#also this joke piece wasn't supposed to be so detailed i hate this
rednite-dork · 1 year
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I'm never drawing 3+ characters ever again
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lord-squiggletits · 6 months
For the Salty Asks (forgive us for the avalanche, if it's too many you can pick your top three): 2, 9, 10, 11, 13 (Optimus), 20, 25 (IDW1), 26
uhhh honestly I feel a bit like a hermit who's out of the loop on what's popular/unpopular so some of these might be completely off the mark but here we go
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Mmmm I think most of my brotp's aren't shipped as OTPs to start with, so I dunno if I have any that fit this question.
Guess the closest example for me would be OPli/ta. I don't actively platonically ship them but I think platonic is way more interesting than romantic. I don't like the fandom's interpretation of romantic O/Plita at all + I feel like as one of the original "token woman" Autobots, I'd like to see Elita unshackled from Optimus as a love interest, esp because any official interpretation of them is probably gonna be written extremely heteronormatively/token romance between an action hero and The Girl. And the fanon version of them that's Strong Independent Girlboss Elita with whipped simp husbnad Optimus is just as boring and gross.
I just don't like the vibes and would rather them have some sort of friendly or regular relationship together.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
IDW1 Slide, who I've gone into detail about my hatred of in several posts, but the TLDR is that she comes off as some kind of mouthpiece character? Not a mouthpiece as in for the author's beliefs, but it literally feels like she only exists to shit on Optimus and call him a piece of shit. Her dialogue is so cheesily written ("literally fascism" is an actual thing she says) and her bitching/lack of cultural comprehension about Cybertronian history is so prevalent, that for a long time during my IDW1 reading I was genuinely confused as to whether she was supposed to be some sort of parody/strawman/mockery of someone IRL (her character comes off almost EXACTLY like an anti-SJW stereotype of a screeching harpy calling everyone she dislikes a fascist, and it's only Barber's very obviously left-leaning writing in other parts of the story that told me that definitely wasn't the intent). So then I was wondering "okay is she gonna like, randomly become evil and turn against the good guys because she's just that petty? I mean she spends all of her time bitching about how Optimus/the Autobots/Cybertronians in general are the worst ever and she also hates humans too so I mean maybe? Half of this story already doesn't make sense so I can see it happening."
Thankfully that didn't happen, but like. Slide is so goddamn annoying and ignorant and gets way too much page time dedicated to her angry monologuing (in Unicron aka the finale of IDW1 there's literally a whole half page panel of her bitching about how Optimus is an evil tyrant while Trypticon is dying behind her and it comes off as a poorly timed, bad taste joke). The narrative treats her like she's some important individual whose feelings are important and valid, but she's fucking annoying. Any sympathy she was meant to garner is canceled out by badly written dialogue and the fact that she's a Literal Nobody of a character who seemingly only exists to bash the decades old, beloved legacy characters. For the sake of, idk, talking about how fucked up Cybertronians are that they just shrug and move on when people die? Bc apparently it's some sort of sin to be numb after 4 million years of war (and war that's literally still ongoing while Slide is bitching) and just soldier on trying to get through it? God forbid that a military hierarchy fighting to keep neo-Decepticons and various other alien threats from colonizing Earth be run like a military in which orders have to be followed, people die, but you still have to keep fighting anyways? Idefk man I just hate Slide so much she's basically the embodiment of all of the bad aspects of Barber's writing personified.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Mutineers arc in MTMTE/LL. I feel like (whether due to early cancellation and/or JRO wasting time on too many side plots to give it its full depth), I dislike how the mutineers were basically boiled down to pure evil morons who are the most disgusting, despicable evil ever and the only reason the mutiny had Good Guys (TM) in it was because they were horribly misled and not because, you know, the mutiny was 100% a valid thing to have happened as retaliation against Rodimus and Megatron's captaincy.
Like, I'm not opposed to the idea of Getaway and his cronies being assholes (I personally thought Getaway was a GREAT slow-burn, puppet master villain/anti-hero), I just dislike how the quality of their writing degraded from MTMTE to LL. Felt like they (Getaway in particular) got passed the Idiot Ball and then the actual reasons behind the mutiny were never addressed, it was kind of just "oh Getaway died horribly so we're all friends now and we forgive each other and Rodimus/Megatron will just go back to being captains now."
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
You mean besides IDW Optimus because anyone who's been on my blog for like 5 seconds knows he's my biggest problematic fave skldfjskd
Uhhh I guess in the spirit of the previous question, Getaway. I feel like the fandom's hatred for him is overblown mainly bc it's a combination of Tailgate/Cyga/te fans going "HE GOT IN THE WAY OF C/YGA/TE AND ALMOST KILLED THAT PRECIOUS CINNAMON ROLL" and Rodimus or Megatron stans going "Getaway hates my fave?? But my fave is a good captain and deserves the world HE'S EVIL MY FAVORITE IS BEYOND CRITICISM OR REPROACH GETAWAY IS THE EMBODIMENT OF EVIL."
Like to me it seems as if the hate for Getaway isn't normal dislike or even people hating him because he's a well written villain. It feels weirdly like ppl really take Getaway's actions personally and hate him with the kind of passion you normally see reserved for actual real life horrible people. Or they like, see Getaway as an obstacle to [favorite character]'s happiness and not as an individual who, before the quality of his writing tanked, was actually an interesting character who maybe even had good points? It just feels like people mainly hate Getaway because he's the antagonist to more popular characters/ships and so they project their defense of their faves into virulently hating him.
13. Unpopular opinion about (Optimus)?
Honestly 90% or more of the fan content I see for Optimus is really boring/uncompelling to me, or really just comes off as out of character. It's either Optimus being reduced to an accessory to be shipped with someone (usually turned into some sort of moe cutesy uke type) or him being turned into.... idk some permutation of "feral irresponsible gremlin" or "One Of The Good Ones (TM)" or "anxiety-ridden damsel who needs to be rescued by his lover" or, in some circles, "character I project my issues with authority onto and try to frame as evil for things that aren't even evil."
Idk how to specifically describe it, it's just... a vibe? Most of the Optimus content I see doesn't actually feel like him at all. It feels like it's Optimus/Orion in name only, who got so separated from canon and distorted by fanon/flanderization/shipping/porn stereotypes that he now only vaguely resembles the character he's supposed to be.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Ahahaha I don't really go into the realm of pure ships honestly, plus this is the war criminal fandom where pretty much every character has killed people or committed crimes or is just generally scarred by war so uhhh
Idk I think Thundercracker/Melissa is a pretty hinged ship? They get along and cope surprisingly well with all the shit that happens. There's no angst or betrayals or misunderstandings or enemies, they're just very respectfully together. Sdfklsajfksd
25. How would you end (IDW1)/Would you change the ending of (IDW1)?
Honestly, I'm pretty satisfied with the ending of IDW1 on both sides of the story. On Barber's side I would've preferred if every single planet including Cybertron didn't get fucking eaten leaving them all stuck on Earth together, and I would've also kept Trypticon alive while... minimizing Slide's role, to say the least. I don't have a problem with Optimus' ending bc I actually think that Optimus' arc in Unicron is like, one of the few 1000% good things Barber wrote for him it's just. It's pure Optimus in his best form.
On JRO's side I would've cut out the last panel with the alternate Lost Light and left it ambiguous as to whether the quantum jump successfully copied the ship or not. I dislike the vibes of the canon ending that implied that everyone moving on with their lives (almost universally to new and exciting and happier places) was the "sad" ending and going on a permanent road trip is the "true, happy" ending. In the author's notes I think JRO said that he wanted to give the readers an ending that would allow them to imagine their faves continuing to go on adventures, but I think compromising a good ending to a story to appease fans is fucking stupid + fandom has never needed permission or approval from the author to write alternate, happy endings. So why ruin a poignant, melancholy ending about how endings come with new beginnings and sadness/nostalgia can be mixed with hope and happiness by going "sike lol they're all living happily ever after on their space cruise."
Also I wouldn't have randomly killed off Ratchet for no reason because like. What was that even supposed to accomplish. I'm no stranger to writing major character deaths but like. He just fucking died of disease off-screen and that was that??? Why, like what was the narrative/symbolic purpose of that besides just making the ending more sad? Maybe to emphasize how going back to Cybertron was the "bad ending" and the quantum Lost Light is the "good ending" since on the LL Ratchet is still alive? But see the paragraph above for why I don't like that.
26. Most shippable character?
The most shippable character to me is whichever character I think is the sexiest, because if I think they're sexy it makes me want to ship them with everyone. "Guards, fuck that man for me" etc etc. Lmao
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crimeronan · 11 months
Would the canon selves have any reaction to the poly shenanigans happening in the au, or would that happen in canon too?
