#aminah cham
anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
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Aminah Cham is a human whirlwind, always rushing around. Somehow she still always makes time to talk to everyone she meets. Headstrong and resilient, Aminah doesn’t know when to back down. Does this young muslim realise that curiosity killed the cat?
Age: 16
Grade: Sophomore
Clubs: She writes for the school newspaper. She’s on the student counsel.
Portrayed by: Shahd Batal
Portrayed vocally by: Jasmine Cephas-Jones
Creator: Laiquahen
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Aminah Rayan Cham, a 16 year old Sophomore, who is very outspoken and stubborn. She’s a Hijab wearing Muslim, who is a member of the Muckraker. She’s played by Shahd Batal and is vocally portrayed by Jasmine Cephas-Jones.
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
Which characters would place in Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Evil
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Just to explain this briefly:
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
How would you summarize the fashion sense of the new characters? What kind of demeanor do they give off?
Omar - Omar likes to look good and can be slightly vain. He likes slim and moderately tight clothing and he likes patterns. He likes bomber jackets and button down shirts with patterns on them, as long as they aren't too gaudy. He likes button down shirts in general, but also owns some golf shirts. He likes moderately tight dark jeans and chinos. He has a thing for nice watches, sneakers and dress shoes. When he dresses more casually he does wear hoodies, t shirts and joggers. He likes jeans jackets and leather jackets. In the winter he really likes layering, with hoodies under jackets. He always wears a watch, and sometimes wears a brown leather bracelet around his other wrist.
Aminah - Aminah does dress modestly, sticking to looser fitting clothing and she does wear the hijab. Sometimes she’ll wear skinny jeans, but she’ll wear longer tops or sweaters over them so she isn’t very exposed. She likes lighter colors, and mostly warm tones. Minah loves playing around with different textures and loves a good abstract pattern. She usually looks really comfortable, but fashionable. She is all about a good cashmere sweater with loose jeans. While she usually wears pants or jeans, she will wear long slip dresses with long-sleeved shirts under. She loves embroidery. She is really into layering, partly because she gets cold really easily.
Liliana - When not in her Cheerios uniform, she loves to dress up feminine and put a lot of thought into her outfits; she's very into fashion. She likes wearing dresses whenever she can, short skirts, short shorts, and heeled shoes. In cooler weather, she likes to wear ripped jeans, sweaters, scarves, coats, denim jackets, and booties. Her favorite colors to wear are pastel and floral. She tries to stay in tune with current fashion trends.
Spencer - Spencer likes simple casual clothes. He often wears a grey dad hat, t-shirts, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of black and white Vans Sk8-Hi. During colder months, he wears his letterman jacket or fur-lined leather jacket over his usual clothes. Spence is often seen with an Apple watch in his left wrist.
Diana - Diana is very feminine and wears a lot of skirts and dresses and flowy bohemian style clothing. She likes bright colours and floral patterns. She hates super baggy clothing as they make her look smaller than she is in reality. She likes high waisted maxi skirts or short sundresses, but does own a few flowy mini skirts. Sometimes if the weather is not too warm, she'll wear skinny jeans (sometimes high waisted, sometimes not) with a flowy top or a tight top and cardigan. She likes to wear sandals and flats, but when it's cold wears boots often, especially ankle boots. She doesn't like to wear heels but sometimes wears a block heel on her sandals or boots. She only owns one pair of sneakers and uses it for P.E. or when traveling. She is less fashionable in winter and wears jumpers with skinny jeans and boots. She will sometimes try to dress it up by wearing high waisted jeans. She wears hoodies, coats and jeans jackets in winter (she has a denim jacket with a wool collar that she loves) so sometimes she looks like she shouldn't have left the house and other times she looks like she stepped out of Gossip Girl. She loves cardigans and embroided jackets. She would probably like to raid the wardrobes of Jane from Jane the Virgin, Quinn Fabray and Dianna Agron's character in I Am Number Four. She never wears hair accessories like hats, bows or headbands, and isn't big on jewelry. She usually only wears a watch and her simple diamond studs. Her hair usually is usually down or with a loose half ponytail and some strands loose around her face.
