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“Please be quiet, I am Plotting Revenge”
Graphic by Renaissance Man
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spaceepr1nce · 2 years
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((Should I move it to digital?👀
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punkboyjack · 2 months
I never had any respect for old fashist assholes
Red,blue, white,black, asian, Jewish, Arab, Persian, Muslim, Cristian doesn't matter
Fuck every single political figure out there
I don't want anyone to rule over my life play with our lives and get worshipped like a god
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*ugly sobbing* They're in love, your honor (and also in need of some soundproofing...)
Terzo and his CC are by ghulehsin! Omega and his CC are available here.
More Ghims (Ghost Sims) content
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wayofthewang · 2 years
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Stocking Anarchy
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Hello!! Can I please have 3 with Jax Teller!! Thankyou😍🥰
You can, my love!
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Standing out against all the other crow eaters, it'll always take something a little special, a little different to remain memorable. Great tits and long legs abound, but to get their interest, you know, it has to be something bold. And perhaps playing a long game, depending on when the target of your interest goes into his back pocket...
You slipped your thong in there while hugging Jax, making like you were giving his butt a little squeeze before slinking away again. You sit just a short distance from him, watching as he chats with Juice and Chibs, finally reaching for his cigarettes... and pulling out a small handful of black lace.
"Oh, trying out some new undies for size, Jackie?" Chibs jokes, Jax shaking his head as Juice wails with laughter.
"Fuck you." he mutters, turning to view you with a raised eyebrow. You pound back your drink, slipping from the stool and heading in a feline glide over to the door, a slight side glance allowing you to see him following you out.
He's grinning when you turn to face him, letting the lace tumble through his fingers before he hangs them from his pinky finger, holding them up as he approaches. “I think you lost your underwear somewhere.”
"I think I did, but I plan not to need them for the next half hour or so," you quip, Jax smirking.
"Half an hour?" he rumbles, arms sliding around your waist, leaning to kiss you. "You've underestimated me."
Four hours later, you discover he was right.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
Mine Now| Jax Teller
word count 3k
Mine, Now 
Summary: Ryder didn’t even want to attend the homecoming dance, it wasn’t her, but thanks to her best friend Holly and her ex-boyfriend David Hale who later ends up ditching her, she agrees to go only to be stood up. Worried about her well-being Luanne calls Jax who comes to the house and they finally admit those feelings for each other. 
Rated T for language 
*mentions of smut*
*This is conveying some of the thoughts I have had in the past about myself and my place in everything.
Homecoming was the first dance of the school year, and while it was at the top of most girls’ lists it wasn’t even on Ryder Winston’s radar. Maybe it was because she was a tomboy that would rather play with tools and grease than dress up in a pretty dress and get her hair and makeup done.
Or maybe it was because she was the daughter and the sister of members of the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club and most residents of Charming were leery of the group and its doings. Or maybe it was because she just didn’t care but still agreed and agreed to go shopping with Gemma and Luanne who always jumped at the chance to dress up Ryder.  
“Come on Ry, this is going to be fun,” Luanne commented as she pulled another brightly colored dress off of the rack and held it up to Ryder’s body causing her to push it down while pulling a face. Ryder rarely wore bright colors, it was black, white, denim blue, and gray. Like a good future old lady should. 
 “As much fun as going to the dentist and getting a tooth pulled.” “If you didn’t want to go, why did you agree?” “Have you tried to say no to your best friend?” 
“And ex-boyfriend?” Gemma threw in, she was curious about what happened, but thanks to her son and his best friend she wasn’t able to question her until now, “Are you going with David just to piss off Jax?”
 Ryder rolled her eyes and turned the rack of dresses. 
“This has nothing to do with Jax, Gem. I am never gonna be anything more than Opie’s little sister. And it doesn’t have anything to do with David either. If anything he is trying to prove a point to his dad, that he isn’t going to fall in line and hate us because they do. Or he is just using me to get Tara back? I am not the greatest catch.”  
Since the first breakup with David happened Ryder had become more self-aware and self dissipating. And it worried Gemma that she was like this. She was 17 years old, she didn’t need to be like that.  “Don’t say that sweetie.” Luanne started, “You are a great catch. People are just idiots.”
