#also. dont expect much of kyosuke and juzo bc i dont. know how to write them
haunted-xander · 1 year
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Chiaki and Ryota had been traveling together for a while now. Surviving the apocalypse isn't exactly... easy. So grouping together is always a good idea, even if it means you'll have to split your resources. At least all those survival games made it seem like it. Teamwork is always better than working alone, I think.
"...Huh? what's that sound?" Looking up from where she'd been seated on the ground, she noticed a pair of lights in the sky. "Is that... a helicopter?" As the sound of harsh wind resistance got louder, she could confirm that it was, indeed, a helicopter. And not only that but... "HEY! YOU TWO, DOWN THERE! WE ARE MEMBERS OF THE FUTURE FOUNDATION, AND WE ARE HERE TO SAVE YOU!" a voice shouted from the airborne vehicle. Oh, and is that...?
The helicopter descended nearby, and out walked two men and a familiar woman. Yukizome-sensei... "You two. Based on your uniforms, you must be former Hope's Peak students, right?" A gruff man spoke out. I feel like I've seen him before... Ah, right. He worked security... I think. "Oh, there's no need to wonder. Nanami-san, Mitarai-kun! It's so lovely to see you again! I'm so happy you two are safe and sound, your dear old teacher was so worried!" Chisa ran towards them with her arms outstretched, clearly aiming for a hug. Both Chiaki and Ryota flinched and side-stepped her.
"Huh...? Aren't you happy to see me? C'mon a little reunion hug won't hurt!" Chisa looked confused and upset at their rejection, but Chiaki could see the underlying frustration at the lack of trust. ...I want to be happy to see her but... I know she's still brainwashed. If only I... "Come now, Chisa. They're probably just shaken, is all. I'm sure they will be more open to your affections once they've calmed down." The other man, wearing white, said placantly at Chisa. A light scoff could be heard coming from the gruffer of the two, unheard by other.
Looking back at the white-dressed man, Chisa smiled softly. "Ah, of course. You're absolutely right as always, Kyosuke!" Ah, so his name is 'Kyosuke'. "I'm so sorry if I scared you two, I was just so relieved that you where safe!" Liar. Kyosuke and the gruff man then approached them and gestured for them to enter the helicopter. "Ah, but first things first, we should introduce ourselves! Of course, you already know your dear old teacher, Chisa Yukizome - former Ultimate Housekeeper and currently the director of the Future Foundations 5th division! Buuuut these two men are probably total strangers to you, right?" Looking slightly embarassed, Kyosuke let out a small chuckle. "Yes, of course. How impolite of me. I am Kyosuke Munakata, the vice leader of Future Foundation and the former Ultimate Student Council President." With what seems to be a perpetual scowl, the gruff man followed suit, "I'm Juzo Sakakura. You might've seen me around Hope's Peak since I worked security there. I'm the former Ultimate Boxer and currently the director of the 6th division."
As they entered, Chiaki noticed that Chisa was still standing outside with her back turned to them. Even though she couldn't see her former teacher's face, she felt her form oozing with malice. Munakata-kun and Sakakura-kun don't know she's brainwashed... I'll need to tell them eventually.
I need to make sure Yukizome-sen- ah, san? Yukizome-san doesn't cause any more despair.
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