#ill just see some random hcs about them and im like
copdog1234 · 2 years
Sometimes, very rarely, it baffles me how some of you get the Twiyor vibes incredibly wrong.
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bingusbongu · 7 months
May I humbly request some Dr. Flug general dating hcs.. (hES SUCH A LITTLE GUY RVRGGGRGRHR)
A/N: SORRY IM ALITTLE LATE URG URG URG, well, i did do some Flug canons awhile back, BUTTTT since he is my favorite character of all time ill do some more:) I WANNA KISS THE BAG MAN. Also im going to be trying out some tumblr post styles in the next few posts i do to actually make my work appealing and attract more people! So dont mind if it looks different^^
《 Masterlist 》
《 Rules 》
TW: Stalking, mentions of neglect and abuse, murder and insane scientist behavior , mentions of starving,
Dr. Flug General Dating HCS
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• okay, the fact that he even managed to start dating you is truly bizarre to him. Even the fact you found out he liked you was by pure accident
• you either found out from Demencia who spilled the beans on accident while blabbing about the doctor, or Flug accidently fumbling out an "i love you" after you either do something for him while he wasnt paying attention.
• though, it worked out right after he found himself with a partner, and he STILL is so befuddled about it
• does not know a single thing about being in a relationship. You are going to have to be the one taking the lead. Slowly showing him the ropes of how a relationship works. He litterly took notes while you tried to explain everything to him, ITS IMPORTANT TO HIM OKAY??????
Once he gets an understanding of how a relationship works, he kinda starts,,, watching you abit more? Not only is he worried about you but he also tries to figure out your favorite things. He gets even more observant of you. Documenting you like you are some wild animal.
oh? You like a certain food? Writing it down. Certain type of chocolate? Writing it down. Special interest? Favorite music? Favorite animal? Favorite color? Everything about you he has down in his brain and his notes.
• though, he is usually to busy to actually go out and buy you certain things, so, instead, when he occasionally had time, he might tinker something small for you or fix something you need up! Just go to him and ask! Or if you dont, you might find it mysteriously fixed the next day
if YOU get him something, he has to stand there and pause for a second. You, got him something? You took your time to pick him out something? You put thought into a gift for him? He absolutely gets butterflies. And when i mean Butterflies, i mean he gets BUTTERFLIES. He stutters a thank you so bad as he is stimming in his spot.
if its an item like a plane thing he treasures it SO MUCH YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. He will start crying. Anything you buy for him or make for him, he puts it up somewhere so he can always see it, always. When he gets stressed he will look over at it and it automatically calms him down its SO SWEET
• he is so nervous to initiate physical affection that he clams up. He has gone so long without any actual form of touch that isnt to harm him, that he completely forgot what gentle touch feels like, so you are going to have to go slow as to not overwhelm the poor baby:(
Starting by holding his hand, gently slipping it into his own hand during a random time like just walking. He nearly jumps, but once he notices, he gets so flustered just by the little hand holding that he eventually slowly closes his fingers around yours in a gentle hold.
Occasionally putting your hand on his back when he gets upset or angry ir stressed is a MUST, He immediately relaxes
I think he needs a massage, like desperately. Rub this mans shoulders, rub his back gently. He shivers at your touch but completely folds. He has so many knots in his back its sad. So, occasionally, Flug will let you try abd work them out for him
Cuddling would take awhile im the relationship. He still gets so flushed under your gentle touches, that he has to adjust. Once he does though? You best believe he is coming to you for it. After a long day, he will go and find you and collapse into your chest while mummering something and letting you coddle him while listening to him rant, and MAN he appreciates it. He also likes it sometimes when you just are quiet together and he isnt doing something and leaning on eachother. Either he is tinkering or reading something and your are next to him with your head on his shoulder. Its really nice for him to get some quiet.
• kissing??? That also advances over time. You have to start slow. So your first move is definitely a cheek kiss. Slipping one onto his bag on one occasion, he nearly overheated and passed out. Like actually fainted
your form of kissing is just you occasionally pressing soft kisses to his bag. Which would usually happen in the mornings, when no one is looking in his lab, or at night. But each time he nearly explodes.
ACTUALLY kissing him though???? A DREAM. he has to get used to your bag kisses to actually think of kissing you for real. And he gets so flustered by it. Everytime you kiss his bag he cant help but wonder how an actual kiss with you would be like. So, he would stop you one of the times after you kissed him, and shyly ask you for a real kiss. He nearly coward out of it when you happily agreed. Though, you gave him his time, as he lifted his bag up only ever so slightly, and you leaning in to kiss him
Mfs heart actually almost stopped GIVE HIM CPR STAT. It was just a quick kiss, but you had to catch him from falling over before he passed out again
Will occasionally give you kisses back, mainly in the mornings before he goes straight to work, he gives you a little kiss and sluggishly leaving to slave away.
• Dates are alittle tough. Flug is ususlly pretty busy, but, atleast once a month you guys go out with eachother, going who knows where but enjoying some much needed time together
• cant flirt for the LIFE of him. Its always something science or plane related. Its adorable yes, but he doesn't have no capability of flirting with anyone, even if he tried.
• your guy's relationship is very secretive. Especially with Flug being a villain it puts a target on you. Even if you work alongside him, he dosnt want anything to happen to you, so he does everything in his power to protect your guy's relationship. Who knows what would happen if the big Hat himself found out?
The only ones who know of your relationship is Demencia and 505, and his bots
• SPEAKING of 505, he ADORES you. You become his second parent. Adding you in drawings and EVERYTHING. when Flug first started liking you, 505 definitely did his best to edge his father on and talk to you, he is such a good son UGHHHH.
• Flug finds alot of comfort in your presence. You can just walk into a room that he is in and he immediately relaxes and becomes much calmer.
You are his safe place. Eventually, he will open up to you, you just have to give him time. He has been keeping in his emotions for so long he forgot they even were there. So, if you let him vent out everything to you and you just hold him and listen to everything he has to say, just holding him and letting him actually cry for once, it makes him feel so safe. Like he dosnt have a reason to fear around you.
Will show his face to you eventually, just give him time
• usues nicknames only in private, like 'mi amor' or 'love'. And will have a heart attack if you call him one right back
• you are always there the moment he gets hurt, patching him up while he complsins that he could do it himself. But, underneath, he feels do special to have someone care for him for once in his life
• Flug is VERY protective over you. You are way to special to him for anything to happen to you. He makes sure you have a bot with you 24/7 to protect you incase he isnt there to do so, and to keep an eye on you. He dosnt knoe what he would do if he were to lose one of the only things that actually matters to him. So he always has your vitals up and always knows of you are okay or not.
Benefits of having a mad scientist of a lover, you have to be used to it. He tries so hard to hide that gruesome part of himself away that you just have to accept him for who he is. Even if you do, he still would prefer to keep you away from his work as to not traumatize you, no matter if you are used to it
Though, if someone is bothering you, being mean to you, just automatically tell him if he dosnt already know, they will go missing within an hour after you tell him. He would litterly do anything for you. You can say "kill this man" and he will attack without hesitating.
• he doesn't get to jelous, he mainly gets insecure. If your talking to someone else, he eternally freaks out, thinking about how he is a bad partner and your are going go leave him. You have to reassure him that you love him and are not going to leave him
• is very hesitant when you offer to help him out in the lab. He dosnt want you to end up hurting yourself, and he would feel awful if you were to do so. When you do try and help him out, its mainly just giving him tools and listing to him rant about the new invention. Regardless, the two of you enjoy the time together.
