#ammie friendly
needlenxggin · 1 year
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Sighing softly Vash slumps into the nearest seat he can find with a nasty gash running down from his right shoulder, one more scar for the collection, a bloody cheek and forehead and a lot of aches and pains over his body. "Just... give me a few minutes ok?"
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senualothbrok · 4 months
Thanks for the tag @hotnerdywizard 💜🫂
What a great excuse to not work 🤣 I'm pretty sure I've done this recently but I can't find it so I'll just do it again...
Last song I listened to: I won't give up - Jason Mraz
Favourite colour: Turquoise
Currently watching: Just finished The Gentleman. Wanted to watch Devs but I don't have Disney Plus grrr
Favourite flavour: Umami! I love that seaweedy flavour
Current obsession: Getting The Difference printed as a hardcover book 😭 also, as per usual, the Gale brainrot is very real.
Last thing I googled: Dog-friendly rescue cats that need homes (because hubby has finally relented and agreed we can rescue a cat in the autumn 😭)
Favourite season: Autumn / Winter
Skill I'd like to learn: Drawing. I would love to be able to do comic strips/a graphic novel.
Best advice: In the words of Passenger:
Don't you cry for the lost
Smile for the living
Get what you need and give what you're given
Life's for the living so live it
Or you're better off dead
Tagging (no pressure of course): @practicallydeadinside-blog @inglorionamy-ammy @kareluna8 @thycatsays
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lunar-wandering · 8 months
trying to puzzle out/guess what the names of the mid-season cures in Wonderful Precure will be based on the naming conventions we've established
Cure Wonderful -> "Wan"derful, "Wan" is basically "woof" in Japanese, and she's a dog.
Cure Friendy -> "dogs are a man's best friend" (also it's "Friendy" cause that's easier for Japanese kids to say than "Friendly". and also cause if it was just "Friend" the kids would probably pronounce it as "Friendo" which doesn't sound very precure-like)
Cure Nyammy -> "Nya"mmy -> "nya" is basically "meow" in Japanese. and she's a cat. and adding "ammy" to it makes it sound like an english word.
Cure Lilian -> its the name of a yarn tool, cats play with yarn
so. those are the established naming conventions.
supposing the idea that Satoru and the bunny are the mid season cures is correct. what the FUCK are they gonna call them-
BUNNIES DON'T MAKE A SOUND!! but in Japanese the sound for a bunny hopping is "pyon". Cure names are typically english (or english-sounding in the case of Nyammy). what english word can you POSSIBLY fit "pyon" into and have it make sense.
what is something thats associated with bunnies that Satoru could be named,,,, i can only think of carrots and the moon and we've had like two cures with moon-based names already, could they really do another one?????? (if they actually name a cure Cure Carrot i will actually lose my mind)
i suppose it's possible the mid-season cures wont follow the established naming conventions and might be named something else? but like. what in the WORLD would it be then.
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foxyfrolic · 5 months
( If they had a kid )
Name: Hoshiko
Gender: Female
General Appearance:
Personality: Bubbly, friendly, outgoing, romantic
Special Talents: Painting, sculpting, martial arts
Who they like better: I think she loves both parents dearly, but holds a bit of a different type of reverence for Sionna, who often captures her attention with stories and souvenirs from their travels
Who they take after more: I think she definitely takes after Ammy more
Personal Head canon: They can use the celestial brush and their ink is that candy red/pink
Face Claim:
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nonuggetshere · 7 months
Lullaby time travel au?? Please, do tell 👀
I am Super exhausted now so I'll give a basic bare bones rundown and elaborate tomorrow (if I remember)
Lullaby, at the ripe age of 10 (or less), gets lost while playing with their siblings and by whatever spacetime mumbo jumbo ends up back in time when Flower was the Pure Vessel. They ran back to the palace a bit distressed but then saw their mama standing guard and ran up to them relieved. But then they wouldn't reply to her, wouldn't even acknowledge her, wouldn't *look* at her, and it all left poor Lu in so much distress. Pale King heard the commotion and came over, only for this child he's never seen before to come running over calling him grandpa and talking about how mama (the vessel) won't talk to them.
Nobody believes Lu when she tells the truth. Why would they? They don't remember anything that Lu is claiming and the vessel is far too young to be their parent. However, PK still plays along and takes care of them because otherwise the poor kid is near catatonic with despair. Since the presence of the vessel seems to calm it down, he sends the kid to sleep in the Pure Vessel's room until he prepares a room for it. Lullaby is going to be taken care of until he figures out what's wrong and finds their real parents, but the fact that everybody seems to have forgotten them and it's all so different is going to take a hard toll on poor Lu.
