#although we should talk more about why mc is called robin
edgarbright · 5 months
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I fixed it ❤️
13 notes · View notes
shinonometrash · 3 years
Jasper Lane’s Main Story: English vs Japanese version, full summary, comparisons & thoughts. Part 1 of 3. (TW: rape, sexual assault, drugging)
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So! Jasper’s route has finally been released in English as of August 31st, 2021. It seems that Voltage is following the same release order for consorts and events as how items were released in the Japanese version. I spent wayyy too much money to binge the entire route in a day...and get all the premium content...(honestly the hardest part about binging a route isn’t the love passes, it’s getting all the spirit points. Ugh.) I took note of a lot of different things in this and wanted to make a post going over all this information. Sorry this post took me so long to make, I had to go back and reread a lot of Jasper’s story in Japanese to refresh my memory as well as make sure I didn’t miss any big details since I had read it first back in May, and my Japanese has improved a lot (I think) since then. It was unfortunate and I didn’t really want to, lol. But! Now it’s his birthday (9/11)! I get to post this on his birthday! Happy birthday, asshole! This post is why you and your route suck! I’m probably only going to be able to post this first part today though, because honestly this post is taking much more time than I expected.
The biggest thing is going to be that 
Jasper’s English (Court of Darkness) route does NOT contain any major triggering content. You’ll probably still want to punch him, though.
So, if you’re looking to find out about that, there you go. Anyways.
I’ve broken this into four posts, three that contain summaries of each chapter, regardless of changes, and one that only contains the changes. 
(As of the date of posting, 9/11/2021, I have not completed all the posts yet. Please check back later and I will add the links to the rest of  them as they are posted.)
This post is part one including the summaries. Part two in currently progress. Part three in currently progress. Post with ONLY comparisons and thoughts currently in progress. 
Since I had contacted Voltage about the triggering content in Jasper’s route (and made a very lengthy Tumblr post about it) and they told me they prefer to remove potentially triggering content from stories in the localization process, rather than simply adding trigger warnings, I was more or less expecting this. Although...I didn’t really expect it to be to this extent, nor did I realize how I was actually going to feel about it...! Of course, the CoD did a fabulous job with the content they were given and what they were told to do, as always, and I completely understand why they changed what they did. Like. Seriously. They did the best they could do with the absolute mess of a route they were given. But, like, the route was an absolute mess to begin with. So there’s only so much that can be done to fix it...💀 Anyways, please know that any of my complaining is not directed at the CoD team because they’re wonderful!! Support them by buying in game content if you’re able to!! They recently released a special VIP pack that’s honestly an AMAZING deal. This is just a criticism of the route itself and my thoughts on it, not on the CoD team.
Now, onto the main point of the post...the English and Japanese versions of this route are very different. 
Warning: This post contains major spoilers about Jasper’s main story as well as potentially triggering content including but not limited to rape, sexual assault, and drugging.
In addition, I am not including any CGs in this post as I’m not trying to break Voltage’s policy.
Please click under the read more to continue.
Okay, so first off this is probably going to sound incredibly self centered of me, but I sort of get the feeling that my post about his Japanese route had some sort of influence on the changes in his route...? Not sure how big of tabs Voltage keeps on Tumblr...but it seems like nearly all of the main points I was specifically really mad about got changed--and I’m sure they must have definitely seen my post...? Also, this too probably sounds silly, but I was kinda happy reading some of the dialogue that was nearly the same as the way I had translated it. Part of me was still afraid that I had no idea what I was talking about and just looked stupid writing a long post with misinterpretations of lines💀
Pre-notes: 1. For those who named their cat something else, Robin = MC’s cat.  2. In the direct quotes, anytime you see “---” it’s just me cutting out a part in the dialogue that I deem unnecessary for comparison purposes. 3. I bolded whether there’s differences in the chapters or not in each chapter summary, in case you only want to read the summaries for the chapters with the differences. It’s pretty much going to be the same as reading my other post, then, but I explain more of the chapter here, usually.
Chapter 1-3
Literally so dull. Nothing really of note. Pretty much the same between the English and Japanese. Jasper asks about her hands and she’s like “omg he’s so nice he was worried about my hands!!”, she meets Sherry and they become friends, the headmaster tells her she has to learn magic if she wants a chance at going back home. They go to the runes and learn about the history of Saligia. Guy grabs her again, she escapes.
Chapter 4
It starts to get a little bit more interesting here. Overall, nothing seems too different between the two stories yet. Jasper invites her to the rooftop for a tea party. Jasper is desperately trying to get MC to interact (in a positive manner) with Guy, she asks Jasper to have tea with her instead. Sherry and Rio mention a ball. Toa and Guy get into a glaring match. Toa leaves. You know, the usual. Jasper whispers something in Guy’s ear and they leave, and everybody follows them because...you know. They discover that Guy’s room has been trashed. Toa walks in and asks what’s going on, and then falls silent when he sees Guy’s room. Guy is like “Toa, you left before me, did you not?” and Toa is like “What are you trying to imply?” then they glare at each other until Lynt is like “Are you trying to say that Toa is the culprit? He would never.” Fenn agrees. Roy says they should investigate, and Toa says he will also investigate, since he is the dorm prefect after all. Afterwards, Jasper asks Guy if he thinks Toa did it, Guy says “No, Qelsum isn’t that stupid.” Guy says they need information. He sends Jasper out to investigate, tells Jasper to be sure not to be seen. Fenn, Violet, and MC go out for food or something, and MC runs into Sirius, literally. Fenn is like “what are you doing?” and MC says she ran into somebody but turns around and there’s nobody there. I guess it’s trying to imply that Jasper is stealthy and can hide away into the night or something?? But then that’s it.
Chapter 5-6
No overall noticeable changes. It’s time for the ball! Sherry lends MC a dress and they head to the ball. She sees Jasper in the hallway closely inspecting wine, without Guy. She calls his name and he startles. He tells her he’s selecting a wine for Guy because Guy is very selective and will not consume anything that Jasper has not prepared. Jasper essentially says that Guy is his reason for living. Then they go into the dance hall. And Guy is all like “why did you come in together?” then they say they ran into each other by chance. Guy goes to take a sip of the wine, looks  startled, and then ends up spitting it out into a handkerchief. He claims he choked on the wine. She finds Jasper in the hallway again, looking at the wine, and calls out. Again, he startles. She wonders why. She tries to ask, but then he dodges the question by telling MC that the dress looks good on her. He invites her to dance and says he’ll teach her. They head back to the ballroom, she asks him some various questions and they all basically end with him saying that he serves Guy or whatever, and she’s thinking all like “work, again...?”. Jasper then tries to make her dance with Guy instead of himself, and when she says she’s going to leave he grabs her arm. There’s a few choices you can make, but one of them is “Please let go of me.” And then! And then! This man literally looks at her and asks “Why?” Yikes!! And she asks why he’s asking why, and he says he doesn’t want her to go, so she agrees to stay a little longer. (Mistake #1) Then he shoves her off onto Guy again. After dancing with Guy she goes out to the balcony and runs into Aquia, and Aquia pricks his finger and it starts bleeding. She tries to look at it and it somehow brushes her lips and at that moment Guy and Jasper come out and ask what’s going on. Aquia apologizes (he did nothing wrong!! >:(  ) They then discover that Aquia’s wound has magically healed somehow. Then here’s the scene with  Guy: “That girl, I want to know everything about her.” Jasper: “Oh my, have you fallen in love?” Guy: “Something like that” Jasper: “Congratulations! We must celebrate this wonderful occasion!” Guy: “That’s enough now. Investigate that woman’s power.”