• just, out of random, you are the cook. Flug has so much troubles trying to cook its sad. He never really had time to learn for himself, and he is used to his bots doing it for him instead, or not at all. So, to make SURE this man eats, you make him food! Keeping Demencia away from it and bringing it down to his lab to eat, instead of starving himself. And boy does he appreciate it so much
Speaking of his bad habits, you have to make sure he actually eats and drinks water and rests. He is so stubborn and fights you sluggishly on it, but you always win and are dragging him to bed.
• Flug wont say it, but he depends on you so much, you are his rock, his caretaker. What on earth would he even do without you? You guys actually have a healthy relationship. You are aways with him and supporting him, no matter what the situation is, he knows he has someone who actuslly looks to him as a human being, who gives him the love he needs
He loves you so much, you are the sun to him, brightening him up and bringing him warmth and comfort.
He often asks himself
How did he get so lucky?
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
HIIIII If requests are still open, can I ask a Jax x fem reader?
The reader is a sheep that always sleeps and has a cloud where she sleeps? Preferably romantic :3 although there is no problem if you decide to make it platonic ^O^
Jax x fem!sheep!reader !
probably going to do this request and one more then call it a night! getting kind of sleepy earlier than usual since i feel a lil ill </3
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putting this in with the jax fiddles with pieces of your clothing; if the reader has wool hes going to fiddle with it, at least the outer layers of it since i dont think he would go as far as to just go elbow deep (im literally just imaging the readers body just. being a ball of fluff, and nothing else, since im not sure how much of a body the digital body would give them like. solid. ness. because for a lot of these im still thinking with like. 'digital physics' or something) (also when kinger falls into the gloink hole you can see into the bottom of his robe and you cant see his 'feet' so idk how much is like. made and rendered in universe)
okay random tangent aside, i think he would also mess with your sheep ears
makes "baa" noises at you as well as puns, loves seeing you roll your eyes at his jokes
"oh cottonball, im having some trouble falling asleep!" "you dont need to.. oh nevermind.."
has probably attempted to climb onto your cloud when its low enough for him to reach
"dont think you can get rid of me that easily" or something along those lines before taking up most of the clouds space
if the cloud can move around he probably guides it about to torment the other members when you arent around
i know its the digital world and they dont need to sleep, but i like to think that he starts to sleep just to cuddle with you on the cloud (he likes the cloud, comfy and it also satisfies his fiddling thing)
nicknames/petnames consist of things like "cottonball", "lamby" "mittens", but also stereotypical names people give their sheep and lambs (according to good)
"omg hi lambert! hey wait where are you going?" *you ascending up on your cloud*
i know this doesnt tie too much into the sheep theme, but general hc is that i think he would like bunny kisses. quick ones, but bunny kisses none the less
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p4r4syte · 2 months
its boiling hot rn so heres some lost boy hcs. what i think theyd do/be like in summer (mildly suggestive?)
pls add comments, ill add to it :3
David :
•avoids everyone. i know vampires are cold blooded but no doubt these mfs get agitated during summer. David the worst. he’d be sat there, coat discarded with a pissed off expression. still smoking. god forbid he doesnt smoke
•will even get pissed off with Feeding Time™️ because the bloods warm so he’d just disappear for days on end. hiding away. basically hibernating
•Is Extremely Snappy. he will go for anyones throat, doesnt even matter if youre together (god forbid mates), he’ll be avoiding you just in case but will Bark at the boys given any chance
•”he wouldnt hurt a fly” HE WOULD!!!!!! Fuck That Fly Do Not Invade My Personal Space
•will only calm down once hes cooler, he would genuinely have to piss off to the sea (or i imagine the cave has a watered in area) ((only dwayne knows about it but he let david in on it)) or hes sulking in a damp, desolate part of the cave. just waiting for the summer to end
•only one of the boys that can speak to david during this time is dwayne because of how hes empathetic towards his Boys. Marko And Paul Will Be DropKicked On Sight.
•sleeps upside down, near the darkest most secluded park of the cave. there isnt any air, theres no breeze. he doesnt care, he just wants to, fester. Leave Him To Fester
Marko :
•becomes more feral than he ordinarily is
•he Will be dangling from the ceiling, trying to catch any breeze that rolls in
•he will also be chilling with the pigeons, they find the coolest places in the cave to rest so Why Not?
•the summer heat will also be giving him unneeded energy. he WILL be playfighting with paul and then laying there overheating and gets pissed off once paul tried to interact with him again. Cant You See Im Warm? Jesus.
•will find endless cool drinks on the boardwalk once it cools down during night. itll give him no sustenance and he’ll be pissed off that he has a headache tomorrow but. Mmm Slushie :3
•still eats hot food and will complain about how hes warmer now than before he ate the food. yes he knew beforehand. no he wont stop. let him complain
•him and paul sit shirtless in the centre part of the cave, eating ice creams and then getting pissed off once theyve eaten them all (or theyve melted)
•calmer than david, less irritated than dwayne, less energetic than paul
•sleeps in a random, small part of the cave because the air rushes straight through (he followed the pigeons)(he learns many things from them, this is one of the many great things he found out)
Paul :
•please calm down. its Hot. Get The Memo
•continues his antics, just with, less clothes.
•the ONLY motherfucker thats actively trying to interact with everyone else
•he doesnt get it, god bless. not a single thought in that head x
•is also smoking. sat on that fountain (the cold marble against his back), trying to yell to the others (they ignore him) speaker blasting music (its pissing everyone off)
•the only one that actually leaves the cave (until he convinces marko to get slushes with him. then hes no longer going alone)
•a nuisance. a pure fucking mosquito of a man. he’d be stuck to you if he could, please don’t let him you dont know where hes been (various ponds) (hes upside down in a shrub) (dont help him)
•hes a boombox blaster, weedsmoking, white rum drinker in summer. or whatever he can get his hands on. but best believe he’s living it up even if he doesnt make it out the cave most nights
•sleeps drunk in the fountain, naked. Hey, Its Cool. What Do You Want From Me?
Dwayne :
•is the only one who Actually attempts to cater to the rest
•he knows exactly how everyone is and as much as he Needs To Rot too, he needs to check on everyone first
•only person hes really checking on is david lets be honest
•after finding david and just, checking, he’ll find his own section of the cave. not too far, within ear distance of Everyone in the cave
•he’ll just rest there for a while, just dangling, all sweaty
•sometimes he has enough energy to chill with paul and marko but quickly loses it after a while. paul is Way too much for him in this heat. Hes Markos Issue Now :)
•he is the only one that will remind the other boys that they need to eat. it may be hot, but you still need to eat. cue moody david, hyper paul, sweaty and overstimulated marko and coping mother dwayne
•doesnt speak to anyone, literally not at all, because hes just Too Hot™️ so he’ll just pull your hand to what he wants, guiding you to what he needs
•sleeps alone, in the centre on the cave. just above where they all gather, so he can hear everyone but is just far enough away to get peace. oh, hes also naked.
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complete-clownery · 8 months
Okay I wont get to work on this any longer tonight so imma just post this
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So this morning I have realised some stuff about my Macaque home hc
So first of all you can see the human disguised Macaque with Bai He,
and so Bai He wasnt there or "planed into the house" three days ago, but I decided that, that just wont do, I want her with Macaque, so im going to have to go back and alter my original ideas so it would fit the concept of Bai He also living there with Macaque (I have quit a lot of ideas for that, but ill get to them when I have the time)
But its not the main reason I wanted to talk about this even with half finished ideas under constructuion in my head
The big thing you already saw the random old lady and the antic Store/shop, so its no suprise im going to talk about that a for a bit,,, not a lot tho cuz I dont really got the energy for this
Soo--- She does not have a name, but Ill work on that, shes not fully thougt out, but nothing really when it comes to my ideas and headcanons (its kinda like eating halfbaked dough)
so shes 73 years old divorced lady running a little antic shop in the outer cirkles of Megapolis. I was thinking maybe it was her who originally selled the whole building to Macaque and rented the free space under the dojo.
