#also this is besides any point but its wild playing the type b body at the default height in a world of type a's at their default heights
bmpmp3 · 11 months
some fashion dreamer adventures from playing too much in the past two days :) (MY USER ID IS LGXwM6wQk5 FEEL FREE TO request stuff or whatever u do in this game i forgor) :
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(ignore shocked shane this aint about him) made my OC dave as my first muse so i am kinda playing hard mode with the type b body situation but im like. determined now. im gonna make the flashiest and cutest and over the top outfits i can muster with the scraps theyve given the the type b (jk jk its not TOO bad its the best we've gotten so far but I do wish i could wear shorter shorts and crop tops and some of those type a socks are so cute i saw some that were like bandage thigh highs. dave should be allowed to wear thigh highs. dave should be allowed to wear thigh highs)
still having a lot of fun tho! sometime i should get around to making a type a muse but most people i meet are type a so i never run out of people to dress either way LOL
like most people i have things i hope they add in the future (like i said before, the lack of zoom is DIRE) and right now some of the currencies and levelling systems feel a little unbalanced (i have so many of the star things and bingo things and a decent amount of gacha things but the photo prop coins are my most coveted thing rn i have like 1 single one JKDLSJFDS) but im enjoying myself a lot like i knew i would
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was trying to take a pic of this other player's muse that had this really neat witch situation but i accidentally made dave dab and got really scared <3
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in the end we must all go to the photo egg. in the end we all go into the photo egg. the universality of the photo egg.
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kinda wacky from daylight savings time changes i always get wacky i dont know what year or time it is. i spent twenty minutes scouring the ACT cocoon for the showroom stream 'cause i couldnt find it until i accidentally went into this like. basement alley. its in the basement alley <3 <3 <3
i guess we dont just go into the egg. we also. go into the. cocoons. the cocoons. in eve? cocoons in eve have. eggs in them
anyway i just unlocked cocoon FUN and its so awesome and scary and so so scary look at this bear
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free this bear somebody please free this bear ignore dave posing free this bear cocoon fun has bears behind bars and gazebos that raise you into heaven its so scary and awesome
going back to the photo props my favourites so far are the flowers theyre so cute
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i dont do the vertical photos that often because theyre kinda hard to do (u have to like. turn ur head or the switch to the side..... im nearly exclusively a tabletop switch player so i cant imagine what its like for docked player LOL) but this ones cute!
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but yeah very fun and extremely addicting i need to go to bed. i need to go to bed. i have assignments and i need to go to bed. but i want. to make outfits..........i must.....make outfits......graaaaahhh........GRAAAAAHHHHHH (turns into a zombie before your eyes)
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You're a good girl, well behaved.
Absolutely not the type to rail random guys in nightclubs.
Until you are.
Fandom: BNHA
Pairing: Aizawa x Reader, Present Mic x Reader, a sprinkling of Erasermic and eventual polyamorous Erasermic x Reader
Rating: Mature, not smutty but it is a bit gory
Trigger Warnings: Blood and Gore, descriptions of physical violence, nothing worse than on the show, but it’s there all the same. Also some Shirakumo related spoilers. 
AO3: Here | Want to support me? I have a Kofi
Chapter: 13/16 (all chapters)
“This is a terrible idea, just so you know.”
Shouta hugged his arms around his body, turning to look at the path behind him. His eyes were still growing accustomed to the dark and he had been almost entirely reliant on Shirakumo and Hizashi to guide him through the undergrowth, along a path tucked away by several layers of branches.
He had no idea where they were going, only that it was long after curfew.
“You worry too much,” said Hizashi. “Trust me, it’ll be worth it!”
Shouta pursed his lips together, more than a little conscious of how new he was to class 1-A. More specifically, how any wrong move could realistically end in him being returned to general studies.
He hadn’t wanted to go to the summer training camp, but ultimately the pros far outweighed the cons. Sure, he’d have to eat bad curry and share a room with students he barely knew, but missing out on the opportunity to master his quirk wasn’t something to be taken lightly. His presence there alone was a test, unofficially or not.
He had been exhausted when he finally rested his head, only to spend hours staring at the ceiling. In a matter of hours, he would have to push himself harder than ever and that knowledge alone made him nervous. He hadn’t been able to sleep the night before either, instead stealing glances at the packed bag by his bedroom door. The more he tried to sleep, the more nervous he got, a vicious cycle he knew all too well.
He was still awake at light’s out; still awake when the majority of the other guys tucked themselves into bed and began to snore. He was still awake when Shirakumo and Yamada got up to leave.
He knew them from class, of course. If he had to label them anything, and was loath to do so, they were the closest thing he had to friends on the hero course. Yamada had offered up one of his earphones on the bus ride over to show him the song he’d been obsessed with, while Shirakumo frowned into the other. Shirakumo had nudged Shouta with a wink before dropping so many chilli flakes into the curry that it shone an angry shade of red. Shouta had no idea what his ultimate goal had been, only that the two members of class 1-A who finished their dinner did it on a dare.
Shouta knew they were up to no good the second he saw them tiptoeing across the room, dodging the arms and legs of their sleeping classmates. Whatever they were up to would almost certainly get him into trouble if caught. Even so, he followed them when they motioned for him to.
“We found it earlier,” said Shirakumo, crouching down beside a fallen tree and linking his hands to give Yamada a boost over the top.
Yamada whined as he climbed up and slid down onto the other side, far from pleased at having to touch the tree bark in so little light. Shirakumo turned to him and held out his hands, leaving Shouta grateful for the darkness. In this light, no one could see him blush.
He set his foot down into Shirakumo’s hands and put a hand on his shoulder for balance. He took a deep breath as Shirakumo boosted him, planting both hands down on the damp bark and pulling himself up. He was still much slower than they were, regardless of how long he spent running laps or doing pull ups. He landed on the other side without any sort of grace, stumbling on his ankle and grazing his hands across the floor. In any other setting it would have hurt, but the grass was soft and incredibly forgiving.
“Man,” said Yamada, who was still checking himself for bugs, “I’m going to itch for a week.”
“You’ll be fine,” said Shirakumo, landing softly. “C’mon, it’s this way!”
He raced on ahead, no longer concerned about waking up any of the professors. Shouta turned to Yamada, who grinned back and reached for his hand.
He squeezed tightly and followed suit, Shouta trailing behind and staring at their linked hands. It was so intimate and yet so casual and he didn’t know what to do.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to think about it for long, as they reached a gap in the trees and Yamada let him go. Shouta stumbled to a stop, jaw dropping as he took in their new surroundings.
They had arrived at the base of a waterfall, its waters twinkling in a near perfect imitation of the stars overhead. He didn’t know what he’d expected, but it definitely wasn’t this.
Yamada and Shirakumo weren’t nearly as overwhelmed as he was, already in the process of settling down on the grass. Shouta followed suit, wishing he had a dozen or more heads just to take in every detail.
“It’s good, right?!” Shirakumo said as he and Yamada flopped back into the grass.
Shouta laid back far more slowly, taking care to listen to the whisper of the water and cool night breeze. He made sure to smell the flowers that crowned their heads.
“I…” he said, closing his eyes.
He wanted to say it was beautiful, that he was happy they had shared this secret with him.
He wanted to say how grateful he was to have such welcoming classmates who hadn’t hesitated to welcome him into their class.
In the end, though, he merely shrugged.
“It’s okay.”
“What do you mean you can’t come? I need you to chaperone the girls.”
“Eraser, be more sympathetic,” wailed Nemuri. “I’ve never had such bad cramps before! I feel like I’ve swallowed a chainsaw.”
Shouta leaned against the bus, rubbing his temples and toeing the gravel.
He had hated summer training camps as a teenager and he definitely hated them now.
Shouta was sick of planning the summer camp. He was tired of so much as hearing about it. It was necessary, he knew that, but this one seemed to have been doomed from the beginning.
The last thing he needed was to have to replace a chaperone at the last minute, especially so early on into summer vacation.
“You’ll be fine,” he said. “Just take an aspirin.”
“I don't have any!”
“I do. Now hurry up, we’re leaving soon.”
He hung up before she could protest, only for his phone to start ringing again almost immediately.
“I already organised a replacement,” said Nemuri the moment he picked up. “A little last minute, but she’s definitely qualified!”
“What are you tal-“
He never got the chance to reply, for you strolled around the corner, rucksack strapped to your back and sunglasses perched on top of your head. You waved the moment you saw him and came rushing over, completely oblivious to the conflict playing out in front of you.
“I’ll call you back,” he said, hanging up on Nemuri for a second time.
She had a point and he knew it. You were the only member of the faculty who didn’t have lessons to plan and papers to grade. Even so, it made him nervous and he told himself it had nothing at all to do with the cutoffs you had on.
“(Name),” he said, “you…”
“Did you speak to Nemuri? Is she okay?”
Shouta slipped his phone back into his pocket, wondering exactly how much she had told you.
“She’ll be fine,” he said. “I’m sorry to put you out like this.”
“No, no,” you said, waving away his concerns, “I was already packed for Yamanashi. It’s not putting me out at all!”
It was just like you and he sighed, cursing Nemuri. He wanted to tell you to go home, but he didn’t know who else he could call in on such short notice and, given the current climate, it was important to keep as few people in the know about where you were going as humanly possible. Even if he called Recovery Girl or Thirteen, it was unlikely either of them would be packed and ready on time and he didn’t like the idea of having them arrive at the camp later, putting more vehicles on the road for the League of Villains to follow.
“We’re taking separate routes,” he said, against his better judgement. “You should travel with 1-B. They’re taking the shorter path.”
He pointed out the second bus, where Vlad was checking over his student rosters.
“Okay,” you said with a wide smile, “I’ll go and tell him about the change of plans.”
He watched as you left, all but bouncing on your heels. He knew you hadn’t experienced much close contact with heroes until recently and your excitement was only natural. Even so, he had a bad feeling about bringing you along, one that he wouldn’t put his finger on until it was too late.
Your friends had laughed at you for packing your bags so early. The trip to Yamanashi was weeks away and you had more free time than usual thanks to summer break. Nemuri’s early morning phone call was satisfying in more ways than one. You didn’t need to worry about buying bug spray or picking out walking shoes. All you had to do was throw on some clothes and grab your bag on the way out.
You spent the bus ride turning the pages of a suspense novel, so absorbed in the action that you barely noticed where you were going or how much time had passed. You were almost a quarter of the way through when the bus finally came to a stop and the students pushed their faces to the windows.
“Everyone, calm down,” said Vlad, “back in your seats. You’ll have plenty of time to explore later.”
They groaned, but obeyed, prompting you to giggle and slip a bookmark between the pages of your novel. You were used to dealing with the chaos of 1-A. It was almost a relief to spend time with 1-B.
You and Vlad were the first ones off the bus and you gazed in awe at your forest surroundings. There were trees and mountains as far as the eye could see, wild and unapologetically untamed. You turned on the spot, wishing you could see everything all at once, only to find yourself on the receiving end of a bone breaking handshake.
“Good morning, good morning,” said the stranger. “Welcome to The Beast’s Forest.”
You took in the stranger’s enormous form; his broad shoulders and kitten paw gloves.
“I...um...thank you…”
“The Wild Wild Pussycats are helping us out with the training camp this year,” said Vlad, taking a moment to look away as the students filed off the bus. “Thank you for your hospitality.”
“It’s our pleasure,” said the stranger. “I’m Tiger and this is Ragdoll!”
He gestured to the woman beside him, who had on a matching set of kitten paw gloves.
“Pleased to meet you,” she cried out, hopping on the spot. “We’re so happy you chose to come here and train with us!”
“We’ll show you to your rooms,” followed up Tiger.
“1-B,” said Vlad, turning to the students, who by then had started to huddle round you. “Grab your things and get ready to unpack. We have a lot to do today, so no goofing off!”
After everyone had unpacked, Vlad and Ragdoll left to take the students on a short hike. You stayed behind to help Tiger prepare dinner, as well as to help the girls from 1-A unpack and settle in once they finally arrived.
By all accounts it didn’t make sense. 1-A had set off before you, yet still hadn’t arrived. You thought about it as you washed and peeled vegetables, wondering if Shouta had done so deliberately as part of a training exercise.
They trailed out of the forest and through the doors at sundown, filthy, exhausted and starving.
“What on earth happened?” you asked, guiding them to the dorms while Pixie Bob and Mandalay finished up the food.
You didn’t get much of an answer, just whimpers of despair.
You watched as they trailed into their room, dragging their legs and clutching their hands over their stomachs, wondering what kinds of tortures they had endured in the forest.
As expected of UA , you considered. This isn’t even day one.
After dinner, the students took a dip in the hot springs and retired to bed, exhausted from the day’s events and anticipating an early start. You checked in on them before leaving the dorms, meaning to explore the grounds a little. You weren’t sure how much time you would have to yourself once the training actually started and wanted to make the most of it.
You couldn’t remember the last time you had taken a break outside of the city. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been away from the city at all. Akira had always promised that one day you would take a week away in a cabin somewhere, though he had always been too busy for one reason or another to follow through. You had told yourself you thrived in the city, but the peaceful night air was proof enough of how wrong you had been.
The air was clean here; the silence broken only by the cry of cicadas in the distance. You had never seen the stars so clearly before and, now that they glimmered above you, you never wanted to stop looking at them.
At that moment, all you could think about was Hizashi. You remembered how it had felt to explore Musutafu with his hand in yours, so caught up in the beauty of your surroundings that you forgot how it felt to be sad.
What movie are we in?
You pulled your phone from your pocket and scrolled through your own songs as you walked, following the dirt path to an exposed area of grass framed by trees. You gave each tree an appraising look, trying to figure out which one would give you the best view, only to flop down in the middle and gaze up at the sky. You had never seen such a clear view of the summer triangle before: Orihime and Hikoboshi reunited in the stars.
Their story had always been one of your favourites, which proved fortunate, as it was your mother’s favourite too. She liked to sit you and your brother down and recite the story of the beautiful princess and her humble lover as a cautionary tale, meant to remind you of the importance of contributing to society, as opposed to childish fleets of fancy. Your brother, ever the dutiful son, had nodded along to her words and condemned the lovers for their passion, but you had always been something of a romantic. You often slipped up and said how happy you were that the lovers were reunited, to which your mother would pinch your cheeks. She liked to remind you that they would not have been separated in the first place if they hadn’t been selfish, nor would they have been reunited without the generosity of Orihime’s father.
Your mother was the only person you had ever met who spent Tanabata wishing for a rainstorm.
You hadn’t talked to either of your parents for well over a year. You hadn’t told them about the break up, nor mentioned your change in career. You weren’t naive enough to think they didn’t know. Your brother was still the obedient one and had texted you on the night of the USJ incident.
You wondered what your mother would say if she saw you now; if she knew Akira proposed to you and you had turned him down. She would probably faint if she knew you had slept with two of your coworkers, one of which had been a complete stranger at the time.
You gazed up at the sky and the summer triangle, finally understanding that you had always wished for Orihime’s happiness because you saw yourself in her. Perhaps your mother did too and that was why she pinched your cheeks so much.
You reached up to touch your own cheek and smiled, thinking of Hizashi and Shouta.
Hizashi was just as much of a romantic as you were and Shouta’s passions ran deeper than you’d ever presume to understand.
You couldn’t choose between them and never wanted to.
You were ready to be selfish and chase the stars.
You weren’t the only one watching the stars that night.
Shouta perched in the branches of a tall tree several feet away, hiding in the summer foliage and watching the dorms for any signs of students breaking curfew. The irony wasn’t lost on him.
He had reached for his capture weapon the moment he heard the front door, only to loosen his grip when he saw who was coming.
He had watched you lay down in the grass to watch the stars; had watched you reach out to touch your cheek. He was reminded of a different summer camp at a different time; a time when he too laid his head in the grass to look up at the sky.
He lifted his hand and examined it in the moonlight. This was the hand that Hizashi had taken all of that time ago and, even though the skin had hardened and formed calluses, still tingled at the memory. He could jump fallen trees faster than Hizashi now; could navigate the dark without even trying. Even so, he still thought of hands in his and didn’t know what to do.
He wanted to go back to the waterfall from all those summers ago; wanted to link his hand in Hizashi’s again and lay back to watch the stars with your lap for a pillow.
He wanted to tell you that you were beautiful; that if anyone was to make him feel so illogical, he was glad it was you.
The more things changed, though, the more they stayed the same. He touched his fingers to his lips, tracing the spaces you had kissed even as you got back up to your feet and headed to the dorms, an expression of determination on your face.
He wanted to go after you, but his legs wouldn’t move.
He wanted to whisper the truth of his complicated feelings in your ear, but couldn’t say a word.
He was taller and stronger, yet still no different to the boy from all of those years ago. Now, just like then, he told himself that you were better off not knowing; that one day he would be brave enough to say his feelings out loud, but it wasn’t this one.
He had no idea how far the parallels ran. Now, just like then, he was running out of time.
On a day to day basis, Vlad didn’t spend too much time with Aizawa or the students of 1-A. He definitely didn’t spend much time with you . 1-B hadn’t experienced as many traumas as 1-A. The only motivation he might have had to stop by your office unexpectedly was to make conversation, though you always seemed to be busy whenever he passed. When you weren’t chatting with students or rearranging the notice board outside of your office, you were chatting with Kayama and Yamada and sometimes even Aizawa.
He had been surprised when you came over to him the previous morning, sheepishly admitting that you had come to join them in Midnight’s stead, but he hadn’t questioned it.
The night before, though, he had definitely started to question some things.
He had drifted out of sleep to the sound of a soft tapping outside of his bedroom door. It was too faint to be his own door, though the idea that it might be a student bothered him. He got up and opened his own door by a sliver and peered out into the darkness.
