#Omar Salib
anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
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The Salibs
Omar Salib - 17 - Mena Massoud - High School student, Masud and Safiya’s son,  Nour and Hadeer’s brother.
Masud Salib - 46 - Amr Waked - Omar, Nour and Hadeer’s father, Safiya’s husband. The warm and loving manager of a bakery, mostly handling the baking while his wife handles the business side of things.
Safiya Salib - 42 - Yasmine Al-Massri -  Omar, Nour and Hadeer’s mother,  Masud’s wife. She manages the bakery with her husband, and is a very headstrong and independent woman.
Nour Salib - 19 - Ayisha Hart  - Masud and Safiya’s daughter, Omar and Hadeer’s sister. Mysterious and reserved, Nour is studying pre-law at Ohio State.
Hadeer Salib - 16  - Salma Abu Deir - Masud and Safiya’s daughter, Omar and Nour’s sister. While extroverted and friendly, Hadeer is not as comfortable being the centre of attention as her siblings.
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adorhauer · 4 years
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The Creak House Excerpt Day
This is a small excerpt from draft one, where we pick back up on Maple Street and meet some new faces. It is the story at its rawest form, completely unedited. A lot of it is incoherent, and served as me getting it down so that I could sort it out later. I didn’t think I would ever show it off, but I am a firm believer that showing your writing progress is important. If anything, it keeps me accountable.
Currently following this WIP: @radley-writes​, @seraphimnoted​
WIP - Tag List - Maple Street
There was someone once who went out to speak of the place beyond a barrier called the Great Oak. There was a street, and strange neighbors, and a secret therein which was hidden from the outside world. The hope of that narrator, and the neighbors, was to spread the truth that’s been muddled for so many centuries.
Unfortunately, it didn’t happen that way.
You see, the moment the former narrator put down the pen, they forgot everything. They’re a grownup, you see. I, too, will forget over time- but there’s just enough to try again. After all, sometimes you have to do something more than once to drive the point home. It’s very unfortunate that I’m here at all, because it means that not enough people believed in Maple Street for it to be the same. As such, things are very different.
For one, there are two new houses.
These aren’t the normal sort of houses, you see: they sprout up as if by magic (and indeed, magic is the cause of where they came from). And for each house there is, they match the creatures living within. What sort of creatures are they? You will find out soon enough. Our story doesn’t begin on Maple Street, but rather in the suburbs of a small town in the United States.
Along the row of houses, children begin to spring from their beds and put on their Halloween costumes. Some dress up as witches, others ghosts, and more still wear fake fangs and long capes and claim to be Dracula (the real Dracula would laugh if he ever saw how humans portray him). But there were two children who didn’t do this, as they’d never even heard of Halloween until they moved there with their families.
First was Ela Polat, a Turkish girl who liked to sit by herself and watch the sun rise and fall. Her mother seemed alarmed at this, but to Ela this was a new world much different from her home, and she liked to watch and observe it. She had dark knowing eyes, and dimples that appeared when she smiled- which wasn’t often since they moved. She asked her mother about it, crying as she watched her father pack her things. But her mother would only shake her head and tell her to go and get her blankets. Many of the girls didn’t like Ela. She looked different, and didn’t wear a tiny bit of her mother’s perfume to school, and worst of all she didn’t know about Halloween! That wouldn’t do at all, and so the girls dismissed her and pretended like she wasn’t there.
Then there was Omar Salib, whose family came from Cairo. He had a head full of curls, and golden eyes that seemed to always be excited about something. Sometimes he would say what that something was, and people would look at him funny because he couldn’t remember the English word for it. He never went anywhere without his canes, which strapped to his arms and helped him walk. When he got excited, he’d wave one around as he told stories or funny jokes. The other children were fascinated that someone lived so close to mummies and ancient pyramids, but then they learned that Omar and his family weren’t as into the holiday as they would have liked- hadn’t even went to visit King Tut or any of the pharaohs- and so he too was labeled an outcast.
It was this branding that brought the two together on that fateful night.
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ayojalanterus · 3 years
Alasan Umar bin Khattab Menolak Ketika Dipersilakan Uskup Sophronius Shalat di Gereja
