#always messing with tess xD
emmatriarchy · 4 months
“Of course I worry about you! You’re important to me.” [Gabby]
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"I guess we're kinda family too? I mean, you have a thing for Morph, who's got something with Logan, and I was cloned from his clone... so does that make you..." Gabby starts using her fingers to draw an imaginary family tree in the air as she speaks. "My step-step-grandma?" she adds mischievously.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
5x5 probable cause
plot heavy one, idk if I want to watch it rn. Maybe I'll use the extra 20 minutes I won, even tho the dvd set is due soon.
(also just remembered a song: hey dom hey what show me how you buffalo I'll show you how I buffalo with my hands up high & my feet down low, this is how I buffalo buff-alo bu buff-alo, buff-alo, buf buff alo hey next person)
Ok so I did indeed spend some of my minutes reading a fic idea to my brother for his opinion bc he's smart but he gave no thoughts.
Why wouldn't tess pick up the mail? She's dead that's why Oh no blood oh it's still dripping Oh yo that is gross af
lmao castle comes out with a sword Oh yeah. College. Laundry. Oh yeah. College. Visiting home & eating food. RC: what abt your laundry? My lil bro: What about your lung water? love how the guitar sound plays while he toys with the orange juice
Lanie won't sleep for weeks? doctor parish? who works with the dead? who has been to countless murder scenes? probs more than a hundred even Would you need a second person to help you put up the body
it WAS the roommate!
Why is ryan standing facing more to castle than the murder board? ig bc castle is speaking but... Make a copy of the symbol & run it through the internet
saturday, what day is it today? I like how the body is not super fresh like it usually is drugged? yep I was right!
ryan's outfit ooh so so nice. It is nicely woven & I might grab a pic. surgically wiped?
RC: Jewelry. I never would've thought of that. [for the crime finger prints] KB: I guess I'll have to remind you when my birthday's coming up. [telling rick to think of that in a different context] Esposito looks nice & all but he is just wearing a tshirt
Yeah, ok, tons of ppl forget to wipe their fingerprints off the outside of the apartment they just murdered in.
Lol he IS in the system, he has been arrested too much
Interesting editing & stuff. v nice. oh right, dun dun dun it's castle & all that csu got them first? I mean good... they always mess up the crime scenes
I had smth to say but forgot it bc I am not pausing the ep as much as I have in the past. espt has his gun
Not that you KNOW of first name? JE: Contaminated crime scene is not a joke. I'll square this away with CSU. You watch your hands next time, okay?
Looks enough like Someone We Know... Ok but isn't the juvvie file sealed until they actually commit a crime as an adult? This guy has not been proven to have done any crimes yet
Hm. Man has curlier hair than I expected. friday morning, friday evening... Hm I like his shirt. Kind of pink but faint squares patterned on it.
True, he would probably not be flustered
Ah good, they have a diagram of the sigil thing
KB: A diamond earring? KR: We found it in the couch. CSU couldn't pull a print off it, but you see the design? That's custom - Erica Courtney. JE: And you know this how? KR: I recognized it from when Jenny and I went ring shopping. [Esposito gives Ryan a teasingly dubious look.] KR: Anyway,
Looks like Someone We Know you can't see the hair colour there bro. Also othe nose is too long
first names & stuff.
*closes the door after becks leaves but before espt can, right in front of his face* Javi, there's something you need to know
Cut to the shock at finding out abt their relationship He looks ahocked af lmao Normally I'd be happy for them! Also neat to see his financials. Mostly car & cab stuff. A radio donation tho which sounds fun. So many first names this episode
Did I throw a party & forget again? XD At least he is seeing the warrant The way he waited for her to say who bought it for her implies he didn't know LT holding him back THE MUSIC WHEN HER EYES GO TO HIM DANG
If the killer was THAT meticulous, then he would not have left evidence like that in his own apartment
Find evidence. That is your job
When you look through castle's phone records we know well you only learned of it this day my dude reminds me of the "we're detectives" 'called your dad' scene
Yeah. Gates is probs the best for this interrogation His scalp moved lol RC: I'm flattered but it wasn't me! castle it is not best to point fingers away from yourself for the sake of getting them away from you. I mean it is, it is important that they investigate all avenues, but still. How does a burner cell send a messag efrom tess's phone? Paid companion is a nice way to put it
Girl you can check his word count, teachers use that technology to check how students are doing tests. It shows when the changed were made.
