#ambush at corellia
jaded-of-mara · 9 months
after she retires, mon mothma goes out to brunch with lando once a week. after hearing about his sorry love life, she decides to send him and luke on a long space voyage where they spend lots of time thinking about ideal romance. and then they come back from the quest having succeeded in their goal of finding lando some random woman to be his wife. and this is canon
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starwarsbookclub · 2 years
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Hello There Readers,
The theme poll has closed and the votes are in! We are excited to announce that the theme for February is the 90s!
The novel and comic polls are now live in our Discord Server, and you have until 10pm GMT (5pm EST) January 8th to vote for what we will be reading together next month. Our options are listed below:
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1. I, Jedi by Michael by Michael A. Stackpole 2. Wedge's Gamble by Michael A. Stackpole 3. Ambush at Corellia by Roger MacBride Allen
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1. Tales of the Jedi (1994) 2. Star Wars: Republic (1998) 3. X-Wing Rogue Squadron (1995)
Happy voting in the Discord Server, and may the force be with you!
- Star Wars Book Club
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bornitereads · 1 year
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Ambush at Corellia by Roger MacBride Allen
Corellian Trilogy Book 1
Read: Feb 2023
So for those of you don't know Han Solo is Corellian, this is his homeworld. I definitely thought going in that he would feature as the central character throughout because of this. But that was not the case. Leia, Luke, Lando, the Solo kids, they all get page time. This first book is the setup, the trilogy as a whole is a very integrated story, to the point where breaking it up almost doesn't make sense. If you just read this book, I doubt you'd find it a very satisfying story. Personally I can never quite decide if I would rather the books of a trilogy be only the overarching story or if the books are arcs underneath the overarching story. Although writing this I feel like the latter is better haha. More satisfying.
But I don't want to beat this one up too much as I did actually enjoy it. There were echos of our current situation of white supremacists gaining strength in this book that I found very interesting. I mean it was human supremacists in the book, but the idea is still the same. Makes me wonder if Allen was pulling those ideas from current situations in 1995 or from the "past". My anger at the real world so easily filtered into my reading experience that it really enhanced my "the Skywalkers are going to fuck your shit up and I'm gonna cheer so hard" thing I had for the main characters.
The most interesting thing for me is the introduction of Lando's wife. I knew her from reading the EU stuff from this side of the turn of the millenium. So it was fun to see the character introduction.
Info: Bantam Books; 1995
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7-wonders · 7 months
Between Wrath and Mercy
Sith!Ankain Skywalker x Rebel!reader (gender-neutral)
Summary: Finding yourself in a fight with Darth Maul, you quickly realize that you're way out of your depth. Unfortunately, no one's coming to save you. Aha, unless?
Word Count: 2.0k
A note from the author: Remember how I was like, "I'm having a lot of trouble writing the words aren't coming like they used to"? I think this helped to unclog a bit of the writer's block I've had. Maybe I just need to write for a different fandom for a bit. This takes place in my Rebel!reader fic-verse (gender-neutral reader!), but before What You Stand to Lose. As always, likes, comments, and reblogs make my world go round (especially the latter two), and I hope you enjoy!
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How do I keep ending up in situations like this? you wonder as you dodge yet another Sith Lord’s lightsaber strike and immediately counter it with your own.
That’s a stupid question, because you know how. You decided to join the Rebel Alliance, to fight for a noble cause, and now your life is pretty consistently put in mortal danger. Still, when a mission to try and convince the head of Crimson Dawn that you were all fighting for the same goal was proposed, you were the first to volunteer. Maybe it’s a desperation to prove yourself as useful that made you do it, or maybe you need to remind yourself that you’re working for something good. Regardless, you had been stupid and self-assured, enough so that General Kessyk had given you a small team to command and sent you on your way to Corellia.
Said small team is now incapacitated, rendered useless almost the moment you had ambushed the Crimson Dawn leader who had turned out to be none other than Darth Maul—a surprise to you all, since Dryden Voss is the public face of the syndicate. This revelation completely turned your game plan on its head, as you’re now left to face his wrath alone.
And he has a lot of wrath.
“Look, if you would just listen for a moment,” you yell at him over the sound of electricity humming, “I think you would see that we all want the same thing!”
“And what thing is that?” Darth Maul snarls, raising his blade above his head and attempting to crash it down on top of you.
You meet it with your own, gritting your teeth under the strain as you attempt to hold him back. “The end of the Galactic Empire!”