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 KONTENISLAM.COM - USKUP Sophronius tergopoh-gopoh menyambut Umar bin Khattab di Yerusalem. Pemimpin Gereja Makam Kudus (Church of the Holy Sepulchre) itu terkejut begitu melihat sosok Umar. Pakaiannya amat sederhana, bahkan tambal-sulam penuh jahitan, tak seperti yang dibayangkan bahwa orang itu adalah khalifah yang amat disegani karena keberaniannya. Dikutip dari tulisan Mustafa Murrad dalam Kisah Hidup Umar ibn Khattab (2009), khalifah kedua setelah wafatnya Nabi Muhammad itu memang datang ke Yerusalem tanpa iring-iringan pasukan. Uskup Sophronius semakin takjub lantaran Umar berjalan kaki, bersama seekor unta yang justru dinaiki oleh pengawalnya. Sama seperti Sophronius, orang-orang Kristiani yang turut menyaksikan kedatangan Umar ikut terperangah. Di depan umatnya itu, Sophronius berucap dengan suara gemetar penuh takzim, “Lihatlah, sungguh ini adalah kesahajaan dan kegetiran yang telah dikabarkan oleh Danial Sang Nabi ketika ia datang ke tempat ini.” (hlm. 95). Ketika waktu sembahyang tiba, Uskup Sophronius menawarkan kepada Umar bin Khattab untuk menunaikan salat di dalam Gereja Makam Kudus yang amat disakralkan oleh umat Kristiani itu. Tapi, Umar menolak. Menaklukkan Yerusalem Bukan tanpa alasan Umar bin Khattab datang ke Yerusalem dengan berjalan kaki pada 637 Masehi itu. Usai memperoleh kabar bahwa Uskup Sophronius selaku juru kunci Gereja Makam Kudus ingin bertemu langsung dengannya, Umar langsung mempersiapkan seekor unta untuk berangkat. Umar juga meminta kepada Aslam, seorang hamba yang telah dimerdekakan, untuk menemani perjalanannya. Lantaran hanya membawa seekor unta, maka Umar dan Aslam menaikinya secara bergantian. Nah, saat hendak memasuki Kota Yerusalem, Umar mendapat giliran berjalan kaki. Aslam sebetulnya sudah memohon kepada tuannya itu agar menaiki unta demi menjaga wibawa sebagai pemimpin besar yang datang untuk mengambil-alih kota suci. Namun Umar menolak karena saat itu giliran Aslam yang naik unta. Sesaat setelah memasuki pintu gerbang kota, penduduk Yerusalem bergegas menyambut dan memberi hormat kepada orang yang duduk di atas unta itu (Tamim Ansary, Dari Puncak Bagdad, 2012: 95). Mereka mengira Aslam adalah sang khalifah, sedangkan Umar pengawalnya. Tentu saja Aslam merasa canggung dan berusaha memberikan penjelasan bahwa ia bukanlah khalifah yang dimaksud. Penjelasan dari Uskup Sophronius membuka tabir bahwa lelaki berbadan kekar berpakaian sederhana dan datang dengan berjalan kaki itulah sang Khalifah Umar bin Khattab. Umar datang ke Yerusalem untuk menerima penyerahan kota suci itu dari Uskup Sophronius. Sebelumnya, Yerusalem masih berstatus tanah sengketa antara Kekaisaran Byzantium (Romawi Timur) yang beribukota di Konstantinopel (Istanbul) dan Kekhalifahan Rasyidin yang berpusat di Madinah. Di kota yang dianggap suci bagi tiga agama sawami (Yahudi, Kristen, Islam) ini, terdapat Gereja Makam Kudus. Uskup Sophronius adalah pengampu otoritasnya, baik secara agama maupun politik, mewakili Kekaisaran Byzantium. Pada November 636 M, pasukan muslim yang dipimpin Abu Ubaidah berhasil mengepung Yerusalem (Ahmad D. Marimba, Rangkaian Cerita dari Sejarah Islam, 1962: 59). Pengepungan berlangsung selama enam bulan sebelum akhirnya Uskup Sophronius angkat tangan. Namun, Sophronius hanya bersedia menyerahkan hak atas Yerusalem kepada Umar bin Khattab. Menolak Salat di Gereja Setelah menyerahkan kunci gerbang Yerusalem kepada Umar bin Khattab, Uskup Sophronius kemudian mengajak khalifah berjuluk Amir al-Mu`miniin (Pemimpin Orang-orang Beriman) ini berkeliling kota dan memasuki kompleks Gereja Makam Kudus. Tepat siang hari, tibalah waktunya Salat Dzuhur. Uskup Sophronius pun mempersilakan Umar untuk menunaikan ibadah wajib itu di dalam gereja. Namun, Umar menampik dengan halus. Bukan terkait hukum boleh atau tidaknya orang Islam menjalankan salat di tempat ibadah pemeluk agama lain, termasuk gereja, namun Umar ternyata punya alasan yang jelas dan tegas perihal ini. “Jika saya mendirikan salat di dalam gereja ini, saya khawatir orang-orang Islam nantinya akan menduduki gereja ini dan menjadikannya sebagai masjid,” demikian alasan Umar (Murrad, 2009: 96). Umar menilai Gereja Makam Kudus sangat sakral bagi orang-orang Nasrani. Umat Kristiani percaya bahwa di situlah Yesus disalibkan dan dibangkitkan, sehingga tempat itu menjadi tujuan ziarah sejak abad ke-4 Masehi. Jika salat di dalam gereja itu, pikir Umar, ia akan merasa menzalimi umat Kristiani. Itu artinya, di masa depan Gereja Makam Kudus bisa saja dihancurkan. Seperti dikutip dari buku Perang Suci: Dari Perang Salib hingga Perang Teluk (2003) karya Karen Armstrong, pemusnahan tak boleh terjadi, karena bagi Umar, tempat ibadah orang Kristen harus dilestarikan (hlm. 92). Kepada Uskup Sophronius, Umar minta ditunjukkan lokasi reruntuhan Kuil Sulaiman atau Kuil Herod. Oleh Sophronius diantarkanlah Umar ke tempat yang terletak di seberang Gereja Makam Kudus. Setelah membersihkan tempat yang sangat tidak terurus itu, Khalifah Umar menunaikan Salat Dzuhur. Di kawasan ini pula, nantinya berdiri masjid yang diberi nama Masjid Umar (Mosque of Omar). Dibangun tahun 1193 oleh Sultan Al Afdal, putra Sultan Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi pendiri Dinasti Ayyubiyyah yang menguasai sebagian Timur Tengah dan Mesir, untuk mengenang peristiwa tersebut (Jerome Murphy O’Connor, The Holy Land, 2008: 