#alyn velaryon when i catch you-
artcinemas · 5 months
why is tg obsessed with baela 'claiming' driftmark as if she wasn't going to be the queen consort of the seven kingdoms if jace supposedly ascended the throne after rhaenyra?!?!
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thesunfyre4446 · 6 months
I tend to be more of a fandom spectator, since I am team neutral and I like to look at everything from an external perspective and analyze the motives of each team, but in recent times I have been observing a lot of hypocrisy from team black, who deny that we ,the neutrals, exist, yes, they can be that arrogant. But without a doubt what catches my attention the most is that they believe they are feminist activists when at the first opportunity they disregard Helaena's pain because unlike Rhaenyra she "only" lost one child (apparently it is a small matter). They call her a useless depressed woman who abandoned the rest of her children, and honestly I find it a disgusting way to address a woman who is going through something like that, they ask for respect for Rhaenyra in her pain (with which I agree) but they don't extend the same courtesy to Helaena, each person faces things in a way that Rhaenyra didn't let herself sink should not serve to belittle the pain that leads a person to commit suicide.
The girl literally saw how her son's head was cut off, her being depressed is not strange at all. They also think that they are the defenders of house Targaryen, calling Alicent's children mudbloods when their candidates for the throne are illegitimate boys that have no real right given the social context of the time and who would still reign with the surname Velaryon (because in the book they would not change the surname to Targaryen upon ascending, this is an invention by Condal that makes no sense, at that time there were no such levels of feminism, and also the importance of political alliances lies in this type of things, Corlys was also lying about the boys paternity just to put his name on the throne an his blood through Baela). They criticize the bond between Sunfyre and Aegon when they have Rhaenyra in the opposite position, we do not see a real connection with her dragon, she was the youngest rider but it was of no use and Syrax's death was not a big problem for her.
And I say that I am neutral because I am happy that Aegon III was king, but they say that they are so they can say oops the blacks won, but the truth is that they hate this boy and also his brother Viserys and they criticize them constantly, from what I have seen they use them only to serve their half-brothers and feel guilty for them. They try to impose the idea of the united family when that is far from true, the same Corlys they sell as grandfather of the year as soon as he was able to legitimize Addam and Alyn as Velaryons discarded Joffrey as heir and at that time Jacaerys was still alive, because they love to think that Corlys did this because since Joffrey would now inherit the throne he could not also rule driftmark, because of course if this child was actually his grandson and he saw him as such Corlys would renounce the power that this position brings to his house ( Apparently this man was stupid and I didn't know), I suppose it's normal to prefer the bastards you've had with a girl from Hull than the boy your son had with a princess. In the end what they wanted is for the Strong boys to reign over all the legitimate heirs that already existed, they have not achieved that.
And the thing about usurping and breaking the law too, because in my humble opinion, Rhaenyra was Visery's legitimate heir, but her first children should not be heirs, they immediately call you bastardphobic, obviously I don't care about anyone's origin, nor do I think that that makes you less worthy, but it is a fact that in the universe of Westeros it is illegal to pass bastards as legitimate children (which is not in itself an insult but an adjective to designate people born to people who are not married).
Then it can be stated that the claim of these boys was a usurpation of all the boys and girls of the family who were legitimate and bore the Targaryen surname, including all of Daemon's and Alicent's children. But this is not interesting to talk about. It is better to sell that it was essential that they exist because there were no more heirs available for either House Targaryen or House Velaryon when both things are not true, it is simply a question of power and the path to obtaining power is not always fair and that is seen on both teams.
thank you so much for this lovely ask! sorry for taking forever to answer.
i really don't know why team black hate people who say that are natural. i've said it before and i'll say it again - being natural is the best way to watch this show.
the double standards with helaena and rhaenyra is my villain origin story. i hate hate hate the way team black talks about helaena. and i'm sorry, the psychological torture helaena suffered in B&C, in additional to her son's death - is, thankfully, not something rhaenyra ever had to endure.
yeah i don't get TB using the fact that the targtowers are only half targs & at the same time saying that blood doesn't matter wrt the strongs.