He bears down harder in response, and your arms begin to shake. Knowing when to give up some yield is half the success in battle, so you adjust your strategy and drop to your knees, doing a quick roll to get some space in between you. He turns to face you once more, his yellow eyes so filled with hatred that it makes a frightened whimper get stuck in your throat.
“Please, we only came to talk. We can be allies!” you plead.
“What happens after the Empire is defeated? We part on good terms and go our separate ways?” Maul shakes his head, twirling his saber and stalking towards you. “No. At the end of the day, the Sith will always be an enemy. I will always be an enemy.”
“I’m sure that—woah!” He renews his attacks with vigor, clearly done talking. Unfortunately for him, you’re not done. “I’m sure that the Rebel Alliance would be happy to negotiate some sort of treaty.”
“I have had enough of arrogant little Force users thinking that they can change the galaxy with ‘the power of goodness,’” he mocks. “You are not the first to approach me with your misguided ideals.”
Maul kicks the center of your chest and sends you falling to the ground, a position you never want to find yourself in when fighting for your life. Attempting to scramble backward is made extra difficult with the lightsaber in your hand, and it’s only delaying the inevitable as Maul follows you slowly, a predator stalking his prey. With a firm smack, your saber goes flying out of your reach.
He holds his lightsaber to your chest and smirks down at you as it burns a hole through the fabric of your shirt. “But you will be the last.”
You raise both hands up in a last-ditch plea, though you know it’s for naught. This is it. You’ve lost. You’ll become just another name on the long list of lives lost as sacrifices for the fight for a better tomorrow.
Though you’d like to say that a sense of peace comes over you as you stare your impending death in the eyes, that’s not the case. You’re scared out of your mind, actually, and the only thing comforting you is the fact that it’ll be a quick death. With that in mind, you close your eyes and await the inevitable.
But the inevitable never comes. Where you were expecting pain and darkness, there’s simply darkness from screwing your eyes shut. After a couple of long moments, you hesitantly open your eyes. Darth Maul no longer looms over you. Instead, he’s a few feet away, engaged in battle with someone else.
“It was foolish of me to believe that Kenobi could actually finish the job and successfully kill somebody for once,” he spits, twirling his saber in his hand as another red saber clashes with his.
“You said it, not me!”
Belatedly, you realize that you know that cocky, annoying voice. Sure enough, Darth Vader is now Darth Maul’s opponent, and he’s faring much better than you had. His helmet is off, allowing you to see the arrogant grin he’s sporting, and his blond curls fly around his face as he swings his lightsaber through the air.
“Vader?” you call, still feeling like your eyes are deceiving you. 
He looks over at you, his grin somehow getting bigger. “C’mon, get up and help me out!”
You stumble to your feet and call your lightsaber back to your hand using the Force, but remain back. Vader doesn’t need your help, because he’s very clearly winning. You would only be a hindrance if you were to join, so instead, you watch.
Even if you didn’t know that the two Sith lords had been trained for a very long time, their fighting styles would make it obvious. The way that they move, so fluidly and deadly, is an art form. It almost looks like a dance, if a dance could end in somebody’s death.
“Darth Sidious won’t be pleased when he finds out you’re helping out the Rebel Alliance,” Darth Maul taunts, bending over backward to avoid a swing.
Darth Vader curses at the near-miss. “Oh, but I’m not.”
“Then what do you call this?”
He looks over his shoulder and winks at you. “Helping the one particular Rebel that I have a vested interest in.”
“Pathetic!” Darth Maul spits.
Vader’s lightsaber makes contact with the palm of Maul’s hand, and he yells out in pain. He catches his saber with his other hand before it can fall to the ground, but he’s unable to grip it with both hands now. Though he could fight one-handed, against somebody as talented as Darth Vader, he wouldn’t be very successful. The light from his saber disappears as he extinguishes it, giving one curt nod before he backs off.
“This is not the end,” he promises.
“No, I don’t believe it is.”
Though Vader could very easily finish him, there are rules to a battle. When one willingly concedes, the fight is over, no matter how much the other wishes that it wasn’t. You and Vader both watch as Maul makes it to his ship and escapes, flying high above your heads and away from Corellia.
Vader turns his attention to you, wrapping his large hands around your upper arms and looking you up and down. “Are you alright?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
“You were the one about to die.”
“I had it under control,” you claim, even though you very much did not have it under control. “And I didn’t need you to save me.”
