#also the omma
detectiveships · 1 year
yo I started good bad mother and it's been two eps only and I'm blown away??? holy shit so much has happened and you're telling me there's more than 12 eps?? I'm hooked AF.
seeing lee do hyun being handsome (always) on my screen is a treat
be it him smiling or snapping (it feels good to see him playing a different role this time around, rebel and not such the good boi of always)
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herzlak · 4 months
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noch ein neuer kollege. frage ist: bleibt er oder geht er?
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makeitmingi · 1 month
Dream Come True
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Genre: Romance, Comedy, Cute Fluff
Pairing: San x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Mom!Reader, Dad!San, Daughter (Choi Haeun)
Summary: Your daughter has 8 best friends, also known as ANITEEZ. But her bestest friend, the one she doesn't go anywhere without is Sandeoki. So, after finding out the segment plans for ATEEZ's upcoming fanmeet, you and San decided to bring her for a little surprise.
Word count: 4.6K
[A/N: I know Sandeoki is a male but I followed the idea of San saying Sandeoki is a female and a princess.]
"Yeah, baby? Why are you shouting?" You came to her bedroom to see her sitting in front of her stuffed toys with a pout on her face. The pout very much mirrored that of her father's. It was absolutely adorable, your daughter Choi Haeun was absolutely a princess.
"I can't find Sandeoki's cape. She has to wear it when we go or she'll get cold if she doesn't wear it." She whined. You giggled and came over, sitting next to her.
"I'm sure it's here, baby. We have time to find it. Let me help you, hmm?" You stroked her head.
"Sandeoki's coming with us to see appa and samchons?" You asked, even though you already knew the answer to that.
"Mhmm, I want to bring all of them but I can't." Haeun pouted. The 8 Aniteez plushes were her best friends. But Sandeoki was her 'bestest friend'. Sandeoki went everywhere with her.
You called it manipulation, San only putting Sandeoki in front of Haeun so she would take to her first.
Of course, he wouldn't allow Haeun to like another Aniteez character more than his own.
"It's okay, baby. I'm sure they understand. You and Sandeok can tell them all about it when you come back." You cooed. She grinned at your words and nodded her head excitedly. You finally found Sandeoki's cape nestled within the pile and even helped her put it on the purple cat.
"Here you go. Sandeoki is ready for the Ateez fanmeet concert." You presented Sandeoki to her and she let out a loud squeal, hugging the plush happily.
"Sandeoki! Thank you, omma!" She cheered.
"You're welcome, baby. Now, let's get ready to go see appa." You kissed her cheek and led her out to the bathroom.
"I'm excited to see appa!" She said as you helped her change into her outfit. Haeun, from the day she was born, was a daddy's girl. Rightfully so since she was San's precious princess.
"You like to watch appa sing and dance?" You pinched her cheek.
"And samchons!" She added. You nodded and looked at her finished outfit, feeling rather proud of yourself.
You had picked this outfit and put the pieces together. It was a surprise for San. You usually did well with styling your child up or putting together outfits that mimicked the stage outfits that Ateez would wear for their performances.
"Do you like it, baby?" You asked as she went to the mirror to look at herself.
"I love it! It's so pretty." She jumped up and down. Haeun also has the energy of her father. You checked the time and went to gather the last bits of Haeun's things before the car would come.
"Let's go, baby!" You called out. Haeun hurriedly ran over with Sandeoki in her arms.
The car that San sent was already waiting downstairs in the carpark. The driver came out and bowed, opening the door for you.
"Thank you." You smiled and Haeun copied you. You smiled proudly and stroked her head, helping her onto the seat. Of course San planned for everything, there was a booster seat for Haeun ready.
"Will appa be happy to see us?" Haeun asked a the driver drove.
"Of course he will, baby. You're his princess and I'm sure he will be very happy to see how pretty you look too." You tapped her cheek. She grinned and kicked her feet happily, hugging Sandeoki and swaying from left to right. Haeun was so full of life and always happy, truly San's daughter.
"Alright, baby. Remember the rules?" You turned to her as the van was pulling up to the security checks, which meant you were already near the venue.
"Always stay with omma, appa or samchons. Don't run or talk to strangers." She recited, having memorised it.
"Good. Now let's go find appa." You helped her down from the van. She immediately held your hand.
"Hello~ Nice to see you Haeun~" All the staff that recognised you and Haeun greeted you happily as you walked in. You bowed your head while Haeun gave shy waves to everyone.
"Manager nim." You called out to one of the Ateez managers that was waiting for you. Seeing a familiar face, Haeun ran forward.
"Samchon!" She giggled and the manager smiled, scooping Haeun up into his arms.
"Thanks for waiting for us and picking us." You thanked.
"No need to thank, (y/n). Here are your passes for the day. Did you dress Sandeoki up for the concert? You take such good care of her." Just like that, the two were wrapped up in their own conversation while you walked alongside them.
"We're here. You can knock." The manager encouraged. Haeun boldly knocked on the door and there were voices coming from inside before the manager opened it for her.
"Appa!" Haeun got down and ran over to her father.
"My princess." San stood up with a big smile and picked Haeun up, lifting her up into the air and hugging her tightly.
"And there's my queen." San chuckled, coming over to wrap his free arm around you and place a kiss on your crown. You hugged his waist and kissed his cheek.
"Appa, put me down so you can see my clothes." Haeun squirmed. San obediently put Haeun down.
"Did you... dress her up in my Crazy Form outfit?" San turned to you in surprise.
"Impressive, huh?" You nodded with raised eyebrows, knowing San was fangirling internally. He held his chest and you were actually afraid he may be having a heart attack.
"Breathe, Sannie. Breathe." You rubbed his back.
"You look so pretty, princess. Even better than appa. S-Someone get my phone, I need to take pictures. Where is my phone?!" San frantically searched his dressing table and bag. He retrieved his phone and took multiple pictures, you even snapped pictures of the father and daughter together.
"Finally, it's our turn for some princess time!" Yunho opened his arms to give Haeun a big hug. Haeun loved it, she was soaking up all the attention her uncles were giving her.
"Oh, my baby! Come here, I've missed you." Wooyoung showered Haeun in kisses, making her squeal out in laughter.
"Uncle Wooyo! Tickles!" Her giggles filled the entire dressing room, bringing a positive energy.
"Wanna go see the stage?" Seonghwa offered. Haeun's eyes lit up as she turned to you and San for approval. The both of you nodded her head and Haeun left with her uncles.
"The moment she comes, the other 7 follow her like she's the pied piper." San shook his head in disbelief.
"Don't act like you aren't the biggest fool for her." You slapped his chest.
"That's true. She's a mini you, how can I not spoil her and worship her? I'll proudly admit that I'm the biggest fools for my two girls." San slung his arm around your shoulder to pull you against him, pressing his forehead against your temple.
"What are you going to do when she gets a boyfriend, hmm?" You raised an eyebrow. San gave you a disgusted, offended look with a deep frown.
"How dare you. Take that back right now." He said seriously.
"I'm serious, Sannie. One day, she's going to meet a boy and bring him home to meet us." You shrugged.
"No, no boys. Never. Both her and Sandeoki, no. No boys. The only man Haeun needs is me. She's lucky I let the other Ateez members be close to her." San shook his head in disapproval.
"She'll hate you if you scare off a boy she likes." You giggled.
"I don't care. She can hate me. And it's not just me. What makes you think the other 7 will be okay with a boyfriend?" San asked.
"Imagining that in my head is funny but scary at the same time. I feel sorry for the boy she'll bring home." You chuckled, leaning against San while he rolled his eyes. He just wanted to be done with this topic of boys and future boyfriends for his dear princess.
"Think she'll like her surprise?" San murmured.
"Definitely. I think she'll be so shocked she wouldn't know what to do." You giggled.
One of the reasons you brought Haeun today was because one of the segments of the Ateez Fanmeet was the members dressing up as their Aniteez characters.
"Sandeoki is her bestest friend. Imagine her meeting a lifesize one, even though it's still my face." San said. You nodded with a hum.
"Can't wait." You could only imagine Haeun's reaction to seeing San dress up as Sandeoki.
"Well, say goodbye to your regular clothes because you know once she sees you in your Sandeoki costume, she'll never let you remove it, right?" You chuckled.
"She loves me more than Sandeoki." San said confidently.
"Someone sure is delusional." You raised your eyebrows and looked away, making San frown at you with a small pout. He pressed his face close to yours, invading your space to try to make you take back what you said. He refuses to be anything less than Haeun's number 1. Yes, that includes you.
"Take it back." San pouted, leaning over you until you were sandwiched between him and the couch. You laughed, hands coming up to squish his cheeks.
"She really has your pout." You said. He rolled his eyes and grasped your waist, moving you to sit on his lap.
"San! There are people around and the other guys could come back with Haeun soon." You scolded him as your cheeks heated up.
"It's fine." He waved you off, keeping his grip on you.
As you said, Haeun ran in, holding a bag of candy with her while Wooyoung held Sandeoki for her since her other hand was holding Yeosang's hand.
"All she wanted to do was see the stage. I didn't think all 7 of you would go." You giggled as they came in.
"Omma! Appa! An unnie gave me candy! Lookie! Lookie!" Haeun showed you while you bent down to her eye level to see.
"Wow, baby. Did you say thank you?" You stroked her head. She nodded obediently and you smiled, complimenting her. Haeun ran to show San the candies and Wooyoung handed you Sandeoki. She only trusted Wooyoung and San with Sandeoki.
"Okay, continue your hair and make up before we need to do the fan soundcheck." Hongjoong clapped. Luckily, San did his hair and makeup so he could stay with Haeun and you.
"I want to give samchons candy." Haeun said.
"But that means you'll only have one left, princess." San told her, holding her tiny hands in his bigger ones.
"Hmm... That's okay! Samchons don't have candy." She pouted after thinking about her poor uncles without candy. San proudly hugged her, kissing her cheek.
"Go on." He patted her bum to encourage her but he still kept his eyes on her while she went around.
"Uncle Jongho. Candy for you!" She went to him and placed a piece of candy on his thigh while he was getting his hair done.
"Thank you, princess. That's very kind of you." Jongho couldn't look down at her but he could reach out to pat her head. Giggling, she went around to give out the rest of the candy before finding her way back to you.
"Where's Sandeoki?" Haeun looked around, realising she didn't have her best friend with her.
"With appa." You pointed to San, who was speaking with the stylist, still protectively holding Haeun's Sandeoki with his arm. She ran over to retrieve the purple cat but San just picked her up.
"Appa, I came for Sandeoki." Haeun explained, holding her father's cheeks.
"It's okay, you and Sandeok can stay with me." San laughed. Haeun nodded, knowing she had to stay quiet while San discussed 'work' stuff.
"The fans are here for the soundcheck. Let's get ready." Hongjoong rounded everyone up for the final briefing. Haeun sat in Mingi's lap, participating and listening to Hongjoong.
"Bye, princess. We'll be back." The boys bid Haeun goodbye as they went out for the VIP soundcheck. The fans all greeted the Ateez members happily. The manager invited you and Haeun to watch from the side wings. You held Haeun in your arms, not wanting her to accidentally trip or be in the way.
"Can you see appa?" You asked. She nodded and pointed to her father, who was smiling and waving at the fans.
"Are we going to stay here?" Haeun looked at you.
"For a while, baby. After that, we can sit out there and watch appa and samchons." You explained. She grinned and hugged your neck, eyes trained on her father and uncles.
"Thank you, ATINY! We'll see you later!" The 8 boys waved to the fans and came backstage.
"My baby." Wooyoung declared and stole Haeun from you, kissing her cheeks as you all headed back. San held your hand.
"Wooyoung's always stealing her." San shook his head. You laughed, you were glad that all the boys doted on Haeun as if she was their own daughter.
"Okay, grab a quick bite if you're still hungry and get changed." Seonghwa said, helping round up the kids since Hongjoong was speaking to the stage director. Since everyone was rushing around, you sat with Haeun on one of the sofas and gave her some snacks.
"Are you sleepy, baby?" You asked, tucking her hair behind her ears as she munched on her snacks.
"Nope!" She shook her head, holding one of her biscuits out to you. You smiled and leaned in to eat it appreciatively. San came over, having changed into his stage outfit.
"Appa!" Haeun beamed.
"Mmm, my princess." San cooed. He wanted to hug her and carry her but he knew he couldn't wrinkle his stage clothes.
"We're going on stage soon. I can't walk you to your seats but I'll get one of the staff to bring you." San told you, leaning in to give you a quick peck.
"Sure, Sannie, don't worry about us. We'll be fine. Good luck." You smiled. He squeezed your hand.
"Good luck appa!" Haeun wished. San leaned in closer to her and tapped his cheek. Haeun willingly gave him a kiss on the cheek but that caused a chain reaction because 7 others queued up behind San to receive good luck cheek kisses from the princess. San shot everyone a flat look.
"Yah, she's mine!" He yelled in outrage when Yunho demanded a kiss on each cheek from Haeun. Of course, they all ignored San, as if he could stop all 7 of them.
"Bye, princess." Mingi patted her head.
"Let's go, baby. Get Sandeoki." You told her. She held the plush with her and held your hand.
"Bye~" She waved to everyone as the staff member brought you out. It was a shame that for safety reasons, you could only watch from far away, you couldn't risk being in the VIP mosh pits.
"How's that?" You asked as you sat her onto the booster seat that was placed on the chair for her so she could see the stage.
"I can see." She told you.
When the show started, you and Haeun had the time of your lives, it was an Ateez concert after all. But you were excited, anticipating the surprise part of the concert and her reaction. So when the lights darkened and the intro the Bouncy started, you held your breath.
"OMMA! IT'S ANITEEZ! It's Sandeoki!" Haeun's jaw dropped as she screamed loudly. You were glad the fans were screaming too or else they would have heard her.
"Yeah, baby!" You nodded, helping her stand in her seat as she jumped excitedly, seeing her friends.
"Sandeok ah!" She yelled. You took a video, feeling your heart melt as she was just starstruck, seeing her 8 best friends on stage.
"Sandeoki!" Haeun waved, trying to get Sandeoki's attention. You didn't have the heart to tell her that you were both so far away, San or Sandeoki couldn't see her.
"Omma, did you see?" She turned to you with the biggest grin you have ever seen.
"Yeah, baby." You giggled.
"I love them." She declared to you once the song ended and the fans were just screaming for the boys dressed as Aniteez. You nodded and helped her sit back down.
It was time for the boys to do their introductions as Aniteez, with their specially tuned mics that made their voices higher and more kid-like. Hongjoong or Jjoongrami was the first one to go, waiting for the fans screams to die down a little before he could start. He sat on the ground, bouncing before he fell over.
"Oh no." You shook your head as you laughed at them. Seonghwa and San went to help him up, you knew that tail on Jjoongrami's costume must have been heavy.