Aizawa’s room was a little further down the corridor and you were standing in front of it, softly tapping at the wood and shifting on the spot.
“Everything okay?” he had asked, prompting you to jump in surprise.
“I...I um,” you had said, glancing from him to Aizawa’s door. “Everything’s fine, I just needed to…”
You had waved almost frantically, a blush peppering your cheeks.
“It’s nothing...I’m sorry I disturbed you!”
He had watched you scurry out of the men’s dorms, chancing glances over your shoulder at him and shooting awkward smiles.
It was strange to say the least, and he wondered about it long into the night. It still played on his mind as he took a seat at the breakfast table. The students were still in the process of getting up and only you, Aizawa and Vlad himself were around, helping yourselves to bowls of rice and cups of coffee. Vlad picked at his own food, still curious about the night before. He watched as you shot second and third glances at Aizawa, visibly gathering your nerves. He saw you get to your feet the second Aizawa did and follow him to the buffet table. He listened in as you began to speak in nervous whispers.
“Shouta,” you whispered, glancing over your shoulder, “I need to talk to you.”
“You’re talking to me now.”
“I mean...I need to talk to you... alone .”
Vlad dropped his gaze as you looked in his direction and shovelled food into his mouth to disguise the fact that he had been eavesdropping.
“Are you sick?”
“Are the students okay?”
“Okay,” said Aizawa, lowering his cup. “We can talk about it later.”
Aizawa left you at the breakfast buffet with no further room for argument, slipping back down into his seat on Vlad’s left as if nothing had happened. You followed, flopping down into your own seat on Vlad’s right, all three of you eating in silence. Vlad’s eyes darted from his left to his right, as intrigued by this new development as he was annoyed.
“It’s okay, deep breaths, deep breaths!”
You patted Uraraka on the back, holding her hair back from her face as she wretched. She clasped her hands over her mouth, self conscious about throwing up in front of her classmates, but too wobbly on her feet to reach the portable toilet nearby.
“Come on,” you said, easing her arm over your shoulders and guiding her to her feet. “Slow steps.”
You guided her to the toilet, only letting go as she shut the door behind her and taking the chance to look around at your surroundings. The sun was up and training well underway. 1-A and 1-B had been assigned individual training exercises to improve their quirks and the result was organised chaos.
You didn’t have any sort of combat training, so settled for weaving your way through the crowds, offering up sips of water, pats to the back and encouraging words. It was something, at least, and gave you ample opportunities to try and get Shouta alone.
You had decided to tell him everything, from your night with Hizashi to your realisations about yourself and your own feelings. You had to be honest with him, even if it meant being rejected. You knew he had some kind of feelings for you. You knew that he wanted you on some level. You needed him to see your side of things, though so far had been unsuccessful. Every time you got closer, he found somewhere else to be.
It was disheartening, to say the least. You wondered if telling him the truth was a mistake, though shrugged off the idea almost immediately. If you never told him the truth, you’d never know his reaction.
You knew that the moment you returned home, back to your house and regular job, you would lose all of your confidence. You’d not only go back to your regular bed, but your regular demons as well.
You thought you knew better than anyone that you were running out of time and the clock was ticking, but had no idea that the end was much sooner than you thought.
You thought you had until the end of the week.
In reality, you had about 36 hours.
“So what’s the story with you and Eraserhead?”
Your eyes bulged.
“W-what do you mean?”
You switched off the showerhead and turned back towards the onsen, realising too late that you were on the receiving end of not one but three sets of eyes.
You had tried to get Shouta’s attention again at dinner, but he had announced plans for extra lessons with the underperformers in his class. Whatever it was you had to say to him could wait until later.
You had been more than a little depressed at this development, though nowhere near as upset as Kaminari and Ashido, both of whom had begged for you to rescue them.  
You must have looked unhappy as you stepped outside, for you were almost immediately jumped by Pixie Bob, Ragdoll and Mandalay, who invited you to take a soak in the hot springs with them. Maybe it was the prospect of girl talk or the fact that they reminded you so much of your own trio of girlfriends, but you took them up on it.
You hadn't expected them to ask your love life so directly.
“I...I...uh…haha, Eraserhead? Eraserhead and me?”
They grinned at that and you didn’t blame them. In their position you wouldn’t have been convinced either.
You sighed, setting aside the showerhead and getting to your feet.
“We had sex,” you said, sinking into the water. “Twice.”
“I knew it,” said Pixie Bob, nudging Mandalay. “See? I told you. I always know when people are sleeping together.”
“Oh, we’re not sleeping together anym-“
“But you’d like to?!” Ragdoll asked, tilting her head to one side.
“It’s like a sixth sense,” Pixie Bob continued, seeming not to notice. “A second quirk, if you will.”
“ Sure going to come in handy during a rescue mission,” sighed Mandalay.
“Don’t be so dismissive! We could...I could,” Pixie Bob scratched her chin until inspiration struck. “If someone had heavy blood loss, I could ask their lover for their blood type!”
“What kind of guys have you been hooking up with? Vampires?”
Pixie Bob looked offended at the very idea, though Ragdoll only smiled.
“Does Eraserhead know your blood type, (Name)?” she asked, returning you to the center of attention.
“Honestly? Probably.”
It wouldn’t surprise you, all things considered. You were still convinced he’d read your staff dossier during your first few weeks at UA.
“See,” said Pixie Bob. “Sixth sense. Incredibly useful.”
Mandalay sighed and rubbed her temples.
“You must think we’re crazy.”
“I work for UA,” you laughed, “I can handle crazy.”
“I’m sure you can,” said Pixie Bob, with a suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows that made Mandalay groan. “Seriously, though, what’s the story with you two? How’d you end up... knowing each other’s blood types?”
You weighed up the pros and cons of telling them, before ultimately throwing caution to the wind. You hadn’t even gotten around to telling your friends the full story, much less about your intentions to confess to Shouta. Hizashi and Nemuri didn’t know about the night at Ego ; it had always seemed inappropriate to tell them.
It was a relief to finally have the whole story off your chest and, for the first time since your arrival, all three of the Pussycats were silent, all pondering the same thing.
It was Mandalay who spoke first.
“We’ll help.”
“Yes,” said Ragdoll, giggling with glee. “We’ll take care of everything. ”
To their credit, they really did have everything worked out.
The following evening, once training was complete, they planned to host a ghost walk, pitting class A against class B. While the walk took place, the teachers would host remedial classes with their underperforming students, just as they were doing now.
Unbeknownst to any of the students, however, they also planned to have a barbecue once the ghost walk was finished. Both Vlad and Shouta had agreed to take a break from the remedial classes around that time in the hopes of restoring the morale of the underperformers, giving them at least one good memory of summer camp.
While the students gathered around the campfire, the Pussycats would send you and Shouta back into the woods to double check all of them had returned. It was the perfect opportunity to have a private conversation and you could hardly wait.
You returned to your room on a high, both so anxious and excited that you could barely concentrate on your book.
Your fingers trembled. You wondered what you would say. You had originally planned to make it up as you went along, but having a deadline gave you more of an incentive to think it through.
You rested your head against your pillows and laid your book down on your chest.
You had a feeling the next day was going to be eventful, though had no idea how right you really were.
Remedial classes went about as well as was to be expected. By the time he escorted them back to the dorms, they were in varying states of despair.
“Don’t look so sad,” he said, “it takes dedication to be heroes. If you fall apart at every hurdle, your career won’t last very long.”
He dropped Mina off at the girls’ dorms last of all, waiting for her to close the door behind her before continuing up the corridor and back out towards the entrance. He paused midway, noticing that your bedroom door was open by a sliver and the light still on.
He remembered what you had said to him at breakfast; how nervous you had been. He felt a little guilty for keeping his distance, but had a feeling whatever it was you had to say to him was something that would require one hundred percent of his attention and time, which at that moment he was unable to give.
He knocked at your door before stepping inside, a soft smile creeping across his face at what greeted him. You had fallen asleep reading, a book resting over your face and cell phone in your hand. He could hear you snoring underneath it and took a couple of silent steps forward, just until he was close enough to pick up the front and back covers between his thumb and forefingers and peel it off your face. He slipped your bookmark between the pages and rested the book down on your bedside table, finally reaching across to try and slip the phone out from your hand.
You had starfished your body across the bed and it wasn’t difficult to loosen your grip on the phone. For one nerve wracking second, Shouta thought he’d woken you, for you crumpled up your face and rolled over onto your side to face him, murmuring in your sleep.
“...fair,” you said. “Sh...fair.”
He looked down at the hand closest to him, palm upwards across the bed. His own fingers twitched at the sight. He remembered how it had felt to hold your hand at Ego ; how you had trembled as you followed him through the club. At the time he had dismissed it as excitement, but now that he knew you better he understood it was nerves.
“Shouta,” you murmured, eyes closed and words slurred from sleep.
“I’m here,” he said, putting your phone down on top of your book.
“Sh…” you said again. “...un.”
He pulled the blanket across your body and you snuggled into it, a peaceful smile breaking out across your face. He wanted so badly to wake you up, but couldn't bring himself to. He knew he’d regret it later, though had no idea how much.
“Sleep tight,” he said, stepping back out of your room and switching off the light.
He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked back towards the entrance, oblivious to the fact that he was being watched.
Mina Ashido had gone into the washroom to brush her teeth and comb her hair and noticed your open door on the way back. Initially she had wandered over to wish you goodnight, but froze on the spot when she saw Aizawa tucking you in.
She clasped her hands over her mouth as he walked out of the door, pressing herself against the corner of the wall to remain out of sight. She was curious, yes, but not so curious that she was willing to risk even more remedial classes.
She rushed into the girls’ dorm room the moment he was gone and slammed the door shut behind her.
“Everyone,” she hissed, as the others groaned and rubbed their eyes, far from impressed at the early morning interruption. “Wake up! You’re not going to believe this!”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I know what I saw!”
News of your late night interlude with Aizawa was the talk of the 1-A breakfast table, even if everyone was divided. While Aizawa’s presence in your room definitely raised questions, there was no evidence it had been anything other than innocent. Mina had seen him tucking you into bed and nothing more, leaving the events of that night up to personal interpretation, of which there were many.
“I’m telling you,” said Mina, “he was smiling . It was weird.”
“She could have told him a really good joke,” shrugged Kaminari.
“In her sleep ?”
“Remember that time I told Professor Aizawa a knock knock joke?” Sero said, grimly. “He made me do laps.”
“It was a pretty bad joke,” chuckled Tsuyu.
“You’re all wrong,” said Hagakure. “She’s dating Present Mic!”
“Present Mic?” said Uraraka, sounding more than a little confused.
“They do seem to get along well on his radio show,” said Deku. “That doesn’t mean they’re a couple, though.”
“Maybe she’s dating both of them,” shrugged Kirishima, to which everyone began to chatter in uproar.
“In any case,” said Iida, bellowing over everyone as he lowered his orange juice, “it’s inappropriate to speculate on the private lives of our teachers.”
“But that’s what makes it fun ,” said Mina, who was more than a little put out that people still didn’t believe her.
She glanced over at the teacher’s table, where you and the Pussycats were deep in discussion and Aizawa and Vlad compared notes on their lesson planning.
She knew what she had seen, but had no idea how to prove it.
The third day of training passed just as quickly as the first. You rushed around the grounds, handing over bottles of water and offering words of reassurance. It felt like a workout even though you weren’t the one training and you breathed a sigh of relief when it finally came to a close.
You mopped your brow and peered out over the horizon, taking in the golden sunset.
It was almost time.
Shouta...I’ve been thinking…
We need to be honest with ourselves. You aren’t Hizashi and Hizashi’s not you. You aren’t each other’s substitute and it’s unfair to everyone to pretend you are.
You frowned as you took a sip of soda.
You’d been lost in thought ever since you’d arrived at the midpoint with Ragdoll, going over and over everything you wanted to say to Shouta. In many respects you felt guilty, for you knew you weren’t paying as much attention to the ghost walk as you should.
You didn’t notice the thump of heavy footsteps nearby until Ragdoll herself hopped to her feet to listen.
“What...is that…”
“Is it a student?”
Ragdoll squinted and moved closer to the trees. The footsteps had slowed, but were still audible in the distance. You got up yourself, but she motioned for you to stay where you were.
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” she said with a smile. “Maybe Pixie Bob made one of her earth creatures for extra scares.”
She walked towards the trees, disappearing into the shadows and out of sight. It made you nervous, though you didn’t know why. You tapped your foot against the ground and chewed your bottom lip, listening as both Ragdoll’s footsteps and the heavy ones fell silent.
It lasted only for a second, though it felt like years. You reached for the satchel of extra gear the two of you had packed and rummaged inside of it for a torch. You knew you shouldn’t leave your post, but you wanted to feel just a little safer.
“R-Ragdoll?” you called out, fiddling with the switch. “Are you-“
The footsteps started again and you froze in place, watching as something emerged from the trees. You dropped the torch and it flashed on when it hit the ground, illuminating the enormous creature stumbling towards you.
Your heart froze in your chest and you took a step backwards, insides turning to water.
You recognised this sort of creature from Tsukauchi’s investigation of the events of USJ, though had only ever seen them in photos. You shivered as you took in its exposed brain and dead, fishlike eyes, watching helplessly as Ragdoll thrashed in its grip.
“Get out of here, (Name),” she called out, the creature squeezing her body until the radio fell from her head. “Tell the others!”
You knew that you should obey her, but you were frozen to the spot, unable to do anything but watch as two other figures emerged from the trees. One was a young man with a patchworked face; the other wore a black and white costume that hid any identifying features from view.
The man with the patchworked face glanced from the creature to you, examining you from head to toe as if coming to a decision.
“Hmmm,” he said. “You aren’t on the list.”
You had no idea what list he was talking about, nor why you weren’t on it. You wondered if he was talking about the list of attendees to the summer camp, though prayed you were wrong. The camp’s location was a secret, or rather, was supposed to be one.
“Run!” Ragdoll screamed again and this time you obeyed, sprinting away along the dirt track and back towards camp.
The patchwork-faced man turned languidly to face his companion and shrugged.
“Twice,” he said, “make a copy. We can’t have her alert the others.”
“Right away! Just leave it to me!”
“Honestly, we only just got here and already you’re telling me what to do.”
You glanced over your shoulder just in time to see two identical men with patchwork faces, one of which was beginning to follow you.
Shit, shit, shit.
You ran away, reaching into your pocket for your phone. You needed to warn the others, you needed to-
You stumbled over an uneven spot in the floor, phone soaring out of your hand and into the trees as your mouth filled with blood.
You rolled over onto your back and crawled over to reach for it, though the tumble had slowed you down significantly. The second patchwork man strolled towards you at a leisurely pace as if you hadn’t bothered to run from him at all. You pushed yourself up onto your feet, but your ankle throbbed and caved in, leaving you crashing back to the ground.
“Ow,” you muttered, shuffling back towards the trees and out of danger, though not remotely fast enough to get away.
“They said I’m not s’posed to hurt you,” he said, taking a step closer, “just scare you a little.”
He smirked, taking in your burst lip and grazed knees; your frantic rummaging through the bag of supplies.
“Looks like my job’s already been done for m-“
He inched backwards as you dragged out the thing you’d been looking for: a flare gun, packed in case of emergencies. It was harmless, of course, but in the darkness looked just like the real thing.
“Tell me,” you said, “are you a clone?”
He raised his hands in mock surrender, conflict visibly playing out across his face at the activation of your quirk.
“I am,” he said.
“Tell me,” you said again, far more forcefully, “do you share memories? Will you both remember this conversation?”
“I share his memories. He doesn't share mine.”
You didn’t know if the clone shared the original’s quirk as well as his memories and were more than a little aware that you only had a short window before he figured out you weren’t holding a real gun.
“ Tell me ,” you said. “Where is the league of villains? Where do they gather?”
He squeezed his hands together, blue flames rippling across his skin as he recited an address. You committed it to memory and then pulled the trigger, limping off into the trees as he dodged the red sparks.
You limped as fast as your legs would carry you, finally collapsing behind a tree to catch your breath. You reached for your phone with shaking hands, writing out the address in a message to Shouta and cursing under your breath when it failed to send.  
“Come on, come on, come on,” you said, tapping ‘resend’ over and over to no avail. You had to warn them, had to tell them.
You gave up on sending the message and used the tree as a guide to get back up onto your feet, wincing as almost every inch of your body ached in protest.
Come on , you willed yourself. Come on, (Name), you can do this.
You weren’t a hero, but none of the kids were yet. You had joined UA to guide and protect them and cuts and bruises didn’t change that obligation.
You froze in place at the sound of footsteps, clapping a hand over your nose and mouth, eyes darting around at your surroundings. The trees swayed in the evening breeze, the stars shone brightly overhead, seemingly oblivious to what was happening within the forest. You squeezed your eyes shut, heart pounding and skin clammy.
Why had the villains come here?
What was their goal?
You wished you had asked the patchwork faced man while you still had a chance.
The footsteps faded, their owner retreating in the opposite direction. You breathed a steady sigh of relief and peeped out behind you at the path you would need to take to get back to the main path. It would probably be faster to go through the woodland and you turned back to get your bearings, heart stopping as you found yourself looking into the mouth of another stranger, one who was currently dangling from the branch above you and grinning widely, revealing a set of shining teeth.
“M...meat,” he said, dropping to the floor and leaning back, one of his canines stretching from his mouth and slicing open your arm. “Fresh meat.”
You knew this villain. You remembered his court case; your father led the prosecution and landed him on death row.
You remembered going for coffee with your brother, who at the time was interning at your father’s law firm. It was his first real case and it affected him deeply. He refused to talk about it, even now that years had passed.