62). Namun, ada sebagian kalangan yang berpendapat bahwa lokasi dibangunnya Masjid Umar berbeda dengan tempat di mana Umar bin Khattab menunaikan salat. Masjid ini terletak di sebelah selatan Gereja Makam Suci, sementara prasasti bekas reruntuhan Kuil Herod yang digunakan Umar untuk salat berada di sebelah timur gereja. Pelindung Segala Umat Umar bin Khattab memang dikenal sebagai sosok pemimpin yang sangat pemberani dan tidak segan-segan menghunus pedang untuk menghadapi musuh. Namun di balik sikap kerasnya, ternyata tersimpan sifat welas asih. Hal tersebut terlihat dalam peristiwa bersejarah di Yerusalem pada 637 M itu. Setelah menunaikan salat di bekas reruntuhan Kuil Herod, Umar menyepakati perjanjian dengan Uskup Sophronius. Yerusalem takluk kepada kepemimpinan Islam, namun Umar berjanji akan menjamin keamanan dan keselamatan warga Yerusalem yang kala itu mayoritasnya memeluk Kristen. Tak tanggung-tanggung, Umar menjanjikan jaminan keamanan jiwa, harta, bahkan gereja-gereja dan simbol-simbol Kristen lainnya. Warga Yerusalem tidak akan dipaksa meninggalkan agama dan dilindungi hak-haknya. Untuk meminimalisir potensi konflik antar-umat beragama, sepeti dikutip dari sebuah artikel dalam jurnal Media Dakwah (2002) Umar kemudian membagi wilayah tersebut menjadi empat, yakni untuk orang-orang Armenia, serta para pemeluk Kristen, Yahudi, dan Islam (hlm. 42). Setelah menolak menunaikan salat di dalam Gereja Makam Kudus pada 637 M itu demi melindungi tempat suci kaum Kristiani, Umar bin Khattab kemudian menetapkan peraturan yang menyatakan bahwa umat Islam dilarang menjalankan ibadahnya di gereja. Hasilnya, sebagaimana diungkapkan oleh Hugh Kennedy dalam buku Penaklukan Muslim yang Mengubah Dunia (2015), gereja tetap berada di tangan orang Kristen, tidak direbut oleh orang Islam yang kemungkinan akan mengubahnya jadi masjid, seperti yang dikhawatirkan Umar (hlm. 114). Umar bin Khattab, khalifah perkasa berjuluk Singa Padang Pasir itu, sekali lagi, ternyata memiliki rasa toleransi yang amat tinggi. Bukan saja pada sesama muslim, namun juga terhadap pemeluk agama lain. Sahabat Rasulullah paling pemberani ini pantas disebut sebagai pelindung segala umat, khususnya setelah penaklukkan Yerusalem yang merupakan tempat suci bagi pemeluk Yahudi, Kristen, juga Islam. [gelora]
from Konten Islam https://ift.tt/3nRqowK via IFTTT source https://www.ayojalanterus.com/2021/05/alasan-umar-bin-khattab-menolak-ketika.html
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tamerashry · 4 years
Human Trafficking Campaign from Tamer Ashry on Vimeo.
An Awareness Campaign to highlight and encounter different kinds of human trafficking.
My latest work for IOM Egypt , NCCP funded by Visit Holland and Danish Embassy in Egypt
Production House: BEE Media Productions Creative team: Tamer Ashry, Salma Abdelwqhab Creative copy writer: Salma Abdelwahab
Director: Tamer Ashry Head of Production: Moustafa Salah DOP: Kamal Samy
Special thanks to IOM goodwill ambassadors: Nelly Karim and Asser Yassin
1st AD: Sandro Kan’an 2nd AD: Mohamed Refaat Panther: Baskota
Executive Producer: Zeina Eissa
Producer: Sawsam Al Kasarawy
Line Producers: Yasser Al-Shafei Amr Al-leithy Noran Moamen
Production Manager: Ali Mostafa
Art Director: Hend Heider
Stylist: Raghda Helal
Assistant Art Director: Omar Refat Hafez Rana France Salma Ibrahim
Special Effects Team: Kidney Team: Islam Alex Donia sedky Mannequins Team: Amr Abdallah Mirna Salib Alice louka Emad Hany
Casting Agency: Challenge
Production Team: Samir Hamady Hossam Badra Ahmed El-Sanam Mohamed Farag Takashi Eraky Mohamed Sobhy Rashid
Music Composer: Khaled El Kammar
Post-Production: Bee Media Productions Post Production Supervisor: Ahmed Yousef Editor: Sameh Anwar Assistant Editors: Sayed Saeed Hesham AbdelRazek Mohamed Khaled
Sound design & mixing: The Garage Sound Studio Hosny Ali
Color-Grading: Film Lab Traffic: Maha Abaza Post-Supervisor: Moaz Elsheikha Colorist: Yara Assistant Colorist: Nour Mekkawy
VFX & Online: Squids VFX Post Producer: Remon Raafat Omar Naguib Farah Youssef Mahmoud
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leobellicose · 7 years
Mengingati hari Masjidil Aqsa dibakar ekstremis Kristian
Mengingati hari Masjidil Aqsa dibakar ekstremis Kristian
Kebakaran Masjid Al-Aqsa pada 21 Ogos 1969 yang dilakukan ekstremis Kristian Australia. – Gambar Wikipedia
BAITULMAQDIS, 28 Zulkaedah 1438H, Selasa – Hari ini, 40 tahun yang lalu, ekstremis Kristian dari Australia, Denis Michael Rohan, mencetuskan kemarahan apabila membakar Masjid Al-Aqsa, yang terletak di Timur Jerusalem.
Dalam kenyataan berasingan sempena mengingati serangan itu, Pergerakan Perjuangan Islam Palestin (Hamas) dan Pergerakan Pembebasan Kebangsaan Palestin (Fatah), mengutuk sejarah kebencian yang berterusan rejim Zionis terhadap rakyat Palestin dan masjid suci ketiga umat Islam itu.
Sehubungan itu, kedua-dua pergerakan yang mewakili rakyat Palestin – tetapi mempunyai pengaruh dan penguasaan kawasan berbeza – menggesa bangsa Arab dan umat Islam seluruh dunia, bersama komuniti antarabangsa yang lain, untuk sama-sama berganding bahu bagi menamatkan kependudukan rejim Israel ke atas Timur Jerusalem, amnya dan Masjid Al-Aqsa, khususnya.