and the aegon and sunfyre antis? please. sunfyre was able to sense aegon and return to him. they have one of the strongest dragonrider \ dragon bonds ever. and for those who say that aegon wanted to replace him??? he tried to hatch a dragon because rhaena had morning. he knew that if the blacks have a dragon and the greens don't then it's over and him & his entire family will be killed. so what was he supposed to do? let everything he and his family and loved ones (including sunfyre) suffered and died for be for nothing? of course not.
and rhaenyra and syrax? i mean we really don't know much about their bond. syrax didn't fight at all during the war, killed her riders son and died. syrax sucks lol (never beating the secret TG agent allegations).
the idea that the blacks are this big happy family is hilarious. corlys and rhaenys literally believe that daemon and rhaenyra killed their son. corlys supports rhaenyra to get his "blood" (name) on the throne. rhaenyra is loyal to herself and her children. corlys has his own interests. rhaenys is there for her granddaughters, and daemon's also doing his own thing. there's so much distrust and hate between the TB "family".
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what-is-canon · 1 year
Post-Dance AU (because I hate how George decided to completely eradicate the Greens *cough* Alicent’s *cough* line)
Jaehaera survives the assassination attempt by Unwin Peake because that poor girl did not deserve that horrific end and that’s that.
She and Aegon III bond over time, because these traumatized kids deserve some happiness and you know what? Maybe they are the only two people in the world right now who understand even a semblance of what the other has gone through (Aegon watched his mother die, Jaehaera watched her twin brother be slaughtered) and maybe they both recognize that neither of them is responsible for what their families did to each other so why should they resent one another?
Over time they become a great comfort to each other. On the days where one is particularly gloomy, the other sits by them and holds their hand and they are content to sit in silence together and neither needs to say what they’re feeling because the other already knows.
They are both very close with Gaemon Palehair. He and Aegon are close for the same reasons as within canon, while Jaehaera believes that Gaemon truly is her half-sibling, her last remaining brother.
Eventually, Alyn Velaryon brings Viserys II home from Essos, but the boy comes alone (a 12-year-old boy married to a 19-year-old woman, yeah I think the fuck not, not in my history, and besides even if they had been closer in age Larra Rogare hated Westeros so let her stay in Essos like she wanted and live her own life there and be happy).
Like in canon, Aegon is somewhat neglectful of his wife and friend in the wake of his brother’s return, but Jaehaera and Gaemon understand his actions. Anyway, they still have each other for company. Viserys is incredibly distrustful of Jaehaera, and Aegon pleads with Viserys to be more understanding of their marriage and the comfort they have found in each other.
Aegon decides to hold a feast to celebrate Viserys’s return. Viserys spends most of the festivities with Baela and Rhaena, preferring not to fraternize with the daughter of the man who killed his mother. In the company of his sisters is Daenaera Velaryon (aged up in to be closer in age to Viserys because an 11-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl? It’s a no from me).
Daenaera manages to cheer Viserys with her happy nature, and he’s quite taken by how pretty she is. Unwin Peake, having never been exposed as the one behind Jaehaera’s assassination attempt (as is also the case in canon) brings his daughter to the feast in the hopes that she will catch the eye of Viserys, but Viserys has already taken a shine to Daenaera, ruining his plans once again.
The pair begin to exchange letters and (like Aegon and Jaehaera) bond over their losses. Viserys tells Aegon about his correspondence with Daenaera, and when Aegon tells Jaehaera, she decides to invite Daenaera to court as her lady-in-waiting. Viserys is delighted, and slowly begins to warm to Jaehaera.
As in canon, Aegon’s removal of the dragon eggs from the Red Keep causes a rift between the brothers. Unwin Peake continues to plot treason, conspiring to kill Aegon and Jaehaera so that Viserys may become King and take his daughter as his bride. But if his daughter is to become Viserys’s Queen, Daenaera Velaryon must also be removed. It is no secret by now that Viserys is very taken with the the girl, and intends to marry her.
