inisyaworld · 4 years
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11 Piece Aluminium Cookware Set - Rose Gold
Enhance your cooking and dining experience with the most popular Insiya Aluminium cookware Range.
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aarogyasutralu-blog · 6 years
మీరు వంటకు ఈ పాత్రలు ఉపయోగిస్తున్నారా? అయితే మీ పని గోవింద!
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Which Cookware to Avoid and What Safter Alternatives you can replace with them. మనం తినే ఆహార పదార్థాల మీద మన ఆరోగ్యం ఆధారపడి ఉంటుంది అన్న విషయం అందరికీ తెలిసిందే. కానీ మనం తినే ఆహార పదార్థాలు మనకి ఔషధంగా మారుతాయా లేదా విషయంగా మారుతాయనేది ఆ ఆహారం వండిన పాత్రల మీద ఆధారపడి ఉంటుంది అంటే నమ్మగలరా? ఇది నిజమే అని ఆధారాలు చూపిస్తున్నారు నిపుణులు. ఈ విషయం గురించి పూర్తి వివరాలు ఇప్పుడు తెలుసుకుందాం. పూర్వపు రోజులలో ఆహారం మట్టిపాత్రలో వండేవారు. దానితో  రుచికి రుచి ఆరోగ్యానికి ఆరోగ్యం ఉండేది. కాలం మారుతున్న సమయంలో అన్నింటిలో  మార్పులు చేసుకున్నాయి. ఈ రోజులలో వంటిల్లు అందరూ ఎక్కువగా అల్యూమినియం పాత్రలు, నాన్స్టిక్ పాత్రలు, సిరామిక్ పాత్రలు  వాడుతున్నారు. ఈ పాత్రలు ఉపయోగించడం వలన కలిగే అనారోగ్యం, ఈ పాత్రల బదులుగా ఎలాంటి పాత్రలు వాడాలో తెలుసుకుందాం. అల్యూమినియం పాత్రలు
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అల్యూమినియం పాత్రలలో వంట చేసుకుని తినడం వలన మనుషులకు దీర్ఘకాలిక ఆరోగ్య సమస్యలతో పాటు ఇంకా చాలా రోగాలు వచ్చే అవకాశం ఉన్నదని కెనడాకు చెందిన ఒక యూనివర్సిటీ వారి పరిశోధనలలో తేలింది. యూనివర్సిటీ వారి అధ్యయనం ప్రకారం అల్యూమినియం పాత్రలలో వండటం వలన పాత్రలు వేడెక్కి  కరిగి ప్రతి వంటతో పాటు మన శరీరంలోకి 1 నుండి 2 గ్రాముల అల్యూమినియం చేరుతుంది. అసిడిక్ పదార్థాలు అయిన నిమ్మకాయ టమాటో లాంటివి  వండితే ఈ శాతం 5 గ్రాముల కు చేరుతుంది. ప్రతి మనిషి రోజుకు 30 నుంచి 50 గ్రాముల అల్యూమినియం తీసుకోవచ్చు, కానీ మనం త్రాగే నీరు మరియు ఇతర పదార్థాల్లో కూడా చాలా అల్యూమినియం ఉంటుంది.  చివరికి వంట గిన్నెలలో ఉండే  అల్యూమినియం కూడా వంటిలోకి చేరడంతో శరీరానికి అవసరమైన దానికన్నా ఎక్కువ శాతం అల్యూమినియం మన శరీరంలోకి చేరి చాలా రోగాలకు పరోక్షకారకంగా  తయారు అవుతుంది. అల్యూమినియం ఎక్కువ తీసుకోవడం వలన శరీరం బరువు పెరుగుతుంది. ఎముకలు బలహీన పడి కీళ్ళ నొప్పులు వస్తాయి. మెదడుకు సంబంధించిన వ్యాధులతో పాటు అల్జీమర్స్ వ్యాధి వచ్చే అవకాశం ఉంది. ఈ పాత్రకు బదులుగా స్టీల్ పాత్రలు వాడొచ్చు. స్టీల్ పాత్రలలో ఆహరం  ఆహారం అడుగు మాడకుండా ఉండటానికి అల్ట్రా స్టెయిన్లెస్ స్టీల్, నాన్ స్టిక్ స్టీల్  లాంటివి చూసి ఎంచుకోవాలి. నాన్స్టిక్ పాత్రలు Teflon Cookware.
