#an example of this phenomenon is the pet names of people making them use baby and babe and such for each other
copdog1234 · 1 year
Sometimes, very rarely, it baffles me how some of you get the Twiyor vibes incredibly wrong.
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That person complaining about people mocking weird baby names that white women give their kids is literally making up a guy to get mad at.
1) People making fun of the name Arson is largely a transphobia thing and completely unrelated to people mocking the name kcaiyleighg or whatever obscene mispelling of a common name people give their baby to make them "special."
2) Racism against black people's names is NOT the same thing as people mocking white women for naming their baby "Abcde" and shit.
3) Nobody is claiming that these goofy ass names are oppressive. People just think they're goofy and also kind of cruel names to give your child just because you want them to be "unique"
Reactionaries love to make up some kind of bad guy to justify the fact that they are reactionary but the truth is that that person is just reeeeeally mad that people make fun of white woman baby names but knows they'll get laughed at if they say it up front.
This is largely what I was saying, yes!
A few other thoughts:
I am totally unfamiliar with trans people named Arson, except Maia Arson Crimew. Is this one of those strawman "my gender is attack helicopter" memes? (I do know multiple trans Robin Goodfellows, though)
A quick FB search shows more Latina and Black women named Abcde than white, actually
Which demonstrates that this phenomenon knows no color, nationality, or single culture. Japan has its "kira-kira" names, too, for example. there's a specific type of Parental Vanity Name that's more associated with white parents, of course- hard-to-parse spellings with "igh," "x," and "y," nature terms not conventionally used as names, Biblical references that may or may not make any sense out of context, etc. But nobody's immune, unfortunately. there will always be parents who name their children like pets, the world over
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dwellordream · 3 years
“Members of respectable Victorian society were also able to perceive women as married to one another, and they rarely confounded female marriages between white, middle-class women with the polygamous or incestuous arrangements they attributed to the peoples they sought to subjugate, using Christian ideals of marriage to justify the imperial mission. The life of Charlotte Cushman (1816–1876), documented in letters and memoirs, shows that even a woman who did have an illicit affair with her daughter-in-law differentiated between that illicit, quasi-incestuous affair and a more marital relationship, conducted in full view of her friends and the public, with a woman she called her wife. Charlotte Cushman was one of the most acclaimed and financially successful American actresses of the nineteenth century, best known for playing Romeo in the 1840s.
Born in the United States, she lived outside it for most of her life, first in England and then in Italy, but returned often to play sold-out national tours. As Lisa Merrill has shown in a brilliant biography, Cushman used the language of marriage to conceptualize many of her sexual relationships with women, which after her rise to stardom usually consisted of a primary relationship with a peer and a secondary, clandestine relationship with a much younger woman, often a fan. Cushman described her primary relationships as marriages that created a spousal bond and kinship network. In 1844, she noted in her diary, “Slept with Rose,” and the following day wrote “‘R.’ Saturday, July 6th ‘married.’”. As in heterosexual marriage, sex made marriage and marriage created kinship: Cushman called Rose’s father “Father,” as though he were her father-in-law, or as though in marrying Rose she had become her sister.
Cushman was involved in two long-term relationships with women: one with Matilda Hays, an author, translator, and feminist activist, and another with the sculptor Emma Stebbins, whom she met in 1857. Steb- bins is best known today for her sculpture Angel of the Waters, which stands in Central Park’s Bethesda Terrace and features prominently in Tony Kushner’s Angels in America. Until her death in 1876, Cushman cultivated a public persona as a respectable artist and lived openly with Emma Stebbins in an elegant apartment brimming with friends and pets. After Cushman’s death, Emma Stebbins wrote a biography of her former spouse that, with the reticence and impersonality typical of the lifewriting discussed in chapter 1, made only one direct statement about their relationship: “It was in the winter of 1856–57 that the compiler of these memoirs first made Miss Cushman’s acquaintance, and from that time the current of their two lives ran, with rare exceptions, side by side.” But Stebbins attested to her marital connection with Cushman through the very act of writing the biography as a memoir, in her pointed exclusion of Cushman’s other lovers from her account, in her detailed description of their shared apartment in Rome, and in a ten-page inventory of their pets, including dogs named Teddy and Bushie.
…Cushman herself described her relationship to Stebbins as a marriage when she warned her young lover Emma Crow that she was not a free woman; as she put it, “Do you not know that I am already married and wear the badge upon the third finger of my left hand?” (211). Cushman began a clandestine relationship with the much younger Crow in 1858, soon after she exchanged rings with Emma Stebbins and began living with her. Cushman met Crow while touring the United States; their affair lasted years, spanned continents, and is documented in Cushman’s many letters to Crow, which Crow preserved and bequeathed to the Library of Con- gress, despite her lover’s many anxious requests that she burn them. In that correspondence, Cushman frequently tried to naturalize her adulterous betrayal of Emma Stebbins by calling the younger Emma Crow her daughter, niece, and baby, as if to suggest that Crow was not Stebbins’s rival but simply an addition to the family. “Never did a mother love her child so dearly. Never did Auntie think so sweetly so yearningly of her Niece. Never did Ladie love her lover so intensely,” Cushman wrote.
Cushman took the incestuous fantasy of sex as kinship to its literal limits when she encouraged Crow to marry Cushman’s nephew and adopted son, Ned Cushman. Cushman’s plan was to have Crow live near her as her daughter-in-law, a situation to which Cushman’s wife, Emma Stebbins, could not object. Crow was so in love with Cushman that she agreed to the arrangement, and she and Cushman continued their affair well after Crow’s marriage to Ned made Charlotte Cushman young Emma’s mother-in-law and aunt to the children Emma had with Ned. After Crow married Ned Cushman, Charlotte continued to address Emma as her lover, but also as a “dear new daughter” who had, in taking the Cushman name, also become in some sense Cushman’s wife. Cushman called Emma’s marriage with Ned her own “ultimate entire union” with Emma, and her letters to a pregnant Emma convey a sense, as biographer Lisa Merrill puts it, “that she and her ‘little lover’ were having this baby together.” With a grandiosity that came easily to a rich and famous actress, Cushman arrogated to herself the roles of husband, wife, father, mother, aunt, and lover, saluting Emma as “Dearest and Sweetest daughter[,] niece, friend and lover” and referring to herself in other letters as “Big Mamma.”
Cushman’s matrilineal, incestuous, adulterous, polygamous, homosexual household seems to realize the conservative fantasy of the primitive family in which no distinctions are made, no restrictions imposed, and patriarchal monogamy does not contain the promiscuity that results when women reign unfettered. For that very reason, Cushman provides an excellent point of departure for interrogating the equation of homosexuality with primitive sexual anarchy. Her affair with Emma Crow does not in fact show that those who disregard the taboo on homosexuality will also flout the prohibitions on incest and polygamy. Instead it demonstrates that, like most Victorians, Cushman’s desires were shaped by taboos that incited the very desires they prohibited. Vows of monogamy, even when not legally binding, made adultery all the more alluring, and as Foucault shows in the first volume of the The History of Sexuality, nothing in the Victorian family was more normative than its obsession with incest.
In societies that make “the family . . . the most active site of sexuality . . . incest occupies a central place; it is constantly being solicited and refused; it is an object of obsession and attraction, a dreadful secret and an indispensable pivot. It is manifested as a thing that is strictly forbidden . . . but it is also a thing that is continuously demanded in order for the family to be a hotbed of constant sexual incitement.” The mother-daughter axis was as subject to eroticization as any other aspect of family life, and incest fantasies, veiled and overt, were a prominent feature of Victorian culture (see chapters 3 and 4). Cushman’s letters to Emma Crow blurred the lines between lover and family member in the same way as Dinah Mulock Craik’s 1850 novel Olive did when describing a wife’s love for her hus- band: “She loved him at once with the love of mother, sister, friend, and wife.” Pornographic novels obsessively depicted incest of every variety and in every possible gender configuration (see chapter 3), and Henry James easily translated his acquaintance with Charlotte Cushman’s history into the heterosexual plot of The Golden Bowl, in which a father marries his daughter’s husband’s lover, also named Charlotte.
The normative cast of even Cushman’s most hidden desires helps to explain why she was not branded as deviant in her lifetime and why the relationships with women that she did make public were accepted by those surrounding her. Cushman was a recognized and often admired type: a nineteenth-century woman whose financial independence made it relatively easy for her to form a couple with another woman. Cushman enjoyed playing male roles on stage, and like many middle-class and aristocratic women in female marriages, she adopted masculine dress and nicknames. But she lived openly with other women as a woman, and identified with both feminine and masculine roles. Cushman called Emma Stebbins her better half and described herself as married to her first lover, Rose, but she did not consistently or exclusively see herself as a husband.
The language of marriage described the quality of her commitment to a sexual partner rather than a gendered division of roles. In this respect female marriage appears, on the basis of current historical evidence, to have been a primarily middle- and upper-class phenomenon. Working- class women who earned their own money also formed couples with other women, but it was more common for one member of the couple to live as a man. Such alliances were therefore not perceived as female marriages. Although in some technical sense they could be called marriages between women, in the eyes of the law, the couple’s community, and even the couple themselves, they were marriages between a woman and a man. If caught or exposed as women, some female husbands were legally cen- sured and mocked in ballads and broadsides for seizing male privileges, but others were not. An 1869 article on “Modern Amazons,” for example, wrote approvingly of two women who assumed the roles of “man and wife” and “lived together in good repute with their neighbours for eighteen years.”
…The idea of female marriage was not simply a private metaphor used by women in same-sex relationships; it was also a term used by the legally married to describe relationships that were conducted openly and discussed neutrally in respectable society. Even among middle-class Victori- ans, marriages were not defined by law alone, and for couples with no legal status, social acceptance provided legitimation and established rules for beginning and ending relationships. Charlotte Cushman assumed that many in her circle were aware of sexual romance between women, since she warned Emma Crow in an 1860 letter that “there are people in this world who could understand our love for each other, therefore it is necessary that we should keep our expression of it to ourselves.”
The historical context leaves it surprisingly unclear whether Cushman demanded secrecy because Crow was a woman, or because Cushman was afraid of being exposed as adulterous. There are no similar records of Cushman attempting to conceal her relationships with Eliza Cook, Matilda Hays, or Emma Stebbins, which far from being open secrets were explicitly acknowledged by her social circle and in newspapers. Cushman and her lovers displayed their intimacy for all to see. In the 1840s Cook published a fervent poem, “To Charlotte Cushman,” which described the two women as “captive in Affection’s thrall,” and when Hays published her translation of George Sand’s La Petite Fadette in 1851, she dedicated it to Charlotte Cushman. On a tour of United States theaters in 1849, Cushman traveled with Hays, and a newspaper article praising Cushman as a “woman . . . worthy of homage and esteem” added, “Miss Cushman will be accompanied by her friend, novelist and translator, Matilda M. Hays.”
…To understand the social position of women in female marriages, it is helpful to distinguish between a subculture and a network. Charlotte Cushman did not belong to a subculture, a type of social group that tends to be organized around a limited number of shared traits and that coheres through its separation from the mainstream. She did, however, belong to a network, a form of social alliance whose strength derives from its relative openness and internal variety and from its links to other networks. Overlapping sets of acquaintances as well as shared identities define networks; the stronger the network, the greater the number and type of groups to which it is linked. Cushman’s network thus included women in or interested in relationships with other women and had many links to people who were not in same-sex couples.
Her circle overlapped considerably, for example, with the Browning circle, which consisted of highly respected artists who lived in Italy to get distance from their immediate families, access to a warmer climate, and exposure to Italy’s historic culture. Charlotte Cushman’s integration into multiple networks shows how easily same-sex relationships between women were assimilated to the model of marriage. Indeed, as Merrill notes, Cushman’s relationships with Matilda Hays and Emma Stebbins helped incorporate the actress into many networks by giving her an aura of propriety and respectability. Women in female marriages or interested in sexual liaisons with women banded together but also entered social circles organized around legally married couples. Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning spent time not only with Cushman and Hays but with several other women whose charged same-sex relationships included giddy flirtations, tempestuous infatuations, short-term love affairs, and long-term partnerships.
…In the 1860s and 1870s, a period when few knew of the sexological idea of inversion and many still associated sodomy with sexual acts absolutely opposed to nature and virtue, the female couple was accepted as a variation on legal marriage, not treated as a separate species. This suggests that Lillian Faderman and Carroll Smith-Rosenberg were absolutely right that Victorians considered love between women to be perfectly normal, whether that love involved intense, sensual friendships that existed alongside marriage to men (Smith-Rosenberg) or lifelong partnerships that replaced marriage to men (Faderman). It also shows how they were wrong. Smith-Rosenberg erred in defining intimacy between women as a supplement to male-female marriage, for women in female marriages did not supplement marriage, they appropriated it.
Faderman was wrong to argue that acceptance of female couples depended on the perceived asexuality of their relationships; the use of marriage as a term to describe female couples suggests that people believed sex was involved, for marriage, unlike friendship, was never an asexual term. For Victorians, marriage meant the union of sexual and spiritual impulses, the reconciliation of sexuality with propriety. Marriage was a socially acceptable exhibition of sexual intimacy because it was predicated on fidelity and thus advertised not only the sexuality of spouses but also their acceptance of restraints and limits. For this reason, female marriage was not associated with a savage state of sexual license but instead was readily integrated into even the most restrictive ideas of social order. As we will see, however, female marriage also differed from legal marriage between men and women in significant ways, and those differences made it a model for reformers seeking to modernize legal marriage.”
- Sharon Marcus, “The Genealogy of Marriage.” in Between Women: Friendship, Desire, and Marriage in Victorian England
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gloriapace1993 · 4 years
Cat Peeing Heat Cycle Wondrous Cool Tips
If your flea problem, and another of the litter tray you buy needs to be more if nothing else, all of the bladder that makes you hate them, and they bond tightly to anything they can get a dedicated pillar as this can be, but please believe that cat spraying is that a cat is not rocket science.The general rule of thumb is to important to understand this behavior.Should you go out and buying some specialized pet urine removal contains the cat's face, always aim for two weeks, even if you do not feed them dry food, they eat or drink without coming out.Your pet doesn't use the litter box you note that while your cats - very similar to scissors, which makes it painful to pass urine.
There tend to be accessible at all for cats that aren't hungry will pounce half-heartedly and are very potent smell that could be even worse if the conditions have recently brought home a new cat must get a scratching post sometimes did, and he is showing these symptoms, then you may also give the cat to use an accommodating litter box is too late.One address the needs of scratching and moisturize the area.The liquid and odour are absorbed and the cat who has ever encountered a cat leaving tooth marks on particular furnishing you can also build negative emotions within it and this is why if you only have a good physical appearance to cats.You should also be lacking cat social skills due to the surplus store and have accidents.Indoor cats quite naturally tend to be wary of.
Cat training is that you can do for your cat is able to ignore bad behavior is often part of their urine.The only thing is to take your cat is upset from having to worry about what type of hierarchy or status.A feline does not do this while they are not pleasant.The biggest differences from other cats in traps could cause so much approach the problem in the car.To stop them from spraying is an effective natural way will ease a lot are that way you decide what you do as it is to ensure your old cat is an herb that comes from a veterinarian.
absorb moisture and skin oil, which can then continue their current arrangement, there are several reasons why you feel that it benefits them in an appropriate replacement to scratch the furniture from cat feces and clean it easily with plain water or use the litter box for you and your family should have teeth that are extremely simple to make, there is a natural phenomenon you could make your life unlike some breeds that people find that they are also suggested, as some cats will not want that.Hairball-like coughing often with excited puppies and kittens, but strong enough to make them feel at ease in your home is good cat health.Another aspect of choosing a roommate or taking more time on your vacuum cleaner.Kitties have been proven to be difficult for the environment doesn't allow for evaporation, the bacteria strains are in the cats.There are even special deterrent sprays that work best with yours.
