#also these protags are basically my OCs at this point
cobaltfluff · 1 month
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so i started playing persona 4
where are the QoL features
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justasupportunit · 3 months
Here's my main Persona 3 oc, Lucian Grey! I put them in their reload outfit. They join S.E.E.S right after Fuuka and they are shipped with Ryoji (for reasons).
More info below cut!
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I tried to hint this with the 2nd picture (even tho I don't think it shows??) They are basically a reanimated person kept alive by Ryoji. They don't know this however (their cause of death is in my fic) as they have no memory of dying.
Aigis detects them as part shadow part human so Aigis and Lucian don't get along at first at all due to this.
Their arcana (despite the card their holding) is the Star.
Their persona is Peresphone (due to Rebirth and Peresphones relation to death and such). Their Therugy (is that how you spell it?) move is to revive the protag if they are to fall. However they can only use this one time per trip to Tartarus. (Can't make them overpowered >_>)
Before Ryoji appears in physical form, Lucian sees him but refers to him as 'their imaginary companion'.
If Ryoji is to die, so are they since Ryoji is what is keeping Lucian alive.
Lucian is primarily friends with Mitsuru and Akihiko at first due to them being in the same grade as them.
Fun fact(s): Lucian doesn't need to eat or sleep! They don't know this so they still do but technically they don't need to. Lucian is also cold to the touch due to the whole being dead thing.
I'll post the main fic I'm writing about them somewhere on ao3 or here. Needa get to a good point in it before I feel satisfied enough to post it though!
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Crazy long oc lore drop because I need to share my thoughts to my page
The OCS fyi, keep up with the names this gets confusing
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it's before Jesus times , Ume exists , Ume is the first vampire, ume forms herself a child from her own self. Basically like plants and uke decided to make her Safa. Safa grows , 137 years go by. Safas pretty chill, just like killing and eating because hungry yum. Because Safa just wants power and doesn't really feel emotions Safa kills ume and eats her because she's evil and cool. In 209 Safa gives a god her role as a vampire and the god switches places with safa , safa becomes the all mighty god of all and everything because the god wanted normal vampire life back. Safa gets herself followers , basically evil Jesus and the 5 apostles (I laughed sm at this). Lewis is her biggest and first follower (and the only man), he serves cunt and is quite funny, he eats women because tasty even tho he dislikes women romantically, safa has many followers and it's kinda a cult, her 5 biggest followers mean most to her , she cares for them like her children/pets
Safa has other followers , but they don't mean much to her, they're worth less than ants to her
Lewis seduces women, laughs at them , gives them a humiliating death and eats them though he has a kind soul (trust me on this one he's doing whatever he can for safa to be proud)
Lewis falls in love with a mortal (I'll write about him later) , he turns the mortal to praying to Safa because it's a cult, safa grants Lewis's lover a wish , to also be immortal because yayyyy
Izmi is Safas second biggest follower (Right after Lewis they chill)
Izmi has alot of burn scars because she died being burnt at the cross, she cover them up by dressing like a grandma (not literally, she's a morikei girly), izmi eats whatever is breathing because yum.
Safa sees her biggest 2 followers as her kids
Izmi calls her mother Safa Lewis calls her Mama Safa
(lewis draws on moles to look more like Safa) Izmi was a follower of safa in old ass times idk
She was burned for accused witchcraft While burning she was praying to safa Safa granted her immortality. The reason why her hands are burn more is because that's where they burn her because they wanted her to stop praying because they thought she was some weird witch. At some point when our protag is dating safa izmi falls in love with a cashier in a grocery store(Kate) And they are like really hitting it off But the day izmi wants to confess Kate unalives herself and izmi is PETRIFIED
Safas last name isn't really Kaji (safa quite dislikes it because of the meaning)
She just knows umes name was Ume Kaji So she took on Kaji too because how else do you start a cult without a last name
Lee is the protagonist , all this happens before she was even born, she is half taiwanese half Filipino. During the end of the series you see how Safa is a manipulator and ruins them all, especially Lee
safa is made from ume so she's kinda just ume-nese (I'm so funny)
In public lewis and izmi pretend to be safas actual kids (even tho lewis is 6,1 and safa and Izmi are 5,9) and it's absolutely hilarious
X:"Is that your girlfriend?"
