#what is with wlw icons and suits
gloomy-prince · 7 months
To celebrate RAINBOW!'s release today, I'm going to go over all the daydream references that have been made so far, since it's fun for me to sneak them in 💖 there's a lot of them though, so it's gonna be under the cut!
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Episode 1-- Kiki's Delivery Service and E.T.! People focus on the Kiki reference so much that the other seemed to be missed.
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Episode 2-- Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion, Sailor Moon. Another one obvious enough to be called out in some comments. It was referenced again in episode 54, where this panel was taken from.
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Episode 5-- Marceline, Adventure time. One of the few reference that isn't an outfit specifically, but a character.
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Episode 11-- Revolutionary Girl Utena. Not necessarily supposed to be the characters themselves, just the outfits.
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Episode 11-- Minako Aino, Sailor Moon. In hindsight, I don't remember why I chose this specific dress to reference and not the maid outfits from Sailor Stars or the fruits maid outfits from the manga... especially since I think the fruits maid outfits are adorable.
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Episode 11-- Catra, She-Ra reboot. I kind of regretted this one immediately just because like 80% of the comments on the episode were "CATRA SUIT!!!" as a result...
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Episode 18-- Sailor Moon manga. I was always intrigued by the way characters would be dressed in dreamlike/ethereal sequences in the manga, so this reference was a must for me. I went with the version that is a full dress with straps rather than the dresses from other moments in the manga that have no discernible top half.
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Episode 30 and 31-- Not a reference to any specific film or character, but just film noir in general. I do remember referencing a female character specifically for this but sadly I couldn't find it again.
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Episode 40-- Pomeranian scene, IT Chapter Two. Surely you saw this coming (or maybe not?) I don't think I got the camera angle good enough to really sell this reference, but I couldn't resist it anyways.
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Episode 43-- Adult Losers, IT Chapter Two. The only reference besides Marceline that references the characters themselves, since I normally use our other characters for background character purposes. Also one of the only references that isn't a daydream.
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Episode 54-- Disney's Snow White and Cinderella. I couldn't decide which to reference, so I ended up leaning mostly into Cinderella, but referenced the Evil Queen's crown as well. Boo's dress is also somewhat referenced from the the live action Cinderella dress instead of the animated version, just because I liked it.
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Episode 54-- Treasure Planet and Treasure Planet 2 concept art. Treasure planet is one of my favorite movies, so there was no way I was missing out on referencing it. A few people brought up some wlw pirate webcomic(s?) in the comments of this episode, but the actual reference seemed to be mostly missed. The sash around Boo's waist is also meant to be fabric from her princess dress in the previous panels.
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Episode 54-- Revolutionary Girl Utena. Another one I was kind of surprised wasn't called out just because of how iconic the whole clothed shadow/silhouette thing is.
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Episode 55-- Saint Tail. I couldn't reference this one as closely as I would have liked since it probably wouldn't have been very readable as a magician's costume to someone who didn't know it, so it mostly references the brooch from the anime and her hat.
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Episode 61-- Jane Fonda in Spirits of the Dead. A super random and out there reference, especially to end on, but I liked the outfit so much that I couldn't help it. Maybe Boo used to fall asleep to old movie channels, lol.
That's it, at least for now! We'll have to see what shows up in future episodes~
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leighlew3 · 1 year
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For some reason I couldn’t send the link of this post but I could download the picture and send it (hopefully)
This is what I was references in that ask to you lol
Ah. And... yeah. A painful and unnecessary creative choice.
Look, overall I'm loving Picard, despite quite a few issues with some creative choices and contradictions, because this nostalgia is incredible and so appreciated and being able to witness these characters in action again has been WONDERFUL.
That being said... well, I'm about to launch into a ramble.
Buckle up, and keep reading if you'd like...
Picard had an ICONIC legacy female character in an interracial wlw relationship with a dynamic new Black female character -- both women over the age of 50 no less, an amazing thing to explore on screen -- and it worked. And so many fans loved it and felt represented and thrilled to kingdom come. And it fit with the Star Trek brand of inclusion and acceptance in a modern society. It also made Voyager fans of 25 years feel vindicated and seen, having Seven not only confirmed as sapphic, but actually exploring it on screen and finding love, even if a "happy ending" for Seven was never in the cards for many reasons, they could have explored why instead of just sweeping it under the rug off screen and reducing it to one awkward glance between them, a joke from Worf, and that was it. Seven and Raffi deserved better. Queer fans deserved better.
Alas, they tossed it in the trash for no valid reason at all, and at the worst possible time in our current social and political landscape of an outdated and frighteningly dangerous resurgence of homophobia, transphobia, etc. Life imitates art, and art imitates life. And thus, now we see conservative-run media companies catering again to the vocal, hateful little groups and extremist far right fear mongers. There is a very obvious bias of late again against LGBTQ content (especially wlw due to the frightening rise in misogyny yet again lately) across nearly every channel and streamer and studio.
For that matter, even beyond LGBTQ stories, there's also a significant reduction in the exploration of ANY sexuality on screen across the board lately, even for cishet couples. We somehow went from Hollywood being absurdly and unfairly exploitive towards women and putting actors in uncomfortable and unnecessary situations, to some sort of bizarre, puritanical, utterly sexless exploration of romance on screen. And even a reduction of romance entirely in many cases, for that matter. We went from one extreme to the other, and it's absolutely nuts.
Anyway, back on the topic of Picard, the two actresses who previously were captains of the ship and ALL about the pairing have since seemingly now had to backtrack, make excuses for this bizarre decision, or just not speak on it at all. And that's beyond sad.
And again, it makes me concerned that if Seven does get her own spin-off or is a part of a new spin-off again, they'd likely not include Raffi nor explore Seven being with women further. Which would just be LITERALLY going backwards in time to the days of Voyager where many (not all) straight male fans tried to claim her as theirs and theirs alone while reducing her to just "the hot Borg in a cat suit" even though everyone else knew she was three dimensional as hell, one of the best written and acted characters in franchise history, and inherently representative of the LGBTQ community.