Chapter 7
No major changes between versions. But...Ughhhhhhhh. We’re gonna meet Sirius in this chapter. But first some humor. They go to the S rank lounge, I believe after the ball. Jasper offers to make coffee. Literally ALL the valets suddenly RUSH to Jasper’s side to ask him to teach them how to brew coffee. So there sitting in the S rank lounge with Jasper brewing coffee while all the other valets are like 👀👀👀👀 lmaoooo. Aight and so the humorous part ends there, sorry! That’s it! Now we must move on.  Fenn says he wants to go out drinking and asks Jasper if he’d like to join, Jasper declines saying he has other matters to attend to. We learn that Hawke, Jasper, and Lance are all drinking buddies. MC is all like “oh thank god, that means he does get time off!” -_- So then Toa laughs and comments how close Jasper and MC are, and is like “wow imagine using your valet for something like that” and then tells her that she’ll be a tool for Avari if she sticks with them, and that it’s not too late to switch to Qelsum’s side instead. (She does not switch. Mistake #2. Arguably her biggest mistake in this entire route, if you ask me.) Guy interjects and tells Toa that MC is his, and Toa is like “lmaooo then why does she seem closer with your valet than you?” and then they glare at each other. MC gets annoyed and leaves. Jasper asks where she’s going. She says she’s going back to her room to see Robin. For some reason, Jasper seems disappointed about this? Afterwards, she goes to her room for a bit but then decides to go explore the town with Robin. Uh oh! Robin goes missing.
She starts looking for Robin and runs into this sketch looking dude. He asks her where’s she’s going, she says she’s looking for her cat. He’s like “oh that flying thing?” and she’s like “Yeah!” and then is like “could you just tell me which way he was headed? I can get there myself.” but the guy insists that she should follow him instead, because the streets are dangerous and she might run into dangerous men. The man is then like “I’m Sirius.” (which, when I first read the Japanese, I thought he was saying “I’m serious” lmaoo) and then he frickin grabs her hand and drags her off!!! Yikes! 
Chapter 8, 1st Interlude, and Chapter 9 
Okay so we’ve got the most significant changes in these chapters. Like. A LOT. This is what the majority of my previous post focused on: the drugging, sexual assault, and morning after.  They basically did their best to make this consensual. It went very similar to what I had predicted, although played up a bit more cringe-y than I had expected...or maybe I just hadn’t thought about how cringe-y it would be. There’s literally so many changes that it’d be a bit of a pain to summarize all of them between the versions, I’m just going to put the actual dialogue/stuff from the stories for a lot of this so you can see the differences more directly. (The Japanese will be roughly translated by me, of course.)
Chapter 8
So Sirius starts walking and walking and walking and she asks where they’re going but he keeps insisting it’ll only be just a little longer or that it’s a shortcut and stuff. Ughhhhh...Then she’s like. This man clearly has no idea what he’s doing, I’m going to run away after all. But then he suddenly tells her they’re going to take a “break”. He drags her into the bar before she can protest or try to run. She tries to say no to a drink, but then he asks if she does drink and she’s like “well I do, but...” and you start seeing the differences here. In English she makes a comment of “Ugh, if only he wasn’t so charming.” Sirius further insists only one drink, even though MC tries to say she needs to go find Robin. He then just straight up orders drinks for them, despite her protesting. She then agrees, and then mentally apologizes to Robin. (Mistake #3) And we start seeing the biggest differences about right here...
For this chapter, let’s play a guessing game on which one is the Japanese version and which one is the English version, shall we? :)
Away from the table, Sirius plants a palm on the counter. Two of the usual are set out before him, bubbles frothing over the top. Sirius glances back and finds MC staring at the patterns in the wood grain. Sirius: Much obliged. Tavern Keeper: Mm-hmm. Scooping up the fizzing, popping tumblers, he tosses a wink at the tavern keeper. Then, he strolls back to spend time with his new friend. - Away from the table, Sirius plants a palm on the counter. Immediately two of the usual shot glasses are set out in front of him. Just to make sure, he looks back at MC, who is staring at the table. Sirius: Ah, thanks. Tavern Keeper: Mhm. Sirius skillfully drops the tablet he had hidden between his fingers into the shot glass of the opposite hand. Then, feigning a nonchalant look, he returns back to the table.
Did you guess which one was which in this part? :) And yes, my friends. In the fucking CANON MAIN ROUTE, it deadass has a line saying that our love interest puts a drug in our drinks. And yet...the Japanese fans still love him! Ugh. Also, that “skillfully” bit really concerns me. That kinda implies that he’s done it multiple times before, does it not??? Honestly I’m not really sure why it says it was a shot glass in the Japanese, though. I thought they were drinking like cocktails, not taking a shot. Maybe that’s why they changed that bit...? Now the stories are the same again for a tiny bit. Some time has passed that they’ve been in the bar/tavern and MC chugs her drink and slams it down on the table. She seems drunk. She’s rambling about Guy and Jasper. Like “I’m not an object!!” “and he’s like “Yes, yes, you aren’t an object.” then like “Who goes around saying stuff like “you are mine” and “give me your power”?? Like seriously! Who says that sort of stuff! It’s so messed up!” and he just listens along, amused. He then says that it’s good to drink sometimes, and she agrees, and then he asks what she wants to do. She notes how she’s only had one drink, yet her head feels a bit fuzzy already, and how it made her very talkative. She says she wants to go home. She reveals that her family died, and that she has a hair clip in her hair from her mom that’s very important to her. She mentions how there are still good people in this world, though.  Sirius tries to order her another drink, and here’s where stuff deviates again.
