#also this is her from a bun of dif aus
locobeary · 2 years
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talkfantasytome · 3 years
Prompt Nesta wears a sundress before going out to drive Cass crazy then suggestively drinks from her straw the whole time
OKAY! Cooked and ate my dinner, it was tasty and CLEARLY added some oomph. Or maybe that's the seltzerita (marg+seltzer - try it! it's so light, yet also still a marg...sooooo good!).
Either way, this one ended up being looooong - but, erm, drabbles are relative, right? And, this is kinda short...for me. 👀
Plus, you know, I was kinda sorta adding stuff in from the last nonnie too...let me have my excuses.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Here's part 1 from the ask before - I decided this second would be a continuation.
I will not complain if asks come in for more parts. I'm kindaaaaa loving this AU. LOL
Full details on the ask and photo here. Prompts still welcome.
WC: 1,955 (see, so short 😂)
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"Would you fall in love with me?"
Emerie and Mor both cocked their heads and examined Nesta, Mor even twirling her finger in a silent demand, which Nesta followed.
"I'd def wanna bang you," Emerie replied. "Like, if I thought you swung my way and I wasn't already getting some nightly." She grinned over at Mor who just rolled her eyes.
"I know, dear," she sighed, amused that Emerie felt the need to clarify. As if they hadn't had this exact conversation with Nesta a hundred times before. "I think I could fall in love," she added, looking back up at Nesta. "Don't get me wrong, those legs and that ass in that dress, veryyyyy bang worthy. But that top part, it's so delicate. It'll make a guy - well, a smart guy - stop and realize you could be more than a bang."
Nesta scrunched her face. "Okay, but, I don't know if I want that. I just want him to, like, go crazy about me. But it's my vacation! I'm not looking for marriage, here."
"Then why'd you-"
"I know!" Emerie exclaimed, cutting off her girlfriend. "Cause if the guy falls in love, then Nesta has her choice of what to do with him." She nodded, very proud of herself.
"And that makes me sound like a horrible person," Nesta groaned, turning to look at herself again in the mirror. She'd left her hair up in the same messy bun, now tussled enough to be a truly sexy messy, and she'd added in large gold hoop earrings. Plus some natural make-up. But none of that mattered, because it was all about the dress.
The dress was, indeed, absolutely killer. All white - her favorite color to wear when she had a glowing a tan - with a ruffled, layered mini skirt and a crossover neckline, and a low back that certainly showed off a good side to her, it was perfect. Not to mention it had ruffled straps, her current fashion obsession. Yes, she'd worn a top with similar straps that afternoon. No, she did not care. Especially not when it had clearly been a hit - at least with the hottest guy she'd seen so far.
Scratch that.
Hottest guy she'd seen ever.
Nesta didn't even know they made guys like that. Clearly sculpted by the gods, with his olive skin tanned and gorgeous whorled tattoos across his chest and down his arms, not to mention the black hair that was warm and hang loose to just above his shoulders, the shape almost-straight. He truly looked like a Greek god. Especially with those muscles. Nesta had almost been drooling when she got a glance at his full chest, completely ripped, muscles visible she didn't even know existed and a prominent V leading down below the water and into the swim trunks she hadn't even really seen.
She'd barely even looked at his face at first, so enraptured by his chest. Imagining tracing the tattoos with her finger…then her tongue. But finally she did and Nesta nearly died.
It wasn't fair. No one should be allowed to be so good looking. He already had the perfect body, broad - but not so much that it would be a nuisance or hinder his movement, - muscular, and hella tall. How was it okay to also give him the most beautiful face in the world.
Well, actually, that may not have been right. His friend - or brother, Nesta couldn't really tell, they looked so alike and so different - was clearly more 'beautiful'. Objectively speaking. But he was nothing to this man. With his rough-hewn features and sharp lines, he looked as if he belonged to nature, as if he'd been crafted by the elements themselves and he was beyond civilization.
It had not helped that he was in a pool, his chest lightly coated with water and his hair constantly damp. Nor did it help when she would look up from the book she pretended to read by the pool to see him laughing with his friends. The way he would throw his head back when he did…shit, Nesta could have come right there.
And after an hour of 'reading', and meeting his hazel eyes a few too many times when she dared to look at him, she'd told her friends and sisters she was getting too hot and wanted to take a nap. It was only half true, and definitely not for the reason they thought. She was getting too hot, but the sun had nothing to do with it, and she sure as hell didn't go back to the suite to nap. Nope, she took out her trusty electronic friend and let her imagination run wild. An easy thing to do, considering all the romance she read.
Now, a few hours and a cold shower later, she was ready to play the game. Time for a little payback. Lucky for him, he wouldn't need his hand or a toy like she had.
Okay, I might be getting a little far ahead of myself.
But, was she, really? She knew she'd sleep with him if he wanted…assuming he wasn't a total dick or creep. Then again, 'sociological studies have shown that women will call less attractive men creepy for doing the same thing they'd label as hot when done by more attractive men'. Or, something like that - Gwyn was always spitting shit she'd learned as a sociology minor in college. Seemed like good news to Nesta, though. This guy wouldn't seem like a creep to her.