"Ah!" But down went Seonghwa and San. Then the other boys stacked themselves on top.
"No!" Haeun reacted with a gasp. You assumed it was just a normal reaction until you turned your head to see her absolutely shattered.
"Sandeoki...?" Her bottom lip quivered as she watched in horror as San was squished at the bottom of the Aniteez pile by the others. Her Sandeoki even fell from her arms but you quickly caught it.
"Sandeoki!" Haeun burst out into tears, wailing as loud as ever.
"Hey, hey. It's okay, baby." You immediately picked her up, still shocked by her reaction.
"Shh, shh. Baby, they're just playing. Sandeoki is okay. Nothing happened to her." You told her but Haeun was inconsolable, firming believeing that her Sandeoki was hurt. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she cried for Sandeoki.
"Okay, let's get some air." Struggling slightly to gather your stuff with your free hand, you carried Haeun out of there. You didn't want her wailing to disturb the other fans.
"Alright, alright." You patted her back, swaying to calm her down. You brought her back to the backstage area.
"What's wrong? Did something happen?" The Ateez managers ran over worriedly.
"Everything's fine. She just saw Sandeoki fall and end up at the bottom of the pile but I told her Sandeoki's not hurt." You explained over Haeun's crying.
"Aww. Omma is right, princess. Sandeoki is okay. You'll see her soon." The managers all cooed and comforted her.
"Princess." You sighed in relief when you saw San, Hongjoong, Yunho and Jongho appear at the door.
"Baby, look who it is. See? They're okay." You pointed to the door and wiped her tears. The 4, especially San, were just as shocked to see Haeun so upset and crying. Of course, they expected her to be happy and excited to meet them in their Aniteez costumes. However, seeing Sandeoki, Haeun burst into another round of tears.
"What's wrong, princess?" San came over with a frown. You forced a smile as the manager helped you explain to the members what happened since you were trying to calm Haeun down.
"You guys get changed first. I'll settle her." San said and the 3 other Ateez members nodded.
"Princess Haeun?" San came over. Even though San's face wsa shown, Haeun didn't even register her dad as Sandeoki.
"You are such a good friend. But I'm okay, I'm not hurt." Although it was a struggle, San managed to carry Haeun into his arms. You reached over to wipe her tears and nose.
"Sandeoki?" She sniffled.
"Hello, Haeun. It's nice to meet you." San leaned his head down to let Haeun pat his head.
"You okay?" She asked. San nodded and used Sandeoki's cheek to nuzzle against Haeun, making her laugh. He put her down since he didn't want the giant costume head to hit her and Haeun hugged Sandeoki's leg tightly.
"I love you, Sandeoki." Haeun buried her face against Sandeoki's purple fur. Everyone in the room melted at her words. You knew San was trying his best to just explode.
"I love you too, Haeunnie. Thank you for being my bestest friend." San stroked her head.
"I'm your bestest friend?" Haeun looked up.
"Yes, of course." San chuckled. Haeun looked at you with excitement before she squealed and hugged San again. With Haeun calm, she bid goodbye to Sandeoki, who went behind the curtain to change.
"Go, we're okay." You said to San, who winked at you and ran back to stage while the other 4 Aniteez members came back in.
"Hi." Haeun shyly waved to them.
Hopefully it seemed like Haeun wasn't too scarred by what happened as Bbyongming and Wooyonyang chased after her playfully for a bit and ran around with her.
"Baby, shall we go finish the concert?" You held out her own Sandeoki to her. Haeun gave Sandeoki a big hug, stroking her ears. Reaching up to hold your hand, you led her back to your seats to finish the rest of the Ateez concert. And thankfully, there were no more Haeun meltdowns.
"Thank you, ATINY!" The boys all waved and Haeun waved excitedly before leaving with you.
"Are we going to see appa and samchons now?" She asked. You nodded and went to the waiting room with her. Haeun sat in your lap, yawning and rubbing her eyes.
"Are you sleepy, baby?" You asked. She nodded, burying her face against your chest. You rubbed her back.
"But I wanna wait for appa~" She whined but was interrupted by another yawn.
"Okay." You stroked her head, you knew the boys wouldn't come in so fast. There were usually VIPs that came backstage for photos and a debriefing session after performances.
"Is she asleep?" You asked a staff since you couldn't see Haeun's face with the way she was leaning against your front.
"Yeah, she is." The staff member replied with a small smile. Grabbing one of the throw blankets, she unfolded it and draped it over Haeun. You smiled gratefully and mouthed a 'thank you' before she left so she wouldn't disturb Haeun.
"Would you like to go to one of the other smaller rooms? It'll be quieter." One of the hairstylists came over to you, an adoring smile on his face as he looked at Haeun.
"No need, thank you. She doesn't seem bothered by the noise." You giggled. He chuckled and went to pack up.
"You must have been tired, hmm?" You whispered, kissing Haeun's head as she rested against you.
"Good job everybody!" The 8 loud boys yelled as they entered.
"SHHH!" All the staff shushed the boys with angry looks, making the 8 jump in shock and huddle together like scared puppies. You couldn't help but laugh, their relationship was truly special.
"Haeun is sleeping!" One of the managers whispered harshly. You were touched that they really all cared about Haeun sleeping.
"Awwww, poor princess. This is way past her bedtime." San came over with a small frown as he took in Haeun sleeping soundly in your arms. You smiled and lifted a hand to wave at him. That made San smile as he leaned over to give you a kiss, being careful not to disturb Haeun. He gently stroked her head.
"Let me quickly change then we'll go home. Get the princess to bed." He told you.
"Take your time. Good job, everyone. We had a great time." You said to the other boys. They all smiled and thanked you before going to change out of their stage outfits.
"Let me carry her." San offered.
"It's okay, San. You were working the whole day, you must be tired." You shook your head.
"Don't worry about it. I'm never too tired for my princess." San insisted, reaching over to carry Haeun. She stirred for a bit, making the two of you freeze.
"Shh..." You patted her back and she relaxed in San's arms again. You let out a sigh of relief and went to hug the boys.
"Get home safe." Hongjoong patted your head. You and San waved before leaving.
Luckily San had called a cab earlier to take all 3 of you home. Since the managers had to send the others home, you were worried about having San and a sleeping Haeun with you. You didn't know if you would be harassed by fans trying to get a picture of your family.
"I didn't think Haeun would cry." San chuckled, leaning against the headrest as he looked at you.
"She was crying for Sandeoki. I'm not sure if she knows the concept of death or what it is but she sure knows what is it like to be hurt. And to her, Sandeoki was hurt." You giggled.
"I thought bringing her would make her dreams come true, not make her cry. If only I didn't trip over Seonghwa hyung..." He sighed.
"You did make her happy, Sannie. She was so happy when you guys came out on stage." You cupped his cheek.
"Now I hope I didn't traumatise her for life." He shook his head.
"I'm sure she's fine. She was over to moon, getting to hug Sandeoki and meet her backstage. Plus she played with the others too." You assured him and San leaned into your touch with a small smile.
"She was so cute though. Please tell me you took pictures or a video." San said.
"Of course I did. One day, she'll be so grateful for all that you do for her. You're the best dad ever." You smiled softly.
"Well, I can only do it with the best mom and wife." San complimented back. When the car stopped, you all got out and headed up to your family home. Even though he was busy working and performing, San still helped you with Haeun. You both wiped her body with a wet cloth and changed her clothes.
"She'll have to shower tomorrow morning then. Luckily I showered her once before leaving the house." You said, putting the clothes in the laundry while San helped you unpack Haeun's bag.
"You can shower first, Sannie." You told him.
"Thanks, baby. Let me go return Sandeoki first." San held the purple cat and quietly entered Haeun's room.
"Thank you for always taking care of her." San stroked Sandeoki's head before tucking her under Haeun's arm, who automatically snuggled against Sandeoki.
"Goodnight, princess." San kissed Haeun's head before leaving. He went to shower while you made San a late night snack.
"Baby, I'm done." San came out after his shower, rubbing his wet hair with a towel.
"Alright, I'll go shower. I made you kimchi udon, you're always hungry after a concert because you don't eat dinner." You said. He nodded, you knew him so well. You tip toed to give him a kiss before going to the bathroom to take a shower.
When you came out of the bathroom, San was laying in bed, fast asleep with his phone in his hand. You went out to see the lights off, table cleared and dishes done.
"You must have been tired." You repeated the words you said to Haeun, taking San's phone and putting it to charge on his nightstand.
"Mmm, baby...?" San woke up when he felt your hand brush against his.
"Rest, Sannie." You said, climbing into bed.
"Hug me." San opened his arms. You laughed and scooted close to him, letting his arms wrap around you. He laid against your chest, your heartbeat always able to lull him to sleep.
"Thank you for working so hard for us." You whispered, pressing your cheek against his head.
"Anything for my queen and my princess." He mumbled.
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melodyanqel · 29 days
Far Away | cj
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summary: times have been rough for jongho due to being long-distance from his precious family. so, he receives a surprise.
pairing: idol!husband!father!jongho x non-idol!wife!mother!reader
genre/tags: fluff, idol au, established relationship, married couple, family reunion, aniteez cameo
wc: 1k+ words
a/n: i enjoyed writing this fluff and i hope you luvs enjoy reading it (>⩊<)
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Coachella ATEEZ.
The title is unreal to the members, the fans, and everyone else in the world. It’s another mega achievement in the group’s career, making it a golden moment in K-pop history. After months, days, hours, and seconds of their lives, the day has come, ready to bring a show. Most importantly, two secret guests are surprising someone. He doesn’t know that his wife and little girl are traveling out of the country to see him. 
The mother and daughter have made it to the airport. 
“Are you ready to go meet appa, darling?” You asked your beloved angel. She has her small hand holding yours. Choi Juhee, also known as ATEEZ’s princess and ATINY’s baby. A high-spirited two-year-old with the sweetest soul in the world. Juhee can make any stern, cold person melt on the spot because her cuteness is too precious. She has a strong resemblance to her father and it’s a bit uncanny. 
Jongho’s pretty boba eyes, round face, defined nose, and smile. 
Even her uncles believe Juhee is a ”mini Jongho.” 
“Appa? Where?” The baby asked her mother, looking around the area. You laughed softly, “Not here, but we are seeing him.” You tried to have Juhee comprehend that she’ll be with her father soon. Your daughter is still learning to speak and remembering people and places around her. She knows her uncles because she sees them every day. 
While waiting for the plane, you and Juhee sit by the entrance. Your little girl is playing with her JJONGbear plush, while you read the messages from the members, excluding Jongho, on a private group chat.
Joongie: Are you boarding yet? 
You: We haven’t yet 
Wooyo: Jongho has been looking at pictures of you and Juhee throughout the trip
You: Aww. Do you all miss us as well?
Yuyu: Of course!
Sannie: You two make our days better!
Minki: It gets boring without you two
Hwa: Y/N, does Juhee know she is seeing her appa?
You: She does and tried looking for him at the airport lol
Yeo: How cute! I’m excited to carry her and hug you
Reading the adorable and heartwarming messages makes you less anxious because you miss your husband. Jongho’s music career has been evolving as the years go by and the fame did impact his life. He had less time with his family and more about making hits to amaze people. However, you knew what to expect when marrying a celebrity. It’s not something you could control because you adore his hard work and compassion. Despite the idol image, he is still your Jongho. 
It was also Juhee’s first time on a plane. She stares through the window and watches the peach sky with wispy clouds glow on her face. “Omma, looks like ANITEEZ.” Juhee directs you with her tiny finger at the window. You immediately understood what she meant because she is obsessed with her ANITEEZ friends. “Oh, wow! It does look like the sky where they sailed their ship.” You looked at your beautiful child with fondness. 
Approximately eleven hours later, the mother and daughter landed in California. When existing at the terminal, you notice the group’s manager is waiting for you both. You greeted and thanked them because they knew you’d be coming and wanted to help out for Seonghwa’s surprise. 
The gorgeous city is lit up during the dark hours. It creates a magical ambiance that can’t be forgotten. 
As a new day begins, you and Seungah are getting ready to meet up with the guys. You also did your best not to let your husband know you were in the same hotel as him. 
“Omo! You’re so pretty! Are you an angel from heaven?!”
You are dressing up Juhee in a pretty pink dress with her hair in a ponytail with a glittery silver bow. It has become warmer, these days, so it is best to wear lightweight clothing. Juhee just smiles, revealing her growing teeth. Somewhere in the future, she’ll have a lot of people chasing for her. It once occurred to you that Juhee would be a musician like Jongho. But overall, you will support whatever decision she makes that brings her joy. 
“Alright. Let’s see appa and the uncles at the park. Don’t forget baby, we are surprising appa.” You and Juhee are finished getting ready. The outfits are stylish, the makeup is on point, and the hair is nicely done. You also put her JJONGbear in a small backpack. 
Upon sneaking up on Jongho, you and Juhee decide to surprise him from behind. 
The maknae and his hyungs are sitting under the tree having a picnic in a gorgeous park. Hongjoong is the first to see you and Juhee approaching so quietly. The members except for Jongho see them coming in their direction. They remained calm and quiet as possible. 
“While I was practicing, I tried to hold the flag properly during “The Real” performance but the wind–”
Jongho felt his heart almost jump out of his chest when small arms wrapped around his neck. His eyes widened in shock, as soon as he saw his daughter’s gorgeous face. “Hi, darling.” You nonchalantly greeted your husband with a wave. 
At once, his hyungs burst out laughing and cheered ecstatically. Jongho comes back to earth and brings his baby into his arms. Juhee’s infectious laughter filled the air. Jongho presses a kiss onto her mochi cheek. You then join your little family hug. You placed a kiss on Jongho’s temple. 
“What is all this?!” Jongho is still confused. 
You couldn’t stop smiling at your adorable husband. “A surprise! We all set it up for you because we wanted to cheer you up.” You explained briefly. Jongho’s heart melted. You traveled hours long just to see him. 
He brings a kiss on the lips and the members squealed at the sudden bold maknae. Juhee didn’t notice her parents were sharing a sweet affection because she was too focused on the candy. Jongho slips away his lips from yours to say, “Thank you so much, my love.” 
You chuckled blithely. “You’re very welcome, my Haribo.” You called him by his nickname. You’ll never stop using it since you first fell for Jongho. 
Soon enough, the Choi Bear family and ATEEZ have a lovely picnic together. Not to mention, the members fought over Juhee to have her sit with one of them. 
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stayconnecteed · 1 year
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🪐˓⠀˚⠀eyes off you⠀@⠀hwang hyunjin.
synopsis: changbin starts with the letter c, as does cupid. for months he has been feeding both hyunjin and you with information and details about each other, waiting for the right moment to introduce you. fate takes matters into their own hands, and you end up meeting in his house - but a misunderstanding created by your best friend makes him think you hate him.