Sirius: Another of the same, if you please. MC: What, no! I’m fine MC: So hey, you’ve been fantastic company but I really need to go find Robin. (Man I got way too into that conversation.) (Robin must be out there looking for me.) MC: Thanks for the drink, though. You’re a really good listener. And also...really, really pretty. MC: It’s been great meeting you. Maybe I’ll see you around sometime? MC: Like...when I’m not looking for my cat. That’d be...nice.” (I have no filter. No filter whatsoever.) MC: Right, so...Bye... He stands up right as I do. The rickety old table wobbles between us and I pitch into his arms. Sirius: Steady on. Sirius: I might almost think you’ve fallen for me. (Fallen for him? But I’ve only just met the man.) Sirius holds me steady as I smile up at him, feeling silly but bold. He’s even more handsome up close. MC: Like I said, very attractive but...gotta go. Sirius: Hold fast. MC: Haha. Did you just pick me up?! Sirius hefts me into his arms like I weigh nothing, and for a moment I feel like I’m being carried off into the sunset. An electrifying thrill runs through me as I sway against him, adn then I realize we’re moving. MC: Where are we going? Sirius: ... MC: The look he gives me then makes my eyebrows shoot up. I nod and let him carry on. (English version, Mistake #4) When I next open my eyes, I’m being placed down on something fluffy. (I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. I should leave well enough alone but there’s something about him...) I peer at the unfamiliar ceiling overhead while Sirius stares down in my eyes. Sirius: No need to hurry. Sirius: The night’s just begun, after all. (Wait a second, aren’t you...?) The seductive smile on his face comes closer. For a split second he reminds me of someone, but it must be my imagination. - Sirius: Bartender, another of the same. MC: Ah, no, I’m good! MC: I really need to go find Robin. (Yikes, I got totally absorbed in that conversation.) (Surely Robin is looking for me, too) MC: Thanks...for talking with me...and listening... MC: Thanks to that I’ll be sure to...remember this... MC: From now on, I’m going...to study...more seriously...for sure.... (Wha...I’m so dizzy...) MC: Sorry...I’m...leaving now... Sirius: Whoa, hold on. MC: Ah... Unsteady on my feet, Sirius picks me up and holds me in his arms. I feel swaying and I open my eyes slightly. I’m being carried somewhere. MC: Where...are we going...? Sirius: ... Strangely, it feels like the ceiling has gotten awfully high... The next thing I’m aware of when I open my eyes is being placed down on something fluffy. (Where am I...?) I gaze at the ceiling above me and Sirius looks into my eyes. Sirius: Let’s take it slowly. Sirius: The night has just begun, no? (Huh...?) Laughing mysteriously, the man’s face comes closer. For a second, I think he looks similar to someone. But it’s just my imagination, right...?
I’m sure you can guess which one is which. One is extremely alarming, the other is cringe. It’s clear they did the most they could to try and make it consensual between them, and ended up doing exactly what I thought with having her make several comments about how attractive he is and then add some playful flirting between them. 😖 Alright! Ready for the next part? 
1st Interlude
I just read the normal first interlude in Japanese before typing out this post and...god, I thought the premium interlude was bad. So, one more time, trigger warning for sexual assault. Damn I really don’t want to write this part, I’m so tired from writing the rest TT (I saved this for last, unfortunately.) I’m not translating all of these so I’ll do a mix of translating exact lines and summarization. In all the stories, first she calls out Jasper’s name at first, confused, and then Sirius looks shocked. And she’s like, how weird, why would I call him that...he’s clearly Sirius...and then they all start to deviate. ><
Normal Interlude
Japanese version (this is the worst one): MC: I’m sorry...I must’ve gotten drunk, sorry for the trouble... Sirius: So you’re apologizing in this situation. (This...situation...?) He kisses her. (Wha...I’m being...kissed...) I’m aware of it, but my body feels so heavy, I can’t resist it. With my arms pinned to the bed, I’m forced to accept the kiss. He says “what is this power?” and then she sees an aura flare up around him. She asks if it’s magic, and he says that it’s interesting, and then asks if it has to do with the length of time or the type of physical contact. -- Sirius: Is it only your lips, or...? His finger runs along my knee, tickling it. With his other hand, he skillfully slips his hand into my shirt. Sirius: No need to be alarmed. Sirius: I simply wish to confirm. (Confirm...?) Sirius: So soft and smooth, you feel nice to touch. Sirius: But, I don’t feel anything from just touching you... Sirius: Is it different depending on where I touch? The sensation of him stroking my skin falsely spreads through my whole body while his fingertips make their way down to my lower limbs. I move my shoulders to try to tell him “I don’t want you to touch me!”, but it doesn’t matter as his fingertips continue to try to uncover something. MC: St...stop it... Yelling out makes him stop--at least, that’s what I had thought. However,  the thing that stops him isn’t my voice. He removes his hand that was feeling around in my shirt and then starts to think about something. (Is he...searching for something...?) Sirius: ...so it can’t be transferred through the skin, hm. (W-what...?) It’s finally over--is what I thought, at least. This time, he drops kisses on my ears and collarbone. When he puts his hands on my thighs again, I want to run away immediately. (Why...? Why is this happening...?) MC: Is this...is this a dream...? Sirius: Yes. It’s a dream. So, goodnight. Sirius: You’re about to reach the limit, aren’t you? (Limit? What is he talking about?) Even if I wanted to think about it, my head is too fuzzy and I can’t think of anything. I don’t like it, but...what is it I don’t like? Surely it was something important, but I can’t remember. Before I could say “I’m sorry, I’m really sleepy” my consciousness blacks out. She passes out and Sirius says something about how interesting it is, and that he must report his findings to Guy.
English version: MC: Sorry, I can’t believe I called you by the wrong name. Sirius: Is this the time for apologies? (I guess not...?) He kisses her. (We’re kissing. I’m kissing Sirius...) He’s certainly attractive enough. I’m not attached to anyone here, and yet...Why is it that I keep thinking of Jasper? He says “what is this power?” and then she sees an aura flare up around him. She asks if it’s magic, and he says that it’s interesting, and then asks if it has to do with the length of time or the type of physical contact. -- Sirius: Is it only your lips, or...? His fingers walk along my knee, tickling me. I shiver and grin as he gives me a considering look, then slips his hand inside my shirt. -- Sirius: I only wish to see what you’re capable of. (Strangest bedroom talk ever.) Sirius: You’re exquisite. Soft, smooth, perfect to the touch... Sirius: But I seek other responses. Sirius: Tell me, is this where you want to be touched? He peers down at me expectantly, hands petting along my skin as if to encourage me to speak. I squeeze my thighs together, hoping he’ll continue without the need for words. He raises an eyebrow. MC: Sirius, I need... At first I think the sound of my voice has given him pause. Then I realize something else has happened. He tidies my open shirt a little and frowns thoughtfully. (What is he doing? What is it he’s looking for?) Sirius: Hm, no transfer from the skin. (Uh, what?) My mouth falls open. Has the moment been ruined somehow? If so, what’d I do? But then he plants tiny kisses over my ears, neck, and cheeks. His hands sweep over me once more, but far more soothingly. Still, I can’t get the image of Jasper out of my mind. (I can’t be doing this. It’s not fair to be thinking of one man when I’m with another. I need to sort my head out.) MC: Sirius, I can’t do this. I’m...I think I’m developing feelings for someone else, so it wouldn’t be fair to you to do this... Sirius: Well, well. There’s an unexpected turn. ...All right. We’ll think of this as nothing more than a passing dream. Sirius: This never happened then. Good night, MC. (Good night? But we’ve only just...) Suddenly I feel very drowsy. A second ago I wanted nothing more than a crazy, one-night romp with a man who has crystalline red eyes. Now I can’t think of anything but how comfortable this bed is. She passes out and Sirius says something about how interesting it is, and that he must report his findings to Guy. --
Yikes!!!!! I was so shocked when I read the normal interlude!! Especially the Japanese version!! Now for the other one...