love martha's gloves the music is great saying "nobody could have gotten in" is not helpful
Remember back in like s2 or smth when becks said "don't worry castle I'd break you out" it was the galaxy of greg episode, the prison break episode yeah 3x5
the same way as tessa's? But the affair? Seriously? That was included in the details? Oof the music
sitting on the floor hhhh crying hhhhhhhhhhhh maybe he was already writing the dry run & killed her in strangling passion & then he used the written murder (which he as not planning on committing) to hide it & deleted the file to hide that fact
like a little boy so scared sdjdskhfjsh sad sad sad "fun?"
Oooh nice angle babes!
FREAKIN J ROOK? I DID NOT GET A CHANCE TO SEE THAT THE FIRST TIME HOLY CROWS 3XK??? but i don't think human noses can tho... do you legit prefer to go by 3xk? not the triple killer not jerry tyson not any other names you had? (btw, marcus gates killed two women & attempted killing another, NOT jerry tyson. I don't think we have actually seen 3xk kill anyone on the show yet. (I noticed that she was strangled with a scarf or rope when dr parish mentioned it earlier this episode but I didn't want to spoil it)
Yeah he really is thorough isn't he He's right, I did think that while he strangled her she is not blonde. Yeah was the writing style castle's? He already said that he prefers 3xk, ricky four years in prison. He was going to pin it on marcus gates, give his brother the surgery, & marcus would go to prison & then he could go killing again. That was his vanishing act. I thought u said u could smell fear not taste it I can see that. Destroy.. ..you,, better than kill not the daughter, not the making love, this is freaking horrifying, & I kind of love it lies of a desperate man, esp one who writes fiction Wait so you WILL kill him? or get him killed? Look into the guys he hired then! Look into the hitmen! lil bro: Scratch him! Get his DNA under your nails!
I wonder how ryan is reacting to this. castle's blue eyes are colourless in this lighting, I love it.
3xk targeted women to kill, he is not killing castle tho Ooh I always like ryan's square patterned shirts
"not at this time" is a great response
Been to central as a cop or as a prisoner esposito? & I like beckett's turtleneck too
I think Dever's acting is the only thing here,
who the heck is "jav"? That's like if a "P.J." was to go by "Peej" or "P" when PJ is already a nickname for peter jacob or paul james or whatever. lil bro: jav you found any evidence yet?
Oh wait... she is not thinking of holding's security for keeping him, she is thinking of it for breaking him out!! WHO got out of holding? Tyson? No, when? Wasn't it the CIA guy who also took a body? gates was like "how did he walk out the front door?" When was tyson ever in holding? He appeared in 3x6, then his gun in 4x14, & now in 5x5, but he was never in holding. 4x15 pandora thomas gage left holding. OH WAIT TYSON DID IT NOW, TODAY I love him too <3 <3 <3
castle still making jokes That flashback <3 Velasquez & LT! We know both their names! Oof he's just walking thry there, everyone sees him, look at that, also look at those boobs on that man. OH NO WHO TOOK HIM!?!?!?
OH NO 3XK KILLED HIM He IS well connected, he is well connected, has resources, & knows procedure, you're correct So what's our next *turns & becks is gone* ...Move?
