#also tv doctors are so far removed from reality like my drs are Not like that esp the ER ones
1sa · 11 months
me: i fucking hate drs n im so tired of having to go to the hospital all the time
also me: watches hours of chicago md when i get home (from the dr)
0 notes
The Second Check-In
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Part 12 of Seventy Percent
Series Summary: When you left on your trip to Vegas, you’d planned on letting loose for one last weekend before heading back to reality and getting your affairs in order so your best friend wouldn’t be left cleaning up your mess when your cancer finally ended your life. What you hadn’t counted on was waking up married to a celebrity who has a knight-in-shining-armor complex, connections with an oncologist, and amazing insurance…
Chapter Summary: You and Sebastian discuss how to handle dealing with the press and media now that word is out that he’s married, then you go to the second-check in and see how your tumor is doing.
Word Count: 2,644
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The picture that was taken when you were getting into the car showed half of your face and it was splashed everywhere. It seemed like the entire world wanted to know who Sebastian Stan’s mystery wife was. You’d decided it was probably best if he didn’t take you to the hospital on Monday and he’d reluctantly agreed. So, while you enjoyed your anonymity a little longer, he had a video conference with his agent and PR team.
As you got ready to leave after your infusion, a nurse stopped you and let you know that Dr. Chowdhury wanted to see you before you left.
“I am an old man, but I do have grandkids,” he started off. It was an odd beginning to a conversation between a doctor and his patient, but your life was one whole jumble of weird, so you shrugged it off. “So I see the headlines sometime, and, if I’m not mistaken, the man who comes in with you so often has been hitting headlines lately. Or, rather, you have been.”
“Where are you going with this?”
“You don’t need to worry about the hospital staff. Patient confidentiality, you know. But the other patients are not bound by the rules we are. I do not want to cause any undue stress, but it is imperative to your treatment that you remain in a positive frame of mind. So I was wondering if you would prefer we move you to a private room while you are here.”
“I—that’d probably be smart.”
He nodded and made a note in your chart. “Good. Also, tomorrow we’ll run you through some more scans. I want to see the progress this new medication is making.”
“What if—” You really didn’t want to know the answer to this question, but you needed to ask it anyway. “What if there hasn’t been any progress? What if the tumor just won’t shrink?”
“We have one more course of action we can take should it come to that. We aren’t giving up on you, Y/N. Don’t give up on us just yet.”
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“This journalist said they like my hair,” you mentioned conversationally as Sebastian puttered around the kitchen, making dinner.
“It’s good hair.”
“It is good hair, isn’t it? I’m glad neither of my treatments caused hair loss.”
Besides the photo that leaked from the Vegas wedding and the one from the diner, no other pictures or new information had come to light. So far, you hadn’t seen any outright negativity in the news regarding you or Sebastian. Mostly because the headlines were focused on you as a Mystery Woman. As soon as the veil lifted and the truth came to light, you were sure things would turn ugly. But for now, you would enjoy the neutrality.
“You haven’t read any comments, have you?”
“Nope. I promised I wouldn’t and, as Dr. Chowdhury said today, it is imperative that I maintain a positive attitude for my treatment to work,” you said, trying your best to match his Indian accent. However, much like your aptitude for foreign languages, you were downright dismal at accents.
“You talked to Dr. Chowdhury?”
“Yeah.” You set down your phone and waited until Seb looked at you. “Can you come with me tomorrow? We’re running scans and he’s gonna let me know if this treatment is actually shrinking the tumor. I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to go alone, considering how I reacted last time.”
“Of course,” he said without hesitation. “What time’s the appointment?”
“Two. I know you’re going on some talk shows here in the city this week. Will that work for you?”
He nodded. “I’m going on Late Night with Seth tomorrow. Should have enough time.” Sebastian checked on the soup on the stove before rounding the island and taking a seat next to you. “Speaking of… Have you thought any more about what you’re comfortable with me talking about on TV?”
“A little. As much as I’d love for you to veto all questions about me, I think your PR team is right. You probably should acknowledge the elephant.”
“Are you calling yourself fat?” He gasped in fake offense.
“Elephant in the room, you idiot.”
“I’m your idiot, though.”
Okay, so you knew you were technically married to the man, but it still felt wrong to feel butterflies in your stomach when he teased you like that.
Friends. That’s all you were in actuality.
“And as my idiot,” you kept it going, ignoring how much you loved saying those words, “I think you should definitely acknowledge that you’re married. I don’t think I’m comfortable with my name being out there, though.”
He nodded. “I figured that. And I agree.”
“Part of me wants to play it safe and pretend like we’ve known each other for a while. Like, long-distance relationship thing. But another part of me hates the lie. And also, as someone who grew up on Harry Potter fanfiction, this accidental marriage trope would just be eaten up by your fans.”
“Which means we’d probably stay in the spotlight longer,” he pointed out.
“Yeah. And you’d have to explain why we stayed married. Mentioning that your wife has cancer is kind of a downer for a talk show like Seth’s.”
Wife. Rather than think about how the word applied to you, you chose to replay the John Mulaney segment in your head as a nice distraction from those damn butterflies in your stomach.
That’s my WIFE!
“Do you feel comfortable with me telling everyone you have cancer?” He asked.
At some point during this conversation, you’d grabbed his hand and were now playing with his fingers. You kept your eyes on where your fingers were massaging his as you contemplated the question. It was the only one you hadn’t come to conclusion about before now.
“I don’t know…”
“Think out loud. Maybe I can help.”
“Okay, so, on one hand, if you mention I have cancer, that would be a great time to ask for privacy. You know. Play the pity card. Say how I’m going through treatment and the stress would make it harder for me. Which is the truth.”
“On the other hand…” he prompted.
“If you leave that part out I might seem less interesting and the spotlight might move on faster, you know? And I’m a private person, as you know.”
He grinned. “Oh, yes. I remember, Y/N no-middle-name Y/L/N.”
His reminder of the first day you were in the city made you laugh. It seemed like an entire lifetime ago. If only you’d known that you would be putting your entire life in his hands less than two days later…
“You know what? I trust you, Seb. The only hard line I’m drawing is my name. I want to keep that out of the light as long as I can. For the rest… you’re better at this publicity thing than I am. You’ve talked to your PR team. I trust your judgment.”
“That’s so sweet,” he cooed, freeing one of his hands to wipe away imaginary tears. “You’re making me cry, Y/N.”
“Oh, shut the fuck up and check on the soup.”
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“You asked me to be here so—”
“If I’d known you’d be so annoying I wouldn’t ha—”
“Just give me your fucking hand, dammit. I’m trying to be supportive!” Sebastian scooted his chair over and grabbed both of your hands out of your lap, gripping them on the armrest victoriously. “Now I have both of your hands. Whatchu gonna do ‘bout that, huh sweetheart?”
Glare at him, was your answer, though the shock of the new pet name dampened the fire behind it. It was a few minutes after two ‘o clock and you were waiting in Dr. Chowdhury’s office. A nurse let you know he’d be a few minutes late which immediately made your blood pressure skyrocket.
And that’s how you found yourself arguing with Sebastian about him holding your hand.
You huffed, but shifted in the seat so you could more comfortably keep your hands in his.
“Glad to see you two getting along so well,” an amused British accent you hadn’t heard in a few weeks said, alerting you to her presence in the room.
“Helen!” Seb released your hands for long enough to stand, give her a hug, and shake Dr. Chowdhury’s hand before sitting back down and expectantly putting his hands on the armrest of your chair. Neither doctor said anything as you stared down your husband. It was only when he quirked his eyebrow that you sighed and gave him your hands again.
“Sorry ‘bout that. He’s trying to become the personification of the phrase way too over-supportive,” you shot both doctors a tolerant grin.
“There is no such thing when it comes to treatment,” Dr. Sharpe said, grinning as she sat next to Dr. Chowdhury behind his desk.
“Told you,” Seb muttered to you.
“Shut up, the adults are talking,” you whispered back. To the doctors, you said, “So, I don’t know whether to be scared or happy that both of you are here.”
“We are seeing progress, Y/N,” Dr. Chowdhury said simply.
“Progress,” you repeated softly. The word felt foreign in your mouth.
“What does that mean?” Seb asked, squeezing your fingers.
Dr. Chowdhury sat forward, clasped hands resting on his desk. “It means that your scans showed that the tumor is shrinking. Slower than we would have hoped, but it is shrinking.”
“And before you say anything,” Dr. Sharpe broke in, “It is enough. While the progress is slower than we planned for, we both agree that if it continues like this, the tumor should grow small enough to remove it. It just might take longer than we planned for.”
“It’s shrinking,” you whispered, still processing this good news. Despite your better mood, you’d still been expecting bad news when you came in.
“It’s shrinking,” Dr. Chowdhury confirmed, smiling.
This treatment was working. There was progress. It was shrinking.
“How much longer do you think it will take?” Seb asked.
Dr. Chowdhury nodded his approval of the question. “That is why both Helen and I are here today. You have a decision to make and we are both of different minds. As you know, I have kept Dr. Sharpe appraised of your progress during this study. We have conferred frequently, so though this is my study, her opinion is very much valid. And both options are medically sound.”
You nodded, ready to listen.
Dr. Chowdhury went first. “I would like to adjust your infusion cocktail one more time. This approach is quite aggressive, but my hope is that the tumor will begin to shrink more rapidly and you can have your surgery at the time we originally planned for.”
“I believe,” Dr. Sharpe took over the conversation at this point, “That it would be best to continue your infusions as they are. We estimate you will have to continue treatment for a month longer, at least, before surgery. But the progress you’ve made in the last week is promising, and you will not have to go through another period of adjusting to the new medication.”
“Option one is a more aggressive treatment plan that would keep us on schedule, and option two is to continue on with the current treatment and wait longer for the surgery?” Sebastian summarized. Both doctors nodded.
“One concern my doctor back home had about more aggressive treatment options was that my body would be too weak for surgery.” You looked at Dr. Chowdhury. “Is that a concern with the more aggressive treatment?”
“It is always a concern. One that I have considered. With how you’ve responded to the increased dosage over the last two weeks, I believe that you will not have to worry about being too weak for surgery. However, if I am wrong about that, there are a few courses of action I have in mind that would help so you can still have the surgery.”
You and Sebastian asked questions for a few more minutes until you felt you had enough information to continue the discussion alone. Since this decision wasn’t as time-pressing as the decision to begin treatment had been, Dr. Chowdhury suggested you two go home and come back the next day with your decision.
Before heading back to the apartment, Sebastian had Sean, your driver, drop you two off at the grocery store. There were a few things you both needed and, for the first time in a while, you felt up to walking around for a bit. So you braved being in public with Sebastian and only teased him a little for his choice of hat. Hopefully it would help keep his anonymity, and by extension, yours.
“Oreos?” You asked hopefully, knowing full well Sebastian wouldn’t say no. You were eating better, but any time you got excited over some food, you could see him mentally putting that dish on a list of meals that you were sure to eat. And even though Oreos weren’t healthy, they were food nonetheless.
