lascitasdelashoras · 1 month
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Colección: L´autore e il fumeto - (editori del grifo)
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ephemeralzenith · 1 year
fate vs agency: altan trengsin and fang runin
The Phoenix outright states: ‘You humans always think you’re destined for things, for tragedy or for greatness. Destiny is a myth. Destiny is the only myth. The gods choose nothing. You chose.’ But is that true?
Altan and especially Rin were doomed by the narrative the moment Speer was razed, the moment they were whisked from their homes to a lab or an abusive household.
The thing is: nobody actually wanted them. They were dirty Speerly shaman trash; Altan was experimented on and Rin was abused for her entire childhood. Even in Sinegard, they were both discriminated against - Altan’s a freak of nature who is used for entertainment even if people fear him, and Rin is only her skin colour - even though they both worked so hard and DESERVED to go there. Nobody wanted them until they went to the Cike.
This fuels the anger that has been curated since they were literal kids. Of course they’re angry, and of course they don’t know how to express that in a healthy way - they’ve ALWAYS been abused, they’ve never known anything else. Obviously that doesn’t excuse some of the things they’ve done because of this anger (see: Altan’s abusive behaviour and Rin’s genocide), but the people around them, and society as a whole, failed them. There were two children, maybe Speerlies, but they were two hurt and scared children.
They did choose some things, but they were doomed the moment that Nikan decided to place them in Shiro and the Fangs’ hands. They were so angry, so hurt, so scared - they never would know anything else, really.
Fate doomed not only Rin’s fate, but the possible future she’d have with Nezha. They loved each other, but they could never have each other. Rinezha are the star-crossed lovers, the Romeo and Juliet, the Pyramus and Thisbe, the fleeting touch, the only kiss, the necessary betrayal and the leaving one behind. They are a walking juxtaposition - fire and water, general who wants absolute destruction and government official/ruler who needs Nikan to be safe for the future, poor and rich etc etc. And yet, they have these soft moments because they know how war destroys; they love each other in spite of all of this, but they can never have each other, because Nezha is the last Yin left, and Rin will never live in a world where Hesperians rule her home.
The Phoenix (and Rin by extension, I guess) doesn’t believe fate exists - that there is a choice for everything - but literally everything ensured Rin and Nezha would never be happy and in love: their race, their positions in power, their ideologies, their families, their relationships with other people, their thought patterns, their beliefs, their relationship with their power/shamanism… literally everything would’ve fucked them up. And yet, here they are defying fate, only to fall back into it again. Love is not enough.
The same goes for Altan and Chaghan. They can never have a healthy relationship where Altan doesn’t die. Altan cannot live, he’s self destructive and miserable and angry. He lives only to destroy and when he isn’t destroying, he wants to die.
They could’ve made choices, yes, but nobody makes rational choices in war. They were limited by the tools society gave them, and yeah, they were awful people, but fate itself doomed them before they were old enough to think.
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rosanqro · 29 days
i feel like i’m haunted by rin the way she was haunted by altan
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vikensbrainrot · 3 months
I’ll never get over how many times Rin tells herself and others that she’s not Altan.
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ilfascinodelvago · 4 months
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aitan · 4 months
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reading the poppy war in public so everyone knows that i’m dying on the inside.
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mannka · 1 year
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The first meeting with Altan <3
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orospu-kalamar · 4 months
I think i spent almost 20 hours on animating this
song used is back 2 back from the sonic rush ost
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askteamsoup · 8 months
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kitty logic
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loadsofcats · 8 months
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Everyone’s all “Mark and Lera” this, “Zlatomaki” that, “Serovolk in one bed” this, “Chrysalis video calling his cat” that. I get the hype
I haven’t seen anyone mention Altan!!! So I set out to fix it
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ephemeralzenith · 9 months
'Keep a leftover light Burnin' so you can keep lookin' up Isn’t that worth holdin' on?' fire is always so altan-coded, and also like the whole 'is my love worth it' is also so altan coded 'You know I’d always been alone 'Till you taught me To live for somebody' NO EXPLANATION NEEDED.