Like ryan pretending to be a kid in the library in kick the ballistics man still needs to change his look the less you know DEFINITELY the better
Right! He really is the son of a broadway star
Wow lol weirdos there
wow it IS richard castle See? I said the nose is not right
I have not paused enough & I keep not writing things down but I am running out of my allotted time. Anyway I remember what I forgot: ryan doesn't get a lot of screen time, he is wading thru paperwork, he is messed up with this case, he is hurt & angry & doing everything he can to help castle & get 3xk.
looks "a bit" like the show's producer? yeah no
becks maybe don't reveal that you're with a fugitive...
lmao french serial killer Most ppl don't use initials. Calls them "kev" & "espo" & a little earlier "jav" <3
It is not going to be a person it will be a rotating fan or smth wearing their vests but not castle lol remember when ben conrad who wasn't ben conrad shot someone & then disappeared into the closet or smth? What if 3xk did that & he's still here?
Why is castle still here?
He should become a murder mystery writer then, if he likes the pageantry of killing but death only takes a moment.
VG: For this, at least. There's still the matter of your escape from custody. I like gates' looks right now. rly pretty, nice hair, nice red coat girl he escaped before, I'm sure he can do it again.
This is NOT just a place for a stationary conversation for the point of an interesting director's/writer's choice
running em off the bridge? Haven't we seen that already?
He fell back & she kept shooting, which, good, double tap, but she has decently good aim Is that blood on his face? WHERE did he throw away the gun? don't telegraph your location idiot
that is a lot of bubbling water
just like james gillies. He is NOT that careless you are correct. But then why was he meticulous enough in other places? Because either way he would win? either castle dies & beckett lives knowing he was innocent, or castle escapes but 3xk fakes his death?
Just like derrick storm! It has to be public & it has to be final
For now
Ooh interesting outro music! I freaking love it! I should grab my fiddle! Holy moly! They wree right when they wrote this, it can be groovy spy music, it can be sexy 40s music, it can be silly little silly guy music, it can be tragic romantic music... It is a good little riff
Ok now that was incredible. I also wish we got more ryan time in this ep but they couldn't include it bc if they did they would have to include more of him to explain & resolve it. Or you know, maybe I'll be forced to write an episode tag fanfic.
I got off at 15.30, perfect timing!
but now I've spent a whole hour working on a fanfic with my little bro. a casefic dw.
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seirei-bh · 3 years
Characters descriptions in Jak 3 official guide are pure gold. Especially details like their hobbies
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Daxter please, lmao
I don't consider all this info as 100% reliable because it seems all the descriptions are written by Daxter's pov, and not only in his comments below every description. But there are some details that I interesting.
For example, like Torn liking drinking. I remember I read a theory years ago about a fan that said Torn probably used to drink to forget his tension and past traumas in the KG because the secret base of the Underground and he had a shelf full of drink bottles and there was always a bottle of liquor on Torn's desk. Now, reading this description that theory seems even more plausible.
Also... we got an explanation about why he has that voice LOL
About other characters, I remember Pecked did a comment about how beautiful was Damas's hair. I thought it was just a random comment for a humourist scene, but it seems Damas was indeed very fashionist with his hairstyle XD
Kleiver worked for Krew too! Not only Sig. It's curious because I don't remember any sentence in Jak 3 that mentions that Kleiver worked for him. But I guess it have sense since Kleiver was a contrabandist and Krew said in plural wastelanders worked for him
For some reason I don't understand Seems's description uses "she/her" instead "he/him" despite of Daxter mentioned he was a Monk Boy in Jak 3 and he had a male voice in spanish, french and german and used he/him in those languages. Maybe it was just a mistake. (Personally I think Seem is agender though, but that's my headcanon)
I love so much that Tess hobbies are design guns and matching her nail polish. Tess always being badass and fashion at the same time. I can picture her killing a bunch of metalheads and just after that paiting her nails and lips
Ashelin likes shopping bras. I didn't know she likes go shopping too or doing fashion stuff in general. Great, now why am I picturing Ashelin, Tess and Damas going to the same beauty spa?
They're the fashionist club, don't mess with them.
