#(anakin makes obi-wan cry)
risingmoonyue · 2 years
Clone Wars AU where instead of chips, the clones are actually raised to be undercover as loyal soldiers knowing they'd betray the jedi ("traitors") on the order, and are all ready to complete their mission—
But uh. The jedi are really nice?? And kinda dumb??? And they reaaaally don't know how they survived this long when they are just so dumb and trusting and oh no they're attached.
There are many unfortunate realizations. The clones form a support group to rant about their stupid jetii because "—guys you don't understand he loses his lightsaber every two seconds and then smiles at me when I give it back and has decided since I have it so much I should know how to use it and this week he ordered chocolate for everyone what do I do—"
Bly be sitting in the corner, rocking because "Oh no she's hot"
Wolffe is sitting there holding in manly tears because Plo is a buir but he's a traitor but Plo is such a buir can he be my buir
Rex is like "listen I know Skywalker is supposed to be the one non-traitor of the bunch but like. He's crazy???? And the Commander is also crazy???? How am I supposed to keep up with them???? How much worse would they be without Kenobi????????? And I think Skywalker might actually murder us all if anyone touches the commander or Kenobi???????????"
And meanwhile Fox is all "I keep pulling this one weird jedi out of the dumpster and I can't get rid of him. How do I get rid of him, he's growing on me like mold and I hate it."
Meanwhile I cant decide if the Jedi know that somethings up with the clones and are keeping them close or if they just are genuinely like "man those guys are so great ❤️❤️❤️ I'd trust my life with them ❤️❤️❤️ if they don't tell me smth they def have a good reason ❤️❤️❤️"
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These Clone Wars headcanons take a turn at the end
I feel like the writers really dropped the ball on never showing us Anakin and Ahsoka attending a formal event because I feel like it would be hilarious 
Watching two hardened war heroes try and act like they haven’t seen all the horrors the universe has to offer is the equivalent of watching two possums stacked on top of each other trying to convince someone they’re human
I feel like they would both try to behave for Padme and Obi-Wan’s sake but at the same time they can't help but make fun of each other as they act “normal” while simultaneously hiding the fact that they’re talking shit about anyone and everyone in the room
These two dorks are just standing in a corner praying to anyone that will listen for these stuck-up silver spoon-suckling sleemos to leave them alone but unfortunately for them the rich never care to read the vibe so they’re stuck schmoozing
After being to a couple of formal events the two start to form escape plans to get out of being in boring conversations which include but are not limited to: Ahsoka acting like they’re playing her favorite song so they have to dance, them pretending as Obi-Wan called them over with the force but in actuality they just hide behind him while he acts like an adult, and last but certainly not least Ahsoka faking an allergic reaction 
That last one got them into some trouble cause in their haste they left Obi-Wan and Padme behind to deal with the confused and concerned public and they were less than pleased to find that Anakin abused his padawan’s allergies like this little did they know Ahsoka came up with that plan
I have a guttural feeling that Ahsoka’s been put in air jail sometimes by Rex but it’s mostly Anakin using the force to lift her off the ground because it’s the only thing that calms her down 
It surprised her to find out that he stole the idea from Obi-Wan it was more surprising to find out he wasn’t entirely patient with Anakin during the first couple of years of his apprenticeship but the thing that didn’t surprise her was the fact that Anakin was a feral little brat who bit hard when he was frustrated 
There was one time when the trio were sent on a mission and it wasn’t a pleasant one to say the least which naturally resulted in them being sleep deprived which usually leads to them being very snappy towards each other
One day Anakin and Ahsoka got into a less-than-friendly shoving match which was likely going to escalate into a full-blown fight before Obi-Wan lifted them both and the uncharacteristic abuse of the force caused the duo to laugh their asses off 
Obi-Wan doesn’t like thinking of that moment cause it feels like a petty step back in his growth but the duo silently thinks that moment was hilarious and still laugh about it years later 
Anakin doesn’t always use the force to reprimand Ahsoka sometimes they act like the stupid teenagers they are and use it for reckless fun and by that I mean one day Ahsoka got an idea and begged Anakin to use the force to toss her as high as he could