“Regular? Double stuffed? Mint?”
“Mmm,” you considered, looking up at the shelves upon shelves of cookies. Your energy was slowly depleting, and you found yourself leaning against the cart more and more. Still, you were enjoying the little trip. “Regular is better to dip in milk, but double stuff is better if you don’t have milk. And you can never go wrong with mint…”
“You want all three?” He shot you a look with an amused eyebrow quirk.
“I mean, yes. But that’s a lot of Oreos to eat before they go stale. Why don’t they have a triple pack? Each row is a different kind? That would sell great.”
Surprise covered his face. “That’s… actually a good idea.”
“Don’t sound so shocked. I have good ideas every once in a while.”
“After you made me watch that one movie about the sexually transmitted demon, I’m not so sure.”
Your laughter rang down the aisle. “Okay, fair point.” Rolling the cart forward, you grabbed a pack of mint Oreos and tossed it by the boxed brownies you’d also conned him into getting. He tried talking you out of it, saying you could stop by the bakery down the street and get better brownies, but your counter point that you couldn’t eat half the brownie batter from the bakery had won you the round.
“What’s next?” you asked. “Ice cream?”
“You’re supposed to be eating healthy,” he pointed out.
“Look, can we just be happy that I’m finally getting my appetite back? You can lecture me about calories or saturated fats or whatever tomorrow.” Giving him your best puppy dog eyes, you pouted out your bottom lip. “Please? I might just wither away if I don’t have cheesecake ice cream tonight.”
He mumbled under his breath before starting to walk away.
You followed him, ignoring the squeaky wheel on your cart. “What was that?”
“If you spend more than two minutes choosing which flavor of ice cream, you’re not getting any,” he replied. That wasn’t what he had mumbled, you were sure, but you let it go.
“I’ll do you one better. If Ben and Jerry’s Strawberry Cheesecake isn’t stocked, I won’t get ice cream at all. Deal?”
“Deal. So, ice cream, produce section… anything else?”
With a head shake, you pushed forward until you were walking right next to Sebastian. He glanced at you and you gave him a soft grin. “Thank you, Seb. You’re the best.”
He tossed his arm around your shoulder and pulled you slightly closer. After pressing a quick kiss to the side of your head, he gave you a cocky grin. “I know I am, sweetheart.”
First in Dr. Chowdhury’s office and now here. That damn word was going to be the death of you, you swore.
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Any ideas what it was Seb said under his breath?? And how do you think the interview later tonight is going to go? 
Chapter 13: The First Interview
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rfschatten · 4 years
COVID-19 & the Rise of Prairie Populism
“By Failing to Prepare, you are Preparing to Fail” ~~~ Benjamin Franklin
We have arrived at the most critical moral point of this Pandemic Crisis. Where the Economy and the Health Crisis are beginning to collide with each other.
Yes, something has to be done to keep the economy running …the little businesses are suffering the most, and do have a good legitimate reason to re-open. Wall Street & Corporate America wants it open for their own greedy reasons. And Donald Trump desperately wants to open up, the most! His re-election hangs on his chance of a good economy …cause if he loses, they’re going to take him and “lock him up”!
On the other side of this moral dilemma, you have thousands that soon will be in the hundreds of thousands of Deaths, and Millions who eventually may easily become hundreds of million Infected by COVID-19.
One side wants to keep enforcing CDC Protocol cause they value human life and will observe all protocols till it’s over. On the other side, almost everyone values human life, too …but financial stress, and different situations are forcing some to look at things a little differently. Things not normally thought about. How many deaths are “acceptable” for the country, that they can get back to work?
For a while Trump & Pence have been saying; Soon, we all have to make some tough decisions on life and death. Chris Christie publicly said; 3,000 Deaths/Day is acceptable collateral damage to keep the Economy running. The Federal Government wants the economy to succeed at all costs, and to overshadow the Pandemic, …cause that’s Trump’s eminent Waterloo.
And for the economy to succeed, the US Gov’t prefers to accept the notion of acceptable “collateral damage” …like in a Nuclear Attack? That’s Trump’s Capitalism!
We, the People are just a “commodity” in a Trump Economy post-COVID019.
An Administration that intents to phase down the Medical portion of their Pandemic policies and begin the Economic Recovery phase, as soon as possible …while people are still dying daily by the thousands…is simply committing Public Policy Genocide. As Yale Epidemiologist Gregg Gonsalves said; “What else do you call mass deaths by public policy”?
The Federal Government pretty much is saying; Americans can be sacrificed in order for the economy to grow.
The problem this stable genius can’t understand is; the Millions infected, and pretty soon the hundreds of Millions are not going out anywhere for a while, or on any type of shopping spree! …not until this Virus is taken care of and stopped, the Nation is not going to economically recover!
The value of Human Life? or the value of the US Dollar? That’s the moral of the story of what 2020 is all about!
Donald Trump wants to own the moment, he wants to be the almighty superhero who saved America from a catastrophic global pandemic. When he, and he alone knows how to stop the viral infection …and all his followers, will eventually follow him straight off the cliff!
Why are Batshit Trumpers considered America’s Village Idiots?
In a recent poll, 90% of Republicans trust Trump for COVID-19 information rather than the CDC & all Medical Professionals!
When you believe a man who publicly has made more than 18,000+ lies in 3 years, over Medical professionals …yes! you will die! But, not for your country or not for your family, but for someone who only cares ‘if’ you live, for your vote in November.
The Donald’s biggest problem? He never expected anything like this to occur, a crisis that transcends politics and transcends his life of lies. A crisis where he really does have to become and act presidential, be a true leader & show some leadership …but, he’s clueless on how to lead…and no one cares about his rhetorical bullshit anymore. He knows he’s out of his league, out of his element …he’s like a fish out of water …everything is way over his head, and he just doesn’t know how to handle it.
REALITY just bitch slapped the TV Reality Superstar. Let me introduce myself…hope you guess my name!
At a time when the country might forgive him, even just a little, and give him his just due if he only just comes out honest and truthful with the population …his demented mind pushes harder to make people hate him even more!
Trying to intimidate Governors and civic leaders with his quid pro quo’s…you do this for me and we’ll give you what you need. Intimidating everyone into opening the Nation up for business ASAP, to quickly recover the economy so he can get re-elected.
Making the States suffer without supplying the needed equipment or the needed Tests, and only giving them the bare minimum unless they all kiss his big, not so lovely tush.
But, nothing’s worse than the most disgusting thing our Gov’t has ever done to any of the States during a state of emergency. Making States go into a bidding war …in the middle of a pandemic! …for supplies against other States, Foreign Governments, Corporations, and even the U.S. Government, itself?!?!
The States are literally on their own… a Federal Government that says; “I take no responsibility whatsoever”. A Federal Government that says; We won’t lead you, we’ll just back you up.
2 Governors, a Democrat, and a Republican secretly ordered and sent planes to pick-up their desperately needed Medical Supplies from China. Secretly, because they’re both afraid of Trump confiscating it, and taking it to boost their own National Stockpile Supply.
The V.A. bought 5 million masks for Veterans and VA Hospitals across the country. FEMA confiscated it all and took it to boost Trump’s National Stockpile. Meanwhile, people are continuously dying and no one’s getting the needed masks!
The plane trips were secretly kept. But Larry Hogan, the GOP Governor of Maryland, went one up to secure the needed (500,000) Test Kits, and has them secretly stashed away and guarded by the “National Guard” & the “Maryland State Police” so the Feds don’t take them away!
You can’t make up shit like this, folks!
Now, he won’t give sanctuary Cities the emergency funding they desperately need, unless they remove the sanctuary status and permit ICE to round-up “Illegal” Immigrants.
When has any State or anyone ever gone through such cruel extreme measures? When has the American Government ever treated its Citizens with so much disdain and disrespect? And even worse, during such catastrophic times of health & human crisis?
He’s been working on plans to keep everything open since the Virus arrived when advised of the possibility of states and cities closing down.
For 70 days he jerked the Nation around trying to make believe the Virus was a hoax, all to keep his economy from collapsing.
Opening the country up is against his own official White House Policy! Against the advice of the CDC! the advice of Dr. Fauci, Dr. Redfield, Dr. Birx, & Doctors everywhere!
His obsession with irresponsibly pushing a Malaria drug for this Viral infection …against the recommendation of all Medical Professionals. Though it’s not hard to see why he’s pushing it like if he was the star spokesman for the company. Wonder how much money, stock, or what kind of deal Trump/Kushner Inc. has invested in the maker of Hydroxychloroquine …Mylan Pharmaceutical?
Now, he’s gone off his rocker once again…only this time it veers into the extreme far side of the bizarre! His latest push? Injecting yourself with disinfectants, including bleach!
Also, Injecting yourself with a tiny UV light that will miraculously kill the Virus in your bloodstream …I suppose if you believe that crock of horseshit! You only inject yourself with disinfectants if you’re committing suicide …cause that’s what will happen!
And he still considers himself a stable genius?
The next day, he tried to push it back, saying he was just kidding with the press …when a replay of the press conference showed him directing his spiel directly at Dr. Birx.
Nothing has gone right since he was sworn in. The Russians hacking the elections, the Ukraine scandal, all his women scandals, all his daily scandals, all the embarrassments throughout the world, all the fiasco that occurs no matter where he goes or what he does …and naturally, his Impeachment for life!
Now, a massive gigantic screw-up of devastating proportions that might very well end his presidency. Yes, his natural stupidity can be a factor …but this professional Puppet appears to be on the loose & on his own …and that, really is dangerous.
What are his motives?
His top priority …opening up the country and build up the economy at “all cost”, over a deadly Viral infection that can potentially kill in the millions. His priority is the Economy …no matter how many people die. It’s not his concern as he keeps saying; “I am not responsible at all”. Who cares how many people die? …not this President!
Telling people to Free their States and gather in mass which would immediately triple the population of Positive Tests …he keeps misrepresenting the truth. telling people he’s doing a ‘tremendous job’ and while keeping the virus down to only 30,000 deaths, then to 50,000, now that’s he’s doing such a good job, he’s going to contain the virus down to only 100,000 deaths.
A typical Trump trait…brag how stupid he is to the only people who will believe his horseshit. Now, by getting his minions to protest their Constitutional rights of not wearing any protective gear, the real Professionals are talking about the real possibility of hundreds of millions testing positive and millions dying.
He started a Prairie Fire telling his 2nd Amendment followers for an armed uprising over their States …calling for a rebellion against a State Government is sedition, and for the President to suggests people to rebel, that’s “Treason”!
While all along purposely lying, misleading, or delaying all the millions of test kits, which is the Federal Government’s total responsibility of distributing!
Donald Trump doesn’t want any more Test Kits! …he doesn’t want the public to see how many more people are infected! It’s not conducive to his top & only priorities …making money and getting re-elected.
