#an ordinary puyo puyo high school au
puyohighschoolau · 3 years
Primp High School Student
Half-Genie Prankster
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Jaan Tiaopi
Ever noticed smoke suddenly materializing out of nowhere, nearby? 
Yeah, that was probably Jaan.
This perky djinn girl keeps herself busy. From supporting the local sports teams and athletes of Primp High, as a cheerleader, to joining Panotty in pranking whoever they deem deserving (and occasionally just for amusement) of being the butt of a joke. Ess in particular is one of her favorite targets.
Though mischievous at times, Jaan is kind at heart and very approachable. Outside of her pranking buddy Panotty, she is also known to be friends with Sig, Lagnus, Marvett, and Hilda, with her and Sig being noted to be particularly close.
Species: Human/Magic Age: 15 Class: Sophomore Abnormalities(?): N/A (Arguably for existing???? iunno)
[Art by @chaoplushie​ on Twitter]
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modmamono · 3 years
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Ringo art added to my Co-Written fanfic “An Ordinary Puyo Puyo High School AU”: 
I don’t always share things about my fanfic on tumblr (even though I should,) but I thought I should this time.
Anyway here’s Ringo next to her Boyfriend Tee. They haven't interacted yet I think, but they're a wholesome couple.
Her outfit is a lot different because this Ringo doesn’t live in Japan. The fic takes place in a country called “Pretland“, which is based on Germany. So this Ringo doesn’t have to adhere to a School uniform.
I gave the artist, @ChaoPlushie (best found on Twitter), some freedom on her outfit. I gave him some limitations. Like I felt Ringo should still have a hair clip, apple, arm warmer and knee socks. But that’s all.
Of all characters in the fanfic, Ringo is the most the same. Maybe a touch quirkier to Tee who retains his captainly attitude. Meaning that he’s a straight man in comedy terms.
Despite her being German, she’s still Japanese (not that you can tell), she lives in Suzuran. A neighbouring city to Primp City where she goes to school. It’s like a China Town but Japanese, at least that’s where a lot of them happen to live. Plenty of other people live there too.
Plays DnD with Lagnus and Maguro when not doing math.
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warelander · 4 years
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There is this project I'm working on with @huskynator and am very happy with, it's an ongoing AU inspired by Persona and Mega Man Star Force. 
It's ''An Ordinary Puyo Puyo High School AU'', but how ordinary is it really? That's to be seen...
If you wanna check it out, here you go.
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puyohighschoolau · 3 years
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Chapter 7: Ess: Good Enough or Not? by warelander
Description: A day in the life of Ess.
[Art by ChaoPlushie​]
F1 - Hallways
Not long after the new school year had started, both students and staff alike had quickly found themselves back in their usual patterns again. The more one would expect things to change, the more they seemed to stay the same.
So far, that certainly to be the case for Ess Tetra. Then again, she kinda figured as much. If it wasn’t for the new stuff she had to learn the year so far would have felt like a repeat to her, especially regarding her classmates.
Raina was still hard to pin down, as much as gossiping with her was alright, she always at the edge of doing something to get under Ess’ skin. Her being the younger sister of a certain pink snob didn’t help.
Amitie was still the same goody-two-shoes as last year. Tolerable in Ess’ mind compared to others, but way too clingy.
Harpy was still sure to be the one responsible for the loss of hearing for everyone in class.
Ally was the same love-obsessed cupid as last year, while her sister Rafisol stayed introverted in her own corner of the class.
Draco and Penglai were still Grade A ditzes,
Ringo was still a dork, while Maguro remained the most popular sophomore student in school, in large part thanks to his absurdly gorgeous, yet perpetually hidden face.
The unliving car crash Mummy remains friendly enough but is the Fielding sisters’ stooge.
Suketoudara, the fish with human limbs remains hard to look at except when killing it on the dance floor. And the meek Serilly gets to live out many non-dagonian girls’ dreams by effectively being a mermaid.
Tee, still as average and vanilla as Ess always saw him as.
And lastly, Jaan remained someone not to be trusted in Ess’ eyes. The year so far had been oddly prank-free, but the popular green-haired girl was not about to trust the half-genie.
None of this was truly of importance to Ess though, what mattered most was to get a certain older boy to notice her. That would be a step in the right direction of someone taking note of her in the way she wanted.
‘’Come on! How long does it take to catch this guy alone?’’ The girl muttered to herself impatiently, still trying to stay behind a locker to keep herself from view. 
It felt like forever since she had been trying to go up to Sig on his own. Multiple breaks across the day wasted because the boy would just keep surround himself with Lagnus, Marvett, or Jaan depending on the time of day, giving Ess little time to approach.
Sure, she could just go up and ask him to go with her into a quiet corner, but why would she? The boy had to learn that he would need to earn that kind of effort from a Tetra!
At last, the boy was on his own, at the water fountain in the middle of the hall and the break still lasted long enough to actually have a conversation of note. Ess knew she had no time to waste, as she rose from her hiding space to approach the boy she had been eyeing since last year.
The determination was strong, yet, somehow the girl couldn’t help but feel as if every step had become heavier than the last and that somehow, the hall seemed to stretch for longer than it should. Her stomach acting up didn’t help either, none of this was new for Ess though and she knew she had to brave those feelings if she wanted to get anywhere.
‘’Ugh. I don’t feel good, but I gotta do this!’’ She mused to herself, as the distance between her and Sig closed in more and more.
Sig took no note of any of this, taking a last sip of water completely ignorant to his surroundings, at least until he finally stepped away from the water fountain, noticing that someone seemed to be looking at him.
Indeed, one look to his left confirmed these suspicions, as he took note of Ess, giving him a look as if she wanted to tell him something. Luckily for the girl, she was able to suppress the urge to shake her legs to create the illusion that she wasn’t at constant risk of losing her composure at any moment.
While looking at the younger student, Sig couldn’t read what she may have been trying to tell him, though given where he was standing he figured what may have been it.
‘’Oh.’’ The boy exclaimed in a subdued tone, stepping further away from the water fountain, as far as he knew he was just in the way.
‘’Sorry about that.’’ He said before turning around, ready to leave the scene, which was enough to snap Ess out of what felt like an outright trance. After so long she wasn’t going to blow it by not managing to open her mouth when it mattered. Swiftly, she rushed to Sig’s side, still trying to not make her motivations obvious to him.
‘’No, no. I just...uhm, wanted to ask how the year has been to you so far.’’
‘’Ah. Same as last year. Nothing special, just how it is.’’ Sig answered honestly, pretty much what Ess wanted to hear, surely her motivation would inspire awe from someone who had so little.
‘’Well, I have been doing wonderful so far! The cheerleading squad is on fire recently and I found myself a trio of admirers among the new kids.’’ Ess proclaimed with a fair amount of bravado, visibly proud of herself and growing more comfortable than before.
‘’That’s good to hear.’’ Sig answered, with a clear air of sincerity, even offering a casual smile. One that threatened to make Ess’ face burn up in the brightest shade of red known to mankind.
