#american gypsy
laurapetrie · 1 year
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oldsoulgunsnrosesgirl · 3 months
What’s Your Ancestry Comment Below
I Have Native American And Irish
But I’m 100% A Guns N Roses Fan And A 80s Rock Girl🤩😍
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djuvlipen · 2 years
"All Roma are Romani but not all Romani are Roma" please stop that doesnt make any sense. "Romani" is the adjective form of the noun "Roma". It would be like saying "All Jews are Jewish but not all Jewish are Jews". It doesn't make any sense. It is both a silly and jarring statement
And stop using it as a noun it sounds so weird. Once again would you say "the Jewish are a people" or "he is a jewish". No you wouldnt, because that's not how you use adjectives
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gypsylotusrose · 1 year
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littletroubledgrrrl · 4 months
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revcleo · 11 months
English Romanichal and Irish Traveller activists and a German Sinte activist who attended the First World Romani Congress in 1971 all agreed that all Romani and Traveller groups should be covered by the ethnonym "Rom/Roma" even though the word had a different meaning in their dialects. But in Germany in the 1970s the condescension of immigrant Roma led to a backlash in which Sinte insisted on their own name being used. A similar reaction after the mass migration of East European Roma to the United Kingdom from the 1990s has led to English Romanichals in the UK insisting strongly on the legitimacy of the the English word "Gypsies" to describe themselves, although the same reaction has not occurred in North America, where Romanichal activists often support the Roma assertion that "Gypsy" is a demeaning exonym. But in England, former Gypsy Council chairman Joe G. Jones expressed majority sentiment when he said 'Our ancestors were killed because they called themselves Gypsies. Today we will not let anybody tell us we cannot call ourselves "Gypsies”!’ "Gypsies, Roma and Travellers" is now the English-English equivalent of German "Sinti und Roma" and Euro-English "Romas".
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moonmausoleum · 5 months
The Cursed and Haunted Elfin Forest in California
Amidst the haunted rumors about a white witch on the prowl, a native burial ground as well as an old gypsy curse on the land, the sunny Elfin Forest in California holds dark secrets.
Amidst the haunted rumors about a white witch on the prowl, a native burial ground as well as an old gypsy curse on the land, the sunny Elfin Forest in California holds dark secrets. Within the heart of North County San Diego close to Escondido, Elfin Forest remains a hidden gem, known for its picturesque landscapes and scenic trails through the shrub landscape. However, beneath the tranquil…
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barbiegirldream · 7 months
I think the truth of people's struggles to find footing now is the anti zionist fight for Jews begins as soon as you learn what zionism is. And it is brand new to the rest of the world. This has given me more hope for Palestine than anything in years though because the whole world sees Zionism for the evil it is.
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tobacconist · 11 months
gypsy is a slur you uneducated cunt
it absolutely can be, but its also a term many romany people self-identify with, and also the term most people are familiar with
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pataguja61 · 2 years
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American comedy musical Western film (1944)
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sleepdepravity · 1 year
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Wait what???? This is what Fiorello! was about???? Literally about Fiorello La Guardia, New York governor who tried to reform NYC government to not be just corrupt Tammany Hall shit?????????? Hang on wait.
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JOHN WEIDMAN’S DAD??????????????
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musical-dreamcasts · 2 years
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The Phantom of the Opera - Kat Ronney (she/her) as Christine Daaé, requested by anon
Birthday: Unknown
Birth Place: Scotland
Theatre credits include: Rose (Hex), Laertes (Hamlet), Whatsername (American Idiot), Rose Thompson Hovick (Gypsy), Ensemble/Chorus Master (Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street), Ivy (On the Town), Hero (Much Ado About Nothing)
(Pictured on the right is Amy Manford, who is currently playing the role in the 2022 Australian production)
Credits: Kim Hardy, Unknown
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djuvlipen · 1 year
All the replies to this are so annoying. It's either Gadje saying "she's got nothing to apologize for!", "ugh why does everything have to be PC these days?", "I didn't even know Gypsies existed", "she can use the word because Gypsies are known for stealing", or white British travellers chiming in to say "well i'm a gypsy, I don't find the word offensive" like of course you don't, you're not romani lol
It may seem very foreign to an American but the idea that Roma are thieves is incredibly widespread in Europe and it is used to justify murders, pogroms and discrimination that's still happening to this day, when you grow up romani it's a thing that never leaves you bc you get bullied at school for being a "thief", hell even today I'm super self conscious anytime I go to the store bc I'm scared of getting arrested for some reason just because I grew up hearing about Roma being criminals
Like at this point just admit you don't think anti-roma racism is real if you don't think saying "to gyp" is not offensive. This just proves that Americans are just Gadje, just like Europeans, and they hate us, just like Europeans, and gadje of colour are just as gadje and anti-romani as the ones who are white
(Also going back to Whoopi Goldberg, I haven't forgotten her whole "the Holocaust wasn't about race" because it had happened between "groups of white people" as if Roma haven't been treated awfully for the past 1000 years because of our race, need I remind you all the slavery, genocides, human trafficking and segregation that are still ongoing today? and is still seen as justified in our case because Europeans just hate us?)
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gypsylotusrose · 1 year
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littletroubledgrrrl · 4 months
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