Anyway, I really really hope they prove me wrong and Saffi get a satisfying ending in this show, and if nothing else, even if they don't have a future together in other series, any other shows at least continue to embrace Seven's pansexuality. It's important.
Alas right now my trust in creatives in the TV space who are under the pressures of conservative-run media conglomerates... is limited. Even once seeming allies are showing sides to themselves lately that are... concerning, to say the least. People who previously would tell incels to F' off, and weren't afraid to stand up to and block phobes on Twitter are now blocking queer fans for just asking "WTF?" about queer favorites being sidelined or ships being tossed in the trash. People who previously seemed to truly see and value queer fans are now bordering on just using them for clicks and stringing them along on likely hopeless efforts regarding show survival. And people who actually do mean well and usually stand up loud and strong for LGBTQ audiences are suddenly growing very, very quiet if not even in some cases TURNING on their queer fans entirely as TPTB remove more and more wlw content from airwaves and streamer services.
It's all very disheartening. As a writer who has had this conversation so often with producers and executives, I GET IT. The fight is NOT an easy one. And most the time inclusion efforts are flat out shot down. But it feels like so few people are walking the talk anymore. People who capitalized heavily on LGBTQ characters and ships and fans for a few years when it was hot are now turning their backs when the going has gotten rough. And that's frustrating for us all.
But, the good news: these things are often cyclical. So if everybody can hang in there, stay strong, and fight the good fight online and IRL, rock the VOTE, etc and drown out the hateful voices that want the LGBTQ community silenced or worse, then I believe we can set (or force, in many cases) the misguided, fearful, extremist-rightwing-catering media companies back to the proper side of history.
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ghelgheli · 2 years
🔥 - furries
oh boy. woof. i was initially overwhelmed trying to pick out an unpopular opinion but i realized. why settle for one!
yeah, furry stuff isn't all about sex for everyone. it would be fine if it was though. it is fine if someone's interest in furry stuff is purely a sex thing. in an AU where being a furry was all about sex, it would still be fine. trying to wash over the horniness of many (not all) furries in an attempt to defend is a waste of time. someone's investment in furry media can be for the exclusive purpose of jerking off and that's all good ✨
there are no requirements to being a furry. it's not an ontological state with necessary and sufficient conditions. you don't need a suit. you don't need a sona. you don't need an account on xyz website. IT'S NOT THAT SERIOUS. nobody gatekeeping furryness in either direction is worth your time. you can appreciate one piece of furry media every three weeks and call yourself a furry. you can follow three hundred furry artists and say you're not. it's not serious.
there is no essential political economy nor demographic composition to "furry culture" of any sort. there are commie furries. there are lib furries. there are nazi furries. there are lots of gay and trans furries and there are lots of cishet furries. furries are, modulo the sort of selection that occurs in filtering who has access to online and offline spaces where furry stuff might happen, basically just a subset of the general population. which is to say that being a furry is value-neutral, and is neither inherently "revolutionary" nor inherently reprehensible nor inherently gay nor inherently straight. there is no one furry culture, and subcultures and communities can differ just as much as with non-furries.
furry aesthetics are a site of ambiguity. this is hardly unique to the furrosphere, but people can and do derive pleasure from furry content that may not in design align with their orientations and that's fine. as a very masc trans lesbian, i enjoy a lot of mlm furry art because i can project my own experiences of gender on to what is depicted (caveat: there is also a lot of nasty transphobia and transmisogyny in furry subcultures trying to misread trans characters, just as in many other subculture)
a lot of furry wlw art by wlws is boring. sorry about it. it's beholden to the same trappings of desirability as any other art and snzzzz. there are many many gems of course (gammelgaedda lookin at u) but the median looks like it was arranged in a sterile room with artificial lighting and forced poses. tbc i am in awe of the technical skill that goes into a lot of this art. it also just makes me feel absolutely nothing at all otherwise. and before someone grabs me by my goat horns: im not saying this is a problem unique to wlw art, nor that wlw stuff is especially vulnerable to it. but I'm a lesbian and that's what I seek out most, so it's what I'm commenting on
you can have as many sonas as you want. some people seem strangely committed to one person one sona. you can be as polymorphic as you like. you don't have to choose.
people joke about furry artists making bank but: a lot of them undercharge. i paid something like thrice the listed price for my icon bc it was worth at least that much.
there's this one furry art style, with airbrushed looking gradients and broad rounded curves and painfully neat lines. sharp colour boundaries and hypersaturation. idk if I'm conveying this successfully but it's everywhere. and i cannot stand it it's so unpleasant to look at sorry 😭
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rambling-addict · 3 years
Wtf Amalia, you bias wrecker… You’re out to kill us.
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Yup, you succeeded.
Oh, and I almost forgot Taylor blew us away with her own photoshoot..
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Like seriously… I don’t even know who my bias is anymore, lol.
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undonedivine · 5 years
the sweet nothing music video is important to the lesbians because:
1. florence welch in a suit
2. florence welch without a suit
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Things I Loved About Black Widow (2021).
Yes it’s been almost two weeks since release. Yes I’ve seen it almost three times now. Yes, all my thoughts are still a jumble. Somewhat ordering them for this post will be difficult.
Honestly, the entire first 53 minutes of this movie is perfect to me. Everything about it. The dialogue, the action, the way it’s able to convey so much without words, how it’s just Natasha, Yelena and Mason, everything is just *chef’s kiss*. (This isn’t to say the remaining 1hr 21mins is bad, it’s just not as perfect as the first act imo)
I have a thing for scores and god bless Lorne Balfe he really understood the assignment on this one. If you haven’t already, take a few minutes to listen to his composition, specifically ‘Natasha’s Lullaby’. I love when you can hear a story in music and I think this score does that really effectively.
Nat speaking Russian! Nat speaking Russian! The way she reverts back to it in the opening scene when she’s scared! I wish we’d gotten more of it honestly, especially in the family dinner scene, even something as simple as ‘pass the salt’.
