#shall we date: Obey me
ren-mielthebee · 3 months
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had a mammon relapse🧍🏾‍♀️haven't played the game in months dk wut happened
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Has anyone else noticed the utterly adorable sprite that floats by in the background of the newest guest visit space background? Of little fluffy MC, Sheep-chan, clinging to a little rainbow trailing after a falling star? Well I certainly noticed it, and thought it was totally and completely precious. And perfect for a pride symbol too! So here I have made sprites of Sheep-chan clinging to pride flags as they trail after falling stars! I'll be posting them to my Redbubble shop later, but for now, I just wanted to share these little cuties! I hope you find them as adorable as I do!
These designs are available in my Redbubble shop for anyone who might be interested!
If I've missed a flag you'd like to see, please feel free to let me know, I just did a bunch that I could think of!
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mirumototsubasa · 2 years
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My scans of the Obey Me bathrobe clear file set.
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
Head-Empty Headcanons
Things they say, think, and do that prove they are a bit air-headed. 
Genre: Headcanons, Comedy
Characters featured: All Obey Me! Characters (yes, even the new ones!)
Whenever Mc is mentioned its unrelated to their gender!
CW: swearing!
A/N: The brain rot is real this morning, and I haven’t done anything super silly in awhile, so here!
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The weirdest shit always comes out of his mouth when he’s half awake. 
Will ask the most ridiculous questions when he’s in between naps or when he’s just woken up because his brain is on autopilot, like along the lines of “Do you think pigeons have feelings?” 
Does not look when he crosses the street.
Will literally ask what you said after being annoyed that you asked if he was listening. 
Has drank water while laying down and choked himself. 
3 balls bopping around his head at all times are Food, Workout, and MC like a game of Pong
Blinks one eye at a time. It’s subtle but he totally does it. 
Has eaten the fortune out of a fortune cookie because he thought that was part of the process of making the fortune come true. 
When told by MC he had to rinse rice before cooking it he asked if he needed to use soap. 
Has eaten whole, raw, potatoes because he thought it would give him protein like eating raw eggs would. 
He’s pretty; he doesn’t have to be smart.
Once stared frustratingly in the mirror for 15 minutes trying to figure out why the phrase written on his shirt was backwards. 
The first time he dyed his hair, he got mad that it didn’t grow the same color out of his scalp.
Forgets that he owns something and will by numerous duplicates. 
1000% has fallen for MLM scams
No thought only cat.
You need to watch him like a toddler if you take him to the zoo. He will try to jump into every big cat enclosure. 
Has started fires in his room multiple times because he put candles on top of his books (Seriously dude your room is a fire hazard) but is still clueless as to how it happened.
The first time he saw a racoon he thought it was a rare breed of cat and tried to snuggle it.
Somebody take his screens away. 
Has 100% tried to “Back Space” words when writing physically with pen and paper.
More than once has screamed at a game system for not working when he had just not realized that it was unplugged.
Has definitely run into walls after sitting 2 feet away from his giant TV like a 3 year old. 
Has completely ignored and walked away from people because he is too busy creating a theme music for himself as he’s doing something that he perceives as cool.
I think I could never run of ideas for how airheaded this man is, but I’ll go for the abstract ones since there are many that are obvious.
One of those dudes who thinks pee comes out of the vagina. 
Definitely goes down existential rabbit holes because of questions like “Is cereal a soup” or “is a hotdog a sandwich”
Will literally believe anything you tell him if you say it with enough sincerity- even if it’s the most ridiculous thing you could think of. 
100% believes that horror movies like Friday the 13th are based on true events and is convinced that most humans die by serial killers
This man has absolutely done the dumbest shit when he is sleep deprived. 
Will lose things that he is holding in his hands as he’s using them- often it’s his pen or his phone. 
has drank scalding hot coffee because he forgot it was too hot to drink. 
Leaves things in the oven and microwave all the time. Usually Beel finds it and eats it, and he’s none the wiser.
Talks to himself all the time, usually giving reminders to do things or a grocery list, but also will just narrate things. 
 Literally a Golden Retriever.
Holds up his his fingers in an L shape to determine right from left- which never works because he forgets which way an L is supposed to go. 
Will believe pretty much anything you tell him about the human world if you say it with enough conviction.