After seeing the villain in the flesh, you thought you understood why. He moved with inhuman dexterity, landing in front of you before you could so much as move.
You saw the blade coming. You heard it pierce the tree.
You didn’t, however, feel it go through your body, not until he jerked his head back in an attempt to free his tooth from the tree bark. You screamed in pain, the wound burning every time he moved.
“Show me,” he said, yanking his head, “show me how you look on the inside.”
His tooth snapped and he stumbled backwards, leaving you to flop forward, blood soaking through your shirt.
“Show me,” said Moonfish, stumbling forwards. “Let me taste your flesh.”
You opened your mouth to protest, ears ringing.
You didn’t know what you meant to say to him, only that you never got the chance. He stepped forwards to land the finishing blow, only to hear a noise in the distance. You heard it, too, eyes bulging in realisation.
The students still didn’t know about the attack and were continuing on the ghost walk. A pair of them were nearby, discussing the possible tactics of 1-B.
You searched your brain for the order, though struggling to settle on a single thought, skin prickling as Moonfish retracted his teeth and disappeared into the night, far more interested in a different sort of prey.
You tried to move, only to cry out in pain. The broken tooth seemed to have gone right through not only you, but the tree. If you tried to pull it out, you would almost certainly bleed to death far faster, but if you stayed there it wouldn’t just be you who bled.
You snatched up your phone and frantically dialled everyone in your phone book, blood soaking through your shirt and shorts.
You dialled Shouta to no avail.
You dialled Hizashi, who was in the middle of recording his radio show.
You dialled Nemuri, who was filming an interview on a late night television show.
“Someone,” you murmured, vision going dark and limbs going floppy. “Someone…”
You looked up towards the sky, taking in the bright stars with a bitter smile.
You knew it was impossible, and she was far away, but you could feel your mother pinching your cheeks.
Of all of the heroes in all of the world, Eraserhead was perhaps the most mysterious. What few people knew of his existence knew even less about the man. He was a shadow, venturing out of the darkness only to ambush would be criminals and vanish just as quickly as he came.
He worked best after dark where he could travel unseen. Ironic, therefore, that on this night in particular he stumbled over his feet. He sprinted through the undergrowth, phone pressed to his ear.
Hello, this is (Name). I’m not around at the moment, please leave a message!
“Come on,” he hissed, coming to an abrupt halt and dialling again.
Shouta glanced around at his surroundings, entirely in his element, yet powerless to act.
After returning Kota to the lodge, his phone had exploded with missed calls and messages.
“What is it?” Vlad had asked, noticing the blood drain from his face.
“I’m forwarding an address,” he said, copying one of your messages. “Pass it onto the police when they get here.”
“An address? What-”
“Just pass it onto them! It’s important!”
He had no idea why it was important, of course, only that you wouldn’t have sent it to him so many times if it wasn’t.
Your phone went through to voicemail again and he swore under his breath,
“Idiot,” he hissed. “What did I tell you about facing unknown villains?”
He remembered the night you got him with pepper spray.
Why would you try and confront a villain without help? You could have gotten yourself killed.
“You better not have done anything stupid,” he said, dialling your number again to distract himself from the fact that if you had gotten that information by using your quirk, you must have gotten close to a villain.
“Over here!” Tiger yelled nearby. Shouta followed the sound of his voice, arriving at what had previously been the midpoint.
His ears began to ring when he saw what remained of it: an abandoned table, soaked with blood, an abandoned torch flickering on the ground.
“This...this is Ragdoll’s radio,” said Tiger, lifting it up from the floor. “Oh my god…this...this is blood!”
“This blood’s cold,” said Shouta, dipping his pinky finger into it and glancing across at the radio in Tiger’s hands, “most likely hers.”
“There’s so much,” said Tiger, voice breaking, “that idiot...her quirk isn’t suitable for combat. She knows that.”
Shouta crouched down to pick up the abandoned torch.
“There’s no blood on this,” he said, turning it over in his hands. “Whoever dropped it wasn’t injured.” He fiddled with the on switch and turned to face the table, where Tiger had picked up Ragdoll’s abandoned radio. “They were frightened, though.”
“(Name),” said Tiger, picking up his train of thought. “Ragdoll...she must have told her to run.”
Shouta cursed and followed the dirt track, dialling your number as he went. He froze on the spot when he spotted an abandoned flare in the mud.
“This way,” he called out, rushing over and crouching down to examine it.
By then, it had largely burned out, but that wasn’t what caught his attention.
Generally speaking, people fired flare guns into the sky. This one had pretty clearly ricocheted off a tree. Whoever fired it had done so in self defense, as a distraction.
“Did you find anything?”
Shouta glanced over his shoulder to see Vlad arriving from the opposite direction.
“Did you see anyone on your route here?” he asked, stomach churning at the head shake he got in response.
“They’ve sent out a helicopter to track down any stragglers,” said Vlad, pointing to the sky. “We’ll soon have a better idea of what we’re dealing with.”
“There’s not enough time,” said Shouta, dialling your number.
He had a pretty good idea of the sequence of events so far and didn’t like it one bit. You and Ragdoll had likely been ambushed by multiple villains. Ragdoll had almost certainly told you to run, not only because you were a civilian, but to raise the alarm. Someone had followed you to this spot, but what had happened next?
He got his answer a few seconds later, for somewhere to his left a phone started to ring.
“That way,” he said, sprinting in that direction, Vlad not far behind.
He couldn’t seem to move fast enough; his legs felt heavy, as if he was wading through water.
He followed the sound to its source and froze on the spot at what greeted him.
It was you, impaled by a long, jagged piece of metal that ran all of the way through the tree behind you. Your hands, lips and clothes were covered in blood, cell phone still ringing in your lifeless hand.
He couldn’t move, couldn’t say a thing, not even as Vlad arrived behind him.
“(Name),” said Vlad, dropping to the ground and examining your wounds. “(Name)...”
He turned to Shouta, ready to tell him that you were still warm, only to fall silent at the sight of him standing there. His mouth opened and closed helplessly, an expression of unspeakable horror and dread across his face.
He clasped a hand over his mouth and turned away from the scene, the scent of blood and smoke making him retch. He remembered every time you had asked to talk to him; every time he had chickened out of saying how he really felt.
Vlad was calling out to him, but he couldn’t make out a word, too lost in memories to be at all coherent.
He remembered you tapping a wet cloth to his face so many months ago. He had been furious then, though it all felt meaningless now.
You need to be more rational in these things. Running head on into danger gets people killed.
Good job I had a big, strong Eraserhead around to protect me.
“Aizawa,” said Vlad, “Aizawa...she’s…”
He didn’t get an answer, though, just a yell as Aizawa dropped onto his hands and knees.
They were in the forest, but all he could hear was rubble crashing to the floor, silently taking Shirakumo with it.
To this day, he still wasn’t fast enough.
Vlad turned back to you and tucked your hair behind your ear, face dropping at the muffled mumbling coming from your lips, intertwined with the muffled sobs coming from Aizawa that he would later pretend he didn’t hear.
“Shouta...it’s unfair...unfair...un...fair.”
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kanesthirstblog · 3 years
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Requires lots of aftercare but also wants to take care of you. Very clingly, like, will latch onto you and cuddle you for the rest of the night clingy. You should probably give him some reassurance or comfort, he seems like the type to stress about whether or not he was any good to you once the fun is over.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Hmmm... Totally the sappy kinda guy who tells you he loves all of your body and thinks it's beautiful and 100% means every praise he sings you about it. He loves everything about you from your soft hair to the tips of your toes.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
God. Just imagining him sprawled out on any surface with an exhausted yet dopey look in his eyes, covered in his own cum (and/or yours of course!) after a few rounds of sex really makes me feel satisfied. Really can't explain this one
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Secretly a bit of a masochist but also scared of being hurt so he never asks even if he really wants to.
Also secretly owns a couple erotic novels he used as "research" when you first brought up wanting a sexual relationship. Since you are his first, he would want to see how he's supposed to act in that scenenrio so he could please you properly. (But damn was he shocked when you wanted to be the dominant one. That wasn't in his books.) Haruaki learns the importance of communication that day.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Dudes a canon virgin y'all. This also excites me.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Secretly loves it when he's on his back so he can see your face as you ride him or peg him. He just thinks you're the prettiest person he's evermet and loves watching you even as you tease or toy with him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's a sappy guy. Would probably look at you like a puppy who sees someone they really love. Besides that he's have that dopey look like he's never been happier than he is in that moment, smiling up at you.
Once you've had sex a couple times he might start opening up more, cracking jokes and asking shy requests from you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Yup. Makes sure he's nice and clean especially
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He really tries hard to be romantic but he has 0 experience in this area and often fumbles his way through it by trying to be sweet and make you feel good. Very bad at saying romantic things and would probably give up after a bit before he dies from embarassment.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Tbh I actually think he'd barely masturbate if he did at all. This is partly because I actually have an asexual headcanon for him and partly cause in canon he seems really put off by sexual things if not being outright afraid of them.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Contrary to some of the fandom headcanons, I don't really imagine the sailor uniform thing as a kink. It just seems like a typical fixation or something that gets played up for laughs to a strange degree. But maybe thats my ADHD dumbass brain projecting my ADHD onto a fave. (Off topic but him knowing everything about sailor uniforms, from design to creation, being able to make them himself, getting happy any time he sees one, ect. Are headcanons I have because his weird fixation with them reminds me of my fixation on rocks, mushrooms, and jewelry.)
Praise kink. Body worship. He'd love to be pet gently while you tell him how pretty he is. How you love his soft hair or his long legs or slender form as you lightly trail you fingertips down his body or card fingers through his hair. And he would do the same for you too.
Might at least try pegging, and then realizes he actually likes it when you hold him down and pound his ass.
Would be too embarrassed and a bit scared to bring this up but actually likes the idea being treated roughly. If you could pull at his hair and bite him even a little bit he'd practically melt in your hands.
Might try bondage if it's light. Soft hand cuffs or silk ropes are the way to go.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
At home. Anywhere is fine as long as its at home
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The fastest way is probably being physical with him or just stripping for him. He gets embarassed and tries to hide but you know he's aroused, you can feel it when you sit on his lap.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He'd probably not be okay with having more than one partner. You might frighten him if he starts feeling like you guys are ganging up on him.
Public/semi-public sex is a no go. Especially since he is a teacher, he wouldn't risk his job on the off chance you both get caught.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
I think he actually might no be very into oral at first. But will give or recieve though you may have to hear some complaint about it being kind of unsanitary or something. He's also kinda bad a giving oral but what did you expect? He's a virgin.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Personally prefers the slow and sensual kinda sex but you set the pace regardless so ultimately it's up to you. He won't be turned into a stuttering mess right away if you guys take it slow.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Alright with it as long as it stays private. You'll be the only one asking for these but try to get him in the morning before he leaves for work so you can corner him against a counter. Its best when his back is turned so you can grab his hair and lick along his throat, nipping here and there. He'd shiver in your arms as you trail a hand down to undo his pants
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
As long as it isn't a risk to him (would probably be too scared to try knifeplay) or job (no public/semi-public sex) you could probably talk him into it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Hmmm... Depends I guess. I feel like he might only be active for a round or maybe 2 before he starts slowing down. You could still pound the guy into the mattress but he'll have those half lidded doe eyes cloudy with exhaustion. He'd wrap his arms around you loosely as if you'll help ground him to the waking world and try to hold you closer to him.
At that point you should definitely ask a few times before you start another round to make sure he's okay and reassure him that it's alright to stop now. Strikes me as someone who could easily fall into a place where he'd hide his desire to stop just so you can use him for your own fun since it makes you happy. That could be kinda bad for his mental health.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
You'd be the one with all the toys tbh. But you can sure as hell use them on him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He's not much of a tease but if he's feeling playful, he might play up the innocent look of his. He really is a pretty innocent guy actually, but he knows you love that sweet look he's got to him and he will use it on you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
So damn loud. This guy would moan and beg loudly, scream your name and plead for mercy, for relief as you all but eat him alive. Might even cry and whine and beg. Oh, but he tries to be quiet so he doesn't risk disturbing anyone. He'd purse his lips and turn away from you while you play with his body in an attempt to stay quiet but he always gives in quickly. It's easy to turn this guy into a whimpering, begging mess no matter how many times you do this.
You'll know when he's tired because he will be unable to make much noise besides low pants and gasps. Probably best to wrap things up at that point before ya fuck him unconcious.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
I have a few actually.
-Has a hard time saying no to you. He's a bit cowardly and overthinks and he would be afraid to lose a first relationship. This is potentially hazardous to his mental health because he might say "yes" to something he doesn't want for fear of losing you. Consent is important though so even if it's difficult at first, keep checking to make sure he's alright.
-I actually headcanon him as a sex indifferent asexual. He can 100% live with sex or without it. Doesn't matter to him, though he's terrified of trying it for the first time.
-The first time you tried to get him in bed, you pinned him to a wall and he was terrified because he thought you were trying to shake him down or harass him. (Well, the latter part was true but not the way he expected.) And then you kissed him and he straight up broke, wrapped himself in blankets and hid under the futon for the rest of the day. Disappointing? Sure, but damn was it cute.
-I'm actually caught up on how he would take to dirty talk tbh since a lot of it I've seen or heard involves some form or another of calling your partner a slut or whatever. Seems to be popular. On one hand if he's secretly a masochist, he might be into it. But on the other, he also seems like he might take anything you say to him to heart and beat himself up over it and would ultimately not like it. Also probably would not be comfortable if he did the dirty talking and assuming he manages to make it through the night without apologizing to you for everything he says, then you'll hear it when you finish.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Mandragora patterned briefs. You cannot change my mind on this one.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not very, so he's pretty chill about it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends on how much you exhausted him but it usually doesn't take that long.
Some more cute Haruaki.
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
April 25: 2x16 The Gamesters of Triskelion
Finally watched some more Star Trek. I feel like it’s been forever...
Today’s ep is The Gamesters of Triskelion, which is... okay. It’s not terrible but I think its best aspects are the most familiar: the type of alien, the moral values at play; and its weakest are its most unique.
I think Spock likes it when Kirk says “mind the store.” What a folksy human thing to say!
Plus now that he’s Captain he gets to sit in the chair.
This conversation between Spock and Scotty is hilarious. “I’m assuming you mean they disappeared in an unusual way??” “Uh, yeah?? Do you think I’m dumb?”
This alien looks like Lady Gaga c. 2010
Kirk is being very Dramatic today.
Come on, Spock, gotta get your man.
You know Spock is worried when he mentions hope. That is, as McCoy says, a human emotion.
“Collars of obedience.” Kinky.
Stylish pink jail.
I’m really feeling this Spock and Bones interaction today. That’s a great eyebrow lift.
If the random alien is leaving, Uhura must have been his ass down.
“Nourishment interval.” We need to bring this into our modern vocabulary.
Not one, but TWO ladies in command gold today (one at Communications, and one at Spock’s station).
Wild aquatic fowl.
I feel like this episode is another example of a writer putting her alien sex fantasy on television. Like, a hardcore alien sex fantasy. The obedience collars, the training harness, the whipping, the weird flirtation between Chekov and his “training thrall”--herself a very androgynous alien, just to throw some gender play in there.
Kirk turning up the charm again. I missed Charming!Kirk. I mean, picking up a silver platter to use as a mirror and saying “That’s beautiful”? This man has no shame.
I feel like this episode shows how Spock’s logic is actually a very effective life strategy. He’s facing a very mysterious situation with high stakes--literally his best friend/soulmate/captain lost, plus two more crewmen--but he isn’t defeatist like McCoy or defensive like Scotty. He just follows the evidence, even when the evidence seems wild. And he was right.
Detective Kirk time!
“Are they computers?” He’s hoping so, since he’s very good at defeating computerized enemies.
Could it be instead another example of aliens who have transcended their physical bodies?
He is really laying the charm offensive on thick here.
I get how people have vague memories of TOS and remember Kirk as slutty, because certainly there are lots of shots of him kissing ladies, but like... 90% of the time he's using charm as a weapon, like he doesn't like Lady Gaga, he just wants to get off this planet.
“Love, for one thing.” Time for Kirk to be a Romantic Nerd again. He sure does love love!!
See imo just as it’s ridiculous for him to limit love to being one of the most important things on Earth, since he barely even spends any time on Earth and his general thesis is about what all intelligent creatures can care about besides their basic needs being met by “Providers,” I think it’s silly to limit love to being between men and women. And just as he’s kinda lying about the Earth thing, I think he’s lying about the heterosexual thing.
People in love “live together, help each other, make each other happy.” I love his definitions of love!! Like with Edith, he center helping each other in the definition.
McCoy and Scotty think they can take on Spock lmao. The Captain’s life is at stake; he’s not fooling around. And he’s right too so y’all can shush!!
Honestly, that leaning down to talk quietly to them--I know it’s because he doesn’t want to say the word “mutiny” too loud where other people can hear him, but it really reads like he’s mocking them.
Shauhna is harassed at work.
Spock’s like ‘screw a landing party, I will retrieve my space husband by myself... and I guess McCoy can come too.’
McCoy’s voice was the one Kirk heard but he still calls out to Spock.
Mmm, yes, disembodied alien brains.
I like the painted background behind them, too. Which is apparently stolen from Devil in the Dark. S2 needs more painted backgrounds.
“You think YOU’RE competitive? A race that does nothing but gamble? Well you’ve never met humans lol.”
Since when has Kirk ever competed for a woman? Hardly a competition when he always wins.
“Fresh thrall” something so... ugh about that phrase.
Ah, yes, an Andorian.