plz chaltan lovers
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askstormscall · 11 months
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"Titan of the seas...!" The Solgaleo phased into existence a bit away from the Lugia paws touching the bays sands lightly; but immediately he is bowing. To the sea legends feet a small object floats with bright pink psychic power, it is a primitive statue carved long ago out of Wailord bone with a blue chord about its neck, hemmed by a rusted, chipped bell. “Alola is surrounded by the sea, and often, I see tributes to you. Such a thing belongs to the water, but I could not idly toss it back... so, please accept this gift.”
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Titan of the Seas.
Lord of Storms. 
The Stormbringer.
Susano squeezed their eyes shut at the wealth of memories. "Do not bow to me. Rise your head, s-" Susano halted, averting their face. "I am no longer a titan of the seas. You are mistaken," the Leviathan corrected the lion, avoiding his visage. 
For a brief moment, Susano's expression appeared pained. "You people must worship another. My name has not been uttered by mankind in-"
The Leviathan's head whipped at the sound of a bell, their eyes honing in on the small statue. Their eyes widened at the sight of it. They admired the craftsmanship, their gaze brimming with memories.
"Susano, Susano!" 
The human children flocked around him, following him wherever he wandered like a hatchling would with their mother.  This was their little game. They waited to see when the Lugia would let his guard down, ready to pounce. 
Their parents watched with warm smiles and laughter. The children were at it again, playing with their protector. Not an ounce of worry clouded their expression as they observed the little game.
"Susano!" One of them skated in front of his path, forcing him to halt. The Leviathan smiled, rumbling with amusement. 
This little one he was all too familiar with. She had come a day before, proudly showing off her missing tooth as one would with their fangs.
"One day I'll grow strong fangs like you, Susano!" She proclaimed, all smiles and grins. 
Now her curls tumbled in front of her eyes. She brushed them out of view but she was proudly holding up something for him to see. 
"What do you have now, my small dragon?" 
She opened up her palm, proudly revealing it to him. A small statue in her small grasp, reflecting in the sun. 
Made of bone it was carved and sculpted in the likes of his visage. His eyes went wide, seeing the small little scraps on her tiny hands. 
"You made this for me…?" 
"Mhm!" She nodded her head, her curls bobbling, framing her face perfectly as she grinned even wider. "You are our storm! Our sea! Mama says we give to those we like. So I made this! For you!" 
Susano wrenched free of their memories before they drew them in any further. Their frame trembled as they took the tribute in their wing. So small… So was she… 
The Lugia looked towards the Solgaleo, their gaze burning. "This does belong to the sea. Noble sun. Whenever I have time to spare, I will venture to Alola and gift you in the manner you deserve but for now… I must go."
Susano took the skies without further, cradling the new gift in a cherish hold. 
[ For the time being Susano seems to be shifting locations... ]
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vikensbrainrot · 2 years
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I can’t even begin to explain what this chapter did to me. I love Rin and Nezha so much 😭
The Burning God (R F Kuang), chapter 29
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ilfascinodelvago · 9 months
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aitan · 1 year
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“Non temo di essere dimenticato. Temo di essere un giorno commemorato da un oratore ufficiale, che parla di noi leggendo un discorso scritto da un altro. Intorno le autorità, i bambini col grembiule pulito, i carabinieri sull’attenti.”
(Scritto su una porta del carcere di Udine da un partigiano prima di essere impiccato, 1944)
dopo la battaglia,
i corpi riversi sulla neve
sembravano tronchi spezzati dalla bufera;
a volte mi chiedo se sia valsa davvero la pena [...]
E comunque, finché ci sarà qualcuno che si chiederà che senso ha, oggi, celebrare la festa della liberazione, avrà ancora senso celebrare la festa della liberazione.
[Nell'immagine una vecchia vignetta del grande Altan restaurata per l'occasione da Aitan.]
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