Jaehaera and Daenaera eat the canonical poisoned tarts during a private dinner organized for the four. Aegon and Viserys narrowly avoid poisoning as they are delayed by a Small Council meeting. As in canon, Gaemon dies, devastating both Aegon and Jaehaera. The rift between Aegon and Viserys is mended as they help their respective ladies recover. Aegon and Jaehaera comfort each other through the loss of Gaemon, and Viserys proposes marriage to Daenaera, which she accepts. Oh, and Unwin Peake is finally exposed and executed (I still cannot believe this man escaped justice in canon, but not on my watch).
The four form a strong unit within the Red Keep and are, well, as happy as four traumatized young adults can be. They finally have the family each was deprived of at such a young age. Aegon eventually names Viserys his Hand, Jaehaera gives birth to Aegon’s five children, and Daenaera gives birth to Viserys’s three.
But unfortunately, canonical events must still come to pass. Aegon and Jaehaera pass away within months of each other in 157 AC; Daenaera dies some years later, and Viserys becomes his stern canonical self in the wake of her death. The crown passes from Aegon, to Daeron, to Baelor, to Viserys himself, to Aegon IV, who legitimizes the Blackfyres- who are now the descendants of both the Blacks and the Greens.
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princessbellecerise · 3 months
JACE AND CREGAN JACE AND CREGAN OMG IM SO GLAD THEY MADE CREGAN YOUNG AND NOT HAVE HIM ACT LIKE HES OLD ASF. He is supposed to be like 20 and I was worried they were gonna try and make him like Ned but NOPE. I liked how they tried to kind of tie in the GOT Stark’s with him but I wish we saw a bit more
Lucerys Velaryon my sweet baby boy, I will always remember you. When Corlys said he had that dagger commissioned for Luke I SOBBED. He loved those kids sm don’t you EVER try to tell me he didn’t want Luke to have Driftmark
Ugh, Alyn. Iykyk I was waiting his better half (his brother) to show up
Aemond Targaryen when I FUCKING catch you I swear to GOD. Rhaenyra searching for Luke had me in tears. The way she JUMPED off of Syrax to see if it was true oh god
Speaking of which, her scene with Jace destroyed me. The way he tried to be a good son and heir and tell her about his accomplishments but broke down. Oh my god and the way he reached for her I can’t
The greens had too much fucking screen time. All I heard was them yapping about a war THEY started. Also alicent trying to control her sons is laughable. You raised them to be misogynists and now you’re shocked they don’t value women? Hmmm I wonder why
Speaking of Miss Dowager Hypocrite herself…what happened to honor and decency hmmm? No where to be found I guess. Also Crsipy Cole, for a man that’s been sworn of celibacy you sure do get down alot
Larys Strong is the biggest instigator that’s ever lived and I think we’re about to see him changing loyalties like he does in the books. Hmmm
Luke’s funeral. My god. Jace lifting up Joffery to throw in Luke’s seahorse. Rhaena absolutely sobbing bc that was her betrothed :( . Somebody fucking sedate me
Rhaenys…my girl…what have they DONE to you? They made it seem like she didn’t give a single fuck about Luke’s death. CORLYS GRIEVED MORE THAN SHE DID ARE YOU KIDDING ME. This is not the Rhaenys I know. The Rhaenys that wanted to go to King’s Landing and kill the Greens so bad that DAEMON had to reel her in. Smh STOP WITH THE WISHY-WASHY SHIT. MY GIRL WAS FULLY TEAM BLACK
The writers are cowards and you can tell. B&C was Daemons idea. It was HIS idea for HIS son. Although, much as Team Green talks shit about Daemon, I’m also kinda glad they changed B&C to him ordering Aemond’s death.
And speaking of…sigh. So sigh. B&C was so…underwhelming. If they were trying to spark sympathy for Team Green then they did a horrible job at it because WHAT WAS THAT?? Helaena not even putting up a fight? Just straight selling Jahaerys out like damn girl it’s like that?? AND WHERE was Maelor?