Also, her Russian accent in the Budapest flashback! It was quiet but definitely there, and it showed that her American one was something she had to train herself back into once she defected, which I appreciated.
“I stashed that like five years ago” Is this a canon hint that Nat hoards her food? Maybe?! I’ll take what I can get to satisfy my headcanons thanks.
Natasha and Yelena’s fight sequence in the apartment is the best fight scene in the movie. No arguments.
So much of my inner monolgue while watching was just ‘imsogayimsogayimsogay”. That much leather and that many piercings??! The BRAIDS?? This movie is for the wlws.
Mason you absolute icon I love how much you care about Natasha I love that you’re sleeping everywhere because same. (You deserved better than to be a Taskmaster misdirect). Please turn up in more MCU properties as Yelena’s contact or something.
“But you’re not a mouse, Melina. You were just born in a cage, but that’s not your fault.” THIS LINE!!!
AND THIS ONE. “You took my childhood, you took my choices and tried to break me. But you’re never gonna do that to anybody ever again.” The emphasis on choice vs children, how it’s always been about bodily autonomy instead of the romanticised horror of sterilisation that Whedon went with. 
“I never let myself be alone long enough to think about it.” I GASPED.
HONOURABLE MENTION: “You didn’t work in the shadows, you hid in the dark,” (or something). There’s something really satisfying about that line. 
Everything about this film is so inherently female, I love it when things don’t reek of testosterone.
I’ve heard some critics say this movie felt really ‘isolated’ and ‘disconnected’ from the rest of the MCU because of the time jump and how many new characters there were and I have to hard disagree there. The appearance of Secretary Ross, name-dropping Tony Stark, and the continued references to the Avengers were not only realistic but also really cemented this oneshot in-universe for me. 
*cue me flapping my hands and opening another draft because every separate point is eliciting another two paragraphs of analysis that I absolutely cannot include on this post or it will never end*. Man I love this movie. See the read-more because this is getting longgg.
Similarly, how it actually carries through on a lot of previous set up, mostly from Avengers 1, like with ‘Dreykov’s daughter’ and “thank you for your co-operation”. I got very nervous when they announced they were going to tackle Budapest because a) I didn’t think anything they came up with would ever live up to the hype people gave that line so it would only end in disappointment and b) I’ve never particularly cared, to be honest. (it was a throwaway line in Avengers 1 that was repeated for nostalgia in Endgame in a context that now makes no sense, forgive me for being indifferent) but I actually loved how it tied everything together.
The way it reclaims her from every male creator that’s handled her (fuck the Russos and M&M) while simultaneously keeping the best of what they managed to foster (again, Avengers 1 is a heavy influence, and rightly so, but it gives a fat middle finger to AOU, also rightly so).
How competent Nat was shown to be without being unbeatable. She fully got her ass handed to her a couple of times, and yes, it’s very unrealistic that she was able to go through two car accidents, fall off that bridge, out of that window and then out of the sky without being seriously injured, but we finally got to see the physical manifestations of some of that pain! She was holding her ribs when she got out of the water, the bruises on her back, the dislocated shoulder, and the blood splatters were actual splatters when she broke her nose rather than delicate dabs.
This might be an unpopular one, because I know this was what a lot of people were expecting more of, but I was glad Natasha’s youth in the Red Room was confined to the opening credits. The aftermath of that training and Natasha as a product of it has always been more fascinating to me than the actual event.
As an older sister myself, the dynamic between Natasha and Yelena really struck home for me. Yelena’s pride in Nat and need for approval and validation from Natasha in conflict with realising Nat’s flaws, wrestling with her disappointment, seeing how human Nat is, were perfectly portrayed by Florence Pugh. I could completely relate to Nat, who, despite trying to convince herself otherwise, couldn’t fight her fierce protective instinct and specific brand of unconditional love that only an older sister will ever feel. 
A diverse set of Widows!
I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of comics references in this movie. The frame where she jumped through the fire from the Waid/Samnee run, the pheromonal lock.
Now I have my problems with Scarlett Johansson, but I came out of this movie with a lot of respect and a little bit of pride in her. It’s clear that she put her everything into this movie, both as an actor and executive producer. She obviously cares immensely about Nat and how she’s portrayed, and it’s clear from interviews that the things she loves and finds fascinating about Nat are the same as the fans. (I also feel a little bit sorry for the way she’s getting brushed over in the coverage in favour of a new and shiny Florence Pugh, so this is me expressing some ScarJo-as-Natasha appreciation).
A big question I had going in was, ‘Natasha’s always reflecting the people around her, but what’s she like when she’s alone, and has only her own mind for company?’ and this movie really answered that for me. Seeing her out of her suit and wearing clothes that were for her, not for a cover or a mission, seeing her drink beer and eat ice cream and let her hair dry while watching a Bond film she’s obviously seen many times before, it was all perfect. The scenes in the caravan were a huge step for humanising women in action movies. 
I’ll probably be adding to this post a lot because this movie will not leave my mind and new things are occurring to me at the most random points. 
See my ‘Things I...didn’t like as much about Black Widow’ post here.
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strawberryamanita · 3 years
Pros of Pam playing Dark*** in "Heist 2":
Fuels my hc that Dark is an enby icon
Shots of Dark and Wilford in the same room
Pam gets a chance to be Fucking Insane on-camera (and get that dope-ass editing treatment Mark gets)
It's what the wlw's deserve honestly
Pam in more of Mark's CYOA's in general (idk why she wasn't in the first "Heist" but 🤷)
None lol
***Note that this is NOT confirmed as of 8/13/2021, all I know is that Pam is in the sequel and this is what I'm hoping is happening. Even if she plays someone else I know it's gonna be fantastic, but seeing how the last we saw of her acting with Mark had to do with Darkiplier... A boy can dream 👀👀👀
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samwontshare · 3 years
Hawkeye finale!
Where do I start???? I was NOT expecting Hawkeye to be the best MCU show and here we are. The writing was tighter on Hawkeye than any other show because they told a neat, character driven story. Love it.