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
Of the new characters who are introverts and who are extroverts?
Aminah - introvert, but she’s still fairly outgoing and might almost lean into an ambivert at times.
Omar - Omar is similar to Aminah, but opposite. I would say he is an extrovert, but I do think he needs more time alone than Spencer and Liliana
Liliana - Extrovert
Spencer - Extrovert, no question
Diana - Introvert
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
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Moodboard for Aminah Cham
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
What were the OCs like as children?
I googled the faceclaims as children for this and it does not disappoint, they were very cute.
 Kalyani Kapoor - I think Kalyani was one of those kids who could never sit still. She would never just sit down and relax, she was always doing something. Road trips with her were an absolute nightmare. I think she was a really chatty kid too, just talking a mile a minute (I also think her sister was the same way, so their brother never got a word in). She was also the biggest tomboy, and her mother would never let her cut her hair because then everyone would think she was a boy. 
 Tobias Blake - I think Tobias was more of a quiet kid, but quiet in the way where he can go on forever once he finds someone who’ll listen. He was pretty awkward and really goofy, so he was not popular at all as a kid. He was maybe a little clingy, like he would latch on to people really easily and then they would sort of be his person. 
 Arcelia Cortez - I think Celia was absolutely awful as a kid. Not like she was bad or anything, but such a know-it-all. Brutally honest and with zero sympathy, I think that whenever her dad introduced her to a new boyfriend or girlfriend she would just tear them apart. Not to be mean or because she didn’t like them, she just made observations and didn’t really know what not to comment on. 
 Hazel Aria - I think that more than anyone else in the club, Hazel was the younger sibling who really tried hanging out with her older brother. She would always try to keep up with him and his friends, but not necessarily in such an annoying way, she would just want to sit with them when they played videogames, or get to watch or judge if they played sports. It was so endearing, and I don’t think Zach minded most of the time. Besides that I think she was a sweet, obedient kid, and a little silly. 
 Aminah Cham - Aminah was the goofiest little kid. She would always be telling tall tales and had the craziest imagination. She also loved playing dress up and was constantly sneaking into her mom’s make-up drawer. I think she played the most with dolls out of any of the kids. 
 Omar Salib - Omar was much more cautious as a child. He was such a little nerd too, very book-ish. I think he was obsessed with puzzles, and that was always what he wanted for his birthday. He was also such a goody two-shoes. He would never break any rules, and hated being the one to make decisions. Because he had just gotten to America and had a pretty heavy accent, he was picked on a lot when he was younger. 
 Diana Harding - I feel like Diana went through a lot of phases as a child. She would constantly get a new obsession and would take on new personality traits to fit whatever she was obsessing over. Her vocabulary would change and she would always try to learn new skills that her favorite character had. She was also one of those kids that were constantly talking, and the only time she was really quiet was when she was either reading about her new obsession, or watching whatever show she liked at the moment. I think she was a fairly bossy child too, always telling her brothers what to do. Noah was her baby and she would always take him everywhere to show him off.
 Liliana Mendoza - Liliana was much like she is now when she was little. She was a very talkative and happy child, always the center of attention. She was friends with everyone as a child, and could make anyone her friend within two minutes of meeting them. Lily was always taking the other kids on little adventures in nearby forests and parks. While she was one of the happiest kids, she was also one of the ones to cry the most. She would cry whenever she got something wrong during figure skating, and whenever her homework was too hard, or she just didn’t want to do it. 
 Spencer Barnett - Spencer was a huge class clown as a kid, to no one’s surprise. Most teachers found him hard to handle in class, but he was never a mean kid, just boisterous. He was very sensitive as a child though, and if he wasn’t found goofing off on the playground, he’d be hiding behind the school so no one would see he was upset. His mom was definitely the strict and disciplinary parents, so his mom would be laying down the law about “no dessert before you’ve finished your homework”, while his dad would secretly sneak him snacks when he solved a problem in math. 