I’m starting to feel like this is Spock’s Pre-Reform Vulcan Sex Fantasy.
I feel like Shauhna will eventually become the leader of the Triskellion people. My mom thinks it would be cool for Kirk to meet her again in the future. I feel like there’s a fanfic in there somewhere...
“I didn’t lie, I just...lied.”
Honestly, don’t bother leaving everything to these disembodied colorful brains, just take Shauhna with you and enlist her in Starfleet. Or at least, like, high school.
...And after all that she STILL has a crush on Kirk. The man is too powerful.
What, no return to the Enterprise? No Kirk appearing shirtless on the bridge? No everyone acknowledges that Spock was right the whole time? No awkward little joking time?
I guess perhaps Kirk is embarrassed.
So overall... again, B basically.
As far as commonly used tropes in Star Trek go, this one is actually one of my favorite ones. I like it more than “godlike man must be defeated” and probably even more than “computer runs society,” though not as much as “old Earth tech becomes sentient.” But generally speaking “aliens transcend corporeal bodies by becoming too smart” is a good trope and I like seeing the different spins on it: the Organians, who can choose corporeal bodies if they want and are incredibly peaceful; the aliens from Return to Tomorrow, who wish they still had bodies; the aliens from The Cage/The Menagerie, who do have bodies but can’t do much with them, who must rely on aliens they capture to do physical work on the planet’s surface for them; and these aliens, who are so bored they must rely on arbitrary wagers using enslaved aliens just to have something to do. There’s something sort of... sad but fitting about that fate. Understandable, awful, pathetic. Still, I wouldn’t call this my favorite take on the trope.
But the specifics of the story, outside the “brain-aliens trope,” I didn’t like so much. The BDSM kink stuff mixed in with like actual slavery made me super uncomfortable. I know it’s based on Ancient Rome but like... even though it was a clear bread and circuses situation, that was not what I was thinking of tbqh.
This is a good episode for showcasing Star Trek Values, which overall I would say are my values. I do see how some people today would criticize them for being a little... well. How to say it. Colonizer-savior. I completely disagree that this is the reading that should be given to them and in fact I think it’s a bad faith reading but people are the way they are and certain things are in vogue sometimes and not others, so. I just mean that when Kirk says that they (the Federation, one would assume) have helped other civilizations “progress” or whatever word he uses, it sounds a little like they came in and made alien societies better using their own values. But I would say that what we actually see, in specific examples throughout the series, is the Federation wanting the civilizations it interacts with to be free, in fact requiring members state to be free, and that is really the one value a free society can impose on others or require of others--choosing slavery or dominion is choosing to relinquish all future choices, and thus cannot be allowed by any society that values freedom. That catch-22 that we see so much now. So, my point is, I think the values Kirk epitomizes for the show are freedom, self-determination, and a certain conception of progress, too: the ability to grow and develop, the avoidance of stagnation. And certainly this episode shows a clear case: having everything provided for you in exchange for being the professional playthings of a bunch of disembodied brains is objectively bad! Surely we can all agree on that. But this obvious example is used as an excuse for Kirk to speechify on the topic of what a utopian future will look like, what the best of humans can be, and what the rest of the universe could be like if it learns from our best traits (and not our worst). Which is overall something I find very comforting.
I’d just been thinking, at the beginning of this episode, that I think S1 is a better Kirk season than S2. S2 has too many episodes that problematize his leadership or his heroism, or that barely even use him--even episodes like The Trouble With Tribbles that outright mischaracterize him imo. But this episode really was Classic Kirk and I appreciated that. We see him being charming, smart, selfless, strong, creative, romantic... coming in at the end to embody the utopian values of the series.
Spock was so well characterized and so smart and so heroic, too, that he kinda was the mvp for me, though... Don’t take away my Kirk stan card lol. Spock was just so In Command... You can see how he could become a captain later, even if being in command never really interested him much.
I don’t entirely get why Kirk bargained for the thralls to all stay and make their own government (or to be trained in self-governance by their enslavers... a whole different issue tbqh), given that it’s already been established that most/all of them have been kidnapped from other planets. Should they not be... returned?
And if most/all of them are 2nd or later generations, that’s a whole other complex issue that could perhaps use third party mediators or something...
I also wondered about Shahna's origins. Was she the descendant of another civilization that is native to the planet, or is it just that her people were kidnapped so much earlier that she herself, personally, has never lived anywhere else?
I think it both makes more sense and is a more fitting ending if it’s the first. It makes sense to me that the first peoples enslaved by the brains were natives of the planet: more convenient that way. Also, I think we need to see more alien planets with more than one humanoid or human-intelligence level species.
And, if her people are native to the planet, having them become leaders of their own right again and not just possessions of the glowing brains is more powerful. Otherwise it's kinda sad: yes, they can form their own government here, but they've still been robbed of their real history and their real homeland, which they don't even remember.
Also as my mom pointed out, it’s not clear the brains themselves are native to the planet. They could have been invaders--the last real thing they did before they started wagering fake money--and Shauhna’s people the natives.
I really did like Shahna a lot and I hope she becomes the leader of whatever government they set up and eventually does get to travel into space.
Imo this was one of those TOS eps where the potential back story and the hints of world building are more interesting than the actual story.
Also apparently the actor who played Galt was trying to walk in a gliding manner so it wouldn’t be clear what he was hiding under those robes and... I have to say, definitely wheels.
Next up is A Piece of the Action, one of my favorites. Great plot, great fun, great sci fi concept, great Kirk material!
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sugar-petals · 5 years
:: BTS As Your Vampire Boyfriends
warnings ⚠️ smut, blood mentions, fangs kink
♡ Includes places they gravitate towards and countries they lived in, with their current residence in italics. Imagined in a world where a vampire bite will not convert a human, but rather, where species coexist without interference.
↳ NOTE › fuck yeah, bangtan vamps! some bits are juicier, some fluffier, some funny, some heart-wrenching or romantic. you’re in for a surprise 🤓 enjoy!
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⌈ Jimin ⌋ ➝ Urban Vampire. 20 years old. USA, Italy, Sweden. Dresses like your typical haute couture vanguard, complete with bow ties and fishnets. Always has the latest pop culture news from SNS to chat about. Majors in? You guessed it, fashion design. Frequents high-rise apartments of his talkative New Yorker friends, wears huge square shades to fend off sunlight whenever he can. But also just because. The new boutique around the corner? Jimin was the first one to buy that 307$ gleaming Versace choker when it opened. In gold. He might have gotten the $520 guilty pleasure loafers as well. Yes, he does own more shoes than you do. 90 pairs to be exact, it needs a separate closet. He will try on several a night even when you don’t go out and just kiss watching a movie. What on earth is the reason behind all that? It’s to look good for your human eyes only. After all, he can’t see himself in the mirror. If he’s bound to outlive you by fate, he says, at least you’ll get to see him at his very best for the time being. He condenses several of his future lives into the limited one with you. A dazzling outfit can be that diversion and solace. Changing it often makes him feel like living faster, even if he’s headed for immortality. You decided to get a couple wrist tattoo on that last September. Carpe Diem, seize the day.
So there’s a lot to do together. Bucket list after bucket list. But there’s still a routine. Jimin loves destroying his friends at Friday night bowling yet can’t help but let you win every time. No matter how much you provoke him, the guy will aim at the gutters. You actually met at bowling back then. Eleven months ago, at your bff’s b-day party where he was introduced to you as Park, inofficial Prince of Manhattan with a love for sweet blood, orgies, and fiery ladies. The orgies part turned out to be a rumor, but he does say you have sweet blood. Even if it’s bad etiquette among vampires and he knows how much of a vice it is, Jimin loves to subtly show off in front of werewolves and witchers with popular ig accounts about how affluent his vampire family is at underground runway shows. Or sometimes, even fancy dinners where he orders dish after dish for the two of you. His friends suspect it’s all to compensate for how small his canines are since Jimin dearly wishes they were pointier. You’ve assured him that it’s not just better for your neck but also oral sex in general. He’s devilishly good at that. A born lover. Small canines are cute and fashionable anyways, all other talk is bogus. Having a vampire boyfriend remains a special feat and wild ride. But it’s definitely worth it.
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⌈ Yoongi ⌋ ➝ Metro Vampire. 27 years old. Japan, Nigeria, South Korea. Dressed in all black, hoodies and stretchy jeans galore. Studied dental sciences in Lagos and has quite some polished teeth himself, but hardly puts them to use nowadays because he’s been getting more Zen about it. Instead, he can’t live without the internet. It distracts him from any urges and thinking about the future, and teaches his inquisitive mind about everything he needs to know about navigating the wide human world beyond the subway. He travels from station to station in Sapporo with a ticket for eternity and the security of less sunlight, always in search for the best Wi-Fi to text you. Even after two years of dating, Yoongi is still fangs over heels in love. And, needless to say, fascinated by the antics of humankind. When you are preoccupied with work at a restaurant in the afternoon, he jobs as a casual broker with contacts to the griffin elites that run the financial market of mystical creatures. 
He frequently jokes that metro vampires are in fact metrosexual. Sometimes visits casinos to kill some time and watch people out of curiosity. His magical ability has caused several power downs in nearby flat complexes — strangely, never the one he is in — but its purpose and origin remain unknown. He’s consulted a supposedly wise street demon about it once but only got a long burp as an answer. Rude. So he travels on and on with the tube. He’s not as much on the go as it always seems, however. Yoongi spends a lot of his time gaming and lounging in your basement. Pretty much naked even if you don’t have sweaty sex at 3 AM. Although, when is it not 3 AM. You’ve developed a little late-night routine there. You bring him coffee, chat, make out, he buzzes you off with your favorite vibrator, you give him slow blowjobs that he records on his phone with shaky hands. Sometimes, with rimming involved, and more action later that night. Yoongi needs to eat pussy to stay on track, otherwise, he falls apart. He’s longing to kiss your breasts all the time and you hold hands when it gets steamy. No biting, he controls himself since he took too much one time. Because he hates planes, Yoongi once crossed the Atlantic in a cargo ship’s high cube not having blood for weeks. After compelling him to suck your whole body off cause dammit I’ve missed your lips, too, vamp guy, you were iron deficient for a month. Yoongi, forever apologetic, has made it a habit to buy you vitamin juice ever since, and orders his blood online.
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⌈ Jungkook ⌋ ➝ Forest Vampire. 261 years old. Canada, Bolivia, Ukraine. Dressed in a large flaxen coat and heavy boots. Owns a distant log cabin between scenic, dense firs in the Rocky Mountains. Where most of his day is all about chopping and stacking firewood to take his laser focus off blood cravings and not so random boners. He daydreams of you moaning in just about every hot position possible. Sometimes pleasuring yourself or grinding on his cock. And your fucking scent. It’s what really makes him hard. And tremendously flustered. He could be 261 million years old, it would still catch him off guard to suddenly remember the smell of your sweat and hair. The first time experiencing it, Jungkook shortly blacked out and salivated on the ground for 15 minutes. Human pheromones are just about every forest vampire’s favorite addiction. Out of all BTS members, he is the most sensitive to light or artificial noise and instinct-reliant, so he tries to be cautious. Regardless, always hoping that you fill his mind with your red-hot image. This guy is so whipped — at this point, he can sell a portion of the wood he chops daily and still heat the oven for weeks with the rest.
Nature has everything he desires. Silence, vastness. It’s peaceful. A lot of animals roam the area. It calms his fantasies to some degree. He’s spent many decades in the Amazon rainforest, it’s no surprise. He likes to watch deer and talks to the occasional satyr past midnight. Doesn’t own a lot of money, but knows how to prepare a hearty meal for you when you visit him. That’s what makes JK feel like a million dollars. And once the plate is empty: Time for carnal sex. He can fuck for two hours, one even on a bad day. When he drinks from you, the sheer neck stimulation through sucks alone can make you approach orgasm. With a little help from his fingers on your clit, boy is he gonna blow your mind. This shit will teleport you into alien dimensions. He won’t aim for anything less. Whatever his saliva does, it infuses you with serotonin for two, three days after, and your friends back home know with one glance: Cabin guy did it again. You’ll both be lightheaded and covered in hickeys by the end of your encounters if the weather is particularly indoorsy and you don’t go fishing. He wishes he’d never have to come to a city because of the bustling streets and lack of forest fairies that soothe his mind. But sometimes, buying new clothes is due. You go to a comparatively manageable shopping mall after rush hour where you can’t keep your hands off each other in the dressing rooms. Life with JK won’t ever bore you, that’s guaranteed. The cherry on top: He wields an unregistered type of magic that can manipulate all kinds of water streams — he’s created a little creak beside his cabin and named it after you.  
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⌈ Seokjin ⌋ ➝ Cottage Vampire. 311 years old. Switzerland, Morocco, and Mongolia. Dresses all cozy with big sweaters and trench coats. Jin sells self-grown fruit and vegetables at the market downtown on Saturdays and Sundays. With vivid gestures and plenty of small talk topics up his sleeve, he befriends just about any stranger with two minutes spare time to talk about cheese, chocolate, and the notoriously high prices. Jin is among the most popular stall owners because of the many discounts he grants literally anybody. The Swiss way of very neat, organized, and especially neutral living appeals to Jin who has seen far too many messy wars go down since he was turned into a vampire. You didn’t believe it at first: By a British royal named Hamish back in 1708, inheriting him a magical ability to learn languages particularly fast so his Swiss German is perfected to a T. Jin is an utmost textbook rural sweetheart of the village. He takes care of the cottage with you like clockwork. Watering the herbs, painting walls here and there, cleaning the kitchen, always saying hi to the neighbors. Drinking tea on the terrace, with some cheesecake and cream on the fork, watching the cornfields sway in the wind is the good life. Simple, but meaningful.
There are a lot of lively and busy little blackbirds around the house joining you to pick up some crumbs, and Jin turns on the radio to play old-fashioned folk music of whatever Alp orchestra was recorded thirty years ago. The cake is gone all too soon, and the sun sets. You’re happy. Jin is a loyal and moral vampire who has adopted a vegetarian diet ten years ago and didn’t look back once. No cheating! Even if the market sells a lot of tasty ham and sausages. He’s sworn off that. After 311 years, even vampires start to think about their diet. A lot of fellow vamps in the area think he’s one strange guy, but Jin won’t bother. He gets all of his blood from a nearby hospital for a hefty price because he doesn’t want to drink from you all the time no matter how much you ask him. Sex is a better pastime. Chocolate lover Kim got a big dick and decades worth of time developing how to use it. Jin, when he does nibble at you, also has a very pleasant bite that doesn’t leave marks or just about any kind of bruise. He doesn’t want to tell you his secret because apparently, an old and rather nit-picky basilisk told him. Somewhere in a dusty attic of a Marrakesh craft store selling lamps and the most splendid of perfumes, 170 years ago. If he spills the beans, the special trick is dissolved. So... hush. Some things are better left top secret when it comes to basilisk magic.
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⌈ Taehyung ⌋ ➝ Museum Vampire. 750 years old. Paris, London, and Sydney. Always dons crisp vintage tuxedos in the muted, heavily tailored style of the 1920s. He’s gotten attached to that era. Unsurprisingly, museum vampires are truly nostalgic creatures. Perhaps, also a bit melancholic at one point. Immortality is a two-edged sword. So, Taehyung clings to everything that endures the times. Statues, rustic vases, coin collections, preserved tunics, temple relics, especially fossils of all kind. His favorite place to roam at night is the museum shop or department for Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities. And indeed, it is the Louvre, what other museum could it be. Taehyung has mastered a convenient invisibility spell at the whooping age of 142 by chance after sneaking around the graveyard of Montmartre, trying to blend in with some friendly ghosts who taught him a trick or two. So the CCTV and guards don’t pick up on him unless he manipulates objects displayed in the exhibitions. 
Which he feels tempted to. But Taehyung prefers to meet you in a snug alley café at dawn. The one where they don’t serve garlic-heavy dishes. You’ve already seen so much of the museum together in the course of a 4-year relationship. And he can’t possibly dick you down in the gallery of Dutch and Italian masters no matter how horny either of you is, mind you. You’d get anemic fast if you’d be sucking and fucking all the time anyways, and Taehyung really isn’t down to take a lot of blood from you. A little, as you always call it, prick’n’lick is what he usually goes for when you have time to meet in your flat. And maybe a deep, warm creampie to top it off because he knows that his semen does some stuff to you that only vampire magic can cause. You’ll be giddy and talk complete nonsense about Dadaism, Kahlo, and Kandinsky for three hours. Pregnant you can’t get since human with human, vampire with vampire is how the math goes. But extremely high, apparently. So, prick’n’lick. Your favorite activity. Talk about oral fixation: Vampire Tae has a strong obsession with strawberry ice cream. And... caressing your body, seriously. He is into some major VDA (Vampiric Displays of Affection). Believes that in your past life, you were the grand dame Mona Lisa herself. And a flapper. He writes poems about that and keeps them in a huge diary in the cellar of the Louvre. Some bittersweet, some sensual, some full of adoration. You treasure your time with him, always. 
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⌈ Hoseok ⌋ ➝ Castle Vampire. 1827 years old. UK (Scotland), Greece, China. Dresses exactly the way you think a dapper castle vamp is suited up. Ruffles, tight pants, gloves, large hats with feathers, tons of Italian lace, even slightly heeled shoes with pointed toes. Has been alive when Sparta was still a thing, saw what went down in the uproar of the actual French Revolution in passing, met Marilyn Monroe, almost got on the Titanic as a passenger, but has enjoyed the Rennaissance the most so far so there’s that. He lived in forts, churches, and even a small barn for some parts of his life until deciding to buy himself a fucking hilltop palace where you can live together. Because lavish castles are, ultimately, what appeals to Hoseok the most, and there is definitely enough space for all of your interests ... and sex toys. Anyway. How did all of that begin. So: The two of you met at a medieval exhibit in Perth where they displayed armors and pieces of weaving. Fell for each other, bonded over a kaleidoscope of shared interests, history knowledge in particular. Hoseok enjoys conversations about mythology, he loves that. And binging a lot of shows on Netflix. Gotta bridge the old and the new. Not that he doesn’t own a giant home theatre with perfect sound system. Maybe he just wants to cuddle up with you in bed and sob when another character dies together so the entire castle staff will hear. No worries though, they’re used to it.