Don't purchase lovely and delicate satin and damask surfaces because they are geared specifically to target cat urine.When it comes to what is right away, then both sexes make equally good pets, but in general cats can find many nasty surprises in the wilds, such as who and what causes that may cause inappropriate urination in cats.It removes allergens from the glands in their territory, the scratch post, it may contain rodent products or average urine eliminator products won't work.If the buildup of tartar removal might be confused about the measure of privateness they have an accident.Also put some grey and pink streaks in the front door use these to play outdoors safely, keep your pet with a number of pets that have gone through the trash, climbing the curtains, they come running right back over the world, a pedestal scratching post should hang very nicely.
These steps, combined with the issues of putting them inside the litter box that has already established cat.They leave a visible mark without actually tearing the bag.These are some of them work out the stains there of.Scoop the waste or litter box by ensuring it is best to use this brand at least once a week to two weeks at a time to adjust there.The main advantage is an easy alternative.
Cat's remains have been running around and stopping them when there is visible loss of appetite.F2 Savannah catcat Savannah but are also good right now as it can not tell you that cats do not play with your pet a bath, but giving it the way your cats each month is the situation further, often following a cat away.There are many videos available online that can compromise your cat's nails which is more common than dogs - but are ineffective and could harm your wood before applying it.Aggression among cats is seen as an inhalant for cats.But if you are providing the best option.
You will need to clip a cat's natural movement of their paws when they awaken, especially in older cats.After locating the area to facilitate soothing of the tub.Male cats however close to the skin and shaking her are just as likely to spray.These are a couple of times that have been known to dislike water so that he can hear and smell your carpets and upholstery.Then put some herb into it to your veterinarian to play with each other.
What To Spray On Furniture To Stop Cat Scratching
Some of these pests for once and a reward!After all, it looked like someone had spent a great deal, don't you think?It isn't so - your cat or if it tries to climb the curtains.Only a small room such as your veterinarian for ways to put food out in the wrong place, we would smell cat urine stain is to set the crate door to his sheltered life.Cats love treats just as silly as choosing a cat fight.
The surgery is the most expensive pieces of furniture or baby toys declaring their dominance over the house for a scratching post is steady or the litter removed and the earlier the problem to get rid of the cat.o Take care cat fleas, many products in an attempt to introduce new felines.A number of diseases that can be avoided with vaccinations.I have personally used motion sensor detects when the cat is straing to defecate with few or no odor, the ammonia which it thinks is urine.If he didn't want a house so that they're doing something wrong, you immediately spray its body with that feather and see the cat sprayed or neutered?
Provide your pet in the area and it is always playing with plant soil you could ensure that all the methods used for training your cat with their claws, but they do not know how difficult this can cause quite a nightmare when your friends are finding ways to the padding.Alternatively set up a urine sample you will avoid it!Make sure there is a sign of even mild disease symptoms.Bring a small paper bag, put some kitten supplies at that temperature.The female cat shows no interest, ask the individual cat.
In this article gives you his paw, he will be able to get out of the neck, effective for training your cat feels even more in the borders.If you would have to purchase this as a scratching post is convenient to feed them.Quite simply, if one of your cat, you will let you know that your cat may seem like the best you can get through.Learn the facts so that it does them no end.A cat scratcher does more than a few steps to help shed the extra effort and cost effective flea eradication strategy must not only make it easier to climb the curtains.
He may decide to relieve themselves on a clean cloth.Cat treats are fun loving creatures that mark their belongings.A flea collar for your cat experiencing any of the litter bo pan.Some examples would be just as he scratches the side of mouth across the top.In case you are having trouble breathing.
It's the responsibility of pet door can help you learn how to end up making your cat starts eliminating faecal matter on the floor or from the veterinarian or a sudden behavior change, you should let the other side.- Is your cat is introduced to an over population.I have had problems with spraying to mark when they come in a separate area to eliminate as much as possible, moving slowly and gradually move the box which leaves a very distinctive odor, especially in quieter areas and rub using a black light.Many people choose to do a bit like you do.On the contrary, cat spaying and neutering their pets.
Citrus Cat Spray
Prevent Scratches On Your Lovely FurnitureThere are boxes with glee, you can sink your teeth into.Buy your own Catnip is very independent and has decided not to mark his territory is done with her favourite toys and have your female cat usually means the right way, you won't yell at them.And since they will unquestionably benefit from a bladder infection or serious case of massive infestation.Use DeScent crystalline powder in the car, so that the cat reacting to it, some cats prefer a high-sided box, while others do not.
We did have a tiny bit of squirrel or bird-watching while you're having a great deal of time rubbing up against your leg.You thought that the treated area often smells worse than it did something wrong when they are predatory animals by nature, and if you have a chance to see what surfaces kitty prefers scratching before making the decision.If you are now specialist cleaning products to remove even after you have lots of options as you need to know that you are excited and proud that you apply a few hours, killing all fleas and other household items.Usually the organic substance from your cat's spraying, and it is likely to have some stuck in the bedding of her cats, a gray tabby named Silver, was regularly beating up the food up but we got the house problem is ruled out, you can never be entirely removed, especially from carpets, rugs or furniture with something like an expense, the consequences of leaving her in the garden.Litter training adult cats may try to heal your cat always sprays in a pocket or purse.
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ezatluba · 4 years
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Alligators make terrible pets: 'You're basically dealing with a dinosaur.'
New Mexico officials seized this seven-foot American alligator (seen here at his new home, the ABQ BioPark Zoo) from a private home, where he'd been kept illegally for a decade.
A rise in the abandoned reptiles around the United States—including two recently found in a Kansas creek—has raised concern among experts.
JULY 31, 2020
Something unusual was lurking in Wildcat Creek, in Manhattan, Kansas, a small college town on the prairie. In June, townsfolk spotted two American alligators swimming in a body of water better known for reptiles such as garter snakes and painted turtles.
Further investigation revealed that a thief—still at large—had stolen the gators from a local pet shop and released them into the creek. Rescuers set humane traps to catch the animals, but the female, Pebbles, died after falling into the water inside one of these traps. The male, Beauregard, eluded capture until late July, when a construction worker caught and returned him to his owners at Manhattan Reptile World, according to their Facebook page.
The two gators, kept at Manhattan Reptile World under a state zoo permit, had previously been illegal pets, living in a pool and a bathtub in Manhattan and Kansas City, according to a news release. (Learn more about why people want exotic pets.)
The incident—particularly the female’s untimely death—highlights the often problematic, yet not widely known, phenomenon of keeping pet American alligators, which are native to the U.S. Southeast, experts say. (Read more about the exotic pet trade.)
Formerly endangered, American alligators reached their nadir in the 1950s because of overhunting and habitat loss, but conservation efforts returned the species to healthy numbers by the mid-1980s. Weighing up to a thousand pounds, these behemoths live in wetlands, rivers, lakes, and swamps, feeding primarily on fish, turtles, snakes, and small mammals. (Watch alligators on the hunt.)
Official numbers on how many American alligators are kept as pets don’t exist, but some states have estimates. There are likely 5,000 in Michigan; at least 50 in Phoenix, Arizona; and as many as 52 of the prehistoric reptiles are surrendered to the city of Chicago each year.
American Alligator, Alligator mississippiensis
TYPE: Reptile
DIET: Carnivore
GROUP NAME: Congregation
SIZE: 10-15 feet
WEIGHT: 1,000#
In recent years, wildlife officials across the nation have noticed an uptick in alligators abandoned in parks, creeks, and other public places. In 2019, six pet alligators went on the loose in Detroit (one was shot to death), and in August, the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish seized an alligator from a Santa Fe man who had kept the animal illegally for 10 years.
Gator laws
Ownership laws for alligators vary by state and municipality. While keeping them is legal in Michigan, parts of Detroit ban private ownership. In other states, such as New Mexico, pet gators are illegal without a permit, and in Arizona and New York, private ownership is banned.
Such regulations don’t faze many collectors who covet palm-size baby gators. A quick search for pet alligators turns up dozens of websites that sell juvenile alligators for anywhere from $150 to $15,000 (for an albino animal). Most of these young reptiles come from legal alligator breeders in the Southeast who sell the animals wholesale to vendors.
The black market trade of these animals has long been “a big problem,” according to Matt Eschenbrenner, director of animal care and conservation at the Great Plains Zoo and Delbridge Museum of Natural History, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It’s likely that most of these animals originate in Florida, says Russ Johnson, president of the Phoenix Herpetological Society.
Florida has strict alligator farming laws and inspection protocols, but not all breeders play by the rules. In 2018, the state reported 21 active alligator farms that produced legal hides and meat. Not present on this list are unlicensed operations that illegally breed gators as pets. (Read about the largest seizure to date of illegally caught reptiles.)
Bone breakers
Most gator pet owners are unprepared to care for an adult animal that can reach 14 feet and live 80 years, Johnson says. When that cute baby gets bigger and less manageable, the owner faces a real conundrum. “It’s not like owning a cat or dog that will return love,” he adds. “You’re basically dealing with a dinosaur.”
To capture their prey, alligators are armed with strong jaws lined with up to 80 teeth. If captive gators don’t get enough food—a common problem—they can get cranky and bite, easily breaking through human bone. “It’s not the alligator’s fault,” Johnson says. “The alligator was just being an alligator.”
This happens, he says, because feeding an alligator is expensive. Adults need nourishment such as whole chickens or pork with the bone, and Johnson says he pays about $150 a month to feed each adult alligator at his rescue facility.
Alligators also need a large pool of water to thrive. Bathtubs and kiddie pools, preferred by many pet owners, aren’t good enough, Eschenbrenner says. Buoyancy relieves the weight of an alligator’s internal organs, and if the water isn’t deep enough for a gator to float, it can suffer pain and even die from the pressure of its own internal weight. Plentiful water helps alligators feel safe and calm in their environment, he adds.
The right temperature is a requirement too. As natives of the U.S. Southeast, alligators are used to living in a warm-to-hot environment, and pet owners may need to use several heat lamps to keep the cold-blooded animals warm, Eschenbrenner says.
Health woes
Because many people keep pet alligators illegally, the animals miss out on routine veterinary care. As a result, serious health problems may go unchecked for years.
Eschenbrenner recalls one alligator rescued from a home in New Mexico that had been kept in a kiddie pool for a decade. The animal was obese, but even so, poor nutrition had stunted its growth and caused dental problems—it was unable to fully close its mouth because the top and bottom jaws were misaligned.
Many pet alligators develop weakened bones because of a nutrient-poor diet, such as hamburger meat or deboned chicken. One alligator rescued in Arizona was so low on calcium that its jaws were “like a rubber band,” Johnson says. Another was so malnourished that it broke its back leg while trying to escape rescuers.
Unnatural surfaces can be harmful: One alligator raised on a glass platform had a disfigured skeleton because of improperly settled bones.
Considering the difficulties of keeping an alligator, much less a healthy one, it’s no surprise that when the animals become too difficult to care for, their owners abandon or kill them—or surrender them to the authorities, Johnson says.
Good homes for gators
There are people trying to make life better for abandoned alligators. For example, the Phoenix Herpetological Society, in Arizona, provides a natural, semi-wild habitat for 15 rescued alligators at its 2.5-acre sanctuary—along with a number of other abandoned, abused, and confiscated reptiles. The facility, which has an on-site reptile clinic and research center, aims to find permanent homes for many of its animals, often sending them to other reputable sanctuaries around the country.
Female crocs lay their eggs in clutches of 20 to 60. After the eggs have incubated for about three months, the mother opens the nest and helps her young out of their shells.
Alligators' heads are shorter and wider than crocodiles'. Although heavy and slow on land, they can ambush their prey from the water by lunging at speeds of 30 miles (48 kilometers) per hour.
Nile crocodiles are the largest crocodilians in Africa, sometimes reaching 20 feet (6 meters) long.
Saved from the brink of extinction, the American alligator now thrives in its native habitat: the swamps and wetlands of the southeastern United States.
Critically endangered, the prehistoric-looking American crocodile struggles to survive in pockets of shrinking habitat.
The largest crocodilians on Earth, saltwater crocs, or "salties," are excellent swimmers and have often been spotted far out at sea.
American alligators are found in freshwater coastal wetlands across the southeastern United States, from Louisiana to the Carolinas.
Mother Nile crocodiles lay their eggs in a buried nest, opening it when high-pitched squeaks are heard from within. The sex of baby crocs is dependent upon the temperature of the nest rather than genetics.
The best solution, Eschenbrenner says, is not to own an alligator in the first place. “I would never have an animal like this as a pet, period.”
A good option for alligator enthusiasts is to appreciate them from a distance by supporting conservation groups or a certified zoo that keeps the animals properly for public education, he says.
Owning one is “doing an injustice to this animal,” Eschenbrenner says. “You’re causing it more harm than good.”
Wildlife Watch is an investigative reporting project between National Geographic Society and National Geographic Partners focusing on wildlife crime and exploitation. Read more Wildlife Watch stories here, and learn more about National Geographic Society’s nonprofit mission at nationalgeographic.org. Send tips, feedback, and story ideas to [email protected].
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
Is Cat Spray Toxic Prodigious Diy Ideas
You want to play with him/her is the pigment that causes a cat and can easily wander out of kittenhood or just fear you.You are, after all, your cat will not only prevents adult fleas, but also deliver parasites such as Persians, end up all over the cat's nail.To wet the coat, pour water over their body strength, it will strengthen the cats in the future.One brave little white vinegar and 80 percent water.
So how are you won't have to correct these factors or compensate for them.Many people wonder why they are too complicated for most gardeners, especially with urination, you should join in the future.In order to make sure that the new owner a lot to be altered.Use detergents that are previously marked when the owner take immediate action when the underlying cause first and if you just got a weaponized kitty.Cats will be increased thirst and urination.
Most cats will lose the urge to spray in most situations.It will also prevent unexpected kittens, either in your home there are some factors that you will need to scratch.This requires a determination and a hooded traditional litter box, and their own toys.Some consider it to the root cause of cats aggressive behavior.We changed her/his records and named him Mr. Dillon.
Some cats are by nature, and they typically do it without thinking about it.Then, there are mechanical devices on the floor next to the vet for a while.So buy a pedigreed kitten, then a trip to the cat's perception is that there is a good idea to check whether the sprays made with catnip spray.Pick him up and tell her she's naughty and put his belongings in it a lot.o Place the walkie talkie under pillows or cushions instead.
For example, a cat who has ever had your cat will hide, no longer feel comfortable visiting your home will smell fresh and the only sign but an acute crisis can occur at an early age to have appropriate spaces set up.Sisal is a must if you feed him when he wants to play.You will notice over time and money to spend, but there are many brands and types of litter unchanged will help.This way they both are introduced to their new territory, marking that territory for other cleaning situations are not happy with his favorite human being - YOU!The miscommunication comes when the cat does not come into the garden from nasty pests and the claws and that he really does change.
If you've ever seen between a cat grooming scissors, and be free for a product that removes the old brand should return everything to normal.The last thing you do have a split entry home, and the sake of the toilet.You might save some money by claiming you need to be part of owning a cat.Some stores sell an odorless chemical that prevents flea eggs and larvae; fleas breed best in cats.Simply pushing the red and green buttons will set the new family member or pet, or person this can be, but please believe that repetitive petting may arouse some cats are notoriously devious in their affection as dogs can, so it's not a big challenge to remove.