Premium Interlude
Japanese version:
MC: I’m sorry...I must’ve gotten drunk, sorry for the trouble... Sirius: So you’re apologizing in this situation. (This...situation...?) His voice is close.  But besides that, I don’t understand the situation very well. Sirius: Is it hard to open your eyes? MC: Yes... Sirius: I’ll make you feel better right now. (Feel better...?) She sees him put in eyedrops. She tries to ask but her voice is really quiet and her throat is dry. MC: Excuse me, could...could I have some water?”  Sirius: I’ll give you some right now I felt something cold touch my lips and water poured down my throat. MC: ...nng (No...it’s something else. I’m...being kissed...) I understand that, but, but I feel too drowsy to be able to resist.  With my arms pinned to the bed, I’m forced to accept the kiss. He says “what is this power?” and then she sees an aura flare up around him. She asks if it’s magic, and he says that it’s interesting, and then asks if it has to do with the length of time or the type of physical contact. (What...this kiss...) It’s a kiss that makes me feel as if I’ll be swallowed by the torrent of pleasure. (I’ve never experienced something like this...) Sirius: Ha...ahh... MC: ...mm, Sirius... His lips pull away with a wet sound and I sigh. Sirius: It’s as I thought... MC: Stop...it...already... Sirius: Shhh... Sirius: Be quiet. I’m going to make you feel better. He wipes his finger along my wet lips and pushes it inside my mouth. My shoulders jump and I shiver and inhale sharply, feeling like I’m being bitten on the neck by Sirius. MC: Mnn... Sirius: Suck... He moves his finger around my mouth and I move my tongue as I’m told. Sirius: That’s it good girl... Sirius: ...so it can’t be transferred through the skin, hm. (What...is he talking about...?) Sirius: How about...here? He removes his finger from my mouth and strokes my knee. MC asks if it’s a dream, and the rest of the interlude ends the same way as the normal Japanese interlude ends.
English version:
MC: Sorry, I can’t believe I called you by the wrong name. Sirius: Is this the time for apologies? (I guess not...?) I can almost feel his voice vibrate against my skin. Shivering at the sensation, I let my head fall against the pillows. Sirius: Would you rather keep your eyes closed at the moment? MC: Mm. yeah. I like the sound of your voice. It...reminds me of someone... Sirius: Then keep them closed. Sirius tells her to hold on a minute and puts in eyedrops. MC says her throat is dry and asks for some water. He gives her water, but she realizes that it’s not a cup but rather him giving her water from his lips. -- They kiss. (Who taught him to kiss like this?) It’s like some dam has burst within me and a tide of pleasure is threatening to sweet me away. (I’ve never experienced anything like this. Is this magic, too, or just him?) Sirius: Mm..Yes... MC: Ah...Sirius... A wanton moan escapes me as he gives me space to breathe. The thing is, in my mind’s eye I keep seeing someone else. Sirius: Quite as I suspected. MC: That was incredible. What was-- Sirius: Shh. Hush now. I’ll fufill that yearning of yours. He rubs his thumb against my dampened bottom lip then slips it inside my mouth. My shoulders jump as he moves his lips and teeth over my neck. Sirius: Suck. I obediently swirl my tongue over his thumb, taking it in further. Sirius: Good girl. -- Then she says she can’t do it because of having feelings for someone else, just like in the normal English and the rest of the interlude continues the exact same way.
I can’t believe Voltage was really like “hey, pay us and we’ll make the content less rape-y for you! :)” Big yikes lol. I’d only read the premium at the time of my original post, and I thought that was bad enough to write a post about it. That normal interlude though? YIKES. Like...gahhh I know I already said this same thing like three times earlier but I’m just so grossed out!!
Also, a quick note. The CG for this has Sirius laying on top of her while she has her eyes closed. This is because she’s UNCONSCIOUS in the Japanese version. I was wondering how they were gonna get around it, but like not long before it came out I was like “oh they can just have him comment telling her to close her eyes or something” and I guess that’s more or less what they did...?
Chapter 9
Okay so I realize I did make a slight translation error in my original post about the ninth chapter. She does indeed say “I don’t have a headache” rather than what I had thought it said which was “My head hurts, but it can’t be a hangover.”  which is what they went with in the English. “My head doesn’t hurt, though, which suggests I don’t have a hangover.” The rest seems about right, though. Anyways, so this chapter starts the morning after the events of the first interlude with MC waking up in the strange bedroom. While not technically as big of change as in Chapter 8 and the first interlude, this is also one of the most changed chapters between versions. 
The Japanese version:
(Where am I?) I open my eyes and am unable to move at first. ---- (Robin and I got separated in town...so I was searching for him) (And then...ah, yeah, I met Sirius) (He was showing me the way...and then there was that bar on the dark street where I was only going to drink one drink, and then...) .... ....... .......... “Shit, I can’t remember anything...” I’m not sure how I got to this room or what happened after I blacked out. My head doesn’t hurt, so it’s not a hangover.  I only had one drink, that’s the one thing I CAN remember. “No way...” Nervously, I run my hands down my body.  The hem of my shirt was untucked, all the buttons completely undone, and my skirt was rolled up past my thighs.  (I want to think it’s just from how I slept...I really want to think that, but...)  Being drunk can make you roll around and do that. I can’t hide how anxious I am about this unexpected situation. My heart thumps painfully in my chest and my legs shake. ---- (Huh? A tattoo?) I see Sirius taking a shower in the other room, with a tattoo spread across his back. (That would mean Sirius and I...) Looking at the bed with disheveled sheets, I wrap my arms around my body and hug myself tightly. “Maybe...maybe we just slept, that’s all...” (It’s a pitiful excuse, I know.) (Oh my god!! I need to go find Robin!!) Remembering something very important, she runs out of the room. ---- Sirius: “Ha, she ran away.”
English version:
Where am I? I open my eyes and stay perfectly still for the first few minutes. ---- (I got separated from Robin in town and while I was looking for him I, ended up lost.) (And then...Oh right, I met Sirius. Man, he was attractive.) (He was showing me the way, then we paused for a drink, and then...) Then...Hmm. What did happen? I’m drawing a blank here. “What the? I have no memory of last night.” I have no idea where this is or the events that led to me waking up here. There are flashes of groans and sighs, but that’s all. My head doesn’t hurt, though, which suggests I don’t have a hangover. Not that I’d expect to have one over a single drink, but I remember that drink being similar to a potion. “Uh-oh. Did I hook up with someone?” I carefully pat myself down. My shirt’s untucked, the buttons are undone, and my skirt’s hiked up around my thighs. (Then again, I could’ve just slept weird. Here’s hoping.) I’ve definitely rolled around in my sleep while drunk before. Still, I never thought I’d have to do a walk of shame in another realm. My heart pounds as I look around, trying to figure out who I spent the night with. (Did I somehow manage to book a room for myself? With what coin?) (It’s like everything that happened since I got here caught up to me all at once. What did I do...?) ---- “What was that?” (A tattoo? It was a gorgeous one, if so.) (The question is, how acquainted did I become with that tattoo last night?) The rumbled bedding comes back into view as I put my head in my hands. “Maybe we just crashed here together after our drink.” “...” (Pitiful excuse, but I’ll take it for now.) (Wait, Robin! Oh god. I have to go find him.) I run out of the room as soon as I remember. Given how little of the situation I remember, it’s probably better if we put that night behind us. ---- Sirius: “Alas. She has absconded.”
Then after she leaves, it goes about the same in both versions. She finds Robin at the gates, is rushing to Toa’s class, gets stopped by Jasper. His voice reminds her of Sirius. He then teases her for being late and is like “You said you were going to go back to your room last night, but it seems like you went out and had fun instead.” and she snaps at him and says she didn’t. He acts surprised. She apologizes and walks off, embarrassed. He laughs.