Netflix aside: Aristocracy makes him feel at home. The sunshine regularly hosts interspecies balls with flamboyant masquerade themes so everyone can show up how they’re comfortable. That concerns particularly the slightly introverted elves and shapeshifters from downtown. The last huge ball went under the motto ‘The Glamor of Old Hollywood’ and you dressed up as Rita Hayworth and Fred Astaire, dancing all night and plundering the buffet. Hell of a good time. National holidays are holy to vampire Hoseok and basically equal date night. Given his high sex drive, there can’t be enough special occasions either way. To ride his thighs, his face, mark each other down forever until the pants are a little too tight at the damn front. The guy gets shaky knees at the smallest sight of a delicious pulsing vein no matter his century-long chance to accustom himself with human necks, so you agreed to go by a schedule — #SuckingSaturdays only — and you wear thick scarves. Which fits the moody UK weather anyways. The Scots really dig Hoseok in case you’ve been wondering. You can bet Hoseok is the star of Scottish twitter. 
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⌈ Namjoon ⌋ ➝ Mountain Vampire. 3008 years old. Nepal, Kenya, Peru. You tease him about wearing a long, strangely-always-white cloak and staff because it gives him the semblance of a beardless twen Gandalf. He smokes a pipe, too, but not in your presence anyways. Whatever is in there... seems to elevate him. Literally. Namjoon can levitate. There’s no other way he could use in order to visit you in the first place. A beautiful, abandoned pagoda seated on top of a snowy crest is his makeshift home, inaccessible to everyone but him. Only a secluded place like this is suitable for his ancient kind. To meet you in a warmer and more human-friendly environment, he will elegantly descend from his premises to get together with you in the town located at the base of the mountain. As many nights as possible. Always with a self-made present. Like freshly assembled tea leaves or a little talisman he carved from a piece of wood. Found on one of his long evening walks. He knows what eternity feels like best, that your life is but a glimpse compared to his, so every moment will count. He’ll make it right, no worries. It’s Kim Namjoon, taking care of things. You can always rely on him.
On all levels, he never ceases to surprise. Vampire Joon has surpassed the principles of ingestion, sleep, and a sense of temperature. Hell, even finances. He simply breathes and exists — and most importantly: reads for hours — without any external efforts. Even the Middle Ages didn’t leave a single wrinkle on his face. And he is still the best experienced person to share a bed with. No sexual technique is foreign to him, and post-sex spooning conversations are immensely entertaining. Namjoon has a lot of philosophical thoughts on human-vampire relations and met countless historical figures. He’s also befriended the Yeti at one point, resulting in quite a few hilarious narrations that he will retell on request every time you meet. And he makes them funnier every night. Because Namjoon thinks your laugh is prettier than every sunrise and sunset he’s seen around the world combined, on his every voyage. The most interesting part is: He doesn’t drink any blood even if he has fairly sharp fangs that you often catch yourself staring at for minutes. He still seems more invested in making you cum. With sweet words, brainteasers, and wisdoms spoken into your ears quietly. He’s a walking riddle himself. As expected, who are we kidding. Namjoon, no matter the fleeting centuries he has seen, is a gem and all yours for a lot of nights to come. 
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◇ castle: Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers (South-East France, 13th century)
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fuse2dx · 4 years
June '20
Trials of Mana
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Maybe not the highest profile remake Square-Enix have put out in recent memory, but one that was pretty exciting for me. I played a fan translation of the Super Famicom original some 20 years ago, so while it's not particularly fresh in my head, there's just enough there to enjoy some infrequent little pangs of nostalgia. The move to 3D has made for some welcome changes to to combat - jumping adds a vertical element to combat that wasn't present before, and enemy specials being clearly telegraphed and avoidable puts a little more control in your hands. There's still a good amount of 16 bit jank though - combo timing feels unreliable, the camera's often a pain, there's plenty of questionable hit detection, and you definitely wouldn't want to leave your fate solely in the hands of your party's AI. Willing to put most of this aside, what actually mattered more to me was that it still had the kind of playful, breezy nature, it looks and plays nicely, and that it progresses at a nice clip. Party selection will change the way you fight moment-to-moment, but only provides minor and very brief deviance from the main storyline, most of which is the kind of schlocky cartoon villainy that will have you looking for a skip button before it would illicit any kind of emotional response. But you know what? Overall, I still enjoyed it a lot.
So while it may not be revolutionising the action RPG, what it does show is that Square-Enix is capable of acknowledging their history of previously untranslated works, and that they also now have a pretty good template for getting a B-tier remake of such titles out in a reasonable timeframe. Where do I send my wish list in to, team?
Sayonara Wild Hearts
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As a one-liner found on the back of the box, 'A pop album video game' is about as on-the-nose as it gets. The old "it's not for everyone" adage is definitely applicable, and its defiance of traditional video game metrics is not in any way subtle. How sophisticated is the gameplay? Not particularly. How long is it? Not very. But how does it make you feel? Now you're talking. It presents a simple but deeply relatable story of a broken heart, and leads from there with a catchy tune into a fast and colourful onslaught of new ideas, perspectives, and concepts. That is to say: it has the potential to make you feel all kinds of things. 
One especially celebratory note was how well the game is structured to fit into the album structure it boasts about. Stages flow quickly into one another, and while shorter, more compounding numbers are often about introducing new ideas and themes, moving on to the next is a few simple button presses and a brief, well-hidden loading window away. Inevitably there are more standout stages, those that feel like the hit singles; the longer, verse-chorus-verse type joints that grant the space for more fleshed out visual story telling, and that smartly synchronise their percussive hits, soaring vocals and the like to appropriate beats of play. A lot of the gameplay can easily (and cynically) be reduced to "it's an endless runner", but to liken this to a cheap re-skin of a confirmed hit-maker is to wilfully dismiss so much of what it does better and so much beside. You can play it on damn near everything, and for the time it takes, it's well worth doing. 
Twinkle Star Sprites
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I've meant to play this countless times before. I've almost certainly passed it by while strolling through arcades, the Saturn version has never been hoovered up into my collection, and the PS2 collection this particular version belongs to - ADK Damashii - is no longer a cheap addition to anyone's library. The digital version of it for PS4 however was however recently on sale at a point that saw me receive change from a fiver. David Dickinson would be proud.
Having now credit-fed my way through the game's brief arcade mode, there's no doubt in my mind that the nuance of its systems are going to be glossed over in this rather ham-fisted appraisal. At least at face value, there's plenty of character and charm to appreciate in its colourful and cutesy style. As a two-player, vertically split-screen title, its a pretty clean break from a lot of a shooter's typical characteristics - rather than 6(ish) stages of hell, its a series of one on one battles - and all the better suited to 2 players for it. As enemy waves come at you, taking them out in chains can generate attacks to the other player; however if these attacks are too small then it's entirely possible they'll be killed off again, and an even bigger attack will come straight back at you. Think of a bit like competitive Tetris, but with shooting rather than puzzling. It's a neat and curious little game, that's likely best experienced properly, with a friend on the other side of the sofa to hurl abuse at. 
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Let's get the lazy-but-effective description out of the way: it's a 2D MetroidVania Souls-like. You've got "that" type of map, definitely-not-bonfires and definitely-not-Estus Flasks. You are encouraged to return to your body upon death, the combat system is very reliant on parries and dodge-rolls, and there's even a dedicated "lore" button to use on every item you pick up. 
While this likely sounds dismissive, it's more about addressing the elephant in the room. To give some context, these are both types of games that I love, and the end product here has done a pretty good job of bringing them together. The exploration is pleasantly open - gatekeeping is typically done less by specific items and abilities, and more by just which areas you're brave enough to poke your head into. It's a little bit of a shame that most of the new abilities have to be switched out for others rather than adding to a core arsenal of moves, but at the same time its base setup gives you plenty of ways to deal with any number of combat scenarios. This is of course best demonstrated by the boss encounters, which are wonderful affairs - big, gruesome, thoughtful variations on approaches to combat, which drop in at a nice pace to keep you from ever getting too cocky. The theming in general is wonderful, and the name is certainly appropriate - there's a lot of deep catholic inspiration in its gorgeous backdrops and environments, but then layered on top are some chilling elements of religious iconography, along with a cast of disturbing devotees and martyrs to sufficiently unsettle you. It's arguably a small intersection of the gaming population that it'll appeal to, but if you're in there, it's a real treat.
Death Come True
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The first thing you see upon starting is the game's central character breaking right through the fourth wall to tell you directly not to stream the game or to share anything that might spoil the story. The first rule of Death Come True, and so on. I consider myself fairly well versed in such etiquette, so to then have the screenshot function entirely disabled for the whole game felt a little like being given a slap on the wrists for a crime I had no intention of committing. I don't envy the team trying to market it, that's for sure. 
The reasoning behind this is clear at least - it's a game that is in total service of its plot. Consider a mash-up of a 'Choose your own adventure' book and a series of full-motion videos, and you're mostly there. Unless you were to walk away from the controller or perhaps fall asleep, there seems very little chance that your play time will deviate from the 3 hour estimate - which will certainly put some people off, but is understandable given the production values, and personally, quite welcome in the first place. In terms of replay value, there are branching paths that a single route will obviously skip: as an example of this, in looking up a screenshot to use in lieu of taking my own, I found a promotional image of the central cast, only to not recognise one of them at all. One thing that such a short run-time does ensure though, is that minute-for-minute, there's plenty of action; without wanting to speak about the story itself (rather than in fear of reprise for doing so, I might add), it kicks off with plenty of intrigue, shortly thereafter switching to full-on action, and then strikes a pretty fine balancing act between the two for its run time. It doesn't get quite as deep or as complex as I would've hoped given the team's pedigree, but I do like it, and think it'd actually be a pretty fun title to play with folks who normally don't concern themselves with games. By the same token, it's probably not for the 'hardcore' types looking for something to string out over dozens of hours. 
Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight 
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After the generous main course that was Persona 5 Royal, I figured that I'd follow up with dessert. I did however wait until a weekend where I knew my girlfriend would be away, so as not to trigger any unpleasant flashbacks to looped battle themes, and the chirpy, indecipherable voices of Japanese schoolkids that made it so painful to endure as a non-gaming cohabitant.  
Immediately, it's clear that very little has changed since Persona 4's take on the rhythm action genre. The core game, while still functional and fairly enjoyable, hasn't changed a lick. Perhaps the most notable improvement to the package as a whole is in scaling back on a dedicated story mode, and instead just having a series of uninspired but far less time-consuming set of social link scenes that pad things out. The biggest flaw is repeated wholesale though, in that trying to stretch out noteworthy tracks from a single game's playlist into a dedicated music game leads to repetition - and there is a much less prolific gathering of artists involved in remixes this time. I'd be willing to wager that it's a very similar story once again with Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight, but I'm not about to ruin a perfectly good dinner to start with the sweet just to find out, if you'll excuse a second outing of the metaphor. Still, again compare these to Theatrhythm though - where Square-Enix plundered the Final Fantasy series in its entirety, along with spin-offs and other standalone titles to put together a library of music worthy for the one single game. Cobble the tunes from Personas 3-5 together into one game, and you're still coming up very short by comparison.
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justmewoo · 5 years
Brother Knows Best Part [5/?] Tony Stark x Brother Male Reader.
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Unedit part 5 enjoy!
The next few days pass by normally as they can be. Pepper had help me out resolved two big favors that I had asked her for. After doing some cleaning around the compound and preparing some sandwiches I went to my room and looked around Tony's old room and found some old stuff including dvd's old magazines that lead back to when he first became Iron Man. I wanted to know more about the adventures and struggles he had gone through.... not to mention wanting to see how he ended up becoming Iron Man. Pepper only told me about the story about what happened to him and how he got the arc reactor. But, I wanted to see his old adventures. I placed the old Dvd into my laptop and waited for it to play on the screen. It didn't take more than a couple of minutes till the screen finally showed up. I click played and watched what appeared to be a young version of Rhodey host a press conference. 
"And now Mr. Stark has prepared a statement, he will not be taking any questions thank you." Rhodey moved aside as younger Tony walked in wearing a black suit standing in front of the press. 
"It's been a while since I was last in front of you, I got cards this time. There's been speculation that I was involved in the events that occured in the freeway and the rooftop." 
"I'm sorry Mr. Stark do you honestly excepct us to believe that was a body guard in a suit that can convinenly appear despite the fact that-" 
"I know it's confusing it is one thing to question the officials story and another different thing entirely to make wild accusations or insinuate that im a super hero." 
"I never said you where a super hero." The blond reporter from before responded back to Tony. As I watched him up there it made me happy because compared how he looked back then to when he returned five years ago. The image still plays in my head whenever I go to sleep at night. 
"yea I did because that would be fantastic. I'm just not the hero type clearly, after all the mistakes I made to the public." Rhodey and Tony whispered something to each other before Tony spoke again. He looked at his cards and said. "The truth is...... I am Iron Man." The press went insanely crazy at those words. Tony had signed and got interview more until the screen went black.
I heard a noise coming from the outside hallway so I quickly shut off the laptop and put it away. I heard a knock on the door. I got up from the bed and walked over to the door to open it with my right hand but my hand was feeling numb again and pain began to emerge once again. I cursed under my breath and had no other choice but to open it with the left hand. At the door stood Steve Rogers. "Are you alright?" He asked taking a glance over my shoulder. I stand near the door hiding my arms from him acting as normal as I could. 
I nervously laughed. "Yeah, i'm fine why would you ask that?" 
"Your son said he's been worried about you lately, according to him you haven't been sleeping well and have acted differently." Steve crossed his arms staring at me. 
"No, i'm fine it's true that I haven't been getting some sleep but I mean who could right?." A sharp pain had become worse causing me to fall down on the floor. I used the door as support. Steve came to my side immediately, "Are you okay?" he asked I leaned back towards the wall feeling my legs weak. 
"I-I'm fine..." I mumbled trying to move them but they felt like jelly, "Can you move?" he asked, "N-No..." my grip was loosening suddenly making me collapse on the ground. "HELP! BRUCE!" Steve yelled, "Hold on don't worry we'll get you some help." 
I began to freak out, why was my body suddenly having so many spasms each day? They began slowly after what happened with Thanos...then they increased little by little but were never this bad.
A few moments later I heard footsteps approaching, "What's wrong?" Bruce asked, "He can't move, his body suddenly became weak." Steve answered looking at him, "I'm gonna need you to carry him to the lab Steve." 
I felt pathetic, I was strong and here I was being carried by someone else. It was embarrassing "Yeah." his arms were then wrapped around me, he carried me bridal style. I was just praying that this would be over soon, "How long has this been happening?" Bruce asked "Not long..." 
"These symptoms aren't just from a few days this is advancing (y/n)." finally Steve sat me down on the hospital bed, Bruce immediately went to work doing different tests on my hands and legs as well. There were so many wires, "Dad?" I looked over to see my son standing there as he rubbed his eyes, "What's...going on?" he asked "It's nothing don't worry Bruce is just running some tests okay?" 
Yuki came closer and reached out to hold my hand, I held it gently his eyes were filled with worry. I smiled softly trying to reassure him, "Why don't we go and have a snack yeah?" Steve asked looking at Yuki, he turned to look at me I chuckled and nodded. "Sure go ahead I'll be there soon okay?" 
He nodded and went to Steve's side once he was gone I sighed realizing how bad my health was getting. "Is it that bad?" I asked, Bruce took his glasses off rubbing his eyes "Are you insane? Why did you hide it from everyone on the team (M/n)? You're lucky you didn't damage any nerves because of this, you need to take of yourself." 
"I am fine Bruce-" 
"No you're not. Everyone is dealing with what happened with Thanos, but that doesn't mean you need to stop taking care of yourself. Don't you realize how dangerous muscle spasms can get?!" 
I bit my lips realizing he was right but ever since she was gone my mind kept wondering what would it have been like if I was the one who had died and not her. Everyday was a struggle I would end up crying myself to sleep at times, trying to act strong for Yuki. Bruce sat down beside me, "You're not the only one who lost someone (y/n), we all did. You need to stay alive and well for your son because you're the only one he has left. Do it for him." 
"Can...this be cured?" I asked looking at him, "Little by little the twitching and movement will go away. You need to do some physical therapy and massage the area that starts to twitch. Your iron, magnesium, and vitamin B levels are down that's another reason why you feel weak. You need to eat so your body gets energy off from it, sleep is also a major factor. I know no one can sleep after..." he paused and placed his hand on my shoulder "But you need to keep going." 
"I'll do my best..." I answered, "Stay here over night tomorrow you can go back to your room. Please don't be an idiot and lack on your own health alright?" 
I chuckled, "I promise Bruce thank you for the help." he nodded and walked out leaving me alone in my own thoughts. I definitely can't have Bruce tell Steve or my son about my health. After last night's dream I have to make it. 
The afternoon had come to an end the night had fell upon me. I took a glance at the clock and noticed it was already past eight as I was about to turn on my stomach when I heard the sound of a door open and close it was Yuki walking inside with a worried face carrying the laptop I was using. "Dad are you feeling better?"