SEE MORE.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀9.8k words. ⠀⠀general mlist.⠀⠀join taglist.
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⠀⠀⸺⠀⠀warnings ★ reader is changbin's sister's best friend. brief mention of death (as a joke between friends, like "you have death wishes" and that), insecurities, mention of toxic ex boyfriend, absent father, mother's death (two years ago), i think i wrote "fuck" once only. description of kissing/making out two times. let me know if i missed something.
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The day Changbin introduced you, he immediately regretted it. At first because he thought you had disliked each other, but soon the cause was the chemistry you shared. Too much for his own good. As chance would have it, on the same day that Hyunjin had been invited to have lunch at his mother's request, taking advantage of the fact that his family was spending the vacations in the area, you had stayed over the night before with your best friend 一his sister. You had been having a tough few days at work because your boss didn't usually respect your schedule and burdened you with assignments all the time, and you had also just gone through a pretty intense week of exams at the university. You needed a couple of days of relax with Eunhae, enjoying the quietness of her home and the kindness of her mother, without having to worry about anything else. In fact, your friend had seen how bad you'd had it and was eager to shower you with treats, so it was a win-win situation for both of you.
You had tried to stay up late finishing the series you had started weeks ago, but as exhausted as you were and once you had filled up on pizza and sweets, you couldn't help but fall asleep, each in your own bed, humming with happiness as you felt the warm touch of the sheets against your skin, and curled up until you fell asleep. That's why the next day Eunhae had woken up first 一she wasn't as tired as you. And that's why you hadn't been able to go back to sleep once she decided to wake up the whole neighborhood when she tripped over something on the floor and fell over noisily. You blinked, confused, having been ripped from your slumber abruptly, and grunted when you noticed the light coming through the door your friend had left open. Well, to be honest, maybe it was noon already. But your need for sleep went beyond the necessary hours: until someone woke you up, or the alarm went off, you preferred to embrace your moments of quiet.
You frowned as a shadow obscured your field of vision, and tried to figure out who it was, but your gaze was still slightly blurry, so it wasn't until said person whispered a soft "Good morning" that you realized it was Changbin. You managed a small smile, merely wiggling your fingers lazily in greeting, and he took that as a cue to lean lightly against the door.
"How did you sleep? Did you manage to get some rest?"
"Mm-hm," you murmured, narrowing your eyes to focus on his features, "whenever I sleep here I sleep better."
"Even if Hae ends up waking you up sooner than you'd like?" he asked, stifling a laugh.
You snorted, covering yourself with the sheets up to below your eyes, and nodded with a pout of feigned annoyance.
"I was just coming to let you know that Omma invited a friend of mine over for lunch and he's already arrived" he announced, repositioning his bangs in a distracted manner, "in case my sister hadn't told you."
"Oh, yes, she had said something" you replied, incorporating a little, "but thank you for making sure."
Changbin made a casual gesture, as if it didn't matter, and said goodbye, leaving you with some quiet time before Eunhae returned. Because when you heard the bathroom door close you knew that when she got to the room, if she saw you awake, she would jump on you, not caring in the least about your physical well-being. She had always been like that, impulsive and abrupt, but it was her love language, so you accepted it.
"Good morning, YNNNNNN!" she exclaimed, perhaps too loud for your ears, and then you felt her weight on your body, as she tried to give you a hug. Even though you were expecting it, you couldn't help but let out all the air all at once, sinking into the mattress, and when you succeeded in disentangling yourself a little, pushing her away to your right, you managed to crawl out of there and sat down on the floor, taking a deep breath.
"I totally hate you right now" you managed to utter, hand on your chest, in a dramatic way.
"No, you don't."
"You know I could kill you and I wouldn't feel bad, right?"
"No, you don't," she repeated, smirking with superiorly, "besides, you wouldn't stand to get blood on my mother's floor and have to watch her wipe it up."
"Who said anything about blood?" you asked, getting up clumsily, and throwing yourself on top of her, who welcomed you with open arms.
"See, that's how you do it" she pointed out, cuddling up next to you.
"Don't mess with me" you mumbled, trying to pretend to run away from her, while Eunhae let out a little scream and clung to you like a koala bear. You both ended up laughing your heads off after goofing around for a while longer, even as your belly started to growl, and you noticed the void of hunger that had settled inside you.
"I'm hungry" you announced, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.
"You're always hungry" she protested, turning back to her bed to grab her phone. "Go ask Omma for something, you know our home is your home."
You smiled, happy, and put on your slippers, without paying much attention to your appearance. The last thing you expected to find in the kitchen when you came in, yawning, was a boy. Technically you did, because Changbin had told you so, but certainly not that boy. Tall and slender, hands tucked into the pockets of his stylish pants, expensive-looking shirt splayed impeccably over his torso, and leaning up against the table in front of the island in the center of the room, listening to Eunhae's mother talk with a tender smile on his lips and his eyes turned into beautiful crescent moons. You stood in the doorway for the few seconds it took to react, and turned around immediately, running away and praying that no one had noticed.
You returned to your friend's room, flushed and wanting too much to smother her with her pillow. You slammed the door shut behind your back and leaned against it, shooting a murderous glare at Eunhae, who didn't bat an eye as she looked up from her phone, talking oblivious to you:
"I got a call from Jaemin..." she began, sliding her finger across the screen lazily.
"You said a friend of Bin's was coming" you interrupted her, pointing at her with a threatening gesture.
"Yeah, right."
"You didn't mention he was a model that came literally out of a Vogue magazine" you mumbled, covering your face with your hands in embarrassment.
"I said I had a friend of Bin's coming over for lunch who Omma really likes" she explained, trying to figure out what had happened after you left. "I didn't think it was necessary to specify."
"Hae! I look awful right now" you protested, with a pout on your lips, pointing at her. "I thought you were talking about Eunwoo and the rest, not an idol friend. I don't want him to see me like this."
"Okaay, sorry for not specifying" she acknowledged, rolling her eyes playfully as you began to pick up the clothes that were cluttering up the floor. "Look, it's perfect, because as I was telling you, Min called saying that his parents have gone on a trip and left the home for him to take care of."
You pause in your actions, lifting your gaze slowly from the floor to your friend, and she smiles, knowing in advance what question it is you're going to ask her, and that thanks to that she's already convinced you.
"The home that has a pool?"
You see her nod with a big smile plastered on her face, sitting up in bed.
"Who's going?" you ask, frowning, not quite believing the proposition.
"I think it's just us" she replies, unlocking her phone to look at Jaemin's stories on Instagram, "because he mentioned Junhan, but talked about him as if he's already gone."
"Okay" you concede, with an exaggerated sigh, "but you're leaving me your blue bikini."
"Done!" you exclaim, tossing the phone between the sheets, suddenly useless, and standing up abruptly, "And you pick what we eat and where and I'm paying and I promise you won't have to play third wheel."
"Wait a minute," your words make Eunhae freeze on the spot, "Min said, explicitly, that the invitation was for you and me?"
You drop all the clothes you had gathered when you see your friend shy away from your gaze, and you open your mouth in surprise, feeling betrayed.
"Hae!" you exclaim, grabbing your pillow and throwing it in her face. "I'm sick of playing the third wheel! You need to stop taking me with you on your dates just because you feel guilty!"
"I know, I know!" she shouts back, shielding herself from you and your attacks. "I'm sorry!"
"Look, I adore you, I really do," you tell her, sitting on your bed, knees drawn up to your chest, "and Jaemin is great. You make a lovely couple, and when we hang out in group you guys are adorable. But in times alone, you deserve to be in each other's company, and that's it. Not me running around cutting you two off. Have you ever wondered how it feels for him when I show up unannounced for your dates? Or how it feels for me to see you all lovey dovey?"
Eunhae frowns to keep from pouting so you can see the tears threatening to slide down her cheeks.
"I had no idea it was that big of a deal," she murmurs, and her voice breaks at the end of the sentence, making you move to hug her half-sideways, both of you sitting on the edge of her bed.
"That's what I'm here for, Hae-Hae" you reply, your voice soft, calm, and you look at her warmly, the look of infinite affection from a friend you know will never disappear from your life "to explain. Your boyfriend is yours, and there are moments meant to be lived between you two, with no one who can see you. There's a certain intimacy to that that even the best sex can't reach. If you really want me to go, I'll go, and I'll apologize to him, but I'll stay by the pool and you guys can cuddle on the couch and watch a movie or something, okay?"
"And I swear it has nothing to do with Sehun" you told her, knowing what the main reason she was doing this was. "He broke up with me over two years ago, it's in the past now. It doesn't matter how toxic it was. If I'm over it, you have to be too. Your job is to be happy for me, as a friend, not try to protect me from the unknown. That's what we already have Changbin for, right?"
You see her nod, suppressing a smile, even with sad eyes.
"Besides," you clear your throat, pulling away from her a little, "what was it like, I choose what we eat and where and you pay? And you owe me one, so, of course, I steal your blue bikini because it's gorgeous and you know I love it."
At your words, she can't help but let out a laugh and shake her head, affirming without hesitation and rushing to rummage through her closet until she found your favorite bikini. She tosses it to you with an amused gesture, and you stick your tongue out at her.
"I'm going to the bathroom, but then we're leaving, I'm hungry" you informed.
"Wait, is that why you didn't take anything from the kitchen?" she asked, cracking up laughing, "Were you embarrassed that he saw you like that? YN, you look amazing!"
"Shut up!"
And you walked away, trying to hide your strained smile. You knew she was saying it because she really meant it, but you couldn't help but hear your ex's voice in your head, mumbling that it wasn't true, that you were lucky he wanted to be with you, and that if it wasn't for him, you'd be alone, because no one would want to be with someone like you. They were words you had never told, not even to Eunhae. She knew that he had treated you badly, and that's why she hadn't hesitated for a second to help you get out of there, to get away from him. But the damage was already done, and it was a wound that the more it healed, the more it hurt. You were much harder on yourself than you had ever been, and although you knew that you should not compare yourself with others, you could not help but look at the rest of the people who used to surround you, so beautiful and shining, and realize that you were just a twinkling star next to them, occasionally shining, but slowly fading away.
You decided to take a shower, knowing that your hair is a bit of a mess, and took advantage of Eunhae's hair products to apply them lovingly, enjoying your moments of self-care. You've always liked the way Seo girls' hair smells, and you stifle a smile as you remember how Changbin used to wash his hair with his mother's shampoo, just like his sister, to get you to fall asleep leaning on his shoulder. It's a smell you automatically relate to the comfort and quality of a family that has always opened their arms wide to you, without reproach or mistrust. You were happy, whenever you were with them.
You tried to do some skincare, but you gave up at the second attempt to remember what was the exact order in which your best friend had taught you to use them, and you had decided to stick to the basics, brushing your hair and letting it air dry, even though it was probably foolish because as soon as you could you would dive headfirst into the pool and it would get wet again. You hurriedly put on the famous blue bikini, and the shorts you had grabbed from on top of Hae's desk on your way out of his room, stuffing the t-shirt she had lent you into the laundry basket.
But when you opened the door to leave, Changbin's idol friend was leaning against the opposite wall, cell phone in hand, sliding the pad of his thumb casually across the screen. He looked up, scanning your figure, and began to blush when he saw that you were only in shorts and a bikini, the straps of the lower part showing through the low waistband of your shorts and the upper part tracing the curve of your breasts and your collarbone. When you noticed it too, you pretended to lock yourself back in the bathroom, but were interrupted by Eunhae.
"You're finally coming out!" you heard her exclaim from her room, approaching, the wall hiding the embarrassing situation you were in. "Actually you'd have to thank me because going to Jaemin's house is the perfect excuse to leave now that you know Hyunjin is here" then she appears, a playful gleam in her eye once she passed the corner of the hallway that prevented you from seeing her, too focused on the phone between her hands, as she chuckles to herself at the sentence she's going to say, "You won't have to see him again unless you look for him in Naver!"
Then she looked up, waiting to see your reaction. But instead of finding you trying to hold back a laugh or rolling your eyes, she saw perfectly your attempt of an awkward smile, wrapping yourself in a hug so you wouldn't feel so exposed, and how the idol next to you tensed in response to her words, still with flushed cheeks, not knowing where to look. You cleared your throat softly, bowing slightly to the boy and mumbling an apology, then approaching in two quick steps to your friend, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her close until you were both locked in her room.
"You have a death wish today, that's for sure" you told her, leaning against the door and letting yourself slide down until you were sitting on the floor, knees drawn up to your chest and head in your hands.
"In my defense, if he knew the context, he would have thought it was a pretty good joke" she commented, grabbing a dress from her closet to slip on over her bikini top.
"A joke?" you ask her, eyes wide, your arms raised in a gesture of exasperation. "Hae, I bet he thinks I hate him or something!"
"Probably" she states, watching your reaction. "Wait, why do you care so much what he thinks? Don't tell me that...!"
"Shut up" you whisper, looking up from the floor at her with a frown. "Don't even think about saying the word «crush». This is all your fault, you damn Seo siblings. You could have mentioned that Changbin's mysterious friend was Hwang Hyunjin!"
"And does it make this boy so special that he stole your heart?" asked Eunhae, raising an eyebrow, teasing you.
"I beg you pardon?" you exclaimed, standing up and gesticulating in an exaggerated manner, waving your hands as you spoke as you did every time you got excited about something. "To begin with, you haven't stolen anything from me. And to follow up..., do you even listen to Binnie every time he comes home and tells us about his band mates? Just from what he says, I like them all. But Hyunjin... I don't know, Hae. He's... he has an impressive sensitivity. I've seen pictures of the paintings he paints, and it's the way he does it, with the blends of colors and his way of depicting and seeing love. And how hardworking he is, the history he's had. I admire him so much. I don't think I could be half as strong as he has been. Beyond his work as an idol, beyond how talented he is at dancing, or composing, or rapping, it's the version of him that he shows with those who are part of his circle, the version of a wonderful person, who has suffered too much but is still grateful for everything good that happens to him. That's the part of him that I idolize, to be honest, if that's the correct word to use."
"Wow" your friend murmured, looking at you with wide eyes and a hand over her heart, amazed by your monologue.
You couldn't help but blush, covering your face with your hands, realizing everything you had said. "Sorry" you mumbled, "I don't know what I was thinking".
"You were thinking about Hyunjin, baby," she answered you, her tone soft, as if afraid to scare you away. "And what he's inadvertently done for you since Changbin tells you about what he does and what he's like."
"It's been a stupid thing to say, he... I just didn't expect to see him in the kitchen, that's all" you said, turning around and looking for a random t-shirt in the closet to put on.