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deceptacon-tigre · 3 years
Hi! What do you think we can spect for Shess in the next ep? Did you think they're going to do it in next or that moment will come in the last ep of the season? Did you think the writers will introduce more conflic betwen them before the season ends? And what was until now your favourite scene/moment of this season? Mine the kiss on the rain...of course🙇💘 so many questions 🙇
Hey there :)
Thanks for the ask I love discussing the show 💜
Honestly I'm not sure what to expect with Shess. I think they're adorable and I really hope they get together for real but there's some baggage there with these two. In season 1, Lena cheated on Tess with Shane and that caused Tess to relapse and start drinking again, so even if they grew closer in a very organic way now in season 2, that's some heavy shit to overcome :/ And just on ep 6 when they have that fight on karaoke night, it seems like Tess still feels hurt about that and you add to that the Cherie Jaffe situation, you can see why Tess is so hesitant with Shane even if her feelings seem sincere.
I don't doubt the writers introducing new conflict between Shane and Tess before the end of the season because it's the l word and they never let their couples stay happy and together for more than a couple episodes 😂 (there's always drama). But idk I feel like for now there's enough conflict between these two, id like to see them working on it and being in a committed relationship. Which is also kind of a surprise because it's Shane, she has always struggled with staying in committed monogamous relationships (it actually seemed like her relationship with Quiara was open and it's why it worked). So I don't know. Will Shane be able to be faithful and committed to Tess? Will they have an open relationship? Is Tess even monogamous? I'm waiting to find out lol
On Shess doing the devils tango xD I think it'll happen soon. I can see them hooking up in the next episode or so. The tricky part with them will be the relationship. How are they gonna work it out. Will Tess be able to fully overcome the hurt that Shane has caused her when they first met? Will Shane be able to be faithful and loyal to Tess? I really wanna know. But what makes me excited about this couple is how much softer and kinder Shane seems around Tess. Actually my favorite moment with these two was that soft confession at Tess' front porch, Shane's super soft "I care about you Tess" with those puppy dog eyes absolutely killed me (the kiss in the rain is a close runner up tho lol)
I'm really looking forward to see what's gonna come out of this relationship. I'm pretty confident that they're endgame tbh, but i think it'd be cool to maybe bring back Carmen when Shess is already stablished as a couple just to cause some drama and really prove how committed Shane is to Tess (it would actually mirror that season 3 moment when Shane and Carmen are in a really good place in their relationship and then Cherie Jaffe comes back and messes up everything). Because if the show brings back Carmen and Shane doesn't falter in her relationship with Tess it'd be great proof of character development for Shane and of her love for Tess. I think it'd be really cool if that happened, if they could get Sarah Shahi to come back.
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silyabeeodess · 4 years
Going to take a moment to brag about a Webtoon comic that I’ve been reading lately called “The Remarried Empress.”  Honestly, drama isn’t one of my favorite genres, but this story does so many nice things that make it an enjoyable read through-and-through. 
First off is the name alone and opening chapter, which gives you the major spoiler that Empress Navier remarries immediately after her husband, Emperor Sovieshu, divorces her for his mistress, Rashta. I feel beginning the story in this way is pivotal to how successful it is, because we’re then brought back in time to the events leading up to said point--which include numerous struggles and emotional hardships for our heroine.  When it comes to these types of stories, where the main character is basically unfairly treated like someone’s punching bag, it’s very easily to get frustrated on their behalf.  Take, “Rising of the Shield Hero” for instance, where Naofumi is forced to clean up the messes of the other heroes and in return gets blamed for crimes he didn’t commit.  Another example is “Tess of the d’Urbervilles,” in which Tess is forced to face society’s harsh judgement and support her awful parents at the cost of her own happiness.  While the reader does garner a lot of sympathy for the main character, that sympathy can easily turn into a heated anger for the string of unjustices playing out in the story--with both a hope and uncertainty if there will even be a pay-off for it all.  This opening reassures the reader that, yes, everything will turn out alright in the end, instead replacing those feelings for a giddy anticipation of sweet, sweet karma. 
