#anakin is like youre not marrying into the family youre part of this family's foundations
tennessoui · 2 years
Do you have any new idea or things you want to add to KUWSK?
i would love to write a wedding mishap fic for kuwsk
i just realized i don't think i've ever written them actually getting married? i wrote them at someone else's wedding before, but not their own.....
it'd be fun to do that with kuwsk because i imagine so many things going wrong and it being completely chaotic. all of obi-wan's family is there so as not to offend anyone. qui-gon brings his adopted son maul (out on parole) as his plus one because maul's invitation must have gotten lost in the mail (it didn't). dooku makes the caterer cry. yoda is the flower girl because luke and leia kept arguing over who would be the flower girl. dooku makes anakin cry. shmi msplaces the rings accidentally through no fault of her own. quin is obi-wan's best man. padmé is anakin's best man. both try to take credit in their speeches about who got them together. ahsoka is the only student of obi-wan's that's invited and she's been bribed to tiktok the whole thing
due to some hijinks and or miscommunication, the twins find out that obi-wan and anakin are going to go on a fancy trip all by themselves without the twins which is just not allowed. anakin is really going to put his foot down this time because the twins can't just cry and get their way and this is his goddamn honeymoon goddamn it, but obi-wan is like....maybe they have a point anakin love........is it really fair to leave them all alone while we have a nice vacation...........we can have sex anywhere......i AM marrying into the family, perhaps the twins should come.......
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padawanlost · 7 years
going off that anon you reblogged, uh they barely had time for each other like anakin said in the beginning of rots, if it wasnt for palpatine getting captured, they probably wouldnt have came back. so yeah maybe the precious times they ever did get to spend after getting married, they made love? but its not like they were with each other everyday so that just seems weird to think that was his only reason to be with padme
there’re alot misconceptions about Anakin and padme’s relationship. The fact the mostmundane aspects of it were never explored in the movies doesn’t help either. Evenin the EU, the state of their relationship varies depending on the author. Somefocus on the sexual connection, others on the emotional support. However, it’snever only about sex. The consensus is that Padme and Anakin relied on eachother for support and escape. The time they had together was the only timethey felt free to be themselves. Padme could put down the Senator/Queen façade andAnakin could be free to express himself.
They kneweach other better than anyone else. Padme certainly understood Anakin’s strugglesbetter than even Obi-wan did. There’re plenty of moments of Padme listening tohim, asking him to talk about his past or just telling him to share hisfeelings.
The needfor secrecy and the war often kept them apart and I agree that they didn’t getto know each as deeply as they would have otherwise but that doesn’t mean theydidn’t know each other at all. When they long for each other, it’s always aboutconnection, support and love. It’s never about sex. Sex is part of therelationship, not its foundation.
Anakin’scrush on Padme was never about sex either. He was abused and alienated. His socialskills left a lot to be desired.  He hadno friends. His happier memories were of Shmi and Padme. She was probably thefirst free girl that was ever kind to him. Padme represented his past beforethe Jedi and the future he wanted for himself.
As someonewho grew up around sexual slavery, I doubt he associates love, intimacy and sexthe way most people do. Sex can be taken from you. Love is yours alone. No mastercan take from you. Anakin craves love. In his mind sex is secondary, a way tofind pleasure in intimacy, not his main goal.
Padme isnot that different. Althout I believe she has a diferent view on sex, it’s nother main goal either. She wants a family. She was to be loved and appreciated asa whole woman. Not only as a queen or a senator. She falls for Anakin becauseshe believes in him. she sees he’s honest in his feelings and she begins to openup.
I’m notsaying they wouldn’t have gone for it in AOTC if the opportunity had presenteditself. I just think, in the end, the relationship worked because they wantedMORE than sex.
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stonefreeak · 8 years
Oh boy, here we go! 
Padmé stares at the clock on her bedside table. She knows it’s time to get up and get ready to face the day, but she… She doesn’t want to. She wants to stay in bed and just pull her duvet over her head and not leave her room until at least tomorrow.
The room is still dark, the blinds drawn with not a bit of outside light allowed inside.
She’s tired, she’s sad… She’s angry. Angry with herself for allowing things to go this far.
She’s resentful of her own marriage. She resents that she got married… and she hates herself for it. She doesn’t regret or resent Anakin, how could she? She loves him so, so much.
But the marriage?
It’s a big, dark secrets that tears at their souls constantly because they have to hide it from the rest of the galaxy. Anakin broke his oaths to the Order to marry her and so they’re trapped in secrecy…
Anakin has said that after the war is over, maybe he’ll resign from the Order and they can finally be together in the open. She can finally tell her friends and trusted confidants—her handmaidens—and her family. Anakin can finally tell Obi-Wan, his family.
It’s a dream. A lovely rose-coloured dream, where everything is perfect and they’re so happy.
But now, now she knows the reality of what will come. Anakin will lose his adopted culture, leave his calling behind. What will he do, if he’s not a Jedi helping people?
Perhaps, he’ll be a mechanic, he likes that. He might be happy with that.