Constantly doing the most ridiculous things without thinking of the consequences- often times leaving Lucifer or Barbatos to clean up his mess. 
Constantly bothers Mc, Lucifer, and Barbatos when they’re busy- even after just being scolded for being a distraction- because he forgets that they’re doing something and wanted to show them something cool
He’s probably the least ditzy, but even he has his moments.
Walks into the kitchen and forgets why he was going in there. All the time. 
Accidentally goes through all of the Little D’s names before getting the right one- even if he had JUST done the same thing for a different little D
Will step out the door to go somewhere with Lord Diavolo and immediately wonder if he left the Stove on. He will go check, and still wonder if it’s on 5 hours later. 
Simp! Simp alert!
Will do anything you tell him if you said “Well, I guess I could go ask Lucifer to do it...” even if its embarrassing or flat-out dangerous lol
Diavolo occupies his brain at all times so he’s often distracted by intense pining for their “friendship” that was totally not a one-way crush. (go listen to “When Somebody Loved Me” from Toy Story 2 lol)
One of those “Um AcTUaLly” bros who is always wrong about the thing they’re correcting you on to an absurd degree. 
Somebody go teach grandpa how to use a computer. 
Has definitely given his computer a virus by clicking a popup ad, and also fell for the “Nigerian Prince” emails
“Do you think someone would just go on the internet and tell lies?” 
No seriously he will see some wild conspiracy on Devilgram or Devilbook and be convinced it is real. Lord help him. 
Definitely thinks Boomer memes are funny. Send him a minion, he will laugh his ass off. 
Elevator music playing in his brain at all times.
Immediately choses violence as an option every time no matter the circumstances and this is quite literally CANON.
Is always the last to know some secret that isn’t really a secret and is really obvious. 
Will test the sharpness of his spears by jamming them into the ground, and then get mad when he cant yank them back up. 
Just a poor child trying his best. Someone teach him. 
Probably didn’t know what a chihuahua was when someone first compared him to one but was too embarrassed to admit he didn’t know so he just like. Went with it. Until he found out they are a tiny yippy dog- then he got angy. 
Absolutely believes that babies come from the Stork. 
Thought the “PG” movie rating meant “Pretty Good.”
His cooking cant be that bad...can it?
Will throw quite literally anything into a pot when cooking, even if it doesn’t make sense to do so, because he likes to “experiment” 
The first time he sees a fidget spinner he loses his fucking mind. “What is this? It’s spinning! I am in pure bliss!”
Has definitely blown up a classroom at RAD because he snuck in a potion to test out and accidentally dropped it.
Has definitely said some really outdated cringy slang. “Tubular!” “Oh man, so grody!” 
Conspiracy theorist- for sure.
Didn’t believe that Belphie and Beel were twins because they didn’t look alike (she did not know fraternal twins were a thing).
Is convinced that Solomon is an alien. 
Mispronounces words all the time because she rarely talks to others until the exchange program and primarily sees things written (e.g. Fragile as “Fra-gee-lay” and Bologna as “Bow-log-nah”)
Does not test her traps before using them, and gets mad when they don’t work.
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viburnt · 11 months
Older brothers || Little things they do
Genre: Fluff
Type: Headcanons
Characters involved: Lucifer (Obey me!), Mammon (Obey me!), Leviathan (Obey me!)
Prompt: Little things they do to communicate with you.
• Lucifer is gifted when it comes to music, that is no secret. He adores his piano and takes great care of it.
• Part of him feels like he can express the feelings inside his chest better that way: sadness, anger, love; a key for each one of his emotions.
• One subtle thing he did, and that perhaps took you time to notice, was leaving the door of his studio open for you while he played.
• You'd walk by and listen, not coincidentally, to your favorite melody turned into a beautiful piano tune.
• Lucifer would notice you curiously peeking through the door and smile, pretending as if he hadn't seen you.
• The small sounds of amazement that escaped your mouth and the little claps you'd give to cheer on him were more than enough to make him happy.
• This demon also takes a look at your music playlist while you are not looking, so he can learn the scores.
• Piano is his way to say “I'm here for you, come closer.”
• The second oldest has the soul of a crow trapped on his pretty little bubble head. He likes shiny and glittery things, valuable stuff; his sin is greed, after all.