Aegon and Aemond of course can go fuck themselves as usual. Them trying to make it seem like Aegon would’ve been a good king is laughable like be SO fucking for real
Otto Hightower your days are numbered. Just you wait, you’ve given your two psycho grandchildren a taste a power and I’m gonna laugh when it backfires
Overall, I did feel a little bit bad for Helaena but it’s still team black. I hated how they cut out the feast Aegon threw to celebrate Luke’s death. It adds a whole new layer as to why the Greens will never be in the right, if it wasn’t obvious already. ALSO, I cannot wait to see those fuckers realize that most of the realm wants Rhaenyra and not *what did Daemon say?* oh yeah, a drunken usurper cunt of a king
Jason (or was it Tyland) being made a fool had me dying. Like yeah your dumbass wanted him on the throne now what? Now you’re a damn pony. Giddy up fool
Them trying to make it seem like Aegon cares about his son when they haven’t even mentioned he has a son until the plot calls for it…sigh. I love TGC but you can definitely tell it’s HIM smiling and acting all cute towards Jahaerys, not Aegon if that makes sense.
Lastly, Lady Misery has always been Team Black and I wish they’d stop making it seem like nobody was on Rhaenyra’s side. Majority of the fucking realm fought for her it and they’re making it seem like she’s so alone. I also feel like they’re trying to use her grief as a reason she shouldn’t rule while trying to make Aegon seem “good” and I don’t like that
Let’s see what next week’s episode brings but hopefully the rest of the season is more…exciting
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maidragoste · 2 years
Nooo bestieeee :( hope you get better, I'll send you some fluffly headcannons about the sea-dragon series:
•Aemond apologizes to the Velaryon twins and introduces them again to Vhagar,whom recognizes them and purred at them😍
•Aegon and Helaena at their wedding, being nervous as heck-imagine this
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Sea-dragon! Aegon pressing a kiss on her forehead, vowing silently to protect her and be a good husband; then he smiles at her brushing with her cheeks with his fingers.
•Corlys at the birth of reader's grandchildren being nervous as heck and when Reader shows her children, he fights back the tears.
•Harwin being a good and decent father to Aethan and Alyn and sometimes he catches reader staring at him softly.
•Aemond having a crush on reader(because he likes older women) and handing her a flower and be like: I have a chane
Hi love. Thank you very much for writing to me, now I feel better. really enjoy your headcanons a lot, thanks 🥰🥰💖💖
Aemond introducing Vhagar to the Velaryon twins I love it. Rhaena being afraid that Vhagar won't recognize her and laughs at her when she hears her purr.
IN LOVE WITH THIS FAN ART. They are both nervous and uncomfortable but Aegon is willing to do his best to be a good husband.
Corlys trying to hold back the tears when she enters the room and goes to Reader with the twins because he had been so afraid that something would go wrong but she is fine, she doesn't stop smiling as she looks at her children. And Corlys is emotional because now her little girl has her own children of hers.
THIS IS CANON. Reader can't help but look softly at how Harwin is with his children. The hatred that Reader has for him begins to disappear little because of the love that he has for the children.
Every time Harwin manages to catch one of those looks he returns to having hope that one day he can get you back.
Alyn and Aethan seeing that Aemond has a crush on their mom
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I hope you are well, thanks again for writing to me 💖💖
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
Something came to me while reading your PactOfIcen'Fire meta, did someone thought to compare Jace and Sara to Rhaegar and Lyanna? I haven't read many things about Jace and Sara tbh so if they did I'm sorry for repeating it 😅
And not only that but i couldn't ignore but note that Serena and Edric..don't we have an Edric in the main books who's a bastard? I think is intentional to have named him like the Edric Storm in the main series
I'm so sorry anon, I meant to answer this like a straight month ago but tumblr glitched and didn't post it and I didn't even realize :((((
ANYWAYS. I have seen people compare them in the past wrt the pact, yes! there’s two comparisons here that are made between the two couples. there's the argument that jon himself fulfills the pact because he’s the son of a targaryen prince (rhaegar/jacaerys) and a stark daughter (lyanna/sara), and I’ve seen people refer to jace/sara as a proto rhael/ya. then there's the other comparison, where it's pointed out the pact is about a targaryen fostering at winterfell, not just wedding a stark. if you search “rhaegar pact” or "jacaerys lyanna" (search, not a specific tag, fyi) you’ll get all sorts of fun thoughts, but some of my faves are stumpy and starkcontrasts.