 Ryder rolled her eyes and pulled a dress off the rack, she knew that she wasn’t a catch. She was the daughter of a war vet and a member of a motorcycle club and had served time in jail and her older brother Opie was following in his footsteps. And she, herself didn’t have much to offer and she knew that she was subpar at best. And why would Jackson Teller want someone like that? When he could have Tara Knowles? She had thought she had gotten over her crush on Jax, but she hadn’t.  But she would never say that out loud especially to Gemma and Luanne. 
They were her biggest cheerleaders and supporters and if they heard those thoughts, there would be hell to pay.  And if Gemma found out about the crush she would do everything she could get them together. 
Instead, Ryder kept her mouth shut and pulled several black dresses off of the rack, “I will be trying these on.” 
3 days later
“Sweetheart, I am so sorry,” Gemma said reaching to touch the back of Ryder’s shoulder, the girl jerked it away and shook her head. They had been waiting for well over an hour for David to come and pick her up from the Teller-Morrow house and he hadn’t shown up. 
“Don’t be.” Ryder returned, reaching up and undoing the diamond-dangling earrings she had been wearing, “I knew it was going to happen. Why date the daughter of an outlaw? When you can be with someone that’s going to be a doctor? That looks a lot better in the political circle.” 
She dropped the earrings on the side table before undoing the matching necklace.  
“What’s so great about me?” 
Luanne, who had been standing in the doorway, took steps back and picked up the cordless phone to call the clubhouse. 
There were only three people who could talk her down from this ledge she was on. One was her older brother Opie, two was Jax, and three was her old man Otto.  
“What do I have to offer Gem huh?” Her trembling fingers were already pulling at the bobby pins that were holding her hair up. 
“My own fucking mother didn’t want me. She left me here. Why am I even still alive? There’s no point. Piney has crow eaters, and Opie has Donna. No one needs me.” 
“I do.” Jax’s voice said from the doorway, he had broken all the speed limits to get from the clubhouse to his mom’s house. Ryder turned on her heel and looked at him, the tears sliding down her cheeks. He crossed the room and pulled her into him, his free hand wiping some of the tears away and ruining the makeup that Luanne had spent hours on getting perfect. At this point Luanne didn’t care that all her hard work was going down the drain, she just wanted Ryder to be better.  
Looking at Gemma, she knew that she too was feeling the immense guilt of not seeing that Ryder had been struggling ever since Mary left. She had put on a hell of a show for them even though 90% of the time they would see right through it and call her on her bullshit. Now was not that time. 
“No, you don’t Jackson, as soon as Tara is back to being available you will be right back to circling her like a little puppy wanting to mark its territory.”  
Instead of getting angry as he would have in the past, he pulled her closer to him, his hand bunching in the material of her dress.
 “You have never been so dead wrong in your life Ryder. I started dating Tara because I was jealous that you were dating Hale.” 
“You? Were jealous because I had a boyfriend?”
 Through the tears, there was surprise in her voice, and in her eyes “I thought you thought of me as Opie’s little sister.’  He laughed, “I never thought that.” 
Sensing that this was going to be a very private moment between the two and they didn’t need an audience, both Luanne and Gemma left the two alone, going to the kitchen and hiding just out of sight. “You didn’t?” Jax shook his head, the familiar cocky smirk forming on his face. “Don’t play with me, Jackson Teller.”  She warned tapping his chest with her hand in warning. He laughed lowly before lowering his mouth onto hers. 
Once he pulled back, Ryder laughed breathlessly, her fingers clenching his kutte, “Well I guess that changes things.” 
The Next Morning
Ryder blinked her eyes open, her head felt heavy and her hazel eyes were burning with the effort of being open. 
“What the hell happened last night?” She muttered to herself, she vaguely remembered being stood up for the homecoming dance and Jax coming to be with her but everything after that was kind of blurry. 
Carefully she lifted her head up and looked around the room she was in, it was her bedroom at Gemma’s house. A room she had insisted that she had before Mary pulled the disappearing act on them, the black dress she had on was left in a pile on the floor by the door, followed by the black lace strapless bra and thong and baggy blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a leather kutte.
 Panicked she went to sit up but couldn’t, she twisted her head quickly and her eyes landed on Jackson Teller, his head was resting next to where hers used to be and his arm was holding her close to his chest. 