• He hoards all kinds of items that catch his eye: Golden coins, silver jewelry, gemstones. Of course, it's a small loot, and he hides it very well from his brothers.
• Once he considers his treasure is worthy enough- it never is to his standards, but he tries – he puts it in a small cardboard box and leaves it on your bed.
• The first couple times it happened, you were a little confused. Mammon would only stammer something along the lines of “For you, dumb human” and leave, trying to- unsuccessfully- hide his flushed face.
• After a while, you started a small collection of the many things the demon gave you. It became a little game; you'd sort them out by color, size, and material.
• If you decide to wear a piece of jewelry from “Mammon's awesome treasure” (as he called it), he gets all goofy and dumb, boasting about it.
• If he notices you staring at an item a little too long at a store, he steals it buys it for you. He could be drowning in debt and still get you pretty gifts.
• Giving you shiny stuff is Mammon's way of saying “All of mine is yours too”. However, the meaning of his action also implies “No matter what, you are still more valuable than these things.”
• Leviathan, much like Mammon, can be qualified as a hoarder. The only difference between them would be, perhaps, that Levi tries to keep his stuff tidy and organized.
• We all know he is into anime and manga, so it's not uncommon for him to be reading or binge-watching his favorite series.
• A thing he does for you, even if it may seem like a burden to him, is that he always explains to you the plot of his anime. Like, he genuinely believes that if he manages to make you understand, you'll feel less weirded out by his weeabo self.
• It's not like his eagerness for these things bothers you, you find it kind of cute, but it'd be a lie to say that you understand what he talks about all the time.
• So you'd sit close to him, watching him read/watch his stuff in silence, and lean your head on his shoulder. Almost like a switch, he'd pause the episode or interrupt his lecture to tell you in great detail “How the protagonist sucks because he is overpowered”, etc.
• He felt closer to you that way, you were a haven for an introvert like him, so he'd really try to keep you around.
• Another thing he does is that, whenever you knock on his door to hang out in his room, he always takes a little longer to open. It's not because he is nervous about you visiting, he just freaks out because he doesn't want you to see his special merch. Wouldn't want you to think you are a creep.
• This is Leviathan's way to say “I care about you, please stay a while. I need you by my side.” He accommodates his hobbies so that you can fit on them with ease; better with you than to be alone.
Like my content? Comment and follow! The feedback encourages me.
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dilfiesz · 2 years
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if i can't have you no one will 💝
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bomilovesdevildom · 1 year
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Fic Idea Time!
Okay guys, so I have an idea that's been bouncing in my mind for a week and I want to know your thoughts. It would be an actual 20 chapter fic so I'm not sure if I'll be able to commit fully to it, but I mean...even just talking about it seems like fun. So here's the basic concept:
No beta, I die like the idiot I am
You couldn't believe it...and yet at the same time it was exactly the type of shit that Crowley would do. You stared at the demons before you, wondering exactly how you came to have such an interesting, yet annoying life. "So you're telling me...I was signed up against my will for an exchange program, and now I'm stuck here for a year?" You asked, feeling the annoyance coming through in waves. "I wasn't aware it was against your will, I offer my apologies." The head honcho demon, Diavolo, said with a sympathetic smile, "However the contract has already been sealed. Though I will say, we weren't expecting to have two students from your school." "Hey! Watch it, I'm The Powerful and Mighty Grim, future best wizard in the world!" Grim said, standing proudly. Lucifer looked annoyed that Grim would speak out of terms when you spoke up. "Well if the contract was for a single student, then technically this is correct. Grim and I are enrolled at Night Raven as a single student since I can't use magic." You explained with a sigh. Oh how annoying to have to explain all of this, not to mention you doubted they'd want a student who couldn't use magic and has a monster cat as a best friend. "You can't use blot magic, well that's fine." Diavolo laughed, "We don't use blot magic in the Devildom, so you'll be fine." You and Grim looked at one another confused, "Blot Magic?" You both said in unison. "Let me explain, since it's not common knowledge even in the human realm. There's different types of magic. Blot magic is the one you're accustomed to, which can only be harnessed by certain people." Lucifer said, "Here we use demonic magic, a different class of magic that doesn't accumulate blot, but takes something else entirely." "And what does it take?" You couldn't help but feel that small sliver of hope that you might be capable of using magic. "That's for you to find out during the exchange program." Lucifer's cold smile bore into you and you felt a shiver run down your spine. Well...guess you had some motivation for staying in the Devildom. Besides...perhaps they knew a way to get you home?