“Sebagai entiti yang menduduki, Israel tidak mempunyai hak kedaulatan ke atas Timur Jerusalem, termasuk Masjid Al-Aqsa dan kawasan sekelilingnya.
“Jerusalem, termasuk Al-Aqsa adalah bahagian penting tanah Palestin yang diduduki secara haram oleh Israel pada 1967,” kata Fatah yang berpangkalan di Tebing Barat dalam satu kenyataan.
Bagi Hamas pula, tindakan rejim Zionis menceroboh tanah suci, merosakkan masjid dan berterusan menggali terowong di bawah Masjid Al-Aqsa adalah perbuatan yang tidak boleh diterima sama sekali.
Dalam kenyataannya, Hamas memuji kecekalan hati rakyat Palestin berdepan dengan komplot ekstremis Zionis yang menguasai kerajaan Israel.
“Jenayah yang dilakukan oleh Zionis dan tindakan berterusan ke atas rakyat dan tanah Palestin, serta masjid suci, hanya memperkukuhkan keazaman kita untuk menolak Zionis,” kata Hamas.
Dalam kejadian pada 21 Ogos 1969 lalu, Rohan melakukan serangan dengan api hingga merosakkan beberapa bahagian masjid, termasuk mimbar kayu dan gading berusia lebih 1,000 tahun yang dibina bagi meraikan kejayaan Saladin merampas Baitulmaqdis daripada tentera salib.
Kebakaran itu juga turut memusnahkan mihrab Khalifah Omar bin al-Khattab, selain sebahagian besar hiasan dalaman serta kubah kayu.
Dua hari selepas serangan itu, Rohan ditangkap oleh pihak berkuasa Israel yang kemudiannya mendakwa lelaki itu mempunyai masalah mental, dan menghantarnya pulang ke Australia.
Berikutan insiden itu, negara-negara Islam menubuhkan Persidangan Kerjasama Islam yang kemudian ditukar nama kepada Pertubuhan Kerjasama Islam (OIC).
Pada 15 September 1969, Majlis Keselamatan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) menerima pakai Resolusi 271, yang mengutuk serangan ke atas masjid itu dan mengkritik kerajaan rejim Israel kerana gagal menghormati keputusan PBB. – Agensi
The post Mengingati hari Masjidil Aqsa dibakar ekstremis Kristian appeared first on Portal Islam dan Melayu.
Credit kepada admin sumber asal Artikel Portal Islam dan Melayu di Mengingati hari Masjidil Aqsa dibakar ekstremis Kristian via Blogger http://sayupgema.blogspot.com/2017/08/mengingati-hari-masjidil-aqsa-dibakar.html
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seputarbisnis · 7 years
Warga Kristen Bantu Bangun Kembali Masjid yang Terbakar di Texas
Texas (SIB)- Ditengah gejolak politik di Amerika dimana pemerintahan Presiden Donald Trump melarang masuk warga dari 7 negara dengan penduduk mayoritas Islam, penduduk Amerika malah semakin kuat menyuarakan dan menunjukkan toleransi kepada umat Muslim. Salah satunya adalah dengan menolong umat Muslim untuk membangun kembali masjid di Texas yang terbakar pada minggu lalu. Umat Kristen dan Yahudi bergandengan tangan untuk membantu umat Islam yang kehilangan rumah ibadah mereka. Umat Yahudi menawarkan synagoga mereka untuk menjadi tempat ibadah sementara bagi umat Islam yang berada di kota Victoria, sebuah kota kecil di Texas yang penduduknya sekitar 65.000 orang. Selain itu sekitar empat gereja juga menawarkan hal yang sama. Hingga saat ini penyebab terbakarnya masjid tersebut masih diselidiki oleh pihak yang berwajib. "Kami berdoa bahwa hal itu disebabkan kecelakaan karena memikirkan bahwa ada orang yang melakukan sesuatu yang buruk seperti itu sungguh tak terbayangkan," demikian ungkap jemaat masjid Abe Ajrami kepada Victoria Advocate. "Anggota komunitas Yahudi mendatangi rumah saya dan memberi saya kunci sinagoga," demikian ungkap Dr.Shadid Hashmi, salah satu pendiri Victoria Islamic Center seperti dikutip The New York Times. Selain itu masyarakat juga menggalang dana untuk memperbaiki masjid melalui laman GoFundMe dan berhasil mengumpulkan $1.2 juta dolar hanya dalam waktu 7 hari, dan jumlah orang yang menyumbang sebanyak 23.000 orang. Jumlah sumbangan itu melampaui target mereka yang hanya $850 ribu dolar. Selain meminjamkan tempat, sumbangan dana, anak-anak dari sekolah Katolik setempat juga melakukan pawai ke masjid tersebut, mereka disebut pemimpin Islam setempat sebagai "rantai manusia yang menunjukkan kasih dan damai." Gretchen Boyle, seorang guru bahasa Inggris di sekolah St. Joseph High School menyatakan bahwa yang mereka lakukan adalah respon dari panggilan mereka untuk "mengasihi sesama" mereka, karena komunitas Muslim itu adalah "secara harfiah adalah tetangga mereka." Para murid Kristen itu memberikan sebuah pohon untuk ditanam di masjid tersebut. "Pohon ini akan ditanam di halaman masjid kami yang baru dan menjadi pengingat bagi kita akan momen yang indah ini," demikian tulis Islamic Centre di Facebook page resmi mereka. "Ini adalah semangat kasih dimana salib memeluk bulan sabit." Omar Rachid anggota jemaat masjid yang mengorganisasi penggalangan dana mengungkapkan bahwa, "Hati kami dipenuhi rasa syukur untuk dukungan yang sangat besar yang kami terima." "Limpahan kasih, kata-kata penyemangat, pelukan, tangan yang mau membantu dan kontribusi keuangan adalah contoh dari Semangat Amerika dan Kemanusiaan yang sejati, terlebih sumbangan datang dari seluruh penjuru dunia," demikian tambahnya. Perbedaan bukanlah sebuah pemisah, sebaliknya merupakan perekat dimana satu sama lain bisa saling membantu dan melengkapi. Semoga apa yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat di Victoria, Texas ini menjadi sebuah teladan bahwa perbedaan agama, kepercayaan dan pandangan tidak menjadi alasan untuk saling membenci, sebaliknya menjadi pendorong utama untuk saling mengasihi. (jb.com/l) http://dlvr.it/NM6G5W
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
Which characters would place in Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Evil
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Just to explain this briefly:
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
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Moodboard for Omar Salib
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
How would you summarize the fashion sense of the new characters? What kind of demeanor do they give off?
