanha can’t kill the bugs
so that’s your responsibility now, whether or not you’re okay with that
if you are, you lowkey use tease him after killing or catching the bug
You: “it’s a bug, not a disease”
Sanha: “say that to the plague”
if you aren’t okay with getting rid of the bugs….. then be okay with it bc Sanha’s not doing it
Sanha: holding the flyswatter in one hand and bug spray in the other
Sanha: “you get it”
You: “nO you get it!”
Sanha: “nO”
You: “I’m not doing it!”
Sanha: “well, neither am I!”
The Bee: 👁️👄👁️
Sanha asks you to accompany him whenever he has to work on a couple of gardens
he likes your input
remember that rose bush thing?
he showed you it
and the lady he did it with? she invited you both in for tea
it was really fun
(she makes really good cookies)
but stuff like that occurred more often with you around
not exactly planting flowers, but more fun and creative ideas
you even recommended for him to do those fancy lights in the wintertime for extra money over break
(which he is totally going to do now)
it’s because of stuff like this that he trusts your ideas
it’s a good dynamic
You: “hey Sanha”
Sanha: “what?”
You: “I needed somebudy like you”
Sanha: “I thought we agreed no more flower puns”
You: “you like themmmmm”
Sanha: “I don’t know about that but I know I like you ;)” 
You: … “shutup”
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onecancelledstamp · 6 years
dating ~ andrew siwicki ~
hi, sorry im the most inactive blog ever :)
sorry i haven’t actually Written™ anything,,, i spend a lot of my time writing an ongoing story for the tv show the 100 (it’s on quotev, here’s the link!! check it out if you want??), so i dont have a lot of time to come up/plan long things
anyways,, i am kinda new to the shane dawson squad, so this isn’t gonna be very detailed lol sorry :( jk this ended up being way longer than i anticipated
author: onecancelledstamp
Tumblr media
sorry kind of hate how indented bullet points don’t show up on the phone? that’s Dumb™ :(
also. kind of making these up as i go, so there nowhere near as elegant in terms of writing and word choice as my previous one w/ bellamy blake. that was one that i had in my notes for a long time, but im really just making these as i go. sorry, enough rambling.
dating ~ andrew siwicki ~
you’d meet through shane and garrett because they’re just Like That™, and it would kind of be like that blind date shane set up w/ megan... but, like, better? (tea lol)
you’d be chilling around at your house one day when you just get this long-winded email from shane-- whose channel you adore-- saying that they have a brilliant idea and your potential soulmate
you accepted within an instant. relationships never seemed to work out for you, but your gut told you that this might be the right moment and person
also, a big part of you kind of hoped that things would work out really well with andrew & it wouldn’t just be for the youtube video. you really liked him and had always been hosting a small internet crush
you have a youtube channel, too, which is how everyone had found out about you. it would be pretty lowkey, but you had a lot of fun with it. probably the same style of video shane makes with his friends, but you can’t compete with shane’s work obviously
you do put a lot of work into your editing, however, and andrew can see that. he respects it, mainly because he is well aware of the process of it and how much hard work is required. it would probably be one of the first things you bond over.
you’re both always teaching each other something with editing or recording. you both are very skilled and telling each other tips and tricks
most of the videos on your youtube channel include all these cute days between the two of you-- almost vlog style--, yet all still original and extraordinary content. you guys are just so passionate about what you do & can’t wait for what the future has in store for the both of you, both in your careers and personal lives
garrett, shane, and ryland would honestly be your number one shippers and they’re constantly asking about the relationship and how it’s going. they’d literally never leave you alone about it
they’d probably also tease you and freak out each time you said something nice about him. or if your face lit up when you were mentioning him. or how you’d blush every time his name was brought up. tiny things like that. they’d scream, prompting you to blush even more and hid behind the sleeves of your sweater
although the blind date video seemed like one long cosmic joke, you actually had a really good time. you could tell he was nervous, obviously, but so were you. his nerves were quite cute, however. and you got to see a genuine, down-to-earth part of him that was very intriguing
he drove you home after the video, and you guys talked about anything that came to mind. conversation was just so easy. when he walked up to your doorstep, he seemed genuinely surprised when you asked if he was willing to go on a second date.