Forgive Me i've started talking about something only tangentially related:
i'm gonna be a canon toh polycule truther til i die. i have two incredibly large complex polycule charts (one for the adults and one for the kids) that threaten to cover the entirety of both the boiling isles and connecticut by 2025
this is going to sound very strange and pathetic but bear with me. i am aware that polyamory was not intended in the writing and i am also aware that some people hate polyshipping of found families. we have different personal preferences, that's fine.
but toh is literally one of The Only pieces of media i've Ever seen that 1) validated that the found family stuck together being enmeshed best friends for life, and 2) wasn't weirdly meanspirited toward polyshippers/multishippers about it?
i've also had my feelings hurt by a lot of other unrelated pieces of media wrt polyamory lately which makes toh even more special. like i don't think you guys know what a Big Deal it is that everyone has matching tattoos and clothes and movie nights and whatnot..... and there was Never any meanness about drawing Clearly Demarcated Lines about Who Is Together and Who Isn't?? there weren't even any jokes along the lines of luz and hunter being asked if theyre dating and retching comically.
like. every single detail put into the epilogue was explicitly about reinforcing that these people all Fucking Love Each Other, that the canonically platonic relationships are no less important than the romantic ones, that they haven't all split off into their little monogamous pairings, and that they all have strong individual relationships with one another.
like i interpret it as polyamorous because that's what i like doing, because i'm very annoying and project my polycule onto everything. but it is genuinely so fucking special that i CAN do that without needing to overwrite canon or wince my way through a handful of mean jokes?
so people can pry toh polyshipping from my cold dead hands. it's not canon and was never intended as canon but it could be because the writers care about all the same things that i do with these relationships.
ANYWAY. as for your question. i don't think that the polyamory would surprise them, but i think the Sheer Level Of Neuroses would. the canon kids are like okay so i'm pretty sure this is SUPPOSED to be called ethical monogamy. WHERE ARE THE ETHICS
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academyofbrokenhearts · 8 months
Of Dreams and Late Night Talks
Suna and Kaya finally have that important talk. One-shot.
Author note: This is a companion piece to "Of Nightmares and Late Night Encounters" - it happens in the same blurry AU and undefined timeline where Kaya and Suna actually get the chance to get closer. Initially I debated with myself whether to just write it as another chapter for that particular story, but I already had a different title in mind, so I just posted it as a separate piece.
I am not a fan of episode 54, but I do like that we found out more about how life was for Kaya as a kid. The conversation he had with Halis was actually the inspiration for this piece, and I really do believe that he will eventually open up to Suna as well about his trauma. She would understand him better too.
AO3 link here.
Lately, Suna's sleeping pattern has been anything but regular.
Most nights, she lies awake on her back, eyes dry, a million thoughts galloping through her head. She thinks of Seyran, of her mum's illness, of her father who still recovers (Suna hates this particular train of thought so much, because she hates her father, but she also loves him, and it's confusing, and it's scary), of İfakat and her threats, and, more often than she would like to acknowledge, of Kaya.
This is one of those nights.
She doesn't really see him that often during the day, not since he joined the family business, but he's always there at breakfast and dinner, and, when they are together in the privacy of their room, he never fails to ask her how was her day, or to listen to her when she feels the need to rant.
Before going to bed, she had shared with him again her fears about İfakat and Orhan, but he had told her not to worry, then had added in English, with an ironic smile: "They cannot kill us in a way that matters," his smile turning into laughter when he had seen her frowning.
"Kaya, are you really joking about this?" she had asked, a bit exasperated, because for him it didn't really matter if he got kicked out of the mansion, didn't it? He had a mother to turn to, or he could even go back to England, if he wanted. Unlike her, he had options.
Then she had watched in wonder the bitterness and sadness in his eyes.
"My life was over anyway before all of this," he had said, then had refused to elaborate when she had asked for details.
Now, in the still of the night, Suna thinks of everything, puts all that she knows together, and feels guilty.
She knows he had a rough childhood. Alcoholic father, pill addicted mother, she remembers him sharing this with her during his second proposal, and how she thought at the time he was doing it only to elicit sympathy. Except... he never spoke about it again. He doesn't speak much about his mother in general, Suna realises, even though they are close, and he had obviously been greatly affected by her marriage.
And there is also the fact that she saw his mother speaking to someone who was not there, and Kaya brushed off her concerns like they were nothing.
Nükhet is clearly not well. Can he really not tell? But it's impossible, Suna thinks, anyone who spends enough time in Nükhet's company could probably see that she's not well. Then... why?
"Your thoughts are really loud, Suna," she hears him all of a sudden, and looks at him, cheeks reddening quickly, like he caught her doing something she wasn't supposed to do.
He's lying on his belly, hugging the pillow he usually sleeps with, head turned towards her, eyes impossible to read in the dim light of the room.
"I thought you were asleep," she says, not knowing what else to say.
"I was," Kaya answers, turning on his side, eyes still on her. "I think I was even dreaming, and it was a pleasant dream, for a change, but then I woke up all of a sudden. Can't really sleep with you worrying next to me like that, you know. Care to tell me what were you thinking of?"
His tone is light, like he's joking. She could also answer with a joke. But what would be the point?
"You," she admits.
"Me," he says, slight disbelief in his voice, like it's weird and unexpected for her to care enough to lose precious hours of sleep.
Kaya falls silent for a while, studying her in that peculiar way of his, like he's solving the most extraordinary puzzle in his head. No one had really paid that much attention to her before, Suna thinks, her cheeks warming up yet again. She hasn't shared much about her life before meeting him, but he seems to know anyway; it's like she doesn't need to put it into words, because he sees and understands before she can even open her mouth.
But sometimes words are important too, she thinks. I don't love her. I pity her. Poor girl. Unhappy girl.
"Kaya," she says, sitting upright in bed, when it becomes obvious that he will not speak first. "I'm sorry for tonight."
"Sorry?" he asks, mirroring her position, a flicker of surprise on his face. "What would you even be sorry for?"
"I am just wasting your time with all these unimportant worries. You told me you had a plan and to trust you, and instead I keep worrying. It must be so tiresome for you. Probably not what you expected from this... entire thing."
"Entire thing?"
"Our marriage," Suna clarifies, no longer capable of looking him in the eye.
He grabs her chin with two fingers, not unlike the way he did it before their first kiss, almost forcing her to look at him. But his voice, when he speaks, is gentle, the same gentleness his fingers had when wiping her tears back then.
"How do you know what my expectations were, and why are you so sure you are not fulfilling them?"
"You're right," Suna whispers, voice trembling. "You're right. I don't know and I never did, because it never made any sense. The fact that you... that someone could choose me. You did. You said it was because I was the only one who could understand you, but... I can't understand a lot of things about you, Kaya. I can't, and it freaks me out, because... I'm not used to rely on people, but you are getting me used to rely on you, and..."
...and what will it happen when you will be gone and I'll be by myself again?
She never gets to voice the last part out loud, before he takes her in his arms.
His touch is soothing, and she closes her eyes, breathing in and out, and hugs him back.
If she ever loses him, his hugs are going to be one of the things she will miss the most.
"This is not about you, Suna," she hears him speaking, as his forehead is touching her shoulder. "This is all me. I'm the one who has problems opening up. It's hard when you face the world entirely alone. When you have to give, and give, and give, and no one is giving you back things in return. When you must always carry others on your shoulders, because without you they would drown, and then you would be truly alone in the world. And you know what I am talking about. Because you lived this. Just as I lived it."
He's speaking about his mother, Suna realises, heart beating wildly. But if he talks like this, then it can't be a recent problem.
Then she almost chokes when realisation hits her. He only spoke about her being addicted to pills before, but was that all there was?
"Kaya," she begins, gently, carefully, feeling like she is about to unlock something very important. "Dear. Was your mother always like this?"
She feels him getting still in her arms, his breath accelerating all of a sudden.
"What do you mean?" he asks, and the raw vulnerability ringing in her ears almost makes her cry again.
"I saw her," she says. "Outside our room, after she came to announce her marriage. She was speaking to herself."
"Oh... Oh no," he manages, before choking on a sob.
And that's the last thing she hears for a long while.
She doesn't say anything either; she simply holds him as he cries.
"She was always like this," he says, later, lying on the bed with his head on her chest, arms around her like he's anchoring himself to her. "Since I was a child. It took me so long to understand. I couldn't get it at first. She would kiss and hug me, telling me nice stories and promising me things, and I would feel so safe with her, and then all of a sudden she would turn against me, hate me, and nothing I would do could make her happy. I had to learn, Suna. I had to learn how to adapt my behaviour in accordance with whatever personality she had at any given moment. I had to learn how to lie and how to hide things from her, to keep her safe. And she doesn't even realise, and she will never understand. For as long as she lives."
It makes so much sense, Suna thinks. Everything makes so much sense. The way he acts. His pride, his disdain for this family they were both thrown into, his unwillingness to cut off his mother. And even...
"That's why you told her you pitied me," she realises. "Back then. It was what she wanted to hear at that time, so that's what you told her. You couldn't know I was listening."
"I'm sorry," he whispers. "I should have known there was more to it, but with her it's so difficult to say, even now, even after all these years. Even now I'm struggling."
He's so lonely, Suna thinks, and her heart breaks for him, for the scars that are so similar with hers, for the child he used to be, and she remembers the child she used to be, and maybe she dreamed of Kaya long before knowing the real him precisely because the wounded child in her recognised the wounded child in him.
Whatever he feels for her doesn't matter anymore. She will be at his side, no matter what, no matter against whom she has to fight. Even if she has to fight the entire Korhan family, she won't budge, and she won't be afraid. Not anymore.
"Kaya," she speaks, determination in her voice, and when he raises his head to look at her, she kisses him.
It's only a brief touch of lips, and he watches her in wonder when she speaks again:
"I will always be by your side when you need me."
Then it's his turn to kiss her - and it's not brief, and it's not light. It makes her knees weak, it pours fire in her veins and hope in her heart, and she thinks this might be just enough, but then he whispers to her, between a kiss and another, I always need you.
And it feels like love.