 Isaiah Campbell - Isaiah has always been very extroverted and he definitely spent most of his time outside playing with the other kids in the neighbourhood. That said, he was a good boy. He didn’t give his mom any trouble and obediently went to church with her every week (always getting dressed up). 
Avery Shaw - Avery was a very quiet child, and he was very hard to get close to. He was an avid reader and would rather read than play with the other kids. He had that brutal honesty that children have, and would actually tell the other kids that he didn’t want to play with them, instead of just ignoring them. 
Meredith Clarke - While Meredith was always a shy kid, she was a lot sillier and brighter as a child. She loved to read, and I think she had a lot of fun playing pretend with other kids. Like Aminah, she would often be telling made-up stories, and she loves getting lost in other worlds. 
Iris Phan - I think Iris was quite like she is now when she was little. I imagine she was a real goody two-shoes, but I think she would have these little moments of mischief with her mom where they would stay up late and have ice cream for dinner and I think baby!Iris loved those nights. She was also a bit of a clingy kid, she wanted to go with her mom everywhere and never leave her side. 
Cameron Sullivan - Cameron was probably the most different as a child. He was sunny and playful and open, he was the least secretive child around. He could not keep a secret to save his life, he would always be giggling if he tried to get away with something. He was a dorky kid, and pretty good with people, he was always well-liked. 
 Lee Sang-Jin - Sang-Jin was always a little performer, he would always be putting on shows for his family, singing along with the radio and dancing. He had the same enthusiastic and lively qualities that he has now, but even more insistent. He could be very annoying when he was little, driving his sisters crazy. Hye-Jin especially was often close to murdering him, while Eun-Jin developed the ability to tune out his babbling.
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
How do each character deal with the quarantine? Which ones are going stir crazy, which ones messed up their sleep schedule and which ones are totally fine?
Kalyani might be the one who handles it the worst. She is going absolutely stir crazy. She goes for long walks and volunteers for whatever essential trips her family has to make, no matter how menial. Her sleep schedule is all messed up and changes every day because she can’t sleep because she feels like he hasn’t spent enough energy, but she doesn’t have anything to get out of bed for in the morning.
Bai is handling it better than Kalyani, he’s pretty chill about it. His sleep schedule is all messed up too because Kalyani and Isaiah keep calling him whenever they feel like it. 
Arcelia is handling quarantine pretty well. She spends most of her time reading and she has developed a great home workout. With Hazel living with her father and Ethan, Arcelia would definitely opt to spend the time in quarantine at her mother’s. She did bring her cat with her, and he is not handling quarantine as well. Celia and her mother fight a lot, being stuck together in such close proximity for so long, but Celia would rather fight with her than be stuck with Hazel.
Hazel is also handling quarantine well. With Celia out of the house she finds it a lot easier to stay at Ethan and Antonio’s. She spends most of her time in her room though, and politely declines Ethan and Antonio’s offers for “game night” (the two of them play a lot of jeopardy and do a lot of puzzles).
Aminah is not quite as bad as Kalyani, but almost. She is going absolutely stir crazy. She has tried every hobby she can think of trying to distract herself (she plays insane amounts of Animal Crossing, has started and abandoned a dozen books, etc.). Her and Diana watch a lot of netflix together, watching the same episode at the same time and messaging each other their thoughts.
Omar went crazy in the beginning, feeling like all his plans were disrupted. After a while he set up a schedule for himself and is currently thriving. He works on his Spanish, he has a workout and he has been learning a lot of new recipes. He also watches insane amounts of netflix.
I’d say Diana is one of the people who finds herself enjoying quarantine. She gets a lot of time to just do what actually interests her, she doesn’t have to waste time doing things she isn’t actually interested in. The quarantine is about to get old though, and then she’ll be one of the people going really crazy.
Liliana has no sense of time anymore, her sleep schedule doesn’t exist. She sleeps when she wants to, eats when she wants to, there are no rules. She keeps talking about the huge party she’s going to throw when it’s all over. She’s also the one to take it the least seriously, and hates that everyone else is being so serious about it.