I nodded sitting up from the bed not showing the pain that still lingers. "Of course, sport i'm fine just haven't been eating my vegetables daily. So you have to make sure you never stop eating them." Yuki walked over sitting next me on the bed and hugged his side placing my head on top of his. "What you got there" I pointed a finger at my laptop. 
"It's your laptop can I borrow it to watch videos. Uncle Steve already checked my homework." He said looking at me. 
I sigh. "Sorry kiddo but there's something I have to do on it plus, how about we watch a movie together it could be in Japanese or in english." 
"Really dad! But, wait I have school tommorow." He frowned but all I did was pinch his cheek. "But tomorrow's Friday so its no big deal only this time im letting it slide but only because I need some rest. Why not, make some popcorn and tell me which movie you want to watch." We both stood up from the bed. 
"Thanks dad, hmmm I don't know pick whichever movie you want dad your the best dad." He said before hugging me and planting a kiss on my cheek then taking off running out of the room. 
I watched him running out of the room with a sad smile. I turned the laptop on and exited the video then turning the laptop off. I walked out of the room and went up to our bedroom to put the computer away. Once I left the room I made my way towards the living room and took a seat while Yuki was busy in the kitchen making popcorn. I could hear him talking to himself about how i'm the coolest dad ever and quite frankly it makes me sad that I won't be able to do this with him forever. I turned the television on and flicked through demand for any movies to watch. 
"Popcorn is ready otosan!" Yuki shouted coming with a bowl of popcorn taking a seat next to me. "Great let's watch the movie." I hit played and got comfortable eating some popcorn with him. Every time they made a joke or did something funny he would laugh pointing at the television. I would only stare at him in awe not wanting the night to end. I rest my hand on the couch feeling nothing but pain. Half way through the movie Yuki had already fallen asleep. I reach for the control and turned the television off before standing up in front of him grabbing the half eaten bowl off from him and picked him up carrying Yuki over my shoulder. I winced with each step but I ignored the pain and went to the bedroom. After I brought him back I gently covered him with the blankets. I layed next to him running a hand over his head planting a kiss on his cheek and turned the lights off before grabbing the laptop once again before walking out of the room and shutting the door after me. 
I returned back to the living room and sat back on the couch before opening the laptop to do some research of ways that we can bring back everyone. I had taken some books from the shelves but as I searched for answers none of the books here could give me clues or ideas on how to bring them back. I did some research on the laptop looking for ways that can be redone or travel back in time but some of the information was just fictional stuff and ridiculous things that was impossible to do. I yawned as I continued to search on the internet. I found an artical about time traveling but it didn't provide more information than. "Time travel into the future is inescapable, a consequence of the structure of the universe.Time traveling to the past, or returning back from a trip to the future, is a somewhat more challenging proposition." I sigh feeling annoyed. "Come on, [M/N] think hard what can you do to go back in time and get everyone to return? Think hard." I said to myself.
The compound had been destroyed battleships where arriving rather quickly the sky was mixes in between sun and cloudy and Thanos was standing tall with a big smirk planted on his face looking down at me. I looked at my surroundings Steve was on the ground covered in blood and bruises. Tony was wearing his suit of armor he was laying on the ground unconsious with a broken armor. The arc reactor that kept him alive wasn't on. Suddenly I had found myself limping towards to Tony. "He's dead and it's all your fault. Do you really believe you'll be able to save him without a useless arm." The voice of Thanos echoe inside my head. I looked confused then down at myself to see my right arm missing. 
"From all the species in the world you human's really sure are the weakest of them all. Hand over the stones if you want to live." I shook my head feeling a rush of anxiety I continued making my way towards Tony with tears in my eyes. "Tony, Tony, Tony wake up you can't be dead." A sudden gripped on my legs stop me in my tracks. 
"Tony's dead because of you." Steve said. I shook my head feeling scared. "No, it's not true." I said convincing myself. "This is all a dream none of this is real. Thor killed Thanos he's not alive anymore." 
"Tony is gone because of your selfishness do you think abandoning him was a good idea?" I turned around to find Wanda standing there along with Vision both looking at me. 
"Mr. Stark changed because of you. The arc reactor he received was your doing and now he's dead. He gave your his life to save you." Vision said and soon everyone even the creatures we fought back in Wakanda all surrounded me. "It's not true! I didn't kill Tony!" I said yelling. 
I suddenly snapped feeling someone shaking me. "Dad are you okay?" Yuki asked. I snapped the moment my eyes landed on him. My breathing becoming heavily as the feeling of my heart started to beat fast. 
"Is everyone alright I heard screamings coming from the living room." Natasha came rushing to our aid. 
"Sorry, I scared you and Yuki I had a nightmare and guess I woke up screaming." I answered yawning. 
"What's all this?" She asked looking at the messy table with papers scattered all around along with the laptop with low battery. "Nothing just doing some research on how to be a better dad..... Yuki go get your backpack ready it's time to head out." 
"Okay i'll be right back, can you come with us Nat?" Yuki asked hugging her side. 
"Sorry, but I have some things to do after dropping you off from school." 
Yuki frowned. "But, Bruce said you had to rest because you don't eat your vegetables dad." Natasha had a suspicious look in her eyes. "You heard him why don't I take him instead." She offered. 
I shook my head. "Thanks Nat, but I will take him i'm feeling much better just have to eat vegetables and i'll be good to go so come on." I stood up from the chair falling to the floor. "Dad!" Yuki helped me get up from the floor with Nat's help. 
"You aren't alright, i'll take him to school you stay here." They helped me stand up setting me over to the couch. "I'm sick and tired of everyone telling me the same damn think over and over again. I said that I'm fine and no one believes me why can't you all just butt out and leave me the hell alone." I said. Yuki stood still shocked while Nat looked hurt and mad. 
Nat eyed Yuki before standing behind him. "Come on, let's go." She said. 
I sigh. "I didn't mean to say that." Yuki grabbed his backpack and gave me a kiss on the cheek before following behind Natasha. "You wanted to be left alone so i'm giving you the opportunity. You know you should really attend one of Steve's group meetings." She exited the room with Yuki leaving me alone. What I didn't know was that I had hurt them both. 
I ran my hands through my hair feeling upset. "This is why I don't want to tell anyone of my condition. I don't want to be treated like a weakling." I said to myself. 
I went to the bathroom and found myself staring at one of the mirrors. My body tone was no longer the nice shade of brown skin tone but really pale tone. I had bags under my eyes. My once black hair had a few specs of white hair. Old age is somewhat catching up to me. I also lost a few pounds. The muscles around my arms where beginning to sag. I felt completely useless. No matter how much I continue to work out and train it's just not the same feeling anymore. 
A bit after Natasha arrived from taking Yuki to school she went straight to the conference room. I decided that the best way to apologize to her was to prepare her one of the sandwiches she likes to eat. I headed for the kitchen to prepare the meal for her. After I finished her sandwich I walked to the conference room and saw her talking with the others through the hologram. I knocked on the glass door showing her the plate and a glass of juice. She sigh before motioning me to come inside. "I made you a sandwich and juice as an apology for earlier." I said placing the plate and glass in front of her. 
"It's fine." She replied back looking back at Rhodey. "Hey, Rhodey sorry for interrupting your meeting." I apologized. 
Rhodey looked a bit concerned at my image but didn't think much of it. "It's good to see you [M/N]. Anyway as I was saying It's definitely Barton. What he's done here, what he's been doing for the last few years... I mean, the scene that he left... I gotta tell you, there's a part of me that doesn't even want to find him." In an abrupt moment of silence, she tries to chew her tears and emotional feelings as she eats the sandwich I made for her. "Will you find out where he's going next?" 
"Nat." Rhodey stated. "Please." 
"Okay. then Rhodey cuts off his call. Nat starts to cry as she tries to hold back her tears miserably. 
"It's okay to cry Nat, I don't know who this Barton guy is but it seems like he's important to you. So don't hold yourself back from crying. I also wanted to apologize to you for acting the way I did." 
Nat shook her head. "Don't apologize I also said some stuff... none of this has been easy so I understand." 
"You know I'd offer to cook you dinner but you seem pretty miserable already." Out of nowhere, Steve slumps over a bookshelf, in the same mood as he is in the therapy session, as Nat wipes off the tears off her face. "[M/N] how are you feeling." he asked. "Hanging there." I responded. 
"You here to do your laundry?" Natasha asked taking a sip of her juice. 
"To see a pair of friends actually. You two and also came to check on [M/N]'s Well being." He answered eyeing us. 
"Clearly, your friend is fine." She answered. 
"You know I saw a pod of whales when I was coming up the bridge. There's fewer ships, cleaner water." 
"He's right. Yuki has told me a lot about it." I said interrupting their conversation. 
"You know, if you're about to tell me to look on the bright side. Um... I'm about you to hit you in the head with a peanut butter sandwich." She say's joking finally smiling for once. 
"Sorry. Force of habit You know, I keep telling everyone they should move on and... grow. Some do. But not us." Steve walks over to us taking a seat on one of the chairs. I stood standing up next to Nat. 
"If I move on, who does this?" Nat asked. "I could take care off this once in a while there's no need for you to do all of this alone." I said.
"Maybe it doesn't need to be done." I looked at Steve confused. "I used to have nothing. Then I got this. This job... this family. And I was... I was better because of it. And even though... they're gone... I'm still trying to be better. I also gained a nephew who if it wasn't for him I don't know how I would be able to control myself. He's the only one who's been able to make me smile after all that's happened." I smiled to myself feeling happy hearing her talk about how Yuki has made an impact on her. 
"We both need to get a life. [M/N] already has a life being a father so its our turn now don't you think?" He asked. 
"You first." She answered back. I was about to say something but stopped when a camera footage pops up in front of us, showing a man with a Van behind him. 
"Uh...Oh! Hi. Hi! Is anyone home? This is Scott Lang. We met a few years ago, at the airport? In Germany? I got really big, and I had my mask on. You wouldn't recognize me."
"Is this an old message?" I asked as she stood up looking at the camera too. 
"It's the front gate." She said. 
"Ant-man? Ant-man, I know you know that. I need to talk to you guys." I soon realized that this man was going to be the one we brought everyone back.
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voiceofreader · 6 years
ahhh!! i hate to be a bother, but it’d be super cool if you did the ABC thing for todoroki from bnha, since he’s my favorite character :))))
You’re not a bother. I love you. Shouto is the best boi and I will protect him until the day I die. I was gonna do this eventually if I never got a request for it. I’m glad I gotta do it now. ❤
Shouto Todoroki A-Z (Smut)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after): Shouto is more aware of you. He’s more attentive. Like he’s watching to make sure you’re not hurt, or like about to shatter into pieces. He’s extremely caring and over the top. If you ask him to go get you a towel to clean up, he’ll end up running you a bath instead and he’ll put essentials oils in it, with some rose petals on top (you don’t know where he got rose petals but he did it) If you ask for maybe a glass of water, he is asking you what type of water like he’s about to go get dressed and go to the store to buy you fancy water. Like, no, Shouto, just go get a glass of water from the tap?? But besides that, he just wants to hold you and kiss you because no matter how many times you guys go at it, he’s surprised because he can’t believe you’re still letting him do this?
B = Body part (They’re favorite body part as well as their partners): -He likes his hands just because they’re the focus point of his quirks.
-He really just likes all of you. You can’t get him to say one thing.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum):  - His favorite place to cum is on your stomach area. -Just because it’s so dirty seeing his cum glisten all over your body like whoa
D = Dirty secret  (Dirty Secret of theirs): - he wants to be way more kinkier than he is. He is gonna read all those adult women magazines giving advice on “how to spice things up in the bedroom” and he’s going to want to try all those tips and tricks but he doesn’t know how to go about it with you.
E = Experience (How experienced are they): You are going to have to teach this boy everything because he has no clue what to do. But he does learn fast, so there’s that for you.
F =  Favorite position (Basically says it in the title): Anything that lets him see your face. He wants to be able to kiss you at any moment, and he also wants to be able to see you to make sure you’re okay.
G = Goofy (How serious are they? Do they prefer joking?): Serious boy is serious. Not because that’s the tone he’s going for. He’s just focused. Once you lighten things up, he will too, because sex isn’t just sex for him. It’s a way to bond with you, and if you’re giggling the whole time, he’s more than fine with it.
H = Hair (Does the carpet match the drapes? Are they groomed?):  I read a headcanon that his pubes are half and half just like his hair, so fuck it, we’re sticking with it. Half red and half white down the line pubes. He shaves down there just for you, for your convenience.
I = Intimacy (How they are during the moment): He’s very romantic. He is constantly making sure you’re okay and that you’re enjoying yourself. Eventually he’ll grow a bit out of the constant worrying phase, and he’ll just be your prince. He’s so thankful and happy you love him enough to do these things with him and he has to let you know.
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon): He jacks off very seldom. He thinks he has better things to do that masturbate. “Why do that when I can go for a run? Or go eat soba? Or go run to a noodle shop and eat soba?”
K = Kink (One of their kinks): -Has a thing for food play. -Really likes it when you take control-Kinda wants to be tied up at least once?-Loves praise. Tell him how good he feels or how great he’s doing.
L = Location (Favorite place): -Bedroom is the go to place.-Really wants to do it in the shower, so once that finally happens, of course sex will happen more often in there. He will join you in the shower all the time. Don’t shower around him, he will walk in like 8/10 times)
M = Motivation (What turns them on): -He’s a bit of a jealous boy, so if he seems someone way too close in your personal space, he’s gonna go intimidate them and once he gets you alone, he’s gonna love on you.-You training gets him going. He loves seeing how strong you are. - Also has a thing for watching you tell Bakugou off, or show him up. Just put Bakugou in his place. And Shouto is yours.
N = No (Something they won’t do): - No threesomes. -No side hoes. He is already constantly worried that you’re going to someday leave him, so please don’t make this anxiety worse.- Nothing that will hurt you
O = Oral (Giving or receiving): We got ourselves a selfless boy here. He is a giver as the day is long. He doesn’t ask for anything in return but please repay the favor. He will really appreciate it.
P = Pace (Are they fast or slow):
He can go either way. -Sometimes he gets way into it and is just going to pound town, -but he’s also a soft boy and goes slow.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies): -If you want it, yeah, sure, but he’s really not into it. -He doesn’t like time limits.
R = Risk (Will they be down to experiment in risky locations): -Subconsciously he’s into it. -He can get really wrapped up in you where he will go all the way where he is at. -Is it 2 am, and we’re all alone in the common area on the couch? Well my pants are already off. Nothing we can do about it now. -But, he’s a smart boy and will really try his best to calculate the probability of someone catching you.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go): -While he can go for hours,-He doesn’t understand why tho-We’re both satisfied, why ruin it and be too tired to even move and be sore the next day?-Push his limit. Do it. Make him go all night.
T = Toy (Do they own toys and if they do, will they use them): -Nope.-Though, the thought of getting you something has came up in his head.- Doesn’t know how to ask you about -But if you do end up getting something, he’ll try his best to use it to its full capabilities
U = Unfair (How much will they tease): -He’s a playful tease. He doesn’t hold back long. - Just enough to get you going.
V = Volume (How loud are they if they even are): -He’s actually kinda vocal. Lots of moans of telling you how good it feels and when he’s gonna cum. While he’s not really loud, he does make noise.
W = Wild card (Headcanon of choice): -He wants to see if he can use his quirk on his dick?? Like can he change the temperature and can he use both sides on it since it’s in the middle? He. wants. to. know.
X = X-Ray (What’s going on down there): - He’s average size, 5-7 inches but he’s girthy boy.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive): -It’s meh. If he wants the sex, he’ll try for the sex, but it’s not like a major thing. -Sex is mainly just to love the fuck out of you.
Z = ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep):
He waits until you go to sleep. But that doesn’t mean he’s not tired. If you stay up, he’ll casually try to coax you to go to sleep for both of yours sake.
If you look carefully you can see I’m fighting with myself in this prompt. I can’t choose if I want Shouto to be a dense soft boy or a daddy and so I tried my best to mix them but????
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11jj11 · 6 years
Far From Yesterday - Ch 18 - Marissonshipping
Here’s chapter eighteen.
Alex sighed as his claws dug at the dirt.
He still wasn’t quite sure how he had let Lucas convince him that trying to tunnel out was a good idea– because the Charmeleon knew quite well that you couldn’t dig your way out of a building. However here he was, claws pawing at the compacted soil as he tried to claw his way deeper.
He was currently about four feet deep, and the earth was only getting harder the farther he down he went. His tail flames were the only light in the shadowy corner of their enclosure, but on the bright side the shadows did hide their hole from the humans. Lucas was keeping watch for any sign of their keepers as he dug, and also spreading out the dirt Alex was digging up in an attempt to make things looked undisturbed as possible.
‘This is stupid,’ Alex declared after several more minutes of digging, peering out of the hole. ‘Even if we could dig out of here do you know how long it would take to make such a tunnel?’
Lucas was currently laying in the dirt, half asleep. The Electrike lifted his head as Alex spoke, before laying back down, stretching out.
‘I am the alpha for today,’ Lucas declared. ‘And today we work on the tunnel!’
The Electrike type had decided that they’d switch off every other day being the “alpha of the friendship”, and Alex wasn’t quite sure why he was playing along. He was stronger than the canine– and could win any fight for leadership with ease! In fact, he technically already had, with their first fight from when he first arrived here several days prior!
‘Well then, Alpha,’ Alex said, making no effort to keep the sarcasm out of his voice as he jumped out of the hole. ‘I’m going to take a break.’
‘W-wait– what?’ Lucas cried, sitting up in alarm. ‘No! You gotta keep digging!’