Omar - Omar likes to look good and can be slightly vain. He likes slim and moderately tight clothing and he likes patterns. He likes bomber jackets and button down shirts with patterns on them, as long as they aren't too gaudy. He likes button down shirts in general, but also owns some golf shirts. He likes moderately tight dark jeans and chinos. He has a thing for nice watches, sneakers and dress shoes. When he dresses more casually he does wear hoodies, t shirts and joggers. He likes jeans jackets and leather jackets. In the winter he really likes layering, with hoodies under jackets. He always wears a watch, and sometimes wears a brown leather bracelet around his other wrist.
Aminah - Aminah does dress modestly, sticking to looser fitting clothing and she does wear the hijab. Sometimes she’ll wear skinny jeans, but she’ll wear longer tops or sweaters over them so she isn’t very exposed. She likes lighter colors, and mostly warm tones. Minah loves playing around with different textures and loves a good abstract pattern. She usually looks really comfortable, but fashionable. She is all about a good cashmere sweater with loose jeans. While she usually wears pants or jeans, she will wear long slip dresses with long-sleeved shirts under. She loves embroidery. She is really into layering, partly because she gets cold really easily.
Liliana - When not in her Cheerios uniform, she loves to dress up feminine and put a lot of thought into her outfits; she's very into fashion. She likes wearing dresses whenever she can, short skirts, short shorts, and heeled shoes. In cooler weather, she likes to wear ripped jeans, sweaters, scarves, coats, denim jackets, and booties. Her favorite colors to wear are pastel and floral. She tries to stay in tune with current fashion trends.
Spencer - Spencer likes simple casual clothes. He often wears a grey dad hat, t-shirts, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of black and white Vans Sk8-Hi. During colder months, he wears his letterman jacket or fur-lined leather jacket over his usual clothes. Spence is often seen with an Apple watch in his left wrist.
Diana - Diana is very feminine and wears a lot of skirts and dresses and flowy bohemian style clothing. She likes bright colours and floral patterns. She hates super baggy clothing as they make her look smaller than she is in reality. She likes high waisted maxi skirts or short sundresses, but does own a few flowy mini skirts. Sometimes if the weather is not too warm, she'll wear skinny jeans (sometimes high waisted, sometimes not) with a flowy top or a tight top and cardigan. She likes to wear sandals and flats, but when it's cold wears boots often, especially ankle boots. She doesn't like to wear heels but sometimes wears a block heel on her sandals or boots. She only owns one pair of sneakers and uses it for P.E. or when traveling. She is less fashionable in winter and wears jumpers with skinny jeans and boots. She will sometimes try to dress it up by wearing high waisted jeans. She wears hoodies, coats and jeans jackets in winter (she has a denim jacket with a wool collar that she loves) so sometimes she looks like she shouldn't have left the house and other times she looks like she stepped out of Gossip Girl. She loves cardigans and embroided jackets. She would probably like to raid the wardrobes of Jane from Jane the Virgin, Quinn Fabray and Dianna Agron's character in I Am Number Four. She never wears hair accessories like hats, bows or headbands, and isn't big on jewelry. She usually only wears a watch and her simple diamond studs. Her hair usually is usually down or with a loose half ponytail and some strands loose around her face.
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
Of the new characters who are introverts and who are extroverts?
Aminah - introvert, but she’s still fairly outgoing and might almost lean into an ambivert at times.
Omar - Omar is similar to Aminah, but opposite. I would say he is an extrovert, but I do think he needs more time alone than Spencer and Liliana
Liliana - Extrovert
Spencer - Extrovert, no question
Diana - Introvert
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
That response to the OC as children question melts my heart gah. You talked about this for a few of them, but for the OCs with siblings, what was their relationship like with their siblings when they were little? Like did any of them have siblings that acted like another parent to them? Did any sibling relationship change a lot since they were kids?
I’m so glad you liked it! I have a lot of fun with these kinds of questions!
When Kalyani was a baby, her older sister Kamini decided that she was her baby. She was the kind of sister who would always want to push the stroller, and she was always dragging Kalyani with her places. As an actual infant Kali didn’t mind, but once she got to be a toddler, Kalyani started to feel smothered. So it became a game of Kalyani trying to run away from Kamini’s love, and Kamini complaining that her sister wouldn’t do what she told her to. Their brother mostly stayed out of it, he didn’t care too much about having a baby sister, but he was relieved that Kamini had someone else to boss around. As they got older Kamini and Kalyani always fought, while their brother turned his music up and ignored them. He was kind of the unwilling middle man, the one each sister would go to to complain about the other.
Liliana’s oldest brother Luke often acts like a second father to her, but I don’t know that he was always like that. I think when they were little Liliana always wanted to hang out with her older brothers, but Luke wasn’t all that keen on having his baby sister around. Callum was, and still is, the peacekeeper though, and always managed to find a compromise. I think Lily discovered pretty early that Luke loves her enough to let her get away with pretty much anything though. She always loved teasing him, and he would always get really mad, but it would never last long. When Lily was little she would always want to do all the things her brothers were doing, and while Luke would get annoyed, Callum never really minded.
