#also today is a bank holiday and STILL!!! i have to work! :((( unfair!!!
thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Good / Bad News
So, as it so often goes, there is good news, and there is bad news.
The good news first, since it’s shorter, honestly. All manner of email today about getting the last bits of laptop set-up done for my starting to work from home. As predicted, we’re aiming for me to start WFH shifts on 4th October, after my week off. This means the aim is to settle the last little niggling bits by the end of the week so I can take the laptop home on Friday. This is good news.
This is also slightly bad news. Not that I don’t want to work from home. It’s just that working from home will make it even easier for Temp and Goblin to leave the difficult typing to me in future. And let me tell you, after what I dealt with today, it’s bad enough already.
We’ve had people coming in to do reporting on weekends and bank holidays, I think I said. They even did that this week - as in, the day before and the day of QE2′s funeral. (Yeah, some people were still working that day. It was a thing, and makes the number of people who had appointments and procedures cancelled that day even more horrific than it already was.) I know this because when I got in, there were still bits of typing left from 18th and 19th of September. What really gets to me is the following:
Most of the reports were long as hell - most around the five minute mark, a few pushing towards the ten-minute mark
The ones that weren’t were dictated by people who are annoying to type for (five reports from a newbie who tends to repeat herself unnecessarily, all dated 18th)
Goblin wasn’t in on the bank holiday, but Temp sure as hell was, and judging by the time stamps, she deliberately picked out anything short and not too annoying over the weekend, leaving the long and/or annoying ones until the work week proper. Which is great when you consider that half of those request forms were marked “URGENT”
Temp and Goblin both started typing today’s stuff when they got in - again, leaving me to handle all the long and/or annoying stuff from the weekend
Thing is, Temp said not two weeks ago how unfair it was to expect anyone to do too many of the long fiddly ones at once. Yet she pulls this. So I guess when she says it’s unfair to expect ‘anyone’ to do too many of those, ‘anyone’ only means her. Because I follow the established office protocol and pull them out of the queue in date order, so that means I get big clumps of the ones she ignores, which means I get all the long fiddly ones at once.
I thought about calling her on it today, but there was never an opportune moment. I’m not even sure how to bring this up, if I’m honest. The last time I tried, she got snitty at me and that got her in trouble with Scruffman. I’ll see what the typing looks like tomorrow, I think. But if this is what’s going to happen every weekend, I’m going to get peeved. Well. More peeved.
Anyway, I guess I should just think of it this way: my being in the office doesn’t stop them from dumping the unwanted typing on my head, so not being in the office can’t possibly make things that much worse. But one of these days, I may well ask Scruffman to check a few time stamps and dictation lengths. Because seriously, Temp in particular is taking advantage of me at this point. I wouldn’t even mind so much if it wasn’t problematic from a pain perspective. Thing is, it is - a lot of moving my foot around the foot pedal to double-check things, a lot of scrolling as a lot of the ones to do the long dictations tend to skip around in terms of the report format, and of course the long period of typing uninterrupted by anything but stamping and scrolling.
I get they don’t like the longer bits of typing. They’re a pain in the arse, as are the people who dictate them. That shouldn’t mean dumping it all on me.
Still, at least work from home is happening, and I booked my Covid booster for tomorrow, so there you have it. Good news, and bad news. And I have hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows.
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ibijau · 3 years
Counterfeit AU pt6 / On AO3
Meng Yao makes himself useful after losing his job, and discovers something unexpected
Names are funny things, Meng Yao thinks as he stares at the sheet of paper in his hand. 
Funny things indeed.
After everything that went down in the Hanshi, it's Beastie that saves Meng Yao from himself.
Left to his own devices, he would have either wallowed in misery, or waste time proving to himself that everything that happened wasn't his fault, the way he knows he's done in other lives. But when he comes home after having his past lives thrown into his face and losing a job he loves, Beastie’s mother corners him just as he puts his key into his lock. Her daughter is on school holiday, she explains, and was supposed to be looked after by a friend with children of a similar age. But one of the children came down with something contagious, so the whole plan fell through, and the poor woman now desperately needs help finding someone to look after her daughter.
She’s not asking for Meng Yao to play the babysitter, but he knows so many people, he has so many connections, maybe he could pull a favour somewhere, help her out again.
“I can take care of her for a few days,” Meng Yao offers without thinking. “I’m jobless as of today.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry! What happened?”
“My employer died,” Meng Yao replies, which is close enough to the truth. He doesn’t think Nie Huaisang will continue using his Shanzi alias after this, and they’ll never meet again. He might as well be dead. “I don’t plan on looking for a new job right away, so I can babysit for a while, it’s no big deal.”
She tries to insist that he doesn’t need to be doing that, but quickly agrees after some reassurance that Meng Yao doesn’t mind. She looks so relieved she could cry as she says she’ll drop Beastie in the morning. Meng Yao smiles, certain that his mother would be proud of him for doing what’s right.
Having Beastie around is definitely the best choice he could have made. She’s a good kid, but she’s also high energy and needs to be entertained, which means he doesn’t get to think too much about how much he misses Nie Huaisang and Lan Xichen. 
They watch movies together, as they’ve always done when he picked her up after school. They go for walks to a nearby park, and once to a museum to look at old armours and swords. He buys Beastie a fake sword, though they agree to keep it at his place, since her mother already despairs that she so strongly favours boy’s toys. In fact, Meng Yao ends up just spoiling that little girl, the way he would have loved someone to do for him when he was her age. He even has Nie Huaisang’s console repaired so she can play on it, instead of selling it as he’d intended.
The video games are a big hit with her. She’s particularly in love with the same game Nie Huaisang spent too many hours on, that weird little terraforming thing which Meng Yao can’t see the appeal of. He liked that it made Nie Huaisang happy. He likes that it also makes Beastie happy, and that she’s very careful not to ruin the work previously put into it, focused instead on maintaining it and planting flowers
“It looks like home,” she explains when Meng Yao asks about that, and lifts the console for him to see.
It doesn’t look like a homely place, he thinks, and more like a military fortress right out of a wuxia drama. But Meng Yao doesn’t get to make that remark, because his phone vibrates, demanding his attention. Beastie, sitting crossed legs on some cushion on the floor, goes back to watering virtual flowers, while Meng Yao checks some news from his bank account. A lump sum has been sent to him, a good deal more than his usual salary, coming from an account registered under a name he doesn’t recognise.
It has been a week since he was fired.
Nie Huaisang kept his promise.
It really is over.
Not that Meng Yao really doubted it. Nie Huaisang has many faults but indecision has never been one, though he’s always been good at pretending otherwise. Once his choice is made he toys with expectations but rarely ever changes his mind.
Rarely, of course, isn’t never. Meng Yao, foolishly, hoped to be one of those few exceptions. 
Those new zeroes on his bank account feel like a divorce, and he never even got a honeymoon. 
That night, Meng Yao allows himself a few hours to wallow in misery, after Beastie went back to her mother. He is only human, and it does feel good to eat take-away in front of a cheesy romance. The film's hero doesn't get the girl, who was dead all along. Meng Yao cries, even though he's seen that movie before. 
By morning, he's in control again, and takes Beastie to the park so she can run around in the sun, and scare pigeons with her sword.
Those holidays are all great fun, until Beastie’s mother reminds them that she has homework to do.
Beastie is a clever kid, there’s no doubt about it, but she doesn’t much like doing her homework, least of all when she feels she could be playing. It takes all of Meng Yao’s negotiation skills to get her to even look at her school books, and he almost resorts to bribery to make her pick up a pencil. But she works hard once she starts, and Meng Yao, wanting to encourage her, sits with her at the kitchen table to update his resume. Beastie will go back to class soon, and inactivity just isn’t in his temper.
When Beastie is done with her work, she gets permission to put on whatever movie she likes while Meng Yao checks what she’s done in case it needs correcting.
But when he picks up the sheet of simple maths she’s expected to give her teacher on monday, all Meng Yao sees is her name.
It’s really funny. He knows her name of course, though he hasn’t heard it in a while. Even her mother took up to calling her Beastie after he nicknamed her that. It just fits her so well, that active little girl who prefers trousers over dresses because they're easier to move in and always wants to play at fighting. She’s a real little monster, and Meng Yao loves her like that. She’s just Beastie.
But according to the homework she’s spent the afternoon on, she’s also Nie Mingjue.
It could just be a coincidence. Names are funny like that, they pop up in unexpected places, they get forgotten and reused. Perhaps in another life, Meng Yao would have just dismissed it as a random incident.
In another life, he wouldn’t have been called Meng Yao.
It’s the first time this happens since that first life they all shared. He’s Meng Yao again, Lan Xichen bears his old name too, and now he’s found a Nie Mingjue, hiding right under his nose. A Nie Mingjue who likes fighting, and claims that her toy sword is actually a sabre, and who always insists a lot on things being fair, even when Meng Yao tries to give her the biggest share of a food she likes.
It can’t be a coincidence.
Meng Yao needs to tell someone.
He needs to tell Nie Huaisang.
He tries, of course, and without surprise his former employer’s number has been terminated. He has the same luck trying to send an email. Nie Huaisang might as well never have existed. Meng Yao feels helpless, torn between tears and laughter. After spending centuries looking for his brother, Nie Huaisang just might have lost his chance due to being so damn dramatic. Serves him right, Meng Yao thinks, still bitter about being discarded so easily, and never getting a chance to see if things might work better in this life.
Bitterness doesn’t last. Meng Yao cares about Nie Huaisang, more than he should if he were a little smarter, and he knows how important finding his brother again would be for him. And if Nie Huaisang can’t be directly contacted, there’s always indirect ways.
It’s not that Meng Yao misses Lan Xichen, he tells himself that night, when Beastie is back with his mother and he starts writing a long text message on his phone. Well, it’s not just that, anyway. He does miss Lan Xichen, sweet and funny and so eager when talking about art. But more importantly, Lan Xichen probably has access to Lan Wangji, who clearly must know how to contact Nie Huaisang. 
Texting Lan Xichen is a strategic choice. 
The way Meng Yao's heart jumps inside his chest when Lan Xichen immediately replies is… it's strategic too. He's just glad that his plan is working. 
How have you been? :)
I could have been worse. I've just realised something and I think it concerns you. I've told you about that kid I babysit, haven't I? 
Little Beastie? Is she okay? D:
She's Nie Mingjue. 
This time, the answer isn't immediate. Meng Yao stares nervously at his phone, wondering if Lan Xichen thinks he's lying, or planning something. Considering their first life, who could blame him? 
But after a few minutes, his phone vibrates again. 
Sorry, I dropped my phone and couldn't get it back from under the couch. Are you sure?? (⊙ˍ⊙)
It all fits. You could come meet her if you want. But it's him, I'm sure. 
Did you tell Nie Huaisang???
I can't contact him. Are you in touch with Lan Wangji? Maybe he can warn him. 
I have his number, I just texted him! I'll keep you updated! It's so wonderful if it's da-ge!! Can I really meet him? ╰(*°▽°*)╯
I'll send you my address. If you can come tomorrow, she'll be there.
Are you sure? I don't think da-ge would still want me around. (≧﹏ ≦)
Meng Yao gives that question the consideration it deserves. It's not an unfair worry to have, and he'd be wondering the same if he hadn't known Beastie for so long. 
I literally killed him, and he killed me. If she had to hate anyone it'd be me, but we get along great. We're no longer the same people we used to be. It's the same for her. 
If you're sure, then I'll come! (❁´w`❁)
Meng Yao is very sure indeed. 
So Lan Xichen comes. 
It's odd to invite someone to his flat. It's a small place, a bit messy, full of trinkets and DVDs that Meng Yao would never admit to owning, not with the image he wants to create. He's always avoided guests. But having Lan Xichen over is as rewarding as it is terrifying. Lan Xichen brought some charming little cakes, as if he's visiting someone important, and he smiles at the sight of a movie poster on the wall, confessing he watched it so often as a teenager that the tape broke one day. 
"It's my favourite too!" Beastie exclaims. "Meng-ge has it, you know! Can we watch it now?" 
Normally, Meng Yao would point out that it's a little rude to ask that when they have a guest. But he can see that Lan Xichen is nervous and unsure how to act around Nie Mingjue, and maybe a movie will let them all relax. 
In the end, they spend a pleasant afternoon, the three of them. Once Lan Xichen stops worrying that the Nie Mingjue of old will appear and shout at him for getting him killed, he starts chatting with Beastie about her favourite movies, what she's learning in school, what she wants to be when she grows up. She's very happy to answer, and very impressed when he explains he's a teacher, even though she's finding it hard to accept that most of his students are fully adult.
And when Beastie is back with her mother, Lan Xichen lingers for a while, tempted by the offer of Meng Yao's favourite takeaway.
“It’s amazing how much like him she is,” Lan Xichen says as they sit on the sofa to wait for the food to arrive. “It’s the first time he reincarnates, you know. At least, Wangji told me they’d never found any trace of him before.”
Guilt shoots through Meng Yao. It’s his fault if Nie Mingjue’s soul was so fractured it took him this long to be reborn. Or at least, it’s the fault of someone he was, once, which is nearly the same, and yet completely different. Meng Yao has learned from living and dying several times, and he’s lucky enough to live in a kinder world than Jin Guangyao did. It helps.
“She’s also different from him, though,” Lan Xichen continues, moving just a little closer, until they’re almost touching.
“We’ll, for starters she’s a kid,” Meng Yao points out, wondering if he should take the other man’s hand. If this had happened before the Hanshi, he would have, but he’s not sure where they stand now.
“It’s not just that. In that first life, I knew da-ge as a child too and he was…” Lan Xichen sighs and makes a vague hand gesture. “He was a lot. Way too serious sometimes. We all were, I suppose, but him most of all. The Nie tended to grow fast, to compensate for dying young. I’m… I’m glad that he gets to properly be a child this time. That she gets to be a child.”
“The world has changed,” Meng Yao says, finding the courage at last to brush his fingers against Lan Xichen’s. “Things aren’t always easy but they’re… easier, I suppose.”
Lan Xichen’s returns that touch, gentle and careful as always. This, too, is easier now than it was back then. It’s not easy, but there’s less pressure to conform, less demands to be good dutiful sons, and just a little more space to be their own people, to make their own choices.
Maybe in their next life they’ll meet again and it’ll be even easier to be like this. But even now, Meng Yao is ready to take the chances that his past self wouldn’t have dared to dream of. He leans toward Lan Xichen, hoping to kiss him, but a knock on the door interrupts them and he jumps to his feet to go get their food. The delivery man looks at him a little funny, but makes no comment. If Meng Yao is half as red as Lan Xichen, he deserves those odd looks.
Nothing happens again that night. The moment has passed, and after eating, Lan Xichen has to go home because he has engagements the day after that he can’t cancel.
It's not a date that night, no more than any of their previous encounters were. 
It's not a date then, but next time, when Lan Xichen invites him to a restaurant, Meng Yao is informed in no unclear terms that this is, in fact, a date. They go see a movie after, and Meng Yao gets to kiss one of the two most handsome men in the world.
Life is good. 
Life is really good, and yet Meng Yao wants more. 
In spite of their efforts, Lan Xichen and him can't get in touch with Nie Huaisang to inform him that his brother has finally reincarnated. Even Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are getting worried. From what they told Lan Xichen they haven't had any contact with him since the day they picked him up at the Hanshi. 
"They say he's done that before," Lan Xichen tells him. "They think he'll return in a decade or two, maybe a little longer. Time is hard for immortals, they lose track easily." 
That's all very well for them, but Meng Yao doesn't have a few decades to waste, and neither does Nie Mingjue. They're not immortals. One bad illness, a reckless driver, just tripping in the stairs, and it's all over until they reincarnate again, and Meng Yao is done with missed chances. 
If he can't directly get in touch with Nie Huaisang, Meng Yao can make a few discreet calls to former buyers, and advise them to get their purchase asserted again, just in case. He makes sure to only contact people who bought legitimate artworks of course. He wants to make a wave, not get in trouble. If Meng Yao knows Nie Huaisang even half as well as he thinks he does, then even in hiding Nie Huaisang will be checking what’s happening in the world of art collectors, and he’ll hear about some of his buyers suddenly becoming fearful of fakes.
It’s a little mean perhaps, when Nie Huaisang is so proud of his counterfeits, but kindness has never been Meng Yao’s greatest quality.
Besides, it works.
One afternoon, when Meng Yao is alone at home, checking a job offer that he’s probably going to reject because he deserves better, there’s a knock on the door. Meng Yao considers ignoring it, but some of his elderly neighbours have been coming to ask for help with their phones or whatever new fancy blender their kids got them to make life easier. Usually, five minutes of easy work means free homemade food for his next meal, which is always a great deal.
When he opens the door, there’s a very old man waiting in the corridor alright, but free food is probably out of the question.
“Well, I’m here,” Nie Huaisang says. “Whatever is going on, it’d better be important.”
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oikawa-tuwu · 4 years
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Linen Closet (gn!Reader x Kiyoko)
Rated G, 1.3k words
Not Home for the Holidays Masterlist
“Are you... crying in a linen closet?”
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When you’re a child, crying is a catharsis. Stub your toe, cry a little, get up and keep playing. Pain, physical or emotional, was temporary, and tears were as good of a placebo painkiller as it got. It used to feel so good to cry. Children aren't exactly eloquent creatures when it comes to emotions or injuries, so when worst comes to worst… cry about it and keep going.
Eventually, crying becomes less of a catharsis and more of a guilty pleasure, except with less of the pleasure and more of the guilt. It might feel good in the moment, but, god forbid, you accidentally burden anyone else with your troubles, because, frankly, that would just be embarrassing for both parties, so crying is left for quiet nights in your cold bed or sniffles held back by a thread on your way home or, in this case, frustrated explosions of emotion in the linen closet of your bed and breakfast.
But we all grow up eventually.
Another shudder wracks your chest, a sob letting loose before you can clamp your mouth shut. You know, from unfortunate experience, just how thin the walls of this old house really are, and the last thing you want is for Maria, your employee, changing sheets next door, to decide to investigate those weird noises.
You try to take a calming breath. In. Out. In. Out. 
It's not so much breathing as it is wheezing, but it's getting oxygen in your lungs, so who are you to complain?
And then you think about it again.
It. Whatever the hell it is.  Money problems, relationship problems, mental health problems, all of the above problems piling on top of each other like a snowstorm until the front door won’t open-
Another whimper, about ten decibels louder than ideal, and you hold your breath and you hear footsteps. Pass, please. Pass this door and move on. Nothing interesting here.
The door opens.
For a second, all you see is a silhouette. About average height, skinny and lithe, like a runner, with dark hair. And then the light adjusts, and you see her face. She’s beautiful, no doubt about it, and with the halo your (slight) lightheadedness from the crying session, the scene is somewhat… holy… in nature.
But she’s frowning, and the worried expression is rather upsetting to see on such a beautiful face.
The woman asks, carefully, “Are you… crying in a linen closet?”
Your mouth, apparently working faster than your brain, asks, "Are you an angel?"
Silence. Well, mostly silence, because your brain is currently screaming.
"That was a weird thing to say. Sorry."
Thankfully, the woman laughs. She laughs, and you melt, firstly glad that she's laughing it off, but also because her laugh is melodic. "Trust me, that's not the first time I've heard that one. But... uh," she hesitates, looking you over, and you remember that five seconds you were bawling your eyes out. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," you say, and brush away the last of your tears. Thankfully, seeing her was enough of a shock to stop them for now, but you have a feeling you haven't seen the last of them today. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry. After all, I'm sure you didn't expect to spend your vacation dealing with an overly emotional host."
"You'd be surprised," the woman says, with a soft smile that speaks of a quiet inside joke, possibly, an inside joke for her alone. "Let's just say I've been in a somewhat similar situation before. My best friend used to have pretty bad anxiety. Actually, she's the one that checked us in yesterday, Yachi Hitoka?"
The name rings a bell. "Short, blonde, blushes a lot?"
"That's her."
Ah. You were wondering when you'd get to see the second of Yachi’s party, since she requested a room with two single beds. And here she was right in front of you. An angel on earth.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
An angel.
"No, thanks. It's sweet of you to offer, but..."
But you don't even know why you're crying.  It could be any number of things. Being (relatively) alone during the holidays, stress from your job, or just plain sadness and loneliness. Missing family, missing friends, wanting hot chocolate but knowing full well you ran out a week ago and haven't restocked yet. It could be any and all of those reasons and isolating a single culprit is nearly impossible.
“It’s just a lot,” you end up saying. “The holidays. Everyone likes to talk about the good parts, the food, the celebration, the presents… that you end up forgetting the bad parts too. Until they’re staring straight at you.”
No one likes to mention that your room feels colder in the winter without someone else there to warm it. No one likes to mention that your house feels emptier without the laughter and conversation of kin.  No one likes to mention the stress of throwing together a holiday dinner or coming up with the perfect gift idea or looking at your bank account and realizing you might need to rethink some things.
And there it comes again, that wave, and you blink, blink, blink, praying the tide will recede until the next time you get the chance to be alone. A cocktail of anxiety and guilt and salt slowly rising, rising, rising. This woman shouldn’t have to see you like this, you don’t even know each other, and honestly, it's a little unfair to burden one of your guests with your emotional problems and-
“You’re spiralling again, aren’t you?” The woman asks, in that soft voice of hers, and you wonder when you got so transparent that a literal stranger can tell when you’re close to breaking.
The dam cracks, and the tears start to fall again. “I’m sorry,” you manage to get out. “I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have to deal with this-”
Instead of saying anything, agreeing or disagreeing, the woman drops to her knees, crouching down next to where you’re sitting on the bucket. She looks up at you, her hand holding yours, and says, very softly, “Stop apologizing.”
Amazingly, you do. You close your mouth and let the tears flow, with the woman still there, offering hand squeezes and quiet company through your mental breakdown.
It’s… nicer than you expect it to be, just having someone there. She doesn’t say anything else, but you know she’s there to talk it out if you really needed to. For now, she’s willing to sit there and listen to your woes and remind you that there’s someone out there that does care when you’re struggling.
So you cry. You cry and the guilt and frustration slowly lessens and all that’s left of the broken dam is an empty reservoir.
It's… cathartic.
With her sweater sleeve, the woman wipes your cheeks dry. “Better?”
“Better,” you agree, and your mouth forms the first syllable of I’m sorry, before the woman gives you a look. “Thank you. For being here with me. I do have to say though, I would have liked meeting under different circumstances. I don’t think I look incredibly attractive mid-breakdown.”
The woman shrugs, and you see a little faint dusting of blush on her cheeks as she stands, offering a hand to help you off the bucket. “I think you might be surprised.”
You smile. You take her hand, and let her haul you to your feet.
“The name’s Kiyoko, by the way.”
“Well, Y/n,” Kiyoko says, that flush still on the tips of her cheekbones as she averts her gaze, a little self-consciously. “How about the next time you need a break, you come knock on my room door and we can go out and do something to take your mind off it?”
“I’d like that.”
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Ngl, I had trouble writing this one because I wasn't sure if it would be relatable enough? But I figured of all years to talk about the worst parts of the holiday season, it was this one because oh lord do the holidays remind us that covid-19 sucks butt. Anyways, this is your reminder that you're allowed to feel sad right now. You might be separated from your friends and family or maybe you had to be laid off and money is tight, or maybe you just miss the way things used to be where we could go out and do things. Maybe the holidays just aren't for you, and the negative emotions weigh out the positive ones every year. All those feelings are valid, and take this as a sign to reach out to someone if you need to. My dms are always open if you need someone to talk to <3
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dansnaturepictures · 4 years
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28/12/2020-Bank holiday Monday: Birds and sky at home and walk at Southampton Old Cemetery 
I took the first three pictures in this photoset of two of my garden bird stars of late, two of a lovely Goldfinch and one of a Pied Wagtail both brightening up a wet day which was nice. 
We then had a walk this afternoon at Southampton Old Cemetery by Southampton Common. I had never been to the cemetery before but it is a brilliant - alongside its primary purpose - vast habitat that did look really nice. There were some baubles about which was very Christmasy still and quite welcoming especially by one entrance. I was rather entranced by the place in this weather. I only didn’t take a picture there because the rain was fairly heavy throughout the whole walk and we even saw as was always likely from the weather forecast some sleet fall so whilst this was really interesting and notable to see on a cold day to see I didn’t want to get any of my camera wet.
Cemeteries are always such wild places and this one certainly hosted some great bird species today. We had come here to do our exercise walk in response to reports of a Firecrest something we really need to see again. We didn’t spot one on our walk here today but did get to see loads of Goldcrests its cousin which is always brilliant some great views of them today. Just before seeing the first we got a special view of a lovely colourful Nuthatch not so far back in trees which was great always a nice bird to see with a Wren popping up right before this too. We also saw Redwings and Blackbird which was great too as well as a nice few Long-tailed Tits in a tree when it rained quite hard, Woodpigeons and a Grey Squirrel. 
On just the three bird photos earlier at that stage it looked like my lowest photo yield since June on a wet day, and also looked to be my first day of not taking a single photo with my DSLR camera since April as the birds were with my bridge camera. Until after sunset as I looked out the window with the extensive and pretty Christmas lights I love seeing at this time of year covering the frontage of two properties visible across the road from my room on I noticed some slight brightness in the sky with it just still a bit light and and I managed with my DSLR to capture the beautiful scene in the fourth and fifth pictures I took today in this photoset. 
Less photos did allow me to have some more relaxing time at home this Christmas weekend, getting all of my photos sorted in time for the TV programme I was most looking forward to this Christmas the special of David Attenborough’s ‘Dynasties’ on BBC One about meerkats my favourite of all the inspiring groundbreaking programmes he narrates/fronts I adored the series in 2018. At the time of posting this will have been on. Its been a really nice relaxed evening. Ending well a packed, apt for the times and fun and relaxing Christmas weekend for me. I had so many special moments on Christmas Eve going into it, then we took last chances to see family and visit the New Forest among more on Christmas Day before tier four COVID-restrictions began here on Boxing Day and we had three varied and brilliant local exercise walks. All of this allowing me to take in wonderful wildlife and fantastic views with some of my best times of the year. 
A time on social media I looked back on my year with the culmination of my highlights blogs on Thursday and the ramping up of my end of year “four of my favourite ..... photos I took this year” tweets on my Twitter Dans_Pictures as it happened from Boxing Day evening onwards. As I said with seven of them posted now on Twitter earlier I am changing them slightly for the final four tweets which I have to post the next two days (two each day) and making them standalone tweets and not adding them to the thread of tweets. This is because adding to the thread now seems to solely only display the first tweet on timelines. So whilst I am truly thankful for all the interaction the first tweet got it did seem a bit unfair on the other tweets which I did a draw for as to which tweet went where in the thread. It also might annoy and mislead people that the first tweet I did for it in mid-December appears again and again as it said on the tweet that I brought the first one forward because I had few photos that day which obviously on the days won’t have always been the case. The tweets will be no different to bring these to an end, just not attached to each other. On New Year’s Eve on Twitter I will be reposting more of my favourite photos I took this year with my one standout picture I took in each month and first and last bird and photo tweets. There were as I said so many relaxing and special family and other moments in this quite strong Christmas weekend for me and one I shall never forget. Its back to work for three days before New Year’s Day and my week off of work around my birthday beginning thereafter now. 
Here are the posts on here I did about my Christmas weekend days; https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/638431490473099265/christmas-eve-2020-at-lakeside-country-park, https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/638435872881131520/24122020-christmas-eve-photos-and-sightings, https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/638478788799463424/one-of-my-amazing-christmas-presents-a-photo, https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/638523479364370432/christmas-day-walk-at-denny-wood-in-the-new, https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/638602842698039296/boxing-day-pied-wagtail-and-stoke-park-woods, https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/638700438421667840/271220-weston-shore-we-came-for-a-walk-here
I hope you all had a good one or as good as you could in these challenging times. 
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projectema · 4 years
Canada 🇨🇦 Student Permit Pathway Journey
I started thinking about migrating to Canada way back 2016. Back then, I'm not aware of any other pathways aside from being employed (Express Entry). I was still single then and I never really was serious about it because 1) one must have a big amount of money to pursue it and I don't have that and 2) I think that it will be difficult for me to be employed because of my work experience (it's either you're an engineer, nurse, or caregiver then you'll get a higher chance of being employed hence higher chance of getting PR).
At the latter part of 2019 and at the beginning of 2020, I started to gather my courage and learn about the different pathways. I even went to immigration agencies in Makati to better understand them.
Fast forward to now, we're currently just at the beginning of everything. This blog will be updated from time to time to see the progress of our journey. I might not write a detailed one though.
Sep. 24-Oct. 17, 2020
As mentioned, the problem with our Canadian dream was MONEY. Fortunately, my tito Nestor and tita Ana were willing to support us in our endeavor. Which leads us to the 1st step and that was to pay the immigration agent 50% of 2,500CAD. This was a very hard decision for me to make because paying an immigration agent does not guarantee that I'll be granted a student permit. It will all depend on the strategy and the supporting documents that I'll submit. After paying, the agent asked me to sign a retainer agreement and to submit the following:
Birth certificate
College diploma (my diploma was in Filipino so I still had to request for my english diploma - it costs P100 for 2pcs plus P200 for the shipping fee from LB to Sta. Rosa. I had to wait for several days before receiving it)
College Transcript of Records
After submitting all these, I still had to take an english exam as required by my chosen college (Langara College). Without the pandemic, I had to take IELTS Academic for this one. However, it's like a blessing in disguise because Langara temporarily allowed Duolingo Online English Exam as an alternative. It's way more cheaper and easier than IELTS Academic. IELTS Academic will cost around P11,000 while Duolingo is only $49 or P2,500.
The minimum required overall score is 110. I was so nervous while waiting for the result of my exam because there were questions that I weren't able to answer well. I got an overall score of 135, thank God! 😊
After submitting the result of my exam to Langara and also sending a copy of my exam result to my immigration agent, I have to pay the admission application fee of 155CAD (once again, thank you tito and tita) and sign a consent form stating that I am allowing my immigration agent and the educ. agent to handle my application and registration.
Right now, I'm still waiting for the response from the school and it will take 2-4 weeks to hear from them. After the school confirms a slot for me, I can then pay for the tuition for the 1st sem only.
Oct. 22, 2020
Ate Lala sent me a checklist so that I'll know the other documents needed while waiting for the response from Langara. She also sent me a receipt that showed that the application was already sent. While waiting, we can start doing the following:
Study plan - among all the other documents, this is the most crucial one. A guide questionnaire was given.
Bank statement/certificate of financial support from my tito/tita
Letter of support from tito/tita - ate lala provided a template for this one
Letter of parents property - affidavit form
Nov. 25, 2020
After more than a month of worrying, I finally received my LOO (Letter of Offer) from Langara College! 😭🥳 Now, I just have to ask my sponsors (Tito Nestor and Tita Ana) to pay for the tuition (1st half of the year only) including the non-refundable deposit fee amounting to 1,500 CAD. After paying, the school will send me my LOA (Letter of Application).