Alex grinned, slowly approaching the Electrike. He took up an aggressive position as if hoping to scare Alex back into digging, fur up and bristled as he growled, sparks coming from him. The little Pokemon looked more cute than intimidating however, and Alex simply lean down and grabbed him by his scruff, setting him aside before he could even release an electric type move.
The Charmeleon stretched out, sinking down onto the dirt ground, right where Lucas had been laying. Honestly, he didn’t care where he was, but it was definitely funnier to take his “alpha’s” spot. He let out a content sigh, flexing his claws in hopes of getting the dirt out from between them.
‘H-hey! I was there first!’ Lucas cried, slamming into his side with a Quick Attack. When that failed to make Alex move the Electrike switched over to a Thunder Fang, biting down onto Alex’s arm. The fire type flinched, opening his silver eyes to glare at the green canine.
‘...You know too many electric type moves,’ Alex said after a moment of thought, yawning. ‘If you ran into a ground type all you’d have is Quick Attack, which won’t win you a battle on its own,’ Alex laughed. ‘And if it was ghost type too, then you’d have nothing!’
‘...What?’ Lucas asked, pausing from his attacks. ‘Types what?’
The Charmeleon lifted up his head. ‘You do know about types, right? I’m fire, and you’re electric? Your moves reflect that?’
‘Well, yeah,’ The Electrike said, sparking his fur. ‘I use lightning like the rest of my pack. But what does ground Pokemon have to do with anything? I just zap my enemies until I fall! I mean– until they fall!’
Alex blinked, realizing that a wild Pokemon probably wouldn’t have a good idea of how all of the types matched up. They trained to survive, not for battles like human-raised Pokemon did. They probably didn’t need to know every little matchup there was– because why would a wild electric type care about something small, like poison resisting fighting type moves? It had nothing to do with them.
But shouldn’t he at least know the basics of his own type? Like that against a ground type his electric moves would be useless?
‘Ground type Pokemon are immune to electric moves,’ Alex explained. ‘And ghost are immune to normal. If those are the only types of moves you have then you can’t damage them.’
Lucas blinked at this, sitting down in thought. He tilted his head slightly. ‘Oh. That’d explain why I could never hurt the rock Pokemon in that cave back at home.’
‘Rock types aren’t immune to electric types,’ Alex said. ‘Ground types are.’
‘Then why couldn’t I hurt the Geodudes with lightning? They’re rock Pokemon,’ Lucas said.
‘Well, they’re ground types too!’
‘Too complicated,’ Lucas said after a moment of thought, flicking his tail in dismissal. ‘What does matter though, is the idea of other moves,’ His eyes gleamed, and he took a step towards Alex. ‘Can you teach me a move that can hurt the rock Pokemon?’
Alex glared at him. ‘Moves that can hurt ground types.’
‘...A move that can hurt a Pokemon made out of earth...’ Lucas said after a moment of thought– clearly not about to say anything that would suggest that he had been wrong, and Alex sighed. But teaching a move did sound much more fun than digging a hole, or even sleeping, since that was basically all he did at home.
He studied the Pokemon, wondering just what move he could teach him though. His claws were way to small to learn a scratching based move like Shadow Claw, and he knew that a non-dragon-like Pokemon would probably have no chance of learning Dragon Pulse.
But Lucas did have a strong looking jaw, and he already knew Thunder Fang.
Alex’s teeth lit up with flames, the Fire Fang forming as he launched himself towards Lucas. The electric type yelped, leaping back as Alex crunched down on where he had been moments before. Smoke curled up from the Charmeleon’s jaw as he rose to his feet, stretching out as the Electrike trembled in surprise.
‘I will teach you Fire Fang,’ Alex said. ‘You already should have the basics down, your Thunder Fang wasn’t half bad after all. I just need to teach you how to summon fire, and teaching you that could be useful for me as well since I’ve been trying to learn a new fire move for a while now.’
‘What move?’ Lucas asked, bouncing forward excitedly. ‘I wanna learn that one!’
Alex held his head up proudly. ‘It’s only a move certain fire types can learn,’ The Charmeleon said with an air of importance. ‘It requires vigorous training– it’s a man-made move, not natural. Mother always told me that if I could learn it then I could learn the even more powerful Blast Burn too.’
‘Show me the move!’ Lucas demanded.
Alex pulled back slightly. ‘I, um, haven’t fully mastered it yet.’
‘Show me!’
The Charmeleon sighed, before turning to face the wall. He closed his eyes, concentrating on heating up his body. He knew how to breath fire, but forming it outside of his body took a lot more effort. He focused on his tail flame, trying to will the embers to spread across his body. He could feel his scales heating up, and he curled his claws into a fist, trying to draw all of his fire energy to a single point.
A burst of fire surrounded his claws, the mass of fire surging up in size, before exploding as it formed. The force of the energy being released knocked him to the ground, a grunt of pain escaping him as the flames surged up around him. The flames only lasted for a moment, dying as quickly as the energy had flared out, smoke drifting up towards the ceiling.
Alex heard Lucas coughing on the smoke, but as a fire type Alex was fine with the smoke. He struggled to his feet, a sinking feeling in his chest knowing that he had failed again. As the smoke cleared he could see Lucas grinning at him, looking very pleased.
‘Awesome,’ He breathed. ‘What move was that?’
‘It was supposed to be Fire Pledge,’ Alex muttered, looking away. ‘I’m supposed to form a bunch of fire, and then you strike the ground. Then a huge column of flames rushing towards your target, and engulfs them in a pillar of fire,’ He sighed. ‘But I can never get it to work.’
‘Who cares– that was awesome!’ Lucas cried. ‘I want to learn it!’
Alex scowled. ‘I already told you, only certain Pokemon can learn it– and you’re not one of them,’ He huffed. ‘Besides, if I don’t have it mastered then how can I teach it to you? I’ll show you how to use Fire Fang, but nothing else.’
Lucas let out a frustrated growl, but Alex simply glared at him. The Electrike pulled back slightly, before looking away.
‘...Fine,’ He muttered. ‘Teach me Fire Fang...’
He let out a sigh, before glancing at the bars. He was surprised that no humans had come by to see what the explosion was. He stared for a moment longer, before shrugging and returning his attention down to the small canine at his feet.
“Mairin jump– Mairin you gotta have him jump–!”
Mairin swore she was smashing the jump button, but yet the little character on screen stayed in place as it was blasted with an attack– her health bar falling to zero.
“I was jumping!” Mairin protested, letting the controls fall into her lap. “I was pressing the jump button– I shouldn’t have died!”
Max grinned at her, the screen fading to black as the video game took them to their last spawn point. “You were pressing the A button– B is the jump button.”
She glanced down at her controls, before realizing her mistake. “Oh... sorry. I really haven’t played this game before, at least, I don’t think I have.”
“You haven’t,” Max confirmed, his focus returning to the TV. Mairin picked up her controls, guiding her character after Max’s. “But you have watched me play this game many times before. Okay, remember to keep your aura bar high– we’re going to need it for the next boss battle– Registeel.”
“Easy enough,” Mairin replied, pressing the jump button a few times to make sure she was pressing the right key, the digital Lucario on screen jumping in response. “We have the type advantage.”
Max’s ‘Sir Aaron’ character swung his staff at an attacking glob of energy. “We actually do for all of the bosses– all of the Regis are weak to fighting types. Something you think the Tree of Beginning would have figured out.”
Mairin grinned, charging an Aura Sphere before releasing it. “It’s just a story Max, I mean, this whole game is based off of that movie that Ash and Serena were in– which I still want to see, by the way– if you have a problem with the characters you should complain to the director.”
“...The Tree of Beginning is a real place,” Max said quietly. “I’ve been there– and there really are golems guarding it.”
“Cool,” Mairin said, gritting her teeth as her shoulder flared up in pain, but she simply focused on attacking an Aerodactyl-shaped glob with another Aura Sphere. “What was it like– woah!”
Lucario sudden sped across the screen, so quickly that it looked like his character had teleported.
“Nice, you’ve unlocked Extreme Speed,” Max said. “Definitely one of the better moves– I usually play as Lucario and I use it all the time. If you’re on low health you can use it to get away, and it can deliver decent damage as well. Press the R and L keys at the same time to use it.”
“Um, okay,” Mairin said, looking down at the controls to find the buttons Max was talking about. As she did so one of the enemy globs attacked her. She yelped as she heard her health going down, but fortunately Max had Sir Aaron move in to cover Lucario, an aura shield covering them. “Sorry...”
“You’re good,” Max said with a grin. “It’s fun to have someone to play with. Bonnie will play with me, but she’s not over here that often,” He glanced off to his left. “And then Alain will never play with me.”
Their gazes turned towards the dark haired man in the corner, who was taking a sip of his coffee. Alain glanced up as they looked at him, sighed, then returned to reading the book he had in his hands. Mairin chuckled at this, her gaze swiftly returning to the screen to make sure she wasn’t attacked again.
“You should play, Alain,” Mairin said. “It’s a pretty fun game.”
“Queen Rin’s character is still available,” Max said with a grin. “I think she’d suit you perfectly~ She even has a fire type like you, a beautiful shiny Ninetales, and–”
“Max, shut up,” Alain said, not looking up from his book. Ruby was curled up at his feet, the Absol fast asleep.
“Be nice,” Mairin chided, eyes still on the TV. “And he’s right, you should lighten up a bit, and have some fun.”
“This is fun,” Alain replied, turning a page in his book. “And if anything, you should be resting. You just got out of the hospital a few days ago, you don’t want to stress your body more than it has been.”
She grinned. “I’m playing a video game, I am resting.”
“Aura crystal up ahead,” Max said, drawing her attention back to the game. “That means a checkpoint! I think Registeel should be right after this, if I’m remembering right.”
Their characters touched the giant blue crystal, their health bar and aura energy bar rising to full. Mairin leaned back against the couch as Max saved their game, flexing her fingers. She wasn’t use to holding the controller, so her hands felt a bit stiff. But the game was fun, and it helped take her focus away from the pain of her wounds.
“We good to go?” Mairin asked as they saved at the checkpoint.
“Yep,” Max said, having Sir Aaron move across the screen. “You’ll want to stick with Aura Sphere and Bone Rush for this fight– Bullet Punch will be useless. Extreme Speed won’t do much either, but it will be useful for dodging attacks,” He sat up a bit. “This Registeel knows Shockwave, so the only way to avoid being hit by that is to be behind Aaron’s aura shields, so if Registeel starts to spark get behind my character.”
Mairin tried to listen, but she was still new to the concepts of the game. She did understand Pokemon battling, but having that format in a video game was different than a real battle. She tried to have Lucario follow after Aaron, but she discovered she had no control over the character– it was a cutscene.
The camera dramatically panned over Registeel, and Mairin blinked, the graphics looking much more realistic than the video game so far. As the screen panned over Sir Aaron though, and she saw the familiar gaze of Ash. That’s when she realized that this wasn’t video game graphics– it must be a clip from the movie.
She knew that most movies used Zoroark illusions when it came to legendaries– but man did that Registeel look real!
“It always goes straight for an Iron Head,” Max advised. “Be ready.”
As Max promised, the Registeel’s form began to gleam silver– rushing straight at Sir Aaron. Max’s face was calm, fingers flying across the controls as he had his character form an aura shield. The steel type legendary slammed into the shield, and Max followed up with an Aura Sphere. He glanced briefly at Mairin, and then she remembered she should be fighting as well.
A loud ringing filled the room as she had Lucario slam a Bone Rush into the Registeel. Alain pulled a cell phone out of his pocket, glancing at the number. He blinked, closing his book and setting it aside. He pushed himself to his feet, heading towards the door, careful not to disturb Ruby as he did so.
“I need to take this,” He said, sliding off his reading glasses as he answered the phone. “Hello? Yes, this is Alain...”
Mairin glanced over her shoulder as he left, before returning her gaze to the TV. Max’s gaze was locked on the TV as well, brown eyes narrowed behind his glasses, his whole focus on the game. He was definitely experienced at the game, guiding his character through the boss fight with ease.
“Mairin, cover me,” He said, throwing up an aura shield as the battle continued. Mairin nodded, though he couldn’t see this, moving her Lucario in closer to strike with a Bone Rush. She grinned as Lucario landed all five hits, before she swiftly had him retreat from a Hammer Arm with an Extreme Speed.
“It has a lot of hit points, doesn’t it?” Mairin commented, used to having their foes fall by now, but the Registeel was still standing.
“Wouldn’t be a boss fight if it was easy,” Max said, a small grin on his face as he blocked another attack. “I should be Sir Aaron more often, having a force shield is nice.”
“Um,” Mairin began, trying to both talk and battle at the same time. “Who do you usually play?”
“Lucario,” Max replied, slamming Aaron’s staff against the Registeel. “He’s my favorite character... I guess you can say I have a personal history.”
“Oh,” Mairin said. “Sorry I took your favorite.”
Max laughed. “It’s just a game, I’ll survive. Besides, playing as Aaron is pretty fun,” He paused. “Here comes the Shock Wave– get behind me.”
She had Lucario jump over towards Aaron, and Max formed an aura shield just as a burst of electricity was released from the iron golem. Mairin charged an Aura Sphere, releasing the burst of energy out at the titan. It staggered back, health approaching half. Her fingers were feeling a bit stiff, her burns from Alex hurting as well, but she stayed silent.
“Let’s combo an attack,” Max said.
“Charge an Aura Sphere and press the C button,” Max replied, forming an Aura Sphere of his own on screen. Mairin mimicked him, a glow surrounding the two characters as soon as she pressed ‘C’. The twin Aura Spheres began to grow, the glow becoming brighter.
“Focus Blast,” A deep voice echoed from the TV speakers, and Mairin had to stiffen a laugh at the voice. The two Aura Spheres merged, surging into a giant blue pulsing orb, the Focus Blast being launched at the Registeel– sending the titan flying across the screen. The attack took a fourth of its health, causing Max to let out a cheer.
“Come on, let’s finish it off before it can heal,” Max said, leaning forward eagerly.
“It can heal?!” Mairin cried.
“If you don’t defeat him quickly enough,” Max replied, having Sir Aaron charge forward with his staff raised.
Mairin quickly flexed her fingers, before swiftly rejoining the fight. She wasn’t as engrossed with the game as Max was, but she still had a smile on her face as they played on. While she didn’t remember how she met Max, she just found she was always so much happier around him. He was just so genuine, and she simply knew that he was her friend.
“Come on...” Max whispered, leaning forward eagerly as they brought the Registeel’s health down into the red. Mairin couldn’t do the same, it was easier to just stay still because of her injuries. “We don’t have enough aura to combo again... um– use the rest of your aura to use Heal Pulse on Aaron– if I faint there’s no way we’re going to win this.”
“I won’t be able to use Aura Sphere again if I do,” Mairin said, hesitating to lose her only ranged move. She wasn’t the best at fighting in close combat, since she wasn’t that great at dodging.
“I know, but Bone Rush should be enough for this fight,” Max replied, blocking a Hammer Arm with an aura shield. “Just do it– Heal Pulse is the L and A keys.”
She glanced down at her controller, doing as Max asked. Her aura bar fell to zero as the Heal Pulse was released, but his health bar began to rise. Max grinned, clearly more confident to get closer to the Registeel now that he could take some hits. He had Aaron swing his staff as he charged, starting to chip away at the last of the steel type’s health. Mairin had her Lucario character form a Bone Rush, but she lingered back, not wanting to get in Max’s way.
As an Iron Head hit Max she decided now was her time to charge in, the Bone Rush striking three types as she attacked. Registeel turned to face her, a Hyper Beam surging to life in front of him. Mairin yelped, barely managing to remember the buttons for Extreme Speed– rushing away moments before the move would have hit her.
“Perfect,” Max said. “It has to recharge now– come on– attack!”
She guided the Lucario in for another Bone Rush, while Max used his remaining amount of aura to launch two Aura Spheres. There was only a sliver of its health left as Mairin struck with the Bone Rush, the glowing rod striking four times. On the final blow the Registeel’s health fell to zero, the mighty golem staggering to the ground.
“Nice Mairin!” Max cried. “You defeated the first boss!”
She let the controller fall into her lap. “Heh... you did most of the work...”
“But I’ve been playing this game for ages, and this is your first time playing,” Max said, grinning. “It took me three tries to defeat Registeel the first time I played– you were awesome!”
“Thanks,” Mairin said, knowing that she would have lost if Max hadn’t been playing as well. “Um, is it okay if we stop here? I’m pretty tired...”
“Of course,” Max said, saving the game. “We’ve been going for a while anyways– I’m sure Sycamore is going to drag me off to help with dinner soon anyways. Are you going to eat with us again tonight?”
“Yeah, my morning sickness hasn't acted out since I’ve gotten home from the hospital,” Mairin said, leaning back against the couch. “You don’t know how nice it is to just be able to eat now, you know?”
Max was about to reply– but a loud thump from upstairs cut him off. Silence settled in the lab for a moment, everyone looking up. Even Ruby raised her head from her nap, a look of concern in her eyes. No sound followed the thump, and Max gave an uncertain smile.
“Alain must have knocked something over,” Max said, standing up to turn off the TV.
Mairin didn’t reply, her gaze on Ruby. The Absol was completely tense, her expression unreadable as she dug her claws into the carpet. Her namesake eyes were wide, a nervous look slowly crossing her face. Mairin sat up a bit, gaze still locked on the dark type as she did so.
“Ruby?” She asked quietly. “Is everything okay?”
The Absol looked at her, giving a low whimper.
The door opened to the TV room, and Mairin looked up expecting to see Alain, but instead Professor Sycamore entered. The man had a gentle smile on his face, nodding at Mairin once, before turning his attention to Max. “Can you come help the girls with dinner?”