Well there you have it, a small blurb of the idea. Basically Crowley is given a notice about an exchange program and forges MC's signature (Aka the Reader), and MC and Grim are sent to the Devildom at the exchange students for an entire year. The ideas I have for the AU are the following:
Different types of magic, Blot Magic and Demonic Magic. Demonic Magic has a special way to harness that is revealed later in the story.
Pacts and their markings work differently in this AU for MC.
MC has a background due to plot relevance, but will be kept as vague as I can.
Possible romance, but not locked in. There wouldn't be any romance between the brother's at least. It would be at the end of the story where it deviates to different romantic routes for the Twisted cast.
MC can't contact their friends at the college while they're in the Devildom.
Briar Valley and the Devildom have some connections. The Fae and Demons often mingle.
Solomon is a mentor figure for MC throughout the entire story, meanwhile Luke is MC's newly appointed (self appointed) guardian angel.
There's now a reason MC ended up in Twisted Wonderland, and it's revealed late into the story.
Grim still has amnesia but bits of his AU backstory is slowly revealed throughout the story.
If anyone has any ideas though, I'd be happy to hear it. I haven't begun outlining things just yet, but I am compiling ideas slowly and would love to hear feedback from you guys. I have the basic plot in my head though, but like differences for AU's like...please gimme thoughts. Drop into my ask box. I will add them to the growing list of ideas. If I get enough feedback it might motivate me to start on this project.
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radnewspaperroom · 2 years
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Amazing! But also
Rookie numbers!
Make sure y'all pre-register!
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not-krys · 10 months
Fictober 2023: Kitchen Talks
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Prompt: #31: It's Not Your Fault
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Rating: General
Characters: Solomon, Miriam "Miri" (OC)
Summary: Miri talks with Solomon about their current situation.
Notes: Obey Me: Nightbringer Spoilers, fluff, comfort, original character, platonic relationship, not beta read.
I'm well aware that Fictober 2023 has already passed, but I didn't get a chance to finish this one in time, but thanks to a different, similarly-themed wip in my 100 Themes challenge, the juices for this one started flowing again and I finally finished it. It might be almost three weeks late, but I'm adding it to my list at the very least.
WC: 1050
Also on ao3!
Check out my masterlist!
The smell of warm soup floating in the air normally would be a comfort to Miri as she stood in front of the hot stove, but this evening, it was not as soothing as it usually was.
Cocytus Hall was so quiet compared to the House of Lamentation. Solomon tried his best to be a good roommate and mentor for her, but there was only one of him (thankfully) and he generally was a quieter companion compared to her adoptive family. No Beel to stand drooling over her shoulder as Belphie tried his best to pull him back. No Mammon yelling about his next money-making scheme while Lucifer gave him the stink eye in the hallway. No Asmo cooing over his reflection in the pots and pans. No Satan telling everyone to be quiet, that they were all too noisy, while the distant sounds of a video game echoed from Levi's room, a small chirp or groan periodically piercing the monotony of beeps and whirs.
Though anyone else would complain that it was too much noise for any normal person to handle, once it was gone, Miri couldn't help but feel lonely in the quiet kitchen.
She then felt a hand touching her cheek, a white hand that gently wiped away a tear she hadn't noticed was falling.
"I know you like sweet things, Miriam." Solomon said gently, "but a soup made of your tears doesn't sound all that good to me."
Miri wiped her other cheek on her sleeve, sniffling quietly.
"And I thought I banned you from the kitchen. Multiple times."
"How can I refuse the call to help my favorite pupil when she's in distress?"
"How did you even get through the spell on the door? I thought I finally got it right this time."
"You did, don't worry." Solomon smiled, "I just have a knack for getting into places if I try hard enough."
"…Yeah, that's true."
"You didn't have to agree so quickly."
"Just, sit on the stool then, if you want to stay. And don't touch anything."
"Yes, ma'am." Solomon did as told, sitting obediently on the stool near the door.
