#also they released this album on my birthday. as a gif. its perfect to me i will go down swinging for her honor
daeluin · 1 month
change of plans, ab/ap get behind me
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disenchanted. i......have been avoiding this review since literally months ago because just thinking about reviewing this movie makes me sad and tired. if you loved this movie, which i think some people must have because i’ve seen the occasional gifs from it on my dash, feel free to skip this. it’ll go behind a cut, because i suspect it’s gonna get long.
(spoiler alert: it got ridiculously long. how did i have five thousand words to say about this? and if anyone besides leander reads this i’ll be shocked but that’s fine cuz they were the one encouraging me to make it through this rant and if they hadn’t i definitely would have given up even trying a long time ago.)
and it is pretty much universally negative, because i could not have been more looking forward to this sequel featuring literally my favorite disney (noncanon but still mine) princess and it not only let me down (as sequels tbh do a lot so that’s not even surprising) but it sincerely broke my heart. 
in a ‘wow i’m being really overdramatic about a disney movie’ sort of way, but it’ll make more sense after i explain it, i promise. you had to be there, i think, to care as much as i do, and only @actuallylukedanes was, so it was also pretty convenient that i ended up watching this with them when they were gonna watch it with their partner and invited me to join. cuz they felt the same way i did about the sequel, which is how i knew i was not overreacting. 
it was also leander who advised me to start posting completed reviews of other 2022 movies since i was stuck on this one, even though i never posted them out of order before. (i ended up realizing in january that i totally forgot a movie from 2022, so it’s good i wasn’t as obsessed with perfect chronology anyway.)
the first warning sign i had with this movie was honestly its release. they had been talking about an enchanted sequel for so long that i had stopped hoping for one, and then when it was really happening they wouldn’t even put it in theaters!! i was so pissed off about that, because enchanted felt like a magical (pun intended) experience for me in 2007. 
it came out exactly on my birthday, when i turned 23, and @actuallylukedanes​ and i saw it in the theater to celebrate. we lived in utah then, and were happy rather than homeless, and we paid for the movie using a card that had a ‘reward’ system like a lottery where they told you they would at some random time choose a single purchase you made, and reimburse you for it. out of everything we paid for with that card, it was the tickets to enchanted that they made free.
and i couldn’t have been more excited to see enchanted back then, because it was a real live musical, and those have always been rarer than i wish they were, and the cast was ridiculously great. long before amy adams was making bigger movies, she had played tara’s cousin on buffy and a memorable one-episode character on charmed, and i had just always loved her an unreasonable amount like i had been waiting for her to be a movie star. plus i had discovered wicked in college and dove deep into other idina menzel musicals as well as every one of her solo albums (and singles that weren’t sold anywhere, which i downloaded illegally because that is called devotion) and was just generally obsessed with her for years. 
and then there was patrick dempsey, reliable dreamy star of grey’s anatomy (which i gave up on quickly but he was good in) and james marsden of the x-men trilogy i had watched a zillion times. (his character was not one i liked in that, but he was great as a comedic part of this.) i had grown up with susan sarandon and wasn’t used to her as a villain but she brought just the right level of Too Much, and her henchman was perfectly cast. they somehow managed to even make the child in the story not annoying, which can be really rare, especially when she has an actual role--but she’s great. 
the mix of animation and live-action was really fun, and when giselle’s dress goes from cartoon to sparkly 3d it was so swoony. truly like a disney fantasy sort of moment, they brought so much to life. and they did so even where it shouldn’t have worked! the basic plot of ‘two couples aren’t meant to be so they switch partners amongst themselves and then it’s perfect’ is not one i like in other movies, but here i’m just like, yeah absolutely, dance with patrick dempsey in your pretty dress, and let idina menzel go live in a fairy tale. 
but in addition to all of that, and the catchy, catchy music, what i really, truly loved about enchanted, and why it was one of my all time favorite movies to put on that i never got sick of (along with mamma mia and a few others, i really like musicals okay), is how much it turned out that i identified with giselle. how much she not only made sense to me, even as she was supposed to be this wide-eyed disney princess, but how she gave me language for things i was still figuring out, and i got so attached to that.
i was 23 years old. i had left home less than two years earlier, and i didn’t know i was autistic yet, let alone bipolar/anxious/adhd/disordered eating all knotted together. i hadn’t begun thinking about what it meant to be ‘developmentally disabled,’ and how unprepared that made me for adulthood, independence or being in a relationship. I had just leaped into all those things, and i wasn’t necessarily all that good at any of them. 
but there was giselle, singing her way through a world she didn’t understand how to navigate either, and it was okay because there was somebody who loved her for her exact weird self and a child who needed her. (substitute cats for child and you see where i’m coming from.) she was relentlessly optimistic but also cursed by forces outside her control, and she was full of creativity. 
my absolute favorite moment that giselle has in the whole movie, when it comes to why it was important to me, is when she experiences anger. at first she can’t even name it, and then there’s a kind of joy she finds in it, in having a new feeling...in having the FREEDOM to feel that difficult feeling, and not need things to be perfect all the time. until i saw that scene, i had never realized that my childhood had trained me to not be angry--before i was even conscious that had happened. and once i saw that scene, i started to wonder if maybe anger was something i was allowed to feel, after all. 
i think if you’re not me, or you didn’t know me at 21 (a fragile adorable unstable bby desperate to be rescued from my life), it might be hard to understand that, how i didn’t just love giselle for being giselle, but loved her for being the most me a character played by amy adams could be. 
up until i fell in love, and was loved in return (my only real wish thanks to moulin rouge), i collected tv and movie characters, made little lists of them, and they were always the ones i wanted to be like, ones i wanted to grow into. usually the snarky best friends, the deadpan wits, the ones who pined but never got the guy. (bby me didn’t think anything but ‘guy’ was an option.) i didn’t spend time claiming characters that were like me, that made me feel seen, until i was older. (i couldn’t, when i didn’t know who ‘me’ was.) so giselle felt like one of the first ones, with her autistic literalism and trust in humanity and her joy in everything. 
then flash forward fifteen years and they’re continuing the story. even more amazingly, they’ve brought back the whole central cast (minus the child actor, who i assumed they replaced because New Morgan sings and dances, but i didn’t look it up or anything). idina is much more famous now thanks to her frozen work and of course amy adams is amy freaking adams now, nominated but never oscared, but they both came back. the direct-to-streaming release worried me, but i saw a trailer and the movie looked way better than i kind of expected, so i was excited after all. and as mentioned above, i settled in to watch it with my family. 
^^^^and that is where this review left off, almost a year ago--because it was still so hard for me to wrap my brain and my heart around writing it. but at this point i’ve reviewed all the other movies i watched in 2022, AND i’ve watched almost 20 movies this year and reviewed most of them, and those reviews are just sitting in my drafts waiting for me to post them once i finish this. so here goes:
this movie was bad. obviously that’s a personal opinion or value judgement or whatever, but like...it was really, really bad. it bore no resemblance to the original and painfully reminded me how disney’s moviemaking these days is so soulless when it comes to trying to squeeze more money out of its existing IP. and i can handle fairy tale/princess modernizations that aren’t all that impressive (idina was in one of those as well, cinderella), but even those had parts that i liked or that were fun once i was grading on a curve for the whole movie. i can’t say the same for this one.
first of all, we’ve skipped time since the original, which makes sense, since everybody’s older. but nothing about the time progression makes sense, because offscreen fifteen years have passed, making amy adams 48 when this movie came out. giselle and robert have just had a newborn whose royal inheritance is what leads to the movie’s plot--at best, i guess we can assume amy was supposed to be playing giselle a lot younger than she, the actress, was. or maybe her andalasian genes make her immune to fertility averages? 
