#amalia holm icons
quakeinmyboots · 8 months
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motherland: fort salem [ scylla ramshorn icons ]
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sapphicsicon · 2 years
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Amalia Holm Icons
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fandomiconsx · 4 years
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privateraelle · 3 years
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scylla ramshorn + s2 outfits
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rambling-addict · 3 years
Wtf Amalia, you bias wrecker… You’re out to kill us.
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Yup, you succeeded.
Oh, and I almost forgot Taylor blew us away with her own photoshoot..
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Like seriously… I don’t even know who my bias is anymore, lol.
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multiprises · 2 years
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Happy Yule!, Motherland: Fort Salem, 3.04
Shannon Kohli (D), Nicole Avenia (S), 12/07/22
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pozimek · 3 years
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allgusgurls · 2 years
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afterglowlws · 4 years
I don’t know what Taylor and Amalia identify as in real life, I don’t want to assume anything. But if they are straight, I hella commend them for putting their all into the Raylla ship. They like genuinely kiss each other, which is something a lot of straight actresses look visibly uncomfortable doing. And just from interviews I’ve seen they seem to really enjoy playing the ship. It’s really refreshing to see actresses who ship it just as much as the fans!
Watch Motherland: Fort Salem and get it renewed for season 2!!
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lostinwebsite · 4 years
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Amalia Holm Bjelke (2)
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kaylorstreetk · 4 years
hey guys, do you know of any accounts that have motherland fort salem cast/series icons???
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motherland · 4 years
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Ship Spotlight: Raylla [Part 2]
Motherland: Fort Salem’s Taylor Hickson and Amalia Holm discuss the Raylla ship, share photos from set, their headcanons about the show, and more. Check it out:
What is something that you hope to see Raelle and Scylla do or achieve in an upcoming episode? 
Taylor Hickson: I'm hoping Scylla gets a chance to fully explain herself. I feel we're still missing huge parts of her backstory. It would be incredibly interesting to hear her justify why she chose the path she did and what led her there. I feel that's at least owed to Raelle and definitely the audience! 
Amalia Holm: I hope Scylla gets a chance to properly explain herself to Raelle and that Raelle keeps an open mind. I hope that her senses are not clogged by anger and sadness and that their love will prevail.
Do you have any headcanons about Raylla? 
TH: I have a strange feeling (maybe more of a hope) that the mall girl is a different person than Scylla. I don't have much to back this up other than intuition... I know as much as you guys do!
AH: I think they goof around a lot, including make funny voices. I also think they almost compete in generosity towards one another: e.g. fighting over who is giving up the last piece of lobster. 
The witches of Fort Salem definitely aren’t perfect (e.g. collateral damage in battle). How, if at all, do you think that these failings can be resolved, and who do you think will be the ones to resolve it?
TH: Even having healers among the military, it's seemingly impossible to save every life. If anyone, I think Tally could petition the best outcome considering her enthusiasm for the cause and need for justice. Maybe even finding a way to please all parties involved- including the government and The Spree.
AH: In accordance with Scylla, I think that there has to be a reset and a rethinking of the entire conscription system. Until then, I think a change of leadership is a good idea: the system might need to undergo a systematic change from within. At the same time, the benefit of having Alder in power is that we know more about her than any other prospect.
What’s the most memorable thing that happened while filming? 
TH: On the first day of shooting with Ashley, I licked barbecue sauce off of her pants and Jess licked her face. At the same time. We got real close real fast.
AH: The scene in episode 7 where Raelle and Scylla are united just to be separated while crying. That scene was so emotional and we both gave our all in a sense that created a very intimate moment. I would not want to be without that experience, neither professionally nor personally. 
Can you share the funniest photo on your phone from set?
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Were there any improvised or spontaneous Raylla moments that happened on the show? 
TH: Too many to count. There were so many little moments. So much can change on the day of shooting -- entire scenes can be rewritten! Sometimes because a writer has realizations, or because of a location, or the team thinks it feels better another way. We were blessed to have a collaborative group that truly listened to how we felt. Amalia was an INCREDIBLE scene partner. So innovative. She really thinks on the fly and follows her intuition. After doing something 17 times, she always finds a way to make it feel exciting and new. She sure can keep you on your toes (sometimes OFF)! Ultimately, my favorite thing about sharing a scene with her is her ability to make time slow down. She has such a patient energy to her; very present and grounded. I'm someone who loves to rush through everything, so it's often difficult for me to truly drop in and stay there. Amalia always kept a free and creative air around her and it's incredibly contagious. I really found this allowed for deeper connection and more play.
