#amy abbot
ereardon · 2 years
A Place Like This [Masterlist] — Full length series
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Pairing: Rhett Abbott x OC [Julia Han]
Summary: Rhett Abbott has never met a girl like you. You’re a corporate city girl in Wabang on borrowed company time — he thinks there’s no way you would waste it on him. So when you fall for the local bull rider, you’re both a little surprised. What will it take to get Rhett to realize he can give you everything you’re looking for? And will Rhett be able to reconcile the fact that your job is literally to dismantle Wabang and break apart the only place his family has ever known?
Status: Series is ongoing!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Dream cast moodboard
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nicogayngelo · 6 months
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spent some time with the women of the national portrait gallery
(the white parasol by robert reid // summer by frank w. benson // patternmaster by bisa butler // woman with red hair by albert herter // angel by abbott handerson thayer // michelle lavaughn robinson obama by amy sherald // stevenson memorial by abbott handerson thayer // the mirror by robert reid)
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Out in the Middle: Part 7
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Summary: Rodeo season is on like Donkey Kong!!!
Notes: Sorry guys I messed up, THIS will probably be the part that has a continuation (lol) but until I decide, just disregard the notes
The chaos that was the rodeo grounds was unlike it ever had been before. Families, competitors and onlookers were arriving from all across the United States and even a few who had come from overseas. Bull riders, barrel racers, ropers and ranchers pulled up to their designated parking spots, unloading horses, bulls and other creatures to be found on every farm and ranch across America. 
Children and ranchers’ dogs scurried from one end of the dirt lot to the other, chasing each other in an excited frenzy that always anticipated the beginnings of the events. A few of them hopped the corral fences at the beckonings of their fathers and mothers to come and help with an extra chore or two. Honor guards and veterans of the military and elders of the First Nations Tribal Councils all gathered to convene for other events that were to take place. 
The Abbotts and the Duttons had all arrived early enough to get everything unloaded and their little camping area all set up. “Four days,” John remarked, looking around at the chaotic grounds. “Four fuckin days of craziness and chaos.” 
“Better craziness and chaos than dull and boring,” Royal told him as he flipped a few hot dogs on the portable grill. “If it’s one thing I can’t stand it’s predictability.” 
“That’s what she said,” Cecelia commented, walking right by. 
Royal chuckled and rolled his eyes as John handed him another beer from the cooler. “Any idea where the -grand-ghouls are?” he asked Royal.
“Probably deciding who the next victims of their pranks are gonna be,” Royal joked. “|Just wait, next thing you know the headlines will probably be about one of’em turning a bull loose and some poor sap gettin an ass-cheek full of his horns.” 
John snorted and laughed as Lloyd strode up to the both of them. “Whatcha got Roy?” he asked him. 
“All meat, no veggies,” Royal joked. “Whatcha want?” 
“Whatever’s gonna get me through the next four hours o’ this shit,” Floyd retorted.
Royal hardly had a moment’s peace in between before others came to him, begging for food off the grill. The kids had all but eaten their weight in barbecue and would probably crash early which was just fine by the grown ups. 
Rhett emerged from the tent, his hat perched proudly on his head and ready for the competition. “You nervous?” Royal asked him. 
“A little,” Rhett answered. “Heard the one I’m ridin’s one mean son of a bitch.”
“You’ll do fine,” Royal told him. “Not that you haven’t done it before, right?” 
“Yeah but you ever get so nervous, you wanna cry and puke at the same time?” 
“Everybody has,” you chortled, walking on by and taking the words right out of Royal’s mouth before he had a chance to answer. 
Rhett bit his lip as he walked up to you, his arm coiling around your waist. “Darlin ya’ll never fail me,” he chuckled. 
“Hey I’m just trying to ease the tension a little bit here,” you said, the smile on your face growing broader. 
“And,” Rhett said before placing a kiss on your forehead. “Might I say, you’re doin a damn good job.”
You giggled a little at the feeling of his stubbly jaw rubbing against your cheek. “Listen,” you told him. “You’re gonna be the best bull rider in that ring. I don’t care what any of the other cocky cowboys or any other jealous little buckle bunnies think....you’re gonna do great.” 
Rhett pulled you in close and kissed you a little bit harder than before, the heat of the moment burning in him like a fire. “You gonna cheer me on tonight?” he asked with a smirk. 
“Always baby,” you answered. “Always.” 
You waited in the stands with your mother-in-law, the kids and the rest of the family, unable to contain your excitement of watching Rhett ride and the other events that were to follow in the days ahead. 
The opening ceremonies went off without a hitch, the huge flag being unfurled and the young lady from one of the local schools singing the National Anthem. Once the whole rigmarole was over, the bull riding kicked off. 
“We welcome our first competitor of the evening,” The MC announced loudly over the loudspeakers. “From Wabang, Wyoming, number forty-four, Rhett Abbott!!!” 
 You and the rest of the family cheered loudly and so too did the crowds, the roars deafening even as the gates flew open and the ornery bull flew into the ring. Rhett held on for dear life as the motherfucker kicked and bucked in every direction to try and throw him off. 
“C’mon baby,” you whispered over and over again under your breath.
Fifteen seconds.....fifteen seconds was all it took before Rhett instinctively let go and rolled into the dirt, pushing himself back up onto his hands and knees and eventually his feet, shaking the impact from his head. The crowd roared as he reveled a little in his victory, his head turning towards the stands to find you and the rest of the family there cheering him on....just like he knew you would. 
When he met you in the stables, you and Rhett nearly football tackled each other, the two of you screaming with joy. The kids practically mobbed their father, crawling all over him and littering his face with kisses, their little arms snaking around him to try and hug him. 
“I’m proud of you baby,” you told him. 
“I know hon,” Rhett murmured, burying his face into your shoulder as he tried to fight back the tears that burned in his eyes. “I know.” 
And when it was announced that Rhett had taken first place, you and your husband had never been more happy or excited. 
You both felt like you could fly. 
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nessjo · 4 months
Thoughts on Outer Range
Am I the only one that is frustrated with Outer Range?
I'm so frustrated right now that I don't even know where to start, I mean there are part that I really enjoyed and all, but right now I'm just really frustrated.
P.S.1.: Like I'm so frustrated right now, I just feel empty and I shed tears and get angry and all
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ereardonlibrary · 2 years
A Place Like This [Rhett Abbot x OC]
Summary: Rhett Abbott has never met a girl like you. You’re a corporate city girl in Wabang on borrowed company time — he thinks there’s no way you would waste it on him. So when you fall for the local bull rider, you’re both a little surprised. What will it take to get Rhett to realize he can give you everything you’re looking for? And will Rhett be able to reconcile the fact that your job is literally to dismantle Wabang and break apart the only place his family has ever known?
Pairing: Rhett Abbott x OC [Julia Han]
WC: 1.5K
Warning: Cursing, implied smut
“They sure don’t grow them like that around here.”
Rhett turned in the direction that Larry the mailman was staring. When he caught his first glimpse of you, he couldn’t look away. You were all consuming to him.
His ice blue eyes zeroed in on your patent black stilettos, far too impractical for a town like Wabang. They traveled up your bare legs to the hem of your tight black dress, across to the modest neckline and short sleeves.
You were an outsider, and you weren’t even trying to hide it. Rhett subconsciously tried to brush dirt from his hands using the rough material of his jeans, but he knew that he would never get rid of it. The dirt, this place, was a part of him. Whether he liked it or not.
But it was your face that stopped him dead in his tracks, one cowboy boot literally glued to the uneven pavement. His fingers twitched at his side when he saw you straighten up from a bent position where you had been fiddling with folders in a leather tote bag, shiny black hair snapping back in a wave over your shoulder as you stood, bright white smile flashing at a man who greeted you as he passed.
Part of Rhett had expected you to turn your nose up at the locals. You were obviously a city girl. He couldn’t comprehend why someone as beautiful and confident as you would ever step foot in Wabang, but Thank God you had, he thought.
So when you held open a door to the bank for an older couple, his heart soared in his chest. If you had been rude or unkind, he might have been able to forget about you. But you hadn’t. You held the door and smiled and watched them walk slowly to their car with a lopsided smile spread across your face.
He hadn’t even said a word to you, but he was a goner. Larry saw it immediately in the desperate, lovesick way he gazed at you.
“Better mark your territory fast, son,” Larry said, slinging his worn blue bag over his shoulder and tipping his hat as he slowly got into his truck. “Girl like that isn’t going to last long in a place like this. For one reason or another.”
Rhett nodded, swallowing hard on a dry throat. Larry had just spoken into existence what he had known all along. A woman like you wasn’t made for a life like this. Someone as beautiful and extraordinary as you would never be happy in a town like Wabang.
With someone as simple as Rhett Abbott.
But just as he was about to walk toward the bank where you had disappeared inside, shoot his shot because fuck it what did he have to lose anyway, Amy grabbed his hand. “Uncle Rhett?” she asked, looking up at him. “Can we go?”
