#also the other bed scene was nicely done but i wont gif it bc i dont wanna get flagged lol
gunsatthaphan · 3 years
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“we can’t. we have to attend a wedding tomorrow.”
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with-love-from-hell · 3 years
The Brothers Taking Care of a Sick MC
Request by @theorriginalolivejar
“... Sick reader bc FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP MAKING ASMO SQUEAMISH AROUND SICK MC *ahem* no hate to the headcanons but I personally don't like them bc it makes Asmo feel shallow. ”
Thank you for another great request!  I agree with your point that the squeamishness makes Asmo feel a bit shallow and I HC that he doesn’t like it when his brothers or himself are sick, but he drops all of that when it’s MC. I am going to do this one in the form of head cannons for how each of the brothers would react to MC being ill rather than just Asmo, but I will pay special attention to him!  (Read under the cut).
Genre:  comfort, fluff
Mc characteristics: Gender neutral (they/them pronouns), Very ill
WC: ~2k
Cw: vomit, swearing, nudity and shower/bathing scenes. 
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Asmo was coming to your room to wake you up for your scheduled hair appointment with him (Obviously you couldn’t be late for that!) 
He knocked on your door politely and waited for an answer. 
When you didn’t respond he decided to just come right on in!
“Aw, Mc. You look so peaceful lying there, but we are gonna be late!”
He got nervous when you didn’t respond to him...usually when he barged into your room you were up immediately to scold him, and he was talking rather loudly. 
He approached you and tried gently shaking you awake, still not getting a response.
Okay NOW he’s full-blown freaking out. 
He will pace around in a frenzy at first before he calms down enough to assess the situation. 
He approaches you again and places a hand on your forehead. 
Oh dear...you are completely broiling. 
He will immediately run to the kitchen to get some water and a cold towel and call Solomon to bring over some medicine that will help heal you. 
When he comes back you’re not in your bed though
Fuck where could you have gone?!
Cue violent vomiting from the bathroom. 
Ah. Well, at least you’re awake...
He will come to your side in an instant and rub your back while you continue throwing up. 
Once you’re done, he will help you back into bed and do what he can to make you comfortable, or even draw you a bath if you request it. 
Expect gentle cuddles, back rubs, soft speaking about how wonderful you are, and a wonderfully comfortable atmosphere (filled with music, soothing scents that wont upset your senses, and mood lighting)
He will absolutely refuse to leave your side unless he is using the bathroom or grabbing you something that you need, even when Lucifer scolds him to get to class. 
He will even clean up your room/bathroom for you so you don’t have to deal with it once you do start feeling better. 
He will also leave you some self-care products (lotions, scrubs, face masks, etc) for the days following your sickness so you can get back to your glowing, radiant self. 
He checks in on you more now, and is way more attentive to when you are feeling crummy. He will not let you get this sick again if he can help it- but he supposed it did give him a good excuse to pamper you...
He was rummaging through the kitchen after practice, but wasn’t finding anything particularly satiating to his hunger. 
He remembered you had a shoebox of goodies under your bed from your last visit to the human world and figured he could just pay you back later. 
He especially hoped you had those little cherry-liquor filled chocolates like the last time he snuck some food from your stash. 
But he is shocked when he enters your room and you are in bed. Didn’t you have plans to go to dinner with Diavolo and the other exchange students tonight? 
He is embarrassed by his attempts at stealing your food and turns to leave but stops when you groan- seemingly in pain. 
Oof this boy is at your side in an instant. 
“Mc, are you ok!? Are you hurt?!” 
Concerned Beelie mode activated. 
Once he finds out you are ill, he will get you anything you need, completely ignoring his own hunger in favor of caring for you. 
Will make you some nice chicken and ginger broth and help feed you. 
Will also carry you to the bathroom when you feel like throwing up and do whatever you need him to while you are vomiting. 
You may be able to convince him to help you into the bath, but he may be very nervous about helping you disrobe. 