Lewis:"That's my mother"
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seleniancalamity · 2 months
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heres another oc i made.. this time he's more Game Accurate :tm: here's my oc, 'nothing' aka sorrel
i wrote a shitload of dialogue for him too below the read more
his gimmick is that he doesn't have a gear. at all. he wasn't spawned with one. i know that's lore inaccurate but idc
he's also the AF1 protag (which does in fact mean he's stratosfear) in my adventure forward au
this wasnt balanced for gameplay at all btw i just did whatever im no game dev LOL
sorry if the formatting sucks also its not complete i ran out of steam at some point cause my fixation ran out right before i finished this :sob:
also sorry if the other phighters are ooc i dont know how to write anyone but subspace
basic - "Here we go again." "Just like old times, I guess." "Try not to be dead weight." "This place is terrible. I respect absolutely none of you people."
map dialogue - bogio skatepark - "I remember breaking a horn here as a kid." protect telamon - "Who the hell is Telamon, anyways?" roblox arcade - "..Not a fan of the green guy plushie in the claw machines. It feels ominous." roblox mall - "Fantastic! I can't afford anything here."
crossroads - "Never thought I'd be back 'home.'" "…" "I wonder if the housing prices here ever went down." "Another day, another 24 hours to waste." "All the coffee here is too expensive. yawn" "Finally, a bit of peace and quiet. Now if only I could get my head to shut up, too."
match outcome - victory - "You'll never underestimate me ever again." victory - "Next time, don't even bother." victory - "Don't waste my time anymore." loss - "Why do I even try." loss - "…." loss - "#### ###. …Seriously? I can't even say that?"
ally interactions - ban hammer [BH] - "They really let just anyone into Phights these days!" [N] - "Don't fly too close to the sun, Icarus." [BH] - "..Who the hell is Icarus?!"
skateboard [SB] - "Y'know.. A smile might be good!" [N] - "There's nothing to smile about in my life." [SB] - "Jeez.."
vine staff [VS] - "Please, try to take better care of yourself, I worry for you." [N] - "…Whatever."
[VS] - "You would benefit from talking to more people, I believe." [N] - "…" [N] - "Fine. I guess I'll try."
biograft [N] - "You remind me of something." [BG] - "WHAT DO I REMIND YOU OF?" [N] - "Doesn't matter." [BG] - "ANSWER UNCLEAR." [N] - "…"
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
how does the main story play out in your everyone lives au? does it change Before the Mehrunes Dagon fight or is that it's only divergence?
EEEEEK I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED bc I love talking about it!!! yes the Mehrunes Dagon fight is really the only major thing that changes. however, there's a lot of particulars in the timeline that i'm, well, particular about, so here's the gist of how the main quest, the Dark Brotherhood storyline, and Shivering Isles all fit together:
to give you a timeline, I like to think that the main quest starts in early spring and ends in late fall, so it takes about six or seven months.
Suzy is also juggling Dark Brotherhood story quest starting somewhere around early summer; her statue in Bruma has her Shrouded Armor on. that questline is also very slow going and doesn't really start to boil over until after the MQ is resolved. Suzy is named Silencer and given Shadowmere basically right before it's time to get the Amulet back from Mankar Camoran.
Martin survives the final battle, but it's a huge fiasco because he ends up borderline comatose from magicka expenditure. he makes a full recovery physically but he is a WRECK mentally. sidenote: it's very fun for me to explore how that would play out... i've mentioned my very long Marcien wip i've been working on; in that fic I do a lot of philosophizing about how he would handle being the emperor on top of all his past trauma, and what it would mean to be a Septim emperor with no Amulet of Kings or Dragonfires around to justify your bloodline's usefulness anymore.
while Martin is still settling into the throne, that's when the Dark Brotherhood absolutely implodes around Suzy. she's totally preoccupied with it, and as a result, she's hardly able to pay Martin any visits to check up on him. of course Martin kinda sorta starts to spiral without his emotional support demiprince... :(
Suzy comes in clutch to wrench Lucien from the jaws of death. he is... a little worse for wear. the exact severity of his wounds kinda varies from fic to fic but I don't think he gets out unscathed. in one ending i'm floating for my fic Urgent, he's all but incapacitated from the injuries (cutting against the grain of the abdominal muscle will basically render you unable to lift anything heavy ever again), and he's thus forced into early "retirement". in other versions of the ending, he quits of his own volition out of a totally justified paranoia that it could happen again, and that he won't be so lucky the second time. as a Silencer and not the Listener (she can't be everything!!), Suzy has no real reason to stay in the Brotherhood once Lucien gets forced out one way or another, so she takes her leave as well.