-Maya. Oh my heart. I love her so much. I’m so happy she’s getting her own show. Her tragic battle with Kazi, who betrayed her but obviously loved her. She just wanted to run away together. Maya taking down Kingpin, what an icon. Now it’s not confirmed he’s dead so I think that’s a real set up for her own show. Her hair down, be still my queer heart. I wish she had more screen time and with Kate in particular.
-Some people expressed confusion about this plot point so to clarify: Hawkeye as Ronin did kill Maya’s father, but Hawkeye received the information from “an informant” of the Kingpin’s. Kazi is implied to be the one who sold out Maya’s dad to Ronin/Hawkeye, which is why he wasn’t there that night, but it was all under the Kingpin’s orders. Maya stopped blaming Hawkeye because he was only the weapon - the hit would have been ordered even if Hawkeye wasn’t there.
-Kate is just delightful. I love her spirit and her heart. And wow, that last guilt trip by her mother? Hahaha that felt so real. I like that her mom was evil but also genuinely cares about Kate and was willing to get out of the game to protect her (or rather protect her secret from Kate at least). Her relationship with Kate always felt genuine even if her motivations were darker.
-Hawkeye called them partners. 🥺
-Yelena my love. Y’all Aside from Florence Pugh being the new Kristen Stewart (the wlw know what I mean), I just adore Yelena as a character. Her scenes with Kate were so iconic. They’re the new Sam and Bucky. We haven’t seen a female friendship like this in the MCU. The only other women who were allowed to play off each other like this have been sisters (or were separated decades before current canon). I want so so so much more of them together. Kate brings out Yelena’s compassion and playfulness. Yelena never wanted to hurt Kate. Even when Kate interferes with her mission, Yelena never puts her in harm’s way.
-Even as Yelena is hell bent on killing Clint, she wanted the truth. She just needed closure. Her tearful declaration that she could have saved Nat broke my heart into a thousand pieces. This show, more than Black Widow and more than Endgame, has been the love letter to Nat that we as fans all needed. It doesn’t change what they did, but the love that was shown to Nat by Clint and Yelena felt like audience proxies. Our favorite snatched away too soon, blame that it should have been Clint, and anger that no one remembers Nat when they honor Tony. All of Yelena’s grief felt like our grief. It was so well done. It isn’t fair but we have to live with it. The implication that Nat died in order to bring back Yelena and leave no other children abandoned is crushing.
-The Track Suit mafia all in red and green. Excellent.
-All the trick arrows!!!! Kate ruining the Christmas tree! Does anyone ever pay damages??
-I assume Bobbi took up the mantle of Agent 19 after Clint’s wife left. I’m guessing she left before the kids were born or during her first pregnancy.
-The LARPers hahaha bless them they got to live their fantasy!
-Shout out to Jack for being a rich nerd with a heart of gold. Big foppish pirate vibes. What a chaotic character, I love it. I hope he funds the LARPers lifestyles.
-The musical was a funny way to end because it really subverted expectations. But what a missed opportunity to have some Avengers watching aghast. 
-They wore their matching costumes :)
-The owl. I died. And the shrunken truck! The little voices! Dusvwbs do you think they survived and are trying to figure out how to get big again??? 😂😂😂
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bowie-boy · 3 years
Favorite LGBT+ headcanons for X-Files characters? Mine is that pretty much every main F.B.I. agent(including Krycek) is either bisexual or asexual(or both)! :)
This has been in my inbox for months and I keep forgetting about it I’m so sorry but TODAY IS THE DAY!!!! Happy TDOV Fox and @himbo-mulder (this is my response to your ask too)
LGBTQ X-Files Headcanons Because Someone Asked
Fox Mulder:
Bi and trans icon
The first person he told was Samantha
She accepted him immediately as her big brother and told him he should name himself Fox (it was her favorite animal at the time)
He was going to make his name William Mulder Jr. up until she disappeared, in which he actually decided to make his first name Fox (he misses her 🥺)
Came out to his parents sometime in high school, both took it badly
Bill was hella transphobic—he was already pretty shitty to Mulder but this added a whole new layer to it
Teena was more passive aggressive about it but still made withering comments about how she “lost two daughters now”
Some high school friends (*chants* PHOEBE AND GIMBLE PHOEBE AND GIMBLE) helped Mulder start T and change his legal name on government documents before he left for Oxford
Mulder wanted to go stealth while he was there but came out to Phoebe
When they broke up, she outed him to everyone
Things got so bad that he almost dropped out
Mulder joined the FBI, excited at the prospect of knowing no one and being able to go exclusively by his last name
He was somewhat happy of his solitude in the basement—no one really looked into him past his spooky nature, so no one could find out he was trans
Since Samantha, Scully was the first person who was truly accepting of who he really was
Got top surgery sometime before Colony
Definitely fell in love with Scully right after reading her profile skrjnwkdjwka
Mulder and Krycek were definitely an item for a hot sec until Krycek went evil
Mulder is 500% faithful to Scully but kinda had a crush on Doggett for a little bit
Mulder just wants to be a better dad than Bill 🥺🥺🥺
Mulder helped Byers realize he was trans!!! More on that later though
Dana Scully:
A bi queen
Definitely experimented in college and had a couple girlfriends there and through med school
Ending up breaking up with a girl she was really close with because Scully’s job was just putting too much strain on their relationship
It was really hard on her and made her swear off serious relationships for a long time
She thought Mulder was adorable from the moment she saw him but was really scared of actually developing feelings for him so she pushed it down
And kept pushing it down until she finally realized Mulder was never going to hurt her and actually let him in
I’m just ranting about MSR now oops
100% faithful to Mulder but thought Reyes was super hot
Scully is just a distinguished bi idk what else to say
Walter Skinner:
You can’t adopt THAT MANY LGBT agents if you’re not LGBT yourself, right?