Spencer is going stir crazy. So is his dad. They’re both tearing up the walls while his mother works mainly from home and tries to keep the other two from wrecking the house. Spencer has watched every show he was even vaguely interested in on netflix, in addition to shows Liliana made him watch with her (facetiming while watching). 
Besides Kalyani Isaiah might be the one who hates quarantine the most. He hates being alone, and hates that he can’t hang out with people when he wants to. He is constantly calling everyone he knows, he will not be alone with his thoughts. He has gotten into the habit of playing old boardgames with his mom after dinner.
Avery is pretty neutral about quarantine. It doesn’t bother him all that much, although it is annoying how he can’t do whatever he wants whenever he wants. He gets why they have to do it, and just does it without complaining.
Meredith also handles it pretty well. She mainly locks herself in her room with her cello, only coming out for meals. It works for her and she is okay with quarantine because she understands how important it is.
Iris was like Omar, going absolutely crazy in the beginning, then finding a strict schedule and sticking with it. She is still a little more unhinged than Omar is though. At this point Chloe is getting tired of Iris always wanting to play with her, and Iris has to find something else to fill that time with. She has baked an insane amount of cupcakes, and her mother is accusing Iris of trying to make her fat (but still eats every cupcake Iris gives her and then some).
Cameron is not handling it well. If it were full social distancing and he could just stay in his room and not deal with anyone, he would have been fine, but the fact that he is stuck in the house with his entire family is driving him insane. On top of that his mother feels like this would be a good opportunity for them to grow closer as a family and share their feelings. Cameron is not here for it and would rather jump out the second floor window. 
Sang-Jin has completely ruined his sleep schedule because he wants to talk with his friends and family in Korea. When he isn’t talking with them he is watching everything on Netflix. He doesn’t think he is that messed up but he hasn’t seen the sun since quarantine started and is beginning to look like a vampire. 
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
Which of the gleeks would be obsessed with Animal Crossing, who would hate it and who wouldn't care???
I have very strong headcanons about how some of these kids would play this game.
Iris would be the most obsessed. She would re-arrange her entire island and make sure that everything was exactly where she wanted it to be. She grows beautiful little gardens, making sure all the flowers line up so she can get the hybrids. She has very strong feelings about each inhabitant on her island. Some she adores and will do anything for. Others she avoids at all costs. Iris is greediest weeder of them all.
Aminah and Diana enjoy it. They visit each other’s islands all the time and bring each other gifts. They adore their inhabitants. They try to get Sang-Jin in on it, he doesn’t quite get why they enjoy it so much, but he likes the company. He always makes gifts for the girls and lets them have his resources because he doesn’t care as much as they do. He has moments where he gets really into it.
Kalyani mostly plays so she can go to her sister’s island and mess it all up (her sister plays a lot like Iris, very organised and she is obsessed with filling up the museum).
Bai doesn’t really care. He would try it, but I don’t think he really gets the point.
Hazel enjoys it, but won’t tell anyone that she does. She plays alone and just wants to cultivate a nice island without anyone ever knowing. She is most likely to fill up the museum.
Omar hates it.
Arcelia plays kind of like Hazel. It’s a bit of a guilty pleasure. She plays the way people play sims, she is obsessed for a little while, then completely loses interest. She avoids all the other inhabitants.
Liliana just doesn’t get the appeal. She thinks it sounds boring.
Spencer is surprisingly into it. He gets really excited about finding bugs.
Avery hates it, he thinks it’s a waste of time.
Isaiah is a bit of a casual player. He thinks it’s cute and nice, but it doesn’t take over his life.
Cameron won’t admit it, but he likes it. Chopping wood is a bit of a way for him to get his frustrations out.
Meredith enjoys it in a similar way to Diana and Aminah. She isn’t obsessed, but she likes it. She isn’t as organised as Iris, but her house is very cute. She would be one of the people to continue playing long after the hype is gone (along with Iris and Hazel).