Eunhae watches you with a sad look on her face, as you pick up everything you left around the room the night before, and put it in your backpack neatly, following your own order, until it's all collected. Then she helps you make her bed and pick up yours, which is the kind that folds up, the pull-out trundle bed her mother bought after your second sleepover, years ago, when she realized you were going to be much more than just friends. Since then you've been there for each other each and every time you've needed each other, putting each other before the rest of the world.
And that's why I knew you were projecting. You hadn't had an easy life, with a father practically absent and a mother too busy working to bring money home to give you the affection that any child would have needed. You had been extremely lucky to have met Eunhae on your first day of school, and once her mother found out what your situation was, she tried to establish a friendship with your own mother so she wouldn't be suspicious of how many times you slept over at the Seo's home, or how often Hae brought lunch for her and you. More than once, you had told your friend's mother, only when you had been in a moment of weakness, that she had saved your life. She had replied, each time you had mentioned it to her, that you were just another daughter to her, and that she would do it again and again if given the chance.
In your second year of college, when your boyfriend was starting to show his toxic nature, you had received the news that your mother had passed away, and you had had a really hard time. Hae had had to pick up the broken pieces of your heart, and even Changbin 一the little brother you never had一 had used his vacation time to spoil you as much as you allowed him to. Little by little, you had managed to climb out of that hole, but you still had seasons of downs, and your friend was very protective of you, just as you had always protected her from bad influences and flings and so-called friends of dubious intentions. So when Hae looked to see if Jaemin had sent her any messages and saw that she had one from her brother, she began to form a plan in her head.
Binnie What happened in the bathroom?
Noona I made a comment that Hyunjin shouldn't have heard.
Binnie Istg, noona, I don't bring friends home for you to insult them.
Noona Bin, listen, it wasn't about him, it was about YN.
Binnie I don't care, because now Hyunjin is sad, no matter how much he tries to hide it so Omma won't notice.
Noona I swear I'll apologize to him later, but it's just that I need your help now.
Binnie He was really looking forward to meet YN and now I'm sure he would rather have stayed with his parents instead of coming to see us.
Noona Seo Changbin, shut up and listen.
Eunhae watched as the bubbles that indicated her brother was typing stopped, and she sighed, glancing sideways at YN to check that she was still focused on whatever she was watching on TikTok at the moment.
Noona I told YN we were going to a friend's place, but after what happened in the bathroom, I'm more and more certain that she should stay here, with you guys.
Binnie Why should she?
Noona Because you've been playing Cupid without realizing it, Binnie. Just keep up with me.
"Are you talking to Jaemin?" you asked, stuffing your phone back into your backpack and slumping onto the pouf Hae had in one of the corners of her room, "Shall we go now?"
"Yep!" she exclaimed, jumping up to help you to your feet. She knew she had a huge smile on her lips, but she couldn't help it. The plan she had in mind was going to work out, she was going to make sure of it. She grabbed the bag from on top of his desk and waited for you to get your backpack before leaving her room. Just as you reached the entrance of the apartment, Hae peeked into the kitchen for a moment to let her mother know that you were going to leave now. You waited by the door, shifting your weight between both feet every few seconds, hoping not to run into Hyunjin. But then you saw Hae's mother appear with a frown, and you feared the worst.
"You haven't had breakfast," she said, as a matter of fact, pointing at both of you.
"Don't worry, omonim" you tell her, offering a reassuring smile, "we'll buy something on the way".
"Mm-hm" her mother murmurs, not entirely trusting, "not only are you not going to eat breakfast, but I'm sure you'll eat whatever from those fast food places."
"That's not what..." you started to reply, but Hae interrupted you.
"The truth is, it was YN's turn to pick" he replies, ignoring your confused gesture and trying to keep a serious semblance. Then, when he saw his brother appear, he gave him a meaningful look, indicating him to intervene.
"You know YN always ends up at McDonalds" he mentioned, as if the subject was not with him.
"What are you doing?" you asked, frowning.
"Uh-uh, you eat here" his mother announced, ending the conversation.
"B-but, omma" protested Hae, looking in terror at Changbin, not having anticipated that their mother wanted her to stay too, "I already told Min that we were going, I can't cancel on him now."
"Well, you go," she replied, already from the kitchen. "She stays here. It's been too long since I've fed my YN."
Hae celebrates the victory with a quick smile of triumph to his brother, and promises herself to buy him something as a thank you. She then approaches you with an apologetic pout, and wraps you in a hug, mumbling something about how this way she'll listen to you and have some alone time with Jaemin. You snort, rolling your eyes and making one last attempt to hold her back, grabbing her wrist once more. But she lets go and Changbin attacks you with a backhug, forcing you to say goodbye to her.
"Do you have any idea why Hae wanted you to stay and eat with us?"
"That girl's been playing with fire all day" you sigh, resting your head on the idol's shoulder, and you hear him giggling. "You were in on it, weren't you?"
"I neither affirm nor deny if I don't have a lawyer to defend me" he replies, leading you into the kitchen.
Hyunjin is already seated at the table, the food ready to be served, chatting with Hae's father, who is seated at the head. You clears your throat, to make yourself noticed, and avoid the gaze of Changbin's friend as you greet the Seo patriarch with a big smile, since it's been a long time not seeing him.
"Hi, abeonim!" you say to him, bowing your head slightly.
"Hello, YN! It's been a while since you've been home!" you try to focus on answering him, but you know that Hyunjin has shifted his seat to make room for Changbin next to his father, and you can't help but notice his gaze on you.
"Yeah, I was seeing Hae in my apartment lately" you comment, considering whether taking a run would be a good option. "But yesterday I got the afternoon off and she convinced me to come over and watch some movies and relax for a bit."
"Okay, okay" he answered you, smiling, "you shouldn't work so hard. I'll talk to Eunhae about convincing you more often. Don't let so much time go by without seeing each other."
You made another bow, nodding, and listened to the matriarch turn off the stoves.
"YN, honey, sit next to me!" she exclaimed, appearing with a last bowl of food. "You have to tell me how everything is going!"
You tried to muster a smile, but your whole body tensed as you realized you would have to eat in front of Hyunjin. You cleared your throat as Changbin's mother served the food, and made a small gesture with your head by way of greeting towards the idol, who blushed slightly and looked away, while the younger Seo watched both of you attentively. Since his sister had spoken to him via chat, he had decided to pay more attention to your interactions.
Hyunjin had been incredibly lucky, he thought, when he had messaged Changbin telling him that his parents had rented a house outside of Yongin, the 3racha member's hometown, and the response had been an invitation to lunch from his mother. Not only that, but Changbin had told him that he thought he heard her sister come home with YN, so they would probably be gossiping together in her room or watching a movie in the living room. The dancer hadn't been able to hide his excitement, because ever since Changbin had told him about YN, he had wanted to know more about her.
And when, after excusing himself to the rapper's mother to leave the kitchen for a moment and wait a few minutes in front of the bathroom, the door opened, he would never have imagined he would see the girl he dreamed of meeting come out, her hair loose and still wet, falling down her back, her naked torso covered only by a baby blue bikini and in shorts. For a few seconds, his brain stopped working, and there was only her, with that look of surprise and half-open lips. Nor could he have imagined, of course, that Eunhae would show up at that moment, let alone the sentence she blurted out, "Going to Min's house is the perfect excuse to leave now that you know Hyunjin is here. You won't have to see him again unless you look for him in Naver!".
He didn't understand why she wouldn't want to see him again, if they had never seen each other before, but it hurt. He felt his heart clench in his chest, and he tried not to let his face express anything that was going through his mind. He avoided looking at either of you, and held his breath until you were no longer there, which was when he ran to lock himself in the bathroom. Unfortunately, Changbin knew him too well to hide his discomfort from him, though he flatly refused to tell him what had happened. Of course, Changbin wasn't an idiot, so he knew that whatever had upset him had to do with the other two people in the apartment at the time, and he saw him texting his sister before he could stop him.
The news that you would be staying for lunch with them when it was so obvious that you would rather be anywhere but there made him feel bad. The masochistic part of him, because he couldn't call it anything else, was glad to have you in front of him, to be able to enjoy your smile and your face light up the room when you were asked about something you were passionate about. Just as he shied away from your gaze when he was asked about his art, or how the group's choreography was going. He couldn't bear to see your eyes sparkle when you looked at him, knowing you were having a hard time just being in the same room as him.
That's why he couldn't help but get nervous when he offered to do the dishes, and you joined in his proposal, arguing that since both of you were the guests, the least you could do was clean up a bit. Changbin's mother had smiled at you the way his mother did at him when she was proud, and had merely nodded, shooing her husband and son away. Hyunjin had decided to pretend he wasn't hyper-aware of any of your movements to his right as you dried the dishes and utensils he was washing. But when you cleared your throat, ready to speak, his heart began to pound like crazy.
"I think I owe you an apology" you mumbled, sheepish, putting down the rag you were using to dry everything on the counter and leaning back against it, looking at the idol slyly.
Your heart was going so fast you thought it was going to burst out of your chest, but you took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself. Hyunjin wasn't much better, his hands shaking a little, and he set the glass he was washing down in the sink to avoid breaking it if he dropped it.
"You don't have to apologize if you don't want to" he answered you, his gaze focused straight ahead at all times, unable to confront you and satiate his need for answers, to find out why you didn't like him. "It wasn't your fault, anyway."
"I know it was Hae who said it, but... actually it was my fault," you explain, embarrassed, your knuckles white from gripping the marble. "She loves to make those kinds of comments, she has no filter. I know she'll apologize as soon as she gets a chance, too. We...we didn't mean for you to hear it."
"YN nim, you don't have to put on this act to apologize for a comment that was out of line but true nonetheless," he stated, almost pleading for the conversation to end. "Being an idol has taught me to accept that I can't be liked by everyone."
"But I do like you!" you reproached, realizing Hyunjin's interpretation of your apology. "I mean, I like what you do. I'm a big fan of your work."
"Ah, so you're stay" he inquired, beginning to crack a smile, thanks to your flustered state and the way you bit the inside of your cheek nervously.
"No, not exactly" you acknowledged, spinning around on yourself to stand shoulder to shoulder next to him. "I mean, I've heard your music, obviously. And I love it. I also remember watching some music videos when you debuted, or some award show, to support Binnie. But today... seeing you... I really didn't know who you were" you mumble, a little embarrassed. "I assumed you were an idol, of course, but the truth is Changbin has a lot of friends. You could have been Yeonjun or Felix and I would have reacted the same."
"So, by saying you like what I do...?" he asked, frowning.
"Oh, I was talking about your paintings" you replied, smiling finally. "I work as a secretary for the director of an art gallery in Seoul, but I'm studying Fine Arts. Changbin knows that I love anything that enters the artistic field. Whenever he comes home he always shows me pictures of your latest works or the photographs you have taken and shared with him. He saves everything so I can see it. Don't get mad at him if he didn't have your permission, please. I've admired you for a couple of years now. I didn't know..." you start, unsure if it's the right thing to say, "I didn't know that besides a hardworking person you were handsome too."
Hyunjin tried to observe you without you noticing, still speechless, and was able to catch the slight blush that covered your cheeks. Get mad at Changbin? He could never thank him the way he deserved after everything you had just told him. Did you admire him? Him?
"I don't know what to say, really," he mumbled, suddenly feeling shy.
You sighed in relief, and turned to him, extending your hand.
"Shall we settle things?" you proposed. You saw him flash a big smile, similar to the one he had when you had first seen him, and he nodded, taking off the glove he was using to wash up. "It seems to me that we haven't been properly introduced" you said, looking him in the eye, "my name is YN, please don't use formal honorifics with me."
"Nice to meet you, noona" he replied, holding your hand gently, his skin warm next to yours, "I am Hyunjin, a friend of Changbin's".
"Yes, he told me about you" you confided to him, as if you had erased from your memories everything that had happened previously, "I'm a big fan of your work. I like the way you represent love in your paintings."
Hyunjin blushed, returning to his work of cleaning cutlery and glasses.
"Thank you," he murmured, "I've heard about you too. I can tell he loves you very much."
"I've known him since he was very little" you laughed, making a nonchalant gesture with your hand, "it's probably because he prefers me to his sister."
"Maybe" he replied, letting out a laugh at your joke. "I'm so sorry you couldn't go to your friend's house because of me."
"Don't worry, it's not your fault" you reassured him, helping him clean up the sink once everything was neat. "Actually, it was the Seo siblings' doing, who ganged up against me. Anyway, Hae needed time alone with Jaemin, if you know what I mean."
You guessed he did when you saw him swallow and his blush worsened to a shade where not even the curve of his ears were safe from the crimson red. You let out a laugh when you saw him nod, not knowing what to do with his hands or where to look. You couldn't help but think it was cute. He was cute.
"I prefer the company I have at the moment, if I'm being honest" you continued, finding it too addictive to mess with him a little, now that you knew you made him nervous. "So, it's okay."
"My favorite people!" exclaimed Changbin walking into the kitchen, and putting his arms around your shoulders, wrapping you in a hug. "Are you going to take the car to go with Hae, noona?" he asked you, pressing his cheek to yours.
You started tickling him to get him off of you, and smiled when he started giggling and squeezed next to Hyunjin like he was a koala bear.
"No, I'm not in the mood," you admitted, leaning against the island after setting up the stools, "although I'm also lazy about having to go back to my apartment. Why, do you have any plans?"
"Actually, I was going to tell Changbin if he wanted to come to the house my family has rented" Hyunjin interjected, "because my parents are out to see the area and they took Kkami with them."
"Awww, my Hyunjinnie always thinking about his hyung."
Changbin's allergy, you remembered. He could be around animals, but being in contact with them directly, or the hairs they always left everywhere made his eyes watery, his nose red and he'd start sneezing, or have congestion. It was horrible both to feel it, and to see him suffer so much, especially since he really liked animals. Kkami must be Hyunjin's dog, then. The one Changbin talked about sometimes.
"I saw earlier that you had put on a bikini" Hyunjin continued, "if you wanted to go with your friend so you could swim, there is an indoor pool in this house. You can come with us."
The dancer felt quite proud that he had not stuttered when talking about when he had seen you in a bikini, and also that he had managed to carry out his initial plan: inviting you to spend more time with him. He had already wanted to before arriving at the Seo house, but after your little chat that idea had taken hold.
You exchanged a glance with Changbin, too nervous to let out the "Yes!" that deep down you wanted to exclaim, and he nodded, as if encouraging you to accept. You merely nodded, a shy smile trapped on your lips, and Hyunjin responded with another, one that made his brown eyes turn into crescents.
"Is it good for you now?" he asked, breaking away from Changbin, glancing at the time on his watch with a graceful twist of his wrist.
"I have nowhere else to be."