"Hang on," Mor said suddenly, drawing Nesta out of her inner monologue. "Who's 'him'?"
Nesta felt her eyes widen as she looked around the room awkwardly, trying desperately to avoid Mor's gaze. "Um…what?"
"You said 'him'. Not 'a guy' or 'some guy' or anything like that. No, 'him'. Which sounds like you already have your sights set on someone." Her chocolate eyes narrowed as they looked at Nesta.
Emerie's mouth opened wide in shock. "Oh snap! Tell me she's right!"
Nesta simply shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about." She went to walk back out their room, but Mor was quicker, beating her to the open door.
"You do, and if you don't tell me I'm taking out your hair."
"You wouldn't," Nesta challenged.
"Oh, I so would. Spill it." The blonde smirked as Nesta walked back into the room, Emerie's eyes entirely on her girlfriend, reminding Nesta why they were skipping joining the others at the bar.
"Fine," she hissed. "There was a guy at the pool today. I don't know his name or anything about him except that he's insanely hot. Like, hotter than I've ever seen, hot. Happy."
"Getting there," Mor beamed. "Was it one of those guys in the pool? The ones Feyre and Gwyn were also drooling over."
"Wait, what?!" Nesta didn't know about that.
"You were gone by then," Emerie sighed. "For your nap cause it was so hot-ohhhhhhh. You poor thing." A knowing smile burst on Emerie's face as she connected the dots.
Nesta felt her cheeks start to heat. "Shut up. What about Feyre and Gwyn and drooling?"
"They were both obsessing - hard core - over the two with short hair," Mor answered, sounding slightly annoyed by it. But Nesta couldn't stop the relief from flooding through her. Something neither of her friends missed.
"You liked the long-haired one?!" Emerie practically shouted, jumping up excitedly. "Ohmygosh! No way! He's so…rough. And you're so…"
"Classic," Mor finished for her.
"Yeah! But shit, even I could see that boy was fine. You have to bang him." Nesta gave Emerie an incredulous look. "Right…you're already trying to do that."
Nesta raised her eyebrows and nodded at her friend.
"You've got this," Mor offered nonchalantly. "In that, you'll drive him nuts."
"Thank you! See you girls later."
Nesta winked and then walked out of the room just as Emerie called, "Hopefully not until tomorrow!"
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Nesta waited in the common room for the others, and it wasn't long until she was joined by Feyre and Gwyn.
"What about Elain?" Nesta asked as Feyre started toward the door.
"She's already found a buddy for the night," Feyre laughed, leading the two others out the large suite. "She'd been eyeing this redhead at the pool - took him all of five minutes to approach her. Whereas I eye a guy I know was checking me out too, for two whole hours, and nothing. She's so lucky."
"Oh, but then the suspense and the beginning and all that is over with so fast!" Gwyn chirped. "I don't mind a bit of waiting. It just makes it all the better if the guy's worth it."
"And, speaking of. I hear you were also eyeing a guy at the pool," Nesta started, looking at her friend mischievously. "Will you be looking for him tonight?"
"No. He'll be looking for me." Feyre and Nesta both raised their eyebrows at Gwyn as they got in the elevator. "And, if he's not," she added, "then I don't want him anyway. I gave that boy a wink! It's his turn."
Nesta couldn't help but meet Feyre's eyes, so like hers and yet so different, and then the two laughed hysterically as Nesta wrapped her arms around her friend. Gwyn was always such the optimist.
"What about you, Nesta?" Feyre asked. "You look dressed to impress."
"I am," she answered, head held high. "In fact, I've got my eyes on the third boy in the group your boys are in."
"The one with the hair?!" Gwyn whispered, as if the boys were nearby.
Nesta just nodded as the elevator door opened and the three of them started toward the bar.
It was in one corner of the resort, half inside half outside, the two walls were essentially windows that could fold up to become open, so the guests always had a view of the ocean. Dusk was approaching, the sky swimming in yellow, orange, red, and pink - no purples or blues just yet. And dolphins were jumping out beyond the sandbar. It truly was paradise.
Especially once the girls each got a drink in their hand, all three ordering a Sex on the Beach, because why not? It was a good drink and it was way too much fun to order. Nesta particularly loved it if a guy was at the bar next to her - they always choked a bit at hearing it.
After that the three found a table outside, Feyre and Gwyn on either side of Nesta, leaving the space in front of her open.
As luck would have it, this left her sitting almost right in front of the boy from the pool. He was in the same position as her, his two friends on either side of him, at the table in front of hers. And he was definitely looking at her.
At first, Nesta attempted to engage in conversation with Feyre and Gwyn, ignoring him as much as possible, only shooting him just enough looks to keep his interest. But, after half an hour, and now on drink two, she felt herself getting bolder.
Nesta met his gaze, allowing herself to drown slightly in those eyes as she held her glass loosely in one hand and gripped the straw with the fingers of her other. With the slightest of smirks, she lifted her drink and lightly wrapped her lips around the straw, sipping it slowly. Never breaking eye contact.
He was staring, and it filled Nesta with a near-primal satisfaction she wasn't sure she'd felt before. So, when she lowered the straw, she couldn't help lick her lips softly before biting down on her lower lip just enough to be suggestive.
It was so over for him.
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