Spiraling off that point, this also plays a little into Navier’s character as well.  She doesn’t know what we, the audience, does; however, she’s a very strong and witty person who navigates herself through the worst of situations with a poker face that would be the envy of any gambler.   Yes, she suffers, but she always does whatever she can to rise out of the problem she’s in in the moment.  As much as we sympathize with her, we don’t have to mourn with her, because we know she can pick herself up again just fine. Therefore, it’s very easy to root for her as a kind of champion.  It makes following her story very calming and refreshing as opposed to the tale of the typical underdog.
Rashta’s character also has its own flavor to it.  A sad thing about a lot of modern day villains is that they often get split into two categories: Those who are rotten to the core and those who are merely misunderstood/need redemption.  Neither is necessarily bad: It’s moreso the collective whole of villains we see that make the lot of them stale, tiring, and even unbelievable. Rashta finds a nice balance between the two.  Without giving anything away, her backstory is sad.  We understand that she’s also suffered and is looking for her own happiness.  It’s difficult for her to trust others and she feels very alone, like she could be thrown away at any moment.  However, she clearly enjoys stepping on other people--even those who don’t have anything to do with her current situation.  She expects that other people sympathize with her even as she antagonizes them, such as Navier--the woman who’s husband she’s sleeping with.  The slightest, verbal slap-back can make her burst into tears, and she’ll manipulate others not just for her benefit, but also purely for her entertainment--even when the suffering she causes has grave consequences for those individuals. Yes, she has been a victim in the past, but it’s a role she refuses to let go of even when things are going well for her.  Yes, we understand Rashta, but her actions make it impossible to feel sorry for her.
While the main conflict is between Navier and Rashta as of the current update to the comic when writing this, don’t think they left a certain insect out of the mix! I’m glad that this story doesn’t just focus on two women fighting over a truly worthless guy as other stories have.  A homewrecker is terrible, but it takes two to tango and Sovieshu plays the role of crappy husband perfectly. While it’s addressed that he clearly still “loves” Navier in later chapters, it’s really just an ideal image of her rather than her herself that he projects onto Rashta--and he constantly gaslights/blames Navier for any fault that occurs on his or Rashta’s behalf.  He thinks he’s perfect, and wants both Navier and Rashta to follow his “perfect” vision of a single person without paying attention to his own faults. His “love” has turned to possession, and it will be a beautiful day when he wakes up and realizes he’s well past the point of being able to fix his mistakes.
As for Prince Heinrey, the last of our four main characters, I don’t know how much I can say as of right now since I’m also reading the Webnovel, which is much further ahead in the story than the comic.  Therefore, I won’t go into too many details.  I’ll just say that I do think he is an ideal guy for Navier to turn to, and while the audience can root for the both of them, there’s something a little uncomfortable about it that can tickle the back of the mind.  Don’t get me wrong, Heinrey truly loves Navier and comes across as a real prince charming, but the mystery element of a potential conflict between his kingdom and Sovieshu’s/Navier’s makes me wonder if any feelings she has for him will immediately fade due to the danger he poses to her people--even after the remarriage.  It’s easy to feel bad for Heinrey too since Navier is just coming off her bad relationship with Sovieshu while he’s already head over heels for her.  
That being said, it adds an extra element of suspense that might’ve otherwise been quashed by the opening’s reveal.  As much as I praised it, there would be a concern of just giving away the ending of the story like that--but that’s the gem: It’s not the end, it’s the end of an act/arc.  There’s so much more to “The Remarried Empress” that we’re only just being given spoonfuls of at a time, and with the focus being on the build-up to the divorce, I get a feeling it may lead to a blindsiding reveal in the future. 
