#always nice to see pelia too
Lost In Translation SLAPPED
jim & uhura instant friendship? trauma bonding? cookies? hell yeah. 
i am SOLD on wesley!jim and loved seeing more of the kirk brothers. i can totally see this sam ending up not in the fleet in Operation: Annihilate. i can definitely see this jim evolving into the guy we know and love from tos.
also, jim’s first meetings with the crew were literally perfect. specifically spock. finishing each other’s sentences from the word go we love that.
in conclusion, charades was meh but this MORE than made up for it imo
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emonydeborah · 11 months
@justreckin made me think of young Una and the young Clark Kent parallels drew themselves
Our favorite regal Amazonian was once a lanky, awkward teenager. We know her homeworld wasn't built for her superstrength, but her house probably was. At least when she was little. Baby girl must have had a couple reinforced teething toys. And from then on she would have been taught always to hold back. Never even enter a situation where your abilities could be revealed.
But then she went to the Academy. She's here to start over, and let go of her past, and, unfortunately, do some physical training.
Una has never worked out with humans. She may not have ever worked out period; team sports probably weren't an option. AND FROM HERE comes a list of shenanigans:
After a two mile jog with her class, Una is not sore. Maybe if they had gone faster and longer, it would have taken a little effort. "Don't you ever sweat?" someone pants incredulously. Una looks at her classmates in varying states of exhaustion and drops to the ground. "My muscles," she groans. "Ow."
She is clearly not from Earth or a colony with strong ties to Earth. She doesn't get references and misses jokes. Some people are nice about it (like the equivalent of shouting BILL BILL BILL if your new friend mentions they've never seen Bill Nye the Science Guy). Others are not. Some jerk tries to jumpscare her and she freaks and "misses" when she punches at her target. jerk laughs and walks away. Una is covering a hole in the wall, conveniently the size of her fist.
Una smacks her computer when it isn't working and rips it off the wall. After a moment to panic, she walks away and claims no knowledge of the incident.
Team building exercises are awful the first few semester. Tug of war and running a log up a hill and the like. Una can just stand and hold the rope and not budge.
Once she learns "normal" human limits, though, those exercises are fun. Her team almost always wins.
One of her friends accidentally takes a bite of her doctored up dinner and spends the night rolling around in pain. "...I like things spicy." "Spicy? That was acidic! That burned off a layer of my esophagus!"
they are required to participate in a sport each semester. Track is best, once Una learns how to look like she's in pain. She's consistently second or third, despite the coach's firm belief that she could do better.
Wrestling and martial arts are the worst. They learn martial arts all through the Academy, and Una has to apologize for several bruises and a few broken bones. One guy is dumb enough to make her angry before fighting her. He's in the infirmary for a week. Una manages to pass it off as a slippery floor.
Baseball isn't quite dead, and it's another learning curve to find out that humans cannot, in fact, hit the ball out of the stadium nine times out of ten. Una breaks a few bats and has a terrible time hiding them.
she bends a few utensils, and those are fun to hide, too.
Una opens a hatch in a training simulation, and a full inspection is done on the hatch to find out how it got so loose.
Una flicks a pebble and breaks a window.
she's struggling with a fitted sheet and it straight up. disintegrates.
Una gets frustrated with a glitchy door panel and Pelia gets a completely hypothetical question about how to fix door panels.
(also, if Una really was this awkward, Pelia definitely knew her secret. She does not care. She thinks it's funny.)
if we want to get angsty, there's an accident. No one should have survived the explosion, least of all Cadet Chin Riley, who threw herself over the exploding comm panel and suffered horrific burns. The other cadets remember someone carrying them out. they couldn't see who. There's no way it was Una, who was found several yards away, where the explosion threw her.
Una is still Una, and it doesn't take her long to adapt and master herself. But for the first few semesters, I can picture awkward Una breaking things.
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SNW 2x06 Lost in Translation thought-stream
Is Kirk in this episode? Exciiite!! :D
"My eyes are technically open, Captain." I love this new confidence, it suits her!
The TOS earpiece :O Yisss
He's fleet captain?! That's quite big, no?
THE SPINNING THINGS!!!! Nacelles? Idk the orange glowy things you always see on the TOS intro are in action and I love it?
Ohhhh, the recording of Hemmer :'(
"I'm sorry. I just said that because he's dead." Pelia I ADORE you
"Which is why they could really use your version of managerial fervour." Hah! That is Very Una.
"Starfleet officers aren't supposed to randomly hallucinate." "You didn't do anything wrong, and there was nothing random about it." M'Benga is so gentle!, I love his bedside manner <3
I feel like Uhura has been in sickbay a lot this season?