Definitely bisexual
Grew up in a really conservative family and didn’t even consider it an option until he moved out
Skinner was attracted to a lot of guys in his squad in Vietnam but he thought it was just because there were no women around
(Spoiler alert: it wasn’t)
Skinner fell in love with John “Kitten” James and he fell hard
Absolutely did everything possible to protect that man
He was terrified of his feelings though and pushed them down, eventually starting to resent his best friend for making him feel things he couldn’t understand
When Kitten got infected by that gas, Skinner put his values over the man he loved, not just because he thought it was the right thing to do, but because he was terrified that he might be bi
He has regretted it ever since
Married his wife after the war and had a pretty good relationship until he became too consumed with his work
Their breakup was really hard on him and he delved even more into his work
Sometime after Avatar (maybe by season 5 or 6), Skinner meets a really lovely man and that man becomes his boyfriend
It’s really hard at first, but the guy helps Skinner to open up and allow himself to be okay with who he really is
They make time for each other outside of work and are really happy together!
Skinner’s boyfriend is 100% okay with the fact that Skinner has basically adopted all these agents
Skinner is everyone’s dad!!! No exceptions
John Byers:
Trans man!!!!
Discovered it pretty late in life, like he knew earlier but he Repressed it
First person he ever came out to was Mulder (as in my fic 😌)
Lots of internalized transphobia in this man but Mulder and the Lone Gunmen really helped him break out of that
Langly and Frohike obviously went with him to get his first T shot and chanted “MAN JUICE” while it happened (scaring a lot of the nurses)
Met Susanne before he transitioned so seeing her again in Three of a Kind was a little terrifying for him
She accepts him though and is a bi icon herself
Byers wears suits so much because they make him feel really validated
Ringo Langly:
Non-binary and gay!! Langly uses any pronouns (gonna stick to he/him for this list to keep things simple though)
Grew up pretty unaware about gender as a whole, just living his life
Moving away from home to a city was huge for him, he started going to gay bars and really realized that he was gay
Eventually started to experiment with his gender, using different pronouns etc., and found out he was non-binary!
Came out to Frohike shortly after learning Frohike was bi (more on that later)
Goes by Ringo because it’s somewhat gender neutral
He isn’t dysphoric very often but when he is it’s very hard for him to cope, Byers and Frohike are always there to support him and help however possible though
Langly gets way more dates than Frohike and loves to brag about it
Melvin Frohike:
We stan one funky little bi king
Frohike had a mega crush on Mulder when he first met him and it persisted all the way until he met Scully
And then when he met Doggett he crushed on him too
Frohike is just kind of a hopeless romantic okay I love him
Absolutely bonds with Scully and they always debate which celebrity is hotter while they get more and more drunk
John Doggett
Doggett was really repressed for a lot of his life, not because he thought his family would hate him for being gay but mostly because of his environment
(He was a drama kid though)
The military REALLY repressed him and thoroughly fucked him up
It wasn’t until he met Reyes that he started to accept himself more
At first Reyes being a lesbian totally freaked him out and he was really upset, leading to a huge strain on their friendship, but one night he broke down and told her he was pretty sure he was gay
Reyes really helped him through everything, especially his divorce from his wife and the loss of his son
Doggett eventually came out to his dad, who was super accepting
It took Doggett a long time to be comfortable enough to date but he started and met a really great guy, one who he’s now married to
One day he mentioned his boyfriend in passing and the rest of the Spooky Squad totally flipped out because they had no idea he was gay
Doggett just straight-faced “I didn’t think it was relevant?”
Sings musical theater songs in the office when no one else is there
Monica Reyes:
A lesbian
There isn’t a straight bone in her body have you SEEN her???
Absolutely crushed on Scully for the longest time at first, totally backed off when she realized she was involved with Mulder
Total mlm/wlw solidarity with Doggett
Reyes is super comfortable with her sexuality
I’m convinced that she’s married and she and her wife live in the same neighborhood as Doggett and his husband
Running out of brain power at this point but I just love her so much??? Mwah
Alex Krycek:
Gay rat
Everything he did against Mulder and Scully was fueled by spite at his ex-boyfriend Mulder
Daddy issues
Sometimes he breaks into TLG’s base and vibes with them for a few days
Rat (affectionate)
Deep Throat:
Gay :)
Bonus: Melissa Scully is a trans lesbian and Samantha Mulder is bisexual and they’re dating
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libra-kirishima · 4 years
ahhh hello!! if you're doing lgbt requests, could you do headcannons for momo and her gf having a date night please? Thank you!
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Fuck yes! Okay so it entirely depends on who's planning the date
If Momo plans the date:
When it comes to big dates, she's a big fan of showing you the finer things in life.
Also she savors every chance she gets to see you dressed formally.
If you're more of a "wears a dress to formal events" wlw then she tries to get you to match outfits with her. Which is how you end up wearing similar looking red ball gowns to the gala her parents are throwing at their mansion.
If you're more of a "wears a suit to a formal event wlw" then I don't need to say anything more. Imagine how good you both look as a suit and tie/fancy dress lesbian couple?? Style icons.
She takes you to fancy restaurants, orchestra concerts, Shakespeare play productions, masquerade balls, tea rooms, rooftop bars...
If you're femme, she loves to do your makeup or for you to do hers.
If you're butch she still probably wants to do your makeup just to see what it looks like. If you let her, she makes it worth your while. Showering you in affection and praise the entire time.
If you're planning the date:
She needs to learn how to chill. Please plan chill dates for her. She's always so stressed.
If you take her to an arcade or an amusement park, she'll have the time of her life.
If you win her a stuffed animal, she'll be so grateful that she'll do anything for you.
Anything 👀
Going to see a movie at a theater, sitting in the back, and making out for the entire second half of the film. She loves that shit.
Movie nights at home where she can hold you close to her and enjoy the feeling of your skin on hers. She loves that too. It makes her so soft.
I feel like it would be really fun to take her to a strip club and watch how flustered she gets.
She doesn't know how to handle so many pretty women around her at first, but she adjusts quickly and soon she's having a lot of fun.
Wants to go again and take you with her on her birthday.