of course he was, but-- for whatever reason-- he thought that his feelings were unrequited (which was not true).
he didn’t kiss you at the doorstep after the first blind date, but the both of you felt that-- the moment after you walked inside-- you both had missed an opportunity, thus making you very excited for the dates to come
there’s going to be laughing. lots and lots of laughing.
all for different reasons, too. sometimes it could just be because he’s a generally nervous person, but he also finds everything you say to be hilarious & will lose his composure every single time
his laugh is literally the most contagious thing ever and you can’t help but smile and giggle along
he’s one of the most supportive people you know, truthfully. he’s such a great listener, too. he really cares about what you have to say and is always willing to help you out with the slightest of problems (maybe after a couple of jokes, though)
whenever you’re with the squad and recording a video, you and andrew are always behind the camera snickering to each other & the audience finds it to be the cutest thing
fans would make some of those compilations of all the best laughing/cute moments.... so pure
the squad was very welcoming & encouraged you to be in videos and hang out with them, and they became some of your closest friends. there was no pettiness, no drama, nothing. nothing like previous friendships. they wanted you to do great things. these people were genuine friends & the audience seemed to be very keen on you and your dynamic with the group
you also grow to love the rest of the squad as well. you share a special connection with all of them. shane, garrett, morgan, ryland,,,,, valid friends.
he continuously gets flustered each time he picks you up for a date because he finds you so beautiful,,, can literally never get rid of that giddy feeling because he’s just so in love with you
you once ask him if he’s going to do that every single time,,,, the answer is yes. every. single. time.
you two would probably send each other little snippets of edited clips or show each other a piece of a video that you’re struggling on and ask for each other’s creative expertise because you both have very unique visions. you both value the other’s opinion & sometimes it’s just fun to giggle over a funny part of a video once in a while
the two of you would never fight. even if you did, it was over something stupid and wouldn’t last that long. you really can’t stay mad at each other for more than twenty minutes without caving in and making up
lowkey......... kinda maybe the jealous type??? only a little bit. a valid bit,,,, like,, real cute. still undecided. anyways sorry moving on
you’d probably hang out all the time and just have editing parties. just like laying in the bed together and working on the latest project. once in a while, it would get too stressful and overwhelming and you guys would leave the house to go do something stupid
you guys both get really flustered and awkward in public for no reason, but you always find some stupid way to relieve all the stress... being in each other’s presence is just calming and a natural soother 
you’re constantly asking him to show off some of his talents: piano, rapping, and so many more that he keeps Hidden™ (but shouldn’t) he’s so talented and you constantly tell him that
he’ll probably just get really red and blush in response
the two of you are honestly and truly best friends. the bond that you two share is just so indescribable and incomparable to anything/anyone else. you guys understand each other in such a sincere and genuine way & both of you feel so lucky to have each other
honestly,,,,, soulmates?????
so soft,,, so cuddly,,, so valid. just imagine that! ugh! cute!!! cuddling in bed after a long day of following shane around to record a video and finally getting to settle in bed together and just relax. both fond of holding hands, which is quite common between the two of you, actually. it seems as if you never let each other go. (he also likes to rub his thumb over your knuckles or whatever, it’s just very calming)
you guys cuddle a lot, actually, and shane is always so excited to get it on camera. he really wants the best for both of you and it seems like this is It™
the whole relationship would just be so gentle and pure,,, and almost a little bit clumsy? if that makes any sense. neither of you know what you’re doing, but you make it work. you’re both very cheesy, but you find it ridiculously romantic.
just saying,,, you and garrett and andrew would be like a Power Squad™ with so much manic energy that you’re unstoppable
that’s all i got for now, but it is also midnight on a school night (not like that’s gonna stop me) so. yeah. i might edit this later and add more?? but this ended up way longer than expected so idk
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