She has a daughter and a grandkid (didn't decide on gender yet)
Shes kinda inspired by @/ladygreenfrisbee's oc in the fanfiction sunbreak, a snarky but sweet old lady whos not taking any shit from the brooding, shadow the hedgehog wannabe.
When she was younger she worked in a Museum in Megapolis, working with antient historical artifacts and megical weapons, but she pretty much knew everything about anything in there, with history and old stories being one of her passions,
Thus after she retired she decided to open and antic store. Even tho its an antic store, she can be one of those people that you bring an old piece of furniture or object in and they can tell you if its legit or not. She is also willing to trade and buy stuff from you if its to her likings. She's fair and not a con artist, she has just enough money for herself and thats completely fine by her, shes a simple woman when it comes to living.
She has a ton of degrees, Dr. And Phd tytels and what nots, extreamly smart and knows a lot about history and mytology and different eras of the past, making it easier for her and Macaque to connect over old stuff.
Also I was thinking, even tho she couldnt tell that Macaque was the Six Eared Macaque himself, she knew that they were wearing glamours, She studied artifects and worked with demons who were experts on the field of magics and glamours, she knows her shit
And even tho She had a decent relationshipp with Macaque I dont think Macaque would willingly let her see his true form, maybe after he was very exhausted, and injured after a fight they couldnt hold it up and were like-- fuck it who cares (maybe it was after the final fight with LBD) and she obviously knew who they were imidietly seeing his Six ears (that even tho he let her see one time hé continued to glamour like he would usually, only letting go of their human disguise)
So after that she would start asking him a whole lot of questions about the past and what was it like, carefully avoiding the questions involving the great sage equal to heaven, cuz she knew what happend from jttw
But yeah Macaque found it funny how a child and an old lady are looking at him with similar shimmer to their eyes as they interrogate him on the past
She loves a good tea and has her own little blends that calm the nerves and ease muscle pain and stuff like that. After She and Macaque became more friendly with eachother she gifted them some tea that helps him fall asleep better and relax. Macaque checked them for poison twice and couldnt find anything, but still wasnt willing to drink from them until he had a very fucked up breakdown yippeee ✌️
After Macaque lived there for some years they somewhat warmed up to eachother, they would hold little tea paties and talk about stuff (annoying husbands and divorce) after Bai He started living with Macaque these tea parties increased in numbers, sometimes the ladys grandchild joining in when Grandma was watching over them, maybe they get along well with Bai He, maybe they had a rocky begining to their friendshipp, but they warmed up to eachother and now are pretty good friends (maybe, ill think about it more)
BUT!!! this was it for now its already 2:40 am and im waking up at 6:40 so even tho I have more to say ill be going now
Bye thank you for reading ✌️☺️
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jacedified · 2 months
things i cant stop thinking about !!
most of this is going to imperium related so enjoy my brain turning mwah
also pls ignore my mid sentence rambling i have a serious problem
warnings: gore/mentions of death , violence , imperium , swearing :D , adult with internet access cant shut up
- yandere caller being a shade
(someone said this on a hc list and now im actively running with it)
- sams eyes being brown
(as a brown eye haver i know he misses them dearly and i wnna give him the worlds sweetest biggest longest hug)
- the idea of gavin “slicing” peoples threads for kody in imperium
(forcing my husband ((i need therapy im married to a fictional incubus)) to do such acts simply because you want to you sick freak ILL FUCKING KILL U- oh wait gavin already did xoxo kiss my ass from hell kody)
- the look on kodys face at the end of it all
(as previously stated i wanted that man dead.. i just wanna make sure hes actually gone yknow)
- what asher’s smile looked like when him and david were together (imperium)
(knowing that david was gone, hearing the random audience member asking for david to be alive and left alone in the first imperium video, knowing they were mates, knowing how heartbroken asher was after his death i just wanna see them happy maann ((it feels criminal to use emojis on tumblr)) 😭😭)
- if lasko calling freelancer “my dear” when you first met him in the haven was a sneak peek for his later ((is the word prime for like normal redacted universe characters i can’t remember, like prime lasko yada yada)) listeners name
- if no one was watching gavin WOULD HE HAD BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF IMP!HUXLEY???
(the amount of shit talking hux did when freelancer and gavin first get to the haven had me ready to fight in an instant ((it mightve just been my overwhelming adoration for gavin but still)) like he was acting like an annoying jock who gets a job as security for some fuck ass rich university and thinks hes on top of the world like dont piss me off huxley or damien gets it in the other universe so help me god)
- is anyone else as attracted to the tension between vincent and asher in imperium as i am..
(i have no words for how “yippee kicking my feet happy smiley kiss now kiss now what if u kissed rn” i was when asher and vincent are talking but also i feel like pet ((is that vincents listeners name or vegas I CANT REMEMBER PLS)) was behind a door listening in and getting jealous bc “that should be me holding your hand..”
… excuse the outburst)
- vampire milo.. thats all
(GAWD hes so hot like he always is and always has been but jesus FUCKING christ theres something about him having been a vamp did something to me that i cant even explain)
- what was avior saying to lasko to make him irritated with him..
(i mean yeah hes a yapper but i feel like it was just “hey we need help down here” and lasko rolling his eyes and waiting two weeks before actually doing anything)
- what would have happened had milo not broken the ward
(again someone else mentioned this ((i would tag them but it was 6hrs ago and i was just scrolling and reading)) and now i cant stop thinking about it)
- what is avior hearing in his last video
(its been a while since ive actually listened to aviors playlist again but there was a voice or sounds he was hearing after getting out of the meridian and its just been on my mind)
- gavin having a myspace account
(he would love myspace i just know he would and i feel like he’d be an avid tumblr user but like its just him posting his favorite pics of himself from the week and updates on whatever small pet him and freelancer would very obviously inevitably get bc he saw it in a pet store or on the street and couldnt resist)
- what happens when freelancer gets old..
(freelancer is just that.. a freelancer. they arent a vamp, or a demon, or even some secret third thing.. what happens to them and gav when they get old. have they had that talk yet? i shouldnt think about this bc it makes me spiral into a bucket of tears and sadness bc its the same thing with sam and darlin’ like we wont know what theyll do when their partners get old and they are still young and immortal.. sigh 😔)
- can i cut the meridian open with a knife if i tried?
(how thin is the meridian? how easy is it to access? how long would it take me to literally stab it open? ((i have serious issues)) )
- imp!damien..
(yea i have a crush on him or whatever nothing crazy)
- is the person asher catches in imperium baabe or is it just random listener #18683 ?
(obviously my first thought when i listened to imperium like a year ago i thought baabe nd asher would be together ((i was delusional and on an asher high)) but then when it was revealed that he and david were mates in that universe did that mean baabe just doesnt exist or are they the person that gets caught by him or again some secret third thing)
- what happens to angel in the mess that is imperium, honestly what happens to all the shaw pack listeners
(obviously sweetheart is left out of this equation bc them and milo are still happily obsessed with each other in every universe BUT angel, baabe, and darlin where yall at??)
(this just popped into my mind but WHERE IS MY SON?? what have u done with my son WHERE IS MY SON??!!?)
- is anyone else as obsessed with just erik and his mind?