“Go back to sleep Darlin’.” Jax’s voice came sleep-filled, his arm tightening on her waist, “Ma will wake us up when it’s time to get up.” Ryder nodded her head and let him pull her closer to him. The heaviness in her heart was missing. But maybe this was what she was missing. Jax.  Maybe she was meant to be his old lady and she was just putting it off because she didn’t want to become like Gemma or Luanne or even worse her mother. 
And that thought scared her more than anything 
Teller Morrow Auto Shop
“What happened?” Holly Oswald asked as she threw open her car door and stormed over to where Ryder was holding a clipboard and going over the repo list with her brother, Jax, and Chibs later that afternoon. She and Gemma had come in after Opie and Piney threatened to kill Jax if he hurt Ryder. Either one of them had planned to tell the others yet about whatever this was but Clay wanting to cause more issues opened his mouth and told them what he had seen that morning. 
“You never showed up, and David came in with Tara.” “There’s ya answer lass,” Chibs answered, they had all gotten the download from Jax when the man showed back up at the garage plus what they had heard from Clay made them want to be more overprotective of her. 
“He stood Ryder up. Jackie boy had to go comfort her.” 
“He said.” Holly started feeling worse than she had after she found out. She and Audrey both agreed that Ryder stood him up and that David was right to take Tara instead. 
 “That’s your first mistake Holls.” Ryder said handing the paperwork to Chibs, “Believing the bullshit lies that David obviously told you and Audrey about wanting me back. I was the fool that got stood up, and it’s not gonna happen again.”  
The dark-haired teen nodded her head watching her friend and Jax together, something had changed but she wasn’t sure what it was. “No! Shut up! Ryder!” “What?” She asked innocently as Jax pressed a kiss to her cheek and whispered a few quiet words to her, causing her first to blush and then shiver. 
“What happened?” She motioned between the two.  Ryder shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t kiss and tell.”  The girl looked thoughtful before piecing it together. “It’s about goddamn time.” 
The following Monday morning, Jax pulled his bike in front of the school next to Opie’s bike and looked back at Ryder who had just slid off of the bike and was undoing his spare helmet. “What?” She questioned with a small smirk pulling on her lips. “Nothin’.’ He returned with his own smirk pulling her to him by his baggy hoodie she had thrown on over her clothes. 
“Sure, nothin.” She returned as she raised herself up on her toes and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. 
“Oh come on,” Opie complained, leaning against his bike, Donna, his girlfriend, was standing next to him, excitement in her brown eyes. She had gotten a quick version of what happened that weekend the following day at the clubhouse but she wanted the whole dirty version of it. Except for Ryder wouldn’t give it not with Opie being around. 
 “What?” The younger Winston returned glancing over her shoulder at her older brother, “Now you know how I felt seeing you and Donna together.” Opie rolled his eyes, he and his dad had given Jax the talk about not hurting Ryder the way that David had hurt her. Even though Jax was his best friend, Ryder was his little sister and he would do anything for her. 
Even beat the shit out of his best friend. 
“Come Ry, we got to go in,” Donna said, there were students starting to go into the building. Ryder nodded her head and finished removing the helmet followed by the hoodie. Jax waved it off when she tried to hand it back to him. “Keep it.”  
According to Piney’s rules, they had to wait at least until she was out of high school for him to mark her, and sending her with his hoodie and dropping and picking her up from school every day was the best way he could show that she was his.  
“See you after school?”  She questioned as she pushed her heavy red hair off of her shoulders, having freed it from the ponytail holder.  
“Yeah.” He returned his focus as well as Opie’s on David Hale who was walking down the sidewalk with Tara Knowles on his arm.  “Ope, don’t,” Donna warned, they had been equally as furious when they found out that David had stood her up.
 “It’s not worth it.” Ryder spoke as she raised herself up on her toes again and pressed a kiss to the corner of Jax’s mouth, “They aren’t worth it.”  She went to move away from Jax but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him and kissed her deeply.  
“See you later.” He grinned as she whined and stepped back, a pout forming on her mouth. Holly, annoyed, took steps off of the curb and grasped her forearm. “Come on hussy, we have to go to class.’ Ryder nodded her head and let her friend lead her away.   