‘I have him hooked!’ The young alpha thought to herself excitedly. He was listening, she had to go further, not stall any second,
‘’Of course!’’ She said, even more boisterous than before. ‘’I'm a Tetra after all, big shoes to fill. We are on totally different levels I’m afraid. This kind of chit-chat will be an exception, so cherish it.’’
Confidently, Ess struck a pose, hands on her hip, one leg up and her eyes closed. As far she was concerned she had to send a message to Sig that she was a girl to be earned. Unbeknownst to her though, Sig merely gave her a blank expression, followed by a mild shrug.
‘’Okay. Good luck.’’ Was all she heard, followed by a series of footsteps and indeed, as she opened her eyes to see Sig leave.
‘’Wha...uhm..no...ehh-’’ reduced to mere mumbling as her ego deflated yet again, Ess failed to get Sig’s attention before he made his turn to leave the hall.
Now she stood there on her own, just wanting to kick herself for letting this opportunity go to waste, all that wait and it amounted to so little.
‘’That went well.’’
Startled by the sudden comment Ess turned her attention to her back and as if to taunt her, it just had to be Raina who seemingly caught wind of the whole disaster.
‘’What do you want?’’ Ess pouted, not in the mood for any teasing or arguing.
‘’Just saw what happened.’’ The infamous snitch retorted. ‘’I care less about this than you think.’’
Ess merely huffed, crossing her arms and making her way to leave the hall herself. The whole thing was a bust anyway, she didn’t need to put up with her frenemy as well on top of that.
‘’I have to say though, you sure rely on your family image to boost yourself.’’
That comment froze Ess in her place. Not sure whether to be insulted or just plain alerted to what she may have been trying to pull, the green-haired alpha turned to face Raina directly.
‘’What are you trying to imply?’’
‘’You only talk about being a Tetra. How about you actually do something yourself instead of riding on your parents’ fame.’’ Was all Raina said as she walked past Ess, not even giving her another look while leaving.
Ess on her part was frozen in place, contemplating what she had just heard.
A part of her wanted to go after Raina and give her a piece of her mind for saying such a thing. The other part of her thought, couldn’t stop thinking about it, as the pink-haired girl’s accusation kept echoing in her mind, drowning out any other thoughts in her head or noise around her…
[Art by ChaoPlushie]
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puyohighschoolau · 3 years
Primp High School Student
Spacey and Hard-to-Read Lad
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Sig Neroni
Sig is a quiet unassuming guy at the school. Seems very unfazed at most things thrown at him as he doesn’t emote that much.
He usually hangs out with his childhood friends, his fellow amigos in the Cursed Trio; Lagnus and Marvett at the School’s Rec Room, usually just chatting while they each do their own thing.
Seems to be popular with girls, as he hangs out with a lot of them, even if he only seems to have his eyes on one girl. Maybe, it’s hard to read this guy if you don’t know him.
Used to get a lot of eyes for is abnormal red arm that makes him walk all uneven. A lot of people have already just accepted it or think it’s a weird glove. But it is his real arm. He has no answer for the way it is.
He is fascinated by insects, finds them cute.
Species: Hybrid Human/??? Age: 16 Class: Junior Abnormalities(?): Super strong, monstrous claw-like left arm | Alleged spirit/body separation (undetermined)
[Art by @chaoplushie​ on Twitter]
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puyohighschoolau · 3 years
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Chapter 6: Rafisol: Little Talk by kirbymanx/huskynator
Description: An attempt is made to get the anti-social Rafisol to socialize.
[Art by ChaoPlushie​]
F2 - “Hang Out Room”
Amitie and Ally shared a table in the Commons Room looking at Ally’s smartphone. “See?” Ally told pointing at the image on her phone. “Rudy used to be ridiculously small next to Woefie.”
“Wow, you’re right.” Amitie looked on in amazement. The two were talking about their favorite show. “That version looks so old. They used to look like that?”
“Seems like it.” Ally scrolled up on the fan wiki. “Woah!” Ally flinched a little at what she saw.
“What is it?” The blonde friend wanted to know what made her fellow cheerleader widen her eyes.
“Rudy Husky debuted 35 years ago.” Ally pointed at the episode in the bio.
“For real? Geez, how old does that make this show?”
“I know Blaffie had several reboots. And I have no clue how Rafie caught up with all of it.” Ally looked at the table next to her at the window. “Hey, Sis!”
“Hm?…” Ally’s stoic twin halted her conversation with her friend to turn to her sister.
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Rafisol Miss Unemotive and Inexpressive
“What is it, Ally?” She said in her usual unemotive and dry voice.
“Ami and me are talking Blaffie.” Those six words Ally spoke may give one the impression that it piqued the interest of the stonefaced sibling. Ally smiled. “Wanna join? We’re clueless compared to you.”
The introverted one of the Hearthwell twins was about to wordlessly join them, but she stopped in her tracks to address her friend at her current table. “I know you don’t care about Blaffie, but do you care to join me, Silv?”
“Sure. Probably not gonna pay attention though.” Arle’s twin, Silvana, already took out her phone and earbuds.
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Silvana Nadja #2 Nadja Twin
“That’s okay.” Rafisol stood up and joined her sister and Amitie on the opposite side of the table.
Silvana joined sitting next to her. Being polite enough to give a second friendly hello to her younger cousin, Amitie, and associate, Ally, since first entering the commons room before putting in the earbuds and booting up her Gugubbit raising simulator app.
“What were you talking about?” Rafisol leaned over in curiosity.
“Not much.” Ally admitted with a sheepish grin. “Just wanted to give ya a chance to talk about your favorite show.”
Rafisol leaned back. “I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite.”
Ally smirked. “Really, Rafie? What do you like more than Blaffie?” She asked rhetorically.
Rafisol mumbled something but it was inaudible.
“We’re like surprised at how long Rudy existed.” Amitie tried to break the ice as she usually did to the other Hearthwell.
“Oh, well no reboot has gone by withou--”
“Ally!” A fifth person called from the room’s entrance for the girl he called for attention.
“Oh Hiya, Mr. Riskuma!”
The Squirrel Bear(?) strolled to the group of girls. Amitie waved hi. Silvana was too busy playing with her virtual pet to bother saying hello. And Rafisol turned to look behind her to see their teacher. “I wanted to discuss your matchmaking plans with you. But am I interrupting something?” He politely asked. Not being able to read the latter girl.
Mr. Risukuma (Computer Coding/Dating Site Owner(/Chemistry)) Herald of Love
“Well…” “Kinda.” “Yes.” Ally, Amitie and Rafisol respectively said more or less at the same time.
“Then I’ll leave you girls be.” He then pointed his paw from his folded arm position at Ally. “We’ll talk later over on Verse.” Everyone’s favorite social media platform. Right as the manimal(?) went for the halls Ally stopped him.
“Wait, you’re a fan of Blaffie right, Risukuma?” His student and fellow love believer’s question perked his Squirrel(?)/Bear(?) ears(?) perked up(?). He turned back around.
“He is?” Was Rafisol’s reaction to it.