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ప్రస్తుత కాలంలో నాన్స్టిక్ పాత్రలు వాడకం బాగా పెరిగిపోయింది. కానీ  అవి ఎంత హానికరమో తెలిస్తే వాటిని అస్సలు వాడరు. ఈ టెఫ్లాన్ వంట సామాన్లు TPFE Polytetrafluroethylene యొక్క పూతతో లభిస్తాయి. ఇది ప్లాస్టిక్ పాలిమర్  572 డిగ్రీల Fahrenheit మీద వేడి చేసినప్పుడు విషాన్ని విడుదల చేయడము మొదలవుతుంది. ఈ విషపూరిత వాయువులు ఊపిరితిత్తుల మీద ప్రభావం చూపిస్తాయి. జ్వరం ఫ్లూ వంటి లక్షణాలకు దారితీస్తుంది.  Teflon Cookware లో కనిపించే మరో రసాయనిక సమ్మేళనం PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic Acid) ఇది  చాలా కాలం పాటు శరీరంలో అలాగే వాతావరణంలో ఉంటుంది. రీసెంట్ గా జరిగిన పరిశోధనలలో తేలింది ఏమిటంటే ఇలాంటి పదార్థాల వలన బ్రెస్ట్ , ప్రోస్టేట్, ఒవరియన్  లాంటి అనేక రకాల క్యాన్సర్ వస్తున్నాయని కనుగొన్నారు. వీటి బదులుగా ఇనుము పాత్రలను, క్యాస్ట్ ఐరన్ పాత్రలను  ట్రై చేయండి. ఇవి నాన్ స్టిక్ లో కూడా అందుబాటులో ఉన్నాయి. ఇది ఎలాంటి హానికర పదార్థాలను విడుదల చేయవు. శరీరానికి కావాల్సిన ఐరన్ అందుతుంది. హిమోగ్లోబిన్ పెరుగుతుంది. రాగి పాత్రలు
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కొంతమంది రాగి పాత్రలలో ఆహార పదార్థాలు వండటానికి ఉపయోగిస్తారు. రాగి పాత్రలు వండిన ఆహారం విషంతో సమానం. రాగి మన శరీరానికి చాలా కొంచెం అవసరం. అది ఎక్కువైతే చాలా ప్రమాదకరం. నిమ్మకాయ టమాటో లాంటి సిట్రిక్ యాసిడ్ కనుక రాగి పాత్రలలో వండి వాటిని తినడం వల్ల  blood  vomiting, light headedness, yellowy skin మరియు Gastronictestinal disstress ఇంకా ఎన్నో రకాల రోగాలకు అది దారి తీస్తుంది. సెరమిక్ పూత ఉన్న పాత్రలు.
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సెరమిక్ పూటలో లెడ్ మరియు కాడ్మియం ఉంటాయి. ఈ పాత్రలు వాడేకొద్దీ లెడ్ మరియు కాడ్మియం ఆహారంలో  కలవడం ఆరంభిస్తాయి. వాటి వలన  పొత్తి కడుపునొప్పి, తలనొప్పి మరియు ఇతర ఆరోగ్య సమస్యలకు దారితీస్తాయి. 100% సెరమిక్ గల పాత్రలను వాడొచ్చు కానీ అవి కొంచెం ఎక్కువ ధర  కలిగి ఉంటాయి. దీన్ని  బట్టి మీ కుటుంబం ఆరోగ్యం మీరు ఉపయోగించే పాత్రలు మీద కూడా ఆధారపడి ఉంటుంది అని తెలుస్తుంది. అల్యూమినియం, రాగి,  టెఫ్లాన్ నాన్ స్టిక్, సెరమిక్ వంటి పాత్రలకు బదులుగా స్టీల్, గ్లాస్, ఇనుప పాత్రలను ఉపయోగించండి.  వీటి వాడకం మన ఆధునిక జీవితానికి సరిగ్గా సరిపోతాయి. మట్టి పాత్రలుగనుక  ఉపయోగిస్తే అంతకు మించిన ఔషద ఆహారం మీ కుటుంబానికి మరొకటి ఉండదు. Read the full article
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bestechcookware1 · 3 years
Bestech Cookware has been in the cookware industry since 2011, and we've manufactured a wide range of premium quality pressure cookers and cookware products in both aluminium and stainless steel since then. Our goal is for our clients to be able to 'Cook with the Best,' which is why we are constantly aiming to develop additional sectors to expand our product range, backed up by the most cutting-edge technological breakthroughs.