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umhuhwellthen · 11 months
One of Chizu's peers:
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She's a Prussian cat and Miss Mommy issues herself (joking) (im sorry)(all of the neko ninja need therapy but Norie especially)
Putting my ramblings under readmore, I don't usually go for angst, i like hurt/comfort tho and shitty parents getting what they deserve and was/is in the bnha and dp phandoms so sibling relations and family dynamics analysis are always fun
Norie makes me insane fr fr. She has different outcomes for what her fate can be. If Lady Fuwa is defeated and exiled away from the city, she could follow her. Because she is nothing but loyal to her. And she knows that may not be the best decision, but damnit that's her mom okay? And she wasn't very good but couldn't she have been? She liked them well enough (when they acted like she wanted), couldn't that grow into genuine family love? And maybe, yes, maybe Norie can get Lady Fuwa on the road to redemption. For this one ninja(daughter) that stayed by her side through all of her faults. Or maybe she doesn't. Maybe she continues to be callous and cruel even though Norie has abandoned everything she has ever known for her. And Norie accepts what the other ninja have been saying to her, and gives up on Fuwa. Leaves. She can't go back to Neo Edo. The other Neko Ninja do not trust her or see her as family for choosing Fuwa. Nor would she want to, with all the memories there. She sets out on her own path. Alone, but free. Or if Lady Fuwa gets exiled but Norie is kept from following her or Lady Fuwa gets straight up killed (either by Chizu or another Neko Ninja). Then she just has to live. Live without the one person she cared about(that didn't care about her, never did) and judged all her selfworth by. Where is she supposed to go from there? With living with comrades that were wary and distrusting (with sisters worried and hurt and trying to help themselves and her from healing from all Fuwa put them through). With Chizu (the favorite, the sister she could never match up against. Who she betrayed without a second thought and who came back for her. She hated her. She admired her).
Good lead into design details of Mitsuki, Hinata and Norie. Notice they're all wearing face masks. All Neko Ninja must wear the masks, from the youngest trainees to the senior members. Unless their mission requires them not to(Chizu). That's a hard habit to break. They also still wear parts of the Neko Ninja uniform. The orphan kittens too. And some of it is just practicality, why throw away well made goods?(Remember when Chizu picked up the kunai lol) They've repainted some of the armor pieces for personalization, to reclaim them. But some of it is to represent how they're still under Fuwa's hold, the shadow they fall under. This is most explicit in Norie, her outfit is literally just the Neko Ninja uniform but without the hood and chest plate, and an alternate style top. The inclusion of the uniform is to show that they're healing from their experiences. But those experiences still haunt them. And it will take time to heal. Some more than others. But they've all taken steps in the right direction.
Also hair too, under Lady Fuwa they'd keep short, low maintenance styles or not grow it out at all, but after Fuwa's final defeat they'd start growing it out. Hence why I draw most of them with hair, it's growth(and to differentiate them more). Itsumi keeps it short out of choice now, but maaaaaaybe she'll grow out a tuft of bangs (maybe just like a certain samurai and ninja, hm?), but Norie is keeping it short out of habit, she's still not comfortable with expressing herself (let alone who she really is and what she really wants), hasn't picked out any personal clothes like the others. Hard to develop opinions on clothes when all your outfits have been decided for you years in advance.
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littlegodzilla · 2 years
Hi! Can I request some Murphy smut please? where Murphy has a crush on the reader but is too shy to say anything about it so Connor flirts with the reader to make Murphy jealous. This makes Murphy confess his feelings and leads to loving but possessive smut. Thanks and I love your writing!
Hi Anon!!
Thanks for your request! I'm not feel myself very comfortable writing about MacManus twins because I think I don't interpret them well, but I still tried to make it to your liking.
I hope you enjoy it.
"Stop friltring with my girl!"
Murphy MacManus x FemReader.
Anon Request.
Warnings: Flirtring. Language. Jealous. Smut. Rough Sex.
Words: 2300.
Taglist: @phoenixblack89 @browneyes528 @pncnsc @lilythemadqueen @darylsgarden @srhxpci @xxtinasxxblog
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Murphy can't stop shaking. He's hating his brother so much right now. And he knows he's doing that on propuse.
He's talking to you, smiling, laughting, touchibg you more than necessary only for bother him.
He's sitting at one end of the bar next to Rocco and the others, half-finished with his beer as he chews his lip nervously and fiddles with his cigarette between his fingers. Connor is his brother, but right now he feels like killing him.
A chuckle reaches your ears again and you see that Connor is leaning on the bar and saying something to you that is making you laugh and turn red.
You're Doc's family, a sister's daughter's daughter's daughter, or something like that, Murphy didn't pay attention to your parentage, just stood there in the middle of the pub with a nervous smile and a "hello." Whispered low. Apparently you had only recently arrived in Boston, had nowhere to go and Doc had been asked to look after you. The man had enough to worry about without taking care of you too. So he did the only thing that seemed reasonable. Put you to work in the pub. He would keep an eye on you and at the same time you would earn some money to start your own life on your own and not depend on him. It wasn't as if Doc didn't want you, but the neighborhood, the atmosphere of the pub... it wasn't what he wanted for you.
Plus to all that he had to add ....
"Come on Doc, let the lass have her fun!"
The MacManus brothers. He knew they were nice guys, polite young Irishmen, believer. His best customers. But they were also dangerous, willing to get into fights, alcohol and tobacco were their best company. He knew they would never lay a finger on you if you didn't want them to, but they were capable of selling a bathing suit in the middle of the desert. That lip, those innocent looks, their ability to make conversation even with stones. At least Connor. Doc noticed right away that Murphy stayed in the background with you. Studying you, as if he was embarrassed to talk to you directly, of course that embarrassment was fading as the alcohol took over his actions. But in general Connor was the one who always started the conversation.
"W-what's wrong with your b-brother?" He asked Connor one day and Connor laughed.
"Love, Doc, or so he says."
"A- Ass!!! Fuck!!!" He cursed making the twin laugh again. "Because of my little girl? Don't fuck with me, Connor, I'm old for these jokes."
"Sorry, Doc, but it's true." He shrugs and Doc snorts in annoyance.
"And what are you supposed to do?"
"Oh no, I'm not interested, but it's fun to watch him get mad and still do nothing." He jokes and Doc rolls his eyes, the humor of the MacManus brothers sometimes escaping him.
"Do you think she...?"
"Does she like Murphy? Aye! my brother is handsome as fuck, but she's stubborn and won't do anything but move piece him first."
"Oh God I hope he never does..." He whispers and Connor laughs again.
"Come on, Doc, she's all grown up now. She's entitled to have fun and we Irish are great teachers."
Of course that failed to comfort the man, but now he was able to see the details, to read between the lines. He could see Murphy on the side of the bar, fidgeting nervously, biting his nails to the point of almost tearing his skin off, his eyes completely fixed on his brother and you who were still talking as you poured several drinks for other customers.
It's St. Patrick's Day, people tonight are livelier than usual. St. Patrick's Day is an important day there in the pub, they are working non-stop, Doc is happy. The amount of people may also be due to you. You've put on a t-shirt that fits your curves well with the words "A lucky kiss" and you're wearing a short green skirt, every time you put a new drink the customers ask you for a kiss and they all lean over the mother to see if they can discover the color of your panties, if the skirt is lifted high enough. Murphy is one of those who can't help but stare. But you always turn away before the fabric lifts too much.
"Anything else around here, guys?" You ask with a smile, Connor has returned with his brother and the others to that side of the bar. "Murphy?" You look at him as you see his pint is finished and he nods.
"Aye, thanks, tonight's gonna be a long one." He comments, but you don't think much of it.
"Here you go." You smile again and reach over giving him a kiss on the cheek, Murphy freezes for a second. "Your lucky kiss." You mumble and get back to work.
"Yer gotta do somethin' bro." Connor's voice reaches his twin's ears and he rolls his eyes. "That girl has a lot of suitors and if ya ain't..."
"Y'think I haven't noticed? I don't need ya flirting with her every five minutes either." He protests like a child.
"I'm ain't flirting... I'm just being nice."
"Yeah... nice my ass." He growls drinking the pint in one gulp making his brother laugh.
The night is slowly getting livelier, the music is louder, the drunks are unable to stand up, there are some fights and shouting, but in general everyone is having a good time. You stop at the bar cleaning up some glasses before grabbing several cases to restock the coolers heading for the storeroom. Murphy drums his fingers nervously on the bar without taking his eyes off you. He gets up from his stool going after you ignoring Doc's gaze on the back of his neck.
"Help ya, lass?" murmurs Murphy behind you when he sees you reaching for a case of soda.
"Thanks, Murph." You smile leaving her with the others. "But you can come back if you want, I'm almost done here."
"Uhm... You've been good tonight..." He says moving a little closer to you.
"It's been a crazy night, but I know you guys." You joke and startle when you discover Murphy is closer than you thought.
"Many have come for their lucky kiss..." He says staring at you, his voice sounding intense.
"I know, you've had yours too, are you jealous?" you joke and laugh when you see him lower his gaze.
"Aye, I am." He shrugs and you look at him in surprise.
"Why? You've had your lucky kiss too." You stare at him biting your lip.
"No, because yer my girl, and those guys had no business touchin' ya."
"Your girl?" You like the sound of that and your smile grows wider, you feel Murphy's hands caress your waist and you shiver.
"Yeah..." He whispers brushing his lips against yours.