either way, though, that still doesn’t explain morgan. who in addition to becoming literally a different person (and i hope they only replaced her because the original actress opted out, because she was so great in the first movie i’d resent disney for dumping her just to make the new one sing and dance, or whatever other justifications they might have) is a teenager now. Original Morgan was nine years old in enchanted, or the actress was, anyway. if we assume they meant for Original Morgan to be only seven or eight as a character, that still doesn’t explain a now-high-schooler morgan in this movie. it has been literally twice as many years in real time as it would have to have been in this movie world for morgan to be this age! and unfortunately for the movie, it’s mainly about adults, who have aged the fifteen years you would expect. so that’s ridiculous.
but anyway. somehow, all the adults from enchanted look fifteen years older but morgan’s a teen, and her parents have had a shiny new baby. idina’s character moved with prince james marsden to his world, and literally everyone is depressed now except prince james marsden (and presumably the baby). giselle sees a billboard and decides that’s a plausible reason to uproot her whole family from the city she fell in love with and that the others were from even before meeting her...to move to the suburbs. 
at first, because of the impression i got from the trailer, i thought she would be moving to a perfect-seeming little enclave that was secretly evil, like a magical stepford or something, and that it would turn her evil and throw her family into peril. but the real plot is not that creative. it’s literally just the three of them moving to an ordinary suburb that (gasp!) doesn’t automatically fix their lives. instead, robert has a slog of a commute now, and in their own ways, giselle and morgan both struggle to fit in with their new local peers.
everything establishing this movie’s setup baffled me because it felt so random and flimsy, when the original was a beautiful sendup of classic disney tropes that managed to be subversive but still magical. i referred earlier to giselle deciding on a plausible reason, and i felt the same way about disney and this sequel: it felt like they decided this concept was a plausible reason to bring the cast back together, mix in a few new actors, and try to make money off the result (in this case by locking it inside their streaming service as though that would force new subscribers to disney+ instead of what i’m guessing actually happened, having less viewers for the movie than they would’ve gotten in theaters--cuz even i, the biggest fan of the original, wouldn’t have subscribed just to watch it).
but their ‘plausible’ setup is therefore that everybody’s feeling a bit meh in new york city. robert’s not excited about his job, morgan’s a sullen teenager, and giselle misses the days when everything felt magical and new and perfect. instead of recognizing that they have a freaking newborn, which i may not have experienced personally but have certainly heard is a difficult phase of life (especially the first time, for giselle), and that they simultaneously have a teenager, which anybody who’s ever been or met a teenager can tell you is a difficult phase of life for both the teen and their parents--heck, instead of just going to THERAPY when new york city is one of the few places it may still be easier to find access than everywhere else these days--they move to a random place where they know no one for truly no reason.
the movie wants us to believe that the reason is giselle seeing a billboard and believing its promise (or still being unusually literal?) but neither of those makes any sense because even if we had reason to believe that giselle hadn’t learned anything or grown in the last mysterious number of years and would truly treat a billboard like a promise rather than an advertisement (and i don’t think what we see of her in the sequel supports that idea) it’s still robert she’s married to now, and we know he’s always been someone who lovingly but firmly points that stuff out. 
morgan’s unhappy because she’s a teenager, she doesn’t actually want to move, and as much as robert loves giselle, i don’t believe at all that he would just let her have her fantasy of a fresh start without injecting reality into the situation--so i think the real explanation is that both robert and giselle, for their own reasons, are desperate enough to try it despite knowing it won’t be a magic fix. but then idina menzel and prince james marsden (i should remember their character names but i really don’t at the moment) pop into their new, still-unhappy-just-in-a-different-time-zone, lives and make everything even worse. way to go guys!
continuing the flimsy plot setups, they’re visiting to give a gift to the new baby, to basically proclaim how special she is and make morgan feel like she’s neither special nor giselle’s ‘real’ daughter. giselle is thrilled by the gift from her childhood home and her former prince remains as hilarious as ever (the acting in this movie is good, they’re just not given as much to work with; ‘campy humor’ was the only element they could successfully recreate for some reason). but nancy is clearly already Over It, the former new yorker not exactly as enchanted with prince james marsden as she used to be now that she has to live with his personality 24/7. 
you might expect this to be woven in with the central family’s ennui in some way, but you would be disappointed--that general intermittent eyerolly energy is never directly addressed and as far as we know by the end of the movie, she’s still with him. and i guess will remain so forever? because that’s the rule when you choose a fairy tale life?? even though giselle’s story was entirely about leaving fairy tales behind when they weren’t what she wanted???
maybe we’re supposed to read nancy’s reactions as like, lovable occasional annoyance at How Very Much her guy can be sometimes. but it didn’t come across that way to me; it seemed intentionally to mirror the dissatisfaction giselle and robert were struggling with. i could have been giving them too much credit there, i guess, in assuming deliberate parallels. 
but the real point is that the adults were unhappy in the city, and now, in the suburbs, they’re still not very happy. after the gift-givers go back to andalasia, giselle makes a wish using her baby’s magic present, wanting to make their family into a fairy tale...and she gets her wish. morgan goes from a strugglng teen to a cheerful girl again, running around singing and eventually having to be the savior of her family. robert goes from a commuting lawyer to a wannabe monster slayer, and giselle slowly transforms into an evil stepmother--while the women in town who’ve been snubbing her turn into an actual villain with henchwomen in tow.
from then on, it only gets more ridiculous. amy adams is an immensely talented actor, and like i said, i’ve loved her since she was on tv. but she is not doing her best work here, switching between normal giselle and evil stepmother giselle in response to a chiming clock in a way that reminded me of one of those over-the-top acts where a guy hypnotizes people and then can trigger them to be a chicken or something. it was just so over the top, and lacked any of the emotional depth the original movie brought to her character that made me care.
and poor robert, it was clear, they did not know what to do with. a convoluted exchange with prince james marsden before the wish created circumstances where he was carrying a sword around on his commute. that, i’m sure, was supposed to help make it seem like it made sense for him to become a giant fighter or whatever. but really, they had a sequel to make in which he had to be there because he was her happily ever after in the first one, except now robert isn’t a love interest anymore, there’s no drama between them--and the actor was never meant to be a major contributor to the musical part of these movies, so what’s the point of his story? to run around looking for monsters, totally separate, and mostly unnecessary, it turns out.
the fairy tale transformations mean that we go from watching giselle being sad and hurt in response to morgan’s attitude to morgan’s being mistreated by her now-evil stepmother--neither of which is fun. in giselle’s intermittent ‘good’ moments, she tries to encourage morgan to be free of her and get help, and eventually morgan does end up in andalasia with nancy (she’s also a cartoon at that point, i think). nancy helps her understand what might fix things, and the fact that it’s up to their teenage daughter (whose complaints the whole time have honestly seemed the most reasonable to me compared to her parents’ vague ennui) to save not just her own family but both worlds from doom...it doesn’t seem at all fair. but okay. 
the solution for making giselle good again involves morgan’s memories and singing and the idea that with the power of love it’ll all be fine, but what i remember most about it is that the scene is really just a vehicle for idina menzel to get her own song. which, duh--i was very disappointed that she didn’t sing in the original, and given the success of frozen, it would’ve been crazy for them not to showcase her more this time. 
but the song she’s given? it’s so bad. so very bad. the others i was watching this movie with spent a significant portion of the song time mocking it, and i couldn’t blame them. at a certain point, it just devolves into idina belting the words ‘love power’ over and over and over. you know how some words or phrases become completely meaningless if you say them too much? this definitely felt like that, like the big drama’s ‘solution’ was flimsy to begin with, and then they forced a song into it that wasn’t even a good song, and got idina to sing it. she’s so much better than that! it genuinely made me wonder if she has some kind of disney contract that left her stuck dealing with this.