AH: There were some! I think most of them had to do with mine and Taylor’s physical ways of expressing love, as a cherry on top of a scene. In episode 3, there is a scene by the lacrosse field where the two say goodbye and I felt that the one scripted kiss was not enough for Scylla, so I leaned in for one more. I also improvised a playful lift in episode 5 that just felt natural in the context of the dialogue and the need to cheer each other up.
What’s your favorite Raylla scene? Why? 
TH: I would definitely say the first Salva scene. It was iconic in establishing roots for the relationship and giving it a strong sense of direction. The beauty of Jon Joffin's cinematography gave it an otherworldly, almost psychedelic feel, and Brandon Roberts' score rounded out the scene in its intimacy. We shot both in the studio and on location, and seeing the finished product all tied in with special effects (I'm in love with the fireflies), helped me understand the initial pressure around shooting that scene. It paved the way for a legendary love. *chefs kiss* to our team!
AH: My favorite Raylla scene so far is at the end of episode 4 — at the sunrise after the night of Beltane when they walk together, both having had some serious turmoil within themselves. It is so beautifully shot. It’s up there next to the scene in episode 5 where Raelle says “She goes where I go” because the entire scene is charged with so much from all characters. Hmm, I do also love the deathcap scene at the graveyard in episode 2, but that one is so early on in the relationship, it’s kind of before they were even Raylla.
Thanks for taking the time, Taylor and Amalia! Check out Part 1 of the Spotlight here, and tune into Motherland: Fort Salem Wednesdays at 9pm/8c on Freeform. Next day on Hulu.
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sapphicsicon · 3 years
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bowerbirdboy · 4 years
I find it funny that despite scylla's crimes, she is still very much loved by people in the fandom. I myself think of her as baby and will protect her from haters. Amalia Holm is awesome. Her being casted was genius. For someone else scylla would be hated or would not be liked. It also goes with raylla being so loved and gaining lots of fans depsite the obvious start of the relationship being a lie.
Amalia Holm said in an interview that the greatest challenge and goal of an actor is to get the audience to empathize with your character and I’d like to say just from personal experience, she’s succeeded. Amalia is fantastic at using her whole face and body to make you feel everything she’s feeling, so much so that we can tell how strong her feelings are for Raelle and it overshadows everything else. Plus, what’ve people dubbed her? Murder nugget? 
Something that works in her favor is she’s just such a BAD Spree agent. They tell her to lure in one (1) attractive girl and under no circumstances should she grow attached to the mark and what does this dumbass do? She goes and falls in love. They tell her to blend into the military and make sure she doesn’t cause a scene that would make the military find out about the Spree infiltration and what does this dumbass do? She chucks her ex off the roof. 
This fandom is also really fond of crack so when you’ve got those great posts circling around the community of Raylla incorrect quotes (this gem jumps to mind) and those iconic things about the Ramsweather friendship (I’m still captain of that ship and you can pry it from my cold, dead hands) and Anacostia parenting Raylla and Raylla in turn parenting Tally and/or Khalida, it’s easy to forget that she may or may not have been responsible for hundreds of innocent deaths. And also... have you seen her??
In conclusion
domestic fluff Raylla > possible domestic terrorist
killer looks > killer
blue eyes > blue balloon
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rambling-addict · 4 years
And so I’m awake again, at half one in the morning... and my mind is once again wandering in rambling land. (Curse you, night shifts, for my insomnia and messed up body clock)
I’ll hold myself back from going on and on...at least, I’ll try. Lol
This post is just to say... I’m dying for more KTY updates. Seriously, if this world is a desert, everyone’s parched, then KTY updates are like droplets of water... we just don’t get enough of it!
Just say hello again, please 🥺
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I really can’t wait for Warrior Nun season 2. I hope they give us sneak peaks and bts shit.
I can’t wait for Motherland: Fort Salem season 2, as well. I need me some more Amalia!! Fml, I’m so gay... but look!
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Isn’t she just adorable?? How could anyone hate that face? Btw, I don’t condone mass murder, but I believe in second chances, if the person is genuinely misguided and is willing to face repercussions and to change.
Moving on to another thought, I said it before and I’ll say it again... Avatrice and Raylla chemistry is just pure 🔥.
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Same vibe.😏
And there’s this...
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How can you not want to smoosh their cheeks? I have to stop, lol.
Which brings me back... update more, Kristina! Amalia is at your heels.;)
But ADC, you’re still number 1. Lexa will always be number 1. 🥰
So I’ll just leave this here...
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And yet again, half an hour passed with me obsessing and rambling 😬
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sapphicsicon · 3 years
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Scylla Ramshorn Icons
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