Board game nights where you make fun of her for being bad at Monopoly
Arts and Crafts!!! After running to the nearest craft store some canvases and some art supplies, you flick on a Bob Ross painting tutorial and try to follow it as best as you can.
Although this quickly turns into getting paint all over each other.
"I'm sorry for painting your mouth red."
"I'm sorry for painting your mouth blue."
"Wanna make purple?"
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goingsunnies-moved · 4 years
hi! can you do a post with all your favorite outfits of the strawhats + maybe a few other characters like Law, etc :D
ooh, this is such an interesting ask!!
-starting with luffy, i'm going to go pretty basic with his current onigashima raid look, tbh! it's the classic outfit which i really do think 'suits' (haha) luffy really well, but with the small twist of the captain's coat, which in my opinion really symbolizes just how much he's grown into being the strawhat's leader!! (and also looks,, really cool)
-for zoro, (can i go with the best pirates disguise? no?) i just think his skypiea fit is Real Neat. i mean, that little blue tank and the matching goggles? HIMBO SUPREME
-now, nami is a hard one because she's just such a fashion icon ALL THE TIME. i'm gonna have to go with the red cocktail dress from late wci!! it's classy, simple, and gorgeous. consider my wlw ass dead
-usopp! i'd have to say his fit from thriller bark. fits the vibe of the arc perfectly, and that hat is just,,, An Inspired Choice
-okay, sanji is another one who has a lot of really good options to pick from (and a lot of really bad ones, but that's for another day). i think my fav would be his sea train / enies lobby suit! once again like nami, this one is simple and classy. it's quintessential sanji. i also really love his early wci or onigashima raid outfits, though!
-chopper, my son!! i think that would be his very first little ensemble - love the old red hat and i think this one is just a little nostalgic and really cute :)
-robin, too, is a difficult one! maybe a little less so post-ts but all of her outfits are just so Good. i'd have to go with a tie between her very first look back in alabasta (aka the HIGHLY iconic purple cowgirl and white coat), and her edgier enies lobby fit (because she looks gorgeous in it and i'm bisexual,,,,,)
-hmmm. for franky, it's a little hard to decide because i really do love his original hawaiin shirt look (it's just... so classically franky) but in the end, i think i have to hand it to his design later on in dressrosa. damn if that canoneer hairstyle and tuxedo doesn't make him look badass
-brook! haha, gonna have to go with his initial introduction attire. it's just such a nice addition to his character dynamic as a whole, really exemplifying the whole 'estranged eighteenth century aristocrat' aspect of his nature
-okay for jimbei, i think it's an easy win with his onigashima raid look. what can i say, i'm a big fan of the cape :)
-and finally, law: his outfit from dressrosa!! i mean first of all, it just plain looks cool, and that sort of cape part of his coat is really good for the typical law dramatics. second of all though, the tributes to rosinante are just a really nice touch when it comes to detangling the emotional mess that is his relationship with the donquixote family, especially how he left the coat open to show off the corazon tattoo on his chest! he may have effectively planned a death mission, but at least he can declare his profound gratitude for rosinante's actions as he dies..?
this post is getting pretty long so i won't go on but i honestly loved this ask! character designs themselves aside, you have to admit oda's pretty good at creating all the outfits :)
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catrastophicsoul · 4 years
Okay...so i just finished watching She Ra in Netflix tonight
This started a couple of days ago, when suddenly, EVERYTHING that I acess in the internet was in She Ra mode (here in tumblr was trending for 3 days straight lol).
I've never feel the need to watch, but I like somethings that I see (yes Catradora, I'm looking at you).
Then I though...quarentine, free time...why not? And man, let's just say that I devour the 5 sesaons in 3 days lol.
First of all, I love everyone in the series (well, maybe except Shadow Weaver, but I talk about it later).
Adora was such a amazing hero, Glimmer and Bow such amazing friends, Mermisa such a iconic character, Perfuma so gentle...
And I can't decide if I like more Scorpia, or Entrepta or Swift Wind, it's totally impossible.
Anyway, everyone in this series have a defect, and I feel SOOO HAPPY when they surpass and become more strong. Like, genuinely happy.
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I CRYED SO MUCH in different scenes (5th season, you dehydrated me). Remember about Shadow Weaver? The last scene from her (yeah) I was sobbing so hard I had to pause because I can't read the subtitles (not english native speaker but I like to watch things with original voices and blah blah blah).
And I was crying so hard not really because Shadow Weaver, but because of what she finally said to my favorite character in a cartoon in a looooong time.
You know, the last time I feel so attached to a character that way was Raven, in Teen Titans cartoon (urgh, I really like the traumatized ones, no?)
I liked Catra since the first picture I see from She Ra(she's on that suit, yeah, you know what I'm talking about it) but the real thing who catch me with her is that Catra is such a complex character.
She never have love (Shadow Weaver, even after all I can't like you).
The only thing that give her a little bit of love left her. And she suffered the consequences for that. Alone. And when her life start to get in all shit, her best friend is happy discovering the joy of the world with her new best friends.
At same time, she's not a good person, or cat, whatever. She seeks power, was a bad friend and maaaany times, toxic. Egoist, made a lot of people suffer. Pushed away everyone who came after her (poor Scorpia).
But as I keep watching, and she become more and more dark (4th season, you broke me) the only thing that I keep thinking is "if she is so bad, why do I like her so much?"
Then the last episode from my beloved 4th season (that's irony), the fucking scene with Double Trouble answer me. And broke me.
Catra is the character with most flaws - and traumas - in the entire series. In one episode you want to comfort her, in the next you want to slap her in the face to see if she finally wake up.
She's the most human character there.
I like Catra because I don't like perfection. Because in the end she finally tried.
I was sooo happy for her in 5th season. She deserved the redemption.
I'm feel like a proud mom with her growth.
(And every time I'm feeling in a bad mood I'm going to watch the episode 8 in the 5th season, that's precious).