So. Yeah. One of them, MC wakes up confused after being drugged and raped and is trying to process that and then remembers Robin, runs back to the dorms, and has to deal with Jasper teasing her saying she went out and had “fun” which triggers extremely fresh, bad memories. While the other one...MC is like. Did I hook up with someone?? Whoopsies! Hm, I wonder how I did that. Oh but that Sirius guy was SO hot. Oh shit! I have a cat that’s missing! Gotta go. And then Jasper teases her but she just gets upset because she feels embarrassed about hooking up with someone. Neat. Also, what is with Voltage and their obsession with using “abscond”???
Are you feeling uncomfortable right now? A little horrified that Voltage would write a story like that, and romanticize it? Awesome! Me too! Let’s take a break here before moving on. Thankfully, the next parts won’t contain anything near as triggering as the first interlude and chapter 9. 
(Next post currently in progress, will add link as soon as possible! This is taking much longer than I thought it would to write;;;)
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(未定事件簿) EVENT! 「眷然恋影」 [Tears of Themis] EVENT: Zuo Ran Birthday 2021- Days to Re-Live Forever (4.18: Volunteer Application)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist / Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Will also be filed under Zuo Ran’s tag #Tears of a Lawyer *The tracking tag for ALL Event Stories will go under: #Tears of an Event
4.18 / 4.20 / 4.22 / 4.24 / 4.26 Messages / Investigations / Call
Location: Cinema's Lounge Area
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MC: …All in all, while this isn't considered a bad movie, it's also quite far from being a "Sci-fi Masterpiece".
Zuo Ran: Agreed.
Zuo Ran and I were both down at the Cinema’s Lounge, discussing the movie that we'd just finished watching.
The Stellis Film Festival had just started, and the movie that we'd sought to watch for how famous it was, was one of the most highly rated Sci-Fi movies.
But unfortunately, the content of the movie itself wasn't quite as interesting as we'd expected.
Zuo Ran: But "Time Travel" is considered one of the more classic Sci-fi themes, so it's not all that easy to come up with something new and exciting.
Hearing him say that, I suddenly remembered another movie with the exact same running theme.
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MC: There are also many Time Travel themed Masterpieces out there. Take the film “About Time” for example; it’s an old film dating more than ten years ago.
MC: But it’s about slice of life, so you probably never watched it.
That’s right, although this movie was labelled a work of Science Fiction, it was also undeniably something that fell into the category of warm, healing, fluffiness.
It’s a movie about the story of the male protagonist, Tim, who wanted to use his Time-travelling ability to find himself a girlfriend; and eventually winning over the heroine, Mary’s, heart.
Additionally, it also depicts Tim’s family history. Generally speaking, it was an award-winning movie that had won over the emotions of many.
I recall that Zuo Ran preferred to watch Sci-fi Films, rarely watching anything emotional. Still, I wanted to try giving him a suggestion. 
Zuo Ran: I’ve seen it before. It was pretty good.
His reply was a little unexpected.
MC: Huh? But even though the male protagonist is capable of Time Travel, there are still far fewer Sci-fi elements to this movie than there are elements of daily life.
MC: I thought that you don’t often watch these kinds of films...
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Zuo Ran: You’re right, but this one’s an exception.
Zuo Ran: Rather than calling it a Sci-fi movie, I think it’ll be more appropriate to call it a movie about “Superpowers”, since its main purpose is to power the plot.
Zuo Ran: Although it’s a slice of life, the director of this film has a good grasp of rhythm and mood, capable of making people feel a strong sense of empathy.
Zuo Ran: Of course, I also personally agree with the idea it is trying to convey.
Zuo Ran analysed the movie with utter seriousness, and I could see that he had an extremely deep understanding about it.
Capable of extracting that many praises from him, it seems like this movie holds an extraordinary place in his heart.
MC: Sounds like you really do like this “About Time” film.
Zuo Ran: Yes, I do.
Zuo Ran: I suppose it can be considered… Among the ones I like best.
After getting an affirmative from him, I couldn’t help but to jump for joy.
MC: (Now I know how to celebrate his birthday!)
Zuo Ran’s birthday was the 26th of April; a day that was coming up soon.
I’d only heard about this date back when I was making small talk with Sister Zhai Xing. She’d even told me to put more emphasis on it, since I was his partner.
Zuo Ran has been taking good care of me ever since I joined the Law Firm, but I’d have been way prepared to celebrate his birthday for him, even if Sister Zhai Xing didn’t mention it.
But I didn’t really know what I should do, till now; the conversation I just had with Zuo Ran finally gave me a hint.
MC: (Recreating the classic scenes of movies and celebrating his birthday there will definitely make it an unforgettable experience for the Mr. Robin, the well-known film critic! )
A plan gradually started to take shape within the confines of my mind.
Zuo Ran: What’s on your mind? Why are you daydreaming?
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MC: N-Nothing! I was just thinking about...
MC: My favourite movie! I was just thinking how brilliant it was that you also happen to like it!
Birthday surprises are something that’s meant to be kept secret till the very last moment, so I can’t afford to give the game away now.
Zuo Ran: It makes you that happy?
His expression appeared no different from usual, seemingly having accepted what I’d just said.
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MC: Yup, of course it does! Sharing the same favourite movie as you goes to show that we’re well suited to be partners!
Zuo Ran: We do coordinate well together.
MC: Let’s talk more about this film, Lawyer Zuo.
Zuo Ran: Sure.
He probably wouldn’t have any idea about just what I had planned to celebrate his birthday with.
MC: (I’m suddenly really looking forward to seeing how he’ll react to this surprise. I’m sure he’ll be way different from how he usually is!)
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: The Film Museum
A few days later, at the Film Museum.
Staff: My apologies, miss. But the Museum's Live-action Studio is temporarily unavailable for loan for the duration of the Film Festival.
MC: I’d originally wanted to rent the Film Museum’s Live-action Studio to recreate the classic scenes of the movie “About Time” for Zuo Ran, to celebrate his birthday.
But how unfortunate...
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MC: But I’m really in need of it; isn’t there any other way?
Staff: If you’re truly in urgent need of the Studio. Then you can try becoming a volunteer for this Film Festival.
MC: Oh?
Staff: The Museum requires a large amount of volunteers to help out during the Film Festival, and volunteer points can be earned through completing volunteer work.
She took out a brochure, handing it to me.
Staff: Take a look at this. Volunteer points can be redeemed for the rights to use the Live-action Studio in addition to some special props provided by the Museum itself.
Staff: You must be shooting on the set itself if you’re trying to rent the Studio, so I’m sure these props will come in handy.
The staff member pointed out the “special props” listed on the brochure to me.
They came as large as classic retro cars, furniture such as tables and chairs, old-fashioned suitcases… They were all classic props from classic movies.
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MC: Are all these props the original ones?
I’d thought that it’d take a good lot of points to redeem rights to the Studio, but I’d never expected it to actually be the easiest to attain.
Although, that being said, most of those special props were pretty “point pricy”.
Staff: A small portion of them are, but the rest are replicated on a 1:1 scale from the original.
MC: Oh! There’s even the window display mural from “About Time”!?