"I empathize. But I also know a stubborn patient when I see one. You aren't going back on duty till I'm satisfied you've slept." She look so shocked XD You really shouldn't be that surprised that the doctor is gonna doctor, Uhura!
Am excited to see more of Pelia too!!!!!
Actually, this is the first time we've ever seen Sam and Jim alive together (apart from that AOS deleted scene). Time to make Operation Annihilate more heartbreaking!
"Literally everything in xenoanthropology is new and exciting."
Jim's eye on Spock's chess game makes me so happy, I cannot express how much
"I appreciate the sentiment, but I am not in the market for friends right now." Oh, Nyota
I am so here for Uhura and Kirk on the case together
Pike's little breath and "Lieutenant Kirk". He's so well-adjusted tho
I'm so excited for La'an to run into Kirk again too
Can you find someone else to evaluate if it's real? Oh you did! Yes, Nyota!
No, you're supposed to wait for backup!
The way Jim catches her :o :3 <3 And her panicked "wait!". Oh, my heart. Okay, I love this Jim too, this is our Kirk
Well that's not disturbing at all, Ramon's space disintegration
Pike is so dadly and I love him for it. "The way I see it, that's good news. You're not crazy. Something is affecting you, the same way it affected him. And we're gonna figure out what."
"It won't come to that, I promise you." How can you promise that, Chirs? Take her advice! Let her be safe
Oh La'an ❤️❤️❤️ Just stumbling in on Kirk like that. You poor thing.
"And you have crumbs on your uniform! You're like a space hippie!" Wow, Una XD
"I don't need a cookie." "Okay, now you sound crazy." Kirk's trying to offer food as comfort... I wonder how Tarsus fits into this Jim
"The truth is I've never been able to face death." Oh, Uhura.
I've just realised she was watching that video of Hemmer, even though she must know how to do the thing by now.
"What's the play?" God, Pike's trust in her. That must be such a hard decision, on only that information he's been given.
"You gave me a C!" XD
Ohhh. But it's not really about that. Good. Una's too good o be petty.
I really love being able to see this beginning of Kirk and Uhura's friendship <3
Jim, clearly he'd like you to return with a compliment of your own. 'Xenoanthropology saved the day after all' or something? It's not hard.
Sam! What the heck? I was on your side for a second but I really don't think your brother has anything he needs to apologise for. Are you this much of an ass to anyone else?! (I really can't remember what he did in s1).
Oh and as the camera pans away we can see that Jim is constantly looking across to Spock I cannot I cannot I cannot
Oh I ADORED that episode. And not just the ending! Jim fit in seamlessly throughout, it was really nice seeing that in the real timeline, he is our Kirk.
And Uhura is, of course, everything. I love her so much.
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elleberquist6 · 6 years
Play Upon Me Like This Piano - chapter forty-four
Summary: In many ways, Phil’s life is perfect: he loves his life in London, he has a wonderful brother and parents, and he has a great job as a radio DJ for BBC Radio One. There’s only one thing missing in his life… A rumor reaches an executive at the BBC about a talented local piano player named Daniel. The executive decides that Daniel would be the perfect guest on Phil’s radio show, so she sends Phil to speak with the evasive and mysterious piano player.
When they finally meet, Phil starts to think that he has found the person who will make his life complete. Unfortunately, Dan has a secret that will make getting close to him difficult.
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4951
Warnings: Smut
The Myth of Orpheus: The mythological tradition names Orpheus as the pre-eminent musician of the "Golden Age" of heroes. Orpheus' music and song are said to have been so enticing that they could charm the very birds from the trees, soothe Cerberus and bring the Furies to tears. Orpheus' parentage is unclear and though all sources agree his mother was the Muse of epic poetry, Calliope, there is dispute over the identity of his father… although it appears as though his mother and aunts taught him to sing and play the lyre.
Although one might not expect a famous musician to be a "hero" per se, Jason sought out Orpheus to join him and the other Argonauts in his quest to recover the Golden Fleece for King Pelias… Orpheus' sole weapon was his lyre, which he used to raise the spirits of his fellow Argonauts, and to charm fish from the sea as food for their long journey. Orpheus' most famous contribution to the quest was, however, his dealing with the Sirens.