somehow thanks to morgan, though, giselle does stop being evil by the end--i don’t remember exactly how that scene plays out so i doubt it matters too much--and ending the sort of wish curse she inflicted on everybody means they go back to living in a normal suburb. the woman who briefly became her villain nemesis apologizes in a ‘sometimes i’m a lot oops’ way, and giselle is just like ‘hey, me too, no big deal.’ 
and this brings me to my two biggest problems with the movie, outside of how much it felt like it was trying to destroy any love i still held for the original. 
this movie has no real villain. unlike the first one, where susan sarandon was camping it up in a delightfully appropriate way, and was defeated in the end...this movie falls into the same hole that so many New Disney Movies are determined to, for unknown reasons. we can’t have classic straight-up evil anymore; our heroes have to instead be facing antagonists that are less specific or even less corporeal. it’s family! who of course will no longer be in conflict by the end, and don’t actually need to be ‘defeated.’ or it’s emotions! and once they can be accepted rather than avoided then things will be okay again. 
i’m not saying that’s a bad thing, in general. i love encanto, and i thought turning red and inside out were great. but when you’re dealing with a now-franchise whose original style was to reference and gently mock and lovingly rework classic disney tropes...why would you toss that out completely and make a sequel that feels like the other movies disney makes now? why can’t people appreciate that beloved movies are beloved for a reason and you can’t just slap the ‘brand name’ on whatever you want and act like it’s just as good?
but yeah. this movie decided to have no villain by way of having two villains, both of whom were only temporarily villainous due to indirect magic and who became normal again once it stopped. they bear no real responsibility for being villains, because after all, they aren’t really. post-movie, it seems like they may even become friends! all’s well that ends well. 
which really annoyed me, lol, because it felt so incredibly pointless once i knew that was how it ended. our main character accidentally makes herself evil, makes somebody else evil, has to be saved from being evil while fighting the other evil, and the grand conclusion is that they just finish back where they started? how is that a story that moves forward, let alone a good story with some kind of point or even just a good-versus-evil win, fairy tale style? 
it’s like the main conflict of the movie is created by them having problems, but then the problems they were having...are solved because they’re no longer in conflict. which brings me to my second issue with the movie’s ending: apparently the ultimate lesson of this follow up to enchanted is that growing up means learning to settle, rather than believing in happily ever afters.
despite the cheerful singing at the end of the movie that tries to make us believe it’s just as great an ending as enchanted got, i was so underwhelmed and disappointed and tbh freaked out, that they reached that conclusion. the story we were given was giselle and robert and morgan are a family now just like they wanted but they’re all unhappy, so they move out of the city to seek happiness elsewhere. and it fixes nothing which instead spirals giselle into cursing the town but in the end everybody’s okay and there are no consequences and nobody’s mad at giselle cuz she didn’t mean to do it...so she and robert and morgan commit to trying even harder to be happy in their new suburban life.
and all i can wonder is, why is that the lesson? why is that the right place to end up? why couldn’t they go back to the city and figure out their problems there, since clearly suburbia wasn’t a fix on its own? there didn’t seem to be a real reason for requiring giselle, who loved the sparkly harsh city she landed in years ago, to become a suburban mom--or for uprooting morgan, or making robert become a ‘small town practice’ kind of guy. 
i guess what grates on me about it is that it has such a hallmark christmas movie vibe of just assuming their real happy ending would naturally be escaping the city, no matter how central it was to their original story and lives. whatever their deeper issues were that made them unhappy in the city, they haven’t addressed those by the end of the movie; they’ve just somewhat improved the issues that moving TO this new place piled on. 
therefore my logical brain goes, you were unhappy and tried to fix it by moving but that only made things worse. why wouldn’t you reverse the making-it-worse part by going back, and then continue trying to figure out how to fix it? i just don’t get it. and i may be kind of offended by it, because the giselle who i have always adored is a completely different person in this movie, and not because of some wish curse.
she’s older, and sad, and it’s like nothing about her life is fun anymore...and maybe there could’ve been a way to craft an interesting story out of that, though i don’t know what it would be off the top of my head. but we don’t get whatever that could’ve been. and we don’t get a sequel about our faves from enchanted having more hijinks and having a to fight a new tropey villain, in the style of the first one. what we get is a story about everybody from the first one not liking their lives and having to fight the fallout from that and then concluding that hey, at least the world didn’t end so they must be better off than they thought, time to make the best of it. it deeply depressed me.
and look--i’m not saying i demand happy endings always. i don’t even require happy endings mostly! but unless there is some requirement i’m not aware of that post-pandemic we are no longer allowed happy endings at all, this was not the movie world to bring back just to say ‘the best you can hope for is meh. good luck.’ giselle and everybody else deserved better.
i will say that there was one thing about this movie that i liked. exactly one thing, sadly, or at least only one i clearly remember. i was really excited about the casting before this came out, because i love jayma mays, and maya rudolph is reliably good always. once i actually saw the movie, i was bummed that jayma mays and the other henchwoman didn’t have roles worth including, but maya rudolph was as good as i expected. 
and since this movie was such a mess, she also just really stood out. she’s a ‘can do it all’ kind of performer, in a way that makes it look easy, and i feel like that’s the difference between amy adam’s background in a lot of dramatic roles and maya rudolph’s background in snl. they’re both super talented and both have range, but are a good fit for different things because of that. 
so there is one song in this movie and one performance (cuz it’s the performance of it that makes it good) that i genuinely enjoyed. it’s basically a face off between the two not-actually-villains, kind of like ‘anything you can do i can do better’ but sillier and maximum camp. it’s the only part where it felt like that was what the movie was deliberately aiming for, and both actresses are fully going for it while sometimes we’re watching them parallel on splitscreen...it was ridiculous but in an entertaining rather than cringe-inducing way. 
so that part is great, but also highlights even more what this movie could have been. if only they had let maya rudolph be a proper villain, the leader of a trio of new antagonists for our faves to face, that would’ve been potentially a great movie. she could have gone evil after getting her hands on the baby’s wand, then gone down fighting after the family consulted with their andalasian friends on how to deal with magically corrupted humans. the ending could have been more interesting with bigger stakes than ‘everyone survives and decides to play nice.’ 
heck, i could write that version of that movie! lol. but i won’t. because it would probably necessitate rewatching disenchanted and that is something i never ever want to do. that was a piece of my heart you fucked with, you jerks. and i’m gonna stay mad.
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kpophousehold · 5 years
BTS S/O Best Friend Died
A / N: Long time no post, but this reaction took me a bit of time. Its long, so I hope this will make you al up for my long time not posting. This reaction is inspired by some anonymous ready other authors here in Tumblr. It was so powerful request that I thought that I wan challenge myself with this hard topic. I hope you will like it. In 2019 I plan to post more regularly like also I will try to launch a series so please stay tuned for that. Anyway, Happy 2019 to my all Kpop lover all around the world. I PURPLE YOU ALL.
Warning: *This reaction maybe can make some people uncomfortable, so feel WARNED! *
*Mention of vomits*
Genre: Mostly Fluff, against  
Gifs are not mine!
A/N: Because this is the very long reaction I put read more for you all. Happy New Year ARMY!
*Disclaimer English is not my first language*
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Kim Seokjin “Jin”
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This supposed to be a normal day for both of you. After he finishes practice, you both supposed just chill in the dorms. So he texts to you all day telling how much he is excited about it. Wanted to make a surprise for you. He didn’t tell you that he and the boys are finishing today earlier. Everything was going according to the plan, and he was excited to see with you.