To buy the best quality cookware, visit - https://www.bestechcookware.com/
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travelbangla24 · 6 years
আপনার ব্যবসা প্রসারের জন্য আপনার পণ্য ও প্রতিষ্ঠানের বিজ্ঞাপনের জন্য আমাদের ফেসবুক পেইজ এ ইনবক্স করেন http://bit.ly/2BDyYaC Email : [email protected] বিজ্ঞাপন দেওয়ার জন্য ফোন করুন 01680757100 ( সকাল ১১ টা থেকে রাত ৮ টা এর মধ্যে ) #AluminiumCookware #দিল্লিএ্যালুমিনিয়াম #BanijjoMela ✚ Social Media ✚ http://bit.ly/2A4yaxh https://twitter.com/TravelBangla24 http://bit.ly/2zGWYdZ http://bit.ly/2A265q4 http://stumble.it/2zGgsPQ http://bit.ly/2A37vkg http://bit.ly/2zGWYL1 If You Like My Videos Please Subscribe To "Travel Bangla 24". http://bit.ly/2hQdBZN ❤ LIKE ♠ SHARE ♠ SUBSCRIBE
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inisyaworld · 4 years
The advantages of owning Aluminium cookware
One should know a little bit about aluminium before purchasing aluminium cookware. It is the third most abundant element in the Earth’s crust after oxygen and silicon, aluminium is used in the aerospace, transportation and building industries. From its entry into mainstream use, it was both desired and celebrated for its low density and ability to resist corrosion, and by the mid-20th century, it became essential ingredient in house wares. 
Here are 10 reasons to love and Buy online Aluminium cookware:
Ø  Is lightweight
Ø  Cools quickly
Ø  Can be used on the stovetop and in the oven
Ø  Can be washed in the dishwasher and soaked in the sink
Ø  Is superior to stainless steel in heat conduction
Ø  Resists scratching
Ø  Is durable
Ø  Won’t rust
Ø  Releases food easily
Ø  Is ideal for low and moderate heat applications
Is it logical to get Aluminium Cookware?
Aluminium utensils are extremely popular, and there are many logical explanations for this. It is inexpensive, quite light, in most cases has a fairly nice design; it is very convenient to store and wash. Aluminium conducts heat well, and if the aluminium dishes are of high quality, the dishes in it are very tasty.
However, there is a minus: the debate about the possible harmfulness of aluminium has not stopped so far, scientists have still not reached a consensus, and there is no comprehensive answer to the question of the safety of aluminium as a material for the production of cookware. But it has been used for ages and has proven to be great. You can buy online Aluminium cookware.
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Myths about Aluminium Cookware
Aluminium utensils are unconditionally unhealthy—No, it is not like that at all. Damage to aluminium cookware currently produced by major cookware manufacturers which you can Buy online Aluminium cookware, has not been proven at all and has no scientific basis. Of course, it's better not to cook in pure aluminium cookware: but you probably won't get it, as there is a special oxide layer on the surface of the aluminium cookware that literally "prevents" it from getting directly into the material.
v  In aluminium, the dishes cannot be stored—No, such food is not dangerous, but if you keep food in the refrigerator in an aluminium dish for long time, its taste will most likely change for the worse. Therefore, after cooking, it is better to move the food in ceramics or glass.
v  Aluminium vessels are not subject to corrosion—and that's the truth. Aluminium utensils don't really rust, and that's another plus in her piggy bank.
v  Aluminium cookware is too delicate—it cannot be called fragile in the classical sense of the word; it is rather flexible. Therefore, when choosing aluminium dishes which you can Buy online Aluminium cookware, pay attention to the thickness of the bottom and sides: the thicker, the more durable such dishes will be.