Soon, silence took over the small kitchen. Miri's pink curls bounced as she moved about, grabbing this spice or that spoon. Solomon watched her carefully, his hands itching to want to help her, despite knowing that she would get mad at him, again, for interfering with their food. He just couldn't help it sometimes. His knee bounced as he sat.
"Simeon told me what happened today at RAD. About how you'd twisted your ankle and that he had healed it after Mammon had held the salve hostage."
Miri froze, looking down at her healed leg, but remembering the events surrounding it.
"… I tried to stop him." She said, "but even after a good scolding, he still wouldn't listen, acting like a petulant child. It was so strange."
"Strange? Mammon normally is petty, if I remember correctly."
"Not like this." Miri turned the heat down under the pot, letting the stew simmer. "Usually after he realizes he's done wrong… well, he won't always openly apologize, but he would try to make things right."
"And… there was something else too." She pulled up her sleeve, showing white marks on her arm, Mammon's pact symbol most prevalent with a golden yellow glow.
"Sometimes, the glow dims, like I'm losing my connection to him." Pulling her sleeve up further, she showed more of her pact tattoos glimmering on her dark skin. All the glows that symbolized her connections to the seven demon brothers had grown dimmer.
"It feels that way with all of them. Like… I'm losing them. And…"
"And?" Solomon asked.
"I felt… weaker. Tired. Not just because of the connections, but… from myself too."
"How so?"
"When I tried to use the stay command, it didn't have as much force as it usually does. And, after the spell had taken hold… I felt.. dizzy."
"Hmm." Solomon frowned, putting a hand under his chin.
"I haven't felt like this when I used magic in a long time. Not since before I put on Lucifer's ring."
"Hmm…" Solomon said again, closing his eyes. "I didn't want to say anything, but if you're already experiencing your powers weakening…"
"My powers… weakening?"
"We're not in our own time, after all." Solomon said, "we don't have the connections we used to in our own time. As a result, since our connections are stretched so far across time rather than in physical space, it's being pulled tighter and tighter the longer we're here, in a place we're not supposed to be. Eventually, it might snap and we'll completely lose our magic, never able to go back 'home'."
A wooden spoon clattered on the floor. Solomon looked up, seeing his apprentice's wide, teary eyes.
"Never… able to go back?" Miri's voice sounded so fragile and tiny, Solomon felt she might break at any second. He stood up, his stool scraping as he wrapped her in his arms, hoping to stop her from falling apart.
"None of this is your fault, Miriam," said Solomon. "We'll find a way to get back to our time and figure out what this Nightbringer wants with you. We still have the majority of our powers left, remember?"
"'We'?" her voice shook, "you mean, you too?!"
" We still have the majority of our powers." he repeated firmly, "we'll figure out a way to get home, back to our own time, before we lose them completely."
He lifted her face to look at him, wiping her eyes with his thumbs.
"And didn't I just say a soup made with your tears wouldn't taste very good?"
"I meant it. Focus on the things you can control right now. There will be time for tears later. Right now, we need to eat to get our strength up, all right?"
She sniffled. "R-right."
"By the way… I think the soup could-"
She pushed against his chest, away from the stove.
"Touch it and I'll find some way to permanently kill you."
"Haha, my mistake," Solomon chuckled and returned to his stool, crossing his arms with a smile, watching on as his adorable little apprentice went back to making dinner, enjoying as the bounce slowly returned to her steps and her curls.
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imaginesfubu · 1 year
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I've seen this background before-
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ren-mielthebee · 2 years
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wanted to practice drawing different ethnic features so have the bois (my own hcs)
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Is anybody else stuck on the fact that we left the boys thinking that we were going back to the human world and would be back to visit them within a human lifespan… when they're not going to see us for likely thousands of years until the exchange program comes to fruition?
Cause like. I am SUPER stuck on that. That we didn't tell them the truth, so they're going to be expecting visits, or calls, or something, within our human lifespan… and how crushed are they going to be when that never happens?
What are they going to think when so much time goes by, a blink of an eye to them, waiting for us to get back to them again, and then one of them realizes that it's been long enough that there's no way we're still alive, & they 'realize' that they'll never see us again?