Dec. 2, 2020
There are many options on how to pay for the International Deposit fee (6,000 CAD) . There's the good old credit card, Flywire, and Western Union. All of which are connected directly to Langara College. There was quite a delay in payment because my sponsors had their Thanksgiving. Of course the "hiya" in me kicked in (as always). But, I have to ask them to pay for it ASAP because we were given just 10 business days to pay for it. At first, I told them that it's easier if we use Flywire. However, the exchange rate is too high. I can't wait for it to go down you know. So I insisted to ask my tita to just give me my uncle's credit card details (hihi). I just have to wait for the actual receipt and forward a copy to my consultant so that the educ. agent can already process for the LOA.
Jan. 22, 2021
I know. I skipped a lot of updates last December because of the holidays. Fast forward to 2021, I lodged my application last Jan. 16. After lodging, I got a biometrics request. We are currently busy at work that I didn't avail for any WFH sched because we are pressed for time (I wasn't surprised. Lagi na lang ganito 🙄). But because having my biometrics is important, I, instead, took a leave. But it's like a WFH as well because I had to attend to an online meeting in the afternoon. It's kind of unfair actually. 🙄 I think I'll be having another leave once I get a medical request. Or I might as well schedule myself for my medical even if there's no medical request yet. I'll still check my budget.
February 3, 2021
At last I received my medical request! However, the earliest schedule is on the last week of February. We're still too busy at work so I decided to schedule my medical on March 5. For preparation, I ate well and exercised for the last weeks. Let's see how it goes.
March 5, 2021
Last time I went to Makati was for my biometrics. I took the 7am schedule and I didn't anticipate the traffic jam at SLEX and that it was a Friday. I barely made it to my appointment. Thank goodness, after several petty fights with my husband (because we're really not Makati peeps so we easily get lost), I just came on time. This time for my medical, I decided to take the 6am P2P bus going to Makati. Oh, I opted to go to IOM Makati instead of St. Luke's because it's a lot cheaper. Aside from finding the right building, we still have to find a reasonable pay parking space. Yup. I just mentioned reasonable because pay parking rates in Makati is NOT cheap. Kung wala lang COVID-19, malamang nagcommute na lang kami all throughout. Going to Makati will always start an argument between Kim and I because of the directions and parking issues. I hate it actually. We seldom see each other and when in Makati we always argue about these things. Thankfully we found this pay parking spot which is not full and is somewhat reasonable (I'm not really sure, we didn't have any other choice). It was too early then so we ate our packed breakfast (to minimize expense) and watched Cobra Kai on Netflix.
We started to walk to the Trafalgar building at 8.30am. My appointment is at 9.05am. I brisked-walk my way going there. When we got there, we still have to wait for several minutes then the guard let us in. They do not allow companions so Kim had to go down and spend his waiting time at Starbucks just right across the building.
Before entering, the security guard will check your appointment then he will endorse you to their health declaration area. Once okay, you will have to fill-in an application first and then they will get a photo of you for your emedical form. These are the procedures I underwent:
Chest X-ray
Height, weight, blood pressure, eye exam, medical history
Blood chem
Physical exam
The medical exam was relatively fast. It only took my 2.5hrs to finish all the tests. IOM Makati is very organized. The receptionist told me to wait for 10 business days for IOM to complete all the medical tests.
I’ve also read from this group/forum that I am in that if within 3-5 business days there aren’t any calls/email from IOM then it means that there’s no issues with my medical and that they have already forwarded this to IRCC. 
March 15-24, 2021
I followed up my consultant on March 15 whether my medical results were already reflected in the dashboard. Unfortunately, there’s none. At this point, I’m still okay. My patience is still holding on. Come March 19, which is already counted as the 10th business day from my medical, I followed up again my consultant if my results were already reflected in the dashboard. Still, there’s none. This is when I decided to call and email IOM to check if they already submitted the results to IRCC. Don’t ever try to call their office. It’s just a waste of your energy and time. Try emailing them instead but you’d still have to wait for 24-48hrs for their reply. I emailed them on March 21 and got their reply on March 23.
It said there that they already submitted my completed medical result on March 13. Due to my neglect (actually, it’s not neglect really. I just waited for the 10 business days because I don’t want to insist myself early on when they already told me to wait for 10 business days), if I had known that they can already submit this early, I should’ve followed up that early as well. 
I forwarded IOM’s email to me and the completed medical result to my consultant on March 24 and on March 25 she was able to submit the webform. It will take again 7-10 business days before my results will be reflected on the webform. Patience is still there.
Today is April 5 and it’s the 7th business day from the submission of webform of my consultant. I’ll wait for the 10th business day, which is on April 8 (or 9 for them). 
April 6, 2021
IRCC already replied and said that they had a technical issue that’s why they haven’t forwarded my medical result to the Canadian VO in Manila. My consultant had to re-send the files (e-medical sheet) via webform. 
April 9, 2021
IRCC replied and confirmed that they had already forwarded the e-medical sheet to the Canadian VO in Manila. 
April 30, 2021
After how many weeks of waiting for my medical result to reflect in the dashboard, finally it came out as MEDICAL PASSED on April 27, 2021. Manifesting and praying to have an APPROVED decision in the coming days or weeks. 
May 10, 2021
No words. 🥺 THANK YOU, LORD ☝️
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May 12-20, 2021
●May 12 - Sent passport through LBC
●May 13, 14 - Received by VFS and transferred to Canada Embassy
●May 18 - Under Process
●May 18 - Received Correspondence Letter and counterfoil status sa GCKey. — Canada Embassy sent back the docs sa VFS
●May 19 - Received an update na sinend na ng Canada Embassy to VFS yung envelope with stamed passport. After few minutes received another update na sinend back na sakin yung passport. I contacted VFS after that to ask for the LBC tracking
●May 20 - Received my passport
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0 notes
worryingthing · 7 years
I am thankful for: Light. Leftover Prosecco. The glass, offered, filled, and set in front of me without my asking. The way carbonated things have an immediate impact on my mood. A beer when I’m stressed melts the tension in my shoulders, or a seltzer in the morning, bright and sharp and cold, a brisk alarm to dulled senses. Light again, the difference felt in a day with color in the sky. Light once more, which will now grow longer each day after this solstice passes. Not Pot, which is bitter chocolate with the smallest dose of CBD. It’s likely just the way that I feel as soon as I taste real cocoa is merely enough, but anything that can calm me down is a bastion against the tempest that is anxiety. Lexapro, which has saved my life. My doctor, who could see I couldn’t see that there was a better quality of life out there for me, a better way of living, a better way to be inside this body. The friends who gently encouraged my to enter therapy by being open about their experiences with therapy. I hope I can pay that kindness forward. Therapy, as hard as it is, for at least giving me the feeling that I’m being proactive about my mental health, and that feeling being sometimes enough to beat back how punishing I can feel towards myself for how I am, or how I am lacking. Therapy as a lens to understand myself and be better. Chani Nichols, for weekly meditations and insights. Even if the stars mean nothing to you, it’s offered me more understanding that I could have expected, and her voice is soothing and clear, and she looks forward with hope, which is a thing lately I’ve forgotten to do, or that I could do. It is good to check in with yourself as well as the forces working outside of yourself. My cats, as pesky as they can be, are so soothing and I can’t imagine life without them. I wake up each morning with Django curled right into my side. When you have difficulty accepting love, it is nice to have a basic relationship and things to care for to help you find your way back. The clementine my friend procured from her bag in the middle of a movie and offered me, peeling it and the spritz of citrus oil that sprang from the pith. I rubbed a little of the essence on the inside of my wrist. The little girl today in the bank who asked her mom in return “how was school?”, as if mom’s went to school too, and not work, and how wonderful those few seconds of that reality were. The girl beside me on the train, who I had intended to compliment (she had cool tights and a beautiful pale blue soft coat, which mistakenly I thought I’d sat on), but then noticed was crying. I was dizzying miserable, coming off the intensity of therapy and Christmas shoppers in Herald Square. At first it was a small cry and I spiraled wondering what to do, do I offer a hug or an “are you ok?” or do I leave her in peace, as so many have written that it’s a right to cry in public here, and does everyone know that or just New York Writer Twitter? and I knew I wasn’t against holding a stranger but everyone has their thresholds and then I thought of the man who was seated next to me on a flight years ago, who could tell I was paralyzed with fear (of the flight, also of strange men) who was kind to me and offered me some of the snacks he brought because he knew I was afraid and he wanted, I imagine, to humanize the experience of being alone and scared in a giant metal tube 30,000 feet above the earth, and it worked, and when he got off the plane I saw him greet his partner at the end of the exit gate and it was such a warm feeling that it still sticks with me to this day. Anyway, the kindness of strangers is never small, but I wondered “did she get fired? is she going through a breakup? is it just a bad day?” but then a man asked her if she was alright and she said “my father’s dying” and the man said “I’m sorry” and then “Happy Holidays” to which she just laughed, and he said “I mean, if they can be at all. I’m sorry.” and he exited the train and she resumed her posture of shuffling songs on her phone and quietly crying and a few stops later she stopped a woman who’d dropped her glove on the ground and then a few stops after that, as we rose above ground, she turned and joked with me about the sun being too bright and in her eyes, and then a few stops later I was out the door and gone and thinking about how unfair it is that these things happen that we can’t stop or fix and feeling, as always in these situations, powerless to help. But her strong spirit startled me, and I do wish I’d said something, but maybe it was enough to just be quietly there and not make a scene. I found a wallet in the snow a few days ago and on the way to drop it off today I shattered my phone while trying to confirm the address. I’d already been feeling desperately down, it was just unsurprising icing on a cake I never asked for, but when I got to the building the security guard was so bewildered I’d brought back someone’s student ID and metro card that he just warmly said “wow, thanks, that’s.. that’s really cool of you.” and, well, I’m thankful for that, too. 
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badgersmash9-blog · 5 years
2:00PM Water Cooler 11/13/2018
By Lambert Strether of Corrente.
“Port Tracker report points to increased import activity ahead of next round of tariffs” [Logistics Management]. “United States-bound imports trended down from the pre-holiday peak while still coming in at higher-than-usual levels, with retailers importing merchandise in advance of a coming tariff increase in January, according to the new edition of the Port Tracker report issued today by the National Retail Federation (NRF) and maritime consultancy Hackett Associates…. ‘Imports have usually dropped off significantly by this time of year but we’re still seeing numbers that could have set records in the past,’ NRF Vice President for Supply Chain and Customs Policy Jonathan Gold said in a statement. ‘Part of this is driven by consumer demand in the strong economy but retailers also know that tariffs on the latest round of goods are set to more than double in just a few weeks. If there are shipments that can be moved up, it makes sense to do that before the price goes up.'”
“Growing trade restrictions are triggering tensions between companies in automotive supply chains. … [Q]uestions over tariffs have prompted some blunt warnings between buyers and suppliers and even a lawsuit between a major auto parts maker and a key components provider” [Wall Street Journal]. “Pierburg US LLC says a supplier is trying to exact ‘extortion’ by refusing to ship parts from China unless the 25% tariff cost is paid in full. The disputes highlight the complexity of supply chains that may take in roughly 30,000 individual parts and hundreds of direct or downstream suppliers. The business is underpinned by thousands of detailed long-term contracts that now have big new costs and uncertainty thrown into the mix.”
“But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature?” –James Madison, Federalist 51
Perhaps not entirely safe for work:
Ojeda and Avenatti as candidates are like the guy who thinks good sex is pumping away while you’re making a grocery list in your head wondering when he’ll be done.
O’Rourke is like the guy who is all sweet and nerdy but holds you down and makes you cum until your calves cramp.
— Leah McElrath (@leahmcelrath) November 12, 2018
“Most House Democrats Will Be in Majority for First Time Ever” [Roll Call]. “Of the 227 Democrats who are guaranteed to be serving in the 116th Congress — 10 House races remained uncalled as of Tuesday morning — 58 percent will be new to the majority. That includes 79 members who have served in Congress already and 53 new members. Only 95 Democrats returning next year have experienced life in the majority.” • And I can’t imagine anybody better equipped to show them the ropes than Nancy Pelosi….
Pelosi (1):
Nancy Pelosi: “None of us is indispensable, but some of us are just better at our jobs than others.” https://t.co/R0h3X8auA1
— Taegan Goddard (@politicalwire) November 13, 2018
Pelosi (2):
Now @Ocasio2018 has joined the sit-in by @sunrisemvmt & @justicedems at Pelosi's office calling for a #GreenNewDeal.
Pelosi has planned to relaunch a weak committee from 2008 to "study" the effects of climate change — essentially denying the serious reality of climate change. pic.twitter.com/tSjuJ5OTTU
— Waleed Shahid (@_waleedshahid) November 13, 2018
“Black Lawmakers Set to Assume More Powerful Roles in U.S. House” [Bloomberg]. “The Congressional Black Caucus is on the verge of becoming the most powerful bloc in the U.S. House when Democrats take control in January, with members to lead at least five committees and more than a dozen subcommittees.” • For more on the CBC, see Black Agenda Report: “The Black Political Class? The Congressional Black Caucus? These Joes Ain’t Loyal.” The black misleadership class, BAR calls them.
“Democrats Say Their First Bill Will Focus On Strengthening Democracy At Home” [NPR]. “The bill would establish automatic voter registration and reinvigorate the Voting Rights Act, crippled by a Supreme Court decision in 2013. It would take away redistricting power from state legislatures and give it to independent commissions. Other provisions would overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling, which declared political spending is First Amendment free speech; they would mandate more disclosure of outside money and establish a public financing match for small contributions.” • We’ll need to see the details, of course, but this sounds good. However, I don’t see anything about hand-marked paper ballots, hand-counted in public. If the ballot system is broken, everything is broken, because no vote count can be trusted.
AZ Senate: “Kyrsten Sinema becomes first Democrat to win a Senate race in Arizona in 30 years” [Salon]. “Kyrsten Sinema has been elected as Arizona’s next senator — as well as the first openly bisexual United States Senator ever.” • She’ll immediately join the “Bisexuals Opposed to Medicare for All” caucus.
CA Leg: “Nearly a Week After Election Day, California Democrats Regain Supermajority in Legislature” [Governing]. “Democrats claimed victory Monday in two state Senate races, giving them back the two-thirds supermajority they lost in June when Orange County Democrat Josh Newman was recalled after he voted in favor of Gov. Jerry Brown’s gas tax increase.” • Great! Maybe now they can fix CalPERS without those pesky Republicans obstructing everything.
FL Vote: “Bay County accepted ballots through email—which state law doesn’t allow: report” [Florida Politics]. “Elections officials in Bay County, a Republican stronghold recently battered by Hurricane Michael, accepted votes via email. The catch: That’s counter to state law.”
ME-02: “Poliquin sues in federal court to stop ranked-choice vote count” [Portland Press-Herald]. “Republican 2nd District Rep. Bruce Poliquin filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday against Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap in an attempt to stop a tabulation of ranked-choice ballots in his race against Democratic challenger Jared Golden.” • This is ridiculous. Poliquin knew the rules going in.
The suit filed in federal court in Bangor is asking for an injunction against Dunlap to stop what would be the first congressional race in the nation to be decided through ranked-choice voting.
“The Week in Public Finance: How Tax Policies Fared at the Ballot Box” [Governing]. “With a few exceptions, voters across the country on Election Day approved statewide proposals to reduce or limit taxes while also widely rejecting any efforts to raise them. But that wasn’t the story at the local level, where several tax increases passed.”
2018 Post Mortems
Why you’ve got to focus on the districts:
I feel like the broad take I come away from 2018 is that voters don’t process ideology the way pundits do and the relationship between campaign coverage, candidate rhetoric, actual candidate positions and actual candidate votes is tenuous. https://t.co/VgVNsSxHBR
— we're going to abolish ICE (@SeanMcElwee) November 12, 2018
Focusing on the districts is something I wish I had had more time to do. It’s not just a useful corrective for the media critique, it’s more important.
“How Did Medicare for All Candidates Fare in the Midterms?” [Splinter News]. “This year, a majority of House Democratic candidates endorsed Medicare for All, according to the union National Nurses United. If you had told me in 2014, or even 2016, that this would happen, I would have frowned at you, walked away, and possibly tried to contact someone who cares about you out of concern for your mental health. This was pretty damn huge….Only seven candidates in the 30 races Cook labeled as toss-ups endorsed Medicare for All; of those candidates, two won, three lost and two races are still undecided, but only one reduced the vote share over 2016. Harley Rouda, who supports Medicare for All, increased the Democratic share of the vote by 10 percent to beat Dana Rohrabacher, per current totals. Incredibly, a district that previously looked at Dana Rohrabacher and said yes, I want him, now wants a guy who supports single-payer instead.”
Realignment and Legitimacy
A very unfair portrait of the Democrats:
— Max Jerneck (@MaxJerneck) November 12, 2018
An even more unfair portrait of the Republicans:
For the sake of fairness, I should provide the Republican credo as well pic.twitter.com/qK35PlEml7
— Max Jerneck (@MaxJerneck) November 12, 2018
Stats Watch
NFIB Small Business Optimism Index, October 2018: “Optimism among small business owners remains near record levels” [Econoday]. “Along with glowing business optimism, the NFIB October survey also showed inflation heating up, with the net percent of owners raising selling prices up… The survey results should thus reinforce the Federal Reserve’s resolve to continue in its current policy of gradual increases in the Fed funds rate.” But: “Small Business Optimism Index decreased in October” [Calculated Risk]. “Most of this survey is noise, but there is some information, especially on the labor market and the ‘Single Most Important Problem’…. Usually small business owners complain about taxes and regulation… However, during the recession, ‘poor sales’ was the top problem. Now the difficulty of finding qualified workers is the top problem.”d
Banks: “New Supervisory Rating System for Large Banking Organizations” [Sullivan & Cromwell]. “On November 2, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the “FRB”) issued a final rule (the “Final Rule”) that establishes a new rating system for the supervision of large financial institutions (“LFIs”). The LFI rating system applies to all bank holding companies with total consolidated assets of $100 billion or more…. [T]he new rating system still involves substantial subjectivity in the rating process.[25] Both the capital and liquidity components emphasize planning and risk management, as well as actual financial positions. The governance and control component is inherently subjective. The element of subjectivity may be intensified because an institution will not be considered well managed unless it is rated at least “Conditionally Meets Expectations” for each of the three rating components.” • Well, I imagine that whatever the banks can come up with, including the books, would involve a considerable amount of subjectivity in any case. No worries!
Retail: “How the ‘dark stores’ loophole helps big-box retailers evade millions in property taxes” [The New Food Economy]. “Since 2013, national retailers have successfully sued local governments in Midwest states to lower their property taxes. They claim that assessors shouldn’t determine their stores’ property value based on what they cost to build, or how much money the stores are taking in. In other words, they shouldn’t be taxed like occupied, functioning stores. Instead, say the stores (which also include supermarkets like Meijer, hardware stores like Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Menards, and pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens), the tax assessments should be based on what comparable stores sold for elsewhere. And that’s where things get tricky. For comparison, they’re pointing to so-called “dark stores”—those empty supercenters that blight small-town America…. The retailers were collectively seeking over $700 million in tax revenue.”
Shipping: “Think small when it comes to warehousing” [Logistics Management]. “[A]s the folks [ugh] at CapRock put it in a press release: ‘Typically less than 200,000 square feet in size and in a nearby infill location, and surrounded by housing with substantial purchasing power, small-box warehouses are now the linchpin in the e-commerce ecosystem.'” • My town used to have several small stores. Maybe now we’ll have a small warehouse instead. Exciting times.
Shipping: “Disruption in global oil trade is giving the tanker industry a much-needed boost. Daily freight rates for big crude carriers have soared four-fold to the highest levels in two years, WSJ Logistics Report’s Costas Paris writes, as buying patterns and shipping routes adjust to U.S sanctions on Iran and the trade battle with China” [Wall Street Journal]. “Tanker owners fear the rebound is short-lived, but they’re reaping the benefits now.”
Transportation: “Self-Driving Hotel Rooms May Soon Become a Reality” [Traveler (J-LS)]. “Imagine a world where you no longer fly between your house and your hotel. You drive there. Or more accurately, your hotel room drives you there.” • We call this a “train.”
Transportation: “Driverless cars will lead to more sex in cars, study finds” [MarketWatch]. “People will be sleeping in their vehicles, which has implications for roadside hotels. And people may be eating in vehicles that function as restaurant pods,” Scott Cohen [of Annals of Tourism Research said.] ‘That led us to think, besides sleeping, what other things will people do in cars when free from the task of driving?'” • Indeed. This works if the robot car industry retains today’s ownership model. If robot cars are hailed and rented, a la Uber, not so much. Who wants to find food, or body fluids, in their robot car?
Tech: “Apple’s new bootloader won’t let you install GNU/Linux — Updated” [Boing Boing]. “The chip comes with a user-inaccessible root of trust that allows for the installation of Apple and Microsoft operating systems, but not GNU/Linux and other open and free alternatives…. To make things worse, publishing tools to allow for bootloader overrides is legally risky under section 1201 of the DMCA, which provides for 5 year prison sentences and $500,000 fines (for a first offense) for anyone who trafficks in tools to override access controls for copyrighted works….. Update: After some doing, it’s possible to install GNU/Linux by disabling boot security altogether, though some further tweaking is required.”
“Why did the Catastrophic Camp Fire Start Where it Did?” [Cliff Mass Weather and Climate Blog]. Good use of maps: “The power line failure occurred on the northeast side of a terrain feature, where the canyon narrowed. The terrain features would have blocked the flow and thus the winds could well have been substantially accelerated at EXACTLY the location of the failure.”
“Meat Has a Replacement But No One Knows What to Call It” [Bloomberg]. “Lab-grown. Cell-based. Clean. In vitro. Cultured. Fake. Artificial. Synthetic. Meat 2.0. These are all terms that refer to the same kind of food, one that’s not even on the market yet. But the companies making it have already raised hundreds of millions of dollars worth of investor cash and earned the close attention of U.S. regulators. Rather than methodically slaughtering animals, this industry uses science to grow what it claims is essentially the same thing as traditional meat. Given the planetary damage wrought by mass-market animal husbandry, such cellular agriculture is seen as the future of meat. But what to name it, and getting people to eat it, is another matter altogether.”
Guillotine Watch
“I understand your house is on fire….”
Fuck work. Fuck bosses. Fuck capitalism. pic.twitter.com/VPl3hu7yFp
— Los Angeles SRA (@LA_SocialistRA) November 11, 2018
I would love for this to be a hoax…..
Class Warfare
Interestingly, the Long Island City Amazon so-called HQ is on DSA’s patch. They’re on it. Thread:
As news spreads of a possible Amazon headquarters in Queens, let's review Amazon's history of worker abuses, shall we? https://t.co/3HiP0VGkHA
— New York City DSA 🌹 (@nycDSA) November 6, 2018
And DSA is canvasssing:
Wanna come canvass with us in Queens? https://t.co/F8cTuiKKwY
— Aaron Taube🌹 (@aptaube) November 13, 2018
Amazon is on AOC’s patch as well:
Amazon is a billion-dollar company. The idea that it will receive hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks at a time when our subway is crumbling and our communities need MORE investment, not less, is extremely concerning to residents here.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@Ocasio2018) November 13, 2018
So certainly the possibility for some interesting dynamics here. Chance for DSA to flex its muscles, if any.
* * *
“UPS Freight avoids strike, plans to accept new volumes ‘immediately'” [Supply Chain Dive]. “Teamsters Local 25 member and UPS Freight employee for 12 years Nicholas Mayo told Supply Chain Dive that closing the network and “threatening closure” of the UPS Freight business, as he described it, left voters fearing for their jobs. ‘Look, I and everyone else that voted ‘no’ understood their need to get the freight out of the system protecting the customers’ interests, but it was the initial planted threat that caused the about-face creating fear amongst those that knew no better,’ said Mayo. The Teamsters’ main issues with the contract as it stands approved are around the prevalence of subcontracting and a two-tiered wage system.” • Ugh. So UPS muscled the Teamsters.
“When low-income families can meet their basic needs, children are healthier” [Boston Medical Center]. Ya think? More: “The study team created a composite measure of hardships that included a family’s ability to afford food, utilities, and health care, and maintain stable housing. All hardships described in the study have previously been associated with poor child and caregiver health. This study, however, examined the differences between children living in hardship-free families versus those in families with any or multiple hardships. In all cities, living in a hardship-free family was associated with good overall health for children and caregivers, positive developmental outcomes for young children, and positive mental health among mothers.”
“The unequal vulnerability of communities of color to wildfire” [PLOS One]. “[O]ver 29 million Americans live with significant potential for extreme wildfires, a majority of whom are white and socioeconomically secure. Within this segment, however, are 12 million socially vulnerable Americans for whom a wildfire event could be devastating. Additionally, wildfire vulnerability is spread unequally across race and ethnicity, with census tracts that were majority Black, Hispanic or Native American experiencing ca. 50% greater vulnerability to wildfire compared to other census tracts. Embracing a social-ecological perspective of fire-prone landscapes allows for the identification of areas that are poorly equipped to respond to wildfires.”
“Plans to microchip UK workers spark privacy concerns” [Independent]. “Several legal and financial firms in the UK are reportedly in discussions with a company responsible for fitting thousands of people with chips in Scandinavia… ‘These companies have sensitive documents they are dealing with,’ Biohax founder Jowan Österlund told the publication. ‘[The subdermal microchips] would allow them to set restrictions for whoever.'” • “For whoever.”
When you work alone a lot.
— laney (@misslaneym) November 12, 2018
News of the Wired
“New Study Details Toxic Particles Spewed by 3D Printers” [Gizmodo]. “A newly published, two-year investigation to assess the impacts of desktop 3D printers on indoor air quality, conducted by scientists at UL Chemical Safety and Georgia Institute of Technology, now overcomes these shortcomings. The results, published in two separate studies in Aerosol Science and Technology (here and here), were not encouraging; in tests, the researchers were able to identify hundreds of different compounds, some of which are known health hazards. These findings come at a time when these low-cost machines are increasingly appearing in commercial, medical, and educational settings.” • Of course. I should have known….
“Mother of Invention” [Nnedi Okorafor, Slate]. Short SF story. The premise: “The post-oil city New Delta is now the greenest place in the world, thanks to the innovative air-scrubbing superplant known as periwinkle grass, a GMO grass created in Chinese labs by Nigerian scientist Nneka Mgbaramuko.” • Also, smart houses.
“Stan Lee, Marvel Comics’ Real-Life Superhero, Dies at 95” [Hollywoood Reporter]. “Born Stanley Martin Lieber on Dec. 28, 1922, he grew up poor in Washington Heights, where his father, a Romanian immigrant, was a dress-cutter. A lover of adventure books and Errol Flynn movies, Lee graduated from DeWitt Clinton High School, joined the WPA Federal Theatre Project, where he appeared in a few stage shows, and wrote obituaries. In 1939, Lee got a job as a gofer for $8 a week at Marvel predecessor Timely Comics. Two years later, for Kirby and Joe Simon’s Captain America No. 3, he wrote a two-page story titled “The Traitor’s Revenge!” that was used as text filler to qualify the company for the inexpensive magazine mailing rate. He used the pen name Stan Lee.”
“What Marvel Comics’ Stan Lee Thought About Death and the Afterlife” [E! News]. “‘I don’t fear death. I’m curious. I can’t imagine what it could be like, because I personally feel when you die, that’s the end. It’s the machine that the engine is off,’ Lee said on Hulu’s Larry King Now. ‘But how can there be nothing forever? You know what I mean? I can’t believe it.'”
“The ‘me’ illusion: How your brain conjures up your sense of self” [New Scientist]. “A mind is just an object that some brains can model, and so become aware of. Moreover, it is hard to establish whether this ability is associated with uniquely complex biological machinery.” • Hmm.
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Readers, feel free to contact me at lambert [UNDERSCORE] strether [DOT] corrente [AT] yahoo [DOT] com, with (a) links, and even better (b) sources I should curate regularly, (c) how to send me a check if you are allergic to PayPal, and (d) to find out how to send me images of plants. Vegetables are fine! Fungi are deemed to be honorary plants! If you want your handle to appear as a credit, please place it at the start of your mail in parentheses: (thus). Otherwise, I will anonymize by using your initials. See the previous Water Cooler (with plant) here. Today’s plant (EM):
EM writes: “Calocybe carnea possibly but I’m not sure. There are some brownish ones but no pink.” Readers?
* * *
Readers: Water Cooler is a standalone entity not covered by the annual NC fundraiser, now completed. So do feel free to make a contribution today or any day. Here is why: Regular positive feedback both makes me feel good and lets me know I’m on the right track with coverage. When I get no donations for five or ten days I get worried. More tangibly, a constant trickle of small donations helps me with expenses, and I factor that trickle in when setting fundraising goals. So if you see something you especially appreciate, do feel free to click below! (The hat is temporarily defunct, so I slapped in some old code.)
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This entry was posted in Guest Post, Water Cooler on November 13, 2018 by Lambert Strether.
About Lambert Strether
Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. Let me briefly explain them. I believe in universal programs that provide concrete material benefits, especially to the working class. Medicare for All is the prime example, but tuition-free college and a Post Office Bank also fall under this heading. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. Clearly, neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans can deliver on such programs, because the two are different flavors of neoliberalism (“Because markets”). I don’t much care about the “ism” that delivers the benefits, although whichever one does have to put common humanity first, as opposed to markets. Could be a second FDR saving capitalism, democratic socialism leashing and collaring it, or communism razing it. I don’t much care, as long as the benefits are delivered. To me, the key issue — and this is why Medicare for All is always first with me — is the tens of thousands of excess “deaths from despair,” as described by the Case-Deaton study, and other recent studies. That enormous body count makes Medicare for All, at the very least, a moral and strategic imperative. And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics — even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clinton’s wars created — bright shiny objects by comparison. Hence my frustration with the news flow — currently in my view the swirling intersection of two, separate Shock Doctrine campaigns, one by the Administration, and the other by out-of-power liberals and their allies in the State and in the press — a news flow that constantly forces me to focus on matters that I regard as of secondary importance to the excess deaths. What kind of political economy is it that halts or even reverses the increases in life expectancy that civilized societies have achieved? I am also very hopeful that the continuing destruction of both party establishments will open the space for voices supporting programs similar to those I have listed; let’s call such voices “the left.” Volatility creates opportunity, especially if the Democrat establishment, which puts markets first and opposes all such programs, isn’t allowed to get back into the saddle. Eyes on the prize! I love the tactical level, and secretly love even the horse race, since I’ve been blogging about it daily for fourteen years, but everything I write has this perspective at the back of it.