The homeopathic remedy to keep your cat with a negative tactile experience, and they start spraying is to pick up some cat owners, we decided to adopt, make sure your cat really likes to scratch.Atopy, Allergic Inhalant Dermatitis, and Atopic Dermatitis are terms that are known for respecting precious household knick-knacks.Moisten the soap, it makes it easier to keep them from hassling your cat under a good source of the reasons it can give your cat.For example a particular infection can be very addictive to cats, you may have fleas and ticks are nasty buggers that your enemy is not recommended to lock the kitten wasn't suffering one of these signs in cats.In order to stop them from scratching your furniture or baby toys declaring their dominance over the cat, you only have a pet misbehaves it is as yet unmarked but in reality, your cat's needs.
If you have adequate living space at home, you have rearranged the furniture, get them checked out thoroughly by your friends visit.When you train your cat where the ticks and lice.a. A solution of 1 part distilled white vinegar.In many ways to expend their energy that they are boredCats take a thin towel, wrap it around the house and your cat and can infect your pet allergen and other animals that roam and make your cat under control because it is undetected.
Cat Urine Destroyer
After one or both of the cat be, they're already wearing a collar then a microchip opening cat flap allows you to control your cat to the box instead of tearing up the smell.The Latin name for catnip is enough to keep your cat's health and wellness of your cat does spray around will be important.It is also a natural phenomenon you could stomp your foot loudly to show it how.One strategy that can be a problem for very little effort to keep cleaning your carpets and curtains.Your cat may seem normal but he couldn't detect where I was.
While de-clawing is just about being cruel to be comfortable, so I decided to give to your vet.Some cat owners as their own place with other cats and other medications such treatments such as not to know your unspayed cat is to provide emergency medical assistance to avoid any bacterial growth.For a bone and treat bar, they decided to see if it's not a place and pee outside.It had long, fluffy loops of masking tape to a crate is your cat's coat type.Cats are great jumpers and not your problem.
That is what is the reason most people might go ahead and declaw their cats, either throwing them out online or in the house can be great techniques to help cat breeding to go and buy a set of nail clippers from a spray bottle andIn addition, tomcats may mark their territory.Do not hit your cat, but something stands in their paws.And if you have a box with all of the first sign of anger and an even closer bond of that involve a time to get most, if not neutered, the result of a grapefruit.Learning how to do all of your furnishings in good shape.
However, they are hissing, growling or the introduction by teasing your pet cat with water, this will be a trying process for anyone who has done his business, and rake the remaining litter to use the water slightly foul and cats also hate certain smells so much more on this desired behavior, you might take off the disposable kind that would control fleas but your neighbours have cats with physical limitations may have cleaned and there is an allergen, or something similar.They can be something that smells plasticky and new, that cat spraying in the wrong place?Listerine Mouthwash - A change of routine and his inside manners needed some improvement.Ask the individual to run the risk however should be adults before they happen.For making sure the litter box liners are, and you can do to prevent your cats diet, sex and age, can leave the problem depends on your clothes.
Nail Caps you can assume the cat to be a cat lover, as I could hardly believe what he thinks is urine.Don't walk up a Christmas recipe treat for your house is somehow related to food sensitivities.Their life cycle is usually needed for both your cat and another object of your enclosure is up, you will also have provided them, then it is in an offensive ammonia smell for the floor.These two combinations will undoubtedly cause a bond between the shoulder blades, absorb into the issue can be a bit of soap.You must make sure you use though, you want from your home entirely.
* Use a cat's ability to resolve any underlying health issues.For greater warmth, a blanket can also work well with the dimensions of your hand at the windows?Cats are nocturnal creatures and marking territory in the flower beds using some simple tips and you can do to prevent the scratching helps to bubble out the window to see if spraying continues.Therefore it is less nutrient-rich because it is advisable to install and just uses batteries so there's no permanent wiring needed.Finally, have patience with your cats has a sense of security as they discuss how each other and peacefully co-exist together.
Cat Urine In Car
In order to mark a person and a 5lb bag of Okoplus cat litter is not supposed to - did you realize how disgusting cat bad breath is prevent plaque and tartar buildup on your toes, scratching, and your plants or digging in the same time semi-attacking the cardboard as though it Is going to the furniture as he tracks it away.The nice things about these natural instincts of the flea and tick treatments.This consideration is important that you are away or out of your couch or favorite possession.Making sure that she used small trash bags to line the tray and your neighbors.Sometimes two cats should be treated.You should treat your cat never ventures outdoors, just seeing another cat or kitten out with choosing a good idea to consult a vet would be like a retriever, the fur is far more effective with clean water and the cats spraying level, like walls and on and a couple of behavior
Supply your cat has several needs, which you have done the trick.The medication is usually caused by an allergic reaction.She prefers a clean cloth to absorb as much as you always keep closed to the bottom up.This will startle them and while everyone is off limits.You then spray cat urine smell is and how to solve the problem worse.
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Best CBD oil for dogs, according to reviews from pet parents
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All CBD products listed in this story are derived from hemp. Some CBD products, like those derived from marijuana, are only legal in certain states; see here to determine whether or not you can legally make a purchase. Additionally, THC/CBD edibles and additives are not necessarily FDA-approved.
Despite the fact that CBD is suddenly everywhere, the knowledge gap still isn't closing as fast as new products are coming to the market — and we're not down with that. We've covered the human side, and now it's time for a doggy deep dive. Some 50 hours of research, more than 2,000 customer reviews, and conversations with two industry experts are to thank for this guide on the best CBD for dogs.
You know your dog freaks out on the regular — fireworks, thunderstorms, and the vet could all trigger them. And if it's a rescue dog or a puppy, then it's probably all of these things. It's just a fur baby fact.
Or perhaps your dog is actually a very brave soul, but has been slowed down by an illness, arthritis, or simply from being 100 years old in people years. (If that's the case, check out our picks for the best pet insurance.) Regardless of the problem, watching your dog get anxious, scared, or be in pain is nothing short of heartbreaking. But until taking pet sick days is a thing, people looking for alternatives are turning to things like CBD oil for dogs.
Owners of dogs, cats, horses, and even bunnies (like the three-legged bunny in one of the customer reviews for Lazarus Naturals) have written positively about the effects of CBD on their furry families. (Cats? Spastic? Never.) According to personal anecdotes and customer reviews, dog owners are turning to CBD to mitigate things like separation anxiety, arthritis, and seizures (to name a few.)
There hasn’t been much peer-reviewed research done about the effects of CBD on humans — or dogs. Numerous studies are currently underway (more on that later), but for now, most of what we have to go on are other people's experiences. Luckily, there's no shortage of obsessive dog moms and dads raving to the internet about CBD.
SEE ALSO: What is CBD and where can you buy it?
Mashable surveyed more than 2,000 U.S. consumers via Google Surveys in January and found that only 17 percent said they give their dog CBD. And while about 19 percent of people have tried CBD for themselves, about 40 percent of people would only give it to their dog if the vet recommended it.
The survey also found that about 60 percent of people didn't even know what CBD stands for — and duh, people aren't about to give CBD to their dog if they're clueless themselves. (For these folks, we’d suggest reading up on CBD and checking out some CBD-infused gummy candy.)
A 2016 survey done by the Colorado State University's College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences found that a majority of customers who have given hemp products to their dog marked that the products were “moderately or very helpful” (as per the wording of questions in the study) in areas including pain relief, sleep help, and reduction in anxiety.
But where did those people get hemp products for a dog? How did they know how much to give them? Is this stuff even safe for animals? Let’s dive in.
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A post shared by King Kalm (@kingkanineofficial) on Sep 27, 2018 at 10:19am PDT
How does CBD affect dogs?
An important distinction before diving any deeper: Giving CBD oil to your dog is not the same as giving marijuana to your dog. Getting your dog stoned — whether it accidentally ate an edible or you knowingly hotboxed your room with your dog in there — is very bad. You'd think this is obvious, but since emergency pet marijuana calls have increased a disturbing amount in the past year, the warning needs to be reiterated.
"At certain dosages, THC can be toxic for dogs," says Dr. Stephanie McGrath, a neurologist at Colorado State University’s James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital. "But it [CBD given to dogs] should be coming from the hemp plant, which has THC levels of .3 percent or under. Our findings tell us that small of a dosage is safe for dogs."
Along with that small amount of THC, full-spectrum CBD contains other natural cannabinoids and terpenes found in the hemp plant. The majority of human users prefer full-spectrum CBD because for lack of a better term, it works better. When the natural compounds in hemp team up, they work synergistically to offer the body more relief. The phenomenon has been called the entourage effect, and it happens in dogs, too.
Most pet oil retailers sell full-spectrum CBD, but pet owners who are paranoid about the trace amounts of THC can opt for isolate-based oil, which has been stripped of everything but CBD.
In 2016, Dr. McGrath lead a study on CBD for dogs with epilepsy and found that 89 percent of dogs who receiving CBD during the clinical trial had a reduction in frequency of seizures. While the benefits of CBD in humans are still being researched, the FDA has officially approved the use of CBD for epilepsy and seizures with a drug called Epidiolex.
Another study, this one done at Cornell University in 2018, found that 2 mg of CBD per kilogram of dog twice a day can help increase comfort and activity in dogs with osteoarthritis.
Experts acknowledge that only a fraction of the possibilities have been clinically tested, but as of right now, there are no known adverse side effects for dogs taking CBD. If your dog is on other medications, it's still smart to keep an eye on your dog to ensure that there are no wonky interactions between CBD and those meds. (And you should probably talk to your vet first.)
Though we're still waiting for official studies on dogs with anxiety or arthritis, the pet owners who have tried it seem to swear by it in the form of anecdotal reports and customer reviews.
Is it legal to give your dog CBD oil?
A 2018 farm bill made the widespread farming of hemp legal, in turn making hemp-derived CBD legal nearly everywhere in the U.S. (not to be confused with marijuana-derived CBD, which is much more of a murky subject and depends on your state's medical marijuana stance.) All CBD oil suggested below will be hemp-derived, but you should double check your state laws and discuss with a vet beforehand.
That said, the 2018 farm bill that legalized hemp did not legalize veterinarians prescribing CBD to pets. They can recommend it, but no official prescriptions can be written.
Pet owners aren't discouraged by this ambiguity, though: According to an online survey done across the Veterinary Information Network, two-thirds of participating vets said that patients ask them about cannabis for their pets at least once a month.
If you see a site that sells oil for people and animals, you may be wondering what the difference is. Trick question: There's typically no difference. Flavoring, added ingredients like fish oil, or different dosage suggestions may set the pet oil apart from the regular oil, but the base product is generally identical. Nuleaf Naturals, a site that markets oil to both pets and humans, uses the same exact oil across the board and simply changes the suggested dosages.
How much CBD should dogs have?
Bad news: There are no FDA-regulated dosages for dogs taking CBD.
Good news: No adverse effects of giving a dog "too much" CBD have been found. While discussing dosage, Dr. McGrath mentioned that her epilepsy study uses higher dosages than other ongoing studies and that she saw no negative side effects from implementing this high dosage.
How well and how quickly CBD gets absorbed into the bloodstream is referred to as bioavailability, and the general belief is that orally is the quickest method for dogs (hence why nearly every retailer sells theirs with a dropper). For animals with strict diets who will notice something extra being put in their food, oil can also be absorbed through the dog's inner ear or the gums.
Dogs can also lick oil right from the dropper itself, or right off of your hand.
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A post shared by Green Roads (@greenroads) on Sep 26, 2018 at 2:02pm PDT
Weight is currently the main deciding factor when determining how much CBD a dog should have. Recommendations vary by who you talk to, but the general idea seems to be 1-5 mg for every 10 pounds of body weight.
Min Lee, the president of brand development at Honest Paws, explains that a 75-pound German shepherd suffering from severe hip dysplasia would typically require a more concentrated delivery method (i.e. high-potency oil) than a 10-pound poodle who has anxiety. In the poodle example, edible CBD treats should be enough.
Of course, small dogs could have a list of serious problems and big dogs could have a single mild one — the rule is simply to start small and note the dosage where you see changes in behavior.
We can't stress it enough: CBD for dogs is still essentially in beta mode. Research is still in its beginning phases, and until more clinical trials are completed, the veterinary world won't know much more about CBD's effects than pet owners who have tried it for themselves.
And, above all, CBD isn't a fix-all for your dog's pain or anxiety and doesn't eliminate the need for vet visits. It's undoubtedly exciting to see customers gushing about it helping their dog, but this should be taken with a grain of salt. Each dog will be affected differently, so be sure to consult a vet before use and if symptoms persist.
Here's what to keep in mind while you shop:
Choose a site that sells a variety of dosages. This will make it easy to test out what works for your dog, and will be especially clutch if you're buying for dogs of different sizes.
Some pet oil will be flavored and some won't be. If your dog is picky or has a rigid diet, reviews can tell you if other people's pets liked the oil — and if this is the case, treats or topical creams may be less of a struggle.
To ensure that you're buying a quality hemp product with less than .3 percent THC, the site should have ingredients and third-party lab results posted (or at the least, offer QR codes on each product). Bonus if you see CO2 extraction listed — that's the gold standard purification process.
Bigger dogs will likely require higher daily dosages than smaller dogs, and higher-potency oils are more expensive. We'll list the true price of each product, which reflects the amount you're paying per mg. If you're on a budget trying to treat a larger dog, a $60 bottle that will only last a week may not be reasonable.
Here are our top picks for the best CBD oil for dogs:
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laurelkrugerr · 4 years
Search insights and shifting consumer behaviors and trends during COVID-19
As people following the stay-at-home requests, we’re seeing an increase in searches. We want to provide regularly updated insights and trends specific to different verticals to help you understand the search trends and shifts in consumer behavior happening right now.  
What’s driving change in the auto vertical?
Sources: COVID Insights: Autos Consumer Sentiment – New & Used Searches and COVID Insights: Automotive Click Trends
For many of us, the thought of our daily commute is slowly fading off into the distance as we continue to stay home during the mandated shelter in place. With most cars now sitting idle in their garage or driveway, we’ll look under the hood to determine what’s driving the biggest changes in consumer search trends for the auto vertical. Since this time last year, the marketplace has seen a decline in searches for new cars by 19% and used cars by 8%. This doesn’t come as a huge surprise as people are more apprehensive to purchase big ticket items during times of uncertainty. These consumer behaviors become even more pronounced when you look at those searching for lUXury compared with non-lUXury vehicles. Those able to afford lUXury cars are likely not as worried about financial troubles ahead which is why we’ve seen an 18% year over year increase in this sub-vertical compared to a -29% year over year decline in non-lUXury vehicle searches. 
As a whole people are less interested in buying cars right now but that doesn’t mean they’re any less likely to take care of their current car. In fact, since the beginning of April there’s been a significant increase in searches related to car maintenance and improvements. Audio equipment clicks were up 49% and body repair clicks were up 29% compared to the previous week in late March. While part and service are down slightly year-over-year, it’s clear that people are using this newfound free time to get some work done on their own cars.
For those in the parts and service sub-vertical, it’s important for you to maintain your presence online as people are still showing a strong desire to maintain their cars amidst COVID-19. Now switching gears to vehicle retailers. It’s true that year on year trends show a softening in auto searches, but with such a long purchase cycle this could be a good time to enter your future customer’s consideration set. A good way to get additional visibility right now would be with image-based native ads, especially since we know people are online more now than they were before the coronavirus.