(that handsome blessing to my youtuber universe.. i could listen to him babble for hours and will do so bc it feeds my “listening to nerdy man babble on abt his fixations” quota)
- what imperium versions of characters do people prefer over their counterparts
(personally i prefer imp! huxley, damien, and vincent over their prime versions ((still dont know if im using the term prime in the right context)) idk what it is but well i know what it is for huxley and damien but we dont need to get into why i dont like hux and dames rn :D but for vincent i just like seeing a different version of him i think.. hes so confident with his decisions, and knows what he wants in imperium i just want that for regular vince too.. sigh)
uhh anyways.. i think thats enough thinking for now, going back to sleep
stay safe out there
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kumezyzo · 1 year
literally love you for all the streamer!reader hc cus no one else really does it 🫶🏼🫶🏼 (pls do more for my well-being ill beg 🤧)
hehe. first thing that came to mind was the creation of everest. so here you go. fem!reader
i was so incredibly sleep deprived and in a random holiday inn express in colorado/kansas when i started writing this. so its my brain basically on crack trying to describe harmonies in my cellist little peanut brain 😭😭
i also assumed this anon wanted bf!sapnap... and im sorry if thats not the case. just pretend i never wrote any of that.
anyway, enjoy! or dont... :) m.list
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bsf!dream who asks you to harmonize on the vocals with him.
"its like barely an octave higher," he tells you as you stand infront of the microphone. you roll you eyes and adjust the headphones on your head.
"its barely an octave higher," you say, mocking his voice.
"yea and then its higher on the second 'coming down' and keep it high but flat," he says easily.
you stare at him with furrowed eyebrows as you think over his words.
you sigh, "i hate being your friend."
bsf!george who teases you when he hears your vocals added to the song.
"oh my god, yn's singer era?" he grins at you. you groan and shove him playfully.
bf!sapnap who hears your raw vocals and just feels like a proud bf that you stepped out of whatever comfort zone you had to sing in dreams song.
when people hear the take with all four of you, they can actually tell because of your voice.
during bsf!dreams promotion for the song, he posts on tiktok with the title 'yn not singing and stalling for three minutes'
its a compilation of you talking and pacing around the studio, prolonging a groan, and insulting clay as much as you can. and saying obscenities into the microphone, obviously.
"im hungry, are you guys hungry? we should go get some food....and not come back-" "ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
"clay, youre a bitch." "clay, i hate you." "dream is a bitch, sub to me-" "so high like im on acid-" "i thought nick and george were supposed to be on this song too."
bsf!george who complains about how much you and sapnap were pelting him with snowballs during the music video.
"for some reason they gave them all to sapnap. and he gave half of them to yn," george said recalling the semi-traumatic events. "and both of them throwing them were so painful."
on your own stream, you talk about the behind the scenes of the music video.
"shes [amouranth] actually such a cool person...i was about to leave nick for her-"
"what you guys didnt see after nick popped the champagne, was that he proceeded to point it at me and completely drench me in it," you say pursing your lips in annoyance. "and it didnt even taste good!"
"they asked me to join this little pillow fight right here," you said pointing at the screen. "and instead of hitting kaitlyn, i went around and smacked the fuck out of george. but you can barely see it."
"i really hope they didnt get that energy drink on the carpet..."
bf!sapnap who suggested you getting in a bikini like the other girls in the music video.
you look at your boyfriend blankly, "your such a perv-"
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i liked writing this. thats it. -nony
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HIIIII! TYSM FOR INQUIRING ON MY HCS! I'LL GLADLY FLING THEM AT YOU AT A VELOCITY IN WHICH NOBODY SHOULD BE PELTED BY WORDS :D (they're going to be neatly organized under the cut). I would've gotten to this sooner but life nerfed my ability to get to things within what I consider a reasonable time. I'm doing General HCs + a few dating HCs that have been sitting on my brain for a while. I'd like to note that a few of these are a bit on the angsty side? Nothing too bad, but yk yk.
Word Count: 707 words!
im sorry if this is long, I have NO idea what tends to be seen as an acceptable length for these kinds of things KAHAHAH. Regardless, I hope you enjoy them and tysm again for feeding into my brainrot. B)
・୨・┈┈┈┈・୨ ✦ ୧・┈┈┈┈・୧・
₊꒷︶ HCs Babey WOOHOOOO
˚⊹Morris is around 5'9, but he likes claiming he's around an inch or two taller. If you call him down on this bluff he gets visibly annoyed
-He's literally blind as a bat oh my god. You take this mans glasses away and you've taken away his ability to perceive the world as anything but splotches. If you were to take away his glasses he'd playfully pout then grab them whilst squinting in such an exaggerated fashion (but to him it isn't exaggerated at all. he's doing the best he can to see literally any part of you)
๑‧˚Morris is quite expressive, hyper-expressive even. He practically has an expression reserved for just about every situation you could think of. Its honestly impressive.
-Morris finds it hilarious to sneak up behind Pierre during random points and go "womp womp", and a variety of other similar, ill-fitting noises. To which he is chased off. It's one of the many tiny things he finds a surprising amount of pleasure in.
˚⊹ While Morris wasn't aware of the valley's existence as a child, I do imagine he was actually from a small town somewhere in Bavaria. That's right! I imagine Morris as Bavarian! If you catch him while he's still waking up, there's a chance he'll mutter something to you in Stardew's equivalent of Bavarian-German before snapping awake and correcting it to the English equivalent. He's bilingual, and he's fluent in both English and Bavarian-German.
-Morris has an accent, but he's able to try to limit it as much as possible in order to appeal more to the audience of Pelican Town.
ʚɞ There are aspects of the southern Pelican Town accent he's picked up on. He's like a sponge when it comes to mimicking accents, and as a result, he's also a sponge when it comes to inevitably picking up on the ways people say words differently in Pelican Town. At times, he's slipped up and said certain words in the Pelican Town way™. Yes, it's broken his customer service voice. Yes, he's sobbed over that.
"Over there sits our wonderful Joja Brand™ warsher n' dryer."
-Morris is ungodly out of touch. Some of the younger workers at his store have shared memes in their company group chat that they totally have because I willed it into existence and he's replied with either "????" or "haha (he's confused and doesn't get it)" You could trick this man into numerous deez nuts jokes if you felt particularly evil. I'm dead serious. It'd go something like this.
"Why, hello farmer! Are you visiting in hopes to talk about that Joja Membership? Or was there something else you were interested in bringing up?"
"Yeah, so I thought Soona worked here? Soona Orlada?"
"Soona Orlada? I haven't heard of t-"
"Soona or Later you're gonna see deez nu-"
"get OUT." He says, eyebrow twitching as he tries not to drop the customer service smile.
˚⊹He has self-confidence issues, regardless of how much bravado he likes showing to the residents of Pelican town and especially to Pierre. He often doubts his own abilities, and questions very often why things haven't turned in his favor despite how much effort he's put into his job and his work. He finds himself burnt out extremely often and ends up sitting at home sulking over another day stuck in a repetitive cycle with no change. Despite this, he knows the next day over he'll force a smile on his face and go about his life the exact same way he always has.
๑‧˚ For a long time, Morris was in heavy denial over just how bad the situation he was caught in was. He was in denial over just how strenuous his own job was, and was in denial over how overworked he was. Along with this, I imagine he was in denial over everything he had been doing wrong in his position. Having corporate constantly breathing down your neck over your specific district performing well clouds your judgement. At first, he'd shoot down any remarks about this. I imagine he reacts poorly to criticism from people he feels aren't adequate or in a position to be commenting on his performance, but he takes it into consideration regardless. After a few more confrontations, I imagine he takes steps to try and improve the working conditions of the little JojaMart he's under. It isn't until Post-Community Center that he actually realizes he's been treated poorly by Joja as well. He'd feel betrayed, but I imagine he'd feel lost and at a standstill on what to do next. Realistically, he'd probably continue to work for them for as long as he could unless a better opportunity reared its head.