The Sirens were three bird-women, who lived on an island meadow scattered with the bones of their numerous victims. These monsters would sing a seductive song to passing sailors, luring them onto jagged rocks where their ships would be wrecked and the mariners drown. When the Argo neared this island, Orpheus began to play his lyre and to sing an echoing song in order to confuse that of the Sirens, thus preventing the crew from being seduced into a shipwreck. [http://www.ancientgreece.com/s/GreekMyths/Orpheus/]
“How do I look?” Dan asked, straightening his tie as he stared at his reflection. Over his shoulder in the mirror, he saw Phil watching him intently and looking like he enjoyed what he saw.
“You look lovely,” Phil responded, and his voice had an odd intensity to it, which Dan had come to associate with arousal.
Noting this, Dan had to bite his lip to hide a pleased smile, and he also had to force down the stirring of his own arousal – this wasn’t the time for that, though it was good to know that he looked that good to Phil. Dan turned to face Phil with a flippant response, “You always say that about me. Even when I have a cold and look all gross.”
As Dan turned, Phil continued to unashamedly check him out. He responded, “Maybe I wasn’t just talking about your appearance.”
Dan blinked. “What?”
Phil’s gaze rested on Dan’s face. “Maybe I meant you’re beautiful, inside and out.”
“Oh.” Dan took a step closer to him, and his gaze dropped shyly to Phil’s shoes. They were very nice shoes, black and polished to a shine. The rest of his outfit was just as nice – a tailored black suit that was buttoned at Phil’s trim waist. Dan’s eyes traveled up Phil’s body, noting how nicely the suit fit across his broad shoulders. Phil was wearing a brilliant blue tie that almost perfectly matched the color of his eyes, and Dan reached out to fuss with it, as if to straighten it. Really, he had just needed a task to busy his hands.
Dan wasn’t sure why he felt so vulnerable and fragile right now – Phil knew how Dan felt about him. Luckily, Phil also knew him well enough that he didn’t question the odd way he was acting. Phil just waited to see what Dan wanted to say.
Eventually, Dan cleared his throat and told Phil, “This is a really nice tie. It makes your eyes pop.”
Phil glanced down at his tie. “Oh, thanks.”
With the intense eye contact broken, Dan felt a bit more confident, and before he lost it he blurted, “You’re lovely, too. The most amazing person I’ve ever known, both inside and out.”
As Phil looked up, he smiled and his eyes sparkled with it. He leaned in to give Dan a lingering kiss. When they pulled apart, Phil was still smiling, but a shadow seemed to have passed behind his eyes and Dan could tell that he was holding something back. “Phil?” he asked. “What is it?”
Phil shrugged. “I was just thinking about saying something while we’re on the topic of heartfelt and borderline cheesy confessions. So, I’ve decided I don’t like the phrase ‘falling in love’. I didn’t know that before you, since you’re my first love. Whenever I was with someone before you, I always waited for this inevitable moment where I… fell, but it never happened. And then I met you, and it was nothing like I had expected. I had butterflies in my stomach and my heart beat so fast that I thought it was going to fly out of my chest. I feel like I flew in love with you, if that makes sense.”
“A bit more than borderline cheesy,” Dan said with a laugh, but he leaned forward so that his forehead rested against Phil’s. “I know what you mean though. And I like that. It’s kind of appropriate actually.”
Phil blinked and his eyes were so close that Dan could see every fleck of yellow in the blue, and the glint sunlight on his ginger eyelashes. He asked, “Huh?”
“I was thinking of the sirens from old Greek myths,” Dan said. “They weren’t from the sea like sirens you see in pop culture today. They were birds. So, you see they didn’t swim, they soared. It’s kind of fitting then that you say I made your heart fly.”
Laughing, Phil wrapped his arms around Dan’s waist, lifted his feet from the floor, and spun him in a circle in the air. Dan whooped in delight and held tight to Phil’s shoulders.
Dan had been raised around the supernatural, yet still it surprised him sometimes. Perhaps hypnotizing a roomful of people with a voice was a true feat of magic, but Dan couldn’t help being more impressed by what he saw now: a wedding party at a 5-star venue in full splendor, all arranged and organized in less than a month. He stood in the parking lot by the event, and the scene before him looked fit for an appearance in any wedding magazine. Dan shook his head.
Phil noticed the gesture and that Dan had stopped walking, and he nudged him with a shoulder. “What is it? You okay?”
“Yup.” Dan nodded and started walking in the direction of the wedding party again, eyes on a chain of white paper lanterns strung between two nearby beach houses, the lanterns swaying in the breeze. “I was just thinking about my mum. I mean, how did she do all this in such a short time? She must have used her talent. There’s no other explanation.”
As they were walking between the houses, almost at the beach now, Phil opened his mouth to respond. He didn’t get the chance.