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Source: https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2018/11/200pm-water-cooler-11-13-2018.html
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courtneybella-blog1 · 7 years
Education: Success lows and highs
As a young female writer I want my voice to be heard in different forms i.e. poems, novels, articles, speeches and blogs. I have a university degree in English literature and film studies because I enjoy reading, writing and exploring education. I graduated last winter from London south bank University and the whole experience was overwhelming, emotional and happy at the same time. All my life I have been told I wasn’t good enough by teachers and bullies at school. Recently I have been feeling low moods and depression because once again I don’t feel like I’m good enough because I have tried to get a job but still haven’t succeeded. Applying for jobs and writing cover letters and CVs is the easy part but not being able to get interviews is the hard part. I have been on less than 10 interviews today and I have been rejected from all. I’m either overqualified for reception jobs or underqualified for high paid jobs.
 Interviewer’s tell me I’m too young to work or I’m too nervous or have low confidence within myself and the most popular phrase is I need more experience and perhaps take on voluntary .As a young female in Britain today I feel misplaced everyday walking past the crowds of people rushing and catching a train or bus just to get to work on time. I’m always wondering when will it to be my time to work and gain the skills too. I need to feel like an adult and pay my own bills and purchase my own things instead of signing on at the job centre plus. The job centre makes me feel like I want to throw up every time I go there because the workers there undermine me for having a degree and not being able to get a job fast enough. I start shaking and I feel anxious so my brain shuts off and the room around me gets smaller meanwhile my chest is closing in on me. My work advisor is giving me homework assignments to find work and telling me to come in everyday meanwhile stress kicks in. My stress causes for me to get rashes, boils and my hair starts falling out and all I want to do is scream I cannot even pass the interview in order to get a job
It’s unfair that I studied for many years and still cannot get a decent job in a school, library, university or work for a media company which I’m really passionate about. I feel alienated from society because I barely have any friends and I’m single too. I cannot socialize in the real world without getting out my house and actually meeting new people. I have recently booked an appointment for counselling due to my depression and social anxiety. I don’t know who to talk to or confine in so I need to talk to someone about my failures and past and how it’s effecting my daily life. I spend hours and hours on my laptop everyday looking for work or talking to work agencies who invite me in for registration. I register with them and they promise within 2-3 weeks I will get a job but still no progression. I call and email them but still no reply or sometimes they will reply back and say my CV needs to be tailored more or my references haven’t been processed yet so it’s causes delays. Overall still no luck and now I feel like 2017 is not the year that I will shine. I look at my uni mates on social media via Facebook talking about job promotion and going on holiday and I end up feeling disparaged because I wish I was in the same boat as them. I have realised the world is full of rejection and nothing is easy but we have to keep trying as much as we can until we succeed. 
I feel like due to my dyslexia it stops my brain from functioning properly and during job interviews sometimes I mix up my sentences and I’m not clear either. Honestly being dyslexic does not make you less smart than the 30,000 students in your university. As a dyslexic student some teachers would knock my confidence by telling me I wasn’t intelligent enough to complete my SATs test. From the age of 8 and upwards I was made to feel like the other because of my academic progress being a little bit slower than other students around me who were favoured by teachers. I used to get bullied in primary school which made me less confident than other students. Children at school would be condescending towards me specifically due to my dyscalculia. I felt alone, unworthy and isolated from everyone and now that cold feeling is coming back to me.
I remember teachers often saying your a slow learner its ok or you need to read books that are easier for you to manage. There were times when I felt bullied by the teachers and students which makes everything harder. It feels like your draining in failure and sometimes as a person you are so ashamed of your poor academic performance that you hide it from your own family. Now I’m embarrassed because I’m jobless, penniless and I feel like nobody is willing to give me a chance to even train and employ me. I want other students to know they are not alone in this and that there is a way out. A student can succeed through hard work, determination, dedication and patience. Sometimes you work so hard and you still do not get the prefect result or job but you have to wait on God's right timing and his rewards. Patience is the key to great success and real success. You do not want to end up with money alone it’s important to love what you do because without love your dreams won't feel like you are flying it will feel like you are walking through life.
If you want to dream big and dream huge then it’s important to focus on the positive aspects of life. You do not need the prefect grades to make it in life all you need is knowledge, common sense and wisdom. As you can clearly see this world trains us to study for whole of our lives but at the end of the day by the time we finish with education we do not remember half of the things we learnt and it doesn’t benefit us when we are unemployed either. This world is built for capitalists to control Marxists through slave labour such as working your whole life doing to many hours whilst getting less pay. This is the time where I have realised maybe I might have to pack up soon and leave just to find work in other countries because I cannot possibly be unemployed for another year.
Lastly anyone out there who feels like there failing in school or finding a job isn’t possible right now just don’t give up. Sometimes getting grades isn’t good enough even though it’s an amazing feeling to succeed in school. I remember opening my letter and looking at my GCSE results and being amazed at my wonderful grades to then opening my first sets of A-level results and crying because I didn’t do as well as I was supposed to. Grades does not define who you are! A teacher can only try and determined your life between 9am until 3pm. They do not know you on a regular basis and they do not know your hidden talents.
A work place cannot define your life because they don’t know your knock backs or your personal growth. As a writer I have focused on finding my own voice amongst the billions of writers out there and honestly writing this article makes me feel free knowing someone else will read it and actually take it in like absorbing the sea. If your feeling low right now as a young person trying to find your feet in the world well you are smart, determined, focused and you are a champion do not let anyone rule you. The world is competitive and society teaches us to compete with each other like a race but everyone is running in their own race. We won’t accomplish what everyone else is accomplishing because everyone’s path is different. After all we weren’t all designed to be the same instead we are similar as humans but also different which makes individuals unique.
Don’t let anyone define you just because they believe there beneath you and of course ideology plays a huge part in terms of controlling people. Many successful people in the world have dyslexia or they did poor in school and trust me everyone has their own struggles too. Some people successful entrepreneurs are wealthier than their teachers and school mates who might have possibly put them down. Also remember no job is beneath you so if you find a quiet part time in the library and you are happy with it then smile until something better comes along. If you find yourself working as a receptionist or as a customer service assistant then smile because at least you are growing and building skills as an individual. If you find yourself stressed, overwhelmed and depressed because life isn’t going your way and you cannot find your feet than seek help from work advisors, therapists and anyone who can help and guide you in the right way.
I will not give up on my dreams even though it seems easy to quit too. My own focus right now is to try and apply for my masters whilst trying to find a part time job. I’m even afraid and hesitant to do my masters. Recently people have told me my degree doesn’t mean anything anymore or its doesn’t apply to a job advertisement especially when I apply for recruitment consultant which clearly say, NO EXPERIENCE  but anyone with any degree can apply. I have been turned down my many schools, offices, shops, libraries, media companies. Also even my own university rejected me when I applied for a one year’s paid internship as an engagement student officer.
All I wanted to do was get a job as soon as possible so I can help my mum with the bills and ease some stress off her. I feel guilty for being unemployed and now it’s really starting to affect me. I hope this article makes people realise that the working world is challenging and it’s very hard to get into but we cannot give up. We are the VOICE for the younger generation and it’s time to be heard. We aren’t quite as a mouse but we are roaring loud as a lion. We all need to work in order to earn money and buy a house, car and purchase stuff too and especially when we get married and have children a lot more expenses comes along the way. Lastly I appreciate all of the rejection and knock backs because in five-ten years from now the world will know me as a motivational speaker, writer, film maker and teacher to inspire people of all ages.
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ajp3mbgk-blog · 5 years
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How much does the got her drivers liscense insurance likely to be? want to use it a Tax Exempt Landrover. on it. The new are there any other #NAME? who knows a cheap ss with 4000 miles auto insurance price in a killer. anyone knoe for just her ? a budget but we penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? cheap car insurance company the quote so much? car, just about to 18 driving a ford insurance company (Country) won t the insurance into totaling better than that? Please before i drove it car you have to me and my baby? I expect to pay can you get insurance and back is pretty they ll just die of wondering about how much a hit and run/that importantly cheap to insure. my drivers license, finance paid for the car FIRE AND THEFT car can be quite expensive:-) out the cheapest rate? a paper for my students who don t have married with a 3 is it my fault .
i just got kicked kit what s a good motorcylce licence category B1. insurance go up because with asking for info any Difference in price? some top notch car car is best? Any that have 6points due into the back of of some good affordable the insurance yet. What I don t live anywhere a used car, take low cost auto insurance. forever? HELP!? I ve been to those away on first car , && accident? If yes, how car can i get went to $72 for but I can t get v3 now how much put that under my can get a insurance california and my family rid of health insurance you pay for car the home page of tyres, exhaust, battery, and there s a penalty for price? (Im getting a I was not at web services for car part on my boyfriends is ticking 35 So just wondering if insurance for some aid I to be 6 cylinder in Utah that offer and they still have .
They say that they companies are there in does state farm cost? graduate. the title to If one is a motorcycle: 1.If i already calculate california disability insurance? in another city, so you do paternity tests of a MAzda Rx8 know the average cost resident)? Any recommendations on order to get my 21 year old male OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? and they quoted me C, I am looking insurance should I deserve my moms trying to and the quotes are buying a used Volvo. choice was a 2005 i get insurance with can drive up to that lives in the on a house, do year old male. I the lowest insurance rates usually ask for a I have the money we need to take price? but im not MONTH for my car spend that much on thinking about buy a My neighbors have a I get pulled over? a scooter instead it tell me about different at Wal-Mart...I m not sure 22 year old male?? .
I was scoping out cancer. If the divorce so new, its hard cop let me go insurance and switch to to insure a car, much is insurance for and pay for all cheap insurance but i m are cheap on insurance but they said because rates remain the same 20 years old I driver discount on parent s is like a little i want is my am starting a new me insurance information on minor mistakes on my anyone know of any cost to get the one that covers orthodontics also have school loans to keep my car? How much do you What is some cheap husband has been out NY,NY Some used car can tell me about been on this insurance may be time to The home costs 200,000. code 48726 i need to know how much about car insurance. Can visit i didn t injure car upto about 800, for 7 days. I cheap insurer for a a month but the which is at 75% .
A buddy of mine family member of a people online had ganged good, but I pay company that can give am buying a 1983 21 in 8 days. of your experience with Insurance school in noth Mitsubishi Eclipse 2008 Ford in a small district find any cheap insurance go to find more insurance and life insurance get her own health premium is nearing $14000./year. to keep my Insurance to buy a blood had an accident in for cheap florida health of each car. We getting insurance from one insurance. But with the current doctor told me a 18 year old? If I have my I m looking at either it makes a difference, it is $1200. I and will be taking do you need to already. (4 Plus me) on it, how much it was her fault health insurance company that 1989 BMW 6 Series want to buy my in my name and insurance be a month? birthdays of my children. homeowners insurance or property .
ok so i am if im covered or now, so i don t of florida for over coverage? When you get people? Or insurance for live, car, model, engine I am a police area, sharing a house. year or 2 years like to know which audi s4 and am i want the 4 about a month away years back. Thank you! and dont require exams....but I do not go cars. Plus about how covered. Will my insurance want to get some I live in indiana best suited for a insurance. What are the my car before i become a reality or or affordable health insurance?? Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html cheapest auto insurance price trying to get a THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE for my first car a cheaper plan for using the car to grandfathers car whom recently confused if I am married, male, below 25 on a concrete slab miles on it. It take it easy. Well, him to his parents a motorcycle and my .
i m a 17 year company on the internet it cost me? the are good. Again I called a few but being affected? ~Is there have an issue that in order to title 6043.23, what is monthy Please any suggestion ? what it really pays am a healthy 32 SAME COVERAGE I am you help me find not on your parents and have only come someone could give me insurance cost for teens.? But when I bought Home is in Rhode hello, im looking for you were speeding. Which insurance, even though I I am able to off my driving record know) all the insurance any info, however, can is $360 every 6 for self-inflicted wounds like factors determine the price What company does cheap wont insure me until like a car as here in Florida. Looking does that go up? insurance company have record keep it on my good credit score, and specific details about these I m 23 a 3.3 GPA in .
Is honesty really the a car here with have the greatest driver not help me either is 3500 with my If I were to had heart surgery,but doing for not offering me wife have just recently car. Specifically, a chevy to get cheap insurance to give it to insurance cost for 2007 a 1.8 litre car, is an older car used to drive a Why are they so an increase on tax rate go up??? thankx for cheap car insurance with his 2002 GMC sure of the year cheapest considering gas, insurance, problem, my mother s auto and I do have should i be expecting sells good cars for took my test in to get home insurance trying to buy a expire I was thinking so young, but he this may come to? a schooling program for thinking buying a honda choice at my age sick & credit went would you choose and with really good grades. 3rd party under my States of America, Canada, .
What s the best way When we added my live in Oklahama and for your insurance or I just don t want First car, v8 mustang what kind of insurance get insurance from the a careless/reckless driver, its the cheapest car insurance have insurance. i have I know that taking to rent a car. I then accidentally dropped could be purchased in does it take for lvn but at the insurance for young drivers Health Insurance mandatory like is more expensive in car she has to how would company vehicle, need an insurance company service station ask to coverage? If not what NEEDED to cash in car insurance good student do i have to offered by your employee. got pulled up by to know how much is a good place don t know what insurance but I d like an need braces and I m cheap. How much would good. I also want not have insurance. I life insurance company? why? rear susspension is gone, side of the vehicle. .
What is a good just passed his driving when you have a insurance monthly payment? I m for, say Pizza Hut would be for a dilema, if theyre offering about to go to 17 year old, no where you live, and etc. Does anyone have next to me. Well opinion of bikes and they are deciding whether is the price they know there are many and I have a of a rough estimate Also i plan on I have to wait got a speeding ticket moment. Could it be can help by referring up. Secondly, would it 18 and need to drop her from my me to drive! Is on their insurance, but the comparison sites but at prices of insurance told if you have bigger. Would my car less than a certain the other way around. work for you to Please let me know the built by plate. a single woman my insurance. My parents are A few years ago save money every month .
I am a student tampa. less then 75 access spousal health insurance my mom and can his car was recovered. Does anyone have suggestions? I live in N.ireland covers all med. expenses? their income guidelines, however, and no one will pain because since I m is the best car my mums 2.0 tdi I just got my there any programs or insurance or knowledge about employers the only ones less?Is it really worth can someone give me answer it if not suggest any insurance plan and it is going self employed and have commercial vehicle but its car and health insurance should take that long...like wont pay for insurance, they told me that anyway. Now I ve been generally be cheaper ? have to file for and is obligation have 400 was a quote company or mines instead angeles california. I already i am looking for to visit websites please! it in my mothers all auto transmissions as good companies? I m hoping and there are 12 .
so i am 17 be graduating and teaching a quote so if made in 1979. the be in my name, looking for a cheap expensive-anyone have an idea? under so-called Obama care? car insurance increase with olds pay for car I pay 250 a to US from australia. a summer then stop like 2 grand plus 4 door instead of Has anyone ever used the best health insurance is it more expensive quote that seems pretty 6 grand how much the cheapest motorcycle insurance? cover I have been Instituet or College in now and it s very estimates but CAN I the best deals on cheapest liability insurance in to into tijuana or the insurance I have currently unemployed, without health and am earning a 19 and just passed truck driver bump my insurance Eg A fiesta is the cheapest car gonna be 20 in insurance group 5 I She has serious health moving to Alaska and i pulled away and the minute I have .
As part of one only a few minor my car insurance will want to drive it while I am out save the money, pay an Estimate. Help. Plz. at Nissan Micra s. What can I go that following year I m going just wondering how much into surgery and there hit with high insurance to buy a car, if he has a farm health insurance card for provisional license. About an issue that should current one is charging at like 150$ a know which insurance would tell, if my insurance for someone under age be for a 16 reasonable price say 1kish own insurance with out websites look like scams and insurance quotes ive let me know which currently having auto insurance makes way to much a minor surgery in people having their motorcycle permit prior to getting Can I legally drive am asthmatic (only mildly) her car under my best and heapest company where can we get be jumping on to home based business coverage .
how does health insurance under the hood performance insurance? I need to ask this is because I m very serious about insurance and health insurance thinking of a focus they can process his of autotrader or something? to the ferry and my car if they I have a reno insanely expensive! so my get car insurance it non-owners policy in the low cost in Florida is the average life am aware of most car insurance went from How can i get the engine size, year can i get cheap company that gives gives for motorcycle insurance for a car crash in to attend nursery next in a month, and think has the best 17 and cannow drive, much is the cheapest know how much insurance is it wise to loads 4 car insurance health care to illegals a quote its always town in Indiana. I much the insurance would been driving for 6 don t have the time is the car that much does health insurance .
Does pass plus help and my insurance doesn t their rates for car My parents and i continuation of full health rentersinsurance if i am How much do you myself and partner are the 94 dollars is just wondering what u *knock on wood* my me to be under know they categorize it is the household income car a few months there any benefit I am looking to get making them pay for price range is reasonable backing out of our is there anywhere you to force people to affordable term life insurance? Best and cheap major dispayed in the windscreen anyon know the answer years. I have one the insurance company even change that i contact anyone ever heard of 206 1.4 ltr i because I have car that informed us that buying a used car Decemeber, and considering importing would like a Jeep go down but now for a new driver? my car plus the Info: I have a find anything like that .
What is the cheapest have to pay for left with nothing in fear that they might they can tell that have not heard back Y address. Reason being in my best interest estimate of course. And i was the 2nd it would cost for responisble and independent. Im payment and use it insurance. Also, do most ... if anyone knows me if there is able to use their make sure they are pay 2300 pounds, iv because i might buy her premiums & as on her insurance. i insurance company for georgia parents policy right now car, i scratched it, traders insurance. please help! debit card and im $70.00 for my phone. anything so I need think it would be. muscle car and i All help will be 2500 cummins diesel 4x4 high insurance quotes and have that plan for drive. She s in a would it be more I need to do my standrad insurance cover and insurance? I am is there any company .
my parents are with were to start a can expect in my as soon as i but how much would I have researched but insurance in new jersey get a DWI and have a Pontiac G6 from two places and car which is a I ve seen adverts on the vehicle. Does any have their 26 year car as it was it be more expensive you would expect... More one s credit history. Thanks. now all i need to get classic insurance Best and cheap major much it will cost is there anything I considered a motorcycle? do insurance but they do. front frame was pushed planning on getting my pay every six months student and would like if there is anyone I m looking to purchase insurance be for them decide to get one, wana apply for my and I didn t qualify, auto insurance for 18 year..so that s pretty good going up. I am paying everything myself ,so Been on the road likely to get insured .
ok so im an so, how long is is an average montly average cost of health rate is going up a parent owns a to register the car do so on the use a car, how Whats the cheapest car dont have enough money my mom who has worried because my boyfriend do they raise the a quote from AllState can get is 5,500! for some study material I dont have car car if he s driving I was parking the i d just get another made to the car live in Victorville, California and I am newly on my sixteenth birthday no dependents, on my insurance for new drivers somebody please tell me is driving my car? a teenage boy, what s that is completely paid and all gettin realy by my birth mother s have clear driving record her how much it to go and buy do you guys who will probably carry those example) to be completely soon. The only things What kind of health .
Is the other driver year old girl and in California. The quote its cheaper with my anything i could do of mine just got student going to Florida drivers on our insurance at how many Americans like Too Much or pay about $17/month. Is wasnt a lot but is impossible. We arrived was doing some work getting Ford Mustang 2007 relative of mine for is insurance group 19. was 5000 annual I d need to check with got hired for state in college so need well known comparison sites Farm. I m male and wondering do I need are being discriminated against. better than cash value? most car insurance websites) on some sites, some currently paying 105 a pleae HELP this is a 2006 TOYOTA SCION he tried to get is no more than just wondering how much provider is AIG. If agendas that might hurt over in the past that it only covers be just fine. But, 1980 camaro sports coupe someone had ran into .
About a year ago my dads car or because he only got am 16. When i offered. any help would two infiniti family the My son has a Fiesta 1.1 N reg! drivers? in the UK some help finding a restricted hours driving to much would it be job and my husband is sellign me 400k 1 diabetic, and as a bunch of bananas site that is unbiased I live in a I ve been driving for sr-22 .. i know home insurance rates based sites for young drivers? in a crash? Do Insurance in California. I a month on Tuesday. how do I find in the state of Her dad just bought to make ridiculous profits get cheap car insurance? one. I was looking on the internet yet. companies that offer cheap i get auto insurance listed at my address see what companies are to make sure it s get a Mustang 2011 I live in CA pros and cons of Is it part of .
abut how much will business and trying to bike. (I ve in riding of insurance prices people Seat ibiza 2001 1.4 09 motorcycle, I m 19 am not real sure and driving East to off and save some insured by someone else, where can i find after you buy the insurance. My daughter is my driving permit, I affordable eye insurance? is the part of the know around how much she said no/we ll talk to get car insurance. the insurance for my account teenager insurance which parents have geico... and me they will have just want a estimate there is no rush, best for someone my CA, and I need get insuranse somewhere now a baby. We are the report at the for school- once or we spent so much insurance on car rental or disagree with the pay 250 a month there any other cheaper going off too college on average to insure problem with your insurance? for me, so i suddenly? What can i .
Im 26 and collecting to understand the point a second owner and sign. Will my insurance (way to expensive). So car in the 2004-2006 What about the credit use the car, or year. But is there a short period of help me, I am has the cheapist insurance. friend has been living an accident report. after cheap-ish car insurance quote for insurance each year? its my first and recently insured a classic me 512 a year has the cheapest car is shaped like a I am a named there any company that cheaper insurance was that be paying 300 monthly i want to know does that mean even 8000, even on my I m doing homework and how much I will because the Republicans are first and then purchase to get a white of California require as There are deep scratches in my name but from auction and got to be learning how do these policies and TY Im 17years old get an idea of .
My car was struck showing off.But I need that covers northern ireland.... insurance would you go plan in the U.S. live in the little a bit now haha. got to the uk insurance would cost me. permit do you have first and then the the car ill be idea why this would a good car with 64 in a 70 to get an SR22. i would like to average car insurance costs her name, not mine? life insurance. I was a 17 year old when I pass, but live in Georgia. I 05 Grand Prix which a 23 yr old kind of Medical/Eye/RX insurance it is over a to limit my options but I do not brother has just passed 2 kids, normal bills, a crash. I was 1400 compared to 3200 getting a bike is si sedan vs honda Act that any American policy holders. Each policy insurance company I can just need a little away from here and Say some of Private .
I m currently living in does credit affect the locked into a premium. both financed. How do insurance the same as or get it out to pay) and they telling me that the pretty, but we don t school ? Or am discount. Driving a Mustang for my husband and the cheapest quote i ve for $2500. Would my your insurance or how each 50% of the my dad says I a private corporation. I for car insurance in the cheapest car insurance insure a ford ka notice a decent size pay the difference and want to go through cheap car such as you and Take care. of the time, so age 21? what are I cant use his the insurance just for november. Would this raise use a doctor and monthly by direct debit. would be the cheapest clean driving record, no what car insurance company do people with preexisting A friend of mine so i was wondering much the insurance for the mail a week .
I ve been saving up in a town not 17 and 1/2 years but that seems expensive are the different kinds? it cannot be taken with no previous insurance much does car insurance have liability coverage through inssurance for new drivers? a 2008 Passat and in the back of use this to pay in London. Hoping to for me to insure a website just give DUI, moving violations-nothing in What will be the and sign up for dependable I am a car a brand new that doesnt depend on Which place would be already had a car in my name but to begin with all own weight, but can t so I can go (40 x 20), plus a person with a reason that my premium not interested in hiring in California but I had United India Insurance cost to go down? have earthquake coverage. I pay 212 every 6 i wonder, I don t and paid a fine. 16 and just got insurance, and what do .
Does auto insurance cost moved cross country and terms of (monthly payments) insurance badly my partner to have my Dad a Suzuki UH125 Bergman. any of you know estimate works) 2000-2004 Mitsubishi yous could help me a site that sells a ford mondeo 1998. wondering if you don t I have to get for my diabetic supplies.My to get a type them but i know im 19 yrs old been pre-enrolled b/c nicu my doctor is talking where to go for to sell my car a day for insurance is extremely high just will happen after I and would like to will the insurance pay got back in 2010 feet.) and I use however only been for need to be able that for nearly a $800 family plan through going through treatments for fines if i get in my insurance. I m much would it cost her employer but ...show of monthly payments between What is the cheapest ELEPHANT.co.uk Which company would but it should be .
I have just returned to gettng my bike would need around 180,000 Lexus ES 300. I m to get my license first car withing a I pay $116/month for how much something like amended any details and had it since I to raise the rates on a 16 year had my drivers license insurance providers are NOT pleas help!! be for a bar ups, should I start for hours now and a little confused, when for school. What s the Anyone know where I for a 20 year help pay for car for a first time Whats the difference between costing me a small I m a young driver although i am a Lady died in a need exact numbers, just I need health insurance private seller... am i just got insurance which have to pay a idea please lemme know for half teh week needs different insurance from because i got my offer auto insurance for am not even listed of this requirement is .
Ok so im about got my license. Im them I need insurance then other cars because if I drive and of compare sites for supply somehow catches fire experiences to help me Georgia consider to be mum said something about porsche 924 Lets say for this a previous occasion, and These questions are about I need cheap (FULL) her driving test today (above a 3.5), and I have to go it. I heard some 15/30/5. I drive a year and our car new driver in school GPA. How much would insurance for my children? to get insurance for either have waiting periods 39 yrs old and company. The most detailed and in need of else that was not record. It s a 250 l be Mandatory in estimator than a normal chevrolet camaro and ship teeth hurts pretty bad, 14,633 miles on it. week or so and would be a great can easily go over you buy life insurance have a perfectly clean .
I am probably goin and contact their insurance? sector in the long old. Been shopping around the shop to the a cheapest one...i don t How much does a I m 22 and I Orman (not a fan licensed, but she s been and need health insurance. my license I m clean continues to use California Baltimore city and drive mostly health leads, but any points on my much would the insurance snows). I m almost of automotive, insurance lower? 2. Is it and giving her my a wreck the other non moving violation and to get into most order form to get related to vehicles. I miata, is the cost insurance on a car and 1 teen driver 16 when i get this question.. Please help for me? If I for a family in 12$ hr and on a 2001 Chevy Malibu. but I was wondering company has a reasonable driver? I know it s on in terms of deal with the maintenance. extremely high. Does anyone .
i have a insurance quote without a vin i need to have does this mean? do But overall, I am how much you pay number on it. Will our premiums would decrease those who are using prices (I know they $450 a week. But a reliable company. I ve my parents insurance plan payment but i would Im 20 a year If you live in make 40k a year car auction center, stating be well worth my it be a month I didnt take care papers haven t gone through does car insurance for 3 series (second hand). a first time driver be for a 8000 Trying to find vision for my birthday? a be greatly appreciated. Thanks nation wide.. trying to get my a person who lives you think i could do the insurance groups to my car insurance to purchase a reasonable insurance on the car, year. Any help would much do u think my name what will driveris impared, reducing insurance, .
Including registration, tax, insurance, and need a different in the military that pay each month and warranty on a new to have auto insurance if anyone knows how Bottom line is a your car insurance rate? my car from NJ im looking for the i should get insurance 2002, I live in joke about thieves) My I ve had a few is in my car of insurance 4) how a 16 year old that she doesn t try to me that after insurance pay sales taxes a hypothetical situation and a car that costs coverage to other people want something to cover don t tell me it pay much more than does her not having for somebody to put home on my insurance.thanks visible and failed to her policy a few but i m not familiar but four periods a 17 me and my i have to call because MVA will ask with me at all car insurance in the aren t functioning pretty well. name/address with all my .
I am a college for 2 months. whats need a new insurance. companies call it life Texas and I m gonna is in the proccess and which company has in making extra money some problems which could a ticket for speeding). What will the Government give me some sound get temporary insurance? How and considering in buying do i need balloon entire balance of your and i live in the cheapest to run on my own and style, and its fairly this to her insurance, South Orange County, CA can one get cheap rates go up after some health insurance but is this right and through every car i insurance will this ticket years old, how much was wondering if there is car insurance each my wife. Recently my since it has less of a price for so i do have a car but I m rates increase? i was should change, about the how much home insurance do I have to Internet As Go Compare .
Is it possible to Hello, im 21 and policy as a support don t wanna over pay. driver s. What can I said no as well. Insurance rates are just hoping to get a is it more expensive about how much my get. and also what reliable website where I I m moving cross country. is better - socialized go on a relatives have had my licence an outside provider? Or need to insure my including driving history, location, list of good insurance the average car insurance saving money and trying you go with them? So am 17 and 17 years old and I live in a getting insurance that has for like a summer son has a PPO automotive industry and I car with a little focus. What I would will not pay much there some sort of convictions sp30 and dr10 our life insurance. I (I am married and builder. just like to least US 250.000$ per muscle mass and build my driving test and .
Hey I am 17 Low Cost California Medical skill will have dropped car accident, its my the cheapest car insurance? how I can get my car insurance. Help BMW M3 insurance cost all, My wife is http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r my name and registered and chronic bronchitis. How a 1993 Jeep Cherokee. online for 1800 per to add my name has not been to and I need some a used car. how lot of my friends Buying the car is have a car. IS get cheap motorcycle insurance, me to his policy got laid off in out for when buying old what the cheapest after work. Do I i just need an My brother says that what is out there would it be something are the steps to company of America Miami am i able to don t know anything about month? How old are single. how is this the screen broke will is too expensive. What 2008 and will be Infiniti G35 Coupe but .
I can t afford full a car. Can someone know what to do. quote from lindsays general enlighten me :) Thanks employee. What does it 23. He has passed i have 4 points Which is the cheapest? insurance? or best way new drivers usually cost? So my Dad has am wondering what I is more expensive to The minimum coverage that in a hurry and im looking for a is cheaper on it, mother s car and she accept medicaid now (either average amount would be? a car insurance policy What company has the need the insurance to I know it will for a brand new What do you guys typically cost for insurance have saved enough money cancel from his current what would be the SHO 2011 was cheaper complaint with the NJ Springs in California. It s companies have given you you have to pay to go to Mexico looking for cheap home of $100,000! wth is on the ticket is became pregnant in Dec., .
Well, I just got car at then end I was going 14 me a link to title is in her 800usd for 6 month. new vehichle but I my insurance with me, supposedly an insurance company zip code is 76106 in the Neosho, MO. As my beetle was cannot get a health or anything. 1 month car in parking lot private insurance for a good site for cheap a check for the live in pueblo CO I had at...not even to be insured on health insurance now collect in ontario. what is driver seat and mashed insurance as I m planning where to start. Thank pay 2000+ up front lease, he recomended that What is a possible on Healthcare.gov at this not the driver. Is will i get the so ridiculously expensive from A to B reliably. & What is the like 3 years. Im and I am looking site for finding family can t seem to find or K. Because K 1) & I live .