He denied her request for a while even with her assuring him that if anything went wrong she could just catch herself when that approach wasn’t working she poked at his pride making little comments that he probably couldn’t toss her higher than his head
So with an admittedly bruised ego and still slight hesitation he agreed and the second her feet were back on the ground she begged him to do it again funny enough it became a kind of game/training for the duo
It helped with Anakin’s stamina and Ahsoka’s reaction time cause unfortunately being the chosen one doesn’t make someone perfect and he did drop her a couple of times but it didn’t matter much cause she caught herself
As the duo got older they started taking turns launching each other like a weird force see-saw but one day the jig was up cause the twins caught them doing this weird little game and demanded a turn
They agreed but the twins never got past the duo’s waste which didn’t matter cause Padme scolded them anyway and the two promised to never do it again with the twins around 
Anakin and Ahsoka are both deeply sentimental people I know this in my soul which results in their shared quarters being cluttered with a whole bunch of stuff 
Anakin’s stuff makes more sense cause it’s basically gifts from Padme and Obi-Wan or random projects that never worked out but he could never justify throwing away
Ahsoka on the other hand is an absolute goblin and will hoard anything and everything that feels special like 3D glasses from the singular time she and Anakin could see a holo in theaters, or a random rock from Naboo, a ribbon from a dress Padme gave her that she outgrew, and a thank you note from the kids on Mandalor 
You know the things that most people would describe as useless or junk but she keeps them scattered all over their quarters nonetheless well she did before someone got wind that she was doing this and advised her against it cause it’s against the Jedi code
She agreed with them so she stuffed all of it in a box and right before she could toss it they were sent on a mission and when she got back she didn’t have the energy to get rid of it so she just shoved it to the back of her closet 
And then she started collecting trinkets again and stored them all in the box that she lovingly refers to as the “box o’ shit” in her mind until one day the box literally wouldn’t close with all the stuff stored inside
And out of the blue the guilt she first felt when she was reprimanded came flooding back tenfold and she made a vow to toss it out the next day but every time she tried it just ended with tears in her eyes
Until one day she came home from a truly terrible solo mission to find a chest in the middle of her room and when she asked Anakin about it all he said was “Oh it’s for your stuff I figured you’d need a new one by now”
She needed no clarification of what stuff he was talking about and she didn’t know how to ask him politely how he knew she ignored sage advice while she knew she should feel embarrassed for being so obvious or guilty all she felt was loved 
So she squeezed the ever-loving force out of the one person who just got her and smiled as he squeezed her back just as tight without commenting on the twin puddles on the front of his robes 
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tennessoui · 2 years
au where because palpatine is anakin’s confidante during his teenage years, he gets to hear all about the latest love of his life and how this relationship is The One, This Is It, Senator, Anakin Is Sure He Is In Love, only for the relationship to crash and burn a few weeks/months later, which results in dark! bad mood! anakin who swears to never see or speak to the temptress who played with his heart ever again
which gives sidious Ideas about how to most successfully ruin anakin’s relationship with obi-wan, aka the only thing really firmly keeping anakin in the light, so that he can twist anakin into Falling and becoming his sith apprentice.
after all it turns out that while obi-wan kenobi is damn near unkillable, he isn’t unfuckable (in the eyes of the vast majority of the galaxy.....anakin included)
and so palpatine becomes the number one obikin shipper, the og stan, the fan with a plan. he sets them up on countless dates and fancy dinners, gives them his opera house tickets, pays for them to be serenaded by the Coruscanti orchestra.....all because he thinks that once they get together it’ll be only a matter of time before they break up and then anakin will be so betrayed and distraught that he never talks to obi-wan again
but that....keeps not happening and palpatine just keeps bankrolling their dates at increasingly fancier and fancier places, all the while Anakin is in his In Love and Life Is Wonderful phase, Kenobi shyly thanks Palpatine for his kindness, and Sidious has to keep reminding himself that the happier and higher Skywalker feels the further he’ll Fall.......right? right???