“But of course there is,” said a familiar female voice.
They both turned, and Dan saw his mum walking down the back-porch staircase of one of the beach houses. She was dressed in a white sundress that looked designer with a string of pearls looped twice around her neck, and her brown hair hung loose around her shoulders in carefully-styled waves. Dan nervously met her eyes, thinking she might be annoyed by his comment. Instead, he saw that her brown eyes creased at the corners with wry amusement as she beamed at him. Reassured, he walked over to give her a hug in greeting, as he said, “It’s good to see you, Mum. You look beautiful.”
She hugged him tight enough to make his ribs creak. “Thank you, honey. And thank you so much for coming.”
As his mum released him from the hug, her hands stayed on his shoulders like she was reluctant to break the contact, and this made Dan feel a rush of warmth in his chest. This was the one person in the world whom he knew he shared blood with and touching her seemed to make the blood thrum in his veins. Looking at the emotion on her face, it seemed like she might be feeling the same thing.
It had been a while since he had last seen her, but as they stood there the time they spent apart fell away, and suddenly he felt like a kid again, safe and happy in the hands of his mother. She had always seemed so strong to him, and the impressive sight of the party today had only reinforced this. Dan nodded to Phil, who had been standing a couple feet to the side to give the family some privacy during their reunion. He told her, “Mum, this is Phil, my boyfriend.”
Surprisingly, Phil looked a bit nervous – his cheeks even got pink – but he composed himself after a second and nodded. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Howell.”
“Please, if I’m going to call you Phil, then call me Monica.” She laughed and leaned forward to greet him with a friendly kiss on the cheek. “Besides, that’s not going to be my name for much longer. I’m about to be Mrs. Monticello.”
Dan glanced at the scene behind them and asked, “It looks amazing. How did you pull this together?”
“You mean without using my voice to hypnotize some hapless florists and bakers into getting free things fast?” She grinned at him. “Why, money. Of course, there’s nothing that can’t be easily acquired when money isn’t an issue – remember Nathaniel owns a vineyard? – and you can find good help.” She dropped her voice to a conspiratorial whisper, “My wedding planner, Fiona… now there’s a woman who must have supernatural talents. She’s the one who really organized this all, so she’s the one you should be impressed with. Oh! And speaking of, there is somewhere that I’m supposed to be right now. Fiona has a strict schedule for this party. She’s tiny, but scary, and I don’t want to get on her bad side.”
Dan laughed. “Don’t let me hold you up then. Go stand on your mark so this party can get started.”
She reached out to give his hand a squeeze. “Remember, you have a mark to stand on, too. I want my boy at my side when I get married, if you’re willing to do that for me.”
“Of course, Mum.” He returned the squeeze.
“Thanks, sweetie.” She laughed and dropped his hand. “I should go.”
“Yes, let’s avoid the wrath of the fearsome Fiona.”
Mum gave him one last smile before turning and hurrying in the direction of her party, nimbly navigating the path in her sparkly sandals.
Phil stepped closer, also watching her go. He commented, “She’s an interesting lady.”
Dan glanced at him. He had been so distracted by his own reunion that he hadn’t bothered to worry about the fact that his mum was meeting his boyfriend for the first time. Now he wondered, had they made a good impression on each other? Would they get along? As he looked at Phil, it seemed like the remark had been genuine. Everything had gone well.
Dan nodded. “She is. I’m glad you thought so. Um, are you ready to head over to the wedding?”
Phil smiled and took Dan’s hand as they followed the path that his mum had taken. Eventually, they stepped onto the beach, which had been carefully prepared for this event. It looked like the sand had been combed and evened as much as possible before the chairs, garlands of flowers, and archway had been placed here, all of which were a pure shade of white. The most vibrant color on display here was the vibrant blue of the ocean in the background, which was sparkling in the sunlight. It was breathtaking.
They had both paused a couple feet away from the chairs, looking around, but a man in a white suit rushed up to them and asked, “Bride or groom?”
As he gestured to the chairs – two groups on either side of the aisle – Dan realized that this man was an usher. Phil answered, “Bride.”
The usher started to lead them to two empty seats on what was apparently the section for the bride’s guests, but Dan said, “I’m actually the bride’s son. She said I’m supposed to stand with her, um, somewhere?”
As Dan scanned the crowd for his mum and some sign of where he was supposed to be, a woman overheard him and flew to his side. “There you are!” A short red-headed woman glared at him through her glasses, and he knew without introduction that this was the fearsome wedding planner. She beckoned him with an insistent gesture. “Follow me.”