He will quite literally never leave your side until he is convinced you are feeling better- and even then he will be much more protective and attentive to your needs. 
He can’t have his favorite human feeling so deathly sick ever again. 
Does it really matter why he was barging into your room???
He just wanted to spend time with ya! That should be reason enough!
But then he doesn’t see you in bed and he gets worried. 
Its Saturday- its not like you have school. Did one of his brothers get to steal your time first? Ugh of course they did. They’re always tryn’ta steal your time away from your first man!
Then he hears you violently heaving in the bathroom and the color drains from his face.
He will barge on in there with no regard for your privacy because of how worried he is. 
When he sees you vomiting, he will be by your side in an instant, rubbing your back and holding your hair out of your face. 
He will offer to shower with you, but refuse to even look at you while doing so because he cant possibly stand the notion of seeing you naked. 
He’d probably explode if his gaze lingered too long tbh
He would try to help you get dressed after but that wouldn’t go so well for the same reasons. 
He would be the best at giving snuggles though. 
He absolutely would refuse to leave your side for any reason, bribing Beel with food instead to get you things you needed. 
Would probably put on a movie or tv show to try to distract you from your sickness, but he doesn’t know what else to really do beyond that. 
He’s doin’ his best, ok?!
You were supposed to meet him in the library after classes to talk about a book you had recently started reading
It was one of his favorites and he had been excited to discuss your thoughts on it.
Well, you didn’t show up.
He. Is. PISSED. 
He wasn’t pissed at you per say- he probably figured one of his other brothers stole your attention away and resulted in you forgetting...but he was still upset he didn’t get to spend time with you. 
He walks straight to your room in a huff and pounds on the door, demanding to know why you left him hanging.
(He didn’t even know if you were there, but he hoped you were so he didn’t have to go searching everywhere for you). 
Fortunately, you were there!
Unfortunately, you answered the door and Satan saw how deathly ill you looked. 
Your eyes was sunken and the color was completely drained from your face. Your eyes were half-lidded in fatigue and your body was trembling.
He doesn’t feel upset that you bailed on him anymore. He is now in full concerned mom mode.
Satan immediately swoops you into his arms bridal style and brings you to his room. 
Its comfier in there, he reasoned
Really he just didn’t want his other brothers getting the chance to take care of you if they were to see you like that. 
He laid you into his bed and tucked you in, and you passed out immediately. 
He practically sprinted around the house like a mad man gathering items (antacids, towels, multiple bottles of water, a self-heating kettle, various types of tea and bouillon cubes, seltzer, heating pads, etc). 
He returns and scatters everything around his room and starts giving you top-tier care. 
He will sit in bed behind you with your upper body propped on his chest and he will read to you. 
Once you feel too tired to stay awake to listen to his reading, he will then give you a gentle shoulder, neck, and scalp massage until you fall asleep. 
He will literally drop anything to take care of you when you’re sick again in  the future. He like’s being able to be the first person you go to when you’re not feeling well. 
Lucifer became really annoyed when you didn’t come down for breakfast or answer his texts about why you weren’t at the table with the others. 
He finally gave up after trying to call you for the 3rd time and you didn’t answer. He figured he would just go straight to your room. 
He didn’t see you in bed, but saw your bathroom door open and heard the shower running. 
He called out to you and you didn’t answer. after a moment, he announced he was going to come in anyway. 
God he hoped you heard him because Lucifer doesn’t know if he could stay composed if you were suddenly naked in front of him. 
He ended up finding you passed out in the shower after seeing your hand on the floor, peaking out from the other side of the wall. 
He forgets his embarrassment at the idea of you being nude in an instant and is at your side. 
God damn, you have one hell of a fever.
He noticed traces of vomit on the floor, most of which had been washed down the drain from the water, but figured you must be ill. 
He picks you up and carries your over-heated body to bed. 
He wont dress you, mostly because he feels weird doing so but also because clothes may be too constricting for you right now. 