I love She Ra and all the characters, all the AMAZING representation. A gay maried couple, two wlw couple, different people - in color, in personalities- telling you that's ok to be different, in such a natural way, without forcing anything.
Especialy, Catra and Adora being canon, clearly needing each other, two dorks at love, means so much for a lot of people these days. After all, the only thing that can fix this world is that, is love.
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Catra, I stan you sooooo hard, chaotic kitty.
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I'm sorry if this is too long, or have a lot of errors or whatever. I just want to show how She Ra it's amazing for me. Thank you Noelle Stevenson.
(And a toast to Catra's voice actor, Amanda Michalka, because every single one "Hey Adora" made me shiver).
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About Assassination Classroom Characters - Yada Touka
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Mini Bitch Sensei in the making. 
One of Yada’s biggest traits is that she’s kind of the ‘big sister’ of 3E, and it can be seen why. She seems to have a different kind of maturity, compared to a lot of the other students. 
Part of this may come from caring for her actual sick younger brother. She spent so much time looking after him, in fact so much so that her grades slipped enough to land her in 3E. 
The other side to Yada, though, is that she’s manipulative when she needs to be. We can see that in the way she uses this actual story to gain sympathy points during the cops and robbers game. 
According to the graduation album, both of her parents work, but it still seems a little selfish to me that they’d put such a high level of responsibility on their daughter. Deep down, I think that must have been tough to deal with so young. 
Honestly, Yada is just super friendly, positive, and caring. 
Due to this, apparently she gets attentions from girls as well as boys. 
Ah yes, we can’t brush over the fact that she a WLW icon. 
She did used to have a crush on Kataoka, though by around halfway through the series, it definitely faded. That makes sense to me, at least, due to the contrast of Kataoka’s more cool personality. 
It seems Yada is more focused on learning the art of seduction from Irina. 
Together with Kurahashi, they’re definitely the best of her students, and they’re certainly to be feared if they work together. 
She also shows a lot of bravery and quick thinking in the island arc, when she effortlessly stands up to some guys and pretends to be Yakuza. 
She’s not the best at the actual killing part of assassination, and it’s to be noted that she hates blood, gore, and violence. Taking the softer more sneaky approach is better suited to her. 
She basically excels in the more traditionally feminine areas of knowledge. 
What I like about her, though, is that she still has ambitions to work as a kickass businesswoman, rather than just settle down with someone. 
Due to all they have in common, her closest friend is Kurahashi. They’ll also frequently be in a group wirh Kataoka and Okano. 
It seems like she- intentionally or not- has Kayano taken under her wing, a little. It’s a love hate relationship I think. 
I don’t think she really spends much time outside of her general friend group much, but she’s kind and supportive to everyone, so I don’t think anyone would harbour too many bad feelings about her. 
She went to the same elementary school as Muramatsu, and it states them as ‘childhood friends’. I don’t think they’re particularly close now, but there’s probably positive feelings between them.  
They were in the same piano class, it seems.  
In summary, Yada is kind of interesting. She has such a nice exterior, with a terrifying skillset beneath it, which makes her quite a large threat. Still, there’s not too much to actually say about her. She just needs to keep working to develop those skills further. 
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remitheliteralrat · 3 years
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a song that reminds me of them
control by Halsey maybe
what they smell like
okay so like yk those people that always smell realllllly clean like that but lil rancid (dose that make any sense)
an opt
hmmm jack and felix I think there cool
a notp
idk I don’t know about that many ships in the fandom
favorite platonic/familial relationship
jack and Rosemary
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with
Hmmmm maybe that Rosemary and jack were bi4bi like don’t get me wrong I think it’s cool but I also feel like it’d be interesting if they were in some sort of lavender marriage were Rosemary was wlw and jack was mlm
the position they sleep in
starfished dead center of his bed u can’t tell me he wouldn’t
a crossover au i’d love to see them in
Hmmm maybe in ENAs world
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn
well I mean the suit is pretty iconic
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
Thank you @chaosandwonder for the ask! ^_^  5. When did you find out your sexuality? It took forever and I think I was the last person in the room to know. Looking back, I can remember things I did and say "yeah. Um. You were so not straight" but at the time I had no idea. It wasn't until I was an adult and heard the word 'demisexual' that I figured things out why I wasn’t attracted to people the way those around me were, unless I was really bonded to someone, and why that only seemed to happen with women. I honestly still struggle with labels. I use demisexual, sapphic and wlw. 8. How was your day? Pretty restful so far! There isn't a lot going on here today. I hope your day has been great too! 
14. Are you openly out? Yes. I would say so. I've never done a big reveal so to speak, but considering I have used Pride icons on social media, talk openly about going to Pride events, etc. I think most people know by default. I don't really go into being demisexual  or mostly aro with more than a few people, but I think most people would again shrug and say "yeah, Rain has never really seemed to be into having long relationships..." even if they don't have the words for it. I will correct someone if they assume I'm straight, and I have Pride pins on my bag. My doctors know I'm LGBT+ as well. 26. Tell me a random fact about yourself! I got to help control one of those giant character balloons in a parade once. It was a lot harder than I expected it to be. I’m not sure why I expected that to be easy, LOL. 
29. Any advice to someone who isn’t out or who is exploring themselves? Just that it's okay to be uncertain. It's okay to be scared. It's okay to not be out. It's okay if you are out to people you trust but not everyone. It's okay if you don't know what label suits you best, or if several do, or if it changes over time. Or if you don't want to use a label at all. It's a personal journey and there might be tons of people telling you what you should do, but you have to figure out what is comfortable for you, in your own time and in your own way. 
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incorrectcats · 4 years
Last round of my beautiful lovely amazing queens let’s GOOOOOOOOO ✊ Okay this has taken SO long, holy molly. @jelliclequeens​ 
June 6th - Griddlebone
What do you love about this queen? She’s SO extra. Literally. Looks like a cotton cloud, sings opera, kicks everyone in the ass. An icon.
What is your favorite version of this queen? Honestly, I’ve only seen like... 2 versions of Griddlebone? She always looks big and fluffy and I love that.