Changbin let out a shout of excitement and forced you to follow him around the apartment as he stuffed the essentials into a backpack and grabbed his car keys. He went on and on about how happy he was that two of his favorite people were beginning to form a friendship, and that you had so much in common that it seemed like fate. And as he explained that as much as it seemed like fate, it was actually his evil plan, you and Hyunjin exchanged amused and embarrassed glances, knowing that one way or the other, you were both grateful that it had happened this way.
Even though you would normally ask for the front passenger seat whenever you went in Changbin's car, given the circumstances you decided to give up your seat to Hyunjin, and you plopped down in the middle seat in the back.
"Who's in charge of the playlist?" you asked, dropping your backpack next to you and checking that you were carrying everything.
"Hyunjinnie!" shouted Changbin, starting up. "He's carrying the driver's phone. That means Maps and playlists."
"If you want to play your Spotify, or recommend something, just let me know and I'll pass you the phone" muttered the dancer, embarrassed by the way Changbin kept exposing him in front of the girl he liked.Did he like her? If he thought she was an amazing person before, now he was crazy about her, and wanting to get to know her more.
"Can I really?" you said, peeking between the seats and looking at Hyunjin, your faces too close for either of you to maintain a mask of indifference. You cleared your throat, blushing, and leaned back again, Hyunjin just as red as you.
"First the directions to our destination" Changbin claimed. But Hyunjin was still processing the small interaction you had just shared, still feeling the soft tickle of your breath against his cheek, your lips almost touching his skin.
"Hyunjiiin, where am I going?"
"Ah, yes, sorry" he replied, absentmindedly, entering the address into the cell phone, the female voice, monotone and canned, announcing the course you had to take to reach your destination.
While the driver listened attentively to the route to follow, Hyunjin handed you the phone. You searched for the Spotify app that you were aware Changbin had signed up for on premium, and it pained you to have to log out of his account in order to open your own. You knew you could search for your profile from his, but the playlist you had in mind wasn't public, so you had to settle for a non-premium plan, and put up with the advertising that played. While you were searching through all the playlists you had made for fun, a message arrived. You knew you shouldn't look at it because it wasn't right, but you also knew that the only person Changbin could have saved as Noona was his sister, so you wondered what she wanted, in case it was something important.
Noona How's it going over there, Binnie?
Was she really sending that to his brother and not to you? When it was you she had left against your will?
"Who's the message from?" asked Changbin, making eye contact from the rearview mirror with you.
"Hae asks how it's going" you reply, a confused gesture written on your face. You watch Changbin's surprise turn to a light blush in his ears and you frown, not knowing what to expect from the brothers once they were determined about something.
"Text her that all good, I'll tell her more later."
You nod, following his instructions, and when you see she's not online, you go back to Spotify, trying to find that playlist you created when you went on a trip with Eunhae to Japan and rented a car just so you could drive at night on uncrowded roads. It hadn't been a very smart move, given that you were two young girls traveling alone and unfortunately that attracted catastrophes, but you had enjoyed it a lot. When you looked at the notification bar again and saw that there was a new message, your heart skipped a beat, thinking that maybe Hae had written something related to what she and her brother were up to.
But it was actually an unanswered message from Felix, from at least half an hour earlier, which Changbin must not have seen because he was lying on the couch with his father while you and Hyunjin cleaned up. And then, when you decided to go on that trip, he must not have had time to reply. You told yourself you weren't going to read it because it would already be rude, but there was one word that caught your attention. Your own name. What could be the chances that he was talking about you? The whole message didn't appear either, only the beginning. It would be only a peek.
Yongbok Hyung, if you don't answer me I'm going to be very angry. I just want to know how Hyunjin hyung is doing with YN! He’s not answering either. You have to at least tell me if they've already fallen in lo...
And you couldn't read any more. What was Felix talking about? You and Hyunjin? Why did everyone suddenly seem so intent on finding out how well you two were getting along? You didn't understand what the fixation was, when literally the fact that you had met today was entirely fortuitous.
"What about that music?" you heard Changbin ask.
"I can't find the playlist" you mutter absentmindedly, still looking at what Felix had written, frowning. You went back to the Spotify app once more, sighing, and scrolled through the folders with different playlists until you found the cover of the one you were looking for. Riptide by Vance Joy began to play, and you smiled, the lyrics sliding across your lips, as you returned the device to the copilot, your fingers touching for a few seconds before you pulled away, as if your skin burned.
Hyunjin knew he had blushed again, but it was your fault. When you had mentioned that Changbin's sister had sold you out to get some alone time with that boy, the only thing that had crossed his mind was what it would be like to have time alone with you. He didn't want to go too fast, didn't even want to think about such things, but he couldn't help but think about how it would feel to kiss you, resting his hand on your cheek and bringing you to him, whether you would make any surprised noises when he licked your lower lip more than willing to intensify the kiss. And yet he still found himself imagining situations where he would finally take the step and bring your lips together in a sweet way.
It was surreal that having met you for the first time that morning, he had the feeling that he had known you all his life. It was true that when he had met Changbin, and the conversation had brought up the subject of family, he had included you in his family as another sister. It wasn't until later, when they had already forged a friendship, that the rapper had told him your story in more depth. How your path had crossed his sister's by chance, and you had fit in perfectly. How kind and caring you were, always taking an interest in Changbin when you visited Eunhae, and dedicating your time to help him with those subjects he was struggling with in high school. How you had arranged a schedule together with his sister to help him practice all the specialties required at JYP, and to prepare for the presentation he was to give. You had never doubted him, his abilities, or that he could become an idol, one of the best Kpop producers if he put his mind to it.
Changbin spoke highly of his two noonas, and for him your figure had become someone to look up to. How you had come through in spite of your family situation, the losses you'd had, even the difficulties you'd had to face, like that terrible toxic boyfriend or when you'd gotten lower grades than you'd expected because you'd stayed up late the night before working so you could pay for the tiny apartment you lived in. Changbin knew he could go to Hyunjin to tell his worries about the latest story you'd gotten caught up in, or the latest mistake her sister had made that had cost her nights crying. If Hyunjin was normally a wonderful listener, when it came to you, he drank up every detail his friend told him as if it were divine nectar. Soon Seungmin and Felix learned of his little fixation with you and began to tease him about the crush he had developed.
The worst had been when you had gotten that job as a secretary at the art gallery, something you had told him about as if he didn't already know, and you had sent Changbin the photos his sister had taken of you, posing with your beautiful smile at the first exhibition you had helped your boss organize. The dress looked great on you, and the color highlighted the irises of your eyes. Hyunjin, being the first time he had seen a picture of you, had been breathless. At the time, Changbin had thought it was because he had recognized some painting in the background, and had offered to ask you if you could get him a ticket, but Hyunjin had quickly declined, not remotely ready to meet you yet. Even at that moment, stealing glances at you through the rearview mirror, feeling how his heart melted as he watched you sing with such enthusiasm the songs you had played, he felt you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and you were still stealing his breath the same way.
When Changbin parked, and announced with a clap of his hands that you had arrived, you let out a groan, protesting.
"Car rides should take hours and hours," you said, unbuckling your seatbelt and grabbing your backpack, "because on that playlist I had The View and Mixtape: Time Out and I wanted to sing them with you. But they didn't soud!"
As you opened the door to leave, you bumped into Changbin, who wrapped you in a hug, smiling.
"You'll have time to put them on when you get back," he replied, still clutching you in his arms. "Abeoji was right, noona. It's been a while since we've seen you."
"Aww" you told him, leaving a quick kiss on his cheek, "my Binnie missed me?"
"Yah!" she exclaimed, pulling away. "Not in front of my member!"
Hyunjin and you let out an outrageous laugh at the same time, and he went over to tease Changbin, muttering something about how they were usually the ones who suffered his love attacks and to hold his annoyance if for once he was the one on the receiving end of them. Though they both knew, and so did you, that it was all an act. Changbin was too affectionate to deny a display of love on purpose. You lagged behind, pulling out your phone to check if you had any missed texts. Sure enough, Hae had written to you. And sure enough, it was one of her comments.
Hae-Hae Omma told me what you were going to do. You'll tell me how handsome Hyunjin is when you see him in his swimsuit. Mwaaah!
Fuck. You hadn't thought about that. You had been too focused on being able to enjoy the pool and his company to process that both of those things involved seeing him in a swimsuit. Maybe he'd do like some idols and wear a t-shirt over it ーwhich wouldn't help either because after all, the clothes would get wet, and that would be much more distracting. But you doubted that because they would take advantage of the fact that they were in a trusted environment to dress however they wanted, as they wore the shirt in content for fans, and maybe in public.
When Hyunjin opened the door, the first thing you did was to accept with a smile the slippers he offered to you and to Changbin, and then ask where the pool was. Maybe while they were changing, it would give you time to swim for a while and get all those dangerous thoughts out of your head. Hyunjin pointed you with a smile in the direction it was, and then led Changbin up the stairs, to put on his swimsuit as soon as possible and join you.
You followed his directions, going down to the basement, which was full of arcades, and walking along it to the right, where you found the pool. You smiled automatically, and dropped your backpack on some nearby couches, approaching the edge and sitting down, letting out a content sigh as you felt the slightly warm water come into contact with your skin. You had always had an affinity for water sports, but at the end of the day it was the simple act of swimming or floating on the surface that gave you the most peace. When you were diving, and you heard nothing but the thoughts and voices in your head slowly disappearing, that was when you were the happiest. That's why you had looked for a university that had a sports complex, and a swimming pool open to students. So that you could go there when everything became too overwhelming around you.
You sat there for a few minutes, admiring how calm the water was, and the little waves that formed when you moved your legs, and the rustic views you could see from the huge windows in front of you. And then you remembered that you only had an afternoon to make the most of, and you jumped up, discarding your shorts and T-shirt by the edge and diving in head first in a graceful manner. Wearing a bikini to swim wasn't the best choice, unless it was one specifically designed for the strong, decisive movements that any experienced swimmer made, but at the moment it was all you had and it would have to do.
Hyunjin had reached the glass door leading to the pool in time to see you take off your clothes and dive into the water. There was a practice and casualness in how you moved that made his fingers tingle, craving to have a pencil and notebook close so he could sketch the way your muscles flexed and untensed every time you swam. It was a sight to see you, and he tried to absorb as much as possible so he could paint you when he was back in his room, in Seoul.
When you took a break, a few minutes later, you saw Hyunjin sitting on the couches where you had left your backpack.
"Hi" you said to him, a shy smile beginning to form on your lips, as you brushed away the drops of water still sliding down your nose and cheeks. "Aren't you going to get in?"
"The truth is, watching you swim is impressive" he confessed, a small blush appearing on his cheeks.
"You know how to swim?" you commented, leaning against the edge as he approached. You tried to pay attention to him as he responded, but when you realized he was shirtless, you looked away, flustered, and moved a little away from him, trying to put as much distance as you could between the two of you.
He noticed the effect he had on you and blushed even more, though his confidence also increased. "What's wrong?" he asked, sitting down on the edge and letting himself slip until the water hit his neck, the pool designed so that the deep end was on the opppsite side of the windows.
"Nothing's wrong" you replied, leaning your back against the part you were standing on.
"Then why do you blush?" he said, wanting to tease you as much as you had done in the kitchen, and moving closer, swimming slowly and smoothly.
"As much as you did when you saw me in a bikini in the morning, you say?" you blurted out, trying to fight back.
When Hyunjin stood in front of you, the height difference becoming obvious as he stood up and the distance between your chests less than you'd need to keep from fainting, you swore you'd stopped breathing.
"You say that like your heart isn't going a mile a minute right now" he replied, raising an eyebrow.
You took a deep breath and rested a hand on his chest, noticing how his own heart was going as fast as yours. He looked at you with his mouth parted, as surprised by your actions as you were, and you saw his Adam's apple twitch as he swallowed nervously.
"Looks to me like we're even" you managed to mutter, your mouth dry with anticipation, before Hyunjin kissed you.
You had been caught off guard by his outburst of initiative, but unlike that first gesture, his mouth was soft against yours. You welcomed his lips with yours, savoring the kiss, and the warmth that came over you with it, a sharp contrast to how wet you were from the water around you. You felt him rest his hands on your bare hips and stifled a whimper, running your hand up to the nape of his neck and tangling your fingers in his damp hair. Hyunjin let out a slight whine of happiness, realizing that you tasted exactly as he had imagined you, felt exactly as he had imagined, and reacted in the same way his mind had imagined so many times.
But just as he was about to run his tongue along your lower lip, just as he was about to sit you on the edge so he could position himself between your naked legs, you both heard Changbin's slippers enter the room, interrupting you and causing you to break out in embarrassment.
Changbin hid a smile that you never saw and excused himself, leaving the room. That had been the day he had introduced you, and also the day he had feared you would get along badly, given your reaction after that first meeting. He had feared because for years he had seen both of your faces light up when he told you things about each other, and he didn't want a bad first impression to mess up the beautiful relationship that could emerge if things went well. So he was relieved, because the little moments of complicity he had caught glimpses of throughout the day had blossomed in this moment that he had been unlucky enough to interrupt. And so he retreated to Hyunjin's room, which he had seen upon arrival, and picked up his phone to send messages to both his sister and Felix.
Binnie Everything went great. I think they're in love.
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( shout out to these photos hyunjin sent on bbl because i saw them while writing the one shot and they helped a lot when planning out the end 一the romantic part . i leave them here to delight your eyes ♡ )
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© stayconnecteed 2023 ★ do not copy, translate, repost or share this work as yours on other platforms ! consider leaving a comment or reblogging.
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r3bnv0dka99 · 8 days
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Hey, My name’s Kaleigh, You can add me on discord just let me know who it is first. My asks are always open I love answering questions.
also follow my friends @columfaggot, @maldomine, @scoutingout6, @fucckinnefor , @mallorysmolly, and @rh1nest0neheartss. I love you gang🙏
Socials: TikTok: pr0fess1onalk1ll3r
Twitter: v3ryg0dl1k3
Discord: shr3add3db33f
Spotify: neon.dogg
Backup: @gamblesjames
- She/her
- learning german and japanese on the internet :p
- Eric Harris/Dylan Klebold, Adam Lanza, Kimveer Gill, Seung Cho, Artyom Anoufriev/Nikita Lytkin, Pekka Auvinen, Jeffery Dahmer, Robbie Hawkins, Brenda Spencer, Jodi Arias, Andrew Blaze, Sarah and Amina Said, Brian Draper/Torey Adamcik, James Holmes, Kip Kinkel, Thomas Crooks, Timothy mcveigh, Vladislav Rosylakov, Ted Kacynzski, James Gamble, Wayne Lo, Jeff Weise, and Elliot Rodger.
