#also when she appears in unusual poses in cutscenes
horsyunicorn · 10 months
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sunbloomdew · 3 months
I played the "Fields of Mistria" Demo! Here's my thoughts:
(that title sounds like something a youtuber would say auuughhhhhhhh)
I found out about this game completely randomly and decided to give the demo a try. And surprisingly, or maybe not at all, I am completely taken with it and i can't wait to see how the game will develop! :D
So for now, until the 5th of August arrives, here's what i liked, disliked and what i wish to see in "Fields of Mistria" in the future <3
strap in yall it's a bit long. but there are photos! like. three of them skfjdkhfksj
Things I liked:
You don’t choose your character model’s sex. Also because all of the models being roughly the same size, there’s freedom to imagine your characters’ body type however you want. Surprisingly I also don't recall any of the characters assuming your gender based on your pronouns, which is nice.
Multiple pronouns options! My one suggestion would be to add a She/He option as well ^_^
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Wide range of skin tones available. There’s currently 36 in the demo. (to compare, Stardew Valley has 24 and 10 of them are unusual colours like blue or green)
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The fact that you can set your birthday on the calendar, although it doesn’t seem to do anything for now. In one of my playthroughs I set my birthday on the 3rd day of Spring, and the only thing that appeared was a pop up saying “It’s your birthday!”. Understandable, this is only the demo after all. I wonder if the early access will have characters react to your birthday and maybe even give you some gifts!
The few available hairstyles are really nice. My absolute favourite thing about hair in the demo was that it has a moving animation! Small detail but it really delighted me.
Same goes for clothes, they are cute!
The customization isn't locked and you can create a couple of outfits you can swap any time! You can also change everything about your character's looks at any time, including their pronouns.
The predetermined palette of colours you can choose your hair colour from is pretty good. There’s 40 colours so far.
I have a small problem with the opening cutscene but the rest of the beginning cutscenes are good! I like the one when you arrive at the bridge and meet Balor and the camera slides to him. And the Juniper cutscene haha
Now that I mentioned NPCs, I really like the cute, personalized animations they have, like Adeline snapping her fingers, Balor flicking his hair before walking away, Celine working in her garden, Josephine and Hemlock singing.
I absolutely love all of the character designs in this game. The 90s anime artstyle, colours, their poses and expressions. I really feel like this is the thing that really drew me to try this game as I wasn’t interested in a new farming simulator. But here I am! All with the power of anime. For example, here are the designs of the romanceable characters! The photo is from the Fields of Mistria website:
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Another huge NPC win for me is that the characters interact with each other a lot! I noticed that a lot of them meet during the day and talk with little dialogue bubbles. It feels like the townspeople know each other quite well, I hope we get to learn even more about them and their dynamics!
One of the best things about interacting with characters is that you can talk to them multiple times during the day, getting a bunch of different dialogues. Once you talk to someone you have to wait either for them to change their location or for one of the other characters to approach them, to talk. I really like it since it means you get to interact with everyone couple times a day and it honestly makes the game more enjoyable.
From the little crumbs of lore we got, I am really intrigued about the setting. Prior to the player’s arrival to Mistria, the region has been hit by an earthquake. The disaster caused the main trading route bridge to collapse, the area getting destroyed and a lot of residents leaving the town. The town leader Adeline (daughter of a Baroness and Baron of Mistria) with her brother, Eiland's, help comes up with the idea to seek out an adventurer who could help to revitalize the town. We learn that Mistria is part of the Kingdom of Aldaria (so we have a monarchy), it has its own guardian deities and rich ancient history with the Sleeping Dragon Inn being a historical landmark and that magic is not hidden from people who can’t use it (Juniper freely uses magic in front of the kids in her cutscene after completing her request). Some characters offer some little hits to what their story might be about: Balor says that compared to Elsie he didn’t have a good time in the Capital, and other characters note how he is mysterious and obtains his wares in unknown ways. Elsie is a retired socialite from the Capital with many past romance stories to share, she probably knows a lot of interesting titbits about the Capital and people there. Juniper says that there’s something suspicious about Celine and Juniper herself is stuck in a town she doesn’t really seem to like but seemingly has something she needs to achieve here. When you meet March he slips for a second and says “I- We have everything under control” so it seems he views the player’s arrival as a threat to him in some way (emotionally i presume, not literally). Errol used to be a miner, Hayden can possibly talk to animals? And so much more. And of course, there’s the statue of dragon Caldarus who appears to be a marriageable character…? Anyways, I can’t wait to learn more about this setting!