“I am.” He affirmed. “Why do you ask?”
“Because we were talking Blaffie. And only you and Rafie know enough to chat about it.”
“No, we weren’t.” Rafisol spoke in a blunt tone.
“Oh, I’d gladly converse about Blaffie. Been a fan since I was a pupcub. Taught me why cults are bad. It was such a progressive show. For its time anyway.” He shrugged. “Can’t deny most reboots after the one I grew up with are superior. It was a very toy driven show back then. Still is.”
“Great!” Ally made Amitie and herself scoot over to make place for her favorite teacher. Risukuma sat right next to Ally and on the opposite end of Silvana.
“Ah.” Silvana waved when she noticed someone joined them. Risukuma waved back.
“Ally. I don’t wanna talk about Blaffie.” Rafisol protested.
“Wait what?” Amitie exclaimed. “You moved to this table to chat about it.” Ally gave her sister a glare in mild disappointment and concern.
“Raf.” Silvana took out an earbud, faced her friend and looked her in the eyes. “You’re being a bit hypocritical. If you’re passionate about anything it’s this kids show.”
“It’s not for kids.” Rafisol instinctively replied.
“Just try and chat with him.” Silv urged. “Do it for your sister.” She nudged her head.
“More importantly do it for yourself.” Ally said. “You don’t want to be as lonely as Harpy is, do you?”
Rafisol kept quiet.
“He’s probably watched as much as you. Why don’t you try and be friends?” Ally asked.
Rafisol visibly caved in to their demands. “Favorite arc?” Suddenly out of nowhere, her best friend Silvana gave her a pat on the shoulder with a smile signaling she’s proud of her. And Ally did too. If nothing else, that felt good to the poker-faced girl.
Amitie’s smile was whatever.
And Risukuma’s smile(?)… It should be clear who Rafisol likes interacting with by now. Ally and Rafisol despite being twins, or perhaps because of it, are total opposites. They love each other, but they have the opposite amount of people they can or want to interact with.
Rafisol is the twin who prefers to be alone and not have small talk. Generally preferred listening to being talked to.
“The original turtle 5-parter.” Risukuma answered. “You kids have no idea how cool it was that there was an alternate dimension where Blaffie, Rudy, Lef, and Woefie weren’t Huskies but Turtles.”
“Get real!!” Amitie said in awe. “I love the Turtles!” Amitie pulled out her phone. “What episode, Mr. Ris!? And what season!?” She asked rapidly, she can’t wait to see their original incarnations.
“Somewhere late Season 1, I think.” And just like that Amitie rapidly went to a streaming service to put them on a to watch list. “Not only were 5-parters a big deal back then, but it was also one of the most exciting that incarnation ever got.” The fuzzy teacher explained to Ally and Amitie more so than Rafisol.
He went on to explain: “It is such a great microcosm of the ideal of the show. That being the message of the importance of self-defense. The two teams were goaded into fighting each other by Captain Cuddles. And they eventually did. But not before antagonizing each other in any other way possible before the misunderstanding was cleared up. I am a sucker for love and friendship on the battlefield.”
“Oh!” Ally grunted. “Me too! I’ve gotta see that love in action!” Now Ally pulled out her phone and added that version on her watchlist.
Rafisol smiled, soon she’ll have another conversation topic with her sister. ‘Now only if he could convince Silvana.’
“All this about a show about stuffed animals?” Silv said in mild disbelief in a tone that deflated her friend.
“Indeed.” “Yes!” Uh-uh! “Yes…”
“Hm…” Silv moaned. “Okay? So Raf. Your turn. Got anything to say about this… turtle arc?”
The quiet girl clicked her tongue. “No.”
“Liar.” Silvana’s immediate response did sting Rafisol harder than she expected.
“Well.” Risukuma got a refresher course on what Rafisol was like. And she’s not easier to talk to outside of the class. “I’ll see you pupcubs in class tomorrow.” He got up and left.
And now that left Ally, Amitie, Rafisol, and Silvana.
“Ami?” Ally turned to her cheerleading buddy.
“Yeah, Ally?” “I left some love letters in my locker I still need to deliver. Can you get them for me?” “Sure, but why me? Can’t you do it?” “Please?” “Okido!” Amitie chirped as she went to fetch them with Ally’s keys.
And now that left Ally, Rafisol and Silvana. The former and the latter felt the middle’s tension dropping. Both of which who were not Rafisol raised their concern.
“Raf, Mr. Ris is like one of the coolest teachers. The only thing that’s holding him back is that he’s a massive weirdo. But you can trust him.” Silv spoke in a sisterly manner.
“Silvie is right. Take it from me, he’s 100% genuine. If you wanna talk Blaffie, he’s your guy.” Ally spoke in a different, more comforting sisterly manner.
“If there’s someone you can let out about those cartoon dogs, it’s him.”
Rafisol had heard those kinda speeches time and time again from those two. Not always the same subject. But it was the same sentiment.
Make some friends.
[Art by ChaoPlushie]
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puyohighschoolau · 3 years
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Chapter 5: Schezo: The Bully Gang by warelander
Description: Witness the school’s main menace.
[Art by ChaoPlushie​]
F1 - East Hallway
Another uneventful class over with, Sig made his way across the halls of Primp High to make his way to his locker. Lagnus and Marvett had to go to the bathroom first, so he decided to go ahead on his own.
Not paying much mind to anything else Sig was soon greeted by the organized chaos of his locker, it hadn’t been long since the start of school and he had already managed to make a mess of it. Somehow he still always managed to find what he needed anyways, no matter how baffled and lost his friends were when looking into it.
As the boy scoured through his stuff to find his economics book. He took no note of the puff of smoke materializing behind him or a certain half-genie friend of his stepping out of it for that matter.
‘’Yo Sig!’’
‘’Ah,’’ The boy exclaimed, turning around and smiling at the sight of a familiar blue-haired girl.
‘’Hey Jaan, what’s up?’’
Jaan meanwhile bore a more alarmed expression, which Sig began to notice too, though before he could ask she had already taken steps towards him, signaling that it was about something urgent.
‘’I’m here to warn you. Schezo and his goons are on the loose again.’’
A rare look of ‘’Oh Crap!’’ covered the lad’s face, not skipping a beat he swiftly took a walkie-talkie out of his bag, with surprising speed.
‘‘Marvett. You hear me?’’
‘’Ugh…’’ An audible grunt escaped the device, indicating bad news as Sig and Jaan exchanged cringing looks.
‘’Sig...They got us… atomic wedgied us… stuffed me into someone’s locker… Rabbie has to hold the button... too cramped in here to even readjust underwear…’’
‘’Is Lagnus in a locker too?’’ Sig asked, almost preferring to not know the answer.
‘’They took him back to the bathroom…’’
‘’The swirly!’’ Jaan exclaimed with an audible gasp, while Sig could only clench his teeth, changing the channel of his device to get in contact with his other fallen friends. ‘’Lagnus. Say something.’’