“Oh, you didn’t? That’s not what it looked like to me.” 
His fingers move to the open hole in your shirt left by Maul’s lightsaber above your heart. The skin there is shiny from a light burn—it’s nothing that will hinder you in the long run, but it does sting a bit, especially when Vader lightly touches this wound. You hiss through your teeth, but he doesn’t move.
“Your heart is beating so fast,” he notes, his voice soft from concentration.
Your cheeks burn at this because you know there are a couple of reasons for your racing heart, and only one of them is from the exertion of battle. Wiggling your hands up, you get enough of a space that you can lightly push yourself away from Vader.
“What are you—how did you know that I would be here?” you demand, having been under the assumption that everybody had done very well in making sure this was a top-secret mission.
“We received some intel that the Rebel Alliance would be making a rather stupid attempt at reaching out to Crimson Dawn. I was going to just let Maul have at it, but then I thought, ‘What are the odds that my Rebel would be involved in this?’”
“I am not your Rebel.” The way that he looks at you, like you mean something to him, makes your heart clench in a way that you don’t want to consider right now. Onto the next subject, then. “Why did you help me in the first place? You could have let him kill me. You should have let him kill me, actually. Would have saved you a lot of trouble.”
“I don’t want you dead.”
You roll your eyes. “Of course, you just want me to join you and go against every one of my morals.”
“I still have morals, Rebel. If you were willing to listen, to be open-minded, I think you’d find that the Dark Side is not evil. Where the Light Side wanted their Jedi to shirk all of their emotions and attachments, the Dark Side encourages those emotions. Anger, sadness, passion…love. Sith believe in a world where we’re all free to feel what we want, to allow that which scares us to be out in the open so that we may overpower it. You can’t tell me that this sounds evil.”
You remain silent, because you don’t know what to think. With how Vader puts it, the Dark Side doesn’t sound all evil. Actions speak louder than words, however, and you’ve seen the terror and devastation that the Empire and the Dark Side have unleashed on the galaxy. You’re not willing to dwell on it right now (or ever, really; just thinking about the possibility of Vader’s words having some validity makes you feel like you’re betraying the Rebel Alliance), so you force it to the back of your mind and refuse to think about it any longer.
“Well, I think my work here is done,” Vader declares with a sigh, clipping his saber back onto his belt.
You look at him in confusion. “Wait, you’re not…going to force me to be your apprentice? I mean, now’s kind of the perfect time.” You don’t want him to do so, but you were sure you knew what his end goal was, since he’s made it clear every other time you’ve encountered him.
“It is,” he agrees. “But I’ve decided that it does no good to have you join me against your will. When the time comes, you’ll give yourself to me—to the Dark Side willingly.”
He sounds so sure of this, like it’s a foregone conclusion. You’re about to argue, to insist once more that you’ll never join him, when you hear groaning behind you.
“Looks like your crew is starting to come to,” Vader notes. “I’ll see you soon.”
You don’t doubt that, but you won’t let him know that. “I sure hope not.”
He laughs, already walking to his own ship. “Make sure to get that burn checked out so that it doesn’t get infected!” he yells to you.
The groaning gets louder before you can tell him to not tell you what to do, and somebody calls your name sluggishly. Your pilot is trying to roll over onto his hands and knees, and the others aren’t far behind him in waking up. You get ready to help, as all good Rebels do—because that’s what you are, someone good and helpful and nothing at all like the Sith Lord that increasingly occupies your thoughts as of late.
You’re not like him, you tell yourself, and you’ll do everything in your power to ensure that you won’t ever be like him.
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lakemojave · 16 days
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This afternoon at 2pm pacific: Tales From the Rambler Episode 11!!!
DM'd by Bill @gabajoofs, starring Dot @radiofreederry as Janica Halcyon, Sebastian @lakemojave as Bhuri'Hssyngig, Jordan @brucebocchi as Ced Saverem, Heather @chansaw as Val Griv'ir, and Julia @thottacelli as Caitvuna Conu!
Art by @bijillion, recap under the cut! See y'all then!
THE STORY SO FAR: It has been years since the end of the Galactic Civil War. The New Republic struggles to rebuild the galaxy after decades of Imperial rule, locked in a cold war with the remnant Pentastar Alignment. All the while, in the dark corners of the galaxy, organized crime groups compete with each other to gain power in the galactic underworld after the collapse of the Hutt Cartel. Now, the crew of the transport ship the Rambler have been thrust into this gritty, cutthroat world...