When all the boys enter the home immediately they nose hit, the sweet smell of baked goods. Almost like magic spell led them to the kitchen to greet with you and taste the work of art you made. The kitchen was full of cupcakes and fresh cookies and you were in the middle of that mixing another bunch of cake. “Hi, guys! You came earlier!” All boys say hi to you when Seokjin came to your side giving you a kiss. You quickly glance at boys who want to try some cookies. Not being sure if they can try any of them. Without hesitation, you quickly tell “You can take what you want”. The boys quickly grab some pastries and start eating.
“Baby, we have some kind of party? A birthday surprise or you just plan to open a bakery?” He comments giving you another kiss this time on the temple. “No, I just want to bake some sweets for you all and staff“. He smiles on you grateful having so compassion girlfriend like you. “Y/N this is delicious.” Say Jungkook with a mouth full of cake followed by compliments from others. “Not eat too much, we still need have dinner” Seokjin schooled all his dongsaeng. “And leave my baker master alone when she works” Playful punch Taehyung in hand when he tries to eat some melted chocolate from a bowl.
“I am just honestly surprised that Jin Hyung still not make any joke about the baking in here” Say Namjoon choking “I have enough of the bread jokes, but there are too crumbly.” You start giggling so he gives you one more kiss on the forehead. “I will be right back only put this down” He shows you his practice bag. “And soon we will have dinner so stop eating!” Going out of the kitchen, he quickly put his finger in frosting that you make and gives you sound off approval when he goes to leave his stuff.
When he entered the room place his bag on the floor. Make sure that his sugar gliders have enough food and water. He looks for a charger for his phone who on this point was dead. While charges his phone, he puts him next to yours on the nightstand. Your phone lights the screen so was quickly caught his attention. On the first, second, he was looking at your background picture of you both when he notices the message that your parents send to you. It was simple “Are you okay? Please let us know we start worrying”.
Not understanding the message and honesty worry by himself about what is happening, he checks your phone. There was a ton of a message from your parent and friends. Finally, find what he looking for the message that was a cold sentence that your best friend dies today in a car accident. Seokjin eyes get bigger when he understands what’s going on. He knows when you stress you baking something most of the time very challenging recipes. But since boys love you baking, lately you bake more regularly, so that why he sensed nothing odd in your behavior.
He goes to the kitchen where you were busy placing another try into an oven while you chat with Hoseok. He looks at you and finally notices that maybe you look normal, for someone who doesn’t know you so well. But this is all perfect acting and every some couple of seconds the mask you build is failing. He clearly sees your pain cover with a fake smile. So slowly he moves next to you. Like a person trying to help a wild animal that he doesn’t want to frighten. “Jagiya, baby” He took spatula that you had in hand and put her in the sink with the bowl full of the cake batter. “Hey, I did not finish with this” You whine at him when your voice trembles. “Yes, you are” He looks in your eyes and you already know it. That you will fail to deny facts because he knows the truth.
You try to hide and fight with him to let you go when he hugs you. He only clenches the embrace and pulls closer to your chest. In that second your guard fell off and you start crying. All day you try so hard. Not think about that message. Pretending that everything is all right. Desperately trying to make everyone happy because that always makes you happy. But this all fails.
You start hysterically crying into his chest and your legs immediately become weak, not able too much longer hold your weight. But he catches you like he always does. He picks you up in bridal style and leads you to his bedroom. Lays you gently on the bed while hugging you. In just a couple minutes later you both hear a small knock on the door. Boys probably want to know what’s happening. So he leaves you on the bed giving you RJ to hug while he goes to talk with boys and explain them the situation. And also taking with him some painkillers, tissues, and water.  
He lays in bed with you in silence, not exactly know what to say. Occasionally kissing you and mumbled words of support. He gives you a painkiller and holds you tied to the minute you do not fall to sleep from exhaustion. After making sure you are in deep sleep. He goes to tell boys that tomorrow he will not go for the practice and he will take a couple days off. What all boys understand without any problem.
He comes back to you and hugs your small, fragile figurine to his chest. Knowing he cannot take the pain away from you. But he will do everything in his power to you know that he is always here for you.
Min Yoongi “Suga”
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Yoongi was busy with his upcoming solo mixtape release like also the new album for BTS. So he feels a lot of pressure on himself. Want to have everything finished in time, he told everyone to not bother him. And give him focus for at least one full day. But is already past 2 days, and he still is on stage “almost finished”. Normally you will not bother him knowing that he will finish his work on his own time. But you can wait, right now, when he is the person you need the most. You try to call him and text, but he didn’t answer. Not being able to wait for his respond you head to the dorm. Knowing that even if he is the busiest artist in the world, he will drop everything for you. Helping to calm the pain in your chest.
The door opens you a happy Jungkook with Jimin. Apparently, they both play together some games so they let you in and they back on what they did. You go to the small studio he has at home. You knock to the door, hoping that soon you will be in his arms. Being able to break completely and hide from the world. You still stand a front of the door when Namjoon and Hoseok past you talking about music like always. “Oh, hi Y/N you came to visit Yoongi Hyung” You quickly noted to them doesn’t want to use any words. Knowing if you do this your voice will break. “Good luck with that” They both smile at you when they go continue talking. You knock again to the Yoongi room but without any effects.
Suddenly, your cheeks become wet. Your body shakes. You fail to try to hold yourself. Cover your mouth to not make a sound you sit on the floor and start crying. Doesn’t know how long you being like this. You hear the sound of pows and warm wet tongue on your hand. “Yeontan!“ The sound becomes louder. “Yeontan! Come to me I know you don’t like this but we need to do this…” Hearing Taehyung is coming you quickly try to dry your eyes. Hoping he will not notice your state, but it was too late. “Noona everything is fine? Why are you crying? Noona what happen?” he comes close to you. Holding you and speaking soft words of comfort. When other boys came to check what’s happen since hearing worry voice of Taehyung.
Namjoon sits next to you starting massaging your shoulder. “Y/N what’s happening? Did Yoongi Hyung say something to you?” You sit in the same position not being even able to respond to the simplest question. “Please don’t take this too serious he is just flustered and tired. He probably even doesn’t think like that. You know he loves you and he already plans the way to apologize”. He helps you stand up when Jungkook cares you to the living room and place you on the couch. Jin came closer to you and lover himself on your eye level. All boys were able to fell how angry they Hyung become. “What this small punk did to you?” His voice was surprisingly gentle and comforting for you when his hand gently strokes your hair. “Don’t worry Y/N I will kick his ass for you. So stop crying, okay.” Jin stands up and goes straight to the studio of Yoongi with Jungkook and Jimin. You try to stop them from accusing your boyfriend of all the bad stuff they talk. Explain to them whats really happens but your voice is so quiet that is barely hearable. The sound of loud knocking was echoing in-house.
Yoongi actually was finishing the last part of the song when hearing the loud noise outside the door. He gets angry on the person to stop him in the middle of work. He gets up to open the door ready to scream on a person outside. “I told you all that leave me alone!” The door was open only slightly, but Jungkook stops him from closing them. “Yoongi, what the fuck you did to Y/N! That she is crying in the living room…” Seokjin not even finishes his sentence. When Yoongi push him away to already go and finds you to checks what happen.
You were hugged into Hoseok side hysterically crying. He knows that something practically bad happened because you never cry without any rational reason. He knelt a front of you gently touching your knee. "Jagiya, what’s happening? Why are you crying?”  You quietly whispered, his name, so he without hesitation takes you in his arms.  “Yoongi… I…” He quiets you knowing that you probably don’t want to talk about that a front of all the boys. His hand gently strokes your cheek when he uses the sleeve of his hoodie to dry your tears.  “I know, baby. Let’s go to my room okay.” He gently helps you get up and leads you to his room all the time holding you.