I think at that point Suzy gets Lucien and Martin talking mostly out of necessity; she's genuinely worried that both of them might do something horrible to cope with their sudden new lives, so she figures a buddy-system is a good solution for when she can't be there in Cheydinhal or the Imperial City to do welfare checks.
and, of course, there's no rest for the wicked; Suzy is very soon drawn away once again to the Shivering Isles, where her dad needs her to fulfill her duties as demiprince and keep New Sheoth running smoothly, while (semi-knownst to her) the Greymarch is happening. it's a different OC of mine (Hears-Voices, my Daggerfall protag) who becomes the new Madgod, and Suzy in her infinite daedricitude immediately takes a shine to him and totally accepts that he's her dad. not her new dad; just... her dad. you know how it is.
once that's all wrapped up in a neat little bow, she finally gets the opportunity to go back to living in Cyrodiil... only to find her two besties hooked up while she was away, and they both want her to be their maid of honor! how long has this been going on? will Suzy be able to compromise between her two best friends' wishes?? and are they going to be serving those tasty little cheese cubes at the reception or will Suzy have to cater it herself?!?!?!
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fagbearentertainment · 4 months
No no no no no. Come back. Tell me more about your old sonic ocs
~Charlie anon
Ok I’ll tell you everything I remember about them, also I was 13 and going through it mentally when I came up with them so keep that in mind (I had also just started realizing I was queer)
It was set in Sonic Forces bc that was the Sonic game I was playing at the time. Rosie (originally named Rose but I renamed her last year) was the self insert Forces protag and worked with the resistance. She had depression and i think another mental illness but I forgor what it was, I wanna say it was ptsd or schizophrenia but I’m not 100% sure so we’ll just say she depressed. I actually have a doodle of her from 2022 in one of the random outfits I gave her in game
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She was originally way more emo tho, as 13 year old me decided while imagining edgy animations memes of her and her gf lol. I also had a plot line of her getting captured like Sonic does in that game and it was basically just an excuse to have her and Sonic be sad together before getting rescued lol
I never ended up drawing or naming her rabbit gf but the design I imagined was based on Cream the Rabbit, iirc she might’ve been Creams older sister/cousin for some reason? She basically looked like these two images fused together, I think she also had dyed black fringe that covered one of her eyes at some point
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I unfortunately don’t remember much about her personality except that she was more flirty than Rosie, probably also depressed, she hated her family, and she desperately wanted to run away (basically Rosie but more goth)
I also imagined them to these two animation memes specifically basically every car ride for the longest time
Man I need to imagine the being happy for a change they deserve it after the shit they went through in my 13 year old brain
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nyenylon · 2 months
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Believe it or not PEOPLE HAVE SONAS!!3!3!3+
So I actually redesigned this fella a bit ago and I'm still working out the kinks but the basic information has stayed pretty much the same:
• They were the first junior Sky Phoenix explorer (I like to imagine that they did not allow children to join before the club was locked away for 100 years)
• They have radio antenna installed into their head (a story for a later date)
• They didn't have three names before they chose a new set (Kind of a joke about how they're a terrible explorer)
• They're an in-universe super fan of the explorer protags and have newspaper clippings and flag reports of them spread around their cabin (at one point they invite the explorers in without thinking during the grand-reopening and get totally embarrassed)
• Since the club was JUST restored when they joined they didn't actually have an explorer specialty. They were given the honorable title of "planning and relations manager" by the receptionist, Tad (friend/oc). He is very keen on paperwork. The title is just fancy for post-boy anyway. So they don't go on an expedition for ages, all throughout the events of TOSEC.
I hope I get to see more splorsonas about some day ^-^
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the-down-upside-finch · 6 months
From the wip list tag game: I gotta know, what is "The New Magicians" series about?
Okay okay so. Context: When I was in 5th grade, I had a really distinct way of doing warm-up drawings, where I would scribble all over the page and then find figures in the lines and color them. During this, I somehow wound up with 4 characters that kept appearing in these warm-ups.
So I started drawing them more and more, and eventually these random doodles spawned a story in my head. Also, I was dedicated to the idea for making books targeted for my age group that were also not as "easy" to read (I was a very pretentious child, if you can't tell). But I wanted them older because I was sick of protags that were ten years old. SO I MADE THEM 14 YEARS OLD.
Anyways, this series has evolved into a story that is near and dear to my heart. The three MCs are still 14 years old (one just turned 15), but the story follows them as they start high school and adjust to that reality as well as being constantly summoned to the world on the other side of the curtain where magic is the norm.