It took a bit for there to be any sound, which did not bring promising news, even when it did come up all Sig and Jaan could hear was anguished sounding breaths, which did little to ease their concerns.
‘’The flush….WHY THE FLUSH?!’’
Both teens jumped a bit at the sudden child-like yell, horrified at the mere thought of the ordeal.
‘’I know my pranks can be a bit much, but THAT’s just cruel.’’ Jaan mused, more to herself then Sig, though it’s not as if he would have disagreed. 
Desperate to say something Sig switched the channel back to Marvett, who very audibly had more strength and mind left to communicate.
‘’Wait up guys, we’ll get you.’’
‘’No...it’s too late for us Sig. Run and save yourself!’’
‘’But-’’ Before Sig could even protest he felt Jaan grab a hold of his red arm.
‘’She’s right! Schezo’s HQ is around the corner! Come on, I don’t want you to be their next victim!’’
Before he knew it Sig was dragged across the hall by his arm. He wasn’t exactly good at protesting anyways and the pleading look on Jaan’s face hurt to see, but even then he still took a look back, hoping to reunite with his childhood friends as soon as possible.
F1 - North Staircase
Meanwhile, not too far away was a trio of Senior students. They had many names among the rest of the teens that visited Primp High. Some knew them as the bullies. Others referred to the leader as a demon, his right-hand man, as his servant and the girl as a captain, comparing her to pirates in her ruthlessness. 
Yet again others knew them simply as Schezo’s Gang.
No matter the age, gender, social class or popularity, everyone knew better to avoid them or possibly face a more than undesirable fate.
Having just descended from the above floor all three members were more than pleased to be greeted with a completely empty hall. Truly, the word of their first rampage of the year had made the rounds and struck fear into the rest of the school. Sometimes all it needed was a floor of traumatized peers to make a point.
‘’I’m impressed. Seems they are showing respect early this time around.’’ The white-haired leader expressed, with a mocking tone to his voice, more than happy to assert full dominance now that he was a Senior. 
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Schezo Wegey Demon of Primp High
‘’A bit of a shame though, hearing those twerps squeak when I leave them dangling by their undies or give them a hard noogie is the most fun to have around here!’’ The only girl of the group said with more than a bit of glee in her voice, while stroking her pet chameleon.
Carrie Cutthroat Reptile Loving Lass
‘’And you do it so well too. You could probably handle the entire thing by yourself.’’ The last member of the group complimented his companion, his shone horn as bright as his smirk.
“The Demon Servant” The Bullies’ Sporty Butler 
‘’Aww Lawrence, you charmer you!’’ Carrie playfully flirted. Schezo on the other hand just wrapped his hands, looking through the still empty halls satisfied. To build a rep strong enough for this took years of work and in their final year, it would finally bear fruit.
They did save stealing lunch money from students for another time though. They’d still make a ton over the year, but for now, they had to reaffirm who had the say around the school and besides, the few that dared to cross them brought a more lucrative way to rake in the dough.
As if on cue the gang spotted a figure in the distance, next to their hideout, which used to be the Detention Room before the bullies managed to take it over for themselves and turned it into their cozy HQ.
On further inspection of the figure, it was a young man with purple hair. And that description quickly made his identity clear. And it made Schezo roll his eyes.
‘’Why am I not surprised?’’
‘’Oh, it’s Incubus alright.’’ Lawrence exclaimed, equally not the least bit shocked to see his classmate.
‘’Fufufu! That’s gonna be good!’’ Compared to the boys Carrie had slightly more enthusiasm for the coming encounter. If only to see how badly it would go for the wannabe-womanizer. She even gave him a mocking wave, which he returned in an attempt to be flirtatious.
It did little to wow Carrie.
‘’Alright, pretty boy, what do you want?’’ Schezo asked bluntly, as him and his friends closed the distance to the purple-haired senior, just wanting to get to the point and trying not to get too irritated by the rose petals lying around near his hideout thanks to him.
‘’Oh, you know already know, Schezo! I challenge you to un petit jeu de poker for money! Someone like me needs the funds to finance all the dates I’ll have over my last year here!’’ The skirt chaser exclaimed all while striking fancy poses, to appear all the more elegant.
“Incubus” Most Attractive, Least Desired
‘’Yeah. Sure.’’ 
Needless to say, Schezo wasn’t as optimistic about Incubus’ chances with the other gender or interested in his escapades for that matter. Compared to others Incubus got off the hook more than usual. Not out of preference either, Schezo just considered him too pathetic to deal with and preferred to keep their encounters brief.
‘’Let’s make this quick: how much do you have?’’
‘’300 credits. You’ll bet just as much and the winner takes all. Deal?’’
The gang leader took his pack of cards out of his pockets. ‘’Deal.’’ So it was settled, not that Schezo had any doubt over his victory, even leading Incubus into his hideout in a rare showing of courtesy, if only to rub Incubus’ loss in his face all the more later.
F1 - Schezo’s HQ
Incubus meanwhile was totally calm, that inflated ego of his did have some perks in letting him comfortably sit in the bullies’ lair of his own accord, when others wouldn’t be caught there kicking and screaming.
While the two competitors prepared themselves for the match Carrie closed the door behind them, after all the staff would be less than thrilled to catch students gamble. Lawrence meanwhile shuffled their cards, much like Schezo, hardly worried about the outcome of the game.
One anime-worthy card game later
‘’Well. I won. That’s that.’’ Not the least bit impressed, Schezo snagged the bills off of Incubus’ side of the table, silently applauding himself for a job well done and barely paying any mind to his opponent trying to keep his composure.
‘’Uhm...good game and all, but surely you can spare to let me keep some of it. Surely you know how it is to risk it all in the name of love, mon amie?’’
Barely even lifting a finger, Schezo pointed his friends to escort Incubus out of the room. Their definition of escort being to drag the protesting boy out of the room and toss him an impressive distance out into the hall.
Needless to say, this had been a remarkably successful day for the gang and they were eager to keep that momentum going.
[Art by ChaoPlushie]
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puyohighschoolau · 3 years
Primp High School Student (& friend)
Spirit-Infused Novel Enthusiast
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Marvett Schulz
Marvett likes reading and has a good head on her shoulders when it comes to the ins-and-outs of how a story is constructed. She’d love to have a book published someday.
Unfortunately, she holds off writing her stories, or she’s not even halfway through drafting the first chapter, or just didn’t have enough sleep many days in a row before she goes back to the drawing board.
Once her soul was accidentally bonded by her now spirit bunny friend, Rabbisuke, she has had better focus and a writing partner. But she still has the same problems.
Often hangs out with her childhood friends Sig and Lagnus, she takes often takes inspirations from his tabletop RPG campaigns. Other friends include Rabbisuke, Hilda, Silvana, and Marvett’s little sister, Dalida.
Species: Human Age: 16 Class: Junior Abnormalities(?): Soul bound to Rabbisuke
Rabbisuke “Rabbie”
Marvett’s Writing Attention Manager
Not much is known about Rabbisuke before he got attached to Marvett, and nobody asked Marvett about Rabbie’s past. He can communicate with her, but not with anyone else, though they can see him.