Gloria Steinham once said; “The Truth will set you free, but first, it will piss you off”.
The reason Trump’s having more and more meltdowns during this Pandemic is that he’s continuously pissed off …no one believes his lies anymore …and he knows it.
The Truth hurts when you know and you’re forced to privately admit, you really are a nobody! …when your emotional and delusional bubble of illusions burst and you’re faced with the reality of life.
That’s when Trump realized he really does own the moment…lock, stock, & barrel!
And there’s no way out …he can remain in self-denial, but whether he likes it or not, he’s totally responsible for all the Positive Viral Cases and totally responsible for all the Deaths.
He can’t blame it on anybody this time, though Obama is always his usual target for one thing or another …it’s all happened in the 3 yrs of his Presidency..during his watch!
Hey, Donald! You wanted to be President? You got it! It’s your job, now go out and work for the first time in your life and do it right, or in November …’ you’ will be Fired!
The first Human Coronavirus was discovered in the 1960s …more recently, the 2002–2004 SARS Pandemic outbreak & 2012 MERS Pandemic, raged havoc.
Medical Scientists and Epidemiologists from the US had been closely working together with their Chinese counterparts in China for a long time (till Trump removed them in 2020) They’ve been tracking a new strain until they finally traced it to Wuhan 3 years later.
How bad would this Pandemic have been if a prepared Nation would’ve been notified since 2016?
It happened on his watch …and he knew about it the whole damn time!
He was warned more than a couple dozen times since 2016. First, during the transition period in 2016. the Pandemic policies from the Obama Administration, including supplies and preparedness guidelines were explained and passed on to the Trump Administration. They were told that a new little known strain of Coronavirus, totally different from the last two, was out there …but they haven’t traced it to anywhere, yet!
In 2018 he was warned at least twice, that’s when he fired the White House Pandemic Team. He was warned again over a dozen times in 2019.
1. Why would he fire medical experts on Pandemics with a Global Pandemic outbreak about to explode in the United States?
2. And now that it’s here, and knowing the gravity of the situation …why fire Dr. Rick Bright, the man who was on the development end of the COVID-19 Vaccine, right in his tracks? …while 82,000+ die and over 1.4 Million identified, out of all the unidentified hundreds of millions that are getting Infected daily?
3. Why did he warn Israel of the incoming Pandemic in November of 2019? yet, didn’t warn the American Public till 70 days after he was warned again by the CDC on Jan. 3rd, 2020, confirming the imminent arrival of COVID-19? The CDC officially warned the American public on Jan. 8th, 2020.
4. Why did the Administration’s Health & Human Services turn down an offer on Jan. 22nd…the day after the 1st US Coronavirus case was identified…from Texas’ Prestige Ameritech, the largest surgical face mask producer in the United States…to manufacture 1.7 Million N95 Masks per week?
Why is Donald Trump deliberately doing all of this? Does he really believe his own stable genius BS? Is it all his natural incompetence? This man may be a degenerate psychopathic screaming narcissist …but someone is pulling this puppet’s strings!
When you have a blatant lifelong coward who never takes responsibility for any of his actions, his failures, or his blunders …you’re going to see a lot of Psychological Projection …blame anybody or everybody for everything he ever does. No one in History can psychologically project any better than Bonespurs Donny!
And no one has had more conspiracy theories about everything imaginable in just 3 years, than this faker. His latest blame game? He blames China for developing a man-made Virus in their labs, which has been debunked by our own intelligence agencies, the CDC, WHO, as well as the medical professionals in his Task Force, and experts around the world.
He’s also blaming the World Health Organization for not warning him early enough …I guess 2016, 2018, 2019, & 2020 is not early enough!
All these Red State Governors are more interested in making a fast buck than the health of their constituents…they’re opening up their States to everything, as more and more people start ignoring rules and trying to go back to the old normal. Revolt against authority for the right to” go back to work”.
So far, a few are opening but the smell of spring air, the lure of the heat, and hoping for a nice summer breeze is too fascinating to pass up, causing all these people to congregate in the parks and the beaches, refusing to follow medical advice.
Take all these people, and add the ignorance of NeoNazis & gun-toting Batshit Trumpers…those that Trump calls “very good people”, just like the “Very Fine People” in Charlottesville.
They hear their beloved leader subliminally order them to go and cause havoc by “liberating” Michigan and other States …and off they go with no respect to whom they hurt or infect.
The latest projections on how many will die during the summer, now that Trump is allowing America (against all Medical advice & recommendations) to open up …an estimate of over 3,000 deaths daily through the summer with the infection rate in the hundreds of millions, assured. All for spending a day frolicking on the beach.
And now, when Trump’s beloved MAGA followers get pissed off and angry with cries for help as more and more get sick, and more and more start dying of COVID-19 ...what will he do?
How will Donald, who’s a man with absolutely zero empathy or compassion, an anti-altruistic human being, and a sociopath with a seriously severe “schadenfreude” complex …respond to these people?
You have his minions, those too stupid who’ll still follow him of that cliff, and you have those who’ll refuse to jump, turning on him, and try to stay alive! How will he respond? …how will he answer them without pissing off one side or the other?
When everyone else acts with dignity & respect …expect this fool to be his normal self. Pity his beloved supporters.
But just remember, all you good Trumpers; “I take no responsibility at all”!
So! America, wake up and smell the coffee! Stop living life in self-denial …and face the reality of COVID-19.
1st, STOP LISTENING to Politicos who have absolutely no experience, knowledge, or any idea whatsoever in Medicine to give you advise and updates …especially Trump, with his agenda of lies, misinformation, and misleading statements, all along while pushing a Malaria Drug that hasn’t been proven it works, although it’s proven that it kills. Also, all his Lysol, Clorox, and UV light cockamamie injections!
2nd, START LISTENING to the Medical Professionals and Medical Scientists, who know what they’re doing, people like Rick Bright, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and Bob Redfield!
The awful truth about COVID-19: Only 2.95% of our 350 million population has been tested …so, how many more than the current 1.4 million that tested positive are going to be “Positive” too? -
This bug is not going anywhere, anytime soon! It’s not going away for summer vacation, it’s not going to be gone with the wind, it’s not going to be here today and gone tomorrow, it’s not going to just be gone one day as the President tries to convince his base …and it’s not going to magically disappear one day, as Trump says; “It’s going to go away without a vaccine”!
COVID-19 is here to stay! It’s going to be our guest for a year or two, or more …remember, it will not ever be eradicated until a Vaccine is found!
Don’t fight the new normal, just go with the flow …the quicker We, the People use our natural intellect and do things right, the quicker we can get back to the old normal.
So! If you want to stay alive through 2020 and beyond? …Remember, November!
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ae-diaries · 5 years
My Life Testimony
Warning: Long post ahead
The content of this blog has me holding a secret I've kept hidden for a long time. I'm a bit hesitant to share my personal story because others (who knew me already) may be shocked or turned off 😅, but hopefully, the thoughts would bless someone and help you face your weaknesses and rise above them. This is a celebration of the greatest miracle I received from God. I never thought that miracle was real, until circumstances proved that it is possible. 
Foremost in my mind is when I was a high school kid. My life was symbolized by the microphone; I’d been exposed to sing in front of a crowd, be it in school or amateur singing contests. It's not to boast but it felt like I was a singing sensation back then, others dubbed me as 'songbird', 'sweet nightingale' to name a few 🤣. But when no one's looking, I felt, for lack of a better description, just off. This was caused by a certain physical condition that tear down my self-image. 
It all began when my mother noticed that I had an uneven shoulders when I was 13 years old. Later on, I was diagnosed with scoliosis measuring a 20-degree curve, and so my doctor from PGH gave me various stretching exercises and required me to wear a brace to prevent the curve from worsening or else surgery awaits me.
I freaked out inside. At the back of my mind, I wondered, “Why me?”. From then on, a hidden scar symbolizes my 'private' life. People might not notice it, but really I was riddled with inferiority complex and lack of self-worth. Nakakaiyak isipin, imagine ako lang bukod tanging estudyante sa private skul na may ganitong klaseng kundisyon. How I pitied myself. Parang ayoko nang lumabas. Hiyang hiya ako. 
I usually cried and pahirapan pa every time my mother would be putting the brace into my body, kabilinbilinan niya wag ko daw aalisin para daw mapabilis paggaling ko, but there was this one time, while I was on my way to school, naisipan kong dumaan muna sa haus ng classmate ko para lang ipatago yung brace ko. And it happened many times. Ang bigat nyang dalhin, di lang sa katawan kundi pati narin sa kalooban. Later on, they found out what I was doing, until wala na silang nagawa sa tigas ng ulo ko. Fortunately, my classmates did not bully me in school; however, I was still very conscious and afraid that my crush would see me like a bionic kid. To this day, I have never told my parents about this reason. You know as a teenager, I was overly sensitive by the opinion of others. And that's all that matters to me. I didn't think of the consequences of this action. 
Fast forward to 2012, sabi nila end of the world na this year (according to Mayan calendar), feeling ko katapusan ko nadin when I went back to the doctor and learned that the deformity progressed to over 50 degrees. Reality finally hit me! A major surgery was needed to correct my S-curved spine. Why I didn't just wear that darn thing? I must admit nagpabaya ako as I was trying to live like a normal kid. At that time, I was already employed in my first job so I filed for a two-month leave. Luckily, my very understanding boss approved it. I also had an amazing orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Teodoro Castro, who explained to me the procedure (though it was as clear as mud to me). He was very reassuring, so I didn't get scared. 
And when he asked, "Kelan mo gusto magpa-opera?," Without a second thought, I replied, "Kahit po bukas na doc!". My thoughts were, "If not now, when pa?"( I felt like I was running out of time.) His eyes bulged upon hearing my immediate response! And so he set the schedule to May 16, 1 p.m (which I spent at Sta. Teresita General Hospital in Quezon City). 
It was exciting, really, though it had 'Final Destination' feels. Andaming 'what ifs', what if di ako maka-survive? Bigla kong naisip talagang 'life is short' at ang dami ko pa palang di nagagawa sa mundong ibabaw such as makapag-serve kay God through joining a spiritual ministry, to travel for a cause, makapag-abroad, makakanta sa tv, makita si Regine & Sarah, magamit license ko to teach students, maigala ang magulang ko, and to have my own family. Sana magawa ko pa ang mga ito after post-op. 
More so, I felt my family's collective fear; I could actually hear the loud beating of my parents' chest when they signed the waiver 🤣. My father had worries that my voice might deteriorate after the operation. Laying in my bed and knowing that I may be that close to dying, I delivered my prayer of surrender to God and remained fearless. The comforting lyrics of 'You made me Stronger' by Kelly Clarkson became my fight song while in the hospital.