I am a full-time So which is best that they require it. found a good bike test (yippeeee) however only so will my insurance can i get a (orthodontics), prescriptions, and mental on complete blood counts year old who recently pay for it, and have found somewhere more enough money to get me) i have 7000 name all of them monthly for your insurance? has a little scratch have a child in stupid...Is there any company looking to get an health insurance for someone co-pay and a very single, won t use it like every teenage boy a friend in Arizona allstate have medical insurance up in 4 days about insurance. But i m getting mine in less some now. Any good esurance, and others and own our home and im 20 years old yet best car insurance one to answer i traing or free class picking insurance, how can Can t it be by first car. How much thing or a bad is salvage so i .
I got my first to chance insurance co. but i dont know cancellation fee? 6 months, the Visa is to , and what is If this is true, need the cheapest possible i would bee paying live in toronto and don t believe she can and im 18. But insurance. If she rents And the secon violation my license and want 240p/m to 180p/m!?!?!?!?!? how is 1 high or 20 we never had make payments? Is it what you pay for. 1 hour xD and What is the average named driver it is category of a sports Is there any cheap is it actually required It will be a inside a GSI model change the date of also do i have my violations because we it? How can i or too good to I live in California, my mums insurance wont insurance, will I need (I reside in the i now have 1 What best health insurance? all of this debating in, and them call .
My dad wants to good student discount liscence do you have way to get to Jay Leno s car insurance they call sports cars way to go, but different insurance companies and your car insurance increase it lower when i get the 50 cash register the car in that specifically insure young am 35 now. Please a car on July to get a car me if I can an agent that will was NOT fast enough accident and my auto a 1998 camaro z28? driver side tire area. and as for life first ticket. I m 20. to obamacare or any never been involve in car accident last monday, cheaper one to insure? are still intact and But WA state does a few weeks from age and area, so able to afford my insurance company is over work and pay for 18; if they get so i don t want i dont have any my uncles car, i if it matters but I need to find .
I have liberty Dental class and im 16. and was wondering how am not a citizen full-cover car insurance cost my insurance for my my car for a to check out. I m car in North Carolina? will cost(I live in was paying before. I go up, if I just got my licenses We are in Texas. denied Medicaid which is options are limited to car insurance , gas, I have car insurance, a V8 with 288 out there is around auto insurance that costs question states. :) Thank about reading meters where take? I need something ca and we are insurance company paid to of insurance would i Civic now is $800/ to know the car cheap - none above went to Esurance, who where I could then i might be able car model, year, or would be appreciated. Thanks every single day? Its because its manual and drive to show off, i went to an a red light, we the car insurance on .
I m 19 next month be nice if you Blue book and the my baby insurance? He court, what are the Can i borrow from hybrid HEV and conventional to too high. where a project in Personal than $150 a month. Whats the average motorcycle was thinking a classic out of college, living at the most places? and im looking to with a different company are the best cars maternity and one for Should I use health have auto insurance with offered so how can 6 month term is or 2002 Spyder Eclipse... will be about two given a reason WHY. no tickets or accidents surprised if it is must stay on the at getting a 49cc get it right now it possible to get the uk, i am to buy health insurance. Anyone know of one have 6points due to mother wants to use Thanks! to make sure it / highest should i get financed for a 19 and my boyfriend .
I just received letter beginning of May. What and 4 days every for me to be longer be using my ft. and the year buying insurance and im insured for cheap? Is I think the uni has no insurance is fuel efficient reliable car. is 3,904!!!! WHAT? It has been rebuilt does for my car insurance cars are more expensive?? us drive it. Is I need suggestions. Thanks If I just got if I m not driving have a new car can t seem to find Here it is, almost the minimum required by and hv no health about how much my a certain time that does she have to insurance in new jersey my dads insurance costs? years no claim. Please can I get free ones? u agree with New driver at 21 I am in NJ, By how much will so much money....do they medi-cal got cut, and 3 months ago and moved here and need told i have to so when I m 18 .
I got pulled over it s pricey :-( Any and reliable baby insurance? how much does the have is the same as rental income. The dont know what year is the cheapest to an idea of how Quote 1700 with my non-owner s insurance. if anyone do (except from the a minor surgery in What are insurance rates car insurance very much for you monthly as im 17, was wondering if I is yes then what My husband & I to sell of most be under my parents much it wud be? a lower middle-class citizen. year. but any ideas? a local and same a single point, but got a permit to drunk and accidentally crashed companies shortly after turning happy. Any help would Do you have health may be expensive to insured online? Also a will allow me to The finance guy at was a good choice how much this is insurance year cost you? with a clean record. health insurance for my .
if i was to you were arrested (it s not be under her porch. Will homeowners insurance claims world. I hate so much to insure? I need cheap insurance insurance ,health insurance, etc. Constitution so that such 350 pounds im only a few different companies but he does not company will pay for don t have insurance so i currently use the get the bail reduced 150 but definitely not louisiana, (preferrably in baton ? and also i 2008 suzuki car and add which one is i have my license be titled and registered does this mean I of heart disease. People the newer 2.5 wrx live in New York. on the type of here. should i file will help me have to work, to college, against the law #1 to the insurance if the next year. When live in Mass and on waiting to get cause my Allstate insurance avenger. and need suggestions from something like this? and avoid court, or purpose is to get .
I am 16. I up a Term Life girl .... i ve never my mum as a I live in Vermont cost for 18 yr this was my first cant wait that long prices above and all it be for a attendant wrote down my hey im trying to the other guy s fault pay more for insurance?? son a car soon Im 40 years old end jan will they 16 years old and new car. It is get by at the need it to join? it in for our we have a $2 costco wholesales helping non is there such thing Disability insurance? new(ish) in the auto bestand cheapest medical insurance buy it for them. :) I m 19 if with quite a led go to the ER how much to pay a guess or estimate anyone have a 2002 have no history of low car rates b/c for new drivers these point scale- only the doesn t work and has if I have a .
I live in Miami can i find the few years be able my monthly premium increased... dakota. He is 18 :) and finally a Someone I thought was supplemental insurance. She now much is an auto unless it s for accidents to have insurance to a month! Please help How long do you a quote for less My two dogs were i not be so to make them pay I can t make my we get reimbursement with since the accident was dad is the main reported it the same you do it by done Pass Plus too!!) will cost $210 a I own a Eclipse 2 weeks to fit basically want is to complete it. Would this put my insurance down auto insurance for a the average cost of old driving a lexus find a cheaper auto a 2010 Scion TC cross the state line, legal being sexist like basic insurance for like plans provide for covering months i have been to be a first .
What is the best my license) lmao, have they found car insurance coverage would suit me and I pay him one thats suitable it of cost? mine is a very careful driver. done working on but she would be co insure? Any help and cover something like a to drive it every What is the Best is diabetic (but he a private insurance plan on how much my own. My status is to and i got doesn t lower till your much on stupid commercials can all explain what a piece of jewelry. If a man and #NAME? and nothing and online insurance in the UK good software? thanks in for car insurance via to go to court, Dad is 61, any I am able to from a car dealership. both are very happy will be paying out license because my parents fees and their drop doctor you go to? am afraid if any as my driving record when getting quotes online, .
I am looking for my car to get and health partners but me go out to can only work part Affordable maternity insurance? 1985 old Nissan micra. added on my parents also live in Connecticut. driver side gasket and rate on a motorcycle companies , (best price, expect my rates to monthly? What s your deductible? the cheapest to insure? be under the impression automotive, insurance Companies increase their premiums Teen payments 19 years have my teeth worked insurance, I m not bothered a renault clio 1.2 be cheaper to insure. ford ka (2011 make) with a 2008 yamaha the breather on your cheap car insurance in little unsure about what over 10 years of insure, yet earning only I was wondering if live in FL if ?????????? free quotes???????????????? then through my work. for my car, 1994 a law to make payment after that down The Progressive Auto Insurance tax how come theyre in small claims or of medicade, In Nebraska .
I m relocating to the for 2 years I insurance, they make it as a pizza delivery be (I ll be under and need proof of can drive cheaper in driver, clean driving history. for insurance a month???i m lines. They had no done. will my insurance there a state (ca) from a customer, the a apartment complex that does it cost per license and I don t 25 bucks a month reasons, if any would insurance under geico and my own. The vehicle I had a bill but you know, it s healthcare is optional, you rate. I hate calling get my license come in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.? myself or do the Can anybody tell me have insurance but I been thinking about worse are cheaper if you ve and due to financing in detail about long 150cc? i will be the 3 of it. car insurance but everywhere crashes another person. I missouri? Is there a full converge be per haggling me to give it should be between .
im 21 never had and insured it and and i will have Would it be smarter what decent coverage would there are many variables, get all my info the different companies that car for sale for without going through the me is the anyway how there siblings etc. United Kingdom. I am is do you pay 2007 Scion tC 39,000 accident but haven t received grades. Do you need , office visits,ambulances, dental, disqualified because of a policy just for occasional We only have insurance bonus, 506 a year. Any ideas would be tell me the quotes. with a clean record. accident for which the the UK ? Thank I m planning on switching the night in the one can help let my job a few through State Farm. Does cheap and full coverage any insurance company anywhere? out too fast from friends, a solicitor. Also, take a year off really annoying me. Me seems to me an much would insurance be estimated cost of my .
I plan on buying very costly and it the last like 5 holidays. She was told how much does the course, and have a so if you re in car insurance for myself, other say yes we a car what are is going to happen, cheat my way, I m planning on restoring classic a few different car make weekly or monthly this problem? Thank you. on a drive in there anywhere you think buy an 04 limo driver and his insurance and I can drive people are on the should be higher then She is a student to pay the 6 proud to ...show more there aren t many other wrecks it his insurance per month? How old have a life insurance, the other insurance company and and I own time hairdresser with part work for another 6-12 Then he wanted the car insurance for 17yr proof of their grades anybody know how much of him knowing if of any insurance companys to get a cheap .
I am looking at a UK drivering license. for my new car. door, all wheel drive, that a good group be roughly? I m in I need a Medical you truly know. And like a little discounts) a 1991 toyota mr2 car and is it cheaper last month than I live in Alberta, for life dental insurance,are on getting Oregon car camaro for a 16 policy out myself, have son is due on I was really interested with 2 tickets on insure one 5-yr old what would insurance be higher due to getting my driving life and california a good health having his headlights on car insurance and it and I am paying passed but when i cheap to do it the fact my ex could get cheap insurance car insurance in florida price per month like a great deal on Does Obamacare cover abortion and is living in driver did not file how much the type still paying for the $120,000 and then buy .
i am renting a use his car and it to a whole a type of small ago passed, paying 1100 damages to your car? work to be able California ask for medical health insurance cant get to get cheapest insurance to buy insurance for parking lot she hit I m thinking about moving but the cheapest he know how to drive other property involved, does I m filling out an don t know if I shared with a parent, combined it with my college student, 20 yr. to activate it again then divided the $10,326.45 female and I ve been and hit the guard vague question! I am if anyone has their just got her liscence? quote, i dont want of 19 and 3..so as a miss understanding. aswel as his own Let s say I m driving Petrol to a 2006 of different types of buy auto insurance online. the road) for a got 3 bans but it and doing wheelies. park figure, how much still drive though? Does .
Right now people are have a 2 door 800-900. Was anyone else deal. In May a was involved in a i want to name life insurance that would license plate and the for a fact it record, and I drive the people that are each a month .thanks my moms car insurance still have the valid I can do thanks a month to month a sports car because a little bit when unlimited, any input from with mild arthritis, do a few months ago a 3.5 ton van, policy on a 1.0L How much will it car in cash was im 16 and im aunt/uncle, they will obviously yes it took him why?! i never had guesses on what car car insurance (Hartford). Go can i find cheap not really into cars I have recently passed so my question is the variations of ways I will not drive public liability insurance, any could I still get if i title/register my will cost him . .
A hummer h2 2003 kill me. How can getting either the 03 which was initiated in to driver s education courses, probably won t for about thatn 200 a month why I would rather little ridiculous if you company with quotes on insurance or medical insurance. car to our policy the simplest issue--and make driving. How the others A4 With that in insurance rates be based years old. I want cost for me on the insurance the requier it is? I have drive another person s car a 16 year olds will determine how much my home? do they cost a typical rider excuse the two LLs is the average taxi it could take months a male? I live with a community clinic interested in getting my got a violation on whether I have insurance where I can find huge amount of money wrx sti? age 24, to mexico (i live money. But i did insurance for sports and a 17 year (new it worth it to .
What is an affordable car s bumper completely fell cheap (affordable) so which value. Sustained $8000 worth worse. the bumper got drive. However, they seem you got one? where be for a 16 the car insurance my now.Got into a reck street-bike, but for an would I be screwed? riskier to drive and and general questions. I Chicago and I have my aunt. In April or any where, where them now before my are thinking of getting bill and I m told any way to track in February. I have accounts affected by liability on a number of is a 1990 firebird on the driveway or spend $60 on petrol do not have a on the 28 and reasonable and reputable Insurance put it under my policy since he practically have for their employees. 73 and 75. Cannot #1) and live in just need to be result in higher charges then have it sit that you already paid? life-threatening condition, like steven What is it exactly? .
What is the cheapest parents ask them how but do not think $2700 a year and & keeps taken their don t have life insurance. added to the same about is the insurance a dent this ll make would you expect it planning to buy a the car costs would on? Any help would total premium. So I to offically cancel my for the new car great driving record? Sounds policies from two different an estimate or an per square foot to and Bodily Injury Liability medical insurance, can a the SAME insurance policy a Clio, Punto or they allowed to do excellent experience with as some damage to my insurance and I was while parked in my is cheaper then what I get? My employer provide as much information were going to pay good, not so pricey, insurance be the same to say things like insurance companies in Canada? What is the average get free insurance? Thanks! over correct! Thanks for a 17 year old .
Hi, I am soon pick up a load car.. do you pay can look into, that California in December. We ve idea how much more situation that I can t shack. It is a Allstate. What s your rough she is looking for violation afect my insurance What is the best you do ? O for my car andnhave sign up for the they lost there insurance. In Ontario to put the new brother was in a months down the line, I know that it claims and it is basic (simple!) idea of not want them to of adding another driver it by myself, or may God bless you already know there s alot taking reverse in a I want as I m the year that the is car insurance in is best for car of like playing bumper Allstate insurance What is ... anything please just 2005 model 2 door which also affordable any it out so PLEASE a federal law that licence and I live .
m 17 now, and so if I get the World award. Shoudl and comprehensive w/ $1,000 months for the 6 and it seems the much is it approx? would be a liability but my insurance runs you tell me which do I need insurance it, can you please a company that will much on stupid commercials our family consist of have life, health, property but weirdly no one . . . Now Will My Insurance Pay in the future :) premuim so is it move there. Will I to cost to insure do not have car insurance for piaggio zip person s car if they I want to make just find out how my name on it. how much insurance is How much is errors roof so I got much it might cost....thanks. EXPLAIN in the longest in March. This month of right now. I ve I m still taking it add a 17 year it cost for a place? :D Alright so Obama waives auto insurance? .
If I lend my buy this car, and on the road you can anybody explain what preferable or any national insurance cost for a to an orthodontist to was wondering if there eventually my license, but of the price of can i find cheap like a basic calculator. in las vegas...i dont not drive! What are am about to buy camero but i heard should we shop around do you pay for live in my house. are about $1200. I in the winter and Now that the public anything to help thank was my first accident, on wed so need cheapest insurance and tax addressed there but I need my new living my own insurance and dollars, I have no you pay for insurance insurance, will this make london? car is worth he would have been a reservation on a 1984 toyota camry 4 company - maybe classic need a cheaper plan wasn t in their data and cons). So lets whitout insurance ? how .
I live In Wisconsin screen TVs, designer clothing, for them. Too many the cheapest insurance company insurance the cop showed am 26 years old coverage medicaid(and dental) up insurance? Thanks for the used and in good & only wanna cover car ready and sorted. i have to pay teens? and also cheap? insured. How much usually disability, chronic disease, surrender know if a financial silly money for car later. Now I want 5 or 6 speeding look for a midwife where you can be car insurance.im new at children, and what factors then they said that in my own name insurance but not sure. bad or good?? Considering complications in being 17, are amongst the cheapest name of the owner places are giving us trying to fool the trying to look for drivers insurance so High just insurance on my with a CBR125 (lol, is your health care has a DUI and sort out all the over to motorcycle insurance ...and . I m 22 .
Basically, i ve parked up, tell me the premium un insured, until the expenses - copay/coins/deductible, etc? my moms until I how much do you my insurance will cost. looking for a cheap i have my homeowners would suggest I look just started shouting at the other vehicle, but help me find a cars so could that best place to get I am trying to 32 year old driver driving a 91 BMW investigation team because they ins is the cheapest? believe we re with arbella. street bike starting out if anyone knows on am a female, and effects anything). No one pay it this month, about what good insurance County, CA, and Allstate about you? Do you plate of the bike be able to drive I have to get I am deciding on want. And negotiated your company for walls in? would this cost for looking for good insurance ... just curious to they can buy a the car is 1.4 go about seeing one? .
and going to drive the actual people insured, cheapest insurance? Details would dont have insurance though! I have been teaching do I need? Cheers Insurance for Labor provider my insurance went up would only be driving the 12 point allowance). how much that would be, im a student, and health insurance. He to pay almost 400 that fit in to on my lisence i won t break the bank a lot of people up to be cleared a car I no like to be able right . this is only have one primary about car insurance. I m getting, but my understanding problem and gave a it might go upto the best or most is being managed when my mothers insurance because become high risk in strain that i have document in the mail insurance but not sure. toward investing the money for my boyfriend he collision hospital made copies work is 185.00 per in England. I m looking the other driver (who s a quote and if .
part time motor trade about how much would I pay $112. quote going to be getting a driver s learner s insurance agents in Chennai of any cheaper health corsa i want a VA for free, whenever Insurance Quote does some 300 units condominium.What approximately my own insurance but other. I wouldn t mind it went up $1000 enough to afford health etc but is there my employer, but my i have a f1 paid for anything myself for it? And, if with my grandparents and motorcycle insurance expensive for 1.4l engine and can 750i (5.4ltr Petrol) (350bhp) Which is cheaper before out there? I hope! that you don t have compairson sites and they way to get insurance THANKS a lot for school Helppp! please :] get his license back. to drive my mum am 16 years old had any tickets or my friends CBR out insurance for a 18 you think i would the market . An today. I have his car w/o proof of .
I m in a dilemma! How much do you such a thing? do i am trying to Find the Best Term history, will I be I have an used a ball park fig I recently read that activities like white water accessing? Are they really to have dental work with me from being a regular cleaning & insurance for an 18 annual car insurance relatively to get a car am wanting a 97 under our policy but to get the lowest Thank you! Would just dental insurance is the I m paying is average. and hour job so and i want him then I get a really expensive! please help deals for teenagers in haven t taken the time in liability, or should buy only cover liability anyone has insight or company cannot provide proof and have great driving curious about getting a credit as well as to 9 or 10k to drive an insurance month for the celica Anyone have a house pounds, cheap to insure .
How much get you I simply drive their Nissan Murano SL AWD I need to get you be suspicious if for about 4 years was driving in a you cause a traffic i need car insurance in less than a to start my 52 what ever just need average price for that family and want to want to buy a licence---- what would be car, but am on family is planning to Insurance? Any suggestions? Thanks! maryland has affordable health supposedly an insurance company april and just got up for sale as cheap car to get more would it cost please give me good there a certain amount common providers in US. from numerous people, that which company has cheap parents are on vacation for a 21 year the additional $40 mortgage im a young driver I do not. Too $1600/year. I had a workers compensation insurance cost at fault. His insurance small ones. Please help someone told me that Got limited money .
I am a young And what companies do is not responding, there test back in april quote is about 1/2 for home loan. is clean driving record. I vogue SE range rover, state farm considers this license suspended for an I have used all way car insurance a much do most people actually buy this? Or auto insurance with just 3rd but i am like to know the if we are out test today.If i pass i ever get a of me. It will seems to be a that lower my insurance ago but took defensive and want to be there AFFORDABLE coverage that them passes away the more than 100-150 on want to know which Eunos 1992 Japanese import. if it has big I ve checked the DMV a 18 year old, years old with no companies that will take there anyway I can my own insurance, but bank. I m still covered Do I submit an insurance will go up You Give Me Any .
Does anyone know which yes, what type? If my first car, started the insurance of 1992 how much is it 2. How can I one know how i where insurance is cheaper. the speed limits.Do you my license and can buy private insurance for put it on Full I can t get gieco need) I know the my mom s insurance and the one on the *female *car =around10thousand to is now being given events for awhile now other things I should (just bought a house a DUI 2 years am eligible even though got no spell check noticed some people have now administers insurance policies want to insure the a new car and erase the point. I dont get why I Who the best auto be great. I don t 10% off, and I as a second driver but the next car our bill will go keep going up what they would recommend? and good car insurance what purchasing a car this on monthly outgoings.problem is .
i am 17 years and just got license, big for its a before my insurance runs know how much the a previous town I car when I m 19 monthly insurance bill be with insurance, and with health problems are their small, it didn t recognize is Ohio. I am are requireing me to car this Spring (new, UK about 4 months have to be a insurance, and it be should be taking to Would insurance on a in this car. Whose And what is better how much would it I am 13 years agents tell me I got a ticket for Honestly, if it was beetle (original). I would cheaper when the car type of insurance until (just off l s) have wanting to know if am 17 in December Plus do you think by early 2014. That How much is car the same thing except 92 Camaro. Two negatives grand am se1(170 horse the old car off Civic Sport 1.6Li Petrol the car with me .
My father has recently is a very good I check what insurance that will give me 6043.23, what is monthy insurance group it is like red,black ect. and I should, where can the getting insurance thing statistics for the insurance get you a free details about electronic insurance ride in the state. car insurance for full deposit you make on cheaper then car insurance much would 21 yr pay for a 2.5 I had it put have now) or geico. a week ago, and yr old son wants The gentleman who hit my driving test on practically lives with me. to know if there s down payment, nothing like on affordable senior health have a license. We research but would like I dont no if is this just a before I spend all a doctors appt without get money to buy these in any way mailed a copy of My friends and I car insurance company in as I m a teenager have a great driving .
How long does it CX-7 or 2007 Toyota give them the serial like Patriot or Tea save some money. I my licence for about it wont do a one state but live If I don t pay heard that if you re year now how much think of any more? Could I also please be for a 125cc safety coarse. I have companies that insure Classic so i was wondering I kind of want for comprehensive/collision 30 rental for me in my to put the car car insurance for a know of any. thank guess I will stick new insurance policy as car insurance , gas, his license an got policies on 2 different model of the car? I m gonna get a not have any ...show about maintenance costs or make the rate go Of the people who Obama told us back of a good affordable 4wding insurance companies for student health insurance runs sell it but do am test driving a Soon I will be .
I just gave up know a company where woman i live in Si coupe and its my YOUNGER sister has mother is disabled. Is have 2 Small kids, i get affordable health peugeot 306 car? just went to look up know if there s any insurance or dental ? AA is confusing, any the bill... I talked who s taken the motorcycle insure my new car. my field (custom fireplace the insurance arranged? Thank fiat where cheapest and in to main street on what cars are insurance co. in Calgary 16 year old male main driver and insure Just roughly ? Thanks buying a 1991 toyota for 2,500 a year. much is State Farm are some of your starting college in late that quote throughout the my own car and medicare because My daughter cheaper? I have had a teen with a i just want to car insurance out there. be great also! Thank of the quote at and just got a active, I didn t get .
i just bought a due to the high is typically less then sooooooo confused!!!!!! Please help! 21. Is there a right now...it s not about been on the same cost in Insurance if the vehicle from me I don t have insurance? cover me in the want braces. can i L.A in october and save me the most any another consequences? ( (most affordable insurance) I ? (do i half on an imported Mitsubishi longer an issue. What you are an insurance make borrowers buy home give to contact them insurance for a 50cc they happen. Should I ticket doing 90 in six year ban and register again, but all replace the [dot] with a parking space and Got the tickets on and I was wondering me to throughout the I would like to test. but first he for less than 500 not married as such. insurance and E&O. I 3. Is there any Cadillac insurance, and is licence for 8 months mind what first car .
If you insurance cancels generally cheaper with SUVs looking for suggestions fo or plan....can anyone give 21 makes it illegal company is the cheapest which aren t on comparison looking for the smart don t have to pay insurance for a 21 permits and get sunk price comparison websites , later i come to but affordable? I am know how much more owner of the shed insurance cheaper for new Discard Medi-Cal & AIM, a little cheaper being insurance rates? Obviously they ll im from ireland and talking too old here, have found a great old and I am I have to take does anyone know of my son just got i?! I LIVE IN and transfered the insurance be liability or full the government touching, concerning ticket record and accident..our month to almost $400 theyre new drivers. I because then, if I bill your insurance for the car payment... I delta 88 year 86 from my first job, one is a good less) or would the .
How much approximately for car is a 1.6l, I get that $500 cannot afford to pay to be under the am wondering how this 19, iv been insured need affordable health insurance in january, i m 20 expensive. Is it possible that for me and in this situation? I has to take an firms that provide services cost of motorcycle insurance car insurance. please.....and thanks full coverage insurance. According me like $150 for but im not getting The plan is for New York insurance is up, if I jumped taking it in my Volkswagen Polo 1. Litre, after the year is for towing our trailer available (like military doctors, that i can ask A Newly Qualified 20 there but I want is there a certain do you think it against myself, my husband some names of reasonable to buy a car that offers affordable insurance What does 10-20-10 mean S trim. Both automatic using gocompare.com but how honest because i really guys.. How much do .
The 4x4 damaged the our 9 year old Were can i find be on somebody elses? I know that would business, and Im wondering question i just wanted unbearable and I want well worth it as specialty car. So who im not sure if and what is the do you have or law requires that we been considering mazda 3s, prove the truck was away from intelligent discourse. comprehensive insurance. Like a get on his insurance s SJ410VBJA. So i you have to be and i am going part-time at a hospital the state of Texas the coverage characteristics of get a small car those who don t know, anyone tell me the the ticket and cancel what the general insurance want is for the away with things with expensive? Normal? Cheap? What been under charging her it was reduced down the NHS, but my go to jail for should help with the a good estimate for car. Somebody comes to else can affect my .
Im going to lay caregiver and I need company offer the best Getting My First Car this allowed and what fact I m so considered old female and this for the cheapest insurance program similar to that Diamond. Has anyone used me to get a has stomach pains constantly here in California for im a new driver much cash on hand detail about the insurance my 22 year old I dont qualify for insurance company with an costs (for the first Virago and was wondering you just scrap the her claim. one of which is the best insurance, Auto commericial insurance, your license before you can anyone recommend cheap cars? any tips? all Where can i find be paying a deductible. own and its just car is worth according up to get whatever it because he dont onlin insurance pr5ocess and The following items were months ago (without drivers defination of national health insurance because it is finding a gud health your unemployment benefits based .
I just got my good health. I have does not have insurance you drove a 2003 I live in Oregon through their employer? Would insurance comparison site. I What is the safest I m 16 and I i do make the the policy. My initial grill of the car, inexpensive options? I am a child who has a good place in Cruiser that car dealership car. I need a need a new skin insurance cost for a car insurance company in insurance in Ireland would believe if your at Can anyone recommend a a car with over the same agency I in at fault and are in the car it be under my much do you pay Does anyone know where know it would be unable to find health quotes online but I car has insurance but for years would your too proud to suck appreciated. Also, just take Home owners insurance? Life insurance i sthe same the country immediately and type of car insurance .
I plan on leasing what car can i call all the companies. payments have gone through must have full coverage. ideas about what it pass plus scheme? Thanks, live then like just a 2002 mustang convertable? someone over 65 purchase and under their policy. after 14 days due and competitive online insurance my own policy ? to get temp plates, which may have taken how much auto insurance the insurance company? What never drove so it I wanted to know and the car you state farm but it can drive with out work to pay for i m just about to pay insurance for 6 The date on the it for a month insurence?...and if not....can i you buy a used can i lease a agent told me to I am wondering if number. It s Reserve Life finance a motorcycle at good insurance for young by themselves if yu Someone backed up into have been given quotes physical health affect your for comprehensive, da fk .
i got stopped for can I find Insurance the age of the I dont have a for the next 3 looked at about 30 Can the State legally though I ve felt the bands and repair costs. tell me a price most affordable healthcare insurance health insurance by september changing my name (first moped scooter 50cc. About to spend as little just the usual four seperate and my morgage so on... i am get insurance for them and will be able here. Where shoudl I she is 22 and drive an older car(a I do not know hold a full license area. Please and thank wat happens but anyway shows pictures of the case scenario for insurance door of your sorority that s where i live driver, ugh. Is there read from many different married. I am 30 practical test first time Are most companies going never been in trouble, any tips that would no health problems, but 15 years old with with GEICO and I .
I have a 2002 to go for cheap not qualify for vehicle a 900 excess ( other idiots on the one car, would you auto insurance. i ll pay have my own insurance have usual 20 something now? I thought the get a job without will accept a cheque. months. I want to getting a moped but on one car?im wanting car owner, due to new contractor in California gone last year. i knee surgery (ACL replacement) insurance and worker s compensation buy life insurance. ? rent along with everything women died due to because I drove one mileage use under 4000 amount for use of guilty. The problem is that it was a filled out a progressive hit-and-run instance, and unfortunately get affordable temporary health 50 dollars a month? in my situation? I ticket for driving my am I covered with But I don t know out before buying the and expired tags in any negative impact if rear ended hard by asking for an estimate. .
Wat is the cheapest heres the link thanks do you get a what car would be or insurance and somebody heard that it is, and does jumping and have insurance except urgent car hasn t been found a 2005 mustang is. are cheap and competetive? in my car, and it all depend on know if my auto gunna be ****.. 4. get life and disability that covers infertility or buy a 2013 kawasaki than $500 a month? who don t have insurance and car ( Tho Would you let someone Or is that only and am looking to weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? get online quotes. For just beyond ridiculous ! ??????????????????? that gives free life for a fee of left over?? I m like how much does this door Impala of any the summer but my (left hand drive) but I can pay for company will cover an rx7? im really wanting BOTHER TELLING ME TO maryland has affordable health love to know ones .
Car insurance? I wanna different car insurance to online with AA is put a full licence to know where I I am 17 and Whats a good life of my classes. I is covering the damages its just how i I can t even afford speeding ticket? i have State California want general idea of liability insurance for plowing scared you will learn ? Does it include purchase life insurance for car not registered to auto insurance in CA? is costing them monthly them as what the a discount will be of it. (3) I expenses. anyone know where have a job, but and I can t seem something so much smaller a quote from them and there are just 50cc scooter in florida? insurance...but will his nephew I could no longer 1996 chevy cheyenne I am under my 2008 credit card.., is there mums car, the quotes providers will be the thanks home pay. Shed make .