Once they're in the room together Flower finally breaks the character and talks to them and Lullaby is SO angry at them, damn near inconsolable as they hit them and scream at them. Flower eventually manages to calm them down and takes them on their lap, they honestly don't know what to do. They believe Lullaby, and they tell them as much, but they have no idea how it could be true. They have their dead twin's name and look like them and Lummis, but Flower is barely 20 and been dating Their partners for no longer than a year and a half. It just doesn't make sense, but they can't even tell their father this or they'll be outed.
It also doesn't really hit Lullaby what is happening until they meet their aunt Hornet who is so much younger here, obviously. And they just break down nearly on the spot.
This AU mostly consists of Lullaby interacting with the past versions of people they knew and finding out their family's history in the worst, most traumatising way possible ✌️ Flower is actually outed before the accolade in this version thanks to Lu fucking with the timeline (it doesn't change the future, it just created a brand new timeline the moment Lu made contact with PV and PK in this world) and it ends in a gigantic screaming fight between PK and them, which only terrifies and scars Lullaby further
When they return it takes a long, long time for them to heal. They have problems with unreality, PK and WL pretty much had to move back into the castle for a bit bc if Lu wasn't around them and their mama they'd be an anxious wreck, and they developed a routine where Ammi and Ivy Jr would circle the palace with them every morning before breakfast to reassure them they're home. They got better with therapy but they're never quite the same, they can't even handle hearing Flower and PK friendly bickering anymore because it brings back bad memories so the two don't do it with Lu around. They also hate with burning passion when people don't believe them. Thankfully their family did believe the whole time thing, since they knew things they absolutely shouldn't have.
Also some time later past PK and Flower experience a similar event and end up in Lullaby's time. For them it's been just a few months if not less, so their relationship is still tense and awful, while for Lullaby and her family it's been 3 years. Lu absolutely does not have a good time when she (and Ammi + Ivy) finds these two and drags them back to her mama, absolutely avoid them like wildfire for a good while after.
Thankfully they stumbled onto Beezley who managed to break the news to Flower way gentler than the three musketeers would be able to. Future Flower has a whole kingdom to run and now THIS.
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subjectivemortality · 10 months
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Time for a new pinned post let's goooooo
Hello! I'm Ammy and this is an IC blog for my OC Belle, a fertility goddess of creation (birth & rebirth) & destruction (death & suffering). Not attached to any fandom or existing media but I am happy to write with anyone from any fandoms! She is morally questionable at best but is typically friendly with most people. Shipping with her is welcomed but be aware that she has some pre-established relationships that pop up on this blog and is polyamorous. Pre-established relationships are also fun! Come plot with me if you want our muses to already know each other, she's been around a LONG time.
This blog will likely have some untagged nsfw content but she has a specific vent/nsfw blog for all that over at @thirdeyeopen Warning: untagged gore, nsfw, and possibly triggering subject matter
Mun and muse are both 30+ Do not follow me if you are under 18
I'm constantly on mobile so posts probably won't be cut pretty. OOC is always tagged ;;ooc, anything else can be assumed ic posting
DMs are open for plotting, feel free to also add me on discord (ammybobammy)
Other relevant blogs I run:
-@mechanicxxl / @revxmyxengine Belle's "sister" Julie, mechanic and technomancer
-@sowingreaping Belle's son Antoine, psychopomp/grim reaper
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fatexbound · 20 days
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@ama-tcra-su said: Lies down next to Yosuke if he wants to cuddle.
Ammy things | Always accepting
Well, since she's so offering so nicely, seemingly because she's so friendly and adorable, he will take it and carefully start cuddling her.
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"Sooo fluffy! I could probably stay here for hours if I didn't have to work soon...!"
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sunlittgoddess · 2 years
@lightyourpyre​ and @museswanttofite have appeared!
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Oh what’s this? Someone new! The wolf cranes her head to look at them and gives a very slight flick of her tail. While friendly by nature, Ammy had learned to be wary as well ever since the incident with Ninetails. So she doesn’t approach them yet, but she does give a bark.