He closes the door and sits next to you on his bed. “Tell me what happens? Did someone attack you?“ You denied when he gently cups your face to you look deeply in his eyes. "I want to help you Jagiya” His eyes were soft and calming so you very slowly without rush tell him a story of what actually happened. How after going out from work, mom of your friend call and tell you the sad news of the death. You try to manage it, this situation by yourself, but that does not work. “I really don’t want to disrupt you on work, but I…” He kisses you and pool closer to his chest. “Don’t you ever say something like this you more important than work”.
It past hours before you fell asleep listening to his heartbeat. After crying and talking with him. He knows that with help of others, he will finish his work on time. But now is more important to him is to his muse was smiling again. So set a new priority for the next upcoming days to make you feel better and see your face happy again. And makes everything possible to stay like this how long he can.
Jung Hoseok “ J-Hope “
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Excited that was the word which everyone today can describe Hoseok. Even when he is tired, the knowledge that you will be today at dorm makes him smile all day. Counting hours to coddle you in his arms, eat takeout to afterward to snuggle with you to sleep. Makes all the boys teasing him entire way to home. But seeing how happy Hoseok was all of them also starts getting excited. Normally when the door of the dorm is open. You have already waited for your sunshine ready to cuddle and kiss him. But today he was surprised and sad that you are not waiting for him. His mood all ready starts dropping down.
“Maybe she still not come yet.” Said Taehyung trying to cheer up his disappointed Hyung. “No, here shoes are here” pointed Jimin so Hosek goes to search for you. After check leaving the room, kitchen, bathroom, he finally found you. Cover with blanket caring his hoodie codling to his Mang pillow. “Hi, baby girl” he very gently places his practice bag on the floor and came close to you. “I was looking for, you everywhere.” He stands next to the bed and gives you a  kiss on top of your head. “I missed your welcome home kisses and hugs” He gently strokes your hair. You don’t feel good today?” He very slowly lay next to you and hugs you from behind. After giving you a few gentle kisses in your hair. He starts hearing your lights sobbing into the pillow. Hoseok starts to wonder when it was your last period because you generally act like this when your period pains hit you. Hering his voice made your tears run again down your chicks. Rolling over to him you cling to his chest. To Bury your head in the crook of his neck and there start crying.
He holds you close and kisses your forehead many times when he plays with your hair. You were so focused on his the presence that you not even notice when Jimin came into the room. Leaving you both for privacy after seeing you in a stage like this. You sobbing became quieter, so he decides to go for some painkillers, water, heat pad and maybe some tissue. He gently starts taking you off from him when you start protesting and begging him to not leave you. “Jagiya I will come back soon.” He kisses you. “I just grab some staffs and I will be in here in a minute. Okay?” You grip him. “I am going only to the kitchen and I will be back in a second. Jagiya, baby let me go for a second, please.” He promises you he will come back soon as possible when you finally let him go.
After entering to leaving the room all boys look at him from they ordered food. “How Y/N feel? She doesn’t look today the best” Ask worry Jimin. “I think her period just started, so she does not feel too well” When Seokjin hears that you in pain already start to prepare for Hosek all the possible things you will probably need. In the middle of instruction from his Hyung, he felt your arms wrapping him from behind. He knows something is very wrong because normally you will patiently wait in his room when he asks you about this. He pulls you closer to him when your legs fell you down. Seokjin helps Hoseok sit you down on the couch.
“Y/N everything is all right?” Namjoon asks, sitting next to you. And all of 7 pairs of eyes were looking at you interesting about what is happening. Not knowing what to say you start crying and pulling out from your hoodie phone to pass Hoseok. He quickly unlocks your phone and read the message from your mom telling that your best friend from hometown dies unexpectedly. “Oh, baby…” Immediately after he finished reading. He already puts you on his lap to you cry in his arms when he hides your face from the word. Hoseok gives the phone to Namjoon to the read the message out loud. Jimin starts crying with you while massaging your back. Seokjin quietly takes all boys to leave you some space. Later Yoongi come to top with some herbal tea to help you with sleeping. Hoseok holds you tightly to the minute you not fall asleep. Placing you gently on the couch, he lays the blanket on you. Leaving you a kiss before joins to boys for advice how helps you.
When he enters to Seokjin room where all the boys were sitting and chatting. That was the moment when his tears start to fall after feeling so hopeless and worthless not being able helping you. “How… Can I help her… She doesn’t deserve to be in such a pain.” He sobbed when Taehyung hugs him. “I am the most shitty boyfriend who doesn’t notice that she is not okay.” All the boys try to cheer him up and say hello. “Hyung, you do so well, Y/N will definitely appreciate this.” Jungkook hugs him when Yoongi placed a hand on his back. “Why my Jagiya have to be through something so horrible. I can’t handle how sad she now is. It’s breaking me apart.” It devastated Hoseok. “She is strong that why she will Handel that. So you only need to remind her that.” Namjoon says that also hugging him. “Besides, she also has us so don’t worry.” Say Jimin. “We will help you Hyung, so don’t worry about it. She is also part of our family” Finish Jungkook.
Next morning you wake up to the smell of preparing breakfast by Seokjin. Hosok still holds you. But now you have a pillow have a pillow that he shares with you like also duvet. All other boys were sleeping next to you both. Yoongi on the couch, Maneka line on the floor and Namjoon sleep in the chair. You look at the peaceful face of your J-Hope. Not knowing how you deserve a man like this. And how you will pay back him and boys for this. But now you know it one thing that you not alone and you will never will. When you have Hope next to you.
Kim Namjoon “RM / Rap Monster”
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Namjoon had been overstressing himself lately, to this point that boys asked you. To come and help their leader, to relax a bit. After hearing this you are already planning what to do. In an hour you manage to show in Big Hit. Greeting with all boys you go to Namjoon studio where he currently listens into the bit and writes the lyrics. You were able to see how stress he is and completely lost in thoughts. When you close the door behind you. He looks at you with a smile when you came close to him for a hug and the kiss. His arms wrapped around you when he places you on his lap putting down the notepad. “Maybe you should make take a small break, baby? When I came here you were looking like you was just a second before the breakdown”. You kiss his nose when he chuckles on your affection. “No, I am fine. I just… Stuck a bit… With lyrics that all”.
“Come on, big boy you will not invent anything new today. Let’s go home and relax a bit this will definitely help you.” You kiss his forehead. “I have work to do you know?” He sighs loudly. “Yes, but your brain does not work anymore and sitting in here will change nothing. Besides, if you relaxed the best ideas coming to your mind.” You kiss him and you feel how much he need to take a break. “Okay, let’s go”. After he takes all his stuff, you all come back home.
For a calm evening with Namjoon first time for a long time since he has a lot of work with promoting his new album. You decide to watch document that you both was excited to see. After setting up everything from pillows to very fluffy blanket that you both will later cuddle on. While he takes a hot shower. You decide to make some hot tea to relax him more. On the way to collect the phone, you ask each of the boys if they also not want some too. This small gesture of kindness the most appreciate Hoseok and Yoongi who get an idea for the song that they all fight with to make perfect for weeks.
When you come back to the living room you beat all the rap line exchange the new ideas and opinions. Do not bother them you start preparing the hot beverages for you all. You set up the kettle and line all the mugs. While waiting to water become hot and boil, you decide to a message to your one-off best friends from home. While you wait for here, respond you started peppering some snack and leave a phone on the counter top. At that moment the water starts to a boil. You are pouring hot liquid into the mugs when your phone makes the noise of a new message. After putting the kettle down Seokjin came to the kitchen helping you with the mugs. So you decide to check out your phone. But the message you receive makes you a shock. It was the question “Do you will come to the funeral?”. Wanting to know more about this. You only hear how boys laugh about something.