I loved that you can talk with animals like Dozy and Henrietta, give them gifts and pet them. I really hope we can do the same with our pet.
The interior designs of all the buildings is extremely cute! I really like all of them, my favourite must be the Sleeping Dragon Inn, Celine’s cottage and the Carpenter’s Shop. Plus Elsie’s room at the manor and Hayden’s house.
I also like the beach a lot. It just feels nice and there’s a light house and I sure do love a light house /reference plus there's good ambience there
If you go to the manor there’s a portrait of the Baroness, the Baron and little Adeline and Eiland over the fireplace in the dining room :3
I really like Holt’s dad jokes. Pierre could never-
Guys I need Valen I need her
You are able to swim! It’s really cool and the animation is cute. Plus you can dive in certain spots to find stuff.
You can hold down the button to eat a bunch of food if you have multiple of something.
Saving your game having a form of a diary is very cute and I love that. Same with the crystal orb serving as a weather channel.
Fighting monsters feels dynamic! You actually have to put some thought into learning each individual monster’s behaviour and attack patterns. It’s challenging but not too hard. But they do quite a bit of damage at the start. Fighting that red mushroom felt like playing “Baba Jaga patrzy” again haha.
And speaking of fighting, i like our own character's fighting moves! But it took a bit to get used to them since they make the character move and it's not just. clicking with the mouse repeatedly skdhfjsf
I like the sound design!
Soundtrack is very nice. Not all of it is very memorable but it’s nice while you listen to it and it fits the game. There are some tracks that already got stuck in my head :] I like the one that plays at the Blacksmith, it’s intense for no reason, just like March lol
I cannot stop gushing about the characters, so far even just from the designs they all feel like they have distinct personalities and each one of them has their own thing going on. They all feel so warm and welcoming even if their actions aren’t (looking at you March). I don’t know, something about the artstyle, the pixels, design and colour palette just has me very enamoured with them. I really hope their character arcs or stories will deliver.
I like Caldarus. And the music that plays when he first speaks to us in our dream.
The museum is so nice. Also I love that Errol is an actual character we can talk to… Unlike another museum curator I know /j
You can buy stuff from shops even if no one is around!
Level tenth of the Mines… I’m SO intrigued
I like that there’s magic and can’t wait to see what other spells we can learn!
You can craft at the crafting station in town even if you don’t have the necessary materials on your person, but they are in chests at the farmhouse. As long as the stuff you need is in your chests you can craft stuff which is pretty cool.
Lastly, what I really loved about playing the demo is that not once did I feel rushed to do anything. Farming simulators often make you feel like you have to maximize your time in the day *cough* SDV *cough* and I do enjoy that sometimes, but other times I just want to chill. Somehow Fields of Mistria demo achieves this feeling of not having to rush and playing at your own pace and it feels great.
Things I disliked:
Not a lot of things mentioned here are going to be stuff I actively disliked, more like felt annoyed or confused by. And before any of my little complaints gets the “this is only a demo!” response, let me assure you: I am aware. If things change before or after the early release that’s great! This is specifically what I find ‘meh’ about the demo so far.
When the opening cutscene in Adeline’s office starts playing the room is positioned oddly on the screen. I think it’s so later the camera can follow the characters’ movements but when the cutscene starts and you only see the bottom half of the room at an angle, it feels really weird, like the room wasn’t centred by accident.
I’d love for the character creator to have the option to rotate the model of your character. I think it would be good to see what the options you picked look like from different angles before you jump into the game. Although the customization isn’t locked and you can change how you look whenever. Still, this could be a nice option
So I just said that the colour palette for hair is pretty good. Can’t say the same about the other ones, for eyes and clothes. The colours we get aren’t bad but I feel like there’s too little of them. Speaking of eye colours…
Choosing the eye colour is annoying. Once you pick an eye shape (cool feature btw) a window pops up in the middle of the screen with eye colours. The icons are too small to see the eye colour properly, especially when you want to compare the darker colours. I had to move my face closer to the screen to see what was I picking. And after you pick something the window disappears and you can see the colour you chose on the model. Okay, cool but now if I want to try out different options it I have to open the window again. Constantly opening the colours window to check other options is tedious and a bit frustrating. What I think would be good instead is once you click to choose the colours, next to the options appears a close up of your character model, and the window doesn’t close until you click an “X” button. To sum up my main problems are colour options visibility and the colour picking mechanic. Hair colour and colours for clothes and other stuff is picked in the same way BUT all of those elements are bigger than the four pixels the eyes are made out of.