He had forgotten that Amy was in the pharmacy picking up a prescription for Perry. He was too distracted by fantasies of how he would approach you to realize his niece was tugging on his arm.
“Yeah, bubs,” he said softly, leading her down the street toward his truck, past the bank. He peered inside and saw you laughing with one of the tellers, your slim hands flat against the countertop, leaning forward to take some of the weight off of your heels. “Let’s go home. Ma’s got dinner waiting.”
You were the reason Rhett drove into town the next three nights after dinner and set up camp on a barstool at the Handsome Gambler.
So when you walked in on the third night, despite your presence being his intention all along, Rhett almost choked on his beer.
You strolled in and took a look around before settling onto a stool at the far end. It was a weeknight and business was slow. Tom the bartender took your order immediately, and when you wrapped your lips around the straw of the drink you peered around, locking eyes with Rhett. He gave you a shy smile, lips curled up without showing teeth, and you grinned back. He took that as an invitation to join you, grabbing his beer and making his way slowly to your end of the bar before sliding onto the adjacent stool.
“Hey there,” he said, his deep voice low and gravely.
“Hi,” you whispered back, finger toying with the straw in your drink.
“What’re you drinking?”
You squinted, looking down at the glass and then back up at him. “Gin and tonic.”
He nodded, mulling that information over in his mind, tucking it away for later, and you crossed your legs, causing Rhett’s eyeline to dip down to your lower half. The sight of your smooth legs in those sky high heels made him stir in his jeans, and he silently adjusted himself.
“I’m Julia,” you said softly.
“Rhett Abbott,” he replied instantly, and the roughness of his voice made your pelvis ache. He had clear blue eyes that when they met yours felt like he’d never tear them away. His gaze was so intense it made you want to melt into a puddle near his boot-laden feet.
“So, Rhett Abbott,” you murmured. “You from around here?”
He nodded, a small curl of dark blond hair falling into his eye and he brushed it away with one hand.
“What do you do for a living, Rhett?”
His lips curled up in a smile and he leaned one flannel-clad arm against the counter. “I’m a bull rider, ma’am.”
“Ma’am,” you nearly choked on your drink. “How old do you think I am?”
He blushed. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
You leaned forward, resting one elbow on the wooden bar. “So how did you mean it?”
Rhett shook his head, choosing not to answer your question. “Where are you from, darlin’?”
You watched the confusion run across his face. “Chicago. That’s a long way away. If you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing here, of all places?”
Leaning forward you took the last few sips of your drink and motioned for a second with the bartender, who nodded. “Business.”
“What kind of business?” Perhaps he didn’t notice that he had shifted until his denim-clad thigh was pressed against your bare calf. But it was all you could focus on. The rough texture of his pants against your smooth leg and how you could feel the heat radiating off of his body.
He squinted, frown lines crinkling his forehead and the corners of his eyes. He was fucking beautiful, in the most natural way you had ever experienced. Tiny, button note, rippling muscles of his biceps, the smooth lines of his legs.  
“Mergers and acquisitions,” you explained and he nodded, but you could see he was still trying to connect the dots. “I’m part of a restructuring team. Our clients come in, ask us to evaluate whether or not it’s financially worth buying a business. It’s my job to make a recommendation.”
Rhett’s eyes widened. “Well shit,” he murmured after a few seconds. The bartender dropped off your second drink and you smiled up at him.
“It’s just a different kind of bull,” you said softly and Rhett laughed, a low chuckle that you felt reverberating in your own chest. His hands were tanned and slightly dirty as he gripped his beer glass, taking a long sip.
“How long are you in town?” he asked.
You shrugged. “Not sure yet. Depends on how long this takes. Could be days, could be months.”
Rhett wanted to reach out and run his coarse hands across your smooth taupe skin. If he was being honest, he wanted to know what you felt like pressed against his chest, your lips tattooed on his. He wanted to know what it would be like to hear you moan his name in his ear. “So I might see you again?” he asked quietly.
You opened your purse, pulling out two twenties and laying them down on the bar next to your drink before standing and smoothing your dress. Rhett’s eyes followed you as you inched close, leaning into his ear. “I hope so.”
Your lips were so close to him that the hair around his ears fluttered from the wind leaving your mouth. Rhett had never felt such longing as he did in that moment.  
As you stepped toward the door, fingertips on the handle, Rhett called out to you. “What business did you say you were evaluating?”
“I didn’t.”
He rubbed one open palm against the leg of his jeans. “OK then, guess I’ll ask. What business are you here to potentially buy?”
You tugged open the door, the cool Wyoming air filling your lungs. “The town. The whole damn thing.”
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william-r-melich · 6 months
Shame on the Appeals Court - 03/20/2024
Late yesterday, the 5th Circuit Federal Appeals Court blocked Texas with a temporary injunction from enforcing their SB4 law which would allow Texas to arrest and deport migrants who enter their state illegally. Earlier yesterday, the SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) issued an emergency appeal to remove a previous stay that was blocking SB4, a huge win for Texas. I didn't know that a Supreme Court appeal could be blocked by a lower Federal Court of Appeals, and they did so in the same day, crazy. So, Texas went from celebrating a victory for border security, to going back to being angrily frustrated at not being able to stop the stampede of illegal crossings. The 5ht circuit is entertaining arguments today on whether to stay the injunction, pending the outcome of an appeal at the SCOTUS.
“A majority of the panel has concluded that the administrative stay entered by a motions panel on March 2, 2024, should be lifted,” the unsigned order by the court reads. Yesterday, on March 19th, circuit judge Andrew Oldman disagreed: “I would leave that stay in place pending tomorrow’s oral argument on the question.” That was just hours after the SCOTUS had rejected an emergency request from the Biden jackasses to look at the administrative stay directed by the 5th Circuit's prior panel. The DOJ's (Department of Justice) stance on the law is that it violates the Constitution's Supremacy Clause which declares that states do not have the right to enforce immigration laws.
As per usual with emergency appeals, the Supreme Court did not give a reason for issuing their order. Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amey Coney Barrett issued aligning opinions. Barrett wrote on regarding actions of the high court: “never reviewed the decision of a court of appeals to enter—or not enter—an administrative stay.” She continued, that it is “unwise to invite emergency litigation in this Court about whether a court of appeals abused its discretion at this preliminary step.”
Liberal justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson had dissenting opinions. Sotomayor said the order “invites further chaos and crisis in immigration enforcement.” She went on to write that the law “upends the federal-state balance of power that has existed for over a century, in which the National Government has had exclusive authority over entry and removal of noncitizens.” - I say, bullstit! States have always had the legal right and shared responsibility for protecting their sovereignty. Yesterday, the Mexican government said that it will not accept any illegal migrants coming back to them no matter what. They said that anyone deported who is not a Mexican citizen does not have to be accepted by them.
All governor Abbott wants to do is to enforce the laws to keep his state safe and secure, and the Biden commies are doing everything they can to impede that. It's disgusting! Will this nightmare ever end? I sure hope so.