-I like imagining Morris as a bit of a foodie. Dude absolutely knows the best restaurants in the Ferngill republic, and absolutely enjoys a good meal. Unfortunately, due to having such a demanding job, he hasn't been able to visit any of them in god knows how long. He's had to live on those incessant Joja Microwaveable Dinners for an unspeakable amount of time (he needs help). I reckon offering up home cooked meals to him is one of the fastest ways to his heart.
₊꒷In a relationship I imagine Morris to be kind of like a cat slowly warming up to his partner. He's been lonely for most of his life, and while he's touch starved, I don't think he'd be all that used to giving or receiving affection. In fact, I like imagining that for the first little bit while he's warming up to dating he gets all red faced over any gentle touch. Heaven forbid you kiss the guy while he's still getting used to things LMJKSDHKS. He's moreso one to give words of affirmation or gifts than gentle embraces during the first little bit of a relationship. Once he warms up, however, I imagine he gives ungodly nice cuddles and gentle kisses whenever he sees his S/O. Of course, that isn't to say he doesn't still prefer surprising his lover with little gifts here and there.
ʚɞ When Morris gets particularly embarrassed or flustered I imagine he likes to look away and push his glasses against his face, acting like he's unphased, or he hides his face with his arm or his hand. It's a huge habit of his and he's definitely done it unintentionally when the farmer shoots down something he says or one of his Joja-Related endeavors.
-Morris enjoys carefully planned, thought out home dates or picnic dates as opposed to anything extravagant. Sure, he adores a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant, but seeing his S/O put so much effort into making sure he has a good time... it absolutely warms his heart. Bonus if they plan some kind of stargazing date with all kinds of things to do beforehand. At first, the concept and appeal confuses him, but the fact that they found such joy in it... he starts enjoying it as well.
₊꒷Morris cries whenever he feels an excessive amount of just about any emotion. If someone were to get him a little overly happy he'd start tearing up then apologize. If he gets too comfortable with his S/O in bed he starts to tear up. No, he doesn't know why. No, don't feel bad. He's literally in heaven. Cloud nine, even. Similarly, I imagine him as one of those angry criers. He gets absolutely pissed off and you just see him start to tear up before screaming at someone then apologizing.
๑‧˚ He enjoys plushies. I'm not expanding on why I think this I just think he'd like a cute squishmallow. He wouldn't show his enjoyment openly but you know damn well he'd have it with him in bed every night. A little buddy, if you will. If he's caught with it he chucks that shit out of view then apologizes to it privately later.
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vanana-r0tat3 · 2 years
some pre-game batim headcanons :>
Henry: - all he does is eat hot chip be bisexual and lie /j - has a preference for women so i think him realizing hes not straight is like hey wait a minute hey wait wait - joey was his gay awakening,,, real -gets burnout super easy, it probably frustrates him a lot when he cant draw - drawing is a big comfort for him - has pretty bad social anxiety, but has become pretty good at dealing with it!
Joey: - gay. this man is not into women at all sorry 💀 "i just dont have time for girls" yeah sure fruitcake - watch me project once again and give this man bpd. like im sorry his whole thing with henry?? im not even explaining it but if you get it you get it yea - also definitely has adhd - wheelchair user !! he is able to walk, but he still needs the wheelchair when flare ups get real bad. he is stubborn though and refuses to use it at work or when hes out of the house
more under the cut !!
Wally: - he has adhd, obviously - transgender !! i feel like hes a gnc binary trans man - hes straight to me, but his gf/wife is also trans >:D t4t win - i feel like he likes to gossip. the thought of him, norman, shawn, maybe even jack whispering to eachother in a corner about some random secrets theyve overheard is super funny to me
Sammy: - AUTISM... hes autistic - gets overwhelmed and overstimulated super easily, hence why hes always so irritable - yknow what im giving him bipolar. hes my comfort character and i get to project my mental illness !! - hes gay and demiromantic - honestly? transfem i see it. bc like im thinking about how he talks about susies singing like. i know what you are - bad with boundaries.. he is so bad at them and reading social cues - hates being touched, probably is only comfortable with jack for the most part - watch him crush on like half the men mentioned in this post at least once
Norman: - hes also autistic. his sense of humor is so??? 😭 - HES ALSO DEFINITELY AN OLDER GAY GUY. he just has that energy yknow like if you agree - probably would be agender too - him and sammy are that incompatible type of autism havers does this make sense?? like some autistic people i just cant stand because of my autism, our places on the spectrum make it so hard to like them yk? thats norman and sammy - this man definitely has insomnia
Susie: - lesbian. she doesnt know it yet but she is - her calling sammy handsome isnt her being attracted to him its just gender envy 😁 - shes just a feminine transmasc 👍 - rejection sensitive dysphoria out the ASS my poor girl - very insecure deep down, so she overcompensates for it by trying to be a people pleaser n stuff
Allison: - shes bisexual !! has a strong preference for women - shes a trans woman idc idc i love her - AUTISTIC AS HELL - i imagine she had a sibling like relationship with joey - probably one of the few people that could tell him off without like. getting fired lol
Buddy: - adhd and autism,, special intrest in art/drawing - AROACE. the stuff he says about his friendship with dot?? "i didnt know we could just be friends" and him not being too into his first assumption when she pulls him away to show him the bendyland model?? yea - honestly i think he has social anxiety hes doing his best - hes very sensitive over people bringing up him being jewish, he seems so ready to be made fun of or scorned for it :( - definitely some cultural detachment because of it (im projecting again) - i think dot would wanna learn about about it, buddy should teach her stuff!! like traditions and whatnot
Tom: - asexual 👍 - TRANSGENDER. probably would be nonbinary, heavily masc leaning though - he smokes a lot have you heard this man good lord. i dont think allison is a fan of it - anger issues,, mostly caused by stress and a lack of sleep, hes trying his best :( - he has arthritis. hes not old but god do his joints fee like it. he has crutches !! like joey though he only really uses em at home 💀
Jack: - wheelchair user jack my BELOVED idk where the hc came from but im all for it - he cant walk, but is able to get around just fine! watch him try and do wheelies to impress sammy only to almost fall over - 100% autistic as well. him and sammy are able to be autism together - unlabeled aromantic - hes such a loser /loving
Grant: - poor guy gets chronic headaches someone give him some painkillers - hes got generalized anxiety disorder this man cannot get a break - demisexual and demiromantic,, mans is double demi
Shawn: - adhdtism 😭 - LOVES to talk, he could go on for hours dude - i feel like he knows a lot of ridiculously obscure knowledge. for why? dont worry about it - he gives me genderfluid vibes - literally just some guy
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undergroundbillions · 3 months
I SEEN YOUR POST,,, AND I CAME!! i have a couple of questions abt some history with merchandise and whatever (unless you guys made a post abt the hallmark raggedies alread) ! :)
1. So do you guys have any history or insight of the Hallmark raggedies? If so id like to hear, im a big fan of the hallmark branch of the raggedies!!!
2. Do you guys have any fun hcs? If so what are they!
My example of one is: i hc Ann making dresses and skirts for her friends!! Or even Henny hating bugs but he collects them for his bug collection lol
3. Why do you guys even care about Rag Dolly in the first place? What made you guys want to find it AND want to revive it? Was it a personal project or better yet a fan project put up together by fans (aka the mods aka aka you guys, i think unless im wrong lol)
You guys are cool and im excited to hear any other updates on the revival of Rag Dolly, yall are so cool and talented,, can't wait to see what you guys do in the future!!! Keep it up guyss!
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Ok! Here we go!