Carson and Avery were never really very close. They don’t really fight much, but they don’t really talk much. Avery has always felt like he has really big shoes to fill because Carson was always really intelligent, even being the valedictorian.
I think Diana and Garrett were closer when they were kids than they are now. They’ve always had similar taste in movies, so they used to watch a lot of movies together. If Garrett had a movie he wanted to see he would often tell their parents that Diana really wanted to see it, and ask if they could give him the money so he could take her. It always worked out and the two of them went to the movies together all the time. Diana would also inherit the books Garrett had recently read and liked, it’s how she got into Harry Potter. They’ve drifted more as they’ve gotten older, and Diana often feels like she’s living in his shadow. Diana had a similar relationship with Noah when he was born, as Kalyani had with her older sister. Noah was Diana’s baby and she spent so much time playing with him. She didn’t really want the responsibility of actually taking care of a kid though, and would always hand him back to her parents when she got tired of playing with him, or he started to cry. Diana is still very protective of him. Diana also has similar taste in movies as Noah, so she would do the same thing Garrett did with her, asking her parents for money to take Noah to the movies.
Omar was never that close with his older sister, Nour. They get along fine, they just don’t have that much in common. Nour never bossed her younger siblings around though, and Omar appreciates that. Omar is much closer with his younger sister, Hadeer. They’re close in age and generally have always gotten along. As she’s gotten older Omar has gotten more protective of her.
Cameron used to be closer with his older brother, Wyatt. I think Cameron used to hang around Wyatt a lot and be the annoying younger brother. When Wyatt’s friends were around he would make a point of pushing Cameron around and making a show of not wanting him around. Cameron didn’t really mind so much, he kind of got that Wyatt was just trying to make himself seem cooler than he was. They hung out a fair bit as kids and played a lot of video games. Cameron’s younger sister Maya was such a prankster when she was younger, and while Wyatt would chase her around after she played a prank on him, Cameron was the peace maker. Maya used to tease Cameron a lot too and would always be following him. Cameron didn’t really mind, except the times when he got to hang out with Wyatt and his friends, then he really didn’t want their little sister around.
Meredith used to fight with her older sister Laurel a lot when they were young. It was a lot of petty arguments about borrowing clothes without asking, not dividing soda equally, etc. When their parents divorced Meredith and Laurel grew closer, and they don’t really have any petty fights anymore. As kids I think Katherine, their younger sister, usually sided with Meredith. They have always been closer than Meredith and Laurel. I think Katherine always loved listening to Meredith’s stories.
Realised I left Hazel out, but I guess I talked about this in the other post. She was the one who was always trying to hang out with her brother. They were fairly close as kids, and rarely fought. 
Iris has always been a second mother to her little sister, Chloe. Iris is significantly older than Chloe, so they never had the playmate stage of being sisters, but Iris always took it upon herself to take care of Chloe. The two are really close now too, and Chloe often asks Iris to draw her things. Iris also helps Chloe with her homework a lot.
I talked a fair bit about Sang-Jin’s relationship with his two sisters before. Eun-Jin, his oldest sister, tended to be an extra parent to him, and she was the one he would go to for help with his homework. They’re not as close anymore because she has moved out and gotten married, but Sang-Jin still talks to her regularly and she’s someone he would go to for advice. Hye-Jin was much more annoyed with Sang-Jin from the beginning. Whenever she did something she would get in trouble for she would blame it on him. While Hye-Jin is definitely the moodiest of the siblings and would slam the door in Sang-Jin’s face when she didn’t want to talk to him, she has always been very protective of him. The three used to watch dramas together when Eun-Jin still lived at home, and his sisters would always tell him which of the guys he needed to be like (and they would be fighting about it, because they have very different taste in men). 
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
Most likely to survive the Hunger Games? Most liked by parents? Most likely to be president?
I think Arcelia won the Hunger Games when we did it last time, and I still stand by that. I think Avery and Omar would give her a run for her money though, and either of them could also win.
Isaiah is definitely the parents’ favorite.
I want to Omar, mostly because he would be most likely to run for president.
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
What were the OCs like as children?
I googled the faceclaims as children for this and it does not disappoint, they were very cute.
 Kalyani Kapoor - I think Kalyani was one of those kids who could never sit still. She would never just sit down and relax, she was always doing something. Road trips with her were an absolute nightmare. I think she was a really chatty kid too, just talking a mile a minute (I also think her sister was the same way, so their brother never got a word in). She was also the biggest tomboy, and her mother would never let her cut her hair because then everyone would think she was a boy. 
 Tobias Blake - I think Tobias was more of a quiet kid, but quiet in the way where he can go on forever once he finds someone who’ll listen. He was pretty awkward and really goofy, so he was not popular at all as a kid. He was maybe a little clingy, like he would latch on to people really easily and then they would sort of be his person. 
 Arcelia Cortez - I think Celia was absolutely awful as a kid. Not like she was bad or anything, but such a know-it-all. Brutally honest and with zero sympathy, I think that whenever her dad introduced her to a new boyfriend or girlfriend she would just tear them apart. Not to be mean or because she didn’t like them, she just made observations and didn’t really know what not to comment on. 
 Hazel Aria - I think that more than anyone else in the club, Hazel was the younger sibling who really tried hanging out with her older brother. She would always try to keep up with him and his friends, but not necessarily in such an annoying way, she would just want to sit with them when they played videogames, or get to watch or judge if they played sports. It was so endearing, and I don’t think Zach minded most of the time. Besides that I think she was a sweet, obedient kid, and a little silly. 