I do think there's a lot of parallels and anti parallels between the two couples, and I think those parallels are mmeant to catch our attention while the anti parallels are meant to make us think a little deeper about the context surrounding both couples. I'm bulletting this because it helps me organize my thoughts more clearly.
Similarities between Jacaerys/Sara and Rhaegar/Lyanna:
both couples expect to have a daughter - he daughter of Jacaerys and Sara was supposed to marry Edric Stark in order to tie the houses together, and Rhaegar expected Lyanna to have a daughter not a son (Visenya Snow truthers rise)
a kind of, "oh those crazy kids" vibe from both couples - Rhaegar and Jacaerys both spurning another woman (Elia/Baela) for a Stark maiden and eloping with her
Rhaegar and Jacaerys have minimal input in the wars they are involved in- Jacaerys because he dies early on and Rhaegar because he spends most of the war holed up at the Tower of Joy
Lyanna and Jacaerys are around the same age when their lives get upended - both are only 16 when they die. Very notable to me that Jon Snow is also only 16 when he "dies" in ADWD
Both Baela and Elia are quite beloved by their Houses. You could write pages of meta about Elia's effect on the plot and meanwhile Baela is her father's favorite, one of the last dragon riders, one of the only dragon riders to hit the ground with her dragon and live to tell the story (even if Aegon hadn't been murdered, it seems likely his injuries would have eventually killed him. man is fucked up by his burns and legs, whereas Baela recovers comparitively quickly), marries the heir to House Velaryon, and remains a staple at her half brothers courts for a very long time. AND both women experience infidelity in their marriages - not just the Jacaerys/Sara thing, but Alyn's affairs!
Mysteries surrounding the endings of these relationships - there's the obvious r+l=j thing and the fact that no one knows what the hell Rhaegar was up to during most of the war, but there's also the mystery surrounding Vermax laying a clutch of dragon eggs in the crypts of Winterfell and the baby metaphor here that Jacaerys stays long enough to leave a "child" with Sara just as Rhaegar stays long enough to leave a child with Lyanna.
Differences between Jacaerys/Sara and Rhaegar/Lyanna
the JS daughter is meant to solidify an alliance between the Targaryens/Iron Throne and the Starks/North, while Rhaegar is not interested in making an alliance, he is interested in his prophecy and his third head of the dragon
I think it's very relevant here that Jon is the same age as his mother and Jacaerys in ADWD - this is, imo, the key here that Jon does not fulfill the pact with his birth, but will be involved in the pact himself
Jacaerys and Baela are not actually married when he elopes with Sara Snow, while Rhaegar is not just married but has children with Elia
Mysterious surrounding the ending of the relationships - this goes in differences too because there is in fact a difference between an egg and a literal baby, lmao. This seems to me a pretty clear r+l=j hint, that jacaerys/vermax leaves a ~secret dragon~ with the starks, and jon is a secret dragon that Ned brings to Winterfell
What the hell does all of this mean? Well, I mean, your guess is as good as mine anon, lmao, but EYE think JS is meant to be another r+l=j hint, possibly a hint about the ultimate fate of dany's three dragons (don't ask me what, i have no idea), and an indicator for what jon's ultimate fate is - not as another Jacaerys/Rhaegar parallel but instead serving as the stand in for Jacaerys and Sara's daughter, who fosters at Winterfell and marries the Stark Heir.