You laugh against his lips, clinging to his body to kiss him eagerly. His hands squeeze your waist making you crash against one of the warehouse shelves. You gasp against his mouth, but neither of you separate, Murphy's mouth has a mixture of beer and cigarettes that traps you, his tongue soon bursts into your mouth tangling with yours, becoming dominant, taking control over you. His hands move up from your waist to your breast, massaging it between his fingers, brushing your nipples over your bra, listening to you sigh. The soft sounds escaping from your lips turn the Irishman on more and more wanting to know every one of those sighs and moans, that only he can elicit from you. He pulls away from your mouth kissing and marking your neck as he lifts your shirt and bra leaving them tangled above your breasts. Murphy pulls away just enough so he can stare at you, his eyes roaming you hungrily, his pupils dilating with desire. Again his body pushes you against the shelf, his fingers play with your tits and nipples, pinching them, making them hard and while his mouth travels from one to the other moistening them, hearing you moan with pleasure.
Murphy tenses and grunts against your skin as he feels your hand caress his bulging crotch. Your gazes connect and you smile with mock innocence, still stroking him.
"Wanna play, lass?" he whispers against your lips again and you moan when his fingers squeeze your nipples. "Be a good girl and show me what ya can do." He says huskily, his dark tone coursing through you hitting directly on your clit feeling yourself getting soaked.
You don't make yourself begging, your fingers unbutton his pants slowly, without taking your eyes off him, Murphy breathes heavily through his mouth as he follows your every move, when the zipper rings and you catch his cock you see him bite his lip, but he doesn't make a sound, concentrating on what you are doing. His pants drop to his feet, his boxers you have to push them down a little further but they soon accompany the other garment, you wrap your hand around his cock rubbing it up and down feeling it harden completely before kneeling in front of him. The tip of your tongue brushes the tip of his cock and you finally hear him hiss. You smile because he can no longer hold back and you shove as much length into your mouth as you can feeling it hit your throat. Murphy stirs, hands resting on the shelf, head slumped between his shoulders, panting like an animal, doing his best to control himself. You find it amusing how quickly he seems to get desperate, but you don't hurry, slowly following a good rhythm you start sucking and licking all over his cock, cupping your cheeks to give him more pleasure, your tongue playing with his head, to get it all the way back into your mouth. From above you hear Murphy moan and snort, seeing him like this turns you on, your hands caress your body and your fingers rub your clit as you continue to suck his cock, however Murphy discovers you and pushes his cock roughly into your mouth. It chokes you for a second and you can't suppress a gag. You pull it out of your mouth with a frown, but he shakes his head.
"Don't touch yerself... I didn't say ya can touch yerself..." He says with difficulty.
"And you're just going to enjoy yourself? I hope you know how to make me cum, MacManus." You tease him, you know you're playing games and you know it won't be long before Murphy proves to you that he can do it.
You smile as you hear him roar in offense, he reaches down to grab your armpits and pull you up, not giving you time to settle in when he wraps one of your legs around his waist and violently rips your bottle green stockings. You open your mouth to protest, but his hand closes around your throat and nips the words in the bud. His grip on your neck is not tight, he exerts just enough force to hold you still and send a confused but pleasurable shiver through your body. Your leg is still on his waist and you moan as you feel his fingers pull the fabric of your panties aside and pierce your pussy unprepared, only moist with your own wetness. It hurts and it bothers, but he doesn't move them, he leaves them there for a moment, letting you adjust to them before he starts moving them in small circles. You close your eyes and sigh, relaxing, enjoying his intrusion. You don't watch as a mischievous smile forms on his mouth, his hand tightens tighter around your neck to keep you still and the speed of his fingers suddenly increases.
You open your mouth in a muffled moan, surprise and pleasure mingling, his fingers moving in and out of you so violently that the shelf vibrates beneath you.
"Mu...Murphy!" you cry out feeling a pleasurable tug run through your entire body, your eyes roll up and you claw at the hand still holding your neck.
Your knees tremble, your breath hitching, his fingers continue to move but slower this time. Murphy presses his body against yours to keep you from falling, his mouth kisses your cheek down your neck. His fingers leave your body, without looking away from you he licks his fingers and grunts, you sigh at the sight of him.
"Ya taste so good, lass, I could drink from ya, all day long." He says in his dark voice and you moan again.
Murphy pulls away a little and turns your body, resting your hands on the metal shelf, he leans your body forward and pulls your skirt up around your waist positioning himself right behind you. Your pussy clenches with need as you feel the tip of his cock rub against your slit, moistening with your fluids. His head pushes in slowly, you hiss, his size dilating you, stretching your pars still twitching from the spasms of your first orgasm. He moves to pull out again, to which you protest by moving your hips with him, Murphy grins behind your body and thrusts hard, all the way in, all at once. Your moan is loud and long, one of his hands covers your mouth and with another he holds onto the same shelf he has your body against, his body bends over yours, your back arches as he guides you, his hand still covering your mouth and he begins to move fast, entering deep into you at the new angle, making you moan against his hand.
"So tight..." He gasps in your ear without stopping moving. "Yer pussy clenching on my cock, wanting me to fuck it over and over again." She moans increasing the movement of her hips. "If all those pricks could see ya now...all mine..."
"Mu...Murphy..." You mumble against his hand feeling slightly choked, he releases you, his free hand reaches down and squeezes your nipple, he rests his forehead on your shoulder.
"You know Doc's going to kill you if he finds out..."
"Feel so good, lass, squeezing my cock so fuckin' good." He grunts againts your ear. "I'm gonna cum, love."
Murphy sits up holding your waist and begins to thrust faster, deeper, seeking his own release. His thrusts become more and more erratic and he manages to find that spot inside that makes you see stars and you clench tightly around his cock. Murphy grunts and you feel him cumming inside you. Your knees tremble, but again his hands hold you down, preventing you from losing your balance. His cock is still inside you, he pulls you up, your back against his chest, his hands caress your waist, your belly, up to your breasts massaging them again, making you laugh.
"Nah, Doc adores me." He smiles and leans in kissing you.
The End.
I hope you enjoyed it!
See you in the next story!!
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naughtyneganjdm · 2 years
Hey! I’m curious about what motivated you to write Negan in GLC? So far (as we’ve talked about) he’s awful! I imagine it can’t be fun to write someone like that so I’m just curious where you got your inspiration from….actually I’m curious about where you get inspired to write any version of Negan in your stories, lol. I mean Negan/JDM are great muses to begin with but I always love hearing about peoples writing process. 😊
So truth be told about 95% of what I write is a request I've gotten from someone. If not more than that. GLC someone sent me something they wanted to see, they included some details they wanted along with what they wanted to see near the beginning, the middle and the end. I filled in the missing pieces. Sometimes if I write something angsty that wasn't requested, it's probably that I was in a bad mood or depressed or something of the sort. I like writing stories of all different things. It's cool to test the waters with different versions of different characters.
The Mistress was originally my first story and it was just me and a friend joking around with her telling me I should write something and I did. Most of my other stories were just like "hey you should write a story where Negan falls in love with his best friend's daughter" AKA The Guest and I kind of just took it from there. The Guest's original ending was supposed to be the one where Joel died, but I hated it, so I continued on with Arcadia. A lot of the time, it's just a suggestion, I write something and some stories inspire me. A Compromise was someone suggesting Negan be the reader's sugar daddy.
Soulless was also someone suggesting a detective fic, but well I kind of ran away with that one.
So yeah, usually it's just someone being like "hey you should do this" and I kind of run away with it. Arcadia and a few others may be the only ones I wrote for myself.
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mashup-writing · 4 years
If only you were here; Hwang Yeji (ITZY)
Summary: Yeji was the leader, she couldn't afford to be seen being anything less than perfect for the role. No crying, being sad, or feeling any kind of negativity. But she's only human, and being human means letting your emotions run through you.
Requested? ☒
"Miles away from seeing you."
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She was exhausted. Today's schedule was nothing but hectic, from interviews to filming for music videos. All Yeji had wanted to do was be with her girlfriend, to have her take away the stress, to run her fingers through her hair, to hold her like doing so was the only thing keeping her together. But with Y/N visiting her hometown? The best she could do was a facetime.
She loved her job, her members, and their MIDZYs. She really does. But sometimes the high life takes more from you than it gives. Lately her girls have been facing prejudiced hate from a bunch of ruthless people online. Lia was being branded as "Lazy" and it made the leader's blood boil, among all five of them Lia was the one who spends the most time in the practice room, especially when she has trouble with some of the choreography. She remembers a memory of theirs that included Lia almost passing out of exhaustion in the practice room, Yeji herself wasn't enough to pull the pale and sluggish girl out of there. If Yuna's maturity and hidden stern-ness hadn't reared their heads then she has no doubt that Lia would've ended up in a hospital bed.
Chaeryeong is under fire for "Being Ugly" and all Yeji could do was scoff at the stupidity of the false accusation. Despite Yeji being Y/N's girlfriend, Chaeryeong was the latter's bias. This information had her shocked, Chaeryeong smug, and worst of all: It gave Ryujin a field day. Which resulted in getting the other three members in on teasing her. "Anyone who catches Y/N's eye is fucking beautiful" she mutters to herself. Not to toot her own horn but Y/N has an eye not only for gorgeous looking people, most times those she ends up liking are great people with great personalities. Your ex, Ahn Hyejin of Mamamoo is a damn great example of that.
Another one of her members under fire is Yuna, the baby of their new little family. Knets had a field day when it was found out that the Maknae wasn't originally planned to become a part of ITZY. Jumping on the chance to poke at the youngest's insecurity, thry took to saying that she wasn't good enough to be with them, much less have debuted at all. That's bullshit, and she won't leave room for argument. Yuna is the glue that holds them together, the friend that they can't imagine not having even when they've been a group for less than a year. She stands up to Yeji without being disrespectful when the leader is being too strict or controlling. She pulls Lia out of her workaholic state whenever it starts to become detrimental instead of beneficial. She is the one carrying Ryujin's ass whenever the latter thinks her dad jokes are funny. She's the one to calm Chaeryeong down backstage whenever the latter is feeling nervous, anxious or on the verge of a breakdown.