- Joji
- Nirvana
- Dying Fetus
- Blink-182
- Lil Peep
- Nine inch Nails
- Alex G
- Rammstein
- Miki Marsubura
- Tyler the Creator
- All American Rejects
- Korn
- Childish Gambino
- Frank Ocean
- Macabre
- Machine Girl
- Crystal Castles
- Bloodhound Gang
- My Chemical Romance
- Sematary
- Mindless Self Indulgence
- Uncle Outrage
- Marilyn Manson
- Lana Del Rey
- Third Eye Blind
- Nicole Dollanganger
- Sex Pistols
- The Smiths
- Psychonaut 4
- From First to Last
Too many more to list..
- I love horror films and comedies
- I love writing, reading, poetry
- Into true crime obviously and history
- Loves Astronomy and Anatomy
- FilthyFrank
- Leafyishere
- Maxmoefoe
- Idubbztv
- Kubzscouts
- Cinemassacre (The Angry Videogame Nerd)
- Deadmeat
- Wang!
- Omma
- Colorado Ped Patrol
- Skeeter Jean
- Albertsstuff
- SuperMarioLogan
- ItsRucka
- MyDigitalEscape
- DocumentingEvil
- Rotten Mango
- Penguinz0
- Ray William Johnson
- Smosh
- Anthony Padilla
- Quackity
- Dan and Phil
- Mytoecold
- Gabe Helmy
- Myfavoritemartian
- NigaHiga
- Anything4Views
- Aksual
- JDion
- Danny Gonzalez
Favorite Foods
- Pizza
- Lumpia
- Tacos/Burritos
- Noodles
- Spaghetti
- Sushi
- Pancit
- Enchiladas/Fajitas
- Steak
- Dinguan
- Ramen
- Rice
- Any potato formed food
Age: (16)
Currently Sophomore since my awful teacher
I also love animals which my favorites are hamsters, dogs, bunnies, platypus, otters, harp seals, wolves, and goats
I have so many interests.. I love physical media and video games a lot. (Boomer shooters)
CDs and Record Collector ^^
Anyways, That’s a ton of shit.. but thank you for reading this whole mess of an intro :)
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kimbappykidding · 2 months
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Part One Here
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You agreed to meet at a restaurant you'd both liked years ago. It was a safe space and common ground. You got there early and checked your watch when you saw Joshua stood outside. You smiled remembering how he was always early too. He looked really good, he'd dressed smart casual and you were glad you'd also made the effort. "Joshua" you called and he looked up from his phone and smiled. You melted on the inside but kept going. Joshua hugged you and complimented your outfit. You did the same for him and he opened the door for you. All the tables were taken except the one you'd always liked right by the window and you smiled at the odds. “Wow they must’ve known we were coming” Joshua joked and you smiled “hah you remembered we always sat here?”. Joshua nodded “of course! Every time I see this cafe I remember all the time we spent in here as trainees”. You nodded looking around, the memories were the reason you’d avoided this place but now it didn’t feel as scary. 
You and Joshua chatted for what felt like minutes but quickly turned into hours. So much had changed but at the same time it felt like it always had. Joshua was still the same sweet, funny guy he’d always been. You hadn’t even realised how long you’d been there when you saw your phone ring. "Sorry it's my mum, she always calls me at this time but I can get her next week" you said but Joshua shook his head "no take it". "You sure?" you asked and he nodded "of course!". So you picked up the phone. Your mom asked the usual questions, were you eating, how was work and then when she heard background noise where were you. "Ow I'm just in a cafe". "Alone?" she asked. "No with Joshua". Joshua heard your mother's excited response from across the table.  You rolled your eyes but couldn’t resist a smile at how thrilled she was. Your mother had always loved Joshua and she asked you to put him on. "Well I'm not sure if he wants to..." you started when Joshua nodded to you and held out his hand. You passed him the phone and he began catching up with your mom. It always amazed you how good he was with your parents. He chatted to her easily and was the perfect blend of charm and respect. He wasn't a suck-up but also knew how to win her over. When Joshua passed you back the phone your mom was very excited. "Isn't he such a sweet boy Y/n?” She said "so polite and kind". You chuckled awkwardly "yes Omma".  "He's a good boy Y/n you should go out to dinner with him more often" your mother told you. You blushed "okay now I've really got to go so goodbye!" and you hung up. Joshua was kind enough to ignore your blush and pretend like it never happened
After that you and Joshua met up fairly frequently. Now you weren't trainees you had more freedom and he invited you over to the Seventeen house a fair few times. It quickly felt just like it had before as if no time had passed but once again you noticed how much physically Joshua had changed. His face was more mature now and he'd changed from a teenager into a handsome man. He'd definitely grown up and you found him more attractive than before which you didn't think was possible. You were thinking of this as you watched him perform his latest song on stage. He looked really good. He always looked good of course but this song had a darker theme and it really suited Joshua. He was in the centre but even if he wasn't your eyes would've been on him. He had such a beautiful voice which contrasted well with the song and you got chills when he hit a note on the chorus. When the song finished you swallowed looking down. You knew you still had feelings for him but this was different...this was so much more mature than when you were kids. You wanted Joshua in a completely different way and it was getting more and more difficult to ignore. As you lined up on the stage you smiled and nodded to Seventeen as they passed like usual but noticed Joshua was missing. You scanned the stage and saw him chatting to Sana from twice. Well he wasn't really chatting just he knocked into her and apologised but still it made you pause. Sana smiled widely telling him it was okay and you saw Joshua get uncomfortable with how pretty she looked. Even after he stepped away she kept checking him out and her members were smirking. So you weren't the only one who'd noticed Joshua was hot...but that wasn't a good thing. After you'd gotten home from the show you went to your leader's door. "I like Joshua" you told her and she smirked "is that meant to be a surprise?". "Well probably not but I need advice...last time I waited and talked myself out of it. I don't want to do that this time but I also don't want to get rejected'. Your leader smiled "well I don't think there's any chance of you getting rejected...he's really into you Y/n". You blushed "but in case he's not. How do I suss him out but also do damage control?". Your leader opened her door wider "come on it. We've got some scheming to do".
3 months later Your second comeback was here and you were so excited to be promoting again. You had a wonderful fan base and your second song was doing even better than your first which you couldn’t believe. Things with Joshua were also going great. You saw each other pretty much every week at this point and were quickly becoming a duo again. You were still set on asking him out but were waiting for the right time. 
You had a good feeling about this award show. You loved your outfit, the camera people were experienced and the crowd felt amazing. So you knew it was going to be a great night but had no idea it would be the night your group won their first award.  Your group's name was called and you couldn't believe it! You'd actually won! Your fans had secured this win for you. Some of your members burst into tears immediately and your leader took the microphone from the host. You put your arm around the maknae and took some flowers that were being passed around. You told yourself as one of the eldest in the group that you weren't going to cry but as your leader began to explain how long you'd been trainees and how you'd been dreaming of this moment for years you couldn't help but tear up. Then your leader finished her speech and she scanned the girls for them to speak. Nobody was ready so you stepped forwards. You clenched the microphone in your hand and saw your fans cheering in the front. "Wow" you breathed tears finally slipping down your cheek "this is amazing thank you so much. To our fans we love you so much and you're the reason we work so hard. It's all worth it to see your beautiful happy faces" you smiled and scanned the crowd. You saw the idols to the other side and spotted Seventeen all on their feet clapping too. Joshua was at the front and his eyes were gleaming too which made you pause. "I also want to thank all our staff, family and friends" you said looking over at Seventeen "I've made some incredible new friends this year and reconnected with some old ones. I'm so grateful for you all and thank you for being in my life. I love you!" you cried and handed the microphone down the line. You cried happily with your members before you went backstage and cried some more. For the rest of the night you felt like you were floating. You felt indestructible and it was a great feeling. You chatted to idols you’d been too scared of approaching, you smiled and held your head up high in every room and you didn’t worry about holding back with Joshua. 
He gave you a huge hug as soon as he saw you and you let yourself melt into it, just enjoying the sensation. “Well done! You’re amazing” he cried and instead of brushing it away like you usually did you just smiled. “This night just feels crazy and I feel like I can do anything”. “Well you can!” Joshua replied and you smiled “in that case could we go somewhere?" you asked Joshua "I just want to spend time with you". You didn’t try and tone down your words, you just said what you felt and it worked well as Joshua didn't even have to think about it. He nodded "of course, let's grab your stuff and we can go". He gently took your hand and led you to your table. Your members all paused seeing the two of you arrive together and they tried not to smile too widely when you said you and Joshua were leaving together. "I can see Jeonghan, let me just tell him I'm going" Joshua said lightly touching your shoulder and you nodded. The second he went all your members looked at you and you laughed "it's not like that. I just want to be alone with him but not for that reason...I'm going to tell him how I feel". Your members cheered and congratulated you for being brave. "Honestly I feel so powerful tonight I can't think of a better time to tell him". Your members all nodded "that sounds perfect Y/n, text us when you can". You promised you would when Joshua appeared his cheeks slightly pink "you ready to go?". You nodded "let's go".
Of course Joshua’s members had also teased him mercilessly and all cheered so loudly when he said he was disappearing with you. “Finally!” Jun cried and Joshua rolled his eyes but smiled. He even smiled now just thinking about it, before blushing when he looked at you. 
"So where do you want to go?" Joshua asked and you shrugged "I don't have anywhere in particular in mind I just wanted to walk with you. Do you have anywhere you want to go?". Joshua shook his head "no but I don't live far from here, how about we take a slow walk in that direction? There are some beautiful parks without outside fountains and lights". You nodded and set off together. Joshua kept looking at you and eventually he just laughed "you look so happy". You smiled "I feel happy! Not just because we won an award but for so many reasons! We actually have fans who cheer for us and voted for us. My members are all happy and healthy and we're doing well as idols". "You're doing amazing" Joshua corrected you and you laughed. "And I'm also really happy you're in my life again". Joshua blushed "I'm happy you're in my life too. I missed you a lot when we weren't talking". You nodded "I missed you too, I thought about contacting you so many times but decided against it every time". Joshua nodded "me too. Every birthday or holiday like Christmas...I was actually terrified at the thought of sending you a text and now in hindsight I could curse myself. If I'd have spoken to you quicker we wouldn't have lost all that time". You shrugged "maybe but we're both here now aren't we?". Joshua nodded "that's true" and lost his train of thought as he stared at you. You looked so happy and beautiful he found it intoxicating. Then you heard running water and smiled "we're here" and you led him into the park. 
It was lit up with fairy lights and you walked down the pathway linking your arm through Joshua’s. There were a few other couples around and Joshua held your arm tighter. You reached the huge fountain and stopped in front of it. "Wow, it's beautiful" you said and Joshua nodded "yes it is" but he wasn't looking at the fountain.
You rested your head against his shoulder for a while and stayed in happy silence before you pulled away. "Joshua I have to tell you something". He nodded turning to face you. "Okay" he said quietly and you took a breath. "I like you" you said suddenly and Joshua felt a shiver go down his spine. "You do?" he asked and you nodded smiling. "You are so nice and polite, you always treat me well and I love being around you. I think you're incredibly handsome and have the nicest eyes I've ever seen. I knew I felt this way before I left the company but never said anything because I was scared to. I thought with my leaving it would just make things too complicated and hard so I left it. I thought with time it would go away but when we debuted and I saw you sat in that audience..." you chuckled "if anything it came back with a vengeance". Joshua laughed and took a step towards you "I know exactly what you mean" and you looked up at him. "You do?" you asked the fairy lights reflected in your eyes and Joshua nodded "exactly. Y/n I'm crazy for you" and he gently kissed you.  
Sometimes when you imagine something for so long and then it actually happens it can be a letdown. That didn’t happen with Joshua. It was better than you’d ever expected it to be. The situation, your surroundings and everything tonight combined to make it spectacular and all the emotions saved up between the two of you amplified everything. All that existed in your mind right now was Joshua and you never wanted to let him go. He seemed to feel the same thing as he held you tightly against him and kissed you like it was his last day on earth. Even after you separated you stayed wrapped up together for a while before Joshua suggested you go buy hot chocolates from a cart down the road. You agreed, admitting you were cold and Joshua led you there hand in hand. "Nice night for a date" the man commented as he handed you the drinks. "It's actually kind of our first one" Joshua said and the man smiled "aww well congratulations. You make a lovely couple". You blushed and Joshua put an arm around your waist "thank you". You went back to Joshua's apartment as you were both frozen. You stepped through the door and smiled collapsing onto his sofa "this is the best night of my life!". Joshua chuckled hanging up your coats before coming to wrap his arms around you. You loved the way it felt and relaxed into him. "Mine too" Joshua said gently kissed your cheek and you smiled "I always thought I'd missed my shot with you and then when I saw Sana from Twice checking you out last week I thought I was going to have to fight a million girls for you". Joshua chuckled "I've only ever been yours Y/n and I think I always will be. You don't forget your first love". Those words chilled you but you knew they were true and nodded. "That's probably why I could never get over you then". Joshua's cheeks went pink to hear you say that and he smiled "how about I go get us some warm pajamas and we have a movie night? I don't want this night to end". You nodded "me either" and kissed him once more.
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darkstar225 · 1 year
Twice's 10th member is dating New Jeans' Minji
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that the anons who gave me these very similar ideas on Tumblr like it!
The requests: Hey. I want to request can you do where y/n is dating minji newjeans and the unnies want to see how she handles y/n (because she playful, childish, mischievous) and minji did a great job handling y/n and put y/n in bed and cuddle her. Thank you ❤️. Love your work
Hi I want to request can you do where y/n is dating Minji from Newjeans and it's minji first time staying a night at twice dorm and they ask minji help to put y/n to sleep as y/n is a bit hyper. Thank you
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
Y/N, the 10th and youngest member of TWICE, had always been known for her playful and mischievous personality. She brought laughter and joy to the group, and it was hard to resist her infectious enthusiasm. But it wasn't just the TWICE members who fell under her spell, it was also Minji, a member of the rookie girl group Newjeans and Y/N's girlfriend.
Minji had joined the music industry recently, and her relationship with TWICE's maknae was still relatively new. The other members of TWICE had been eager to meet her, curious to see how she could handle their kid's personality.
One evening, Minji was invited to stay the night at the TWICE dorm for the first time. Y/N had been excited about the prospect of spending the evening with her girlfriend and showing her where she lived. The other TWICE members, particularly the unnie line, were equally eager to see how Minji would handle Y/N's playful antics.
As Minji arrived at the dorm, she was greeted with warm smiles and introductions. The members were genuinely happy for Y/N and her new relationship, and they couldn't wait to get to know Minji better.
Dinner was a lively affair, with Y/N, in her usual fashion, cracking jokes and pulling pranks on the members. Minji watched the chaos with amusement, and the members were pleasantly surprised to see how well she handled their girl's playful side. She laughed along with them, joining in on the fun and even playing some pranks of her own.