Now to the second part!! Edric is a fairly common name but I have always wondered about comparisons between Edric’s so you’re not alone there!! I had originally wondered if Edric Storm and Edric Dayne had perhaps been meant to interact at some point and have larger roles, bc both touch on legitimacy issues (little Ned Dayne repeats the Wylla lie to Arya) and they both feel kinda set up to have had bigger story lines and are relatively isolated at the end of asos the way the starks are (to let them age). There’s actually lots of theories about little Ned Dayne specifically and his relationship with Arya, Ashara, and how he’s connected to the Tower of Joy storyline, and his connection to all that, plus his name connection to Edric Storm AND Serena's Edrics IS a fun one. It could mean nothing predictions wise, just George writing on a pattern. I recommend this meta here for some Targaryen naming patterns and how Rhaegar fits into all the typically feminine Rhae names. I think this is something similar to that - if an Edric shows up, it means the succession is about to involve a lot of bastards and usurpation and mystery!
Here's a clip of the Stark Family Tree, for the visual learners:
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The main weird thing about this part of the timeline (besides Rickon's daughters being usurped, #JusticeForSansaAndSerena) is The Edric Of It All. Rickon dies before Cregan, and instead of Winterfell passing to Sansa, it passes to the next son, Jonnel (exactly the way the Aemon, Rhaenys, and Baelon situation goes). But when Jonnel dies without issue, Winterfell skips over Edric and Serena's children, because Edric died before Jonnel, and goes straight to Barthogan, then Brandon and his son Rodwell. This despite the fact that Serena and Edric have two sons of their own: Cregard and Torrhen (and aren't those some incredibly pointed names, just like Aemon naming Rhaenys after a conqueror!). I think when Sansa died, and then Jonnel remarried, Jonnel likely considered Edric his heir. I think what happens here is that Jonnel justifies his usurption by saying that since Rickon died before Cregan, his line should just be skipped entirely and go to the back of succession, and that all the living sons of Cregan should come first. But when Edric dies, Jonnel & probably Barthogan use this justification again by saying that since Edric is dead, his whole line goes to the end, and it goes to the next son, Barthogan. Maybe they even felt a bit guilty about skipping Cregard and Torrhen but they have to stick with this justification in order to keep their own place in the succession ahead of Sansa and Serena, the same way Viserys would never straight up say "the GC was wrong" because it would put his own claim at risk, or the way Aegon III is never able to change the line to say he descends from Rhaenyra because it would piss off the greens. So you have, in a strange way, Edric being usurped by his own brothers, just as Sansa and Serena are usurped (and maybe forcibly married) by their own uncles.
What's even more fun here, in addition to all the nonsense surrounding succession, a JS couple, and an Edric is that like I said, we have Edric Storm tied to legitimacy, Edric Dayne tied to the Tower of Joy plot, and...Edric Stark's brother, Brandon, the child of Lynara Stark who finally has kids who inherit, has a bastard of his own, Lonnel Snow! Just a coincidence, and George writing on a pattern? Again, yeah, maybe, probably, but there is some chatter regarding both Lonnel and Edric's possible descendants including that perhaps House Cassel is a descendants house of one of the two. idk but it's interesting!!
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luchibelle · 5 years
Targaryen and Stark took advantage of women hiding behind the right of the first night.
The first night is oftenly used in Stark vs Targaryen Fans Wars. Every now and then, if you scroll through the #asoiaf tag, you must have seen that people often use it to drag the Starks to the mood and praise the Targaryens for their moral superiority.
To all of this I have to say that you're wrong in your believe. Either you haven't read Fire & Blood, you read it but you didn't catch up on it or you did but you don't care, because both of them, Targaryen and Stark, made use of the right of the first night.
Targaryens: GUILTY
(...) until the reign of King Jaehaerys, the ancient right to the first night had been invoked mayhaps more oft on Dragonstone than anywhere else in the Seven Kingdoms, though Good Queen Alysanne would surely have been shocked to hear it.