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dreammakcr · 4 months
( most wanted ships! warning - this is an extensive list )
bellatrix black/tom riddle
george weasley/hermione granger
george weasley/angelina johnson
ginny weasely/draco malfoy
ginny weasley/harry potter
hermione granger/ron weasley
hermione granger/draco malfoy
lily evans/james potter
lily evans/remus lupin
narcissa black/lucius malfoy
neville longbottom/hannah abbot
neville longbottom/luna lovegood
rose weasley/teddy lupin
rose weasley/scorpius malfoy
alice cullen/jasper hale
alice cullen/bella swan
bella swan/edward cullen
carlisle cullen/esme cullen
charlie swan/sue clearwater
emmett cullen/rosalie hale
katrina denali/garrett
tanya denali/edward cullen
winona uley/renesmee cullen
alicent hightower/rhaenyra targaryen
sansa stark/theon greyjoy
myrcella baratheon/robb stark
adam auradon/belle
amelia thermopolis/nicholas devereaux
anastasia romanov/dimitri
ariel triton/eric
charlotte la bouff/tiana
flynn ryder/rapunzel
jasmine shah/aladdin
kim possible/shego
kim possible/ron stopable
tiana maladonia/naveen
azriel/elain archeron
azriel/gwyneth berdara
cassian/nesta archeron
feyre archeron/tamlin
feyre archeron/rhysand
lucien vanserra/elain archeron
blossom sungaze/nyx
tamlin sungaze/elain archeron
anne boleyn/catherine of aragon
anne boleyn/katherine howard
katherine howard/thomas culpeper
elphaba thropp/glinda upland
elphaba thropp/fiyero tigelaar
maureen johnson/joanne jefferson
mimi marquez/roger davis
dean winchester/jo harvelle
mary winchester/john winchester
bruce wayne/selina kyle
clark kent/lois lane
diana prince/bruce wayne
diana prince/steve trevor
harleen quinzel/pamela isley
phoebe halliwell/coop
phoebe halliwell/cole
piper halliwell/leo wyatt
mamoru chiba/usagi tsukino
amy santiago/jake peralta
bo dennis/dyson thornwood 
bo dennis/lauren lewis
david nolan/mary margaret blanchard
hale santiago/kenzi malikov
olivia benson/elliot stabler
regina mills/robin hood
veronica mars/logan echolls
elizabeth bennett/mr. darcy
elle woods/emmett forest
elle woods/vivian kensington
ian o'shea/wanderer
alessandra stathos/kallias
cardan greenbriar/jude duarte
elizabeth comstock/booker dewitt
karlach cliffgate/wyll ravengard
lou le blanc/reid diggory
wrath/emilia di carlo
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stellaluna33 · 2 years
I still can't get over that "Happy birthday, by the way. Wasn't that a couple weeks ago? Your birthday?" Like. There was no POSSIBLE reason, writing-wise, to have Jess say that, except as a point/counterpoint to also choosing to write (in THE PREVIOUS EPISODE!) that Logan, her actual boyfriend, DIDN'T KNOW when her birthday was! I am going insane! What was the purpose of this, Amy?!!! To show that Jess knows Rory and Logan doesn't, not really? Kinda seems like it... What other reason could there be?! If Jess hadn't said that, you could argue that Logan not knowing her birthday was only there to emphasize how Rory was broken-hearted about being estranged from her mother for this special occasion. BUT THEN THE NEXT EPISODE HAPPENS! And Jess DOES know her birthday (even though they never celebrated it together). There was literally NO OTHER REASON to have Jess bring that up!!! It was not relevant to their conversation! There was no logical reason to have him TURN BACK, specifically to say THAT! But Amy, what were you doing???? If this were any other show, like the Office or, most recently, Abbot Elementary, this would be considered obvious and heavy-handed foreshadowing about who the "right guy" is, but NOOOOO! This is Gilmore Girls, where NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO STAY HAPPY, EVER, so WHO KNOWS! Just tell me what you were thinking, Amy! TELL MEEEEE!!! *shakes you by the shoulders*
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so now i've seen both episodes, i have some Thoughts. suffice to say i enjoyed both, with reservations
the virgin chris "make it like prestige telly" chibnall vs the chad russell t "knock off baby geniuses for the worldwide premiere" davies
in continuing the "yes, and" approach of the specials, i appreciate how hard rtd's gunning in on chibnall's retcon as the main throughline of the series, but honestly the weird thing is that both these episodes feel fully like pastiches of moffat. it has the fairytale vibe of series 5, and 15/ruby's chemistry reminds me of the giddy enthusiasm of early 11/amy (that probably comes as much from gibson though). plus, stuff like the pronoun correcting abbot and costello routine from the start of devil's chord is fully moffat dialogue
side note, that routine was both hilarious and far less cringy than the beep the meep pronoun scene. so there's your head pat of the day rtd
given how little the previous era seemed to really about anything, except in a sort of shrugging "what can you do" sense, i appreciate how very hard rtd is making this pointed. the swipes at pro-lifers and anti-refugeeism are welcome, if a little throwaway, but he's still trying to do interesting things, like the whole "power of music" stuff, his constant pushing of queer stuff (apparently everyone ruby knows is gay lmao), constantly in dialogue with itself and the earlier eras... it doesn't all come off (largely bc of the pacing, which i'll get to) but i like it
the pivot to fantasy is bringing an increased interest in abstraction and non-realism (see maestro taking the two aside for a chat in a soundstage, the constant fourth wall breaks) which is exactly my shit
while rtd's bringing plenty of new stuff to the table, murray gold is hurtling towards self-parody at an alarming rate. the music is so fucking loud and obvious, it's actively annoying me at this rate, although it was less noticeable in episode 2
fred the dog is his best composition though
they were both good episodes, but they felt like they were missing something. i think part of it is that is that the pacing is just... weird. the episodes grind to a halt for a continuity revision session that i can only assume is for americans who never bothered with it before and can't be bothered to wait for gradual lore reveals. i mean, c'mon, we mention susan in the second episode! it took until series 7b of the reboot to even acknowledge her existence! and the rest of the time it's going at breakneck pace, such that i can barely keep up with it. all the episodes of this era feel... compressed, like they've had to trim bits off the complete ep, so emotional beats in particular feel accelerated in a slightly surreal way. idk. about half of this era has felt weirdly hollow for me so far
gatwa and gibson have insane chemistry. like holy shit they bounce off each other amazingly, they're an absolute joy to watch. i don't mean to rag on chibnall, but fucking hell it's so nice to have a tardis team that actually like each other
one musical number at the end was cute, two was pushing it. either the twist or the zebra crossing scene should've gone
i'm very much interested to see how moffat writes an episode in a series so deferential to his run
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ohabeeeeeee · 3 months
Hands DFT a basket of Gouda, Brie, American Cheese, Pecorino Romano, Cheddar, Manchego, Camembert, Smoked Gouda, Provolone, Babybel, Parmesan, Mascarpone, Mozzarella, Asiago, Feta, Le Gruyere AOP, Gorgonzola, Monterey Jack, Stilton, Abbaye de Belloc, Taleggio, Grana Padano, Swiss, Boursin, Cotija, Fontina Val d’Aosta, Roquefort, Blue Vein Cheese, Emmental, Grana, Jarlsberg, Mozzarella di Bufala, Pepper Jack, Munster, Bocconcini, Fromage Frais, Ricotta Salata, Cream Havarti, Scamorza, Fromage a Raclette, Chevre, Pecorino, Burrata, Halloumi, Aged Gouda, Fresh Mozzarella, Colby, Limburger, Paneer, Queso Blanco, Port-Salut, Adelost, Abondance, Butterkase, Brillat-Savarin, Comte, Camembert de Normandie, Reblochon, Longhorn, Oaxaca, Airag, Abbaye du Mont des Cats, Saint Agur, Cottage Cheese, Panela, Acapella, Fresh Truffles, Romano, Wensleydale, Double Gloucester, Red Leicester, Abbaye de Citeaux, Colby-Jack, Caciocavallo, Crottin de Chavignol, Cream Cheese, Zanetti Parmigiano Reggiano, Juustoleipa, Baby Swiss, Le Roule, Brie de Meaux, Berkswell, Fresh Ricotta, Maasdam, Canadian Cheddar, Ambert, Tommes, Cantal, Menonita, Crescenza, Queso Ibérico, Crema Mexicana, Sage Derby, Geitost, Brick, Kasseri, Bel Paese, Affidelice au Chablis, Pave d’Affinois, Muenster, Danablu, Acorn, Afuega’l Pitu, Abbot’s Gold, La Vache Qui Rit, Buffalo, Caerphilly, Tomme de Chevre, Bath Cheese,Epoisses de Bourgogne, Cheshire, Neufchatel, Blue Castello, Basket Cheese, Saint-Nectaire, Cabrales, Stinking Bishop, Cotswold, Sainte Maure, Applewood, Fiore Sardo, Dolcelatte, Pont l’Eveque, Cahill’s Irish Porter Cheddar, Zanetti Grana Padano, Langres, Seriously Strong Cheddar, Il Boschetto al Tartufo, Appenzeller, Montasio, Ossua-Iraty, Ami du Chambertin, Vignotte, Wigmore, Humboldt Fog, Saint-Paulin, Brie de Melun, Maytag blue, Armenian String Cheese, Délice de Bourgogne, Kashkaval, Bra, Abbaye de Belval, Quark, Valencay, Provel, Pule, Etorki, Banon, Morbier, Boulette d’Avesnes, Breakfast Cheese, Caciotta, Idiazabal, Bavarian Bergkase, Allgauer Emmentaler, Bresse Bleu, Airedale, Livarot, Mimolette, Tomme de Savoie, Toma, Burgos, Ardrahan, Danbo, Requeson, Aisy Cendre, Ragusano, Castelmagno, Saint-André, Aged Chelsea, Caravane, String, Chaource, Bleu des Causses, Huntsman, Yorkshire Blue, Cougar Gold, Coulommiers, Tillamook cheddar, Beenleigh Blue, Danish Feta, Brin d’Amour, Somerset Brie, Ardi Gasna, Zamorano, Dry Jack, Vacherin Fribourgeois, Lincolnshire Poacher, Caprice des Dieux, Bandal, Creamy Lancashire, Queso Fresco, Petit-Suisse, Aragon, Oxford Blue, Manouri, Grève, Maroilles, Derby, Bierkase, Crowdie, Vacherin, Marbled Cheeses, Queso Para Frier, Chabichou du Poitou, Marble Cheddar, Soumaintrain, Esrom, Boursault, Bosworth, Leyden, Chaumes, Cotherstone, Explorateur, Tyning, Anneau du Vic-Bilh, White Stilton with Mango & Ginger, Perail de Brebis, Cabécou, Anthotyro, Hereford Hop, Saint-Marcellin, Alverca, Fleur du Maquis, Baladi, Quartirolo Lombardo, Waterloo, Brocciu, Bleu de Laqueuille, Brie au Poivre, Sonoma Jack, Cold Pack, Beyaz PeynirMamirolle, Tomme Brulee, Tetilla, Spenwood, Autun, Coeur de Camembert au Calvados, Beemster Extra Aged, Kapiti Kikorangi, Rocamadour, Dauphin, Baguette Laonnaise, Fougerus, Leerdammer, Aromes au Gene de Marc, Piave Vecchio, Mascarpone Torta, Cashel Blue, Wensleydale w/ Cranberries, Golden Cross, Picos de Europa, Finn, Vasterbottenost, Bryndza, Parrano, Canestrato, Flower Marie, Sap Sago, Myzithra, Mothais a la Feuille, Mycella, Salers, Gammelost, Shropshire blue, Kadchgall, Raschera, Harbourne Blue, Wellington, Gloucester, Vulscombe, Basing, Capricorn Somerset Goats Cheese, Cuajada, Graviera, Filetta, Olde York, Brebis de Lavort, Australian Blue Vein, Roncal, Exmoor Blue, Australian Washed Rind Cheese, Carre de l’Est, Mun-chee, Rigotte, Hushållsost, Cornish Yarg, Brin, Devon Blue, Buchette d’Anjou, Bishop Kennedy, Murol, Laguiole, Toscanello, Royalp Tilsit, Double Worcester, Bougon, Torta del Casar, Tete de Moine, Sancerre, stinky cum, Danish Fontina, and Bergader
DFT no self control DFT full of cheese
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ereardon · 2 years
A Place Like This [Chapter 3][Rhett Abbott x OC]
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Summary: Rhett Abbott has never met a girl like you. You’re a corporate city girl in Wabang on borrowed company time — he thinks there’s no way you would waste it on him. So when you fall for the local bull rider, you’re both a little surprised. What will it take to get Rhett to realize he can give you everything you’re looking for? And will Rhett be able to reconcile the fact that your job is literally to dismantle Wabang and break apart the only place his family has ever known?