Waking up after the operation was the highlight. Being groggy from the anesthesia, I opened my eyes, feeling like it's just a continuation of my short sleep. I saw the nurses and my family - patiently waiting for me to wake up for almost 6 hours na daw. The first thing I asked was, "Tapos na?" (many times). I felt a huge sigh of relief when they uttered the words that struck me to the core, "Oo, tapos na." S*** I couldn't believe my ears; I was flying with joy! For years I have prayed for this miracle. I wanted to shout and do any dance challenge, 🤣 but how could I do that? They were preventing me from talking yet or make any movements because a mask was surrounding my nose and a lot of apparatuses were attached to my body. Later on, I learned that my younger brother cried after seeing me survived the operation. May kadramahan din pala si brother na lagi kong kabangayan 😂. While the success of my operation wouldn't be possible if it weren't for the assistance provided by my father's company, DMCI Corp. That's why I'll always be indebted to their big boss, VAC (May his soul rest in peace).
My healing lasted for almost nine months. I never suffered from complications, just pure torture and regrets na sana di nalang ako nagpa-opera (huhu). This is no exaggeration but dinaig ko pa talaga ang na-cesarean. On the first month after my operation, I became disabled and reached levels of pain I thought never existed in human experience: It was difficult to breath; I could not stand and walk on my own; I became excessively skinny because of drug intake - this was a legal drug prescribed by my doctor which can remove the pain only for 4-6 hrs. It felt so pathetic and frustrating to see myself in front of the mirror. No matter how much I tried to be positive, my insecurities gripped me down again and again to the point of questioning God: "Is there a hope for me?", 
"How come others could breathe and walk so well? During these times, inggit na inggit ako sa mga taong nakakalakad at nakakahinga ng maluwag. Feeling ko life is so unfair. Somewhere deep inside, I believed I was ugly, that He really didn't like me and it was His punishment for all the sins I did in the past. As I poured out my grief before God, a question popped in my head: “Mira, give me reasons why you should remain grateful?.”
“Seriously, how can I be grateful in times like this?.”
But in those agonizing moments, a light of hope from my parents’ eyes illuminates my darkness. 
In all the times that I cried and complained, I never saw them get too tired to feed me or serve me even if it would make them uncomfortable to make me comfortable. I couldn't imagine how they felt when I looked down on myself. Aside from my parents, my siblings, concerned relatives and genuine friends also never left my side. It's as if they became my extra pair of legs when mine refuse to walk. And my heart is full of gratitude today because they have loved me during the times that I didn't love myself. 
I'm living a normal life now as if nothing happened but others observed that except for my angelic voice 🤣, I tend to become forgetful and a little bit of deaf (Yes to this level) - this was probably caused by my extra dose of antibiotics intake 🤣. They noticed that I walk with lightning speed, as if may hinahabol daw ako lagi - maybe subconsciously, this has something to do with my life goals. Yes, I do get tired easier that's why there are some things that I must not do such as lifting heavy objects, sport activities (except for swimming), washing a mountain of clothes 🤣, bawal ma-stress and ma-exposed sa extreme cold places 😅.
As they say, true wisdom is learning from your shortcomings. For everything that I'd been through, I realized that there's a lesson hidden underneath the pain and it was God's way for me to:
(1) strengthen my faith - It was through this difficult times that I also underwent a 'spiritual surgery/enlightenment'. It has helped me find my stride in God and pray like I have never prayed before (for I know nakalimot ako). I didn't know all His plans but surely He was turning my brokenness into greatness. 
(2) love myself, invest in my relationships and create good memories - The whole discernment gave me the courage to keep progressing. I began to accept my imperfections, pick up my self-esteem, and do the things I haven't done before: Much is to be done but so far, I already saw Miss Regine and Sarah in person, traveled to different places, got to teach students in schools, treat my parents - brought  them to concerts and resto; spent midnight snacks and watched movies with my siblings; hang-out with friends; reunited with a long lost friend; restored a broken relationship, and tried to forgive someone;
(3) appreciate the fine details of life - More and more, my wishes become simpler. I realized there is more to life than any material thing could give, and that is getting enough oxygen and optimal healing to every organ in my body. Sobra kong na-appreciate ang buhay ko, especially the air I breathe, and the legs that carry me everywhere.
Eto lang sapat na 'to be happy'. Why did I fail to notice this before? And that's also what I want to ask you, when was the last time you were thankful for the air around you? True to what they say, the best things in life are free, but the problem is we're not contented with what we have and complicate rules to experiencing happiness: “I will be happy only if I’ll be able to upgrade my phone, buy a latest collection of chanel bag, wear a new pair of sketchers shoes..” And I'm so guilty of it because I once was a shoppaholic before that I forgot to remember how 'enough' I truly have.   
As I look back, hagulhol nako sa iyak - there were tears in my eyes, but they were no longer tears of pain but tears of gratitude - thinking how would I survive without the amazing people in my life.
I believe that God wants me to write this article so that I could speak for Him and claim that today, I can go out without any worries because I'm no longer ashamed of the scar life has left me with. It's a blessing in disguise; a sign that I conquered pain and fear. Wala na sigurong pagsubok na di ko kakayanin dahil kinaya ko na yung 'pinakamahirap' because truly, life is about not giving up and trying to fix yourself up after every fall. 
I cannot make the scar disappear but by looking at it, I see a testimony of survival, inner strength and God's miracles. Jesus never said it wouldn't be easy, but He said it would be worth it!  - Matt. 7:13
#secondlife #lifetestimony #embracingmyscar
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uknewsdigest-blog · 6 years
Week Commencing: 07/01/2019.
- Businessman who hiked drug prices handed OBE: A multimillionaire whose company’s drug price rises have cost the NHS around £50m was handed an OBE in the New Year’s Honours list, The Times reports. Vijay Patel exploited a loophole in health service rules to increase the price of old medicines of which his firm, Atnahs, was the sole supplier by up to 2,500%. The hikes included upping the price of a packet of antidepressants from £5.71 to £154. 
- British stars clean up at Golden Globe awards: Brits have fared well at this year’s Golden Globe Awards, with Olivia Colman, Christian Bale, Richard Madden and Ben Whishaw among the winners. Colman was honoured for her role in The Favourite, while English-American actor Bale won for playing ex-US Vice-President Dick Cheney in Vice. Bohemian Rhapsody, about Queen frontman Freddie Mercury, picked up best actor and best film in the drama category. 
- Giant fatberg blocking sewer in Devon: The largest so-called fatberg ever found by South West Water is blocking the sewers of the coastal Devon town of Sidmouth and will take about eight weeks to remove. The obstruction is 210ft long – more than the height of the Leaning Tower of Pisa – and composed mostly of fat, wet wipes and grease. Work to remove it will begin in February. 
- MPs complain to police after Soubry abused: At least 55 MPs have signed a letter to Met Police Commissioner Cressida Dick expressing “serious concerns about the deteriorating public order and security situation” around Parliament, after Tory Anna Soubry was verbally abused and jostled by pro-Brexit campaigners. Labour’s Mary Creagh called the abuse “vile, misogynistic thuggery”. 
- Millions of patients to see Skype doctors: Theresa May wants millions of patients to see their doctors via video-calling services such as Skype, in a bid to save billions of pounds as part of a “wholesale transformation of the NHS” announced yesterday. NHS England boss Simon Stevens said the current model of hospital appointments was both “outdated and unsustainable”. 
- England needs three million new homes by 2040, says report: A report by a cross-party group of MPs says England needs three million new social homes by 2040 in order to save millions of people from a future in dangerous, overcrowded or otherwise unsuitable housing. If the recommendations are taken up, it would mean building more new council houses than in the 20 years after the War. 
- Army called in as drone disrupts Heathrow Airport: The UK military was called in to help police after sightings of a drone briefly halted flights at Heathrow Airport yesterday. The Metropolitan Police said it was deploying “significant resources” to monitor the airport after a drone was spotted shortly after 5pm. Departures were quickly stopped as a precaution, but were resumed an hour later, with the airport fully operational again by 10pm. 
- Sexual abuse in childhood linked to raised suicide risk: People who suffered sexual or emotional abuse as children are two to three times more likely to kill themselves as adults, a new study has found. Academics from the University of Manchester and South Wales University analysed the results of 68 previous studies on the subject from around the world. Suicide prevention charity Papyrus said 70% of calls to its helpline were from people who had been abused during childhood. 
- Tory claims London pollution charge will hit millions: The pollution charge being introduced in London could affect almost 2.5 million cars and vans a year, official figures suggest. London Mayor Sadiq Khan had previously stated that fewer than 60,000 vehicles a day would have to pay the £12.50 ultra-low emission zone fee, but Gareth Bacon, leader of the Conservative group on the London Assembly, has warned that the charges could be Khan’s “poll tax” moment.  
- MPs vote to restrict no-deal Brexit options: A majority of MPs have signalled that they will not accept a “no-deal” Brexit by inflicting a humiliating defeat on the Government in the House of Commons. A total of 20 Tory MPs backed an amendment to the Finance Bill that would restrict the Government’s freedom to make no-deal Brexit tax changes without the “explicit consent” of Parliament, by 303 to 296 votes.  
- The Government has announced tightened regulations on the operation of drones, following major disruptions at some of the UK’s busiest airports, including chaos at Heathrow this week. 
- Bercow vilified in newspapers over Brexit vote: Commons Speaker John Bercow is vilified in right-wing newspapers today, after allowing an amendment Brexit vote. The Sun dubs him “Speaker of the devil”, while the Daily Mail says he is a “disgrace to his office”. Bercow broke with precedent in allowing yesterday’s vote, which the Government lost - meaning it must provide an alternative EU deal within three days if it loses next week’s vote on Theresa May’s Brexit plan. 
- Jaguar Land Rover to cut 5,000 jobs in UK: Jaguar Land Rover is cutting as many as 5,000 jobs in the UK in an attempt to save £2.5bn costs. The firm, which employs 40,000 people in Britain, says most of the jobs to go will be in marketing, management and administration. A “perfect storm” of falling demand for diesel cars and Brexit uncertainty is to blame, according to the BBC. 
- Rudd U-turns on proposal to cap child benefit: Amber Rudd has announced another U-turn on universal credit: she will not cap benefits for families with two or more children born before 2017. Child Poverty Action said it was “fantastically good news” but called for the two-child cap to be scrapped for all families. Rudd also said she was putting off rolling out universal credit. 
- Top Tory Brexiteers believe Britain won't leave EU: Leading Tory donors who spent millions on the Brexit campaign say they now believe that Britain may not leave the EU. Crispin Odey, a hedge fund manager who has given more than £870,000 to pro-Leave groups, said: “My view is that it ain’t going to happen. I just can’t see how it happens with that configuration of parliament.” Two other key donors made similar predictions.  
- Minister: stopping Brexit would empower the far-right: Blocking Brexit could empower far-right extremists, says the transport secretary. Chris Grayling says that failing to leave the European Union would lead the 17m people who voted for Brexit to feel “cheated”, ending centuries of “moderate” politics in the UK. He said it would also provoke more “nasty” incidents of intimidation.  
