#amos of the angels
Ten facts about an Angel of your choice! 👼🏻
Aaaaa das a good one!!! I'mma go with Amos since there's not a lot on him!
1. Amos absolutely loves sugar! Seriously, don't let this kid touch one of those big Halloween candy bags.
2. Being so young, Amos is unsure what he wants to do when he grows up. All he knows right now is that he wants a job that allows him to go on adventures!
3. Amos absolutely idolizes Micheal! When allowed, he follows the Archangel everywhere he goes.
4. His favorite animals are dogs! He loves all the crazy varieties!
5. His least favorite animals are turtles. They're so boring to watch!
6. Amos is known to have exceptional comedic timing. Even in instances where it is not extremely appropriate..
7. He especially has a love for groan-worthy puns. He's an absolute menace to his teachers.
8. Although he detests going to bed, Amos is known to be a very heavy sleeper. He could be next to a cathedral's ringing bells and he'd probably sleep through it!
9. Amos absolutely loves the rain! One of his favorite things is to fly about during a soft drizzle.
10. Like most angels in the aviary, Amos is very weary of demons. That being said, he would be lying if he said he wasn't curious about trying to talk to one.
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cuppanova · 4 months
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mmm chibi amos
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rosy2k · 2 months
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「KERA」 2010
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jazzitos · 4 months
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Magazine Ho : 天使の声!? 👼🏻 🍈 🖥️ @gigittamic
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kikibellpink · 9 hours
Ozai's angels
I was looking forward to seeing it in color on my girls.
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TW: Religious themes, specifically pertaining to Christianity
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Generally speaking, angels are the umbrella term for the bird-human hybrids created to directly serve It. Contrary to their repetitive representations in human media, angels vary widely from each other in appearance and occupation. Their role in the universe depends on the choir they belong to and their inner most passion. All of the citizens in Heaven's aviary are judged not by their flock, but by how well one does their job. A simple metalsmith and the greatest vocalist of It's personal choir are both equally respected, as long as they play their part to the best of their abilities.
Before they can soar to their destined rank, all angels start out life as small, meek, hatchings. During this first stage of life, their only job is to observe the duties of their elders and practice as many trades as they desire. This phase of life lasts until they become fully grown.
Amos of the Angels- A young, bright boy with a love of adventure and a greater love of food. Some say he is quite impatient, but he just wants to get things done! What's so bad about that?
Despite their elusiveness in the human world, Archangels are actually the most common variety of angel. Any citizen who does not manage the fabric of reality or ponder cosmic knowledge resides comfortably within this flock. They are a plentiful, diverse, and extremely friendly crowd who practically ambush any newcomers to It's kingdom. Their kindness truly knows no bounds, and they will happily do all they can to help fix any problem, big or small. Unfortunately, Archangels are extremely lacking in social awareness. Their warm welcomes are notoriously persistent, and they only back off when one makes it undeniably clear they wish to be left alone. Things like sarcasm and analogies completely go over their heads, especially if it pertains to timely human pop culture. They are also far too trusting for their own good.
In twenty human years, a hatchling angel eventually grows into an Archangel. If they find they are content with a more simple occupation, their physical growth goes no further. Sometimes however, an Archangel discovers they have a greater purpose in the cosmos. When this happens, they immediately ascend to the flock their personalities fit best with.
Michael of the Archangels- Heaven's hippy dippy golden boy. This naive klutz is tasked with protecting and educating newborn angels. His kindhearted nature and good looks make him quite popular, although he is extremely unreceptive to flirting.
The middle management of Heaven's choirs. Principalities are efficient, to the point, and never dawdle. They are almost always gliding from one place to another with unmatched speed, and for good reason. They are tasked with not only supervising all low-ranking angels, they also must ensure civilization continues to exist and that faith in the Cosmos is still alive. Any seemingly coincidental occurrence that could strengthen one's religious conviction is typically their doing. Many see these elegant figures as too uptight and caught up with their work to care about the needs of others. This is not only unfair, it is also untrue. Principalities have an uncanny knack for detecting emotional stress. When they sense it, they immediately drop whatever they are doing and appear where they are needed. In conversation, they are patient, understanding, and never speak over others. Despite their imposing appearances, they are actually very gentle, sensitive creatures who simply want to make sure the world keeps spinning for all.
Despite not being a common sight in, thousands of Principalities exist in Heaven's population. If you have good focus or hearing, you may sometimes see or hear them zipping through the clouds. Interestingly, they are the only variety of angels who actively encourage newly aged Archangels to consider joining their ranks, which actually makes some sense. You need every pair of wings you can get when your purpose is to watch over every living thing on the globe.
Pavlo of the Principalities- A quiet type who would seemingly rather die than converse with others. He is a very technical thinker who can sometimes come off as an unsympathetic robot. In reality, his crippling social anxiety makes him inadequate at dealing with emotional affairs.
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cuppanova · 4 months
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You VS me VS the cycle that repeats itself
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jazzitos · 7 months
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🌳💫 % A Gente Brinca, Na Nossa Velha Infância *˚ ✿
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doeiika · 8 months
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More Red Dead Redemption doodles. My OC is also there but don't worry about him,,,
The last 3 images are fan art of Amras' series The Devils it's really good,,,, ya'll should read it. As you can tell it gets pretty wild
Please don't repost or edit my works
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cuppanova · 15 days
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tall asf
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marilynmysweet · 24 days
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Eu te amo, Marilyn ❤️
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ricitosss · 8 months
Aferrarme a lo que queda me hace tanto daño, sobre todo porque sé que no vas a volver, pero mi corazón todavía tiene un poco de esperanza, tengo miedo de borrar lo que nos une porque aún creo que vas a volver y temo que si lo hago, sería una manera de eliminar esa esperanza. Te extraño tanto, quisiera volver a verte, ver tus ojitos chinitos al reír, escuchar tu voz mientras cantamos, abrazarme a tu pecho en momentos como este, me duele tanto que no estés, pero tengo que enfrentarme a la idea de que no vas a volver, te amo mucho, y sé que estarás mejor sin mi.
Te extraña, tu Ángel
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kazzykatt · 3 months
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some drawings I've made this past month
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baul-de-frases · 7 months
No sé si soy estúpido, o si realmente te amo tanto,
el mundo me ha dicho que te deje de andar rogando.
No entiendo si lucho por lo nuestro,
O si lucho por el orgullo de no perderte.
¿Qué le has hecho a mis alas, que ya no vuelan para verte?
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