Pairing: Rhett Abbott x OC [Julia Han]
WC: 3.3K
Warning: Cursing, implied smut, violence
Series masterlist here
Rhett walked around in a daze, the memory of your lips on his haunting his every waking second. 
All he wanted to do was hop in his truck and drive into town, break down the door to your apartment above the bakery, pull you into his arms and feel your weight against him as he crashed his lips on yours. 
Instead, he was stuck mending a fence with Royal and Perry. 
“Shit, that’s too tight it’s going to snap,” Perry said, yanking on the fence chain to loosen it. “Rhett get your head out of your ass.” 
“Sorry,” Rhett grumbled under his breath, moving down a few paces to a different section of fence, thick gloves hindering his ability to be tactile as he tugged on the wire fencing. 
“What’s gotten into you?” Royal asked, furrowing his dark brow. “Been quiet all week. Worried about the ride tonight?” 
Rhett shook his head. “No.” 
“Then what is it son?” 
Rhett looked up at the sky. “Nothing’s going on.” 
Royal shook his head. “Go home. You’re just making it worse.” 
Rhett simply turned around, got on his horse and headed home. He couldn't tell them the truth. That he was daydreaming about a life with a woman he had met only a few days prior. 
A woman whose existence threatened their entire way of life. 
A woman who would ultimately bring doom to their small corner of the world. 
In the kitchen, Amy and Cecilia were busy setting the table. Rhett walked right past them without a greeting, head still lost in thought, and Cecilia ’s sharp voice stopped him dead near the stairs. “Rhett Abbott, we say hello to each other in this household.”
He turned around, sheepish. “Sorry Ma.” Amy looked up at him and he leaned forward, pulling her in for a hug. “Hey cutie.” She grinned. 
“Good. Now go wash up for dinner. Where’s your dad and Perry?” 
Rhett shrugged. “Still out in the pasture.” 
Later, at dinner, the table was silent, just the sound of forks scraping the plate, water glasses being slammed back on the formica tabletop. 
“Rhett?” Perry said. When his brother didn’t answer, he repeated, “Rhett?” 
Cecilia nudged his shoulder and Rhett looked up, confusion clouding his face. “What?” 
“What’s gotten into you?” Cecilia  asked. “Where is your head?” 
“Are you thinking about that girl?” Amy chirped before Rhett could choke out a response. He blushed and four pairs of eyes turned to him. 
“What girl?” Perry said. 
“The one we saw going into the bank,” Amy added and Rhett swore under his breath, grip tight on his fork. “With the high heels.” 
“That corporate girl?” Royal asked, voice filled with disdain. “What would you want with her?” 
“Better question is what would she want with him,” Perry muttered. 
Rhett slammed his fist on the table before standing. “Gotta go get ready for the ride.” 
Before you had stepped on Wyoming soul, you hadn’t known that bull riding was truly a sport people partook in, let alone some people’s profession. 
But somehow, after only a week in Wabang, you ended up at the rodeo on Friday night, chest cautiously but anxiously tight as you looked for Rhett’s name on the scoreboard. 
Curiosity killed the cat, or whatever. Despite your self-exercised rules, you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him since your dinner date. The way his blue eyes locked onto yours, how instinctual his protectiveness had come out when you told him about Luke. The simple and charming way he had held the door open for you. 
You hadn’t been lying when you told Luke you didn’t date on assignment. 
That was, you never wanted to. No one had ever sparked your interest enough. Until Rhett came around. 
You settled onto a metal bleacher seat, standing out in the crowd. It wasn’t hard to do in Wabang. Your presence as an outsider had become known, but the extent of the business with the town deal was still under wraps. Jerome Thompson, the Mayor, was still fighting the inevitable. You had at least another week until everyone and their second cousin knew what your real purpose in Wabang was. 
Rhett’s name was called on the loudspeaker and you felt your chest tighten. Without realizing it, your red nails were digging half moons into the flesh of your palms. 
You craned your neck around to see what was happening, and the sound of the metal gates crashing back as they flew open only served to exacerbate your anxiety. A wave of nausea sat in the pit of your stomach as you watched Rhett flail on the bull, one hand lifted confidently in the air. 
Around you, people began to rise as the timer on the screen ticked on. Every millisecond felt like a minute as you watched Rhett get whipped around in circles. You were amazed by the strength of his one arm that was gripping the saddle and finally when the buzzer went off, he slid from the bull, the crowd shouting in joy, as a few of the other attendants in the ring pulled Rhett off back to safety. 
You were out of your seat, jumping and hollering with the rest of the onlookers, and when you looked back down at the ring you clearly saw Rhett’s back as he gazed up at the flashing scoreboard, his name slotted at the very top. 
At the end of the night, you found yourself leaning up against the fence that held the bull stalls, Rhett walking carefully toward you, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
“Hey there,” you said softly once he was close enough to hear you. “Congrats.” 
He looked at you with soft eyes. “Thank you.” 
“My first rodeo,” you added. “Hell of a time.” 
Rhett stepped forward, leaning one arm above you so your back was pressed against the metal fence. You were aware of how tall he loomed, but it never once felt unsafe. In fact, you desperately, cloyingly ached for his hands on your body. To feel his soft lips brush yours, his calloused hands, stroke your waist, tug you in tightly, press his pelvis against yours, rock your lower half until you could feel him tenting beneath his thick jeans. 
“So you’re a real cowboy, huh?” you whispered. “Never met a cowboy before.” 
He moved closer until you could feel his warmth even without touching. “Yes, ma’am.” 
“There’s that ma’am thing again,” you murmured. 
“Sorry,” he grinned, one hand coming out and running over your bare arms. It sent a shiver down your spine. “Julia.” Your name on his lips was borderline sinful. You had never had someone say so little and have such a visceral impact on your body. Just a look from Rhett had you wobbling on weak knees. 
You reached out and grabbed his free hand in yours, folding your fingers around his near your waist. Rhett looked down at your intertwined hands, then back up at you. “I’m impressed,” you said and you meant it. 
He shook his head and you could tell he thought you were lying to stroke his ego. There was an air of self consciousness about him, beneath the hyper masculine aura. It was a layer beneath the surface, something borderline fragile. And even though you knew his body was all hard muscles and his hands were calloused from honest work and his voice was so rough it felt like sandpaper as it slid over your skin in the close quarters, you knew that beneath it lurked a type of fear.  
Your fingers tightened on his, and he looked up. “Rhett, I’m serious. I know it doesn’t mean anything because you barely know me, but I’m proud of you. Standing up there on the bleachers watching you? It was amazing.” 
An unreadable expression passed over Rhett’s handsome face. Finally, he gave you a smile. “Darlin’, you have no idea what that means to me.” 