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fearowkenya · 1 year
okami is still the gift that keeps on giving. when i last cleared the entire game i was like "ok this time for SURE i have seen the whole thing and all of its secrets" but no. in THIS playthrough ALONE, ive learned:
you can make friendly fire happen between two enemies; not ALL of them, but it works on imps at the very least
using trees in combat actually does damage some enemies a fair amount! i actually think it interrupts some attacks but i have to experiment more
using a cherry bomb on an npc outside of combat is EXTREMELY FUNNY, particularly on imps
ringing the epicurean bell BEFORE orochi's appetizer is ready spawns a blue scroll
someday i might make a video about 'okami secrets' but honestly idk how many of them are all that hard to figure out. because of how many times ive played this game idk what things are or arent considered obscure. anyway, here are some of my favs
if you power slash heaps of snow in kamui, youll sometimes get snow sculptures of certain characters
How The Sun And Moon Techniques Actually Work (this ones more of a theory, if u care to find out, it's below)
you can smear ink on enemies to get them to flail around and farm demon fangs off of them with the reflector sub-weapon counter
drawing a circle around npcs makes most of them run over to pet ammy
that previous thing notably does NOT work on waka , but it still consumes ink and plays the sound effect as though it DID work. i LOVE that because it implies to me that waka DOES feel a pull to go pet ammy like the rest of the npcs, but is capable of resisting it
you can't headbutt waka! he sorta shimmers and evades you and you can never hit him.
you can find the real raos skeleton in the tunnel that connects the palace in sei-an to ankoku shrine
theres SO MUCH specific dialogue that youd have to actively seek out in order to see. for instance, everyone in kamiki village has unique dialogue if you talk to them while susano is on your back instead of taking him directly to the rock at the village entrance
OH I JUST REMEMBERED; if you draw a circle around any of the wep'keer villagers, instead of running to pet you they will shift into their wolf forms.
okami good. and like...this game came out in 2006. could you fucking IMAGINE how much neat stuff could be possible if they made a Actual Sequel with modern game engines. capcom . im looming behind you capcom do you fucking hear me are you listening capcom im
ALSO theres a lot of stuff that had me wheezing in confused fear during my last full playthrough. a lot of it pertains to lechku & netchku and the events surrounding their fight. like i have reason to believe that the intro legend about shiranui and orochi is wrong, but im not gonna make a post about it until ive gone through and played the whole game again, paying particularly close attention to the past-kamiki and ezofuji segments
ok im elaborating on how the sun and moon techniques actually work, as i understand them
i was halfway through writing up a thing about how these techniques don't actually let you control the position of the sun and the moon, and instead just changes the time. but then i remembered that no actually thats not true, since a lot of puzzles require you to have the sun or moon shining on a specific thing !! so in that case YES you are changing the position of the sun/moon. also the mechanic is LITERALLY you drawing the sun and moon in the sky so what the hell was i even talking about.
yes, without a doubt, ammy can control the position of the damn sun or moon as she sees fit, which affects the amount of light on the planet and changes the "time" to "day" or "night". the reason time is in quotes there is because if you are UNIQUELY changing the position of the sun/moon, the flow of time would be unchanged. unless you are looking at a sundial, man-made clocks WOULD NOT change if the sun was suddenly in a different place.
BUT WAIT! if you go to sei-an city and stand somewhere so that you can see the clocktower, then use the sun/moon technique, the hands on the clocktower start to move REALLY FAST until they correspond to the time that reflects the technique you used. which means that ammy changing the position of the sun/moon DOES affect the literal flow of time*.
heres the (in-universe) theory part: i think that the sun/moon brush skills at their core are techniques that let ammy control the flow of time by using the place she draws them as a reference point. i think if she wanted to, she could kinda 'scrub' through time the same way you would for a recorded video, but drawing the sun and moon is just easier, faster, and more fun.
im doubling down on this idea because in the beginning of the game when you first get out of the tutorial zone and into kamiki, there's no sun, no stars, no moon, nothing. all of the villagers are statues. i think that orochi's revival caused time to stop, which would explain why drawing the sun is what fixed the problem. by drawing the sun, ammy re-established the flow of time and got it moving again. im willing to bet that the moon technique would have worked just as well, but at that point in the game you obviously dont have access to it
now that i think of it, there are a few more brush techniques that you could argue are time-based. im less confident about those , so i'll list them but refrain from elaborating for now because it would require me to double check some stuff and i dont want to do that right now. also id be here for HOURS. anyway , other than the mist technique, the ones that i think COULD have something to do with messing with time are rejuvination and bloom. *as a side note, im pretty sure when you change from night->day or day->night it moves time forward, but im not sure what it does when you use sun/moon techniques to "reset" the current part of the day.
for instance, when im running around an area looking for stray beads and treasure, theres lights that shine on the spots youre supposed to dig, but only at night. instead of waiting for daybreak , when i hear the owl noise that happens like halfway through the night, i use the moon technique to "reset" the night back to the start. i started doing this because when i was a kid i saw that when you change the time of day , the villagers go "?????" and i felt bad for confusing them. i digress.