- Prisons minister: short sentences should be scrapped: Prison sentences of six months or less should be scrapped, says the prisons minister. Rory Stewart argues that the move would ease pressure on prisons and be better for offenders, reports the Daily Telegraph. He said that ”very short” jail terms were ”long enough to damage you and not long enough to heal you”, adding: ”You bring somebody in for three or four weeks, they lose their house, their job, their family, their reputation”. 
- Charity warns over plan to scrap free TV licence for elderly: Abolishing the free TV licence for over-75s could push 50,000 older people into poverty, according to Age UK. After the broadcaster opened a consultation on whether to start charging older people the £150.50-a-year fee, the charity said such a move could harm the elderly, “potentially forcing them to cut back on other essentials such as heating and food in order to remain informed, entertained, stimulated and connected to the world beyond their doorstep”. 
- Row over Church's appointment of resurrection denier: Controversy has erupted after the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby appointed as his ambassador to the Vatican a priest who denies the physical resurrection of Jesus. The Rev Dr John Shepherd said that the resurrection of Jesus “ought not to be seen in physical terms but as a new spiritual reality”. A former chaplain to the Queen said: “You cannot call yourself an orthodox Christian if you don’t believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus.” 
- Rise in UK children in gender-title switches: Children as young as 10 are having their gender changed by deed poll. Over the past five years, the UK Deed Poll Service has seen a surge in the number of parents paying £35 to alter their child’s title from “Miss to Master” or “Master to Miss”. Around one under-16-year-old is making the change every day. 
- NHS landed with £1m compensation bill for Savile victims: The NHS has a £1m bill for compensating victims of Jimmy Savile after the late broadcaster’s estate contributed just £53,000. Over a 50-year period, the TV and radio personality raped and assaulted scores of patients, staff and visitors in 41 hospitals, a children’s home and a hospice. He passed away in 2011 before his crimes were revealed, and was reported to have had an estate worth at least £4m. 
- Arrest after child killed in hit-and-run collision: Detectives have arrested a man after an 11-year-old boy was killed in a hit-and-run collision in Manchester. The child was treated by paramedics at the scene in the Beswick area of the city but died of his injuries later in hospital. Police have arrested a 31-year-old man on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving. 
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keywestlou · 5 years
Key West lies within Monroe County. There is a County Health Administrator. His name Robert “Bob” Eadie. His title Administrator of the Florida Department of Health-Monroe. He has been so employed since 2007.
He recently spoke at a public meeting where the subject was coronavirus. I consider his comments/views pure unadulterated bullshit. Insanity at its best.
He said, “We consider chances of the disease showing up here to be very low. So, any rumor to the contrary is just that.”
He added some local plans are being put in place, but he is playing a waiting game for the virus to peter out on its own or become a declared global pandemic.
Would you believe!
He further claimed that the fact Monroe County is dependent on tourism doesn’t make it risky. Visitors from overseas already are screened at American airports. Cruise ship passengers undergo screening at U.S. ports.
Eadie’s conclusion, “The chances we’ll see a case in Monroe are very small…..the possibility of it coming here very slight…..not impossible, but very improbable.”
As to personal preparedness, he advised surgeon masks a waste of money, only N95-type respiratory masks will protect.
I have seen pics of the N95. Look like a typical face mask. Not expensive. Problem is people have already bought them up like crazy. Walmart and Amazon have no more for sale.
Eadie claimed the best protection was washing your hands, cover your mouth if you cough, stay away from sick people, and avoid unnecessary contact.
My research suggests Purell is the best hand sanitizer to purchase. Problem similar to the N95 exists. Stores have run out. As of last night, Walmart and Amazon were sold out. This morning a special e-mail from Walmart advised they now had a supply. I ordered big time.
I sense from Eadie’s words those of a politician. Trump and Eadie seem to minimize the coronavirus danger.
They should both get off the political merry-go-round! Better safe than sorry. The danger if it hits overwhelming based on what is occurring in other parts of the world.
The politicians are covering their asses for the moment. What will they say in 2 months or less if the virus finds a home here in Monroe County?
Some coronavirus observations.
Trump appears to be fearmongering. Mulvaney claims, “We know how to handle this.” Trump said at a rally that coronavirus is a “hoax.” He also said, corononavirus is the Democrats “new hoax.”
The stock market took a nose dive this past week based on coronavirus reports. The entire economic world is concerned. The Dow dropped 3,583 points. A 12 percent drop in one week.  Amounts to $5 trillion. The worst decline in a similar time frame since 2008.
Trump’s son Donald Jr. made fearmongering and irresponsible comments friday in an interview with FOX & Friends: “But for them (Democrats) to take a pandemic and seemingly hope that it comes here, and kills millions of people so they could end Donald Trump’s streak of winning, is a new level of sickness. You know, I don’t know if this is coroonavirus or Trump derangement syndrome, but these people are infected badly.”
A dog tested positive for coronavirus in Hong Kong this past week. Medial authorities advised the dog thus far is a carrier. The dog has not come down with the disease itself.
Pope Francis is still sick. His problem continues not to be revealed. An official announcement from the Vatican said the Pope cancelled his official audiences for the second straight day.
The U.S./Taliban peace agreement is to be signed this morning.
The Trump administration makes it sound like it is the end of the 18 year Afghanistan War. In reality, not.
Taliban is not the Afghanistan government. There is a separate Afghanistan government. The government has not been a party to the negotiations nor the signing of the peace agreement.
Al-Qaeda still involved in Afghanistan. Not a party to the agreement.
The number of prisoners of war to be released already in dispute. The Afghanistan government wants all their people released. The U.S. says no.
If the war were actually ending, It would be expected that all U.S. troops would be removed. Not so. Presently 13,500. U.S. troops are only to be reduced to 8,000.
The peace agreement is a “test” of sorts. Good for 7 days up front. If peace “sort of” exists for that period, then the parties will discuss further moves to be part of a full agreement. If not, the agreement is nothing but a worthless piece of paper.
What actually is involved from the U.S. end is that Trump wants to tell the American people in this election year: “I settled the Afghanistan War!”
Tino’s photograph today has him dancing with a woman. The shot is from the TV series “Work in Paradise.”
Tino sent me a note with the pic: “Hey Lou, they pay me for this stuff!”
May Johnson must be one beautiful and talented lady!
Today her leap year in 1896.
She received a proposal of marriage in a letter from a Dr. F. A. Feta. He wrote he was wealthy enough to buy 1/2 of Key West. Also, his Aunt in Germany was 88 years old. If he would agree to join her in Germany, she would give him $100,000 of the $300,00 she had.
May rejected the Doctor.
Enjoy your day!
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Watchmen: Jeremy Irons, Ozymandias, and the Mystery of Adrian Veidt
Jeremy Irons explains his take on Adrian Veidt on HBO's Watchmen, and we give some perspective on the history of Ozymandias.
This article contains major spoilers for Watchmen episode 3 and the book.
The worst kept secret in TV is finally out. Watchmen episode 3 reveals what most of the audience knew all along: Jeremy Irons is playing Adrian Veidt, formerly the superhero known as Ozymandias. While there’s still plenty of mystery surrounding Veidt on the HBO series, notably what project he’s working on while he’s toiling away in “captivity” in some unknown location, the official confirmation of his identity means that it’s time for some of the larger Watchmen pieces to start falling into place.
For those unfamiliar, Adrian Veidt was a member of the second generation of masked crimefighters in the Watchmen universe, first rising to prominence in the mid-1960s alongside the second Silk Spectre (who is now FBI Agent Laurie Blake, played by Jean Smart), the second Nite Owl, Rorschach, and the superhuman Doctor Manhattan. Like nearly all heroes in the Watchmen universe, Veidt has no metahuman abilities, but is an Olympic-level athlete with a vast fortune and a keen mind that earned him the nickname “the smartest man in the world.”
As a young man, Veidt idolized Alexander the Great, the Macedonian general who had conquered vast swathes of the world before his death at 33. Veidt spent his early adulthood following in Alexander’s footsteps, searching for meaning in the hope that he could achieve a lasting legacy that would match that of his hero. But ultimately, Veidt became disillusioned when he realized that Alexander had “not united all the world, not built a unity that would survive him.” After a hashish-fueled vision, he adopted the superheroic identity of Ozymandias. “Thus began my path of conquest,” Veidt recalls in Watchmen, “Conquest not of men but of the evils that beset them.”
But within a few years of costumed adventuring, it was clear to “the smartest man in the world” that he wasn’t making enough of a difference to stop the inevitable march towards the collapse of civilization, whether via nuclear war or environmental catastrophe. So Veidt devised a plan to unite the world’s governments by convincing them they faced attack from extradimensional entities. A carefully orchestrated smear campaign led Dr. Manhattan to leave Earth for an exile on Mars, and he murdered Edward Blake when the super soldier and government operative stumbled on his plan...a plan that required the deaths of three million New Yorkers via the creation of a genetically engineered, giant, psychic squid (its effects are still being felt in the HBO Watchmen universe). 
Irons was unfamiliar with all of the wild details about Veidt’s past when took on the role. “I was a complete virgin,” he says. “No idea at all. I hadn't heard of it. I hadn't seen Zack Snyder's film. I hadn't read the graphic novel.”
But it was an extended pitch from Watchmen executive producer and writer Damon Lindelof that got him on board.
“I listened to Damon go on about this story and I couldn't understand most of what he was saying and couldn't believe the rest of it,” Irons says. “A man of huge energy [and] wonderful imagination. And at the end as we were wrapping up, I thought, well, fantastic enthusiasm, fantastic mind. This is going to be very interesting. And so I went away and I read the graphic novel to get a sort of idea about this world and then went ahead Damon's ideas.”
When we last see Veidt in the comic, he was a 36-year-old man privately celebrating his victory, as the United States and Soviet Union, previously on the brink of turning the Cold War very hot, had agreed to set aside their differences in order to combat the perceived threat of alien squids. HBO’s Watchmen picks up 34 years later, and the Veidt we meet here is older and perhaps more eccentric than the one we left in the book. He’s also in a mysterious undisclosed location with a series of identical servants following his orders to the best of their ability.
“You can play sort of two dimensional stuff in a graphic novel, [but] you have to add different colors I think,” Irons says. “And I think there was a desire that I play him as a little quirky and bizarre, maybe with a touch of humor to counterpoint what else was happening, which of course I had no idea of because I was where I was, on my own with these two rather tedious people who looked after me.”
While Watchmen episode 3 does finally reveal that Irons is playing Veidt, the circumstances of his “captivity” remain a mystery. He seems to be very much alive, despite a newspaper headline in episode 1 that read “Veidt Declared Dead.” The reasoning for that is revealed in HBO’s Peteypedia supplemental materials, which reveals the full text of that newspaper article. Among the other details, it’s revealed that Veidt hadn’t made a public appearance since 2007, and “was declared missing in 2012” just as Trieu Industries was finalizing its purchase of Veidt Enterprises. Despite the publication of Rorschach’s journal, Veidt’s culpability in the giant squid incident and the millions of deaths associated with it, was dismissed by the public.