To clean aluminium cookware which you can buy online Aluminium cookware should use the most delicate, gentle agents. Wash it immediately after use; do not accumulate dishes in the sink. It is better to choose aluminium dishes, which are additionally covered with protective or non-stick coatings.
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inisyaworld · 4 years
The many benefits of buying aluminium cookware online
Cookware is very important a special you are someone who spend a lot of time in the kitchen. If you are invest in proper quick where it makes your cooking experience much move visual and better. This is why it is very important to invest in proper cooking utensils.
But when you are investing in cookware you should be careful about what the metal that you will be using is and how you can properly invest in the cookware. In order to understand this you must read through the various metals that are good for cooking.
Benefits of using Aluminium cookware are:
·         One of the best effects of using aluminium is that it is a great conductor of heat and it conducts heat much faster than iron or steel. The high conductivity of the metal makes it an ideal cookware material. The pans and pots made of aluminium heat up much faster than those made of iron.
·         It does not even require very high heat settings in order to heat up evenly. So it is very beneficial as it helps on saving money from electricity hence you can buy online aluminium cookware for your kitchen
·         They also cool down as fast as they heat up. This also helps to cost cooling down is much easier with this type of material.
·         So if you leave the cook where while you are eating your meal and time when your back it has already cool down so you can just wash it away then and there instead of waiting for too long.
·         If you compare the weight of the metal than aluminium is quite lightweight in comparison and that makes it easier for manufacturers to make the cookware.
·         Since it weighs less it also has less shipping costs and also uses less fuel to come to the consumer.
·         But just because it is lightweight does not mean that it is a weak metal. Aluminium is really durable and strong and your aluminium cookware can last you for a long time with some proper care. So you should buy online aluminium cookware if you want
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·         In order to ensure proper care you should not turn the burner off the stove top above the medium heat because too much of high temperature can destroy the cookware.
·         Another great benefit as to why you should buy online aluminium cookware is that the cookware is made from non toxic material which means that it protects the baking pans and there is a very little risk of toxicity from aluminium as suggested by the World Health Organization itself.
·         As aluminium is found even in baking powder food additives and also processed flour we can actually in just small amounts of it without being worried for it affecting our health.
·         Also is extremely easy to clean and it cools down quickly and it is a great conductor so it cools down easily. And once it is cool you can just use warm water and hand wash and clean it in a proper manner. Hence you can buy online aluminium cookware if you want
If you are looking for buying aluminium cookware then you can buy online aluminium cookware as it is much easier and you do not have to spend time in actually going to the place and purchasing so you can just purchase it through the options that you have.
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inisyaworld · 4 years
What are the trendiest kitchen appliances right now?
People are now done with the old kind of cooking ware. They want new modern and trendy things, which are cost efficient, energy efficient and makes the kitchen look classy and alive. These appliances are now available all over the world — USA, Australia, Dubai etc. What is the purpose of cooking food if you are not doing it right? And the major step after cooking is cleaning. Appliances which help you on a daily basis
A blender with many attachments—Thanks to its high-quality and powerful motor, a good blender can handle everything from making delicious cocktails to mixing ice into smoothies and even grinding peanut butter or grains. Some blenders offer a "wet" jar and a "dry" jar with different blades for each purpose, while others use the same blender for everything. Whatever you combine, it is definitely one of the essential kitchen appliances which you can Buy kitchen Appliances in Dubai in the modern lifestyle.
Let’s go over the pot, the multi-functional cooker is the latest kitchen appliance in the scene, which you can Buy kitchen Appliances in Dubai. This versatile device can steaming or slow cooking and can usually be synced with your phone: now you are in control of your dinner, no matter where in the house or in the courtyard you are
Coffee machine
Whether you drink endless cups of coffee every day or just like to enjoy one ritual cup, there's nothing better than waking up in the morning and smelling your already brewed coffee. Thanks to a programmable coffee machine, this can be the case. Tell your device how many cups to make, how strong and at what time, then soak up the magic of the cup without putting a slippery foot on the outside of your home. You can buy kitchen Appliances in Dubai, so don't wait.