Staff: That’s right. Although this one’s a replication, it is no different from the original one.
MC: (Not only can you rent the venue, but you can also change up the place to be furnished with decorations of your own choice. This can’t get any better!)
Thinking up till this point, I agreed without a moment’s hesitation.
MC: Okay, I’ll sign up! What do you do as a volunteer, though?
Staff: Welcome to the Volunteer Team. Your job this time is to simply hand out questionnaires.
Staff: As the organizer of this Film Festival, we plan to create a review column after the event; hence, why we have to collect information on the audience’s option.
Staff: The content of this survey includes, but is not limited to, their evaluation of the movies released this Film Festival, and their views on well-known film-critics, etc.
Staff: What needs to be specifically explained to them is that, due to the curator's request, this survey will take the form of an offline interview and a physical questionnaire to fill.
Staff: He believes that it is only by interacting face-to-face with the audience, can we then understand their true wishes; and that doing so will also reflect the utmost sincerity of the Museum itself.
She handed me yet another list.
Staff: The information of the willing participants of the survey are recorded here. So please carry out the surveys according to the name list here.
Staff: Your final amount of points obtained will be calculated based on the number of questionnaires you've managed to get filled, and their degree of completion.
I confidently took the list from her.
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MC: Understood! You can leave it to me!
Staff: Volunteer Points can be redeemed at any time. I wish you the best of luck, and hope that you can exchange it for the rights to the Live-action Studio as soon as possible.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Next Part: (4.20: Questionnaire Filling)
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
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The Nanny Affair.
The Vacation Of A Lifetime. Part 3.
Author’s Note: This fanfic right here is based off of the preview for Chapter 14. This will be four parts. First is what happens before they get to Italy. And the second, third and fourth parts will be what happens once they land. So; Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
***Rated: Mature 18+. Contains sexual content and strong language. You know? The usual from me. 😁
***Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters.
***Characters: Sam Dalton (LI) and Krystal Parker (MC). (Special appearances by my TRR MC Shanelle Dawkins, LI King Marquise)
***All Characters and names (except MC) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 2,826 words.
Yip! Yippee! It’s Part 3! (I was only going to make this a three part series but I changed my mind after releasing part 2. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
It was the evening of gala at the Cordonian embassy.
And after spending the morning and afternoon with the boys; Krystal was in her room trying to figure out what she wanted to wear.
“Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! Do I go with the black? Do I go with the fuchsia? Ooh! Maybe the coral one will work!”, she said as she looked over the options in front of her. Just then; there was a knock at her door. When she opened it; a man was standing there with a garment bag and two smaller boxes. “For you; Ms. Parker. Courtesy of Queen Shanelle herself.”, he said in a thick European accent as he handed her the items.
“Oh! Well, thank you! Tell her majesty that I’m honored!”, she said. He nodded and was then gone. As she sat them down on her bed; she noticed an envelope on top of the smaller of the two boxes.
She opened it to find a small card that read, “time to play dress up! If it’s not too much for you…trouble! ;) M.” As she remembered; she, Shanelle and Jenny used to be called TMI back in school. Krystal was T aka The Troublemaker. Shanelle was M aka The Matchmaker. And Jenny was I aka The Investigator.
They were a trip and a half back in those days.
When she opened the garment bag; she found a beautiful, off shoulder violet mermaid gown by Givenchy. In the larger of the two boxes; were a pair of black Gucci stilettos and a matching clutch. And in the smallest box; were a pair of diamond tear drop earrings and with a matching tear drop pendant. Her jaw hit the floor. She didn’t know what Shanelle’s intentions were; but so far she liked where they were headed, in terms of her new outfit.
After showering and changing; she was headed down to the lobby. One thing she was thankful for; is that the boys got ready with their dad in his room. When she got there; she was greeted by her three favorite people.
“Whoa! You look great Krystal!”, Mason said.
“Yeah! You look like a real life princess!”, Mickey quipped. Her heart melted at their words.
“Awwww! Thanks you two!”, she said as she wrapped them up in a fierce hug.
“They’re right ya know?”, Sam added after finally coming out of his trance. “You look absolutely stunning!”
“Thank you.”, she replied.
“Shall we everyone?”, he asked; and with that, they were in the transport and off to the embassy. As they were on their way; Krystal asks, “where’s Sofia? Is she sick again?”
“No. She’s coming with her dad and brother. And my parents are coming with Robin.”, he replies. Soon; they arrived and were greeted by flashing cameras and paparazzi. He offered her his arm; and they and the boys were escorted inside to the main ballroom. Upon entering the the ballroom; they were greeted by Sofia and the two families. “Well! Don’t you look absolutely lovely, Krystal! That dress is exquisite! Is it new?”, Mrs. Dalton asked. Sofia on the other hand; had her nose up in the air. “Yes. She does look somewhat put together, doesn’t she?”
“Thank you, ladies. It’s a gift from a very close friend.”, she replied. Robin walks up and has to do a double take when he sees her. With wolfish grin he says to her, “Damn Krystal! If you were trying to get my attention; you got it!”
She rolled her eyes at him but; never said a word. That’s when the Cordonian National Anthem was played; and Queen Shanelle, King Marquise flanked by her parents, Crown Princess Khari and the Royal Council enter the room. They were a very polarizing couple. Krystal was star struck looking at his majesty.
“Dammit Match! How did you get so lucky with all that tall, fine and chocolate?!”, she muttered to herself. When the two friends spotted one another; they just winked and smiled at each other.
“Dignitaries and esteemed guests. It is a true honor and privilege, to host all of you this evening. It is the hope of myself and my queen that you all enjoy yourselves tonight.”, says King Marquise. Dinner is soon served once everyone is seated. Krystal was seated in the back with the boys; per Sofia’s request.
Dinner was delicious! It was Pan Seared Alaskan Salmon topped with Colossal Shrimp in Lobster Sauce and Filet Mignon topped with Béarnaise Sauce. Served with Pan Roasted Brussel sprouts, Honey Glazed Carrots and King Oyster Mushroom Risotto. The boys were served Roman style pepperoni pizza; that was gone in the blink of an eye.
Sam soon comes over to check on them. “Well? How was it, everyone?”, he asks.
“It was awesome dad!”, Mickey exclaimed.
“Yeah! They even gave us extra cheese!”, Mason quipped.
“I’m happy to hear that boys. And; what about you, Krystal? How was your dinner?”, he asks her. “It was great! My compliments to the chef.”, she replies.
“Wonderful! Hey you two, can you behave yourselves, while I talk to Krystal for a second?”, Sam asked the boys; who nodded their heads, in response. He pulled her aside and explained, “I’m sorry that you three are all the way back here. By the time I knew where Sofia had you all sitting; it was too late to request a seating change.”,
“It’s fine. I can’t be surprised that she has us back here. She wants us out the way.”, she replied. “Looks like The Royal Family is making the rounds. You should go speak to the King while you can.”, she tells him.
With a nod; Sam disappears into the crowd of people forming around King Marquise. As Krystal takes her seat again, Shanelle walks up with her her father.
“Oh no! I thought I was done with you; when you girls graduated.”, Rev. Dawkins jokingly said to Krystal before giving her a hug. “Hello to you too Poppa D!”, she says as she hugs him back. “Boys, say hello to Rev. Dr. Rodney Dawkins Sr.”