Ryujin's a reliable friend through and through, but if the fate of the world was decided by the rapper's ability to tell a funny joke? Yeji bets that they all would've died ages ago, she's better at joking around with actions than she is with words. Which leads to some people labeling some of Ryujin's actions as "Bullying". Yeji admits to herself that, yes. To the untrained eye it does seem as if Ryujin's the type, she has the face of a villain when she wants to look intimidating after all. But the rapper is also the softest person she has ever known in her life, testified by the one time they had a pillow fight in the dorm. In the heat of the moment, Ryujin's slipper got thrown and it knocked a Lizard dead off their wall. The pillow fight abruptly ended with four members trying to make her feel less guilty over the critter's untimely death.
Lia interjected that had the moment been captured on camera, some MIDZYs would be making a meme of how they'd like to be that "Lucky" lizard. Ryujin cried harder, because the lizard was not at all "Lucky" in her opinion.
Yeji was so lost in her own thoughts and so fatigued that she didn't even realize that she had finished changing from her performance outfit to the clothes she wore before clocking in for work. It was only when she had closed the door to her dorm room did she realize how tired she actually was. She was thankful she had been given her own room instead of bunking with someone else again, she's not too sure she could make it up in a bunk bed if she was still roommates with someone.
She crashes onto the bed and pulls out her phone. Most days she would get some shut eye and just facetime her girlfriend in the morning, but at the moment she thinks she'll end up in a mental ward if she goes another second without hearing her Y/N speak. So despite the fact that she can't feel her legs anymore and that her eyelids are growing heavier by the second, she calls.
You're pulled from the coziest and most comfortable sleep you've fallen into for the night by a constant ringing. You rub your eyes and turn towards your nightstand where your phone is located. "Who in their right fucking mind would be calling at this hour?" You grab your phone and the caller photo snaps you out of your mood before you even see the caller's name.
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You hurriedly turn on your lamp on the nightstand and then proceeded to hit answer. "YEJ- whoa, not that I'm unhappy to see you but you look like you should be asleep instead. You look tired as hell Yej. Did you eat yet? How about water? Please stay away from dehydration and be sure to drink regularly." Yeji smiles at you, with her eyes drooping every now and then. "Yeah, I should be asleep but I just missed you so much I couldn't sleep without seeing you first."
You sit up and lean against the head board instead of laying down, your worry increasing tenfold. "What's wrong?" Yeji knows how to prioritize her health first and she never calls you half asleep because she had always claimed that you deserved nothing less than her full attention. She never calls you half asleep unless she's alarmingly close to losing her composure. Her eyes widen as soon as the question leaves your mouth, and a sniffle makes its way through the line. She burried her face in her arm and struggles with wanting to tell you and wanting to fake being strong with you.
You sense the dilemma within your girl and you refuse to let her carry this alone. "Hey, I'd never force you to spill. But I am always gonna be here to listen to your troubles. I already know how strong you are, you've got nothing more to prove. Let it out and I'll be here to support you." Yeji's resolve crumbles and she cries as she tells you everything that's been weighing her down today. She cries because of the unfairness of it all, she cries about how she can't protect her girls, she cries about how she wants nothing more than to wrap them up in a hug and not let go until they're all better but the girls just like their leader want to seem strong and untouchable for each other.
Yeji cries about how she wishes she was with you instead of working, she cries about how guilty she feels for sometimes wishing that they never had to go through the unfairness that the idol life had to offer, she cries about how she feels like she's disappointing the MIDZYs for feeling as she feels. She cries because it's just the start of their journey and she's already so tired. She cries because it's the only way she knows how to get rid of the stress, even if it's just a temporary solution.
What hurts you the most is that she doesn't look at you as she says this. You're a MIDZY after being Yeji's girlfriend and it you don't miss the way she chokes up even more when she said she feels like she's disappointing the fandom. You let your girlfriend let it all out before taking a moment to pull yourself together, and then you speak.
"I can't and I won't tell you that I understand how you feel as an Idol because I'm not one. But as a MIDZY, I can and I will tell you that you were born to be the leader of ITZY, no one else could step up to that role as well as you do even if they tried. Tell the girls I told you to let the haters run their mouths, because we MIDZYs know that each and every one of you brings something special to the table. ITZY isn't ITZY if it doesn't have Hwang Yeji, Choi Jisu, Shin Ryujin, Lee Chaeryeong and Shin Yuna as the members. You girls are a fucking unit and you are all strong enough to knock those bitches speechless."
You stare at Yeji the whole time and notice that although her body has stopped shaking, her tears are still making their way down her cheeks. You take in every detail of her face and wish with everything within you that you were there with her to wipe her tears and hold her close. In your opinion, words aren't enough but you suppose due to the distance between you two that you've gotta work with what you have at the moment. Right now all you have are feelings and words.
"Now as your girlfriend." Yeji's head adjusts enough that you could see half of her face, but the other half still remains buried in her arm. "I'm telling you that you can never disappoint me." She chuckles in humor before turning her gaze away from her phone. "You don't know that, I'm not perfect-"
"I never said you were."
Silence sits between the two of you. Not once in your whole relationship had you intentionally interrupted Yeji when she was speaking, you strongly believed that everyone deserved a chance to speak their piece. But that had exceptions. Such as now. "I never said you were perfect, because you're not. You're human and you have your flaws but believe me when I say that you could never disappoint me, despite the fact that humans weren't designed to be perfect you still work on yourself everyday trying to polish all the rough edges, trying to better yourself not for anyone or anything but yourself because you really want to be better than you were in the past. How could I be disappointed in someone as noble as that?"
You notice that she's now actively fighting to keep her eyes open and you smile. "You okay for now?" She nods and you continue. "Then go to sleep, God knows you both need and deserve a good night's rest. I'll call you back tomorrow when you wake up, so you can tell me about everything else your sleep addled brain forgot to tell me tonight."
Yeji uncovers the other half of her face and eyes stare at her screen that shows your face, now more than ever she wishes she was there with you, to thank you and hold you for everything you've said and for the way you've calmed her down. She promises herself that once you meet back up in person, she'll make it up to you. But for now words will have to do.
"Thank you Y/N. I love you."
Your smile grows wider and Yeji swears she's ready to make a fool out of herself just to ensure that that smile never fades away from your face. You take your a moment to memorize the candid details of Yeji's face before replying. "I love you too Yeji. Good night." Both of you wave goodbye and as heavy of an action it was, you take the initiative to end the call because you know that if you left it up to your girlfriend she would never hit that End Call button.
Yeji places her phone on the nightstand by her bed.
Y/N lies back down properly on the bed.
The two stare straight ahead of them, eyes unfocused.
They take a deep breath before closing their eyes, ignoring the need that courses through their hearts.
"I'll be with her soon enough."
A/N: I think this is the longest fic I've written on this app? Why the hell is there too little ITZY content on this app? it feels like drought istg 😭😭
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lovelywingsart · 3 years
Turning Cogs
-- Karl Heisenberg X OC (AFAB, She/Her) --
Remember 'Apologies'? Well, this is more or less a type of 'follow-up'! Over 20 years later. I may also make a small timeline, or an explanation post about it, but anyway-
This was also a cute fun one, and my favorite right next to 'Chase'. I just... I love cute things for them... I need more cute things for them. It makes me feel a little better.
Please, please don't hate me for what's coming next. (That is, IF I choose to post it immediately after this... I may wait a bit until another story or two is up...)
**Remember, check out the Masterlist for more! <3 **
*Warning?: Cute sappy shit, read at your own risk eue
Summary: A 'task' given years ago leads to a small solution near the end of the line. Emmy has a gift! But what is it? What significance will it hold? Alot more than she thinks, that's for sure!
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The factory ran smoothly, production went on as usual, and the hope of freedom permeated the air as the date of the 'revolution' drew near. A few days... It was only a few days. Supposedly, at least. Emelia found herself simply wandering the factory at times, much like Heisenberg himself. Sure, she worked, but it often helped ease her mind of the now constant nervous jitters she found herself experiencing. But she now currently walked with a purpose, making her way to the notorious metal man with an eager hop in her step.
As she wandered the halls, she mused to herself how great all of this had become. The factory, the creations, even the small 'bond' she shared with the man who ran it all. It wasn't much of one, she thought, but recently it had become almost... like a dream. Like an odd, welcoming dream after their talk some weeks ago. He tried... He actually did try, she noticed. After so many years, she had come know the man very well, and the small changes he had made in just a few weeks time were highly evident. She enjoyed them... Thoroughly, at that. He didn't even change himself, and it wasn't a forced change. It was... Natural.
As if the changes were being held back for years.
She found herself smiling more with him. Smiling and genuinely enjoying herself, even laughing at times when they were alone. Even the mechanical menaces didn't prove to be much of an issue lately... Even as she wandered past, the creatures simply ignored her. Sure, she was still somewhat worried about the upcoming events, but she found it easier to keep her mind off of them and relax when he was around. It was wonderful, really.