i'd be curious to find out since the game keep tracks of how many "days" (day/night cycles) it takes you to complete the game. i want to know if "extending" the night/day moves the "clock" an entire day ahead, or if it moves it back to the start of that original day/night. i can't remember off the top of my head if the number of days affects your overall score for the entire game, but i imagine it doesnt (or if it does, not by much) because of how often you need to be using sun/moon tech to solve puzzles.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Some OC's based on my college friends and things that we said to each other:
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Ammy - "I said you were the funnier person in class because I just hang with three people, so what I was actually saying was that you are funnier than the other two." | "She bites" | "Why do you name all bugs Alberto?"
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Julie | "You are very friendly... with us." | "I'm soo sorry but you are the responsable one, no one else has any maturity." | "So when are we going to steal Professors McGinnis car and purposifully get in an accident?"
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Todd. "You are responsable... sometimes...maybe"| "Are we hot or are we potatos?" "Why ain't I surprise you choose potato?"
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Louis. "They look just like you" *points at any animal ever*| "You're the cutest person ever." | "She does everything very slowly, it's adorable."
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electricea · 1 year
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@ama-tcra-su sent - 🌟💯✨️💫😊💖☀️ ( Small Symbols of Kindness - Accepting! ) 🌟 ― I love how you portray your muse(s). 💯 ― Your headcanon posts are always on point. ✨ ― I love the way you write. 💫 ― I enjoy writing with you. 😊 ― I enjoy talking to you. 💖 ― You seem like a genuinely nice person. ☀️ ― Your posts always bring me joy.
This definitely really means a lot to me - I feel like we've only recently become mutuals but you've been such a friendly and warm presence on the dash, I love hearing your headcanons for them, I love just seeing Ammy on the dash, I love talking to you and exploring this bond and I just can't say enough good things about you, I think you're amazing.
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jrpneblog · 1 year
It`s the hope that kills you
Well, here we go again with another 46 games of joy, sorrow, hope and desperation. I wont beat about the bush, the bookies have North End to finish 16th or thereabouts this season and on the strength of the budget, squad etc Im sure some would find it difficult to argue. Yet last term North End finished 12th winning 17 drawing 12 and losing 17 after a series of 0-0 draws early on in the campaign and an atrocious finish (for the second consecutive season under Lowe) in which we drew just one game and lost four of the last five matches. Perhaps that indicates that there is some potential in the squad after all but losing Cannon and Fernandez has not helped our cause. Perhaps Cannon will return and perhaps he won't but he will surely play a big part in our destiny this term if he progresses from last season. Johnson has moved on along with Diaby but these are of a lesser concern to me if I am being honest because although both players were popular in their own right I think the club will be better long term for their departure.
After a very uninspiring set of friendly games I get the feeling that those who witnessed these pre season fixtures are a tad worried. I can understand that but they really have zero significance on the proper stuff, which starts on Saturday at Ashton Gate. I have to say that in the games I have seen the young professionals have done themselves no harm whatsoever and it would be no surprise to see a few of these lads knocking on the door of the first team this season. The marquee signing of the Summer has to be Mads Frøkjær-Jensen who, from what I have seen, just needs to add a little strength to his game. The lad has great positional sense and plays the ball quickly and accurately. You could easily see a forward triangle of Keane, Cannon and Mads in behind. Holmes is very much a John Welsh type in midfield and maybe that is something we have been lacking. Stewart and Ramsay have not featured a great deal but I think they will be introduced gradually. Jack Whatmough is the latest signing, a centre back who is spoken very highly of at Wigan so I think he will be straight in the squad for the first game.
Time will tell of course and we often use the 10/12 game mark to assess a clubs chances in the forthcoming campaign. No doubt in my mind that Ryan Lowe needs a decent sort of start to the campaign because at times last season the atmosphere was a little toxic especially at Deepdale. North End will be taking close to 1,400 down the M5 on Saturday and will no doubt continue to give the boys the excellent backing they gave on the road all last season. Win, lose or draw in Bristol, the result wont define the season but a poor result in the first game often sets the agenda of the field for the next few weeks. The Robins wont be an easy game and will be looking to start with a win so North End will need to be at their best if they are to bring anything back up the road on Saturday evening.