LAST TIME: The crew of the Rambler made one final stop on their travels through Tatooine, delivering the bones of the Krayt Dragon they slew to the Tusken Raiders as a gift. The Tuskens made a gift of their own in the form of a gaffi stick, a symbol of friendship, and the revelation of their people's true name: the Kurrmurr.
Blasting off into hyperspace en route to Corellia, Bhuri and Hank decorated the mess hall with the horn and pearls Bhuri had taken from the Krayt Dragon, and Janica got some sleep, fitfully interrupted by a nightmare in which she was visited by a mysterious figure during the Battle of Endor. She woke up in a cold sweat and went to sleep in the cabin, joined by Bhuri, who laid a blanket over her.
It was pouring rain when the crew returned to Corellia and the newly-expanded Halcyon Transport Solutions headquarters. Entering the building, the crew was met by Valarr Ulgo, leader of the Children of Ghorman, a clandestine group of Imperial hunters. Valarr recruited the crew to hunt down and capture Mod Terrik, a stormtrooper who had killed the aunt and uncle of First Master Luke Skywalker and now hid in plain sight on Corellia, with Skywalker having requested Terrik be captured alive.
The crew agreed, and took some time to rest before beginning the assignment. Work teams began upgrades to the Rambler as Ced and Bhuri went weapon shopping, Caitvuna met with some friends to discuss the recent Pentastar invasion of Ord Mantell, and Janica purchased a 2-1B medical droid from her droidsmith friend Qorol.
In the morning as the crew prepared to leave, they were ambushed by more bounty hunters. They slew the hunters save for one, who they attempted to send back to his employers to send a message. However, he was killed by Corellian security as they responded to the attack. Now, nursing injuries, the crew regroups...
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from-a-legends-pov · 6 months
Star Wars Legends: Poll of the Week - Smuggler Starships
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Which of these ships owned or used by a Star Wars Legends smuggler is your favorite?
The Wild Karrde, Talon Karrde’s Corellian Engineering Corporation Action VI Transport modified to be the headquarters of his smuggling and spy operation (Heir to the Empire)
The Pulsar Skate, a modified Baudo-class star yacht Mirax Terrik used for her smuggling operation (which she took over from her father Booster when he was arrested) and later to help the New Republic (X-Wing: Rogue Squadron)
The Lady Luck, Lando Calrissian’s yacht modified to include hidden laser cannons, a deflector shield generator, a scanner and transponder system for the use of aliases, and smuggling compartments, as well as luxury amenities such as a reflecting meditation pool and a crystal garden (Heir to the Empire)
The Jade’s Fire, Mara Jade’s heavily modified personal luxury yacht and the first ship Mara personally owned, free and clear (Ambush at Corellia)
The Errant Venture, an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (formerly the Virulence) captured during a New Republic battle by smuggler Booster Terrik, who was allowed to keep it if it was decommissioned and the excess arms sold to the New Republic. It was later painted bright red (X-Wing: The Bacta War)
Hungry for more Star Wars Legends content? Follow @from-a-legends-pov and check out our upcoming Star Wars Legends fanfiction event, From a Legends Point of View, HERE!
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jedidryad · 7 months
WIP Wednesday: Sometimes beings change what they want.
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The path Mara sets herself on at the end of Lightsabers Are Always Loaded involves spending a lot of time with Lando Calrissian. As Luke notes on Nirauan, the stories about Lando and Mara go on for years. And, as I piece together canon, it is clear that they really do. Most books set between The Jedi Academy Trilogy and the Corellian Trilogy make some reference to Mara and Lando as a past or current couple. But, of course, by Ambush at Corellia, Lando is off on his wife seeking expedition, escorted by Luke, and it should be clear to all that whatever Lando and Mara had going on, it was officially over.
So here is a conversation between Lando and Mara where he tells her about his plans to get married.
“I told you I was thinking about getting married.” 
“But people don’t just do that, right?”
“They can. I’m a successful businessman.” He caught my expression, “at the moment.”
“The ore crushing going well?”
“It is actually.”
“So you’re going to use that to find a wife?”
He shook his head.
“No, I’m going to use that to invest in a real estate project and then I will be in a position to put out the announcement and see if there are similarly successful women interested in a romantic business partnership.”
“Just like that?”
“Just like that.”
“And you’ve never thought to do this before?”