Tara was absolutely furious when she had seen the two together, she had thought that she was going to be the only one for him and that he would always be waiting for her to come back around to him. But seeing them together made her angry, made her want to lash out at Ryder. 
And that’s exactly what she was going to do.
Ryder wasn’t hard to find in the locker room, they had gym class together and the women’s locker room was the one place she could get to Ryder without David being around to pull her away. 
“Ryder, we need to talk.” She demanded going three rows downs to where she could hear Donna, Ryder, Audrey, and Holly talking.
 The redhead already had her gym shorts on and was pulling on the white t-shirt that had the property of Charming High stamped across the chest. She could see the red marks that darted along the collarbone and the swell of her breasts, and dark hickies. 
 “What do you want Tara?” Ryder questioned, already bored with the situation, she was finally happy, and having to deal with Tara was going to bring that down and she wasn’t ready for it. 
 “Jax is mine and the sooner you realize that the better off we will all be.”
 “This is how I see it.” The tall redhead girl commented as she pulled the shirt down and fussed with it to make it straight, “Jackson made his choice. Me. And I am with him until he doesn’t want me anymore and speaking from this weekend, that is never gonna happen.” Tara went to say something but was stopped by Ryder holding her hand up, “If you try to fuck this up Tara, there will be no one that will be able to find your body.” “The club doesn’t kill women or innocents.” She started causing Holly, Audrey, and Donna to laugh. “Who said anything about the club sweetheart? Old ladies and royalty like myself,” Ryder smirked as she pushed back her hair, “don’t have the same rules about who we can take out.” 
Tara took a step back surprised, Ryder, at times could be the polar opposite of what Gemma was but this was all Gemma Teller.  “And they will never find your body,” Holly added with her own smirk, she had learned where there’s a will, there’s a way, and in this case, there’s always going to be a way. 
David Hale was already outside of the building when Jax and Opie parked their bikes, and he took steps toward them. The rumors of Ryder Winston and Jax Teller being together had been running rampant around the school and even though he had hurt Ryder beyond words, it felt like it was his duty to say something to him. 
Even if he picked Tara over Ryder. 
“Hale,” Opie commented lowly as he hung his helmet up on the handlebar, his eyes going first to the school looking for Donna and his sister then back to the boy standing in front of him. Jax’s left hand which was hanging to the side tightened into a fist. “You need to leave now.” He ordered as he got off his bike, he wouldn’t cause a massive scene at school, not when this thing with Ryder was so fresh. “I just want to talk about Ryder is all.” Hale held up both of his hands in surrender. The two men exchanged a look before they both started laughing, “Ryder isn’t any of your business anymore.”
 “She is mine and I won’t make the same mistakes you made with her.”  Hale tightened his jaw up so they didn’t see it drop in surprise. “You say that now Jackson but how long can you actually stay faithful to a girl? At least I tried. You will drop her as soon as another piece of pussy comes along. You did it with Tara and you will do it with Ryder. It’s only a matter of time.” Jax had caught sight of Ryder coming out of the school with Donna and their two friends and smirked, “Yeah we will see about that. I got her now, and I am not letting her go.”  
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desnayy · 1 year
The Federation asking Phil to be president means they don't know who he is
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squid-ink-symphony · 2 years
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Fastest loss of my life
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otacringe · 1 year
im gonna be so punk tomorrow y’all have no idea
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filmcourage · 1 year
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9 Common Screenwriting Mistakes Beginners Make - Cody Smart via FilmCourage.com.
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strawberryfungi · 1 year
Idk I just feel like there’s a lot of gay librarians that are also autistic?
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spaceepr1nce · 2 years
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granonine · 3 days
Saturday Soliloquy: Politics
The day is half over, and I’m just now getting around to my Saturday post. Let me say at the outset that this post is NOT for or against any candidate. It’s about some principles I believe we have lost, or are losing, because of constant misrepresentation in the media. First, we hear constantly that we are a democracy. Defined, a democracy is a state run by the people. Every vote counts, every…
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milkemie · 1 month
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here's a list of my favorite wicked whims animators!
Kiki Chain
Sexy Lunella
VMS (sfw only, search 'ww' on their patreon)
this list might get updated as i find more animators i like~
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i havet bern drawing as much cause ive been on splatoon. how the fuck i got 175 hours on that game and i just got it like a week ago😭
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