As the evening wore on, Y/N's energy showed no signs of weakening. The other members, while entertained, knew that their angel needed her rest. She had a busy schedule, and it was essential to ensure she got enough sleep. The unnies, especially Jihyo and Nayeon, decided it was time to intervene.
Jihyo cleared her throat and addressed Y/N, who was currently engaged in a playful tickling match with Minji. 
Jihyo - Y/N, sweetheart, it's getting late. You need to get some rest.
Y/N pouted, her playful demeanour momentarily fading as she looked at Jihyo. 
Y/N - But Jihyo Omma, Minji just got here. I don't want to go to bed.
Nayeon chimed in, her tone filled with motherly affection. 
Nayeon - Baby, you have a busy day tomorrow, and we want you to be well-rested. Minji will still be here when you wake up.
Minji nodded in agreement, her playful smile never wavering. 
Minji - They're right, my love. We'll have plenty of time together. But you need your beauty sleep.
Y/N sighed dramatically, her shoulders slumping as she reluctantly agreed. 
Y/N - Okay, fine. But only if Minji helps put me to bed.
The members exchanged amused glances, impressed by how well Minji was handling Y/N's childish antics. Minji rose from her seat with a playful salute. 
Minji - I'm on the job. Let's get you ready for bed, babygirl.
Y/N grinned and jumped up, taking Minji's hand. They headed to SMC's room, leaving the other members to their evening.
Once inside the room, Minji helped her change into her pyjamas, a pair of cute and comfortable matching ones. Y/N's playfulness had yet to wane, and she bounced on the bed like an excited child. Minji laughed, finding Y/N's energy endearing.
Minji - You're such a handful, honey.
Minji teased, but her eyes were filled with affection.
TWICE's fireball pouted and tugged on Minji's arm, pulling her closer. 
Y/N - Cuddle with me, babe. I can't sleep without cuddles.
Minji happily obliged, lying down next to Y/N. They wrapped their arms around each other, and Y/N nuzzled her head against Minji's chest, sighing in contentment.
As Minji stroked her partner's hair and held her close, she couldn't help but feel a rush of love for the playful idol. The young girl's personality was one of the things that had drawn her to her in the first place. She knew that Y/N's playful side was just one facet of her complex personality, and she adored every part of her.
In the living room, the other members couldn't help but comment on the sweet scene they had witnessed. Jihyo and Nayeon, in particular, were pleased with how Minji had handled their youngest child.
Jihyo - They look so cute together! Minji is amazing with Y/N. She's patient and caring, just what our Y/N/N needs. *proud smile*
Nayeon - Yes, she's like the perfect partner for our sweet girl. I'm really happy for them. *nods*
The other members nodded in agreement, glad to see their little sister in a loving and supportive relationship. It was clear that Minji not only appreciated Y/N's playful side but also knew how to take care of her and help her get the rest she needed.
In Y/N's room, Minji held Y/N close, the two of them wrapped in each other's warmth. Y/N's playful antics had given way to a peaceful expression as she snuggled with Minji.
Y/N - Goodnight, my heart. *whispering as she kissed the other girl*
Minji - Goodnight, lovebug. 
Minji replied, pressing another gentle kiss to Y/N's lips. 
As they drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, they knew they had found something truly special in each other. And this made both share the same thought:
I'll love my dear chosen family forever.
A/N: I'm sorry for any errors. English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there is something wrong, ty for reading <3
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hey-i-am-trying · 5 months
(Canon does not exist)
I don't know why you are all sad. The eggs got together to plan Mothers' day, yes even the eggs that don't have moms, they wanted to celebrate their tias.
(I don't know if it like that in another counties but in Brazil Mothers' Day is not ajust about the celebration of your own mom, it is the celebration of mothers in general)
Pomme, Dapper, Em, Sunny, Pepito, 춘식  and Richas got to give their gifts to their moms.
Chay and Lullah helped Em and Pomme make cakes and collect flowers for all moms. They gave flower crowns to all moms that showed up.
Rámon and Léo helped Dapper and Pomme, Dapper wanted to build a giant duck statue for Baghera, Rámon and Pomme point that they need space for the party, it took sometime to convince Dapper they could not have the party on the top of the duck, they settle for a relativetly smaller duck statue.
Sunny was having difficulties coming up with a present for her mermaid mama, but she decided to make a bag with all the things they thought her mama could like: shells(certainly a mermaid likes shells), diamons, amethysts, any shiny cristal she could her hands on and also a little turtle for her mama! Every mermaid needs a pet turtle! It was really fun to do it, she got to go collect everything with Rámon, Em and Pepito!
Em, Richas and Pepito wanted to draw for their moms! Richas and Em got in a brief argument if only one of them should draw Bagi and who should do it.
Em: She was my mom first!
Richas: You have 3 other moms! I only have our mãe!
Pomme and Rámon had to get in the middle and convince them Bagi will be more than happy to receive two drawings from her kids.
(Pepito's was a noodles drawing and Pepito misspelled the entire card Pepito gave with the drawing. Rivers cried when she received it.)
춘식 wanted to make something nice to his omma YD, in Korean there is actually only Parents' Day, so I think 춘식 would also make gifts to all his parents. 춘식  made a chest for each parent and put carnation flowers and he decided to also give them sweets he made with the help of his siblings.
All the kids made small little gifts for their tias with the help of their parents.
The coparents also wanted to make something, all of them a bit more awkward than the other but they did their best. Bad, Étoiles and Aypierre tried to be more practical with their gifts for Baghera, giving her good armor and good food, Antoine probably gave Baghera something like a loaf of bread. Tubbo didn't know what to do, but then he settled for also a practical gift for Lenay. Favela were the most awkward ones with a variety of small gifts that were not particularly useful and some were sentimental, Bagi appreciated all the same. Pretty sure Pepito's dads tried something sweet but end up explonding something, somehow.
(Bagi was going to try make this quick, it was supposed to be a celebration to all the other moms too, she didn't want to bring the mood down, especially not for Em and Richas, but it felt wrong not do it, the little cupacke Em made and the beautiful blue flower she gave to her felt so heavy in her hands. When she reached the Miku statue she noticed somebody was already there. Roier. A bouquet lying on the statues. They didn't say anything to each other, but he watched while she put the cupcake and the flower on the ground. The stood in silence. There wasn't much to say. There was too much to say. The sunset was beautiful that day.)
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sunnydaworm · 3 months
Ok so I’ve had enough with grooming online. Just had to help a friend get some weird 60-something year old lady to leave her be so I’m making a post on how to prevent shit like that from happening again. HOW TO TELL IF THE USER IS A CREEP:
Step 1: check what they post and if they have things saved check them. Usually in Map (minor attracted people) or Yap (youth attracted people) they have lots of videos or pictures of minors either dancing, eating, in swimsuits, you name it. They also follow a lot of minors too. They might even bring up being a pedo as well. Especially in how they comment.
Step 2: check how they talk. In most cases they will compliment you on say a photo of yourself or try to dm you. If they try to be overly friendly with you check their account. If the red flags are all right there block them. Don’t initiate conversation they aren’t your friend. If they don’t show any red flags probably best to ignore and move on. Maybe make a post about how you are only comfy with moots contacting you or just disable dms for anyone you don’t follow back.
Step 3: So you found out they are a pred. Here’s some things you can do, contact local authorities. If they call you chances are you can find out what town they are in and police can trace that call. You can report the person, even post screenshots of the convo or the comments so people look out for them, or give moderators some substantial evidence to get rid of that account. There are people on the internet such as Omma on YouTube who, depending on what app you use, will troll and expose preds. And in most cases they are actually the real deal and actually teach you about the red flags that these creeps online show when trying to prey upon kids.
Here are some things to look out for when it comes to Maps and Yaps in the LGBTQ+ community:
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These are just SOME of the flags and symbols people use to show subtly who they are. The FBI has identified most if not all that are shown in this post. These are not sane people. These are disgusting people who should not be allowed anywhere near minors or really anyone. Please make sure you keep yourself, family and friends safe.
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commaclear · 1 month
My name is Michael U. Beloved, and I am all that remains from a legacy of dictators, traitors, and Great Men. But I am not here to tell their story. The stories of the Great Men of the Dream SMP have been told time and time again: their glories, their madness, and their inevitable ends. 
Instead, I am here to tell the story of everyone else. I am here to tell the story of the people who weren’t building bombs or nations or master plans—the people who were just trying to live as best they could. I am here to tell the story of the People of the Dream SMP. 
Our story.
I can still remember the day my father put me and a few citizens of Snowchester in our deepest bunker (the rest had been evacuated). Even though I was very young, I could tell his smile was fake when he promised me we would get pancakes when he came back. 
I didn’t understand anything at the time, but I remember I wanted to cheer him up, so I asked for ‘uppies’. When he picked me up, and smooshed his cheeks into a smile and told him not to worry—as best as I could in my toddler vocabulary—because Snowchester was the safest place in the world. I thought that because my dads told my that all the time.
My father started crying and hugged me tightly; it was the last hug I would ever get from him. A few hours later we heard the bombs go off. I tried to open the bunker door to go find my father, but an old woman whom I would come to call Omma stopped me. She explained it wasn’t safe outside. When I asked if my dad was safe, I remember her turning away.
Once we could finally go outside, me and other survivors from Snowchester spent many days searching the cratered wasteland for any sign of my father, or anyone else, but in hindsight I think they were just humouring me while they figured out a way to break the news. I don’t blame them. How do you explain to a kid what being an orphan means?
Omma basically raised me after that. She taught me to read and to love stories. Sometimes, she’d even trade some of our much needed resources, so I could get my hands on a new book. She always told me it was important to keep the past alive through its stories.
So that’s what I’m here to do. I have spent years searching the world, gathering scraps of memories from before the blast, to piece together the history of everyone whose name would otherwise be lost to time. I won’t let them be forgotten and erased. The history of the Dream SMP is real and rich and vibrant, and I’m going to record it all.
Omma, I’m dedicating this book to you.
My work wouldn’t have been possible without the numerous scholars who provided their insights and their own contributions to this book, so I’d like to take a moment to thank Dr. Yogurt, Dr. F. G. Puffy-Chu, and Shroud for their help in this massive undertaking.
My thanks also goes out to everyone who was able to provide first-hand accounts or writings to aid in our research. Primary sources were difficult to find, and you all were life-savers.
(Go to the project page HERE to get involved!)
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hunterlovesouthpark · 7 months
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I LOVEEE my bf, k pop, rap, heavy metal, south park, hello kitty, horse riding, horses and i loveee the beach!!
i love my horses sm
fav youtubers: yxl salah, oglofi, omma, flamingo, imactuallylayze, a lot of gachatubers, kai cenat, rayasianboy, ishowspeed and horse vloggers
my fav anime is death note!
leslie myers #1 fan
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dni: zoophile, pedophile, racist, homophobic, and like p0rn bots.
kinda both a introvert and extrovert
my brother and my friends r my fav people
hobbys i love: horse riding, roblox, gta (sometimes), napping, yapping, watching tv and like makeup
my actual names coco but i prefure hunter!!
follow my tiktok! coco_eq or you can follow my damien_lovespip acc
also my insta! hunter_lovesouthpark!
my disocrd is caroline_slay (it was supposed to be like some roblox myth themed shit)
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comicsart3 · 9 months
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Futura is one of my favourite Golden Age heroines. Principally, I will be honest, for the stories’ terrific artwork by Chester Martin, who created a voluptuous version of the character, both vulnerable and dominant; beautiful and sexy, but also slightly terrifying. In John Douglas’ excellent sci-fi script, Marcia Reynolds starts out as just an “average girl” (a “second grade technical secretary” of “norm intelligence”) living in Titan City on a futuristic planet earth, but when she is abducted by an interstellar kidnapper, a whole new life opens up for Marcia. Transported to Cymradia by the evil Mentor along with other abductees to provide nutrition for an alien race, Marcia swiftly becomes the leader of her fellow-captives, inspiring them to dream of escape. Re-named “Futura” by her captors, the emboldened young woman eventually leads her compatriots in a successful revolt and from that point she assumes her identity as an injustice-battling, planet-hopping and ass-kicking space heroine. Overthrowing space tyrants and pirates along the way, Futura’s main aim however is always to try to return to earth.
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In the pages featured here, Futura has found herself falsely accused of being the space pirate Yrina and fights to clear her name. She appears to have done so when, still a fugitive, she manages to capture Yrina and her male sidekick and lover Omma, but, sadly for Futura, the captive pair will turn the tables on the “earthgirl” and the formidable space woman will find herself plunged back into peril. Douglas’ prose was already a little anachronistic by the late 1940s, but it fitted perfectly Martin’s heroic artwork and was reminiscent of the RKO radio and TV shows of the time such as Flash Gordon.
Futura enjoyed a twenty one-issue run in Planet Comics from numbers 43 (July 1946) to 64 (April 1950). The above pages are from the Futura adventure in Planet Comics #58 (January 1949)
Source: comicbookplus
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writerblock-sucks · 2 years
( ☠️ ) … known sasaengs of faith
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inspired by @babipurin
content warnings; intended lowercase. mentions of killing. sasaengs. mentions of over sexualization. mentions of threatening. mentions of male masturbating and unwanted inappropriate touching
authors note. this is in no way to accuse this people in the pictures of being sasaengs, they purely placeholders. i also do not and anyway support people who invad idols private life’s or their families
loves faith and only faith
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name . kim aera | age . 23
became obsessed after faith’s ‘my pace’ teaser photos were released. she buys anything faith is seen wearing and calls them “their couple’s outfits” she was seen at many events and even unlisted events. she had her vlive account suspended 5 times for send death threats in chat to both the members and other stays, aera’s won multiple fan calls, to the point faith could recognize her. at high-touch events, even when talking with the other members she would still only ask questions about faith
“oppa, why does faith ever talk about her omma anymore?”
“does faith like baths or showers?”