The controls are not obvious. The game shows you to progress dialogues with “E” key but nothing aside from that. I didn’t realise until the last day of my first playthrough that you can jump, because in my previous experiences, 2D RPG, and especially farming simulator games don’t usually have that option, and the only instance of jumping happened in a cutscene, so I thought it was just an animation for the cutscene. I think it would be a good opportunity to use that moment in the cutscene for brief player interaction so they can learn how to jump, however silly that sounds. I think the player’s experience would benefit from a controls tutorial, in form of a window popping up or them showing up on the side of the screen like in Stardew Valley on the first day.
While interior designs are really cool I feel like the outside is kinda empty. Not so much the building but the areas around them. It is felt the most in the empty stretches of land outside the town but running through the paved roads in it can also feel a bit odd. Like the area is too empty. It’s definitely not a problem on the farm due to all the overgrown grass but everywhere else you really feel like it’s just a flat stretch of nothing. I think adding some more details could be nice, maybe some streetlights, plants, a bit more texture on surfaces.
I had a really odd moment that took me out entirely. While playing the demo you can get Juniper’s request on the board to bring her a Lilac. Once you complete it, a cutscene set at the bathhouse will start playing right away, regardless of where were you when you completed the request. This felt incredibly jarring to me. The first time I did this request I gave the Lilac at the bathhouse, but the second time it was late evening at Valen’s house. So it was pretty surprising to be essentially teleported to a completely different place. I don’t think it’s a great mechanic. It would be better if a cutscene set at a specific place on the map started when you arrive there, to help it feel more coherent.
As much as I like the warm and cozy feel of the characters, it felt like there wasn’t a lot of variety in reactions to the player’s arrival. Everyone except I think literally one person is all cheery. I don’t mind this that much, cause the community being excited for your arrival feels sweet. It makes sense with the story too, the player is there to help out around the town, and who living there wouldn’t be happy about that? I just really hope the character’s don’t end up with poorly defined personalities, that’s my main concern for now about the story. It would be tragic if the game only ended up having cute designs but nothing else. Needless to say I have pretty high hopes for the final version! I really hope it works out and I’m 100% rooting for the team.
The inventory system had me kinda confused at the start. The spaces are all in one line in game but once you open your journal they’re stacked on top of each other? Yeah took me a bit to get used to that, and I’m not sure how I feel about it still.
The user interface is very cute, I have one problem though. It’s hard to tell what a lot of the little icons mean, for example, when you open the chest there’s a chest icon next to the two arrows that sort stuff. I have no clue what it does and when you’re hovering over it, it doesn’t have a name or an explanation either.
You can’t hold down mouse button to use tools continuously. This is because when you upgrade your tools, for example a pickaxe, when you hold it down you get to mine more spaces at the same time. I’m not sure if that exchange is worth it.
You have to click one by one if you want to throw multiple items out in the inventory trashcan.
It’s a shame you can’t land on rocks/big water lily leaves on the water. And you can’t walk into the sea, you have to specifically jump into it. This isn’t really a complaint, I just think I’d be cool if you could just slowly walk into the sea. Like slowly getting submerged.
I feel like the scroll wheel directions are odd… Scrolling upwards will move you to the right of the inventory but I feel like it should be the other way… Maybe it can be changed later in settings.
The buildings on the map are not named. It would be nice if, when you hover over an area you see its name.
Credits get blurry when moving. It hurt my eyes :(
Things I hope to see in the Early Access (and in the game in general):
Interactivity within interiors. So like looking at bookshelves to see what books a character has, reading letters or notebooks that were left out, finding some stuff in their drawers… Basically snooping haha. Oh and more interactivity with objects placed outside too. Right now there are some signs and items you can't interact with, like that tent by the dig site.
More settings for in-game scale! It would be cool if there was one between 3x and 2x, like a 2.5x.
The ability to sell stuff directly at shops. Sometimes you need money but waiting until the next day would ruin your plans.
Sitting! I wanna sit in spots next to the characters and vibe :]
While I do like available colours, I think adding a colour wheel or sliders would be neat.
I wonder what are gender identities and sexual orientations of the characters :]
More clothes and hair options obviously! And furniture as well
What gets implemented for the player’s birthday
How the museum exhibition will look like :D
Lastly, I might be way out of my depth with this one but it would be cool if the romanceable characters could also move in with you platonically… Or if there was a character like Krobus, a little friend you can invite to live with you <3
And that's it :] sorry for the stardew comparison, it's like the only farming sim i'm very familiar with
I've been enjoying playing the demo a lot and i definitely will play more before it closes. And i will for sure be following the development and waiting for the early access in august!
it was a really fun experience over all and if ur interested i reccomend you try it out :D
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starsoverthehorizon · 6 years
Mod #4 - Puella Outfit Mod
Bit of a short one today.