She made her way to the upper levels after a while with just the smallest bit of excitement. A small jingling in her pocket could be heard as she jogged to the elevator that boosted that feeling, and she couldn't help but smile again. She knew what the sound was... She had been thinking about the small items for years. Literal years. She kept them with her at times ever since he had given her the task well over 20 years ago, and they hadn't left her mind since. Only recently had she finally had an idea for them, and while she had initially considered it a little dumb, it was the only thing she could think of. She just hoped he would agree.
She stepped off the elevator as it creaked to a stop, making her way through more doors and halls until she finally made it to a gold and copper encased door with the 'family' crest in the middle. She paused before opening the door, running her hand along the impression of the stallion that adorned the crest. She had to admit, she had grown fond of it over the years... Knowing that it was coming to a glorious 'end' only filled her with more eagerness as she pressed her palm to the horses nose and opened the door. She was met with an echoing, deep hum of a quiet song. It was one that she recognized, and she couldn't help but join the hum as she rounded the corner. The other hum paused for only a moment, followed by a light chuckle before it continued, now with quiet words.
As she finally reached the personal workshop, she was met with Heisenberg slightly hunched over his work table, a pencil in his hands and small metal objects 'dancing' around him lazily as he sung their tune. Despite the small scraps, he was relatively calm, tilting his head as she approached. His singing only stopped with a chuckle as she casually wrapped her arms around his chest, pressing her face to the back of his neck. It was a common gesture going both ways, and she felt a scarred hand reached to hold her arm.
"Hello there." He mused, turning his head slightly.
"Why did you stop singing?" Emelia asked, being met with a chuckle.
"Because you're in the room now."
"Would you like me to leave then?"
"No, I think prefer you right here." Heisenberg chuckled, finally turning in her arms to face her. He simply leaned back against the table, wrapping one arm around her waist while using the other to direct the scraps to float around them. "Is there something you needed?"
She watched the scraps flutter as if they were moths, tilting her head slightly.
"I came to tell you something. Or... 'give', rather." She said simply, her eye moving to meet his as she leaned against him. He raised a brow in interest.
"Oh?" He said, pausing his hand movements for a moment. "And what could you possibly have to give me?"
She couldn't help but give a small smile, carefully taking a step back, careful not to hit one of the scraps.
"Do you remember that... 'task' years ago? With the defect cogs?"
He watched her for a moment, light confusion entering his features. The cogs... Cogs?? Wait, those cogs??? She couldn't have POSSIBLY meant THOSE cogs. He vaguely remembered the situation, and his nose scrunched.
"Emmy, that was... That was how long ago??" He said, crossing his arms slightly.
"A few years..."
"A few??"
"Ok, more than a few. But that's besides the point." She shook her head reaching into her pocket almost hesitantly. "I believe I found something for them..."
Heisenbergs brows raised in legitimate surprise.
"You what???" He asked, slowly lowering the scraps to the floor as Emelia took hold of something In her pocket. He shook his head. "There... You couldn't have. That task was a joke. A test to see what you would do under stress."
"Well, I didn't take it as one." She shrugged. "You're a sneaky twit, Heisenberg. I wasn't going to let an obvious trick sway me."
"It seemed to 'sway' you back then." He smirked lightly, nearly laughing at the sudden redness that entered her cheeks as vivid memories played in her mind. She rolled her eye and pulled her hand out, her fist curled around something.
"'Tricks' aside, I never stopped thinking about it, and I've finally thought of something." She said, ignoring the knowing chuckle he gave. She cleared her throat slightly, looking at her hand. "Just... promise you won't laugh."
"Why would I ever laugh at you, Emelia?" He mused, only to chuckle again and hold up his arms as she glared at him. "Alright, alright, I'm done. What did you think of?"
"Well..." she started, taking a breath. "I was looking at them, and the holes went all the way through to the other sides, and had some other small ones. They were pretty useless for most things I could come up with, but..."
She opened her hand, letting something fall and clink together- hanging from her fingers were the cogs, each carefully welded to three smaller cogs and wrapped with thin, copper wire, with a thick, black string through the main defective holes. Each main cog held a small bit of red stone in the middle, adding a small bit of color to the otherwise metallic items. She brought them slightly closer to her chest, a deeper blush forming on her face as she watched Heisenbergs eyes widen with simultaneous surprise and interest. Emelia cleared her throat slightly.
"I, um... I'm not the best or most creative, I suppose... and I had the string Donna gifted me, with some of the glass pieces from the Reservoir... I found the wire pieces around here..." she managed, looking at the small necklaces. "It's... It's not much..."
She fell silent for a moment, looking up at the man in front of her. She couldn't tell what he was thinking. His face held a strange mixture of emotion as he held out a hand, beckoning her forward. She held out the hand with the necklaces as she moved, swallowing hard as his fingers gingerly went behind one of the pieces and brought it forward to inspect it.
"... You actually made these?" He asked. She nodded.
"Just some minor welding and scrap melts for the smaller ones..." she replied quietly, watching as his eyes seemed to inspect every small detail. She then frowned slightly. "I... I-I'm sorry, it's... They're stupid-"
"No, no... Not stupid..." he said quietly, now holding both. Each of the smaller cogs were made of different mixed materials, providing an interesting effect once they hit the light. "They're... Impressive."
She perked up slightly.
He nodded.
"Why are there two?" He asked, glancing up at her with interest. She worked her jaw slightly.
"I... I thought maybe... um..." she tried, avoiding his gaze. "I thought... perhaps... we could each have one... maybe?" She managed, her voice quiet.
There was silence for a few moments, and she could feel his gaze as he fully looked at her. It wasn't until he chuckled that she looked at him, surprised to see a grin on his face.
"Brilliant idea, Emmy." He said, trailing one of the strings up to where her hand held them to carefully remove one from her grip. She stared at him.
"... Really?"
"Sure!" He chuckled, bringing the one he held close to his face to look over it once more. "May I ask what the inspiration was?"
"I... didn't really have one..." she replied, only to go rigid as he reached forward and took hold of her arm to pull her closer.
"Hm." He gave a hum, looking at her once more. "I'd say your pretty creative, Emmy, not even I could think of this."
"It only took me 20 years..." she managed to joke, tilting her head as he held the string open on the necklace he held. "What are you doing-"
She stopped as he reached forward, her face heating up as he simply rested the necklace around her own neck. She looked down as his hands traced the string, caressing the small gears before resting it against her chest.
"I think it suits you." Heisenberg chuckled, holding his hands to the side as if he had achieved something grand with slipping it on. Emelia couldn't help but give a light snort, keeping her eye on it.
"I suppose so..." she replied simply, her eye moving to the one she still held. She was quiet for a moment before taking a breath, doing the same with the second necklace.
She turned it and held it up to his head, opening the string. He was still as she managed to slip it around his own neck, nearly chuckling with amusement as she watched it rest against the necklaces he already wore. She took her hands away, tilting her head as she looked at it. It didn't look TOO odd against the other items...
"Suits you, too..." she said quietly, her hands resting along his chest. He nearly laughed.
"Well congratulations, your task is complete. I'll be damned." He snorted, finally setting his hands on her hips. "Good work."
"You're just saying that..." she chuckled, looking up at him. He shrugged.
"I mean it." He suddenly gave a genuine smile. One she could see in his eyes, and it made her breath catch in her throat. "Thank you, Emelia."
She couldn't help but return the smile, slowly wrapping her arms around his shoulders in a tight hug. He returned the action, his arms surrounding her waist as he pressed his face to her shoulder.
"You're an odd one, Emmy." He nearly whispered.
She could feel his smile against her skin as she chuckled, resting her chin on his own shoulder.
"So are you, Heisenberg." She replied. "You're the oddest one of them all."
"Ah, I beg to differ." He chuckled, using his hand to raise the small scraps from before into the air again, twirling his finger slightly to make them circle the two slowly. Emelia kept her smile, turning her head to bury her face into his neck.
"Beg then, Metalhead."
"Hm." He hummed, pressing a light kiss to the side of her neck. "I think I will."
She lifted her head to question, only to let out a surprised yelp as he suddenly hoisted her over his shoulder.
"Aht aht, no fighting!" He chimed, amused as she started to squirm before he began walking to the side door of the workshop. She only stopped squirming momentarily with a surprised laugh as he pinched her side.
"The bloody hell are you doing?!" She tried, unable to hide her own amusement as he kicked open the door and went down the small hall leading to the 'living quarters'.
"Guess this really does make you the 'lady' of the factory then, yeah?" He joked. She squirmed again, earning another pinch.
"Call- HEY- C-Call me a 'lady' again and see what happens...!!" She laughed, only to nearly stumble back as he suddenly heaved her down, holding into him to keep her balance. She was met with a quick kiss, keeping the smile on her face.
"Fine then, the 'wench' of the factory." He joked, letting out his own laugh as she smacked his shoulder.
"That's even worse you twit!"
"Ah, no need for that, Emmy!"
He nudged her forward, giving another quick kiss before she nearly fell over as the edge of the bed hit the back of her legs.
"Are you mad?!" She laughed, nearly falling back as he nudged her again. Instead she just flopped back, holding out her arms for him as he crawled over her with a chuckle.
"I was planning on taking a break anyway." He replied simply before falling to his side next to her. She chuckled as his arms suddenly went around her, bringing her tightly to his chest.
"I still have work to do!" She argued, though didn't actively try to get away. Instead, she cuddled to his chest as he snorted.
"Doesn't seem like you're all too concerned about it, Doll."
"Maybe because you're warmer than the Foundry."
"I'll take that at a compliment."
"As you should."
She couldn't help but relax in his arms, her gaze drifting to the gear necklace around his neck. It made her feel... proud. Proud and another feeling she couldn't quite pin down. She reached up and caressed it lightly, feeling as he looked down.