Rabbie and Marvett’s situation could be seen as a bad thing, since they seemingly seem bonded forever now. But they’re a team now, it helps their interests align even their personalities and work ethics don’t.
Species: Rabbit Spirit Age: ??? Occupation: Co-Writer Abnormalities(?): Soul bound to Marvett
[Art by @chaoplushie​ on Twitter]
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modmamono · 4 years
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Remember these blog posts?: - https://huskynator.tumblr.com/post/643395639001153536/translating-puyo-puyo-characters-into-a-modern - https://huskynator.tumblr.com/post/643460450708815872/are-you-going-to-do-the-another-characters-mostly - https://huskynator.tumblr.com/post/643470039147773952/i-actually-really-like-your-ideal-of-having-ally
I wanted to do another one. But then I just thought: nah. Let’s just show off these blessed girls. Silvana (obviously Doppel, she needed a real name) and Rafisol.
They’re my favorite characters in my co-written fic with warelander. It’s called An Ordinary Puyo Puyo High School AU.
Found near an Archive of Your Own, FanFiction.net or DeviantArt near you.
Art by @chaoplushie
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puyohighschoolau · 3 years
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Chapter 2: Arle: Meeting Up with Old Friends by warelander
(Description: Arle visits some friends hanging out in the Rec Room.)
[Art by ChaoPlushie​]
As students across the entire school filled the halls, to each of their desired destinations, Arle made her way to the Rec Room.
While entering she was quickly greeted with the sight of several small groups of students hitting it up with each other, happy to at least spend more time with each other again. More importantly, though, she spotted a table with the trio she had come to see. 
Sig, who was gently petting a ladybug, sitting on his red arm, with one finger. Marvett, who was busy writing something on her tablet with her spirited co-writer, Rabbie. And of course, her boyfriend and local RPG dork Lagnus, who was meticulously preparing everything needed for an upcoming roleplaying session.
Smiling, Arle made her way to their table, seeing them all so occupied with their passions, too off in their own little comfort spaces to notice her arrival. Slowly, she snuck up on Lagnus, who was sorting out a couple of story cards, when all of the sudden he felt a pair of arms wrapped around him.
''Huh?'' He couldn't help but utter, in confusion, which was soon replaced with contentedness as he turned his head to see a familiar bed of orange hair next to him. It made it easy to guess who's head had just begun to rest on his shoulder.
''Ah, hey Arle!'' The boy exclaimed, causing his friends to look up and do the same, both offering a smile in her reaction, which the tomboy returned in kind.
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Lagnus Age Reverse Curse RPG-er
''Oh, man.'' She exclaimed, while sitting down next to Lagnus, with backpack resting on her lap. ''I swear, Akuma's speech gets longer every year. Good thing I left the zipper a little open, right Carby?''
A sound familiar to everyone involved emerged from inside the backpack and sure enough, Arle's rabbit-like pet Carbuncle quickly made a leap out, right in front of Arle, on the table, happily flailing all the while.
Carbuncle Ruby-Indented Gugubbit
''You gotta watch out, I think the teachers were onto something last year...'' Marvett advised while rubbing the chin of her rabbit-like thing, Rabbie. Both having helped to keep Carbuncle hidden in the past.
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Marvett Spirit-Infused Novel Enthusiast
Mr. Rabbisuke Marvett’s Writing Attention Manager
''Yeah I know, I'll be careful. It's risky, but I just can't let him alone at home for so long. Isn't that right, Carby?'' 
The little animal Gugu'd in agreement, gladly jumping into Arle's arms as the girl reached out to embrace him, filling the room giggles. 
Sig always did love seeing Arle like this, so happy and carefree, when she wasn't in some kind of competition or trying to be strong for someone else. It wasn't lost on Marvett that Sig had been looking at the girl across the table in a dreamy way...or at least as dreamy as his expressions gave away. She saw it enough times to read her childhood friend like a book, giving him a light nudge, to snap him out.
Feeling a elbow in his arm Sig turned to Marvett, soon realizing what she was getting at. Looking back to the other side of the table he was lucky to discover that neither Lagnus nor Arle seemed to notice, with the former being too busy setting up the RPG and occasionally gazing at his girlfriend, while Arle was still occupied with cuddling Carbuncle.
Still, even then he wanted to somehow distract from what just happened, fumbling in his head to think of a conversation topic.
''Uhm...any plans for this school year?'' He threw into the room, catching Arle and Lagnus a little off guard.
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Sig Spacey and Hard-to-Read Lad
''I want to get my first full novel done.'' Marvett responded, having caught on to what Sig was getting at.
''I want to keep my streak as the best track-runner at school up.'' Arle replied, not surprising anyone in the room.
Lagnus meanwhile just leaned back in his chair, sighing. ''I just want to survive this last year of having to put up with the bullies...but what about you, Sig?'' He couldn't help but wonder. ''It's not something you'd usually ask. Do you have something in mind for this year?''
''Uhm.'' The boy stammered, not sure how to respond. ''No-no, not really no...''
It didn't take much to notice that Sig seemed almost a little embarrassed to admit he was the only one without a goal, something all of his friends quickly caught onto.
''Hey, don't sweat it.'' Arle tried to comfort. ''As long as you are happy it's all good and plans can always come on their own later, right?''
''Right.'' The cyan boy agreed, shifting his expression back to a smile, which Arle returned, both just gazing at each other with an air of comradery around them. 
Soon after, everyone's attention shifted to the ringtone on Lagnus' phone, signaling that a text message had arrived. The boy quickly got hold of his phone and indeed, the message was what he expected.
''It's from Maguro. He and Ringo are gonna be here in about 10 minutes.'' He threw into the group. ''Sig also said that Jaan is with the cheerleaders today, so she won't be coming. What about Sil though?''
''Oh yeah! Arle beamed at the thought. ''It's been a while since she hung with all of us together, I'm sure she'd love to!'' With almost lightning speed, Arle grabbed her phone, typing on the digital keyboard with impressive speed.
Arle Nadja: Hey sis! I'm at the REC Room with Lagnus and the others, come on and hang out with us, it'll be fun! Silv Nadja: No Arle Nadja: Pretty please? You can bring Rafisol too, I'm sure she'd love some more company too. Silv Nadja: No Arle Nadja: Why not? What's the problem? Silv Nadja: No Arle Nadja: Fine be like that.
''What did she say?'' Marvett asked, noting the irritated look in Arle's face.
''She's not coming, because she wants to be a real Ms. GrumpyPants today for some reason.'' Arle ranted almost more to herself then the response, visibly rolling her eyes, though Lagnus next to her stayed calm.
‘’Ah well, she might just be irritable since it’s the first day of school. Give her a day or two.’’ He said, putting an arm across Arle’s shoulders as he did so.
‘’Probably yeah.’’ Arle agreed, while chuckling to herself a little. ‘’She is the more moody between us after all.’’