(I'll go more in depth below the cut, if this sounds at all interesting. Also there are a lot of extreme spoilers down there just because yes. It's a fantasy story and them discovering magic isn't really a twist at this point haha)
The main characters are Cori Whimsinberg (she/her, 14 y/o), Esmee Platt (she/her, 15 y/o), and Trevelle Wickerson (she/her, 14 y/o). I have not drawn them in FOREVER but here's a really old ref I made:
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(Left to right: Esmee, Trevelle, and Cori)
The story basically kicks off when Cori finds (and puts on) a cursed ring. This triggers her magic early, and she grows fairy wings (I swear this has proper lore to explain it), which in turn also triggers an early manifestation of Trevelle's magic. Esmee, feeling left out (as she has since the beginning because Cori and Trev have known each other since they were toddlers while they just met Esmee) has a bit of a meltdown and winds up getting accidentally kidnapped by an evil enchantress.
AND THEY ALL END UP SEPARATED IN THE MAGICAL WORLD! And so our side characters come in.
Cori meets a shapeshifter named Pachir (she/he/it, 14 y/o), Trevelle meets a sprite named Cythis (he/him, 15 y/o), and Esmee meets a Merrow creature named Karales (he/him, 168 y/o). They also get help from another shapeshifter named Knem (he/him, 18 y/o). (Pachir is the 4th character that kept appearing in my warm-up doodles.)
And then of course things get chaotic. But, as the hero's journey dictates, they all get back home safely until the start of the next book in the story.
One of the reasons this story is still so near to my heart is that these were technically my first OCs. My first written stories were about them. Everything started with them.
Also, the story has a lot of rep that I wasn't seeing at all in the stories I read back when I created these characters. Esmee's dad and brother are Deaf, so she knows ASL. Cori lives with her single mom after her dad passed, and the story does talk about this grief processing that she has been going through. Trevelle is a "tomboy" character and she is faced with a lot of challenges when high school starts and she is stuck on that gender divide. Cythis's parents are divorced, and he has to deal with that stigma in his culture.
When I revisited the story and was rewriting things around the time I was figuring out my identity, it occurred to me how much ace coding I had put into this story, as well as neurodivergent coding. This story helped me understand a lot about myself when I realized that there was only 1 (very forced) romantic subplot. I've kept that subplot because it explores other things I want to explore.
ANYWAYS! I'd happily talk more about these character but my break is almost over and I've gotta go give a presentation for a class. Here's a bonus for reading this far:
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Some really old art of these characters and the sketch of the (also really old) redraw.
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orbleglorb · 1 year
answering some of these questions, b/c i feel like it
what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
a couple:
1: Sitting on Tillman's couch in his dingy apartment, Declan wondered to herself: After nine official dates, fourteen non-official dates, and countless make-out sessions, was it still too early to say "I love you?" (tilldec blaseball)
2: She looked… tired. Beyond tired. Tired in a way it didn't understand, but knew one day it might. (blaseball, it's hard to explain? basically a series of interviews of "star players" but i felt like the OC i made for it was too cringey).
3 (a long one): "Alright, then maybe you should stop rescuing animals until you get glasses," Marcus replied.
"What is so terrifying about it that I can't see right now? It can't be that bad." Tanya rolled her eyes and it took every ounce of restraint in Marcus's body to not grab her by the shoulders and shake her.
"Okay, well, for starters, it looks more like a human than a dog. That straight up looks like a naked-ass dude."
"No, it doesn't!" Tanya squinted, trying to get a good look at it.
"It does! It has arms and legs and a nose– a NOSE, not a snout! And it's sitting like a kid that got put in time out."
"Well, if it's a person, it doesn't speak much English."
"Yeah, it said something earlier that sounded like 'BEWARE' when I put him in the kennel-"
"Tanya, you are fostering a whole ass demon. That is a whole ass demon you are trying to rehabilitate. I don't think you can rehabilitate demons."
"Well, has anyone tried?" Tanya asked in a sing-songy voice.
"If anyone's tried, they haven't lived long enough to tell the tale! Because demons fucking kill people!"
(^this is from a creepypasta fanfic where someone "rescues" the rake to rehabilitate it.)
tell us about a character who’s very different than you who you love a whole lot
my ocs: martín!! he's kind of a prankster guy who gets tortured to the point of insanity and decides to kill a couple ppl about it. he's fun. he's too tumblr sexyman-ish for me to feel comfortable sharing LMFAO
fic: tillman! it's hard for me to write tillman because writing embarrassing things is hard for me. also, yuniesky, because i am a very earnest person and it's hard to write people who are convinced they can stop having emotions if they ignore them long enough
how do you name characters and places?