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
Learn French or Spanish? Leather or lace? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
Kalyani Kapoor - Learn French or Spanish? Leather or lace? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken (neither, she’s vegetarian)? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
Tobias Blake - Learn French or Spanish? Leather or lace? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
Arcelia Cortez - Learn French or Spanish? Leather or lace? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
Hazel Aria - Learn French or Spanish? Leather or lace? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon (honestly both, but I imagine she would like the thing where you wrap yourself around someone’s back like a backpack or a koala?)? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
Aminah Cham - Learn French or Spanish? Leather or lace? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
Omar Salib - Learn French or Spanish (he actually is learning Spanish)? Leather or lace (leather on himself, lace on a girl)? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother (neither, he hates sit-coms)? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
Diana Harding -Learn French or Spanish? Leather or lace? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
Liliana Mendoza - Learn French or Spanish? Leather or lace? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
Spencer Barnett - Learn French or Spanish? Leather or lace? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
Isaiah Campbell - Learn French or Spanish? Leather or lace? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon (He would like both though)? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother (he loves both though)? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
Avery Shaw - Learn French or Spanish? Leather or lace? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon (either is fine, but little spoon is so comforting)? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
Meredith Clarke - Learn French or Spanish? Leather or lace? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
Lee Sang-Jin - Learn French or Spanish? Leather or lace? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken (American fried chicken has not lived up to his high expectations)? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon (both, he really loves both)? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
Iris Phan - Learn French or Spanish? Leather or lace? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
Cameron Sullivan - Learn French or Spanish? Leather or lace? The breakfast club or pretty in pink? Steak or chicken? Online shopping or in store? Being too hot or too cold? Pen or pencil? Board game or video game? Big spoon or little spoon? Journals or letters? English/history or math/science? Reminiscing about the past or dreaming about the future? Easily panicked or always chill? Hairdryer or air dry? Fate or taking things into own hands? Friends or How I met your mother? Telenovelas or K-dramas?
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
For a performance, which characters would you pair up as dance partners (could be based on height, or skill sets, like how well they dance, etc.)?
Okay, so I really struggled with this, and I ended up dividing it three different ways. The first is based on height, with the tallest people together and the shortest people together. The second on is based on skills, pairing up the strongest dancers and putting them in front, then pairing the weakest dancers together and having them in the back. The third one is trying to pair the strongest dancer with the weakest, so the strongest can help the weakest keep up. These are for the most part pretty approximate, as most of the kids fall into “doesn’t have training, but has natural rhythm”.
Based on height, tallest to shortest pair:
Meredith and Tobias
Cameron and Kalyani
Avery and Aminah
Diana and Spencer
Sang-Jin and Iris
Hazel and Isaiah
Omar and Liliana
I left Celia out of this one, purely by coincidence, she just ended up last in the order I was doing it in. But she would probably be with Spencer if it were purely based on height.
If based on dancing, best pairs to worst then it would go:
Cameron and Iris (similar background, so they would be compatible dancers)
Sang-Jin and Arcelia
Liliana and Isaiah
Omar with either Kalyani or Aminah
Avery and Diana
Tobias and Hazel
Meredith and Spencer
If based on dancing, but trying to make everyone equal I think it would be:
Iris with Spencer
Cameron with Meredith
Hazel with Isaiah
Arcelia with Tobias
Liliana with Avery
Sang-Jin with Diana
Omar with either Kalyani or Aminah
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
What is Liliana’s opinion on everyone?
It’s technically a free day today, but I’m going to answer a few more of the questions for Liliana because I didn’t get around to answering a lot the last few days. Let me know if you have any general questions, or memes or anything you want me to do!
Kalyani Kapoor - Lily and Kali are actually really good friends. Kalyani is always down for Lily’s pranks, and the two love daring each other to do stupid things. They don’t talk a lot about deeper things, but they are definitely on good terms and have fun together. I think they can also bond over their separate passions (figure skating and gymnastics), because they share some similarities. I can definitely see Liliana trying to teach Kalyani some figure skating moves and Kalyani showing Lily some gymnastics (especially now that they’re on the cheerios together).