“I’ve never wanted a wife before.”
Sometimes beings change what they want.
“Of course.” he continued blithely like he was discussing ordering room service, “I probably shouldn’t go meet all these women on my own.”
“Of course not.” I murmured, nonplussed. Planetary orbits must have shifted if Lando Calrissian had decided it was time to find someone to spend his life with. Was this why Cilghal had brought up marriage? Had Calrissian been talking to her about his plans?
“Think Luke might go with me?”
“You want to take Skywalker ‘wife hunting’ with you?” This was getting more ridiculous by the minute.
“Sure. You know my reputation. Women might not take my proposal seriously if it’s just me. They might expect me to back out at the last minute.” I raised an eyebrow, “I’ve done it before - a long time ago.
“So,” he continued,  “bringing a Jedi along would lend me some legitimacy. And it might do him some good to get back out in the galaxy again.” I couldn’t argue with that, “maybe he’ll meet someone too.”
I thought of the Jedi Master. He’d been solidly shuffling his time between Coruscant and Yavin ever since he’d returned from his ill-advised morodin hunt for whatever he was looking for with that woman. It seemed unlikely he’d be interested in another of Lando’s schemes.
“Sure,” I scoffed, “I mean, you’d probably have to get Mon Mothma to order him to come with you, but maybe he’d meet someone, sure.”
He grinned as though he was working some angle I couldn’t possibly understand, “It’s a good idea."
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zhakyria · 1 year
Zhak's OC Master List
Welcome to my OC Master List. This list will be updated with some OC introductions as they are developed. Right now my obsession is Star Wars, swtor specifically, so all the OCs listed relate to that.
The Valyr Legacy
If you are interested in seeing how all my characters connect to each other, check out the Legacy Tree! Open the image in a new tab for the best view.
Now onto the characters.
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Kahl'yrn Valyr, 38, He/Him
Aliases: Red Blade, Cipher 9, Outlander, Alliance Commander Affiliations: Sith Empire (Imperial Intelligence), Republic SIS (double-agent), Nighthunters, Yavin Coalition, and Eternal Alliance
Summary: Kahl is a former Imperial Cipher that served during the tail end of the Cold War and beginning of the renewed conflict between the Republic and Empire. After Corellia, he became a free agent. He joined up with the Nighthunters until Darth Marr reached out with a mission to Makeb. He later assisted Lana Beniko and Theron Shan with rooting out the Revanites and defeating Revan. He came to Lana's aide on Ziost before returning to the Nighthunters. When Darth Marr put out a call for allies to pursue the Emperor into Wild Space he joined up. He was taken prisoner by the Eternal Empire and when he refused Valkorian he was frozen in carbonite for 5 years. He is freed by Lana and her allies and goes on to lead the Alliance and take the Eternal Throne. Though impressed with Empress Acina, Kahl ultimately rejects her offer to re-join the Empire, opting to keep the Alliance independent.
Personality: He keeps a cool head and in general he can appear emotionless, because he prefers to hide his emotions. Theron Shan and Zhakiel Xaiven are two people that he makes exceptions for. He is determined, driven, and detail orientated; he does his job and does it well. He cares deeply and will go to great lengths to keep those he love safe. He is tolerant of Sith machinations until they start being detrimental to the mission, the Empire, or the Alliance, at which point he has no qualms about disposing of them.
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Xhai'tan Valyr, 61, he/him
Aliases: Scarlet Wrath Affiliations: Sith Empire, Gordo's Gladiators, Nighthunters, Eternal Alliance
Summary: Xhai'tan was born a slave on Dromund Kaas. He became one of the first slaves to train on Korriban, when restrictions were lifted during the war. He succeeded where many others failed and ultimately caught the eye of Darth Malivia. During the invasion of Alderaan, his master was killed during the Republic ambush. Xhai'tan rallied the troops and mercenaries under her command and protected the retreat. Impressed, Darth Malgus took on the young apprentice, and promoted him to Lord. He proved himself again at the battle of Hoth. He continued to assist Malgus during his campaigns and participated in the sacking of Coruscant. About 12 years later, Xhai'tan would confront Malgus about his plans. He is beaten and left with a group of Force Hunters on a remote Outer Rim world. Malgus returns to the Dark Council and convinces them that Xhai'tan is a traitor. The Force Hunters severed Xhai'tan's connection to the Force, which shattered his memories, and sold him to Gordo the Hutt to fight as a gladiator. After being rescued by Kahl and Kuori'kai he goes into hiding and forms the Nighthunters, a group of mercenaries and pirates. He assists the Alliance with running supplies during the war with Zakuul. After the Eternal Fleet is destroyed he officially joins the Nighthunters with the Alliance.