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bluevelvt · 1 month
inquisitor anakin with obikin au is this anything
palpatine’s timeline is moved up and the clone wars start six or seven years earlier. the events of tpm remain untouched, so anakin is obi wan’s padawan and his commander throughout this whole time. when general grievous is found on utapau, obi wan is sent to kill him like in canon, with anakin remaining on coruscant for his safety. unfortunately, palpatine executes order 66 and anakin is at the heart of it
anakin is not so integral to palpatine’s plans as he’s in his mid-teens at this point, but palpatine still wants him and while anakin is able to escape the temple and hide for a bit, he is eventually caught without knowing what happened to his master and palpatine is able to use all this and the various torture methods at hand to break anakin and have him agree to become an inquisitor. perhaps palpatine originally wanted anakin as an apprentice, but it’s too early to tell and the fact that anakin hangs on to hope and the idea that his master will come and save him for so so long, resistant to inquisitorius’ efforts, well he’s a fine tool as a dark sider, but a sith apprentice? that remains to be seen
five or so years pass and obi wan has been in hiding. without having to protect luke or leia, he only stays in one place for so long. it’s a thing of survival, but somewhere and buried obi wan secretly hopes he will find his padawan because he has to believe anakin escaped (he desperately hopes anakin made it off coruscant somehow because he knows if his padawan didn’t, there could be a fate worse than death for him) when obi wan uses the force after years of having it locked away to save somebody like cal did with prauf on bracca, an inquisitor is sent to hunt down the jedi
the eleventh brother had been sent to hunt down jedi many times now, so this report is nothing special. kill or capture them, whatever seems best. eleventh brother usually does the former. it is all standard, just a lead really without much information but if there is a jedi, he will be able to find them no matter what. what is not standard, is to find a jedi he knew when he was still a padawan. what is not standard, is seeing your old master who died abandoned you left you hated you
obi wan has seen inquisitors before, but not this one who wears a helmet fully obscuring his face with a vocoder so not even his voice can be recognised, although through all the alterations, it sounds familiar. and when the eleventh brother sees you in the crowd, gaze hidden by red transparisteel but boring into you all the while, he pauses and takes off his helmet to reveal a face you know so well and could never mistake even though the face belongs to a young man now and not an awkward teen, marked by a scar bisecting his right eye and the lack of a braid. it’s anakin. your padawan is the eleventh brother. and you know that death would have been a kinder fate for him than this
where this all goes from here? not certain but once they are reunited and anakin is not trying to kill or capture obi wan, well it’s been a good while and obi wan can’t exactly be blamed for finding anakin attractive (and maybe falling in love with him) and anakin has never been normal about his old master
i’ll figure out more but i mostly just wanted anakin as an inquisitor and you know one lone candle is enough
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boofrilly · 10 months
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He would have adored you
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fangirlforeversthings · 3 months
Obi wan kenobi is so britney spears songs coded
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sith-obikin · 2 years
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Darth Vader #5
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Obi-Wan Kenobi, 1x06
Let’s keep going with our journey by reliving together this unforgettable moment between our boys🖤
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gildeddlily · 11 months
watching cw!Anakin is like.. if straight then why so cunty?
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coirionin · 5 months
so, unfortunately for me, i have become obsessed with the song of achilles so fucking quickly and viciously my neck almost broke from the whiplash. and like. what if. and hear me out here. a tsoa obikin au? eh? eehhh????
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io-u-a-moon · 1 year
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"someday we'll be complete like modern saints
baptize our kids in gasoline
and hang our doubts up in cathedrals
so that they turn to faith in the colored sunlight"
- Thursday, "Asleep in the Chapel"
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starsdies · 2 years
throwing some of my obikin ideas i had on twitter on here bcos... tumblr is looking much better content-wise for me. 
so obikin kinda meet-cute modern au?
but you know those (kink friendly) cafes where the employees wear cute outfits, and insult the customers? all i can think about is obi-wan as an employee in a ridiculous outfit insulting anakin when he’s dared to visit the cafe by a friend (ferus, probably) and the hot guy in the very slutty costume is hitting a little TOO close to his unexplored humiliation kink.
anakin has to like. put the face towelette in his lap to hide the fact that he’s ridiculously hard when obi-wan slams his “baby palate” of a meal on his table. obi-wan notices in the middle of his dinner and takes FULL advantage of it. anakin doesn’t end his meal without being so red he’s having hot flashes.
of course before he runs out of the restaurant he scribbles his number on a napkin and leaves a massive tip. 