"You really like them...?" She asked quietly, only to jump as he cupped her chin and had her look at him.
"I love them." He replied, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Stay here for a while, we'll get back to work soon."
She was silent with a smile, nodding and nuzzling under his chin carefully before wrapping her own arm around him.
"Fine... I get to decide the next break time, then." She said. He chuckled.
"It's a deal."
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rocksandrobots · 4 years
Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 21 - Fishing Trip
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"So what do you wanna do this weekend?" Hiro asked Varian.
The other boy only shrugged his shoulders as he had no idea.
It was Friday and they were both walking home from school while trying to make plans for the weekend. All of their other friends were either away or busy due to Father's Day coming up. Fred was going to accompany his dad on a mission. Gogo was driving down to her father's for a few days. Wasabi had bought plane tickets to fly back to his hometown of Seattle. Karmi went back upstate for the weekend with her parents, and Megan was still grounded, but had a full day planned to butter up her dad. Even Honey Lemon was going home to spend time with her abuelo.
This left Varian feeling a little awkward. In Corona they had a Guardians Day, which was meant for both parents or caretakers in general, but for Varian it was always a day for just him and his dad to spend time together. One of the few times in the year when his father wouldn't work in the field, or go to market, or have business at court.
Varian knew precisely what a day like Father's Day meant and how special time spent with the man who raised you could be. He envied his friends, but mostly, knowing this would be the second year without his dad pained him.
In a way, he was thankful that Hiro shared his delima. Though he certainly wouldn't have wished his predicament upon anyone, it was still somewhat comforting to know that he wasn't alone.
They were a less than a block away from the Lucky Cat, still discussing things to do, when a sleek car pulled to a stop beside them. The window rolled down to reveal a man with blonde hair, a large nose, and a wide smile. He was wearing a plaid shirt and a tan floppy hat.
"Hey Hiro! Go grab your overnight bag and some sunscreen!" He joyously ordered. "Your new brother, cousin, thingy too. We're going fishing!"
Varian could only look on confused, he didn't know this man nor why he wanted to him and Hiro to go on a fishing trip with him. However, Hiro apparently did know him and was also apparently not onboard with this idea at all. He stood with his mouth a gape with a look of horror in his eyes.
After processing this terrible news, Hiro could only sputter out, "But.. but why?"
The man in the vehicle began to offhandedly list his reasons. "Because fishing by oneself isn't any fun unless there's someone else around to show off to. Because I had an awful childhood, whose own father would never take fishing, and now I'm living vicariously through you. Also, you're still my intern and for the rest of the year, I still own you."
The man flashed another wide grin and Varian began to put the pieces together. This must be Krei. Owner of Krei Tech, the man in charge of the portals that brought him here, and also Hiro's boss. Though, this new revelation did nothing to stem the confusion in his mind. He couldn't for life of him see why he was being invited along on the trip nor did he understand Hiro's objections.
"But...but...b, but…" Hiro suttered desperately trying to think of way out of going.
"No buts! I've already talk with your aunt and got her permission, reserved the campsite, and I even bought you both fishing poles!" Still grinning, he reached down beside him and lifted the new poles up for Hiro and Varian to see.
Hiro let out a wordless half groan, half whine in defeat, before turning around and slumping towards the cafe. Varian blinked and looked back and forth between the two of them unsure what to do. Krei waved to him cheerfully, clearly excited for the upcoming trip, and Varian numbly waved back before deciding to follow Hiro and pack his own bag.
Varian found himself enjoying the fishing trip more than he had expected. The first day was spent mainly getting there and setting up the campsite. The second day was spent fishing, exploring, and just taking in the scenery.
Varian had been allowed to bring Ruddiger along, as Hiro had also brought Baymax. His pet was overjoyed to be back in his natural environment and Varian had to admit that he felt more at home here in the great outdoors than in the crowded streets of San Fansokyo. The big city was fascinating but he'd always be a simple farm boy at heart.
Krei felt much the same way. The businessman hadn't been raised in the countryside the way Varian had, but he had a great love of camping, fishing, and being out in nature. His passion stemmed from childhood summers spent on vacation at something called 'summer camp'.
Varian found he got along with older man well. They spent the ride up chatting about science and it's more practical applications, spent the trip sharing wilderness tips, and fishing out in Krei's boat. Fishing had never been Varian's favorite activity, but he now found a new sense of nostalgia for it and the praise Krei would send his way whenever he caught one helped to fuel his enjoyment of the sport even more. Plus he got a chance to show off his cooking skills after they had cleaned their catch. Not the most pleasant task ever, but Varian could stomach it much better than butchering other kinds of meat.
Hiro however did not enjoy fishing, or camping, or anything to do with the outdoors really. The other teen mostly sulked the whole trip. When he wasn't busy gagging at the worms used for bait or getting scared by the unfamiliar sounds of the local wildlife that is. Mainly he stuck close to Baymax and the tent, bored out his mind and annoyed he had been forced to come long. Varian's enthusiasm only aggravated him further and, if he was being honest with himself, he was a little jealous by how easy things came to the other boy. He'd spent half a year trying to get on Krei's good side and impress him, while Varian had managed it in mere minutes of meeting the CEO.
The only time Hiro came out of his grumpy shell was at night, when they built a campfire and roasted marshmallows. Varian had never had smores before, but they were tasty, if also sticky and a little too sweet. Ruddiger however went nuts over the fluffy sweets and had to be kept from stealing the whole bag of them. Hiro didn't really care one way or the other about the traditional treat, but was more than eager to share ghost stories with the rest of the group. Gleefully recalling with gory detail about the spirit of an ax murderer who apparently stalked the woods. Perhaps it was a little vindictive of him, to try his best and scare the other teen, but Hiro couldn't help filling a little thrill whenever Varian gave a little jump or clutched his pet raccoon even tighter in comfort.
Keri was only amused by the story. He'd heard similar ones growing up at camp. He laughed at the end of Hiro's tale.
"Ha! Kids are still telling that one? Let me tell you a real horror story."
It was about tax audits.
Both boys could only shrug at each other.
"I do not understand the purpose of a 'ghost story'." Baymax observed.
"It's suppose to be for fun." Hiro informed him.
"I see; an adrenaline rush within a safe and controlled environment can be considered a pleasant feeling for some people. However I do not understand how taxes figure into that."
"Uuuuh, neither do we." Hiro admitted, "but I guess fear is subjective. Do you have any stories to share, Varian?"
Varian had to rack his brain on that one. His own life was more of a horror story then most ghost tales he knew, but he didn't want to devel into that. Instead he told a folk legend that his dad had once told him. It had been an old story from his home country; a parable about a rich man who was so greedy that he hoarded a well from the poor townspeople during a drought. Forcing them to pay him tribute lest they die of thirst, but he made the mistake of refusing water to a witch and so was cursed to become a vampire. To spend an eternity in thirst himself and to be forever alone, because he could no longer get close to other people without risking harm to them.
"And so a leader must care for his people, son," he remembered his father instructing him at the end of the tale, "He must share and give back to the community. He who sacrifices love for his fellow man in exchanged for selfish possessions, forfeits his right to live among mankind and to even be called a 'man' himself."
If only his father's words had been true. If real life had been as simple as stories, then Corona would have sided with him and not the evil king who kept the wondrous healing flower hidden away and who turned his back upon people need. But Varian conveniently left out this more personal anecdote.
"Wow." Hiro said flatly. "That's deep."
He wasn't used to horror stories having explicit morals attached to them and didn't know how else to respond. The tale hadn't been scary so much as eerie with an unnerving ending. Unlike his serial killer story, it wasn't anything you could be afraid of happening to you, yet questioning your place in the world was somehow more off putting than simple dismemberment.
The mood was broken however, by Ruddiger stealing Hiro's marshmallow off his roasting stick. It turned out to be last one as Krei had spent the majority of Varian's story battling the gluttonous raccoon over their food stores.
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"I know racoons aren't 'mankind', but does this mean he's doomed to be a marshmallow vampire now?" Hiro joked as Varian got onto his pet.
"I don't know. Your robot looks like a walking marshmallow though." Varian shot back good naturedly.
Now out of food, save for leftover fish, they all decided to tuck in for the night.
Hiro hated the woods. He hated how unfamiliar everything was, how inconvenient it was, and most of all he hated how gross it was. He woke up irritated and sore from sleeping on the thin sleeping bag inside the tent. He couldn't find anything decent to eat for breakfast. He never stopped grumbling while he was forced to use the bathroom outside. To make an awful morning even worst, he couldn't shake the feeling of being stalked as strange animals hooted and howled. One bush in particular shook right when he pasted it. He nearly jumped out of skin when Ruddiger pop out of it holding the last of the fish in its mouth.
He groaned as he watched the raccoon scurry away and climb up a tree a little ways off from the campsite. He didn't much care for the creature, or for wild animals in general, but he knew how important the pet was to Varian and so had tried to be polite about having it around. Still Hiro's patience was wearing thin. The walking bottomless pit had eaten practically everything in the camp.
Hiro reluctantly followed after, debating if it was worth trying to get the fish back. Probably not, he didn't even like the taste of fish all that much to begin with. He stopped in surprise when an apple core fell from tree and nearly hit him. He looked up and found Varian sitting in one of the top branches, raccoon by his side, and reaching up to pick another apple off the tree.
The other teen paused when he saw Hiro. "Hey! Morning! You wanna an apple for breakfast?"