We don't know much specifically about Hallmark. At that point, Bobbs-Merrill was in charge of the licensing of Raggedy Ann images and books, while the family was still in charge of the dolls. Hallmark licensing began in 1969 and continued throughout the 70's. They published the cardbooks, which came with tiny dolls (which for licensing purposes don't actually count as dolls, but rather as other toys). And the pop-up-book records, stationary, and lots of random little things. Big company buys lucrative licensing and puts it on everything for a few years, that's the story!
Oh man when I ask for hc questions I mostly mean ones *about* headcanons, I'm bad at open ended questions like that lol. But here's a few I've been thinking about recently: I think Marcella has regular fainting spells when she gets exhausted. This doesn't really transfer to the dream but it happens in real life. Ann and Andy's seams and faces are all wobbly because Poppa's too often drunk to sew straight lines. This isn't a hc because technically it's canon to Gibson's writing but Poppa made Marcella a little toy boat from wood scraps and that's where the inspiration for the boat in her dreams comes from.
What got most of us interested in the musical was the video by CollinLooksBack going over what little was known about the show at that time (2019). At that point, we knew about the movie already. If you want to know more about the little details of the time before RARE specifically was founded, I've written up a timeline on our website! (And I plan on expanding it) Idk what the difference is between a personal project and a fan project in this case? We thought the show was interesting, and liked the music, so we decided to start looking for it! The organizers are all theater people, the majority of us went to school for theater and plan on working in it. We knew we had the background and resources to make an actual revival happen. Specifically the founder, Gwyn, who has certain legal and industry connections that are making things go a lot smoother. But really, we never thought we'd get this far, we weren't thinking this deeply about it. It was 2021, we all needed something to do and people to talk to. None of the organizers knew each other, though a few early members were mutuals from the 1977 movie and other fandoms. It just slowly got more serious and we continue to take it more and more seriously the farther we get. Most importantly, all of the main founders have deep personal connections to the story. We have all suffered illness and loss of loved ones. I mean I literally discovered the show like two months after my mom died I don't think you can get much more fated than that. We like the show, it means something to us, and we think it deserves a second chance in it's actual intended form and not as a huge broadway spectacle. It's literally still popular in Russia, why shouldn't it be popular here?
-𝕸𝖔𝖉 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑 𝕯.
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unexpectedbrickattack · 11 months
Ngl I'm kind of dillydallying around my own SDV fixation and i'd KILL to see what your brain is doing to this game like i for one would eat up dat stuff UP . . .
I love the way this is phrased; genuinely 😭💖 like im a force of nature tearing through any new interest like its made of wet tissue paper 💥💥💥
I thought about it some more and i will (eventually) make an sdv blog. Its going to be a mess having all my interests on one dashboard (im lazy and i dont want to sign in and out all the time for diff accounts lol) but i need sdv stuff in sight or ill explode. For now tho i will ramble about random hcs rattling around in my brain
- The valley is FULL of magic, but not alot of Magical Beings that utilize that magic. If the residents of pelican town knew more about magic, there would be alot more wizards than just. The Wizard.
- Everyone in pelican town has some kind of latent magic, or at the very least, an affinity or sensitivity to magic. I like to think that magic builds in very secluded corners of their world and the area including (and surrounding) pelican town is simply one of those places.
-(sorry, i am just obsessed with Places and Magic) I like the idea of your farmer being drawn to pelican town bc they have a bit of magic in them. The letter is just A Letter, but it is the desire to see this town that makes them leave their old life behind. I am obsessed w the idea that the magic in the farmer craves the valley bc it sees the valley as its home, and by extension, the farmer sees the valley as their home. The people of pelican town rarely leave bc the magic in them sees the valley as their home always. The biggest examples of this are Kent, Demetrius, Evelyn, Emily and Shane. The huge exceptions to this (still workin on it) are lewis and sebastian; lewis bc i see him as a normal, non-magical being trying to wrangle the weirdness of this town, and sebastian bc his feelings of isolation and not being understood propels him to crave the world outside of the valley. (That changes a bit if u befriend him/romance him)
-(shane is weird bc hes super depressed and lonely but his happiness comes from his new ‘ragtag family’ (his words) and his very Not Normal chickens. The animals of the valley love him bc he loves them and he becomes tied to the valley bc of it. Marnie has always loved the animals of the valley and some of the love they had for her definitely rubbed off onto shane, who very openly admits he loves the chickens 💙)
-I wasnt very fond of the idea of purple=magic but i think that was bc i often saw it as a way to tie-in the wizard and abigail. I am still trying to get through the friendships for everyone but rn it doesnt feel like theres any connection between them (and caroline). But. I do like the idea of odd, unnatural colors coming through bc of magic. Alex and Pierre having normal brown hair; Haley and Sam being true blondes. BUT. Shane and Jas having purple-ish hair. Emily and Caroline have blue toned hair. Even vincent have pinkish hair 🥺💖 (and dare i say….sebastian with purple/black hair like shane 👀…maybe he has more magic in him than hed like to believe). Abigail doesnt count bc from what ive seen, Caroline laments about her daughters dyed hair. “When she was younger it used to be chestnut brown” which…awww she took after her dad lol.
- LAST THING. This is not an hc i am just mad about this. I cannot believe the game doesnt allow u to befriend Marlon. What the fuck. What the fuck !!! I love him!!! I want to be friends w the chill monster slayer! Im a monster slayer too!!! Let me give him gifts !!! Fuck ! 😭😭😭💥💥💥💥 Also. I know how to write old man yaoi. They shouldve let me do a romance path for willy, clint and marlon. And the wizard i guess but someone already did that. Linus doesnt count bc hes ascended the need for human romance; hes one w nature (read. aroace). And we (linus and willy and the farmer) already co-raise leo so that counts for something i think 🤔
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longdeadking · 8 months
dashboard simulator
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👯 crows-on-a-log
guys im literally undergoing a crisis right now can anyone hear me
#my dad goin craaaaazy #he stole the lightbulbs out of my ezbake oven for the fifth time :( #vent post #delete later
2 notes
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☠️ williamaftonshugepersonality 🔁
😶‍🌫️ boypenis Follow
😃 blogname-here
did yall see the new episode......... glopp sploinky was sooooooooooooo
#im normal about him! #<- blatant lies #media liveblog
(24 notes)
😼 discourse-haver Follow
i just dont see why we have to portray every male character in Media as female....... cant we just leave them male, as the creators intended? lol
🪴 rational-thinker
what world do you live in that people are being forced to hc male characters as female????
😼 discourse-haver Follow
youd understand if you were a fandom elder like me.......
🪴 rational-thinker
your blog is a month old
(104 notes)
😚 trustedmutual 🔁
👙 cup-size-tournament Follow
glopp sploinky propaganda:
he's literally just a cisgender man with 5 minutes of screentime
Woman McAwesome propaganda:
she has a canonical rack, she's a lead character, she's super buff and could crush you, she has an interesting arc and her emotional narrative factors into the main plot in impactful ways
#vote glopp sploinky!!!! #GLOPP SPLOINKY SWEEEEEP!!!!! #thats my husband! fuck woman mcawesome lol
(1,267 notes)
🖌 supercoolartist 🔁
🖌 supercoolartist
made a little doodle <3
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if you dont reblog my art ill kill you btw <3
#self rb for the morning crowd #glopp sploinky x blorbo C #gloc fanart
(12 notes)
Based on your Likes!
😈 guy-you-have-blocked Follow
hey anyone want to hear the worst take of all time as shown through a low-effort meme that i stole from reddit?