After waving in farewell to Phil, who was following the usher to a chair, Dan turned to trail after Fiona as she walked brusquely. When she glanced over her shoulder to see that he was following, he smiled at her.
She shook her head before facing forward again, grumbling, “You know, you could have at least come to the rehearsal. This day would be much less chaotic if you had.”
“Sorry, I didn’t exactly get much notice about this wedding,” Dan said, bristling slightly.
Fiona snorted. “Tell me about it.” She stopped walking and turned to face him, looking less hostile – it seemed like she had decided to bond with him over the inconvenience of the hasty wedding. Her eyes flicked over him, and she nodded in approval. “Nice suit. I usually approve the outfits of those in the wedding party to make sure they look like a cohesive group. If I’d had a chance to approve yours, that’s exactly the kind of thing I would’ve hoped you would wear.”
Dan was wearing his white suit, which he thought made him look like a stormtrooper. His shoulders lifted slightly with the praise – it sounded like he had avoided the wedding planner’s wrath. Then, an arm looped through his. He glanced over, seeing his mum smiling at him.
“I told you my son would look nice,” she said to Fiona. Then she met Dan’s eyes and asked, “Ready to walk me down the aisle?”
He took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “Let’s go.”
The reception was taking place only a short walk away from the beachside wedding – in the backyard of the beach house. Dan lost track of Phil during the walk to the reception, but he had a guess of where he might be. As most of the wedding party strolled over to pose for photos, listen to live music, or partake of the generous open bar supplied by Nathaniel’s vineyard, Dan headed in a different direction. The tables on the lawns, decorated with elaborate centerpieces and embossed name cards, were empty except for a few elderly people who sat down for a rest. Servers in bow ties flitted between the tables, carrying trays laden with hors d’oeuvres as they hurried in the direction of the guests.
Tucked in a corner away from the chaos of the party was a white cake adorned with frosted flowers, fondant ribbons, and the figurines of a bride and groom. Phil was standing before the cake, seeming to be admiring it. Dan crept closer, until he was right behind Phil without having attracted his attention. Then he whispered, “I thought I might find you here.”
Phil gasped and whirled around. “Don’t do that!”
“Do what?” Dan teased. “Catch you trying to sneak a taste of the cake?”
His cheeks got pink. “I wasn’t. I swear.”
“Sure, you weren’t…” Dan drawled, but he relented as he turned his attention to the frosted confection. The figurines on top had such a likeness to his mum and Nathaniel that they must have been custom-made – the bride had brown curls hanging loose around her shoulders, and the groom had salt-and-pepper in his beard.
Phil was also staring at the cake. Slowly, he asked, “Can you see yourself having one of these someday?” He hesitated as Dan’s wide eyes shifted to his face, but continued, “A party like this… the cake, the ceremony, and the vows?”
“Phil, are you asking me if I’d want to get married someday?” He was sure that was what Phil was asking, but he stalled by saying, “What made you ask that?”
Phil shrugged. “When I saw you standing by that arch with your mum while she made her vows. You looked so beautiful up there in your white suit… it made me wonder what you thought our future might be like.”
“Oh.” Dan looked at the cake again, this time picturing it with a figurine of himself and Phil atop it. After a moment, he answered, “It’s a terrifying thing to envision – standing in front of all those people, making those oaths, and starting a new chapter of my life tied to someone. It’s not something I ever thought I wanted for myself, but with you? I think it’s possible. You’re the only person in the world who I can see myself doing something like that with. You make me brave.”
“You make me brave, too.” Phil opened his mouth to say something else, but then his phone buzzed. Sighing, he extracted his phone from his pocket, and read the name displayed on the screen. “It’s my mum.”
“Answer it!”
“Now?” He gestured between them with the phone in his hand. “We were in the middle of something…”
“Yes!” Dan whined. “I’ll marry you someday, and when I do I’d like to be on good terms with my mother-in-law. Now, pick up the call before she gets voicemail!”
Smiling, Phil accepted the call, which was a video call. He put it on speaker phone and Kath’s face appeared on the screen. “Hey, mum! I’m here with Dan.”
She smiled and creases appeared at the corners of her eyes. Her voice came, small and tinny from the speaker, “Philip! And hi, Daniel! I was just calling to make sure that your flight went safely.”
“Hi, Kath!” Dan said with a wave.
“We’re fine, as you can see,” Phil assured her. “The flight was great, and we made it in time for the wedding. Everything is going great. And I promise to buy you some nice American candy while I’m here!”
She laughed. “You might buy it, but I’m sure you’ll eat it before you get a chance to give it to me. Oh well, it’s the thought that counts!”