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mirumototsubasa · 2 years
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My scans of the 2 plastic files for the Obey Me Bunny outfits.
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
How they comfort you after a nightmare
Fandom: Obey Me!
Genre: headcanon, comfort
Charaters featured: the brothers
Written for a GN!Mc (you/yours)
Cw: nightmares, panic attacks, anxiety
A/N: I'm up because I had a horrific nightmare and I'm just here calming myself down and trying to stay awake bc I'm too terrified to go back to sleep so I'm thinking of how each brother would comfort their Mc after something like that.
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Absolutely wakes up the minute he hears you whimpering in your sleep and tries his best to wake you.
Will carefully wrap you in the softest hug to calm, pressing kisses to your shoulders and whispering soft reassurance that you're safe in his arms
Will probably run a hot bath or shower just to have the sensation wash away any lingering feelings or images from the nightmare (will also hold you the entire time and delicately wash you as he does)
He will let you word vomit the dream to him if you want, he knows sometimes sharing the disturbing images that plague your dreams can help lessen their impact.
If you're too scared to fall back asleep, he will stay awake with you and cuddle.
He'll also play some soothing records and bring you your beverage of choice to relax with
Will offer a game of chess or another strategy game to get your mind off the dream
Will probably involve Barbatos and Belphie to help resolve your dream issue if there is something that can be done about it, because dammit he hates seeing you in pain.
He will probably wake up as you're whimpers turn louder and you jolt awake with a scream.
immediately pulls you into his arms and hushes you, reminding you to breathe and reassuring you that he's "got ya."
Will ask if you want to talk about it after you calm down. Hes no stranger to nightmares so he knows sometimes taking about it can ease the pain of them.
Will offer to take a walk with you- no matter how late at night/early in the morning it is, and no matter how tired he is.
If you're too afraid to sleep,, he will offer to distract you by talking your ear off about random shit, watching a goofy movie, or playing a round of cards or pool.
Will gather your favorite comforting junk food to snack on while you do any of these things
He will also try his best to Lull you to sleep by humming and either rubbing your back or massaging your scalp- whichever you prefer
He is startled when he feels you writhing on top of him, but can recognize you're caught in a nightmare
He will do his best to gently wake you, but he's nervous, so his shakes may be a bit rougher than he intends
He will hug you until you calm down, and may even turn into his demon form to wrap you tighter with his tail for good measure.
He will offer you any plushie or body pillow you want from his collection to comfort you- even the ultra rare ones that only he is normally allowed to touch
Will turn on a video game and play with you, or watch a silly or juvenile anime to help distract you from the dream.
I hc his jellyfish and aquarium lights can change color, so he'll set them to whatever color you find the most soothing (or turn them to an fading pattern so they change colors slowly)
He may even offer to sneak out with you for a late-night/early-morning swim if you catch him feeling especially confident.
He's probably awake when you start to become restless and whimpering, but he knows that waking up someone from a nightmare can be like waking a sleep walker, so he's very gentle in coaxing you out of the dream.
Will absolutely hold you on his lap, rocking you as you come down from the panic.
Will offer to read to you to distract your thoughts from the dream, and also make you some soothing tea to sip while he does
He will also offer to take you out and pet the cats in the garden as an additional distraction
Makes his bed more comfy for you by stealing blankets and pillows from around the house, creating almost like a fort
He will also hold you in his arms and recite some nice haikus or other poems to you while you try to go back to sleep.
Up in an instant due to how light of a sleeper he is and already knows what you need after waking you.
Immediately cupping your face while kissing away your tears
Will draw you a bath and sit in with you while you relax in the basin, as well as play some soothing music and put some nice chamomile and Lavender in his oil diffusor
Get ready for a full on massage and watch the tension from the dream melt away.
He will also get you a nice face mask and give you a gentle mani/pedi
Will give you as many cuddles as you want throughout the night, and will make sure to forgo his routine just this once to ensure you sleep peacefully
will also sing to you to help you sleep if you ask him to!
Immediate bear hug and begging for you to wake up as he easily recognizes the signs of a nightmare
After you wake up he is reassuring you that you're safe with him, but he knows the pain of nightmares well and how he wishes he could be in your dreams to protect you too.
Will take you to the kitchen and make whatever comfort food you want- even if its a whole fucking meal.