And so, the couple nuzzled close to each other, off in their own world. Marvett turned to see Sig, who had pulled out his own phone, to instead direct his attention to write Jaan a message, until the two lovebirds were more available for communication again.
Not that she could blame him.
[Art by ChaoPlushie​]
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puyohighschoolau · 3 years
Primp High School Staff
Wise Cranky Longrunning Caretaker
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Principal Akuma
Akuma claims he was been with Primp High School since near the beginning. He wasn’t there at its founding but he’s been with it for most of its existence. After the Principal in his time got jailed, Akuma held the title since then. Which would make him Principal for around 200 years.
He does his best keep his school safe. He has a low tolerance for evil, new teachers go through rigorous purity tests before he even thinks of hiring them. He can’t really afford to do that to students however, do to the unorthodox nature of the school.
He is well respected, but most rather not talk to him. He has this habit of randomly ENDING SETENCES BY SHOUTING BECAUSE HE’S CRANKY I THINK, KUMAMAMAMA!!! He sometimes feels like he picked his cuddly teddy bear appearance for nothing because of that, but it’s comfy.
Akuma is very cranky but don’t think he doesn’t care. If there’s word that the dreaded Popoi is on the prowl to ruin a student’s day, this old geezer will chase him into submission.
He’s the legal guardian of two children and he loves them very much despite them being forced upon him.
Species: Poltergeist Age: Exact date of birth not recorded, at the very least in in the triple digits Occupation: School Principal, History Teacher Abnormalities(?): N/A
[Art by @chaoplushie​ on Twitter]
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puyohighschoolau · 3 years
Primp High School Staff
Jovially Fun Teacher
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Vice-Principal Harmony Accord
A kind lady who once was a student before she came to teach and eventually came to help run Primp High School. Loves to teach kids “And the salary is nice too” *giggles* and loves herself some jokes. Accord is very cheeky.
She could be seen as the good cop to Akuma’s bad cop do to his random outbursts. More students come to her than Akuma for help. Which is handy as she doubles as one of the school’s counselors.
And she triples as music teacher, and quadruples as an art teacher. Not much to say about that besides she always encourages for students to try their best. Or try something else if it really doesn’t work.
With all that in mind, she is a very secretive person, if she doesn’t want you to know something about herself, then you won’t get to know it. Even her best friend and former fellow student, Coach Satan, doesn’t know that much about her.
Species: Human Age: Older than Coach Satan Occupation: School Vice-Principal, School Counselor, Music Teacher, Art Teacher Abnormalities(?): N/A
[Art by @chaoplushie​ on Twitter]
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puyohighschoolau · 3 years
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Chapter 3: Harpy’s Best Friend by huskynator
Description: Harpy talks with Panotty in the canteen.
[Art by ChaoPlushie​]
F3 - Economics
“Nohoho!” The frog teacher laughed at the economics joke he made. “Before ya continue ta scribble in yer books, do ya kidd’ns have any questions?”
Mr. Nohoho (Business Studies and Economics) Laid-Back and Lenient
And a single hand was raised. “Yes, Miss Harpy?”
“How do you spell that word on the whiteboard, Mr. Nohoho?”
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Harpy Anti-Successful Diva Wannabe
“WHAT!?!” “Ugh, you’ve got to be a troll.” “Why couldn’t I have stayed dead?”
Harpy’s classmates, Ess, Raina, and Mummy viscerally exclaimed in that order.
Nohoho quietly shushed them. “Which ‘ne?” He nicely asked.
“Institutions.” Harpy went on, oblivious to the fact her fellow students were annoyed at her. And what annoyed them equally was that Nohoho actually complied.
“You kidd’ns c’n start now if ya like. Now kindly follow mah lead, Miss Harpy. Ah’m not gonna repeat myself.”
After that spelling lesson gave a hearty: “Thank YYYoooOOUuuUu!!~~” And everyone regretted sharing a class with her again. Even Nohoho asked her to kindly stop assaulting his earholes.
And as usual, Harpy failed to pick up any negative implications.
After that, the class was quiet as a class should when everyone is working.
The school bell rang and Nohoho instructed his students to go to the canteen for lunch. Harpy couldn’t wait to catch up with her friend Panotty. She checks on her phone if he had lunch at the same time as her today, if not she’ll meet him at recess.
And he is. Harpy drifted in circle mid-air she’s so glad.
F3 - East Hallway
“How did that ditz make it through last year?” “She better drop out this week.”
Ess and Raina said to each other, not caring if Harpy was in earshot.
Which she wasn’t. She was way ahead of them hovering down the stairs.
F1 - Canteen
Harpy and Panotty met up and at the table for themselves. Away from the other Freshmen and Sophomores.
“And that’s when me and Jaan pranked that Vampire guy with a spoon. Hahahaha.”
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Panotty Mischievous Flute Playing Elf
“Heeheehee. Spoon.” Harpy giggled as she munched on some lettuce. “You made another friend. Have you made more?”
“Nah, not really. A lot of them are lame. Most of them just ask to be pranked.”
“I don’t mean it literally, Harp.”
“There is this living pumpkin in my class. We’re a lot alike. And I can see me being friends with her. But for now, I’m happy with you and Jaan.”
“Jaan’s nice.” Harpy smiled waving at her at the table she’s sitting at. Jaan may not’ve noticed it.
“Who’re your friends, Harp?”
“Everyone is my friend. Everyone loves me.”
Panotty tilted his head. “You sure?” He tried not to say what’s on his mind. Unlike Harpy, Panotty is perfectly aware of their reputations. Both are cataclysmic musicians so to speak. They both play horribly together because they have fun with each other and barely anyone likes them as a result.
“Indeed.” Harpy said chipper-like. “I’m so good they don’t wanna hear me for too long so they can imagine what the rest of my songs sound like. Y’know, just like at the park.”
“Yeah, Panotty?” The always bubbly winged-human replied.
Panotty wrinkled his lips. ‘How do I put this nicely as possible for Harp?’ “When I was visiting the mini-theater to show off my flute playing skills I saw a sign next to the window.”
For reference, the sign reads: Stay out, Harpy!! This is Soundproof not Harpy proof!!!!
Harpy puffed her cheeks “Oh, that. It’s not my fault these windows keep exploding while I sing. Everyone keeps blaming for something that happens naturally!”
“…” The forest elf had trouble fishing for the next best thing to say to her. And what came to him may not have been the best course of action. “So… Are you gonna sign up for that Singing Contest?”
Within a second. The angel slams her hands on the table, flapped her butt out of her seat and shouted: “THERE’S A SINGING CONTEST?! HOW LOVELYYYYy yYY YY Yy Y YYY YY Y Yyy y y Y y YY Y Y yY YY y y yYy Y Yy yy y ! !! ! !”
“Harpy found out!” “RUN!” “Prepare your earplugs!” “AAAAAAH!”
Some students left running out of the canteen with or without her lunch. The remaining students with mortal and non-supernatural ears stayed and take Harpy’s giddy singing the best they can, most giving Panotty and Harpy a dirty look.