characters: most get a placeholder name, and sometimes that placeholder name sticks. a lot of my characters' names are chosen by culture. like my jewish characters are named Rebekah, Ezra, and Edith. my latine characters are named Martín, Marco, Josefina, Francisca, Catalina, etc etc etc. however, these can be difficult, because most baby naming websites are run by american moms that do not know what they are doing. so when i'm trying to find Chilean names (this family is from Chile), i have to jump thru 93919495392929487 hoops to find names that are ACTUALLY used in Chile. and if i change where they're from for Plot Purposes, i'll probably have to change some names, too. god bless that one italian mommy blogger that painstakingly explains italian naming traditions. now i just need this for several central and south american countries. anyway, i compile a list of names (and their meanings, if there is one) and choose from those. i have a giant note in my notes app of me naming characters. usually, bits of it will look like this:
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the concept for this character was a friend for my protag, Gwen. I had been sitting on the idea of an 80s-esque, neon-loving hijabi for a long time, so i made her one of Gwen's friends. I'll probably have to change Dhia's name, since I've been considering changing what ethnic group she's a part of.
places: i start by writing out a description, then shorten it down until i have something i like. here's an example:
The Regular and Plain Dimension
ThReAnPlaDim (Threan-Pladim)
→ Pladim
→ Replaim
I decided on Pladim.
For towns, I go to a town generator and write down bits i like, then mash them together into different names. I usually don't like the whole name, since the whole names they give tend to be... odd (Cape Neotsfailouise?? Brixcray and??) but there might be little parts of the generated names that i like. for example, i might decide to use Cray somewhere in the town named based off of Brixcray.
i may post more later o7
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roguetemis · 9 months
it is time! first oc post, and after debating things for a bit, decided to start with my main oc: Themis!
Themis Mahariel
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My oc from Dragon Age Origins, and basically one of my first serious fan ocs that I've created. I currently don't have an actual up-to-date reference, but you can find a lot of kick-ass comissions & other art made by amazing people and me on her toyhouse page !
Her name is pronounced as Tee-Mis, not thee-miss (just because I like it more)
Silent, kind and just, I accidentally made her a classic RPG protag
However, as all my ocs, she has ✨trauma✨and a shit ton of problems
Too selfless, will sacrifice herself for the world if needed
Just to the point that she will stand up to ANY injustice. She basically gets involved in way too much stuff.
Not a good leader!!!! because you can't be a good leader if you try to save everyone
Of course you can follow her lead just. just now that you will be in for a wild ride.
Has a twin brother who happens to be one of my friends Wardens!
Is romantically involved with Alistair and they've been living in my head rent-free for 3 to 4 years now
She's a rogue- and whoa, look at that! rogue themis!!!! [throws myself off a window]
To be precise she's a ranger
Her canon DAO ending is an AU, but considering it could be considered as spoiler, if anyone wants to read her story in detail, you can find all the info on her toyhouse page.
Though I will tell you guys she survives, (if you know the ending: not exactly the surviving ending) - and becomes a lot more unhinged WHEEZE
Behold some outdated old-ass references i made for her A LONG AGO (2020 I think??? jesus christ I've improved so much LMAO))
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And here's a revamp of the middle design (alienage version) I did not so long ago - basically a younger, cuter, happier version of her
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And that's all for her main post- I might share some old art I've made for her, IF i can find it, most of it is really old. She also has a very different design for Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition. also I may have a 34 page google doc about her and my Inquisitor im so normal about them ANYWAY I LOVE DRAGON AGE I CANT WAIT FOR DRAGON AGE 4 BYe
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bntarwarn · 10 months
so yeah, i have an interactive story i'm planning to work on this month (after i finished this ongoing fic). about "guy (gender neutral) has to go kill a mermaid for to use as a cure for their family's sickness"
here's some doodle of the protag from said story. just finally getting her design down
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more infodump about her + the story i'm planning to make under cut
gonna organize these as bullet points
about the story/setting
planned to be an interactive story with four main endings. a one-shot.
the main story is pretty much "guy (gender neutral) has to go kill a mermaid for to use as a cure for their family's sickness"
set in a universe where mermaids exist, and their meat is believed to grant powers/heal people. so yeah thats why willow has to go out to find a mermaid
there's also this in-universe mythology i crafted specifically for this story. something something mermaids being the ocean goddess' children...
the endings are pretty much "is willow willing to kill the mermaid, or let the mermaid eat her first". also every ending is laced by willow's regrets to some extent. i'd say it's kind of a tragic story overall?
i intend to make this story link into this one OC universe (A Pawn's Creation) i'm working on. the link to that ocverse is probably through references of the goddess mytho, considering how that ocverse is basically built for fucked up god dramas
about willow/the protag
*slaps willows head* this fisher can fit so much repressed desires and regrets in her
the middle child of her family. she currently works as a fisher (a job passed onto her by her parents). her siblings take on other jobs :p
she can also butcher. will need this skill to butcher the mermaid she runs into
morally questionable with morbid tendencies
jokingly named "Ishmael Samsa (Heathcliff)" when i first pitched the idea in my friends discord server.