The tension was thick, or maybe it was the humidity of the night. Either way, you stared at Rhett and he gazed back and the silence was comfortable, but you kept waiting for him to make the next move. 
“Why’d you come?” he asked, finally, voice gruff and low. You could feel it reverberate in your chest and abdomen. 
“Seems like the thing to do around here,” you replied softly. 
He tipped his head, waiting. 
“And to see you,” you added, blushing. 
Rhett reached out and stroked one finger down your cheek. “Can I take you for a drink?” 
You shook your head and watched his face fall, his fingers pulling back instantly. For a moment, Rhett Abbott crumbled and you had to immediately stretch out your fingers, press them to the tops of his tall shoulders. “Sorry, I just have something I need to do early in the morning. Can we do tomorrow instead?” 
His lips curled up in a smile and he nodded. “Yes, please. I’d like that very much.” 
You leaned forward and brushed your lips to his cheek, felt one of his hands slide down to your waist before you pulled away with a grin. “Goodnight, Rhett.” 
He watched you walk away, one hand shoved deep in his pocket, fingers balled together, trying to regulate his nervous system. It felt like his heart was going to leap out of his chest. The little smile you shot him over your shoulder nearly sent him over the edge. 
He had the best ride of his life that night. And somehow it didn’t compare at all to the feeling of your lips on his cheek, your soft hips beneath his fingertips. He wanted you. All of you. 
And it clouded his ability to see clearly.
You sat on a stool at The Handsome Gambler nursing a gin and lime over ice, the glass quickly collecting condensation on the paper napkin. Every time the door swung open you looked up eagerly, waiting for Rhett. 
He was late. Finally living up to the cowboy name. 
After fifteen minutes, you were tired of the letdown of seeing it wasn’t Rhett at the door, so when the bell above chimed you simply took a hefty swig of your drink, purposefully avoiding disappointment. 
“Well hello there.” A chill ran down your spine as a familiar voice wafted through your ear. You looked up reluctantly, Luke Tillerson taking a seat next to you, slim thighs sliding dangerously close to your own as he leaned casually with one arm along the wooden bar. “Julia.” 
Your name on his lips felt like poison. “Luke,” you said quietly, fingers starting to shake on the glass. The memory of how his fingers had gripped your wrist clung to your nerves, putting you on edge. “How are you?”
“Be better if I could buy you a second drink,” he murmured, leaning in closer. His breath was acidic and you wanted to wince but you knew that he would be the type of man who just might consider slamming your head against the bar if you did. Without waiting for you to answer, he nodded at the bartender. “Double Buffalo Trace, and whatever my girl here is having.” 
“She’s not your girl.” Rhett’s voice growled from behind you. 
Luke’s eyes slid from yours, the smile wiped from his angular face. You hadn’t realized it, but his hand was on your thigh. When you turned around, Rhett’s gaze was locked on Luke’s hand before he moved it up to stare daggers into the man’s eyes. “What do you want, Abbott?” Luke sneered. “Can’t you see we’re in the middle of something?” 
“Not anymore,” Rhett said matter-of-factly. “I’m going to ask you nicely to slide off that seat, pay for your drink, and take it anywhere else in the fucking bar.” 
Luke let out a laugh so sharp you could have sworn it rattled the ice in your drink. “Get lost, Abbott. Girl like Julia here wants nothing to do with you. Why don’t you go find Maria, give her some mediocre sex?”
You didn’t see Rhett’s hand until it was too late. Until his taunt fist, veins throbbingly visible beneath tanned skin, made contact with Luke’s nose. The loud crunch of cartilage wedging itself into a new position. The unmistakable sound of a skull hitting the ground as Luke tumbled from his chair, his hand ripped from your thigh, his arms spread out as he splattered across the ground with a groan. 
Luke hauled himself to his feet, stumbling toward Rhett who was glaring darkly, swinging and missing as Rhett landed another punch on his jaw. Luke rebounded more quickly than the first time, clipping Rhett over the eyebrow and he stumbled back into the arms of another man who had stood up, likely to try to ease the tension. 
But as Rhett lunged forward, he and Luke were caught in each other’s arms, wrestling to the ground and you couldn’t tell what arm belonged to who, and who was winning. 
There was shouting and commotion and before you knew it you were on your feet, following Rhett outside where the bartender had dragged him, a small crowd circled around Luke on the ground. 
“Fuck!” Rhett swore, shaking out his hand and pacing in a tight circle on the pavement outside the bar. 
Inside, you watched Luke stand up with the help of two men, blood running down his face. Rhett stood, angrily watching through the glass door. “Rhett?” 
He didn’t answer, simply continued to glare at Luke as other bar patrons helped him find his footing. 
“Rhett,” you repeated, louder this time, and he finally swung his gaze to meet yours. “Come on.”
You motioned for him to follow you and to your surprise he acquiesced, falling into step behind you. Rhett followed you as you unlocked the door to the apartment. You pointed at him to take a seat on the couch in the living room, and he sat down in a daze as you went into the bathroom, emerging a few minutes later with a warm, damp washcloth, a few tubes of ointment. He didn’t say a word as you stood straddling his leg, bending over and carefully dabbing the blood that was rapidly drying on his forehead. There was a cut about an inch across heading straight north from his eyebrow and Rhett winced as you dabbed rubbing alcohol on it. 
“Chicken,” you murmured and he chuckled beneath you. One of his hands found your thigh and when you looked down you spotted blood on his knuckles. You reached down and tugged the hand toward you, cleaning it off before letting it go. His fingers found your leg again seamlessly. 
“Julia.” Rhett’s voice was rough and low. “I don’t want you to think I’m that kind of guy.”
“What guy?” you asked, settling next to him on the couch. 
He shook his head. “That guy out there. The kind of guy who gets in bar fights and throws a punch because it’s easier than tryin’ to talk sense into someone.” 
“I hate to break it to you, Rhett, but I don’t just think you are that guy. You are that guy.”
Rhett’s fingers clung to your knee. “I was that guy. I, fuck, I try not to be anymore. But then I walked in and I saw Luke with his hands on you and I just—” He took a deep breath halfway through the sentence, cutting himself off. You felt each individual fingertip pressing into your flesh and you knew there could be bruises the next day. 
“I’m not some helpless idiot who needs to be saved,” you said and Rhett looked up with scared eyes. 
“Shit, Julia, no, I didn't mean–” 
You shook your head. “I know you didn’t mean it like that. And I appreciate you telling him off. But I just need you to know that I have spent thirty years defending myself. I can do it against a fucking human buttwipe like Luke Tillerson all by myself.” 
Rhett looked at you and then chuckled and it was so hearty and warm that you found yourself laughing too, bent over, hair spilling into his lap. When you righted yourself, Rhett was staring at you. He had a way of making you feel like the only person who ever existed. 
“How do you feel?” you whispered softly. 
“I’m fine,” he murmured. “I’m sorry I was late. Amy asked me to help her with something for school and I got caught up.” 
“Who is Amy?” 
“Oh, my niece.” The way he spoke about her was soft, sensitive. There was a tenderness in her voice. “She’s nine.” 
“Didn’t know you had a niece.” 
Rhett smirked. “I don’t know anything about you either, darlin’. You’re a closed book.” 
“What do you want to know?” 
“Why you’re here,” he said and you smiled. “But I know you won’t tell me. So why don’t we start with why you don’t date on assignment.” 
“You caught that, huh? It’s just that a job like mine isn’t normal,” you said, drawing your knees up on the couch cushion. “I travel nine months out of the year. I live out of a suitcase. I’m a nomad, essentially. And my job, well, it doesn’t make me the most popular person in town. In fact, by next week I’m sure I’ll be persona non grata here.” 
“Then why do you do it?” There was no judgment in his tone. It was genuine curiosity. 
“Because I’m good at it,” you said after thinking for a moment. “It’s one thing I am really good at, separating my personal feelings toward something from the business benefits. I tend to see things really black and white. It’s not helpful in relationships or discussing literature, but it helps in finance.” 
“What’s the biggest deal you’ve ever helped with?” 
“A few years ago, a telecoms giant wanted to acquire their competitor in Singapore and create a global conglomerate. Everyone was already in. The C-suite, the boards, even the government on the Singapore side. And then they called us. Asked us to do the last minute due diligence checks because their legal teams were swamped in another deal. The day before the contract went to sign, I turned in my assessment. I said it was risky because their balance sheet and growth projections didn’t match what the client was looking for from an Asia partner. They pulled out. A year later, the company they almost bought went under investigation for fraud and improper investor reporting. They filed Chapter 11.” You paused. “We saved them eighty billion dollars.” 
“Holy shit,” Rhett whispered and you saw him run his hands through his hair. “The hell are you doing here with me then?”
“Good question cowboy.” 