The supernaturals such as the undead and the mystical (like Panotty and Jaan), didn’t mind. They’re more tolerant of Harpy’s shrill singing oh-god-please-kill-me-now voice.
That is a minority of people in Primp High School. Most people of whatever species here are quite average mortal people.
“Miss?” A voice from behind the counter. Harpy looked behind her.
Z.E.D. (One-Bot Canteen Operator) Caretaker Provides Everyone’s Nutritions
“Please, do not cause anymore vocal calamity in the canteen please.”
“What?” Harpy tilted her head.
Panotty stepped up to translate for his featherbrained friend. “He nicely asks if you stop singing.”
“Affirmative.” The canteen bot nodded. That nod was needed for Harpy to understand that word.
“Okay, Mr. Gives-me-food, because you asked nicely.”
“Thank you, the students and my auditory sensors will rest easy now.” And that conversation is over. And everyone went to what they were doing before.
“I keep forgetting to ask.” Panotty spoke to Harpy while pointing to Zed. “Is that a real, self-thinking robot?”
“No, silly ‘Notty.” Harpy and smiling as she ruffled her friend’s head. “That’s just a creature made of steel.” She explained.
“Aha…” ‘I’ll ask Zed.’
Author’s Notes:
HUSK: And that concludes the three debut chapters. We hope you stick around for more.
WARE: As Husynator said, I hope we got your interest because there is a lot more to come.
Art by: @chaoplushie​ on Twitter.
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puyohighschoolau · 3 years
Primp High School Student
Age Reverse Curse RPG-er
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Oops, Age Regression Curse
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Lagnus Bishasi 
Lagnus is an average kid afflicted with an unfortunate curse. His body just turns back the clock, making him an impatient 10-year old that often goes a tantrums. Both a frequent bully victim and generally avoided when his curse takes effect. 
Other then that he’s perfectly normal, a bit of a tabletop RPG nerd, roleplays as a hero Ragnus the Brave, no you’re projecting. He can be most often found RPG-ing with Ringo and Maguro in the Rec Room.
It’s also where his dear childhood friends Sig and Marvett often hang out. They and his other friends do their best to put up with his curse.
Somehow in an on-and-off relationship with popular kid Arle Nadja. Her sister Silvana is often his babysitter when he’s 10.
Species: Human Age: 17* Class: Junior Abnormalities(?): Cursed to be 10 years old with a temper to match.
*When cursed physically and mentally 10. Memories of being his current age remain.
[Art by @chaoplushie​ on Twitter]
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puyohighschoolau · 3 years
Primp High School Student
Anti-Successful Diva Wannabe
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Harpy loves singing, that is her passion. She wants to be big someday. And while far from the worst person in Primp High School, Harpy is easily the most disliked person at school because of her ambitions. At least those non-magical, as magical folks seem to tolerate her better for whatever reason. Still not good though.
Her voice is horrible in every possible way, I’d prefer not to explain why, that’ll reopen some wounds. But Harpy is absolutely convinced she’s amazing and will show off her singing voice whenever she can.
She doesn’t understand why people run away from her voice. But her ego keeps telling her it’s because her singing is just that good.
Harpy is dumb as bricks, it’s a wonder how she became a 2nd Year Student.
Is good friends with local prankster, Panotty, it is a sweet friendship, they are the best of friends. But he most importantly keeps her busy from not singing. Everyone is happy with that when he’s not enabling her for a joke. He’s magical, he can take it.
Species: Earthborn Angel Age: 16 Class: Sophomore Abnormalities(?): Awful voice | Possibly defective ears
[Art by @chaoplushie​ on Twitter]
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puyohighschoolau · 3 years
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Chapter 1: Introduction Speech by kirbymanx/huskynator, warelander
Description: In which Akuma welcomes students new and old to Primp High School.
[Art by @ChaoPlushie & @furiousth_]
Primp High School, a prestigious and forward-thinking school in the country of Pretland.
Despite the quality of education the institution provides, where even the dimmest have a chance of proceeding, each year they only get half the students they can hold.
Why is that you ask? Good question. This School’s past has done a good job of scaring folks away when it’s been benign for generations. The worst you should have to worry about are the students inside.
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“Okay, girls. Out of the car.”
“Yes, Mom.” “Yes, Mom.”
“And Silvana, be nice to your sister.”
“…I’m gonna see how Rafisol’s doing.” The twin sidestepped the issue and walks away with her hands in her hoodie’s pocket.
“What happened to her?” The mother asked herself with a sigh.
“No clue, Mom.” Her other daughter answered.
“Well, say hi to your cousin for me.”
“Do-Re-MIiiIiIIIIiiIIi~ I’m at schooooool!~” The earthborn angel sang to herself, absolutely optimistic for the new school year.
“Yo, Harp!” She knows that voice. And she immediately scoops the boy up and lifted the elf up in the air.
“Panotty! You’re going to this school too?” She smiled with her mouth open.
“Hehe, yup.” The elf grinned. “I thought I’d surprise ya.”
“Teeheehee.” The girl spun him around. “You really did, my back’s still all tingly.” She put him down.
“So you’re a sophomore right?”
“What’s that?”
“The thing after a freshman.”
“People did call me a freshman last year. I don’t get it, I’m a girl. I did shower though.”
“…Never change, Harp.”
“Yo, Sig, Marvett.” The brown-haired boy ran up to his friends. “I called Ringo and Mags.” He wiggled the phone in his hand. “They’ll come by the Rec Room later for some RPing, after the speech, you guys wanna come too?”
“Sure.” The boy with cyan hair next to him said as they walked down these familiar halls of their school.
The girl next to them meanwhile, merely gave an affirmative hum, too occupied with marveling at the gift he had received from her friends earlier that day.
“Real glad you like it.” Uttered the spacey lad to his female friend.
“It’s wonderful. I know you guys said a steel case with a lock on it may be a bit much for notepad protection, but it’s going to do a lot to keep these brutes from ruining my drafts again.”
With a grin wider than those of his friends combined, the RPG nerd of the trio triumphantly raised a fist into the air. “Just one more year of swirlies, noogies, wedgies and getting stuffed into lockers, but then we’ll be the Seniors and make sure there won’t be a bully gang!”
By her lonesome the green-haired alpha made her way to the entry of her school, her arms crossed and her face colored by a look of determination.
“Alright. She said to herself. ’‘This is gonna be the year where I’ll show that pink-haired snob off!”
Just the thought of her rival sends a burst of energy in the spoiled teen’s body, tightening the grip on her fashionable umbrella.
“This year is gonna be all different. They will all admire me and see that I am a real Tetra!” A haughty laugh escaped the girl at the mere thought.
“Well, better I start making an impression early, especially with those new kiddos!”
The white-haired demon and his gang just went on in and walked inside already to their hideout. Everyone stepped out of the way of their menace if they didn’t flat outrun that is.
“It’s locked.” The boss observed. He turned to his female underling. “Carrie. You know what they say: Ladies first.” He said with a smirk.
The woman grinned as her chameleon handed her lockpick. “I’m so glad I’m surrounded by such gracious gents.” She winked at her leader and the male underling.