Tobias Blake - Tobias is fine. Lily knows that Bai doesn’t like her all that much, but the two aren’t necessarily on bad terms. They just have nothing in common except friendship with Kali. I think Lily likes to tease Bai about his feelings for Kali (especially in front of Kali, who thinks it’s all a joke and insists that there is nothing there). 
Arcelia Cortez - While she wouldn’t admit it, Lily doesn’t like Arcelia very much. Celia makes Liliana feel dumb a lot of the time, and Lily hates that Celia seems to think she’s better than everyone else. They are still friends though, but Celia is far from Lily’s favorite on the cheer squad.
Hazel Aria - Hazel is a massive stick in the mud. Lily cannot be bothered. Hazel writes a lot of things in the Muckraker that just causes drama, and the way she acts so much sweeter than she is, Lily makes a point to avoid Hazel.
Aminah Cham - Liliana doesn’t know Aminah, but she seems sweet enough. Lily knows Sofia used to be pretty good friends with Aminah.
Omar Salib - Omar is another person who makes Lily feel dumb, so she isn’t his biggest fan. He is still good-looking and not overly up-tight, so he’s okay. They hang in the same circles and don’t mind being together in a group, but they wouldn’t hang out one on one.
Diana Harding - Lily honestly finds Diana kind of boring. There isn’t anything about Diana that really makes Lily feel like they would be good friends, and Diana sometimes feels like she would cause drama on purpose, and Lily does not have the time for it.
Spencer Barnett - Lily thinks Spencer is a lot of fun. He is handsome, and he doesn’t make her feel stupid. They’ve always been in the same circles at McKinley. Lily doesn’t really mind that Spencer has a new girl every week, she isn’t exactly settled herself.
Isaiah Campbell - Isaiah is fun, Lily likes him. Then again, everyone likes Isaiah. I wouldn’t say they’re best friends, but they are in the same circles and they have fun togehter at parties.
Avery Shaw - Lily feels about Avery similarly to how she feels about Arcelia. She wouldn’t really tell anyone, but she doesn’t like him. Like Omar and Celia, Avery makes Liliana feel stupid. He is way too academically focused to Lily, and she needs him to chill. That said, she never makes a big deal out of it, she just avoids spending time with him.
Meredith Clarke - I don’t think Liliana has an opinion on Meredith, I honestly don’t think she knows that Meredith exists.
Lee Sang-Jin - The new kid seems nice. He’s cute and excitable, but not really Lily’s type. She can see herself being friends with him.
Iris Phan - Iris isn’t someone Lily has much of an opinion on yet, because they don’t hang out in the same circles. However, Iris is way too much of a control freak for Lily. What Lily knows of Iris is that she’s bossy and way too up-tight, and so Lily tends to stay out of Iris’ way.
Cameron Sullivan - Cameron is intriguing. She finds his whole bad boy thing pretty sexy. He does seem like he doesn’t have a lot of chill though, and Lily isn’t that into it. So she kind of likes him from afar, but doesn’t necessarily want much to do with him.
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
What is Diana’s opinion on everyone? If she knows them or know of them?
Kalyani Kapoor - Diana is jealous of Kalyani’s gymnastics skills for sure, having such a talent is something Diana has always wanted, and she admires Kalyani’s follow-through. On the other hand, Kali is a lot for Diana and not someone she really cares to spend more time with than necessary. 
Tobias Blake - I don’t think Diana knows much about Bai outside of him being Kalyani’s best friend. He seems sweet enough, but isn’t very interesting. 
Arcelia Cortez - Diana is torn about Celia. On the one hand she is a bit of an Ariana Grande clone, and she’s a cheerleader and a lot of things that Diana is not such a fan of. On the other hand, Arcelia is whip-smart and tenacious. I think Diana feels a bit of jealousy toward her, and a bit of resentment, mixed with a lot of begrudging respect. 
Hazel Aria - Diana knows Hazel from the Muckraker and the two are friendly. They don’t get in each other’s way, and have hung out a few times. Diana thinks Hazel is interesting, and she can hold a conversation. 