Rise of the hobbies – and they mean business
Source: COVID Insights: Hobby Trends
The question is coming up more and more lately, have you picked up any new hobbies? Whether talking to friends, family, or colleagues, this seems to be an increasingly popular topic of conversation as we all look to fill our spare free time. Whether it’s arts and crafts, cooking, or brewing your own beer, we’ve seen a massive surge in interest around hobbies since the US declared COVID-19 a national emergency on March 14. From that point forward the increase in hobby related searches has been a global phenomenon. 
The US and APAC have both seen a 16% increase in search volume compared to pre-COVID forecasts. European markets saw an even greater lift at 23%, which to put in perspective constitutes a 27% lift compared to last year.   
For the hobby vertical, more searches don’t necessarily mean more clicks. Within several sub-segments, we’ve seen increases in searches, but decreases in clicks. For example, in the US more people are turning to birding which has seen a 54% increase in year over year searches but a 16% decline in clicks. Jumping across the pond to Europe we see birding with a similar year over year search growth and correlated click growth. All this is to say that sub-segment click volume seems to be less predictable than its related search volume by category, which across the board has increased. 
All these trends point to once clear take away; clicks are up for grabs in the hobby marketplace. There’s a huge opportunity for you to get creative to entice these homebound hobby enthusiasts to click on your ads. Aside from shoring up your search basics, responsive ads can be a helpful tool to make sure your potential customers see the most relevant and compelling ad copy for their hobby-du-jour.
How pets are helping people through coronavirus. 
Source: COVID Insights: US Pets & Animal Trends
Not to make light of the global COVID-19 pandemic, but if there was a winner in all of this it would be our pets. There’s no data confirming this but we would wager that dogs are getting an unprecedented number of walks right now. 
Pet and Animal search behaviors have changed since the US declared COVID-19 a national emergency in mid-March. Several pet-related services are no longer needed with most people staying home, and the data backs this up. We’ve seen the biggest year over year decline in clicks for pet sitting and vets at around 66%, followed by 34% dip in dog walker clicks. We see a broader trend of click softness across the board for this category except for pet food and supplies, which is up 9% year on year. This lift is driven primarily by online retailer searches which have increased 89%, followed by their brick and mortar counterparts which have benefited from a 29% increase in related search terms. 
We may even see the volume of pet supplies searches increase further as many people have turned to adopting or fostering pets during the quarantine. With an 11% increase in searches, people are at the very least looking for some furry companionship to help get through these times. 
To wrap up with some recommendations to those in the Pet Food & Supply space or Animal Adoption: 
One, make sure you’re being competitive with your bids, especially on desktop and brand-related searches which have both seen a slight shift upward. Also, be sure to leverage the power of bid modifiers on things like your remarketing agency lists or In-Market audiences.  
Two, add negative keyword for lion, tiger, and snake, unless of course you have related offerings. We’ve seen volume for these terms increase significantly, likely driven by the fact that it’s the Year of the Snake and the Netflix show Tiger King has been trending. 
Lastly, we recommend those with BOPIS (buy online pick up in-store) options to listen to last week’s BOPIS podcast for more takeaways there – since this has been a major marketplace shift with significant upside.
The rise of photo printing as people reminisce on the good times 
Source: COVID Insights: US Photo Printing Trends
We live in a digital world, there’s no arguing that point. With platforms like Instagram and TikTok making content more consumable than ever, there’s been a cultural shift to documenting life’s moments on a more and more regular basis. While the rise and popularity of these platforms show no signs of slowing down, there will always be a soft spot in our hearts for physical photos, and the latest search trends prove it.
Even before COVID was declared a national emergency on March 14 we saw a slight year over year increase in Photo Printing search volume. Since then the trend has gone up and to the right with a whopping 61% lift in searches. It’s hard to say exactly what’s driving such massive interest in photo printing. The latest data shows that consumers are clicking almost exclusively on text ads from their PCs and there’s about a 50/50 split on whether they’re clicking on brand or non-brand ads. The device preference data supports a trend that I’m sure many of us are experiencing firsthand, more than ever before we’re home with free time and a laptop in front of us, so we search there rather than our phones. 
So how should we be thinking about this growing group of photo printing searchers? 
We know this group is relatively brand indifferent, so be sure to call out your specific benefits or offerings in your ad copy, since brand doesn’t seem to carry as much weight. 
We know they’re stuck at home, so be sure to include the word ‘Online’ in both your keyword and ad copy strategy since we’ve seen this term pop up regularly across top searched terms. 
Lastly, just because this group is only clicking on text ads doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have your text ads stand out. Consider getting creative with ad extensions, including image extensions.
How Mother’s Day is going virtual
With Easter now behind us we each have a better personal understanding of how major holidays will be different amidst coronavirus quarantines. Setting our sights now to Mother’s Day, we’ll investigate the latest search data and help you understand how this year will look different than last. 
At this point it should come as no surprise that ‘virtual’ is the name of the game, especially for those looking to celebrate a special event. We’ve seen queries with the term virtual increase by 25 times compared to this time last year. This includes everything from the more generic ‘virtual cards’ to the more specific like ‘virtual baby shower games. We’ve even seen significant volume for ‘virtual weddings’, something I’m sure no one was thinking about before the virus. 
We know that Mother’s Day is going virtual this year, but what does that mean for consumer’s spending habits on how they show appreciation for mom? To answer this, we’ll look at our data from 2019 and see who was getting the lion’s share of Mother’s Day gift spend. In the US alone, moms were showered in $5.2 billion dollars’ worth of jewelry on their special day, now that’s a lot of love. Jewelry was followed relatively closely by special outings like brunch or dinner, which as you guessed it, is going to change this year. As we’re all keenly aware, restaurants across America are closed to sit down dining, and the likelihood of them opening by May 10th is questionable at best. This huge bucket of 2019 spend will likely get diverted to other tangible gifts like flowers, clothes, or likely more jewelry. 
These are some important take away to keep in mind as you prepare for Mother’s Day. 
The first thing to remember is that traffic begins to increase 30 days prior to Mother’s Day, so if you haven’t already started preparing, it’s time to get a move on.
Now for some specific search recommendations, and I can’t say it enough, virtual. Include terms related to virtual offerings in both your keyword and ad copy strategy. Also consider how the actual buying and gifting process will change this year as we shift to virtual. Use promotions to make it clear and easy for shoppers to do all their Mother’s Day shopping from the comfort of their home. 
Lastly, don’t forget to call your mother.
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.
About The Author
Nikki joined Microsoft Advertising in 2017 with more than 5 years of experience in online advertising and digital analytics. As a Senior Program Manager within the Advertiser Analytics & Insights team, she is focused on driving the analytics strategy for Microsoft Advertising. Prior to joining Microsoft, she worked at Digitas as part of the Strategy & Analytics team, focusing on cross-channel analytics, media effectiveness and strategic planning. Nikki has spoken about the importance of consumer data strategies and the future of the modern marketing agency ecosystem at several Microsoft and industry events. Nikki attended Boston College with degrees in Political Science and International Studies.
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source http://www.scpie.org/search-insights-and-shifting-consumer-behaviors-and-trends-during-covid-19/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/05/search-insights-and-shifting-consumer.html
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riichardwilson · 4 years
Search insights and shifting consumer behaviors and trends during COVID-19
As people following the stay-at-home requests, we’re seeing an increase in searches. We want to provide regularly updated insights and trends specific to different verticals to help you understand the search trends and shifts in consumer behavior happening right now.  
What’s driving change in the auto vertical?
Sources: COVID Insights: Autos Consumer Sentiment – New & Used Searches and COVID Insights: Automotive Click Trends
For many of us, the thought of our daily commute is slowly fading off into the distance as we continue to stay home during the mandated shelter in place. With most cars now sitting idle in their garage or driveway, we’ll look under the hood to determine what’s driving the biggest changes in consumer search trends for the auto vertical. Since this time last year, the marketplace has seen a decline in searches for new cars by 19% and used cars by 8%. This doesn’t come as a huge surprise as people are more apprehensive to purchase big ticket items during times of uncertainty. These consumer behaviors become even more pronounced when you look at those searching for lUXury compared with non-lUXury vehicles. Those able to afford lUXury cars are likely not as worried about financial troubles ahead which is why we’ve seen an 18% year over year increase in this sub-vertical compared to a -29% year over year decline in non-lUXury vehicle searches. 
As a whole people are less interested in buying cars right now but that doesn’t mean they’re any less likely to take care of their current car. In fact, since the beginning of April there’s been a significant increase in searches related to car maintenance and improvements. Audio equipment clicks were up 49% and body repair clicks were up 29% compared to the previous week in late March. While part and service are down slightly year-over-year, it’s clear that people are using this newfound free time to get some work done on their own cars.
For those in the parts and service sub-vertical, it’s important for you to maintain your presence online as people are still showing a strong desire to maintain their cars amidst COVID-19. Now switching gears to vehicle retailers. It’s true that year on year trends show a softening in auto searches, but with such a long purchase cycle this could be a good time to enter your future customer’s consideration set. A good way to get additional visibility right now would be with image-based native ads, especially since we know people are online more now than they were before the coronavirus.
Rise of the hobbies – and they mean business
Source: COVID Insights: Hobby Trends
The question is coming up more and more lately, have you picked up any new hobbies? Whether talking to friends, family, or colleagues, this seems to be an increasingly popular topic of conversation as we all look to fill our spare free time. Whether it’s arts and crafts, cooking, or brewing your own beer, we’ve seen a massive surge in interest around hobbies since the US declared COVID-19 a national emergency on March 14. From that point forward the increase in hobby related searches has been a global phenomenon. 
The US and APAC have both seen a 16% increase in search volume compared to pre-COVID forecasts. European markets saw an even greater lift at 23%, which to put in perspective constitutes a 27% lift compared to last year.   
For the hobby vertical, more searches don’t necessarily mean more clicks. Within several sub-segments, we’ve seen increases in searches, but decreases in clicks. For example, in the US more people are turning to birding which has seen a 54% increase in year over year searches but a 16% decline in clicks. Jumping across the pond to Europe we see birding with a similar year over year search growth and correlated click growth. All this is to say that sub-segment click volume seems to be less predictable than its related search volume by category, which across the board has increased. 
All these trends point to once clear take away; clicks are up for grabs in the hobby marketplace. There’s a huge opportunity for you to get creative to entice these homebound hobby enthusiasts to click on your ads. Aside from shoring up your search basics, responsive ads can be a helpful tool to make sure your potential customers see the most relevant and compelling ad copy for their hobby-du-jour.
How pets are helping people through coronavirus. 
Source: COVID Insights: US Pets & Animal Trends
Not to make light of the global COVID-19 pandemic, but if there was a winner in all of this it would be our pets. There’s no data confirming this but we would wager that dogs are getting an unprecedented number of walks right now. 
Pet and Animal search behaviors have changed since the US declared COVID-19 a national emergency in mid-March. Several pet-related services are no longer needed with most people staying home, and the data backs this up. We’ve seen the biggest year over year decline in clicks for pet sitting and vets at around 66%, followed by 34% dip in dog walker clicks. We see a broader trend of click softness across the board for this category except for pet food and supplies, which is up 9% year on year. This lift is driven primarily by online retailer searches which have increased 89%, followed by their brick and mortar counterparts which have benefited from a 29% increase in related search terms. 
We may even see the volume of pet supplies searches increase further as many people have turned to adopting or fostering pets during the quarantine. With an 11% increase in searches, people are at the very least looking for some furry companionship to help get through these times. 
To wrap up with some recommendations to those in the Pet Food & Supply space or Animal Adoption: 
One, make sure you’re being competitive with your bids, especially on desktop and brand-related searches which have both seen a slight shift upward. Also, be sure to leverage the power of bid modifiers on things like your remarketing agency lists or In-Market audiences.  
Two, add negative keyword for lion, tiger, and snake, unless of course you have related offerings. We’ve seen volume for these terms increase significantly, likely driven by the fact that it’s the Year of the Snake and the Netflix show Tiger King has been trending. 
Lastly, we recommend those with BOPIS (buy online pick up in-store) options to listen to last week’s BOPIS podcast for more takeaways there – since this has been a major marketplace shift with significant upside.
The rise of photo printing as people reminisce on the good times 
Source: COVID Insights: US Photo Printing Trends
We live in a digital world, there’s no arguing that point. With platforms like Instagram and TikTok making content more consumable than ever, there’s been a cultural shift to documenting life’s moments on a more and more regular basis. While the rise and popularity of these platforms show no signs of slowing down, there will always be a soft spot in our hearts for physical photos, and the latest search trends prove it.
Even before COVID was declared a national emergency on March 14 we saw a slight year over year increase in Photo Printingsearch volume. Since then the trend has gone up and to the right with a whopping 61% lift in searches. It’s hard to say exactly what’s driving such massive interest in photo printing. The latest data shows that consumers are clicking almost exclusively on text ads from their PCs and there’s about a 50/50 split on whether they’re clicking on brand or non-brand ads. The device preference data supports a trend that I’m sure many of us are experiencing firsthand, more than ever before we’re home with free time and a laptop in front of us, so we search there rather than our phones. 
So how should we be thinking about this growing group of photo printing searchers? 
We know this group is relatively brand indifferent, so be sure to call out your specific benefits or offerings in your ad copy, since brand doesn’t seem to carry as much weight. 
We know they’re stuck at home, so be sure to include the word ‘Online’ in both your keyword and ad copy strategy since we’ve seen this term pop up regularly across top searched terms. 
Lastly, just because this group is only clicking on text ads doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have your text ads stand out. Consider getting creative with ad extensions, including image extensions.
How Mother’s Day is going virtual
With Easter now behind us we each have a better personal understanding of how major holidays will be different amidst coronavirus quarantines. Setting our sights now to Mother’s Day, we’ll investigate the latest search data and help you understand how this year will look different than last. 
At this point it should come as no surprise that ‘virtual’ is the name of the game, especially for those looking to celebrate a special event. We’ve seen queries with the term virtual increase by 25 times compared to this time last year. This includes everything from the more generic ‘virtual cards’ to the more specific like ‘virtual baby shower games. We’ve even seen significant volume for ‘virtual weddings’, something I’m sure no one was thinking about before the virus. 
We know that Mother’s Day is going virtual this year, but what does that mean for consumer’s spending habits on how they show appreciation for mom? To answer this, we’ll look at our data from 2019 and see who was getting the lion’s share of Mother’s Day gift spend. In the US alone, moms were showered in $5.2 billion dollars’ worth of jewelry on their special day, now that’s a lot of love. Jewelry was followed relatively closely by special outings like brunch or dinner, which as you guessed it, is going to change this year. As we’re all keenly aware, restaurants across America are closed to sit down dining, and the likelihood of them opening by May 10th is questionable at best. This huge bucket of 2019 spend will likely get diverted to other tangible gifts like flowers, clothes, or likely more jewelry. 
These are some important take away to keep in mind as you prepare for Mother’s Day. 
The first thing to remember is that traffic begins to increase 30 days prior to Mother’s Day, so if you haven’t already started preparing, it’s time to get a move on.
Now for some specific search recommendations, and I can’t say it enough, virtual. Include terms related to virtual offerings in both your keyword and ad copy strategy. Also consider how the actual buying and gifting process will change this year as we shift to virtual. Use promotions to make it clear and easy for shoppers to do all their Mother’s Day shopping from the comfort of their home. 
Lastly, don’t forget to call your mother.
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.