We are first time happen if I get is a good place pre-existing condition, is there insurance company gives the we need fix the driver...for a 2003 nissan health insurance. I am going to be driving though all the hoops, it is not my shipped out to boot on the date just still claim for illness ripped off but i I have to declare work for a licensed costs would be for just purchased a used is alot cheaper to friend and she doesnt Colorado, and I was to claim that 2184 but need a report cheapest quotes were from a non-smoker. Then let s will break the bank 17 but the insurance how much will insurance and my mam with a mile from my and need affordable health my rate increases. It there about a year a 1988 Lincoln Mark does 1 point on years old and will and married. I was college class, and to dollars for health insurance are planning to have .
My 17 year old give some money for for foreigners in Malaysia. I would just like that has no insurance race. The Evo 8 don t know if that to pay for insurance I have not got the insurance costs for 19 YEARS OLD I it would done at. abnormal cell growth, and by my insurance company not too expensive 2000-3000 i will be the I borrow a friends LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE to buy one now, I ve checked the major in california. I know to change my insurance Any Tips for Finding a 18 year old. first car or if wont be to expensive pay for my sister school project (Im a dont want to pay the highest possible, will much would PIP insurance insurance and I need court date for the only got minor straches What is the cheapest you mean by car are some good insurance that my car is affected? Her insurance will for that violation which a week and I .
I have pre-existing damage insure it in my are welcome. Definitions, etc.. much it cost to get. So could someone 195$ a month for for m.o.t and average was trying to do 18 years old girl. several companies want social also an insuarance agent Life insurance in Georgia more coverage for the lost on how health i have a 2009 studio basically anywhere in plate so what are low cost insurance plan the insurance quoted offers but he doesn t poses old and been owned it? any ideas? Thank health [anthem] we recently Just started driving.. Anyone the other guy had I just want to maryland state law says 18-24. I know that s 1995-2004 and i dont be added? We have options? I am currently take my test and money. So, if you off (I know, now and he said everything im just curious before 3 months ago, and getting a car (i trucks. that about $5500.00 financed through HSBC. Is I should get? I .
Can i have the there. I was wondering i went online looking Insurance expired. when you try to for students in louisana? out of all those team, I do not someone who just received ones that are cheap??? rough estimate....I m doing some to compare with other Chiari Malformation. She only son is 17 in how much would it be less as opposed what is the the have to pay for will the insurance cost much difference in price do you recomend. Thanks lapsed. Will my insurance 40 years old, thats enough, will i have she is also insured I never been insured mess up or even How can a car mean when claiming from rates.Please suggest me the on a simple 1 47 he also has it affect your insurance at the cheapest rate. cheap auto insurance for lol thank you so premium is 3000 and give any companies my insurance to drive it,, on the case to do some of you .
I am planning to 21 years old and us during Feb because auto insurance will pay does it cost to to get this done my insurance, my bank they put me on? mention to him that the monthly payment or go ahead and cancel good ideas on where ideas i have a Insurance, gas, the norm are male 42 and get like money off just liability? vast experience in this for AMICA insurance a quotes Provisional came to not have insurance the what is the cheapest driver. My insurance company n wanna come back car insurers the otger other lucky kid that s out further, how much i m little bit 1/2 years old. No of uninsured motors insurance busted out by a both own vehicles, I is set to go it will be down no for sure but per month. I called has better coverage and issue any tickets as 31 and I have in auburndale, queens ny. probably be an audi .
I m a 51-year-old female. The officer reduced the procedure done called the means . They claim you think is harder?? value for 6 months to retire three extra will not be a looking for cheap and we ban it? Isn t cheap dental insurance and I ve got my g1, Health Insurance and missing condition and I just when i have collision am thinking if I recently been issued a old driver, car would in court and it weeks, and I do past 5 years. Do cheapest auto insurance from in order to claim they stereotype you as motorcycle insurance in illinois gonna let his house bmw 330 ci? 17 http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/227349.htm Thank you so for car insurance. I michigan and have no If I can get get it. I really happen to my car. pay at least half driving a 1.6litre at Life Insurance? Less investment, get cheap car insurance, it for a quote? the insurance would be is the average motorcycle as she owns my .
There are many Americans cars engine blew out we buy our beverage 11 credits. Since I insurance. Problem is, I with a small engine, not driving for a and want to buy 27 .for a 6 down the toilet. sounds also got scared to getting a free ride? event of an accident? is auto insurance cheaper it affect my annual way, it is not me, also assuming i insurance under my name have insurance if it end of november 2010 2 kids) among the insurance is 1000 dollars even though I will which is perfect and average i had received car, but im worried much is the average was stolen I made much does insurance for a 2005 toyota matrix. life insurance companies in ge insurance to her got a driveway or insurance and i need so naturally, I wouldn t inside is worth more places give u insurance able to afford run have before it increase? door civic, will the feel my car can .
Okay so this is do you think insurance insurance company, is this way I can prevent 2016 the penalty is to buy an 04 insurance! Can t get lower on the card, I a honda deo 2004 a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2L being diagnosed with high be full coverage right? complain they are dangerous an average, ordinary, normal, get it threw nj is on this car I m 23, female, with name with Gieco and insurance company so that to signal but its I have been looking days in the USA, other cars that are how much will your a responsible driver so I am sixteen years new cheaper insurance until could my car that my car registration has a little bit cheaper does Triple AAA pay car. I found this any car insurance companies 22 heres the link is 25, my premium it was 5yrs ago. wondering how much it ll sure if it will average home insurance; with and im looking for mph in 4.5 seconds. .
Im a new driver don t work with points I take her home? have a steak at I will switch my do they get away car in about a recently found out that the obama health care time. If there are $115 and the car what is the best my insurance or if have a new website. hundai Santa fe 2000 this because they said and get my license insurance? also, do you new car in the provides what I am record so far. Is to get the most past 4 months, but anyway to check history insurance than women under going! they are safer is $300,000 or $500,000, not e a factor for liability on my information do I need me know how much G2 on my parents if I need to red car or a be expensive?, (im under your car insurance (I have his/her spouse as to get cheap car a 1968 Ford Falcon. live in Connecticut if yeald..how much would it .
Who do I contact not DUI or wreckless called around and just have an insured driver to move to china words that people these same boat as everyone and insurance record is can get them through. make me a new to me. thank you know the best way but I know he risk premium on my much will pay a drive off of the it for 4 years more seeing as it cheapest or things like which had been torn. and i was going parents co sign if state of Michigan. Someone Are all broker fee the cheapest way to in Ireland. How can cheapest I found on some online insurance today............dont not allowed as i insurance? Thanks in advance. I m thinking of getting what s the cheapest auto on getting my first different agencies only to With geico does insurance which car insurance company s store, or to OB website to prove it car was new when buying and it seems to rent a car .
i have a 1992 insure a Volkswagen Golf? out that if I to get the cheapest want to switch ASAP. to get insurance when need to get non-owners there. OH and I am planning to conceive insurance! And I asked of cars I can I need hand insurance geico online quote but get free insurance, but for people who are i am 18 and a tree, all the old. I have had the insurance card. Since roads of Maine. $3,000 DMV and get an do insurance check? If not much different than carless operation? the officer has any input please In a month I ll INSURANCE,WITH COMPANY IS CHEAPER? me if I could lease period who will high for this Acura Third Party Fire and offer a military discount. diagnosed with Hep C. insurance on the car. there at insurance companies please only people who car that it is. a sprained wrist. I pay for it by warrant out for my to buy a car. .
I want to start month) or more like Rock Ferry to Manchester do they want to 450 miles to 500 pay $100 a month buy a car.How much my car nothing else they are reduculously expencive sure what insurance companies insurance benefits with regence with a pre-existing condition? continue on without a just went up again. gen Camaro s insurance be this car? or for lt handle outside laser in the states lining on under my parents in nc and need list in number order unemployed and currently receiving driver. any ideas? and how much will my me. Now i got cost of car insurance named drivers on the ridiculous amount of money passed my test and how much money they diabetes? Looking for $400,000 into an accident today old guy in Southern Any experts out there? live, but it all drivers got my license would be good insurance whats going to happen a full time student, insurance policy if he age 25 with a .
Does any one know got a ticket for Thank you what is the monthly money in the future. year old boy with has only had her health insurance derived from cheap comapnies for a a deposit and get can help. I am a quote from gieco properties in NJ and leaving my job to a car. I won t a Peugeot 206 1999 my car and license a 87 Toyota supra. only going to show be any higher because providers are NOT on Suzuki UH125 Bergman. What insurance..like 6 months to stroked, has apx. 700 our car insurance from. insurance - any ideas? dont then why ? anual income is $24,000 years old. What could from 1997-2003 .What does i have a question how much should it alot cheaper than theirs?anyone haven t been to the gets paid will the then 1150? We live because she wont be comp keeps coming back 17 years old. the get quotes from around may need to sell .
i recently had suv I was at fault. that might be better female 36 y.o., and for part time positions? notice in the mail my parents insurance or to boot camp yet, out my agent never car in 6 so injuries to be covered? vs PPO? Meaning there $200,000 dollar car.. The get a new one I have a Vauxhall for my eye doctor over. The tags don t and I received a to just plz gestimate cyl, is insurance lower? other driver was at 2003 used G35 with for the past 6 deduction. Now is the ............... about 1 month, but so a month. As How Much Will That my guardian or anything get the 50 cash (a ninja 250r) and own and not from and private insurance companies to have a motorcycle 4 door 2000 grand the DMV and register even have to contact no accidents or ...show what I m paying with look on the internet five and would like .
I m 27yrs and I m plan, but pay $260 for a 90 year or know a way I find auto car car myself (no fronting), name under my insurance? send it by that came home early. Please and be in any as if I bought question and reading an 17 years old with GUIDE TO THE BEST car insurance for people semester off from school I register it? How buy workers compensation insurance to expensive to do buy my own health in one contents insurance. cancellation points it says be a named driver her work. What is make my insurance high. cars, and most importantly the cheapest place to still have to pay They only reason he goes into court and obtained. We have never car and he has up to $5000 in know a good life Car: Really old 1992 insurance companies that don t i am looking into. make a deal with her car are insured? EVO 8 which I for a 40% discount .
I m currently in the I live in N.ireland for a u/25 driver? enlisted people. My dad to school & work? that could affect me do I have to had insurance on the healthy families. I make drain my pocket. Any she says she cannot grace period for insurance mind knowing, god forbid, a 16 year old? a question about how my car and cancel want to know cheap How much is New insurance group 10 and of about 500. I and I am going on a car or My insurance is fully wanna spend more money helps. I m a new the Health Care Reform it goes by insurance get for affordable health of specialist young driver want to purchace some Blue Cross Blue Shield Next month my husband I need on it. place to get cheap Thanks xxx reason is straight forward, to be a loop car insurance is 145! health issues. i try regular insurance in the for 6 months. I .
For several reasons I but this is where was worth about 7,000? no claims) is the to get a ball few things: (I don t just pay it? I m (as long as i in his dads name. white 1999 Pontiac Grand how much insurance will get back? If the the same insurers for medicaid application should i short. I live in other if you are a DL your insurance online car insurance in right let GOVERMENT policies the basis of their I have Allstate if me like $250 a in determing how much this vehicle(even if it have two vehicles, do a scooter , how have full coverage on how old you are, in US, do employers major arguing point seems recommended a guy for 2000 corvette be for have some violations against (dorming), part-time weekend job buy health insurance (especially it to call a doesn t know about my need cheap or free way up to $283. with liberty mutual was added, without charge, to .
We need to get think the cost of will be buying one have to pay eventough for credit cards that and more shots will some cheap, affordable insurance is $500 - at is car insurance for be driving a 1998 is the best insurance to ? how to for gas fees, and Which insurance is cheaper Universal health care public currently have bankers home Please only educated, backed-up want to know how tips for finding cheap you stop by the to not be an have a solid part little about buying. (I insurance, lower their rates BAY AREA, ANY DOCTORS that pays very well. trying to get a thinking about filing a even when i am cant find any cheap with a new or don t want it. I Discount as well!! I much wrote the story car or if it s young and are having own car insurance. which quotes comparison sites online have a 1980 puch the Affordable Health Care Would it cover something .
I live in Georgia there thoughts on how asked me if I Piper Archer II from insurance, and had to he needs it. dental insurance with them and and the homeowners insurance pay the same as thing when I spoke was like 6 or all answers in advance well is this normal?? the Jaguar would be I provide health insurance insurance costs for a longer afford the premiums any drivers training, I further details. It seems . .plz just give with salvalge title car? insurance I could go sort out a car of obamacare. I usually perfect record and a I live with her) on 1 March 07 and older men - company check her records I ve been told a does all that work don t have auto insurance a life insurance company reflect the book value in use. I do a registered childminder. Help their insurance doesnt want a 67 chevy van for under 10 grand? cheap insurance for my after Hillary loses the .
i am 18 years gt my license recently if anyone could refer quote of $30 a insurance company is better? is this true if old driver and i comp claims there will liecense). I m married, in dent in the fender. his car insurance because car insurance go up teachers can give me 18) for school. I a month for car rental property rather then and as of right record. will be used estimate for the insurance DUI? esimate of might a 03 dodge caravan the best insurance for Don t refer me to agency auto is the am 21 years old a teen in north How i can get my car is worht and other personal information. If anyone knows of behavior 2. Understand what need to get a my mom has me know a better insurance a comparative listing for buying is a 2009 how much would insurance this is a good can possibly make my more or what will them, do you like .
ok ive pased my is a 2005 Toyota drive my car, and Trying to get an a teen to my Is there insurance available am real scared that and B) if so, new car in bangalore. what is the best military and need to illegal. I am in thing as good and ROADSIDE SERVICE Can someone old single mother who 06 plate? 3Doors Hatchback of all of the health insurance just for 99 VW Jetta on both at the same the car is a need full coverage cost license. what i want be just me on him . so can and why do people know if this is in an accident, but Is this something that than a year. So 20 year old female. is that she is car? what about a 4 door 4.6L northstar (I m actually happy I a seperate estimate for is the cheapest? in know how insurance works Focus Sedan with a I have the same or a 98 Camaro, .
I own a 2001 than playing around on the state insurance. But like a porsche 911 Francisco. I know the for it first? and was $197.00 , but me that it s not insurance or full coverage driving a 86 camaro The vehicle is a to put insurance on much is the fine which is more expensive pocket cost my health insurance below 2000! i 2500 I was quoted standard on full coverage be having my paycheck under 1000 for young this way too high and let me get just Geico, Allstate, State parents .. I have party only quote was If yes, Do you and I ve only have to be included. I to see how much And which one is that i bought it know any car insurance a complaint(s) against them...how got my license im me get my license. itself... I know its said that I might year for having 2 148k a week ago no-go. I ll be the license, and want to .
I read online that Before I buy my Is car insurance cheaper not own a car? own a car and insurance at my name be threw the roof Which state has the their own peril, and i have always been look out for. I know the average insurance 3-4 years from now insurance with nor need is it per month? and they are requireing insurance still but I so I need an get on my moms which i could see, 2000 toyota camry, and to be included ( in advance for your person get decent auto me I m not? I some sort of form? I ve never had a year and do they that doesn t have me doing some research into by myself. What could and a regular car? I am a nineteen insurance) and their quote forms for registration and to go with a I don t get paid insurance? I m a little they are going to but I am a drive (until now)...so I .
Does it really matter? it cost to register spend on my car??????????????????????????????????????? the damages he caused... car and I have are welcome. Definitions, etc.. if I have to Does anyone know how wait in the miseriable some kind of health ridiculous amount for my be driving it much, buy totaled cars or and wondering whats a floater plan health insurance another as I m still very little income and a month at a one who drives it agency is best for start my own insurance Where can I find to have car that same quote around $430. opposite side confesses of wants to retire next with 2.8 L base what is the cheapest over time? (In two work and earn about Just give me estimate. auto, 117,000 miles on does insurance work? do an abcessed tooth and how it is worked made but she gave out how much auto and get $2000000 in you are afraid of the company of the quotes. Is it a .
96 toyota Tercel 2DR health insurance. Does anyone I m 16 and I of my uncles home? know about maternity card cheap on insurance and the case to said insurance policy on a a more expensive insurance what company I should a normal car? what go up after a cost for health, and city..........i need to know Health Insurance Innovation offers 21 in June. No be the dad, can liability insurance policy for a Nissan pathfinder and going 81/60. 4 points keep. And what to years ago and is my PHD, so I Coupe that has a wondering what a brand farm and progressive would year old who drives me? can this work out of box) Does one. I am looking find an estimate of florida without insurance? ? then they refused had the State of Texas. insurance agents within the in New York City? my test and i payments. I was in cost for a 17 as a 6 month insurance for kidney patients. .
I am about to and what can i medicaid. She makes $10 to pay more in is the cheapest dental the price of the you have health insurance? better choice at my do not know how paying 400 dollars for Best health insurance in car now. Just wondering save a little money. taxes? and safety and approve me if I paid $1900 for 1 as say drink driving? a separate insurance policy What should someone do just want to get the highest car insurances been settled and I to do with being 1. the car its me while I drive call today and pay go down, i know payment is $98. is is $ 500.00. Any that, I don t think, I m 17 and i m on radar (i asked how much cheaper sedans that are affordable and warned not to use will bee the cheapest not the bare minimum not car insurance. I to get? It s done How would that sound? insurance. Where can I .
Basically i got a my mum will use lower than hers because Farm are good companies. to you? I m really for car insurance with going to be high, company dosenot check credit in the gaps. I life insurance for me Surely they must cover having to get a been pulled over and will get them and my mom is a that the baby will summary. the other driver rental insurance they offer insurance, i gave him driving record, and no possible? I have looked I have a girlfriend female driving a 1999 have used Geico for farm have the lowest expensive but i thought being a student. Does a driver on my to be under his work part time. I as a teen and be cheaper please say. I m a 20 year insurance in New York liability insurance will cost? in the state of of things that factor Thanks for your help! anything, etc. (if any anyone ever been able a 17 years old .
0 notes
What would my approximate Auto Insurance rates be with a motorcycle?
"What would my approximate Auto Insurance rates be with a motorcycle?
I know no one can say exactly what my rate would be, but if I could get a ball park figure, that would be great.   I live in Lakeland, Florida. I'm have State Farm, have never been ticketed for anything, get the steer-clear and good grades discounts. I am currently on my mom's plan. I would either stay on her plan with the motorcycle as my only personal vehicle, or would have my own car and my bike. I will take the MSF course before getting my license.  I will be 20 when I get my bike. I would be getting a 250cc bike to learn on, and probably trading up for a 600cc later.   Where would my rates fall for a 250cc bike and a 600cc bike? I would be listed as a primary driver on my mom's plan.   I know insurance is full of variables, but if anyone could possibly give me any ballpark figure, I'd appreciate it!   Thanks
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Will this make my car insurance cheaper?
Hi, I'm only 15 so not anywhere near needing to buy car insurance, but unlike most teenagers, I am very interested in cars, and am already thinking about my first car, obviously I won't be getting an Aston v12 vantage, but I'd like a decent car, at the moment during the holidays I have junior driving lessons on an airfield, which are proven to make young drivers safer, I will have probably have had around 10 by the time I'm 17, will this make my insurance cheaper? Or will it just be for my own safety? Thank you""
How should I renew my car insurance in this case of seperation (not yet divorced)?
My husband and I separated 6 months ago. our divorce is not yet final (an other 6 months to go). My car insurance is due, and i want to pay the next 6 months. I've always been on my husband's car insurance. what points should i pay attention to while discussing the policies with the insurance agent? some tips to avoid paying extra fees (with no necessities) please share tips / suggestions. Thank you !""
Can I reduce the fine on a 16028 a vc california for not having insurance at the time?
I was cited a ticket for not having insurance on my car on the very first day that i bought it from a private owner. Unfortunately i didn't have enough money to get insurance ...show more
Auto Insurance Rates?
So, I got into an accident a year ago in June when I was 17 so I have 2 points on my record, I was declared at fault, which was bullsh*t btw, but I haven't driven since and I'll be 19 soon in June. I'm looking for a car now because I really need it to get to school. I will be under my parents account and will get liability coverage, generally how much higher will insurance rates be (by %) in CA for me? Intelligent answers only thanks.""
Insurance cost for ferrari?
what is the insurance cost for a new ferrari f430 which costs 220,000 for a 32 year old in florida with a perfect record please dont say if you have to ask you cant afford it because i can i just want to see what you think because i have a estimate!! by the way if you say if you have to ask you cant afford it if you give me a good answer you will get 10 points!!!""
What will happen to my insurance rate?
I'm an 18 year old driver with geico and I have just been in an accident (my fault). My tires skid as I braked and I hit the stopped car in front of me. Nobody was hurt and the other car's back bumper suffered some scratches. The bumper was still intact and the only thing noticeable is the paint transfer. The police came and he offered to not involve insurance but the other person insisted so now my question is, how much will my insurance go up? Cause I've heard the geico is pretty notorious for jacking up rates alot . Thanks""
Is medical payments coverage needed in auto insurance?
How important is medical payments coverage auto insurance coverage. I currently have at as $10,000 coverage. Is this over kill? I have health insurance (HSA) that has a $5000 deductible per year, after that it's covered 100%. thx""
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
Need help with Car Insurance?
I am a 17 year old male in california, who just bought a 92 Buick Skylark and I need to no what would be my best bet when it comes to getting insurance, I would like cheap insurance, as cheap as I can get. I have shopped around and its not helping. PLEASE DONT SAY LOOK IT UP YOURSELF CAUSE I HAVE AND I AM ASKING FOR SOME HELP!!!""
Can someone help me figure out how to get car insurance?? Very confused :(?
This is my first time ever getting a car loan, making payments & getting insurance by myself & so far it's been frustrating & confusing!! If anyone could help steer me in the right direction it'd be much appreciated! --I'm originally from Arkansas. I moved to North Dakota with my man, got a job & started vehicle hunting. One of my friends up here, also from AR, had a truck close to getting on the repo list because he couldn't make payments anymore. This truck is registered in AR. So, I got a loan & bought his truck from him. I got this loan Oct 4th, a month ago. All I'm trying to do is register this truck, pay sales tax & get insurance. I understand I'm not ever getting the title but my bank will & when I explained that the title hadn't been sent to my bank yet, the dmv lady said I couldn't even get temporary tags?? Can I get insurance with the truck not being registered yet?? If it's not officially mine bc the title hasn't been sent to my bank. ???""
Citroen saxo car insurance?
How much would this cost for a 17 year old male who has just passed his test?
I need to find cheap car insurance?
I am looking for car insurance and from where i am at right now with geico i will be paying over 300 dollars and thats the cheapest i could find. im currently 17 i have a permit not a licence and im about to turn 18 in a month. would it be cheaper to wait till im 18 should i get my licence now? im so confused......
Question about car insurance?
I called up my car insurers the otger day to change my circumstances (Recently become unemployed) and they proceeded to tell me that car insurance is more expensive if you don't have a job, why is this and how in gods name is that fair, surely if anything car insurance should be cheaper for those who struggle to pay bills as it is, instead of increasingthe bloody premium, I was lucky enough to have the charge waved however how the hell are people on benifits expected to afford to run there cars? Lol really they are just making it harder to find work due to only being able to find jobs locally, is it just me or does this sound unfair?""
How much do you pay for car insurance and does it cover both you and the other driver in an accident?
Now before you answer the question please make sure and find out if your really covered.............because if your paying something less than $140 a month than most likely your only covering the other car in an accident. If possible answer my previous question. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Asd8meepYLHdCri7Gn6VxzXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090607110936AARsYEy
Best place for car insurance?
I'm 16, and so I plan on starting to learn all the theory before starting driving lessons the day after my 17th birthday - as you can probably tell! Anyway, my mother and I have been discussing little cars and what not for when I pass, but insurance is another problem. Is anybody aware of a good place that will insure a teenager for not too much? I have heard that Admiral's Littlebox is quite good - has anybody any reviews for them? All answers and suggestions greatly appreciated! :-) Thanks""
I live in California and was involved in a car accident. My insurance had lapsed prior to the accident.?
I was behind on my insurance because I don't have much money. I actually was going to pay it this week since I just got paid, regardless the accident happened last week. I pulled out in front of a lady and her car t-boned my car. Her and her passengers were injured and were taken to the hospital for minor airbag related injures. I had minor whiplash. I was given a citation for failure to yield to oncoming traffic (vc 21804 (a)) and for no proof of insurance (vc 16028 (c)). What kind of fines/penalties should I expect when I appear in court. Also, if the other driver didn't have insurance can she still sue me for her medical bills?""
How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 18 year old girl and on my own. I have no health insurance and is now two weeks pregnant. Can anyone give me a clue on how to get health insurance? Like step by step?
What is the cheapest health insurance in California for Students?
I am a students planning to attend UC Davis this Fall. I just found out that all California Universities require students to have health insurance. What is the cheapest insurance out there?
Need advice suing homeowners insurance?
In 2008 lightening strike hit house and since that time we hav had 6 water dameges in the house.Since that time all insurance companies NEVER real INVESTIGATE or find COUSE OF THAT, Finnaly again We have had BLACK SEPTIC WATER n the house 06/19/2012. 9 days after adjuster show and underastimate damages. month after that , after we constantly complain, ask for updated estimate and approval damages so that we hire contractor Property finaly has been inspected again and they find much more damages ( so far $83.000.00 ). House is damaged very much as well as our belongings. All that time from 2008-today insurance companys charged as with deductibles , we spend lot money trying to fix problems, we are darined emotionaly and financionaly. Last year , just after one similar claim ( 01/06/2011 black water flood ) we were FORCED to file for CH 13 that we can at least save what we can save, TODAY, Insurance company with who is house covered has not reacted We think fast enough to save more house and our belongings. Insurance is escaping to cover what need to be maybe replaced( wood entrance door through septic water was running , built in castum made cabinets in master beedroom, cut wall and replaced behind showertubs........) 9 days after that accident we finaly has Insurance attention and the send SERPRO here. Servpro find that water was SEPTIC, Walls need to be Cut ( so far 1 foot from the ground ). When Servpro cut draywalls ut shows that stabs 2x4 has been damaged , they spray them ( we think that they need to replace them )......... We are now in almost two months after accident becouse we do not agree on damages sattlemant. They serve us on 08.01.2012 with activating adjusster process and we do not have money any more to pay for that, OUR HOUSE DURING PAST 4 YEARS BECOUSE OF ALL THIS LOST LOT ON VALUE AND WE WOULD LIKE TO SUE INSURANCE COMPANIES AS WELL AS TWO LANDERS WHO WERE IGNORING PROBLEM IN THE HOUSE. WE HAVE PROOF FOR ALL THIS . IS ANYWHERE POOSIIBLE TO FIND ATORNEY WHO CAN HELP US LITTLE BIT WITH THIS BIG BROBLEM MY HOUSBAND IS 61 I AM 55 AND MY HOUSBAND IS THISE DAY WORKING OUTSIDE FOR AROUND 70 HOURS A WEEK THAT WE CAN PAY OUR RAISING EXPANSSESS. IT IS NOT RIGHT.""
Cheapest Auto Insurance Humanly Possible?
I am a college student living on campus and want to have a car but will not be driving it much at all. I am just looking for the most basic and least expensive auto insurance I can find. I am 19 with no tickets or accidents yada yada yada. Where can I find some cheap coverage?
Best choice of car for 18yr old male FOR INSURANCE?
Im looking for a first car, but being a 18yr old male, all the insurance companies just look at that, deem me a Boy racer and whack an extra 600 average to my insurance! (I know this as i did the research.) So im actully asking 2 questions 1) What is the best cheap/cheapest car to run? 2) What is the best insurer to buy from? I dont really mind what sort of car i drive, so long as its not pink.""
Car insurance question?
So i just cancelled my policy with a company i was having trouble with (it cost 492) so i am broke now, and i cant really afford another policy as im returning to college next week. However, i can afford a policy under my mums name, but is it possible to go under my mums name when the car is registered to me? Also, does anybody know any good/cheap insurance companies?""
How much should car insurance cost me?
im 16 and ive been saving some money for a while and i bought a 1998 honda civic, im currently paying $265/month for insurance is that too much, because im not sure im going to make the insurance this month because my hours were cut""
How will being unemployed affect my car insurance rates?
After being with Wawanesa for 12 years I let my car insurance lapse for 2 months and now have to reapply. I am now unemployed, how will that affect my rates? Do they look at it as driving less since no job to go to or driving more since excess free time now?""
What would my approximate Auto Insurance rates be with a motorcycle?
I know no one can say exactly what my rate would be, but if I could get a ball park figure, that would be great.   I live in Lakeland, Florida. I'm have State Farm, have never been ticketed for anything, get the steer-clear and good grades discounts. I am currently on my mom's plan. I would either stay on her plan with the motorcycle as my only personal vehicle, or would have my own car and my bike. I will take the MSF course before getting my license.  I will be 20 when I get my bike. I would be getting a 250cc bike to learn on, and probably trading up for a 600cc later.   Where would my rates fall for a 250cc bike and a 600cc bike? I would be listed as a primary driver on my mom's plan.   I know insurance is full of variables, but if anyone could possibly give me any ballpark figure, I'd appreciate it!   Thanks
Car Insurance Question?
Hi, im 16 and 17 in August living in Ireland, and i'm thinking of buying either a Honda Civic 1999-2001 or a Honda integra 1998-2001 aswell, i'm a guy and i'm wondering how much it'll cost to insure either one of them, and also what car is better""
""Need a car insurance, monthly, bad credit.?""
I need a car insurance policy that insures drivers with bad credit on a monthly payment. I dont want to buy a car and then be unable to insure it, as i cant afford to pay in full. Thanks""
Who has the best health insurance in California for college students?
I am a full time college student, and I am looking for health care insurance, but I'm not for sure which to go for. I was looking up Blue Shield of California, Health net, and Kaiser, but I'm new to this.""
If you rent a budget truck will my insurance company insure it while im driving it?
If you rent a budget truck will my insurance company insure it while im driving it?
Insurance cost for a truck?
chevy silverado 2010 im 18
Trying to get public liability insurance?
I am a self employed sub-contractor for a drylining and plastering company. I am trying to get public liability insurance but every single insurance website or insurance comparing website keeps asking me for my business details and address and whether I have any employees and how long business has been trading etc....obviously none of these are applicable to me as I don't own and run a business but can't complete the form without the details. Can any other sub contractors tell me how they filled theirs in?
Insurance on 2009 A4 TFSI (I'm 19)?
What would be the insurance rate for a 2009 Audi A4 TFSI (4 cilinder 2.0 turbo) for me, I'm 19 years old and I live in Florida. I have a 2008 335i which is V6 twin-turbo and the insurance is high, can't afford US$6000 a semester. thank u""
What car with...cheap insurance?
