#also ty anon for calling me king the euphoria that gave me
camelliagwerm · 3 years
Pls tell us ur bull secrets king I’ve never been able to make him survivable 😭
okay so I'm playing on Hard with several trials enabled - Take It Slow (level up at half of the rate), Even Ground (all enemies are equal or higher to your level), Walk Softly (some enemies will be promoted and have extra abilities or passives) and Grizzly End (ultra tough bears). The relevant ones here being Even Ground and Walk Softly since they ultimately make the game tougher.
I usually don't take him with me, but I love playing around with builds and party compositions in different games. This time, because I was finding it far too easy with Blackwall, I decided to throw Bull into the mix around the mid-game mark, and trying to make him viable was a lot of fun. The main thing is you absolutely have to set up his tactics correctly, otherwise you'll be doing a Lot of micromanagement and will be playing as Bull the entire time (which hey, maybe you want to do that, but I imagine most people would want to play as their Inquisitor instead.)
We all know this familiar sight, usually without the guard though. We want him with the guard (and usually a barrier too)
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I have his preferred actions as: whirlwind, war cry, ring of pain, dragon rage and devour. This means he'll favour these abilities over anything else. War cry and Whirlwind are easy enough to understand - they're there to generate guard and aggro, and an aoe attack. They'll also set him up for an easy Ring of Pain -- any foe in that aoe will take spirit damage and his attacks will get stronger; and if his health is low (which it probably will be if he's drawing all of the aggression for the party), then both his damage and the spirit damage gets stronger. Dragon Rage damages both Bull and his opponents, but the hits are likely to be critical hits; Ring of Pain will increase the damage. Devour will heal Bull up, usually roughly by a bar of health. Take this with the Consume upgrade as it gives Dragon Rage an extra 25% chance to be a critical hit. That's huge, particularly if you take weapon attributes that increase the chance for it to be a critical as well.
Next, go to the behaviours tab. Change it so he doesn't use any health potions, because that's always the most frustrating part about using Bull. He takes all the health potions. There's an option to switch it to "all potions reserved", and then have his health threshold to 10% of his hp. In theory, it's around this threshold that he will use Devour to heal himself up. I also have his stamina threshold at 10%.
You definitely want a strong support mage to pair with him, anyone who can specialize in the spirit school/barriers. Barrier with Energetic Defense works really well. I have Bull set to focusing on the same character as my Inquisitor (Arthur), usually meaning he'll draw aggro away from Arthur and if Bull is in desperate need of healing (if both his barrier and guard are fully depleted and he's on that 10% threshold), I can pop a healing mist or an upgraded regeneration potion on Arthur and Bull will get healed up too.
This build definitely needs more testing but considering I knocked out Suledin Keep and Imshael today at level 19/20 and he didn't go down once, I think it's working out quite well. I'll be able to see if this actually works when I hit up Jaws of Hakkon and the Descent. I remember them actually being quite difficult vs. the base game. I also kind of want to test it out on an Inquisitor (I've been considering finally doing a Cadash or Adaar run) to see just how viable it is. I do think if you're playing on Easy or Normal, then this will certainly keep him alive.
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a redo or sequal to my previous ask where the prince isnt arrogant or an asshole and the knight never rejects him?
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I apologize for not realizing that you wanted the prince to be humble and that the knight wasn't suppose to regect him. I just did not pick up on that when you messaged me about the story, so I am sorry.
However, I am not redoing the story because I spent a couple hours on it and put some effort into it and also I have a plan to "redeem" him from his arrogant qualities.
And finally to the anon who I know is not an anon. Yes, I know who you are just by how you asked for it. Correct me if I'm wrong.
@chicken0mcnugget I am including some of those oh so wonderful plot twists we thought of, so please make time in your day to read this (if you can of course, i know you're busy).
Anyway, enjoy.
Oh yeah, not edited. Sorry, I want to try to write at least half of another ask tonight.
The Knight and the Prince Part 2
Part 1
Warnings: aftermath of rejection, ambush, arguing, kidnapping, kicked by horse, implied broken hand, magic
A shocked chorus of gasps followed the knight's unexpected rejection, but perhaps the loudest astonished voice came from the cracked throat of the prince.
"What?!" He exclaimed, gasping slightly. Or was that due to the fact that he was trying not to cry?