You decide to call your friend and ask her what he thinks about making you worry so much. You take a sip of hot tea trying to calm yourself a bit. The waiting for respond took one of the longest minutes of your life, but finally, your friend answers. You try to make fun of the stupid joke he pulls on you, but this was a bad joke. This was a reality you one of the best friends died today in tragic circumstances. You fell how you grip on mag becomes lighter and weaker when finally louder noise hit your year. The mag crushes exactly the same like your soul. All boys stop their conversation and look directly at you.
They came to see the damage you have done. While you on the other side stand like paralyzed only focus on the liquid that starts spreading around. “I thought that I am the one who is the destructor in this relationship” Namjoon chuckled, but quiet down when he saw your face. “Don’t worry Y/N this was just a mug” Seokjin came close and hugs you. “Besides Namjoon broke 3 last month, so don’t worry” He feels like your tears start falling. “If that upset you Y/N I can give you my tea or make your new one if you want one? You don’t have to cry for this.” Taehyung asks you gently patting his hand on your back. “Don’t be a silly baby it’s alright, no one is mad at you“. You feel how everything is spinning around you. “Y/N!” Namjoon in a last-second catch you. “Let’s put her on the couch”.
“Y/N baby tell me what’s happening. You scaring me” Namjoon whisper to you after Jungkoook puss you a glass of water. Your hands shake so Namjoon help you take a sip. “What’s happening, baby? I know you and one stupid mug will not make you act like that” he gets you closer to you. In same moment Yoongi passes Namjoon your phone with the text about the funeral. He quickly read your small conversation. Your eyes fill with tears when you start sobbing. “I am here Jagiya everything will be okay” he whispers to you while he hugs you.
It took you a long time to fall asleep on him with the help of some sedatives. Hoseok brings you both a blanket to cover you both. Namjoon kiss your head once in a while when he plays with your hair thinking what he should say and do to help you. Even read a couple of articles about what to do in a situation like that. He finally also gets tired, so he brings you to his bed and lay you gently on it. “I love you Jagiya” he whispers to you. “And I will help you don’t matter why I will have to do it”. So in the next couple of days, he has not left your side. Always being ready to talk with you about this and listen to you, comfort hugs or anything you need. Because it does not matter that he is a leader on one of the biggest K-pop group. He never is enough busy to take care of you.
Park Jimin “ Jimin“
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It was middle of the night you and Jimin were already sound asleep. When you hear a buzzing noise from your phone. Not wanting to wake up your boyfriend and Hoseok you quickly turn off the sound in your phone. Gently take off the arms off Jimin with a sound of whining from him. You go to the bathroom to check who texted you so late in the night. Turning lights in the bathroom and imminently regretting this because strong light blinds you. After sitting on the toilet to make your business and washing hands. You again set to read messages from your friends that were silly was coming. Most of them are completely misleading and messy, so you decide to read the oldest one. Clearing out all this situation.
You read this around 10 maybe 20 times when finally the information hits you. One of your closest friends dies. You imminently becomes sick and in the second you know it that all the food that you eat yesterday will soon land in the toilet. The first spasm shakes your body very strongly. The sound of it wakes up Jimin, who in next seconds was already in the bathroom. Seeing you on the cold floor with head in the toilet throwing up. Makes his heart breaks. He sits next to you pushing your hair on your back to making sure to not vomit on them. Start gently rubbing your back.
“It’s okay baby. I’m here.” He continues to make circles on your back when for a second you stop puking. Only to just one moment later go through this all over again. The sound of vomit wakes up Hoseok who also join you both on the bathroom. Looking completely sleepy, tired and worrying just exactly the same as Jimin. “What’s happen to Y/N?” You only hear his gentle but still worry voice. “I don’t know, maybe the takeout we eat earlier was not good for her or something like this.” Jimin sigh loudly when you stop throwing up. He already cleans your mouth with toilet paper. Pulling you on his lap to hugs you close to his chest.
“I am so sorry that I wake you both up” You wiser weakly feeling embarrassed and angry on yourself. “Don’t worry Jangia, Hope Hyung will bring you something to makes you feel better.” He gently takes your hair behind your ear and kisses your forehead. Hoseok past to Jimin glass of water and goes to wake up Namjoon and Seokjin for help. “You fell better baby? Let me put you back to the bed for you to rest, okay?” You nodded when he gently tries to help you stand up. But you, unfortunately, start puking all over again. You only hear a selected a word that boy exchange between each other when they came to the bathroom. After a couple of minutes later you don’t have anything more to let out from your body. You nearly have the power to stand up so Jimin picks you up to put you to bed. After rinsing your mouth with a mouthwash, he gives you a piece of ginger and a glass of water. When Seokjin and Namjoon fight to call or not call medical help or drive you directly to the hospital for some tests. All Bangtan Boys decide to leave you alone after you fell asleep for some rest and go to the living room. Talking about what can be the reason for your nausea.
“Jiminshi are you sure that Y/N is not… Pregnant?” Starts Yoongi and all boys look on Suga. “You know being so sick like this it’s not normal? Especially when we all feel fine.” The atmosphere quickly changes and tension were felt in the air. “What if she is really pregnant? What we will tell us fans? The company? What’s will happen with us?” Jungkook was whispering at loud all the things they all have now on minds. “Doesn’t matter what’s gonna happen. We will handle this together” Namjoon say when Jin tap shoulder of Jimin to show him support. “Guys Jangia is not pregnant we use protection,” whispers Jimin when his cheeks become pink. “You know that the protection does not always work?” Taehyung comments while playing with his fingers. “Maybe she misses once her pill or you forget to use a condom” The room becomes completely silent. “After what I hear not a long time ago from us room maybe they wild, but they both very reasonable” Hoseok finish they debate about a possible pregnancy which Jimin was glad but still embarrassed and flushed.
But they start debating to call the doctor for checking your health out. To make sure if this is not some kind of virus. Especially that soon they have a concert. Jungkook decide goes to use the bathroom and checks on you on way back. When he notices your phone that Hoseok put in the nightstand which constantly gets a new notification. He decides to bring him to Jimin since he so many messages on him some even with question mark. “Jimin hyung do you check Y/N phone she has already 50 massages and more is coming.” All boys get around they Maknae. When Jimin takes the phone from his hand “Show me” all of them look on the screen when Jimin type the password. They fast read some messages when Jimin finally finds one from your close friends. With all details about what happened. Your friend has a tragic car accident. Jimin could not do this anymore so Namjoon continued reading loud one of the saddest message they ever hear.
Entire BTS feel sorry for you lost, not being able to say any word. They know it you will need to get medical help. They all decide when you wake up they will take you to the hospital for I.V and maybe help from a therapist. But Jimin knows one staff doesn’t matter what he has to do. He will help you get through this situation and he will not leave your side for even for one second.
Kim Taehyung “V”
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Taehyung has been busy with preparation for his upcoming continuation of a world tour. Making sure the all-new elements of the performance are perfect. He completely forgets to take Yeontan for his visits to a dog’s hairdresser. In the panicking stage, he decides to call for your help to take care of his precious son. You pick him up from his parents and take him to his appointment. While you wait patiently to Yeontan receive his fur cut. You go pick up some snacks, sweets from the nearest coffee shop.