Encourages you to drink a lot of water due to how dry your mouth probably is after breathing so hard.
He will offer to have you accompany him for a early workout to distract yourself (don't worry, if you're not into running you'll be carried on his back)
He will also offer to watch a movie with you or even just do some baking as a distraction.
Calls on Belphie and Lucifer to help with any recurrence of nightmares, wanting to ensure your slumbers are stress-free.
Sleeps like a rock so you'd probably have to wake him up and tell him you had a nightmare.
He's familiar with nightmares, but doesn't have them often due to his powers. He has also helped Beel with his nightmares in the past though.
Immediately pulls you down under the covers with him and caresses you gently. Reminding you his arms are safe now and that the dream isn't real.
He's down for a video or board game as a distraction, but may doze off here and there despite trying his best to stay awake.
Would wake up Beel so you have extra support, and will probably offer to watch a movie together as a distraction for you.
Will offer to enter your dreams any time for you to ease the nightmares, depending on how frequently you get them.
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viburnt · 11 months
Mammon|| Burnt cookie
Type: Reading bites
Genre: Fluff with slight angst
Characters involved: Mammon (Obey Me!)
Prompt: "Cookies for my love"/Mammon feels left out
When Mammon came to you with a baking magazine in his hands, you thought for a split of second he was up to something sketchy again. After all, his antics always started that way: “Oi, human! Teach me this or that.” Then? Grounded for a month for scamming people around him.
You sighed, giving the mag a brief look: Butter cookies, heart shaped, with a red velvet cover.
Raising your eyebrow confused, the question raised.
—Why do you want to bake cookies?—
Mammon looked away, trying to avoid your wondering gaze as much as he could.
—Just help me, dammit! I'll treat you to Madam Devian's if you do.— The demon stammered with certain embarrassment. Seeing how worked up he was over the topic, you huffed but agreed.
—Fine, but if I have to go through one of Lucifer's scolding monologues again, I'm breaking those sunglasses of yours with my hands.— He heard you grunt.
After a quick run to the store for ingredients, you settled on the kitchen counter to teach your demon.
It was a smooth process, you had to admit, impressed by Mammon's foreign good behavior. He was taking notes, watching with care your every step and not trying to tamper the recipe.
Putting the dough to bake, you eyed the concentrated man by your side.
— Who are you? What did you do to my Mammon?— You teased. His hand scratched the back of his head, confused.
—Whatdaya mean? It's me! Have you ever met a demon as dashing as me? Cuz there are no impostors on my watch!— He pouted, earning a laugh from you.
—I mean, cookies, your best behavior, and you're telling me this is not for scam purposes? What's the ruse?— The avatar of greed heard you inquire. He just clicked his tongue and frowned.
—Oi, get off my dick! It's a secret.— He answered with a sly smirk. —Besides, if I tell you, you'll tell the others and I won't be hearing the end of it.
With a snort, you shook your head. Mammon had always been stubborn when it came to secrets.
—Fine, fine. I need to go pee anyway, keep an eye on the oven while I go.— You said, walking off.
Weeks later, the House of Lamentation was plagued by all sorts of cookies: burnt, uncooked, salty, hard, weird looking…
Mammon went through the whole process of trial and error for days, wanting to bake - at least- one decent treat.
—You've been going on for days, Mammon. Are you ok? Is this some sort of demon midlife crisis?— You joked as the white-haired man sat defeated on the kitchen floor. The look he gave you made you shut your mouth quickly. —Hey… what's wrong?
Mammon huffed, rubbing his eyes.
—I just wanted to do something nice for you, is that what ya wanted to hear?— He grunted in discouragement. —Lucifer always plays his piano for you, Asmo gets you fancy presents. Hell, even Belphie gifted you a knife! I just…—
Hearing him like that almost brought tears to your eyes. He had tried so hard to keep up with his siblings that he felt the need to give you a gift. You hugged the demon with no hesitation.
—Mammon, you dummy. I love you so much.— You muttered, cupping his cheeks. — No gift or token would change that, you're still my first…
The demon grew flustered with every word you said.
—But the cookies…— He whined. You took one of the burnt cookies from the tray and dug in: it was gross and bitter, but it tasted just like love should.
—The best I've ever tasted.
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