Lastly, while this doesn’t have anything to do with the story itself, I have to say that reading the comments of it on Webtoons or posts about it on sites like this are just as entertaining.  Everyone’s so sassy that I think the fanbase just keeps riling itself up behind these characters as much as the plot itself.  I think if something big did happen in the story, I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone forgot for just a moment that it was fiction and rallied behind Navier all while screaming, “For our beloved queen, we ride at dawn!” because we’d just all be so swept away in our own energy. XD I don’t condone mob mentality, but this is one thing I could get behind.            
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jade-island-lives · 7 years
Get To Know the Writer!
Tagged by: @writerintraining-us Thanks!~
Rules: Always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, write 10 questions of your own, tag 10 people. 
1. Where did the title(s) of your latest project(s) come from?
Song of the Waves came from my own experience of listening to the ocean waves while listening to this song:
From there, everything sort of clicked
2. Do you have any rhyme or reason behind your character names?
Delilah: It’s one of my favorite names, and if I were to have a daughter, she would be named Delilah.
Merlin: Was inspired by a famous wizard in Harry Potter.
Pepper: Inspired by Pepper Potts in Iron Man. Plus, pepper is my favorite seasoning.
Ebony: Inspired from My Immortal...don’t ask XD
Lois: Was thinking of Lois Griffin from Family Guy...don’t ask XD
Umi: Way back in 2011, she was the main character, and I was a total weaboo back then, so I chose a Japanese name. I never bothered to change her name, I only demoted it to a nickname and made up the name Umira so she sounded more regal
Coral, Shell, Pearly, Soot, Lavastone, all things I found in my Aunt’s scrapbook of her travels to Hawaii.
Rin: My favorite Vocaloid.
Root: The big root outside my house that trips me.
Torrent: When I was into Warrior Cats, my warrior name was and still is Torrentheart. And I wanted to put my new warrior name in there. (you might also see Musicstar, my first warrior cats OC) 
Samantha: My third favorite name :P
3. What is your writing routine, if any?
I get up, mess around on tumblr, than write for a few good hours. Depends on my mood though.
4. Where is the weirdest place you’ve ever written?
In a bathroom stall when I just wanted alone time, and to get my barring before my final...final XD
5. Do you prefer to write by hand, or to type?
I like to write by hand for the scent of ink...I’m addicted XD
6. Ideally, where would you like to see your writing take you in five years?
I want to have at least one book published. And I want to work on my second book at least.
7. Which of your characters is the most fun to write and why?
Torrent because she has all kinds of emotions, even if it doesn’t look it. XD
8. What advice would you give to writers just starting out?
Write whenever possible, read whatever you can, never compare yourself to others, don’t edit as you go, and it’s okay to have moments of doubt
9. Do you have any writing heroes? (This could be writers you admire, either published or non-published.)
Mary Pope Osbourne, Lin Manuel Miranda, JK Rowling, Tesse Sharpe Douglass Adams. Erin Hunter. 
10. Tell me about your WIP?
Mermaids, magic, a bigoted group known as the Hammerheads, kings, queens, battles, love, loss, friendship.
Whoever wants to do this can, with these questions:                                             
1. Where did the title(s) of your latest project(s) come from? 2. Do you have any rhyme or reason behind your character names? 3. What is your writing routine, if any? 4. Where is the weirdest place you’ve ever written? 5. Do you prefer to write by hand, or to type? 6. Ideally, where would you like to see your writing take you in five years? 7. Which of your characters is the most fun to write and why? 8. What advice would you give to writers just starting out? 9. Do you have any writing heroes? (This could be writers you admire, either published or non-published.) 10. Tell me about your WIP?