About The Author
Nikki joined Microsoft Advertising in 2017 with more than 5 years of experience in online advertising and digital analytics. As a Senior Program Manager within the Advertiser Analytics & Insights team, she is focused on driving the analytics strategy for Microsoft Advertising. Prior to joining Microsoft, she worked at Digitas as part of the Strategy & Analytics team, focusing on cross-channel analytics, media effectiveness and strategic planning. Nikki has spoken about the importance of consumer data strategies and the future of the modern marketing agency ecosystem at several Microsoft and industry events. Nikki attended Boston College with degrees in Political Science and International Studies.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
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source http://www.scpie.org/search-insights-and-shifting-consumer-behaviors-and-trends-during-covid-19/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/616954969588908032
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douglassmiith · 4 years
Search insights and shifting consumer behaviors and trends during COVID-19
As people following the stay-at-home requests, we’re seeing an increase in searches. We want to provide regularly updated insights and trends specific to different verticals to help you understand the search trends and shifts in consumer behavior happening right now.  
What’s driving change in the auto vertical?
Sources: COVID Insights: Autos Consumer Sentiment – New & Used Searches and COVID Insights: Automotive Click Trends
For many of us, the thought of our daily commute is slowly fading off into the distance as we continue to stay home during the mandated shelter in place. With most cars now sitting idle in their garage or driveway, we’ll look under the hood to determine what’s driving the biggest changes in consumer search trends for the auto vertical. Since this time last year, the marketplace has seen a decline in searches for new cars by 19% and used cars by 8%. This doesn’t come as a huge surprise as people are more apprehensive to purchase big ticket items during times of uncertainty. These consumer behaviors become even more pronounced when you look at those searching for lUXury compared with non-lUXury vehicles. Those able to afford lUXury cars are likely not as worried about financial troubles ahead which is why we’ve seen an 18% year over year increase in this sub-vertical compared to a -29% year over year decline in non-lUXury vehicle searches. 
As a whole people are less interested in buying cars right now but that doesn’t mean they’re any less likely to take care of their current car. In fact, since the beginning of April there’s been a significant increase in searches related to car maintenance and improvements. Audio equipment clicks were up 49% and body repair clicks were up 29% compared to the previous week in late March. While part and service are down slightly year-over-year, it’s clear that people are using this newfound free time to get some work done on their own cars.
For those in the parts and service sub-vertical, it’s important for you to maintain your presence online as people are still showing a strong desire to maintain their cars amidst COVID-19. Now switching gears to vehicle retailers. It’s true that year on year trends show a softening in auto searches, but with such a long purchase cycle this could be a good time to enter your future customer’s consideration set. A good way to get additional visibility right now would be with image-based native ads, especially since we know people are online more now than they were before the coronavirus.
Rise of the hobbies – and they mean business
Source: COVID Insights: Hobby Trends
The question is coming up more and more lately, have you picked up any new hobbies? Whether talking to friends, family, or colleagues, this seems to be an increasingly popular topic of conversation as we all look to fill our spare free time. Whether it’s arts and crafts, cooking, or brewing your own beer, we’ve seen a massive surge in interest around hobbies since the US declared COVID-19 a national emergency on March 14. From that point forward the increase in hobby related searches has been a global phenomenon. 
The US and APAC have both seen a 16% increase in search volume compared to pre-COVID forecasts. European markets saw an even greater lift at 23%, which to put in perspective constitutes a 27% lift compared to last year.   
For the hobby vertical, more searches don’t necessarily mean more clicks. Within several sub-segments, we’ve seen increases in searches, but decreases in clicks. For example, in the US more people are turning to birding which has seen a 54% increase in year over year searches but a 16% decline in clicks. Jumping across the pond to Europe we see birding with a similar year over year search growth and correlated click growth. All this is to say that sub-segment click volume seems to be less predictable than its related search volume by category, which across the board has increased. 
All these trends point to once clear take away; clicks are up for grabs in the hobby marketplace. There’s a huge opportunity for you to get creative to entice these homebound hobby enthusiasts to click on your ads. Aside from shoring up your search basics, responsive ads can be a helpful tool to make sure your potential customers see the most relevant and compelling ad copy for their hobby-du-jour.
How pets are helping people through coronavirus. 
Source: COVID Insights: US Pets & Animal Trends
Not to make light of the global COVID-19 pandemic, but if there was a winner in all of this it would be our pets. There’s no data confirming this but we would wager that dogs are getting an unprecedented number of walks right now. 
Pet and Animal search behaviors have changed since the US declared COVID-19 a national emergency in mid-March. Several pet-related services are no longer needed with most people staying home, and the data backs this up. We’ve seen the biggest year over year decline in clicks for pet sitting and vets at around 66%, followed by 34% dip in dog walker clicks. We see a broader trend of click softness across the board for this category except for pet food and supplies, which is up 9% year on year. This lift is driven primarily by online retailer searches which have increased 89%, followed by their brick and mortar counterparts which have benefited from a 29% increase in related search terms. 
We may even see the volume of pet supplies searches increase further as many people have turned to adopting or fostering pets during the quarantine. With an 11% increase in searches, people are at the very least looking for some furry companionship to help get through these times. 
To wrap up with some recommendations to those in the Pet Food & Supply space or Animal Adoption: 
One, make sure you’re being competitive with your bids, especially on desktop and brand-related searches which have both seen a slight shift upward. Also, be sure to leverage the power of bid modifiers on things like your remarketing agency lists or In-Market audiences.  
Two, add negative keyword for lion, tiger, and snake, unless of course you have related offerings. We’ve seen volume for these terms increase significantly, likely driven by the fact that it’s the Year of the Snake and the Netflix show Tiger King has been trending. 
Lastly, we recommend those with BOPIS (buy online pick up in-store) options to listen to last week’s BOPIS podcast for more takeaways there – since this has been a major marketplace shift with significant upside.
The rise of photo printing as people reminisce on the good times 
Source: COVID Insights: US Photo Printing Trends
We live in a digital world, there’s no arguing that point. With platforms like Instagram and TikTok making content more consumable than ever, there’s been a cultural shift to documenting life’s moments on a more and more regular basis. While the rise and popularity of these platforms show no signs of slowing down, there will always be a soft spot in our hearts for physical photos, and the latest search trends prove it.
Even before COVID was declared a national emergency on March 14 we saw a slight year over year increase in Photo Printing search volume. Since then the trend has gone up and to the right with a whopping 61% lift in searches. It’s hard to say exactly what’s driving such massive interest in photo printing. The latest data shows that consumers are clicking almost exclusively on text ads from their PCs and there’s about a 50/50 split on whether they’re clicking on brand or non-brand ads. The device preference data supports a trend that I’m sure many of us are experiencing firsthand, more than ever before we’re home with free time and a laptop in front of us, so we search there rather than our phones. 
So how should we be thinking about this growing group of photo printing searchers? 
We know this group is relatively brand indifferent, so be sure to call out your specific benefits or offerings in your ad copy, since brand doesn’t seem to carry as much weight. 
We know they’re stuck at home, so be sure to include the word ‘Online’ in both your keyword and ad copy strategy since we’ve seen this term pop up regularly across top searched terms. 
Lastly, just because this group is only clicking on text ads doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have your text ads stand out. Consider getting creative with ad extensions, including image extensions.
How Mother’s Day is going virtual
With Easter now behind us we each have a better personal understanding of how major holidays will be different amidst coronavirus quarantines. Setting our sights now to Mother’s Day, we’ll investigate the latest search data and help you understand how this year will look different than last. 
At this point it should come as no surprise that ‘virtual’ is the name of the game, especially for those looking to celebrate a special event. We’ve seen queries with the term virtual increase by 25 times compared to this time last year. This includes everything from the more generic ‘virtual cards’ to the more specific like ‘virtual baby shower games. We’ve even seen significant volume for ‘virtual weddings’, something I’m sure no one was thinking about before the virus. 
We know that Mother’s Day is going virtual this year, but what does that mean for consumer’s spending habits on how they show appreciation for mom? To answer this, we’ll look at our data from 2019 and see who was getting the lion’s share of Mother’s Day gift spend. In the US alone, moms were showered in $5.2 billion dollars’ worth of jewelry on their special day, now that’s a lot of love. Jewelry was followed relatively closely by special outings like brunch or dinner, which as you guessed it, is going to change this year. As we’re all keenly aware, restaurants across America are closed to sit down dining, and the likelihood of them opening by May 10th is questionable at best. This huge bucket of 2019 spend will likely get diverted to other tangible gifts like flowers, clothes, or likely more jewelry. 
These are some important take away to keep in mind as you prepare for Mother’s Day. 
The first thing to remember is that traffic begins to increase 30 days prior to Mother’s Day, so if you haven’t already started preparing, it’s time to get a move on.
Now for some specific search recommendations, and I can’t say it enough, virtual. Include terms related to virtual offerings in both your keyword and ad copy strategy. Also consider how the actual buying and gifting process will change this year as we shift to virtual. Use promotions to make it clear and easy for shoppers to do all their Mother’s Day shopping from the comfort of their home. 
Lastly, don’t forget to call your mother.
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.
About The Author
Nikki joined Microsoft Advertising in 2017 with more than 5 years of experience in online advertising and digital analytics. As a Senior Program Manager within the Advertiser Analytics & Insights team, she is focused on driving the analytics strategy for Microsoft Advertising. Prior to joining Microsoft, she worked at Digitas as part of the Strategy & Analytics team, focusing on cross-channel analytics, media effectiveness and strategic planning. Nikki has spoken about the importance of consumer data strategies and the future of the modern marketing agency ecosystem at several Microsoft and industry events. Nikki attended Boston College with degrees in Political Science and International Studies.
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Via http://www.scpie.org/search-insights-and-shifting-consumer-behaviors-and-trends-during-covid-19/
source https://scpie.weebly.com/blog/search-insights-and-shifting-consumer-behaviors-and-trends-during-covid-19
0 notes
scpie · 4 years
Search insights and shifting consumer behaviors and trends during COVID-19
As people following the stay-at-home requests, we’re seeing an increase in searches. We want to provide regularly updated insights and trends specific to different verticals to help you understand the search trends and shifts in consumer behavior happening right now.  
What’s driving change in the auto vertical?
Sources: COVID Insights: Autos Consumer Sentiment – New & Used Searches and COVID Insights: Automotive Click Trends
For many of us, the thought of our daily commute is slowly fading off into the distance as we continue to stay home during the mandated shelter in place. With most cars now sitting idle in their garage or driveway, we’ll look under the hood to determine what’s driving the biggest changes in consumer search trends for the auto vertical. Since this time last year, the marketplace has seen a decline in searches for new cars by 19% and used cars by 8%. This doesn’t come as a huge surprise as people are more apprehensive to purchase big ticket items during times of uncertainty. These consumer behaviors become even more pronounced when you look at those searching for lUXury compared with non-lUXury vehicles. Those able to afford lUXury cars are likely not as worried about financial troubles ahead which is why we’ve seen an 18% year over year increase in this sub-vertical compared to a -29% year over year decline in non-lUXury vehicle searches. 
As a whole people are less interested in buying cars right now but that doesn’t mean they’re any less likely to take care of their current car. In fact, since the beginning of April there’s been a significant increase in searches related to car maintenance and improvements. Audio equipment clicks were up 49% and body repair clicks were up 29% compared to the previous week in late March. While part and service are down slightly year-over-year, it’s clear that people are using this newfound free time to get some work done on their own cars.
For those in the parts and service sub-vertical, it’s important for you to maintain your presence online as people are still showing a strong desire to maintain their cars amidst COVID-19. Now switching gears to vehicle retailers. It’s true that year on year trends show a softening in auto searches, but with such a long purchase cycle this could be a good time to enter your future customer’s consideration set. A good way to get additional visibility right now would be with image-based native ads, especially since we know people are online more now than they were before the coronavirus.
Rise of the hobbies – and they mean business
Source: COVID Insights: Hobby Trends
The question is coming up more and more lately, have you picked up any new hobbies? Whether talking to friends, family, or colleagues, this seems to be an increasingly popular topic of conversation as we all look to fill our spare free time. Whether it’s arts and crafts, cooking, or brewing your own beer, we’ve seen a massive surge in interest around hobbies since the US declared COVID-19 a national emergency on March 14. From that point forward the increase in hobby related searches has been a global phenomenon. 
The US and APAC have both seen a 16% increase in search volume compared to pre-COVID forecasts. European markets saw an even greater lift at 23%, which to put in perspective constitutes a 27% lift compared to last year.   
For the hobby vertical, more searches don’t necessarily mean more clicks. Within several sub-segments, we’ve seen increases in searches, but decreases in clicks. For example, in the US more people are turning to birding which has seen a 54% increase in year over year searches but a 16% decline in clicks. Jumping across the pond to Europe we see birding with a similar year over year search growth and correlated click growth. All this is to say that sub-segment click volume seems to be less predictable than its related search volume by category, which across the board has increased. 
All these trends point to once clear take away; clicks are up for grabs in the hobby marketplace. There’s a huge opportunity for you to get creative to entice these homebound hobby enthusiasts to click on your ads. Aside from shoring up your search basics, responsive ads can be a helpful tool to make sure your potential customers see the most relevant and compelling ad copy for their hobby-du-jour.
How pets are helping people through coronavirus. 
Source: COVID Insights: US Pets & Animal Trends
Not to make light of the global COVID-19 pandemic, but if there was a winner in all of this it would be our pets. There’s no data confirming this but we would wager that dogs are getting an unprecedented number of walks right now. 
Pet and Animal search behaviors have changed since the US declared COVID-19 a national emergency in mid-March. Several pet-related services are no longer needed with most people staying home, and the data backs this up. We’ve seen the biggest year over year decline in clicks for pet sitting and vets at around 66%, followed by 34% dip in dog walker clicks. We see a broader trend of click softness across the board for this category except for pet food and supplies, which is up 9% year on year. This lift is driven primarily by online retailer searches which have increased 89%, followed by their brick and mortar counterparts which have benefited from a 29% increase in related search terms. 
We may even see the volume of pet supplies searches increase further as many people have turned to adopting or fostering pets during the quarantine. With an 11% increase in searches, people are at the very least looking for some furry companionship to help get through these times. 
To wrap up with some recommendations to those in the Pet Food & Supply space or Animal Adoption: 
One, make sure you’re being competitive with your bids, especially on desktop and brand-related searches which have both seen a slight shift upward. Also, be sure to leverage the power of bid modifiers on things like your remarketing agency lists or In-Market audiences.  
Two, add negative keyword for lion, tiger, and snake, unless of course you have related offerings. We’ve seen volume for these terms increase significantly, likely driven by the fact that it’s the Year of the Snake and the Netflix show Tiger King has been trending. 
Lastly, we recommend those with BOPIS (buy online pick up in-store) options to listen to last week’s BOPIS podcast for more takeaways there – since this has been a major marketplace shift with significant upside.
The rise of photo printing as people reminisce on the good times 
Source: COVID Insights: US Photo Printing Trends
We live in a digital world, there’s no arguing that point. With platforms like Instagram and TikTok making content more consumable than ever, there’s been a cultural shift to documenting life’s moments on a more and more regular basis. While the rise and popularity of these platforms show no signs of slowing down, there will always be a soft spot in our hearts for physical photos, and the latest search trends prove it.
Even before COVID was declared a national emergency on March 14 we saw a slight year over year increase in Photo Printing search volume. Since then the trend has gone up and to the right with a whopping 61% lift in searches. It’s hard to say exactly what’s driving such massive interest in photo printing. The latest data shows that consumers are clicking almost exclusively on text ads from their PCs and there’s about a 50/50 split on whether they’re clicking on brand or non-brand ads. The device preference data supports a trend that I’m sure many of us are experiencing firsthand, more than ever before we’re home with free time and a laptop in front of us, so we search there rather than our phones. 