Irons was given a fairly complete picture of Veidt by Lindelof, who told him all the details that will be revealed up through episode eight of the nine episode series. It was enough for the actor to form a clear picture of the character and his essential qualities, which he sums up as “enigmatic...inconsistent...human.”
read more: Watchmen Episode 3 Easter Eggs Explained
“I think [Veidt] may be slightly larger than life, but apart from that magnification, he is pretty like most of us in some ways where we have secrets, we have things we're trying to do that perhaps other people can't understand. We appear to behave in a rather odd manner sometimes,” he says. “So, I didn't see it as being that different to me. The slightly different rules, maybe [a] slightly different purpose, a slightly different location to the one I normally live in, but I think there's a truth behind him and an essential, accurate human nature.”
We even get to see Irons put on the memorable purple and gold costume of Ozymandias, mask and all, in a moment on the show that is simultaneously eere and faintly triumphant.
“It's very interesting that superheroes wear masks and costumes,” he says. “It sort of removes them from everyday reality and perhaps gives them a feeling of power and they do the same as soldiers...and with the policemen. It sort of puts them into that role where they behave perhaps differently than they would at the table with the kids...We see what happens when he has his costume and we see him put it on. We don't see what he then goes off to do. I think it’s his ultimate persona when the costume comes on. I felt a bit bizarre as an actor, but there we are. There's elements I suppose of all costume that can make you feel a bit bizarre.”
read more: Watchmen - Laurie Blake's Joke Explained
With the mystery of Veidt’s identity solved, the next piece of the puzzle is just where the hell he might be and what he’s up to. With each episode, his circumstances become more surreal and his actions more outrageous. The Veidt mystery has so far remained a side story in HBO’s Watchmen, and Irons tried to keep that sense of isolation as he was reading the scripts.
“I was not aware, as he is not aware, of what was going on elsewhere. So I just lived in this rather large house trying to keep myself busy, interested, and trying to have some effect on my future,” he says. “I've read a bit of the other stuff but I thought, 'I can't cope with this. I don't know what this is. I don't need to know this.’ So I just concentrated, as we do in life. We just live our own lives, don't we? We're sort of aware that other people have other problems and they're doing other things, and we read about this in the newspapers, but in the main, we just go down our road.”
The mysterious road of Adrian Veidt continues on HBO’s Watchmen on Sunday nights at 9 pm.
Keep up with all our Watchmen news and reviews here.
Mike Cecchini is the Editor in Chief of Den of Geek. You can read more of his work here. Follow him on Twitter @wayoutstuff.
Read and download the Den of Geek NYCC 2019 Special Edition Magazine right here!
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Mike Cecchini
Nov 3, 2019
Jeremy Irons
from Books https://ift.tt/2oENYCu
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fortheheavenssake · 4 years
Love and Humour (LH) Anon
*** all submitted by Love and Humour (LH) Anon to @skippyv20. (much ❤️ ❤️ & 😆 😆, enjoy)
April 10, 2020
Dear Skippy, made with Love and Humour, not a grain of truth (or insight) in sight.
Meghan Markle has a ‘spring in her step’ after leaving the UK (Credit: Daily Mail)
Friday 28th March 2020
The Duchess of Sussex Podiatry Update
The Duchess of Sussex would like to thank the global public for the warm wishes received from 9 people. Follow up bunion surgery was a success and High Royaltee Heels (HRH) are once again allowed to be worn.
In addition, High Royaltee Heels (HRH) will be featured in strictly unlimited Splash News paparazzi images as The Duchess adjusts to life queuing for essentials such as scented soya candles, AA batteries for Darren Doll and chia seed salad dressing. Please be assured that the Duchess of Sussex has a new spring in her step as she steps springingly into spring.
Royal snub: Real reason Meghan Markle and Harry silent in wake of Queen’s historic speech (Credit: Express UK)
Our favourite two tone, tone deaf, mood trampler has been hard at work for at least 3 hours in the last month supporting the work of HMTQ, as promised via her exit from the BRF.
The dust mites had barely settled on her calligraphy pen before Scooby arrived home with an ink refill for her to get going. Unfortunately for Scooby the stationary shop had run out of royal blue glitter ink and his mistress was not happy with the shade of ‘peasant noir’ he chose instead. She chucked a cup of tea in his general direction and used half the ink to decorate his top lip with a Poirot-esque facial appendage. Thus whipped into quiet submission to seek permanent ink removal techniques she was in a position to impart some wisdom to HMTQ.
It was a frantic, boots to the ground, empowering, enlightening and de-gassing few hours for MM. The ink flowed across the paper as it was traced from a calligraphy A-Z underneath, the wine glass circles made pretty patterns on the pages, the phone rang once but it was only that chap from the council rejecting the petition for a Princess of Sussex. At the conclusion of this time, MM grinned with purple stained teeth satisfaction at the soggy 30 page tome. This was to be just another notch in her legacy - the Queens speech, at a time of crisis, calligraphically curated by Meghan Markle, HRH, Duchess of Sussex, Princess of Sussex. The speech was sent off toot-sweet to HMTQ.
A royal source has leaked that it is very hard to know the level of adulation to come. LG has indicated in his proof of receipt letter that a special recording of the speech will be sent to MM after its broadcast on the 14th May. She will look forward to commenting on her role in curating the speech at that time. Until then, MM wishes her privacy to be respected and has no comment to make.
Royal reading inspiration: Kate, Meghan and Camilla’s favourite books to entertain you during lockdown (Credit: Hello Magazine)
<excerpt from article for brevity>
Trinny and Suzanna - How to dress for your body shape (brick on sticks edition)
“My best dearest friend and confidant, the Countess of Wessex, was engaged by HMTQ to advise me on dress protocol and general demeanour in the BRF, I haven’t looked at it yet because I don’t need advice”
Jamie Oliver - Pukka Tukka
“This title grabbed my attention from the outset. I haven’t opened it yet but think it will have overly invaluable advice on how to tuck your moon bump into your knickers. I don’t wear knickers and, after one incident that I totally got away with, my moon bumps now have reinforced crotch straps so I will not need to read this book.”
John Campbell -The Iron Lady: Margaret Thatcher, from Grocer’s Daughter to Prime Minister
“I love this book because the title is nice and the photo on the cover is in black and white. My US team are reading it for me and writing a similar story ‘The Tungsten Tank, from Lighting Directors Daughter to … well something, they haven’t worked out the narrative yet.”
Lindsay Jill Roth - What Pretty Girls Are Made Of
“This is actually the best book in the world. I haven’t read it but the launch party was cray-zee. When you buy it via any outlet, be sure to include the promotional code ‘HRHMM’ so that you get a special marked up price with proceeds going to my charitable foundation xx”
Thank you so much. We need laughter especially in these times. Prayers, love, support and laughter…is what will carry us through….love this! 🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
April 15
Dear Skippy, a riddle interpretation made with love and humour in celebration of MM Anon returning. So wonderful MM Anon, thank you. Skippy, Thank You for being your usual wonderful self, and keeping that door open. This interpretation contains no truth and only fun. LH Anon
doctor gone batty………
Actual Dr Jane Goodall interview
“My colleagues at the Royal Society for the Protection of Bats were delighted with the arrival of a rare male bat pup. Like all pups born at the Royal Society HQ, he was named after a member of the BRF, this one was dubbed Prince Harry.”
“Since his release into the wild, Prince Harry is finding life outside of the Royal Society challenging. He is sighted almost daily near the Royal Society HQ and doesn’t seem to have yet ‘flown the nest’ so to speak.”
“Night tracking indicates that there is a recently acquired spouse on the scene who has restricted his hunting abilities. We are concerned that he has lost weight.”
“The spouse displays desperate flirtation and attraction techniques but all indications to date show that Prince Harry does not want his offspring to grow up like that, in the wild.”
“We have to bring him back into the fold of the Royal Society for this rare breeding line to continue.”
LA for dummies ………
INTERNAL MEMO - Sunshine Sachs LA Office
Action with urgency
Contact Splash News, advise client has received parcel previously delayed in UK under non-essential freight notice. Call time on location 1100 hours.
Contact Meghans Mirror, advise client will be dressed in Dorias hand me down yoga-wear (details to come). Pitch as ‘recycling clothes’ and tell them to get A into G with sourcing designer samples, it has been months now.
Contact upmarket baby shop, advise client will return goods, including feature baby pacifier for full refund after images published.
Contact Archewell Foundation, advise client appearance fee from shop is to be publicised as donation following boom in sales
All invoices and timesheet hours are to include the job code reference ‘MM042 - Dummy for her dummy’
Doctors Within Borders ……… social insistence …………
Following the epic success of her voiceover in ‘Elephants Without Borders’, PH has been caught out again pitching his wife’s talent in the hopes of furthering her A List career. In a phone call to the BBC investigative branch he was insistent that her expertise and contacts could be used in the planned documentary ‘Doctors With no Borders’. The documentary, conceptualised by writers who hang out on certain Tumblr blogs, focuses on medical professionals who have been paid off to endorse medical fiction. In regards to the segment about surrogacy cover ups PH was to have said “Oh yeah, she’s invested. I mean interested.”
hugs not bugs………
“I was just cruising around, enjoying the musty odour of the building. I’m attracted to sparkly things so went to check out this headpiece, worst luck, it was cubic zirconia not real diamonds. Then it happened, I flew a little lower towards the face. I still have bad dreams about that close up view. I was trying to get away and she kept waving her hand around, it was like she was trying to catch and cuddle me against my wishes.”
Fly remembers the wedding of MM and PH
absolutely isolated
The new TV series, funded by O, features MM, a heavy-drinking, drug-abusing PR pawn who spends her time failing to lose weight and chasing bizarre fads in a desperate attempt to stay young and “hip”.
MM is joined by magazine fashion director JM, whose drug abuse, alcohol consumption and desperate promiscuity far eclipse MM’s.
MM is reliant upon the support of her half sister SM, an aspiring writer whose constant care of her immature sister has left her a bitter cynic.
The series also stars DR in a supporting role as MM’s dotty, sarcastic and often thieving mother who appears, usually in the background, in nearly all of the episodes.
Scooby as MM’s utterly brainless personal assistant also features in many of the episodes.
Only review
“I give this one star because it is real reality TV. I can’t give it anything more than that as the storyline is blatantly ripped off from Ab Fab. The title is a highly offensive play-on-words amid a global pandemic, but I guess it shows the same sensitivity as writing motivational messages on bananas for ladies of the night”
Kate. ……… “ not a whisper ma’am ……… St George’s chapel of course!!……………
Jeopardy MM Edition!?!
Answer: Kate
Question: Whose husband does MM most want?
Answer: Shout
Question: What initiative did MM try to hijack during her time in the BRF?