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the type to really long for a life freed from everyone's influence on her
very foggy sense of identity, unsure of what she really wants and jazz. and can be easily-swayed by certain things
"i'm probably nonbinary but i have a job so idrc about that rn"
i might end up rambling more about willow, or like. literally everyone else in the story (like the mermaid willow will run into, the entire mermaid mythos, etc.)
or idk i end up rambling about something else entirely unrelated to willow and the carnivore mermaid corner of this ocverse lol
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smallfry372659 · 1 year
okay so we know about your Neo 3, mod, but what about your other agents?
(This was the question I wanted to get since I introduced Chevelle lmao thank you!!!)
(So my agents don't follow the same kinda pattern a lotta other people do with theirs!)
(My Captain 3 is named Osprey, Ozzy for short. She's Australian, Aboriginal most likely. Not the brooding type of Captain, but still a massive dweeb. Talks like an anime protag, conductor of the chronic pain train, kinda chipper and more of a mentor to agents like Neo 3 and 4. Likely to kick your beak in if you're being a jerk tho so they're not a pushover. She/they pronouns! About 22/23 still deciding here. Probably Pan, probably Poly, doesnt care about gender. VERY stupid about self care and pushes themself too hard a LOT. Captain of both the NSS but also the squid sisters fanclub. Probably was in a lil fling with each Squid Sister separately at different points. Both ended on good terms!)
(Agent 4 is Polaris, or as Marie calls them "Lari", which makes them f u m e. They also get called Bi-Polar for being an easily ticked off bisexual who can't stick to a gender identity. ADHD/Autism swag is off the charts too. Like this is my lil skrungle who punches people during Turf. Probably has rabies? Ate a raw bird once for 3k G. Has trouble applying themself to anything other than Agent Work, which they love. 20, they/them is their usual pronouns but they'll switch em around with she or he or sometimes it pronouns. Most likely French Canadian if I had to give them a voice. 100% Dated the Fiddler from Bottom Feeders, broke up because she wanted to fight to keep things "fresh".)
(My 8 is Oracle. Former Elite who fell into the Metro after engaging with Captain and Cuttlefish while out on patrol with her partner. She's got quite a checkered past that's actually tied to an oc centric story I'm writing but the short of it is that theyre a clone of an AWFUL scientist from Octo Canyon and she's really trying to distance herself from that. Trans lesbian swag. She/they, cynical and sarcastic but in that big sister kinda way. Highly intelligent, suffers from injuries received during the NILS statue fight and the trials [mostly seizures, migraines, PTSD, and anxiety the poor dear], her and Cap3 are probably an item but won't make it official, shes 24. Enjoys modding weapons and stabs as a warning. Venomous! Pearlina Shipper #1)
(And you all know Chevelle hopefully. If not, they're an orphaned Octoling who got adopted by a Maws [Mamaws]. They didn't wanna be an agent, but felt like Cuttlefish could pay them and then didn't so they were going to back out but then fell into Alterna and the rest is history. Started out super poor and spends time getting money to donate it to other poor kids in Splatsville. REALLY hates Grizzco. Steals eggs back. Sabotaged the copter more than once. Thinks of Deep Cut as bad influence older siblings [gets treated like it too by those 3 like they LOVE Chevy like a sibling]. Very dry-wit, motivated and resourceful. Lil Buddy is basically their adoptive baby brother who eats glue. Ambiguous race for now, though I see them with a bit of a Spanish accent so might be of Latin descent. Can speak Salmonese, Octarian, and Inklish but prefers to be quiet. 18. They/them. Gay gay homosexual gay. Has a crush on Polaris)
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outcastpack · 10 months
Basically it's Thiam fic in my pokemon universe. Liam is Scott's Protégé of sorts who is Galars champion (replacing Leon) while Theo is the Son of Sinnoh Champion Cynthia(because its cynthia and I had to include the best Champion)
At 1st the boys travel separately(changed the age people can "legally" travel to 18 because always felt weird being this like 14 year old saving the reigion in the games et) but Theo travels with Corey and Liam with Mason cause morey. Both Theo and Liam are trying to get enough badges to compete in the Championship tournament that is set to happen where the best of the best compete (Kinda similar to the masters 8 tournament)
Here's links to the Theo and Liam moodboards since their teams are already planned and accidently made Theo a dark type trainer but also works into a plot point to feature the Johto E4 member Karen.