Aminah Cham - Aminah and Diana are actually quite close. They met through the muckraker and found they enjoyed each other’s company. Minah is someone Di feels like she can talk about anything with, and the two love to gossip. They’re the friends that touch each other on the arm when someone says something stupid. 
Omar Salib - Diana thinks Omar is interesting, and I think that if she knew him more she would really like him. He is smart, and hard-working, and I think Diana really admires that about him. 
 Liliana Mendoza - To Diana, Liliana is the worst of both Arcelia and Kalyani. She’s loud, in-your-face and no-brained. Diana finds Lily to be the least interesting person at McKinley and would like to stay as far away from her as she can. 
Spencer Barnett - Diana likes Spencer a lot more than she would let you think. They’ve been lab partners a lot, and he always makes very politically incorrect jokes that make her laugh. There’s definitely things she dislikes about him, he is a bit too much of a class clown and alpha male, but when they’re having a one-on-one conversation she finds his company enjoyable. 
Isaiah Campbell - Isaiah is kind of friends with everyone, and Diana is no exception. She wouldn’t say they’re close though. Like Spencer Isaiah can be a bit of a class clown, and Diana isn’t really here for it. Something has always been a little off about Isaiah to her, something about how he can be friends with everyone like that. 
Avery Shaw - Diana feels the same respect for Avery that she does for Omar, he is very smart and hard-working. I think Diana also think Avery is surprisingly funny. She has done group projects with him though, and finds that his way of working does not work for her. He is too demanding and too much of a perfectionist. So she has respect for him, but would rather not work with him. 
Meredith Clarke - I think Diana liked Meredith when they first met, but she feels like she kept trying to be friends with her and didn’t get anything back. Diana admires Meredith’s cello skills, and if Meredith were to open up more and give more than one-word answers, then her and Diana could be friends. 
Lee Sang-Jin - Diana just met Sang-Jin, but she finds him adorable. He loves to talk, even when his English has him wording things a little off, and his accent keeps jumping around. His enthusiasm is infectious and she enjoys how he is not at all a class-clown or alpha male.
 Iris Phan - Diana admires Iris for her work-ethic, but Iris is a little high-strung and demanding for Diana. Iris is the type to plan everything exactly and needs you to follow her schedule, and Diana cannot deal with that. So while they would have a good time if they hung out, they do have some clashes. 
Cameron Sullivan - Diana is endlessly fascinated with Cameron. The mystery of him entices her. She has periods of time where she is obsessed with trying to figure out what his actual story is, since no one knows. She is in a down-period now though, where she has kind of forgotten that he exists.
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
For DEH, I could see Cameron as Connor and Aminah as Alana, and for SA, I think Diana would make a fantastic Ilse! Omar or Spencer for Melchior I could see as well.
Cameron would be a pretty natural choice for Connor, he could pull that off. I can’t say I really know DEH as well as I know SA (would need to look into it if I decide to do that one), so I don’t know much about Alana, but looking her up I’d say Aminah could make sense. Diana would be a cute Ilse. Omar and Spencer are both on the top of my list for Melchior. I think maybe I would cast Spencer as Hanschen instead though, I feel like he can pull of that really seductive vibe much better than any of the other boys. Casting mostly comes down to storylines for me here, so it would depend more on who would fit the songs, rather than who actually would fit the part.
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
Do the cinnamon roll meme please
You know I love a good meme
Looks like a cinnamon roll, but could actually kill you: Iris Phan, Hazel Aria, Liliana Mendoza, Spencer Barnett,
Looks like they could kill you, but is actually a cinnamon roll: Tobias Blake, Omar Salib, Cameron Sullivan, Meredith Clarke,
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is actually a cinnamon roll: Aminah Cham, Isaiah Campbell, Lee Sang-Jin,
Looks like they could kill you, and could actually kill you: Arcelia Cortez, Kalyani Kapoor, Avery Shaw, Diana Harding, Amanda Blair
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
Basic this or that: introvert or extrovert? Approach others or wait to be approached? Early bird or night owl? Optimist or pessimist? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play? Open minded or close minded/stubborn? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion? Books or movies? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog?