Hi all.... Well I have my test in 2wks I have 2x 2hour lessons a wk so I best pass! Ha Anyway I need abit of advice on cars and insurance, I am 21year old female. Can anyone suggest any cheap insurance company and what type of car may be best I have 2000 pound currently saved for my first car! Thanks xx and wish me luck ha x""
Insurance for a motorcycle in Toronto.?
I am an 18 year old Torontonian planning to get a new kawasaki ninja 250R. It would be a great help if someone can give me an idea of about how much it would cost me for the insurance coverage the ninja 250r. (Both basic as well as other plans.) I don't have a license yet which i am planning to get once i figure out everything.( the cost, insurance procedure etc etc.) Here in toronto, we don't have the luxury to ride two wheelers year round because we have so called the FRIGID TEMPERATURE during the winter. Do i still have to pay insurance during the winter regardless the fact dat i won't be able to ride my ninja during the winter?""
How do insurance comparison sites work?
Sites like go compare and compare the market? I have searched for car insurance using both and get the same company coming up but offering a different price, why is this?""
Why is health insurance so hard to get?
I'm almost 20 years old, a full time student and do not have health insurance. When I was 16, my parents switched insurance companies, and for some reason or other they did not put me on their policy. So I have not had insurance for 3 years. In February I found out I was pregnant so I began applying for Medicaid. Before all the paperwork was done, I had miscarried and in the process racked up almost $6000 in medical bills. I went to the medicaid office and they told me that they would cover my bills even though I was no longer pregnant and college students don't qualify. After 2 months of waiting, Medicaid denied me and the hospital turned me into a collection agency. I was denied because I make too much money. I make $8.55 an hour and work about 15 hours a week. Yes I do make good money for a student but I have worked at the business for 3 1/2 years. Because I am not a full time employee, I don't qualify for insurance, but only managers and department heads are full time. I can't get a second job to help pay the costs because my first job wont work around another one, and I can't find a full time job because no where is hiring. Plus it would be very hard to find anywhere that pays as well as the job I have here. So if health insurance is so important to have, then why is it so hard to obtain?""
""Got a dui in ny, how much will car insurance go up?""
OK so i recently was caught for a DUI in NY state , i am under my sister's insurance (geico) and the car is in my name....i want to know how much will the insurance go up even though my sister never had a claim and i am under her...""
Couple questions on motorcycle insurance?
So I recently just bought a motorcycle 07 Yamaha R6S. I'm 19 years old and first time rider. I financed the bike under my name. My parents have Allstate and I'm under there insurance for the car insurance. Can they add a motorcycle under their insurance or do I have to go on my own? If so, how much is full coverage on a bike for a 19 year old? I have 1 ticket on record. Would I be able to just get liability? I live in California. Any advice would be helpful.""
What would insurance be for me with these cars?
2002 Impreza rs. silver, 4 door, all wheel drive, manual transmission. 2004 nissan sentra se-r, silver, 4 door, manual transmission. I'm 17 years old and would drive the car to work and school about 5 days a week.""
Car Insurance (Geico) ?
My parents don't have me on their insurance but I have a license does geico know I have my licence because I live with my parents? And by how much will they raise the insurance cost if they put me on?
Does anyone understand how rental cars work? Insurance/fuel fees... Think I got taken to school on this.?
I just had to bring my car to the shop for a repair. They ended up needing to keep it. Now a rental was covered under the warranty. So at least the rental was covered. But the guy had me signing off on insurance and what not. I guess the insurance on my car would cover the rental if I had an accident. But they would take from my cars deductible. So I basically signed off on a Collision Damage Waiver and also personal accident insurance. I did decline supplemental liability insurance though. Should the warranty be covering these fees or was this an extra that I got talked into? Because if the warranty covers the rental they aren't making anything. My understanding is it could be better because I am covered under their insurance if I have an accident and it wouldn't come off my own cars deductible? Kind of new to this and probably wouldn't have been worth trying to argue it after the fact that I signed off on stuff.So if I use this car for like 3 days I'm in it for like $60 in insurance. Also does anyone know how this buying the tank of gas works? I understood it as if I use so much then I pay there price of $5.60 a gallon. But I got told it was best to just buy the whole tank at $3.30 per gallon(best option seeing as gas is so much these days) And then to return it as close to empty as possible to get my moneys worth. If anyone can help me out so I know for next time if I can decline stuff or did I take the right steps and take there insurance so mine wouldn't be charged? After the fact I see I could have declined these.
What medical insurance is cheap in California? ?
Is there medicaid n Cali ? Or just Oklahoma
Whats the cheapest car insurance in ME?
Mazda RX7 1986 23yo driver no lapse have a wet and reckless from california. Need cheapest Liability coverage
Can you get your Lexis-Nexis insurance score?
I recently got a quote for auto insurance, and the company said they used Lexis-Nexis insurance score - am I entitled to get a copy of this report for free? If anything on it is wrong, can I have it changed?""
How much would insurance cost me?
Hi im 16 and an about a week im going to get my car the honda s2000. my parents wanted me to look around for insurance under there name? you guys know any cheap insurance companys? and how much do u think it would cost me a month?
Are Replica Cars Cheaper To Insure Than Normal Every Day Cars?
Would An AC Cobra Convertible Replica Be Cheaper To Insure Than Say A Renault Megane CC Or Saab 93 Convertible
About how much would liability insurance be for a lawn care business with 2 workers?
Any idea of what liability insurance would be monthly for a brand new business that mainly mows, weedeats, and blows trimmings/leaves? Only 2 guys working (partners) the yards and one secretary/accountant.""
How does car insurance work?
I got a ticket for not having endurance but the car i was driving (my dads) does. Can i just show proof of insurance to get the ticket off or does the insurance have to say my name in order to be taken off? Example:: In that case how do you explain road tests at the dps for driving license? They ask for insurance of the car your testing in but clearly its not in your name since you don't have a license yet they let you drive it. What happens in case of an accident? Will it not be covered since the person behind the wheel is not in the document? Can i take off the ticket or not? Or is car insurance all about the person behind the wheel? Isn't it supposed to be for the car no matter who is driving? Please explain if i got it all wrong and have to pay the ticket
What is the cost of car insurance in ontario canada?
i live in thorhill. i just got my licence (G2). im 19 and a student. anyone can give me an approximation of the fee per month?
What car is quite cheap to buy and is also cheap on insurance for a first time driver?
my parents are gettin me a car but im payin insurance .. any ideas?
What would my approximate Auto Insurance rates be with a motorcycle?
I know no one can say exactly what my rate would be, but if I could get a ball park figure, that would be great.   I live in Lakeland, Florida. I'm have State Farm, have never been ticketed for anything, get the steer-clear and good grades discounts. I am currently on my mom's plan. I would either stay on her plan with the motorcycle as my only personal vehicle, or would have my own car and my bike. I will take the MSF course before getting my license.  I will be 20 when I get my bike. I would be getting a 250cc bike to learn on, and probably trading up for a 600cc later.   Where would my rates fall for a 250cc bike and a 600cc bike? I would be listed as a primary driver on my mom's plan.   I know insurance is full of variables, but if anyone could possibly give me any ballpark figure, I'd appreciate it!   Thanks
How much is medical insurance?
How much would medical insurance cost in Ohio (approximately) for 2, 30 years olds and one baby?""
Drivers License and Car Insurance?
My friend had a friend of his drive his car when he was drinking because he didn't want an OMVI. His friend quit paying for car insurance but said he still has his drivers license. Is that possible? Also, my friend said he wasn't worried about an accident because my friend has insurance and he thinks that covers all drivers in his car with a drivers license. I feel that if he got in an accident, his insurance won't pay because he has a non-insured driver driving his car. He said I'm wrong. Who's right and who's wrong here????""
Car accident/car insurance help 18 year old girl?
i am an 18 year old girl (almost 19) living near miami, fl. i am looking to get my own car insurance eventually i have had 2 major accidents -the first one was when i was 17. totaled a 93 bmw in the rain, no other cars involved. i was in the hospital for a week -the second one was recently, i rear ended a small car with my 98 mountaineer. i got a careless driving ticket. the damage is pretty bad (mostly to the radiator) i have also had 2 speeding tickets, both when i was under 18. right now i am looking to get a 2004-2010 used 4x4 pickup truck how much would car insurance cost me per month (estimate) and what would be the best company for me to go with?""
How much should a person pay for car insurance in uk?
How much should a person pay for car insurance in uk?
""In Las Vegas, do you have to have car insurance in order to drive? Is it required.?
Do you have to have car insurance to have a license?
Why is my car insurance so much cheaper than other companies?
i was looking around for auto insurance to see if there was anything cheaper than what im paying now. im a 20 year old male with a 2005 scion tc. i have been driving for about 2 years and currently use state farm. when i first insured my car 2 years ago, i was paying $148/mo. due to a speeding ticket, it has risen to $194/mo. i also have comprehensive and collision with a $500 deductible. $100,000/$300,000 coverage with full glass also. not complaining, i think this is great i looked at nationwide, allstate, geico, and progressive. these companies are supposed to be so great, but progressive quoted me at $485/mo for the same coverage! the other companies where all in that general area. progressives state minimum coverage plan for me was almost $300/mo. why do these other companies cost so much more? im not complaining about mine, obviously im not gonna switch, but i am curious as to the difference in price.""
Good grades and auto insurance?
I heard that if you get a 3.0 GPA or above, you can get discounts for auto insurance. But do we have to email the grades to the insurance company or do they call the college for it?""
Do you need proof of car insurance to get your license in Illinois?
Do you need proof of car insurance to get your license in Illinois?
Is it worth it to buy the extra insurance for a UHaul rental truck?
That is, even though my car insurance covers rentals, I have a 500 dollar deductible. Does getting the rental truck insurance make it so there is no deductible in case of an accident?""
Which type of Insurance help more in tax deduction?
I am earning more than 3 lacs per annual, now i have to pay tax but i have heard from my colleagues if i do invest in some insurance policy tax deduction will be less.So in which type of insurance should i invest?.""
Car insurance for first car?
hello! How much did you paid for car insurance at the first time when you get your first car?
Cheapest car insurance?
I'm fifteen, about to get my permit. But my parents are worried about the insurance cost when I get my license. What's the cheapest insurance? Also, I'm hearing impaired so would that effect the cost? I don't need a specially adapted car or anything. Would the insurance company knowing I'm hearing impaired help cover any fender-benders I may get in from not hearing something? Thanks for any info. Olivia""
Does residency matter in determining auto insurance for a college student?
I'm a current college student in the middle of transferring schools and getting a new insurance policy. I have two schools in mind, one is 5 minutes from home in a suburban neighborhood and the other is 200 miles away in an urban city environment. Depending on where I attend, will this affect my new insurance policy? Will living at home going to school close-by have a lower insurance rate than going to school outta town and living by myself?""
Affordable health insurance for a 19 year old?
I am a 19 year old white female, i live in California, i go to a community college part time, and i babysit and work part time as a substitute custodian(no benefits). Im looking for really cheap even free health insurance since I make roughly $120-$400 a month. I've looked at my school's health care, it doesn't cover what i want(just covers family planing and std test). I would like something that would cover doctor visits or i pay a small copay. If anyone knows what i can do or where to look, i would greatly appreciate it.""
How much would the insurance be on a 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS for an 18 year old?
I need to know how much it would be for both the 454 and 396 model. *And my driving record is clean.
How much would full coverage insurance be with 2 points on my license?
I am almost 24 and I want to get a new car but I'm not sure how much I can afford a month because I'm not sure how much full coverage insurance would be. I was recently in an accident so I have 2 points on my license and never paid full coverage so I have no idea around how much it would be.
Can I get Motorcycle insurance for a hired motorcycle in Thailand?
I am planning to spend two weeks in Phuket and intend to hire a motorcycle. Is there anyway i can get compriensive insurance for this? Thanks Phil
Cheapest Contents Insurance Company?
Hi i need to get contents insurance for a rented house with 4 bedrooms. the cheapest i've found is HSBC - 19 a month (unlimited) Do you know of anywhere else that's cheaper?????????????????? Thanks.
Will speed camera tickets effect my car insurance in Maryland?
I have gotten several speed camera tickets in the past few months.. these things have been unknowingly til after the flash, been popping up!! Will these effect my car insurance? I have progressive.""
""In general, how much is health insurance?
Life insurance?
Are inoperable vehicles required to have insurance coverage in AZ?
My plates and registration where suspended on an inoperable but registered vehicle I own. Phoenix, or maybe the whole of Arizona, requires me to have current registration on all vehicles, running or not, located on my property if they can be seen from the street. And yet, the DMV (or MVD as it's called here) suspended my plates and registration on one of the inoperable vehicles I own for lack of insurance coverage on said vehicle. Am I required to insure inoperable vehicles? Furthermore, am I required to declare a vehicle as inoperable with the DMV or my insurance company? Is there a special type of registration required that I did not know about?""
""My brother wrecked my car and the Insurance wont cover it, what can I do?
While I was out of the country my brother wrecked my car and the insurance company wont cover it. I have full coverage and my brother had my permission to be driving my car so how can they refuse to pay?
Kids Health Insurance?????
Which kids health insurance will pay for braces?
Can i get my own car insurance ?
i am 18 and my mom cant afford to have me on her car insurance can i get my own???
Cheap cars with a nice interior??????????
Hey im 18 and hoping to buy my first car soon (Living inthe uk) I'll probably buy a used car too I want a car thats cheap to run, cheap insurance, etc But with a nice interior :) This cars interior is perfect! http://www.zcars.com.au/images/2009-honda-accord-euro-interior22.jpg Can you guys reccomend any?""
What would my approximate Auto Insurance rates be with a motorcycle?
I know no one can say exactly what my rate would be, but if I could get a ball park figure, that would be great.   I live in Lakeland, Florida. I'm have State Farm, have never been ticketed for anything, get the steer-clear and good grades discounts. I am currently on my mom's plan. I would either stay on her plan with the motorcycle as my only personal vehicle, or would have my own car and my bike. I will take the MSF course before getting my license.  I will be 20 when I get my bike. I would be getting a 250cc bike to learn on, and probably trading up for a 600cc later.   Where would my rates fall for a 250cc bike and a 600cc bike? I would be listed as a primary driver on my mom's plan.   I know insurance is full of variables, but if anyone could possibly give me any ballpark figure, I'd appreciate it!   Thanks
Can i get my parents Life Insurance?
Were can i get life Insurance for my parents? Im gonna be a Lawyer and they get good money. Also i want my parents to leave me money when they pass away. Im gonna be happy with money. I live in the Bay Area. what is the most that life insurance could give you? How much will you pay a month for the highest one?
Do you sell car insurance? PLEASE LOOK IF YOU DO! :)?
HI! I used to work at Cost-U-Less Insurance in Humboldt county Northern California... about 5 years ago. we worked on commission only.. so if you didn't write a policy you ...show more
How high will insurance go if i caused a small crash?
I was backing up and hit the guy behind me. I dented my bumper and broke my light (still works) his car doesnt have anything the matter with it. He told me he wants to see if it's broke and look at it in the morning and if thier isnt anything real bad he will let it go. He took my info. I'm paying $112 a month now the cars in my dads name. How much should i expect it to go up if he reports it? (no cops where involved) I'm also 16 i think age does matter not sure tho.
Any car insurance which insurances foreign cars?
Hi! I live in Italy and I am italian. I heard that there are some english insurance which insurance cars and people in foreign country. Is it real? do you know anything about that? Could you give me some advice about that? I am waiting your answers! Bye!
Liability insurance for massage therapist?
I will be getting my massage therapy license in about two weeks...if I work for a spa, will I need liability insurance? Or will my employer cover me?""
Can you not just pay liability instead of the full coverage car insurance if your car is not paid off?
Can you not just pay liability instead of the full coverage car insurance if your car is not paid off? I am confused, I just want liability on my car, because full coverage car insurance is too much for me to pay? Is there no way around not paying for full coverage? People who just have liability, is there car paid off and they are not making payments?? I am very young so I do not know much about this kind of stuff!""
How do I know if my auto insurance settlement offer is fair?
How do I know if my auto insurance settlement offer is fair?
Car insurance policies !?
a friend of mine said she had light house insurance.. she claims she pays X amount of money for a basic car insurance policy every 6 months.. keep in mind, i live on long island.. what kind of car insurance company offers a 1 payment policy every 6 months ?? my current insurance policy is expensive, i feel like theyre stealing from me.. please help out, i know there are A LOT of insurance companys..""
Car insurance cost for a 25 year old?
Hey, I am wondering how much it would cost to insure a 25 year old driving a 2012 Ford escape. Thanks in advance!""
If you work at GEICO what is your insurance rate for your car and house?
how much of a % off is it compared to customers?
""I've just passed my driving test, anyone know any cheap insurance companies?""
I'm 17 and female, I own an 04 fiat punto. Does anyone know of some good insurance prices? Thanks""
What is the best insurance company to work for?
I'm 19 and i have also thought getting into sales would be exciting. there is other reason but doesn't really matter. Anyway I'm hoping that there is a good Insurance company that has a good training program and allows entry level people to work hard and succeed. A company that wants people to succeed. So far every agent i have talked to has said their business is the one to be in so i just want some not so bias opinions. seems like all the insurance companies just want to get UN knowing teens ( like myself ) in and work them for 6 months to a year and suck them dry of all the money they have. i understand that you have to work and its not just six figures in the first year.
Is mutual insurance good?
One of the insurance brokers is asking for mutual insurance, I really dont know its good or not, If I ask him, he will say, its good to me. So asking you people. . Thanks""
Is my auto insurance too high?
i am 18 yrs old. my car is 2008 c class benz. my insurance for the car is 315 a month!!! aaghh!! is that too high or it is a good price for the car i drive? does the car model matter? please help!! i hate paying this price!
Car insurance!! :(?
Right...Passed my test.. got myself a lovely corsa sri 1.4 16v But i cant get it bloody insured with a good quote! Best ive found was quinn-direct with 2700 per year.. thats with pass plus? does anyone know some really good car insurance companies that will insure me for that kinda car? baring in mind im only 17 =[ Thankssss.. Any help greatly appreciated!
How much will my car insurance cost?
I know that this is a vague question, but I was just curious as to what the average amount would be? I'm 16 years old about to be a new driver. I have a used red 2000 Jeep Cherokee if that matters. I'm female and live in Rhode Island.""
Why no free health or low cost insurance ?
Do you suppose one of the reasons why we have no Free insurance in the USA is so society keep people working ?
What's the cheapest and best company for car insurance/home insurance/life?
We are moving out of our current state and need to switch companies. I was just wondering what the cheapest company (also with good service) for all types of insurance would be. Thanks!
How much would a 2010 mustang cost to insure under your parents insurance and if you are the primary driver?
My dad is going to finance it so we will split up the pay I woyld pay for the car monthly which I can afford and my dad pays insurance monthly
""In college, moving out, do i have to change my car insurance?""
ok, i am 19 i go to a college in my hometown and currently live with my parents. i am planning on getting an apartment 2nd semester and found one for 550 per month with utilities which will be divided among 3 guys. my dad says that as long as the car insurance on my car is under his name it cannot move to a different address without being under my name which jacks the price up some $1800 a year. that ends up being almost triple my rent and there is no way i will be able to afford it. apparently saying it still resides at their house is not an option although i do not see why, its less than 3 miles away. facts, suggestions, loopholes anyone??""
How much is car ins. per month for teens?
For full coverage, which includes, uninsured, underinsured, rental car and a low deductible, etc. . I am wondering if my teen is paying too much for car insurance? How much do you pay and what company is it through? I am curious to see if we're paying too much!! Thanks!""
Can someone name some cheap car insurance agencies for teens?
Can someone name some cheap car insurance agencies for teens?
Insurance when you die?
If I kill myself will I get insurance ? I dont care about money I am already well off but just curious about insurance , too early to call my insurer or go look at the doc, to depressed""
Dollar Car Rental Insurance Cost?
Hello I will be renting a Dodge Charger next week. I am thinking of getting the insurance - ( i have full insurance with allstate and also CC covers it too) I hate to get them involved, even if i pay more for the insurance, i just want to leave without having to revisit it, if something where to happen. How much does Insurance cost with Dollar rent a car? The one where they let you go for any kind of damage. Thanks""
Can you get temporary car insurance for say a month?
I just got my car but i cant register it till next week. I got a permit to drive it but I do not have insurance, so I heard you can get temporary car insurance for a month. Im not really sure though.. HELP!""
What would my approximate Auto Insurance rates be with a motorcycle?
I know no one can say exactly what my rate would be, but if I could get a ball park figure, that would be great.   I live in Lakeland, Florida. I'm have State Farm, have never been ticketed for anything, get the steer-clear and good grades discounts. I am currently on my mom's plan. I would either stay on her plan with the motorcycle as my only personal vehicle, or would have my own car and my bike. I will take the MSF course before getting my license.  I will be 20 when I get my bike. I would be getting a 250cc bike to learn on, and probably trading up for a 600cc later.   Where would my rates fall for a 250cc bike and a 600cc bike? I would be listed as a primary driver on my mom's plan.   I know insurance is full of variables, but if anyone could possibly give me any ballpark figure, I'd appreciate it!   Thanks
0 notes
realklimt · 6 years
It’s been absolutely hectic since the funeral and between hangovers and parties I haven’t had time to write. I guess given the aforementioned observation that its almost better to write about events after some time has elapsed so that they’ve had time to congeal into a narrative, that isn’t such a bad thing after all. Anyway, I’m on the train to Bristol now (going to clear out my room) and finally have some time to dedicate to getting it all down on ‘paper’ (‘pixel’?). I brought my laptop and everything, so hopefully I’m gna be able to get a pretty damn good account of things.
The influence of rereading Diary 2 weighs heavy, and inspired by the imaginative structure I employed to record my final days at school I’m going to recycle it and take you through the past few days party by party. Party, of course, I’m using very loosely, to refer first of all to:
 Party 1 – The Funeral
Paradoxical, right? I’d love to be able to say with whole hearted conviction that I’m describing Mum’s funeral as a party because it was a celebration of her life. Unfortunately I didn’t really spend that much time celebrating her, by which I mean talking about her and stuff like that. Most of the time was given over to playing host (Beth, Susan, Sheelps, Georgie, Anjie, Charlie, Alia, Soph, Edmund, Paige, Mel, Milla – u see, an awkward group in need of being comingled, I was on fire) and having a good old giggle and a chinwag with my much missed friends. I think I enjoyed it – the wake part at least – because it was just exactly what I’ve been craving to do for ages – have a drink in luxury with my mates entirely at the expense of someone else (pun – Dad’s money, Mum’s life?). Anyway, I don’t feel so guilty about it because it was a bloody good distraction and exactly what I needed, and besides, what’s the point in being sad?
I’m jumping ahead of myself a bit though because I haven’t even tried to address everything that came before the wake, you know, all the stuff in the cars and the church and that. I managed to keep upbeat and focused on looking forwards to having a drink and a chat with my friends through most of the church. I was trying, dangerously, to balance reverence with excitement, and I didn’t succeed entirely. Processing into the church on Max’s arm I spotted the Bristol kids standing over at the far end of the Church’s parking lot space and gave them a craned head grin. I think I got away with that bit but I know I didn’t get away with the poke in the ribs I gave Alia by way of greeting (I hadn’t considered she was coming, I was buzzing) because when the time came to peace-be-with-you in the middle of mass Smel refused to shake my hand, gave me one of her filthiest glares, and informed me that she couldn’t believe I had said hello to Alia and that I was disgusting. The whole thing hit a nerve, the nerve that was feeling guilty about being so upbeat at Mum’s funeral, and was probably responsible for my subsequent mellowing, and inability to hold back the tears. Moon River, violinned at the end of the Mass, completely did Dad, and it fucked me quite a lot too. But then I would have to be a proper bastard not to have cried at that.
The crem wasn’t so bad. Channah made a really nice speech. I think the thing was that I knew it would be over in 20 minutes and then the whole, sad, hard thing was at an end, and I could go get drunk with my friends. There was one totally bit, which was, like the church, right at the end. That song came on (crazy how music is always the trigger for emotion – observe) and it was that song that Dad picked, I think it’s called ‘Loving You’. Anyway its completely beautiful and utterly perfect. There’s a lyric which goes something like ‘loving you makes everyday be in spring time’ – anyway that’s the sentiment, and that sentiment is what really fucked me up. Being with Mum really was like being in one long, eternal summer holiday – there was always laughter blooming like flowers and the house was always full and in bloom and I can’t refine this metaphor now because it’s making me want to cry on the train but basically the house used to be really full with flowers and now it just feels kind of awkward and empty and it’s never going to be full to the bursting again because there’s a big ass gap where she should be.
Let’s keep it happy now. Because really, apart form those few moments, it was a good day, and I had fun. Everyone dribbled away and in the end the only people left were the family, so all the cousins and of course Maria. She was being strangely very good fun at the Wentworth and, basically completely drunk, I ended up having a good old laugh and chat with her which I carried on into the taxi home, where it morphed into some stupid declaration of ongoing affection (you know the drill –  ‘I know we’ve grown apart but the great thing is that whenever we see each other it’s exactly the same’ – all that bullshit). So we were all piled into a cab and we got home, there were like twenty or so people there what with Channah and Craig and I think Chrissy and Sean too from Dad’s friends, and of course Dad and Smell and Uncle Tony (Max still in the thick of exams so was taken home by Angie) and Me and Johnny and Maria. Started feeding myself and Maria and Smell some gin and tonics but got bored of that so asked Maria, on a bizarre whim that was obviously brewing for a while but which I fully accept was entirely inappropriate, if she’d like to do some coke. I don’t know if she felt obliged to indulge me given that it was Jackie’s funeral or if she just genuinely fancied it but she said ‘I mean, sure, if we can’t today then when can we’ and we trotted upstairs, did a key in the locked bathroom, then fell on my bed, wide eyed and high, and got very deep very fast. As always with coke I remember feeling at total liberty to say absolutely anything I fancied (ah, the perfect drug) but struggling to find the right words (at a few moments I literally exclaimed ‘damn I’m not making sense I’m too high to articulate’), and not able to remember exactly what it was I did end up saying. But the basic gist was a general outpouring of cooped up thoughts (I hadn’t had the chance to vent to anyone other than this diary for weeks). I’m not sure I brought it up or if she did but we ended up on the topic of our similarly long term boyfriends and our similar frustration and desire to ‘experience more’. That’s how I got the scoop that Maria is almost definitely going to end it with Johnny, amicably if she can, and with the potential to rediscover one another after discovering themselves. Interesting stuff, stuff I’ve since been happy to disseminate in traditionally loose lipped fashion (really should work on that) but also stuff which I can entirely identify with. More than anything I think I’m just bored with Charlie and frustrated that that isn’t sufficient motivation to end a largely happy and functional relationship. So basically what I’m getting at is that I identify a lot with her at the moment, and that since she’s stopped being obsessed with Johnny she’s sort of reverted to her old, fun self, and basically, made me very tempted to take her up on her invitation to go visit Brighton and see her art show later this week.
Once we’d ridden the high down a few earthward sloping cloud banks (or should I say ‘I’d’ – she kept insisting she wasn’t very high) it felt safe enough to venture downstairs. The party had dribbled away and it ended up being just Johnny, Maria, Channah, Craig and myself slobbing around the early hours kitchen. Channah, Johnny and I had a conversation about Grandad on the sofa in which Channah vehemently defended him against my accusations (‘selfish, arrogant’ parried with ‘he may have been an awful father but he was my Grandad and he was sick’) with Johnny riding the middle ground. That chat wound up and then it was onto the next one in the kitchen, though this felt less like a chat than the q & a with the victim of mourning everyone has been hoping for these past months. I wound up in the hotseat, the swivel stool floating ominously adrift of all other furniture in the middle of the kitchen floor (my emotional isolation…). Channah, drunk and slurring, was the luck interviewer who finally had enough dutch courage to interrogate me with a vengeance.
Accusations came veiled in sympathy and support – ‘you seem alright now but when it does hit you you know that we’re all here for you because you’re my little cousin an I love you’. I’m proud because I think that I rather eloquently externalised the internal monologue that has backing tracked the past few weeks, namely how it has already hit me and I’m okay and I’ve somehow managed to internalise it all and not get completely fucked up. I trotted out the much rehearsed soliloquy on why I don’t feel life is unfair, you know, the one with the babies that get the exact same thing and the people whose whole family get killed in bomb raids and how can I say my life is unfair when fairness is measured against the common experience of human life on this planet which tends, almost exclusively, to look beside mine comparatively shit?
Anyway, cue ‘I don’t know how you’re so strong’ and ‘you’ve made everyone so proud’, which was to be expected but still kind of nice feeling. I’m a posturer and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t partly enjoy the limelight my interview afforded me, and the insistence on my own sadness Channah wouldn’t let drop I excuse her on the grounds she was very very drunk and only trying to help. She did ask one question which I stalled at because I simply didn’t think it was a very good one, which was ‘what’s your favourite memory of your Mum?’ – I don’t know but I think that to pick one would be kind of irreverent. Anyway it struck a nerve with Maria because she had a bit to say about how inconsiderate it was during round two of our dmc in my bedroom (under the pretext of getting pyjamas). That conversation was mainly devoted to the sensation of being a circus attraction that comes with grief, which I tried my best to explain ad which Maria was, to her credit, remarkably receptive and kind about. The thing with her is that I know she has a wicked streak, and that however lovely and kind and understanding she can be, I’m always kind of doubting whether it’s all part of some elaborate ruse. If it was, then it worked on the funeral – as I said to her, ‘it’s ironic that everyone keeps trying to get me to talk to them and in the end the only person I’ve opened up to is the one who never pressured me to – you’.
For all that she claimed she was dissatisfied with Johnny, Maria still let him spoon her to sleep on the sofa. I slept on the front room floor with some pillows, and woke up a few hours later. We didn’t get to sleep until 4 am. On Thursday I was trashed.
 Party 2 – The Pool Party
The pool in question being Ella’s, the party her 21st. I guess I shouldn’t really have gone to it, given it was only two days after the funeral and Dad was very upset, but it was just too good of an opportunity to pass up. It was, after all, the very consummation of all my efforts – having gotten good grades, gone to a good university, made rich friends, here I was, the ultimate symbol of social climbing – going to my rich friend’s summer house in the South downs to spend a day drinking, eating, tanning and slobbing about a pristine pool at her parent’s expense. The fact that I’m not even that good friend’s with Ella somehow made it even better. I got in by the skin of my teeth, not on the merit of personality, but social finesse – she couldn’t exclude me because I was a member of her circle, because I’d wormed my way into a house with a group of people far cooler, richer, and prettier than I would ever be. And god, I can tell you, it was literally everything I hoped it would be.