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? I’m gonna say Bonnie Simmons because it’s the version I prefer out of the ones on Spotify.
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Good question, because I have no idea. I’ll say... Bombalurina. Because, you know what? These two could rule the world of they wanted to.
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? When she goes “bye” and disappeares when the shit hits the fan lol
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June 7th - Tantomile
What do you love about this queen? I think by now everyone knows that until a couple of weeks I actually didn’t like her. 1998 Tanto & Cori creeped the fuck out of me BUT I’ve found some super adorable Tantos out there and now I lover her.
What is your favorite version of this queen? I love the classical “rolled ears” style but I must admit that blue-haired Tanto from the Opera Populaire production is beautiful af.
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? Helen Gulston and Brittany Tooms Peel, they’re AMAZING and I’d die for them.
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Cassomile, it has so much power. Also I’m starting to warm up to Tantoteazer uwu
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? Whenever she does dumb stuff like pulling Tuggers tail (in the Dutch tour, I believe). She’s so cute.
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June 8th - Cassandra
What do you love about this queen? EVERYTHING, SHE’S FREAKING AMAZING. She’s so beautiful, captivating, but also caring and lovely and so athletic, she’s just a goddess.
What is your favorite version of this queen? Hmm... I like most of them, I find them pretty similar. Buuut when the ears are rolled back? I love those wigs.
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? Rebecca Parker from 1998 movie, because I’m basic and I’m in love with her. But also Mette Towley from 2019 movie, she was one of my favourites in the movie!
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Cassomile, but I think that Cassalurina or Cassmeter would slap too.
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? When she’s picked by Misto to do the magic trick. She’s super excited, a cutie pie.
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June 9th - Victoria
What do you love about this queen? She’s so elegant and beautiful and I just want to be half as fab as her.
What is your favorite version of this queen? I like the versions where she’s mostly white with light brown/pink details, better than the ones with black details.
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? Phyllida Crowley Smith (1998 movie) and Hannah Kenna Thomas (Vienna 2019)
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Victeazer, of course. My two amazing ladies being amazing together, QUALITY CONTENT.
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? The solo; even after watching it a thousand times I still find it fascinating. I love it. The solo and when she finally touches Grizabella. Make me cry, Vic, I deserve it.
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June 10th - Rumpleteazer
What do you love about this queen? Okay, shit gets real here. I love EVERYTHING about Rumpleteazer. She has been one of my favourites ever since I saw the musical for the very first time. I love her. She’s funny, cute, super athletic, playful but with a soft side. She’s amazing istg I love Rumple.
What is your favorite version of this queen? All Teazers are good Teazers. (I’m not kidding, I love them all)
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? Jo Gibb will always be my number one! However, Naoimh Morgan (both stage and 2019 movie), Shonica Gooden, Rose Iannacone, Anna Carina Buchegger and Georgie Leatherland are amazing too and I love them all.
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Victeazer! Rumple stealing jewels for her fancy girlfriend. That’s all I need.
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? Every time she’s on stage is the best moment. Okay, I’ll be more selective: her whole number, her enthusiasm during Skimble’s song, and whenever she’s cute with any other cat. Oh, and during the Jellicle Ball, she’s AMAZING. Underrated dancer. And the “Are you lean like a lynx?” moment.
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June 11th - Demeter
What do you love about this queen? Again, she’s one of my favourites so... Everything. She’s so brave and strong and I enjoy every single moment she’s on stage. One of the things I love the most about her is how despite the hardships she’s been through, she still wants to be happy and to enjoy life while she’s young.
What is your favorite version of this queen? London-based designs are my favourites most of the time. I love when her wig has this spiky style. A kind punk, that’s my girl!
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? Linda Mae Brewer (Aeva May), Guadalupe Lancho, Erca Jayne Alden and Emanuelle N’Zuzi.
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Demelurina, obviously. Queens of queens. This ship will end us all.
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? Her number with Bombalurina. They could kill me. And whenever she reunites with Munkustrap or Bombalurina after Macavity’s attack.
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June 12th - Bombalurina
What do you love about this queen? Did I mention... Everything? She’s amazing. I love her confident attitude, how she doesn’t give a shit about anyone or anything. She’s sexy, she knows it, and she’ll do ehatever she wants because she can. However, she’s also caring and loving and is always watching over the younger cats and at the same time has a great relationship with the older queens. She’s an icon.
What is your favorite version of this queen? Oof, all of them. 2017 Asian tour was particularly gorgeous and whenever I see that design I cry for hours.
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? Rosemarie Ford, Suzie Melloy, Paqui Sánchez Melchior and Nadia Strahan.
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Demelurina!
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? When she shows her protective side. I’d die for her, I’m not lying ;; And her solo moment during the Jellicle Ball, what a moment to be alive.
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June 13th - Grizabella
What do you love about this queen? She’s quite a complex character, honestly. I love how prideful she is, and how she always keeps her head up. Go for it, queen!
What is your favorite version of this queen? I like the old school curly hair Griz better than the new version, honestly. Mexico Grizabella is super beautiful too, I love her.
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? Elaine Paige, Rosemarie Ford, Mamie Parris, Ana Milva Gomes, Rocío Banquells and María del Sol.
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Maybe a young GrizxJelly could be cute, but I’m still bitter that they didn’t make a canon Fem!DeutxGriz in the 2019 movie.
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? Memory. It’s very basic, but honestly, it makes me cry every time. 
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June 14th - Exotica
What do you love about this queen? I’m gonna be honest... I never payed much attention to her. Sorry Exotica ;; 
What is your favorite version of this queen? Okay maybe this is weird but... Do you know how she has two costumes in the 1998 movie? I like more the one that appears less lol, the “tabby” suit.
Who is your favorite actress that played this queen? I only know Femi Taylor!
What is your wlw ship with this queen? Hm... ExoticaxCassandra could be interesting.
Your favorite moment of this queen in the musical? I’ve heard she has a couple of cute moments with Jellylorum at some point, but I don’t remember when ;;
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