Hiro's stomach growled in response but all he actually said was, "How did you get up there?"
Varian laughed, "Climbed up here. How else you do think? Fly?"
Hiro looked up at him blankly. It was an obvious answer, of course, and he felt silly for having asked it.  
"Come on up!" Varian encouraged. "There's plenty of apples to go around."
"I..I can't." Hiro admitted sheepishly.
"Why not?"
"I don't know how to climb a tree." He mumbled.
Varian looked surprised by this revelation and before Hiro could do anything else, the other boy quickly climbed back down to join him.
“You never climb a tree before?”
‘Well, I did once, with Baymax’s help.” He rubbed the back of his neck self consciously.  
“It’s not like there’s a whole lot of trees in San Fransokyo to climb.”
“Oh, well, it’s easy. Here, I’ll show you. Just put your foot there, in that knot, and place your hand here on this bump in the bark.” Varian instructed, helping Hiro find the footholds. “Now you see that groove up here, place your other foot there, and as you hoist yourself up grab that lowest branch with your other hand, like climbing a really uneven ladder.”
Hiro did so, though not without some struggling, but eventually he pulled himself up onto the lowest branch.      
“Great!” Varian cheered and followed after with practiced ease. “The hardest parts done. Now all you gotta do is swing up the rest of the branches, like so.”
Varian took off, showing Hiro the best way to navigate the tree top. Hiro followed him, mimicking the other boys actions. With great effort he hauled himself up onto the final branch and heaved a ‘wooooph’ in relief of having made it up.
His sigh quickly turned to awe though when he caught sight of the view. The early morning sun sparkled on the lake. Further out a misty fog was beginning to disperse and you could see the opposite shoreline reflected in the water like glass. Beyond that giant redwoods poked out of the canopy of trees and way, way off in the distance you just about make out the tips of blue mountains.
“Woah.” He breathed. Hiro had to admit, you didn’t get scenery like this in the city.
‘Here.” Varian handed him an apple. It was smaller than the ones you’d buy in the store, with pink and yellow skin. Hiro tentatively took a bite. It was crunchy and very tart, but edible. Not to mention it was practically the only food they had left in the camp, so Hiro wound up eating it all and started in on a second one.
“So, where did you learn to climb?” Hiro asked taking another large bite of the wild fruit.
“Oh, I’ve been climbing trees since I could walk.” Varian laughed. “We owned an apple orchard along with the farm. Also the forest is right next to my village.”
Ruddiger joined them, procuring his own apple and sitting right on Varian’s lap to enjoy his meal. Varian scratched his pet’s ear.
“Does he ever get full?” Hiro asked.
“Nope.” Varian replied, and then they both broke into giggles.
Once the laughter had subsided Hiro commented, “I guess that’s why you’re so good at this outdoors stuff. This is the first time I ever been fishing, and with any luck, it’ll be my last.”
“My dad taught me.” Varian quitely confessed. “He’d take me on trips like this sometimes. Try to teach me how to hunt and fish. The fishing is a lot better than the hunting, let me tell you. I never could fire an arrow right and I can’t stand the sight of blood.” He cringed as if recalling a gruesome memory. “But, I guess he was just looking out for me. He taught me the skills he had to live on to survive. Apparently there were no farms where he grew up, the land was always baren. I guess that’s why he prefered gardening to being a knight.”
“Wait, your dad was an actual for real knight?”
Varian nodded, “Yeah, I found his armor after...after the accident. Along with a bunch of other important stuff he never told me about.” He added bitterly.
Hiro didn’t know how to respond to that. So he stayed quiet and let Varian dictate the conversation.
“Anyways, it worked. The fishing did come in handy. I had to do a lot of that, when.. when I was on my own.” He worked his jaw as he mulled over that last confession, his eyes gazing out to into the distance, clearly not seeing the breathtaking view before them.
Hiro’s heart dropped. He had a vague idea of what happened to Varian, but this was the first time it really hit home just how messed up the other’s teen’s life had been before now. He could empathize with losing a loved one, but he had always had his aunt and his friends to depend upon. If nothing else to be there and take of him as he sank into depression. But Varian had to do everything for himself, even while battling that same depression. The idea of having to catch or scavenge for your own food on top caring for you ill father was a nightmare that Hiro could barely comprehend. A nightmare that only somehow got worse.
“Fortunately, there’s a river that runs through my village, and I could set up lines overnight and just go check them in the morning, and we had food stored up for winter. Like oats, bacon, dried peas, that sort of thing. That is, until spring rolled around and the king's guards run me out of my house.” He said irritably.”Then I just had to forage or steal to survive.”
“Be...because you stole medicine?” Hiro asked disquietly. He couldn’t imagine a world so cruel and yet to his surprise the story got even worse.
“Oh no, this was before I stole the flower.” Varian said matter of factly and Hiro just stared at him in horror. Varian heaved a heavy sigh and went on to explain. “My father was the only other person who knew about the sundrop. The king kept it hidden from everyone. I guess when he found out that my dad, was, was ‘gone’, he decided to try and remove me from the picture, so as to keep his secret safe. He made a bunch of false charges about me ‘attacking the princess’ so that no one would believe me when I asked for help or told them the truth about the flower. Then he sent his elite guard to arrest me and I had to run.”
Varian gave a little shrug and added, “I guess after that, ‘treason’ didn’t seem like that big of deal. I mean they were going to throw me in jail either way, and not many people leave those dungeons alive.”
Hiro could barely process what was being told to him. He didn’t know what to say. His stomach churned and his breath shallowed. Varian’s past was far scarier than any ghost story.
Then suddenly he felt guilty. He’d been so caught up in his own grief and his own struggles with readjusting, that he hadn’t actually stopped to think about things from Varian’s perspective. He had thus far grinned and bared the discomfort of having his life turned upside down, because, well because that's what he thought he needed to do in order to be a mature decent person. And while that was true in part, it never occurred to him that this move was yet another upset in Varian’s life, in a long, long string of seemingly never ending upsets.  
Hiro found himself so easily annoyed by the other teen, yet he really had no right to be. Varian was readjusting to whole new culture and way of life in addition to struggling with his grief and trauma. So what if he cooked weird food sometimes, didn’t always know the appropriate conduct to certain situations, or was so super confident in nearly everything he did that it made Hiro self conscious and a little jealous at times. Deep down, Varian was suffering through something that no one in Hiro’s little corner of the globe could fully understand, and the least that Hiro could do was try to be a little more patient and a little more open about letting Varian into his life.
“You know,” Hiro slowly said, trying to ease the conversation and offer a little understanding, “I never really knew my dad. I was just four when he and my mom died. It was always Tadashi who taught me things, like how to ride a bike or how to hotwire a robot. Though he never taught me to climb to tree, so I guess that’s one I owe you.”
He smiled encouragingly at Varian, who nervously returned it. Once again Varian wasn’t used to praise or acknowledgement that he anything ‘right’.
“Maybe, you could teach me more outdoorsy stuff.” Hiro offered. “And I can teach you more about more modern stuff, like how to play Mind Smith II Turbo .”
“That..that’s that video game you like, isn’t it?” Varian asked as he tried to remember what Hiro even talking about.
“Yeah!” and with that Hiro eagerly launched into a detailed description of the game.
Soon the boys were interrupted by Krei emerging from the tent. He stretched sore back and tried to reheat the leftover instant coffee he’d brought. He then promptly spit it back out in disgust. The boys tried their best to suppress their snickers. Keri spotted them anyways.
“How ‘bout we pack it up and go get tacos instead?” He asked them.
“Yeeesss!” Yelled Hiro, who was more than ready to go.
“Sounds great!” Agreed Varian. “We’ll be right down!”
Keri went back in the tent to start packing and Ruddigger scurried down after him, hoping to maybe steal another treat from the camp.
Varian stood up and started to also make his way down when Hiro’s voice stopped him.
“Ummm...Sooo how do you get down exactly?”
The day ended with a trip to Yaki Taco and a huge feast of fast food nachos and deep fried burritos. Rudiger was once again confined to his carrying cage, but was allowed a cup of some cheese sauce to snack on. Baymax was let out of his charger case to kept an eye on the mischievous raccoon. All agreed it was actually the best part of the camping trip.
“Say, ‘cheese’.” The robot said, as he took a photograph with his internal camera.  
The three guys sing songed the the word even as actual cheese dripped off the burritos they held in their hands, plastering on dopey grins for the camera. Then a few more pictures with silly faces to complete the set.
“Fantastic!” Krei said. “I want copies for the office.”
“Why?” Hiro asked.
“So if any clients come in I show off ‘my family’ to them instead just the photo of my mother. I love the woman but she doesn’t necessarily impress the image of ‘family friendly company’.”
“I knew there was a catch.” Hiro scoffed.
Keri looked wounded. “Hey, I told you, my employees are my family.”
Hiro rolled his eyes but he couldn’t help giving a little smile at that. He knew Krei well enough by now to know that, underneath his seemingly conviving self-serving self, he had a heart, and he wouldn’t have invited Hiro and Varian along if he didn’t care.
“Aunt Cass put you up to this, didn’t she?” He prodded.
“I’m sworn to secrecy.” Krei insisted and they gave Hiro a knowing wink. Then more seriously he said, “I know what it’s like not having your dad around on Father’s Day. So, I figured, why not a fishing trip? It’s better than being stuck at home while your father’s away on a business trip to Tahiti that weekend.”
Hiro raised in eyebrow. Keri had a tendency of oversharing at times.  
“Buuut, enough about me. Who wants dessert!?”
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