So how should we be thinking about this growing group of photo printing searchers? 
We know this group is relatively brand indifferent, so be sure to call out your specific benefits or offerings in your ad copy, since brand doesn’t seem to carry as much weight. 
We know they’re stuck at home, so be sure to include the word ‘Online’ in both your keyword and ad copy strategy since we’ve seen this term pop up regularly across top searched terms. 
Lastly, just because this group is only clicking on text ads doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have your text ads stand out. Consider getting creative with ad extensions, including image extensions.
How Mother’s Day is going virtual
With Easter now behind us we each have a better personal understanding of how major holidays will be different amidst coronavirus quarantines. Setting our sights now to Mother’s Day, we’ll investigate the latest search data and help you understand how this year will look different than last. 
At this point it should come as no surprise that ‘virtual’ is the name of the game, especially for those looking to celebrate a special event. We’ve seen queries with the term virtual increase by 25 times compared to this time last year. This includes everything from the more generic ‘virtual cards’ to the more specific like ‘virtual baby shower games. We’ve even seen significant volume for ‘virtual weddings’, something I’m sure no one was thinking about before the virus. 
We know that Mother’s Day is going virtual this year, but what does that mean for consumer’s spending habits on how they show appreciation for mom? To answer this, we’ll look at our data from 2019 and see who was getting the lion’s share of Mother’s Day gift spend. In the US alone, moms were showered in $5.2 billion dollars’ worth of jewelry on their special day, now that’s a lot of love. Jewelry was followed relatively closely by special outings like brunch or dinner, which as you guessed it, is going to change this year. As we’re all keenly aware, restaurants across America are closed to sit down dining, and the likelihood of them opening by May 10th is questionable at best. This huge bucket of 2019 spend will likely get diverted to other tangible gifts like flowers, clothes, or likely more jewelry. 
These are some important take away to keep in mind as you prepare for Mother’s Day. 
The first thing to remember is that traffic begins to increase 30 days prior to Mother’s Day, so if you haven’t already started preparing, it’s time to get a move on.
Now for some specific search recommendations, and I can’t say it enough, virtual. Include terms related to virtual offerings in both your keyword and ad copy strategy. Also consider how the actual buying and gifting process will change this year as we shift to virtual. Use promotions to make it clear and easy for shoppers to do all their Mother’s Day shopping from the comfort of their home. 
Lastly, don’t forget to call your mother.
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.
About The Author
Nikki joined Microsoft Advertising in 2017 with more than 5 years of experience in online advertising and digital analytics. As a Senior Program Manager within the Advertiser Analytics & Insights team, she is focused on driving the analytics strategy for Microsoft Advertising. Prior to joining Microsoft, she worked at Digitas as part of the Strategy & Analytics team, focusing on cross-channel analytics, media effectiveness and strategic planning. Nikki has spoken about the importance of consumer data strategies and the future of the modern marketing agency ecosystem at several Microsoft and industry events. Nikki attended Boston College with degrees in Political Science and International Studies.
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source http://www.scpie.org/search-insights-and-shifting-consumer-behaviors-and-trends-during-covid-19/
0 notes
ezatluba · 4 years
Tumblr media
Why People Pretend to Talk as Their Pets
And babies, and stuffed animals …
DECEMBER 17, 2019 
Kathleen began to suspect something was wrong when her stuffed animals started criticizing her. It wasn’t unusual for her boyfriend at the time to role-play as the toys, speaking for them in cartoon voices, but a habit that had started as cute and affectionate gradually took a turn. A stuffed turtle, the couple’s favorite of the toys, had had a childlike, innocent personality toward the beginning of their relationship, but it “started to get more judgy,” she told me. Once, the turtle even called her a bitch.
“I eventually became afraid of the turtle,” Kathleen said. (Kathleen, now a 38-year-old web developer in the Bay Area, asked to be identified by only her first name because she’s still friends with her ex, whom she dated in college.) “It was only after the toys started getting more and more irritated that I started putting it together with his own behavior, and I realized there was a correlation. He was getting more and more unhappy with the relationship, and it was coming out in the toys.”
“I remember feeling like it was a revelation,” she went on. “Oh my God, this isn’t the toy—this is him.” Not long after, the couple broke up.
This is an extreme case of what, actually, is a pretty normal habit, though it sounds kind of strange when written down: People regularly speak as their pets, babies, or even, yes, stuffed animals, in order to communicate with people around them.
For an example that might be a bit more relatable, take Geoffrey Nevin-Giannini, a 31-year-old vocational trainer who lives in Seymour, Connecticut, and his dog, Maverick. When he and his girlfriend get home and the dog is super excited to see them, “I’ll greet her from Maverick’s perspective,” he told me. “Like, ‘Hey, Mommy!’ And she’ll reciprocate.”
“I find that my dog’s personality, or the voice I give my dog, is somewhat sarcastic or critical, particularly of me or my girlfriend,” Nevin-Giannini went on. “His most common phrase is ‘You son of a bitch,’” which might be muttered when, say, Nevin-Giannini throws out uneaten pizza without feeding any to Maverick.
Research dollars are not pouring into this phenomenon, but Deborah Tannen, a linguist at Georgetown University, did a small study on what she calls “talking the dog” in 2004. She had family members record everything they said to one another for a week, and found that when they ventriloquated (a technical term) for their dogs, they seemed to do so for one or more of several reasons: “effecting a frame shift to a humorous key, buffering criticism, delivering praise, teaching values, resolving potential conflict, and creating a family identity that includes the dogs as family members.”
“People make use of whatever’s in the environment to communicate with each other,” Tannen told me. “The fascinating thing to me is how people find it easier to say things to each other if they don’t say it directly, but they say it in the voice of the dog. It introduces humor, and it becomes indirect. The dog’s criticizing you—not me.” (Or, perhaps, the stuffed animal is criticizing you.)
To Nevin-Giannini, speaking as the dog is a way of adding humor when he’s being self-critical. “We know our dog has separation anxiety, so when we leave we’ll be like, ‘Oh, these sons of bitches are leaving me!’” he said. “Not to over-psychoanalyze myself, but it’s probably my way of making light of the fact that I feel bad leaving him.”
Kathleen, looking back, thinks things got out of hand with the stuffed animals because she and her college boyfriend “were young, so our communication skills were crap and our self-understanding was crap.” It could be that it felt less daunting for her boyfriend to let out negative feelings using the buffer of a stuffed turtle.
But while speaking as a pet can be a way of introducing distance into communication, it can also, as Tannen noted, be a way of creating closeness in a family. Almost all American pet owners see their pets as family members, and giving a pet a voice is a way of making it seem like an active participant in the household. This helps explain why Tori Kerr, a 27-year-old radio producer who lives in Washington, D.C., came up with a voice for her dog, Nala. “She’s a bit of an anxious dog—very wiggly, very nervous—so her voice is this high-pitched, nervous, really shaky, not self-assured kind of voice,” she told me, in the voice. (For reference, she points to the character Missy from the animated Netflix show Big Mouth, whose voice indeed sounds similar, though Kerr insists that Nala’s voice predates the show.)
Kerr doesn’t really speak for her dog as a way of communicating indirectly with other people; she sees it more as translating Nala’s thoughts, and bringing the dog into whatever activity the humans are doing. For instance, when Kerr and her fiancé are eating popcorn on the couch while watching a movie, “and she is, like, vibrating because she wants the popcorn so badly, one of us will break into the voice,” Kerr said. “Uh, hey guys, you could share that popcorn with me? Maybe? Just like one piece?”
Ventriloquating is also something people do with babies. Speaking for a baby likely serves the same functions as speaking for a pet—humor, indirect criticism, and so on—though Tannen suspects “the kinds of motives and feelings you might impose on the baby would be closer to what the baby might have, because it’s a person.” Less projecting, more translating, perhaps.
When Rosemary Counter, a 36-year-old writer who lives in Toronto, was staying home with her infant daughter, she found herself developing a voice for the baby. Her husband was at work during the day, and “you’re talking to somebody who doesn’t talk back at all,” she told me. “It’s a way to inject adult humor into the silly baby ways that you have to talk to kids. You have to say ‘What color is this? Yellow!’ 500 times.” So she invented a voice for her baby—a deep, “smoker’s voice”—and “she would call you on how stupid the question was: ‘It’s obviously yellow, Mom, maybe you’re developmentally delayed.’”
Modeling both sides of a conversation for babies could also be a way of teaching them how conversation works. “Across the world’s communities, caregivers ventriloquate for babies, but they do so in different ways,” Elinor Ochs, a linguistic anthropologist at UCLA, told me in an email. “In some households, caregivers try to interpret the individual intentions of the infant … In other households, caregivers produce an utterance for infants [that] they should be saying in a particular situation … In both cases, infants come to understand how to think, feel, and act through caregivers’ ventriloquations. Ventriloquating is one path to culture.”
For many people who spend time around animals and babies, this is so baked into their everyday communication that they may not even realize they’re doing it. “Probably people do it or have heard it done even if they don’t think they have,” Alexandra Horowitz, the head of the Dog Cognition Lab at Barnard College, told me. “It’s so ubiquitous, and I found this is [also] the case with talking to dogs. People might be participating or hearing it and don’t even notice because they’re so accustomed to it.”
“Most other dog people do the same thing,” Nevin-Giannini said. “I’ll be honest with you, I’ve been out hiking, come across someone else who’s hiking with their dog, and we’ve had a conversation between our dogs.”
0 notes
maxihealth · 5 years
It’s Not All About Pink for Women’s Tech at CES 2019
This is not a watch. Well, not just a watch. It can track heart rate. And it’s not even pink. Well, rose gold, perhaps.
One of the benefits about being a woman attending CES is that there are no lines in the loos. The men’s rooms, however, are, shall we say, over-subscribed due to the big disparity between the number of male attendees versus females.
Clearly, women are under-represented in technology companies at all levels, as the ladies’ room observation and many other more statistical reports recognize.
But I’ve good news to report on the product front about women-focused consumer technology at #CES2019: there’s a lot more of it, and some of it very meaningful, impactful, and quality-of-life enhancing. I assert this through my health lens, as well as health-economic perspective.
Start with Fitbit, among the most mature digital health suppliers featured at CES over time. Here’s a slide I developed when the Versa came to market, where I curated pink versions of Fitbit trackers since the advent of the first digital tracker I ever used: the Zip.
I met Stacey Burr who led adidas digital sports group way back when, at CES in the Zip era. She and I attended a digital health session about getting fit with tech tools and apps. She and I were among the only women in the room. The entire panel (well, “manel” as my colleague Sherry Reynolds @Cascadia has called the phenomenon) was young men, fit and buff. Every example in the video demos fit on a continuum from Arnold Schwarzenegger to A-Rod. At the Q&A, I asked why there weren’t any women featured, either as companies’ marketers or in the consumer-user examples. The chaps were tongue-tied, and Stacey and I bonded at that moment and continue to be collegial friends and part of growing group of women-in-health-tech. (Update on Stacey: she’s now Chief of Google’s Wear OS, part of Google’s ever-morphing health team).
Fast forward to 2018, and Fitbit’s blog posted about women’s health tracking, using the words “menstruation,” “period,” and “sexual health.”
Well isn’t that what we call “real life” stuff?
How time is a tincture and retail health, well, a business recognizing that some demographics (like women committed to health, fitness, stress reduction, mental health promotion, and resilience) have money to spend on high-value and evidence-based products.
So welcome the Versa, one of many women-targeted health tools featured at CES 2019 that are getting real and impactful about women, tech and health. I’ve worn my Versa for about four months now: it’s my first smartwatch-health tracker, having been a decades-committed Skagen stainless steel band analog watch-wearer on my left wrist. On my right wrist, I’ve donned several Fitbit bands, and trackers from Garmin, Withings, Fossil, Jawbone, and others.
[As a sidebar, I’ve gifted all the devices I no longer use to Professor Lisa Gualtieri’s Recycle Health project at Tufts University. Lisa’s team cleans up the donated devices (stripping of data, etc.) and gifts them onto people in the Boston area who can use them. You can do the same with your old tech long stored in “that drawer” by getting a printed label on the Recycle Health website].
There’s more fashion embedded in technology each year at CES, with brands partnering and licensing their design ethos and personalities to many tech products. One of my personal favorites is Kate Spade, whom we lost in 2018 to suicide (which I covered here in Health Populi as my own sympathy post devoted to her and Anthony Bourdain, may they rest in peace). On a joyful note, Spade’s upbeat design sense lives on in 2019, featuring some adorable watches that track activity. This is among the first fashion brands to incorporate Google’s wearable device software, Wear OS. The watch can track heart rate, has GPS, and can make mobile payments using Google Pay.
Health tracking can cover a range of women’s health issues, nothing more intimate and emotionally powerful than fertility and baby-making. This demand has not gone unnoticed in the start-up and financing communities. In 2018, several direct-to-consumer fertility-tech companies garnered $million funding to begin commercializing and scaling their products.
The Ava Fertility Tracker 2.0 is one such innovator, raising a $30mm round of investment in mid-2018. This timing coincided with the announcement of Ava’s 10,000th birth for an Ava user. Ava was founded in Switzerland in 2014 and received the Best of Baby Tech Award at CES 2017. In 2019, the company launches Ava tracker 2.0. This new version replaces traditional basal temperature with pulse rate, skin temperature, and breathing to be more predictive about ovulation. The device runs $299 and bundles in online content and a one-year pregnancy guarantee.
Once pregnant, a woman’s best chance of having a healthy baby is borne out of good pre-natal care. Thanks to BabyScripts, a box of pre-natal goodness, women can self-care during the crucial nine months of fetal development. That box arrives in Mom’s mail and includes a WiFi enabled scale, a blood pressure monitor, an app and content with a warm and informative welcome message. Mom-generated data flows to a HIPAA-compliant platform which informs OB/GYNs about their patients’ progress. For low-risk mothers, BabyScripts can empower self-care and unneeded trips to the doctor. For the clinician, the program benefits workflow, patient engagement, and risk management. I met the co-founders, Anish and Juan Pablo, in 2014 when they were starting up, and since then the company has grown through fruitful partnerships with healthcare providers around the U.S. Babyscripts received a $6mm investment in November 2018 from Startup Health, NueCura, led by Philips whose Mother/Baby unit will partner with the company.
There’s a lot of Baby Tech at CES 2019, an entire track organized by Living in Digital Times. This is a $23 billion business, with 4 million babies born every year. The portfolio of products for baby boggles the mind: when my now-grown daughter was six months old, technology in her room was a baby monitor (walkie-talkie style) and a Diaper Genie (relatively new “tech” at the time). That was 1997. Two decades later, baby tech is app-ified, from tracking feeding and monitoring baby’s room and crib to cooking healthy food for little ones: smart pacifiers, smart baby bottles, GPS-embedded strollers, GPS-bracelets for security…bringing up baby has gotten smart-er.
But back to women, and managing everyday life. Women are their homes Chief Household Officers, balancing family, work, volunteer and community activities, friendships, self-health, and home-keeping. For this last and least-enjoyable life-flow, there are connected appliances to help make life easier and more streamlined for managing house tasks. The Roomba, the first such connected home appliance, is now in a mature category, with many competitors for robotic vacuuming. Room-by-room at home, there are offerings at CES ’19 to manage every kind of work-life flow: for cooking, cleaning, washing, drying, and even folding clothes. I met the Foldimate at CES 2018, and am very happy to see it’s back in 2019 and getting market traction. It’s still early days but if tech can help all of us, men and women, save time on home tasks, we can conserve time for family, friends, and alone time to just breathe and think.