He opened his mouth to defend himself, but he was surprised to see Dan’s mum had approached them. She was grinning wide and grabbed the phone from Phil’s hand. Dan’s mum said, “Hi, is this Phil’s mother? I’m Monica. I thought I should introduce myself because based on what I just overheard, we might be in-laws someday.”
There was a pause before Kath said in an inscrutable voice, “Oh?”
Phil exchanged a look with Dan, who appeared apologetic. As Phil sorted through his own emotions, he just shrugged and decided to see what would happen next, as their mothers continued chatting on the phone. This might be entertaining…
“I’m Dan’s mum,” she said by way of explanation to Kath. “The boys came here for my wedding. Did they tell you that?”
“Yes, they did.” Kath was speaking in a firm voice, which she always used when trying to get her way. “Now, what was this you were saying about another wedding?”
“Oh, are you interested in weddings? Let me tell you about mine. Everything has gone perfectly today! The ice sculpture is stunning, the sun is shining, and the flowers are absolutely amazing. There are white roses everywhere. The centerpieces are so beautiful. Let me show you one!” Monica wandered off in the direction of an empty table where a centerpiece was resting.
Phil blinked. “I’ve never seen someone deflect my mum like that before.”
“My mum has a talent for deflection,” Dan said with a sigh. Then as he watched his mum in the distance, rambling without pausing to take a breath despite Kath’s attempts to cut in, he couldn’t help laughing.
Phil joined in with the laughter, his blue eyes sparkling. When their laughter died down, Phil nodded to the microphone and speakers mounted on a small stage on the corner of the lawn. He asked, “Are you going to perform soon?”
Dan nodded and checked the time on his phone. “Yeah, I’m supposed sing in a moment.” He shot Phil a worried glance. “When my mom asked me to sing for her, I didn’t explain the choice I’ve made to use my real voice. What if she hates it? What if she doesn’t like the choice I’ve made for myself?”
“Dan, I’ve heard you practice this song for today.” He took Dan by the shoulders and squeezed gently. “Your voice is beautiful and your mum is going to be proud of you. I promise.”
Dan swallowed heavily before nodding. Then he smiled and said, “Thanks, Phil. For always believing in me.”
Dan glanced at the stage and sucked in a steady breath. There was a small orchestra playing, just a half dozen people performing relaxing background music for the people strolling around the yard, chatting with cocktails in hand. The orchestra seemed to be wrapping up the piece they were performing, and this seemed like the perfect moment to go over. Mum had already made the arrangements, so the orchestra knew that Dan would be performing, and even what song he would be doing so they could accompany them. There was nothing holding him back.
Dan locked eyes with Phil, finding his courage in the ocean eyes. He said, “I’m ready. Let’s go.” They pushed through the crowd of guests until they made it to the stage, where the orchestra had just wrapped up a song and were organizing their sheet music before the next one. Dan addressed a cellist near the edge of the stage, “Hi, I’m the bride’s son? She said she would like me to sing a song? Is this a good time?”
“Ah! You must be Daniel.” The cellist got up from his chair to carry a mic stand to the center of the stage, which he then raised to Dan’s height.
Phil took Dan’s hand and gave it a quick squeeze. He whispered, “You’re going to be great.”
Dan gave the hand a squeeze in thanks before releasing it and climbing onto the stage. He was breathing in slow and steady breaths so that he didn’t panic as his gaze swept the crowd, seeing the party guests turning to look at him curiously. For the first time in his career as a musician, he was facing the crowd without a piano before him and it felt like he was naked without it. This scared him even more than the fact that he was about to sing without his siren voice.
Dan’s eyes searched the crowd for familiar faces. He found his mum easily in her white dress. She was standing beside her new husband, Nathaniel, whom was also watching Dan expectantly. Mum waved, and then pointed to the phone in her hand. The phone was still displaying Kath’s face. Apparently, he would be performing for her today, too. His eyes roved further, and finally he found Phil’s face, shining bright with joy as he gazed back at Dan. That was all he needed to see.
He sucked in a deep breath before leaning into the mic. “Hello. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Monica’s son, Daniel. In honor of my mum’s happiness today, I’d like to perform a song. I hope you all enjoy it.”
The orchestra began to play a soft melody, and a few people in the crowd gave short, excited claps as they recognized the familiar tune. Dan began to sing in his normal voice, “I found a love for me. Darling just dive right in and follow my lead.”