“Hiiiiiiiii!”, they say to him in an enthusiastic greeting. He nods to them both. “So, Shanelle tells me; you’re their nanny, is it?”, he asks her and she nods her head, yes. “Well I hope they give you as many gray hairs as you Jenny and Nelle always gave me.”
“Daddy!”, Shanelle fussed at her father.
“What?! You three caused more trouble than I care to count!”, he responds to his daughter; before she rolls her eyes at him as he takes his leave.
“You look like royalty sweetie! I love that dress on you! Where’d you get it?”, she says to Krystal with a grin. “I got it from a friend! She’s always in the right place.”, Krystal replies with a wink.
“I have to ask why you’re so far back here? It’s positively lonely!”, Shanelle asks. Krystal pointed to Sofia, who was currently trying to schmooze the King as her answer. Shanelle took both notice and exception.
As the boys ran off with their grandparents, Shanelle said to Krystal. “I swear that bitch needs a good kick in the ass! Can you believe that she actually tried to treat me, like I’m not The Queen Of Cordonia?!”
“Welcome to my life! She calls me ‘the help’”, Krystal responded. “That gives me an idea! You up for some fun, trouble?”, Shanelle says with a grin. Before Krystal could answer; Shanelle was off in the direction towards her husband. That’s when Sam walks over to Krystal; with a flute of champagne in each hand.
“Enjoying yourself tonight?”, he asked as he handed her the champagne. “I am! I’m loving all of the fashion!”, she responds.
That’s when Sofia and Robin walk over. “I wondered where you wandered off to boo bear! I guess you had to keep Krystal company at some point.”, she said to them. “I mean if you wanted company Krystal; all you had to do was ask me! We could’ve blown this joint and headed back to my room for a little private time.”, he said.
Krystal grimaced at his words and Sam’s jaw clenched. Before Robin could say more; all eyes fell on the Royal couple on the dance floor; in the middle of the ballroom. “Now comes my favorite part of the night! The first dance!”, he said as the crowd clapped.
“Now; normally this dance is only reserved for my wife, The Queen. But with her blessing; I’ll be sharing this dance with another woman.”, he said as he turned towards Krystal and the others.
“Ohhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyy God! I’m so honored your majesty! I will happily dance with you!”, Sofia squealed. Shanelle glared daggers at Sofia. “Ms. Russo although I appreciate your excitement; the woman I’m referring to is Ms. Parker.”, he said as he looked towards Krystal. Who was recovering from nearly choking on her champagne.
“You want to dance with Krystal?! But your majesty; she’s so common! Wouldn’t you rather dance with someone who’s more refined? Like me?”, she said trying to convince King Marquise to reconsider. “This was a personal request from my wife. And what My Queen wants, My Queen gets. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”, he says as he starts walking past her.
Sofia is devastated and Krystal is trying not to faint. As his majesty walked closer; Krystal’s mind raced. “Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod! His majesty is getting closer! And he wants to dance with me! Ohmygod! He wants to dance with me?! He wants to dance with me!”
With a bow; King Marquise took her right hand and asks Krystal, “Ms. Parker will you dance with me?” She was stuck for a moment. But eventually she says, “Absolutely your majesty! I would love to dance with you!”
With a final swig of her drink; she throws her glass at Robin’s chest and takes The King’s arm. For a moment; she forgot Sam even existed as she went to the dance floor. As they got closer to the center of the dance floor; she got a wink and a thumbs up from Shanelle.
And when the music started; off she and King Marquise went. “Your majesty please don’t take what I’m about to say to you wrong but; your wife is certifiably insane!”, she says to him. “Rest assured Ms. Parker; I’m used to my wife’s peculiarities. It’s honor to dance with you.”, he responds to her. She tries her hardest not to blush very hard. As they danced; Sam and Sofia looked on. She was absolutely livid and he was extremely jealous. Shanelle took notice and decided to speak with them.
“Hello you two! I hope you’re enjoying yourselves so far!”, she said to them with warm smile.
“Oh please! You can cut the crap; your majesty! That first dance was supposed to be mine! But instead! It goes to Krystal of all people!”, she sneered at Shanelle. It caused Shanelle’s smile to go from warm to icy. “I’d tread lightly if I were you; Ms. Russo! After all; I’m the one who’s not only wearing a tiara; but I��m also the one who rules a kingdom!”, she snapped back at Sofia.
“Now your majesty; I’m sure my fiancée didn’t mean what she said to you.”, Sam said hoping to quell the rise in voices. “For the sake of you, your company and the deal you brought forth; let’s hope so. Because; only one of us can convince my husband to sign onto your Nightingale Project, and it’s certainly not gonna be her.”, Shanelle said while gesturing to Sofia.
“Now; if you both will excuse me, I have to go rescue Krystal from my husband. Have a good rest of your evening!”, Shanelle says to them before sauntering towards the dance floor. Marquise notices Shanelle approaching and whispers to Krystal, “I believe this is the part where my wife cuts in.”
Krystal replies, “Dang! Just when I starting to have fun! Thank you so much for dancing with me your majesty! You’ve made my entire night! And I do hope you’ll consider agreeing to Dalton Enterprises’ Nightingale Project proposal.”
“I will most certainly consider it, Ms. Parker. After all; you made quite the case for it during our dance. Sam is lucky to have you work for him.”, he replies. “Looks like I’m just in time to rescue you, Krystal!”, Shanelle says.
“Rescue me? Why whatever for?”, she asks Shanelle. “Because; he’ll dance your poor little feet off, if I let him.”, Shanelle replied with a wink.
“Hah! Trust me; I wouldn’t have complained one bit! But in all seriousness; thank you so much Nelle! I don’t think I could’ve asked for a better dance partner.”, she says as King Marquise kisses the back of her right hand. “Don’t mind him! He’s just being a show off now.”, Shanelle said before the two embraced.
Krystal soon left the ballroom; and walked to the terrace to gather her thoughts and get some fresh air. That’s when she was confronted by Sofia. “I bet you’re really happy with yourself right now!”, she sneered.
“What are you talking about?”, she asks Sofia. “I can not believe that you had the audacity to embarrass me!”, she replies with rage in her eyes. Krystal figured out that Sofia was extremely jealous. “Are you seriously standing here; upset over a dance?”, Krystal asks.
“No I’m upset over the dance! I’m upset that ‘the help’ keeps forgetting her place! You are common! And no matter how many times you wear a designer gown; you will STILL ALWAYS BE common! Your job is to watch the boys! That’s it! That’s all! It is NOT to be dancing with his majesty! And it’s certainly not embarrass me! You’re not high society! You’ve never been high society! And you never will be high society!”, Sofia said in a venomous tone.
Just then; Sam joins them. “What’s going on here?”
“Nothing boo bear! I’m just reminding Krystal of her place.”, she says to him sweetly; before turning on her heels and heading back inside. Sam soon turns to Krystal and says, “you do realize that you dancing with his majesty was highly inappropriate; right?”
“What are you talking about?! How was it inappropriate?!”, she asks him clearly confused. “I am in VERY tense negotiations with his majesty, Krystal! Anything could tip the scales both in and out of my favor. You dancing with him If anything; it makes me and my company look desperate and weak!”, he snapped at her.