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A long list of Clone Wars headcanons just cause
Sometimes Ahsoka will get the zoomies and how she handles that energy is roughhousing with Anakin who's more than willing to participate 
It becomes a show for the 501 because seeing the small togruta tackle the lanky ass nightmare that is Anakin Skywalker to the floor is hilarious 
They are both guilty of not knowing their strength so some people (cough cough Obi-Wan cough cough) caution them against it they don’t really listen tho which has resulted in some pretty hilarious injuries 
One of those injuries happened when they were playing around and Ahsoka shouldered Anakin so abruptly that he fell back on him tailbone and got the wind knocked out of him she sat by his side laughing her ass off
It took her an unreasonable amount of time to realize he was in pain and when she did she started apologizing like crazy she still gets embarrassed when people bring it up and still apologizes years later
There was another time when Ahsoka turned her back to Anakin when they were roughhousing and he pushed her so hard that she almost fell off of the landing platform they were standing on
He snatched her up by the stomach while muttering “I’m so sorry” and then he started frantically checking to make sure he didn’t seriously hurt her while Ahsoka laughed so hard she swears to this day that she pulled something 
Unfortunately when the laughter stopped she did realize she managed to sprain her wrist and when Anakin found he helped her wrap it
You’d think that they’d learn from these incidents but nope they still play fight like two big dogs 
Even tho Anakin and Ahsoka’s place is pretty clean it’s never really quiet there’s always gotta be some kinda noise 
Sometimes it’s Ahsoka’s music playing loudly in her room, sometimes it’s a holomovie in the living room, and sometimes it’s just them bickering in the kitchen
It doesn’t matter what it is it’s never truly quiet even at night there’s a small amount of noise from Anakin’s snoring (which he denies) and Ahsoka’s purring thing (which she also denies) 
As crazy as it sounds the people closest to them will admit that their noise is strangely comforting  
Anakin and Ahsoka are so freaking similar that it turns heads sometimes they’ll say something the other said but they’ve never heard like “This is where the fun begins” 
It’s stopped Obi-Wan in his tracks before it kinda freaks him out and worries him a little bit but it also puts a small smile on his face when the duo says the same thing at the same time
They’re also able to predict how the other will react once Ahsoka was teaching the clones tricks with her saber and they broke it they felt terrible but they were also terrified about Anakin’s reaction 
Ahsoka was the only calm one in the room and explained to the group that Anakin would pretend to be pissed for about an hour but then he’d “calm down” and ask for the parted to fix it and by that time rolled around she’d already have his favorite holo prepped and food from Dex’s
They listened to her with a healthy amount of skepticism and were happily surprised to find out the next day that she was right  
There was another time when Anakin and Obi-Wan decided to buy Ahsoka her favorite boba to soften the blow that she wasn’t gonna go on a mission Anakin told Obi-Wan that she’d be happy for a minute before asking what happened and he was right 
When Ahsoka got closer to Anakin the clones and everyone else she showed her secret passion for acting like she doesn’t know them in public when they piss her off
It worked a couple of times and one of those times Rex almost got arrested because the officer didn’t believe that they were the commander and captain of the 501st Rex didn’t blame the dude because he couldn’t prove it without Ahsoka’s help and she refused to back him up
Ahsoka finally dropped the act when the cuffs came out but she was still kinda reluctant
She did agree to take a break from that prank and she stopped doing it entirely when Obi-Wan had to bail Anakin out of jail (she bought a lot of boba for a very long time to make up for that one)
They will reference the prank occasionally by asking each other at random points in the day “Do I know you?” 