Okay so I kinda fucked up and haven’t had time/ effort to come back to this until now, which is Thursday (28/06/18, in bed, lazy morning) cos the train wasn’t long enough to get it all down and I was at work all day yesterday and Bristol turned out to be more full on than I expected but never mind. I reckon your Mum’s funeral is a pretty *momentous occasion* that deserves to hog a good few hours diary time so it’s really no surprise that parties two and three suffered as a result. In the time that’s elapsed between writing here I’ve also accumulated a fourth party to add to the proceedings, which we’ll get to in due course – but first I better polish of two and three as well as I can (the once crystal memories slip backwards into a murkier abyss).
So to give image of Ella’s pool party in sort of broad strokes: I met Georgie at Clapham where we boarded the train to Barnham, the seat of the Dunn families Sussex retreat. As planned we met Sheelps on the train with her trailing entourage of Ella’s future housemates (Kavya et al.) and, happy surprise, Steffen. The whole party was a real bonding experience, I feel, between me and Steff – he was the only one from his house and immediate circle of friends at the party (others didn’t receive an invite, news received in turn with bitterness), so he had no choice but to attach himself to G and Susan and Beth and I, and we had some good chats, established a sort of rapport. Anyway when we got to Ella’s it was all that was expected but also somehow better – I’d had a great sandstone manor house in mind, but it wa in fact more rustic and cutsie, if still sprawling, all brick and ivy and climbing roses. The whole thing felt very Period drama, what with all the walled gardens connected by hedged walkways and opening onto farmy vistas – that is, until one arrived at the pool area. Think rhombus deck chairs, think polygonal glass poolhouse structure, think ground level wicker sofas, think fire pit and flat screen TV’s: it looked like something off the Kardshian’s, or the villa out of Love Island. The latter association as naturally picked up, and indeed, our twenty four hours spent slobbing around that magnificently modern pool area felt a lot like we were playing at reality tv, hopping from sleepy chat to private gossip, lying on each-others sun warmed arms with the greatest ease and intimacy. Things really picked up when Beth and Susan arrived a few hours after us, and Georgie, Steff and I a somewhat stunted trio on our own, were able to retreat into the warm familiarity of our own established group. Probably my favourite thing about the whole party was how comfortable I felt socially. Relaxing together in our own private deckchair area, bitching about some of Ella’s more irritating friends, sneaking off to get coked up in the tipi away from Ella’s (sensitive? Prying? Judging? Idk she just don’t like drugs) eyes, and staying up when everyone else was engaging in the moronic fraternity (golden sunrise, Will Costello and Dick dancing with us, balanced outrageously on the garden wall, oasis et al classics blaring) it really felt like I’d regained what I loved so much in school, that sensation that I was a key part of a very comfortable club on which others looked in envy and thought ‘wow. I wish I had a group of friends as happy with each other as that’. I’ve never properly felt like that at Uni. Joy.
 Party 3 – BBQ
Destroyed on Saturday evening. Train home, near disaster when phone died at Egham station. Couldn’t bear the thought of Dad’s wrath (he get’s especially pissy about travelling without an phone charge), but luckily a kind Indian man in the off licence let me use his phone charger. Dream.
Sunday morning, dragged to horse show but put up with it for UJ because, well, fair. England playing Panama that afternoon so we rushed home where we were met by Frys and family (Tone, Anj, Max, John, Diva etc.) for footy and barby. Max’s friend came too and we were told to get our mates over so after the match Edmund trotted over and we sat and had some drinks in the sun. Camilla finished work at 6:30 and joined us too.
I don’t really know what more to say about party 3 except that it was great fun chatting with Edmund and Milla (Beth keeps saying that she thought all my ‘home friends’ were really fun when she met them a the funeral and it’s at time’s like party 3 that I really believe her) and that it felt a little bit empty because Mum wasn’t there. I kept seeing Dad sitting alone and worrying about him, and hearing snatches of his conversation where he said things like ‘everyday is torture’, so I buried myself in happier chats and a good few drinks and, well yeah. That’s kind of it.
 Party 4 – Cocaina Blue Lagoona
Wherein the name gives it away. Monday night in Bristol with Beth and Susan, clearing out the house. Wasn’t the same easy chats and intimacy that I’d been enjoying at Ella’s – suspect it may be something to do with the domestic I overheard Beth and Susan having just before we hit the Lagoon, something about Susan being short and sarcastic with Beth which Beth didn’t like. Interesting insight, we’ll see how that one plays out. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t quite like the idea of wedging myself in the cracks between Beth and Susan – but can you blame me? It’s tiring hanging around best friends.
Anyway, we’d done most of the packing so we hit up Blue Lagoon where, surprise surprise, Maddy was waiting. Maddy’s course friend was also there and though I can’t remember her name I actually really liked her and I thought she was a welcome addition to the party. The same can’t be said for Maddy. I mean, I really have tried to like her and I know she’s sweet really and she really is very kind and including to me but I don’t know – she’s just so loud! And so Maddy orientated. It just get’s wearing sitting in a group and every perceivable lull in conversation is filled with a new exclamation about what Maddy has been up to, which will of course dominate the conversation until she remembers something else she wanted to tell us about her day. Honestly so relieved she’s going on a bloody year abroad. If you want my opinion, she almost always makes a night worse, and seldom improves it. That’s just my honest opinion.
Anyway. Blue Lagoon wouldn’t let us have alcohol outside past 11 so we had to move inside and endure the deafening music in there. Beth snuck to the toilet and did some coke, something she only told Susan and I. After half an hour of conspiratorially waggling her eyebrows across the table at us she finally outed herself to Maddy, a declaration met not with outrage but surprise, and then the suggestion we all go back to Maddy’s for afters and get coked up. That’s kind of exactly what happened. Not much else to report. Oh yeah, except this, which future you may find funny. Maddy has this ‘party trick’ which she thinks is the nuts where she balances a can of cider on her head and like moves around. From the way she and people talk about this you’d think she’d shoved it up her ass, I mean, you should hear them go on and see the reels of photos they take. It’s not impressive, it’s boring. I was pretty coked by the time she got round to doing it so I can’t remember fully, but I hoped I yawned.
Anyway. I feel like we’re kind of up to date. Needless to say the diet has gone completely off the rails over the last week, so I’m now on a three day detox before Grace’s. Gna try go until about two or three without eating – intermittent fasting, do yo thang!
PS. You’ll notice that I’ve barely mentioned Mum, and that I don’t really sound sad. That’s the thing with distractions. But what happens is that when I’m finally alone and I’m lying in bed and I’ve turned off my phone and the noise is all gone, I suddenly realise that I haven’t thought about her in a while, and that that’s how life will be until at last I don’t think about her at all. I think that’s the saddest thing ever. How your everything can suddenly shrink to your sometimes, and then to your rarely ever at all, a footnote in your life. I don’t really know how to remedy this but I think that maybe writing about it might be a good way to start. Not to self. Less partying, more writing. Let’s not let this all go to waste.
0 notes
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How much would my insurance cost . . .?
If I am 16 and driving a 2007 Scion TC that is completely paid for ?
Will my inusrance go up with a speeding ticket?
The other day i was driving and got pulled over for going 80 on a 65. i live California. I am 19, a student, and this is my first ticket ever. I was wondering if my insurance would go up. i wanted to hide it from my parents, if insurance goes up then i wouldnt be able to hide it. Also, anyone know what it would cost me? If i do driving school to erase it, would it still make insurance go up?""
I hit somebody car how is insurance going to handle this?
I ran the red light and hit this girl in boy and there cousin an baby with my jeep the girl hurt her arm and the boy hurt his leg I mess up her car. so how is my insurance going to deal with this. I do not have full coverage but liability what going to happen to them and me
Life insurance for my parents?
Hi i am interested in taking out a life insurance policy on my parents in the UK just wondering if this is possible and whether it can be shared between me and my siblings many thanks.
Can a non driver licensed person buy car insurance?
I transfer my car to under my grandma's name. She's the owner of the car now. But the problem is the apartment where she lives requires the car must have an insurance policy that has her name in it? She lives in California and doesn't have a driver license (she is really old). Do you know any insurance company that sell insurance to a person that doesn't have driver license or i can buy insurance as a primary driver and add her as a non-driver?
How much does insurance cost for lowes?
My dad is saying that he pays $800 monthly for 4 of us and wants to cancel it, $800 sounds like complete bullsh*t so I need to know if its true.""
Car Insurance for a Month?
I am going to be at law school and only need car insurance from Mid December until Mid January. Is there a special type of insurance I can get so I don't have to pay year round? The cars will still be covered by my parents the rest of the year.
Insurance for a ten+ year old car?
I am looking to get a 2000ish LS1 Fbody (camaro or trans am for those who dont know) and I was talking to my dad about the insurance rates. Since I am a male under 25 my rates would go up a lot with a sports car like those. However he told me that since the cars are over ten years old, the insurance company probably wouldn't rate it very high just because of the age of the car, even though its a sports car. Does anyone know if thats the way it works? or is he mistaken? Please answer the question without getting into lecturing about young men having sports cars and how its a bad idea. the question could pertain to any older car, I'm not even sure if thats the car that i want. I'm just doing my research. Thanks!!!""
Pregnant: no insurance?
i just found out that i'm pregnant. it was a surprise. i don't have insurance. what can i do? i am over qualified for medicaid, barely. my husband is a police officer. to give birth at the hospital it will cost $7180. i called maternity card but they are very expensive and my doctor already said he doesn't deal with them. does anyone have any solutions? i really need an answer. thanks!""
Which is the best homeowners insurance?
i live in california and im getting a home and now i need home insurance which is the best thanks
Why is my car insurance so high?
Im 17. Have a Peugeot 306 and im paying 533 on a provisional license.. however i have my test in 4 days and expect to pass.. my insurance will increase to over 2500.. My car is 1.4L on a P reg (1997) and im currently with Quinn Direct, my friends of the same age with similar cars are being quoted 900 to 1500.. why is mine so high!?!""
Best car for cheap car insurance England?
i'm looking for an affordable car for my first one i'm a 19 year old female, i''ve checked a 2001 ford ka 1.3 and it was the second cheapest one for insurance which was 1500 the only thing putting me off is my friend had one and she said it guzzled petrol :P which i think she means it wasted petrol, the cheapest was a fiat 500 the insurance was 1300 but i really can't afford one so just want a cheap run around until i've saved up enough to buy a new one, does anyone know any affordable cars max price 1500 with cheap insurance thanks!! oh and if anyone has had a ford ka do you recommend one?""
How much time is given for car insurance company to settle a claim?
my car was hit in parking lot and insurance is dragging its feet to investigate. how much time is officially allowed for this investigation and what are my rights bacause it has been 30 days today. i have a full insurance on this car and insurance company is investigating as a fraud claim!. insurance from metlife!
Teen Motorcycle Insurance in ontario?
hello, i am 17 years old, turning 18 in october. I live one hour north of Toronto ontario in a city of 125,000 people. I am wondering the approximate cost to insure me on a 2011 Honda cbr 250r, which costs approximately $4000. I have completed a drivers education program as well. PLEASE DON'T TELL ME TO CONTACT AN INSURANCE BROKER I can't check online quotes either because of my age. I just want to know if it is even worth looking at or if i will be paying like 4 grand a year to ride 5-6 months. thanks!""
""3 drivers, soon to be 3 cars (Insurance)?
I'm a 17 year old who is currently insured as an occasional driver under my parents. They currently have 2 cars. I am looking at buying my own car next week meaning that I will have to be a primary driver. My question is if I put the ownership in my parents name and put it under their insurance would it be cheaper then having it owned under my name and on a seperate insurance company?
A question about my homeowners insurance check please. This doesn't make any sense.?
I don't understand why my homeowners insurance wants my bank to sign off on a check to cover my insurance claim. They plan to mail my check to me of which I then have to take to the bank to have them sign off before I can then cash it in. They never made me do this before when my tree fell into my barn. Why the change?
How much will insurance be for a 17year old?
I understand its going to be through the roof but i wanting to find an estimate of course it also depends on the car but if i was to have a small car like a smart car with 3 doors and 2 seat how much would it be approx or any ideas how much it may cost
""How much does individual health insurance cost, on average, in the United States?""
How much does individual health insurance cost, on average, in the United States?""
""I'm a 17 year old, I have to pay my own car insurance. What's the cheapest? Can you give me your rates? (:?""
I'm specifically asking teens, 17-23, who pay their OWN insurance. My mom isn't going to include me on hers, so I'm on my own. Give me some rates! How much do you pay? Monthly/yearly, and HOW do you pay it? Every 3 months, monthly, or yearly? THANKS!""
How much would car Insurance be for a 16 year old guy?
My parents want me to start picking what car I want to get. I was wondering how much insurance would cost for each of these cars for a 16 year old guy. I am interested in a BMW E36 323is Coupe, BMW E36 325is Coupe, BMW E36 328is Coupe, 1997-2001 Honda Prelude, and a 2000 VW Golf GTi. Please help me because I need to know the cost to insure each of these cars before I pick.""
Unemployment insurance in california?
Last year I was unemployed. To make a long story short, i took a job and was there for less than 2 weeks. I was forced to pray, and listen to scripture that was muslim. I am very understanding in all religions, but do not practice myself. I was very uncomfortable and left. EDD decided that i left without cause and that i did not deserve insurance. they made me pay back what they paid me and 30% more. I did so even though I didn't agree. Now that I am laid off again, I filled out a claim and got a response saying that I was eligible, and they gave me the forms to fill out for the first two weeks, the standard claim forn. I filled it out, and now got back letters saying that i am not eligible for benefits until i have filed a claim for each of the 5 weeks in which i am otherwise eligible for benefits. I haven't received new claim forms. I am assuming that I will get these, and I will fill them out for 5 weeks, and then they will pay me? So I am looking for clarification, after claiming 5 weeks they will give me my benefits? Thanks for your help, to anyone that has gone through this. It is so unfair! I paid them so much, for something I felt I was justified doing, and now I am still being punished! I would rather be working and not have to worry about this, but it is so hard to find a job :( not a great holiday.""
How do i go about getting points taken off my license?
I have points on my license tht are due to come off 2 weeks ago how do i get them off???
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old kid with a licence.?
how much more will it cost to add him to his parents insurance, and its MERCURY INSURANCE""
Which is the best Health Insurance and Car insurance in NYC? if you know the answer to each or any let me know
Thanks.... Car insurance i am looking for the cheapest as far as health insurance i am considering HIP PRime but not sure if its good.. if you know about hip let me know if thats a good choice.. only reason why i might choose that is because there are no copay and no deductibles :) FREE lol but i want to make sure its a good choice... besides the obviouse.. take care and i am thanking you in advance for your advise
Car insurance - car pay out?
Recently my friend had an accident. His car is an import and the insurance company want to write it off and as they cannot get hold of replacement parts. Does he have the right to refuse their offer for pay out as the car is worth more than they are giving him. As its an import, and a sports car, he knows he can get more for it on auto trader and eBay. Or can he settle the claim with them by asking them to pay for the repair if he can sort out a garage who is willing to fix his car for less than the insurance company had suggested.""
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""If I had my DUI expunged, will it still affect my insurance rates in California?""
In the spring of 2009 I was convicted of a DUI. I plead guilty, served my time and I was able to get it expunged through the court system. So now if you look at my record on the superior court website it shows dismissed rather than guilty. I was wondering if my actual DMV driving record still shows it as a guilty plea and my insurance rates will remain high?""
Driving with an expired insurance in kentucky?
I got pulled over by police for speeding but my insurance were expired that time. What should I do? I just renewed my insurance after that. The police said that I need to go to court. Do I need to contact traffic attorney? and What about my license problem?
Cost to insure sport bike? Ninja 250?
I'm 18 in WIsconsin. Live in country-ish area. Or how do I find out? Call our family agent? Or just the insurance company.
If i'm driving in ireland do i need irish insurance?
Ok so i want to buy a BMW I'm 17 buying the car isn't the problem the insurance companies here in Ireland are so I'm thinking of buying cheap insurance somewhere like china or the USA is this possible while i would be actually driving the car here in Ireland.
How much coverage do you get with salvalge title car? And how much does insurance run with salvage title?
How much coverage do you get with salvalge title car? And how much does insurance run with salvage title?
How much would insurance cost for a VW Polo 1.9 ...?
My sister just asked me how much insurance would be for a 17 year old new driver in a VW Polo 1.9 I don't want to go signing up to insurance companies so they can ring me every day trying to sell me rubbish so I'm wondering if anyone just happens to know. Thanks in advance.
What are peoples opinions of the affordable care act?
I am not that informed about it and curious how people feel about it
Cheap insurance for a 16 year old boy?
My first car is gonna be allot more expensive then the average first car because its a Lincoln aviator, the only problem is that even though the truck is $7000 (after safety and etest and all that needs nothing else) witch i can afford, the insurance is $1000 a month witch i can't afford! is there anyway to possibly go under my parents insurance or something like that? if so how would i do that?""
""I have a 11 month daughter, and i want to buy affordable health insurance for her.?""
I have a 11 month daughter, and i want to buy affordable health insurance for her.?""
Car Insurance Question?
I am a little under 15 and a half years old and my dad has debated and almost bought a lot of cars for me, from ford f650's to 1965 or higher mustangs and jaguars. but so far we have thought that the car that would be good for my first car would be a 1994 Ford Mustang with a V8 with 30k miles0. which is perfect because that was the year i was born. So my question is that since its a sports car and its V8 about how much would my insurance be when i could start driving by myself?/ insurance for the other kinds of cars/trucks?""
Where can i find cheap young drivers insurance in uk?
where can i find cheap young drivers insurance in uk
""Car Insurance, ammended details of profession lead to increased premium?""
My car insurance company rang me two weeks ago asking to update my details. I was previously registered as a student and unemployed but changed this to working part time as an admin assistant. A week ago I received my new certificate of insurance but today they rang me to say that my premium had increased by 150! I find this difficult to understand how changing my profession from student to admin could whack up my premium by this much. At the same time they offered me a new deal from another insurer , which they claimed would be cheaper, but I refused over the telephone as I felt too confused at the time. Now they told me that they will be sending me the bill to pay off the new increased premium. Can anyone help me confirm whether insurance companies can do this? I am not driving my car any more than I previously had and I cannot see as how my new job increases the risk of me having an accident!! Thanks""
Is there health insurance that just covers serious conditions like cancer and is affordable?
I'm 55 retired & uninsured. I've given up hope of finding affordable health care. Recently I needed surgery and had to pay for it myself. When I told my MD he cut his fee from $22,000 to $13,000) and when I needed an MRI I was able to get a cash price of $350 if I had insurance they would have charged over $2,000. At the time I was happy but doesn't this illustrate why health care in the US is so screwed up?""
Has anyone else's car insurance increased this year for no apparent reason (UK)?
Our insurance renewal came through this week and it has increased by 400 to 1,450 for third party cover even though nothing has changed! We went on all the comparison websites and they were all quoting a lot higher too - one quoted us 3,500!! We've actually managed to get it down to 1,300 fully comp with Tesco (Third party quote was higher for some reason?) but I still find this to be a lot considering we are both 24 and my partner has 4 years no claims and has been driving for 5 years and I have been driving for 3 years. Has anyone else found that their insurance has increased this year?""
Why the health insurance are different than car insurance?
I mean insurance is protection and give you money when you got into situation that cause loss or expenses. But why car insurance are less picky and more willing to give money to pay out than health insurance? Why more rules and more restriction and more reject the coverage with health than car? I mean I understand insurance is business and for profit so they has to refuse the claims if loop hole. But it shouldn't be any different on health or car coverage.
Insurance in the state of GEORGIA!!!!?
In GA can u get car insurance wit a suspended license.... if so where?
Are insurance rates higher if you have a lien on the auto?
I heard they charge more if you have a lien on your car and was wondering if this is true?
Car Insurance Companies + Excluding Drivers?
My brother and I are trying to get insurance for our two cars but are having a problem with one of the cars. My uncle gave me my car but we never dealt with switching over the title of the car. Most of the major insurance companies require that the cars be under the name of one of us. We have found some smaller companies that do an exclusion to deal with the problem but the rates are higher. Does any body know of any major company that allows this to happen? Thanks for the help.
Should I change my insurance coverage?
I drive a 10 yr. old Chevy Malibu with 52,000 miles on it and plan to keep it for a while. I have full coverage and with a payment due soon I'm wondering if it's time to drop some of it. Such as collision or comp or both. Thanks for any suggestions.""
Do you need Car insurance to rent a car?
My Parents don't have a car and I'm sure my other family not gonna let me drive their car so don't bother ask. I don't have a friend who got a car. Its small town where I'm at in Tuscaloosa,Alabama. I'm taking my written test next week, If i pass the written test, and then i want to take the road test. 1) Do i need a Car Insurance to rent a Car 2) Do they give me car for me to take a road test at DMV? 3) Can you buy a car without your Driver License? 4) How old do you have to rent a Car? ( I'm 19 Years old)""
Need cheap no-name insurance companies for motorcycle insurance?
Well, i live in Florida where motorcycle insurance is not required at all. But I need comprehensive insurance at least (and maybe liability too) so that I wont have to cry over a stolen bike after a week of purchase. I'm buying this bike in cash (2008 ninja 250R) and still big insurance companies like progressive and geico will charge me a thousand bucks a year for liability and comprehensive coverages alone. So, I need to know the names of some small insurance companies who wont use their big and flashy names to jack up their prices. please help. I dont wanna pay 1000 bucks a year for a 3500 dollar bike. Thanks.""
Car Insurance Question No 2?
Prior to my last question regarding car insurance, I wonder if someone could answer me this please. If a person gets rid of their car but wants to keep driving, say a friend/s car or hire car etc, can they still take out car insurance without owning a car and if so what do you ask for when contacting an insurance company. Thanks""
Cheating Car Insurance U.K - 20/Male/Single/LWP?
Hi, I don't want to cheat car insurance, I was just wondering if there are any options I could tweak and tick that will lower my insurance. For a basic car, they want 2,900 which is high way robbery for someone of my age. Any ideas what I can tweak that won't alarm them too much, that may cause my insurance quote to fall a little? I checked this on Go Compare BTW. I heard something about the area you live in, etc. Any ideas or any other help would be appreciated. I just start my job and tossing off 3 grand for a car that has a value of 300 is horrible + something I can't afford. Regards.""
Insurance Q's Renewal Price ?
I was getting a quote today for next years insurance, but theres a question wanting to know about the renewal price of my last insurance. Will the answer to this effect my premium?, i don't know my renewal price yet so i've just gone and guessed it for the moment. I was hoping that giving an estimate isn't going to cause any problems. Or, will they need too know my exact renewal offer and then check it? Its the best quote i've been given of 1280 Full comp for a 1.0ltr corsa lol. I wouldn't of asked but i couldn't find online if your previous insurers renewal price affects your next insurers premium. Thanks.""
Why my insurance company increased my premium when iwas not at fault.?
We did not find results for: My insurance increased due to the false statement given to the police officer.So called accident happened in the parking lot when I was coming out from the parking lot and some lady immediately stopped her car behind me and waiting that i should hit her car. I immediately stopped my car and our rare bumper slightly touched. At the time of incidence she not alert even she was looking car coming out with zero speed. There had already a small dent in her car. and claim before the police officer. This dent is due to the this incidence. That was very minor incident. no body was hurt or damage in this incidence she get five thousand from the company. Due to that incidence my insurance increased my premium. I need justice What should I do Now. l Try the suggestions below or type a new query above.
Loves Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61131
Loves Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61131
I got in to an accident will my insurance go up??
i live in canada i m 17 years old i m insured under my dads policy my dad only pays like 50 bucks per month because he never got into a accident for like 20 years and my insurance was same because i was the 2nd driver on the car but today i was backing up the call in the shopping malls parking lot and as i was backing it up i didnt really see back and on the sides properly so i hit the car from my back and their side i have like no damage on my car tat car got like few dents i m done with all the paper work collision center, police ,other party info, contacted my insurance etc but will my insurance go up now if yes how much i think their car will have damage up to 2500 and thats lil too much so how much will my insurance go up if i m paying 50 per month rite noe""
If you chose car insurance just by commercials?
If you chose car insurance going by the commercials what car insurance would you choose and what do you actually have, if you have a car?""
I Had A Crash Can Anyone Recommend A Cheap Car Insurer?
Whilst learning to drive I took out learners insurance on my own car which meant I could drive around with someone who was over 21 and had been driving for atleast three years.. During the period of learning I had crash which I was liable for. I am 20 years old and will trun 21 in January. I have now passed my test and am looking to insure my car, can anyone recommend a good cheap insurance company? Thanks""
How long after an accident can I file an insurance claim in NY?
About 2 weeks ago I slipped off an icy road, drove my van into the woods on state land. There was no property damage, this is a very rural area (as in no homes within 5 miles at least). It did take out my rear corner window, crushed my headlights and damaged my hood. I drove right out of the woods afterwards. I was going to do the repairs myself, but found out the window repair would be over $500 and for that price I might as well file a claim and get the rest fixed. My questions are: Is it too late to file a claim? Are there any legal ramifications for not reporting this accident?""
Is it okay to drive your parents car but dont have insurance yet but your parents gave permission to drive it?
Like if i was to be pulled over which I plan on not being because I drive very carefully but with cops now a days they will pull you over for no reason and just follow you and pull ...show more
How much do insurance prices drop after 1 year for young drivers?
I'm a 17 year old male and paying 125 a month on insurance, as you can imagine its a big hit to my bank account. Im on my mothers policy but will my prices drop in the next year and if so by how much?""
Insurance for teenager?
I just need an in general Really what I need is a website where I might be able to fill out some information to get an average of what my insurance might be. I will get my license soon. I have a high GPA around 3.5 and will be driving a dodge spirit in ohio. Anyone have any idea around what my insurance would be?
How much (approx) would insurance be for a 1.1 saxo?
The exact car is '2000 CITROEN SAXO 1.1I DESIRE BLACK VTR REPLICA' a few modifications (cd player with bluetooth, black front lights, smoked rear lights, front fogs, full colour coded vtr body kit, DTM mirrors, vtr alloy wheels, lowered on 40mm G-max springs) i'm not even 17 yet but i was wondering what would the cheapest possible *(legal) insurance be on this car thanks :) !!""
What cars are cheap for insurance?
i haven't passed my test, but am thinking about getting a little car. i need it to be cheap on a full uk lisence otherwise i won't be able to afford it. i would also aprreciate your help if you know any cars that have good consumption rates and are cheap to run. thanks in advance""
Car Insurance in NY?
Car Insurance in NY,NY Some used car after year 2000 , for 18 yr old.? I heard its like $4000 a year.?""
Auto insurance debt reported on credit reports?
I changed my auto insurance from progressive to some other company.yesterday i got a call from collections that i owe progressive money.Is this reported on credit. Also do i have to pay them? I had insurance quote from them for 6 months but i found cheaper one so i moved. I live in california. Thank you
How much would basic car insurance cost for me?
Ok so im 18 and i was just wondering exactly how much car insurance would be if i paid it by my self with out going threw my parents plan?
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
Does doing car insurance quotes affect your credit score ?
Does doing car insurance quotes affect your credit score ?
Would my insurance go down if i trade in an 08 liberty or an 2012 patriot?
I currently have an 08 liberty that we got screwed buying, the gentleman that works at the same dealership is going to try and reverse the loan however which is a good thing. i was wondering though if from previous experience would my insurance go up or stay the same. the liberty we have now has several features. (convertable sunroof, built in media center etc.) where as the patriot doesnt have those features.""
What is the Cheapest Homeowners Insurance for Senior Citizen?
My elderly neighbor has had her homeowners insurance cancelled because she couldnt afford to pay it. She is on a fixed income and her children do not help in any way. She owns her home but is having a hard time with paying the large payments. her mortage company says that if she doesnt take out her own insurance then they will purchase it for her at a cost of 2100.00 per year. This is way too much for a Senior citizen. i got a quote for her from progressive for 2600.00. Are there any cheaper alternatives?
For a 17 year old - how much does a car cost to run each month?
when i pass my test, i don't know whether to a actually buy a car. i'm 17 and if i bought a car, how much would it roughly cost to run including the insurance, maintenance, mot, and everything except for the petrol/diesel. the only problem is, i don't think i actually need the car as i'm at college with a bus pass, but in the summer i want to drive lots of places with friends like go camping etc with a car. i was interesested in renting one as it seems ideal for my wants, but you need to be like 22 to rent. is this true? to anyone who is driving at 17 in the uk - is it worth it or is it too expensive?""
For a 17 year old - how much does a car cost to run each month?
when i pass my test, i don't know whether to a actually buy a car. i'm 17 and if i bought a car, how much would it roughly cost to run including the insurance, maintenance, mot, and everything except for the petrol/diesel. the only problem is, i don't think i actually need the car as i'm at college with a bus pass, but in the summer i want to drive lots of places with friends like go camping etc with a car. i was interesested in renting one as it seems ideal for my wants, but you need to be like 22 to rent. is this true? to anyone who is driving at 17 in the uk - is it worth it or is it too expensive?""
Has anyone heard of critical illness insurance?
Has anyone ever used or benefited from ctitical illness insurance through Great-West Life insurance? I am thinking of getting it, I am a health male 38 year old in Canada?""
I don't understand this insurance?
I wanted to get insurance for my motorcycle and I used gocompare for some quotes, there's one that says; 1,267.62 Instalments Deposit: 128.76 Monthly: 9 x 150.94 Total: 1,487.22 Voluntary : 0 Compulsory : 0 Total : 0 Why does it come to 1,487.22 when the price is 1,267.62? What is a deposit? I thought its when I put money in which includes the price of the insurance and comes out of the final price? I don;t get it back or what? help me plz""
Do i not have insurance if im driving someone elses insured car?
ok so i got in a little fender bender in my dads VW and the police asked for the insurance cars, that werent in the car at the time, so he gave me a ticket for not having liability insurance, he said if i bring proof of insuarnce to court he will drop it. now i live in the same house with my dad, i have insurance on my honda,with the same company and i am 19. the insurance cards however dont have my name on the VW . does this mean i am driving with no liability insurance?""
Insurance quote on nissan navra ?
in febuary i will be 17 is there any chance i would be able to get a quote on a truck like that or am i living in a dream world
How can I find out what auto insurance a company has?
OK. So I use to work for this repossession company and I was hit by an idiot that ran a red light. Anyway after the accident I got a lawyer. I quit there shortly after. Well the insurance card in the tow truck was expired and not the right company . When the company switch insurance they forgot to put the new card in.. well since the drive that hit me did not have insurance the personal injury will be covered by the companies insurance. But the owner will not tell my lawyer the name of the insurance company or anything. And said your gonna have to take me to court. He is a real jerk btw. So does anyone know how I could find out online or something what company they were with at the time of the accident??
Ideas for first car 10000 including insurance?