“Let’s enjoy it while we still can, my friends.” The horned underling said.
Their leader sighed. “I suppose this really is the last year our gang will be together like this…”
“Don’t be so down, Schezo. I’m sure we’ll meet each other a lot in prison.” The girl snickered as she opened the door and went in first. “Though I’m not sure about Lawrence here. If he keeps behaving he’ll be seeing us on the other side.”
“Highly likely.” He didn’t deny it.
Their leader looked at his pack of playing cards.
“C’mon, handsome, chin up. Let’s make the most of it. The most cash that is. Fufufu~”
“Naturally. Let’s break our record, Boss.”
“Carrie, Lawrence, you’re right. I am glad you two are the only ones remaining. Now, let us rake in the dough!”
F0 - Outside(/Entrance)
On the school’s field, many students got reacquainted, tried to make friends, wanted to be alone or played/watched basketball. And all of them had different opinions on getting back to school.
Some were excited, some were scared, some were apathetic. Anything really, all of them just wanted the school to start already.
And then the bells rang. The voice over the intercom instructed the students to go inside and follow the red carpet into the auditorium.
F1 - Auditorium
Bouncing off the walls of the auditorium were the chattering voices of every student sitting down.
Meanwhile backstage…  Someone grumbled a little at the noise. “Chatty as always, kuma.”
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Principal Akuma (History) Wise Cranky Longrunning Caretaker
A human woman giggled at her possessed teddy bear boss. “Just step on stage already if it bothers you so much, dear.”
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Vice-Principal Accord (Music/Arts/Counselor) Jovially Fun Teacher
“What do you think I was planning to do! Kumamamamama!” The bear’s backstage yelling got to shut the whole auditorium up.
Accord covered her mouth holding back her laughter as she and Akuma walked on stage. Accord spoke first. “I apologize to the new kiddies. Principal Akuma can’t control when he screams.”
“Quiet you…”
“Hmhmhm. He usually doesn’t mean it.”
Akuma, like the grump he is, straightened out his papers. “May I?”
“Oh of course. By all means. Listen good, everyone, even if you know most of it anyway.”
Akuma cleared his throat as he looked at his first page. “Welcome one and all. I am Akuma and this is Ms. Accord.” The latter waved. “But you should know either one of us already, either because you’ve been here for a year or two already or you met one of us when your parents signed you up.”
“Primp High School was founded with the best of intentions. And we make sure those stay intact along with giving you a stellar education.”
“And we know what you might think. You’ve heard the rumors. They’re based in truth but it has been exaggerated over the centuries. I do not feel the need to repeat what these rumors are. Ask someone or search for it on the phone if you must, if you can find the specific one that is. We have a lot of rumors. But rest assured, this school is safe. And if it for any reason it isn’t. I’LL SEE TO IT THAT IS!!! KUMAMAMAMAMA!!!” The principal screamed and flailed as animated as his plush body could.
“Oh my.” Vice-Principal Accord took the papers from her superior’s stand. “This is why we have a vice-principal, kiddies.” She said apologetically with a smile. “Now where were we?” The lady adjusted her glasses. But Akuma snatched it back.
“No need, I’m calm now. Now, where was I? Oh yes, of course. This year works the same as last year. Meaning Monday through Thursday you’ll have to go to school like any other school. On Friday, such as today, attendance is mandatory as well but education is optional, do it if you want to, and we do encourage it!”
“But it’s more of a recreational day. Feel free to start a club, help our gardener Orkte, plant some seeds and take care of the plants in the garden on Floor 3. Have a talk in the 6th Form Common Room (or as most refer it too “The Hang Out Room”). Get enlightened in the library, nothing beats reading holding a book in your paws.”
“Play our signature sport: Basketball! Join the cheerleaders (despite what it may seem with them all being sophomores at the moment anyone can join). We have a music room, Ms. Accord’s permission is required for instruments are expensive. We have a drama club upstairs with its own miniature stage. You can eat in the cafeteria if you like. You can even make our janitor happy by helping her if you want. ”
“Enjoy yourselves on Friday. But we do still encourage that you get some school work in. And in the weekend you’re home. Primp High School will be closed.”
“You know the rules, but I am repeating this one just in case. Colored rooms are public, and white rooms are staff only, you need permission. I hope that’s clear.”
Akuma went on a little longer until he finally stopped.
“Enjoy your Friday, rather unfortunate this school year starts as such, but such matters were out of my paws kumamamakuma!”
“Hmhmhm~ Have fun and make sure you stick to your schedules next week, kiddies. Don’t break the rules.” Accord walked off with Akuma.
“Oh, and beware of ghosts, ignore them and they’ll go away. If not I’ll ground them, mamamamama!!”
“They’re harmless.” Accord put gently. “You’re all dismissed.”
F1 - South Hallway
“Ooooooooh,” A blonde girl moaned. “Does Akuma really need to talk for so long? My ears are itching.”
Amitie Sunshine and Pep Incarnate
“I guess all that stuff is kinda necessary, there are newbies in school. Doesn’t make it any more fun though.”
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Arle Nadja #1 Adrenaline Junkie
“Heh, hey Ami, what if we got another Harpy?”
“Oh, poor freshmen!” Amitie squealed, not liking the sound of it.
“Hehehe. Let’s hope not.” Arle shrugged. “So you’re gonna meet up with the cheerleaders I guess?”
“Yip~ What’re you gonna do, Arle?
“I think I’m gonna go to the Rec Room, checking in on my BF.”
“Are you dumping that poor guy again?” The blonde asked the brunette with concern.
“Huh?” Arle could only utter in confusion, only for it to shift into mild irritation. “Ami, you gotta stop acting like we break up every other week!”
“Well…there was the time you felt you two needed a break from each other. Then you broke up for a while when he was looking at cosplayers too much. I also think you two decided to call it off for a while because of his curse thingy. And then there was–”
“Okay, I get it!” Arle snapped, quickly calming at the sight of her cousin’s apologetic expression. “Sorry. Look, Ami, I know it happens, but that’s just how we are, we would have called it quits after the first time if we didn’t work at all.”
“I guess you’re right.” The blonde found it hard to argue, unlike her Amitie she had no romantic experience to speak of, so to her, this was all still rather new foreign.
“Now.” The older girl said smiling while putting a hand on Amitie’s shoulder in a supportive manner. Don’t worry about it and go have fun with the cheerleaders. I’ll meet up with you again later.“
’'Got it. See yah Arle!” Was all the blonde said, perked up and quick to storm off to her destination. The brunette couldn’t help but chuckle a little, she always did find the child-like energy and innocence of her cousin very endearing.
“Never change, Ami.” Arle mused to herself, before heading to her own destination, ready to start a new year at Primp High School.
[Character art by @ChaoPlushie on Twitter Background/School art by @FuriousTH_ on Twitter (to be finished)
NOTE: We are adding character artworks as we go along. So if you’re reading an early reblog of this you may not see Amitie’s artwork right now. As of writing this little addendum she isn’t but she might be there in the future.]
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