With, all the goodies and Yeontan you drive to the Big Hit Entertainment. With the small help of staff, you manage to get into an elevator with all the things. Already were able to hear loud music and sound of so many dancers jumping in perfect synchronization. You wait a bit to the music comes down don’t want to interrupt and distract all people that work so hard. First, you open the door gently and after seeing that is okay to come in you, let Yeontan run to the boys. Jimin imminently starts to play with the puppy. When eyes of Taehyung completely focus on you.
He came with a huge smile on his face to your side and give you a quick deep kiss. You were hearing how some of the boys giggle how cute you both are. When his lips leave you he protected put his arm around you. “I miss you both. How was at groomer with him?” Taehyung just gets away from you for a second to pick up Yeontan and checks his fur. “Tanie was calm even when they came all the tangled fur from his belly”. He looks at you very focus on each of the words you say. “That’s good. Lately I was not able to get rid of them, but now you happy. And smell so nice Tanie”. He kisses him. “You should thank Mommy that she takes care of you when Daddy is busy, Yeontan?” He gives him one more kiss and put him on the floor. “You know you should stop telling him that I am his mom what will happen if we broke up? How you will explain him this”.
“Are you planning to break up with me?” He asks you confident but with a bit of worry in his voice. “Of course not,” you say that quickly and he chuckles “So you don’t have to worry about this”. He one more time gives you a passionate kiss. “Taehyung you are in a practice studio not in your room! So stop making a show in front of us”. Seokjin scream when TaeTae still kiss you when you break a kiss. “Come on princess, he is joking. Because he is jealous THAT I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!” You giggle and give him a quick peck on the lips. “I actually have something for all of you” You go out to bring the coffee cakes and more that you left a front of the door of the practice room.
All boys immediately came to help you with the bags. When your phone starts vibrating with the message being busy helping to hand out coffee, cookies and other things that you have brought. You don’t have time to check your phone. “Taehyung your girlfriend is an angel” Jimin comment when he starts eating his cookie. “I know about it” he sends you big heart shape smile. “You buy this all alone Y/N?” ask you Yoongi. “Yes, but don’t worry Oppa. I use Taehyung card to pay for that” You understand that boys don’t like when you spend your own money for them. So usually the make sure at least you will not pay for everything alone and they can some kind of pay you back. “Speaking of this, here is your card” You give back Taehyung credit card and pull off your phone that busing in your coat nonstop for a long time.
You get a message from your close friend from home and that makes you smile because you miss your group of friends. You start reading the message and your heart stops. One of your best friends was in a car accident and unfortunately die in hospital. Time stops for you. So that’s why you did not hear the question from Jungkook. He stands a front of you with the cup in his hand “Y/N can I take this hot chocolate or this is for you?” You look at him trying to understand what he just says to you. “What? Can you repeat your question? Sorry I was not paying attention”. You still trying to understand the message you received. “I ask you if I can take hot chocolate that you order because usually when you buy one for Taehyung you taking one for yourself”. You try to focus and give him an answer. “Sure, if you want Kookie”. You try to collect yourself and go somewhere where is quiet. “Hey, everything all right. You become a super pile?” He asks you while he gently grabs your wrist. “I am fine. I just need use bathroom, I will be right back”.
You go out of the practice room and you closed yourself in the first cabinet in the bathroom. You start crying and sobbing, trying to go calm yourself down to not make the scene in a workplace of your boyfriend. But nothing helps. Couple minutes later the door is opening and gently closing. He was a gentle knock on your door. “Y/N? are you here?” He was standing in front of the cabinet. “Jagiya are you okay? What’s happens Jungkook says that you were looking pale if everything is alright?” He gently knocks, the door and then one of your sobs get out of your mouth.
“Baby please say something I worried, did I did something wrong?” His voice becomes extremely concerned and you hate knowing that he has this hurt look on his face. So you unlock the doors because you need him right now. The minute he hears that a door unlocks he already gets inside to pick you up. “What happen baby? I am here, it’s okay”. He holds you close to him when you cry into his neck. You sobbing whispers quietly what’s happened. He picks you up and sent on his laps non stop kissing you and comforting. He stays with you like this for God knows how long. To finally help you get up and take you home. When you leave the bathroom six worrying boys were standing outside. Noone said anything you all come back to the dorm. Where he holds you all night long. To make sure you will be fine.
Jeon Jungkook/Jeongguk  “Jungkook “
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You and Jungkook spend a lot of time together. So all of his other idols friends become jealousy because if he does not spend time with you he is with his members. So that’s why when he told you he will go out with some of his longtime not see friends. You not protested and even push him out wishing him a lot of fun. They supposed go out to some karaoke, dinner and maybe some drinks. He comes back in a couple hours. Promising you while asking you to come later to watch a movie with him.
You agreed to do that so that why you were in the store trying to pick up some snacks for all the boys. Your phone starts to ring when you were going out from the store. Badly managing taking out your phone from the pocket you finally answer. At the first moment you thought again this can be a joke or a mistake. Because the person being on the other side of the phone was quiet and rambling to you here and there some kind of noise. After finding a quiet place in Seoul street you heard the message that a person tries to tell you. Your best friend that you know since being a baby. Just die. Her sister nearly manages to tell you this. After the short talk, you end the call. You were in so shock stage that everything you were done was completely automatic.
Not even know how you get to the building where all the boys are living. Yoongi opens your door and helps you with all bags. “Y/N my angel thank you for buying me this.” Taehyung happily pointing one of his favorite sweets after pulling her from the bag. “Are you okay?” voice of Jimin standing next to you, wake you up from stagnation. “I don’t know.” Your voice was very come and confuse. “What do you mean?” Seokjin asks after taking everything from the bag. “I get a strange call while I was shopping… My best friend sister calls me to say that my friend dies today.” You start laughing and all the boys look at you in shock. “This is crazy right…” Your voice breaks a bit. “We text to each other this morning…” Your tears start to fall when Yoongi hugs you tight to his chest. Mumbling how sorry he is for your lost.
Meanwhile, Jungkook spends amazing time with his friend. Finally, being able to eat with each other dinner and catch up how all of them do. In the middle of the toast for one of his friend, he gets a call. But all of his Hyung friends tell him to leave this and focused on them. Trying to take his phone away from him. But when the phone call couple more times in a row, he decides to pick up. Special that he got a call from Namjoon. Without approval from all of his friends, he picks up the phone.
“Finally, you answer! Where are you? Forget about that. Come back home now!” His voice was still angry. “Hyung it’s still very early I will come back in the next hour or maybe two. Then we will watch this movie” His friends raise a glass with him to celebrate his independence. “What you talking about?! Come home now! Y/N is here” All of his friends make facial expressions like they will go die. Because Jungkook is, it’s always leaving when you show up. One more look at them and he decided that today he will not do that to them. “She can’t wait” All of his friends give him a high five. Since the first time, they see him listen to them and they advise that he can be for every your call.
“Jungkook listens to me, she is not in the best condition right now…” He can barely listen to his Hyung since all of his friends make noises and tell him to hang up. He gets up from his seat to go more quiet place trying to understand what Namjoon telling him. “What you say Hyung? I was not able to hear you.” He quiets down his friends and they finally listen to him. “Jungkook focus I am saying that Y/N she does not feel the best. When she comes in here, she starts crying. We try to calm her down, but…” He quickly wakes up from his tipsy state. “What?! Where she is?” He starts packing his stuff. “Yoongi Hyung and Jimin are with her right now. So come back home.” Jungkook looks at his friend with scared eyes. “Thank you Hyung, I will back soon, tell her this. Okay?” All his friends start collecting their stuff to after he hangs up from the phone. “What happen JK you look very pale now. Take this and drink it.” One of his friends gives him water. When he quickly explains the situation and say goodbyes to them.