Phil smiled at that line, and Dan could guess why – he had quite literally taken a dive when he fell in love with Phil. Knowing that their minds seemed to be in the same place, Phil shot him a wink, which almost made Dan laugh.
Shifting his gaze to less distracting people in the crowd, Dan focused on his mum and her new husband as he sung, “Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know. She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home. I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets, to carry love, to carry children of our own. We are still kids, but we're so in love.”
Mum clasped hands with Nathaniel, lifted them to her lips, and kissed the back of his hand. Nathaniel smiled at her and placed a kiss on the top of her head, but Mum never took her eyes off Dan and she didn’t even blink.
Dan had been worried what she would think about him singing in this voice, but he was starting to relax. His mum didn’t seem disappointed. Quite the opposite. “Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms. Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song. When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful, I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight.”
As he came to the close of the song, Dan found his eyes drawn to Phil again. He had the odd urge to burst with thanks in the middle of this performance for Phil. If Phil hadn’t suggested singing in his real voice, then none of this would have been possible. This entire crowd would be hypnotized right now, and Dan would hate himself for it. Phil had given him everything. “I have faith in what I see. Now I know I have met an angel in person, and he looks perfect. I don't deserve this. You look perfect tonight.”
It was hard to tell at this distance, but it seemed like Phil’s cheeks got a bit pink.
Dan’s fingers roved across the sheets, searching for warmth. He didn’t find the soft skin he was searching for, and he blinked sleepily before calling, “Phil?”
“Over here,” a voice answered from the other side of the room.
Dan rolled over, rubbing his eyes as they adjusted to the moonlight streaming in the window, which seemed impossibly bright as it glinted off the nearby sea and glazed Phil in blue light. As Dan fought to full consciousness, he took in the visage of Phil standing before the open window. His inky black hair was tousled from sleep, he wasn’t wearing his glasses, and he was nude except for his boxers. The planes of his leanly muscled body were washed out by moonlight, and he looked too lovely to be merely mortal. The sight of him made Dan’s heart squeeze in his chest. How had he gotten so lucky?
Dan asked in a sleep-roughened voice, “What are you doing there?”
Phil nodded to the view. “It’s not every day that I have a view like this outside my window. Sleeping and missing this seemed like a waste.”
Dan couldn’t argue with that, so he stayed silent.
“Hey, I have a crazy idea…” Phil crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed. His face was shining with excitement. He asked, “Will you come take a swim with me?”
“What? Now?” He glanced around the room for a clock but didn’t see one. It must be around 3am. Then his gaze flicked back to Phil’s face, and he saw how much he wanted this. Reluctantly, Dan said, “Alright.”
Helped by Phil’s hand, he slipped out of their warm bed in just his boxers. They didn’t turn on any lights and tiptoed through the beach house, wary of waking anyone. As they stepped outside, the chill of the night air nipped at Dan’s skin – like Phil, he was clad in just his boxers. He felt exposed now under the light of a bright full moon but kept jogging onto the beach. His hand was still linked with Phil’s and he felt brave with him at his side.
The tide was high, pulled in by the moon, and the sea had swallowed most of the beach. A wave rushed fast and foamy in the sand only a few inches from Dan’s toes. He gasped in surprise and stopped in his tracks, his hands slipping from Phil’s grasp.
Phil turned around. The wind was whipping at his messy quiff, and his brow was furrowed in confusion. He asked, “What is it?”
Dan bit his lip and looked at the water. “Sorry. It’s just that besides that one time that I went into the sea to save you, it had been years since I went anywhere near it. It scares me a bit.”
“Do you want to go back inside?” Phil stepped closer, and this time he took both of Dan’s hands in his. “Or do you want to keep going?”
For a moment, Dan considered it. He had avoided the sea for a long time not only out of his fear that the water would expose him, but also because it felt so good, like he might sink into the water one day and never come out. As he looked at Phil, those fears fell away. He didn’t have to worry about Phil rejecting him for his webbed hands, and he didn’t think that he would be tempted to never get out of the water. Dan smiled to show Phil that it was okay, and he walked into the water with him. Wherever Phil went, Dan knew that he would want to go, too.
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avicebro · 6 years
sorry, i don’t like jason or anything, but i feel the need to defend him since i spent like 20 minutes today writing a post about how i hope they write him better. anyway, i don’t think any of his bastard stuff is canon to Fate so far? i haven’t actually read FSF, but from what i’ve read, Alcides paints a very different image of him than Okeanos does or Medea does so i’m curious if Fate has actually had any canon evidence to suggest he’s as shitty as non-fate stuff shows him?