Personality: Radiates confidence and doesn't back away from a fight. Inspires loyalty. Willing to give people a second chance, doesn't like wasting potential. Respects honorable opponents. Tests Jedi and will go out of his way to draw any darker tendencies to the surface. Enjoys teaching and taking in people who have no where else to go.
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 2 years
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PB-950 patrol boats were a type of compact starship. Designed for use as a customs patrol ship, PB-950s were well regarded for their sturdiness and reliability. The ships were double-hulled, making them resilient in combat. As the line aged, many found use with the likes of smugglers and pirates.
Source: Suns of Fortune (2014)
First Appearance: Ambush at Corellia (1995)
Read more on Wookieepedia.
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squirrelno2 · 2 years
Jesse Lives AU, pt 6
Back at it with whatever this is!
Jesse and Jale make it to the ship and contemplate next steps.
First - Previous - Next
The captain didn't look happy to see that half of Jale's haul was a person, but at least the storm clouds cleared when he presented the navigational unit and the fuel.
"There's another piece I pulled from the engine room, if your medic takes a look at my stray," Jale said.
"Your stray?" Jesse snapped. He swayed getting off the speeder. Jale let him stumble and turned back to the captain.
"So?" he asked.
"Last time you brought one of your pretty boys on board he stole half our goods."
Jale sputtered.
"I didn't know -"
"That's the problem." The captain frowned as Jesse approached. "Is that a clone?"
"I am," Jesse said tightly. He glared at Jale. "I'm not fucking you."
"Please, my taste in men isn't that bad," Jale lied through his teeth. Jesse was exactly his type, unfortunately, but Jale was trying to ignore that.
"I won't be any trouble," Jesse told the captain. "Not unless you make trouble for me."
The captain looked him up and down warily, then glanced at Jale. Jale tried to look completely innocent of previous sexual escapades.
"Fine," he said. "We'll take the clone to Corellia and drop him off when we leave you behind."
"It's Jesse," Jesse said tightly. The captain didn't answer.
"So all the shit you were saying about how you didn't trust this crew, that's because you're an idiot who sleeps with thieves?" Jesse asked as they boarded the ship.
"No, they hated me before that," Jale said. "I'm not an idiot!"
Jesse scoffed.
"Haven't seen any evidence yet."
"You're going to be stuck with me for a while, Jesse," Jale said. "Maybe consider holding back on the judgment until you know a little bit more about the real world."
"The real world?" Jesse snapped. He stopped walking. Jale, for some reason, stopped too. "You ever seen what war looks like? You ever lost your family to ambush, and betrayal, and bad luck? That wreck out there is the last in a long line of real things, and you don't know a damn thing about any of it."
Jale swallowed. He wasn't about to give an inch to a man who'd spent the whole day insulting and belittling him, no matter what points he made.
"War isn't the only bad thing that ever happened," he said. "And it's not what life is like for most people."
"You think that makes it any less real?"
Jale was intensely aware of the fact that the captain had turned to look at them, and a few other crewmembers had surfaced to find out what was happening.
"You need to get your head checked," he said. Rage flashed across Jesse's face - he probably thought it was a dig at him - but Jale ignored him and turned to the ship's doctor.
"You want to take a look at a shipwreck survivor?" he said, like he was offering her a gift. She looked as though she couldn't decide whether to focus her attention on hating him or worrying over Jesse.
"Come here," she said to Jesse. "He picked you up off that ship out there?"
Jale ignored the murderous glare Jesse was still sending his way in favour of waving as the doctor steered Jesse away.
"She'll take good care of you," he said cheerfully, just before the doors closed behind them.
The doctor was surprisingly gentle and friendly, for someone who worked for a captain that so obviously didn't respect clones. Jesse was still on edge. He'd won the argument with Jale - the man would never have passed him off to the doctor if he hadn't - but he wanted to go back and make sure Jale knew just how wrong he was. He didn't know why. Jesse was usually better at letting things go, at least from natborns.
The doctor was at least quick about her checks and scans. She was no Kix, but Jesse knew a capable medic when he saw one. He tried to relax.
Finally she gave him a mostly clean bill of health.