“innie, why do you and the other members share a room with faith, she should have her own one, boys are too hormonal?”
what crossed the line for faith (and the boys) was when faith and han were out for a walk, and aera appeared in the store they went into, she asked for a picture. han walked over to aera to have the first picture until she practically threw her phone in his hands. faith walked over for the pictures, even click of the camera aera would get closer and her hands would wonder, progressively faith would get more and more uncomfortable. when all the pictures were done, faith and han turned to leave aera hand reach out to slap faith’s hand, and said “i’ll always love you, fighting” faith slowly pulled her hand away, and keep walking out of the store, and by the time they got back to the dorm faith was crying and hyperventilating.
are they known? yes, jype was aware of aera after she threatened to kill seungmin, if he didn’t stay away from faith, during a fan signing. fans were made aware of aera after knetz called out her fan site ‘angels_lovesfaith’ to international fans.
do they know they're wrong — yes, but she doesn’t care. she’s been called out for being a rosé and jennie sasaeng, but blinks were never to get her fan site blacklisted or even taken down.
sexualizes faith
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name . ah jiho | age . 29
he didn’t acknowledge the male idols/groups under companies, and co-ed groups last only a few years. that was until skz ‘get cool’ mv, when faith’s outfits made headlines for the lolita and school girl aspects and baby doll look. after that era, he was seen at every live stages and pre-cordings for things, jiho also ran a fan site for her called ‘starslost_faith’ that gain lots of popularity for their nice shots of her outfits.
are they known? yes, div1 has “blacklisted” him but only from online events. he hasn’t done anything, in their eyes, physically with her that would warrant an in-person blacklisting, and he used this to his advantage, he still runs the fan site ‘stars_lostfaith’. he was blacklisted after winning a fan call with her and started pleasuring himself in front of her. it was found out later that he was a sasaeng of red velvet’s joy and twice’s jihyo, and had done similar actions to both of them.
do they know they're wrong — yes and no, he sees idols as objects, but he does know that doing these things get him in trouble so he’s more secretive about it.
believes faith loves them
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name . lee gunwoo | age . 22
gunwoo knew faith when they were trainees after gunwoo’s brother passed away, faith gave him homemade treats to show her condolences. he became obsessed and tried as much as possible to get into faith’s life. however after assaulting a female trainee, after hearing her say faith shouldn’t have debuted her monthly evaluation. gunwoo’s contract was quietly terminated and banned from jype builds. faith wasn’t very close with gunwoo, to begin with so she didn’t feel obligated to keep in contact and after his spam calls and messaging her nonstop, she blocked him.
are they known? yes, and he has been blacklisted. however, nothing is being done to keep him away from her at airports, concerts, world tours, and even unscheduled events/places. type and div1 haven’t responded publicly or privately to the mass emails or tweets when he is seen at the same place as her. fans try very hard multiple times taken down any accounts he may make to communicate with her.
do they know they're wrong — no, he thinks faith doesn’t return his affection cause of the other members, gunwoo is a very distraught person that needs a therapist.
honorable dishonorable mentions
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order - left to right
son ji eun — 19 — loves only faith
im dae seong — 23 — sexualizes faith
namgung young — 25 — sexualizes faith
gim yeong ho — 20 — believes faith loves them
statistics show faith has had a gradual increase of sasaengs and fansites since debut (showing her sasaengs seem to be behind her fansites | 4/5)
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taglist : @ateez-seul @lovely-sanie @skzfairies @skz-angel @still-astray (feel free to send an ask to be on/off the taglist)
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melodyanqel · 3 months
𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 ── ✧ sh. (iii. first date)
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congratulations! you have been invited to the romance reality show 'We Got Married' where you will live with your co-star like a married couple. but what will you do when you find out you are marrying your favorite idol?
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✿ pairing: idol!seonghwa x fem!idol!oc
✿ genre/tags: fluff, developing relationship, idol au, fake marriage, reality show
✿ word count: 2k words
✿ note: yayy! finally a new update! sorry that i left you all in the dark bc i had my bday, family time, and other things. but overall i am happy to write again! this one is too sweet like get prepared >_<
✿ melodyanqel taglist: @hwa-stars @forever-atiny @moonvol6 @10nantscompanion @chngbnwf @heheheeral
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As time flies, the afternoon rolls around. 
When leaving the cafe, Seonghwa and Bella said “Goodbye” to the dogs and the workers. In the streets of Gangnam, there are a variety of shops, restaurants, Korean history, and many more. The couple walks around in peace as they converse as the spring breeze dances in the air. 
“What made you decide to become an idol?” Seonghwa is curious about Bella’s life because he expects it will be the best way to get to know her better. He changed out of the barista uniform into much more casual clothes. Bella responded, “My appa and omma grew up in the nineties and were big fans of K-pop. At five years old, my parents showed me classic K-pop songs, inspiring me to become an idol. I also loved singing and dancing, but mainly dancing. My vocals are not that strong.” She lets out a small laugh—a sheepish laugh. 
Seonghwa listens to her and has deep brown eyes on her as she speaks. After she said her weak skill as an idol was singing, it broke his heart. He also understands where Bella is coming from because he never wanted to become a vocalist before getting recruited to ATEEZ. 
“I was supposed to be a rapper. But I grew to love singing.” Seonghwa mentioned. “I’m sure you’ll find your singing voice.” He delivers an encouraging remark. Bella witnessed his handsome gleaming with the sun and his words were like magic. It can make anyone appreciate Seonghwa like no other. He is so kind. 
Bella contemplates whether it’s for the show or he meant it. 
She did a short nod. “Thank you, sunbaenim.”
The older chuckles merrily. “You’re welcome. Call me Seonghwa or Seonghwa oppa if you’re okay with any.” He tells Bella. 
“Understood.” She knows it’ll take a while to get used to saying his name in person. 
Seonghwa adds, “That’s also impressive how you traveled here at such a young age. Keep up the good work. Hwaiting!” He raises two fists and has Bella giggling. He is supportive too. 
Bella doesn’t know how much appreciation she’ll give him—probably until her heart combusts. 
Subsequently, the newlyweds found an arcade inside a mall to play games and win prizes. With Seonghwa, it’s either a good or bad trait that he is competitive. Not just him but everyone in his group will make a simple game like Rock, Paper, Scissors into a game from hell. Not to mention, the PD crew has given the couple a new task. 
For a first date, the arcade is perfect to be kids at heart and have a blast with games. However, this mission is to win a special plushie by earning one hundred tickets. Good luck, players.
The inside looks like any other arcade: neon lights, a cheerful atmosphere, and people of all ages playing games.
Seonghwa taps Bella’s left shoulder. Her head cranes up to meet his gaze. “A reminder or a warning. I’m a competitive player.” He needed to let her know. Bella smiles widely, “I am too. So, you got a helping hand.” She loves video gaming, especially with her members and older brother. That’s one thing the couple have in common. 
Before doing so, Seonghwa and Bella checked out their plush at the prize area. It’s Grogu from Star Wars. Once they saw the adorable green character, their eyes glimmered. “So cute!” They spoke in unison. 
Seonghwa and Bella turned their heads and looked at each other. “Do you like Star Wars?” The male idol asked his wife. She nodded happily. “I love Star Wars! Grogu is my favorite!” Bella has a mini collection of the alien baby. 
“Anakin Skywalker is my favorite.” Seonghwa could never be happier. Another thing they have in common. “Do you build Lego sets?” He asked Bella. She shook her head. “No, but I would love to do it as a hobby.” She knows Seonghwa is passionate about building Lego sets because she has watched his livestreams. They are enjoyable and therapeutic. 
Like a gentleman, Seonghwa allowed Bella to choose the first game. She decided to play basketball. After swiping the game card, Bella is up and ready. She rolls up the sleeves of her cardigan. 
“You can do it!” Her husband cheers so loudly with no care. Bella’s ears picked up Seonghwa’s lovely voice and her smile grew. 
She kept shooting hoops and times she missed but got a brilliant score. Meanwhile, Seonghwa was astounded while motivating Bella. 
“Wah, I’m tired.” She started to sweat in her cute outfit. Hopefully, Seonghwa doesn’t notice it. He tells her, “You were amazing! Jongho has competition.” Seonghwa brings up the powerful Main Vocalist maknae. Bella quickly shakes her head. “Nope. I’ll pass.” She makes an X with her index fingers. It makes Seonghwa laugh at how straightforward she is. 
After thirty minutes of playing games, they were halfway to getting one hundred tickets. Most of the time it’s Seonghwa being Bella's biggest supporter. 
Q. Have you noticed your husband was cheering you on? 
The producer asked her, and she beams with an enthusiastic nod. “I did hear him from the background, and it was nice of him. I was having fun and was embarrassed that I failed to score, but Seonghwa was reassuring and I am thankful for that.” Bella couldn’t contain her smile as she talked about her on-screen husband. She must be the luckiest woman on the planet. 
Their last game was a difficult one. It’s the claw machine, but they are also assigned to get a roll of tickets. Inside the transparent glass is their prize with a chrome silver bow. “I’ll do this one.” Seonghwa declared because he felt determined. Plus, he wants to impress his wife. Bella has a handful of tickets, and she gives some moral support. “Good luck, Seonghwa oppa!” She cheers for the man. 
Intentional or not, he is screaming internally. She sounded so cute saying his name!
Seonghwa takes a deep breath before starting the claw machine. “Let’s go!” He tries hyping himself up. Bella laughs softly because out of all the games, the claw machine will be his worst enemy. 
She is correct. 
Ten minutes later, Seonghwa is frustrated that he nearly cursed on live television. Luckily, Bella tried calming him down, but his angry face looked adorable. Nevertheless, seeing the object slide off of the claw was aggravating. 
“Maybe I should help.” The dancer suggested. 
Seonghwa turns his head to her and says, “Yes, please!” He begged like it was the last resort. Bella grins while patting his back. She gives him their tickets and switches spots. “Okay, let’s see how I’ll do.” She honestly has some confidence, but not fully. 
After swiping the game card, Bella presses the “Start” button. Seonghwa immediately becomes her navigator, rambling on like, “Left, left.” “Turn to the right.” “Move a little further.” “Stop, stop.” “Time is running out grab it!”
Bella listened to his demand and successfully got the roll of tickets. Seonghwa's hunched position perks up and he yells his lungs out with his arms in the air. Bella squeals and claps her hands. 
They won the Grogu plushie and walked out of the arcade feeling satisfied. 
Seonghwa’s mouth gaped. “Wow. It’s already dark.” He didn’t expect the hours to go by so quickly. The evening is here and the sun sets with the blush of a rose petal. Bella’s brown orbs scan the pretty city lights. The plushie is snugged in her arms because Seonghwa let her have it. He considered the cute alien as her first date gift from him. 
“Did you have fun?” The husband asked his wife. They walked down the streets of Gangnam. Sometimes there will be days where it’s hustling and bustling. Well, they got lucky because it was peaceful. Just them in their own world made the atmosphere romantic. 
“Yes, I did! You were cool back there and thank you for the Grogu.” Bella replied and complimented him. Seonghwa will always get flustered by her kind words. He smiles gladly, “You’re welcome. I appreciate spending time with you before I go out of the country. Also, my birthday is coming up. April 3rd.” He reminded Bella that he’ll be doing group activities abroad and turning twenty-six soon. 
The petite beauty makes eye contact with him. She is slowly getting used to looking at his boba eyes. “Can I come along to your birthday?” Bella is down to celebrate. Seonghwa nodded excitedly. “Sure! The members and I will have a small party at the dorm I share with San and Mingi.” He also realized they’d be meeting Bella. 
“I would love to get to know your members. They’re my brother-in-laws too.” Bella giggles and it’s strange to call ATEEZ her in-laws. 
Even Seonghwa finds it strange to call STAYC his sister-in-laws. 
“They’re nice people except when we play games.” He describes his group as both sweet and chaotic. Bella didn’t need to assume because she had watched their moments on YouTube and variety shows. But they are an excellent group. 
She tells Seonghwa, “Don’t worry. My group is the same.” Bella can relate to him and they both find it funny and amazing. 
Then a place sparks her interest. Bella found a photobooth. Seonghwa sees her eyeing it in silence. He questions her, “Do you want to take pictures?” His voice broke out of her thoughts. Bella swiftly turned her attention to Seonghwa. “Can we? I don’t know if we have time.” She is hesitant and cares about his work schedule. 
To her surprise, Seonghwa shrugged. “I’ll take the risk of running late tomorrow. Besides, I’ve been wanting to have a break.” For once, he cares less about his usual routine as an idol. Waking up early when it’s the peak of dawn, doing practices with mentors for the whole day, meetings, and repeat. 
Bella is appalled. She wasn’t expecting this side of Seonghwa. “I hope you don’t get in trouble.” Her concerned response made her husband chuckle. “It’s okay. We’ll take as much as we want.” Seonghwa convinced Bella that he wouldn’t get scolded by his manager or big boss. 
In silence, the wife nods to indicate she trusts her husband. 
Seonghwa and Bella entered the self-photo studio with cute props on the clothing racks and baskets. Instantly, a headband of bear ears caught Bella’s attention. “Ooh! I'll wear this one!” She takes them from a rack. Seonghwa hums, “Hmm, I guess I’ll wear this.” He grabs a fluffy hat with floppy rabbit ears. He is a rabbit, after all. 
Once taking their chosen props, they go into an empty booth with a pretty pink background. “I’ll have Grogu join.” Bella puts her new plushie in the frame. Seonghwa puts on a broad smile, “He is photogenic.” The male idol commented. He sees her put the baby alien in the middle, and they strike a pose. Bella makes a cheek heart and Seonghwa cups his cheek—a signature pose, especially for his photocards. 
Second photo is a silly one with the small black glasses. Bella couldn’t stop laughing at Seonghwa because it’s true that he can make glasses look dorky. 
Third is with peace signs.
Fourth one is completing a hand heart.
Now, for the last photo, they weren’t sure what to do.
Seonghwa thought of an idea but wanted to know if Bella would do it. So, he asked her for permission. “You don’t mind if I have my arm around you?” He could feel his face burning crimson. 
Bella looks at him and says, “Since you asked, I’m okay with it.” If Seonghwa didn’t say anything before touching her, she would either feel uncomfortable or shy by his closure. He gently wraps his arm around her shoulders. Bella hears his heart beating against her ear. In return, she has the bravery to embrace his waist. 
Seonghwa felt her petite arms. Her touch is soft and cozy. 
In the last photo, they look like a real couple. 
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izpira-se-zlato · 10 months
Getting to Know Me
I was tagged by @frikatilhi for the "9 people you'd like to get to know better"-meme, so here we are!
three ships: Currently? Bojere, Jance, and... it feels like cheating, but poly!JO :D. All-time? Yennskier (Jaskier/Yennefer from TWN), Geraskefer (Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer), and... probably still either Jance or Bojere.
last song: That is an excellent question... oh! @alephai's recording of nisam ti jos priznao/ASTP half/half from Rijeka.
last film: That is an actually good question. I have no idea. Does Good Omens S2 count? No, wait, it was Barbie in the cinemas.
currently reading: Murderbot Diaries because a new book came out for it
currently watching: nothing. Josh Strife Hayes while I play Flight Rising (whoo dom battle)
currently consuming: omma's coffee cake from The Korean Vegan (the cake is so, so damned good)
currently craving: more JO live concerts. Food-wise... The vegan no-chicken chorizo sandwish from the UK. yeah, idk either.
I also have no idea who's been tagged, so... @formulalakana @alephai @luluxa @kurooscoffee @anxious-witch @its-crazy-its-vii @korvessa @beesgobzzzing @zadig-of-fate Feel free to ignore this!
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