Though the first night was greatly resented elsewhere, as Queen Alysanne had learned in her women's counsels, such feelings were muted upon Dragonstone, where Targaryens where rightly regarded as being closer to gods than the common run of men. Here, brides thus blessed upon their wedding nights were envied, and the children born of such unions were esteemed above all others, for the Lords of Dragonstone oft celebrated the birth of such with lavish giftsof gold and silk and land to the mother. These happy bastards were said to have been "born of dragonseed", and in time became known simply as "seeds". Even after the end of the right of the first night, certain Targaryens continued to dally with daughters of inkeeps and the wives of fishermen, so seeds and the sons of seeds were plentiful on Dragonstone.
Even if Good Queen Alysanne was oblivious to the extent of it, she was aware of some of it, as you can see in this conversation between Alysanne and Jaehaerys:
I knew of the tradition. Even on Dragonstone, there are stories of men of mine own house, Targaryens, who have made free with the wives of fisherfolk and serving men, and sired children on them…”
“Dragonseeds, they call them,” Jaehaerys said with obvious reluctance. “It is not a thing to boast of, but it has happened, mayhaps more often than we would care to admit. Such children are cherished, though. Orys Baratheon himself was a dragonseed, a bastard brother to our grandsire. Whether he was conceived of a first night I cannot say, but Lord Aerion was his father, that was well-known.
Orys Baratheon must have been the first famous dragonseed, but not the last one. During The Dance of the Dragons, lots of seeds and sons of seeds appeared from all over the Seven Kingdoms to try and tame a dragon.
When Jace (...) demanded to know where Mushroom proposed to find more dragons, the dwarf tells us he laughed and said, "Under the seeds and in the woodpiles, wherever you Targaryens spilled your silver seed".
Two of those seeds were Hugh Hammer, who rode Vermithor (Jaehaerys' dragon), and Ulf the sot, who mounted Silverwing (Alysanne's).
But Targs weren't the only dragonlords to make use of the first night, so did Lord Crolys Velaryon, father of Addam and Alyn, one would become a dragonrider and the other the Lord of Driftmark (married to Baela Targaryen).
In recent history, during Tywin Lannister's wedding to Lady Joanna, King Aerys II Targaryen said it was a pity the first night was banned, and he took certain liberties in the bedding ritual.
Targaryens took advantage of the first night before and after the abolition.
Starks (Northerns): GUILTY
During Alysanne's women counsels at Mole's Town (the closest village to the Wall) a whore tells her how "scarcely had [she and a blacksmith] said their vows than their lord came down upon the wedding with his men-at-arms to claim his right to her first night."
"At White Harbour, at Mole's Town, at Barrowtown, other women spoke of their first nights as well."
In this other fragment, Jaehaerys says it is rare south of the Neck, indirectly claming it is more common north of the Neck:
“The right of the first night is an ancient one,” he argued, though with no great passion, “as much a part of lordship as the right of pit and gallows. It is rarely used south of the Neck, I am told, but its continued existence is a lordly prerogative that some of my more truculent subjects would be loath to surrender."
We can track this tradition back to the the First Men of the Dawn Age, that like the Wildings "followed only strenght. Their lords and kings were warriors, mighty men and heroes, and they wanted their sons to be the same. If a war lord chose to bestow his seed upon some maid on her wedding night it was een as ... a sort of blessing."
Yeah, sure. A women would find a blessing being impregnated. Thankfully Alysanne is there to tell Jaehaerys that she "listened to the girls [at Mole's Town], and none of them felt blessed".
Note that the Starks have the blood of the First Men, just like the Boltons, Karstarks, skagosi, mountain clans, etc.
In recent history, Ramsay (Snow) Bolton is a product of the first night.
"The moment that I set eyes on her I wanted her. Such was my due. The maesters will tell you that King Jaehaerys abolished the lord's right to the first night to appease his shrewish queen, but where the old gods rule, old customs linger. The Umbers keep the first night too, deny it as they may. Certain of the mountain clans as well, and on Skagos ... well, only heart trees ever see half of what they do on Skagos. This miller's marriage had been performed without my leave or knowledge. The man had cheated me. So I had him hanged, and claimed my rights beneath the tree where he was swaying."
-- A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 32, Reek III.
Northerns took advantage of the first night before and after the abolition.
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