The general idea announcement
I will also be adding my OC character who basically Female me in terms of team etc just haven't worked out how to get her in yet. Her being a play on of Selene(Gen 7s protag) and Hilda/White(Gen 5s Protag)
Liam Moodboard
Theo Moodboard
Mason, Corey and My OC moodboards to come.
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starrysmiling · 2 years
reasons why jax and aros should talk
i'm very much looking forward to the cube corp update where (hopefully) aros will reappear so that i can finally write my jax + aros bonding fic with full context...! and that's why i'm going to ramble about my jax + aros thoughts in hopes of waiting faster (in order of mostly descending importance)
(before i forget: i'm going to refer to the protagonist as fern. he's basically an oc at this point. i rarely think of protag as francis any more just because of the amount of lore fern has)
first and foremost: jax was there for a lot of fern's journey through the region. even without considering the huge impact fern has had on jax and his character development (see: jax thoughts), he's the one who interacts with fern the most, they've battled together the most, they've saved the fucking region together. i'm sure aros wants to know all about his son during the years he was gone, and who else would be better qualified to talk about him? (and why not ask fern directly? because fern will brush it off as something that isn't really important compared to how much aros has done in his lifetime. fern might show off to his friends with his own strength, but he's humble when it comes down to things that are genuinely important to him.)
now that i mention jax's character development, let's go back to the hero thing: aros was known as the guardian of borrius. jax is set up as a hero. (if we go into hc territory here, it would make sense for jax to like heroes, like those in books and movies. with that in mind...) don't you think jax would come to admire aros in some way? there's no way he doesn't want to meet one of his great inspirations.
following on from that, it would be kinda funny for them to meet knowing that aros also happens to be jax's best friend's dad. i mean, his other best friend's dad is, uh... marlon. these guys sure have interconnected families!
speaking of interconnected families, there's a good chance that aros met jax when he was still little. (i hc that fern was 5 when aros disappeared, and jax is a little less than a year older than fern, so that leaves aros with a 6 year window to meet young jax) after all, aros being the guardian and arthur being the champion probably means they crossed paths, and arthur being a friend of prof log might've meant that he'd have been to frozen heights. it'd be cute if aros recognised him as arthur's grandson...
these next ones go a little more into how we (mage, my partner in crime, and i) view fern and jax and also their relationship with each other, but i also want to talk about them:
fern's personality changing since he was a child to how he is as an adult. after aros' disappearance, fern would withdraw into himself and spend a lot of time alone. (fern eventually developed his confident and snarky persona as a way of dealing with how he doesn't want to show how lonely he is.) aros could learn this from fresia (his childhood friend. fresia, who dreamed of travelling abroad and left for sinnoh years before the game's plot, inadvertently cemented fern's belief that the people he cared for would leave him), or fern's mom, the two people fern felt comfortable with during his formative years. the entire thing with the shadows and saving the region gives fern his two best friends, and i like to think that jax and ace change him for the better even after the entire region-saving thing is over by just staying in touch and being good friends. and while talking to fresia and fern's mom would definitely give good insight on what fern has been through, i like to think that also talking to jax (the friendlier one between him and ace, at least) would give aros a perspective of how fern composes himself from someone who might be allowed into his inner circle of friends, but still doesn't know everything about him, or can't read him as well as the earlier two.
when considering jax and aros talking while jax is dating fern... the fact that jax doesn't yet know fern at his deepest levels holds even more significance. if fresia or fern's mom told aros about how fern handled loss by keeping to himself, then how was jax able to reach under his exterior and touch him at his core? what is it about jax that made fern also love him in return? i feel that aros will learn more about jax than fern by exploring this last question. (the jax i imagine is sweet and honest and outgoing — he's a good guy at his core, and he loves and respects fern with as much of his heart he can spare, which is 120% of it. and i think he balances very well with fern's carefully constructed sexy and aloof and confident aura just by being who he is.) jax knows that fern cares so much underneath his persona, though he doesn't yet know it's because he's doing everything he can to try and erase the fear that jax might leave him like aros and fresia did — and that's something that aros might be able to piece together, but something that jax is yet to learn. aros seeing how fern and jax express how they care for each other is such a roundabout, but effective way to understand how fern works.