Answer: St George’s Chapel
Question: Where was MM when she realised that her game was up?
Oh thank you! Such fun! You are brilliant! We need the laughs for sure!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
May 10
Dear Skippy, a riddle interpretation made with Love and Humour. No truth, no seriousness, not a speck of speculation, just some ramblings to maybe lighten the mood for some today. Thank you MM Anon for the fodder! LH Anon :)
MM ANON ……… Rachel 43………… archificial 15 months ……… The high value real estate world is buzzing with speculation today after information was publicly sought to identify a tenant who has abandoned several properties, leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars in rent arrears. Multiple properties have been affected in locations such as Vancouver Island, LA and Malibu. The only clue, common to all properties, is a wall size chart, mounted by the door in the kitchen. There are two markings on these charts, both at 1.68m tall these are labeled ‘Rachel, 43’ and ‘Archificial, 15 months’.
hospitality will become inhospitable ………… the R factor ………… MM has announced her new super smart communications team, herself and a cabbage.
In unrelated news, a new book will be hitting the shelves this summer.
‘Finding a Freeloader’ is an R18 biopic, written by royal reporter Omid Scobie. “With unique access and written without the participation of of MM who lived under Scobies couch for 18 months, Finding a Freeloader is an honest, up-close, and disarming portrait of a cash-strapped, internet obsessed, and fat headed ex royal who is unafraid to break with tradition, determined to create a new path in the largest spotlight possible, and dedicated to building a legacy that will make a profound stain on the world.” reads an excerpts from the summary of the book.
“Henry, don’t do that”. …… Whispers from royal aides have let us know that HMTQ gave PH a ticking off inside the Windsor Castle bolthole they are residing. Apparently he was tinkering with a 3M home printer, wrapping it up to send over to MM. HMTQ is said to have right royally disagreed with sending her presents.
return to school??? …………… no guidelines …………… If you are at home and bored you can train online as a counsellor. Today I feel ________.
If you are at home and bored you can plaster a wall to make it look like your hubbys house. Today I feel ____smart_____
If you are at home and bored you can play with zoom video filters. Today I feel ___airbrushed_____.
If you are at home and bored you can read a book to your child. Today I feel ____damp____.
If you are at home and bored you can take the neighbours dog for a walk with an actor. Today I feel ____thrivin_____.
be alert,the country needs lerts………… MM and JM are hard at it again, drumming up business opportunities to stimulate their personal economies during these trying times. The newest initiative is bumper stickers. Chuck one on your car, slogan up your stroller, pimp your private jet, heck if you want to really get on board, slap a bumper on your moon bump and wiggle wobble that tum up to your audience!
A slight hiccup has delayed production of the stickers, the 3M home printer seems to have a malfunction which drops a letter from some words. Until this issue is remedied, the motivational bumper stickers will be available for a discount price of $143 + p&p
“Money can’t buy rust”
“The sign of a beautiful person is that they always see beauty in oters”
“The key to success is to tart”
risk assessment!!! ………… an issue of safety ………… it’s the economy,stupid!! ………… Very exciting news came for MM via a low rent TV shopping channel!! She has been asked to front one whole segment, approximately 19 minutes long for their buy 3 get 11 free homeware extravaganza! She is so excited, knowing that this is just one step from Oprahs couch, a short leap away from becoming the next Shakespeare, a stones throw from presidency! A minion provided all the information needed over the phone, he unfortunately had a small speech impediment but this didn’t stop MM from listening intently to the bits of the conversation that interested her.
It was a busy preparation day. MM mused what to film. The minion had mentioned that a whisk assessment would be a good idea in the current covid climate but what whisks had to do with a virus she wasn’t sure. She settled on making a homemade wedding cake. JM emailed the recipe for the one she made the day before MMs wedding, Archie took the car and collected 3 whisks, Doria converted her basement to a kitchen studio, TM dropped off some lights, Scoobie cried and did her makeup, MA took the dogs for a walk and SS called about her outstanding bills.
And all was ready.
Whisk One 0/10 - basic egg whisk
MM could not get it out of the hard plastic packaging and was unable to test it.
Whisk Two 0/10 - fancy dough whisk
MM forgot to buy ingredients and was unable to test it. By the time Archie returned from shopping she had left the premises to pap walk.
Whisk Three 0/10 - electric whisk
MMs wig was caught in the blades of the whisk.
The segment was cancelled.
test, Trace and isolate. ………… a silver lining 🌈🌈 Sugars are calling MM a silver lining in this pandemic as she continues to translate official advice into a format that they understand. With new guidelines announced overnight, MM has been burning the midnight oil to get a new video out for them. Offical transcript below, video will be emailed via offical spokesperson once heavy doctoring is complete.
MM: Government guidelines show that we need to follow these simple 3 steps - Test, Trace, Isolate - to help in the fight against covid-19. I love to shorten things, I make things so much more relatable. Did you know that I call my husband ‘H’? No? Well I do and he is my husband and me and him are together and have a kid OK. Anyway, back to this virus, Test, Trace, Isolate! To make it easier for people to remember I have shortened the steps, T - T - I or as I like to call them ’TTI’s’. My titties are now trademarked and copyrighted so spread the word and lets get the use of them bankrolling some money in for me! Stay safe and follow my titties everyone, they are magical!
MA: Bravo!
Oh thank you so much! Much needed laughs today! Such a joy! You always brighten Mr. Skippy’s and my day! We love these. Thank you!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
July 9
Dear Skippy, here is an MM Anon interpretation made up with Love and Humour and plenty of un-reality. All entertainment with no truth here. Thank you so much Skippy and MM Anon for the fun :) Much happiness to everyone here, LH Anon
girl up the creek………hostage man. ………… half free meal………… drug exposure …………… … Meghan Markle and Michelle Obama Are Joining Forces - Both women are set to speak at a gender equality summit later this month.
MM, currently the Duchess of Sussex and former HRH, will feature in a video possibly made by her and unrelated to any content provided by MO in a groundbreaking word salad covered in a virtual salad dressing of topics
How to carve your own canoe paddle from dead wood
Creating the ultimate free loaded captive environment for spouses in a long distance situation
Debunking the myth: There is no such thing as a free lunch, you can have your coke and eat it too
Scrub the internet 101: The chemical way
staff redundancy at HMTQ …………… HMTQ has announced plans for several staff redundancies, to be actioned between now and the end of this year. These include, but are not limited to, LG, PH and the entire ’Sussex’ household support. When questioned about the redundancies, the royal spokesperson refused to be drawn as to reasons or whether the staff would be re-deployed to other roles. In an unguarded moment the spokesperson was heard to mutter ‘tick tock, boom’ leading to speculation that the scheduled maintenance of royal clocks and cannons was a preoccupation.
boarding rules …………… most popular royal ……………… They grow up so fast! Archie Darren Doll off to boarding school. MM has had this important decision underway for a long time. Shunning the ‘toxic environments’ that exist in royal educational circles, she is delighted and certain that this will be the most popular decision she has made yet. The boarding space has been booked since before Darrens conception at $30 per month (reduced to $0 a month for patrons) at the ‘prestigious Mayhew’ outfit.
mines a cider……… In breaking news, PW enjoys cider and chips in Norfolk pub beer garden. In unrelated news, MM has added another topic to her gender equality seminar
Brewing alcohol in lockdown; the perfect gift for the family member you want to have
( where’s pg 💜💜) …………… Scoobie has not seen MM in person for many days now, she refuses point blank to emerge from under his couch in daylight. Shrieking sounds have been heard in the dead of the night, marks on the walls indicate someone with a greasy wig is repeatedly banging their head, the recycling bin is mysteriously filling up with wine bottles and some weirdo called Marcus keeps leaving voicemail messages on the landline phone about paying a debt. It must have been a week ago when Scoobs found a post-it note on the kitchen table when he woke one morning. It was very cryptic,
‘Get onto the panda, find PG, source W Cream, doc bill unpaid”
He is having difficulty working it out but is keeping himself, boots on the ground, busy trying, he went to the zoo but it was closed because of covid-19
In unrelated community news,
Toys R Us have issued a trespass notice to a member of the public for refusing to pay for a soft animal toy after it was soiled by a customer repeatedly sitting on top of it and taking selfies.
Numerous police have been approached in recent days by a male of indeterminable age who has requested a ride on top of their vehicle. None agreed. A referral is pending for his psychiatric assessment
The local supermarket has placed a ‘2 per customer limit’ on teabags after an unidentified customer purchased their entire stock of the popular brand PG Tips
The Department of Conservation has issued a public statement that threats to sue have been made against them, which will be rigorously defended. It is said that a concerned member of the public has accused them of having an unpaid invoice for ‘humanitarian work’ carried out in a secret place at an undetermined time.
”it’s Balmoral Philip, but not as we know it) …… out of his Depp-th… Due to a confidential threat to the family, HMTQ has beefed up surveillance and security at most royal properties of late. PP and HMTQ enjoy tapping into the new systems and are taking great pleasure in observing the nightly actions of one individual via underwater CCTV footage. He slinks out to the edge of the lake in darkness, wearing jandals, jeans and an open necked shirt. Each night he tries to scuba dive his way into the estate. Encountering steel mesh each night, it is only a matter of time until he tries to breach the area where PP commissioned his sign ‘Bog Off MA, we have your f***ing picture’.
“ more 🎼Braziiiiil🎼…………… Spanish flu?? ……… 🎼we’re all going on a summer holiday 🎼 HMTQs favourite ‘for fun Phillip’ insect infiltration agent has been dispatched to LA. Layovers for wing rest were authorised in Spain and Brazil. Fly is reported to have arrived safely with only a minor cold due to flying at altitude. Mission: ultimate MM annoyance for summer months.
Oh oh….my sides! Oh you are too funny! Omg! My pups are looking at me like they must call woof-woof-woof…..Mr. Skippy begging me to stop reading….half rolling on the ground…..daughter and SonIL asking if we need an ambulance……such great fun….oh…and cat screaming he called for one! Thank you so much! You made my night! Love to you!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Emmys 2018: Audra McDonald Wants to Do a Musical Episode of ‘The Good Fight’ (Exclusive)
Audra McDonald delivered one of ET's Standout Performances of the 2017-18 season.  
A six-time Tony Award winner (including a win in every applicable acting category), Audra McDonald is an unstoppable force on Broadway. But the actress and singer is no stranger to TV, with four seasons on Private Practice and Emmy-nominated roles in adaptations of A Raisin in the Sun and Lady Day at Emerson's Bar and Grill under her belt. Now, she’s back onscreen with her first series regular role -- Liz Reddick on The Good Fight -- in seven years since playing Dr. Naomi Bennett on Shonda Rhimes’ medical drama.