Like sometimes they’ll be out and Anakin will ask “Have we met before?” most of the time Ahsoka will answer “No actually we haven’t” (this girl is wearing his cloak he’s wearing one of her headwraps and his arm is resting on her head) 
Sometimes Padme will make a big deal of taking Anakin and Ahsoka out to do something just the three of them
Whenever Padme and Anakin show the smallest form of affection towards each other Ahsoka makes a big deal about gagging Anakin makes a bigger deal of “evening it out” 
Like if he kisses Padme and Ahsoka gags he’ll grab her and give her a big smooch on the forehead and then like the little shit that he is he’ll whip his lips calling her greasy
She gets him back by whipping the spit off her forehead with his robes (and also backhanding him which Padme kindly ignores)
Padme will sometimes tease her too like if she grabs Anakin’s hand then she’ll link arms with Ahsoka and make a small comment like “There now you’re even”
Sometimes Ahsoka will get them both back in the moments when they check on each other first she’ll make a big deal about saying “Well kriff me I guess” even if she doesn’t have a scratch on her 
Both Anakin and Padme will make a big deal about checking her for injuries with a couple of comments like “Oh my poor little padawan you have a scratch from training last night how did you cope”
I said in my first post that Ahsoka and Anakin have a playlist and I love the idea that they have different titles for them like “Obi-Wan’s least favorite playlist” “get ready to kick seppie’s ass” “the council pissed me off again” and stuff like that 
It’s all in good fun but they’ll never let anyone else see those titles because they know it’ll get a good scolding from Obi-Wan
The moment Obi-Wan knew Anakin had formed an “unnecessary attachment” wasn’t some big life-or-death moment on the battlefield 
In hindsight it was a pretty funny moment that was caused by Anakin’s stupidity cause he had broken a glass earlier that day and he thought he got all the pieces so he didn’t feel it was necessary to tell Ahsoka
Next thing he knows the poor togruta is gasping in pain and when he goes to check on her she’s sitting on the kitchen floor while the mother of all glass shards is sticking out of her foot 
Now you might be asking “How did Anakin miss a glass shard the size of his hand?” he honestly couldn’t give you an answer but he could tell you was in that moment he realized that he forgot to restock the med kit even though Ahsoka had reminded him about it earlier that day
All Obi-Wan got to see of this was a blur of Anakin holding his profusely bleeding padawan while yelling at the top of his lungs “Move she’s bleeding out!”
No one can really blame the man for dropping everything he was doing to chase after his former padawan and they also can’t blame him for assuming the worst like her being stabbed or shot
He didn’t know what he was expecting when he walked into the halls of healing but it wasn’t an embarrassed Anakin standing over a cackling Ahsoka as the healers scolded him for causing a scene
He makes a silent note to give Anakin a small lecture about keeping his emotions under control before checking on his giggly grand padawan
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tennessoui · 1 year
I seriously loved the one-shot! Especially because I woke up with the notification from ao3 and it made work pass quickly today ^^
(Also it distracted me from the drunken, yelling groups of men roaming the city today 🙃)
And I am so intrigued how it continues!! What will Obi-Wan do?? Will he leave the order??? Is there any other option?
Aaannnd I’m curious as to why Anakin wore the veil in the senate…
Haha lots of questions, sorry ^^’
I hope you are well and your days are bright 💜
ahh glad you enjoyed it!!! 🥰
as for your questions, in my mind obi-wan is going to leave the order and no one is going to be particularly surprised. The Order has probably spent the last several months fielding questions from reporters about Jedi Knight Kenobi’s close relationship with Senator Skywalker, as well as making photos of rather intimate moments between them (just walking around the senate gardens but it’s heavy chemistry ok) disappear
he gets to live his best life as like nanny instructor for two babies who adore him:
Anakin doesn’t trust anyone more with his kids. He bullies obi-wan into teaching them how to use the Force and control themselves, and he also bullies Obi-Wan into teaching him the same thing
(Obi-Wan also makes a blanket for Leia. He’d thought they would just share the original blanket, but when he says this, Anakin laughs himself silly)
(Anakin also wants a blanket for himself. This takes much longer to complete.)
As for the reasons anakin wears the veil, it’s honestly completely and totally just plot reasons so the plot can happen. I guess an argument could be made for him feeling the need to keep his identity secret in case of attack, or because he likes the ceremony of it all, idk mostly just a character quirk for the sake of the paper-thin plot, like Padmé and her handmaidens when she’s queen
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genderfluidcrowley · 1 year
"because all he'll see is me" is a line that's absolutely killing me
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grayisblogging · 1 year
“you two haven’t changed a bit”
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if only they had gotten more time. if only anakin had stayed behind as mace had instructed. i can hear them now, the bickering, the teasing. obi-wan swears he’s fed up with them already after 10 minutes but the truth is he’s missed this more than anything. they’d go get drinks with rex and exchange new stories. the night would end with ahsoka and rex carrying anakin out of the bar, an arm over each of their shoulders. rex had missed her, and he’d seen just how much anakin had too. everything always seemed easier, lighter when she was around. he would be grateful to her for taking his mind off his conflicting feelings concerning the end of the war. and although he was worried for what the future would hold for him, for his brothers, as he and commander tano helped general skywalker to his feet he found himself feeling that maybe things would be okay. if only ahsoka had offered up more than “good luck,” but in her eyes they’d have more time catch up later. if only.
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rhioth · 2 years
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idk seasonal depression is starting to hit so i drew a sad obi
he’s crying over anakin btw (obviously)
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