Kalyani Kapoor - introvert or extrovert? Approach others or wait to be approached? Early bird or night owl (she’s always fairly energetic, but can get grumpy in the morning if she didn’t sleep well, but will also doze off fast if she’s tired)? Optimist or pessimist? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play? Open minded or close minded/stubborn? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion? Books or movies? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog?
Tobias Blake -  introvert or extrovert? Approach others or wait to be approached? Early bird or night owl? Optimist or pessimist? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play? Open minded or close minded/stubborn? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion? Books or movies? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog?
Arcelia Cortez -  introvert or extrovert (kind of an ambivert though)? Approach others or wait to be approached (if she needs something, if not she’s okay with letting people come to her)? Early bird or night owl? Optimist or pessimist (she’d say she’s a realist)? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play (who not both?)? Open minded or close minded/stubborn? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion? Books or movies? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog?
Hazel Aria - introvert or extrovert? Approach others or wait to be approached? Early bird or night owl? Optimist or pessimist? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play? Open minded or close minded/stubborn? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion? Books or movies? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog?
Aminah Cham - introvert or extrovert? Approach others or wait to be approached? Early bird or night owl? Optimist or pessimist? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play? Open minded or close minded/stubborn (at least she tries very hard to be, and considers herself open minded)? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion? Books or movies? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog?
Omar Salib - introvert or extrovert? Approach others or wait to be approached? Early bird or night owl? Optimist or pessimist? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play? Open minded or close minded/stubborn? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion? Books or movies (love both though)? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog (equal opportunity cuddler)?
Diana Harding - introvert or extrovert? Approach others or wait to be approached? Early bird or night owl (both, but moody in the afternoon)? Optimist or pessimist? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play? Open minded or close minded/stubborn? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion (but most of her decisions end up being made with emotion, she just doesn’t realise)? Books or movies (she’s very into cinematography at the moment, but loves to read too)? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog?
Liliana Mendoza - introvert or extrovert? Approach others or wait to be approached? Early bird or night owl? Optimist or pessimist? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play? Open minded or close minded/stubborn? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion? Books or movies? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog?
Spencer Barnett -introvert or extrovert? Approach others or wait to be approached? Early bird or night owl? Optimist or pessimist? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play? Open minded or close minded/stubborn? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion? Books or movies? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog?
Isaiah Campbell -introvert or extrovert? Approach others or wait to be approached? Early bird or night owl? Optimist or pessimist? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play? Open minded or close minded/stubborn? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion? Books or movies? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog?
Avery Shaw - introvert or extrovert? Approach others or wait to be approached? Early bird or night owl? Optimist or pessimist? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play? Open minded or close minded/stubborn? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion? Books or movies? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog?
Meredith Clarke -introvert or extrovert? Approach others or wait to be approached (or, preferably, not having to deal with people)? Early bird or night owl? Optimist or pessimist? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play? Open minded or close minded/stubborn? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion? Books or movies? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog?
Lee Sang-Jin - introvert or extrovert? Approach others or wait to be approached? Early bird or night owl? Optimist or pessimist? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play? Open minded or close minded/stubborn? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion? Books or movies? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog (kind of like Omar though, he loves both)?
Iris Phan - introvert or extrovert? Approach others or wait to be approached (unless something needs to be done, in that case Iris will walk right up to people)? Early bird or night owl? Optimist or pessimist? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play? Open minded or close minded/stubborn? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion (but like Diana, her emotions play a bigger part than she lets on)? Books or movies? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog?
Cameron Sullivan - introvert or extrovert? Approach others or wait to be approached? Early bird or night owl? Optimist or pessimist (used to be an optimist)? Idealist or realist? Planning/ dreaming for the future or living in the moment? Work or play? Open minded or close minded/stubborn? Summer or winter? Make decisions with logic or emotion? Books or movies? Night out or night in? Cat or Dog?
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