When he didn’t laugh, you nudged him with your outstretched foot. He instinctively took both of your feet into his lap, working his rough thumbs into the balls of your feet and you leaned back with moans spilling out of your lips involuntarily. 
“Fuck that feels amazing.” 
He pressed harder, kneading upward, and you practically spewed pornographic groans into the small expanse of the living room. Rhett’s eyes lingered on your throat and your face as you lifted your head to face him, a blush creeping down your chest. 
“Sorry,” you whispered. 
Rhett shook his head. “Never apologize for making sounds that beautiful when I touch you.” 
His fingers slipped from your feet as you pushed yourself up to kneeling, crawling closer until your lips were only a few inches apart. “Stay?” you asked softly. “I feel like I’m just getting to crack the surface and finally know you.” 
Rhett’s lips curved into a gentle smile. “Of course I’ll stay, princess.” 
Tag list: @double-j @momc95 @sadpetalsstuff @seresinhangmanjake @shanimallina87 @starrynightskyz @writercole @endofdays56 @coffeeandcuriosities @xoxabs88xox @iangiemae @showmethewayhomehoney @djs8891 @rosiahills22
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stanleyl · 6 months
I'll be honest, I'm sick of these takes on Tom's career. The career anxiety some anons gave over his career, I hope you guys apply that level on intensity in your own lives. Tom has worked ever since he was a child to a young adult nonstop. He has made choices with his career because it was the old module for actors at the time to make, sign on to films that haven't been made.
I think the problem with anon is y ou are seeing the career rises of other white make actors and are feeling threatened on his behalf which is crazy becaue Tom is so successful he went a year on working.
To stay TDATT is his last best performance. It is an opinion that you are well working your right to have, I'm sorry, but I disagree. TCR is a great performance, you dint get nominated for a CC if it's bad. I'm sorry. Maybe you dislike Marvel, or you agree with Film Twitter about superhero films, but Tom wanted to play spiderman. Don't get angry at his team that went with his choice.
Hollywood is about great films , but also about relationships, Sydney Sweeney literally spoke in an interview that Madame Web was a good career option because it allowed her to form a business relationship with Sony. The ppl with power gatekeep and the fact Tom has a good relationship with Amy Pascal, whether you like her or not, is beneficial to getting what he wants made. Also Zs to, cause getting 10 million for a leading role in film as a mixed woman, isn't easy.
Anon also forgets how Tom was offered a role in Oppenheimer but had to decline because he was filming TCR. Tom was not the only person who made that show, but he's the only top actor on that show who took a break afterwards. Are Amanda, Sasha Lanes, or Christopher Abbots careers in jeopardy because of TCR reviews? No, they are unto the next job.
Have you guys considered that maybe he wants to prioritise his personal life and development as a man who has nothing to do with his current acting career?? There's a reason a Tom mention was used in Timothee's puff piece for variety. He gets paid a lot for the little he does.
Tom also did a Prada campaign once and hasn't since because he just doesn't want to do it. I'm not gonna feel bad for a white millionaire who is in a better position than most poc actors who work have to work harder but barely get the recognition.
Anon, if you feel insecure as a fan because Timmy or Jacob E are having the careers acclaimed by journalists on that x app who don't even make enough to their rent, perhaps you need to stan someone else.
He is aware of the power of his brand, and even more aware actors and their team keep an eye on his every move. You can't praise a white actor with mentioning him lol.
I'm excited for the things that haven't Neen announced. Most male actors get their best roles in their late 20s to early 30s. He's fine...
I feel like you misinterpreted a lot of the things the anon said, including the TDATT part.
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jungle-angel · 11 months
I NEED 2. “I um… I made you dinner” with Rhett pretty please 🥺
My love, I've been thinking about this all day long, you don't even know how hard (lol).
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"Alright, everybody put your chairs up on your desks and make sure you have everything," you told your fifth graders. "Bus students, you know where to go."
The wooden chairs and desks in your classroom clunked against each other as your fifth graders put them up, gathering their coats and backpacks from the cubby spaces and hooks in the back of the classroom. Thank God today had been a half day and that your main lesson block on math was finally over. You swore that if you had to look at another fraction one more time, you were gonna go insane.
"Mrs. Abbot!" chirped one of your students. "I think I'm missing my bus tag."
"It's right here Jaime," you told him, clipping the yellow tag to the top strap of his backpack.
Your students came to shake your hand and say goodbye before they left the room, heading to the front of the school to wait for the busses or their parents. Your phone suddenly began vibrating in your back pocket and when you saw the contact picture, you knew it was Rhett.
"What's up Grumpy?" you joked.
"You've still got a half day right darlin?" he asked.
"Yeah and I'm on my way to get Amy and Hannah, what's going on?" you asked. "Did another calf come?"
"Nope, I've got a little surprise for you."
You made a face, wondering what sort of hair-brained thing your husband had been up to, being home alone all day with Tatum and Tanner. "Alright I'll be home in twenty."
"See ya then sweet cheeks," Rhett replied before hanging up.
You headed out the front doors of the school and down the cobbled path to the early-ed building, the last of the fall leaves just having fell from the quaking aspens near the play yard. Out of all the buildings on the school campus, this one was by far your favorite.
You walked right through the creaky front gate and up the steps that lead into the building, the kindergarten class immediately on your right and the preschool one to your left. There were only a few kids left in Amy's class, most of them already having taken the bus home, but you knew that in less than a few minutes, they too would head for home.
"Amy, sweetheart, Momma's here," her teacher called happily.
Amy ran right to you, giggling up a storm as she threw her arms right around your waist. "You ready to go home?" you asked her.
"Yeah!" she chirped.
You thanked her teacher and let her grab her coat from the hallway cubbies while Amy proudly showed you the little symbol she had chosen on a painted stone to show that it was hers......a bull kicking up his back legs.
You gathered up Hannah from the preschool room and led the girls out to the dirt lot, loading them up in the truck and buckling them in before heading for home. It was only eleven-thirty in the morning, but the earlier you could get home and get everything out of the way, the better, seeing as you and Rhett had a long vacation to look forward to.
Finally you reached home and unloaded the girls, the two of them charging into the warm and cozy house to kick off their little fuzzy ugg boots and strip off their hats and coats to go play down in the basement playroom. Yet a rather spicy and enticing smell had started to waft from the kitchen and a fire already crackling away in the living room fireplace.
"You're home early," Rhett chuckled as he poured a little bit of milk into his coffee mug.
"Half day," you said, dumping your back on the hallway bench. "And thank God. Our math main lesson block is finally over and I don't have to worry about it anymore."
Rhett laughed again as he lifted the lid off the crockpot and filled the whole kitchen with a spicy and herby scent. "Is that my little surprise?" you asked with a sly grin.
"I um.......I made you dinner," Rhett said as his cheeks began to go hot.
"You made me dinner?"
"I'm not the greatest cook in the world darlin but....."
"Rhett, how can you say that?" you laughed. "You made a prime rib last Christmas that had your godfather begging for the recipe."
Rhett laughed a little bit. In all the years you had been married, you still thought Rhett was an excellent cook, no matter what.
All day long, you let the chicken legs cook in the crockpot until they were practically falling off the bones. You, Rhett, his parents and the kids all ate until there were no leftovers to be had, surprised and grateful by Rhett's sweet little gesture.