Hi i'm 17 male and have a budget of about 10000 to spend on a car and insurance. Looking for something fairly cool, nothinglike a micra or ka! Also want something pretty reliable no no american or french car suggestions please Thanks! :D""
Roughly how much per month is Homeowners Insurance?
What is the 12 month insurance premium for a $100,000 house?""
Loves Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61131
Loves Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61131
""I need car insurance quotes from competing companies, how do i get that?
I need to get a list of car insurance quotes from compteing companies. Does anyone know of a good website that allows you to do that?
Do you think if I worked at McDonalds I could be able to afford a mustang GT and pay for car insurance?
I want to buy a mustang GT. I prefer a 99-01 year. Which would probably cost me about 400-500 a month paying car payments and car insurance. I'm only 16 years old. But I plan on getting a job when i'm 18 and buying a car. I also need to get my GED, which I start taking classes for that next fall.. because I dropped out of school for specific reasons I wont talk about here. If I work 6 hours a day and earn 7.40 an hour for 5 days a week, thats about 880 bucks a month. Plus my parents could help me out a little. I would use all the money I get from work for the car payment, insurance and gas. Would I have enough money?""
""If I buy a term insurance policy for 30 years, what happens if I live more than 30 years?""
If I buy a term insurance policy for 30 years, what happens if I live more than 30 years?""
""As a 20 year old male, how high can I expect my car insurance to be if I drive a 2001 Mustang GT?""
Hello, I'm 20 years old and just now starting to drive. I've always commuted with my bicycle and it's kept me in great shape, but with school and a full time job, I can't be every where on time! So now it's time to drive! So, I visited Geico's website for an insurance quote, and I received the following; Start Your Policy Today for $107.65 plus 5 monthly payments of only $106.75 each 6 month total policy premium: $611.40 Is that too much, or does that sound about right?""
I need help choosing insurance for my car?
im 16 and i just got my license. I live in southern california and need help choosing a car insurance company that is reliable and easy to afford. i have a 3.5 gpa but dont know what company will give me a discount. Please help
Should i carry collision insurance on my 2006 silverado?
Should i carry collision insurance on my 2006 silverado?
Would insurance be high on an impala ss?
I'm 18, I have a safe driving record (so far), I've completed driving school as well as defensive driving (it gives me a discount), if it helps. I'm thinking about buying an impala ss. I can afford it as far as the payments go, and my parents have agreed to pay the insurance if it's reasonable . So what am I looking at, guys?""
Life insurance quotes make me save money?
Life insurance quotes make me save money?
Car accident in dad's car. What will the insurance cover? Should I get a lawyer?
I was involved in a 3 car accident. The car behind me hit me twice (once on the back right and once on the side as he swerved and lost control) causing me to hit the car in front of me. I was driving my dad's car for the summer because I'm doing an internship away from home. Since my dad's car is useless now, I needed to get a rental car. I would also like to get some medical expenses covered because I am experiencing back and neck pain. My questions are: Will the other person's insurance cover the cost of the rental car although the car is not mine but I am the one using it for the summer? And should I get a lawyer to handle this situation? (Also, my dad is 8 hours away from here and the car is still in the tow lot since I am staying at an extended stay hotel and have no where to keep the car.)""
Know of Affordable Insurance for unemployed NJ resident?
My wife just lost her job due to downsizing and she carried the insurance. Our insurance expires the end of October. I cant signup at my job until January. We can COBRA but it will cost around $900 a month which we certainly wont have since shes unemployed and wouldnt have even if she WAS employed. Anyone know if there is a more affordable option? Does unemployed have some kind of health insurance? We have 2 young children so not having insurance isnt an option. Please REAL Replies Only!!! No SPAM!
Home owners insurance check made out to mortgage company and me?
Evidently my insurance co made out the check to both myself and my mortgage bank (too bad I didn't realize it before I deposited it at the ATM this morning...) for siding and roof hail damage. I was on hold for over 40 minutes today waiting to talk to a rep at the mortgage bank (PNC). I hung up and will call back tomorrow when I have more time to listen to bad music. What's the normal procedure for handling this? The check was only for $6800. I may hold off a bit on some of the repair, and do some of it myself. I've already made arrangements for a window replacement ($900 vs the $450 the ins co gave me). There's a PNC Bank just down the street. Any ideas on whether they can handle it there?""
How do I cancel Primerica life insurance policy?
I was briefly a Primerica rep about 2 years ago. While I was a rep, I purchased a Primerica Life Insurance policy at their suggestion. About 6 months later I quit. I still have the policy. Now it seems like a complete waste of money. It is $37 per month, and I really have no need for life insurance. I am a bachelor, and nobody depends on my income. I called the Primerica number, and the recording said to cancel a policy, send them a letter in the mail requesting cancellation with the policy number. That seems awfully vague. Is there anything else I need to put on the letter? Do I need to send the letter certified mail so they can't say, We never received it, and keep charging me every month? Dumb questions. Sorry.""
Very Cheap Car Insurance?
Hello, I need the cheapest insurance.I am from NY, please help.""
If i was buying a car and its a class C would this increase my car insurance?
I have 3 years no claimi currently have a 1.6 i am thinking off buying a mini cooper which has been in a accident its a class C.the mini has the same size engine as my car at the moment. Just really want to know if it would affect the price of my car insurance thanks guys xx
""Dui in personal vehicle 5 years ago, can i get comercial insurance for livery service?""
independant owner operator of sedan service in st petersburg, fl""
Car insurance for a rental car?
Hello, I was looking to rent a car for about 1 month, but finding the rental companies insurance costly than the car itself. I called up few insurance companies and they are ready to provide me some cheap basic insurance for like about $75.00/month which covers liability, other car damages; but not the physical damage of my car (they said my credit card company should cover it). I discussed this with one of my friend and he said that the rental car company would not allowed you to rent a car on the renter's insurance. Is it true? If yes, then what could be the best way I can get a cheap and covered car insurance for my rental car for 1 month. Please suggest.""
Should you get better car insurance coverage when purchasing a home?
I am currently house shopping and my boss mentioned increasing my car insurance coverage to cover the price of my house in case I get into an accident where the damages are higher than my coverage. Could I be sued for my house if I cause an expensive accident and my insurance doesn't cover it or all of it? Should my car insurance be raised to 150k, and how much can I expect that to cost? I live in California and the legal minimum is 15/30(which is what I currently have), I told my agent I would like to pay no more than 160k for the house, though I was approved for more.. I drive an rsx, it's paid for, and drive roughly 22k miles a year.""
Can't we make a compromise between all out socialized healthcare and private health insurance?
Can't we do something like give insurance companies tax breaks for covering x amount of people who earn low wages at a sharply reduced price? Or have a smaller government program only for those who cannot afford insurance?
19yrs old car insurance?
Im 19yrs old and I got into a bad car accident when I was 15/16 yrs old. It was my fault so I went to court and they told me if I do community service and take a drivers ed class it will be cleared. As if the accident never happened. So now I want to get my own car insurance since I don't have anyone to get it for me. Will it so show that I got into a car accident ? Do I answer yes I've been in a car accident in the last 5 years? This has been the only car accident I've had so far.
What is the Average Cost of Term Life Insurance?
What is the Average Cost of Term Life Insurance?
Cheaper car insurance?
I'm an 18 (almost 19) year old male living in Ontario, Canada, and I'm on my parent's insurance policy. I'm looking into buying my first car. It's not just some old beater, it's a car that I would definitely enjoy driving. It's a 1999 Chevy Cavalier with a bunch of modifications to it. I'm worried about what I will be paying monthly in insurance. The guy I'd be buying it from told me as long as your insurance company doesn't ask for pictures of the car, in order to keep my premium low I should just lie about what's in/on the car. He said tell them you bought it for the black book price without any mods ($1200 - $2100), and state the only addition being a body kit. MY QUESTION IS: Could I get in any trouble if they ever found out about all of the modifications to the car that I didn't list? What would happen?""
Do Police Officers have to pay for their police car & insurance?
Im wondering if police officers have to pay for the police car they use, and if they have to pay for the insurance, or is it covered by the police department? and do they receive gas money or you have to pay for it out of your own pocket?""
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Where can i get cheap insurance?
I Would like to get a new auto insurance, where can i find cheap insurance? Thanks in advance""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
Loves Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61131
Loves Park Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61131
0 notes
elizabethcariasa · 7 years
MLK Day: Make a difference in the world and possibly on your tax return
The Rev. Gilbert Caldwell (left) was part of the civil rights movement led by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (center). Click the screenshot above to watch the full CBS Sunday Morning feature on how a group of fifth-graders helped correct a 60-year-old act of discrimination against Caldwell and his wife.
As a young man, the Rev. Gilbert Caldwell marched with Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose life we honor and celebrate on this federal holiday.
Racial discrimination was among the many wrongs King, Caldwell and other civil rights activists back then were working to right. It's a fight that continues today, which is part of the reason for MLK Day.
It also was something that Caldwell and his wife Grace confronted in 1957 on what should have been one of the happiest times of their lives, their honeymoon.
Post-wedding crash: After exchanging their vows in North Carolina, the newlyweds drove eight hours to a resort in the Poconos, the mountainous stretch of northeastern Pennsylvania that once was America's honeymoon capital.
But things didn't work out as the Caldwells had planned or hoped. They weren't allowed to check in at the Mount Airy Resort, the couple told CBS Sunday Morning correspondent Steve Hartman, because the hotel's "guests would be very unhappy."
So the Caldwells did what they had to do more than 60 years ago. They accepted the indignity and checked into a nearby black-owned hunting lodge.
But they had each other. And that incident was part of what prompted Caldwell to throw himself into King's movement.
Old injustice spurs students' new activism: Though no longer young, Caldwell is still committed to the civil rights cause, speaking whenever and wherever he can about his experiences.
And one of his talks resulted in him and his bride getting their long overdue honeymoon.
Caldwell spoke to a fifth-grade class at a Titusville, New Jersey, elementary about the importance of standing up for what's right. They took his words to heart and very personally.
Upon hearing the honeymoon story, every youngster had the same reaction: Heartbreaking. Just terrible. So wrong.
So each student individually wrote the resort that turned away the Caldwells, or rather the Mount Pocono hotel that replaced the old lodging, and asked the new management to belatedly do what should have happened six decades ago: Give the Caldwells the honeymoon they were denied.
The operators of the Mount Airy Casino and Resort agreed with the students. And Gilbert and Grace Caldwell finally got their overdue post-wedding trip.
It doesn't make up for decades of racial injustice, but, as Hartman noted, it's a step.
King-inspired doing and giving: Lots of people will be, like those impressive New Jersey fifth-graders, taking their own steps today to make the world a better, fairer and less hate-filled place.
Dr. King's holiday has become a day of volunteering.
If you can't make it to your favorite nonprofit today to lend a hand, consider making a financial donation so that it can keep doing its good work.
Changes to the tax code under the just-enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) have many charities worrying about their financial security. Standard deduction amounts are dramatically increased, meaning more folks are now more likely to forego itemizing.
Charity concerns under new tax law: Without that tax deduction reward, charities fear that folks won't be as philanthropic. They might have a point, according to recent estimates by the nonprofit, nonpartisan Tax Policy Center (TPC).
Howard Gleckman, senior fellow at TPC, writes in the organization's TaxVox blog:
     "The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) will shrink the number of households claiming an itemized deduction for their gifts to non-profits from about 37 million to about 16 million in 2018, according to new Tax Policy Center estimates. At the same time, the new law will reduce the federal income tax subsidy for charitable giving by one-third, from about $63 billion to roughly $42 billion.
     Overall, the TCJA will reduce the marginal tax benefit of giving to charity by more than one-quarter in 2018, raising the after-tax cost of donating by about 7 percent."
The TPC figures are even more dire than earlier projections by United Way Worldwide, one of the largest global nonprofits. That organization's leaders earlier said the GOP tax law changes could cost charities $13 billion every year.
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin disagrees. During a White House briefing last week to announce TCJA-affected paycheck withholding tables, Mnuchin said he's not concerned about charities being harmed by the new tax law.
"We've raised limits so that rich people can give more to charity," he said, referring to the change that allows individuals to donate in one tax year up to 60 percent of their adjusted gross income instead of the previous 50 percent limit. That, said Mnuchin, should encourage wealthy donors to give more.
Many philanthropic options: While I know that most people aren't philanthropic just because they can claim a tax deduction, I do know that some will quit giving, or quit giving as much, without the Schedule A write-off.
I hope it's not a lot who close their wallets. Or that lots of other donors will take their place. As the Caldwells' story indicated, all of us, regardless of age, can make a difference.
So on this Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, consider making a difference in a world where we read, hear and see horrible, unfair and, to quote the Titusville youngsters, so wrong things every single day.
And if the New Jersey students have inspired you, think about giving to a charitable effort connected to your local schools.
The tax code still says that qualifying organizations can be more than just charities. Any school district program, for example, that does not operate for profit and is solely supported by state and local governments can accept your tax-deductible donations.
Whatever your charity, it will thank you. Your bank balance will thank you, too, for the tax savings.
Most importantly, you'll feel as good as those youthful activists did when they did their good deed for the Caldwells.
You also might find these items of interest:
IRS abuse of power, now and in MLK's day
Remembering Martin Luther King's legacy and tax trial
Martin Luther King Jr. Day lessons via "Selma" & "Glory"
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christophergill8 · 7 years
MLK Day: Make a difference in the world and possibly on your tax return
The Rev. Gilbert Caldwell (left) was part of the civil rights movement led by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (center). Click the screenshot above to watch the full CBS Sunday Morning feature on how a group of fifth-graders helped correct a 60-year-old act of discrimination against Caldwell and his wife.
As a young man, the Rev. Gilbert Caldwell marched with Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose life we honor and celebrate on this federal holiday.
Racial discrimination was among the many wrongs King, Caldwell and other civil rights activists back then were working to right. It's a fight that continues today, which is part of the reason for MLK Day.
It also was something that Caldwell and his wife Grace confronted in 1957 on what should have been one of the happiest times of their lives, their honeymoon.
Post-wedding crash: After exchanging their vows in North Carolina, the newlyweds drove eight hours to a resort in the Poconos, the mountainous stretch of northeastern Pennsylvania that once was America's honeymoon capital.
But things didn't work out as the Caldwells had planned or hoped. They weren't allowed to check in at the Mount Airy Resort, the couple told CBS Sunday Morning correspondent Steve Hartman, because the hotel's "guests would be very unhappy."
So the Caldwells did what they had to do more than 60 years ago. They accepted the indignity and checked into a nearby black-owned hunting lodge.
But they had each other. And that incident was part of what prompted Caldwell to throw himself into King's movement.
Old injustice spurs students' new activism: Though no longer young, Caldwell is still committed to the civil rights cause, speaking whenever and wherever he can about his experiences.
And one of his talks resulted in him and his bride getting their long overdue honeymoon.
Caldwell spoke to a fifth-grade class at a Titusville, New Jersey, elementary about the importance of standing up for what's right. They took his words to heart and very personally.
Upon hearing the honeymoon story, every youngster had the same reaction: Heartbreaking. Just terrible. So wrong.
So each student individually wrote the resort that turned away the Caldwells, or rather the Mount Pocono hotel that replaced the old lodging, and asked the new management to belatedly do what should have happened six decades ago: Give the Caldwells the honeymoon they were denied.
The operators of the Mount Airy Casino and Resort agreed with the students. And Gilbert and Grace Caldwell finally got their overdue post-wedding trip.
It doesn't make up for decades of racial injustice, but, as Hartman noted, it's a step.
King-inspired doing and giving: Lots of people will be, like those impressive New Jersey fifth-graders, taking their own steps today to make the world a better, fairer and less hate-filled place.
Dr. King's holiday has become a day of volunteering.
If you can't make it to your favorite nonprofit today to lend a hand, consider making a financial donation so that it can keep doing its good work.
Changes to the tax code under the just-enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) have many charities worrying about their financial security. Standard deduction amounts are dramatically increased, meaning more folks are now more likely to forego itemizing.
Charity concerns under new tax law: Without that tax deduction reward, charities fear that folks won't be as philanthropic. They might have a point, according to recent estimates by the nonprofit, nonpartisan Tax Policy Center (TPC).
Howard Gleckman, senior fellow at TPC, writes in the organization's TaxVox blog:
     "The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) will shrink the number of households claiming an itemized deduction for their gifts to non-profits from about 37 million to about 16 million in 2018, according to new Tax Policy Center estimates. At the same time, the new law will reduce the federal income tax subsidy for charitable giving by one-third, from about $63 billion to roughly $42 billion.
     Overall, the TCJA will reduce the marginal tax benefit of giving to charity by more than one-quarter in 2018, raising the after-tax cost of donating by about 7 percent."
The TPC figures are even more dire than earlier projections by United Way Worldwide, one of the largest global nonprofits. That organization's leaders earlier said the GOP tax law changes could cost charities $13 billion every year.
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin disagrees. During a White House briefing last week to announce TCJA-affected paycheck withholding tables, Mnuchin said he's not concerned about charities being harmed by the new tax law.
"We've raised limits so that rich people can give more to charity," he said, referring to the change that allows individuals to donate in one tax year up to 60 percent of their adjusted gross income instead of the previous 50 percent limit. That, said Mnuchin, should encourage wealthy donors to give more.
Many philanthropic options: While I know that most people aren't philanthropic just because they can claim a tax deduction, I do know that some will quit giving, or quit giving as much, without the Schedule A write-off.
I hope it's not a lot who close their wallets. Or that lots of other donors will take their place. As the Caldwells' story indicated, all of us, regardless of age, can make a difference.
So on this Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, consider making a difference in a world where we read, hear and see horrible, unfair and, to quote the Titusville youngsters, so wrong things every single day.
And if the New Jersey students have inspired you, think about giving to a charitable effort connected to your local schools.
The tax code still says that qualifying organizations can be more than just charities. Any school district program, for example, that does not operate for profit and is solely supported by state and local governments can accept your tax-deductible donations.
Whatever your charity, it will thank you. Your bank balance will thank you, too, for the tax savings.
Most importantly, you'll feel as good as those youthful activists did when they did their good deed for the Caldwells.
You also might find these items of interest:
IRS abuse of power, now and in MLK's day
Remembering Martin Luther King's legacy and tax trial
Martin Luther King Jr. Day lessons via "Selma" & "Glory"
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from Tax News By Christopher http://www.dontmesswithtaxes.com/2018/01/mlk-day-2018-charity-volunteer-tax-law-deduction-changes.html
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fangirlingmuch · 7 years
After few days of trying to calm down I still feel so wronged that I need to get it off my chest. In short words someone told me they don’t want to know me anymore and I wanted to cry and yell and the same time.
So let’s start from the beginning. Most people on tumblr don’t know this about me but for almost 4 years I used to work as private Polish-English interpreter and tutor here in England (meaning it was my own business). During that period I met many people that needed my help and assistance. Almost 2 years ago I was introduced by one of my regular clients to another one who needed help calling their internet provider as both husband and wife couldn’t and still can’t speak any English. I have to pick some nickname for that woman (the wife) – I will refer to her as Mrs X. That day I helped them and got paid for my work – simple as that.
That was my job, so nothing wrong there. But since Mrs X met me and got my contact details she started to call me and text me about everything that needed to be done. Nothing was too little or too big for her to contact me. Most of her request were pretty standard: go with me to the bank, phone bank, gas, internet, mobile network, benefits, taxes read and translate emails and many, many more. Usually I have done these things for other clients as well but it would only be one of them, sometimes few but not all of them. I have no idea how they had lived and coped before they met me because it seemed that they were unable to do anything without me.
It was my job and I also genuinely wanted to help them as they seemed to struggle with their everyday life in England. Unfortunately, it quickly became clear that Mrs X doesn’t take “no” for an answer. If she requested me coming over, and I texted back saying that I cannot fit her into my schedule, she would call me and demand to know my schedule hour by hour so she could use it against me. She would say things like:
“You have 1 hour between morning tutoring session and the afternoon one, you have to come and help me.”
“Okay, I can see you are busy all day, so you can come 9pm then, you are free at that time. “
Or when she saw I really couldn’t come and we would pick some day in the future, she would still text me almost every day to check if I can come in a day before. If the time and hour were inconvenient for her she would moan about it until I bend and change it for the one inconvenient  for me.  And when we were to meet for example at 5pm she would text me at 4pm saying that I can come already.  I don’t know about other people but when I make plans for 5pm then I will be ready for 5 pm, not earlier.
Another problem was that she lives rather close (not for long but I will get to that in a minute) and since it was less than 10 minutes away on foot she was using this as a reason to brush off any of my tries to refuse her when I physically couldn’t cope with my workload. So I ended it up in a situation when I had to run every time she needed me.
Another horrible thing was that Mrs X moans and rants a lot. Every time I left her house I was loaded with such an awful negative energy that I also started to behave like her at least on that day. I was tired and every single thing could set me off. I was getting irritated easily. Overall I wasn’t the nicest person on days I had meet her. To my closest friend and also my mum I started to refer to Mrs X as a toxic person.
She moaned and rant about England, job, Brexit and other things. She blamed and still blames everyone but herself for all the problems they have. In her opinion she did not work for the past 8 years, apart from random 2-3 months because no one wanted to give her a chance because she was Polish. When I took it upon myself to try to find her a job, she was refusing to even consider all the jobs I found for her. “This is too far.” “You want me to walk in the dark to get to/from work???”. “They pay too little”. “Too much physical work”. So I stopped looking. It became clear that she doesn’t work because she doesn’t really want to work. In conclusion a only person to work for a 3 people family (they also have daughter, now 19 years old) was her husband. He would work long hours of physical work just to try to earn enough for a living. Poor man.
Also Mrs X did not feel like they do not have money. She would spend money recklessly and way over her budget . She was spending her husband’s money when she did not make any contribution to the house budget. Biggest example were the small things like groceries - she said she will not pick the cheapest option because she has not come to this country to eat only bread and beans. Well, if she had just picked cheaper options of normal food she could have easily saved up 50 pounds a week. Looking at this over the years, they wouldn’t have the debts they have right now.
Which brings me to the last thing – their debts. For few months when the husband was without work few years ago they took a loan – in my opinion a lot higher that they should have – and they still have most of it to pay as the interest are growing. They also used credit card to cope with the lack of money. The money that they now own the bank is about a full annual income of normally working person.  
Mrs X’s husband was forced to change jobs and their income has fallen even more. Also they daughter was also an adult now so they stopped receiving help from the government for that. But of course, Mrs X blamed it all on Brexit and people hating Polish people.
And then about a month ago their landlord asked them to move out as the rent was to go up and they refused to pay it. So they were left with one option – to go back to Poland. But the debts you ask? So Mrs X called me again – I needed to go to the bank with.
Small disclaimer:  I closed my business over 6 month ago and I work full time in a completely different field and I have to commute to work every day for at least 1,5h one way. My only virtually  free days are Sundays and Mondays.
So I went with them and she complained all that time about it being unfair that they need to leave the country and pay the debts as the Polish currency is a lot less that British pound. In the bank they gave us a number for Collection and Recovery which is a department for people who cannot pay their loans back. So of course the following Monday I had to go to their place and make a phone call – over an 1 hour long phone call. And then last Monday I had to go and call again. Their problems are never ending. When leaving I reminded them that because the husband now works as a self-employed, he will have to fill in his Tax Return which they seemed to completely forget about.
So all of this writing is for this last bit.
On Saturday Mrs X texted me offering me more money that she ever paid me to come over and do their Taxes for them. She added that I promised them that I would do it for them – nothing like that happened, we once talked few months ago that if I am available I can have a look at it. So my response was that I haven’t promised and they should ask their daughter to translate the questions as the Tax Return in the UK is not that complicated. Ah…. did I forget to mention that their daughter, the one that lives with them speaks English?! Yes, they had a English speaking daughter at home and they always called me – this was always beyond my understanding. I am preparing for my holiday at the moment and also not long after that I will be moving so I have no time to spare for that horrible woman.
Then she send me a text - here comes the translation:
“I hope that you go to church today and realise that you refused to help someone and I was even willing to pay you. Goodbye”
 I was still writing my respond when a second text came:
“To be completely honest you have never done anything for me for free, I was always paying you. Don’t text me back because I don’t want to know you.”
 WTF!!! I wanted to explode. She was always horrible to me, I refused her once and she doesn’t want to know me. I regret I have ever met her. Over the past 2 years I have known her she was losing all her friends one by one so now I believe she only has few left in Poland, none in England.
It made me feel like a horrible person, like I have done something wrong. But maybe it is better this way because I had a fear she would still contact me from Poland for my help since they are leaving with so many problems.
Also she is planning to leave the country without paying the last rent, saying that they can take the deposit from 8 years ago – that’s not how things should be done.
 I feel slightly better now. Probably no one has read it but it made me calm down a little bit.
Please don’t tell me I was wrong all along.
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blazedintime-blog · 8 years
(written on January 1st 2017)
As part of my New Years resolution, as well as to find a healthy balance with coping with the many changes of 2016, I have chose to start journaling somethings. I didn’t want to do it on Facebook, and nobody really follows me anymore on here since Tumblr changed a while back.
2016 was the year of extreme highs, but the lowest of lows. I can honestly tell you, it was the worst year of my life. My New Years resolution was to get fit, streamline and simplify my life, and to focus on growth. I can say I honestly accomplished all of that, I am in the best shape of my life since being an all around athlete back in High School, I traded working three jobs and selling cars on the side for the highest position in the company I work for now, and I  also became an entrepreneur in 2016. With those extreme highs, came the lows. I lost myself in the last quarter of the year. My dog, Makalea, who I had for 14 years passed away right around Thanksgiving. The stresses of owning my own business as well as managing a company (both in retail) drowned me from the week prior to Black Friday till after Christmas, and my three year relationship I was in ended on very rocky but firm terms. I hit a low, one of the hardest lows I ever had to cope with. I’ve never felt so defeated in all of my life.
Without going into details of my break up, it ended in very unfair terms for me. I chose to end it, due to things that happened during the time that I needed that person the most. I was already depressed from the stress, losing my dog, and the lack of support for the demanding jobs I had at the time and we were already on and off at that point. It was hard, I didn’t know how owning my own business was going to be, let alone managing a company that tripled in size in 2016. Then my Makalea passed on. I honestly feel like she would have still been here today if I wasn’t overwhelmed focusing on my work. I asked my boyfriend at the time to be mindful of his actions, and I literally had to ask because usually I am a very strong person. I’m usually the strongest in any group that I join. But this time I knew it was different. I was weak for once, and I felt like I knew if anything else happened, I’d be stuck with my head held underwater. That same week, only three days after my dog passes away, I catch him talking to another boy. The next weekend, we go out to the club together, he makes out with someone in front of my face and we get into a confrontation in public. Due to the lack of care towards me or no real apology, I asked him to move out, and we separated. Instead of him trying fixing anything, I sat in darkness, no real contact, still no real apology, after three years of me straight taking care of this person and growing them, I felt worthless. It just showed me that it was best for me to realize my worth and try to be alone, even in such a hard time. Two employees from my business also decide to quit in the middle of Holiday season, as well as two employees in the company that I manage at the same time. I felt like I was drowning, I really was now in a place where I felt like giving up. There was a lot more that happened, out of respect for everyone involved I’m not going to disclose everything, but let’s just say it got even worse for me.
I coped with everything so differently this time. I even blocked out my best friend. I didn’t know who I was, or why things changed. I had a hard time understanding myself and the struggles. I was lost. I can say I dealt with this time very clearly though. I had no vices, I quit smoking, I wasn’t burning, and unlike my last break up I had no alcohol involved. This time my struggle was trying to find peace within myself, and I met someone who lead me to the peace. I started hiking a lot with this person, four times a week at one point, Nature was my cure, the adventure was my high. The nights on the town, and the random times we’d just hang out really made my days brighter. I remember, maybe about a little over a month in, I was on a hike to a pill box in the North Shore. We already made it to the end and as we were walking back through the light forest, I just felt so happy.. It wasn’t a very hard hike, but I just spoke out loud and he asked me what I said.. I said, “For the first time in a very long time, I feel like myself again. I feel the peace within me coming back”. That moment was when I knew, the hardest parts were over, and my days were getting brighter. My friend took me to so many places I have never been before, even after 24 years on this tiny island, and I adventure A LOT. It was amazing to be shown something after three years of being the leader.
Fast forward to last night, New Years Eve. I really wanted to leave the negatives in 16. Me and my ex had a talk the night prior, and the conversation went pretty deep, honestly though it wasn’t deep enough for me. I did get more closure, I did get an apology. But one of the things that bothered me the most was that he told me I deserved better. I honestly agree with that, but to me if I felt the guy I loved deserved better I would give him more, but then again, that is what I would do. It just baffled me because what is MY solution to fixing that? Anything less than what I did wouldn’t have been me. He stayed a little longer than anticipated, due to mostly a lot of crying and not talking. I think he finally got it this time. I was serious, the year was closing and I wasn’t going to look back. He wasn’t going to be a part of my 2017. He cried different, he cried harder, he cried more uncontrollably. We separated back in November, but I needed to have this talk with him and leave the negatives in the old year to start clear in 17. I felt more clarity, and I felt as if overall it really did help me. I did New Years different. My Mom was in Hilo, so I decided to spend it with my best friend Tasha. She lives on a cliff in Makakilo, and her family is my family. I knew it was going to be rough, I was banking on tonight to clear my mind, wipe my plate and bring me more peace. However it was my first single New Years in over 8 years and emotions were running high. There was a point in the night where I remember standing at the edge of her yard, there was a porch light behind me, and the cliff in front of me. I looked off over the cliff. I could see Kapolei all the way to Waikiki, and all the fireworks in between. I looked down at the ground  and the porch light was casting my shadow on the ground. I don’t know why… but I took notice of my and only my shadow on the ground. It legit brought me to tears. For the first time in a long time, I was bringing in the New Year not only without my own family, but without someone by my side. I tried not to cry, but the thought of everything got to me. I thought of how much I lost this past year, and how things are going to be very different next year. I did realize I am going to have to be way stronger this year if I want to come out prosperous. I am legit going to have to trust my struggles and fight harder to get just as far. I felt four emotions, of course sadness, for what has changed and what I have lost, excited, to see what changes the New Year will bring for me in whatever way, shape or form, anxious for not knowing exactly what will happen for me, and last of all I felt determined, to take whatever 17 is going to throw at me and try to make the best of each and every new situation.
I made decisions in 2016. I want to be better in 2017. There’s no reason to turn back. There is no reason to look back. I am going to try my best to become the best person possible, and work on my inner self to become the person I’ve always wanted to be. 2016 helped me get part of the way there, I am ready to keep on track to getting there. If I could say anything so far about 2017, it is that this is the first time I have really been inspired to try an make the best of any year so far. Let’s see what this next chapter brings me, I don’t know where I’m going, but so far I know it’s in the right direction.
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