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The Puella Outfit Mod, aka the Time Lord Outfit, was posted December 8th, 2017.
The description reads:
A young Moon Child walked through a dream and saw the memories of another.
There she journeyed to the Origin, realm of the Enlightened. On top of the Tower of Judgement overlooking the Edge of the Existence she rejected her false gods and made a difficult decision.
Choosing The Void, she was reborn as an Enlightened and watched over her flame until Time's Beginning. (Even though she Ghosted)
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This mod gives us Puella’s dark outfit, her red eyes, and her hat. Her hat is called the “Time Lord Hat” and functions the same way as the Sprint Hat. I’ve tested it, and can confirm it works with the Scooter Badge. It doesn’t change hair color. You’ll have to use a dye with black hair (like the Widower) if you want to match Puella 1-to-1.
In my humble opinion, the mod looks pretty good with the Blood Moon dye.
This mod also gives us Puella’s umbrella, which is pretty… unusual-looking. We never saw Puella wielding an umbrella in the videos, so this might just be what her umbrella looks like. When used with the Hover Badge, the umbrella is black with patches of glowing red. The color scheme does match her.
Discussion It’s interesting that the icon for the mod has Puella with her right eye shut—we saw in 11:10 that she survived (?) the fight with Cavum, but her right eye remained shut. That she’s still keeping it shut might be visual shorthand for the loss of her eye. She’s posed in front of the Time’s End bookstore from the cut beta ending. It’s not clear if there’s significance to that or if it’s Aesthetic™.
Now, let’s dissect that description.
“A young Moon Child walked through a dream and saw the memories of another.” In “11:?? – Farewell,” Cavum called Hat Kid “Moon Child.” Ergo, this description is telling us that in White Tower Forest, Hat Kid witnessed the memories of Puella. This matches up with the fact that we saw Hat Kid in cutscenes, but the NPCs called us “Puella.”
“There she journeyed to the Origin, realm of the Enlightened.” For me, this sentence parses strangely. We know both the “Moon Child” and the “another” in the previous line is female, so it’s not clear who the subject is now. Either way, Puella made it to the place the shade of Cavum called the Origin. The Origin could be just the dark space with the Piece and the flame or if it includes the Edge of Existence. It would make more sense to me if it were just the dark place, since including the Edge would make the spirits we see Enlightened, and I feel confident in saying Cavum probably didn’t become an Enlightened. There might be some overlap, in that some Enlightened appears as the light spirits, but not all spirits are Enlightened.
Side note—the Founders looked a lot like those spirits. Were they Enlightened?
“On top of the Tower of Judgement overlooking the Edge of the Existence she rejected her false gods and made a difficult decision.” Whatever she chose, it couldn’t have been easy. To choose one was to sacrifice another, and as we heard from Cavum and Puella, Master Tempus taught against the sacrifice, since doing so leads to Unbalance and therefore destruction.
“Choosing The Void, she was reborn as an Enlightened and watched over her flame until Time's Beginning.” Puella’s canonical choice WAS the Void. It’s curious how it’s framed as a positive thing, since making this choice required casting off “false gods.” Contrast that to “11:7 – The Realm of Dreams,” where Master Tempus frames the Void as incredibly dangerous.
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Was this really the right choice, Puella?
Theoretically, Puella only knows what happens when she chooses the Void. She doesn’t actually know what would have happened when she sacrificed the Sun or the Moon. So, what Hat Kid sees when she picks those routes might be Puella’s extrapolations based on what she knows of picking the Void.
There’s a few things that no longer line up now that we have this information. Puella definitely ascended to Enlightenment, which is fine, but then it states that she watched over her flame until Time’s Beginning… but we met the original Tempus when we went the Void route. It’s possible that Time’s Beginning has already happened, so Puella the Enlightened doesn’t need to watch over her flame.
But why did we meet Tempus with the Void rather than Puella? Since Puella chose the Void, I’d associate her more strongly with the Void than Tempus. Admittedly, it’s implied in “11:7 – The Realm of Dreams” that Tempus had a traumatic experience regarding the Void. That might be enough for a thematic association.
Still, Puella’s ultimate rejection of the Moon (and the Founders) and acceptance of the Void makes her placement with the Moon strange. Hell, even Puella’s color scheme of black and red is STRONGLY associated with the Void.
It feels like we’re missing something :T
“(Even though she Ghosted)” Ghosting is a valid tactic when you’re trapped in Platforming Hell.
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