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Hands you a basket of Gouda, Brie, American Cheese, Pecorino Romano, Cheddar, Manchego, Camembert, Smoked Gouda, Provolone, Babybel, Parmesan, Mascarpone, Mozzarella, Asiago, Feta, Le Gruyere AOP, Gorgonzola, Monterey Jack, Stilton, Abbaye de Belloc, Taleggio, Grana Padano, Swiss, Boursin, Cotija, Fontina Val d’Aosta, Roquefort, Blue Vein Cheese, Emmental, Grana, Jarlsberg, Mozzarella di Bufala, Pepper Jack, Munster, Bocconcini, Fromage Frais, Ricotta Salata, Cream Havarti, Scamorza, Fromage a Raclette, Chevre, Pecorino, Burrata, Halloumi, Aged Gouda, Fresh Mozzarella, Colby, Limburger, Paneer, Queso Blanco, Port-Salut, Adelost, Abondance, Butterkase, Brillat-Savarin, Comte, Camembert de Normandie, Reblochon, Longhorn, Oaxaca, Airag, Abbaye du Mont des Cats, Saint Agur, Cottage Cheese, Panela, Acapella, Fresh Truffles, Romano, Wensleydale, Double Gloucester, Red Leicester, Abbaye de Citeaux, Colby-Jack, Caciocavallo, Crottin de Chavignol, Cream Cheese, Zanetti Parmigiano Reggiano, Juustoleipa, Baby Swiss, Le Roule, Brie de Meaux, Berkswell, Fresh Ricotta, Maasdam, Canadian Cheddar, Ambert, Tommes, Cantal, Menonita, Crescenza, Queso Ibérico, Crema Mexicana, Sage Derby, Geitost, Brick, Kasseri, Bel Paese, Affidelice au Chablis, Pave d’Affinois, Muenster, Danablu, Acorn, Afuega’l Pitu, Abbot’s Gold, La Vache Qui Rit, Buffalo, Caerphilly, Tomme de Chevre, Bath Cheese,Epoisses de Bourgogne, Cheshire, Neufchatel, Blue Castello, Basket Cheese, Saint-Nectaire, Cabrales, Stinking Bishop, Cotswold, Sainte Maure, Applewood, Fiore Sardo, Dolcelatte, Pont l’Eveque, Cahill’s Irish Porter Cheddar, Zanetti Grana Padano, Langres, Seriously Strong Cheddar, Il Boschetto al Tartufo, Appenzeller, Montasio, Ossua-Iraty, Ami du Chambertin, Vignotte, Wigmore, Humboldt Fog, Saint-Paulin, Brie de Melun, Maytag blue, Armenian String Cheese, Délice de Bourgogne, Kashkaval, Bra, Abbaye de Belval, Quark, Valencay, Provel, Pule, Etorki, Banon, Morbier, Boulette d’Avesnes, Breakfast Cheese, Caciotta, Idiazabal, Bavarian Bergkase, Allgauer Emmentaler, Bresse Bleu, Airedale, Livarot, Mimolette, Tomme de Savoie, Toma, Burgos, Ardrahan, Danbo, Requeson, Aisy Cendre, Ragusano, Castelmagno, Saint-André, Aged Chelsea, Caravane, String, Chaource, Bleu des Causses, Huntsman, Yorkshire Blue, Cougar Gold, Coulommiers, Tillamook cheddar, Beenleigh Blue, Danish Feta, Brin d’Amour, Somerset Brie, Ardi Gasna, Zamorano, Dry Jack, Vacherin Fribourgeois, Lincolnshire Poacher, Caprice des Dieux, Bandal, Creamy Lancashire, Queso Fresco, Petit-Suisse, Aragon, Oxford Blue, Manouri, Grève, Maroilles, Derby, Bierkase, Crowdie, Vacherin, Marbled Cheeses, Queso Para Frier, Chabichou du Poitou, Marble Cheddar, Soumaintrain, Esrom, Boursault, Bosworth, Leyden, Chaumes, Cotherstone, Explorateur, Tyning, Anneau du Vic-Bilh, White Stilton with Mango & Ginger, Perail de Brebis, Cabécou, Anthotyro, Hereford Hop, Saint-Marcellin, Alverca, Fleur du Maquis, Baladi, Quartirolo Lombardo, Waterloo, Brocciu, Bleu de Laqueuille, Brie au Poivre, Sonoma Jack, Cold Pack, Beyaz PeynirMamirolle, Tomme Brulee, Tetilla, Spenwood, Autun, Coeur de Camembert au Calvados, Beemster Extra Aged, Kapiti Kikorangi, Rocamadour, Dauphin, Baguette Laonnaise, Fougerus, Leerdammer, Aromes au Gene de Marc, Piave Vecchio, Mascarpone Torta, Cashel Blue, Wensleydale w/ Cranberries, Golden Cross, Picos de Europa, Finn, Vasterbottenost, Bryndza, Parrano, Canestrato, Flower Marie, Sap Sago, Myzithra, Mothais a la Feuille, Mycella, Salers, Gammelost, Shropshire blue, Kadchgall, Raschera, Harbourne Blue, Wellington, Gloucester, Vulscombe, Basing, Capricorn Somerset Goats Cheese, Cuajada, Graviera, Filetta, Olde York, Brebis de Lavort, Australian Blue Vein, Roncal, Exmoor Blue, Australian Washed Rind Cheese, Carre de l’Est, Mun-chee, Rigotte, Hushållsost, Cornish Yarg, Brin, Devon Blue, Buchette d’Anjou, Bishop Kennedy, Murol, Laguiole, Toscanello, Royalp Tilsit, Double Worcester, Bougon, Torta del Casar, Tete de Moine, Sancerre, Danish Fontina, Bergader, Pavé d’Auge, Pinconning, Stinky Cum, and Saint Albray.
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lor-starcutter · 2 years
Hands you a basket of Gouda, Brie, American Cheese, Pecorino Romano, Cheddar, Manchego, Camembert, Smoked Gouda, Provolone, Babybel, Parmesan, Mascarpone, Mozzarella, Asiago, Feta, Le Gruyere AOP, Gorgonzola, Monterey Jack, Stilton, Abbaye de Belloc, Taleggio, Grana Padano, Swiss, Boursin, Cotija, Fontina Val d’Aosta, Roquefort, Blue Vein Cheese, Emmental, Grana, Jarlsberg, Mozzarella di Bufala, Pepper Jack, Munster, Bocconcini, Fromage Frais, Ricotta Salata, Cream Havarti, Scamorza, Fromage a Raclette, Chevre, Pecorino, Burrata, Halloumi, Aged Gouda, Fresh Mozzarella, Colby, Limburger, Paneer, Queso Blanco, Port-Salut, Adelost, Abondance, Butterkase, Brillat-Savarin, Comte, Camembert de Normandie, Reblochon, Longhorn, Oaxaca, Airag, Abbaye du Mont des Cats, Saint Agur, Cottage Cheese, Panela, Acapella, Fresh Truffles, Romano, Wensleydale, Double Gloucester, Red Leicester, Abbaye de Citeaux, Colby-Jack, Caciocavallo, Crottin de Chavignol, Cream Cheese, Zanetti Parmigiano Reggiano, Juustoleipa, Baby Swiss, Le Roule, Brie de Meaux, Berkswell, Fresh Ricotta, Maasdam, Canadian Cheddar, Ambert, Tommes, Cantal, Menonita, Crescenza, Queso Ibérico, Crema Mexicana, Sage Derby, Geitost, Brick, Kasseri, Bel Paese, Affidelice au Chablis, Pave d’Affinois, Muenster, Danablu, Acorn, Afuega’l Pitu, Abbot’s Gold, La Vache Qui Rit, Buffalo, Caerphilly, Tomme de Chevre, Bath Cheese,Epoisses de Bourgogne, Cheshire, Neufchatel, Blue Castello, Basket Cheese, Saint-Nectaire, Cabrales, Stinking Bishop, Cotswold, Sainte Maure, Applewood, Fiore Sardo, Dolcelatte, Pont l’Eveque, Cahill’s Irish Porter Cheddar, Zanetti Grana Padano, Langres, Seriously Strong Cheddar, Il Boschetto al Tartufo, Appenzeller, Montasio, Ossua-Iraty, Ami du Chambertin, Vignotte, Wigmore, Humboldt Fog, Saint-Paulin, Brie de Melun, Maytag blue, Armenian String Cheese, Délice de Bourgogne, Kashkaval, Bra, Abbaye de Belval, Quark, Valencay, Provel, Pule, Etorki, Banon, Morbier, Boulette d’Avesnes, Breakfast Cheese, Caciotta, Idiazabal, Bavarian Bergkase, Allgauer Emmentaler, Bresse Bleu, Airedale, Livarot, Mimolette, Tomme de Savoie, Toma, Burgos, Ardrahan, Danbo, Requeson, Aisy Cendre, Ragusano, Castelmagno, Saint-André, Aged Chelsea, Caravane, String, Chaource, Bleu des Causses, Huntsman, Yorkshire Blue, Cougar Gold, Coulommiers, Tillamook cheddar, Beenleigh Blue, Danish Feta, Brin d’Amour, Somerset Brie, Ardi Gasna, Zamorano, Dry Jack, Vacherin Fribourgeois, Lincolnshire Poacher, Caprice des Dieux, Bandal, Creamy Lancashire, Queso Fresco, Petit-Suisse, Aragon, Oxford Blue, Manouri, Grève, Maroilles, Derby, Bierkase, Crowdie, Vacherin, Marbled Cheeses, Queso Para Frier, Chabichou du Poitou, Marble Cheddar, Soumaintrain, Esrom, Boursault, Bosworth, Leyden, Chaumes, Cotherstone, Explorateur, Tyning, Anneau du Vic-Bilh, White Stilton with Mango & Ginger, Perail de Brebis, Cabécou, Anthotyro, Hereford Hop, Saint-Marcellin, Alverca, Fleur du Maquis, Baladi, Quartirolo Lombardo, Waterloo, Brocciu, Bleu de Laqueuille, Brie au Poivre, Sonoma Jack, Cold Pack, Beyaz PeynirMamirolle, Tomme Brulee, Tetilla, Spenwood, Autun, Coeur de Camembert au Calvados, Beemster Extra Aged, Kapiti Kikorangi, Rocamadour, Dauphin, Baguette Laonnaise, Fougerus, Leerdammer, Aromes au Gene de Marc, Piave Vecchio, Mascarpone Torta, Cashel Blue, Wensleydale w/ Cranberries, Golden Cross, Picos de Europa, Finn, Vasterbottenost, Bryndza, Parrano, Canestrato, Flower Marie, Sap Sago, Myzithra, Mothais a la Feuille, Mycella, Salers, Gammelost, Shropshire blue, Kadchgall, Raschera, Harbourne Blue, Wellington, Gloucester, Vulscombe, Basing, Capricorn Somerset Goats Cheese, Cuajada, Graviera, Filetta, Olde York, Brebis de Lavort, Australian Blue Vein, Roncal, Exmoor Blue, Australian Washed Rind Cheese, Carre de l’Est, Mun-chee, Rigotte, Hushållsost, Cornish Yarg, Brin, Devon Blue, Buchette d’Anjou, Bishop Kennedy, Murol, Laguiole, Toscanello, Royalp Tilsit, Double Worcester, Bougon, Torta del Casar, Tete de Moine, Sancerre, Danish Fontina, Bergader, Pavé d’Auge, Pinconning, Stinky Cum, and Saint Albray.