"You're lucky, the worst you're hurt is your head," she said. "And you're healing up well from that, miraculously. I don't know what more I can do for you."
"So I'm fine?" Jesse said.
She frowned. "I can't do much for you, but there's definitely trauma. You may experience headaches, mood swings, loss of function - noticed anything?"
Jesse shrugged.
"Headaches," he said. "But we were engineered against that kind of thing."
Her face took on a pinched look which Jesse couldn't interpret.
"Doesn't really matter what your genetics look like when your head gets cracked like an egg," she said. "Look, just… if you notice anything, issues with motor control or speech or eyesight, let me know. You got off easy."
Easy. Jesse didn't think easy was landing on a near-empty moon. He didn't think easy was depending on a too-cocky stranger and the crew that hated him. He didn't think easy was outliving everyone you knew, and being left behind for dead by the one person you had left.
"Sure," he said.
"Look," the doctor said. "If you don't want to be stranded on Corellia at Jale's mercy, I'm sure I can talk to the captain. Maybe you could work for us -"
It was a smart idea. He wouldn't be stuck with Jale. He'd be able to travel where he needed to go, as soon as he figured out where that was.
But some part of him hated the idea of working for anybody that wasn't the Republic. Jale, at least, hadn't framed it like that - like Jesse would be betraying himself by assisting. Jesse may have hated picking over the Venator's bones, but it hadn't been a job.
It was stupid. It was impractical. He'd never be able to survive, thinking like that.
But he could put off the moment when he needed to change.
"It's fine," he said. "I'll make Corellia work."
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“I’m… getting through it,” I nod slowly, “haven’t thrown up yet.” I get up to throw the dirty rags away, “you should nap, I’ll give you painkillers an you can lay down there.”
Kaz nods a little and slowly lays back, chewing on his lip as the tears start to burn his eyes again while he dials Galin's number.
He puts the comm up to his ear, staring at the ceiling. "G?" he asks in a small voice when Galin picks up.
Galin freezes, staring at the dash of his ship. "What happened," he murmurs. "What is it?"
Kaz switches to Mando'a, reaching up to run a hand through his hair, "Th-They s- they saw my face," he lets out a quiet sob, listening to Galin immediately start shuffling around, "They saw my- I think I got them all b-but I don't know..."
"I was- I was on Corellia," he sniffles, shakily wiping his tears, "It was an ambush and th-there were so many. They took it off and- and they-"
"Okay," Galin nods a little. "Okay. Kaz- take a breath for me," he says softly, "Take several breaths. You're alright. I am going to find them. I am. And I am going to take care of it. It's alright. Everything will be just fine."
"I'm- I'm sorry," Kaz whispers, "I'm s-sorry. I didn't know and-"
"Kaz. It's okay," Galin whispers right back, "It's okay. Where are you now?"
"I'm at L-Lili's."
Galin blinks. "You- okay... just be careful, please."
"I will, G," Kaz nods quickly, "I will- n-nobody will hurt her. I promise. I just needed to get somewhere s-safe."
"Alright. I finished my job, let me go take care of this and then I will be back. Hang in there. It'll be just fine."
Kaz sniffles and smiles a little at the ceiling, "Thank- thank you G. 'm sorry. Thank you so much." He finishes his goodbyes with Galin before hanging up, carefully laying his comm on the table next to him.
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togoodfriends · 4 years
My day is past, but I am an old woman. At my time of life, I find that, at least at times, I welcome the prospect of peace, of quiet, of leisure and privacy. The restlessness, the urgency of youth have burned themselves away, and I can enjoy my life as it is.
Mon Mothma from Ambush at Corellia (1995), by Roger MacBride Allen
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woahpip · 5 years
reading a chapter of Ambush of Corellia at work and Leia’s lightsaber from Luke is “ruby red.” that’s fucking cool!!! i also looked it up and apparently there’s debate on lightsaber color equating goodness or whatever, and i feel that. just think that’s a neat detail to have.
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willorcs · 7 years
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“That's where you're wrong. If there is anyone in this galaxy with the right to wear a Jedi's lightsaber, it is Leia Organa Solo, Chief of State of the New Republic.” (Luke Skywalker)
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lakemojave · 1 month
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This afternoon at 2pm pacific: Tales From the Rambler Episode 10!!!