 Aminah Cham - Aminah was the goofiest little kid. She would always be telling tall tales and had the craziest imagination. She also loved playing dress up and was constantly sneaking into her mom’s make-up drawer. I think she played the most with dolls out of any of the kids. 
 Omar Salib - Omar was much more cautious as a child. He was such a little nerd too, very book-ish. I think he was obsessed with puzzles, and that was always what he wanted for his birthday. He was also such a goody two-shoes. He would never break any rules, and hated being the one to make decisions. Because he had just gotten to America and had a pretty heavy accent, he was picked on a lot when he was younger. 
 Diana Harding - I feel like Diana went through a lot of phases as a child. She would constantly get a new obsession and would take on new personality traits to fit whatever she was obsessing over. Her vocabulary would change and she would always try to learn new skills that her favorite character had. She was also one of those kids that were constantly talking, and the only time she was really quiet was when she was either reading about her new obsession, or watching whatever show she liked at the moment. I think she was a fairly bossy child too, always telling her brothers what to do. Noah was her baby and she would always take him everywhere to show him off.
 Liliana Mendoza - Liliana was much like she is now when she was little. She was a very talkative and happy child, always the center of attention. She was friends with everyone as a child, and could make anyone her friend within two minutes of meeting them. Lily was always taking the other kids on little adventures in nearby forests and parks. While she was one of the happiest kids, she was also one of the ones to cry the most. She would cry whenever she got something wrong during figure skating, and whenever her homework was too hard, or she just didn’t want to do it. 
 Spencer Barnett - Spencer was a huge class clown as a kid, to no one’s surprise. Most teachers found him hard to handle in class, but he was never a mean kid, just boisterous. He was very sensitive as a child though, and if he wasn’t found goofing off on the playground, he’d be hiding behind the school so no one would see he was upset. His mom was definitely the strict and disciplinary parents, so his mom would be laying down the law about “no dessert before you’ve finished your homework”, while his dad would secretly sneak him snacks when he solved a problem in math. 
 Isaiah Campbell - Isaiah has always been very extroverted and he definitely spent most of his time outside playing with the other kids in the neighbourhood. That said, he was a good boy. He didn’t give his mom any trouble and obediently went to church with her every week (always getting dressed up). 
Avery Shaw - Avery was a very quiet child, and he was very hard to get close to. He was an avid reader and would rather read than play with the other kids. He had that brutal honesty that children have, and would actually tell the other kids that he didn’t want to play with them, instead of just ignoring them. 
Meredith Clarke - While Meredith was always a shy kid, she was a lot sillier and brighter as a child. She loved to read, and I think she had a lot of fun playing pretend with other kids. Like Aminah, she would often be telling made-up stories, and she loves getting lost in other worlds. 
Iris Phan - I think Iris was quite like she is now when she was little. I imagine she was a real goody two-shoes, but I think she would have these little moments of mischief with her mom where they would stay up late and have ice cream for dinner and I think baby!Iris loved those nights. She was also a bit of a clingy kid, she wanted to go with her mom everywhere and never leave her side. 
Cameron Sullivan - Cameron was probably the most different as a child. He was sunny and playful and open, he was the least secretive child around. He could not keep a secret to save his life, he would always be giggling if he tried to get away with something. He was a dorky kid, and pretty good with people, he was always well-liked. 
 Lee Sang-Jin - Sang-Jin was always a little performer, he would always be putting on shows for his family, singing along with the radio and dancing. He had the same enthusiastic and lively qualities that he has now, but even more insistent. He could be very annoying when he was little, driving his sisters crazy. Hye-Jin especially was often close to murdering him, while Eun-Jin developed the ability to tune out his babbling.
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
How do each character deal with the quarantine? Which ones are going stir crazy, which ones messed up their sleep schedule and which ones are totally fine?
Kalyani might be the one who handles it the worst. She is going absolutely stir crazy. She goes for long walks and volunteers for whatever essential trips her family has to make, no matter how menial. Her sleep schedule is all messed up and changes every day because she can’t sleep because she feels like he hasn’t spent enough energy, but she doesn’t have anything to get out of bed for in the morning.
Bai is handling it better than Kalyani, he’s pretty chill about it. His sleep schedule is all messed up too because Kalyani and Isaiah keep calling him whenever they feel like it. 
Arcelia is handling quarantine pretty well. She spends most of her time reading and she has developed a great home workout. With Hazel living with her father and Ethan, Arcelia would definitely opt to spend the time in quarantine at her mother’s. She did bring her cat with her, and he is not handling quarantine as well. Celia and her mother fight a lot, being stuck together in such close proximity for so long, but Celia would rather fight with her than be stuck with Hazel.
Hazel is also handling quarantine well. With Celia out of the house she finds it a lot easier to stay at Ethan and Antonio’s. She spends most of her time in her room though, and politely declines Ethan and Antonio’s offers for “game night” (the two of them play a lot of jeopardy and do a lot of puzzles).
Aminah is not quite as bad as Kalyani, but almost. She is going absolutely stir crazy. She has tried every hobby she can think of trying to distract herself (she plays insane amounts of Animal Crossing, has started and abandoned a dozen books, etc.). Her and Diana watch a lot of netflix together, watching the same episode at the same time and messaging each other their thoughts.
Omar went crazy in the beginning, feeling like all his plans were disrupted. After a while he set up a schedule for himself and is currently thriving. He works on his Spanish, he has a workout and he has been learning a lot of new recipes. He also watches insane amounts of netflix.
I’d say Diana is one of the people who finds herself enjoying quarantine. She gets a lot of time to just do what actually interests her, she doesn’t have to waste time doing things she isn’t actually interested in. The quarantine is about to get old though, and then she’ll be one of the people going really crazy.