"Yeah," the knight crossed her arms, leaning her weight to one leg. "You heard me. No."
"You'll be arrested for this," the prince threatened, standing up. His face was a pure mixture of anger and loathing, blue hair dangled into his gray eyes.
"Great way to foster a relationship," the knight clapped her hands mockingly.
"Just wait until he get home," the prince growled before turning around to receive his uneasy praise.
After the unruly clapping was done, the prince was given a wreath made of flowers and grapevine. He took them greatfully, a small smile on his face, completely devoid of any emotion- sadness, embarrassment... just pure nothingness other than faux euphoria.
"Thank you! Thank you, for the kindness and acceptance you have shown me King of Neighboring Kingdom and to you, my worthy opponents. It has been a pleasure, but I must return to my kingdom. Good day!" The prince waved to the crowed, trotting leisurely on his horse.
"Why must you go?" A loud voice boomed for the King of Neighboring Kingdom stood up in his seat. "Dine with us! Make yourself comfortable, Champion."
"I'm afraid not," the prince politely turned down the offer. "I apologize for such a short stay, but I must head to my home kingdom."
The prince smiled broadly at the crowd before turning his horse. The smile immediately turned into a sneer the second his charcoal colored irises met the blonde knight's fair face.
The two stared long and deep at each other with such intensity and notion that neither noticed, nor heard, their neighboring king whisper to his nearby captain:
"Get the bag of jewels in the knight's saddlebag and then bring me them along with knight herself. Let this be a lesson to them, no one declines my offer of hospitality, absolutely no one."
The king cleared his throat before continuing,
"Not even the grandest and strongest prince of the century."
The duo walked their horses through the forest in silence for a while, until they came upon the welcoming village where they stayed a couple nights before.
"You can't just regect your future king, my knight," the prince scolded, taking on a teacher's mannerism.
The knight didn't respond. Actually, she clucked her horse forward until she was a good few strides ahead.
"Knight ta-"
"Why would I marry someone who only cares about his wife being the prettiest, strongest-"
"No, no, no," the prince shook his head. "That, that's not it whatsoever."
"Then why do you want to marry me. Give me a reason, right now."
"Because I love you."
The knight turned her chestnut mare around, throwing her arms up in the air, and glaring daggers at the prince. "I am," she said. "your bodyguard. We've never went on a date, or even talked about anything other than business. How can you love me when you don't even know who I am?"
"Knight, I-"
"Just stop, Prince," the knight shook her head, tears welling in her eyes. "Just stop, please."
The knight turned her horse back around and asked for a trot.
"Knight!" Called a voice, but the knight ignored the prince's pleas of return.
"Go on a date with me. Right here, right now."
The knight pulled back on the reins, and once again turned the mare around- the mare who had her ears pinned in annoyance.
"Now?" The knight scoffed.
"Yes, now," the prince gave her a flirtatious smile, white and wide. "Please?"
"Mm I-"
An arrow whizzed past the knight's shoulder- obviously trying to miss. The knight quickly drew her own bow and loaded it while the prince got ready with his sword.
"Ambush," the prince whispered earnestly. The knight nodded.
Another arrow flew past the pair, nicking the chestnut Arab's shoulder. The horse spooked, jumping into the stallion. The knight looked down an the wound, not too big and wouldn't require immediate attention.
Then, the raining arrows ceased, leaving the forest in stunned silence. The prince started to lower his sword- an ignorant move- but the knight kept her bow loaded and ready.
Abruptly, a figure crashed into the prince, knocking him off horse who reared in surprise. The knight wheeled her horse around with just her seat, the Arab mare picking up on the danger.
On top of the prince laid a human, a man of burly weight and heavy iron metal. The knight released an arrow, but it bounced harmlessly off his back.
Before the knight had a chance to grab another arrow, arms grappled around her pulling her off the horse.
"Let the prince go!" One of the men holding the knight bellowed. The man reclining on top of the prince chuckled and said,
"Why? He is plushy, like a chair, with all that fat-"
"Okay, okay," the muscular man hopped off and helped the prince to his feet. "Hope that won't bruise," he whispered, ruffling the blue hair on top of the prince's head, laughed once more, and joined his patrol.
Two men held the knight in between their hefty steeds- shires, no doubt, and not the knight's favorite breed.