Coming back to the dorm took him 20 minutes. He gets to the room where Yoongi hold you close and Jimin rubs your back. Coming close to you he gently pulls you from his Hyung. Your eyes were puffy and red, lower lip was shaking. “Kookie, I am so sorry…” You cry more when he hugged you and leave a kiss on the forehead. The boys decide to leave you alone with him. When he finally spoke, “What’s happening, baby? Why you cry?” You sobbed more because he is so gentle with you. “You have to tell me what’s going on because I don’t know how to help you” He kisses you to giving you courage. “My… my… my friend…” You start shaking. “She… just…” You sobbed. “She dies.” You barely speak the last word when he held you so tight that almost hurt. His heart starts braking.
Seeing you crying like this makes him feel like a dick. He should be in here for you. “I am so sorry Jungkook” You whisper and that shocked him. “Why are you apologizing me?” He looks in your eyes. “You supposed to spend a fun day with friends and not…” He kisses you one more time to shut you up. “Don’t say that.” He murmured. “I glad you here, so don’t apologize, okay?” He gets up from the couch and picks you up to take into his room. After covering you with duvet he lays with you and sings the songs that make you fall asleep. But he still was angry at himself that he wants not here when you needed him. He remembered himself to thanks his Hyung for taking care of you. “I am so sorry Jagiya that I was in here to you when you cry. But I promise next time I will be here for you.” He whispers knowing that if he again fails, at least his brothers always will take care of you.
Thank you that you get to this moment and I am so sorry that this was so long to read. That is the end of this reaction I hope you like it and enjoy it. If you have some question and suggestion feel free to ask. Thank you for reading and let me know what you guys think. And have an incredible 2019. I wish you see BTS live in 2019. #LoveYourself
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Crack Addiction Pictures
Douvall pictures alicia’s surgery
Addict paula she “watched
Was suffering from
Building where addicts hang out
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2016 … after
Jan 14, 2015 … Family release heartbreaking photos of Leanne Johnson in a drug-enduced state … pretty student to crack addict prostitute captured in pictures.
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So I cut out pictures … on Mount Everest; crack is like being in heaven. How often would you get high? I got high four …
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Tyka Nelson was born in 1960 and is two years younger than her … of which is shared here on a Prince fan forum — reported that Tyka suffered through crack addiction and worked as a prostitute to support her sons: I was a single …
AMY Winehouse last night blamed her addiction to crack cocaine on a hallucination of the devil she saw while high on LSD. The Rehab singer said Satan appeared before her in the guise of a six-foot Jamaican called Barrington while she …
If crack was around, I smoked it … If you are currently in active addiction, this is …
Not the view of an outsider, but a first-person account of the isolating, all-consuming nature of addiction. No one else is in the pictures; drugs have replaced everyone and everything that used to matter. Beating the odds, Graham has been …
But as the years went on, Matos’ addiction began to spiral out of control and she …
The photo was reportedly taken at the height of Houston’s issues with addiction …
“The artwork was pictures that we all agreed on,” Pusha explained … Houston …
The growing epidemic of crack cocaine in Brazil has led to entire neighborhoods being ceded to the crack … 41 Sad, Haunting Photos Of Crack … crack addict …
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Key Facts About Crack Abuse What Is Crack? Crack cocaine is the freebase form of cocaine. Crack's popularity, … Crack addiction is a powerful motivator, …
If crack was around, I smoked it … ‘If you are currently in active addiction, this is …
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Her obsession with plastic surgery was so serve that she eventually entered rehab in America for addiction. See more Alicia douvall pictures alicia’s surgery … She went on to describe herself as like a “crack addict” when it came to …
Because I believe it's necessary to forge a truthful, direct discussion about drugs before we can comprehend addiction, … The high from crack …
Taken by Houston’s longtime friend and ex-sister-in-law Tina Brown six years before the singer’s death, it served as evidence of a destructive addiction. You can …
Harris, 40, says to play addict paula she “watched documentaries on drug addiction, interviews with crack addicts and I met with an interesting lady who told me her life story—she was suffering from the throes of addiction at the time. …
Before and After Alcohol and Drug Addiction Photos Share on Twitter; Share on Facebook; Millions of Americans are trapped in a cycle of drug abuse and addiction: …
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Mar 24, 2014 … Rehabs.com found that one of the most successful ways to raise drug awareness is to show substances' harrowing impact on a user's face over …
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May 12, 2011 … The pictures offer a pretty stunning glimpse into a world many people never visit– a vacant building where addicts hang out, get high, and figure …
The family photos displayed around the basement provided comfort, as did the pictures … addiction, including previous overdoses. "I shoot f—– heroin. Like I didn’t just do drugs. I took it to another level. I’ve overdosed, sold drugs, …
Oct 29, 2014 … Brazil has the biggest crack cocaine epidemic in the world, and São Paulo's Cracolândia (Crackland) is its symbolic epicentre. The city is …
Feb 1, 2018 … THE desperate plight of drug addicts in the capital are laid bare in these … They show crack users from three council estates living in squalid …
Tragic journey from promising pretty student to crack addict prostitute captured in pictures. Family release heartbreaking photos of Leanne Johnson in a drug-enduced state in a bid to stop other young people succumbing to narcotics
Kanye spent 85k to use Whitney Houston’s crack bathroom for the Pusha T album cover…. According … s family members of the star’s bathroom during her …
Before and After Drug Abuse Photos … See first hand the transition in physical appearance a long-term crack addict may suffer. View All Photos of Before and After …
The results of abusing crack cocaine are so severe that only the most powerful addiction would keep a person using this drug.
Explore Drugs Abuse, Addiction Recovery, and more! before after … cool Watch Shocking Before-And-After Drug Use Photos. What Are ….. Meth and crack kill.
Find information about Pictures. Has The Individual Received Cocaine Addiction Treatment Or Attended A Cocaine Rehab Before?
Dec 27, 2016 … after Dejah Hall's amazing before-and-after drug addiction photos took the Internet by storm, we look at some of the most inspiring snaps by …
Dec 1, 2017 … Do you wonder what cocaine and crack look like? See photographs of cocaine and crack cocaine in several forms, from raw to packaged for …
Pictures and stories posted with permission from Chris Arnade. See his "Faces of Addiction." Sonia, forty-six years old and the mother of five, is a crack addict who "sells her body for drugs." Smart, polite, and well-spoken she told me and …
People have become so dependent on technology that it’s unlikely any company will be able to solve the addiction problem … Apple also intends to crack down on …
Crack cocaine is a highly addictive substance used by people seeking a euphoric high. The effects of crack are devastating, but treatment works.
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CRACK COCAINE. “I lived with a crack addict for nearly a year. I loved that addict —who was my boyfriend—with all my heart, but I couldn't stick [with] it any more …
Editor’s note: Jim MacMillan was a Daily News photographer from 1991 to 2008, during which time he covered many city issues, including the addiction … some pictures, though I was worried that the freezing temperatures might cause my …
These shocking before and after images reveal the effects of drug addiction on the human face. 'From Drugs to Mugs' is the follow up to the controversial 2004 …
For individuals struggling with crack addiction, before-and-after pictures document the changes that substance abuse has caused. Regardless of how long …
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But he got hooked on crack cocaine about 1 1/2 years ago and went downhill fast. He lost his job and his girlfriend and turned to crime, he told police, to support his addiction … he recognized the surveillance pictures, but thought that it …
Sep 20, 2017 … How this entrepreneur went from a crack addict to a self-made …. "And then I got into crack cocaine," he admits. … Lindell still has the picture.
Why is Crack Cocaine So Highly Addictive? … What are the short-term effects of crack cocaine? Crack causes … That was when I was introduced to crack cocaine for …
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