Padmé… Padmé will lose her standing. She will lose her role as senator, and her ability to affect change and help people in the galaxy. Can she be happy despite that?
She doesn’t think so, even with Anakin at her side. Once upon a time, yes, but she’s been in politics too long now, it’s one of the things that define her as a person. What is she without it?
Should their marriage be brought out into the open, she will lose all of it.
A secret relationship is nothing, it can be explained and understood. But a secret marriage? Sworn before the gods of Naboo?
Oh, even if her yearly approval ratings don’t fall enough to cause a re-election, the reigning monarch of Naboo can still unseat its Senator. It will all come down to the monarch currently ruling when the truth comes out. Or perhaps even the monarch after that. It is a mark against her that will never fade away.
Perhaps it is more fair if they both lose what they have, aside from each other. But even so…
The secret of their marriage weighs heavy on them. Because they have to hide it from everyone else, they swore never to keep anything at all from each other and so… And so they’ve endangered the secrets of the Republic. They’ve told each other military or political secrets they should not have, because they swore not to keep anything from each other.
How can they keep secrets from each other, when one of the most important aspects of their lives must stay secret from everyone else?
Oh, Padmé knows she can trust her handmaidens with it, but if Anakin has no one to tell, how can she tell someone? It would be so gravely unfair to her husband if she can lighten the burden of their secret while he cannot.
So she doesn’t. She holds it in—even as it burns and rips her apart from the inside, claws at the very foundations of her faith and culture. You do not keep a marriage a secret, on Naboo, not unless you are ashamed, and if you feel shame about your spouse, why would you swear yourself to them before the gods?
She rolls over, buries her face in her pillow, and screams. She’s exhausted.
If only they had waited. Not with being together, not with their love, but with their marriage.
They’ve endangered information that needed to stay secret and she… she broke a friend’s trust. She promised Obi-Wan she wouldn’t tell anyone but Ellé, but she did. Without even a second thought, she did.
She’s done it before too. She’s discussed Senate secrets with Anakin without a second thought. She has never had an actual reason to, he’s not actually interested for the most part. But… no secrets means no secrets. He’s told her about his own missions for the same reason.
It breaks her heart. How did it come to this? She let this happen. They had agreed not to, and then just before they entered the arena on Geonosis… She could have died knowing she rejected him and in the moment she couldn’t bear the thought.
Even worse still… she has not spoken of her doubts with Anakin. Despite all their promises, she is hiding something from him. How can she explain what she feels without hurting him?
The door to her bedroom slides open. “My lady?” Sabé’s voice rings out, hushed but clear.
She doesn’t answer. How can she, when tears threaten to thicken her voice.
Movement, the rustling of Sabé’s dress and the feeling of the mattress giving under added weight, and then Sabé’s warmth at her back, strong arms pulling her into her best friend’s arms.
Padmé clutches Sabé’s arm. She’s always known so well what Padmé needs.
“Should I cancel your commitments for the day, Padmé?” A sweet whisper. Only in these quiet, intimate moments will Sabé call her by her first name.
“No…” Padmé croaks. “But let me just stay here for a while longer… just a while longer.”
Sabé pulls her in closer and squeezes her for a moment. “Do you want me to leave?”
“... No…” Padmé feels like a child, small and sad. She should be stronger than this, but… she allows herself the momentary weakness. No one can be strong all the time.
She closes her eyes and counts Sabé’s breaths, finding some small comfort in her best friend’s arms.
“It’ll be alright, Padmé. You’ll see,” Sabé whispers and presses a small kiss to her cheek.
Padmé falls back asleep knowing Sabé will wake her up when the time comes.
Her lekku twitches briefly and she takes a deep breath, smoothing her dress out. Show time.
She walks through the Senate Office Building and no eyes fall on her; she has long since learned how to move unseen—hidden in plain sight. Face placid, but with a small smile. A twi’lek woman without a smile on her face draws attention. It has always galled her, probably always will, but it is beyond her power to change.
She carries her bag casually, regardless of its contents. She focuses on her breathing to keep it slow, despite the slight uptick of her heart rate.
Click, click, click.
Heels against the polished floors until finally she reaches her destination.
The secretary at the desk confirms her appointment before he he sends a message on a comm.
She waits. Time ticks by slowly and she deliberately does not clench her hand around the bag’s shoulder straps.
“You can go inside.”
She says her thanks with a smile and moves on. Almost there, she’s so close to her goal now. The door opens with a swoosh, and she’s greeted by the sight of a grand office and the person she’s meeting looks up from his desk.
“Ah, welcome!” Senator Organa says with a kind smile on his face.
“Thank you, Senator, and thank you for meeting with me.”
She walks farther into the room, and the human leaves his desk. He shakes her hand with a strong and sturdy grip.
“Now, ab—” before he can finish his sentence, the door swishes open behind her.
“Senator! I apologise for interrupting, but you have an urgent comm from Queen Breha!” the Togrutan secretary says, wringing his hands.
“Pardon me, I have to take this. Do sit down, I’ll be right back.”
“No worries, Senator. Take you time.”
She watches him leave the office with his secretary, and then she’s all alone.
(Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi masterpost)
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