Caregivers tend to be female, and they tend not to have that time to breathe and think: caregivers usually put those they care for first, including their pets (and yes, Pet Tech is also a growing category at CES). It’s encouraging to see that caregivers are called out in many marketing plans for innovations this year at CES. I was particularly keen to meet with folks working in the Stanley Black & Decker (SBD) Future Lab, who have developed the Pria, picture here.
Wait – “Stanley Black & Decker? Aren’t they the folks who make tools and the iconic Dustbuster handheld vacuum?” Yes, indeed. But the company also has a business-to-business reach into healthcare — namely hospitals for security. asset tracking, and climate control. That’s a twenty-year-old business. So it is natural for SBD to consider how to leverage B2B healthcare into the home, where the company has strong consumer brand equity.
Pria wears a lot of hats, as companion, weather forecaster, voice-activated encyclopedia, and first and foremost, medication dispenser. There are other medication management devices available, but Pria incorporates voice-activation that feels like an Amazon or Google assistant experience without the user having to share data beyond meds. The app allows caregivers to be part of the user’s care circle, along with pharmacies and clinicians.
Samsung comes to CES this year with several “bots,” including Bot Care to support caregiving. Bot Care has many uses, including medication management and adherence support, companionship, information channeling (for, say, healthy cooking, nutrition, and exercise), and other functions that make living and aging at home easier and safer. Here’s a short video on Bot Care to learn more.
Self-care is in short supply among women, who need to take time beyond caring for others. “Put your own gas mask on first” is sound advice for women, who can lead lives wearing so many hats. At CES this year, Procter & Gamble and their Life Lab attended CES as a supplier for the first time. Like Stanley Black & Decker, P&G has a strong consumer brand name, but the initials have never been confused with being a tech company. In the company’s Media Day presentation, I learned that their Life Lab was founded to innovate new products and enhancements to existing ones. They coined their session the “Consumer Experience Show” signifying the company was bringing their deep consumer market knowledge to bear while incorporating technology enhancements to well-known brands like Gillette (for shaving), Olay (for skin care), and Oral-B (for oral care). “We are innovating how we innovate,” they explained, through the Life Lab. Three innovations they presented were:
A new “warm” razor, giving the user the Old School barbershop + hot towel experience;
The Olay Skin Advisor asks, “what if you could get a personalized skin regimen with one selfie?” which uses the company’s proprietary VizID technology backed by AI and pinpointing personalized skin care routines to fit specific needs; and,
A new Oral-B Genius X toothbrush, recognizing your “personal brushing style” and providing real-time feedback that is meant to deliver better oral health to the user.
To come full circle, it’s encouraging to note that Gary Shapiro, President of the Consumer Technology Association, announced that CTA would invest $10 million in venture firms that support women and diverse leaders in technology. That’s a welcome commitment from the Association. Now, here’s a video from the first Women in Technology panel ever held at a CES, convened yesterday and sponsored by Lenovo and Intel.
  The post It’s Not All About Pink for Women’s Tech at CES 2019 appeared first on HealthPopuli.com.
It’s Not All About Pink for Women’s Tech at CES 2019 posted first on https://carilloncitydental.blogspot.com
0 notes
realselfblog · 5 years
It’s Not All About Pink for Women’s Tech at CES 2019
This is not a watch. Well, not just a watch. It can track heart rate. And it’s not even pink. Well, rose gold, perhaps.
One of the benefits about being a woman attending CES is that there are no lines in the loos. The men’s rooms, however, are, shall we say, over-subscribed due to the big disparity between the number of male attendees versus females.
Clearly, women are under-represented in technology companies at all levels, as the ladies’ room observation and many other more statistical reports recognize.
But I’ve good news to report on the product front about women-focused consumer technology at #CES2019: there’s a lot more of it, and some of it very meaningful, impactful, and quality-of-life enhancing. I assert this through my health lens, as well as health-economic perspective.
Start with Fitbit, among the most mature digital health suppliers featured at CES over time. Here’s a slide I developed when the Versa came to market, where I curated pink versions of Fitbit trackers since the advent of the first digital tracker I ever used: the Zip.
I met Stacey Burr who led adidas digital sports group way back when, at CES in the Zip era. She and I attended a digital health session about getting fit with tech tools and apps. She and I were among the only women in the room. The entire panel (well, “manel” as my colleague Sherry Reynolds @Cascadia has called the phenomenon) was young men, fit and buff. Every example in the video demos fit on a continuum from Arnold Schwarzenegger to A-Rod. At the Q&A, I asked why there weren’t any women featured, either as companies’ marketers or in the consumer-user examples. The chaps were tongue-tied, and Stacey and I bonded at that moment and continue to be collegial friends and part of growing group of women-in-health-tech. (Update on Stacey: she’s now Chief of Google’s Wear OS, part of Google’s ever-morphing health team).
Fast forward to 2018, and Fitbit’s blog posted about women’s health tracking, using the words “menstruation,” “period,” and “sexual health.”
Well isn’t that what we call “real life” stuff?
How time is a tincture and retail health, well, a business recognizing that some demographics (like women committed to health, fitness, stress reduction, mental health promotion, and resilience) have money to spend on high-value and evidence-based products.
So welcome the Versa, one of many women-targeted health tools featured at CES 2019 that are getting real and impactful about women, tech and health. I’ve worn my Versa for about four months now: it’s my first smartwatch-health tracker, having been a decades-committed Skagen stainless steel band analog watch-wearer on my left wrist. On my right wrist, I’ve donned several Fitbit bands, and trackers from Garmin, Withings, Fossil, Jawbone, and others.
[As a sidebar, I’ve gifted all the devices I no longer use to Professor Lisa Gualtieri’s Recycle Health project at Tufts University. Lisa’s team cleans up the donated devices (stripping of data, etc.) and gifts them onto people in the Boston area who can use them. You can do the same with your old tech long stored in “that drawer” by getting a printed label on the Recycle Health website].
There’s more fashion embedded in technology each year at CES, with brands partnering and licensing their design ethos and personalities to many tech products. One of my personal favorites is Kate Spade, whom we lost in 2018 to suicide (which I covered here in Health Populi as my own sympathy post devoted to her and Anthony Bourdain, may they rest in peace). On a joyful note, Spade’s upbeat design sense lives on in 2019, featuring some adorable watches that track activity. This is among the first fashion brands to incorporate Google’s wearable device software, Wear OS. The watch can track heart rate, has GPS, and can make mobile payments using Google Pay.
Health tracking can cover a range of women’s health issues, nothing more intimate and emotionally powerful than fertility and baby-making. This demand has not gone unnoticed in the start-up and financing communities. In 2018, several direct-to-consumer fertility-tech companies garnered $million funding to begin commercializing and scaling their products.
The Ava Fertility Tracker 2.0 is one such innovator, raising a $30mm round of investment in mid-2018. This timing coincided with the announcement of Ava’s 10,000th birth for an Ava user. Ava was founded in Switzerland in 2014 and received the Best of Baby Tech Award at CES 2017. In 2019, the company launches Ava tracker 2.0. This new version replaces traditional basal temperature with pulse rate, skin temperature, and breathing to be more predictive about ovulation. The device runs $299 and bundles in online content and a one-year pregnancy guarantee.
Once pregnant, a woman’s best chance of having a healthy baby is borne out of good pre-natal care. Thanks to BabyScripts, a box of pre-natal goodness, women can self-care during the crucial nine months of fetal development. That box arrives in Mom’s mail and includes a WiFi enabled scale, a blood pressure monitor, an app and content with a warm and informative welcome message. Mom-generated data flows to a HIPAA-compliant platform which informs OB/GYNs about their patients’ progress. For low-risk mothers, BabyScripts can empower self-care and unneeded trips to the doctor. For the clinician, the program benefits workflow, patient engagement, and risk management. I met the co-founders, Anish and Juan Pablo, in 2014 when they were starting up, and since then the company has grown through fruitful partnerships with healthcare providers around the U.S. Babyscripts received a $6mm investment in November 2018 from Startup Health, NueCura, led by Philips whose Mother/Baby unit will partner with the company.
There’s a lot of Baby Tech at CES 2019, an entire track organized by Living in Digital Times. This is a $23 billion business, with 4 million babies born every year. The portfolio of products for baby boggles the mind: when my now-grown daughter was six months old, technology in her room was a baby monitor (walkie-talkie style) and a Diaper Genie (relatively new “tech” at the time). That was 1997. Two decades later, baby tech is app-ified, from tracking feeding and monitoring baby’s room and crib to cooking healthy food for little ones: smart pacifiers, smart baby bottles, GPS-embedded strollers, GPS-bracelets for security…bringing up baby has gotten smart-er.
But back to women, and managing everyday life. Women are their homes Chief Household Officers, balancing family, work, volunteer and community activities, friendships, self-health, and home-keeping. For this last and least-enjoyable life-flow, there are connected appliances to help make life easier and more streamlined for managing house tasks. The Roomba, the first such connected home appliance, is now in a mature category, with many competitors for robotic vacuuming. Room-by-room at home, there are offerings at CES ’19 to manage every kind of work-life flow: for cooking, cleaning, washing, drying, and even folding clothes. I met the Foldimate at CES 2018, and am very happy to see it’s back in 2019 and getting market traction. It’s still early days but if tech can help all of us, men and women, save time on home tasks, we can conserve time for family, friends, and alone time to just breathe and think.
Caregivers tend to be female, and they tend not to have that time to breathe and think: caregivers usually put those they care for first, including their pets (and yes, Pet Tech is also a growing category at CES). It’s encouraging to see that caregivers are called out in many marketing plans for innovations this year at CES. I was particularly keen to meet with folks working in the Stanley Black & Decker (SBD) Future Lab, who have developed the Pria, picture here.
Wait – “Stanley Black & Decker? Aren’t they the folks who make tools and the iconic Dustbuster handheld vacuum?” Yes, indeed. But the company also has a business-to-business reach into healthcare — namely hospitals for security. asset tracking, and climate control. That’s a twenty-year-old business. So it is natural for SBD to consider how to leverage B2B healthcare into the home, where the company has strong consumer brand equity.
Pria wears a lot of hats, as companion, weather forecaster, voice-activated encyclopedia, and first and foremost, medication dispenser. There are other medication management devices available, but Pria incorporates voice-activation that feels like an Amazon or Google assistant experience without the user having to share data beyond meds. The app allows caregivers to be part of the user’s care circle, along with pharmacies and clinicians.
Samsung comes to CES this year with several “bots,” including Bot Care to support caregiving. Bot Care has many uses, including medication management and adherence support, companionship, information channeling (for, say, healthy cooking, nutrition, and exercise), and other functions that make living and aging at home easier and safer. Here’s a short video on Bot Care to learn more.
Self-care is in short supply among women, who need to take time beyond caring for others. “Put your own gas mask on first” is sound advice for women, who can lead lives wearing so many hats. At CES this year, Procter & Gamble and their Life Lab attended CES as a supplier for the first time. Like Stanley Black & Decker, P&G has a strong consumer brand name, but the initials have never been confused with being a tech company. In the company’s Media Day presentation, I learned that their Life Lab was founded to innovate new products and enhancements to existing ones. They coined their session the “Consumer Experience Show” signifying the company was bringing their deep consumer market knowledge to bear while incorporating technology enhancements to well-known brands like Gillette (for shaving), Olay (for skin care), and Oral-B (for oral care). “We are innovating how we innovate,” they explained, through the Life Lab. Three innovations they presented were:
A new “warm” razor, giving the user the Old School barbershop + hot towel experience;
The Olay Skin Advisor asks, “what if you could get a personalized skin regimen with one selfie?” which uses the company’s proprietary VizID technology backed by AI and pinpointing personalized skin care routines to fit specific needs; and,
A new Oral-B Genius X toothbrush, recognizing your “personal brushing style” and providing real-time feedback that is meant to deliver better oral health to the user.
To come full circle, it’s encouraging to note that Gary Shapiro, President of the Consumer Technology Association, announced that CTA would invest $10 million in venture firms that support women and diverse leaders in technology. That’s a welcome commitment from the Association. Now, here’s a video from the first Women in Technology panel ever held at a CES, convened yesterday and sponsored by Lenovo and Intel.
  The post It’s Not All About Pink for Women’s Tech at CES 2019 appeared first on HealthPopuli.com.
It’s Not All About Pink for Women’s Tech at CES 2019 posted first on http://dentistfortworth.blogspot.com
0 notes
titheguerrero · 5 years
It’s Not All About Pink for Women’s Tech at CES 2019
This is not a watch. Well, not just a watch. It can track heart rate. And it’s not even pink. Well, rose gold, perhaps.
One of the benefits about being a woman attending CES is that there are no lines in the loos. The men’s rooms, however, are, shall we say, over-subscribed due to the big disparity between the number of male attendees versus females.
Clearly, women are under-represented in technology companies at all levels, as the ladies’ room observation and many other more statistical reports recognize.
But I’ve good news to report on the product front about women-focused consumer technology at #CES2019: there’s a lot more of it, and some of it very meaningful, impactful, and quality-of-life enhancing. I assert this through my health lens, as well as health-economic perspective.
Start with Fitbit, among the most mature digital health suppliers featured at CES over time. Here’s a slide I developed when the Versa came to market, where I curated pink versions of Fitbit trackers since the advent of the first digital tracker I ever used: the Zip.
I met Stacey Burr who led adidas digital sports group way back when, at CES in the Zip era. She and I attended a digital health session about getting fit with tech tools and apps. She and I were among the only women in the room. The entire panel (well, “manel” as my colleague Sherry Reynolds @Cascadia has called the phenomenon) was young men, fit and buff. Every example in the video demos fit on a continuum from Arnold Schwarzenegger to A-Rod. At the Q&A, I asked why there weren’t any women featured, either as companies’ marketers or in the consumer-user examples. The chaps were tongue-tied, and Stacey and I bonded at that moment and continue to be collegial friends and part of growing group of women-in-health-tech. (Update on Stacey: she’s now Chief of Google’s Wear OS, part of Google’s ever-morphing health team).
Fast forward to 2018, and Fitbit’s blog posted about women’s health tracking, using the words “menstruation,” “period,” and “sexual health.”
Well isn’t that what we call “real life” stuff?
How time is a tincture and retail health, well, a business recognizing that some demographics (like women committed to health, fitness, stress reduction, mental health promotion, and resilience) have money to spend on high-value and evidence-based products.
So welcome the Versa, one of many women-targeted health tools featured at CES 2019 that are getting real and impactful about women, tech and health. I’ve worn my Versa for about four months now: it’s my first smartwatch-health tracker, having been a decades-committed Skagen stainless steel band analog watch-wearer on my left wrist. On my right wrist, I’ve donned several Fitbit bands, and trackers from Garmin, Withings, Fossil, Jawbone, and others.
[As a sidebar, I’ve gifted all the devices I no longer use to Professor Lisa Gualtieri’s Recycle Health project at Tufts University. Lisa’s team cleans up the donated devices (stripping of data, etc.) and gifts them onto people in the Boston area who can use them. You can do the same with your old tech long stored in “that drawer” by getting a printed label on the Recycle Health website].