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Jak and Daxter
I found this nice little Q&A thing on Deviant Art from @Briizyleaves. I am a little Jak and Daxter nerd so here we go. :p
1.       How did you discover Jak and Daxter? I was a kid basically. It was especially when I received my very first Playstation 2 from a close friend/family member and he automatically gifted me this game of Jak and Daxter Precursor Legacy and as soon as I started playing it, I raged from the platforming I had to do. XD
  2.       Which game is your favorite? I’m doubting between the first game: The Precursor Legacy and Jak 3. Funny enough, before I ever played the hardcore Jak 2, I received Jak 3 first which was funny. I was curious on how it was possible that he first game of platforming and happy worlds turned into this apocalyptic badass shooting game in the first place, so I couldn’t wait to get Jak 2 and played Jak 3 first. yet it didn’t ruin the storyline much. I was like ten back then and I couldn’t read English well anyway XD
   3.       Which game is your least favorite? The Lost Frontier. Because Naughty Dog claimed to end the series after Jak X Combat Racing so High Impact Games took over and made this mess....
   4.       Who is your favorite character? Jak. He has his badass aspects and just this cool super Saiyan like style to it.
  5.       Who is your least favorite character? I have a few characters I didn’t like, but if I had to choose one, I’d go with Count Vegar for being an ass to everyone!
   6.       What mission do you love most?  From Jak 2: I loved the Forest Levels as they reminded me back to the first game where colourful nature took place and exploration. But also the Tomb of Mar. I loved the puzzles I had to complete. From Jak 3, Oh, boy, I loved the Temple levels and the one at the Catacombs. Very mystical, dark and gives you a sense of the remains of mankind. And from the first game, I loved Spider Cave the most. Yup... THAT level. And to be fair, I did enjoy the ring mission in Jak 3 in the forest xd
   7.       What mission do you hate most? Shooting the swamp lurker rats from the first game. From Jak 2, I hated the mission where I had to outrun the guards whilst trying to get o the other side in the destroyed part of the city above the water, and I especially hated the level with the KG robots that I had to take out whilst the guards were after me too! Going through very small streets and crashing into other zoomers sucked!!! And from Jak 3, I mostly hated the desert level where I had to save these wastelanders from the storm. As a kid, I lost this level too many times! I just hated to race in a desert full of hills and Marrauder shooters after you whilst your vehicle keeps slipping and tumbling over. Especially when time ticked!
    8.       Who is your favorite couple? Ashelin and Torn, but actually sneakily Ashelin and Jak, cos at the end of Jak 3, whew it got hot! The best friend couples would be Jak and Daxter.
   9.       What is your favorite weapon? The Beam reflector seemed to be too much of an easy enjoyment. There was no challenge to it, so I will have to go with the Pace Maker and the Grenade Launcher. The Super Nova was a bit.... too strong....
   10.   Do you believe Jak is THE mar? There were loads of arguments on this and there still are, but I think Jak could only be Mar (spoilers btw) because he met the Precursors at the end of Jak 3, and despite the time traveling madness of when the Precursors poke about  legendary hero who saved the world. I wouldn’t believe it otherwise because of the lack of the correct storytelling n the Jak and Daxter franchise. I never saw Jak being an engineer, building the Tombs and such... I more of see him as a battling maniac that can race and blast Metalheads. He could be an offspring of Mar or an ancestor, but Mar was supposed to be just a name Damas gave his son before he lost him by Vegar and the great war in the world.
   11.   Which eco is your favorite? The Dark, badass Eco from Jak 2 and 3, especially.
   12.   Who is your favorite Precursor? Towards the end of Jak 3, we see a little... plot twist of ottsels being the Precusors (yeah spoiler alert). It was funny and all but I cannot believe ottsels were the true Precursors who formed eco. In fact if they were, Jak would have turned into it falling into dark eco, or at least, dark eco would have turned daxter into a dark maker in the first game. You see, the storyline is very confusing and eventually felt like being thrown away. If I had to choose between the ottsels who stood there telling they were Precursors, I'd go with Daxter I guess... If Jak 4 ever happens, I hope the storymakers will continue to solve the puzzles for us.
   13.   Who is your favorite citizen? The true citizens were literally boring decoration... If you mean from haven City... Only those who played a part into the story in Jak 2 and 3 weren't really just citizens, but if I had to go for one... I'd go choose Tess?