Convection toaster
Sometimes you want to preheat a slice of pizza but don't want to preheat the entire oven. Enter: convection oven. You can still make high-quality toast or crispy waffles and can buy kitchen Appliances in Dubai. You can also bake cookies, pizzas, and cakes. In addition, it provides extra cooking space when preparing large meals!
Appliances which help in cleaning
Modern dishwashers are much more efficient than your old one. No more pre-washing dishes or hand washing pots and pans: You can buy kitchen Appliances in Dubai which are very efficient, extremely quiet and have "sensor" cycles that determine how best to wash whatever you load into the dishwasher.
The food waste disposer
It is an electronic device adopted as a cleaning and convenience tool in many countries around the world. Food waste disposal equipment grinds household food waste into tiny pieces that will not clog in municipal sewers. The food waste container installed under the sink is a convenient gadget for removing food leftovers without having to throw them into the trash. Anyone who has ever had a food waste bin in their kitchen will also tell you that it saves a lot of time cleaning up after meals. No unpleasant odor; Many homeowners like to have a food waste disposal device; increases their comfort, while allowing them to spend less time cleaning the kitchen. Tossing leftover food directly into the sink instead of the trash can eliminates the risk of rotting food and thus all kinds of bad smells, you can easily Buy kitchen Appliances in Dubai like this to make your kitchen better.
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inisyaworld · 4 years
Appliances you must purchase when you buy kitchen appliances in Dubai.
Kitchen appliances are very important because they help us in easing our work in the kitchen. Sometimes we are in living a small family and only one person is handling the kitchen so it is really difficult to manage everything manually. It is during this time that kitchen appliances help us a lot.
There are certain appliances that we definitely need in order to ease our work in the kitchen and for that we must know what are the important appliances that we should have food stop in order to analyse that we need to make a list of all the important kitchen appliances and invest in it.
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Some must have kitchen appliances:
·         Mixers are extremely useful because they can be used to make some cookie doors spice cakes and so much they help in saving the elbow grease and also a lot of time which may have been required in order to mix things if they were to be done manually. Hence it is important to invest in a mixer when you buy kitchen appliances in Dubai.
·         For every coffee and tea lever electric cattle is extremely important because it boils out water without using any store and according to your convenience it can also be used to boil pasta in a quick manner and it is super compact so if you have a small kitchen then it is extremely beneficial for you.
·         Also very important is a toaster over because it gives two benefits in one and it makes baking bowling into string much easy with one appliance. You can use it for more than one purpose.
·         If you're really serious about your culinary skills and you must have an electric scale at your disposal. This really helps you in measuring the right amount of ingredients for all the dishes that you are preparing. Scales are also very helpful for planning big meals and rationing out potions in the starting of the week.
·         If you are somebody who likes slow cooked meals or rice thing you should definitely get a pressure cooker for yourself as this device can easily act on well for slow cookers or even rice cookers. It can also be used to bake to a certain extent which is what you should consider when you buy kitchen appliances in Dubai.
·         Food processor is really helpful if you are someone with making homemade solids or spreads. You can also make delicious soups and to add value to your meals. It is also great for grinding meat and also making some tasty hummus so you should keep this in mind when you buy kitchen appliances in Dubai.
·         If you are looking to buy kitchen appliances in Dubai juicer is also very important if you are someone who likes to make fresh homemade juice. Juices actually really help me and if you want to make some fresh lemon or lime juice you can use in another recipes.
·         If you are someone who loves Waffles for breakfast of even for supper then you should definitely invest in a waffle maker because it just makes your life so much easier and helps you get some delicious waffles or even makeshift sandwiches.
If you are someone who is really into kitchen appliances then you can buy kitchen appliances in Dubai and invest in the right pieces so that you can make your kitchen experience much more fun and easy.
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bestechcookware1 · 3 years
Bestech Cookware has been in the cookware industry since 2011, and we've manufactured a wide range of premium quality pressure cookers and cookware products in both aluminium and stainless steel since then. Our goal is for our clients to be able to 'Cook with the Best,' which is why we are constantly aiming to develop additional sectors to expand our product range, backed up by the most cutting-edge technological breakthroughs.
To buy the best quality cookware, visit - https://www.bestechcookware.com/
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travelbangla24 · 6 years
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