(127,363 notes)
😚 trustedmutual 🔁
💝 fandomroyalty Follow
i would let woman mcawesome step on my face
💝 fandomroyalty Follow 🔁
10k woman mcawesome hornyposting
#happy woman mcawesome hornyposting wednesday
(11,560 notes)
#long post #dashboard simulator
13,498 notes
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🍊 the-real-onceler
all im saying is that homestuck is actually a modern epic poem a la gilgamesh the oddesey the journey to the west etc. essay below the cut if you want me to cite my sources
Read More
#onceler essays #i literally wrote my thesis on this
1,045 notes
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🤡 puns-are-for-losers
goncharov ebby deepy glup shitto blorbo old man yaoi vanilla extract post simulators tournaments tumblr live homestuck 2 barbenheimer. we didnt start the fire
656,099 notes
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🦋 axels-random-blog 🔁
🌹 girluterus Follow
what if weevils had tumblr
👤 burrowing-for-goodies-deactivated-2024
guyssss i just found the juiciest tomato to chow down on.... hmu for my location in the garden
150 insectoid notes
🐛 evil-weevil
attention garden dwellers!! do not eat the fresh produce in the southwest corner of the garden!! the humans just sprayed insecticide on them, so if you eat them you will die!!!!
🪲 carapace-is-popping
wtf this is blatant misinfo..... my buddy @burrowing-for-goodies just ate some tomatoes from the southwest corner and hes fine. youre just hoarding bro its so obvious
12k insectoid notes
🪲 carapace-is-popping
hey ummm has anybody seen @burrowing-for-goodies recently? hes not responding to dms. im going to go look for him
🍃 random-bugg
op is your friend ok? what happened?
🪲 carapace-is-popping
4,506 insectoid notes
🔴 girluterus
what was that
10,041 notes
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🔮 the-wizard-hatter
she fireball on my small enclosed space til i TPK
9,156 notes
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💀 longdeadking
do you guys think post simulators have gone too far
1 note
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froggibus · 11 months
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for veteran followers, newcomers & people just browsing, a quick reminder on how this works, the kind of content posted here + a bit of an explanation! (of course, if im rambling, feel free to skip to the TLDR at the bottom ♥)
essentially, i have a bit of a bad habit of scattering all of my updates and news across various fanfic posts. ill probably continue to do this, but i know not everyone reads every post, so you're probably missing out on some info you might want to know
"like what?" mainly, requests + request statuses. but instead of making you guys scour through the depths of my posts to find out if i even received your requests, i thought it would be easier to just post it all here.
content you can expect here:
requests ive received and going to work on
WIPs im planning on posting soon
breaks, hiatuses, changes in plans & planned content
random life updates (sometimes)
to make it easier to digest (+ more relevant to you guys), its going to be in order of newest to oldest. (example: oct 2023 would come before jan 2023)
thank you guys, keep being amazing ♥
TLDR: ive decided to put all of my updates on requests, request status, wips + breaks etc in one place. its gonna be in order of newest to oldest, and ill update here whenever there's news :)
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JULY 13. 2024:
summer suntacular was SO MUCH FUN!!! thank you to everyone who participated ^^ i really enjoyed doing this follower event & super looking forward to doing more w you guys in the future!
requests are finally open again! i am probably only gonna take about 6 - 10 depending on the complexity/types of reqs i get + only about 2-3 per character (to prevent another Venturepocalypse) ^^ super excited to see what everyone comes up with ♥
JULY 1. 2024:
happy canada d’eh!
currently doing a bit of a rework on this blog! changing the way I interact w content on Tumblr to make it less spammy & more relevant for you guys!
requests are still closed as ive been really struggling with my writing as of lately :,) but once I sort them & catch up they’ll be open!
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JUNE 1. 2024:
happy pride ^.^
still working through requests right now & also working on something fun for summer! come vote in our summer solstice poll and feel free to come talk to me about all your summer faves & thirsts!
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MAY. 27 2024:
requests are currently closed! thanks to everyone who sent one in—im just catching up on them now ^~^
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MAY. 26 2024:
i’ve received quite a few requests this week that i am already working on :D im sick atm so it might take me a little bit longer to get through them all tho !!
changing up my rules slightly & retagging certain stories as well!
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APR. 3 2024:
thanks to everyone who booped me on April Fools :) I had a lot of fun interacting with everyone
requests are open!!! all of the ones submitted prior to March 24th have been deleted, but feel free to send them again if they follow the updated rules (found here)
I am also working on a small writing project that I may or may not post for my birthday in two weeks, so we’ll see how that goes
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MAR. 21 2024
requests are closed! rules for requests are being updated and all current requests are being cleared. feel free to resubmit afterwards!
MAR. 17 2024:
- deleted Romeo & Ghouliet. I really wasn’t feeling like writing anymore, I struggled a lot with taking it in the direction I wanted it to go
- will be updating the graphics & theme of the blog this week so stay tuned!
JAN. 22 2024:
we are officially heading into Valentine's season, and with that, I want your input on what you would like to see on the blog for that! you can vote here. have more input? have a request? send them to me here!
working on some fics, including OW Women HCs, poly! SatoSugu, Dick Grayson x civilian! reader, and possibly a series as well
NOV. 14 2023:
currently not taking requests, sorry for the few people who submitted some this week! working on a cozy christmassy Dick Grayson fic rn, and possibly something exciting for the holiday season
NOV. 1 2023:
life got way more hectic than i anticipated this month and because of that, i wasn't able to write for kinktober the way i originally planned. hopefully next year ill be better prepared and able to deliver quality content consistently. sorry to anyone who is disappointed! ♥
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
real world au headcannons for reader x kinger and caine? im not sure how caine would work but i trust you to get creative with it
Real world AU w/ Caine (with a twist!)
multiple things! ive already kind of done this with kinger before, which will be linked here! and within that post is linked a second post that can also fall in with this! i decided to borrow from my ben drowned hc for this one; caine is confined to electronics and you carry him around in your phone and stuff, but unlike ben he cant pull himself into the real world for obvious reasons! hope you enjoy!
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theres so many ways that this can go down but imagine you were all once in the digital circus and everyone managed to escape, and you manage to take caine with you and implant him in your devices so you can still talk to him and interact. lets also say theres also no repercussion for this or anything messing with his coding or whatever
its like having a more intelligent and interactive siri, or something; makes sure to set alarms and reminders for you on your devices.. sometimes pulls up things for you if you mention needing a recipe or wanting to look something up
though, hes still as chatty as ever, so to outsiders it looks like youre constantly on call with someone... sure hope theres no nosy folks trying to pry into your life to see who youre talking to..!
imagine showing him around the real world and hes just asking for you to show him a bunch of random stuff; parks, stores, your home, ect ect... you probably get a few weird looks from walking around with your phone out; i mean can you blame them? you look like youre recording things and it makes you look sketchy
i think there would be some level of tension, though, or at least some conflict... i mean youre back in your real body now; it needs sleep and food... and you have a job, most likely... you cant really hang out with caine all day everyday now like in the circus.. and considering its a safe bet the circus is now out of commission, theres no one else in the digital world to keep him occupied... well he probably still has bubble, buuuuuut....
really there arent any real romantic ideas that i can give this scenario, since theres such a huge barrier between you two now... though i guess theres nothing stopping the reader from trying to build a body for caine... hmm... maybe ill save that for another day if thats something someone wants!
take this as a moment to show him a bunch of media too; movies and books and everything like that! let him develop his own taste in media and find what he likes and doesnt like... talk to him about it!
though theres a solid chance hes going to like what you like, i mean he likes you enough to have let you be the one to take him home with you out of the rest of the circus members...! he definitely favors you..!
sometimes you prop your phone or open your laptop so he can sit across from you while you eat dinner or get ready to go out, it makes him feel included in your routines
sometimes tries to help you if youre working on something on your device but sometimes it leads to him just hijacking your mouse or keyboard to put his own spin on what you're working on... oftentimes he has no idea what hes doing, especially if youre doing something for work....