>Thank you for this basket of Gouda, Brie, American Cheese, Pecorino Romano, Cheddar, Manchego, Camembert, Smoked Gouda, Provolone, Babybel, Parmesan, Mascarpone, Mozzarella, Asiago, Feta, Le Gruyere AOP, Gorgonzola, Monterey Jack, Stilton, Abbaye de Belloc, Taleggio, Grana Padano, Swiss, Boursin, Cotija, Fontina Val d’Aosta, Roquefort, Blue Vein Cheese, Emmental, Grana, Jarlsberg, Mozzarella di Bufala, Pepper Jack, Munster, Bocconcini, Fromage Frais, Ricotta Salata, Cream Havarti, Scamorza, Fromage a Raclette, Chevre, Pecorino, Burrata, Halloumi, Aged Gouda, Fresh Mozzarella, Colby, Limburger, Paneer, Queso Blanco, Port-Salut, Adelost, Abondance, Butterkase, Brillat-Savarin, Comte, Camembert de Normandie, Reblochon, Longhorn, Oaxaca, Airag, Abbaye du Mont des Cats, Saint Agur, Cottage Cheese, Panela, Acapella, Fresh Truffles, Romano, Wensleydale, Double Gloucester, Red Leicester, Abbaye de Citeaux, Colby-Jack, Caciocavallo, Crottin de Chavignol, Cream Cheese, Zanetti Parmigiano Reggiano, Juustoleipa, Baby Swiss, Le Roule, Brie de Meaux, Berkswell, Fresh Ricotta, Maasdam, Canadian Cheddar, Ambert, Tommes, Cantal, Menonita, Crescenza, Queso Ibérico, Crema Mexicana, Sage Derby, Geitost, Brick, Kasseri, Bel Paese, Affidelice au Chablis, Pave d’Affinois, Muenster, Danablu, Acorn, Afuega’l Pitu, Abbot’s Gold, La Vache Qui Rit, Buffalo, Caerphilly, Tomme de Chevre, Bath Cheese,Epoisses de Bourgogne, Cheshire, Neufchatel, Blue Castello, Basket Cheese, Saint-Nectaire, Cabrales, Stinking Bishop, Cotswold, Sainte Maure, Applewood, Fiore Sardo, Dolcelatte, Pont l’Eveque, Cahill’s Irish Porter Cheddar, Zanetti Grana Padano, Langres, Seriously Strong Cheddar, Il Boschetto al Tartufo, Appenzeller, Montasio, Ossua-Iraty, Ami du Chambertin, Vignotte, Wigmore, Humboldt Fog, Saint-Paulin, Brie de Melun, Maytag blue, Armenian String Cheese, Délice de Bourgogne, Kashkaval, Bra, Abbaye de Belval, Quark, Valencay, Provel, Pule, Etorki, Banon, Morbier, Boulette d’Avesnes, Breakfast Cheese, Caciotta, Idiazabal, Bavarian Bergkase, Allgauer Emmentaler, Bresse Bleu, Airedale, Livarot, Mimolette, Tomme de Savoie, Toma, Burgos, Ardrahan, Danbo, Requeson, Aisy Cendre, Ragusano, Castelmagno, Saint-André, Aged Chelsea, Caravane, String, Chaource, Bleu des Causses, Huntsman, Yorkshire Blue, Cougar Gold, Coulommiers, Tillamook cheddar, Beenleigh Blue, Danish Feta, Brin d’Amour, Somerset Brie, Ardi Gasna, Zamorano, Dry Jack, Vacherin Fribourgeois, Lincolnshire Poacher, Caprice des Dieux, Bandal, Creamy Lancashire, Queso Fresco, Petit-Suisse, Aragon, Oxford Blue, Manouri, Grève, Maroilles, Derby, Bierkase, Crowdie, Vacherin, Marbled Cheeses, Queso Para Frier, Chabichou du Poitou, Marble Cheddar, Soumaintrain, Esrom, Boursault, Bosworth, Leyden, Chaumes, Cotherstone, Explorateur, Tyning, Anneau du Vic-Bilh, White Stilton with Mango & Ginger, Perail de Brebis, Cabécou, Anthotyro, Hereford Hop, Saint-Marcellin, Alverca, Fleur du Maquis, Baladi, Quartirolo Lombardo, Waterloo, Brocciu, Bleu de Laqueuille, Brie au Poivre, Sonoma Jack, Cold Pack, Beyaz PeynirMamirolle, Tomme Brulee, Tetilla, Spenwood, Autun, Coeur de Camembert au Calvados, Beemster Extra Aged, Kapiti Kikorangi, Rocamadour, Dauphin, Baguette Laonnaise, Fougerus, Leerdammer, Aromes au Gene de Marc, Piave Vecchio, Mascarpone Torta, Cashel Blue, Wensleydale w/ Cranberries, Golden Cross, Picos de Europa, Finn, Vasterbottenost, Bryndza, Parrano, Canestrato, Flower Marie, Sap Sago, Myzithra, Mothais a la Feuille, Mycella, Salers, Gammelost, Shropshire blue, Kadchgall, Raschera, Harbourne Blue, Wellington, Gloucester, Vulscombe, Basing, Capricorn Somerset Goats Cheese, Cuajada, Graviera, Filetta, Olde York, Brebis de Lavort, Australian Blue Vein, Roncal, Exmoor Blue, Australian Washed Rind Cheese, Carre de l’Est, Mun-chee, Rigotte, Hushållsost, Cornish Yarg, Brin, Devon Blue, Buchette d’Anjou, Bishop Kennedy, Murol, Laguiole, Toscanello, Royalp Tilsit, Double Worcester, Bougon, Torta del Casar, Tete de Moine, Sancerre, Danish Fontina, Bergader, Pavé d’Auge, Pinconning, and Saint Albray.
>There was something in there that was likely added by mistake so it has been shipped to your current coordinates
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plotandburn · 1 year
Harry gets adopted by...
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ok so, before anything starts let's get to the rules:
The title of this prompt is "Wrong Boy who lived Meets Canon" so the canonverse has to follow the books down to a T untill the two universes colide (however feel free to correct any racist names and stereotypes and cases of Jk's bogotry against Slyterin's that you may find. i will not tolerate slander against Severus or Draco so if you hate them don't ever write a fict for this or any of my other plot bunnies. )
No reader-inserts, self-inserts or unhappy endings are allowed.
spanking, watersports, extremely underage ships or parent/child incest are only allowed if portrayed on a negative light.
Peter Petigrew and Dolores Umbridge must be bashed
Dumbledore must be gay and atracted to Grindewalt and Grindewalt alone.
poor grammar is not allowed (you don't need a beta but at least use grammarly some form of grammar corrector)
You are not allowed to bash Severus Snape, Sirius Black,Draco Malfoy or Remus Lupin
8. Hagrid can only be paired with Madame Maxine and no one else
19. Mad Eye Moody and Amelia Bones can't be paired with anyone
10. Minerva Mcgonagal can only be paired with Poppy Pomfrey or anyone on the staff that she never taugh herself.
11. Crabbe and Goyle can only be paired with Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass, Milicent Bulstrode, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, each other or an Oc.
Ok so...i'd imagine they would come across him after dubs leaves him at the Dursleys while taking a midnight stroll during a trip to England and take him to Barcelona with them thus Harry would grow up speaking perfect spanish and be very proficient in the use of muggle weapons....and in art. I'd imagine he would still be a griff and his mom's would be very good friends with Wolfstar.
Would be hella cool if Bobby shows up from time to time as he never acepted that Amy dosen't love him and of course, the family would eventually visit the other girls from time to time and Jannet would be happily married to Scud.
Recomended ship: Drarry because...C'mon it would be history repeating itself at it's finest.
Oh and of course feel free to pair Max and Dominique with any guy of legal age of your choosing.
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