"Let her go," the prince reached for his sword, but it was quickly kicked away.
"Get the jewels," the man with the booming voice ordered. Two skinny, probably teenaged, boys ran to the chestnut mare and grabbed her reins. The knight watched as her horse reared and striked one of the boys in the hand, who came back hollering, but the other was able to open the saddlebag and retrieve the jewels.
"Perfect." The loud man wrapped the knight's hands with rope and swung her over the chestnut mare's back, tying her wirsts to her ankles.
"Let her go!"
"Let me go!" The knight struggled and struggled, but failed to rip through the ropes. The prince ran towards his love with madness in his eyes, but a swift backhand sent him sprawling to the ground.
"Let's get!" And they all ran off.
"Why I am here?" The knight asked as she lazily knelt in front of the king, her hands still bound in front of her. Her demeanor was let's say disappointing to the king. He expected fight and courage, not the saddened girl practically sitting on his red carpet.
"I hate people refusing me," the king quickly explained. "And your prince, well, beating my son just not win a trophy and a one way ticket out of my kingdom. Mm, mm, mm no it does not. So, you, will have to pay."
"Love the monologue sir, but we have an army and in case you didn't realize, the prince kind of is in love with me," the knight retorted, some of her previous energy and smartness returning to her voice and posture.
"Now, now, don't need to get like that;" the king chuckled. "He won't be able to find you. Guards! Take her to the Enchanted Cabin and have the sorcereress put a spell on. Whichever one she deems appropriate."
The prince recovered from the blow, groaning as he got to all fours. Squinting through his still muddled vision, he made out his black horse grazing a few feet away. At least he has the heart to stand by me...
The knight.
The prince rushed to the horse and leaped into the saddle- which was horribly ruined for good measure, apparently- and galloped off. He recognized the colors.
Green and pink- the colors of Neighboring Kingdom.
The prince, for once realizing the lack of speed his horse was granted with, pushed him forward. By the time they were on the edge of the territory, the horse was dripping with sweaty lather.
The prince busted through the doors of the castle with his boot, sword clanking against leather chap, as he stormed over to the old man in the throne.
"Where is the knight? Where is she!"
"Locked away in an enchanted cabin. Why, may I ask? Being in there with all the pleasures in the world is most definitely more enjoyable than living the rest of her life with your royal jackass," the king tutted. The prince scowled and ran back out the door, desperation getting to him.
Like King of Neighboring Kingdom told the lovestruck prince, the elegant lady was stuck in a world of earthly pleasures- food all over from storage in the walls, sugar off the ceiling. The backroom was expandable as well, leading into a meadow filled with dainty foals and grand stallions.
But the knight, amidst these treasures, was not blissfully exultat like the sorcereress imagined.
"Need anything else, dear. A kitten?" The sorcereress waved her hand and three mewling balls of fur sprouted from her hand.
"I shouldn't have said no, I shouldn't have," the knight whimpered, chastising herself for her arrogance. If she said yes, she wouldn't be lolling in self-pity and would probably find a way to break out.
"You can always say yes," the sorceress tried to reason. She suddenly glanced out the only window and a faint smile appeared on her face. "You will get your chance again," she promised, flicked her fingers, and vanished into thin air.
The knight looked out the window, curious to see what the sorcereress found so interesting, and nearly exclaimed in joy.
The prince, coming to save her.
"Knight!" He yelled.
"Prince!" She squealed back, jumping on her toes.
She reached her hand out to grab his and-
The prince was thrown backwards, spiraled through the air, and landed on the forest floor.
Great, just oh so great.
The prince tried again. Once, twice... three times... four... until he gave up, reclining against a tree awkwardly.
"Try the door?" The knight asked, leaning against the windowsill. Even though she could leisurely dangle her arms, the door was still locked even to her.
"No," the prince shook his head. "It is under a magic spell. I-i can't..." he sighed, "It is under a Personified Spell. That means, that the one breaking in has to overcome their greatest fault."
The knight's face dropped, as did the prince's.
"Arrogance," they whispered at the same time. The prince sighed and stood up, walking as close as the mystifying barrier allowed.
"I love you," he said, tears in his eyes, before walking away.
"I love you too," the knight whispered and sunk to floor, crying softly,
"I love you so much."
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