Max flashed Mairin a smile, before looking at the professor. “Of course, sir, what are we having tonight?”
“Pulled pork sandwiches,” He replied. “They have most of it done, but the more hands we have the sooner we can eat. Are you going to join us tonight?”
“Um–” It took her a moment to realize the question was for her. “Uh, yeah, I am. Just count me in from now on, Professor. Is there anything I can do to help.”
“You can stay in here and rest,” Sycamore said, crossing his arms. “And don’t say it doesn’t hurt as much, no matter how true that is your body still needs plenty of rest.”
“And I can rest and help,” Mairin said, pushing herself to her feet. This caused the boys to flinch, Max stepping towards her nervously. While her body did flare up in pain, it faded just as quickly. “It doesn’t have to be something big– just let me help! You guys have been doing everything for me!”
Before any reply could be formed the door swung open once more, and Professor Sycamore glanced over his shoulder. “Ah, Alain, my boy– could you please explain to your wife that she needs to rest–” He suddenly paused, concern washing over the professor’s face. “Is everything alright?”
Alain stood in the doorway, gaze slightly distant. He didn’t reply right off, skin pale, eyes sweeping across the room. Mairin frowned as she watched him, his head hung low as he looked at them. His piercing blue eyes settled on her, and her stomach twisted when she saw the look on his face. Alain looked away, mouth opening, but it took several moments for any words to form.
“I... I need to talk to Mairin,” Alain whispered, voice shaking, gaze slipping down to the ground.
“Is everything okay?” Professor Sycamore asked again, taking a step towards Alain, who looked away.
“I just need to talk to her,” He muttered. “Alone,” Mairin took a few heistent steps towards him. He glanced at her, before turning and heading towards the door. She stood there for a moment, before realizing he probably meant for her to follow him, and she stumbled after him. She could feel Max and the professor watching them as they left, but she didn’t glance back.
Alain was silent as he headed through the lab, and Mairin wasn’t quite sure how to break that silence. He paused at the end of the hallway, waiting for her to catch up, before once again heading down the hall. He refused to look at her, which only made her insides twist.
“I’d rather talk about this when we’re alone,” He whispered, turning to climb up the stairs.
She placed her hand on the rail, going upstairs being the last thing she wanted to do. Going up the steps only made her wounds hurt, and she was sure that he’d take her elsewhere if she mentioned this, but she didn’t want to press him when he was like this. She took in a deep breath, before following after him. Silence lingered around them as they went through the lab, Alain not saying a word until they came to a stop outside of his room. He paused, hesitating, before glancing at her.
“Is it okay if we talk in here?” He asked.
“...Yes?” Mairin said uncertainly, and he pushed the door open.
Not much had changed since she had last been in his room– all of her stuff had been officially moved to her current room a while ago now, the only sign that the two of them had once shared this room was her empty half of the closet. He closed the door behind them as they entered, pressing up against the wood, a slight tremble in his body.
“Alain, is everything okay?” She asked in a hushed voice, and he turned to face her.
There were tears in his eyes.
“Mairin, that phone call I got, it was from the d-doctors,” He said quietly, taking a few steps towards her, and she frowned.
“The hospital said I was fine,” Mairin said uncertainly, but her words did nothing to lessen the tension in the room. He took in a ragged breath, clearly trying to keep himself composed as he spoke.
“It wasn’t about you...” He began uncertainly, his eyes locked on hers. “...Do you remember h-how I told you that they ran some tests on the b-baby...?”
A wave of cold washed over Mairin.
“Y-yes?” She whispered, a sense of dread running through her. She told herself that everything was okay. None of her injuries had been near the baby, everything was just fine...
“Th-they got the results back,” He whispered, and he swallowed. “M-mairin, it... it isn’t g-good...”
Her heart was hammering in her chest, Alain’s words echoing in her mind. She shook her head, taking a step back. “Alex’s attacks didn’t land near her,” Mairin whispered. “Th-that’s what you said! She sh-should be fine–!”
“It wasn’t the attack,” Alain whispered, reaching for her. “Mairin, the baby isn’t developing right... they said its a genetic defect, she’s–”
She stumbled back as he spoke, swiftly turning away from him as she took in these words. Alain fell silent, and Mairin’s arms wrapped around herself, staring at the floor, heart thumping loudly in her chest. A genetic defect... a birth defect of some kind...
“I... I don’t care...” Mairin whispered, hands going to her stomach. “It’s my b-baby, that doesn’t matter, she’s still my baby... I don’t care if something’s ‘wrong’ with her– she’s still just a baby!”
Alain’s hands grabbed her shoulders, and she could feel his trembling fingers. “Mairin, she’s not growing enough...” Alain whispered. “Th-they said her body won’t be strong enough to support itself and... a-and...” His voice cracked, and she knew he was crying. “And she probably won’t live past f-four months in the w-womb and... and...” A sob escaped him. “I’m s-sorry, I–”
Tears were running down Mairin’s face, but she was barely even aware of them, her vision blurring. They pooled in her eyes, no words able to escape her as she stood there. Her body was slowly starting to shake, fear thundering through her as she tried to take in what Alain had just told her. Her baby...
Her baby...
After everything she had lost, she was going to lose her baby as well.
“N-no...” Mairin whispered, chest aching. “N-no, they must be mistaken? Th-this isn’t happening, this isn’t...”
She didn’t say anything else, sobs escaping her. She hunched over, shaking harder as the tears came faster. Alain pulled her into a hug, trying to offer some comfort as she broke down. She grabbed Alain’s hands, trembling and twisting in his grasp. She spun around to face him, burying her head into his chest, hands grabbing his shirt. The sorrow was burning, making her chest ache, and everything in her screamed.
Alain was safe, Alain was warm, Alain was there. She had to get closer, but yet the pain wasn’t going away. He was crying too, she felt his tears as he buried his head into her hair, arms pressed against her in a desperation. Her baby... this wasn’t supposed to be happening... not to her baby, not to the innocent child inside of her...
Somehow her sobs became louder, even more painful as they were forced from her. Her body was crying with a sorrow she had never knew before– but yet it felt so familiar. Her muscles were making no effort to support her, simply going weak in Alain’s arms, and he gently set her on the bed, his grasp never loosening. It was terrifying how familiar all this was, how her mind whispered that she had been like this before.
The pain hurt, it hurt far more than the wounds Alex had left.
A child– her child– was dying.
And there wasn’t a thing she could do.
Mairin woke up feeling heavy.
Each breath was painful as she laid there, chest aching as she was slowly drawn out of her sleep, eyes remaining closed. A pair of warm arms were wrapped tightly around her, holding her close in almost a desperation. Her head was pressed up against a chest, where she could hear a familiar heartbeat thumping.
Perhaps a part of her should have been panicked, wondering how she had gotten into such an embrace, but there was only an empty look in her eyes as they fluttered open. She stared at Alain’s shirt, one of her hands grasping the material so tightly that her knuckles were white. She blinked slowly, turning away as she took in her surroundings. The sun was coming in through the window, lighting up Alain’s room. The sight was a gentle one, a peaceful one, one that should have been happy.
But there was simply an ache in her chest.
She blinked once, slowly remembering Alain holding her yesterday, cradling her long after her tears had run dry. They must have been up here for hours, but neither of them had wanted to go downstairs, neither of them had the will to move from the safety of the other’s arms...
The baby.
The single thought was like a knife– piercing straight into her aching chest with deadly accuracy. Despite the dryness of her eyes, the way they stung as she blinked, she could feel more tears entering them as yesterday began to flood her mind. Her eyes pressed shut, Mairin leaning into Alain as a sob began to build up.
Alain was awoken by her shaking, the silent sobs forcing themselves from her. His hands dug into her hair, bringing her head even closer than it already was. His warm fingers were ran through her hair, running down her back, searching for anyway to ease the pain rushing through her. But both of them knew there was nothing that could be done, that this pain they were feeling was there to stay.
“P-please...” Mairin rasped between her sobs. “A-alain, please,” She didn’t know how to face what life had placed before her– let alone know what to do next. “P-please don’t leave.”
He pressed his head against hers, his chest rising and falling as he breathed. It was strange to be this close to someone, to feel their every movement as he held her– but yet it was the closest thing to comfort she was feeling. The pain wasn’t lessened– but with him near it wasn’t pressing down onto her alone.
“I’m not going anywhere,” He promised, voice even quieter than a whisper.
Mairin quivered, another sob being forced from her.
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nickyvmlp · 6 years
My Top 10 Characters I Want in Smash Ultimate
I got a couple of requests for this in my last Smash reaction video, and I didn’t want to make it a full video, so it’ll go here, HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOOO.  (Also, none of my top 10 need to be echo fighters, but I’ll throw in a few echos near the end.)
10) Alex Roivas from Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem
This will not happen, especially with Simon and Richter filling the horror game niche, but I can dream, darnit.  For the unaware, Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem was a 2002 GameCube exclusive psychological horror game; it’s basically Resident Evil meets Call of Cthulhu, and it’s my favorite horror game of all time. In the game, you play as Alex Roivas, a few of her ancestors, and few other schmucks across history unfortunate enough to stumble across an ancient book called the Tome of Eternal Darkness, which drags them into a conflict that could destroy the world.  Alex ends up using the knowledge she’s learned from the Tome to stop the rise of three ancient deities, each bent on world domination.  So in Smash, she could have the Tome at her disposal and could even carry it into battle like Robin does.  Her standard attacks can involve normal weaponry she uses like guns and knives and stuff, while her special attacks can all involve using the Tome to summon something.  For her Final Smash, she can hit everyone in a set radius around her with a huge sanity effect that adds 100% damage and breaks the shield of anyone caught in it, leaving them wide open for a heavy attack and a KO.  Plus, more strong female Smash characters, never a bad thing.
9) Decidueye from Pokemon
Every Smash game has a new Pokemon rep, and there’s quite for few on the rumor mill.  Gardevoir and Gothitelle get brought up a lot, but they’d draw a lot of comparisons to (and may end up being an EF to) Mewtwo, especially in Gardevoir’s case.  They could also throw in a currently unannounced Pokemon from Gen 8 with that being right around the corner.  But, Decidueye makes the most sense to me.  It’s got a cool design and there aren’t many characters that uses arrows in their arsenal, basically just the Links and Pit.  Plus, his Flying type would give him really strong recovery, most comparable to Charizard’s.  For his Final Smash, give him Zelda’s FS from Brawl, a giant arrow that KO’s everyone in a straight line.
8) The Eeveelutions from Pokemon
If you like Pokemon, odds are good that you like at least one of the Eeveelutions.  Espeon’s my favorite Pokemon ever, and Jolteon, Umbreon, and Sylveon are up there too.  And there’s eight Eeveelutions at the moment (not counting Eevee) and eight alternate costume spots for each character, so here’s what I’m thinking.  You reveal the Eeveelutions in the next Direct, and put up a poll on the Smash website: Who is your favorite Eeveelution?  The winner of the poll is the default character, while everyone else are the alt costumes.  This does mean that the Eeveelutions will have to be virtually identical, but that shouldn’t be too hard, a Flamethrower can look like a Hydro Pump, a Thunderbolt, a Psyshock, etc. with some small cosmetic changes.  And their Final Smash could either be similar to Mega Man’s where everyone joins in for a giant combined attack, or if you wanna get cartoony, have them get into a big dust cloud fight with other Eeveelutions joining in before the victim gets launched offscreen by it.  Plus with Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee coming soon, it’s a great time to give Eevee’s family some love
7) Black Shadow from F-Zero
You know me, I love F-Zero GX more than I love three square meals a day, and at the moment, there’s barely any Smash representation for the GREATEST RACING GAME OF ALL TIME, so let’s change that.  Samurai Goroh is already an Assist Trophy, so how about Falcon’s other main rival, Black Shadow?  Taking a quick look at him, he’s obviously a big, strong character which makes him well-equipped to be in a fighting game.  But taking a second look at him will make you chuckle, because he’s kinda goofy looking.  He’s wearing a full-body black spandex suit, with bull horns, cloven feet, and a cape.  Yea, he’s a sadistic monster in the games and the anime, but still he’s a little hard to take seriously.  And that can work in his advantage.  In Nintendo Directs, they like to use villains that you can kinda take the piss out of in certain places, like Dedede, Wario, and surely in the future, K. Rool.  Black Shadow can exist in a similar role, and maybe the four can form some evil alliance if they decide to make Subspace Emissary 2.  (Please make Subspace Emissary 2.)  His Final Smash can be identical to Falcon’s, hit your opponent with the Black Bull, works just fine.  Plus, maybe a new F-Zero character could build hype for a new game in the series?  Please?
6) Paper Mario
I’m not sure why some people want Paper Mario to be Mario’s EF?  Wasn’t the point of Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam to show how different those two are?  Anyway, Paper Mario has a bevy of ways to attack that would help him stand apart from his 3-dimensional counterpart.  His standard attack can involve his hammer (which Mario doesn’t have), with the directional standards involving various badges like the Hammer Throw and the Ice Smash.  His special attacks can use his various buddies.  Parakarry can be his recovery, Vivian can be a Down-B defense tool, you could even use Thoreau as his throwing mechanic.  And the final Smash could involve one of the realistic items from the new games, like the electric fan blowing all the opponents offscreen.  I don’t know much about the newer games, they didn’t look as good.
5) Shadow the Hedgehog
This is another one that COULD be an Echo Fighter, but Shadow plays pretty differently to Sonic in their games.  He skates instead of runs, he uses weapons whereas Sonic just uses his speed, Shadow has a FUCKING GUN, there’s plenty that you can do with Shadow to separate him from Sonic.  Particularly involving his Final Smash, Chaos Control.  When it’s used, everyone on screen freezes for ten seconds.  In that time, Shadow can use one heavy attack after another after another, and when the time runs out, all the damage and force from those attacks hit at once, and that character will go flying.  It’d be kinda like Link’s Stasis from Breath of the Wild (which should be Link’s FS, but oh well)
4) Spring Man from Arms
So, Arms wasn’t as big of a hit as people were hoping.  That’s a bummer, it looks like a fun game.  How about we give it one last shot in the arm (teehee) to try to boost its exposure?  Put Spring Man in the game, and have him focus on long-range attacks and throws.  His recovery can be a long whip that grabs ledges like Olimar’s.  And for his Final Smash, give him a big winding tornado throw that KOs whoever he grabs and damages anyone who gets hit by the swinging arms in the process.  Show what he can do in Smash, and maybe it’ll entice people to see what he can do in Arms.  I just want that game to be successful.
3) Rayman
I was shocked that Rayman didn’t get into Smash WiiU, since it seems like Nintendo and Ubisoft have been on great terms for a long time, like how Rayman Origins and Legends ended up on Nintendo consoles when it had almost no third-party support.  Rayman even had a trophy in WiiU, so it was really surprising to me that he wasn’t one of the DLC characters.  Let’s fix that.  His unattached limbs would give him some good range, he’d have some magic that he could use at his disposal for special attacks.  And for his Final Smash, how about summoning a swarm of mosquitoes to fly across the screen, doing massive damage with each hit, like a super-powered version of the Beedrills from Smash 64?
2) Geno from Super Mario RPG
I’m not a huge Final Fantasy guy, but I’m so glad Cloud got into Smash WiiU/3DS, because it throws the door wide open for other Square characters.  A lot of people think this will lead to Sora from Kingdom Hearts getting in (doubtful), but I want Geno to finally get in.  He did get an outfit for the Mii Gunner in the last game, but seeing him actually in Smash, not just as a Mii, would be so great.  Mario RPG is criminally underrated, and it laid the groundwork for the Paper Mario and the Mario & Luigi games.  He’d, of course, be a long range fighter, using his finger cannons as his main attacks, and for his Final Smash:  the Geno Flash, which would be like a combination of Pit’s and Jigglypuff’s FS.  You’d go offscreen and aim a point on the map.  From that epicenter, a giant blast grows, trapping and damaging anyone who gets in the blast radius, before launching those victims off the stage.
Honorable Mentions (Echo Fighters)
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat brought Funky Kong back into the fold, and he’s got a very similar body type to Donkey Kong, so that makes perfect sense to me.
Hyrule Warriors could use a representative, and since Midna’s already an Assist Trophy, how about Impa?  She’s got a great look and could borrow Sheik’s moveset quite well.
I never bought Wart as an Echo Fighter, since the characters he was usually attached to (Bowser or Dedede) didn’t feel similar enough.  But K. Rool, on the other hand, fits just right.  K. Rool looks like a caricature of Wart.
People seem to like Xenoblade Chronicles 2, so let’s add to the Xenoblade cast in Smash.  I don’t know a lot about Rex, besides his goofy pants, but I’m sure he’d be a great fit.
This might seem odd, but how about Andy from Advance Wars as an Echo to Bowser Jr.?  Andy could ride in a tank and shoot projectiles while using the turret as a short-range melee attack?  Could work.
1) Sans and Papyrus from Undertale
No, but could you imagine?
1) Crash and Coco Bandicoot
This would be the kind of Internet breaking character that you put as the last character added to give one final hype boost to the already unstoppable Smash hype train.  The N. Sane Trilogy is already out on Switch, so the publishers already have their foot in the door, so let’s just go for it.  And as an added bonus, you could announce Coco Bandicoot at the same time (like Simon and Richter) for added excitement.  (I would absolutely main as Coco.)  Their standard attacks could revolve around their spin attacks, while their specials would involve using their various powerups like the fruit bazooka and the belly flop.  And the Final Smash would involve using Aku Aku to turn invincible for a brief time.  Yes, they’re kinda doing away with that kind of FS, maybe they could make a cutscene out of it and cause an instant KO or something.  I don’t know, just gimme Crash in Smash, please. 
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