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thenamesblurrito · 2 years
if you were to create a Self Insert, which TF setting would they be sent to, what would their robot mode be (if they had one), what would they Plan to do, and how would that turn out?
i'm not good at SIs because they always just... turn into their own characters and whoops now i have another OC. like technically Buzzard is my TFsona but they're also their own person at this point doing ridiculous Team Purble shenanigans in whatever canon they're in. in fact the first three OCs on this list here all started as "hm what would i do if stuck in [specific premise of being inserted into tf]". Mantis answered the question as a deliberate in-universe Mary Sue kid in Bayverse, See-Saw answered the question as a meta-aware anxious wreck of an obligatory Autobot in TFA, and Buzzard answered the question as just some dude having fun in any given canon
my MO for most self inserts is much more as a background character than a show-stealer. TFA is good for this, it has this immersive feeling of things going on in the background, the world still happening even though our protags are stuck on Earth, and you could be plopped into this universe and ultimately be just another face in the crowd, no biggie. TFP on the other hand is so small. if you're a bot on Earth, you are automatically notable, and sought out by multiple forces at play because there are just so few active Cybertronians around that any self insert would be a hot commodity! so i'm generally drawn to stories/continuities that have room for me, there in the back, doing my own thing or off on my own grand quest that may never even intersect with the main plot but still has enough substance for me to do basically whatever
so i guess the answer to this question is: 1) whatever setting is expansive enough for me to have a full story without needing to come into contact with the actual canon plot, 2) an alt mode that fits the purpose or personality of why this particular SI was created, assuming they aren't just human default, 3) have stupid fun and/or survive, and probably stay away from what they may or may not know of this canon's plotline, and 4) lots of nonsense and chicanery. varying levels of success in staying away from the main plotline, depending on who they befriend and my particular reasoning for creating them
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missfingers · 1 year
Oc lore 🤲 pls spare some oc lore im just a little peasant boy starving in the wild
of course little peasant boy of course i shall feed you ..
first of all if you want stuff specific to eklyre and tempests relationship then i got you partially covered here
im gona take this as an opportuntiy to dump about general worldbuilding and shit. win. sorry this is gonna be long
so this entire ocverse (as most of my ocverses do) spawned from a dnd campaign, it was supposed to be my first time dming and i did for one session but then covid happened so like. yeah. but i still had this entire world id made and this story so i was like fuck it ocverse NEOW
the basic setup is kind of like. noir film esque vibe mobsters, based in one city (think its called grand tybury iirc), split up into 5 factions with a big river down the middle. each faction is governed by a god who is also a gang boss because i had a fucking mafia spin when i was 13 and by god i wasnt letting it go
theres two Original gods, the gods of life and death called lustris and ylta, and these two are kinda just like. fucking shmucks who like doing whatever the hell. if they get bored they yoink a random dying mortal and make them into a god and see what happens. so thats how you get four other gods who used to be mortal. respectively phiadia of knowledge/justice, birch of freedom/nature, answered riddle of trickery/luck and tempest of the water
the city is obviously not doing very well because theres fights for territory, most of the gods are horrible people aside from tempest who just hides in a boathouse and doesnt talk to anyone and birch who spends all their time high and tending to plants.
then eklyre comes in <3 my sweetie. ylta (god of death) is a power hungry bitch essentially and is like you know what i want everything, im sick of these other gods i want all their denizens and i want them now (in the next 30-40 years or so, because thats nothing to a god).
so she does what any sane person does and she kidnaps a baby and raises them as essentially a child soldier, grooming them into the perfect right hand to eventually kill the other gods. as she made the other gods Gods she also has the power to take it away, and she curses these brass knuckles that she gives to eklyre telling them that all they have to do is punch a god and theyll be rendered mortal again. then she sends them out into the world (after theyve been sheltered by her their whole life. theyre like 25 at this point)
she sends them to phiadias faction where eklyre successfully infiltrates her gang and works their way up the ranks until theyre her most trusted right hand, of course with the believed intent that theyll kill her. and they will, just not for the reasons youd expect. cause see yltas plan sorta kinda completely backfired and now eklyre is irreparably traumatised with a huge resentment towarsd their "mother" and from the decade theyve now spent quote unquote free from her theyve realised everything is her fault and their society is inherently unfair so theyve resolved to killing the gods themself to establish a new and equal society
and that is. essentially what they do. theres other characters that are actually the protagonists cause eklyres kinda supposed to be like an ally turned surprise secondary antagonist where the plot twist is they were never on phiadias side and want to kill everyone but then the protags get radicalised by them and everyone lived happily ever after
and tempest is there too. yea
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