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oldmemoria · 1 year
lmao i fucking forgot to share this
not only do i have unorganized miguel heacanons but i have unorganized HOBIE ones too
i have unorganized random headcanons for all the characters i brainrot over these two are no different!!
identity headcanons first hehe:
hes trans. he probably diyed his hrt and also has top surgery somehow hes magic. (i also think he'd have tattoos over his scars, either super cool bat/devil wings or an intricate spider design on their whole abdomen cant decide ill draw it later 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉)
he, however, doesnt really have any specific sexuality or gender labels they feel like they fit into. theyre attacted to all genders of varying degrees but doesnt really put a label on it. he just exists.
also doesnt mind what pronouns you use for her. any/all. basically.
also also would encourage people to use the weirdest and coolest neopronouns they can think of for zem like REALLY go out there WHATEVER YOU CAN THINK OF.
ADHD haver?? MAYBE???
to the rest acaksdlfj;akdjf:
theyre very crafty and dabble in basically every form of art. music, graffiti, painting, sculpting (mainly with trash or scraps or random discarded items he finds, more on that later on), sewing, whatever. if he can learn to do it she will.
he is super touchy and likes being close to people, but also understand boundaries.
very emotionally intelligent, i feel like this is canon anyway but ill just put it out there, ze can basically sense if someone is upset.
LOVES ABSOLUTELY LIVES FOR talking to new people, will go out of their way to introduce himself to basically everyone, especially new spider-people she meets.
he is a bit of a joker, ofc, but he wont try and push boundaries that he clearly sees or hears from the person theyre talking to. hi people who hc him as being an unself aware dickhead shut up you are very wrong did you even watch the movie.
this one is probably my favorite but he will pick up random things he sees around him and keep them for art projects. cool rock on the sidewalk? its a rock, hes gonna take it. funny lookin bug? might pick it up for a little to look at it and put it back in a safer spot. bottle cap? "mine now". like i said before he likes using litter to make art.
he will stop mid-mission if he sees something cool that he can take home like "oh [riff] cool leaf" and put it in his pocket.
i was referencing this post btw i love this headcanon, absolutely genius, i will steal it ty /lhj
this stealing of random objects from all around the multiverse has caused many lectures for miguel (they arent listening)
they have some kind of control over what texture/color they turn into if xey really think about it but most of the time he just kind of.. lets it do its thing. (sort of like a RainWing?)
shockingly good at vague yet oddly specific threats that are unrealistic but if you really think about it it's like "oh yeah he could totally do that..." but she wouldn't. yknow what im saying right???
while he does live in the 70s where technology was uh... not as popular nor as advanced as they are now, he's aware of modern tech through Gwen, Miles, Pav, DEFINITELY through Margo and Miguel, but she doesn't really use it often. doesnt really see the point.
along with that he also is aware of modern music as well, he has mixed feelings (gwen is probably the biggest influence though she is such a Pinkshift/Paramore/My Chem girlie it hurts to think about)
100% collects record of artists, especially smaller artists, that they like.
if you get them going about music he will talk for HOURS. HOURS until you tell him to shut up, even though fae totally wont listen and will keep going anyway. (just like me teehee projecting is fun <3 )
while hobie does use his guitar as a weapon for some reason he is quite protective of it. they wont try and stop you from touching it or playing it, but he will watch you like a hawk. half out of "oo look another person is interested in guitar" and the other half of "👁️👁️ dont break it i can only do that /j" (a lot of musicians are like that, i would know, im one of them. ha)
loves stray animals. cats, dogs, birds, anything. he will stop to pet them if they let him.
he also will talk to cats like any other person. especially spider cat. spider cat could make a cat noise and he'd act like he understood it. "yeah totally man, i get it. meow."
he can sing like... averagely? he has a good sense of pitch and timing, as most musicians do, but she isnt professionally trained or really does it too often
they will scream though
also really likes messing with makeup and bodypaint. he will spend hours on it if he can.
FUCK I AM SO HAPPY I DIDNT POST THIS IMMEDIATELY BECAUSE I KEEP REMEMBERING THINGS ACK HERES ONE LAST ONE POST THIS AFTER ASH I SWEAR (edit from two weeks later: i forgor): he definitely isnt a morning person. he loves to sleep in. definitely values rest, like a lot. miguel will call him at like 7 am and hobie will flip him off and say 5 more minutes when they really mean 2 more hours.
do i have any more?? hmmm maybe if i remember but this is what i have so far. mostly just silly lil headcanons that arent entirely plot relevant as most of my headcanons are.
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unordinary trio headcanons !!
some of these r kind of a stretch! also there's so much isen im so sorry im in love with him
i hc isen to be bi with no preference
i also am in between on him being amab or afab. i see him using they/he either way tho
he's a demiboy
he's vv closeted
but remi knows
he has a (younger) twin sister and another younger (half) sister
he's found himself being in charge a lot & messing up at home, which is why he's so against taking big responsibilities (like when he becomes jack)
they have severe anxiety
and also undiagnosed adhd
he's good at keeping secrets but if anyone were to simply ask them about one he'd be like really bad at deflecting it
he had a really good relationship with his father until it was noticed that younger half sister was a product of an affair so then his parents got divorced and isen lost contact
his stepdad is nice but isen doesn't find themselves to be as close to him as their siblings are and it makes him a lil upset
he's still really family oriented even though he kind of resents his mom for the whole affair
they work a job as a janitor at night so his siblings can have some spare money
his mom is chronically ill
oh oh and his twin sister goes to a school outside of wellston because she's rlly smart
isen's not vv open about his family, he'll only mention them if remi says something about rei first or if blyke talks about his mom
i love blysen sm but i do think isen would've had a crush on remi before
he's dated a lot of people
including cecile for a week
cecile broke it off
as you can see none of the relationships really lasted
speaking of how i love blysen – he's had a crush on blyke for a really long time but hasn't realized it's a crush
isen & his twin went on this hair dye adventure once hence the hair
i saw someone say he tried to bleach his hair and it came out orange and i firmly agree
naturally black hair i will die on this hill
while isen had a hair oopsie, their sister was successful and has blonde highlights
(i do have names for his siblings but they're not very creative (twin is isabella & half-sister is irene))
secretly a swiftie
ok enough isen now blyke
i like the idea of bigender or genderfluid blyke
any pronouns but they do get a bit irritated when people stick to just he/him
he has sooo many piercings like so so so many
they're the middle child
she spends a lot of time with her uncle
they have a cat and shes the cutest cat ever (i need a name)
i think blemi is really cute tbh (not a headcanon im just rambling atp)
i feel like blyke would listen to weezer
she looooves funky earrings and other cool jewelry
has a bunch of scars from childhood adventures and is insecure about them
allergic to grass
had a black stripe in his hair during middle school to be cool and edgy
had a diary of a wimpy kid phase
and a dork diaries one
im running out here
remi my fav girlboss <3
omni w/ a preference for girls
she/they, demigirl
her dream toy growing up was a barbie motorcycle
she and rei made a lemonade stand in order to raise money for a barbie motorcycle
rei thought they were getting an actual. barbie themed motorcycle
they made their own lemonade and it tasted like shit
they made a whole eight dollars
remi really wants a pet snake but their mom is scared of snakes
she thinks eyeliner is really cool but she's really bad at it
sometimes she'll ask sera to do her makeup for her
remi's dad is a chef who loves the movie ratatouille /hj
rei calls her a rat
her bedroom at home has a shaggy carpet because i said so
and she has soo many posters on her walls
once she dyed the ends of her hair purple with kool-aid
she has lots n lots of freckles
she had a crush on elaine during her first year & that was her first girl crush
sometimes she goes on random smoothie bowl crazes
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