   14.   Do you like The Lost Frontier? No way... I played it and it could have had potential if it weren't given to High Impact games, AND if it weren't just a flight/shooter game with bad dialogue and overall bad gameplay. WHO TURNS DAXTER INTO A MONSTER, COME ON?!
  15.   Preferred Wasteland vehicle? Dune Hopper XD Cos I could just jynx those stupid hills and fly!
   16.   How often do you use the hoverboard? Like all the time. I even tried to do silly tricks, and glitched over some buildings in the desert XD. It was insane being chased by the Marrauders when you have a boost on your hoverboard by unlocking it with your secrets.
   17.   Dark Jak or Light Jak? Both were awesome.
  18.   What is your favorite location? From Jak 1? A lot go with Sentinal Beach. I'd say, I liked it too despite the fact it was easily finished. But if I had to pick another one beside it, give me Snowy Mountain.
   19.   Ever collected all orbs in Jak 2 or Jak 3? In Jak 1, yes, but Jak 2 and 3? Jak 2 is still a pain, my God... Jak 3 is getting there, but still not quite by certain side missions ….
   20.   Which moment shocked you the most? Um... the ottsels being the Precursors and Damas dying and being Jak's father. Holy crap I cried seeing that scene ! (SPOILERS!!)
   21.   Which opening/ending is your favorite? The opening of the first game, second game, the ending of the first game and the ending of the third game, the end boss taken along. ;)
   22.   What are your favorite quotes? Daxter: “Are you gonna keep yappin', or are you going to get me out of this mess?” “Hey, baby, what do you think we have some fun and get cruizin'?” All Daxter Yacow quotes. Daxter saying “WEIRDOOOO!” towards the end of the first game. “Uh, we won't find any more of that Dark-gooey-Eco stuff in there, will we? Cuz I'd hate to fall in again and turn into you!” Man, and what was worse than those Death monologues from Daxter when Jak died XD. “I was right behind you. Really... I was” LOL, and I laughed at the Rock village part when Samos and Keira entered Blue Sage's lab and Samos said: “It seems he threw a party!” Keira said: “Oh, my, rock village is on fire!” Samos: “One heck of a party!” Yellow Sage: “Who woulda thought I'd live to see the day I had to be rescued by a boy and his muskrat? I'm gonna give Gol and Maia a little payback for these embarrassments! Then we'll see about cookin' up some muskrat stew.” Daxter chokes in fear
   23.   Toughest and easiest boss battle? Touchest: the ones from the first game when I was a kid. I sucked beating Klaw, that plant, and the end boss: Gol and Maya...Now, they're quite easy. Towards Jak 2, the hardest boss battle was the one against Erol racing and of course the one fighting Baron Braxis when he was in that robo suit on the roof. Easiest Jak 2 is claimed to be the end boss with Kor and it is....  And towards Jak 3, the toughest one had to be the one against Erol towards the ending.
   24.   Ever just go on a KG killing spree? Yes, all the damn time, because why not.
   25.   Favorite Jak and Daxter fan art? Not really. I did see some nice artists on youtube and dveiant art doing a great job portraying Jak and Daxter in their styles though.
  26.   Who is your favorite sage? That crazy Yellow one, saying he wanted some nice muskrat steak. XD That had to be a very funny quote as well.
   27.   What is your favorite secret? Jak being Mar. Ha ha, or did you mean from the menu in Jak 2 and 3? Well, I really liked the unlimited ammo one xd
   28.   Do you like Jak X: Combat Racing? I kinda liked it, especially dropping bombs and blowing people up just like in Shrek' racing game XD I always cracked up hearing them get angry whenever I got them and they'd try to attack me back. I also loved gearing up my vehicles.
   29.   Would you like to see another game? Sure, if it was made by NaughtyDog... Or at least a company that knows the Jak and Daxter franchise just like the ones who made Daxter for the PSP! They at least knew the story!
30.  Have any unanswered questions?
Lots. Thanks to all the bagillion plot holes!        
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