There’s more fashion embedded in technology each year at CES, with brands partnering and licensing their design ethos and personalities to many tech products. One of my personal favorites is Kate Spade, whom we lost in 2018 to suicide (which I covered here in Health Populi as my own sympathy post devoted to her and Anthony Bourdain, may they rest in peace). On a joyful note, Spade’s upbeat design sense lives on in 2019, featuring some adorable watches that track activity. This is among the first fashion brands to incorporate Google’s wearable device software, Wear OS. The watch can track heart rate, has GPS, and can make mobile payments using Google Pay.
Health tracking can cover a range of women’s health issues, nothing more intimate and emotionally powerful than fertility and baby-making. This demand has not gone unnoticed in the start-up and financing communities. In 2018, several direct-to-consumer fertility-tech companies garnered $million funding to begin commercializing and scaling their products.
The Ava Fertility Tracker 2.0 is one such innovator, raising a $30mm round of investment in mid-2018. This timing coincided with the announcement of Ava’s 10,000th birth for an Ava user. Ava was founded in Switzerland in 2014 and received the Best of Baby Tech Award at CES 2017. In 2019, the company launches Ava tracker 2.0. This new version replaces traditional basal temperature with pulse rate, skin temperature, and breathing to be more predictive about ovulation. The device runs $299 and bundles in online content and a one-year pregnancy guarantee.
Once pregnant, a woman’s best chance of having a healthy baby is borne out of good pre-natal care. Thanks to BabyScripts, a box of pre-natal goodness, women can self-care during the crucial nine months of fetal development. That box arrives in Mom’s mail and includes a WiFi enabled scale, a blood pressure monitor, an app and content with a warm and informative welcome message. Mom-generated data flows to a HIPAA-compliant platform which informs OB/GYNs about their patients’ progress. For low-risk mothers, BabyScripts can empower self-care and unneeded trips to the doctor. For the clinician, the program benefits workflow, patient engagement, and risk management. I met the co-founders, Anish and Juan Pablo, in 2014 when they were starting up, and since then the company has grown through fruitful partnerships with healthcare providers around the U.S. Babyscripts received a $6mm investment in November 2018 from Startup Health, NueCura, led by Philips whose Mother/Baby unit will partner with the company.
There’s a lot of Baby Tech at CES 2019, an entire track organized by Living in Digital Times. This is a $23 billion business, with 4 million babies born every year. The portfolio of products for baby boggles the mind: when my now-grown daughter was six months old, technology in her room was a baby monitor (walkie-talkie style) and a Diaper Genie (relatively new “tech” at the time). That was 1997. Two decades later, baby tech is app-ified, from tracking feeding and monitoring baby’s room and crib to cooking healthy food for little ones: smart pacifiers, smart baby bottles, GPS-embedded strollers, GPS-bracelets for security…bringing up baby has gotten smart-er.
But back to women, and managing everyday life. Women are their homes Chief Household Officers, balancing family, work, volunteer and community activities, friendships, self-health, and home-keeping. For this last and least-enjoyable life-flow, there are connected appliances to help make life easier and more streamlined for managing house tasks. The Roomba, the first such connected home appliance, is now in a mature category, with many competitors for robotic vacuuming. Room-by-room at home, there are offerings at CES ’19 to manage every kind of work-life flow: for cooking, cleaning, washing, drying, and even folding clothes. I met the Foldimate at CES 2018, and am very happy to see it’s back in 2019 and getting market traction. It’s still early days but if tech can help all of us, men and women, save time on home tasks, we can conserve time for family, friends, and alone time to just breathe and think.
Caregivers tend to be female, and they tend not to have that time to breathe and think: caregivers usually put those they care for first, including their pets (and yes, Pet Tech is also a growing category at CES). It’s encouraging to see that caregivers are called out in many marketing plans for innovations this year at CES. I was particularly keen to meet with folks working in the Stanley Black & Decker (SBD) Future Lab, who have developed the Pria, picture here.
Wait – “Stanley Black & Decker? Aren’t they the folks who make tools and the iconic Dustbuster handheld vacuum?” Yes, indeed. But the company also has a business-to-business reach into healthcare — namely hospitals for security. asset tracking, and climate control. That’s a twenty-year-old business. So it is natural for SBD to consider how to leverage B2B healthcare into the home, where the company has strong consumer brand equity.
Pria wears a lot of hats, as companion, weather forecaster, voice-activated encyclopedia, and first and foremost, medication dispenser. There are other medication management devices available, but Pria incorporates voice-activation that feels like an Amazon or Google assistant experience without the user having to share data beyond meds. The app allows caregivers to be part of the user’s care circle, along with pharmacies and clinicians.
Samsung comes to CES this year with several “bots,” including Bot Care to support caregiving. Bot Care has many uses, including medication management and adherence support, companionship, information channeling (for, say, healthy cooking, nutrition, and exercise), and other functions that make living and aging at home easier and safer. Here’s a short video on Bot Care to learn more.
Self-care is in short supply among women, who need to take time beyond caring for others. “Put your own gas mask on first” is sound advice for women, who can lead lives wearing so many hats. At CES this year, Procter & Gamble and their Life Lab attended CES as a supplier for the first time. Like Stanley Black & Decker, P&G has a strong consumer brand name, but the initials have never been confused with being a tech company. In the company’s Media Day presentation, I learned that their Life Lab was founded to innovate new products and enhancements to existing ones. They coined their session the “Consumer Experience Show” signifying the company was bringing their deep consumer market knowledge to bear while incorporating technology enhancements to well-known brands like Gillette (for shaving), Olay (for skin care), and Oral-B (for oral care). “We are innovating how we innovate,” they explained, through the Life Lab. Three innovations they presented were:
A new “warm” razor, giving the user the Old School barbershop + hot towel experience;
The Olay Skin Advisor asks, “what if you could get a personalized skin regimen with one selfie?” which uses the company’s proprietary VizID technology backed by AI and pinpointing personalized skin care routines to fit specific needs; and,
A new Oral-B Genius X toothbrush, recognizing your “personal brushing style” and providing real-time feedback that is meant to deliver better oral health to the user.
To come full circle, it’s encouraging to note that Gary Shapiro, President of the Consumer Technology Association, announced that CTA would invest $10 million in venture firms that support women and diverse leaders in technology. That’s a welcome commitment from the Association. Now, here’s a video from the first Women in Technology panel ever held at a CES, convened yesterday and sponsored by Lenovo and Intel.
    The post It’s Not All About Pink for Women’s Tech at CES 2019 appeared first on HealthPopuli.com.
Article source:Health Populi
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realselfblog · 5 years
It’s Not All About Pink for Women’s Tech at CES 2019
This is not a watch. Well, not just a watch. It can track heart rate. And it’s not even pink. Well, rose gold, perhaps.
One of the benefits about being a woman attending CES is that there are no lines in the loos. The men’s rooms, however, are, shall we say, over-subscribed due to the big disparity between the number of male attendees versus females.
Clearly, women are under-represented in technology companies at all levels, as the ladies’ room observation and many other more statistical reports recognize.
But I’ve good news to report on the product front about women-focused consumer technology at #CES2019: there’s a lot more of it, and some of it very meaningful, impactful, and quality-of-life enhancing. I assert this through my health lens, as well as health-economic perspective.
Start with Fitbit, among the most mature digital health suppliers featured at CES over time. Here’s a slide I developed when the Versa came to market, where I curated pink versions of Fitbit trackers since the advent of the first digital tracker I ever used: the Zip.
I met Stacey Burr who led adidas digital sports group way back when, at CES in the Zip era. She and I attended a digital health session about getting fit with tech tools and apps. She and I were among the only women in the room. The entire panel (well, “manel” as my colleague Sherry Reynolds @Cascadia has called the phenomenon) was young men, fit and buff. Every example in the video demos fit on a continuum from Arnold Schwarzenegger to A-Rod. At the Q&A, I asked why there weren’t any women featured, either as companies’ marketers or in the consumer-user examples. The chaps were tongue-tied, and Stacey and I bonded at that moment and continue to be collegial friends and part of growing group of women-in-health-tech. (Update on Stacey: she’s now Chief of Google’s Wear OS, part of Google’s ever-morphing health team).
Fast forward to 2018, and Fitbit’s blog posted about women’s health tracking, using the words “menstruation,” “period,” and “sexual health.”
Well isn’t that what we call “real life” stuff?
How time is a tincture and retail health, well, a business recognizing that some demographics (like women committed to health, fitness, stress reduction, mental health promotion, and resilience) have money to spend on high-value and evidence-based products.
So welcome the Versa, one of many women-targeted health tools featured at CES 2019 that are getting real and impactful about women, tech and health. I’ve worn my Versa for about four months now: it’s my first smartwatch-health tracker, having been a decades-committed Skagen stainless steel band analog watch-wearer on my left wrist. On my right wrist, I’ve donned several Fitbit bands, and trackers from Garmin, Withings, Fossil, Jawbone, and others.
[As a sidebar, I’ve gifted all the devices I no longer use to Professor Lisa Gualtieri’s Recycle Health project at Tufts University. Lisa’s team cleans up the donated devices (stripping of data, etc.) and gifts them onto people in the Boston area who can use them. You can do the same with your old tech long stored in “that drawer” by getting a printed label on the Recycle Health website].
There’s more fashion embedded in technology each year at CES, with brands partnering and licensing their design ethos and personalities to many tech products. One of my personal favorites is Kate Spade, whom we lost in 2018 to suicide (which I covered here in Health Populi as my own sympathy post devoted to her and Anthony Bourdain, may they rest in peace). On a joyful note, Spade’s upbeat design sense lives on in 2019, featuring some adorable watches that track activity. This is among the first fashion brands to incorporate Google’s wearable device software, Wear OS. The watch can track heart rate, has GPS, and can make mobile payments using Google Pay.
Health tracking can cover a range of women’s health issues, nothing more intimate and emotionally powerful than fertility and baby-making. This demand has not gone unnoticed in the start-up and financing communities. In 2018, several direct-to-consumer fertility-tech companies garnered $million funding to begin commercializing and scaling their products.
The Ava Fertility Tracker 2.0 is one such innovator, raising a $30mm round of investment in mid-2018. This timing coincided with the announcement of Ava’s 10,000th birth for an Ava user. Ava was founded in Switzerland in 2014 and received the Best of Baby Tech Award at CES 2017. In 2019, the company launches Ava tracker 2.0. This new version replaces traditional basal temperature with pulse rate, skin temperature, and breathing to be more predictive about ovulation. The device runs $299 and bundles in online content and a one-year pregnancy guarantee.
Once pregnant, a woman’s best chance of having a healthy baby is borne out of good pre-natal care. Thanks to BabyScripts, a box of pre-natal goodness, women can self-care during the crucial nine months of fetal development. That box arrives in Mom’s mail and includes a WiFi enabled scale, a blood pressure monitor, an app and content with a warm and informative welcome message. Mom-generated data flows to a HIPAA-compliant platform which informs OB/GYNs about their patients’ progress. For low-risk mothers, BabyScripts can empower self-care and unneeded trips to the doctor. For the clinician, the program benefits workflow, patient engagement, and risk management. I met the co-founders, Anish and Juan Pablo, in 2014 when they were starting up, and since then the company has grown through fruitful partnerships with healthcare providers around the U.S. Babyscripts received a $6mm investment in November 2018 from Startup Health, NueCura, led by Philips whose Mother/Baby unit will partner with the company.
There’s a lot of Baby Tech at CES 2019, an entire track organized by Living in Digital Times. This is a $23 billion business, with 4 million babies born every year. The portfolio of products for baby boggles the mind: when my now-grown daughter was six months old, technology in her room was a baby monitor (walkie-talkie style) and a Diaper Genie (relatively new “tech” at the time). That was 1997. Two decades later, baby tech is app-ified, from tracking feeding and monitoring baby’s room and crib to cooking healthy food for little ones: smart pacifiers, smart baby bottles, GPS-embedded strollers, GPS-bracelets for security…bringing up baby has gotten smart-er.
But back to women, and managing everyday life. Women are their homes Chief Household Officers, balancing family, work, volunteer and community activities, friendships, self-health, and home-keeping. For this last and least-enjoyable life-flow, there are connected appliances to help make life easier and more streamlined for managing house tasks. The Roomba, the first such connected home appliance, is now in a mature category, with many competitors for robotic vacuuming. Room-by-room at home, there are offerings at CES ’19 to manage every kind of work-life flow: for cooking, cleaning, washing, drying, and even folding clothes. I met the Foldimate at CES 2018, and am very happy to see it’s back in 2019 and getting market traction. It’s still early days but if tech can help all of us, men and women, save time on home tasks, we can conserve time for family, friends, and alone time to just breathe and think.
Caregivers tend to be female, and they tend not to have that time to breathe and think: caregivers usually put those they care for first, including their pets (and yes, Pet Tech is also a growing category at CES). It’s encouraging to see that caregivers are called out in many marketing plans for innovations this year at CES. I was particularly keen to meet with folks working in the Stanley Black & Decker (SBD) Future Lab, who have developed the Pria, picture here.
Wait – “Stanley Black & Decker? Aren’t they the folks who make tools and the iconic Dustbuster handheld vacuum?” Yes, indeed. But the company also has a business-to-business reach into healthcare — namely hospitals for security. asset tracking, and climate control. That’s a twenty-year-old business. So it is natural for SBD to consider how to leverage B2B healthcare into the home, where the company has strong consumer brand equity.
Pria wears a lot of hats, as companion, weather forecaster, voice-activated encyclopedia, and first and foremost, medication dispenser. There are other medication management devices available, but Pria incorporates voice-activation that feels like an Amazon or Google assistant experience without the user having to share data beyond meds. The app allows caregivers to be part of the user’s care circle, along with pharmacies and clinicians.
Samsung comes to CES this year with several “bots,” including Bot Care to support caregiving. Bot Care has many uses, including medication management and adherence support, companionship, information channeling (for, say, healthy cooking, nutrition, and exercise), and other functions that make living and aging at home easier and safer. Here’s a short video on Bot Care to learn more.
Self-care is in short supply among women, who need to take time beyond caring for others. “Put your own gas mask on first” is sound advice for women, who can lead lives wearing so many hats. At CES this year, Procter & Gamble and their Life Lab attended CES as a supplier for the first time. Like Stanley Black & Decker, P&G has a strong consumer brand name, but the initials have never been confused with being a tech company. In the company’s Media Day presentation, I learned that their Life Lab was founded to innovate new products and enhancements to existing ones. They coined their session the “Consumer Experience Show” signifying the company was bringing their deep consumer market knowledge to bear while incorporating technology enhancements to well-known brands like Gillette (for shaving), Olay (for skin care), and Oral-B (for oral care). “We are innovating how we innovate,” they explained, through the Life Lab. Three innovations they presented were:
A new “warm” razor, giving the user the Old School barbershop + hot towel experience;
The Olay Skin Advisor asks, “what if you could get a personalized skin regimen with one selfie?” which uses the company’s proprietary VizID technology backed by AI and pinpointing personalized skin care routines to fit specific needs; and,
A new Oral-B Genius X toothbrush, recognizing your “personal brushing style” and providing real-time feedback that is meant to deliver better oral health to the user.
To come full circle, it’s encouraging to note that Gary Shapiro, President of the Consumer Technology Association, announced that CTA would invest $10 million in venture firms that support women and diverse leaders in technology. That’s a welcome commitment from the Association. Now, here’s a video from the first Women in Technology panel ever held at a CES, convened yesterday and sponsored by Lenovo and Intel.
  The post It’s Not All About Pink for Women’s Tech at CES 2019 appeared first on HealthPopuli.com.
It’s Not All About Pink for Women’s Tech at CES 2019 posted first on http://dentistfortworth.blogspot.com
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