“Oh my God! You’re just as jealous as she is. Maybe even worse than she is!”, Krystal said to him. He scoffed at her and said, “No I’m not! I’m pissed that everything I have worked towards the last day and a half could all be for nothing because of you!”, he said to her in a raised tone. She was in total shock. “It’s time for the boys to get to bed. Make sure, that they are sleep before I get back to the hotel.”, he tells her; before walking back into the ballroom. She couldn’t believe what just happened. She just got her head bit off and her ass chewed out.
As she entered the ballroom; she went looking for and found the boys sitting at their table. They were indeed sleepy. That’s when the royal couple was joined by Mr. and Mrs. Dalton.
“Esteemed guests! My Queen and I would like to thank each and every one of you; for joining us here tonight! We sincerely appreciate and hope you found our hospitality to your liking. I would also like to take the time to announce that Cordonia; will officially be partnering with Dalton Enterprises on their Nightingale Project! With their company always being at the forefront of innovation; we as a grateful nation, look forward to becoming a technology and innovation hub; for years to come! We will officially be signing the contracts tomorrow after the summit is over. This is all thanks to Ms. Parker. Her engaging conversation during our lovely dance was the tipping point for me.”, King Marquise announces as he shakes Mr. Dalton’s hand.
Sam stood there in a stunned silence. She got him the contract; he’d so desperately wanted and needed. But! He yelled at and was incredibly rude to her thinking she had ruined it all for him. When he looked around for her; she and the boys were gone. They were on their way back to the hotel.
After getting the boys ready for bed; she entered her room; took her shoes off and collapsed onto her bed in a mess of tears. After crying for what seemed like forever; there was a knock at her door. It was Sam.
She just stood there with blood shot eyes staring at him. She didn’t know what to say to him. And he didn’t know where to begin his apology to her.
@txemrn @lucy-268 @choicesficwriterscreations
Stay tuned for Part 4 and the finale!
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multimousenette · 5 years
Thanks to @musicofglassandwords for tagging me!
Rules: answer 12 questions in character as an OC, ask 12 questions, & tag 12 people!
I’ll be answering as Audrey from Finding Aletheia, below the cut.
1. Who do you love most in the world?
My mum, I guess, although I don’t talk to her much anymore. Maybe Pippa - I certainly spend most time with her. I like her a lot.
2. Fight or Flight?
Ha, trick question - both. Fighting while flying. Literally flying, that is. Um, but in the spirit of the question… I’m not averse to fighting when needed but I’d prefer to avoid it when unnecessary, so flight, I guess.
3. Any special abilities that not a lot of people know about?
Well that’d be telling, wouldn’t it? Is extensive knowledge of Greek Lit a special ability? What about acting? Flying and weather manipulation? Oh, I’ve said too much [laughs]
4. Favorite dessert?
Some sort of Eton mess derivative, but I prefer fruit to berries. Maybe mango, kiwi and nectarine?
5. Who’s your best friend?
Pippa. I have a group at school, but I’m not sure they actually like me, and they wouldn’t if they knew me, instead of Audrey, you know? Then again, I’m not sure Pippa actually likes me either. She does a better job of pretending, though.
6. Are you super active or prefer to stay inside?
Depends how anxious I am. When I get stressed I need to be moving and outside has a lot more space for moving. The fresh air helps clear my head as well. But I’m perfectly content to work inside.
7. Do you have any siblings?
God, so many. I’m the youngest of six… yeah. The oldest three are my half siblings, though. I don’t know their dad but I think Robin’s trying to get in touch with him and his husband. They say he’s got three adopted daughters now, but he’s not related to me so they’re not my sisters. [laughs] I guess Robin has eight younger siblings then. That’s… [laughs].
[So who are your other siblings?]
Robin’s the oldest - they’re a nurse. Then Layla, she’s just gone back to work I think, after maternity leave. Her daughter is adorable, I love her. Then Dane… he’s, um, more of a mess than me? He’s at home still, but he’s 27. They all have the same dad, Jamie, I think he’s called. The one with the adopted daughters?
Then my dad has me, Ollie and Cat. Cat’s got an intern at the BBC, she’s a journalist. Ollie’s doing a PhD in classic lit. 
8. Favourite thing to do in your free time?
I love researching things. When I lived in Scotland still, it was classics - mostly Greek, to be fair - but when we moved down here I wanted to know more about the saritos.
Oh, that’s the proper term for the heroes. You know, Aletheia, Napirály? 
[And Sancus?]
Yeah, though… I’ve not quite sorted it out yet but there’s something up about them. Something special, maybe. Different to the rest.
9. What’s a secret that you’ve never told anybody before? 
Well, if I tell you, it’s not a secret anymore, is it? [laughs] No, I’m kidding. How about… I was actually really upset when Ollie told us about his PhD because classic lit was kind of my thing, you know? Like, I know it’s silly but… yeah.
10. How have you changed since you were a child?
Oh I’m… completely different. At school, at least. We moved down from Scotland at the start of my year nine - I wasn’t exactly popular before. Well, people didn’t dislike me, I don’t think, but they didn’t like me much. I was too weird, I guess. Spoke too much about literature and not enough about, well, anything else. [laughs] So I figured I’d change something up in the new school. A girl called Lara ended up showing me around and I worked out how to get in with her group and now I have lots of friends and lots of people don’t like me. It’s a choice, I guess.
[Do you prefer it?]
Not really. Well, kind of. It’s less lonely but also really lonely, you know. And then this summer I met Pippa and… she’s so lovely, but her friends hate me. I guess we’ll see where that goes.
11. What’s one of your pet peeves?
When people make a mess or put things back in the wrong place. God, it makes me… itchy. Gah, I hate it.
12. What’s your biggest dream?
I guess I want to do what Ollie’s doing, but even more, maybe. Like, imagine being the top expert on Ancient Greek Lit, wouldn’t that be cool? And I’d live in an old house, with three cats and a wife and I’d work at the university and she’d… I don’t know. She’d be super clever but in a different field completely. And we’d maybe have one kid, maximum. It would be kind of rural but with enough people to still have friends and… [laughs] Is that what you meant? I’m going straight into full fantasy mode [laughs]. Sorry.
[No, it’s okay! Can you tell us more?]
[shrugs] I bet I’ll never find it and I’ll end up alone - I... I shouldn’t really be saying that. [laughs] I’m all over the place today, sorry.
Tagging: @blueinkblot @radley-writes @rainy-rose @zburatorii @gingerly-writing @wlwwrites @amaranthine-inscriptions @sunrisecitrusuniverse @hypotheticallywriting @moonflower-writing @writingwitherebus @ink-flavored - no obligation, of course!
My questions:
What is/was your favourite subject in school?
What’s your favourite food?
Tell us about your family - do you have any siblings? How old are they?
In a film about your life, who would you get to write, direct, play you, and play your friends?
If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
What’s your biggest regret?
What’s something you did that you don’t regret but know you should?
What do you think of [mc/antagonist]?
If you had a superpower, what would it be?
Do you have a favourite movie/musical/book? What is it and why?
Kiss, Marry, Kill: [three side characters].
You find a genie and get three wishes. What are they?
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