Haha yeah, Alcides, okay. I wouldn’t say that Alcides is a very good person to take anything from, considering he is an alter?? Who was specifically created to remember and live his sins?? But anyways, if we look at what Jason says:
“I’m going to be king, after all; I’m prepared for that much labor. As long as everyone obeys me, I’ll give them suitable compensation and a prosperous land. A land where everyone feels safe. In that land… Listen to me! In that land, no one will look at you and be afraid!” The blond man proclaimed, spreading his arms wide and cutting off Alkeides, who had been about to say something. The gesture almost seemed to say that his words were the world itself. “Because as long as you’re my man, my friend, my property, everyone will understand you.”
By Ancient Greek standards, Jason is a bad king. Suggesting that people are “his property” is not what a good king does! He starts this speech by manipulating his crew, by attacking them where they feel weakest, by their feelings of being treated as monsters, as outsiders. He states that he alone can fix all of the problems, he alone has that intelligence.
“Hm? You want to know why I don’t fear you��? Why even ask something so obvious? It’s because I am a sage possessed of wisdom to surpass even the gods, of course.”
“That’s precisely why a person like me has to seize power and glory.”
“Of course, they’ll never equal my wisdom, so I’ll have to compensate for what they lack.”
This is based on a dream that Bazlidot sees, based on Alcides’ memories, from FSF Volume 4. So this is from back on the Argo. No singularity no changes due to the grail, just Alcides’ memory of the Argo. Now you could say that Narita took Okeanos when writing Jason’s characterization.
He says that he’ll make an utopia, but he alone can do so, because he alone is the wisest, when Bazlidot comments that there is not really that much to him. The way he’s written, to me, feels more Shinji-like than anything. The way the scene is presented is that he does this often, as well, and that the rest of the crew are used to this by this point. 
Now, in terms of what Alcides says about Jason:
“That man was a vulgar clown with all the weaknesses and twists of human nature in him. Nor can I deny that he always told his companions that he was the one who could make the best use of them.”
“He was a pitiful man who forgot the teaching of our mutual teacher Chiron and became obsessed with his own desires. Still, there was nothing false about the wild tales he spun.”
“That man, smeared with dirt and avarice, was the most human human I ever saw. ”
Very nice. Most people point to this:
“It may be true that he was an incurably arrogant fool who didn’t know his place, but even so… he was my friend.”
This is based on the friendship and bond formed on the Argo (Though It wasn’t enough to keep Heracles on when his bf went missing lol but no one talks about that part of the Argo for some reason).
So, Alcides does say a whole lot of pretty bad stuff about him, which you can read here starting on page 33, but because he was his friend he cannot hate him. I think again it should be noted that Alcides does have negative views on the gods and kings, to whom he shows no distinction, so that should be kept in mind when dissecting how he views Jason. 
I would also point to Medea’s backstory from Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, which gives a third person recounting of fate Medea’s backstory, namely the killing of King Pelias by his daughters. In it he tells her:
“Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill King Pelias who broke his vow. Kill the king’s relatives. That’s right. The king alone shall not suffice.  Kill that unsightly successor, and the three princess too-”
The VN also states that Jason set up the assassination. In the fate version it has Jason and Medea working together to kill King Pelias. Again, this could be seen as “oh this is just Medea’s memories” but since it is third person, I view it similarly to the other backstories from HA and SN as being truthful. 
So, even if we ignore Okeanos, and how Medea characterizes him, then we still have a greedy person who used his shipmates’ fears in order to get what he wanted. Yes, he’s good at finding the best in people, which is a good skill. 
He also shows up in Circe’s interlude, but I haven’t been able to find anything based on what that’s about. However it does end with her saying she wishes to go back to her island to proclaim her love to Odysseus, so maybe there’s something to be said about Jason with regards to how she views Odysseus? I don’t know.
I think it should be noted that a character does not need to be likable for them to have good writing. I would say that characters like Columbus and Teach, who are by no means fan favourites, are still sometimes written well. They don’t need to be cute anime boys for them to be in the summoning gacha. Wada Arco in all her wisdom drew Jason with Fionn and David lol. If they want to make him sympathetic, play on the “she killed our children” angle, which most playwrights do when adapting the myth. If they want to make him a hot anime boy, make him closer to Gilgamesh or Ozymandias. But again, since he is introduced threw the eyes of Medea, and we are supposed to feel pity for Medea, that’s going to be difficult.
Finally, as I’ve mentioned before, having him be arrogant, selfish and blaming others for his own problems echoes Medea’s master Altrum in fate/stay night. I think that parallel should be kept personally. 
/shrug emoji
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