He tucks you in with just the flat sheet and places a cold towel to your brow so you don’t burn up even more
He will then go down stairs and demand everyone remain silent for the remainder of the day, and allow you to rest. 
He will absolutely ask Diavolo if he can borrow Barbatos for a bit to help make some meals for you while you recover. 
Lucifer will not leave your side unless he is going to get something for you, or unless he is retrieving or returning stacks of papers from his office.
...What? He’s got a lot to do. Besides, he can still work while taking care of you.
Belphie had snuck into your room in the middle of the night for some cuddles. 
Usually you would stir a little bit when he snuck into bed with you, but this time you slept like a rock. He didn’t think much of it, and just chalked it up to him getting better at being being quiet. 
When he woke up to you already gone, he was disappointed. It was the weekend, 
why were they up and out already? Ugh, they’re probably working on homework or something. What an over-achiever. 
Belphie was about to go back to sleep when he heard retching coming from the bathroom. 
He’s wide awake now and sprinting to the bathroom. 
You had undressed to take a bath due to feeling like death, but you hadn’t gotten one foot in the tub before you felt the contents of your stomach coming back up. 
Belphie was really embarrassed at first. Why the fuck didn’t he knock?!
But when he saw you continue to heave while crying softly at the awful sensation, he softened and approached you.
Grabs a towel and wraps it around your shoulders so you would be somewhat covered. 
Once you think you’re done, he helps you into the bath. 
You may be able to convince him to get in with you and continue to snuggle, depending on how close you two are at this point. 
After the bath, he will help you get dressed in the comfiest pjs you have and tuck you back into bed. 
He doesn’t want to leave your side but he has no idea how to take care of you. 
He will probably go quickly ask Beel and Satan for help in your care, and they do most of the work while he naps with you while you recover. 
fuck oh fuck shit fuck what does he do.
You were just getting up to go to the bathroom and now you’re unconscious on his floor.
You had been hanging out with Levi all day grinding away at a new game he had just purchased.
He didn’t think you really look too good...you were really pale, you had deep dark circles under your eyes, and you seemed really weak. 
You mumbled something about needing to use the bathroom after hours of uninterrupted gaming, but the minute you got to your feet you got extreme vertigo and collapsed. 
Levi is standing over you with wide eyes and face drained of color and has no idea what the fuck to do. 
He finally snaps out of his panic and bolts out of the room to grab somebody. He doesn’t know who...just anybody. 
Ends up rounding a corner, completely slamming into Lucifer, knocking them both on their feet. 
“Leviathaannn.” He growls, anger festering in his chest at the new bruise that was manifesting on his chin from where Levi’s head connected. 
Levi freaks the fuck out and practically drags Lucifer to his room, babbling incoherently about how he thinks you’re dead. 
When they get back to his room, you’re not in the spot where he left you. 
"MC WHAT! WHERE ARE YOU!” Levi’s intense screeching in panic makes Lucifer wince. He was definitely going to have a migraine after all this shit. 
Then he hears groaning from his bathroom. They both go in and see you coated in vomit, lying on the floor, and groaning loudly. 
You had stirred and tried to crawl your way to the toilet, but your nausea came up quicker than you could move. 
Well...at least you didn’t barf on Levi’s expensive collectables. 
Lucifer will help you clean yourself up and instruct Levi to go get a first aid kit, some water, antacids, and to make some ginger-lemon tea. 
Originally the roles were switched but Levi nearly passed out himself at the thought of having to help you bathe so Lucifer reluctantly switched the plan. 
Since moving you too far would be a hassle, he demands Levi allow you to stay in his room until you can move again. 
He hesitates to agree but overall he doesn’t mind. Once you’re able to be awake for an extended period of time, he will binge watch a new Anime he has been itching to get you into. 
Like Belphie, he doesn’t know how to take care of you really, so he will probably rely on Lucifer to do all of the work while he just provides comfort!
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