The commitment was an easy sell to the New York-based actress and mother of two, because Robert and Michelle King’s Good Wife spinoff tapes in Brooklyn. “I get to sleep in my own bed,” McDonald quips, revealing that traveling to and from Los Angeles during her time on Private Practice became taxing. But she also points to what many of the actors and recurring players often cite when asked about appearing on this show: “I think the Kings are incredible writers. [With] the caliber of work they do, it just seemed like a no-brainer.”
Reprising a guest-starring role she played on a 2013 episode of The Good Wife, McDonald was brought on board for season two of the CBS All Access series. “It was like, omigosh!” McDonald recalls of reading the script that years later finally revealed her character’s backstory and swiftly folded her into the drama at the Chicago-based law firm Reddick, Boseman & Lockhart, where Diane Lockhart (Christine Baranski) and Liz’s ex-husband, Adrian Boseman (Delroy Lindo), both work. “I was fascinated by how she would do in those circumstances and where her new life takes her.”
No sooner than she’s brought in, Liz is navigating both interoffice politics -- finding herself at odds with Diane -- and finding her footing in the legal world, going from being a U.S. Attorney to a defense lawyer. “Liz is a very powerful woman and Diane Lockhart is very powerful, so to put those two women in a small space with each other and see how they navigate and negotiate each other is fascinating,” McDonald says of the two women’s dynamic. But Liz, like everyone on the show, lives in the gray. “It’s not black or white. It’s not good or evil. They’re messy people. I very much enjoy that Liz has got a lot of fight to her. It makes her more fun to play.”
This season, meanwhile, centers on the alarming murder rate of Chicago lawyers who are targeted by disgruntled clients. Each episode also has a political theme tied to the national news cycle, from golden showers to fake news. “It’s like [Robert and Michelle King] have a crystal ball or something -- they are just on top of it,” McDonald says, amazed by their ability to match the show with current events. “This is the world these characters are living in, so you can’t ignore what’s going on. The Kings understand that. Instead of avoiding it and making some alternate universe that doesn’t exist, they’ve headlonged into it -- which makes it all the more exciting and realistic, because people who are watching can identify.”
For McDonald, the episode surrounding a hypothetical presidential impeachment was, in a way, cleansing. The Democratic National Committee asks each of the partners at Reddick, Boseman & Lockhart to come up with a pitch on how to remove President Donald Trump from office. “I felt the episode was very cathartic to have those moments saying why Liz would go for it,” the actress says.
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Delroy Lindo, Audra McDonald and Christine Baranski in a scene from 'The Good Fight.'
CBS All Access
In a standout scene, each lawyer shares their pitch, with Liz staying silent at first, until she shares her stance with a powerful, jaw-dropping pronouncement about how she would bring him down with accusations of rape and a threesome with adult film stars:
“It’s not about choosing one charge or another for impeachment -- it’s about everything,” Liz firmly states to the room. “It’s about who he is. It’s about what the presidency is. Charging him with obstruction; that’s going by the old rules. This isn’t about truth anymore and it’s not about lying. It’s about who’s backtracking and who is attacking.”
“I liked how they were showing it’s a messy idea and doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the right idea or the right way to do it,” McDonald says of how the plot played out, adding that the Kings do have a contingency plan in case a major political shakeup becomes reality.
As for what’s to come, McDonald is keeping tight-lipped about season three, outside of teasing that the relationship between Diane and Liz will be central to the story. “We’ll continue to see how they negotiate having to live in the same space together, and I think that’s an interesting journey,” she says.
But when asked what kind of story McDonald would like to see The Good Fight explore, it’s decidedly much different than what audiences have seen the show do so far. A musical episode, she jokes, since many of the show’s stars (Baranski, Sarah Steele, Justin Bartha) and recurring guest stars (Andrea Martin, Bernadette Peters, Carrie Preston) have theater backgrounds. “[The Kings] pull a lot of guest actors from the theater world, and I feel like every week, when we walk into a new episode, there is a whole pack of actors I’ve worked with before. It feels like a big repertory company.”
It’s also not uncommon to hear co-stars practicing in their dressing rooms. “When Christine was getting ready to go off and do Mamma Mia [2] for the summer, she was rehearsing her music for that. Sarah Steele recently did a musical workshop on something so you could hear her practicing in her dressing room. You hear the music in there all the time,” McDonald says. She and Baranski sometimes even break out into songs from Stephen Sondheim here and there. “You just have to. You can’t help it.”
Emmys 2018: How Cristin Milioti’s Leap of Faith With ‘Black Mirror’ Paid Off (Exclusive)
Emmys 2018: Freddie Highmore Leaves His Indelible Mark on ‘The Good Doctor’ (Exclusive)
Emmys 2018: Holland Taylor Looks Forward to Sharing an Emmys Moment With Sarah Paulson (Exclusive)
0 notes
newssplashy · 6 years
Opinion: Scarlet letter in the emerald isle
DUBLIN — My parents chose my middle name, Brigid, as an homage to a beloved Irish saint.
My dad had a devotion to St. Brigid of Kildare, and growing up in Ireland, he often visited a gurgling well named after her near his home in Clare to say a prayer and bless himself with the water.
According to legend, Brigid had some cool miracles in ancient times. She was a brewer who turned water into beer. She was a virginal abbess who conjured a comely maiden for her disappointed suitor to marry.
But surely my parents didn’t realize that one of her miracles was reputed to be performing Ireland’s first abortion. She helped a young woman who had slipped up and gotten pregnant by making her swollen belly disappear with no pain.
That may have been the last time the subject of abortion did not evoke pain in Ireland.
This country is in the midst of an excruciating existential battle over whether it should keep its adamantine abortion statute, giving an unborn baby equal rights with the mother. Under the Eighth Amendment, abortions are illegal, even in cases of rape or incest. The only exception is when it is believed that the mother will die. Anyone caught buying pills online to induce a miscarriage faces up to 14 years in prison.
The Eighth Amendment was added in 1983 to the Irish Constitution, a document drawn up in 1937 that was so steeped in Catholic principle, it was submitted to the Vatican for review. Ireland’s prime minister, Leo Varadkar, and other opponents of the amendment want to repeal it and craft a new law that gives women and doctors more options, perhaps allowing abortions for up to 12 weeks, and beyond in certain cases.
The national referendum on Friday is a fractious vote, dividing families and friends, as the two sides thrash out a subject that was long hidden. Even as Ireland has leapt into modernity, growing more European and becoming the Silicon isle as Britain lurches backward with Brexit, women have been left in the past in some ways, absorbing the shame of old stigmas.
In 2015, Ireland became the first nation to approve same-sex marriage by popular vote. But this is much harder. So far, the repeal “Yes” side is leading, but the gap is narrowing.
Posters with graphic depictions of fetuses compete with “Stop Shaming Women!” posters on lampposts in cities and on country roads. At an anti-abortion rally in Dublin’s Merrion Square last Saturday, a small girl handed out flyers that read “Stop the Slaughter of Babies for Body Parts.”
It is a measure of the draconian views of the “No” side that they refer to pregnancies where there are fatal fetal abnormalities as “hard cases,” and most other abortions as “social abortions.”
Maria Steen, a barrister who stopped practicing and is home schooling her four children, works at the conservative Iona Institute and is a prominent voice on the “No” side. At a fiery dinner I attended with key players from both sides, Steen said her position was simple: “Don’t kill unborn children.” To which Una Mullally, an Irish Times columnist who edited a book of essays and poems called “Repeal,” riposted: “The mind boggles at how you seek to uphold a system where women are not allowed to make choices for themselves.”
Condoms and spermicides were allowed to be sold without a prescription only starting in 1985, the year after Ann Lovett, a 15-year-old girl, died, along with her baby, during childbirth at a religious grotto in County Longford.
“Ireland is obsessed with punishing women,” said Niall O’Dowd, the founder of Irishcentral.com.
Two of the most harrowing “hard cases” were the 1992 “X case,” when a 14-year-old girl who was raped by the father of a friend and became suicidal was barred from leaving the country to get an abortion, and the 2012 case of Savita Halappanavar, first reported by Kitty Holland in The Irish Times.
Savita, a 31-year-old Indian immigrant and dentist who was married to an Indian engineer, went to a Galway hospital in distress the day after her baby shower. She was told that her 17-week-old fetus could not be saved.
Over several days, she begged the medical staff to remove the baby to save her life as she developed every symptom of septic shock. But, because the staff members could still detect a heartbeat, they would not do it because, as one midwife told her, “This is a Catholic country.” Savita died four days after her baby girl, whom she named Prasa, was stillborn.
The turbulent debate about the government’s control over women’s bodies may be affected by yet another unspooling scandal about women’s health. The Irish Health Department outsourced cervical cancer smear tests to a lab in Texas, and at least 209 women were at first mistakenly cleared between 2010 and 2014; at least 18 have since died. And the number could balloon.
The government is in trouble for scrambling in secret, once it learned of the shoddy lab testing, to come up with a strategy to save itself. Newspapers and TV are full of anguished interviews with husbands of women who died, never realizing they should have been treating their cancer, and with women who have had to tell their kids they will soon die.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, “fallen” or “errant” young women, as they were labeled, were hustled away to the Magdalene Laundries or mother-and-baby homes, which were essentially prisons for unwed mothers run by nuns. As Dan Barry wrote in The New York Times, many young women were “sent to work, and sometimes die, in guilt-ridden servitude”; hundreds of bodies of young children were discovered in an unmarked grave in Tuam in County Galway, placed there by nuns.
In the 1930s, my grandmother spirited my father’s older brother out of Ballyvaughan in the middle of the night to a nearby village after he impregnated a neighbor. The young woman was sent into exile in America. She put the baby up for adoption in New York and killed herself a year later. My uncle went on to be a landowner, the pride of the village.
In some ways, things have not changed that much. Women who want to terminate a pregnancy for almost any reason except imminent death still face a Scarlet Letter in the Emerald Isle; they have to leave the country and fly to England if they can afford it (3,265 women went in 2016) or order sketchy pills online and risk a prison sentence.
“The Eighth Amendment has never actually stopped abortion,” said Dr. Ross Kelly, a Dublin physician on the “Yes” side. “We’ve just been exporting Irish women abroad to deal with the reality that women access termination. Women are taking the abortion pill at home on their own, unsupervised, and that is unsafe. Hard cases, like the fatal fetal anomaly cases, are meant to mean rare cases. But we still have two women a week traveling to the U.K. to access termination for these types of cases.
“All the cases are hard cases. Women who have become pregnant, including victims of rape, we force them to leave the country or risk a prison sentence — that would likely be longer than what the rapist would receive — if they get caught taking the abortion pills.
“We hear stories of women who sell their cars or take money from loan sharks to get the money to travel. It also means that those women tend to have later abortions because you have to arrange all this travel and time off from work and child care, and that’s not a good thing, either. We’re talking about an awful lot of women who are going through deep, psychological trauma because their country is turning their back on them.”
This article originally appeared in The New York Times.
MAUREEN DOWD © 2018 The New York Times
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/05/opinion-scarlet-letter-in-emerald-isle.html
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