Liliana has no sense of time anymore, her sleep schedule doesn’t exist. She sleeps when she wants to, eats when she wants to, there are no rules. She keeps talking about the huge party she’s going to throw when it’s all over. She’s also the one to take it the least seriously, and hates that everyone else is being so serious about it.
Spencer is going stir crazy. So is his dad. They’re both tearing up the walls while his mother works mainly from home and tries to keep the other two from wrecking the house. Spencer has watched every show he was even vaguely interested in on netflix, in addition to shows Liliana made him watch with her (facetiming while watching). 
Besides Kalyani Isaiah might be the one who hates quarantine the most. He hates being alone, and hates that he can’t hang out with people when he wants to. He is constantly calling everyone he knows, he will not be alone with his thoughts. He has gotten into the habit of playing old boardgames with his mom after dinner.
Avery is pretty neutral about quarantine. It doesn’t bother him all that much, although it is annoying how he can’t do whatever he wants whenever he wants. He gets why they have to do it, and just does it without complaining.
Meredith also handles it pretty well. She mainly locks herself in her room with her cello, only coming out for meals. It works for her and she is okay with quarantine because she understands how important it is.
Iris was like Omar, going absolutely crazy in the beginning, then finding a strict schedule and sticking with it. She is still a little more unhinged than Omar is though. At this point Chloe is getting tired of Iris always wanting to play with her, and Iris has to find something else to fill that time with. She has baked an insane amount of cupcakes, and her mother is accusing Iris of trying to make her fat (but still eats every cupcake Iris gives her and then some).
Cameron is not handling it well. If it were full social distancing and he could just stay in his room and not deal with anyone, he would have been fine, but the fact that he is stuck in the house with his entire family is driving him insane. On top of that his mother feels like this would be a good opportunity for them to grow closer as a family and share their feelings. Cameron is not here for it and would rather jump out the second floor window. 
Sang-Jin has completely ruined his sleep schedule because he wants to talk with his friends and family in Korea. When he isn’t talking with them he is watching everything on Netflix. He doesn’t think he is that messed up but he hasn’t seen the sun since quarantine started and is beginning to look like a vampire. 
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
Which of the gleeks would be obsessed with Animal Crossing, who would hate it and who wouldn't care???
I have very strong headcanons about how some of these kids would play this game.
Iris would be the most obsessed. She would re-arrange her entire island and make sure that everything was exactly where she wanted it to be. She grows beautiful little gardens, making sure all the flowers line up so she can get the hybrids. She has very strong feelings about each inhabitant on her island. Some she adores and will do anything for. Others she avoids at all costs. Iris is greediest weeder of them all.
Aminah and Diana enjoy it. They visit each other’s islands all the time and bring each other gifts. They adore their inhabitants. They try to get Sang-Jin in on it, he doesn’t quite get why they enjoy it so much, but he likes the company. He always makes gifts for the girls and lets them have his resources because he doesn’t care as much as they do. He has moments where he gets really into it.
Kalyani mostly plays so she can go to her sister’s island and mess it all up (her sister plays a lot like Iris, very organised and she is obsessed with filling up the museum).
Bai doesn’t really care. He would try it, but I don’t think he really gets the point.
Hazel enjoys it, but won’t tell anyone that she does. She plays alone and just wants to cultivate a nice island without anyone ever knowing. She is most likely to fill up the museum.
Omar hates it.
Arcelia plays kind of like Hazel. It’s a bit of a guilty pleasure. She plays the way people play sims, she is obsessed for a little while, then completely loses interest. She avoids all the other inhabitants.
Liliana just doesn’t get the appeal. She thinks it sounds boring.
Spencer is surprisingly into it. He gets really excited about finding bugs.
Avery hates it, he thinks it’s a waste of time.
Isaiah is a bit of a casual player. He thinks it’s cute and nice, but it doesn’t take over his life.
Cameron won’t admit it, but he likes it. Chopping wood is a bit of a way for him to get his frustrations out.
Meredith enjoys it in a similar way to Diana and Aminah. She isn’t obsessed, but she likes it. She isn’t as organised as Iris, but her house is very cute. She would be one of the people to continue playing long after the hype is gone (along with Iris and Hazel).
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anewdirection-ffr · 4 years
For characters with siblings, who’s the closest and least closets with them?
So I guess I’m only doing this for the people with multiple siblings, so Kalyani, Liliana, Sang-Jin, Diana, Omar, Cameron and Meredith. I also just realised that I haven’t made family posts for all of them, I will do that immediately (probably as I’m writing this, so some may be posted before this).
Kalyani - Kalyani is probably closer with her sister, but she also fights with her the most. The two are very different, so they constantly butt heads, but I think Kalyani is more open with Kamini than she is with Kamal. As a kid she was definitely closer with her brother though, but he’s been in New York for a few years now, while Kamini is near-by.
Liliana - Lily is pretty close with both of her brothers, but I think she is closest with Calum, the one who is closest to her in age. Calum is the peacekeeper in the family, and I think he and Lily have a more “chill” relationship than she has with anyone else in the family.
Sang-Jin - Sang-Jin is closest with his oldest sister, Eun-Jin. She was like a second mother to him growing up, and I think she’s definitely someone he would go to for advice. 
Diana - Diana is closer to her younger brother, Noah, than her older brother Garrett. Noah is easier to talk to, and they have similar tastes in music and movies.
Omar - Omar is a little closer with his little sister, Hadeer, and he can be quite protective of her. He gets along well with both of his sisters though.
Cameron - Cameron isn’t really close with either of his siblings. He might have more of a bond with Wyatt though, as the two share a love of video games, but Cameron and Maya generally just stay out of each other’s way.
Meredith - Meredith is pretty close to both of her sisters, and it’s hard to say which on she is closer with. I think Meredith might be a little closer to her younger sister Katherine now, because her older sister, Laurel, is away at college.
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