The Carabao Cup first round game against Salford sees the the first competitive action of the season at Deepdale on Tuesday evening with a 7.45 ko. Neil Wood brings his side to Deepdale amid high expectations as always at Salford with the ownership at the club. It is a game that Ryan Lowe can blood one or two players in with the safety of a strong bench always there in case things dont go well. It will be our first competitive game against the Ammies and while I wish Salford well I expect North End to go through to round 2 with few problems
Sunderland to beat Ipswich 11/8
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aakashsuresh · 1 year
AMMI: A Breakthrough in Labor Pain Detection and Monitoring
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Childbirth is a miraculous and transformative experience, but it also presents challenges that healthcare professionals must navigate with precision and care. One of the critical aspects of childbirth management is accurately distinguishing between true labor pain and false contractions. To address this crucial need, a groundbreaking device has emerged: the True Labor Pain Detector.
In this blog post, we delve into the remarkable development of the True Labor Pain Detector, a sophisticated tool designed to revolutionize childbirth care. The primary objective of this research is to provide healthcare professionals with a reliable and user-friendly device that can effectively differentiate genuine labor pain from false contractions, leading to early recognition of potential complications.
Understanding the True Labor Pain Detector’s Technology
At the core of the True Labor Pain Detector lies the ingenious utilization of electromyography (EMG) signals and advanced signal processing techniques. By analyzing and interpreting pain signals, the device can accurately identify true labor pain, enabling healthcare professionals to intervene promptly when needed.
Key Parameters and Early Recognition
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Empowering Healthcare Professionals
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Reducing the Risk of Labor Complications
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In Conclusion
The True Labor Pain Detector represents a remarkable step forward in childbirth care. Its incorporation of EMG signals and advanced signal processing techniques makes it a powerful tool for accurately differentiating between true labor pain and false contractions. By enabling early recognition of labor difficulties, healthcare professionals can intervene promptly and improve outcomes for both mothers and fetuses.
In subsequent posts, we will delve deeper into the technology behind the True Labor Pain Detector, explore its applications, and discuss the real-world impact it can have on childbirth care. Stay tuned for more exciting insights into this groundbreaking innovation. Together, we can embrace advancements that make a profound difference in the lives of families around the world.
Keywords: childbirth care, True labor Pain Detector, EMG signals, signal processing, early recognition, labor complications, biomedical innovation.
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vaas · 1 year
honestly i want to do more of the asks but for cassie and charon. and i also dont really care if you guys send the actual asks or not
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
charon only has two friends he made himself: Willow and Gob. cassie respects willow for being batshit enough to be underworlds sentry but they are not friends themselves. theyll share a lighter but not a drinking glass. cassie and gob are already friends independently! she thinks hes adorable and very sweet he thinks shes a little freak but shes also consistently nice to him and did murder both Moriarty and Burke so he likes her and will let her get away with basically anything. cant decide if theyve fucked or not she would be down but hes very committed to Nova and would probably have a panic attack if propositioned with a threeway upfront.
charon met James very briefly before he died and his opinion was neutral-negative. he thought james was annoying and self centred and a shitty dad but also didnt care that much about him until he died and everything went to hell. barely knew him. he meets amata during trouble on the homefront cus cassie brings him with her but then makes him wait with amata as her guard while she goes to talk down ammys dad. they have a short conversation about who he is and how he met cassie. shes too polite to ask him straight up why he looks like that and he doesnt volunteer it. amata is a little afraid of him and he thinks shes fine. neutral. maybe a teeny amount positive. hes a little bit jealous of her relationship with cassie and ability to recall her across the wasteland.
butch and cassie were not friends before she escaped. they didnt hang out and they didnt like each other. they physically fought on multiple occasions and she did break his nose once. their worst altercation was after he shoved amata one time and cassie attacked him with a baseball bat and he pulled his knife and they were arrested by security and James pulled her out of school to be his and jonas' assistant full time. after she helps him out with the roaches they achieve cordiality but friendship is a very strong word. he leaves with her during toth and stays at her place in megaton before hitching a ride to rivet city and they become friendly. cassie didnt talk about her assault charges to charon so he doesnt find out until hes locked in a room with amata and some other little assholes and they start snitching on her and then immediately butch is like travelling with them so he forms like 3 different first impressions simultaneously and none of them are good. he does not like or respect butch. opinion is negative he thinks hes very annoying and incompetent. would abandon him to die with only token hesitation and mostly avoids or ignores him when theyre in the same space. has begrudgingly saved his life while travelling together (not happy about it)
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foxyfrolic · 1 year
Loafs besides Ren, head sinking into her own mane fluff.
It’s that pretty white wolf!
In an attempt to be friendly, Ren noses one of the roasted fish skewers they’re munching on over to Ammy, almost as if to encourage her to stay for a little while.
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thegreenvoyage · 2 years
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