DM'd by Bill @gabajoofs, starring Dot @radiofreederry as Janica Halcyon, Sebastian @lakemojave as Bhuri'Hssyngig, Jordan @brucebocchi as Ced Saverem, Heather @chansaw as Val Griv'ir, and Julia @thottacelli as Caitvuna Conu!
Art by @bijillion, recap under the cut! See y'all then!
THE STORY SO FAR: It has been years since the end of the Galactic Civil War. The New Republic struggles to rebuild the galaxy after decades of Imperial rule, locked in a cold war with the remnant Pentastar Alignment. All the while, in the dark corners of the galaxy, organized crime groups compete with each other to gain power in the galactic underworld after the collapse of the Hutt Cartel. Now, the crew of the transport ship the Rambler have been thrust into this gritty, cutthroat world...
LAST TIME: A few days passed after the crew of the Rambler defeated Zorba the Hutt and liberated the town of Mos Shuuta, with the crew taking time to recover from their injuries and take stock of the damage. The loss of elder Trandoshan hunter Xurxhesh hit Bhuri particularly hard, and in accordance with traditional Trandoshan burial rites, she began to plan a grand hunt in which to lay the former barkeep to rest.
Bhuri recruited the friends she had made in Mos Espa's League of Trandoshans for the hunt, with the quarry to be an ancient albino Krayt Dragon which had menaced the wastes near Mos Espa. The crew acquired a baradium charge and bantha meat to lure out the beast, and left the town of Mos Shuuta behind them.
Arriving in Mos Espa, the crew was ambushed by bounty hunters seeking the price Black Sun had placed on their heads, but the hunters were swiftly dispatched, though Val had to return to the Rambler for medical attention after being injured in the fight. The rest of the crew joined with the Trandoshans in leaving for the hunt.
After a night under the stars in which Bhuri performed traditional Trandoshan funeral rites, the hunt began. After an explosive start as Janica detonated the charges in the Krayt Dragon's face, the crew and the hunters hit it hard, repeatedly injuring it critically and avoiding its efforts to lash out and attack. In the end, it was Bhuri who claimed the kill, earning both the Krayt Dragon's Jagganath and its two elder pearls. The hunters were permitted to claim the Dragon's meat, and after the crew harvested some of the Dragon's bones to gift their Tusken friends, Xurxhesh was buried among what remained. Now, the crew returns to the Rambler, preparing to finish their remaining affairs on Tatooine before returning to Corellia...
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from-a-legends-pov · 6 months
Star Wars Legends: Poll of the Week - Cardplayer, Gambler, Scoundrel, Businessman
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Lando’s not a system, he’s a man…a businessman. Which of these Lando Calrissian business ventures from Star Wars Legends is your favorite?
Nomad City, a walking mining platform on Nkllon built from a repurposed Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser and 40 captured AT-ATs, which would constantly move to keep the mining facility on the night side of the extremely hot planet (Heir to the Empire)
Dometown, a kilometer-wide development of homes and other living areas in Coruscant’s lower levels, built in the hopes of luring people away from the crowded upper city and later used as a meeting area for the New Republic Defense Force (Ambush at Corellia)
The Calrissian-Nunb Mines, Lando’s attempt to take over the Spice Mines of Kessel (a notoriously dangerous mining operation once used by the Empire to enslave people) and turn it into a legitimate operation, in partnership with his wife Tendra Risant and his friend Nien Nunb (Fate of the Jedi: Outcast)
Hologram Fun World, an amusement park in a helium gas cloud near the Zabian system, which made use of holograms to simulate exotic locations or exciting situations. Attractions included the Anywhere Room, Nightmare Machine, Joy Domes, and the Enchanted Lagoon; Han Solo and Leia Organa once planned on getting married there (Queen of the Empire)
GemDiver Station, a space station that orbited as closely as possible to the planet Yavin to mine precious Corusca gems in the planet’s lower atmosphere (Young Jedi Knights: The Shadow Academy)
Tendrando Arms, a company founded with his wife Tendra Risant, which made Yuuzhan Vong Hunter One (YVH-1) battle droids to help fight the Yuuzhan Vong. Versions of the YVH-1 droids were used to create Lando’s personal bodyguard droid as well as Nanna, a droid who looked after the Organa-Solo children and later Ben Skywalker (The New Jedi Order: Star by Star)
Hungry for more Star Wars Legends content? Follow @from-a-legends-pov and check out our upcoming Star Wars Legends fanfiction event, From a Legends Point of View, HERE. Signups open April 28 — just a month away!
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